{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#OSP Syllabus Classification [work in progress]\n", "\n", "The [Open Syllabus Project](http://opensyllabusproject.org/) has a collection of 1M+ documents to sift through for syllabi.\n", "This is a classifier for whether a document is a syllabus or not. It turns out, roughly half of the documents are syllabi." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 30, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from osp.corpus.syllabus import Syllabus\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import scipy\n", "import pickle\n", "\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "%matplotlib inline\n", "\n", "from collections import defaultdict\n", "\n", "from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline\n", "from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer\n", "from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB\n", "from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold, cross_val_score\n", "from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV\n", "from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, auc\n", "\n", "from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier\n", "from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier\n", "from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, RandomizedLogisticRegression" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 32, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "with open('./training_data.p', 'rb') as pf:\n", " training_3 = pickle.load(pf)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 36, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "training_df_3 = pd.DataFrame(training_3).rename(columns={'labels': 'syllabus'})" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 37, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "training_df_1 = pd.read_csv('/home/ubuntu/data/syllabus_tags.csv')\n", "# A second labeled set of 500 documents\n", "training_df_2 = pd.read_csv('/home/ubuntu/data/refinement.csv')\n", "\n", "training_df = pd.concat([training_df_1, training_df_2, training_df_3])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 38, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0 True COURSE SYLLABUS\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n \\n \\n \\n \\... 000/00fca9975d3718169608b3bc642ac
1 True C. Kaminski\\n\\nProphets In-Depth\\n\\nPage 1\\n\\n... 000/01d6d57c127c431ecc80499e32a5a
2 False Social Welfare Continuing Education Program--R... 000/035e701b02548d15ed7d041e794c9
3 True Physics 110A Electricity, Magnetism, and Optic... 000/03aafca817d8870961a8b6b2fa79d
4 False Help Me Name My Major | Ask Metafilter\\n\\n\\n\\n... 000/064ad57e4fb95d02e14e12a361531
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " syllabus text \\\n", "0 True COURSE SYLLABUS\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n \\n \\n \\n \\... \n", "1 True C. Kaminski\\n\\nProphets In-Depth\\n\\nPage 1\\n\\n... \n", "2 False Social Welfare Continuing Education Program--R... \n", "3 True Physics 110A Electricity, Magnetism, and Optic... \n", "4 False Help Me Name My Major | Ask Metafilter\\n\\n\\n\\n... \n", "\n", " title \n", "0 000/00fca9975d3718169608b3bc642ac \n", "1 000/01d6d57c127c431ecc80499e32a5a \n", "2 000/035e701b02548d15ed7d041e794c9 \n", "3 000/03aafca817d8870961a8b6b2fa79d \n", "4 000/064ad57e4fb95d02e14e12a361531 " ] }, "execution_count": 38, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "training_df.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "We tokenize the syllabus text in the positive and negative examples, and featurize them for a classifier.\n", "\n", "First pass: tf-idf features of text tokens, classified using naive bayes." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "text_preprocessing = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer())\n", "])\n", "clf_nb = MultinomialNB()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 39, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "features = text_preprocessing.fit_transform(training_df.text.values)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 40, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Need dense features to index into it\n", "features_dense = features.todense()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 44, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Pipeline(steps=[('vect', CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', binary=False, charset=None,\n", " charset_error=None, decode_error='strict',\n", " dtype=, encoding='utf-8', input='content',\n", " lowercase=True, max_df=0.5, max_features=None, min_df=1,\n", " ngram_range=(1, 2), preproc...e, fit_intercept=True,\n", " intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=None, tol=0.0001))])" ] }, "execution_count": 44, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "full_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5, ngram_range=(1, 2))),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),\n", " ('clf_lr', LogisticRegression())\n", "])\n", "\n", "full_clf.fit(training_df.text.values, training_df.syllabus.values)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 45, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "with open('model2.p', 'wb') as pout:\n", " pickle.dump(full_clf, pout)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.6996541608769492" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "kf = KFold(n=len(training_df), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n", "cv_results = cross_val_score(clf_nb, features_dense, training_df.syllabus.values, cv=kf)\n", "cv_results.mean()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 31, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.94218518605467172" ] }, "execution_count": 31, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "kf = KFold(n=len(training_df), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n", "cv_results = cross_val_score(text_clf, training_df.text.values,\n", " training_df.syllabus.values, cv=kf, scoring='roc_auc')\n", "cv_results.mean()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#### We get 86.4% mean accuracy and 94.22% mean ROC using out-of-the-box features and the multinomial NB classifier." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "One question we might ask is: is this good?\n", "\n", "The classifier returns a probability between 0 and 1 that a given document is a syllabus. In the ROC curves below, the movement of the line represents the changing false positive and true positive rates for different cutoff values. For example, if the cutoff is 0, then all documents with a probability greater than 0 of being a syllabus (i.e., all documents) will be classified as syllabi, leading us to have a perfect true positive rate but also a perfect false positive rate -- the upper right corner.\n", "\n", "This chart shows us that we can choose a threshold somewhere on that line. For example, we can achieve a true positive rate (a recall) of 90% with only a 20% false positive rate (also known as fallout). How useful this will be in practice will depend on the ratio of syllabi to non-syllabi in the corpus, and our tolerance for errors of either kind." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "ename": "ValueError", "evalue": "cannot reindex from a duplicate axis", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[1;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 5\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkf\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mKFold\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mn\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlen\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtraining_df\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mn_folds\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m5\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mshuffle\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32mTrue\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrandom_state\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m983214\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 6\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtrain\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtest\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkf\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 7\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mclf_nb\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfeatures_dense\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtrain\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtraining_df\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0msyllabus\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtrain\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 8\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpredictions\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mclf_nb\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mpredict_proba\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfeatures_dense\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtest\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__getitem__\u001b[1;34m(self, key)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 547\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_check_bool_indexer\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 548\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 549\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_get_with\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 550\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 551\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_get_with\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_get_with\u001b[1;34m(self, key)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 579\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkey_type\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m==\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'integer'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 580\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mis_integer\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mis_floating\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 581\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mreindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 582\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 583\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_get_values\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkey\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mreindex\u001b[1;34m(self, index, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2147\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m@\u001b[0m\u001b[0mAppender\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mgeneric\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_shared_docs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'reindex'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m%\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_shared_doc_kwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2148\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mreindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 2149\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0msuper\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mSeries\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mreindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 2150\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2151\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mreindex_axis\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlabels\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mreindex\u001b[1;34m(self, *args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1729\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# perform the reindex on the axes\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1730\u001b[0m return self._reindex_axes(axes, level, limit,\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1731\u001b[1;33m method, fill_value, copy).__finalize__(self)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1732\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1733\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_reindex_axes\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxes\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlevel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlimit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmethod\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfill_value\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_reindex_axes\u001b[1;34m(self, axes, level, limit, method, fill_value, copy)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1747\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m{\u001b[0m\u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mnew_index\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindexer\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m}\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmethod\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmethod\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1748\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfill_value\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfill_value\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlimit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlimit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1749\u001b[1;33m allow_dups=False)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1750\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1751\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mobj\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_reindex_with_indexers\u001b[1;34m(self, reindexers, method, fill_value, limit, copy, allow_dups)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1832\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfill_value\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfill_value\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1833\u001b[0m \u001b[0mallow_dups\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mallow_dups\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1834\u001b[1;33m copy=copy)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1835\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1836\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mand\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnew_data\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_data\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mreindex_indexer\u001b[1;34m(self, new_axis, indexer, axis, fill_value, allow_dups, copy)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 3148\u001b[0m if (not allow_dups and not self.axes[axis].is_unique\n\u001b[0;32m 3149\u001b[0m and len(indexer)):\n\u001b[1;32m-> 3150\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m\"cannot reindex from a duplicate axis\"\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 3151\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 3152\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m>=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mndim\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;31mValueError\u001b[0m: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis" ] } ], "source": [ "fprs = []\n", "tprs = []\n", "thresholds = []\n", "\n", "kf = KFold(n=len(training_df), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n", "for train, test in kf:\n", " clf_nb.fit(features_dense[train], training_df.syllabus.values[train])\n", " predictions = clf_nb.predict_proba(features_dense[test])\n", "\n", " fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(training_df.syllabus.values[test], predictions[:, 1])\n", " fprs.append(fpr)\n", " tprs.append(tpr)\n", " thresholds.append(threshold)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 104, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXcAAAEACAYAAABI5zaHAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAEfFJREFUeJzt3V+opHd9x/H3p5vYKpjmbAMWkpVYDaKCqYrxX4sTFLrm\n", "wkB7EaKxVAVDYcU7Y71wz15oK0gRSQkhjVYQzIUK2ZZoELqDImoNmETrrmTVwO5GgnFXI5LCLn57\n", "MXP2TGbnzMyZM2dm9nfeLzjkPPM8O/PNjzmf85zv/J7fk6pCktSWP1p2AZKk+TPcJalBhrskNchw\n", "l6QGGe6S1CDDXZIaNDHck3w+ydNJfjTmmM8leSLJY0leN98SJUnbNc2Z+xeAg1vtTHIL8IqqugH4\n", "EHDPnGqTJM1oYrhX1beBc2MOeTfwxf6x3weuTvKS+ZQnSZrFPHru1wKnBrZPA9fN4XklSTOa1weq\n", "Gdp2TQNJWqIr5vAcZ4ADA9vX9R97niQGviTNoKqGT6Anmke4HwUOAQ8keTPwm6p6etSBsxTYoiTr\n", "VbW+7DoGJVTVJX+BLeB1FzsW6XarOp3n/X/mSKoO7+C9mRQ7eG93061OdbKK74tlcSw2zXpiPDHc\n", "k3wZeDtwTZJTwGHgSoCqureqHkpyS5KTwO+B989SiCRpfiaGe1XdPsUxh+ZTjnZTwllg7ZIdd+2H\n", "9XOcfSG1//8WW9PhXmGHF/aCx471zrQHFMD6jtqG42aTSUuRRa3nnqRsy/Qk6VRVd/GvO7r1crEt\n", "scP2wmw1zWcsuumO/sV1eTjXqc7+Zb0vVpFjsWnW7JxHz13b5Jt20xzHYq1Tm730Ub31Vef7YpNj\n", "sXOuLSNJDfLMvTGT+uo5MvIaBHvGUmMM9/asje6rn9vZdL8d2u2e+LMv7rViBh7yF5b2NMN9tyUL\n", "/aCvAHLp2fmUM0J2MxCf1xMfNK/+uFfJSZsM9923tsgZKBNnxEjaEwz3y0yOTPhLYB376pIM98vQ\n", "2rgz8FFn7hv97u56d5mdC3+5SAtkuE9jZ33zVQi1LfvdktpkuE9n7n3zie2Vra3CLwtJK85wX56x\n", "7RVJ2gnXlhnl0jbMOar2jzr0cljT5NkXw61Hl13FWOeq0xk5vtJe59oy87WdNsxM/eytpibudM73\n", "VlMhnQMu7S2G+4KM6LHbO5e0awx3GN2GmT977JIWxnDvWehVpJK021zyV5Ia5Jn7Ng33zo9xjByZ\n", "6hZt9tglLczeDPed9dif1zvvrnddkEvSytmb89y3ea/QCXPZz3Vq8hztdKeeD7+jOd9bTYWUdHly\n", "nvs2befy/2Mc4+b1mzc2z9Xh0Rc0TbC2nfnrW95RaTLbP5L2brizjamJS2q9jLyjkiRNw9kyktSg\n", "vXzmvi1D9+fcvmevICNufzeG7RVJM9sb4T56dsy2+tnT9svHfqDpAi+SFmSvtGV6V6BufrkCoaSm\n", "7ZVwl6Q9ZW+0Zaa01Xz2Z1+8+f0UUxTtlUtauqbCfau569XbN9zxHhXCI9dmT7c7eKmXUxQlrbym\n", "wp2t5q6vj74xhiS1yp67JDWotTP3uRlaC8Y+uqTLiuG+tW2tBSNJq8S2jCQ1yHAfoT/dkYQa/sIW\n", "jaTLwMS2TJKDwGeBfcC/V9Wnh/ZfA3wJ+PP+832mqv5j/qX2X2/8Ur0Tg3fS2uz9/64BOOVR0uVq\n", "bLgn2QfcDbwTOAP8IMnRqjo+cNgh4IdV9U/9oP9pki9V1YVdqnnqpXq3+vej5rJLUksmtWVuAk5W\n", "1ZNVdR54ALh16JhfAlf1v78K+PUuBrskaQqTwv1a4NTA9un+Y4PuA16T5CngMeAj8ytvZxLObiyz\n", "O9AzH9lLt68uqSWTeu7TLFL7ceDRquokeTnwzSQ3VtXvhg9Msj6w2a2q7tSVzqa3VMDAMrzdKe8x\n", "mq4L9EpavCQdoLPT55kU7meAAwPbB+idvQ96K/BJgKr6WZJfAK8EHhl+sqpan7lSSdoD+ie93Y3t\n", "JIdneZ5JbZlHgBuSXJ/kBcBtwNGhY07Q+8CVJC+hF+w/n6WYqSVnSWrSVxFIbLNI2nPGnrlX1YUk\n", "h4CH6U2FvL+qjie5s7//XuBTwBeSPEbvl8VHq+rsLtfdu/nGkLF3QZKkPSRVi2ktJ6kaEcjjTJiT\n", "PqtznepMvBNTut1y+QFJyzZLdsLqry1zyZz0HEmvc++ZuyRt6bJffmBjuqNTGCVp06qfuU/DOyNJ\n", "0pAWwn2soXXZt8O/AiRdtpoPd1yXXdIetJLhvrHy4zGOXXpj6+euLvhNNpYSwDNsSbrESoY7/ZUf\n", "u+vdS25s3Qv1uByvJI1x2c+WkSRdynCXpAYZ7pLUIMNdkhq0qh+obtuY+ezOppG05zQT7jifXZIu\n", "si0jSQ0y3CWpQYa7JDXIcJekBhnuktQgw12SGrSy4b6x6uPGXZa825IkTW9l57lXke5W90QNNeKi\n", "JUNfkvpWNtyn4EVLkrSFlW3LSJJmtxLhnnB2qK8+6qCzJEVi312SJkjV6Cyd+wslVVUj2ygZ6K13\n", "87xe+rlOdfb3D6ocO3ZucF91+vskqVHjsnOcVey5r928fjPDt9fb2GefXZImW4m2jCRpvlYj3O/a\n", "T46kciQbPSJ76pK0A6sR7i88Rx2ubLRi6nDZS5ekHViNcJckzZXhLkkNMtwlqUGGuyQ1yHCXpAYZ\n", "7pLUoInhnuRgkhNJnkhy1xbHdJL8MMmPk3TnXqUkaVvGLj+QZB9wN/BO4AzwgyRHq+r4wDFXA/8G\n", "/E1VnU5yzXaLePBfHqS73vUCJkmak0lry9wEnKyqJwGSPADcChwfOOY9wFer6jRAVT0zzQsnXFwg\n", "7BhX0SnXjJGkeZnUlrkWODWwfbr/2KAbgP1JjiV5JMn7pnzttSoy8k5LkqQdmXTmPs16wFcCrwfe\n", "AbwI+G6S71XVEzstTpI0m0nhfgY4MLB9gN7Z+6BTwDNV9RzwXJJvATcCl4R7kvXNrWNAZ7v1SlLT\n", "knSYQzhOCvdHgBuSXA88BdwG3D50zIPA3f0PX/8YeBPwr6OerKrWN75PODxTxZLUsKrqAt2N7SQz\n", "ZeXYcK+qC0kOAQ8D+4D7q+p4kjv7+++tqhNJvgE8DvwBuK+qfjJLMZKk+Zh4J6aq+jrw9aHH7h3a\n", 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"IMNdkhpkuEtSgwx3SWqQ4S5JDTLcJalBhrskNchwl6QGGe6S1CDDXZIaZLhLUoMMd0lqkOEuSQ0y\n", "3CWpQYa7JDXIcJekBhnuktQgw12SGmS4S1KDFnqD7BxJDWyeW+RrS9JekqqafNQ8XiipqspCXkyS\n", "GjFrdtqWkaQGGe6S1CDDXZIaZLhLUoMMd0lqkOEuSQ0y3CWpQYa7JDXIcJekBhnuktQgw12SGjRV\n", "uCc5mOREkieS3DVi/3uTPJbk8STfSfLa+ZcqSZrWxIXDkuwDfgq8EzgD/AC4vaqODxzzFuAnVfXb\n", "JAeB9ap689DzuHCYJG3Tbi4cdhNwsqqerKrzwAPArYMHVNV3q+q3/c3vA9dttxBJ0vxME+7XAqcG\n", "tk/3H9vKB4GHdlKUJGlnprlZx9QLvie5GfgA8LYt9q8PbHarqjvtc0vSXpCkA3R2+jzThPsZ4MDA\n", "9gF6Z+/DBb0WuA84WFUj77JUVesz1ChJe0b/pLe7sZ3k8CzPM01b5hHghiTXJ3kBcBtwdPCAJC8F\n", "vgbcUVUnZylEkjQ/E8/cq+pCkkPAw8A+4P6qOp7kzv7+e4FPAGvAPUkAzlfVTbtXtiRpHO+hKkkr\n", "zHuoSpIuMtwlqUGGuyQ1yHCXpAYZ7pLUIMNdkhpkuEtSgwx3SWqQ4S5JDTLcJalBhrskNchwl6QG\n", "Ge6S1CDDXZIaZLhLUoMMd0lqkOEuSQ0y3CWpQYa7JDXIcJekBhnuktQgw12SGmS4S1KDDHdJapDh\n", "LkkNMtwlqUGGuyQ1yHCXpAYZ7pLUIMNdkhpkuEtSgwx3SWqQ4S5JDTLcJalBhrskNWhiuCc5mORE\n", "kieS3LXFMZ/r738syevmX6YkaTvGhnuSfcDdwEHg1cDtSV41dMwtwCuq6gbgQ8A9u1RrM5J0ll3D\n", "qnAsNjkWmxyLnZt05n4TcLKqnqyq88ADwK1Dx7wb+CJAVX0fuDrJS+ZeaVs6yy5ghXSWXcAK6Sy7\n", "gBXSWXYBl7tJ4X4tcGpg+3T/sUnHXLfz0iRJs5oU7jXl82TGfydJ2gVXTNh/BjgwsH2A3pn5uGOu\n", "6z92iSSGfl+Sw8uuYVU4Fpsci02Oxc5MCvdHgBuSXA88BdwG3D50zFHgEPBAkjcDv6mqp4efqKqG\n", "z+4lSbtkbLhX1YUkh4CHgX3A/VV1PMmd/f33VtVDSW5JchL4PfD+Xa9akjRWquyUSFJr5n6Fqhc9\n", "bZo0Fkne2x+Dx5N8J8lrl1HnIkzzvugf98YkF5L87SLrW5Qpfz46SX6Y5MdJugsucWGm+Pm4Jsk3\n", "kjzaH4t/WEKZC5Hk80meTvKjMcdsLzeram5f9Fo3J4HrgSuBR4FXDR1zC/BQ//s3Ad+bZw2r8jXl\n", "WLwF+NP+9wf38lgMHPffwH8Bf7fsupf0nrga+F/guv72Ncuue4ljsQ7888Y4AL8Grlh27bs0Hn8N\n", "vA740Rb7t52b8z5z96KnTRPHoqq+W1W/7W9+n3avD5jmfQHwYeArwK8WWdwCTTMO7wG+WlWnAarq\n", "mQXXuCjTjMUvgav6318F/LqqLiywxoWpqm8D58Ycsu3cnHe4e9HTpmnGYtAHgYd2taLlmTgWSa6l\n", "98O9sXxFix8GTfOeuAHYn+RYkkeSvG9h1S3WNGNxH/CaJE8BjwEfWVBtq2jbuTlpKuR2edHTpqn/\n", "n5LcDHwAeNvulbNU04zFZ4GPVVUlCZe+R1owzThcCbweeAfwIuC7Sb5XVU/samWLN81YfBx4tKo6\n", "SV4OfDPJjVX1u12ubVVtKzfnHe5zvejpMjfNWND/EPU+4GBVjfuz7HI2zVi8gd61EtDrr74ryfmq\n", "OrqYEhdimnE4BTxTVc8BzyX5FnAj0Fq4TzMWbwU+CVBVP0vyC+CV9K6/2Wu2nZvzbstcvOgpyQvo\n", "XfQ0/MN5FPh7gHEXPTVg4lgkeSnwNeCOqjq5hBoXZeJYVNVfVNXLqupl9Pru/9hYsMN0Px8PAn+V\n", "ZF+SF9H78OwnC65zEaYZixPAOwH6/eVXAj9faJWrY9u5Odcz9/Kip4umGQvgE8AacE//jPV8Vd20\n", "rJp3y5Rj0bwpfz5OJPkG8DjwB+C+qmou3Kd8T3wK+EKSx+idiH60qs4urehdlOTLwNuBa5KcAg7T\n", "a9HNnJtexCRJDfI2e5LUIMNdkhpkuEtSgwx3SWqQ4S5JDTLcJalBhrskNchwl6QG/T/uLOxQDLJ5\n", "8wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "for i in range(len(fprs)):\n", " plt.plot(fprs[i], tprs[i], lw=1)\n", "\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Experimentation with additional classifiers and parameters" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "((1272, 385042), (1272,), (1017,), (255,))" ] }, "execution_count": 23, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "features_dense.shape, training_df.syllabus.shape, train.shape, test.shape" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "classifiers = {'rf': RandomForestClassifier(),\n", " 'lr': LogisticRegression(),\n", " 'nb': clf_nb,\n", " 'dt': DecisionTreeClassifier()\n", " }\n", "\n", "fprs = defaultdict(list)\n", "tprs = defaultdict(list)\n", "thresholds = defaultdict(list)\n", "\n", "mean_fprs = {}\n", "mean_tprs = {}\n", "mean_aucs = {}\n", "\n", "kf = KFold(n=len(training_df), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 25, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "for train, test in kf:\n", " for clf_type, clf in classifiers.items():\n", " # Train and predict using selected classifier\n", " clf.fit(features_dense[train], training_df.syllabus.values[train])\n", " predictions = clf.predict_proba(features_dense[test])\n", " fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(training_df.syllabus.values[test], predictions[:, 1])\n", " \n", " # Append results to that classifier's dictionary entry\n", " fprs[clf_type].append(fpr)\n", " tprs[clf_type].append(tpr)\n", " thresholds[clf_type].append(threshold)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 28, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAYYAAAEZCAYAAACTsIJzAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAIABJREFUeJzsnXeYW9XRh9+fO8aV3myqbXovIQQQJcEQAoRmeg01hvSQ\n", "j5CsF0IaKRB6b6GFFkqABAgCQjG941ANBgMBY7oBY8/3x1yxWlnSSru60mp33ue5z0r3nnvu6K50\n", "5p6ZMzMyM4IgCIIgR59GCxAEQRB0L0IxBEEQBO0IxRAEQRC0IxRDEARB0I5QDEEQBEE7QjEEQRAE\n", "7QjF0ORImiTp4hT7f0rSJslrSTpf0ruS7pf0NUlT0rp2V8mXtdGyBEEzEYqhCZC0h6SHJH0oabqk\n", "myRtlBxONRDFzFY1s7uSt18DtgSWMLOvmNl/zGzFWl1L0gWSPks+5wxJ/5I0rpN9bZwva61k7M4U\n", "3L93Jd0uaZWCNktJukTSO5I+kjRZ0jcL2kjSkZKeTNpMk/Q3SauWufZWku6S9IGk/0nKSvpWWp81\n", "SJdQDN0cST8E/gz8ClgEGAWcCuR+dKqjOEsDU83s0652JKlvkd0G/M7MhgJLAf8DLuhk352WVVK/\n", "as/pJuTfvyWAV4HzcwclLQD8B/gUWBlYEP9uXSppp7x+TgKOBI4ARgJjgb8D7RRIXr87A3/D/1dL\n", "mtkiwC9p+45WTKKU6vmdDophZrF10w0YDnwI7FSmzSTg4rz3VwJvAO8BdwIr5x3bBnga+AB4DfhR\n", "sn8h4EZgJjADuCvvnKnAFsCBwCzgi0SmFiADTMtruwRwNT6gvwQcUSDnVcDFwPvAAUU+y/nAsXnv\n", "vwl82Im+Dy6UNWl3EPB88hmvAxbP62MucHhy/EVg0+Qe/SS55nRgh+QePpf08bO889cH7kvu4XTg\n", "ZKB/Qf+HJOfOBE4p+OwHAc8k/5ungbU6+twV3L9tgI/z3h8HPFHkvJ/iShRgTHLf1q3wOypcAf2o\n", "iu/oMsn96JO8z+IPPvcAnyTyPFjQxw+A65LXA4E/AK8AbwKnA4NKfZcBNfq33GxbwwWIrcw/B8YD\n", "s3M/oBJtCn90+wHzA/3xp8FH8469AWyUvB6eN/j8Jvlx9U22jfLOeRnYPHm9L3B33rEMiWLAZ58P\n", "A8cA/YBl8QH2G3lyfg5sl7wfVOSznA8cl7weAlyKKzdV23cRWTcH3gbWBAYAfwHuzDs+F/gnMCIZ\n", "eDLJvT8muSffAd4BLknu78rJILZ0cv7auHLog89WngG+V9D/9cAwfNb3P2Cr5NguuBJaJ3m/PDC6\n", "o3vawf2bH1eU/847fj+Jkiw4b9lEvrHAocDLVXxHV0zOXbpMmxY6VgxTgZWSzzwMV5Ar5J3zILBr\n", "8vrP+AxmRPI9uR74dUff5dgq38KU1L1ZEHjHzOZWeoKZXWBmH5vZbKAVWEPS0OTw58AqkoaZ2ftm\n", "9mje/sWBZcxsjpndU6L7clP89YCFzOxXZvaFmb0MnAPsltfmXjO7PpGzmIlHwI8lzcSf3Afjim79\n", "TvRdKOuewLlm9piZfQ78H7ChpNF5bX5jZu+Z2WfJ+9nA8WY2B7gCWAA4Mbm/z+CD/5rJNR8xswfM\n", "bK6ZvQKchc868vmtmX1gZtOAO4A1kv3fwU1ADyd9vWhmr1Z4T0vdvw+ArwK75h1fEH84KCS3b6Gk\n", "zZsl+i/GggV9lJKrHAZcYGbPJvfvA3xGtzuApDHAOOD6xMx0EPDD5H/1Ea4Mcvek0u9yUIZQDN2b\n", "GcBCkir6P0nqK+m3kl6Q9D7+tG/4Dx5gJ9y8MDVxDuacsicALwD/kvSipKM6IevSwBKSZuY2fPBd\n", "JK/Nax30YcAJZjbSzBY3sx2SwbAWfS+Omx78QmYf4/d3ybw20wrOmWHJYyhumgJ4K+/4LPzJHElj\n", "Jd0o6Y3k3h9P26CZI3/A/QR/2gX3p7xYROZKPnc+X94//Kn8M2CfvOPv4KapQhZP/r6N35PFi7Qp\n", "xYyCPjpL4b2/lEQxAHsA1yYKf2H8geHhvHtyM23f8Vp8l3s9oRi6N/fhP+5vV9h+D2A7YAszG46b\n", "CJRsmNlDZrYD/uP6O+4wxMw+MrMfm9nyyfk/lLRZlbJOw00QI/O2YWa2bXLcqGwFVbGny1dr0Pd0\n", "fLD0i0jz4wP363lturLC63R8BrFCcu9/TuW/r2nACkX2d/S5i5H7X0/DHci/yJsx3gbsWMS5uyvw\n", "qpk9D9wOLCVpnQpl/28i/85l2nyED+Y5FivSpvDe3wYsLGkNfDZwabL/HVwhr5x3T0aY2TAo+V3e\n", "vMLPEiSEYujGmNn7+OqOUyVtL2mwpP6Stpb0uyKnDMEVybvJwPfr3IHkvD0lDU9MIx8Cc5Jj20pa\n", 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"M7Xg3CfMeC7dT1FELk8T8U1gE9qUwHvMqwRSi0YNqkAahM/W8h3EC+FpOtpWCZm90TAZuzGhGIIu\n", "o2x2YWBf4FDcHvsMcA7wV8tkKnr6kjgYmAQMBf6FZ4J8wIyGr8VXqzYG/oBn+L0aVwYPW4u93VDB\n", "Akfqg88s86OHV8bTl+cvFZ1Sz4RyzUwohqBqlM1mgG1pS0MxP3AT8Efg0XKO46L9iWF4auoDgDs7\n", "W1ug1qhVY3Hfx9rAz4FLrSUGloZTvsZATgk8gkVsR2cJxRBURLKcdBng60Ar/kT/BG4mmtaR03ie\n", "/sRquPN5TTxa+Vrg4O4QlKZWLYynzt4dOAH4SwSQNYjyNQbyE8o1dYLD7kZnx85Iu92LUDa7JPBv\n", "POjsCeCblsk83Km+xHLAWfhqpH/iimV9M16qkbidJkk8dyS+dPZSYKUwF9WR4jUGxuIxLJPxGgPH\n", "AC+ESah7EoqhF5DEGByEB52dYpnM77rUnxgF3A6cBmxjVrZ0Zd1IVhjtARyP+w++ai1Wdwd3r6NJ\n", "agwElROKoYejbHYEnmpiILCLZTJdiheQWAW4BjjFjD/WQMSaoFZthjuW5wB7NXVpx+5MxzUGfo+X\n", "nYxVXU1M+Bh6CMpmB+DOu5Xx3Dy5v8PxgfzAUktLK+rfo5TPx2snH2fGqV0WugaoVSvhjuXVgP8D\n", "/haO5RrRcY2BnG+grjUGgsoJH0MvRtnsYNxuuzBuQnkGXyr6NO5Q7tJAKdEPt9ULWNaMhjtw1apF\n", "8WWxO+MpNXaJGgVdoOMaA5OBM+gGNQaC9AnF0MQomz0MjzkYC1wBfKPaJaYdXkP0Ac7Dl7Jub0ZD\n", "B9+krOUPku1iYMUIRusEHdcY+BVuEnqvYTIGDSMUQ5OibPZw4Me4s/Vxy2TSeoo/AV/eOr6RSiFJ\n", 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"LvcVBEGQIpUEuK0saZKkp/BMqPfiRXiajb2Biy2TKetUUat2BX7GBXdcyUeLP2TGn2t0/X2Bf2Gd\n", "jJQOgiCoE5UsVz0PL8u5lZm9nrI8qZCYkXalg5KkatXmGCdzxbVX8OrGBzNvKdJOCqA+uBnpgJr0\n", "FwRBkCKV+BiqrlPQDekDDLdM5pVSDdSqtYDLyU46lSk77ARsasbTNbr+14GPgXtq1F8QBEFqlFQM\n", "kq40s10KqrjlqKSCW9OgVi0H3Agcxp0to4Gna6gUwGNBTqYZcpwHQdDrKTdj+F7yd1ugcB1sjxng\n", "1KpFgH/yyQIn8PsZhwAr4JHJNbqAlsdzTe1Ssz6DIAhSpKTz2dqcpIeb2dT8jVoOnPVhCYrUXVCr\n", "hgI38fngK/n9jJ2AF4CxZnQ1F1I+h+MBbV2LgQiCIKgTlSxX/UaRfdvUWpC0UDY7CjgBuLrd/lYN\n", "AK7BeJhff7g28Dww0YzapcGW5sdXI51esz6DIAhSpqRikHRY4l8YJ+nJvG0qXqO526NsdjvgMeB1\n", "4P8KDrcCn/Db986GPuOAg8xqnjV2T+A/dLF+dhAEQT0pmStJHpA1Evgtnkoi52f40Mxm1Ee8L2Wp\n", "Ot+HstkFgJeALS2TeajdsVb1ZW6f17jo1uuYuvnOQKsZJ9dQZJCEK9AfYHZbTfsOgiCogDRqPpuZ\n", "TZX0XQqczZIWMLN3q71YnRkOfFCoFAC47dfHstplCzN18znABma8mML1N8Hv7+0p9B0EQZAa5RTD\n", "ZcA38RQSxaYVy6YiURdRNjsSyALjkr/tjwuxw5TDmD3fOWZ8N0VRjgBOiSWqQRA0GyUVg5l9M/m7\n", "TN2kqQ0L4BXaRlomM+9KoMFvr8WYm4Yz8IPfpyaBNArYDNg/tWsEQRCkRCW5kjaSNCR5vbekP0la\n", 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"TawENkjaRzkBfioi/jhvnT6HJG0CbgYmSPoVeIFyW/F/v2/6C25mZlbRSreSzMysBXhgMDOzCg8M\n", "ZmZW4YHBzMwqPDCYmVmFBwYzM6vwwGAtQ9LJDBldmy7tp+yxQWivQ9LP2dYP+eWfM63jbUlX5fyy\n", "hnXfnm0fs57acdkvqVPS2AHKT5M0dzDatqHJ32OwliHpaESMG+yy/dSxAfg0IjolzQZWR8S0s6jv\n", "rPs0UL2SOijhlV/vp/wiYEZEPDrYfbGhwVcM1rIkjZH0VZ7N75d0V5MyEyV9nWfUvZJuyOVzJHXn\n", "th9IGtNXM/naBUzObZ/IunolPV7Xl88z8UuvpAW5fLukGZJeBdqyH+/mumP5+p6k2+r63CFpvqRh\n", "klZJ2p0JVBafxmH5Drg867ku97FHJVnTlRki4iXggezLguz7ekm7sux/jqNZxflOMuHJU20C/gH2\n", "5PQRJdzBuFw3AThUV/Zovj4JLMv5YcDYLLsDaMvlTwPPNWlvA5nUB1hAedOdTgkp0QaMAQ4AVwP3\n", "Amvrtm3P123A9Po+NenjPKAj50cCvwCjgMXAM7l8FPA9cFmTftbqGZ7HZUn+PA4YnvOzgA9z/mHg\n", "zbrtVwILc348cBAYfb5/355ad2qZWElmwPGIOJV2UNII4BVJN1Ji/1wi6eKIOFK3zW5gfZb9JCL2\n", "SboFmAJ0ZxypkUB3k/YErJL0LHCEktdiNtAZJUIpkjopGbI2A6vzyuCziPjmDPZrM7Amz+bnAjsi\n", "4i9Jc4Cpku7Lcu2Uq5bDDdu3SdpDiat/GHgrl48H3pE0mRJGufb/3Bh6fA5wp6Sl+fMoSrTNg2ew\n", "DzaEeGCwVraQcvY/PSJOqoROvqi+QER05cBxB9Ah6Q1KNqstEfHgAPUHsDQiOmsLJM2i+qaq0kwc\n", "UsmVezuwQtLWiFh+OjsRESdU8i/fCtwPbKpb/UhEbBmgiuMRcY2kNkrguLuBj4HlwNaIuEfSJGB7\n", "P3XMjwsvL4OdI37GYK2sHTiSg8JMYFJjgfzk0u8RsQ5YR8l9uxO4XiVBS+35wBV9tNGYwKQLmCep\n", "LZ9LzAO6JE0ETkTERmB1ttPob0l9nWy9T0moVLv6gPImv6S2TT4jGN3H9uRVzGPAyyqXQu3Ab7m6\n", "PmLmn5TbTDVf5HZkOwMng7chzQODtZLGj8htBK6VtB94CPixSdmZwF5JPZSz8TVRch0vAjZl2OVu\n", "Sjz+AduMiD1AB+UW1U5K6Op9wFRgV97SeR5Y0aSutcD+2sPnhrq/BG6iXMnUcg+vo+RL6JHUS0lN\n", "2mxgOVVPROwFfsp9fY1yq62H8vyhVm4bMKX28JlyZTEiH+AfAF7s41iYAf64qpmZNfAVg5mZVXhg\n", "MDOzCg8MZmZW4YHBzMwqPDCYmVmFBwYzM6vwwGBmZhUeGMzMrOJfrRQD1ceMaEoAAAAASUVORK5C\n", "YII=\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "for clf_type in classifiers:\n", " mean_fprs[clf_type] = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*fprs[clf_type])]\n", " mean_tprs[clf_type] = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*tprs[clf_type])]\n", " mean_aucs[clf_type] = auc(mean_fprs[clf_type], mean_tprs[clf_type])\n", " plt.plot(mean_fprs[clf_type], mean_tprs[clf_type], lw=1, label='%s (AUC = %0.2f)' % (clf_type, mean_aucs[clf_type]))\n", " \n", "plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')\n", "plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')\n", "plt.title('Classifier Performance ROC Curves')\n", "plt.legend(loc=\"lower right\")\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 130, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAYYAAAEZCAYAAACTsIJzAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAIABJREFUeJzsnXe4XFXV/z/f9IQQAqEICSSBJIQioSWhKAxFCB1BkCqo\n", "P0URsZcXwZvIC+ILFro0QVGKVAHpyFClB0JLIEAghB4glfT1+2PvyT137szcuXf6vevzPOeZmXP2\n", "2WfNuXP3OnuttdeSmeE4juM4GbrVWgDHcRynvnDF4DiO47TAFYPjOI7TAlcMjuM4TgtcMTiO4zgt\n", "cMXgOI7jtMAVQ4MjaaKkKyvY/wuSdorvJelySR9LekzSFyRNrdS1SyUpa61lcZxGwhVDAyDpCElP\n", "SZon6R1Jt0vaMR6u6EIUM9vczB6MH78A7A6sZ2bbmdnDZja6XNeSdIWkxfF7zpZ0t6SNO9jXF5Oy\n", "lkvGeibr/n0s6T5Jm2W1GSLpH5I+kjRf0uOS9slqI0knSno+tpkp6Z+SNi9w7T0lPShprqQPJKUl\n", "7Vep7+pUFlcMdY6kHwN/BP4XWBtYHzgfyPzTqYriDAVmmNmiUjuS1D3HbgN+Z2arAkOAD4ArOth3\n", "h2WV1KO959QJyfu3HvAWcHnmoKQ1gIeBRcCmwCDCb+sqSQcn+jkbOBH4PrA6MAq4GWihQBL9fgX4\n", "J+FvNdjM1gZ+TfNvtGiiUqrmb9rJhZn5VqcbsBowDzi4QJuJwJWJz9cB7wKfAg8AmyaO7Q28CMwF\n", "3gZ+EvevCdwGfALMBh5MnDMD2A34JvAZsCzK1ASkgJmJtusBNxAG9NeB72fJeT1wJTAH+EaO73I5\n", "8JvE532AeR3o+9vZssZ23wJejd/xX8C6iT5WAMfH468BO8d79LN4zXeAA+M9fCX28cvE+eOA/8Z7\n", "+A5wLtAzq//j4rmfAOdlffdvAS/Fv82LwFZtfe8i7t/ewILE51OBKTnO+zlBiQKMjPdt2yJ/oyIo\n", "oJ+04zc6LN6PbvFzmvDg8wiwMMrzZFYfPwL+Fd/3Bs4C3gTeAy4E+uT7LQOq9f9yo201F8C3An8c\n", "mAAszfwD5WmT/U93LLAK0JPwNDg5cexdYMf4frXE4PPb+M/VPW47Js55A9g1vj8GeChxLEVUDITZ\n", "59PAyUAPYDhhgN0jIecSYP/4uU+O73I5cGp83x+4iqDc1N6+c8i6K/AhsCXQCzgHeCBxfAVwFzAw\n", "DjypeO9Pjvfk/wEfAf+I93fTOIgNjedvTVAO3QizlZeAH2T1fwswgDDr+wDYMx47hKCEtomfNwI2\n", "aOuetnH/ViEoyv8kjj9GVJJZ5w2P8o0CvgO80Y7f6Oh47tACbZpoWzHMADaJ33kAQUGOSJzzJHBo\n", "fP9HwgxmYPyd3AKc3tZv2bfiNzcl1TeDgI/MbEWxJ5jZFWa2wMyWApOAMZJWjYeXAJtJGmBmc8xs\n", 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"tnqlXeNmPSmGsi6Ia3CKuRdEh/MlwAQzKzSVbGSKuRfbENbCQLAn7yVpqZndUh0Rq0Ix92Em8JGZ\n", "fQZ8JulBQoGrzqYYirkXOwCnAZjZa5LeADamaxb7ave4WU+mpJUL4iT1IiyIy/7HvgX4GkChBXGd\n", "gDbvhaQNgBuBo8xseg1krBZt3gsz29DMhpvZcIKf4budTClAcf8f/wK+IKm7pH4ER+NLVZazGhRz\n", "L6YCuwNEe/rGwOtVlbJ+aPe4WTczBvMFcSsp5l4AvwZWBy6MT8pLzWxcrWSuFEXei05Pkf8fUyXd\n", "CUwBVgCXmFmnUwxF/iZOBy6X9BzhAfjnZvZxzYSuIJKuBnYG1pQ0E2gimBU7PG76AjfHcRynBfVk\n", "SnIcx3HqAFcMjuM4TgtcMTiO4zgtcMXgOI7jtMAVg+M4jtMCVwyO4zhOC1wxOHWDpOUxZXRm26BA\n", "298iUpYAAAPrSURBVPlluN4Vkl6P13o6Lv5pbx+XSBod35+UdeyRUmWM/WTuyxRJN0rq30b7MZL2\n", "Kse1na6Jr2Nw6gZJ88xs1XK3LdDH5cCtZnajpC8BZ5nZmBL6K1mmtvqVdAUhvfLvC7Q/FtjGzL5f\n", "blmcroHPGJy6RdIqku6NT/NTJO2fo826kh6MT9TPS/pC3L+HpEfjuf+UtEq+y8TXh4AR8dwfx76e\n", "l/SDhCz/joVfnpd0SNyflrSNpDOAvlGOK+Ox+fH1Gkl7J2S+QtJBkrpJOlPSE7GAyreLuC3/BTaK\n", "/YyL3/EZhWJNo2KKiN8AX42yHBJl/4ukx2PbVvfRcVpQ6yITvvmW2YBlwOS43UBId7BqPLYm8Gqi\n", "7bz4+hPgpPi+G9A/tn0A6Bv3/wI4Jcf1LicW9QEOIQy6WxNSSvQFVgFeALYEDgYuTpw7IL7eD2yd\n", "lCmHjAcCV8T3vYC3gN7At4Ffxf29gSeBYTnkzPTTPd6X4+PnVYHu8f3uwPXx/THAOYnzTweOjO8H\n", "AtOAfrX+e/tWv1vd5EpyHOAzM1tZdlBST+C3kr5IyP2znqS1zeyDxDlPAH+JbW82s+ckpYBNgUdj\n", "HqlewKM5rifgTEknAx8Q6lp8CbjRQoZSJN1IqJB1J3BWnBncZmYPt+N73QmcHZ/m9wIeMLPFkvYA\n", "Pi/pK7HdAMKsZUbW+X0lTSbk1Z8B/DnuHwj8TdIIQhrlzP9zdurxPYD9JP00fu5NyLY5rR3fwelC\n", "uGJw6pkjCU//W5vZcoXUyX2SDczsoag49gWukPQHQjWre8zsiDb6N+CnZnZjZoek3Wk5qCpcxl5V\n", "qJW7D/C/ku4zs1OL+RJmtkih/vKewKHA1YnDJ5jZPW108ZmZbSWpLyFx3AHATcCpwH1m9mVJQ4F0\n", "gT4Oss5Xl8GpEO5jcOqZAcAHUSnsAgzNbhAjlz40s0uBSwm1bx8DdlQo0JLxD4zMc43sAiYPAQdK\n", "6hv9EgcCD0laF1hkZv8AzorXyWappHwPW9cSCiplZh8QBvnjM+dEH0G/POcTZzEnAqcpTIUGAO/E\n", "w8mMmXMJZqYMd8XziNdpuxi806VxxeDUE9khcv8AtpU0BTgaeDlH212AZyU9Q3gaP9tCreNjgatj\n", "2uVHCfn427ymmU0GriCYqB4jpK5+Dvg88Hg06fwa+N8cfV0MTMk4n7P6vhvYiTCTydQevpRQL+EZ\n", "Sc8TSpPmUiwr+zGzZ4Hp8bv+H8HU9gzB/5Bpdz+wacb5TJhZ9IwO/BeASXnuhePw/9u1YxoAABiG\n", "YeWPeneGwSYRVermrgrAYzEAEMIAQAgDACEMAIQwABDCAEAIAwAhDADEARkfMjL8ebkEAAAAAElF\n", "TkSuQmCC\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# Old performance\n", "\n", "for clf_type in classifiers:\n", " mean_fprs[clf_type] = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*fprs[clf_type])]\n", " mean_tprs[clf_type] = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*tprs[clf_type])]\n", " mean_aucs[clf_type] = auc(mean_fprs[clf_type], mean_tprs[clf_type])\n", " plt.plot(mean_fprs[clf_type], mean_tprs[clf_type], lw=1, label='%s (AUC = %0.2f)' % (clf_type, mean_aucs[clf_type]))\n", " \n", "plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')\n", "plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')\n", "plt.title('Classifier Performance ROC Curves')\n", "plt.legend(loc=\"lower right\")\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Given that logistic regression performed just as well as Naive Bayes on cross-validation without tuning the parameters, I expect it to outperform once we tune it." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Feature Analysis" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 150, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "RandomizedLogisticRegression(C=1, fit_intercept=True,\n", " memory=Memory(cachedir=None), n_jobs=1, n_resampling=10,\n", " normalize=True, pre_dispatch='3*n_jobs', random_state=None,\n", " sample_fraction=0.75, scaling=0.5, selection_threshold=0.25,\n", " tol=0.001, verbose=False)" ] }, "execution_count": 150, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# We still need to grid-search for the right logit parameters.