Welcome to WPG's documentation! =============================== We present a new interactive framework package for coherent and partially coherent X-ray wavefront propagation simulations – “WaveProperGator” (WPG). The package has been developed at European XFEL to facilitate for the end users (beamline scientists and XFEL users) the designing, optimizing and improving X-ray optics to meet their experimental requirements. Our package uses SRW C/C++ library and its Python binding for wavefront propagation simulations. The tool allows for changing source and optics parameters and visualizing the results interactively. The framework is cross-platform: it runs reliably on Linux, MS Windows 7, and Mac OS X. Several application examples, specific for XFEL, will be presented. Source code aviable at GitHub https://github.com/samoylv/WPG Contents: ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 wpg wavefront glossary srwlib beamline optical_elements generators wpg_uti_wf wpg_uti_oe tutorials real_beamlines .. others Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`