Homebrew-formula-syntax ======================= Sublime Text 2 and 3 Syntax for Homebrew formulae (supporting the embedded diff) Homebrew (http://brew.sh) formulae support inlined diffs after an `__END__` keyword. Now, this Syntax desccription you see here, named "Homebrew Formula.tmLanguage", merges `source.ruby` with `source.diff` and if you have a [decent color theme](https://github.com/samueljohn/decent) that knows how to highlight diffs, it will make Homebrew formulae more beautiful. Ruby (.rb) files beginning with `require 'formula'` are automatically detected. This tmLanguange here is simple enough - I wrote it directly in xml. ![Screenshot](./screenshot.png) ### Note - Updates to either source.ruby or source.diff are automatically used by this Syntax, too, because they are just included. - I copy/pasted (start|stop)foldingStopMarker from Ruby.tmLanguage. ### Todo - Nothing. Do you have an idea? Let me know! ### Author - Samuel John (www.SamuelJohn.de) https://github.com/samueljohn/Homebrew-formula-syntax ### License: Public Domain. I don't care. Have fun.