0.1.0 - Initial release 0.2.0 - Add Minecraft Market integration - No longer need to define web store packages manually, they will be automatically synchronised with your web store 0.2.1 - Fix missing table and column if installed from new after the 0.2 release - Fix post authors name showing Blue not White on homepage (credit: dwilson390) 0.2.2 - Fix reputation system redirecting to forum index - Fix "headers already sent" errors in the installer - Fix missing rules links in footer - Fix 404 upon clicking friend's face on profile pages (credit: dwilson390) - Fix users being inactive by default after being created by an admin - Fix issue with deleting a post 0.3.0 - Add support for SRV records - Add support for Ban Management and MaxBans - Fix issue with sticky thread not showing in forum table view - Add notice about replacing files manually whilst upgrading 0.3.1 - Fix missing link to Infractions from admin sidebar - Add option to disable infractions from Pages page - Fix 404 on Help page - Fix plain white page on Donate page if web server is running PHP < 5.5 and user is not logged in - Fix issue where donation currency always shows as GBP in latest donors list - Fix issue where post editor occasionally doesn't show up in Edit Post - Add ability to edit the post title in Edit Post if the post is OP - Fix plain white page whilst moving threads if web server is running PHP < 5.5 - Make images responsive - Add ability to delete a user from the admin panel - Prevent users signing up with an already used email address - Update CKEditor to include Bootstrap theme and Youtube button - Update post editor to include Youtube button and changing text's colour, plus a slight button reshuffle - Fix issues relating to having custom display names disabled - Fix updating UUID and Minecraft usernames of users from the Admin panel - Add user's avatar to navbar - Change the UUID integration class to use cURL instead of file_get_contents - Add time to when user registered on profile pages - Add upgrade instructions to admin upgrade page instead of linking to Spigot 0.3.2 - Fix issue where a date would not display correctly in the punishments ModCP page - Fix error whilst clicking on a user who has given reputation in modal in view topic page - Improvements to the private messaging system, including fixing notifications and also a private message button on user profiles - Staff application system 0.3.3 - Add a method of querying a Minecraft server externally in case the internal library doesn't work - Fix buttons displaying incorrectly if there aren't a multiple of 4 vote sites defined - Add LiteBans infractions integration - Fix issue where changing users group whilst having custom displaynames disabled would remove their avatar - Attempt to fix errors relating to timezones not being set - temporary fix until timezone support is included - Add field to change outgoing email address in the AdminCP - Add option to allow moderators to accept or reject applications - Fix videos embedded in posts not showing up - Add missing sorting function for latest posts - Fix issue where group forum permission checkboxes will be ticked even if the group doesn't have access to that forum. - Fix issue with favicon not displaying on all pages (credit: dwilson390) - Fix issue which would occur when editing a reply would remove a topic's title - Fix issue that would arise upon quoting a post containing an inverted comma - Fix issue when deleting posts - Fix issue which would occur when inserting data into the database, or updating existing data 0.4.0 - Remove unnecessary form validation from the AdminCP general settings tab - Fix issues where custom avatars would not display properly - Fix issues with MinecraftMarket synchronisation - Allow manual activation of accounts - Fix issue whereby a validation variable was not defined - Fix issue upon registration if UUID was not obtainable - Fix message status not being changed to "read" if the user is the author - Add user tagging functionality to the forums, thanks to @fetch404 - Add button to delete a staff application question - Fix forum table column widths 0.4.1 - Add support for pre Minecraft 1.7 servers - Don't lock accounts after submitting a password reset - Add XenForo converter - Allow use of hyperlinks in signatures - Sanitise usernames and fix blue hyperlinks in reports - Fix friends heads moving after hovering on profile pages - Add link to new repository for 1.0.0 in readme - Remove port number from index page if it is 25565 - Increase length of password field and hash fields - Replace spaces in Minecraft usernames when checking if it is a valid Minecraft account - Decrease minimum username length to 3 characters - Add more padding to Vote page - Add ability to alter an existing database column