\n", "\n", "rand_logit = RandomizedLogisticRegression(C=1, scaling=0.5, n_resampling=100)\n", "rand_logit.fit(features, is_syllabus)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 151, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(array([ 0.9]), 'will'),\n", " (array([ 0.8]), 'opencourseware'),\n", " (array([ 0.8]), 'chapter'),\n", " (array([ 0.8]), 'and'),\n", " (array([ 0.7]), 'de'),\n", " (array([ 0.6]), 'la'),\n", " (array([ 0.6]), 'homework'),\n", " (array([ 0.6]), 'be'),\n", " (array([ 0.5]), 'week'),\n", " (array([ 0.5]), 'mit'),\n", " (array([ 0.5]), 'exam'),\n", " (array([ 0.5]), 'due'),\n", " (array([ 0.4]), 'student'),\n", " (array([ 0.4]), 'class'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), 'you'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), 'that'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), 'or'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), 'grade'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), 'ch'),\n", " (array([ 0.3]), '10'),\n", " (array([ 0.2]), 'points'),\n", " (array([ 0.2]), 'lab'),\n", " (array([ 0.2]), 'for'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'was'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'the'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'of'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'isbn'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'hours'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'edu'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'der'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), 'assignment'),\n", " (array([ 0.1]), '11'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'レファレンスブックコーナーにあり'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'k421'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'k211'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'k115'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'k113'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'flexible'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'five'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'first'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'finding'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'find'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'finances'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'fill'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'figuring'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'fifth'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), 'fifteen'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鼻音過重hypersensitivity'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鼻音過輕hyposensitivity'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鼻音nasometer'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鼻流計native'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '黏滯流體之空氣動力學'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '黏滯性流體力學'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '黃惠婷'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '麻省理工學院'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鸚鵡式說話electropalatograph'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鯖環境'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '魯迪'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '高级搜索'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '高橋麻奈'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '高橋正泰'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '高周波'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '首頁'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '餵食final'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '餘reduplication'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '食物'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '风格等等'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '颜色'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '预先准备'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '顯性expressive'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '顎咽閉合不全verb'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '題名にも書いた様にez'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '須田一幸'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '韻母top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '音調儀visual'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '音節syllable'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '音楽音響制作'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '音楽試聴'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '音叢context'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '韓文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '面白そう'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '面白かった'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '面白い'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '非常期待官方能夠在限期內'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '靜態連結網址'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '震顫turns'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電影評析寫作引導'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電子顎位圖elicitation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電子郵件'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電子情報通信学会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電子工作のためのpic活用ガイド'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '電子工作のためのpic16f活用ガイドブック'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雜亂語kinesthetic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雙音節divergence'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雙語biofeedback'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雙唇bilateral'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雖然我現在電腦不能玩'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '雅子'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '隱性行為cues'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '隐私'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '随着时间推移'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '随后在90年代'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '陶土'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '陳述語氣deixis'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '陳述句stimulability'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '限定詞developmental'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '陈述一个相符的论点'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '阻窒breathiness'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '阅读资料着重不同环境下的个案研究'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '阅读要求'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '閱讀障礙dysphagia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '間接欺騙消費者的權益'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '開放式課程網頁'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '閉唇低哼聲hypernasality'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '销售总监'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '销售助理'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '量詞clause'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '野中郁次郎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重音stuttering'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重震redundancy'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重覆'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重疊聲directive'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重疊reference'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '重一代買到2貸資料片都是正版的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '酒井憲二'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鄉謠共鳴法top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '鄉愁無盡'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '都說是連線模式了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '都有著同樣的煩惱'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '都是好野人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '郊区'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '那還稱什麼線上遊戲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '那還區要分什麼語言版嗎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '那算什麼中文版阿'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '那我是不是也因該有買正版的權利'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '邊音化lexical'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '邊音lateralized'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '邊界層理論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '還真希望可以好好打中文才能享受遊戲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '還是你們寧可少賺錢然後又被人嫌'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '還得要一個人安靜的遊戲嗎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '還不開放更新'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '遲緩deletion'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '遮蔽maturation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '遗址的物体'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '過敏hyponasality'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '運動感top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '遊べそうなez'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '進階搜尋'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連貫cohesion'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連詞connected'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連翻議都要熱血玩家修正'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連署'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連結communication'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連接話語connective'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連接詞connotation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '連多人連線模式也完全不顧花錢買中文正版的玩家權益'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '速度real'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '通过阅读作业和作业布置'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '通过长期的实地调查研究文化和社会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這點要求相信不算過份'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這裡是台灣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這樣對你們而言不好嗎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這樣只能算半個中文版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這是對於nwn2多人連線模式無法輸入中文日文與韓文的一個連署'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這是中文版應有的功能'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這是'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這才是多人連線真正愉快的地方阿'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '這些我都可以理解'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '送氣aspiration'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '迷樣的人物'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '迷樣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '迴響'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这让它成为了中美两国科学家之间持续时间最长的合作之一'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这表明两城镇的龙山时期遗址是龙山时期'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这组考古学家得出结论说'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这种田野方法可以得出关于在历史上聚落如何在一个地区转变的整体'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这种方法非常有效'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这种方法称作区域聚落形态调查'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这样对于许多作业的完成是必要的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这是自从1949年中华人民共和国成立以来的首次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这是应该尽快解决的大问题'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这是一项创新的聚落形态区域调查的一部分'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这是一门人文艺术社会科学推广课程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这时候农作物已经被收割'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '这也是科学家和工程师在实验室以及在工业上常遇到的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '还记得天人互动'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '还有两个主要的中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '近期文章'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '近代科学社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '运河与机场'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '迂迴語classifier'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '辨別distinctiveness'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '轉介reflux'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '輪次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '輕起音sonograph'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '輔音consonant'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '輔助溝通aural'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '軟顎輔音velopharyngeal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '跳到目录'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '路人a'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '跟單機版沒什麼兩樣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '趙森'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '趕快去欣賞欣賞全班認真的模樣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '趕快來看'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '贸易'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '购物中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '質的研究入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '資料夾'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '買的就是'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '買った'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '買いたい'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '財務会計'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '豈不有名不符其不實之嫌'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '调查组成员学习了如何辨识表明特定时代的陶器碎片的特征'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '调查方法的专门知识技能是由芝加哥自然历史博物馆的两位科学家兼研究的共同作者提供的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '调查图成为了一个地区中大多数古代聚落的唯一永久性记录'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '调查人员在秋末或冬初徒步寻找这样的证据'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程评分基于出席情况'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程要求'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程结构'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程描述'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程主页'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课程下载'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '课外作业和实验的完成情况'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '诸如耕作和建筑'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '诸如用聚落形态研究的理论和方法解释在山东省等区域文明起源的过程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '诸如侵蚀'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '诸如人口密度'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该调查还表明该区域的农业定居主要发生在新石器时代后半叶'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该研究组迄今已经完成了13年的调查'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该研究组定把调查重点放在史前时代后期龙山时期'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该研究的共同作者之一方辉博士说'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该照片摄于2006年'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '该地区在其历史上并不是边缘的沉寂地区'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '评分'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '讲座和习题课都需要参加'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '讲义'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '让玩家使用他们自己的语言'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '讓我們順利的打中文吧'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '讓你們多賺點錢'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '讓他們知道我們無法等待了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '謝謝'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '講義記号'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '論理学の基礎と演習'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '論理学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '論理ノート'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '論文の書き方'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '請留下您的名稱與30字內的聲明'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '請各位支持我們'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '請別再忽視我們的權益'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '課程首頁'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '課程授課時間為每週三次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '課程中沒有小考及期末考'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '課堂講稿'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '誰還要在花錢'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '誰にでも手軽にできる電子工作入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '說到這就不爽'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語音發展遲緩speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言障礙laryngeal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言發展遲緩language'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言求異dysarthria'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言求同coverb'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言學lip'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語言language'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語聲的遊戲vocalization'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語義性錯語症semantics'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語義學semi'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語境contrast'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語圖儀spasmodic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '語句脫漏coarticulation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '誘發elimination'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '話說discrimination'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '試問'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '詞素mother'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '詞彙vocal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '詞word'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '評估assimilation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '診斷dialect'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '診所clinical'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '討論與撰寫作業的方式進行'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語障礙speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語運動障礙speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語訓練spontaneous'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語行為speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語治療過程specific'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語治療師speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語治療speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語から非言語へ'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '言語speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '觸覺target'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '親子語motivation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '親子交往motherese'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '視覺失認vocabulary'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '覆誦representative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '覆檢rhythm'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '要客戶花錢你們也要提的出相對的服務'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '複雑な世界'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '複元音diplophonia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '補語complementary'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '表達性'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '表情'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '衣替え'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '行為bilabial'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '號稱'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '虛詞functional'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '蔡慈皙'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '莫菲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '草野厚'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '草思社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '英文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '英寶格公司'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '苦労が報われる瞬間'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '若貴公司無誠意解決文字介面上的問題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '苏丹的牧牛族群'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '花錢支持正版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '芝加哥自然历史博物馆的人类学客座研究员linda'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '芝加哥自然历史博物馆的中美洲人类学研究员gary'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '芝加哥自然历史博物馆的anne'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '芝加哥自然博物馆在山东省东南部的这个项目'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '芝加哥'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '航空太空工程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '舌後置baseline'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '舌前置function'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '至少附本手語教學吧'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '至少在遊戲裡看到我們的文字的期待是迫切的合理的要求'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自行講話semantic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自發性言語standardized'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自發性模仿spontaneous'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自發性復原spontaneous'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自然negation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '自分は誰に似ているか'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '臨床語言學clinician'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '能更加容易发现这类物体'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '能夠流暢用英文溝通就不需要買中文版了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '能力complement'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '聽覺復康top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '聽力障礙hierarchy'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '聲頻譜speech'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '聲調tongue'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '联系人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '而這名為語言的藩籬在nwn2上市之後就一直存在'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '而正在被捡起的碎片来自汉代'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '而是國際中文版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '而且可以使用中文輸入在線上使用溝通'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '而不是只給半吊子的成品'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '考试'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '考古学家在山东省海滨城市日照市超过1500平方公里的土地上进行了系统化的徒步考察'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '考古学家可能没有注意到或者研究到农田'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '考える技術'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '老哥們'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '老人病學glide'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '翻译软件'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '翻譯'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '習語illocutionary'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '習得activity'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '美國航空與太空學會期刊'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '美国项目的负责人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '美勞課建造可愛車站的照片已經在'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '综合的观点'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '约公元前2600'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '總共有7次作業'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '縣壅垂'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '縣垂體velar'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '編輯'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '維持manner'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '続きを読む'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '經皮層運動性失語症transcortical'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '經皮層感覺性失語症transcription'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '絕冬城之夜2台灣pw社群'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '絕冬城之夜2連署blog'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '結論から言うと'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '結果每次都沒有'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '結束個案discourse'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '経営者の条件'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '経営組織論の基礎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '索利多'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '紊流工程計算方法'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '紀伊國屋書店'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '系统化的区域调查还发现了该地区的其他龙山遗址'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '系统化的区域调查已经被证明是理解和评估墨西哥高地'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '粗糙rhyme'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '簡體中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '簡介並寄信'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '篩選'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '範例'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '節奏roughness'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '管理面版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '策略stress'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '等间隔排列的调查组成员学习了如何辨识表明特定时代的陶器碎片的特征'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '等级的划分将基于五次作业'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '等级'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第四版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第八版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第五次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第9版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第4版補訂'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第3版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '第2版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '竹内弘高'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '站內搜尋'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '立山秀利'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '突變性假聲top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '空顔'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '空氣動力學基礎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '積極參與上課'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '稠度'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学考古在20世纪20年代引入了中国'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学家走过山东东南部的茶园'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学家在山东东南部当地居民的观看下收集一个龙山时期'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学家从山东东南部农民的田地里收集的陶器碎片样本'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学哲学入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学の目的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '科学の方法'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '秋季'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '秀和システム'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '禁帯出本のみ'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '社會語言學soft'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '社会調査ハンドブック'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '社会を'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '社会が変わるマーケティング'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '示範modification'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '確認recover'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '確認idiom'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '碎片'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '研讨小组'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '知識科学研究科'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '知識創造企業'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '知識メディア創造教育コース'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '知的な科学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '督導swallowing'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '真的沒辦法的話'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '省略句embed'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '相關閱讀資料'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '相比'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '相互作用和其他因素的信息'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '目標反應theme'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '監察monotone'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '的聚落和区域组织的关键变化上'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '的確'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '的某种区域中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '的幾部重要作品'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '的使用必須受到我們網站使用規範中的相關條文限制'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '發音方法marker'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '發表迴響'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '發聲voice'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '發展性diadochokinesis'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '発表'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '発注中'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '病因evaluation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '疲勞feature'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '當然要支持一下啦'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '異文化インターフェイス経営'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '畢竟這遊戲就是主打連線'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '畢竟官方不斷的改版修正bug是有目共睹的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '畢竟'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '电子表格计算软件'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '由于这些遗址中只有很少一部分最终会被发掘'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '由于整个山东省的遗址的数量庞大'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '田野'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '田浦俊春'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '田橋仔的車站'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '用英文交談都沒中文版的感覺了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '用盜版的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '用电子邮件传送文章'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '用正版的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '生物性回饋block'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '生化产品分离过程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '環隊性treatment'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '理解conditional'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '現代国語表記辞典'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '王博律'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '特項語言受損spectrogram'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '特徵feedback'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '特别是游戏本身能够支持中文的情况下'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '特别是微积分'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '牙齦ambiguity'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '牙牙學語back'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '照片前景中红色的碎片来自西周时期'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '然而'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '然後寄回去'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '然后你就可以开始分析区域组织的其他特征'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '無意義norm'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '為甚麼'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '為此'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '為什麼只能打英文咧'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '点击此处获得更多信息'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '濫用聲線vocal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '濁音voiceless'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '滲入喉部larygograph'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '滑音glottal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '溝通板communication'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '溝通中斷comparative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '溝通communication'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '湯若望'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '清音vowel'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '清水幾太郎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '涵義consistency'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '消減敏感determiner'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '海峡两岸专业玩家的精准翻译'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '流體力學期刊'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '流體力學導論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '流音locative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '流暢障礙fricative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '活用入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '活動影像放射造影visi'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '活動acute'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '活动'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '洛杉矶的一个犹太人养老中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '法律说明您对麻省理工学院开放式课件网站及课程资料的使用应符合我们法律声明中的相关条款'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '治療師cluttering'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '治療tremor'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '治療tolerance'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '沙聲homograph'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '沒有這功能'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '沒側幹烙樵就不錯了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '沉無水'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '汤若望'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '氣息聲breathy'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '氣嗓聲top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '民間企業の知恵を公共サービスに活かす'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '比較級的competence'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '比如概率正态分布函数'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '每週上課一次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '每次說明書後的建議都是寫希望有中文官網跟可以打中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '每次习题课中'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '每份佔總成績20'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '每份7頁'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '殘障discharge'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '殘疾hearing'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '武部良明'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '此课程包括五次课'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '此前对山东省东南部的研究甚少'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '此前在1936年的发掘和在20世纪80年代早期的试验发掘在广大的区域里发现了优美的黑陶和玉器'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '正在帮助科学家克服对大型的引人注目的遗址的认识偏差'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '模範'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '模仿top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '標題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '標記masking'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '標籤'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '標準化測試statement'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '標榜多人連線卻無法以文字交談的遊戲是很不尊重人的表現'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '構音障礙articulators'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '構音器官artificial'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '構音articulation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '條件性congenital'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '桜井久勝'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '核电厂动力学及控制'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '核武器试验室'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '核工程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '柴田武'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '果子狸狸'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '林知己夫編'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '林幸雄'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '林吉郎'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '林信成'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '枉費了連線功能'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '東洋経済新報社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '東京大学出版会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '東京プール人多すぎ'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '来自这一区域聚落形态调查的丰富成果清楚地表明了在中国北方有多种多样的方式通向社会复杂性'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '来自芝加哥自然历史博物馆'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '来自考古学田野工作的丰富结果让新方法的采用成为可能'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '来自学术界和工业界的研究者的客户讲座对于论证在将来有益于生化产物回收的新概念和工程技术也是有用的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '村田英オーム社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '村上泰司'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本頁翻譯進度燈號說明'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本课程的目的是提供关于生物化工产品回收的下游工艺的概述'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本课程没有必需的教材'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本課程目標為'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本課程主要想瞭解二戰後的德國電影製片'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本課程主要以密集溝通為主要上課方式'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本族naturalistic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '本來就該用中文溝通'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '期盼能盡快解決'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '期末考试'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '期末成绩按以下标准评定'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '期刊'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '期中考试'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '朝倉書店'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '服務對象clinic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '有買nwn2的路人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '有機elディスプレイ'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '有機elのはなし'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '有斐閣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '有两位著名的学者认为全世界范围内的聚落形态研究的出现是20世纪后半叶考古学的最重要突破'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '最近のギタープラグイン音源などはこのあたりを自動で行ってくれるので必要無い人にとっては何の価値もないのですが'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '最新情報'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '最新10件まで表示'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '最少對立對model'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '替代supervision'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '書式を変更するような一部のhtmlタグを使うことができます'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '書寫障礙dyslexia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '書を持って街へ出よう'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '書く技術'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '更新ストップしてます'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '更何況這問題除了繁體中文外'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '更主要的是学会分析思考别人和我们的生活'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '暱稱'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '暗黙知の次元'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '普遍化geriatrics'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '時任静人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '显示你对所要求的阅读资料的理解'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '是的我要中文版是要完整的的中文版不僅內容要正確的中文化我也要跟朋友連線的時候可以用中文話的文字溝通'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '是对中文语言玩家的不尊重'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '是中美两国科学家之间持续时间最长的合作之一'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '春秋社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '映画'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '星世界是關閉的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '明明就是盗用人家的翻译真是不要脸'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '时间最长的中美科学合作之一已经进行了13年'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '早以女'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日経bpソフトプレス'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日爾曼國家電影院'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日本経済新聞社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日本放送出版協会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日曆'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '日刊工業新聞社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '施為性的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '施事性imagery'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '方辉说'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '方言diphthong'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '方位詞top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新飞饺子园'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新語症noise'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新訳'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新興德國電影'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新聞交換'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新的考古调查揭示出中国历史未知的一面'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新曜社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新明解国語辞典'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新工学知'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '新ネットワーク思考'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '文章要书写清楚'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '文章彙整'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '文章分類'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '文法groping'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '數量詞rate'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '数学知识'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教科書'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教材'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教學時程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教學大綱'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教学日程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '教学大纲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '政策過程分析入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '政策科学入門'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '放鬆repetition'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '改訂版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '改善輸入中文會無法進行遊戲的問題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '支持支持'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '支持一下'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '擴意'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '擴張explicit'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '擦音fronting'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '携帯'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搞了一把'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搞不好也能是茅山道士鬼畫符'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搜索'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搜尋本課程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搜尋所有課程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '搜尋group'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '換句話說'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '提示top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '提供電影分析方式以便進行討論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '描述'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '推動力multidisciplinary'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '接語'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '接著簡短討論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '接受性recipient'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '排除ellipsis'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '指示語氣disability'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '指示詞delay'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '指定閱讀作業'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '指定教材'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '拜託想辦法讓nwn2的台灣玩家能夠輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '拜託'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '把许多古代人工制品带到了地表'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '把来自中国各个地方的文明加以比较'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '把the'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術評論社'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術知の本質'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術知の射程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術知の位相'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術文章の書き方'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '技術文章の徹底演習'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '找字困難yawn'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '扣定anomia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '打著國際中文版的口碑'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '才能理解文化的大规模组织'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '手語sociolinguistics'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '所謂的本土化能夠確實的完成'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '所有这些可以揭示出关于经济学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '所指對象referral'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '所指referent'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '所占百分比'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '房屋'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '戦略マネジメント'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '戦略サファリ'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '或者是关于反应堆控制的一些方面的短评'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '或是尼泊爾降頭'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我需要輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我買的是國際中文版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我认为这是一个和游戏贴图错误同等严重的问题'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我觉得无论是否是中文版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要輸入中文阿'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要輸入中文不要英文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要能輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要打中文只是簡單的事情'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要打中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要多人連線時能快快樂樂的聊天'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我要中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我衷心期盼官方能給予正面的答覆來解決輸入法所帶來的柏林圍牆'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我確定我買的是'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我相信貴公司有心很快就可以解決這問題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我相信d'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我的連結'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我玩海樂的時候'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我是大陆人'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我希望絕冬城之夜2的連線能以中文溝通'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我希望多人連線模式能輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我希望在motb中文版上市時'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我希望不管是主版本或資料片都應該讓我們輸入中文聊天'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我希望motb上市能正常使用中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們需要您的連署'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們要的不多'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們要官方限期內改善'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們班的車站真的是比較大'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們想做一件事情'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