state("LiminalRanger Windows 1.3") { bool frozen : "msvcrt.dll", 0x95940, 0xE8; bool isLoading : 0x021D9B80, 0xF0, 0x108, 0x8, 0x108, 0x0, 0x14; } startup { vars.Log = (Action)((output) => print("[liminalranger ASL] " + output)); // Create settings for which splits to enable settings.Add("textCrawl", true, "Split after Intro"); settings.Add("S_Main", true, "Split after Car Park 1"); settings.Add("officeBlankworld_1", true, "Split after Office 1"); settings.Add("learnArea", true, "Split after Tutorial"); settings.Add("officeBlankworld_2", true, "Split after Office 2"); settings.Add("walnutBlankworld", true, "Split after Concordia (Entrance)"); settings.Add("Hallway", true, "Split after Concordia (Main)"); settings.Add("officeBlankworld_3", true, "Split after Office 3"); settings.Add("hotelBlankworld", true, "Split after Hotel (Entrance)"); settings.Add("Room", true, "Split after Hotel (Main)"); settings.Add("officeBlankworld_4", true, "Split after Office 4"); settings.Add("alleyBlankworld", true, "Split after Corridor (Entrance)"); settings.Add("Corridor1", true, "Split after Something's Off"); settings.Add("Corridor2", true, "Split after Corridor (Main)"); settings.Add("officeBlankworld_5", true, "Split after Office 5 (Normal ending only)"); } init { // Variable to store the id of the level, since the levelid address is volatile during level transitions vars.officeVisit = 1; // Freezes left before true ending vars.teFreezesLeft = 3; // vars.sceneNamePtr = new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer("LiminalRanger Windows 1.3.exe", 0x21D9B80, 0x1D0, 0xD8)); current.levelname = ""; } update { vars.sceneNamePtr.Update(game); old.levelname = current.levelname; current.levelname = game.ReadString(new IntPtr(vars.sceneNamePtr.Current), 256).Split('/').Last().Split('.').First(); if (current.levelname != old.levelname){ vars.Log("Level changed to " + current.levelname); } } start { return old.levelname == "mainmenu" && current.levelname == "openingAlley"; } isLoading { return current.isLoading; } split { // Split when changing scene if that transition is enabled in the settings if (current.levelname != old.levelname){ // Normal Ending if (old.levelname == "S_Main Night"){ return true; } // Office visits bool split = false; if (old.levelname == "officeBlankworld"){ if (settings["officeBlankworld_" + vars.officeVisit]){ split = true; } vars.officeVisit++; return split; } // Everything else return settings[old.levelname]; } // True ending if (current.levelname == "GlowingHalls"){ if (current.frozen && !old.frozen){ if (vars.teFreezesLeft == 0){ return true; }else{ vars.teFreezesLeft -= 1; } vars.Log("Freezes left: " + vars.teFreezesLeft); } } return false; } exit { print("LIMINALRANGER_ASL - EXIT"); vars.ready = 0; vars.split = 1; }