/* 3D parallel plate capacitor problem * * Solves the Laplace Equation on a parallel plate capacitor (dirichlet) boundary. * FE-Mesh and space functions are written to text files in order to be plot with * Matlab / Octave. * * Author: Chloros2 * Created: 2018-05-19 * * Copyright (C) 2018 Chloros2 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hopeC that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * */ include "ffmatlib.idp" load "msh3" load "medit" int C20=98,C21=99; //2D mesh int CK=30,CA=31; //anode+cathode int C3CT01=23, C3CT12=24, C3CT23=25, C3CT34=26; //3D contact labels int C3BOT=40, C3TOP=41, C3SIDEO=42, C3SIDEI=43; //3D labels - cube top and bottom and side labels //enclosure real w0=0.75, h0=0.75; border C01(t=0,w0){ x=t; y=0; label=C20;}; border C02(t=w0,0){ x=t; y=h0; label=C20;}; border C03(t=0,h0){ x=w0; y=t; label=C20;}; border C04(t=h0,0){ x=0; y=t; label=C20;}; real w1=0.3, h1=0.3; real posX1=0.5*w0-0.5*w1; real posY1=0.5*h0-0.5*h1; border C11(t=0,w1){ x=posX1+t; y=posY1; label=C21;}; border C12(t=w1,0){ x=posX1+t; y=posY1+h1; label=C21;}; border C13(t=0,h1){ x=posX1+w1; y=posY1+t; label=C21;}; border C14(t=h1,0){ x=posX1; y=posY1+t; label=C21;}; //layer stack real[int] z(6); z=[0.0,0.17,0.2,0.3,0.33,0.5]; int n=30; int m=12; real l=22.0/(z(5)-z(0)); mesh Tha2=buildmesh(C01(n)+C03(n)+C02(n)+C04(n) +C11(m)+C12(m)+C13(m)+C14(m)); //bottom block int[int] a0up=[0,CK, //Deckel Innen 1,C3CT01], //Deckel Aussenring a0down=[0,C3BOT, //Boden Innen 1,C3BOT], //Boden Aussenring a0mid=[C20,C3SIDEO, //Mantel Aussen C21,C3SIDEI], //Mantel Innen a0tet=[0,0]; int[int] a1up=[0,CK, 1,C3CT12], a1down=[0,CK, 1,C3CT01], a1mid=[C20,C3SIDEO, C21,CK], a1tet=[0,0]; int[int] a2up=[0,CA, 1,C3CT23], a2down=[0,CK, 1,C3CT12], a2mid=[C20,C3SIDEO, C21,C3SIDEI], a2tet=[0,0]; int[int] a3up=[0,CA, 1,C3CT34], a3down=[0,CA, 1,C3CT23], a3mid=[C20,C3SIDEO, C21,CA], a3tet=[0,0]; int[int] a4up=[0,55, 1,C3TOP], a4down=[0,CA, 1,C3CT34], a4mid=[C20,C3SIDEO, C21,C3SIDEI], a4tet=[0,0]; mesh3 Tha03d=buildlayers(Tha2,l*(z[1]-z[0]), zbound=[z[0],z[1]], reftet=a0tet, labelmid=a0mid, labelup=a0up, labeldown=a0down); mesh3 Tha13d=buildlayers(Tha2,l*(z[2]-z[1]), zbound=[z[1],z[2]], reftet=a1tet, labelmid=a1mid, labelup=a1up, labeldown=a1down); mesh3 Tha23d=buildlayers(Tha2,l*(z[3]-z[2]), zbound=[z[2],z[3]], reftet=a2tet, labelmid=a2mid, labelup=a2up, labeldown=a2down); mesh3 Tha33d=buildlayers(Tha2,l*(z[4]-z[3]), zbound=[z[3],z[4]], reftet=a3tet, labelmid=a3mid, labelup=a3up, labeldown=a3down); mesh3 Tha43d=buildlayers(Tha2,l*(z[5]-z[4]), zbound=[z[4],z[5]], reftet=a4tet, labelmid=a4mid, labelup=a4up, labeldown=a4down); mesh3 Thn3d=Tha03d+Tha13d+Tha23d+Tha33d+Tha43d; fespace Vh(Thn3d,P1); Vh u,v,h; //Terminal K on Ground //Arbitrary Anode Voltage real u0=2.0; macro Grad(u) [dx(u),dy(u),dz(u)] // EOM problem Laplace(u,v,solver=CG) = int3d(Thn3d)( Grad(u)'*Grad(v) ) +on(CK,u=0) +on(CA,u=u0); Laplace; Vh Ex, Ey, Ez; Ex = -dx(u); Ey = -dy(u); Ez = -dz(u); real epsilon0 = 8.854187e-12; // [As/Vm] real energy = 0.5*epsilon0*int3d(Thn3d,qforder=3)( (Ex)^2 + (Ey)^2 + (Ez)^2 ); cout.precision(3); cout << endl; cout << "A Parallel Plate Capacitor Problem:" << endl; cout << "Capacitance:\t" << "C = " << 2*energy/(u0)^2 << "[F]" << endl; cout << "epsilon*A/d:\t" << "C = " << epsilon0*w1*h1/(z[3]-z[2]) << "[F]" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "NbBoundaryElements:\t" << Thn3d.nbe << endl; cout << "NbTriangles:\t\t" << Thn3d.nt << endl; cout << "NbVertices:\t\t" << Thn3d.nv << endl; cout << "nDoF:\t\t\t" << Vh.ndof << endl; cout << endl; savemesh(Thn3d,"cap3d.mesh"); ffSaveVh(Thn3d,Vh,"cap3vh.txt"); ffSaveData(u,"cap3dpot.txt"); ffSaveData3(Ex,Ey,Ez,"cap3dvec.txt"); medit("U",Thn3d,u);