們將著重於以報告'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們將探討德國電影如何捕捉戰後當時的氛圍'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們將在11月10日轉呈給官方'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們同樣喜歡上一件叫d'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們了解這個問題無法再拖下去而且這是早就該做好的事情'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我們也會透過幾部電影瞭解當時東德的電影製作'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我们的团队走过了每一种可能的地形'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我们的合作项目取得了很大的成功'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我们现在对于山东东南部复杂社会的起源过程有了更深入的了解'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我们每天发现并测绘了许多古代遗址'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我买的是星空娱动版同时使用中文补丁'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我也相信官方是帶著熱忱在籌備這遊戲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我也是這個遊戲的忠實愛好者'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我也是從海之樂章開始玩到星世界的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我不想買一個打中文就踢出的遊戲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '我一直希望官方能體恤並正視推廣國際化的問題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '成熟metalanguage'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '慶應義塾大学出版会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '感谢芝加哥自然历史博物馆提供照片'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '感谢芝加哥自然历史博物馆提供'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '感嘆句expansion'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '意象imitation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '意外とすんなり'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '想象一下未来的考古学家根据在伊利诺伊'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '想必你們看不懂我在寫什麼吧'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '情報通信の新時代を拓く'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '急性adjective'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '忠實玩家'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '必要'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '德國電影的獨特之處為何'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '德國電影從1945年到現代'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '復發relaxation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '復康reinforcement'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '後閑哲也'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '後天acquisition'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '後元音backing'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '後は'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '影像歷史'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '形容詞adverb'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '当我们在中国启动该项目的时候'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '当前课程将向学生介绍文化人类学的研究方法和观点'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '張小仙'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '引用url'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '引用'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '开放式课件首页'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '建立etiology'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '康復recruitment'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '序列sign'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '并客观地确定了两城镇确实是一个此前调查人员所假定的大中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '并参考课上所分发的文献中的补充读物'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '并且对包括热力学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '并且与全球其他地区的文明进行比较的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '平板音morpheme'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '平成20年度'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '幫個忙'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '常模noun'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望遊戲廠商能夠重視這個缺陷'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望能夠看到更完整的遊戲體驗啊'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望官方能重視亞洲玩家的心聲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望官方能夠重視這個問題'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望nwn2國際中文版能够真正使用中文聊天'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '希望motb能解決我們迫切的需要'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '岩波書店'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山田忠雄'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东省东南部在相当长的一段时间里还不是研究的焦点'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东大学的4位教授参与'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东大学东方考古研究中心的考古学教授方辉博士清理一位农民的农田的边缘'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东大学东方考古研究中心的考古学教授方辉博士正在向他走来'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东大学东方考古研究中心的考古学教授'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '山东大学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '層流邊界層理論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '層次體統hoarseness'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '尾音fluency'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '尽管大众对其仍然相对知之甚少'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '尽管会探讨人类学中的结果和结论'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '尽快发布中文输入补丁我们会对此非常感谢'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '就覺得可以交差了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '就被译成了'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '尧王城'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '小野修司'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '小組治療top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '小山照夫'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '導致該問題一再困擾我們玩家的話'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '對比convergence'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '專注力虧損attribute'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '将有一次期末考试和六次写作作业'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '将包括篇幅适中的课外阅读'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '对过程控制和优化大体熟悉'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '对于解决本课程中工程方面的问题是有必要的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '对于本学科的成功是必要的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '对中文玩家的支持绝对是必要的'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '審定'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '實時receptive'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '容忍度tone'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '宮本信二'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '宮川公男'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '実験リポート作成から学術論文構築まで'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '实验课在mit研究堆上进行'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '定語augmentative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '官方阿'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '官方同志們'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '安達千波矢'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '安第斯地区和近东早期文明起源和变化的一个实证关键'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '它还揭示出了南部的另一个可能与两城镇相匹敌的大中心'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '它发现了关于中国的这个区域如何发展的重要新证据'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '它包括在一个大的地域范围内系统化地徒步调查'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '學習遷移case'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '學生成績是根據學生寫作業的表現來評比'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '学生最好可以熟练应用微软'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '学生应阅读每节课上指定的讲义'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '学生应该使用15个小时来完成课外作业'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '学习资料'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '学习使用其api'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '字面意義desensitization'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '字詞首word'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '字詞首synonym'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '字匯的linguistics'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '子句client'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嬰兒兒語'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '如果你們把這封mail誤認為是苗疆蠱毒'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '如果'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '如何精確地欣賞偏離主流傳統的電影'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '如何描述電影中所呈現的獨特之美'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '如何感受電影'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '她在上面标出了调查中发现的史前和青铜器时代早期碎片的分布'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失讀alternative'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失語症aphonia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失語法agraphia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失認agrammatism'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失聲apraxia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失礼しましたー'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失用症articulation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '失寫alexia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大陆奥德赛工会'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大陆奥德社区'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大部分的電影必須至少看過兩次'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大大'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大多数人从电视节目上了解传统的考古发掘'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '大不了我們玩別的嘛'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '多隊性multilingual'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '多語mutational'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '多人遊戲只能用自己不擅長的語言溝通讓遊戲樂趣大減'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '外國語言與文學'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '塞音化strategy'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '塞音stopping'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '塞擦音agnosia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '塚本真也'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '堅決不購入motb'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '基線behaviour'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '基礎からのjava'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '基本统计'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '基本元音carry'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '基于一篇最近发表的关于复杂系统控制的杂志论文的摘要及评论'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '培風館'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '城镇和森林覆盖的山丘'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在邊界層內的動量傳遞'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在遊戲裡看到我們的文字的期待是迫切且合理的要求'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在这节课学生将获得亲手操作核反应堆的经验'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在这一研究项目之前'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在过去的13年中'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在生物化学工程领域'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在照片右边'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在問題解決前'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在加入山东调查组之前'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在写作技巧上需要帮助的同学可向习题课老师或写作中心咨询'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在中国'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在80年代'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在20世纪90年代初'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '在2006年聚落形态区域调查的田野调查季节'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '土場学'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '圖像化identification'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '國際中文版當然就是要可以'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '國際中文版只能讀中文不能輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '國際中文版'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '國際'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '国際化と日本的経営'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '国外官方正式引进的rpg翻译的是一贯的差劲'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為那感覺並不難做'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為我買的是國際'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為我買的是nwn2'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為我想買的是nwn2'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為我們買的不是閹割版motb'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因為你們不了解中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因此'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因果性circumlocution'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '因为这些地点他们可能首先遇到遗址'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '回饋feeding'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '回覆'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '回最上方'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '回應文章'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '噪音誘發nominal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '噂の拡がり方'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嘻哈heha'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嘻哈'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嘆氣'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嗓音障礙voiced'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嗓門的glottal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '嗓門儀lateral'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '單邊uvula'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '單機版遊戲只不過是眾多樂趣中的一小部分而已'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '喬弟'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '喉塞音grammar'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '問題の関連性'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '唇齒language'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '唇讀liquid'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '唇的labiodental'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '和自然过程'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '和山东大学的考古学家使用这种方法建立了对中华人民共和国东北沿海一个重要却又缺乏研究的地区的多样的概括性看法'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '和tes3的大陆发行商'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '命名障礙anomic'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '命名性失語症antonym'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '命名labial'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '呵欠'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '吸入性肺炎assessment'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '含糊analysis'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '否定neologism'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '否则失去了游戏的意义'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '吞嚥障礙top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '吞嚥syllable'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '吐舌tracheoesophageal'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '后来发行nwn中文版的时候则在游戏盒子上写一个'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '名詞言語治療詞彙'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '名詞性nonsense'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '名前'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同音異義詞humming'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同音同形異義詞homophone'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同義詞syntax'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同樣的道理如斯'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同形異義詞homonym'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同学们都要准备讨论规定的阅读作业和其他内容'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '同化attention'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '吉野勝美'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '各地点的间隔距离'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '台風'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可誘導性stimulation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可是卻沒有辦法輸入中文'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以讓我們輸入中文聊天'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以知道回收和纯化的基本方法是重点'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以用于理解中国早期文明起源'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以按需提供数码照片'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以大大提升使用者用正版的意願'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以問看看消基會'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以和夥伴們分享喜怒哀樂'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '可以参考使用帮助和开发帮助'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '只能說是代理商偷工減料'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '只有通过揭示一个地区的聚落整体布局并比较它们的尺寸'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '另類溝通alveolar'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '另有一个小时的实验课'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '句法top'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '句子sequence'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '古いギター音源を鳴らしたい時とかに役立つと考えてください'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '口頭報告'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '口音acquired'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '口吃subject'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '受事recognition'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '反義詞aphasia'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '反流rehabilitation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '反流regurgitation'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '反應review'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '反思德國電影對德國歷史的以藝術型態所呈現的反應與評論'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '參考書目'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '参考读物'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '参考書リスト'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '参考書'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '原因は'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '卻沒辦法在網路連線功能上使用中文輸入'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '卻問題重重'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '単純な法則'),\n", " (array([ 0.]), '半元音sentence'),\n", " ...]" ] }, "execution_count": 151, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sorted(zip(rand_logit.all_scores_, vect.get_feature_names()), reverse=True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Baseline comparisons\n", "My intuitive suspicion is that a set of hand-crafted rules could perform remarkably well at classifying syllabi. I'm curious to see how it compares to the automated methods above. The rules would be along the lines of:\n", "\n", "Has one of the following words:\n", "- syllabus\n", "- class\n", "- assignment\n", "- due\n", "- spring\n", "- fall" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 194, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "ename": "AttributeError", "evalue": "'list' object has no attribute 'ndim'", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[1;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[1;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0msyllabus_words\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'syllabus'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'class'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'assignment'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'due'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'spring'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m'fall'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 2\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mtext_preprocessing\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0minverse_transform\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'syllabus'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sklearn/pipeline.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36minverse_transform\u001b[1;34m(self, X)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 184\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 185\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0minverse_transform\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 186\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mndim\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m==\u001b[0m \u001b[1;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 187\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 188\u001b[0m \u001b[0mXt\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m: 'list' object has no attribute 'ndim'" ] } ], "source": [ "syllabus_words = ['syllabus', 'class', 'assignment', 'due', 'spring', 'fall']\n", "# TODO" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Parameter Tuning (TODO)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 24, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Fitting 3 folds for each of 6 candidates, totalling 18 fits\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 1 jobs | elapsed: 10.3s\n", "[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 12 out of 18 | elapsed: 1.3min remaining: 38.8s\n", "[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 18 out of 18 | elapsed: 1.8min finished\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Best score: 0.845\n", "Best parameters set:\n", "\tvect__max_df: 0.5\n", "\tvect__ngram_range: (1, 2)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "parameters = {\n", " 'vect__max_df': (0.5, 0.75, 1.0),\n", " #'vect__max_features': (None, 5000, 10000, 50000),\n", " 'vect__ngram_range': ((1, 1), (1, 2)), # unigrams or bigrams\n", " #'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False),\n", " #'tfidf__norm': ('l1', 'l2')\n", "}\n", "\n", "grid_search = GridSearchCV(text_clf, parameters, n_jobs=-1, verbose=1)\n", "grid_search.fit(training_df.text.values, is_syllabus.values)\n", "print(\"Best score: %0.3f\" % grid_search.best_score_)\n", "print(\"Best parameters set:\")\n", "best_parameters = grid_search.best_estimator_.get_params()\n", "for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()):\n", " print(\"\\t%s: %r\" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "In this grid search across parameters, having a cutoff that eliminates words with document frequency above 0.5 is more effective than cutoffs at 0.75 and 1. Bigrams also perform better than unigrams. The best score here is lower than the mean score in our stratified run above, so more tests are warranted." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Classify documents" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "First step is to take all of the training data, and feed that through the classifier." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 238, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Pipeline(steps=[('vect', CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', binary=False, charset=None,\n", " charset_error=None, decode_error='strict',\n", " dtype=, encoding='utf-8', input='content',\n", " lowercase=True, max_df=1.0, max_features=None, min_df=1,\n", " ngram_range=(1, 1), preproc...y=None)), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer(norm='l2', smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=False, use_idf=True))])" ] }, "execution_count": 238, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "text_preprocessing.fit(training_df.text.values)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 239, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "f = text_preprocessing.transform(training_df.text)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 248, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "<772x370601 sparse matrix of type ''\n", "\twith 951353 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>" ] }, "execution_count": 248, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix\n", "csr_matrix(features_dense)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 249, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,\n", " intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=None, tol=0.0001)" ] }, "execution_count": 249, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "lr.fit(f, is_syllabus)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "source": [ "Now, run documents through the classifier" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 289, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "0. 000/e19a5edc6f3d31fb2766f178efd62: 0.18718611515007838\n", "100. db6/6f78733e1e5158f83ca3f93a36e36: 0.25113209680491283\n", "200. 924/312e5b6eb41ea0d70bf414323c340: 0.4631602300118904\n", "300. 6db/d64764f19f172d951d17c4abd772e: 0.17808580947711275\n", "400. 492/85dcc6845fefb861cb8b693104d73: 0.5273794775571683\n", "500. 000/28f95449ebc20284972ea65610f18: 0.21419721106499426\n", "600. 492/a89004354d2565043b7ed2cce01af: 0.7105054556775542\n", "700. db6/76c8eb3da9907b6b395cdd531c23c: 0.7427239814653236\n", "800. db6/62456be97b851127197308bdcede6: 0.14607633065629225\n", "900. 924/9a7b1a157e33bc191b6fe01bfb33b: 0.7363078480304811\n", "1000. b6d/3506b45e8743b90dfee202f42ca0e: 0.7103463050592445\n", "1100. 6db/f47ebb7c9d5aa0c889b207592ff3a: 0.4927423797280297\n", "1200. db6/3c7476092a222f4fb7484f47f292d: 0.4763639190490289\n", "1300. 6db/6c48884f1b9e88c653c1c921449d6: 0.7679880182402934\n", "1400. 924/c2c22fb3cc20b66d46ee56b7df84f: 0.3802862588196427\n", "1500. 492/f8cbc420c5319df723da5ccd10af7: 0.28283452896409544\n", "1600. 924/afc2a7780a7b0ea232a22a49be3c5: 0.21800917994488558\n", "1700. 6dc/31e67b78af71128affe459ae2fc53: 0.38594087027111945\n", "1800. db7/ee2fa22642792b8dcd3064d90ded2: 0.4683735228851907\n", "1900. b6e/7e1aa32f6c85a8ee1d7c31bccccfe: 0.2948976345217878\n", "2000. db7/64c03d3177ed8285a8da30dbcd818: 0.26807707399881175\n", "2100. 493/69c6f31b3ab3e2574c94adba9bc53: 0.15575523551233442\n", "2200. db7/a890cde73a71b2430f4b93d07d608: 0.19441897800989733\n", "2300. b6e/2f1337c60853f3904ff3a7a4f8094: 0.4500049637303439\n", "2400. db7/2c8f5a847ee5f21709933b8ba40a4: 0.5176315869406936\n", "2500. 24a/0e5dea10dbdaedd23ab146ff7cc2d: 0.23547626709305672\n", "2600. db7/dbc346746241f4c9e51d978f7842f: 0.5407739821854458\n", "2700. db7/6c751e200e17168a617ce896e874b: 0.770244500171346\n", "2800. b6e/153f62b10374dea7e315d9486d3c7: 0.8215458638526107\n", "2900. db7/55e3a02ec4cf482f5f5f81b27c972: 0.7722941108657764\n", "3000. 001/60b0b3e90dcbb0a7fe8c0296bbd51: 0.7994791664678961\n", "3100. 6dc/eeb9838017311c93485fa2397d358: 0.5353309807364508\n", "3200. 001/0ec984bcf48e6725178ac4b01e437: 0.1082373015038247\n", "3300. 6dc/b8326f4f2a549ef733c11322deb54: 0.9191744182435\n", "3400. db8/f1a9a1d249374bd812bc8e503d6bb: 0.8780815921909185\n", "3500. 493/38186f8d53864cfcc420a30fe6614: 0.22553647340020633\n", "3600. 6dd/b663c9bcfd65e41892941a3a8ee45: 0.4554855485220844\n", "3700. 925/cf3e01c1a538a9ab68b18340493db: 0.6014671517979806\n", "3800. b6f/ef16d386c3bc8407054e6770f6b01: 0.5872957971779844\n", "3900. 6dd/e998f7bb308a10e1a1626d97403d4: 0.36881478870969114\n", "4000. 925/8446fb4bc8bd0bcfed38895bcb3f0: 0.6012660214292512\n", "4100. 494/fe8e1d54f4eb2e047274fe773f47c: 0.732325081164326\n", "4200. b6f/b8e104145f1a13500c88568fcd034: 0.8015452637028944\n", "4300. b6f/9c97824e1bfc0251c74544e0843fc: 0.5943308170072148\n", "4400. 6dd/9c8de01a6fc9ad6a5b3a17b6728cb: 0.9008489565159562\n", "4500. db8/d73dac5d03741c1eda16f3845c7e3: 0.19731676970063486\n", "4600. 002/a9d7a6503fde1428f1840e413555a: 0.6477994901646859\n", "4700. db8/b166116ba6bc84cc5b92392d1fb7d: 0.8406305153012663\n", "4800. 926/7634fd2f3c824fa05329723b5dfb3: 0.6553672769932282\n", "4900. 002/1b15d2f9890093a696986fd870666: 0.7184835475727495\n", "5000. 24c/46abe357eaaea5db0ac1e4d727546: 0.8395785589509109\n", "5100. db9/13c941eed7c8af0a64190a2bf7aab: 0.2552394901810267\n", "5200. 6dd/9fe790b296f163207cc9c598b1c15: 0.6353619272451652\n", "5300. 002/d4d020474b7e97fff124622050a87: 0.577635368995836\n", "5400. 6dd/775821c4316aa023a3c4b014c4cb4: 0.2891905898060622\n", "5500. 6dd/bb3fe7ab52745ac0e7f5619ebd744: 0.41276834700860665\n", "5600. db9/8cbd1301f052f6938b2f36b0d3b7e: 0.5200439552369746\n", "5700. db9/619eb9a63984fdd0857b29666487e: 0.4921028054543793\n", "5800. 926/ed06bd7e5cd7b77cdcf6149b683dd: 0.22778424438629463\n", "5900. db9/39e87eb767662d565f4580fb5fd15: 0.6279922422142146\n", "6000. 927/523af33030414a04417527cde2a88: 0.5236921522564525\n", "6100. 6de/2bdfabd26d108c3a91d7c1fbc3229: 0.6764281219236088\n", "6200. 927/0ff0334b75d19c72251e540a6547e: 0.5747427039355363\n", "6300. 003/1ed9b500c369eb6b4f674e6608d08: 0.6497161811008418\n", "6400. 495/fd2e1e869b269a149c922ca7f5203: 0.10455903334504482\n", "6500. 003/587a2a14a769c9e23e8d281f9862b: 0.268433261553812\n", "6600. db9/a0e2101c0f6d0aa9a529604b20d3e: 0.07293403183523163\n", "6700. db9/98d1197a8704688e05fe301f6ba16: 0.8210440501063306\n", "6800. 927/e1e3e2f88e06e6fff8e4686a5fc38: 0.90187368618775\n", "6900. 495/0f756d9c12f53a8555f9a4c61b3a8: 0.7473692327715942\n", "7000. 927/356f1ed197eeb4b480854d4695e2c: 0.38339230078427367\n", "7100. 495/07ba40b6e0fd1f6ff020fd489a77e: 0.44435558997632923\n", "7200. 6de/add18b7289c3cb211a679bfc2fd65: 0.8044739431105568\n", "7300. 003/92f902e8d9fb8c95518da9f71f4e4: 0.5521758254764529\n", "7400. 6de/5d3a32f01deecb626b3677c376f74: 0.19739336831373408\n", "7500. b71/78b79c1682a166e415179aee719b2: 0.15570355792111093\n", "7600. 6de/4016f2c2b17aa7b705d32c9a0f010: 0.14754648626743866\n", "7700. 6de/25cbc5c554a39b0504c6be11f67be: 0.8764957030363546\n", "7800. 004/474cd2f46269925dc70b2359c83e5: 0.03893491569338219\n", "7900. 004/4a3e5ca8399d7e3f26b879f57faa2: 0.403016556177079\n", "8000. 6df/f6eb1502f8df082429d21edd8087a: 0.3621368459429501\n", "8100. dba/bd4efa7d1afacf4a313283847c95f: 0.4919445538829161\n", "8200. 004/41efd496d593e11f0246306188ed2: 0.2506604550870061\n", "8300. 6df/c4137d0a9c2eaf4a9aaa992358f5b: 0.2398639728540184\n", "8400. 496/105c560b2b9a6a271fc0495a4a8a0: 0.4839574625285139\n", "8500. 6df/9d3c8d8c619e75c95df813657948d: 0.5259620080300733\n", "8600. 496/5b93d7c2dec1294b4dbb219891118: 0.8356698475687776\n", "8700. 24d/c943797844994363197dc1ee2a5c4: 0.7354208956081918\n", "8800. 24d/b681c68a501ed7172c8eac95c9750: 0.1627124682287118\n", "8900. b72/391f783313b367a84228aef2e2f75: 0.6456859760244478\n", "9000. 24e/b25a457daf64ba8f0a59d45d7319f: 0.8587223589434171\n", "9100. dbb/85e3ec1002efd6a520adf04a1f34b: 0.7947111350547992\n", "9200. b72/4bf87dec6c032fed652e7784f614e: 0.7468840069535265\n", "9300. 496/f295bf42adafb5cfe9928fb97d87d: 0.40007907822671906\n", "9400. 928/37668fedf89cbe5e1e27dcb1175c4: 0.14330657522748455\n", "9500. 004/ce5550bcb1dbcb6788b5d460d6a24: 0.8708136104097293\n", "9600. 24e/dfad07f61143f51c3afde8b2e9471: 0.07437353782136931\n", "9700. dbb/89df4480ccdcd995087038cfc9ce4: 0.8402531144499685\n", "9800. dbb/bf7228954d249234b8c2ea76c093b: 0.7877691423865522\n", "9900. 005/51e53b47a5ef5d1391e8ebaa95594: 0.2602008771554431\n", "10000. 6e0/2864ccf194e3c3c0add0b4f24935e: 0.8406114377744384\n", "10100. 005/dceb4f3d9da3c6fb976cc0a5d18be: 0.8723873796479885\n", "10200. 929/a4c4a4af5d47b6834b1819a28b0be: 0.5482843202326215\n", "10300. 497/2eb8d52fa8d5e0e13d5c8a7988fe0: 0.639254868355164\n", "10400. 24e/d3ffd2ccdc506d17cfe099eae0048: 0.17357099844322538\n", "10500. 929/c975667f24ae487d08b7cae52ca4b: 0.8295268619706319\n", "10600. 24e/daf258f7ab6aea3cd930736f23019: 0.7185436243674419\n", "10700. 005/0c2e3f97c0f6f272dd0124e9a5ea2: 0.6465552690103284\n", "10800. dbc/760d7c902aea58d1f92ebf34304e9: 0.8530150603233205\n", "10900. 929/d06a1fe4c393f5eb8b63e3d803bdd: 0.4862937401361202\n", "11000. 929/9dcc092b74c572f84fb5fecf2e317: 0.34893603861719275\n", "11100. 6e0/6854a4b57cc3630137bea65a413a4: 0.33531029706750476\n", "11200. 005/e1fa81b56456606769979f7e28c19: 0.8423209046602556\n", "11300. 005/d627d9ef0a3edb0d5032b8169ae81: 0.3635710091286049\n", "11400. 6e0/d99163cee16292c5b91c3409b3d07: 0.6684139212180631\n", "11500. dbc/ec104f603a7369e5ff42c6d45b4f3: 0.48334377975661597\n", "11600. b73/36665cd5be26029d5dad73e26fc34: 0.589109082825477\n", "11700. 497/f4c7ebafc3291e547f9e528b00f9b: 0.5842723482667398\n", "11800. 24f/f2a6c635a1c727c2341b15694b530: 0.7956041937067508\n", "11900. b73/f97b2683b3fc806afe67679d94eb5: 0.8947963903007301\n", "12000. 006/85dac15f5fa0892cf1e25b33f4358: 0.316697135052622\n", "12100. b73/ea9e00d7cebb3cc426a5e87fb5d99: 0.35873289662080804\n", "12200. 498/dea50a0c80556d4891bb93943c09f: 0.886329134021376\n", "12300. 6e1/f6771a51b3c69bb1665e12ad87d57: 0.34897657777651386\n", "12400. 929/99d35df0c1f15509da2f4bb1194bb: 0.3686808987866493\n", "12500. 929/6bc6ba648c242b2e6cc51da7e0dc4: 0.37241414488184355\n", "12600. 6e1/c92b073179af29fc214fa10d3a707: 0.11396647950898393\n", "12700. 929/634682be11fca733780bc1e115c9b: 0.36425755240081215\n", "12800. 6e1/840cc534b5fd07dc9347276dc3a18: 0.07298761048600562\n", "12900. 6e1/e968e70b2ac547e8b9bfef12586fe: 0.12755443246113907\n", "13000. 6e1/4065d002690ec65d1da177ac1d968: 0.2596474295783569\n", "13100. 006/55d948fe08819028e9f43fa236082: 0.8663900605886581\n", "13200. 6e1/be4d26beeadd38a2007654c08c63e: 0.30468158739338164\n", "13300. 498/e73b03d551a6afc43a3003a900db2: 0.5718557354539235\n", "13400. 007/74f696d27449866b12681c16e50e8: 0.8214670761384676\n", "13500. 6e1/83201f24adbec132870353f495157: 0.34660218298547735\n", "13600. 007/ac404c3fe9a77c3ce2c970122e8e1: 0.2822414820418412\n", "13700. b74/9fac687d38489e06b1a44a1737f11: 0.800111951842764\n", "13800. dbd/60d6a3d09fa54f359ec8325fc772b: 0.3645733293147876\n", "13900. 007/c415a619884624a5275053808d288: 0.23563385722985458\n", "14000. dbd/13c33c7644aa97e7916ae1b70c363: 0.2696332495210224\n", "14100. dbd/4d456de1fa913fb0050ebb20aca9a: 0.8553640683061551\n", "14200. 250/ae729485f82efd06e0af3aa233958: 0.47466250926154896\n", "14300. dbe/a066444384c519667d5c706fadab8: 0.19472821794781084\n", "14400. 92a/47e44a8c7f28fe5ac2cc1cefa5e29: 0.5314341885220623\n", "14500. 250/564341527ae812c9846e0e70c4d42: 0.44290880028529417\n", "14600. 6e2/e89c7d6ec5fa0185ceb3311decb13: 0.9425676074585932\n", "14700. dbe/ee56e510f066b1d3c0cab4fc77947: 0.6359902294636574\n", "14800. 499/65ab87d80e2731f2a80a353873a13: 0.8831674073091023\n", "14900. 6e2/9fe566bef4df7531ed68e1bf22647: 0.24611194764608785\n", "15000. dbe/e6e8f8a9759f5c960d6ff7c24ac64: 0.11933688995309673\n", "15100. b75/6e4b22d07a6ba68dacd18e9bdecd2: 0.8184409645584184\n", "15200. dbe/82464455032b7a0d47be83f628f6a: 0.8153008942283769\n", "15300. 251/bdd0f73a3fbf6ab869248d5eea545: 0.8274370506183272\n", "15400. 92b/78332d8bafb1485d2af8b2e6e7ad0: 0.6226982270203394\n", "15500. 6e2/ab069d0fa444961b419ea7a840c15: 0.8666285673872125\n", "15600. 008/569c444a0f4eda028fefd110e1324: 0.6198007734562031\n", "15700. 251/f0a9ddf1838e28a72374709755448: 0.6670540634727998\n", "15800. b75/2b3a61339345230b45ad54c2d5027: 0.2194213125620962\n", "15900. 251/9bec70aee4da5e4bb2569d80bb672: 0.6008314106239521\n", "16000. 6e3/dcdbc23e43bae084831282caa6b92: 0.7021943366530365\n", "16100. 008/54d2b209747cf6abcd120308c0664: 0.3279116232652746\n", "16200. 49a/b402e7ea3aafffdcdb00756f1b042: 0.14515276690349316\n", "16300. 49a/f007eb92cc981082bedfeca1a66c2: 0.19532864695835989\n", "16400. 251/14b9d9033ab717503ef77e48354fe: 0.24811746005419036\n", "16500. 49a/507ada19cb96199212c5ddc7aea7e: 0.4859144592044325\n", "16600. 6e3/20d516881240eada92bd605c7a7e0: 0.5411139717616302\n", "16700. dbf/a28ca01abe2d296f7887361c0e9bb: 0.787688520123996\n", "16800. dbf/a09a9e2e0cfb6cf5b0856aebbef86: 0.23710933737313689\n", "16900. 49a/d8853de60a5edbd461ec0ec904d0d: 0.14330657522748455\n", "17000. 008/6cbd426e282075bfb4ca3dc1cdb1f: 0.5997686435089838\n", "17100. 49a/76e825ee11bd552d2fba97723628f: 0.7063070652580535\n", "17200. 252/6531aa50fd7349c2c80ffca073345: 0.16464884094176505\n", "17300. b77/504113a4a9b68880cca4d4eee2b34: 0.8493379029126004\n", "17400. 92b/0ac362911350895357f636ab706f7: 0.7440904646140838\n", "17500. dc0/ac764289ee6a21c93f7028a0d31a7: 0.8950749712610743\n", "17600. 252/1aa0707873a6eee8656c4f396f869: 0.7736853010894674\n", "17700. dc0/3e1be07f7589aea25bc34c8a63a16: 0.3012638430213947\n", "17800. 6e4/57056d6ce4d3df2cb7c845457da2c: 0.6871715867542649\n", "17900. 252/43f8f5863b4cf8b88216593847d8f: 0.824908195426894\n", "18000. 6e4/78fe83f542a844ff096165dcb4967: 0.1994563084362479\n", "18100. 009/e04a1d37d2fcce7f3d4049d15276a: 0.7421285431542967\n" ] }, { "ename": "KeyboardInterrupt", "evalue": "", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[1;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 16\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# Wrap the query in a server-side cursor, to avoid\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 17\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# loading the plaintext for all docs into memory.\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m---> 18\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0msy\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mServerSide\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mquery\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 19\u001b[0m \u001b[0mexamples\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mappend\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0msy\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtext\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 20\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/playhouse/postgres_ext.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mServerSide\u001b[1;34m(select_query)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 413\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 414\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# Expose generator for iterating over query.\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 415\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mobj\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mquery_result\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0miterator\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 416\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32myield\u001b[0m \u001b[0mobj\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/peewee.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36miterator\u001b[1;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1787\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0miterator\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1788\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mwhile\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mTrue\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1789\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32myield\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0miterate\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1790\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1791\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnext\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m/home/ubuntu/osp/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/peewee.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36miterate\u001b[1;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1774\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1775\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0miterate\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1776\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mrow\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcursor\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfetchone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1777\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0mrow\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1778\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_populated\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mTrue\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__new__\u001b[1;34m(_cls, name, type_code, display_size, internal_size, precision, scale, null_ok)\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m: " ] } ], "source": [ "from playhouse.postgres_ext import ServerSide\n", "from osp.corpus.models.text import Document_Text\n", " \n", "# Select all texts.\n", "query = Document_Text.select()\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "# Mapping from a syllabus id to its predicted probability of being a syllabus\n", "predictions = {}\n", "\n", "# Counter\n", "i = 0\n", "\n", "# Wrap the query in a server-side cursor, to avoid\n", "# loading the plaintext for all docs into memory.\n", "for sy in ServerSide(query):\n", " examples.append(sy.text)\n", " \n", " # Featurize text of document\n", " sy_features = text_preprocessing.transform([sy.text])\n", "\n", " # Predict probability\n", " p = lr.predict_proba(sy_features)[0,1]\n", "\n", " predictions[sy.document] = p\n", " if i % 100 == 0:\n", " print('{}. {}: {}'.format(i, sy.document, p))\n", " i += 1" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "How well did we do? I stop at this point to label some documents, to make sure our training sample was representative." