# this is an example zones file [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'A' answer = '' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'A' answer = '' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'CNAME' answer = 'whatever.com' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'MX' answer = ['whatever.com.', 5] [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'MX' answer = ['mx2.whatever.com.', 10] [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'MX' answer = ['mx3.whatever.com.', 20] [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'NS' answer = 'ns1.whatever.com.' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'NS' answer = 'ns2.whatever.com.' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'TXT' answer = 'hello this is some text' [[zones]] host = 'example.com' type = 'SOA' answer = ['ns1.example.com', 'dns.example.com'] [[zones]] host = 'testing.com' type = 'TXT' # because the next record exceeds 255 in length dnserver will automatically # split it into a multipart record, the new lines here have no effect on that answer = """ one long value: IICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAg FWZUed1qcBziAsqZ/LzT2ASxJYuJ5sko1CzWFhFuxiluNnwKjSknSjanyYnm0vro4dhAtyiQ7O PVROOaNy9Iyklvu91KuhbYi6l80Rrdnuq1yjM//xjaB6DGx8+m1ENML8PEdSFbKQbh9akm2bkN w5DC5a8Slp7j+eEVHkgV3k3oRhkPcrKyoPVvniDNH+Ln7DnSGC+Aw5Sp+fhu5aZmoODhhX5/1m ANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA26JaFWZUed1qcBziAsqZ/LzTF2ASxJYuJ5sk """ [[zones]] host = '_caldavs._tcp.example.com' type = 'SRV' answer = [0, 1, 80, 'caldav']