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 304, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[\" Module: Strategic International HRM Archived Version 2006 - 2007 Sep OCT Nov 20 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n20 Oct 07 - 20 Oct 07 Close\\nHelp DCU RECEIVES OVER 23m in PRTLI RESEARCH FUNDING -100% 'SUCCESS' RATE - STUDY AT DCU - RESEARCH - MORE ABOUT DCU - NEWS search Registry Module Specifications Archived Version 2006 - 2007 Module Title Strategic International HRM Module Code HR524 School DCUBS Online Module Resources Module Co-ordinatorProf Kathy MonksOffice NumberQ242 Level 5 Credit Rating 5 Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None Module Aims To enable managers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the critical issues in strategic HRM. Learning Outcomes The manager will gain both a theoretical and practical understanding of key issues in strategic HRM and an insight into the latest research findings on strategic HRM issues. The manager's communication, presentation and team working abilities will be enhanced through the assessment for this module. Indicative Time Allowances Hours Lectures 24 Tutorials 0 Laboratories 0 Seminars 0 Independent Learning Time 51 Total 75 Placements Assignments NOTE Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module. Indicative Syllabus This course will include a lecture and case based analysis of the nature of strategic HRM and its key elements and a series of presentations and workshops by guest speakers. The lectures will include an analysis of models of SHRM and will cover topics such as recruitment and selection, training and development, health and safety and information systems. AssessmentContinuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0% Indicative Reading List Essential: Roche, W., Monks, K., and Walsh, J. 1998. Strategic HRM: An Irish Perspective. Dublin: Oak Tree Press Supplementary: Storey. J. 1995. Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. London: Routledge. Tyson, S. 1995. Human Resource Strategy. London: Pitman. Programme or List of Programmes MHRMBS in Human Resource StrategiesTimetable this semester: Timetable for HR524\\nArchives:See the module specification for HR524 in 2003 - 2004See the module specification for HR524 in 2004 - 2005See the module specification for HR524 in 2005 - 2006See the module specification for HR524 in 2006 - 2007See the module specification for the current year the registry\\nall module specifications\\nmodule specifications by school\\nprogramme academic structure\\nsearch module specifications\\nall programme descriptions \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Syllabus 1A-3 Apr MAY Jun 20 2005 2006 2007 1 captures\\n20 May 06 - 20 May 06 Close\\nHelp Syllabus French 1A-3 Fall\\r2005 Dr. Gunter agunter@csus.edu Office hours: M-W 10.am to 11.oo p.m.\\rand by appointment Office MRP 2065 Course Catalog Description: First semester of College French, corresponding\\rroughly to 1-2 semesters of high school French.\\rThis is a beginning French course.\\rThe French focuses on the development of development of elementary\\rlinguistic skill, with emphasis on the spoken language. The relationship of the language to French\\rcivilization and culture is given special attention. Course objectives The\\rcourse equally, develops the four language skills: oral comprehension, oral expression, writing,\\rand reading It\\rfamiliarizes the student with the Francophone world. The\\rcourse objectives are to provide instruction and practice towards competence in\\rFrench oral and written communication.\\rStudents can present themselves and others, greet others and answer\\rgreetings, request and thanks, give and receive instructions, count to 100+,\\rtell dates and time, express likes and dislikes, agree or disagree, construct\\rnegative sentences, and phrase simple questions, be fluent in regular and\\rirregular tenses, state near future sequence, and finally develop the\\rappropriate French language pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and articulation. Thus each student\\rwill be expected to: 1) Converse (speak with acceptable pronunciation and\\runderstand spoken French) in simple but correct French, demonstrating mastery\\rof the vocabulary and grammatical concepts. 2) Write in simple\\rbut correct French, demonstrating mastery of the vocabulary and grammatical\\rconcepts included in the Green pages of Motifs. An Introduction to French (required\\rtextbook) 3) Read and\\runderstand simple French texts, available in your Textbook under Perspectives Culturelles (From Modules 1-5) 4) Demonstrate an\\runderstanding of appropriate speech and conduct within French culture, and an\\runderstanding of cultural differences and similarities between France and the U.S. 5) To make the learning of a\\rFrench an enjoyable experience so that students will improve their\\rmastery of the language and interest in the culture (French and the Francophone\\rworld) even after the course is completed. The\\rcourse will provide basic information on French culture and civilization. It will open a global window on the\\rFrancophone World, through text material, music and videos. In addition,\\rstudents will develop valuable electronic communication skills and general presentation\\rskills. Textbook and Material Required 1. Motifs\\r: An introduction to French. (3e ed.), Jansma\\r& Kassen; Harcourt College\\rPublishers. Quia Online Card Workbook/Lab\\rManual, Jansma & Kassen;\\rHarcourt College Publishers. 2. The package includes 2 CD and a book-key code\\r( onlineCard) to access\\rrequired Quia exercises. The\\rbook is available and can be purchased from CSU Sacramento Bookstore 3.\\rUse 2 or 3 Blank CD-R (which CANNOT be magnetic) will be burned free of\\rcharge at the language lab, MRP 2002. These CD are part of the listening\\rexercises and are excellent tools for your comprehension, and will help you\\rprepare the exercise from the Lab Manual. 4. During the first week,\\rsecure your own Saclink account to enter\\ryour webCt account. (see\\rsyllabus, announcements and grades) Method The course covers modules 1 to\\r5. Active student participation is\\rrequired. Oral comprehension and practice are essential to become comfortable\\rwith all aspects of the language and culture. Oral\\rparticipation includes, repeating, readings, games, singing, creating cultural\\rsituations and finally one final dialog. Quizzes, exercises, dictation, electronic\\rwritten responses and dialogues build lexical and grammatical skills. Listening to the lab\\raudiocassettes and completing the exercises in the Quia OnlineWorkbook/ Lab Manual, is an essential part of the\\rcourse. Homework Homework\\ris assigned on a weekly schedule and is due every each Monday during the\\rsemester. Homework is late and penalized after the weekly deadline. Late homework will not receive points. 1. See Quia Weekly Schedule where all exercises, quizzes, and tests are\\rlisted. 2. 5 compositions are assigned with the 5\\rmodules. Each composition is based on\\rthe new vocabulary and grammar, presented within each module. They must be typed, double spaced, and\\rpresented according to the course\\rschedule. 3. Pronunciation exercises are assigned\\rthrough Quia schedule. 4. Dictation, including the new\\rvocabulary, is given at the end of each module. 5. Oral exercises (2 to 3 minutes), or\\rrecitation, and the Oral Final Presentation (5 minutes) will be listed in the Quia Schedule. 6. Cultural information on the Francophone\\rWorld is presented within each module of the textbook. It includes music, visual tapes, food and\\rvarious class activities. There will be a cultural quiz for each module. Content of\\rtests: All 5 tests are\\rintegrative and comprehensive exams on the content of each module. Module exams will include (a) a\\rlistening comprehension section, b) vocabulary exercises, c) grammar exercises,\\rd) a culture section, (e) a reading comprehension section. For each module, you\\rwill be asked to write a short composition. Oral tests including the Oral Final test will\\renable you to gauge your command of the material covered (look in your textbook under \" Thmes et pratiques de\\rConversation en franais\" at the beginning of\\reach chapter) and are a valuable tool for your self-assessment. Required Grading Students\\rgrade depends on performance on tests, quizzes, oral activities, and\\rparticipation in class as well in attendance. Each module is verified with sets of oral and written\\ranswers. Tests 30% Oral activities 25% Written and\\rhomework activities 35% Attendance 10% Each formal test has a\\rcultural component and verifies oral comprehension and written performance. (30%) Written\\ractivities: Homework\\ris verified through Quia. Quizzes are often conducted\\rwith electronic sets (see Quia schedules). It\\rincludes compositions, and dictations. (35%) Oral performance includes recitation,\\rdialogues, class performance, final oral test (25%) Performance in class exercises\\r, and attendance (10%) Grade distribution: total\\rpoints: 2000 points 5 module + cultural tests 600\\rpoints 1\\roral presentation 200\\rpoints 5\\roral activities/ recitation 200\\rpoints Class\\roral participation 200\\rpoints Quia Homework/ composition/dictations 800 points Attendance* 100\\rpoints There is absolutely NO MAKE UP for the scheduled\\rtests, quizzes, or homework within the semester. * For attendance and participation, students\\rare automatically given 100 points, since presence in class is required, roll\\ris called on a daily routine, and participation is always mandatory. Only\\rmedical excuse can be acceptable. An excused medical absence must be documented\\rfrom a doctor or the student clinic, on campus.\\rIt is the student responsibility to inform the instructor in case of\\rabsence, within e-mail. Any unexcused absence is deducted with 20 points. In\\rcases of unexcused absence, each student is allowed 4 absences without point\\rdeduction. 10 unexcused absences will\\rimmediately incur into a final F in this class. Note: More than 10 unexcused absences will change\\rany grade to a semester F. Grading scale 93-100% A 70-\\r72% C- 90- 92% A- 67-\\r69% D+ 87- 89% B+ 63-\\r66% D 83- 86% B 60-\\r62% D- 80- 82% B- 0-\\r59% F 77- 79% C+ 73- 76% C If you have questions\\ror problems relating to the content of the course or your grade, please consult\\rme during my office hours or send me an email. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' ARTH 286/686 ~ 20th Century Art 1900-1945 Apr MAY Jun 2 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n2 May 07 - 2 May 07 Close\\nHelp ARTH 286/686 20th Century Art 1900-1945\\nInstructor: Professor Kavky\\nMWF 11-12 Course Description | Syllabus (MS Word) | Images | Course Home Page Department Home Page Page created and maintained by: Tammy Betterson Last update: September 21, 2001 For departmental information: info@dept.arthistory.upenn.edu Web-related questions or comments: webmaster@dept.arthistory.upenn.edu ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Syllabus for CHEM-642 Biochemistry Spring 2002 AUG OCT MAR 18 2001 2002 2004 17 captures\\n6 Mar 02 - 28 Sep 12 Close\\nHelp CHEM-642\\nBiochemistry\\nSyllabus\\n- Spring 2002 Course\\nCatalog Description: Intermediary metabolism of lipids,\\namino acids, purines and pyrimidines; nucleic acid chemistry; protein and\\nnucleic acid synthesis; molecular basis of genetic regulation; and selected\\ntopics. Prerequisite CHEM-641. Through March 21\\nFrom March 26 on Instructors:\\nHal\\nWhite\\nJunghuei\\nChen Office:\\nPhone:\\ne-mail:\\n123 Brown Laboratory\\n831-2908\\nhalwhite@udel.edu\\n105A Drake Laboratory\\n831-1035\\njunghuei@udel.edu Meeting\\nTime and Place: Section 10 meets 3:30 to 4:45 PM Tuesdays and\\nThursdays in 004 Drake Hall. Section 11 meets 9:30 to 10:45 AM Tuesdays\\nand Thursdays in 205 Brown Laboratory. Because morning and afternoon lectures\\nwill be presented by the same professor and because there will be common\\nhourly and final examinations for both sections, students may attend either\\nor both lectures. However, because 004 Drake Hall has limited seating (~25),\\nstudents registered for a particular section have seating priority.\\nSee Semester\\nSchedule.\\nOffice\\nHours: Dr. White will see students on the spur of the moment,\\nif he is free. Otherwise, students should sign-up in an open time on the\\ndaily schedule next to his office door or arrange a meeting by phone or\\ne-mail. Dr. Chen\\'s office hours are 9:00 to 11:00 Friday mornings.\\nText:\\nGarrett\\nand Grisham, Biochemistry, Saunders College Publishing.\\nConsider this text as a resource to be read in conjunction with the lectures.\\nWhile the lectures will follow the sequence of chapters, specific reading\\nassignments will not be made. It is the student\\'s responsibility to locate\\nand read relevant parts of the text to enhance learning. Students who use\\nthe text to prepare for lecture and subsequently to interpret difficult\\nparts of the lectures, benefit significantly.\\nExaminations\\nand Grading: There will be two hourly examinations (25% each)\\nto be held on Saturday mornings (March 9 and May 4) so that both sections\\ncan take common exams at the same time. Make sure to keep those dates available.\\nThe final examination (40%) will be comprehensive. There will be no make-up\\nexaminations. The normalized grade on the final examination will be substituted\\nfor a missed hourly; thus, the final examination will constitute 60% of\\nthe grade for a student who misses one hourly examination. The remaining\\n10% of the grade will be based on homework in the first half of the course.\\nMetabolic\\npathway sheets will be available on examinations. [See First hourlies\\nfor Spring\\n2000, 2001,\\n& 2002\\nand Dr. White\\'s part of the Spring\\n2000 & Spring\\n2001 Final Examinations.]\\nWe assume that students who\\ntake CHEM-642 have learned the following in CHEM-641: know the structures and names\\nof the fundamental building blocks of macromolecules, have an appreciation of protein\\nstructure and function, have a basic understanding of\\nenzyme kinetics and mechanism, recognize the structures and\\nknow the chemical function of coenzymes, and understand the catabolism of\\nglucose and fatty acids to carbon dioxide and water with the formation\\nof ATP. We also assume that students\\ncan apply basic concepts learned in general chemistry, organic chemistry,\\nand general biology.\\nCHEM-642 is a graduate-level\\ncourse. We know that the students enrolled have the background and ability\\nto do well and we presume that all are interested in learning. If everyone\\ndoes high-quality work, everyone will get an \"A\" in this course. In that\\nsense, the grades are not curved. However, based on past experience, there\\nis a spectrum of performance and we have to decide what constitutes the\\nexcellence worthy of an \"A.\" Based on past results, the average grade in\\nthis course is in the B to B+ range.\\nProblem\\nSets: Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.\"\\nThis perceptive Chinese proverb,\\nrecognizes the limited effect of lectures. Involvement is the key to learning.\\nThe process is as important as \"the answer.\" While reading and studying\\nhelp learning, solving problems focuses learning on knowledge gaps and\\nrequires one to review and integrate knowledge. We wish to promote this\\nconceptual understanding through involvement. Thus, we will assign homework\\nproblems which will be graded in the first half of the course. These challenging\\nproblems, posted on the course web-site, are intended to stimulate understanding\\nby thinking about and analyzing material from the research literature.\\nThey may require 5 to 10 hours or more per week to complete (and double\\nthat to grade). Problem sets will not be accepted after the day they are\\ndue.\\nWhile only individuals learn,\\ninteractions with others can enhance the learning process. Thus, students\\nmay work together on solving these problems. However, \"working\\ntogether\" here does not imply a divide-and-conquer approach in which students\\npool their individual work, but do not discuss it. Plagiarism or paraphrasing\\nthe work of others does not demonstrate understanding. Write-up your own\\nanswers in words that show that you understand. Also, if you work\\nin a group, indicate who you worked with on your assignments. If you are\\nuncertain about what constitutes plagiarism or how the university deals\\nwith cases of intellectual dishonesty such as plagiarism, check out the\\nstudent\\nhandbook web-site devoted to these issues.\\nCourse\\nPhilosophy: Biochemistry is a huge field and still growing.\\nEach year the Journal of Biological Chemistry\\n(JBC) publishes over 35,000 pages of research articles. Biochemistry,\\nCell,\\nScience,\\nNature, Proceedings\\nof the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and a host of other\\njournals multiply that number many fold! Even in a two-semester course,\\nthere is no way to cover\\nmany important topics that ideally\\nshould be covered. Our goal is to\\nuncover core principles\\nthat students can use and build on. Part of each examination will reflect\\nthat philosophy by including new material that must be analyzed, synthesized,\\nand evaluated in the context of the course.\\nWhile memorized facts (e.\\ng. amino acid names, structures, and one-letter representations) are important\\nto understanding biochemistry in the same way that vocabulary is important\\nto speaking a language, it is the way facts (and words) are put together\\nin conceptual frameworks that lead to understanding. We will try to provide\\nthis structure and meaning by connecting biochemical information to other\\ndisciplines such as nutrition, molecular biology, organic chemistry, medicine,\\nevolution, etc. However, there is only so much we can do. To understand\\nbiochemistry, one must be able to speak \"the language\" without a \"dictionary.\"\\nOne can gain or test that ability by working together on homework problems,\\nby attending research seminars, or by doing research.\\nExtracurricular\\nActivities: Throughout the semester there will be lectures and\\ndiscussion groups on biochemical topics. The Biochemistry\\nSeminar meets Mondays at 4 PM in 214 Brown Laboratory. This weekly\\nseries features distinguished biochemists talking about their current research.\\nIn addition, seminars in the Physical/Analytical\\nChemistry Seminar Series on Mondays, the Organic/Inorganic\\nSeminar Series on Wednesdays, and the Biological Sciences Seminar Series\\non Wednesdays often deal with topics of biochemical interest. There also\\nis a Science Education Seminar Series this semester. At noon on Fridays,\\nthere is a Biochemistry Journal Club in 212 Brown Laboratory where faculty\\nand graduate students present material from the recent biochemical literature.\\nStudents are welcome at all of these. Although course credit is not obtained\\nby attending these presentations, they provide an opportunity to expand\\nand consolidate your biochemical knowledge. You are especially encouraged\\nto attend if you are doing or plan to do research in a biochemically-related\\nfield. A list of speakers and their topics is posted on the Department\\'s\\nweb-site. Return to Hal\\nWhite\\'s Home Page, Course\\nHome Page, Departmental Home\\nPage.\\nLast updated: 29 March 2002 by Hal\\nWhite\\nCopyright 2002, Harold B. White, Department of Chemistry\\nand Biochemistry, University of Delaware ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" MICDS United States History Course - Unit II Syllabus (Democracy and Republicanism) APR JUN Jul 26 2007 2008 2009 2 captures\\n12 Apr 08 - 26 Jun 08 Close\\nHelp MICDS US History An Adventure in Knowledge THE COURSE Course Overview Course Mission Statement Course Description Thematic Units and Course Content For Comparison, Traditional Chronological Units Course Grade - Rubric Timeline Rubric History Department Policies US History Timeline Unit I - Intro to US History Unit I Syllabus (Intro to US History) Unit II - Democracy and Republicanism Unit II Syllabus (Democracy and Republicanism) Online Primary Sources and Secondary Readings Unit III - Constitutionalism and Federalism Unit III Syllabus (Constitutionalism/Federalism) Online Primary Sources and Secondary Readings-III Unit IV - Expansion and Industrialization Unit IV-Expansion/Industrialization Syllabus Online Primary Sources and Secondary Readings (IV) Unit V - Immigration and Class Unit V Syllabus (Immigration and Class) Online Primary/Secondary Sources (V) Unit VI - Revolution, Reform and Protest Unit VI Syllabus (Revolution, Reform, Protest) Unit VI Sources (Primary and Secondary) Unit VII - Race and Racism Unit VII Syllabus (Race and Racism) Unit VII Links (Primary and Secondary Sources) Unit VIII - Foreign Policy Unit VIII Syllabus (Foreign Policy) Unit VIII Links (Primary and Secondary Sources) Unit IX - Final Project Unit IX Final Project Syllabus Final Projects Visitor's Welcome Page Teachers and Classes Irvin's Classes Irvin's Announcements and Assignments Irvin's Class Notes Irvin's Student Pages Joshua Bromberg Josh's Journal Josh's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jacob Brown Jacob's Journal Jacob's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Park Desloge Park's Journal Park's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Julia Gilbert Julia's Journal Julia's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Emily Huck Emily H's Journal Emily H's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Robert Jones Robert's Journal Robert's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jeffrey Kiske Jeffrey Kiske's Journal Jeffrey Kiske's Links (Notebook/Timelines/Etc) Ben Llufrio Ben's Journal Ben's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) McKenna Morey McKenna's Journal McKenna's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Patrick Noles Patrick's Journal Patrick's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Steven Pope Steven's Journal Steven's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jullian Price-Baez Jullian's Journal Jullian's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Umair Qutubuddin Umair's Journal Umair's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Mark Trelstad Mark's Journal Mark's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Cameran Vakassi Cameran's Journal Cameran's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Elizabeth Veron Elizabeth V's Journal Elizabeth V's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Adam Aleshire Adam's Journal Adam's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Mohammed Haseeb Mohammed's Journal Mohammed's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jonathan James Jonathan's Journal Jonathan's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Abhinav Kanakadandila Abhinav's Journal Abhinav's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Levi Kirkland Levi's Journal Levi's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Evan Kutta Evan Kutta's Journal Evan Kutta's Link (Notebook/Timelines) Martin Lammert Martin's Journal Martin's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Daniel Liu Daniel's Journal Daniel's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Caroline Mueller Caroline's Journal Caroline's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Nato Neri Nato's Journal Nato's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Emily Polak Emily P's Journal Emily P's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Stephanie Stillings Stephanie's Journal Stephanie's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Sagon Taylor Sagon's Journal Sagon's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Daphne Washington Daphne's Journal Daphne's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Abby Wolff Abby's Journal Abby's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Curtis Yancy Curtis' Journal Curtis' Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Michael Yount Michael Y's Journal Michael Y's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Faraz Qaisrani Faraz's Journal Faraz's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Murray's Class Murray's Announcements and Assignments Mr. Murray's Class Notes By Unit Unit I - Intro to US History (Notes) Murray's Student Pages Nada Al-Sharif Nada's Journal Nada's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Juliette Eiseman Juliette's Journal Juliette's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Patrick Forbringer Patrick F's Journal Patrick F's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Wyatt Frost Wyatt's Journal Wyatt's Links Ryan George Ryan's Journal Ryan's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Cadence Hodes Cadence's Journal Cadence's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Laura Hollo Laura's Journal Laura's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Elizabeth Leadbeater Elizabeth L's Journal Elizabeth L's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Courtney Mallin Courtney's Journal Courtney's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) William McCormick Will M's Journal Will M's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Sam Reed Sam R's Journal Sam R's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Chase Schaefer Chase's Journal Chase's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Kyle Zeis Kyle's Journal Kyle's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Small's Classes Small's Announcements And Assignments Small's Class Notes By Unit Unit I - Intro to US History (Class Notes) Unit II Democracy/Republicanism (Class Notes) Unit III Constitutionalism/Federalism -Class Notes Unit IV-Expansion/Industrialization-Class Notes Unit V - Immigration and Class (Class Notes) Unit VI -Revolution, Reform, Protest (Class Notes) Unit VII Race and Racism (Class Notes) Unit VIII Foreign Policy (Class Notes) Small'sStudent Pages Hayley Babcock Hayley's Journal Hayley's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Matt Bazoian Matt Baz's Journal Matt Baz's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Matt Bell Matt Bell's Journal Matt Bell's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Ozan Bergen Ozan's Journal Ozan's Links (Notebooks/Timelines/Papers) Aaron-Micheal Blackman Aaron's Journal Aaron's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Kimaya Black Kimaya's Journal Kimaya's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Jeff Blomker Jeff's Journal Jeff's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jordan Breck Jordan's Journal Jordan's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Michael Brodsky M.Brodsky's Journal M.Brodsky's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Dagny Challoner Dagny's Journal Dagny's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Parker Condie Parker's Journal Parker's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Brian Denning Brian D's Journal Brian D's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) George Desloge George's Journal George's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Michael Fancher Michael's Journal Michael's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Berkley Frost Berkley's Journal Berkley's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Elizabeth Galanis Elizabeth G.'s Journal Elizabeth G's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Megha Garg Megha's Journal Megha's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Justin Giles Justin's Journal Justin's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Will Goley Will G's Journal Will G's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Bijon Hill Bijon's Journal Bijon's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) James Holthaus James H's Journal James H's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jessica Houghtaling Jessica's Journal Jessica's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Katie Johnson Katie's Journal Katie's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Brittany Jones Brittany's Journal Brittany's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Leigh Kaiser Leigh's Journal Leigh's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Nina Katzenstein Nina's Journal Nina's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Emily Kiske Emily's Journal Emily's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Carly Klinger Carly's Journal Carly's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Rick Lottenbach Rick's Journal Rick's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Will Lucas Will Lucas' Journal Will Lucas' Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Andrew Mellow Andrew's Journal Andrew's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Marian McMillion Marian's Journal Marian's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Karolina Michalik Karolina's Journal Karolina's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jeremiah Oteh Jeremiah's Journal Jeremiah's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jennifer Pack Jen's Journal Jen's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Geoff Phillips Geoff's Journal Geoff's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Jeb Pierce Jeb's Journal Jeb's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Alex Pilkington Alex's Journal Alex's Link (Notebooks/Timelines) Naima Ross Naima's Journal Naima's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Derek Sanderson Derek's Journal Derek's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Richard Sant Richard's Journal Richard's Link (Notebooks/Timelines) Sam Santana Sam's Journal Sam's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Shelley Seehra Shelley's Journal Shelley's Links (Notebook/Timelines) Sky Seo Sky's Journal Sky's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Nick Shortal Nick's Journal Nick's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Logan Stone Logan's Journal Logan's Link (Notebooks/Timelines) Christian Tobias Christian's Journal Christian's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Christina Wroten Christina's Journal Christina's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) Aaron Wallach Aaron W's Journal Aaron W's Links (Notebooks/Timelines) TEACHER/STUDENT LOGIN Useful Links StudyTools Timelines FlashCards GoogleNotebook How to Use the StudyTools Creating Gmail (Google)Account Google Docs (For Paper Sharing andPublishing) Establishing Google Notebook Tab OnBrowser Textbook CompanionWebsite Research Resources - Library andBeyond BIG 6 Problem SolvingSkills HistoryMatters Library of Congress AmericanMemory Library of Congress LearningLinks New York Public Library DigitalCollection Subject Directory for PrimarySources Upper School LibraryWebpage Additional Final ProjectLinks GooglePages EmbedTimelines EmbedPowerpoints EmbedVideos Examples of pastprojects MoreExamples How to citeyoutube Search Site By Keyword! No website changes have been recorded. Subscribe No RSS feeds have been linked to this section. WebsiteInformation WebsiteLicense Small's CourseEvaluation Unit II Syllabus (Democracy and Republicanism) Unit II - Democracy and Republicanism - Syllabus 2007-2008.doc(34K) Copyright 2007, Scott Small. All rights reserved. \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' HISTORY 661 APR AUG Sep 19 2003 2004 2005 3 captures\\n29 Feb 04 - 19 Aug 04 Close\\nHelp HISTORY 661 Professor Jules Tygiel Tuesdays, 4:10-7:30 Science 224, x81119 http://bss.sfsu.edu/tygiel/hist661 hist685@sfsu.edu Office Hours: TU 3-4, W 6-7 INTRODUCTION TO SPSS The purpose of this course will be to introduce students to the compilation, access, and analysis of databases using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Students will learn to create databases, locate databases on the internet and be given an introduction to statistical analysis. During the first part of the course students will perform statistical analysis based on a database provided by the instructor and write an explanatory paper. During the latter portion of the course, students will select their own base from the Internet and perform data analysis on that database and write a paper. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE: I strongly advise all students who wish to work at home and have Windows home computers that are powerful enough to handle it to purchase copies of the SPSS 10.0 Student Version. These software packages (or the graduate student versions of SPSS 10.0 for students) are available at the bookstore, or, you may order them directly from Prentice Hall through their Web page: www.prenhall.com. Use their search engine and ask for SPSS 10.0. Unfortunately they are not cheap. COURSE PREREQUISITES: All students enrolled in this course are expected to have completed History 660 or have commensurate computer skills. These skills include: 1) Familiarity with the BSS Computer Network 2) Familiarity with a Windows environment 3) Ability to manage files in these environments. 4) Ability to use e-mail (You must have an e-mail account). 5) Familiarity with Netscape, Internet Explorer or other web browsers. 6) Ability to use internet search tools. GRADING: The major part of the final grade will be based on the two reports indicating how well students have mastered SPSS and can apply it to the databases. These reports will be due on April 13 and May 25. There will also be assignments for students to demonstrate their competency in using SPSS. LECTURE AND LABORATORY: The class consists of two sections: lecture and laboratory. In general, the session from 4:10 to 5:40 will be devoted to lecture and the session from 5:40 to 7:30 to a laboratory session. However, different subjects will require more discussion time than others, necessitating extending the lectures into the laboratory session. At other times, the instructor might alternate lecture and discussion for shorter periods. It is essential that students attend lectures, as most of the material we will be studying is not covered in the textbooks. The laboratory sessions are optional, but they are the best time for students to complete their assignments and work out any problems they have with the instructor. Contrary to the course schedule, since we will not be taking a break between the lecture and laboratory sessions, the class will end at 7:20. All students should bring a zip disk or two 3-1/2 inch, high-density, double-sided disks to the laboratory sessions. They are available at the bookstore. STATISTICS: This course is not a class in statistics, but it will provide a brief introduction and review of basic statistical concepts. For those of you who need additional help with the statistical part of the course, I suggest the following texts: Freeman F. Elzey, A Programmed Introduction to Statistics Frederick Williams, Reasoning With Statistics Derek Rowntree, Statistics Without Tears: a Primer for Non- Mathematicians John L. Phillips, How To Think About Statistics READING ASSIGNMENTS AND CLASS SCHEDULE\\n(This schedule will be highly flexible. Some topics may take us less time than anticipated, others more. If there are any additional subjects that you wish to cover or additional things that you wish to do with the data, let the instructor know. We will adjust the syllabus accordingly.) February 3 Introduction/ Writing a Codebook Handouts: Terms to Remember; African American Workers in World War I. Assignment: Begin writing your Codebook for the World War I Database; Include Variables, Variable Names, Relevant Value Labels, Levels of Measurement. February 10 Constructing SPSS Programs Using the Data Editor\\nAssignment: Complete Codebook; Define Variables in SPSS; Print out File Info Command; enter World War I data. February 17 Constructing SPSS Programs Using the Data Editor--II\\nAssignment: Enter World War I Data; submit printout using Case Summaries Command. February 24 Frequencies Assignment: Run frequencies for World War I Database and submit printout. March 2 Descriptive Statistics for Frequencies Assignment: Run frequencies for all variables in the San Francisco Working Women database. Select seven variables for further analysis and produce the appropriate descriptive statistics and tables. These variables should include nominal, ordinal, and interval/ratio variables. March 9 Data Transformation: Recode, Compute, If Assignment: Recode and Compute new variables for SF Working Women Data Base.\" March 16 Sampling and Testing Differences in Means Assignment: Using Working Women Data Base, determine whether there are statistically significant differences between groups for the following variables: age, number of people in household, family size. March 23 SPRING BREAK March 30 Bivariate Analysis: Crosstabs and Means Assignment: Create Crosstabs tables for first paper. April 6 Finding Data Bases on the Internet Assignment: Select a database to use for your second paper. April 13 Bivariate Analysis: Correlations and Oneway ANOVA FIRST PAPER DUE April 20 Correlations, Plots, and Regression Analysis April 27 Correlations, Plots and Regression Analysis--2 May 4 Multivariate Analysis: Crosstabs and Partial Correlation May 11 Multivariate Analysis: Multiple Regression May 18 Extended Laboratory May 25 SECOND PAPER DUE ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" 1!The Supreme Court and the Judicial Process POSI 4311 (WI) Spring 2013 INSTRUCTOR AND COURSE INFORMATION: Professor: Dr. Paul R. DeHart Office: 343 Undergraduate Advising Center Office Phone: (512) 245-3281 Email: pd18@txstate.edu Office Hours: M,W from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Course Meeting Time: T, H from 2-3:20 Course Location: UAC 306 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE INFORMATION: Office: 355 Undergraduate Advising Center Phone: (512) 245-2143 Fax: (512) 245-7815 Website: http://www.polisi.txstate.edu Liberal Arts Computer Lab: 440 Undergraduate Advising Center Computer Lab Website: http://www.polisci.txtstate.edu/resources/computer-lab.html LEARNING OUTCOMES: The Department of Political Science has adopted student learning outcomes for general education courses (POSI 2310 and POSI 2320) and for all undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered in the Department of Political Science. These outcomes are available for your review at http://www.polisci.txstate.edu Pull down the Student Resources menu and go to Learning Outcomes. REQUIRED TEXTS: Barber, Sotirios A. and James E. Fleming. Constitutional Interpretation: The Basic Questions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Murphy, Jeffrie G. and Jules L. Coleman. Philosophy of Law: An Introduction to Jurisprudence, Revised Edition. Westview Press, 1990. Murphy, Walter F., C. Herman Pritchett, Lee Epstein, and Jack Knight. Courts, Judges, & Politics: An Introduction to the Judicial Process, Sixth Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 2!CATALOG DESCRIPTION: An intensive examination of the judiciary, focusing upon the politics of judicial selection and the decision-making process of the judiciary as well as the position of the judiciary in the entire political process. Credit Hours: 3.00 DESCRIPTION AND GOAL OF COURSE: This course is designed to acquaint students with the place of courts and jurisprudence within the U. S. political system. The goal is to encourage students to think critically about the principles that guide judges in reaching decisions as well as the principles that ought to guide them. Consequently, this course includes an evaluation of various theories about the nature of law and an evaluation of various theories about how law should be interpreted. As well, this course endeavors to inculcate in students knowledge of the structure or design of the U. S. court system at the state and federal level. This includes consideration of both the power of and the limits upon the judiciary. This course also aims to equip students to reflect upon the place that courts (whether local, state, or federal) occupy within our political system. What is it that courts do within our system? What is it that courts ought to do within our system? Both questions are asked in view of the fact that courts operate within a larger constitutional framework as well as in light of the fact that the U. S. Constitution is committed to popular sovereignty and consequently to some variant of majority rule. Consequently, students will be asked to consider whether or not judicial review is required by constitutionalism and whether or not it is compatible with popular sovereignty. Concomitantly, students will be asked to consider the appropriate way to select judges in a political system such as ours by reflecting upon the fact that state judges are most frequently elected while federal judges are appointed. In reflecting on these matters, students will be asked to address the basic tension between the rule of law as applied by courts and majority rulea difficulty referred to by scholars as the counter-majoritarian difficulty. OBJECTIVES OF COURSE: General Learning Objectives: This course seeks to . . . 1. Familiarize students with basic theories about the nature of law and basic theories about how judges ought to interpret and apply the law. 2. Acquaint students with the basic structure of the U. S. judicial system at the federal and state level. 3. Encourage students to think critically about the role of courts within our constitutional republic and to think about what that role ought to be. 4. Enable students to evaluate critically U. S. judicial processes. 3!Specific Behavioral Objectives: As a result of the activities and study in this course, the student should be able to . . . 1. Describe and evaluate various theories about the nature of law and basic theories about how judges interpret the law. 2. Describe accurately the basic structure of the U. S. judiciary at the state and federal level, including a description of the extent and limitations of judicial power at various levels in the U. S. system. 3. Describe and evaluate the role of courts in the U. S. system, including the ability to argue about the appropriateness of judicial review and the ability to give an argument concerning the proper way of selecting judges in a system committed to popular sovereignty. 4. Assess the U. S. judicial system and give an appraisal of it, including the ability to defend it or to make recommendations for its improvement. RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS: 1. To attend class. This includes arriving on time and staying for the duration of the class time. 2. To participate in class discussion regularly. 3. To be respectful of others in the room, which includes being civil when engaging in exchanges or debate with others and which includes refraining from any ad hominem argumentation. 4. To refrain from distracting others. All cell phones, pagers, etc., must be turned off during lecture and examinations. Students must not play games or do email or watch movies, etc. on electronic devices during class. Computers can only be used for taking notes. 5. To read assigned readings in advance of the day on which they will be discussed. 6. To complete all assignments and to turn them in at the assigned time. 7. To do his or her own work and to adhere to standards of scholastic integrity. EVALUATION: Minimum Requirements: Turning in all major assignments is a minimum condition for passing the course. Students who fail to turn in major assignments are therefore in danger of failing the course. Attendance: Regular attendance is essential to succeeding in the course. Students with perfect attendance (i.e., no absences) will receive 2% extra credit on their final course average. Students with only one absence will receive 1% extra credit on their final average. Students with two or more absencesfor any reasonwill receive no extra credit for attendance. Students who are absent 7 or more times will have their final grade reduced by one letter grade. Students who are absent 14 or more times will have their final grade reduced by two letter grades or will receive a failing grade for the course. Finally, attendance is used to resolve borderline grades. Regular attendance is a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for a borderline grade to be rounded up. 4!Participation: Student participation is also essential to succeeding in this class. Participation involves participating in class discussions as well as participating in any group activities prescribed by the instructor. Participation, like attendance is used to determine whether or not to curve a students course average. A minimum requirement for participating in the class is to be in regular attendance. Examinations: There will be a midterm and a final examination. Each exam will comprise 1/3rd of the overall course average. Exams will include a multiple choice and a written component. The written component, and the discretion of the professor, may be given as a take-home assignment. The multiple choice component will given during class for the midterm and during the scheduled time for the final exam. Paper: Each student will write a scholarly paper that constitutes 1/3rd of the overall course grade. Instructions for writing the paper will be given in class and must be followed in order to receive full credit on the paper. Students will have the opportunity to submit two drafts of the paper and to improve their initial grade based on revision of the draft originally submitted. All students are required to submit the first draft. It is left to the student's discretion as to whether to submit a further revised draft. Cheating: A student will automatically receive a zero on any assignment on which he or she is caught cheating and may receive a failing grade in the course pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Honor Code. Grading Scale: A: 90-100 D: 60-69 B: 80-89 F: 59 and below C: 70-79 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Texas State University-San Marcos expects students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students found in violation of the Honor Code are subject to disciplinary action. To support the goal of maintaining a climate of academic honesty, Texas State has adopted a modified Honor Code. Read the full document U.P.P.S. No. 07.10.01 5!STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Qualified students with disabilities are entitled to reasonable and appropriate accommodations in accordance with federal laws including Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, and university policy UPPS 07.11.01 Disability Services. Recommended accommodations may included extended time on exams, tape recording of class lectures, use of a lap top computer in class to take notes, assistance with locating a volunteer note taker, sign language/oral interpreting services and captioning services. A faculty member may recommend an alternate accommodation as long as it is equally effective and achieves the same result. As a prerequisite to establishing the need for accommodations, Texas State requires the student provide documentation of disability to the Office of Disability Services (ODS). This documentation should be from a medical professional qualified to diagnosis the disability. Professional ODS staff will review the documentation according to university criteria to determine the students eligibility for accommodations. A student who is qualified by the ODS for accommodations is responsible for presenting an Academic Accommodation Letter and Academic Accommodation Form prepared by the ODS to each faculty member. Following a discussion of accommodations relevant to the course, the faculty members signature is obtained on the Academic Accommodation Form. The ODS will send a copy of the Academic Accommodation Letter either electronically or by hard copy to the faculty member within 24 hours after the student returns the documentation to ODS. 6!POSI 4311: Course Calendar Note: Course Calendar subject to alteration at the Professors discretion Date Topic Assignment T Jan 15 Introduction Syllabus H Jan 17 The Nature of Law: Natural Law Murphy and Coleman, 6-19. T Jan 22 The Nature of Law: Positivism Murphy and Coleman, 19-33. H Jan 24 The Nature of Law: Legal Realism Murphy and Coleman, 33-36; Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Path of the Law, and Benjamin Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process, in Murphy et. al., pp. 27-33 T Jan 29 The Nature of Law: Critical Legal Studies Murphy and Coleman, 51-55. H Jan 31 The Nature of Jurisprudence: Civil Law and Common Law Systems Murphy et. al., pp. 3-18, esp. pp. 4-7 T Feb 5 The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Power Federalist No. 78 in Murphy et. al., 23-24; Brutus XI, XII, and XV (TRACS). H Feb 7 The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Power Calder v. Bull (TRACS); Marbury v. Madison in Murphy et. al., 61-65. T Feb 12 The Role of Courts in a Democracy Murphy et. al., pp. 38-56 H Feb 14 The Role of Courts in a Democracy: The Conflict between Judicial Power and Popular Sovereignty Eakin v. Raub; Robert A. Dahl, Decision Making in a Democracy; and Jonathan Casper, The Supreme Court and National Policy Making in Murphy et. al., pp. 65-73. T Feb 19 The Organization of the American Court System Murphy et. al, pp. 77-100 H Feb 21 The Selection and Retention of Judges Murphy et. al., pp. 141-159 T Feb 26 Midterm Examination H Feb 28 The Instruments of Judicial Power Murphy et. al., pp. 299-309 T Mar 5 The Limits of Judicial Power Murphy et. al., pp. 329-344 H Mar 7 The Limits of Judicial Power Andrew Jacksons Veto of the Bank Bill; Abraham Lincolns First Inaugural Address; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Reorganizing the Federal Judiciary; Ex Parte McCardle; Louis Fisher, Legislative Vetoes; Gerald Rosenberg, The Hallow Hope; Michael McCann, Reform Litigation on Trial in Murphy, et. al., pp. 358-366, 725-751. March 10-17 Spring Break No Class 7!T Mar 19 The Impact of Precedent on Judicial Reasoning Murphy et. al., pp. 438-449. Segal and Spaeth, The Influence of Stare Decisis on the Votes of United States Supreme Court Justices; Knight and Epstein, The Norm of Stare Decisis in Murphy et. al., pp. 476-483 H Mar 21 Statutory Interpretation Murphy, et. al., pp. 491-501. Smith v. United States in Murphy et. al., pp. 507-510 T Mar 26 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapters 1 and 2; Murphy et. al., pp. 600-605 H Mar 28 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapters 3 and 4 T Apr 2 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 5 H Apr 4 Constitutional Interpretation Keith Whittington, The New Originalism, Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 2 (2004) (TRACS); Antonin Scalia, Originalism: The Lesser Evil and Robert Bork, The Tempting of America in Murphy et. al. 566-579 T Apr 9 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 6 First Draft of Paper Due H Apr 11 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 7 T Apr 16 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 8 H Apr 18 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 9 T Apr 23 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 10; Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously in Murphy et. al., pp. 605-615 H Apr 25 Constitutional Interpretation Barber and Fleming, Chapter 11 Final Draft of Paper Due T May 7 Final Examination 8-10:30 a.m. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Lens\\' Grey Zone Aug SEP JAN 10 2010 2011 2012 2 captures\\n10 Sep 11 - 18 Jan 12 Close\\nHelp skip to main |\\nskip to sidebar The Author. Lens Khoo A hardcore and avid, yet inexperience fancy photography fans. View my complete profile Lets Voice It Out ! When & What ? 2011\\n(1) June\\n(1) Suspense 2010\\n(8) November\\n(1) Set July\\n(1) Work Routine May\\n(1) Update March\\n(1) German in English Slides February\\n(1) Merriness January\\n(3) Nervy\\nDark Moon\\nMerry Christmas and A Happy New Year! 2009\\n(42) December\\n(1) Buds November\\n(4) Web Diary\\nUnder the Wide Sky\\nMillion Stars\\nBridge On Beach October\\n(2) Fine Work\\nI\\'m Back September\\n(1) The End August\\n(3) Like A Wind July\\n(1) - June\\n(4) The Lecturer\\nPrototype\\nBBQ\\nInjury May\\n(6) MMU in Google Adsense\\nJ-English\\n1 Year Anniversary\\nJPEG\\nFeedback\\nVIP April\\n(3) Another Unlucky Incident\\nB is the new C\\nCooking Disaster March\\n(6) Missing You\\nNew CPU Assembler\\nInternet Explorer (IE) Vs Mozilla\\nWatch While Play & Play While Watch => Logitech G1...\\nA Tragedy\\nOverseas February\\n(7) Scandals\\nTMNUTs / Screamyx\\nSony Ericsson Idou 12.1 MP Camera Smart Phone !\\nNew Template\\nSeat Belt\\nFunny Valentine\\'s Song\\nValentine\\'s Quote January\\n(4) Plea: Help Me Out\\nMy Dog\\n, 2008\\n(28) December\\n(2) November\\n(5) October\\n(2) September\\n(4) August\\n(4) July\\n(2) June\\n(5) May\\n(4) Labels Events\\n(2) Fine Works\\n(1) Funnies\\n(11) Games\\n(1) MV\\n(2) News\\n(1) Opinions\\n(1) Personal\\n(50) Photography\\n(7) Poll\\n(2) Projects\\n(1) Songs\\n(3) Technology\\n(5) Vacation\\n(3) Contact Me ? lionel802003@yahoo.com - YM/MSN What\\'s The Time Now ? Unique Steps Mates. Usual Visits Suspense >>Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Hi mates,\\nCurrently, this blog is temporary suspended and no exact date has been set for the return. I will be focusing on my new photo blog at http://rain-memoirs.blogspot.com/ Please pay a visit to my new blog if you guys are interested. Thanks for the support all the while and hope you guys continue to give me your support for the new blog. Regards. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n11:14 PM 0\\ncomments Set >>Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Theme: SetDate Taken: 20th October 2009.Place: UnknownCamera: Canon EOS 1000D.Description: It\\'s just an ordinary Sunset photo-shoot. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n11:19 AM 0\\ncomments Labels:\\nPhotography Work Routine >>Saturday, July 17, 2010 I read some of my mates blog, and discovered that my blog\\'s link was stacked down to the bottom of the page. Unsurprising, as I didn\\'t keep my blog updated for few months due to \"After Work Depressing Syndrome\". Haha... That was a crap actually.Speaking of my work, I do not have much story as working is just keeping loops circulating. Don\\'t have much surprise for my daily routine:6.30 am : Wakes up tiredly from bed. I sleeps more that I did in Cyberjaya but this is what I just can\\'t explain.7.10 am - 7.40 am : Drives from house and reaches company. Reaching early doesn\\'t mean I start my work early, as trainees are not allowed to have desktops and I am basically borrowing laptop from company. Getting laptop from people who is late to work is troublesome. I never reach my office late, but there\\'s once I reach office at 8.08 and that breaks my clean record.8.30 am -8.45 am: Has short breakfast break in company. Breakfast food in canteen used to be nice last time, but not anymore ever since they changed the \"service provider\".9.00 am -11.00 am: Starts my daily work. Occasionally, watching my colleague playing minesweeper. Haha ... I think she will see this eventually.11.00 am - 11.45 am: Starts getting restless, emotionally flies to elsewhere, thinking of where to eat lunch.12.00 pm - 1.00 pm: I separate this part into 2 parts here. Firstly, eating in company just takes us 15 to 30 minutes. The leftover free time are used to either having a small sleep, completing undone work, playing minesweeper or FB. Need not to say, eating outsides consumes traveling time, which all the unproductive actions after meals are traded for traveling.1.00 pm - 4.00 pm: Continues my work.4.00 pm - 4.45 pm: Everyone starts to think something else again. For me and another 2 trainees, we always think on how to spend the unfinished allowance on something like boxes of fruit juice. Why? Particularly it\\'s because the canteen staffs always import those fruit juice in the afternoon, at the time that normally the canteen is empty. Another why? I just don\\'t know the reason. Might have to ask them.4.58 pm - 5.00 pm : OK, here i particularly stressing the time 4.58 pm as at that time, somebody is shutting down his laptop. Haha ... He just don\\'t want to lost a single minute for the company and normally he is leaving at 5.00 pm, or sometimes 5.01 pm. For myself, I shuts down my laptop at 5 pm and leaves the office at 5.05 pm unless there are uncompleted tasks. However, suffice to say, leaving at 5.05 pm is the latest among the trainees, which makes myself to be understandably proud.5.30 pm - 6.00pm: Reaching home in this range of time, depending on the traffic. From then, my real life starts :-) Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n11:09 AM 3\\ncomments Labels:\\nFunnies,\\nPersonal Update >>Friday, May 21, 2010 I finally clicked on the \"sign in\" button after much struggle. Partly, there are some stories I found it unsuitable to share.I can\\'t label myself as a hot tempered guy, but recently there is people who made me real mad. To be exact, this fellow blamed twice his fault to me. I kept quiet, but doesn\\'t mean I allowed him to do so. I stepped back as I don\\'t like to quarrel.Alright, just ignore that. Since I wasn\\'t updating my blog for a long time, perhaps I should update the readers with some information. I just finished my final exam for my Delta year. Moving into the final year of my study, I will be committing my internship in Plexus for 4 months starting from next week.Just hope that, I will be able to cope with the load full of works to be come. That\\'s all. Bye. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n12:18 AM 2\\ncomments Labels:\\nPersonal German in English Slides >>Saturday, March 20, 2010 I just saw a German notes in the lecture slides of the Embedded System Design subject. A definite 0 to me if this is out in my exam. Lol. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n11:59 AM 3\\ncomments Labels:\\nFunnies,\\nPersonal Merriness >>Saturday, February 6, 2010 Theme: Merriness (Chinese New Year)Date Taken: 12th January 2010.Place: My houseCamera: Canon EOS 1000D.Description: Can you feel the atmosphere of merriness? Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n1:36 AM 4\\ncomments Labels:\\nEvents,\\nPhotography Nervy >>Sunday, January 31, 2010 Just discovered that I am nervy towards this semester.2 assignments have been release, and both involve design, hardware and programming.Datelines are just 3 days away from each other.Of course, there will be other assignments for other subjects.Please wish me luck ahead. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n11:25 AM 6\\ncomments Labels:\\nPersonal Dark Moon >>Monday, January 4, 2010 Theme: Dark MoonDate Taken: 31st December 2009.Place: Free School Road, Penang.Camera: Canon EOS 1000D.Description: Moon in the dark sky. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n8:10 PM 5\\ncomments Labels:\\nPhotography Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! >>Saturday, January 2, 2010 Well, I don\\'t have specific new year resolution, but hope everything will be better than previous year. Happy New Year ! Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n3:48 PM 3\\ncomments Labels:\\nEvents,\\nPersonal Buds >>Friday, December 4, 2009 Theme: BudsDate Taken: 19th October 2009.Place: Poring Hot Spring.Camera: Canon EOS 1000D.Description: Flower buds taken in close shot. Read more... Posted by\\nLens Khoo at\\n4:05 PM 4\\ncomments Labels:\\nPhotography Older Posts Home Subscribe to:\\nPosts (Atom) Blogger templates\\nRomantico by Ourblogtemplates.com 2008 Back to TOP ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['Opinions, facts, and analyses - masterfully sculpted by U of T engineers for over 20 yearsCANNONtheCANNON FEATURESOpinions & EditorialsNews\\nFeatures\\nLeisure...............\\n.....TONS of Godiva Week and CFES Congress Pictures Inside!Yes, we have pictures of the car smash too! ... Pages 6 - 916 pages of riveting content - the BIGGEST Cannon of the year!February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue V261215FEATURERhodes ScholarInterview .... page 12NEWSResults from UTEK2003 .......... page 10OPINIONA British Idiots Guide toCanada ..... page 3Christmas, New YearsCongressthatsthe way it has felt for the past two years of my\\nlife (not that Im complaining or anything).\\nEvery year in early January, over 200\\nengineering students from across Canada\\ngather at whats known as the Canadian\\nFederation of Engineering Students (CFES)\\nCongress. This year it was hosted by the\\nUniversity of Saskatchewan in the western\\nmetropolis of Saskatoon, where snow is never\\nploughed, cattle cause traffic jams, and liquor\\nstores are open until the wee hours of the\\nmorning.In reality, we saw much less of Saskatoonand much more of the Radisson Hotel, where\\nwe attended workshops, listened to speakers,\\nand enjoyed the company of fellow engineering\\nstudents for a week. Workshops ranged in\\ntopic from How to hold a charity event to\\nEngineering Legal Liability, and were\\nfacilitated either by individuals from one of the\\n40 member societies in Canada or by the CFES\\nnational executive itself. Not only were\\nCanadian students involved at the conference,\\nbut there were also observers in attendance\\nfrom our American counterpart (NAESC), ourSkuleTM Shines at CFES Congress 2003U. of T. wins awards, executive\\npositions, and right to host Congress\\nin 2005Mike BranchCOMP OT3\\nWith files from Ahmed FarooqCOMP OT5European friends (BEST), and the German\\nengineering student collective (BONDING).This year, our delegation was made up ofan exceptional group of students who\\nrepresented the university very well. Sunaina\\nMenezes (our Hi-Skule Liaison officer here at\\nU. of T.), successfully ran for a CFES\\ndirectorship and has now become the\\nfederations new Outreach Commissioner.\\nJamy Li will continue on for a second year as\\nPresident of the CFES Caf (www.cfescafe.ca),\\nand many thanks to Richard Wiltshire (SIC\\nChair) for putting in so much effort throughout\\nhis term here at U. of T., because it landed us\\nwith the provincial Charity Challenge award\\n(which has been with arch-rival Queens for the\\npast few years)!All in all, Congress was a great experienceand presents a fantastic opportunity for\\nstudents to become more involved as leaders\\nin the world of engineering. The CFES\\nmaintains a professional partnership with the\\nCanadian Council of Professional Engineers\\n(CCPE) which has allowed them to take onmany exciting initiatives, including theCanadian Engineering Competition (CEC),\\nProject Magazine, and the CFES Caf, to namea few.U. of T. has such a huge student body incomparison to many of the schools that make\\nup CFES that it is often difficult to excite\\ninterest in these national organizations. In\\nfuture, I hope to see more engineering students\\ninvolved with the CFES. To help promote this\\ninvolvement, we delivered a bid to host the\\nconference right here in Toronto in 2005and\\nwon! So keep your eyes peeled to your ECF\\nmail account (i.e. dont just delete the mail that\\nreads from the Engineering Society), because\\nwe will be looking to put together a strong team\\nto showcase U. of T. to the rest of Canada in\\nJanuary 2005!If you have any questions or commentsabout the CFES or anything mentioned in this\\narticle, please contact your VP External, Mike\\nBranch (vpexternal@skule.ca).TAREK SAGHIR the CANNONthe CANNONThe CANNON is a forum for student expres-sion as the official newspaper of The Engi-neering Society at The University ofToronto. It was first established in 1977\\nand continues to publish one issue a monthwith a circulation of up to 3000 through-out the St. George campus of the univer-\\nsity. The Cannon informs engineering stu-dents about issues that are of particularinterest to them, while also encouraging\\nand supporting discussion, literacy, andself-expression. It does not condone dis-crimination, gratuitous obscenity, or libel.\\nSubmissions are welcome. Please includeyour full name, year and discipline. Theeditors reserve the right to modify content\\nin accordance with the newspapers policy.The views expressed in The Cannon arethose of the author and do not necessarily\\nrepresent those of the staff or of The Engi-neering Society unless so indicated.Subscription and advertising informationis available from The Engineering Societyat 416.978.2917.The CANNON10 Kings College RoadSandford Fleming Building\\nRoom B740Toronto, ONM5S 1A1cannon@skule.caSubmissions are welcomeCONTACT INFORMATION| OPINIONS & EDITORIALSTarek SaghirDanica LamVictor ChowEric WangSusmita De\\nAndy HungDiana GaldamesAmy JiangAlex CureleaManu SudAshwin Wagadarikar\\nSimon WaiFaaiza AliMaham AnsariSalina BeheraLiwen Gu\\nBilal KhalidPeggy LiJohn Ma\\nMark TeperChris WilmerDiana Al-DajaneMike BranchKent Carter\\nSusmita DeChris DunnZach Hoy\\nHumairah IrfanAmy JiangMeredith Noble\\nAlexandru SonocManu SudAdam Trumpour\\nAdele WongAndrew WongFebruary 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VEditors-in-ChiefLayout EditorAsst. Layout EditorPhoto EditorGraphics EditorBusiness ManagersCopy EditorsLayoutContributorsI dont usually obsess overthings. For example: I have\\nnever seen Titanic in its en-tirety, never mind thirteen\\ntimes in the theatre. But let me\\ntell you, the closest I have ever gotten to obses-\\nsion has been in the past year or so with The Lordof the Rings movies.Of course, its true that I am a big nerdalways have been and always will be, and no one\\nwill ever tell you otherwise. It is a common per-\\nception that being both a nerd and an engineer-\\ning student practically guarantees that you\\nshould be obsessed about The Lord of the Ringsin one way or another (and Im sure this can be\\nproven with the stat mech formulas I have\\nforgotten already). But this almost-obsession of\\nmine is weird because it shouldnt really be my\\nkind of thing.Yes, I loved the book, but I think thats simplybecause I read it in Grade 5 and it was my first\\nencounter with an epic with magnificent scope\\nand breathless romancenot in the sense of love,but in the older sense of a mysterious or\\nfascinating quality or appeal, as of something\\nadventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful\\n(American Heritage Dictionary). I dont thinkIve even read the trilogy again all in one go. Other\\nthan Tolkien and books for young adults, such asDanica LamNSCI 0T5Harry Potter and Philip Pullmans beautiful\\ntrilogy, His Dark Materials, I have to admit thatI generally cant get into a fantasy novel.I dont like film adaptations of books either.I could probably count on one hand the number\\nof adaptations that I liked, and a couple of them\\nare on that list because I thought the book was\\nbad to begin with.And Tolkiens Middle Earth? Come on. Anantiquated, testosterone-powered, war-monger-\\ning, Luddite world where the blond-haired good\\nmen come from the West and the dark-skinned\\nbad men come from the East? The principles I\\nwas brought up with cover their faces in shame\\nwhenever I remember this.Really, I have no idea why I should love thesemovies so much that I get indignant when I read\\nlukewarm reviews of them. Some of you snarkier\\npeople out there are probably wondering if a\\ncertain elf or possibly even a certain Ranger is\\nthe attraction, but I would have to say no (or\\nmostly no). All I can say is that Peter Jacksons\\nfilms can make me believe, for three hours at a\\ntime, in the phrase, Movie Magic.So if anyone can figure out how this can makeme ignore the three objections I raised (and\\nespecially the last one), I would be very grateful.\\nMeanwhile, Ill continue working on my design\\nproject as I wait for the third film. See you all\\nthere.Slave to the RingsThe Green PThe Green PThe Green PThe Green PThe Green PaperaperaperaperapersssssThe University of Toronto is currently con-ducting a round of long-term strategic plan-ning. This discussion was initiated with the re-lease of four green papers, each on a particular\\ntopic. Of particular interest to the undergradu-ate student body is the paper on The StudentExperience (available at http://www.utoronto.ca/plan2003/green.htm).After reading these papers, students, fac-ulty, etc. are supposed to attend Town Hall\\nmeetings, held in January and February, todiscuss various issues that interest them. Inaddition, electronic surveys are routinely made\\navailable online, and are used to collectfeedback on issues related to the Green Papers.While there has been much talk at this uni-versity about excellence, innovation andrankings, we rarely hear as much talk about theundergraduate student experience. One piece\\nof information that I did read was a survey,entitled the University Report Card, thatranked U. of T. 24th in terms of student satis-\\nfaction. While some have arguednot withoutmeritthat the survey is flawed, for it is unfairto compare a small university in a college town\\nto a huge university in a bustling metropolis,the fact remains that there is definitely roomfor improvement in the student experience\\ncategory. Who knows best about this issue? Wedo. What should we do about it? Attend thesetown hall meetings, and tell the university ad-\\nministration how to improve our undergradu-ate experience.The next, and last, town hall meeting willbe held on Friday, February 14, 10:00 am -11:30 am, at New Colleges Wilson HallAmphitheatre, Room 1016.Tareks EditorialTarek SaghirCHEM 0T5ExExExExExererererercising Ycising Ycising Ycising Ycising Your Right Tour Right Tour Right Tour Right Tour Right To Speak Upo Speak Upo Speak Upo Speak Upo Speak UpMany people that I speak to seem to forgetthat we live in a democracy. They assume that\\ngovernment is controlled by big business andspecial interest groups, and that they, theordinary citizens, can do little of significance.\\nWhile I do not deny the influence ofcorporations and lobby groups (on a side-note:there is legislation on its way to limit the\\ninfluence of these afore-mentioned groups), Ido disagree with the idea that the commoncitizen can do nothing. Thankfully, in this\\ncountry, we still have the ability to vote, andour votes are actually used to elect our leaders.These leaders, therefore, can only get away with\\nthings that we let them get away with. If theydo something that irks you, and that irks a greatproportion of the populace, they will not retain\\ntheir jobs come election time.Election time, however, is not your onlyopportunity to be heardthere is much that can\\nbe done in the interim. Most importantly, stayinformed, and write letters to your governmentrepresntatives, to give them your view on how\\nthey should approach day-to-day policy issues.At one conference that I attended, it wasclaimed that letters (i.e. snail mail, not email)\\nreceived by the government are taken veryseriously. Apparently, the odds of someonewriting in are about 1/5000, so a letter\\nexpressing a viewpoint on a matter is taken torepresent the voices of five thousand people.So, for instance, if you oppose exchanging\\ncivilan lives for oil, dont just fume about it inSuds. Fire up your word processor of choice,type a short letter to the Prime Minister, and\\ntell him to keep our troops at home. Then sendit off to him by post (letters sent to the PrimeMinister dont need postage). This is his\\naddress:Office of the Prime Minister80 Wellington StreetOttawa, ON K1A 0A2We, thankfully, can influence the way ourcountry is run. Lets make use of this right, lestit be taken away from us. 3 the CANNON|February 5, 2003 Volume XX Issue VAmy JiangNSCI 0T5How to Be Canadian: A British Idiots Guide to CanadaWhy couldnt somebody tell mea rubber was a condom? Why?! It\\nwouldnt have taken more than twoseconds. Instead I went around fortwo-and-a-half years loudly asking\\npeople to pass me my rubber,innocently returning their stunnedlooks and wondering why\\nCanadians were so strange. (Mustbe all the snow.) It wasnt until thefinal month of my OAC year, two-\\nand-a-half years after my arrival inCanada, that one friend casuallyinformed mejust in passingthat\\nI should probably use the worderaser instead. (I just thought youmight want to know rubber meanscondom here. Good gracious, youjust thought I wanted to know?!!)Well, at least that explained a lot of\\nthings, like the way everybodyshead would wheel around everytime I said The Word, and how my\\nfriends would ask with a raisedeyebrow and a smirk, Your rub-ber? Yeah, my rubber, I would\\nloudly repeat, all the while wonder-ing if there was something wrongwith the way I pronounced it.And that, my friends, brings meto this article. I have compiled thiseasy-to-follow guide for your\\nassimilation into the Canadianrace, so you wont have to sufferthrough the same embarrassment\\nas unknowingly as I did. (But do itknowingly with my blessing.) Ofcourse, I will admit I only know one\\nother English student in engineer-ing, so I realise this article has avery limited audience and even\\nlower practicality. Therefore I shalladdress the guide not only to theBritish idiot (sorry, Im not refer-\\nring to my one English friend), butalso to those delusional and neu-rotic individuals who wish to pre-\\ntend to be British idiots pretendingto be Canadian (idiot or not, I shallleave that to your personal\\npreference). As you can see, thatsignificantly widens my readership.Alright, lets get down to business,\\nshall we?Now, the first thing to remem-ber about being Canadian is to re-\\nvere their obsession with icehockey. Never under any circum-stances (unless at gunpoint,\\nknifepoint, penpoint or any otherpointy and potentially lethal ob-jects) reveal your level of disinter-\\nest in a game that rarely sees thelight of day in a country with asnowfall of around three\\nmillimetres a year at best. If for anyreason youve attended any icehockey games in the past, rave\\nabout it to anybody you meet re-gardless of age, gender or height,and refer to it as the defining\\nmoment(s) of your life. While wereon the topic of sports, rememberthat football is called soccer, rugbyis called football, and the plural ofmoose is still moose.This leads us to the weather.Adaptation to this blustery climate,unfortunately, is something that\\nonly comes with practice, if at allmany have died trying. Summerdays are long and glorious, with the\\nsky extending for miles without anytrace of a cloud. Just try not to siton a lake on a sunny day in a boat\\ncovered with tin foil. Autumnwould be even better than summer,what with the maple leaves turning\\nred all around, if only one werentin SkuleTM. But that cant be helped.Winter is another story completely.\\nBuried in three feet of snow orwading through streetfulls of saltymush, its difficult to maintain the\\nwill to live. But youll find thatbuying multicoloured scarves in allpossible patterns will lighten your\\nwintry mood (sorry about the pun,I couldnt resist).But you do have to give themcredit for their national anthem.\\nIts catchy, sounds nice in French,and is therefore far better than GodSave the Queen. Memorise it at allcosts, because you will be calledupon to sing it solo some day infront of two hundred of your\\nclassmates, with four hundred coldeyes burning the base of your spineas you falter on the line glorious\\nand free. Canadians seem to bemuch more patriotic than theBritish, despite all our empire pride\\nand whatnot. Even as they struggleto carve themselves a distinctiverole in the international community\\nand strive for recognition as an in-dependent nation thats not aboutto be integrated into the Great\\nAmerican Master Plan (yeah right,try telling that to Bush), they exudea confident love for their homeland\\nthats quite contagious. I am sureyou too will learn that the wry, self-deprecating humour (while Brits\\ntend to be sarcastic abouteverybody else, Canadians aresnarky about themselves) thinly\\nveils an honest awareness of theirown shortcomings and strengths,as well as a great love for every-\\nthingwarts and all. They donthave the grand delusions of great-ness or snobbish egos of their\\nneighbours down south (I mean, er,Mexico of course), and youll likethem all the better for it. I guess\\nthats what true patriotism is allabout, eh? By the way, in case therewere ever any doubts, its true: Ca-\\nnadians are the only people to everuse the term, eh. And so very.Very. Liberally.For anybody who does theirown cooking (my culinary reper-toire extends no further than in-\\nstant noodles, so you might bebetter off taking my words with adollop of salt, pun unfortunately in-tended), food is seasonal here.Unlike in England, where at least\\nhalf the food on our plates wasimported from all over the worldand we grew nothing worth men-\\ntioning (that I know of) exceptgrains, some vegetables and lots oflivestock, foods from all across thespectrum are grown in Canada.Which means prices and\\navailability fluctuate quite a bitdepending on the season. So ifyoure dead set on constant selec-\\ntion and more or less constantprices, you might be a bit put off.But hey, at least you can go fruit\\npicking here! When its in season,that is.No self-respecting compiler ofa Canadianism-for-idiots guidewould omit to tackle the problemof language. After all, Canada is\\njust one border away from theAmericans, and we all know howcorrupt their language is, dont we?\\nTo begin with, substitute all yourouts with oots. As preposterousas it may seem, its actually how\\nmany people pronounce thesyllable (applicable only inCanada). Now, replace your t\\nsounds with an l. So water wouldbecome something like waller, andSaturday will be Sallerday. Do\\nuse your common sense on this one,though, and resist the urge toconvert to(o) to loo. Finally,\\nsprinkle your sentences generouslywith the term eh, and nobody willever suspect you were anything but\\nborn and bred in Canada. The termis suitable for use in any context, oc-casion, and dose, so go wild. Now\\nas for specific terminology, I canonly think of a few Canadianwords, though there are in fact\\ncountless numbers of them. A lorryis called a truck; try to call a toilet abath/washroom to avoid odd looks;\\nand I cannot stress this enough, arubber is more commonly known asan eraser. Also, since this is an ar-\\nticle for engineers, I must mentiona few pointers on the topic ofswearing. Replace terms like\\nbollocks and arsehole with crapand asshole, respectively, anddont try to offend people by\\nholding out the back of your pointerand middle fingers in an invertedpeace sign. Only the middle fingeron its own will do for this purpose.On to money. While we allknow that Canadian (and evenAmerican, for that matter) moneyis worth next to nothing, its still a\\nbloody outrage the amount of taxeswere expected to fork over aroundhere. Forty percent in income tax\\nis scandalousI mean, its eightypercent of fifty percent. Imagine!And dont forget to fill out those\\nhorrid tax return forms every year,or at least blackmail somebody intodoing them for you. If youre\\nanything like me, you wont like theway they add on an extra 15% topurchases either. At least the 17.5%\\nwe had to pay in England wasincluded in the asking price, so wenever had to bother multiplying\\neverything by 1.15 in our heads. Oh,and one last thing: call two-dollarcoins toonies and one dollar coins\\nloonies. (I know, I could neverremember which is which eitherbut toonie has a t in it.) Though\\nthis outlandish choice of nameperhaps suggests something aboutthe mental state of the people\\n(Must be all the snow), I shallrefrain from further comment,given the terms we use to describe\\nour own currency: you know, thingslike quid (queen head), tenner,pee (pence) and the like.And finally, always, alwaysfollow my advice. I will never for-get one time during my first term\\nat U. of T., just a few months aftermy, shall we say, enlightenment. Iwas working on my design project\\nwith a partner in our emptycommon room. It was the weehours of the morning, and wed\\nbeen fagging away at the project forhours. I was exhaustedespeciallyso when I stretched out my hand\\nand asked him to get me my rubber.Poor boy, you should have seen thegob smacked look of abject alarm\\non his face as he froze in his chairand stared at me.A lorry is called atruck; try to call atoilet a bath/washroom to avoidodd looks; and Icannot stress thisenough, a rubber ismore commonlyknown as an eraser. the CANNON4His average in-creased, but his GPAdecreased.| OPINIONS & EDITORIALSIt is my belief that the GradePoint Average system is set up in a\\nnon-sensible manner. Consider the\\nhypothetical case of Joe Blow, who\\ntakes only two courses per semes-\\nter. In semester one, Joe scores\\n80% in both his courses, resulting\\nin an average of 80% and a GPA\\nscore of 3.7. In the following se-\\nmester, Joe scores 84% in one\\ncourse, and 79% in the next course.\\nHis semester average has increased\\nby 1.5%, to 81.5%. However, as a 79\\nfalls in the range of a B+, and not\\nof an A-, his GPA has dropped\\nfrom 3.7 to 3.5 (3.5 = (3.3 + 3.7) /\\n2). His average has increased, but\\nhis GPA has decreased. This is non-\\nsensible at best.In most courses offered at theUniversity of Toronto, students are\\ngiven a letter grade in addition to a\\nnumeric grade. This letter grade is\\nobtained by means of a system of\\nnumeric ranges. For instance, a\\nmark between 80 to 84 percent is\\nconsidered an A-. The GPA system\\nworks in a similar fashion. Every\\nletter grade assigned to a course\\ncorresponds to a certain GPA\\nnumber. An A is 4.0, an A- is 3.7, a\\nB+ is 3.3, etc. The final GPA score\\nis the average of the GPA numbers\\nof each course (with special care\\ntaken to deal with those courses\\nthat are weighted more heavily than\\nothers). Using the example of Joe\\nBlow, it is evident that the GPA\\nsystem is based on numeric ranges.\\nIt is my belief that many problems\\nexist with such a system. First, the\\nuse of academic ranges yieldsWeve become inundated withit. We see it on the shows and ad-vertisements we watch. We talkabout it during our lunch, and\\nmull about it during our coffeebreaks. A bigoted cloud of stupid-ity is creeping up on us, and we\\nseem to be watching it happenwith the same aghast and capti-vated tenacity as when a car crash\\non the road forces people to stopand stare.Im talking about The Bach-elor. And that show from way backwhen, Who Wants to Marry a Mil-lionaire? Now we have TheBachelorette. Is bachelorette evena word? My spell check says itsnot. Im also talking about JoeMillionaire. These shows, realitytelevision at its lowest, are exploit-ing the major issues of esteem that\\naffect people.Shows like, Who Wants toMarry a Millionaire?, The Bach-elor/ette, and Joe Millionaire playon peoples feelings of inadequacyand desire to attain a mate that are\\nso fierce, they put them in a posi-tion where the rest of the worldjust looks on, shakes their head,\\nand says, Thats just so sad.Then the world continues to watchthe humiliation. This inadequate\\nfeeling, which drives people tosuch a pitiful state as to go on anationwide show and subjugate\\nthemselves to being examined andselected like a piece of meat fromthe butcher, probably stems from\\nloneliness or heartache or both. Ora desire to be on TV.Thats tough. Thats brutal.And so the crafty television pro-ducers are milking that lonelyheartbroken cow for all itsA Car Crash of TelevisionSusmita DeINDY 0T2+PEYThe GPA System At U. of T.Why It Does Not WorkTarek SaghirCHEM 0T5At the risk of sounding in-credibly clichd, in todays highpaced and materialistic world, itsgetting harder and harder to getmyself back into the true spirit ofChristmas. Surrounded by the(other) frantic shoppers gatheringthe last of their Christmas pre-sents on Christmas Eve, its get-ting so difficult to remember thecause of all the commotion in thefirst place. Somehow, Christmasdoesnt feel magical anymore.And its not just becausethree-sevenths of my brain cellsare still petrified after that lastexam of mine. It seems to me asthough Christmas has evolvedfrom a time for thanksgiving andsimple family pleasures to amultibillion-dollar industry thatcontagiously consumes all of us,for at least a month each year, inits glaring haze of excess and ma-terialistic frenzy. Yes, I know Improbably wrong to assume timeswere simpler in earlier days andthat society had a less distortedIm Dreaming of a True Christmas...Amy JiangEngSci 0T5results that are not in tune withones average. As seen with the\\nstudent of Joe Blow, in many\\ninstances, a students average rises\\nfrom one semester to the next,\\nwhile his or her GPA decreases.The GPA system at U. of T. failsin another important way: it doesnot provide the necessary incentivefor students to perform exception-\\nally well in courses. Both an A (85\\n- 89) and an A+ (90 and above)\\nhave a GPA value of 4.0. Many\\nstudents, particularly those with\\ntheir eyes on law or medical school,\\nmuse that getting a mark above 85\\nis not worth it, as the GPA system\\ndoes not provide for any distinction\\nat the higher end of the academic\\nladder. Some universities address\\nthis issue by awarding a GPA value\\nof 4.3 to an A+ grade, thus\\ndistinguishing it from an A.\\nHowever, the University of Toronto\\ndoes not do this.I see no reason why the GPAsystem needs to exist. The univer-\\nsity should continue to award nu-\\nmeric and letter grades to students.\\nHowever, when producing an\\noverall picture of a students\\nacademic performance, only per-\\ncent average should be used, as this\\nsystem is not subject to the whims\\nof numeric ranges. The GPA system\\nis unjust, and, given the existing use\\nof a superior method of evaluation,\\nsuperfluous.worth, and we, the media consum-ers, are just eating it up. (See the\\nallusion to the previous analogy?Not bad for an engineer, eh?) Yousee, in the end, were the ones who\\nare selecting the choicest piece ofmeat to be slaughtered, not theBachelor, Bachelorette, or Joe.\\nWere the ones paying to see ithappen.Ive talked to several people,men and women, most of whomsee these shows as exploitativeand humiliating for those in-\\nvolved, yet who are thoroughlyand utterly captivated by them. Imyself get too embarrassed to\\nwatch those kinds of showsnotthat Im better than anyone else,but I really do get red in the face\\nwhen I see someone putting theirheart on their sleeves for some-thing thats not worth it.But does it make for good tele-vision? Its bad for the moral fibreof our society but, hey, if its good\\ntelevisionWell, television ismeant to entertain and educate.But over the years, television has\\nbecome so much more. It is a ve-hicle to mold societal, cultural,and political trends. What I fear is\\nthat this kind of television, thislow point on the grime of reality,is just going to dumb us all down\\nto the point where werecompletely desensitized to the factthat these are people who are\\nemotionally insecure, and whoneed help as opposed to beinggawked at.George W. Bush, the illustri-ous American president, in re-sponse to the discussion of the\\nquality of television shows today,and what the American people cando to combat the demeaning ma-\\nterial transmitted on the televisionair waves, said it best: Put theoff button on.idea of the meaning of Christmasback then. But no matter howthings were like in the past, theway they are now bothers me. Forone thing, the traditional ex-change of presents has becomegrossly dilated in importance.Ask any child today, and theywould more likely than not tellyou Santa Claus is the central fig-ure of Christmas, and the mainreason to be happy on ChristmasDay is getting presents. I like mypackages under the tree as muchas the next five-year-old child, butonly as a bonus to that event twothousand years ago for which wearesupposedly at leastall cel-ebrating. The problem is, for somany of the people who celebrateChristmas, its simply an occasionfor lavish gift giving andfeastingand drinking.I dont know if anybody elsenoticed, but for two whole monthsbefore Christmas, the articlessplayed across entertainment andnews websites would all readsomething like: Let MSN helpyou survive the holidays, or, 10steps to avoid going crazy thisChristmas. Oh, and lets not for-get that other staple, How toavoid gaining weight this holi-day. Reading the smug solicitudeof the volumes of literature bothonline and in magazines on ev-erything from the hangoverfrom hell to the stress ofChristmas shopping and con-stant partying/entertaining, to,of course, excessive binging atholiday feasts, one would thinkthat Christmas was the most hor-rendous time of the year. If I re-call correctly, one article saidsomething like, It may be diffi-cult to take proper care of your-self when running from oneparty to another having fun, sofollow these steps before andafter to minimise the damage.Yet what disturbs me mostis not this rather off-the-marksocietal view of the meaningof Christmas. It is insteadthat I myself am inevi-tably caught up in thecraze of it all, seeming tolose more and more of mychildlike vision ofChristmas and placingmuch emphasis onmaterialenjoyments. But perhaps that isthe way things have always been,and I simply havent seen it untilnow. Perhaps Christmas is onlymagical for the very young, andwe all have to realise at somepoint the seemingly pointless tu-mult and excess behind it all.Even so, I hope that in the midstof all the bustle and commotion,we will still be able to feel someof that peace and thanksgiving Imsure is the truer meaning ofChristmas.CHRIS WILMER 5 the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VWe all know it. It is a major di-lemma that we face. How to balanceour time? What to study? How\\nmuch is enough? And after the en-tire struggle, what went wrong? Canwe ever stop complaining? I dont\\nthink so!A typical engineer has an aver-age of almost 30 hours of lectures,\\ntutorials and labs per week. Gener-ally, classes run from nine to four. Ifyou have an arts and sciences elec-\\ntive, you could be in school until ninep.m. or later. Four engineeringcourses alone would mean around\\nnine quizzes, three midterms and 12labs in 12 weeks. Of course, thisvaries for each department. Second-\\nyear chemical engineering studentshave seven-hour labs almost everyweek, plus six courses! So much for\\nthe workload and quality education.After talking to many people, Ilearned of many answers to the ques-\\ntion, Why is it hard to do well on allfive courses?-Courses with labs consume a lotof time in terms of preparationand updating the lab notebook(some labs arent related to the\\ncourse material). For thoseweeks, you cant study much.Especially if you have a program-\\nming course!-An hours break between classesWhy Is It Hard to Do Well in All Five Courses?Humairah IrfanCOMP 0T5For those you havent seen theTV ad, it sounds like a joke.\\nStealing a $40/month satellite sig-nal in a year isnt nearly as bad asstealing $500 in jewellery, despite\\ntheir claims. We live in a day andage where information is free forall to access. Granted there are a\\nfew minor exceptions, especiallywhen it comes to legal documents,but for the most part, were free to\\naccess all information in our NorthAmerican society. Computersoftware and music are simply a\\nhuge system composed exclusivelyfrom bits of information; similarly,a book is no more than a bunch of\\ncharacters forming usefulinformation. The legal matters canbecome quite complex, but\\nessentially copying your own CD,for example, is legal so long as youdo not sell or distribute it.Now lets take a purely hypo-thetical situation. Say you have abook, which you lent to a friend\\n(this is, of course, legal). If yourfriend is one of those people yousee on the television infomercials,\\nthen he will be able to memorizethe entire book before he returnsit. He can of course, later write\\ndown the information contained inhis brain, which is essentially thebook since he memorized it word\\nfor word. He can legally type upthis information and even get itprinted in book form so long as he\\ndoes not attempt to sell it as hisown. Now your friend has a per-fectly legal copy of the book with-\\nout passing through any illegalsteps along the way. One may ar-gue that the process in its entirety\\nis still copying the book and henceKent CarterMSE 0T6RE: This Man Will Steal A Satellite Signalit is still illegal. This may in fact be\\nthe case, but the situation still\\nstands open to debate. Extendingour example into a CD, our friendcould potentially memorize the\\nbinary sequence contained on theCD, and write a program in Assem-bly Language (or its derivative)\\nusing this memorized sequence toobtain a new program. Obviouslythe example is ridiculous, as the\\nfriend would have to memorizeabout 5.87 x 109 bits (700MB/CDx 1024MB/KB x 1024KB/byte x\\n8bits/byte). But the idea is that itsa perfectly legal copy, right?Okay, so you hate hypotheticalsituations and thought experi-ments. We dont live in a worldwhere your friends (engineers in-\\ncluded) can memorize several tril-lion digits in binary or otherwise.So the real world you say, eh? Well,\\nin the real world, laws are definedby the morals of the people. Insome countries, its illegal to chew\\ngum because its considered rude.That may sound excessive to someof us, but here in North America\\nwe see very similar situations.Astronauts, for example, probablyhave a much higher probability of\\ndeath (statistically speaking) thanthose who speed on the roads.Smoking and drinking kills more\\npeople than any other drug inNorth America, and yet its stilllegal. Why? Thats because its so-\\ncially acceptable. In time, anythingthats sufficiently sociallyacceptable becomes legal no\\nmatter how dangerous or bad itmay be. In fact, the word baditself is subject to the definition of\\nthe morals embedded in publicopinion. So is copying digitalmedia bad? The millions of users\\nwho log on to Kazaa every hourdont seem to think so. Neither didthe thousands of Canadiansreturning opened music CDs to\\nHMV a couple of months ago. Ofcourse, all the programmers andengineers (and non-techie\\nmanagers to a much lesser extent)deserve to be compensated fortheir work, but the prices are\\nsimply too high. In fact, itsoverpriced media thats the mostlikely candidate to be copied:\\nthings like CDs with only one goodtrack or just about anything fromMicrosoft (Office XP Standard\\nsells for about $480.00 U.S.).I mean, did these people everstop to think that if they sold their\\nproducts cheaper, then morepeople would buy and fewer wouldcopy? Perhaps not, or maybe they\\nthought, to compensate for lossesincurred due to copying, we haveto raise our prices by the formula\\n1 product = 10 copies or somethinglike that (in the case of Microsoftit seems more like 1 product = 106copies given its value). Do thesepeople really think were all eagerto buy software more expensive\\nthan our hardware? I just hopewhen all you Elecs and Compsbecome managers of software\\ngiants, you remember this: its OKto include anti-piracy features todiscourage people. Ultimately,\\nthough, the only way to really getpeople to buy is to give them pricesthey can afford. Its usually the\\nhacker kids and poor universitystudents who end up ripping apartyour anti-piracy quirks to get their\\nhands on something they cantotherwise manage to buy.Authors Note: The excessiveMicrosoft bashing is mostly repar-tee.After I joined engineering,many people commented to me thatdoctors and lawyers are ranked\\nabove engineers. I want to clear upsome misconceptions that peoplehave about the engineering field,\\nespecially considering the fact thatmost engineering inventions affectother occupations in one way or\\nanother. Although I have heardmany ways in which people havetried to reason out their ranking, I\\nwant to present my views on theirthree main reasons.First, people say that doctorssave human lives while engineers donot. Sorry, but I dont think so!Doctors do save human lives, but\\nwithout using the latest equipmentand latest technology, their work isquite limited. Without the inven-\\ntion of proper electrical lighting, candoctors do surgeries at night? With-out the invention of computerized\\ntomography (CT) or computerizedaxial tomography (CAT), can doc-tors detect brain abnormalities\\nfaster? The examples are limitless,and I believe that engineers saveeven more lives. Moreover, doctors\\ncan only save people who are theirpatients but engineers do not needto be in direct contact with people\\nto save their lives. Consider, forexample the safety of current build-ings with respect to fire hazards. If\\nit werent for engineering design, wecould end up losing more lives infire disasters, the most prominent\\nexample being September 11. Sowho do you think saves more lives:engineers, doctors or both through\\ntheir collaboration?Secondly, people tell me thatthey employ such rankings because\\nlawyers earn more money than doc-tors, who earn more than engineers.But is comparing salaries the way\\nto rank professions? You probablyknow some situations where peopledo illegal work. So if these people\\nearn more money than lawyers,shouldnt their profession be rankedeven higher? It is completely ridicu-\\nlous to rank a profession basedsolely on earnings.Thirdly, people say to me thatdoctors and lawyers have stabilityin their professions while engineersdo not. Okay, this reason stands\\nsomewhat, at least considering thefact that the current market is notthat strong for IT people. But isnt\\nthere something called personalinterest? I do not think that thestability of any profession can be\\nmeasured by the ups and downs inthe economy. It depends more onthe way people handle and work in\\ntheir profession. Moreover, if every-body started to become doctors orlawyers, wouldnt there then be a\\nrecession for doctors and lawyersas well?So the next time a person triesto rank doctors and lawyers aboveengineers, you know exactly what tosay.Manu SudELEC 0T5Why Are Doctorsand Lawyers Still\\nRanked Above\\nEngineers?is a complete waste; you cantstudy anything in such a shorttime. And that happens often.-Electives in arts and sciences arein the evenings, so once you gethome, you cant do much. Gen-\\nerally, these courses have toomuch reading as well, and a lotof people find them pointless.-Some courses aim at covering upto 20 chapters in a semester. Itsa mad rush to finish the syllabus,\\nand students generally lose inter-est and study without aim.-Professors who talk at 140 words/min or those who talk at the sametone for 50 minutes plus one (i.e.who go over time) dont realise\\nthe damage they are doing!Professors are the key to makingyou hate or like a course.-Sometimes you might have fivequizzes, two labs and a midtermin a week. And after that you have\\na chain-reaction of labs, quizzes,assignments and midterms.-Sometimes (and this is rare)courses dont have quizzes, andyou tend to neglect them and fallbehind.-Commuting is the biggest wasteof time. Most people want tostudy during their ride, but end\\nup sleeping!-If your professor did not preparethe tests, there is a chance that\\nthey might not focus on the ma-terial you studied, because yourprofessor didnt spend much timeon it.-Engineers are not social crea-tures. They are not supposed tohave any other family or job re-sponsibilities if they want to ease\\nthe pile of the burdensome load.-On the other hand, a few engi-neers find themselves so involved\\nwith other activities that they findthemselves in a whirlpool of over-due assignments, low marks, no\\nsleep and stress lines on theirforeheads.-Normal engineers believe that itsforbidden to have fun, so all theydo is study 24/7 without develop-ing other skills, being creative or\\nparticipating in extra-curricularactivities. This makes their minddull, and they adopt the drab\\nmonotony of studying hard, butnot smart. the CANNON6| NEWSAdele WongINDY OT6A Froshs Experience at the CFES CongressSaskatoons a decent city. Itsdowntown streets are nice and\\ncleannot to mention dead quiet\\nonce past ten p.m.and its high-\\nest building stands tall and\\nproud at twenty-something\\nstoreys. The people are friendly,\\nthe sky is blue, and the land re-\\nally is pancake-flat. You can lit-erally see from one end of the\\nstreet to the other, if you look\\nhard enough. But other than this\\nunique landscape feature, Saska-\\ntoon is almost like a miniature\\nversion of Toronto, minus the\\npollution and the noise.Aside from recently hostingthe Figure Skating World\\nChampionships, Saskatoon was\\nalso the home of the CFES (Ca-\\nnadian Federation of Engineer-\\ning Students) Congress this year,\\nand on the night of January 3,\\nmore than 200 students from\\nuniversities across Canada, Eu-\\nrope and the U.S. gathered at the\\nRadisson Hotel (which is coinci-\\ndentally also the highest build-\\ning, as mentioned above) to\\nshare ideas and more than a few\\nbeers together.I was one of those students,and along with the rest of the U.\\nof T. crew (there were fourteen\\nof us in all), I spent an entire\\nweek in the semi-windy city sit-ting in on workshops and learn-ing how to party.Speaking of parties: I did notknow how alcohol-crazed many\\nengineers were until I went to the\\nconference and witnessed the\\ndrinking phenomenon myself.\\nThe social event for each and ev-\\nery evening included beer, beer,\\nand more beer. It was heaven for\\nsome of usI mean, imagine\\npaying 50 cents for a drink, or\\nsometimes nothing at all. Even I,at the risk of being shunned by\\nthe true-to-their-oath engi-\\nneers out there (I hate the taste\\nof beer and pass out after two\\nSmirnoff ices), couldnt resist the\\ncheap prices and had to take ad-\\nvantage of the limited supply by\\npurchasing a few drinks myself.Every night was wild androwdy, which made it that much\\nmore difficult to get up in time\\nfor the next day. But then again\\nthat didnt really mattermany\\nof us slept through the morning\\nevents (me included), until our\\nheads stopped spinning or the\\nhangover was gone. Dancing,\\ndrinking and basically staying up\\nall day, every day, can really wear\\nyou out.Of course, the main purposeof the conference was for all of\\nus to participate in workshops\\nand seminars, and to inspire\\neach other with passionate dis-\\ncussions, new ideas, and per-sonal experiences. And I thinkCongress 2003 did a good job in\\nachieving this goal, overall. Im\\nshy to death when it comes to\\nwell, just socialising in general,\\nbut I managed to come back with\\nmemories of many awesome\\npeople, as well as a louder voice.Its hard to believe how muchcould come out of one measly\\nvoyage across the country. Not\\nonly did I learn many new things,\\nbut I also got to buy just as much.\\nThats right: no matter where a\\ngirl goes, she must have the op-\\nportunity to shop or she dies\\n(OK, maybe its just me). But the\\nMidtown Plaza was a paradise\\nfor me: in the end I had to buy a\\nnew suitcase to pack my newly-\\nbought clothes and shoes! (Final\\nlist: 2 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, a\\npair of boots, 3 shirts, a handbag,\\nstockings, some personal stuff\\nundies and bras, heeheeand a\\npair of mittens.)As a mere f!rosh, I was totallynew to the scene and therefore\\nprobably embarrassed my older\\nand wiser U. of T. colleagues\\nmore than once by sticking to\\nthem like glue and obliging them\\nto pry my mouth open just to say\\na few words. But the conference\\nwas such a fun and relaxing ex-\\nperience that I eventually didnt\\ncare whether or not I was a nui-\\nsanceI just dragged myself\\nalong anywhere and everywhere.Even though I thought wewere going to die on the way back\\n(the plane ride was iffy), Id say\\nit was worth the risk, consider-\\ning all that Ive gained while\\nthere (friends, freebies, clothes).\\nAnd besides, I never wouldve\\ngone to Saskatoon myself, other-\\nwise.Postscript: Oh yeah, thats right:I think its time to explain what\\nthe CFES is all about. Basically,\\nit is a nationwide organization\\n(dont worry, not too many\\npeople know about it) that\\nstrives to provide meaningful\\nbenefits to engineering students\\nacross Canada. The CEC (think\\nlarger version of UTEK),\\nPresidents meeting, and Con-\\ngress are three main events\\norganised by CFES. Resources\\nsuch as Project Magazine andthe CFES caf (www.cfescafe.ca)are also a part of the\\norganization. My advice is to\\nmake good use of these resources\\nbecause the truth is you already\\npaid for it! From the fees we had\\nto choke up at the beginning of\\nthe year, 30 cents per student\\nwere attributed to the CFES.\\nWell, at least now you know.Sunaina and Tarek pose during the congress AGMSunaina, Mike, Angela, and John pose in front of \"Chateau Saskatchewan\"This U of T crew has too many digital camerasChris Dunn, VP Finance, and Pool SharkGeorge Rotter, co-founder ofEngineers Without Borders, gives a\\ntalkPHOTOS BY CHRIS DUNN AND TAREK SAGHIR 7 the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VOn the final night, tradition has it that delegates from Quebec come to the formalbanquet... without their pants onDowntown Saskatoon at 7 pmAshley Morton, 1930s TycoonSunaina enjoys herself with a girl from RMC and a guy from Queen\\'sTeam TorontoRich detects a speling erorSunaina and Mike deliver the winning bid for Congress 2005The Canadian Light Source Synchotron at the University of Saskatchewan the CANNON8from almost all the differentcolleges and faculties.Prior to the 1949 race, in aneffort to take things to the next\\nlevel, an article in The Varsity an-nounced that EngSoc had decided\\nto cancel the race because they\\nfeel that there are no worthy com-\\npetitors. In response, the num-\\nber of entries skyrocketed, to the\\npoint where EngSoc felt that it was\\nappropriate to offer a trophy to the\\nwinning team. They proposed to\\ncall it the Jerry P. Jolte Memo-\\nrial Trophy, named after some\\nguy who they thought was a key\\nfigure around Skule after the\\nturn of the century, but nobody\\nseemed to be able to find any\\nrecord of his existence. There was,\\nhowever, a prominent figure on\\nSAC that year by the name of\\nJoseph H. Potts. This would seem\\nlike a completely irrelevant obser-\\nvation, except for the fact that\\nPotts had for a long time been an\\noutspoken critic of the races, com-\\nplaining that the engineers always| NEWSIf you ask a Skule engineerwhat they remember most about\\nGodiva Week, that wild and crazy\\nweek o fun in January, most prob-\\nably they will say the chariot\\nrace. Unless they happen to be\\nsilly f!rosh who dont have a clue\\nwhat youre talking about. In ei-\\nther case, they might benefit from\\nthis, Ye Archivist of Skules lat-\\nest historical musing.Every year, each discipline (atleast, thats the idea) and the\\nf!rosh class gather their best and\\nbrightest to build a chariota\\nwheeled, one-person vehicle of\\nsome descriptionto race for the\\ncoveted Jerry P. Potts Memorial\\nTrophy. With an earth-shattering\\nkaboom, the race around front\\ncampus begins and a delightful\\nbloodbath ensues.Like many Skule traditions,the chariot race traces its roots\\nback almost 100 years. In those\\ndays, EngSoc election night was\\none of the major social events ofthe year. Rather than simplydropping ballots into a box, the\\nlarge drafting room in the little red\\nSkulehouse became the scene of\\nall sorts of entertainment and\\nsports. In particular, aspiring\\ncharioteers would balance them-\\nselves on chamber pots whose\\nhandles were threaded with tow-\\nropes. Teams of their fellow stu-\\ndents would pull them around the\\nroom to the delight of the crowd.Over the years, and over twoworld wars, EngSoc elections\\nchanged in format and the old-\\nstyle chariot races died out. But\\nin 1947 they were resurrected in a\\ncompletely new format. Skule\\nannounced a massive, campus-\\nwide chariot race around front\\ncampus to be used as a publicity\\nstunt for the annual Engineering\\nAt-Home (a large dinner dance\\nthat was the forerunner of Can-\\nnonball). It was so successful that\\nthe race caught on as a major cam-\\npus rivalry event, drawing entriesWho The F! is Jerry P. Potts?-----YYYYYe Grande Olde Charioe Grande Olde Charioe Grande Olde Charioe Grande Olde Charioe Grande Olde Chariot Race-t Race-t Race-t Race-t Race-employed corrupt judges. In hishonour, the Jerry P. Potts\\nMemorial Trophy was born.Not surprisingly, with a newtrophy and unprecedented cam-\\npus involvement, things quickly\\nspiralled out of control. At the\\n1949 race, Skule was declared\\nthe winner, but Meds disputed\\nthat and stole the Skule Cannon.\\nThe next year, Meds also stole the\\nJerry P. Potts Memorial Trophy\\nbefore the race.By 1953, it was recognized thatthings were getting a bit out of\\nhand, so EngSoc decided to re-\\nstrict the races to engineering dis-\\nciplines only. The races have\\nchanged very little in form since\\nthat time, a tradition shared by\\ngenerations of Skule(wo)men.So next time youre out theremowing your way through insane\\nscreaming mobs, pause for a mo-\\nment to appreciate the timeless\\ntradition youre taking part in.Adam TrumpourNSCI 0T4GODIVA WEEKZACH HOY / ANDREW WONG 9 the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VBefore and after...Hardhats comes in all shapes and sizes.What is \" \"? Different ways of relieving stress.ZACH HOY / ANDREW WONG the CANNON10| NEWSOn January 17 and 18, studentsfrom all disciplines of engineeringat U. of T. gathered together to\\ncompete in the first annual Univer-sity of Toronto EngineeringKompetition (coined UTEK for\\nshort). The competition itself is afeeder competition to the OntarioEngineering Competition (OEC), to\\nbe hosted this year by Western atthe beginning of February.In the past, selection of com-petitors for OEC had been done pre-dominantly by professors who rec-ommended top-notch students for\\nentry in one of the six categoriesthat exist at OEC: ParliamentaryDebate, Frosh Team Design,\\nEntrepreneurial Design, CorporateDesign, Editorial Communications,and Explanatory Communications.\\nThe adoption of UTEK has allowedfor widespread communicationabout OEC and also inspired much-\\nneeded competition amongststudents here at SkuleTM.The notion of having an inter-nal engineering competition priorto the provincials is not a new oneWestern and Queens have been\\nhosting such events for years.However, it is something that wehave never really done and is defi-\\nnitely something that holds muchpromise for years to come.This year, the entire structureof the competition was inspired byMichael Brougham, president of theNano Club. His enthusiasm helped\\nto turn the competition into reality.His vision for the competition wasnot that of a hierarchical\\norganization, but more so one of around-table amongst the variousstudent groups that exist\\nthroughout engineering. The ideawas that each group wouldultimately be responsible for\\nseparately designing and develop-ing one of the six categories in thecompetitionresulting in a round\\ntable of six categories that wouldamalgamate in the end to produceUTEK. Organizations that were\\ninvolved this year include: theUniversity of Toronto EngineeringSociety, UTRA, IEEE, Engineers\\nWithout Borders, the Nano Club,and the Chem Club.Although there were manythings that could definitely be im-proved for next year (i.e. having anevasive plan of action for a fire\\nalarm in the Bahen Centre duringthe middle of Parliamentary De-bate), the idea of UTEK seemed to\\ngenerate much enthusiasm amongthe students who participated.The event ranged from interest-ing project displays in the foyer ofthe Bahen Centre for Corporate andEntrepreneurial Design, towatching as towers of paper and\\ntape miraculously withstood loadsof pop-filled crates in the FroshTeam Design category.In the end, the competitiondefinitely would not have been asuccess without the many individu-\\nals (faculty and students) who gen-erously volunteered their time andmoney in the months prior to the\\nevent. Deserving of specialrecognition are Mrta Ecsedi andthe Alumni Association, without\\nwhom the competition would neverhave taken place, and of course ourfood guru Andrea Cassano who\\nsuccessfully took on the role offeeding a hungry crowd of engineersthroughout the day.Again, thank you to all volun-teers and participants who madethis years competition a success. I\\nurge you all to take part again nextyear and increase UTEKs aware-ness among the engineering student\\nbody.If you have any questions orcomments about UTEK or this ar-\\nticle, please send an email to yourVP External Mike Branch atvpexternal@skule.ca.Below is a list of winners in eachof the categories at UTEK. Firstplace winners received a $500\\ncheque.Frosh Team Design1st Ron Appel, Lorne Applebaum,Bowie Cheung, David Wong2nd Huang-Yee Iu, Joe Kerr,\\nGirish Chhatwani, ChristopherMilligan3rd Hans Hesse, Roman Leifer,\\nDan Ludwin, David ShirokoffEntrepreneurial Design1st Kenny (Yu Kai) He, ElenaAndreeva2nd Christopher Moraes, Clement\\nMa, Sandra Mau, Stefan Neata3rd Paul Kim, Maciej Stachura,Howard Kim, Jay LoftusParliamentary Debate1st Aaron Rousseau and Leo2nd Ashley Morton and ErikaKiessner3rd Vivek Sekhar and DanielSchwartz-NarbonneCorporate Design1st Jeffrey Mckerrall2nd Peter Lewis, Doug Hester3rd Natalie Hirsch, Ian Chown,\\nAmin Nikfarman, Heather FawcettExplanatory Communications1st Feraz Shere2nd Ardavan FarjadpourUTEK 2003Mike BranchCOMP 0T3Clubbing for Healthier Minds & BodiesDiana Al-DajaneCOMP 0T3Clubbing is very beneficial forthe development of students per-sonalities and skills. Of course, I am\\ntalking about a different type of club-bing. In fact, the University ofToronto is full of clubs that are su-\\npervised by SAC (Student Adminis-trative Council). Each club is estab-lished by a group of members\\n(executives) who have certain goalsthat they want to achieve throughtheir clubs events.Among all the clubs at theUniversity of Toronto, however, theNutrition Club caught my attention.\\nTherefore, I interviewed its presi-dent, Amani Saif. She said that theclubs purpose is to increase the\\nstudents awareness of how healthyeating habits can directly help thebody cope with stressful lifestyles\\nand enhance physical, mental, andpsychological well-being. It is a factthat we, students, face a lot of stress\\nduring our academic year. We usu-ally get addicted to caffeine, hopingthat it will help us stay awake and be\\nmore productive. However, what wedo not know is that caffeine has anegative effect on the body. Because\\nwe force it to get hyper, it will needsome extra rest after the effect of thecaffeine is gone; hence, the body will\\nfeel extra tired. Instead of destroy-ing our bodies to get a short-termeffect, we can use the help of this Nu-\\ntrition Club that will offer interactiveworkshops based on membersneeds. Amani said that there will be\\na list of suggested topics and that themembers will vote on the topic of thenext workshop. Some of these top-\\nics are:\\n1.Nutrition basics: The link be-tween having good digestion andenergy, allergies, weight manage-\\nment and degenerative diseases.2.Sports nutrition day: Creat-ine, glutamine, protein, anabolicand steroids supplementation for\\nathletes and body builders.3.Foods for thought: Brain neu-rotransmitters and foods that\\ndirectly affect their functioning.\\nFoods that help enhance memoryand concentration.4.Nutritional Supplementa-tion: When to take them, andhow to shop for them.5.Dieting and weight manage-ment: What to do to reach ahealthy weight.There will also be some games,contests, and guest speakers to makeabsorbing the nutritious informationeasier, more effective, and more fun.Moreover, the most useful toolthat will help students to get per-sonal advice is the Nutrition Ques-\\ntionnaire. This questionnaire con-sists of 700 yes/no questions thatwill help in exploring the bodys cur-\\nrent condition and symptoms forpossible diseases or weaknesses.Amani said that it is considered bet-\\nter than a blood test since it is acategorized one. Each category dealswith different body symptoms.\\nBased on the questionnaires results,each student will get more person-alized help. However, according to\\nthe legal notice attached in the ClubConstitution, [the] nutritional guid-ance provided through the club is\\nstrictly for promoting nutritionalwell-being. It is not intended for di-agnosis of any disease or ailment, nor\\ndoes it suggest any treatment of anykind. On the other hand, it is alwaysa good idea to learn more about our\\nbodies and to answer our questionsabout improving our bodies produc-tivity and efficiency using the right\\nnutrition.To help you explore this amaz-ing club, here is its official email ad-\\ndress for any further questions:nutritionclub@scientist.com.UTEK 11 the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VOn October 25, a team of threebrave engineers set their boat inLake Ontario. It was the RecyclingCouncil of Ontarios recyclable ca-\\nnoe competition. The purpose of thecompetition was to build a canoeout of PET class 1 plastic, which is\\nmost commonly found in waterbottles. The canoe was then to bepresented in front of a panel of\\njudges who evaluated it in terms ofhow well and how environmentallyfriendly it was constructed.First to present was Waterloo 1,a very high-tech boat made entirelyout of sponsor materials. Second\\nwas Queens which had a tri-hulldesign and few sponsors, but adedicated team of twenty. Third was\\nWaterloo 2, who had no sponsorsand a very simple design: popbottles glued together in the shape\\nof a canoe; they too had a large teamand, like the teams before them, hada PowerPoint presentation. And\\nlast, but by no means least as youwill soon see, was my teamthe U.of T. team, the smallest but most\\ndedicated team of all. Ours had thesimplest design: a few planks ofwood that, together with fencing,\\nmade a rigid net. On this net, emptypop bottles were very neatlyarranged in the shape of a hemi-\\nellipsoid. The bottles had beenopened the night before to exposethem to cold air so that they\\nwouldnt shrink when they came incontact with the cold lake the nextday. This was covered by more\\nfencing, which was then tightly tiedto the rigid wooden frame. Our boatwas built the night before the race,\\nwhich was the only time most of usdid not have a midterm. (I had aCalculus midterm the next morning\\nat 10:00, and we finished construc-tion of the boat at 6:30.) By nomeans did we have time for a\\nPowerPoint presentation. However,the judges liked our entry, althoughone could see that they were not too\\nsure that the boat would float.The first two teams raced andhad only a little bit of rocking. The\\nthird team, Waterloo 2, could notstartthey could not push off thedock without flipping (they tried\\nthree times in the cold water of LakeOntario). Our boat, to everybodyssurprise, went as smoothly as a\\nswan. Unfortunately, since we onlyhad two rowers (this is how we de-signed the boat) as opposed to the\\nother teams that had three andsince there was a large drag forcecreated by our design, our team had\\nthe longest time. The judges, con-gratulating our valiant effort andseeing how much we learned fromthe experience (we originally triedto make the canoe of out sheets of\\nplastic that we wanted to make bymelting pop bottlesa very difficultthing to do), awarded us third place.\\nThe U. of T. team was composed ofTom Borrowich, Laura Declercq-Lopez, and your humble writer,\\nAlexandru Sonoc.The PopBottle CanoeAlexandru SonocCHEM OT5Halal food is the latest additionon the menu in the SF cafeteria.Students can request Halal meat at\\nthe grill or entree kiosks. Afterprolonged lobbying by the MuslimStudents Association (MSA),\\nSodexho (the main food provider oncampus) began serving Halal itemsat Sidney Smith cafeteria, and then\\nexpanded to Medical Sciences andSanford Fleming Cafeteria, alongwith Wilson Dining Hall (New\\nCollege).Zabiha, the word for the Islamicmethod of slaughtering animals, is\\nscientifically the best and humaneas well. The Islamic mode ofslaughtering an animal requires the\\nfollowing conditions to be met:1.The animal should be slaugh-tered with a sharp object (a\\nknife) and in a fast way so thatthe pain of slaughter is mini-mized.2.The animal should be slaugh-tered by cutting the throat, wind-pipe and the blood vessels in the\\nneck, causing its death withoutcutting the spinal cord.3.The blood should be drainedcompletely before the head isremoved because it serves as agood culture medium for micro-\\norganisms and toxins. The spinalcord must not be cut because thenerve fibres to the heart could be\\ndamaged during the process,causing cardiac arrest andstagnating the blood in the blood\\nvessels. Therefore, the Islamicway of slaughtering is morehygienic as most of the blood\\ncontaining germs, bacteria,toxins, etc. that are the cause ofseveral diseases are eliminated.4.Meat slaughtered the Islamicway remains fresh for a longertime due to a lack of blood in the\\nmeat as compared to othermethods of slaughtering.5.The swift cutting of vessels of theneck disconnects the flow ofHumairah IrfanCOMP OT5Halal Food at SUDSblood to the part of the brain\\nresponsible for pain. Thus, the\\nanimal does not feel pain. Whiledying, the animal struggles,writhes, shakes and kicks, not\\ndue to pain, but due to the con-traction and relaxation ofmuscles deficient in blood and\\ndue to the flow of blood out ofthe body.Halal food began to be served at U.\\nof T. a few years ago as an experi-ment by individual residences.Loretto College for girls at St.\\nMichaels College has been servingHalal meat for a few years now. Lastyear, Burwash Dining Hall (Victoria\\nCollege) began serving Halal meatand still does. This summer,Sodexho approached MSA to see\\nwhat their needs were, because theysaw a potential market for Halalfood on campus. Sodexhos sister\\nbranches in the USA have had greatsuccess with serving Halal food.Lorna Willis has been the Sodexho\\nGeneral Manager since September1999 and is responsible for allcampus locations except Trinity and\\nSt. Mikes. In an interview with her,I learned that Sodexho has receiveda tremendous response, much bet-\\nter than they were expecting, andare very pleased with this. Theinterview follows below:Why did Sodexho feel the need forintroduction Halal food?Sodexhos mission is to createand offer services that contribute toa more pleasant way of life for\\npeople whenever and wherever theycome together. Our role on campusis to provide services that enhance\\nthe quality of student life. Werealized that a significant portion ofour customer base would appreciate\\nthe convenience of being able toaccess Halal products on campus.We began getting requests for Halal\\nproducts about a year- and-a-halfago. It took a while to find suppliersof Halal meats that were approved\\nthrough Sodexhos procurement de-partment. Sodexho has very highstandards for food safety and qual-ity assurance and we audit oursuppliers facilities to ensure that\\nyour food is safe. The program re-ally got a boost when, through Stu-dent Affairs, we met with the Mus-\\nlim Students Association. The MSApresident, Muhammad BasilAhmad, provided valuable instruc-\\ntion on how to properly prepareHalal food. Additionally, the MSAwas very supportive in promoting\\nthe program through their list-serve.How has the response been so far?I would say tremendousmuchbetter than we expected thanks to\\nthe support of the MSA. Nextmonth, I will be making apresentation to other Sodexho\\nmanagers who may want to intro-duce the products on their cam-puses.Do you have any new menu itemsplanned for the future? What is\\nbeing served at the moment?Right now, we are servingburgers, chicken burgers, chicken\\nbreasts, chicken hot dogs, and avariety of lamb products. The itemsare being offered at our grills and\\ndisplay cooking stations. Somelocations offer an entree made withHalal meat. At New College, we\\noffer one entree daily that is Halal(sometimes this is a fish dish).Our first goal was to provide anumber of products and serve themproperly. As we move forward, wewill be preparing more entrees\\nusing Halal meats. It is a challengebecause some of our locations donot have full kitchens. What we\\nhave learned is that there is amarket for the productswithproven volumes; it is easier to find\\nnew products and suppliers.For more information, contact:MSA: www.utoronto.ca/muslimEmail: msa_uoft@yahoogroups.comALEXANDRU SONOC the CANNON12| FEATURESPaul Cadario has led quite theinteresting life. After four years atU. of T. as a CIV, years teeming with\\ninvolvement in student affairs andpolitics, Paul graduated in 1974 witha Rhodes Scholarship. This honour\\ntook him to Englands Oxford Uni-versity, where he studied Philoso-phy, Politics and Economics. In Oc-\\ntober of 75, after completing hisstudies, Paul embarked on a careerat the World Bank. He has since\\nbeen involved in projects spanningthe globe, from Greece to WestAfrica to China. His current position\\ninvolves overseeing the Banks dis-tribution of $1.6 billion USD of do-nors money annually as grants for\\ndevelopment. Paul was kind enoughto give The Cannon his views on anumber of different issues. Here are\\njust some of the topics he covered:On municipal engineeringamong the Inuit in the Cana-dian Arctic (Paul worked thereover a summer):During the 1950s and 1960s,Canadas federal government had\\ngone to a lot of trouble and spent alot of money to concentrate theInuit in settlements, rather than let\\nthem follow their nomadic ways.This left their people in the handsof the government (including the\\nRCMP), the church, and theHudsons Bay Company. Even thenparents and elders were concerned\\nthat their children were growing upwithout understanding their cul-ture, as snowmobiles replaced\\ndogsleds, and canned goods, popand candy replaced fish, caribouand other hunted bounty from the\\nland. A book by Farley Mowat hadhighlighted some of these concerns,probably underplaying the issue of\\nenvironmental sustainability in thelife that was and, looking back atsome of the issues, taking a socially\\nconstructed view of Inuit that,carried to an extreme, would havekept the Inuit (and other First Na-\\ntions in Canadas north) quite apartfrom the 20th century. Students inthe 1970s read it. Anyway, the\\nsettlements had a small number ofwhite families, the nurse, the priest,the teacher, the community admin-\\nistrator and the Bay company per-son, living in modern houses, withfive-gallon flush toilets, requiring,\\nof course, regular trucked watersupply and pumping out of sewage/wastewater holding tanks, all reli-\\nably heated so they wouldnt freeze,while the other 95% of thecommunitys residents, the Inuit,\\nlived in fairly basic pre-built hous-ing, without running water and re-lying on what were called honey-\\nbags to dispose of human waste.The collection of the honey-bagsand their disposal was not as regu-\\nlarly or carefully organized as theservices provided to the non-Inuithouseholds, so that when the snow\\nmelted in the spring, the combina-tion of decaying skinned seals,thawing honey-bags and drainage\\nproblems was quite remarkable toexperience. The work that Profes-sor Gary Heinke (who was later\\nDean) was leading for what wasthen called Indian Affairs andNorthern Development was to ex-\\namine how the overall municipalservices delivery worked, and pro-pose more cost-effective, equitable\\nand environmentally appropriateapproaches to the Federal Govern-ment, who was paying for it all. I\\ntravelled to villages in the centralAlumnus InterAlumnus InterAlumnus InterAlumnus InterAlumnus Intervievievievieview: Pw: Pw: Pw: Pw: Paul Cadarioaul Cadarioaul Cadarioaul Cadarioaul CadarioTarek SaghirCHEM 0T5Arctic during two summers to dothe field research, coming back\\nquite shocked by the inequality andinefficiency of it all. In a way,Canada had its own third-world\\ncountry up north.On Hot Topic issues in the1970s:...to list the issues in late 60sand early 70s, you had, of course,\\nthe Vietnam War (or the AmericanWar as it is called at the museumin Hanoi, which I recently visited\\nwhile there on World Bank busi-ness), Americanization of Canadaand the protection of Canadian cul-\\nture (everything from foreign in-vestment, to buy Canadian, to therole of the multiversity as a servant\\nto the military-industrial complex(a very Cold War construct), towhether there should be a Canadian\\nedition of Time magazine, to thenumber of Americans employed byuniversities as many young academ-\\nics fled the draft, to stopping theSpadina Expressway. Drugs and sexwere then, as now, on the agenda,\\nthough the issues there were calledfeminism/womens liberation,sexual liberation, and the right to\\nchoose (access to birth control andabortion services). Toronto in the70s was not nearly as open, diverse\\nand cosmopolitan as it is today.Gay, lesbian, bisexual andtransgendered rights issues were\\nstill pretty much in the closet, evenin the liberal parts of the universitycommunity, in part because sexism\\nwas still pretty rampant, even oncampus, in those days. Hart Housewas opened to women members\\nonly in my fourth year. The Toikeprinted some pretty raw stuff (noth-ing compared to what happened\\nlater, which led to its reforms).During my time as an undergradu-ate there were protests and sit-ins\\nabout daycare, about undergradu-ate access to the stacks in the then-new Robarts Library, and about\\nparity (of students and faculty) onvarious university governmentbodies that were to be created. (This\\nwas before there was a GoverningCouncil.) I think that then, as now,issues anywhere are driven by a\\nsmall number of committed activ-ists. Today the Internet (a productof engineers) makes it far easier to\\norganize an issue and spread infor-mation about it. But today, thereare a lot more issues competing for\\nattention (eyeballs) so I imaginethat the general level of engagementin social issues is probably about the\\nsame, celebrated protests like Se-attle, Prague, Quebec City andWashington notwithstanding.On the Third World and thefeasibility of debt relief:I just spent some time inBangladesh, my third visit in a de-\\ncade. I came away feeling that de-spite the multi-storey buildings inevery direction on the horizon in\\nDhaka (or, more accurately, theconstruction cranes), the lot of thepoor urban dweller and her family,\\nand particularly her daughters, hadnot improved. When you considerhow most of our lives in Canada and\\nthe United States have changed forthe better in the last 10 years, youcannot but want to do something.Debt relief is one of the tools theinternational community has givenitself as part of the arsenal to fight\\nglobal poverty. The Highly In-debted Poor Countries (HIPC) Ini-tiative, spearheaded by the World\\nBank and the International Mon-etary Fund, and supported by mostdeveloped countries, is the firstcomprehensive international re-sponse to provide debt relief to thepoorest countries. Properly struc-\\ntured and conditioned, debt reliefcan help them spend what they saveon debt service on important social\\nprograms, particularly in health andeducation, and on programs to fightHIV/AIDS. The cut in the global\\nstock of debt also lets countriesprudently borrow new money, sincethe HIPC program also aims to put\\nin place public institutions that canspend wisely on the right public in-vestments, including water supplies\\nand social goods like schools andclinics and their operating costs.Beyond debt relief, though, itwill be vitally important for devel-oped countries to open their bordersto more trade from developing\\ncountries, particularly in agricul-tural products and industrial goodslike clothing, since gains from in-\\ncreased trade will far exceed eventhose from the most generous debtrelief schemes. With global foreign\\ninvestment, and thanks in part tostudent activism, come appropriatelabour and safety standards, prob-\\nably the only way many countriescan end child labour. Its also im-portant that appropriate, well-de-\\nsigned and economically executedand maintained infrastructure,from the rural road to the secure\\ncontainer port, be ready to shipthose goods to market.Microfinance is also an important\\nway to create employment and pro-vide opportunities for small-scaleentrepreneurs and business people,\\nparticularly women.Im not seduced by the hypeover the Internet and the knowledge\\neconomy as being the answer to allthe problems of development. Buta more transparent world where\\nknowledge is freely shared and ex-changed allows the spread of high-value-added work related to com-\\nputers and technology, and someservices, to countries where an edu-cated labour force can do the job\\njust as well and at far lower cost. Italso builds honest, more account-able governments. And above all,\\nknowledge spreads the values ofcompetition, markets and equalitythat underpin the most successful\\neconomies today. Yes, there arerisks in the information age, includ-ing to our privacy and civil liberties.\\nSome are inherent in how complexsystems behave. The risks to indi-viduals and to free societies can best\\nbe addressed by everyone beingmore tolerant of ideas and differ-ences and open to change, and bybeing conscious of the need to make\\nit possible for people everywhere,particularly the very poorest, toshare in the progress that engi-\\nneersand many otherscan makepossible.On education and career pathsfor the next generation of en-gineers:I think that the 21st century be-longs to integrators, and engineers\\nby virtue of both the breadth anddepth of what we study are naturalintegrators. Economics and busi-\\nness are one useful addition, andunderstanding the human andmanagement challenges of organi-\\nzations is becoming more and moreimportant. Engineering and tech-nology will increasingly raise legal\\nissues, and it would be good if someengineers turned their talents inthese directions too, and dont get\\ndragged into suing drunk driversand negotiating M&As, where, alas,the money can be. As a U. of T. grad,\\nand a friend of Skule, I would be re-miss if I did not mention that wehave to have the engineering profes-\\nsors of the future, colleagues whoare at the top of the field and canpush forward the discipline, so I\\nhope that some of the top studentswill go to MIT, or Stanford, or Im-perial College, to advance engineer-\\ning knowledge and come back toCanada to teach and do research.The problems the world has today,\\nparticularly related to the environ-ment, have global consequences,and unless we can grow more food,\\nprovide adequate water, and use en-ergy and other resources on theplanet more judiciously, the human\\nand political consequences are toodreadful to imagine. The physicaland natural sciences are perhaps\\nmore engaged in identifying theproblems, and social scientists lookinto impact and try to quantify it,\\nbut engineering is key to finding andimplementing solutions to the greatproblems of our time.Final quick facts:-If youre in Eng Sci, you will haveprobably written your first yearCIV quizzes in the Cadario Facil-\\nity for Integrated Learning. Yes,its named after the person fea-tured in this article.-Paul still has his hardhat fromorientation.ALUMNI OFFICE 13 the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VDanica LamNSCI 0T5Professor Peter Zandstra: Not Afraid of BiologyAsk An EngineerTarek SaghirCHEM 0T5It would be interesting to do asurvey on how many engineering\\nstudents went into this field toavoid biology. After all, the meremention of the word biology isenough to turn many engineeringstudents into pitiful, whimperingcreatures clutching pathetically at\\ntheir hard hats.Not so for Professor PeterZandstra. In 1992, he completed\\nundergraduate studies in ChemicalEngineering in a unique McGillprogram that allows students to\\nstudy engineering and also acquirea minor. Professor Zandstras mi-nor? Biotechnology. After McGill,\\nit was on to the University ofBritish Columbia, where his thesisdealt with the growth of\\nhematopoietic stem cells.Today, Professor Zandstrascore appointment at U. of T. is with\\nthe Institute of Biomaterials andBiomedical Engineering (IBBME),although he is also appointed to\\nChemical Engineering and MedicalBiophysics. His research continuesto focus on stem cells, those little\\nblobs that have been the subject offeatures in TIME magazine, andwhich have biomedical researchers\\ngiddy with excitement.The excitement is warranted.Most cells in your body are dif-ferentiated. They have a certainfunction which they perform, andno other. A liver cell is very good\\nat being a liver cell, for example,but its useless as a brain cell.Stem cells, on the other hand,are undifferentiated. Instead, theyhave the ability to not only repro-duce themselves but also produce\\ndifferentiated cells. Embryonicstem cells, found in the embryos ofdeveloping organisms, can producedifferentiated cells of any variety.\\nAdult stem cells are thought toproduce differentiated cells of onlyone kind (although recent research\\nmay indicate that this is not alwaysthe case).Theoretically, this means thatwe could use stem cells to repairtissue and tissue function in justabout any area of the body. Appli-\\ncations range from organ regenera-tion to the introduction ofcorrective genes, which, thanks to\\nthe ability of stem cells to repro-duce, would not only be producedin adequate quantities, but would\\nalso remain present instead of dis-appearing as cells died.Professor Zandstras lab dealswith two aspects of stem cell re-search. The first is the explorationof cell-fate decisions at a molecu-\\nlar level. This kind of researchwould allow us to control the pro-duction of specific differentiated\\ncells from stem cells. Using thisinformation, his lab is also inter-ested in designing bioprocesses to\\nuse stem cells on a clinically rel-evant scale.Surprisingly (or not, depend-ing on your opinion of the Cana-dian government), research in thisand related fields has gone unregu-\\nlated basically since it began. LastMay, Health Minister AnneMcLellan introduced her attempt\\nto address this with Bill C-56, AnAct Respecting Assisted HumanReproduction. Researchers, bioet-hicists, activists, and even thepublic are calling the bill long over-due.Professor Zandstra predictsthat it will finally provide a direc-tion for many scientists as well as\\naccelerate the pace of research:There are a lot of people, such asmyself, who have kind of beenwaiting for a frameworkWevebeen reticent to just jump in.\\nWhich is completely understand-able. (Hello, Professor So-and-so?Bad news. All of your experiments\\nare about to become illegal. Pleaseterminate your lifes work at yourearliest convenience.)Unfortunately, the govern-ment doesnt have a very good trackrecord in this kind of policy-mak-\\ning. It comes nine years after theRoyal Commissions report on newreproductive technologies, 24 years\\nafter the first test-tube baby, andmore than 30 years after twoToronto researchers were the first\\nto conclusively show the existenceof hematopoeitic stem cells inmice. This bill marks the third timethe Canadian government has triedto legislate reproductive andgenetic technologies.The legislation as it stands nowwould allow for embryonic stemcell research under certain\\nconditions. These include usingcells from human embryos that arethe result of infertility treatments,\\nbut only if the embryos were goingto be discarded, and with the fullconsent of the couples who own the\\nembryos. Researchers who wish touse embryonic stem cells wouldfirst need to apply to a new\\nregulatory body, the AssistedReproduction Agency of Canada.What the legislation will notallow is putting human embryonicstem cells in developmental organ-ismsin other words, in animal\\nembryos. The fear is that thehuman cells will become incorpo-rated into the animal, creating a\\nhybrid or, as Professor Zandstraputs it, an animal-human chi-mera.This invocation of a fire-breathing monster from Greekmythologypart lion, part goat,and part serpentis not simply adramatic image. It is a reminderthat, as is the case with every kind\\nof progress, the enormous poten-tial of stem cells is also their dan-ger.Also clouding the issue, besidesthe political rhetoric floatingaround, is the fact that stem cell\\nresearch is still very new. Manythings are still unclear, includingwhat kind of stem cells will be\\nneeded to develop treatments,much less how to control theirbehaviour, or what long-term ef-\\nfects implanting stem cells willproduce. Stem cell research willgive us the capacity to conceptually\\ndesign treatments for all cell-baseddiseases. But thats sort of a 50-year dream of where we would go,\\nProfessor Zandstra cautions.At the same time, no one is ex-actly pessimistic, either. It would\\nbe very exciting to be involved inthe development of a clinical treat-ment (using stem cells) that would\\nmake a difference in peoples lives,says Professor Zandstra, adding, Ithink thats going to happen soon.Especially as an engineer, Ithink we can help to move [stemcell research] from the phenom-\\nenological, biological sphere to aclinically useful one.1. Do you enjoy taking part inGodiva Week?\\nIn my opinion, Godiva Weekis excellent for SkuleTM spirit and toremind people, while the workload\\nis still light, that there is life outsidethe classroom. 2. What arts elective are youtaking? What do you think ofit? Is it as easy as you thought\\nit would be? Is it interesting?I am currently taking Sociology 101.3. Other than engineering ,what other career would youpursue if you had the chance?I would love to be a professionalhockey player. Although that dream\\ndied many years ago, I attempt tokeep it alive by living vicariouslythrough my brothers. 4. What were your reasons forjoining eng sci? For staying in\\neng sci?I joined engsci because I knew Iwanted to be an engineer but I wasnot really sure which disciplinewould suit me. I have stayed inengsci because I dont see a better\\nalternative out there.5. Favourite sport? Favourite\\nfood?Hockey. Steak. 6. Have you had a professorthat you would consider hot?Being a male student I have not had\\ntoo many professors of the oppositesex (and I do not consider menhot). So, unfortunately (or\\nfortunately because it has helpedme focus) I have not found any ofmy professors hot.1. Do you enjoy taking part inGodiva Week?Of course! Godiva Week is the best\\npart of the yearexcept for F!roshWeek, possibly.2. What arts elective are you tak-ing? What do you think of it? Isit as easy as you thought it would\\nbe? Is it interesting?Im taking SOC101 for my arts elec-tive. I think its interesting because\\nits so radically different from any ofmy other courses, and also becausethe textbook is written from a\\nCanadian perspective. It is also eveneasier than I thought it would beaslong as you read the material youre\\nalmost guaranteed an A.3. Other than engineering , whatother career would you pursueif you had the chance?If I couldnt be an engineer, I guess I\\nwould have liked to be some sort ofresearchermaybe a doctor orsomething.4. What were your reasons forjoining eng sci? For staying in\\neng sci?I decided to do eng sci because I knewthat I wanted to be an engineer but\\nnot exactly what discipline I wantedto go into. I also wanted to see formyself whether or not I could do it. Its different than high schoolinhigh school a lot of the key to success\\nwas effort, in eng sci if youre notsmart enough no matter how hardyou work you cant do it. I guess I just\\nwanted to see if I was smart enough. I stayed in eng sci because I wantedto do design (a mistake) and because\\nI want to do Biomed, something un-available in other disciplines.5. Favourite sport? Favourite\\nfood?Soccer. Chocolate.6. Have you had a professorthat you would consider hot?\\nWell, Kortschot had a nice ass...Erez EizenmanAllison SimmondsTAREK SAGHIRTAREK SAGHIR the CANNON15| LEISURE the CANNON|February 4, 2003 Volume XX Issue VPosting Digital Photos Online EasilyTarek SaghirCHEM 0T5Please leave a message atthe BEEEEEEEEP!Meredith NobleNSCI 0T4As their prices decrease, digi-tal cameras have become popular\\nwith an increasing number of\\nconsumers. One of the main ben-\\nefits of digital cameras is the ease\\nwith which pictures can be\\nshared. However, email is im-\\npractical for sharing a large num-\\nber of photos; posting pictures on\\na website is a more viable ap-\\nproach. Some photo posting ser-\\nvices do exist on the Internet, but\\nmost are inconvenient. Sonys\\nImageStation, for instance, re-\\nquires users to sign up for a free\\naccount before viewing an\\nalbums photos. This is frustrat-\\ning for people looking for quick\\naccess to photographs.The solution is to post photosto a personal website (i.e. our ECF\\nwebspace). This is simplified by\\nWeb Album Generator (available\\nat www.ornj.net), an outstandingpiece of freeware that handles the\\ntedious details of creating a photo\\nwebsite. When the software loads,\\nthe user can add photos to the al-\\nbum. Titles and captions can be\\nadded to the photos as needed. A\\nwizard can then be run to gener-\\nate the web version of this album.The wizard handles everything,including:\\n- Creating thumbnails for your\\nimages;\\n- Resizing the original images\\nto a user-defined size. This is im-\\nportant, as high resolution pho-\\ntos are usually too large to be ef-\\nfectively viewed on-screen;\\n-Designing a layout for your\\nphoto page, with much room for\\ncustomization;\\n-Creating all necessary html\\nfiles and file structures for the\\nwebpage.All that remains is to uploadthe web album onto your\\nwebspace.This software was designedby Mark McIntyre, a computer\\nscience student at the University\\nof Alberta in his final year. Mark\\nwrote the program after a fruit-\\nless search for an album genera-\\ntor. The programs that he did\\nmanage to find had, IE specific\\ntags, ugly JavaScript, non-com-\\npliant HTML source, or some\\nother nasty feature. Mark says,\\nIt was just one of those Argh, Ill\\ndo it myself! moments ... if\\nnecessity is the mother of inven-\\ntion, then inexpressible frustra-\\ntion is the mother of improve-\\nment, I guess.As mentioned, Web AlbumGenerator is freeware, meaningthat Marks only revenue comes\\nfrom donations. The freeware\\nbrings exposure to Marks\\nwebsite, but his costs outweigh\\nhis revenues. When asked if his\\nsoftware was open source, Mark\\nresponded that it was not. The\\nopen source movement has value,\\nbut I really think it depends on\\nthe project, said Mark, com-\\nmenting on the open sourceYou may not realize that there arenormal, totally with it adults in oursociety who are without answeringmachines. And as if that werent\\nsaddening enough, there are alsoadorable, sophisticated, andintelligent Engineering Science\\nstudents who have these adults asparents. Adorable, sophisticated andintelligent students who therefore can\\nnever, ever reach their parents on thephone.Well, there were such studentsand adults until December 25, 2002.Ive long called my parents the lastpeople on earth not to have an\\nanswering machineso when theyopened my brothers Christmas gift afew weeks ago, the answering-\\nmachine-less adult became officiallyextinct. (I would hope.)For years I asked if they wouldlet me buy one for them. My dadbluntly refused. Why should I makeit easy for people reach me? was his\\nonly retort whenever the idea arose.Ding ding ding, doors closing, End ofDiscussion.That all changed when my par-ents went on a five-week-long trip andneglected to tell their insurance\\nbroker. The poor man tried calling fordays and days, weeks and weeks, andnever got anything but endless\\nbbrrrring sounds on the other end.When my parents arrived homethey found a very angry letter in their\\nmailbox demanding they purchaseone of the machines they had barredfrom their home since their invention.Its not like they ran out that mo-ment to purchase an answeringmachine, and my dad still refused just\\nas adamantly as he had beforebutsomething still changed in the Noblehousehold, thanks to that wonderful,\\ndedicated insurance man. A door hadbeen opened for one of us childrenand my brother walked right in, $30\\npiece of digital equipment in hand. Ihave one word for you: Hallelujah.This isnt the first time my par-ents showed distinct signs of neo-Ludditism. Back in 1995 my brotherand I pleaded for months to get\\nInternet access.Why would I need the Internetwhen I can just go to the library and\\nlook something up?So said the man who now checkshis email hourly, talks about wood\\nand satellites (of all things) innumerous online forums and haseven planned three European holi-\\ndays entirely on the Internet. He evenhad his Internet access cut off a weekago because he had used 170 hours\\nover the course of one month.So they claim they will hate it,they threaten to unplug it. Its true, ittook a week-and-a-half for the an-swering machine to even leave its box.\\n(I did the honours, right before Ireturned to schoolfor fear that itwould sit until next Christmas if I\\ndidnt.) But give it a few months andI guarantee itll be as much a part ofthe Noble family as The WoodNet\\nForums and Outlook Express.movement in general. Web tech-nologies are a wonderful example\\nof the value of open source. How-\\never, many projects get too large,\\nfragmented, or even bloated.Mark has his eyes on eithergraduate school or the workforce,\\nand U. of T. is one of the schools\\nthat he has applied to. So, if\\nyoure in computer engineering,\\nMark could soon be your TA!www.RateMyProfessors.caThe Race of Professors UnearthedKent CarterMSE 0T6Weve all had our profs whomumble to the blackboard and/\\nor make no sense. You could even\\nsay they dont speak English at\\nall, but rather some obscure form\\nof Gibberish, Elvish or Klingon.\\nAnd then there are the instruc-\\ntors who look and even act like\\nTusken Raiders, Klingon War-\\nriors, Orcs and X-Men.Believe it or not, theres ac-tually a way of warning the poor\\nsouls who will be stabbed by the\\nmortal blades of these creatures.\\nIts called RateMyProfessors.ca\\n(http://www.ratemyprofessors.ca). Its obviously not affiliatedwith the University of Toronto\\nand as such, it doesnt get lost in\\nthe same wormhole that trans-\\nports those blue and green course\\nevaluation sheets to MiddleEarth. It allows you to rate the\\nrace we call professors on three\\nthings: level of difficulty, clarity\\nand helpfulness, all on a scale of\\none to five. You can also rate\\nthem as either cool or not (in my\\nhumble opinion, wannabe Cyborg\\nprofs are not cool). As an added\\nbonus to the university outlet of\\nthis site (http://www.ratemyteachers.ca is thehigh school version) you get to\\nrate your Elvish ladies and gents\\nas either sexy or not (i.e. sexy or\\nrepulsive). If youve ever had the\\nchance to change a course section\\non ROSI but werent familiar\\nwith any of the creatures in-\\nstructing it, then youll know how\\nuseful a few comments from\\nothers can be. So please, if not for\\nyourself, warn poor little\\nFrosh!do of his upcoming jour-\\nney before the Borg sadly assimi-\\nlates him. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Syllabus 5331 AUG OCT DEC 30 2003 2004 2005 26 captures\\n28 Mar 04 - 7 Oct 08 Close\\nHelp RICHARD P. MCGLYNN OFFICE: Room 322 Department of Psychology Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 OFFICE HOURS: Mon: 9:30-10:30 Tues & Thur: 9:00-10:00 and by arrangement CONTACT: Phone: 806-742-3711 Ext 255 Fax: 806-742-0818 Email: r.mcglynn@ttu.edu HOME RESEARCH LINKS PSY 3304 PSY 4331 PSY 5328 PSY 5331 SMALL GROUP BEHAVIOR Psy 5331 Fall 2003 TuTh 11:00-12:50 R. P. McGlynn Psy 201B Office Hours: MW 9:30-10:30; Tu 1:30-2:30 and by Arrangement 742-3711 ext 255 E-mail: r.mcglynn@ttu.edu Class web page: www6.tltc.ttu.edu/Rmcglynn/research.htm Format For The Seminar A major advantage of groups, including seminars, is that they bring together diverse information and perspectives. This seminar is designed to maximize the information available to the group while minimizing the reading that must be done by any one individual. Thus, each week some reading is assigned to all and some is assigned only to several individuals (designated by numbers 1-10). You need only read the abstracts of papers that are not assigned to you. Unfortunately, there is a pervasive tendency for groups to discuss shared information at the expense of information that is privy to only some members (see Wittenbaum & Stasser, 1996). For all of us to benefit from all the information available to us collectively, it is absolutely essential for all seminar participants to pool unshared information in discussion. Date Assignment Overview Sept 4: McGrath (1984), ch 4 & 5 Arrow, McGrath, Berdahl (2000), ch 2 Sept 9: Levine & Moreland (1998) Hinsz et al. (1997) Sept 11: Stasser & Dietz-Uhler (2001) Handout: Steiners (1972) baseline models and the issue of process gain Cognitive and Motivational Functions Sept 16: Nijstad et al (2002) Paulus & Yang (2000) 1-2-3 Connolly et al. (1993) 4-5 Sept 18: Karau & Williams (2001) Smith et al. (2001) 6-7-8 Mess et al. (2002) 9-10 Sept 19: PROSPECTUS DUE Influence Processes Sept 23: Wood (1999) Brauer et al. (1995) 2-4-6 Holzhausen & McGlynn (2001) 8-10 Sept 25: Hogg (1996) Milanovich et al. (1998) 1-3 Kaplan & Martin (1999) 5-7-9 Minority Influence Sept 30: Wood et al. (1994) Clark (1999) 3-7 Crano & Chen (1998) 9-10 Oct 2: Latan & Bourgeois (2001) Kameda et al. (1997) 1-5 Prislin & Christensen (2002) 2-6 Prislin et al. (2002) 4-8 Social Combination Processes Oct 7: Stasser (1999) Laughlin (1999) Oct 9: McGlynn (1991) Laughlin & Ellis (1984) 1-3-4-5-7 Kerr et al. (1999) 2-6-8-9-10 Oct 14: Levine (1999) Davis (1996) 2-3-7-8-9 Ohtsubo et al. (2002) 1-4-5-6-10 Oct 16: MID-TERM EXAM (no class) Shared Representations Oct 21: Thompson & Fine (1999) Tindale et al. (1996) 7-8 Kerr et al. (1996) 2-5 Laughlin et al. (2002) 3-6 Oct 23: Fuller & Aldag (1998) Hastie & Pennington (1991) 1-4 Mohammed & Ringseis (2001) 9-10 Oct 24 LITERATURE REVIEW DUE Information Pooling Oct 28: Wittenbaum & Stasser (1996) Gigone & Hastie (1996) 4-8-10 Van Swol et al. (2003) 2-6-7 Chernyshenko et al. (2003) 1-3-5-9 Oct 30: Postmes et al. (2001) 1-6-10 Wittenbaum et al. (1999) 2-3-4 Kray & Galinsky (2003) 5-7 Sargis & Larson (2002) 8-9 Coordination and Information Pooling Nov 4: Stasser et al. (2000) Parks & Cowlin (1996) 6-9 Larson et al. (1998) 7-8-10 Nov 6: Wittenbaum et al. (1998) Gruenfeld et al. (1996) 4-5 Schulz-Hardt et al. (2000) 1-2-3 Resource Matching Nov 11: Littlepage et al. (1997) Littlepage et al. (1995) 2-6-7 Hollingshead (2000) 8-9 Nov 13: Bonner et al. (2002) Henry (1995) 1-5-10 Moreland & Myaskovsky (2000) 3-4 Group Judgment Nov 18: Sniezek (1992) Henry (1993) 1-3-4 Zarnoth & Sniezek (1997) 6-9 Nov 20: Heath & Gonzales (1995) 7-8 Allwood & Granhag (1996) 2-5-10 Nov 21: RESEARCH PROPOSAL DUE Gender Nov 25: Wood (1987) Eagly & Karau (1991) 1-2-5-7-9 Jehn & Shah (1997) 3-4-6-8-10 Time Dec 2: Kelly et al. (1997) Kelly & Karau (1993) 1-4 LePine et al. (2002) 2-3 Individual-Group Discontinuity Dec 4: Wildschut et al. (2003) Wildschut et al. (2001) 5-6 Wildschut et al. (2002) 7-8 Shopler et al. (2001) 9 Insko et al. (2001) 10 Groups and Technology Dec 9: McGrath & Berdahl (1998) Baltes et al. (2002) 1-5 Benbasat & Lim (2000) 2-3 Valacich et al. (1995) 4-10 Thompson & Coovert (2003) 6-8 Thompson & Coovert (2002) 7-9 Dec 17 FINAL EXAM Discussion Points By 9:00 a.m. on the day each new reading assignment is scheduled to be discussed, submit by e-mail (not as an attachment) a set of at least five brief discussion points that you are prepared to discuss in the seminar. Discussion points should be implications raised by the material that suggest controversy, creative connections to other issues, thought experiments, or application of the material anything you think is worth discussing. If any of the readings are assigned specifically to you, two of the discussion points should concern, at least in part, these specific readings. The notes need not be in any particular form but they must reveal thoughtful reflection on the material in fewer than a total of 500 words. Include the date of the class in the header. Bring a copy of your discussion points to class. Papers Prospectus: The prospectus, due September 19, should be a short (two pages max), informal paper that describes the topic for your literature review. Topics should be selected only after discussion with me; please see me in my office at least once by September 17. The prospectus mostly puts down on paper what we agreed upon orally. Topics will be restricted to a review of the empirical literature in areas (a) clearly within the domain of small, task performing groups (b) for which there already exists a substantial body of empirical literature. Topics should be framed in conceptual terms (e.g., intellective tasks versus decision-making tasks) rather than in terms of specific exemplars (e.g., elementary school mathematics groups versus juries). The prospectus should describe what the topic is to be, how and where you expect to find relevant literature, your intended approach in your literature search, and how you might broaden it or narrow it depending on the availability of relevant articles. Include a minimum of five representative references that exemplify the kinds of studies you expect to be reviewing. Please submit two copies. Two points will be deducted from the grade for your literature review for each day the prospectus is late. Once your prospectus is approved, you can begin working on the literature review. Literature Review: A review of the literature on your topic is due October 24. There is a penalty of three points per day for late papers. Include an abstract. The paper should spell out the purpose of the review explicitly and put the topic in context. The heart of the paper should be based on a thorough search, review, summary, and critique of the primary, empirical literature. The review should lead the reader to explicit conclusions about what is known and what needs to be investigated in the research area. The last section may point out, in a general way, directions for future research. You should consult Bem (1995) for excellent advice on how to write a review paper. Normally, such a paper will run 20 to 25 pages. Research Proposal: A research proposal based on your literature review is due November 21. There is a penalty of three points per day for late papers. Papers will not be accepted after December 10. The proposal should include an abstract, a rewritten version (8 pages max) of the literature review that conforms to the style of an empirical article. Include only directly relevant studies, a clear statement of the problem to be investigated, and a ridiculously detailed method section. A paragraph on the proposed statistical analysis of the data should be included, but there should not be Results and Discussion sections. Copies of exact instructions to subjects, all tests, questionnaires, stimulus materials, dependent measures, drawings of equipment if not standard, etc. should be included with the proposal as appendices. Important: The proposal must be something you could actually do (and I hope intend to) without unusual resources or time about what you could invest in a second year project. Points will be deducted for proposals that fail this feasibility test. Format: All papers are to adhere strictly to APA format (APA Publication Manual 5th Edition; if you do not have it, buy it now) and should be submitted in the exact form that they would be in for journal submission except as necessary to meet the requirements of the assignment (e.g., a proposal method section is written in the future tense and does not include results and discussion sections). Proper documentation and citation are essential in scholarship. Anything that might mislead a reasonable reader as to the source of ideas or ways of expressing them is plagiarism and will subject the author to the severest possible penalties. Examinations and Grades The mid-term exam will consist of three essay questions covering the preceding material. The final exam will include three questions over the last section of the course and one general question about the broader issues raised during the term. Questions for the mid-term exams will be available at 4:00 p.m. on October 14 and answers must be turned in before 11:00 a.m. on October 16. Questions for the final exam will be available at 10:00 a.m. on December 15 and answers must be turned in before 10:00 a.m. on December 17. A request to change the day/time of the exams will not be considered unless it is agreed to unanimously by every member of the seminar. You may use published material and your own notes in answering the questions. Once the exam questions are released, any form of collaboration with anyone is absolutely and strictly prohibited. Final grade: Prospectus (P/F), Mid-term exam (15%), Final exam (20%), Literature review (30%), Research proposal (20%), and discussion points and class participation, (15%). Note: Any student who requires special arrangements to meet course requirements should contact me as soon as possible so that accommodations can be made. Please present appropriate verification from Disabled Student Services, Dean of Students Office. References Allwood, C. M., & Granhag, P. A. (1996). Realism in confidence judgments as a function of working in dyads or alone. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 66, 277-289. Arrow, H., McGrath, J.E., & Berdahl, J. (2000). Small groups as complex systems. Thousand oaks, CA: Sage. Baltes, B. B., Dickson, M. W., Sherman, M. P., Bauer, C. C., & La Granke, J. (2002). Computer-mediated communication and group decision making: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 87, 156-179. Bem, D. (1995). Writing a review article for the Psychological Bulletin, 118, 172-177. Benbasat, I., & Lim, J. (2000). Information technology support for debiasing group judgments: An empirical evaluation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 83, 167-183. Bonner, B. L., Bauman, M. R., & Dalal, R. S. (2002). The effect of member expertise on group decision-making and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88, 719-736. Brauer, M., Judd, C. M., & Gliner, M. D. (1996). The effects of repeated expressions on attitude polarization during group discussions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 1014-1029. Chernyshenko, O. S., Miner, A. G., Bauman, M. R., & Sniezek, J. A. (2003). The impact of information distribution, ownership, and discussion on group member judgment: The differential cue weighting model. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,91, 12-25 . Clark, R. D., III. (1999). Effect of number of majority defectors on minority influence. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 3, 303-312. Connolly, T., Routhieaux, R. L., & Schneider, S. K. (1993). On the effectiveness of group brainstorming: Test of one underlying cognitive mechanism. Small Group Research, 24, 490-503. Crano, W. D., & Chen, X. (1998). The leniency contract and persistence of majority and minority influence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1437-1450. Davis, J. H. (1996). Group decision making and quantitative judgments: A consensus model. In Witte, E., & Davis, J. H. (Eds.), Understanding group behavior: Consensual action by small groups (Vol. 1, pp. 35-59). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Eagly, A. H., & Karau, S. J. (1991). 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Idea generation in groups: A basis for creativity in organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82, 76-87. Postmes, T., Spears, R., & Cihangir, S. (2001). Quality of decision making and group norms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 918-930. Prislin, R., Brewer, M., & Wilson, D. J. (2002). Changing majority and minority positions within a group versus an aggregate. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 640-647. Prislin, R., & Christensen, P. N. (2002). Group conversion versus group expansion as modes of change in majority and minority positions: All losses hurt but only some gains gratify. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1095-1102. Sargis, E. G., & Larson, J. R. (2002). Information centrality and member participation during group decision making. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 5, 333-347. Schulz-Hardt, S., Frey, D., Luthgens, C., & Moscovici, S. (2000). Biased information search in group decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 655-669. Shopler, J. et al (2001). When groups are more competitive than individuals: The domain of the discontinuity effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 632-644. Smith, B. N., Kerr, N. A,. Markus, M. J., & Stasson, M. F. (2001). Individual differences in social loafing: Need for cognition as a motivator in collective performance. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice,5, 150-158. Sniezek, J. A. (1992). Groups under uncertainty: An examination of confidence in group decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 52, 124-155. Stasser, G. (1999). A primer of social decision scheme theory: Models of group influence, competitive model-testing, and prospective modeling. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 80, 3-20. Stasser, G., & Dietz-Uhler, B. (2001) Collective choice, judgment, and problem solving. . In M. A. Hogg, & R. S. 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']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\"\\nSYLLABUS - ANTH 4050/5053 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ANTHROPOLOGY Spring 2006 - MW 4:00-5:15\\nInstructor: Dr. Tammy Stone Office: CU building, office 110P\\nPhone 556-3063; e-mail Tammy.Stone@cudenver.edu Office Hours: by appointment Required Text books: Kachigan, Sam K. Multivariate Statistical Analysis (second edition). Radius Press, New York. Salkind, Neil J. 2004\\nStatistics for People who Think They Hate Statistics (second edition). Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Additional Supplies: You will need at least one floppy disk formatted for an IBM computer. You will use this disk to copy the data set on to for each home work assignment, as well as your results, and your write ups. Nothing may be saved on the hard drive of the computer network. You should note, however, that all data sets are copyright protected and may not be used in publications with out permission and appropriate citations. Grades: Undergraduates: Your grade will be based on 10 equally weighted homework assignments; the lowest grade of the 10 will be dropped. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class of the assigned date - they will be the topic of discussion for at least part of the class in which they are due. The due dates listed in this syllabus are approximate and may be modified based on the pace of the class. Due dates will be listed on each homework assignment as it is handed out. Homework assignments are considered late after the end of the class listed on the handout. They will be accepted late for credit if handed in before the start of the next class. Homework grades are based on the quality of the analysis of the data and the quality of the argument that is made concerning the anthropological question. You should be thorough in answering all questions posed in the problem sets. For homework 3 through 10, you should write up your results as though they were a technical paper that will be incorporated in a published report with the appropriate references to supporting tables and figures. Do not put forward conclusions your data can not support in these papers. Homework may be hand written, as long as, in my judgment, your handwriting is neat and easily readable. The figures and tables need not be publication quality, but they should be clear and well-labeled. Graduate Students: Your grade will be based on the 10 homework assignments (see description above) and an additional assignment, all equally weighted. The additional assignment will be carried out on an independent data set of your choosing in which you decide the question to be asked, the test to be used to answer that question, and a 2 to 5 page write up describing the question, the data, the test, the results and your conclusions. Appropriate citations (i.e., data sources if not your own, background on question, etc) must be made in American Antiquity or American Anthropologist format. This assignment is due at 4:00 pm 5/10 - you may hand them in early if you wish. Notes on Class: Due to University policy, the following deadlines will be strictly enforced: Spring 2006 Registration and Academic Deadlines CLAS students must always have an accurate mailing and e-mail address: http:/www.cudenver.edu/registrar Students are responsible for completing financial arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. January 12, 2006 (5:00 pm) Payment plan deadline for students registering by December 16, 2005. Students who have not applied for financial aid are administratively dis-enrolled for non-payment on January 13, 2006. January 19, 2005 (midnight) Last day to be added to the wait-list for a closed course. January 17 January 27, 2006 Students are responsible for verifying an accurate Spring 2006 registration via SMART. January 26, 2006 (midnight) Last day to add courses via the web SMART system. February 1, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day to add 16-week structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This deadline does not apply to independent study, internships, and late-starting modular courses. February 1, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day to drop a spring 2006 course for tuition refund and no transcript notation. February 1, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day for undergraduates and graduates to apply for May 2006 graduation. April 3, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day for students to drop a spring 2006 course without college approval. April 14, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day for CLAS students to drop a spring 2006 course. Treated as an absolute deadline. May 1, 2006 (5:00 pm) Last day to withdraw (drop all courses) without a written petition. Consult the Academic Calendar for details on registration/payment deadlines: http://www.cudenver.edu/registrar This class is intended as an intensive introduction to the use of quantitative methods in anthropology. Basic concepts are discussed with an emphasis on the role of quantitative methods in solving problems (i.e., it will be an applied class and little information on theoretical mathematics will be presented). The objectives of this class are four fold 1) to provide a working knowledge of the statistical methods used in anthropological research (i.e., to get you to stop skipping the quantitative sections of the articles you read for class) 2) to discus the types of problems that can be addressed using quantitative methods 3) to provide the background that will allow you to design research projects using quantitative analysis. 4) to familiarize you with the integration of data in reports and the appropriate way to present and reference your results. No prior knowledge or use of computers or statistics is required and I will present the information as though that is the case. Additionally, while the time requirement for the class is not substantial, work must be done on schedule. That is, do not skip a section assuming you will pick it up later. Once you get behind, it is very difficult to catch up.\\nThe class will use the SPSSPC for windows statistical package on IBM computers which is on the network in the social science computing lab (North Classroom 2028). You may use other statistical packages if you wish but data sets will be set up for SPSSPC and other packages will not be discussed in class. Additionally, since the format of output statements vary considerably from package to package, use special care in recording and interpreting your answers. The use of calculators and slide rulers are allowed for aspects of homework to be done by hand (i.e., not by computer). In performing calculations, use the following rules of thumb regarding numerical accuracy: intermediate results which are recorded for later addition or subtraction in a formula should contain as many fractional digits as the basic data contains, but never fewer than 2 such digits. Intermediate quantities recorded for later multiplication or division in a formula should contain twice as many fractional digits as those to be used for addition or subtraction. If in doubt, retain more fractional digits. Topic/Assignment 1/18 Introduction to the class 1/23 The mystery of statistical jargon Salkind, Chapter 1, 16\\n1/25 Data Coding in Anthropology (this is where it all starts) and Research Design Salkind, Chapter 6, 16 Optional, Kachigan pp. 1-20\\n1/30 Sampling (which individuals/things do I look at and is my sample representative of the population) Kachigan pp. 56-63\\n2/1 Probability (is my event unusual) Salkind, Chapter 7, Kachigan pp. 64-71 2/6, 8 Stats you already know (means, mediums, and bar charts) Homework 1 is due 2/8\\nSalkind, Chapter 2 and 3 Optional, Kachigan pp. 21-40\\n2/13 SPSSPC\\n2/15 Some more simple stats (steam and leaf diagrams and box plots) Salkind, Chapter 4\\n2/20 Do I have multiple groups? (histograms) Salkind, Chapter 4 optional, Kachigan pp. 81-89\\n2/22 Are my independent samples different? Salkind, Chapter 8, 9\\nHomework 2 2/27, 3/1 Are my related samples different? Homework 3 due 3/1\\nSalkind, Chapter 10 3/6, 8 Are my multiple (big) samples different? Oneway and Twoway ANOVA Salkind, Chapter 11, 12 optional Kachigan Chapter 5\\n3/13, 15 Are my multiple (small) samples different? Friedman's F and Kruskal-Wallis test Homework 4 due 3/15\\n3/20, 22 Spring Break 3/27, 9 Are my variables related? Pearson's and Spearman's r Salkind 5, 13 optional, Kachigan Chapter 3\\n4/3 Are my variables causal? Regression Analysis Salkind, Chapter 15 optional Kachigan Chapter 4 Homework 5 due 4/5, 10 More on related variables? chi-square and measures of association Salkind, Chapter 15\\nHomework 6 due 4/10\\n4/12 Review and Summarize univariate stats 4/17 How many types do I have? Cluster analysis Chapter 8, Kachigan\\nHomework 7 due 4/19, 24 Are my types different? Discriminate analysis Chapter 6, Kachigan\\nHomework 8 due 4/24\\n4/26 Are their underlying variables? Factor analysis Chapter 7, Kachigan\\n5/1 Review of multivariate statistics 5/3 How do I synthesize previous studies (meta-analysis) Homework 9 due 5/8 Homework 10 due, 4:00 pm grad project due, 4:00 pm \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Hist 17A Online Syllabus -- Fall 2004 Jul AUG Sep 31 2003 2004 2005 3 captures\\n31 Aug 04 - 16 Sep 04 Close\\nHelp COLLEGE of the SISKIYOUS\\nHistory 17A Online Course\\nFall Semester 2004\\n(Revised 8/10/04)\\nInstructor: Dr. Stephan Cragg\\nOffice Hours: See the the Office Hours page.\\nTelephone: 520-421-7414\\nEmail: drcragg@craggs-castle.com Web Pages: There are three web pages that the student will have to navigate easily back and forth during the term. The first is Cragg\\'s Castle; the second is History 17A Online Classes -- Fall 2004 on PageOut, and the third is the American History: A Survey textbook study center. Please bookmark all three for easy access. Required Texts: Allan Brinkley, American History: A Survey, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003. There is a direct web page for more information and study materials for this text. Access the online study center directly for the student learning center, which contains sample quizzes, sample essays, and a lot more. Howard Zinn, A Peoples History of the United States, Harper-Collins, 2003.There are several websites discussing Professor Zinn\\'s views and politics.\\nOrientation: This class, which is an Internet-based, distance education course, will be conducted completely online.\\nThe Internet: This Internet Online course utilizes the Internet extensively and requires the student to have a working knowledge of computers, email, word processors, and the use of printers or, at the very least, the willingness to learn about these technologies quickly. Your computer should be well equipped with at least a Pentium 4 processor and a reliable email system. In addition to your own computer, you should have a back-up plan for using another computer when yours is not operating correctly. Other locations now include almost all public libraries. You should have a recent MS Word application on your computer in order to send your assignments as email attachments. AOL Users: Be aware that for whatever reasons, AOL isn\\'t the most stable system and students in the past have had some difficulties both taking exams and communicating with me. Your first assignment on the Internet will be to send an email to drcragg@craggs-castle.com indicating your real last name, Hist17A Online, and then the reason why you are writing in the Subject line. (This is the \"Subject Line Protocol\" required of ALL email correspondence for any reason throughout the semester.) For example, Jones, Hist 17A Online, First Communication, in the subject line. In the first message, please send your full name, why you\\'re taking this class and something about yourself, such as what high school you attended, previous college work, year in college, family, et cetera. For your second assignment, you will be required to register for this course from the McGraw-Hill PageOut link in addition to your registration with the college. The login procedure will ask you to submit a user id name and a password. Please use your last name and first name in one word, for example SmithJoan. You will be able to access your grades, your assignments, and the use of a closed discussion area to communicate with the instructor and other members of the classes from PageOut. There is a third assignment from the PageOut Grade Book to see if our communication link has been established prior to taking the first online multiple choice exam. You should take the Testing the Test System m/c exam as soon as possible. Please note the due date. Complete the assignments, send an email message, register on PageOut, and send the Testing the System m/c exam as soon as possible after the first day of classes and by the end of the first week.These connections are also described at the online orientation as well. A lot of your learning will be from a variety of Internet online resources and an assigned textbook. There is a link on Cragg\\'s Castle, History 17A Online Class, to the Hist 17A Online Message Center, which will be used frequently to inform students about everything from due dates, to updates, to future assignments. There is also a link called, Cool News and Information. These web page links are often related to the textbook readings, or just plain historical and political issues with a twist. There is a weekly student opinion poll that I hope you will use, too. Check the Hist 17A Online Opening Page often, too, for additional information. You should get in the habit of \"checking in\" regularly, perhaps daily, for email and online activities as a consequence of fast breaking news and current events related to our study of American history.\\nReadings: This course is designed around the writings of two well-known historians and their impressions on what happened in the early history of the United States, often with widely divergent views. The following chapters of the textbook will also be used for testing. Chapters 1-15 in Blinkley and appropriate matching chapters in Zinn. Testing: There will be a variety of testing in this course. First, there will be five essay examinations. These essay exams will be writing exercises covering textbook materials and online resources. Each exam will contain two to four essay questions from the textbooks. The questions will usually be posted on a Friday and you will have until Tuesday at 5:00 pm to submit them as an MS Word document attachment. This online class will emphasize textbook materials and Internet research in the testing and evaluation process. See your PageOut Grade Book for all assignments and the exam dates. There will be no essay exam make-ups. Second, there will be twelve online multiple choice exams of multiple questions each due approximately every Thursday. (See your PageOut Grade Book for due dates.) The quizzes are designed to assist you in keeping up with the reading from the textbooks. They are open book and can be submitted at any time prior to the due date. You will have, however, only one chance to submit your results. You can read the questions, close the web page, study the textbook, and open the m/c exam any number of times until you\\'re ready to submit your answers, which is the one that counts in the Grade Book. Follow the instructions on how to take the m/c exams and how to submit them to your Grade Book in PageOut by completing the first Testing the Test System exercise. No m/c exams will be accepted after the due dates. Third, as a research project for the semester, you are asked to collect ten different political cartoons by at least five different artists (two per theme) on five different historical eras or themes of your choice representing the events in American history up to 1877 of interest to you. You should send this assignment to me by email using an attached MS Word document. As a part of your research assignment, you should indicate clearly what five historical events or eras you have chosen, why you chose them, and describe for your reader in your own words who the artist is, what the cartoon says, who the intended audience might have been, and whether or not it was, in your opinion, effective. Be sure to cite your sources. Do not use any materials from our two textbooks as they are fairly well documented. See your Grade Book for the due date. No exams or assignments will be accepted after the due dates and times.\\nGrading: A distribution will be used to grade each of the evaluation tools: 90% or better will be an A; 89-80% will be a B; 79-70% will be a C; 69-65% will be a D, while any percentage below 64% will be an F. A word is in order about the academic vice known as \"plagiarism.\" There is a college rule prohibiting the use of others\\' materials in exams, papers, and research projects without proper citations. For an interesting article about plagiarism, read what one English professor has to say about her experiences dealing with it. Automatic failure in the course for those found cheating on their writing assignments.\\nParticipation: There is a strong correlation, in my judgment, between participation and grades, so make a commitment to your education and try your very best to participate in all course activities. Be engaged in your own intellectual development. Should you contemplate dropping this class, please check with me first to see if there are any interventions possible to help you stay in school. Protect your transcript as this is one of the very few documents that will follow you for the rest of your life.\\nFinal Grades: While everyone likes to know what their letter grades are as the semester moves forward, the percentage of completion is more important in calculating a final grade. A final grade will be calculated on the following basis:\\nTwelve Online M/C Quizzes - 360 points; Five essay exercises -- 500 points; and, Historical cartoon research paper -- 140 points.\\nPersonal Note: Lets have a great semester together! ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' My story....an average student Nov DEC AUG 2 2007 2008 2013 2 captures\\n2 Dec 08 - 24 Aug 13 Close\\nHelp Prep for USMLE Forum Log in | Register Forum\\nStep 1\\nStep 2 CK\\nStep 2 CS\\nStep 3\\nMatch\\nIMGs\\nResources\\nSearch Prep4USMLE Forum USMLE Step 1 Forum USMLE Step 1 Exam Experiences | My story....an average student Login or Register to post messages Rated: 0/51\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n5\\n(0 votes) Author18 Posts MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/03/05 - 10:53 PM #1 Hi friends, First and foremost I would like to thank alot of you for your posts.....I learnt alot of things from you and was an important factor in clearing my exam.I would like to thank:GOD,my family and friends for being so supportive,the folks who run this website particularly bbb,Users:retroviridae,mani,shawky,bactitech,meghna Jadhav,mjl,Mars_aris,Ria,MLF and numerous others which I can\\'t recall at the moment. Just wanted to let you know I graduated last year from a university from India.I was just an average hard working student(just like the most of you).OK the sore I received stated 222/90.It may not be an earth shattering score but I\\'m nevertheless thankful as it could have been lower.Preparation for the exam is far far tougher than actually sitting and giving the exam.Since I am familiar with the medical background involved in Asia and also what British Medicine says(in Malaysia British Medical books are preffered)it was quite tough to reorientate myself to the language and style of the USMLE.While the disease are the same but there is alot of difference between this side of the world and whats seen in the US.I studied for over 6months to prepare for the exam.Despite the last minute jitters(I was crying before the exam as I couldn\\'t remember a thing the evening before the exam.....(I guess I was just stressed out)I stuck to my 1st of december to give the exam. OK my preparations: Pathology:Webprep and BRS Anatomy:High Yield gross anatomy and Webprep Embryology:High Yield and webprep Neuroanatomy:Webprep Biochem:webprep+kaplan notes Genetics:High Yield.webprep,Kaplan notes Immunology:Kaplan notes Micobio.:Kaplan notes and webprep Pahrmacology:First Aid,webprep and also gold standard Physiology:Kaplan notes and BRS Behavioural science:High Yield and Kaplan notes I am a slow reader and to go through 1 cycle of reading it took 3months. I also heard Goljan lectures and even went through his notes........I stopped reading his lenghten notes(approx.400pages with general+systemic Pathology)mainly because it was all point form and I don\\'t really like this format.I just went through some of his High Yield one(about 20dd pages).The lectures are informative but not enough to pass the exam.After the exam I went through his High Yield and found it would not have been much beneficial as nothing from those notes was even close to being tested on my exam. I can\\'t remember facts if they are in point form and that why I had to look for alternative reading materials.......this is one of the disadvantages I found with Kaplan as some of them are in point form.My weakest subject is/was pharmacology hence the different materials used to prepare for it.I could not understand a word of neuroanatomy and so only relied on the webprep lectures for it. I think it is pointless to discuss the type of questions and their distribtutions however I feel all subjects had an equal say.First aid is adequate for Microbio. and Pharmacology.But then I didn\\'t really use First Aid apart for Pharmacology and a quick revision for Physiology mainly because First Aid is just too compact My Qbank scores ranged from 70-80% with an average of 74%......I found the questions on the exam nothing like Qbank.Closest was the USMLE CDs......for which I scored 34,38,35.NMBE didnt do. I also did alot of BSS.......though its not similar to the actual exam but for some reason the phrases and facts mentioned in the explanations are the exact stuff what Dr. Goljan mentions on his audio lectures. The questions on the exam were very basic and the language used too very simple however the concepts tested on the exam were so,so basic it seemed hard to determine what the question was even asking at times! Though I slept early the night before the exam(as mentioned I broke down and from that point despite I couldn\\'t remember a thing I decided it was enough and time to close the book as I was just making myself more stessed)however throughout t he night I kept on waking up because some irresponsible people were playing firecrackers all the way till 4am!! I wasn\\'t as fresh on the morning of the exam but still I manged to pull through the 7odd hours.I even realised I made some stupid mistakes but only when the block time was over.Time is ofthe essence and I was basically finishing my blocks with just 3-4min. to spare.Most questions were moderate inlenght and lots of figures....the pharmac. figures were not clear at all and the worst. I just hope my performance for step 2 doesn\\'t slip.I\\'m interested in only Internal Medicine or Pathology.....don\\'t really have any interest in the surgical fields or any other field for that matter .How do you think I stand so far?? If there are any queries I will try to answer them as honestly as possible.All the best to those awaiting results and preparing for the step 1. I will seriously start my USMLE step 2 in February and though I will be frequenting the step 2 forums on this website frequently it will be under a different username as I want to start everything fresh. Bye. AhabForum Elite\\nTopics: 9Posts: 228\\n01/04/05 - 06:28 AM #2 Congratulations meghana jadhavForum Elite\\nTopics: 80Posts: 304\\n01/04/05 - 06:46 AM #3 congratulations malaysian :icon_king: :icon_king: :icon_king:___________________megha drshabsForum Elite\\nTopics: 61Posts: 205\\n01/04/05 - 10:00 AM #4 congrats!!! =D> i always read ur and meghana\\'s post bcoz u guys really worked up question parts.moreover i found u guys quiet similar to me.im too waiting for my results. goodluck for step2. mashForum Fanatic\\nTopics: 147Posts: 1,326\\n01/04/05 - 10:12 AM #5 congrats! gud luck fr step 2!___________________I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. --Confucius MLFForum Elite\\nTopics: 36Posts: 386\\n01/04/05 - 04:30 PM #6 Very happy to hear your score, all the best with step 2!!!!___________________\"Support bacteria, its the only culture some people got.\" MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/04/05 - 06:15 PM #7 Thanks guys....wish you all the best for your results. jigiForum Newbie\\nTopics: 4Posts: 12\\n01/04/05 - 07:17 PM #8 I just started to prepare the step 1 exam. I am not very clear what the webprep means? Also, I am wondering how long it took you to prepare the whole thing? thanks.___________________jigi katzungForum Guru\\nTopics: 74Posts: 624\\n01/04/05 - 08:40 PM #9 Congrats Malaysian on a very good score,i am sure you will do well on step -2 90 on two digit is a very good score well done. Two questions: 1> When i gave my step-1 few days back i thought working in a medical job would help immensly because the themes tested were so much based on clinical stuff, well this was my experience what do you feel about it and 2> the scores on usmle cd of 34,38 and 35, were they before you started preparing or after you finished preparing? All the best for your step-2 prep.you will do well be confident take care my friend___________________Hari Om,Lokaha Samasthaha Sukhino Bhavanthu (Let All Beings Everywhere Be Happy And Content) Proud to be an Indian. MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/05/05 - 03:28 AM #10 The USMLE CD scores were 3weeks prior to the exam. I have worked in a molecular biology lab. before.......I used to learn how to do PCR,Southern blot and hybridization,electrophoresis and had to clean the lab. stuffs via autoclaving and hot oven. To an extent it does help but only in getting familiar with the terminology and the principal behind the procedure but in answering the questions it didn\\'t much....for example while in the lab. I knew PCR is to amplify small DNA fragments....but PCR is tested to detect HIV,Hep. B,myco. TB etc....was not stressed.The lab. based questions I got for the USMLE were very confusing......and most of the time I was looking for answers \\'it doesn\\'t make any sense\\' but didn\\'t quite see them!Since you\\'re working against time and have only those few precious minutes at the end of the block you don\\'t time to analyze compltely and just have to go with your instincts......plus your heart is racing away at the end of the block trying to go through all the questions you marked but all you see is words and your brain freezes! To jigi......it took me over 6months to prepare there are people who take 3-4months and some 9-12months.I guess the time difference is mainly depends on how familiar are you with the USMLE syllabus and how much time you can dedicate a day to sit down and study....its a very subjective thing.....however NMBE conducts tests to let you know how well prepared you actually are....you have to pay US45 and its something I didn\\'t do. Webprep is Kaplan preparation where notes/audio lectures are given via the internet.In malaysia they don\\'t conduct any Kaplan courses and so this was my only option. kaash110Forum Senior\\nTopics: 17Posts: 57\\n01/06/05 - 07:12 AM #11 hi malayisian if u can send us goljan 100pages i\\'ll be grateful thanx huma110jaf@yahoo.com___________________kaash MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/06/05 - 07:25 AM #12 I will send it to you kaash......because I learnt from your posts while preparing for my exam.So its the least I can do.However I\\'m sorry this is first and last person so no more requests pls. from anyone else!!! When are you giving the exam by the way?? kaash110Forum Senior\\nTopics: 17Posts: 57\\n01/06/05 - 08:15 AM #13 hi malaysian thanx actually i am a graduate of 1992 and now very much interested in mle but i am not feeling good bcoz i am working in middle east and no material of mle is with me exept first aid and some kaplan books and 2nd disappointment is that i am an old graduate and chances to get residency are not good but i\\'ll try my best regards___________________kaash MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/06/05 - 08:19 AM #14 Pls. check your e-mail as you\\'re writing this.....most of the material has been tranferred.....I knew I was helping a good man/woman. MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/06/05 - 08:23 AM #15 OK....I can\\'t send anymore notes because I think your inbox is full!!!!I\\'m also confused which notes have gone and which haven\\'t.......can you tell me the missing pages between 1-22 which you need?????Also can you let me know once your inbox is emptied?? MalaysianForum Guru\\nTopics: 28Posts: 778\\n01/06/05 - 08:46 AM #16 OK......I have finished sending it(somehow!).If you notice its not really 100pages......but its nevertheless the High Yield notes/supplement notes...closer to 60pages don\\'t you think so??? I\\'m unable to send the long version of Goljan notes as the files are just too huge to be sent via e-mail.But if you hear his lectures it should suffice. In the mean time you already have the Kaplan books and First Aid.....you can\\'t go wrong with them.Plus this forum. Wishing you all the best.....for the future. I would also like to wish everyone else all the best.....I wish I could help you all the same way I did with Kaash but its a very tedious process I hope everyone can understand.I could have put up the notes in the \\'Downloads\\' section but that will be breeching copyrights law.Bye then.....I won\\'t be returning to step 1 forum now. kaash110Forum Senior\\nTopics: 17Posts: 57\\n01/06/05 - 01:22 PM #17 hi thanx malaysian u send me pages 1 and 2 and 11-22 but 3-10 are missing i already have goljan 36 pages which u send thanx if possible send me the missing one too regards___________________kaash anatomyForum Guru\\nTopics: 101Posts: 423\\n01/06/05 - 03:14 PM #18 could u pls send me those files which Malaysian send to u.i send u a email also. thanx and good luck. Login or Register to post messages Similar forum topics Your average % in UW average age? average scores and ivs average salaries... Related resources\\nBasic Concepts in Pharmacology: A Student\\'s Survival Guide All ProductsApparelBabyBeautyBooksMusicDVDElectronicsGourmetHealthJewelryKitchenMagazinesMusicOfficeOutdoorComputersPhotoSoftwareSportingHardwareToysVHSGames Contact us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy Copyright @ Prep for USMLE. All rights reserved. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Neuromancer | race/gender/science fiction Apr MAY MAR 15 2007 2008 2010 3 captures\\n15 May 08 - 23 Feb 11 Close\\nHelp race/gender/science fiction kathleen fitzpatrick\\npomona college Home Neuromancer ahahaahaa last minute By dreamfall17 - Posted on 28 April 2008 - 9:29am.\\nTagged: intertextuality\\nmind-body\\nNeuromancer\\nPattern Recogition\\nResponse 9 As I was reading, I noticed several self-referential comments woven into the narrative, remarks that seemed to comment back on Neuromancer and the academic work surrounding it. Though apparently Gibson is less aware than I thought him to be how did he not notice that he had created another character with the name Case? dreamfall17\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments\\nRead more Neuromancer vs. Pattern Recognition: Evolution towards Ambiguity By katashitakashi - Posted on 22 April 2008 - 7:27pm.\\nTagged: cyberspace\\ngibson\\nNeuromancer\\nPattern Recognition A quick internet search revealed to me that Pattern Recognition, the eighth novel by William Gibson, was the first to be on the New York Times Bestsellers list, and the first to be set in a contemporary world instead of a fantastical one. The increased overall popularity of the more recent William Gibson novels ( as opposed to Neuromancer, whose popularity was more of a word-of-mouth cult hit ) may be due to this; however, speaking personally, I found the contemporary world of Pattern Recognition less compelling. katashitakashi\\'s blog\\n3 comments\\nRead more natural vs. unnatural in neuromancer By surrealistic - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 9:46am.\\nTagged: Neuromancer\\nResponse 2 Plot-wise, Neuromancer is probably one of the most convoluted books that I have ever read. Since it was difficult to stay with the story, I found myself observing how the characters related to the rich futuristic environment. What stood out to me the most was their relationship to the natural, represented both by human flesh and descriptions of the earth. surrealistic\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments\\nRead more Emotions of Neuromancer By amphiskios - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 8:49am.\\nTagged: Neuromancer Reading response to Neuromancer\\nNeuromancer. How did it make me feel? I felt alternatively disgusted and thrilled. I felt interested, and bored. Some things seemed exotic and some things seemed far too normal. The book seemed a paradox of extremes at times. amphiskios\\'s blog\\n1 comment\\nRead more The materials of the world of \"Neuromancer\" By blacklace - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 3:11am.\\nTagged: cyberspace\\nNeuromancer\\nResponse 2\\nsetting William Gibsons \"Neuromancer\" manages to create worlds that are both an exercise n sensory overload and a frustrating lack of detail, leaving the reader confused as to the environment. What is perhaps most interesting in this detailed description is the attention Gibson pays to material. Scarcely a page goes by without some mention of a plastic window, a silk futon, a leather jacket, denim pants, or a fiberglass chassis. A large part of what creates the futuristic sense of Gibsons world is the development of new materials and the unfamiliar hierarchy of materials, consisting of both the new and the jarringly familiar substances. This hierarchy of material breaks down to two separate categories: body modification and environment. blacklace\\'s blog\\n1 comment\\nRead more Techno-Eden? (Gibson response) By 2NT - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 2:42am.\\nTagged: mind vs. body\\nNeuromancer\\nOrigin-myths I\\'m interested in what people make of Gibson\\'s invocation of the mythologized Fall from Eden (common to the Western monotheistic traditions) to thematize Case\\'s feelings about his initial neurological damageand his ontological status more generally: \"For Case, who\\'d lived for the bodiless exultation of cyberspace, it [the damage] was the Fall. In the bars he\\'d frequented as a cowboy hotshot, the elite stance involved a certain relaxed contempt for the flesh. The body was meat. 2NT\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments\\nRead more peace at last in an old, old war By dreamfall17 - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 2:14am.\\nTagged: body modification\\nmind vs. body\\nNeuromancer\\nResponse 2 Though I see that the body/mind issue has already been raised in responses, Im really interested in how Gibson addresses this, and I think I can take a sufficiently original tack that my response will further the discussion. dreamfall17\\'s blog\\n1 comment\\nRead more fly-by meat By blacklace - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 1:50am.\\nTagged: meat\\nmind vs. body\\nNeuromancer Observation, I think it\\'s rather interesting that the hotels/beds get referred to as coffins. I\\'m not entirely certain if this is societal, which would be interesting, given the focus on body modification, or if it\\'s just Case, in which case that goes along with his death wish and frustrations and self-loathing of his body. blacklace\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments\\nRead more synesthesia By amandejoie - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 1:48am.\\nTagged: Neuromancer\\nsynesthesia So, did anyone else notice the little bits of synesthesia that popped up throughout neuromancer? There\\'s an \"aching taste of blue\" on page 257, Molly\\'s pain as \"neon worms in her thigh, the touch of burlap, smell of frying krill\" on 217. I\\'m pretty sure there was something else as well, but now I can\\'t find it. If its significant in any way, I\\'m sure it has to do with the whole mind-body problem, but mostly its just a random observation.\\nDid anyone pick up on any others? amandejoie\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments Would you keep your meat? By amandejoie - Posted on 6 February 2008 - 1:35am.\\nTagged: meat\\nmind vs. body\\nNeuromancer\\nResponse 2 We talked a fair bit in class about the troubled mind-body relationship present in Neuromancer. Many of the characters make us question our assumptions of what it means to be alive, from the unembodied mind of Wintermute to the mindless body of Armitage, with multiple characters straddling the line between life and death at any given point. Case is the one character who we are really allowed to connect with on any psychological level (though even that hold is tenuous, given the somewhat schizophrenic style of postmodern/cyberpunk writing). amandejoie\\'s blog\\nLogin to post comments\\nRead more 12next last course info\\nrace, gender, and science fiction is the fall 2007 course website for english 168 at pomona college in claremont, california.\\nthe professor\\nthe syllabus\\nmore information tags\\nbugs\\ncourse info\\ngender\\nLilith\\'s Brood\\nMidnight Robber\\nmovie\\nNeuromancer\\nOryx and Crake\\nPattern Recognition\\nrace\\nresponse\\nResponse 1\\nResponse 2\\nResponse 3\\nResponse 4\\nresponse 5\\nResponse 6\\nResponse 7\\nResponse 8\\nSlow River\\nSnow Crash\\nStarship Troopers\\ntest\\nthe handmaid\\'s tale\\nThe Left Hand of Darkness\\nmore tags User login Username: * Password: * Request new password Navigation Recent posts\\nNews aggregator Recent comments\\nLimits of Sci-Fi1 week 21 hours agoambivalent1 week 1 day agoMore humanity1 week 1 day agoI also agree, to a point.1 week 1 day agoI kind of have to agree. I1 week 2 days agoWhat if?-Fantasy1 week 3 days agoyeah, the general conlcusion1 week 3 days agoAnother Battlestar Sighting1 week 3 days agoWell...1 week 3 days agohow fantastic is that1 week 6 days ago links Feminist SF resources Feminist Science Fiction\\nFeminist SF - The Blog Author sites Nalo Hopkinson\\nWilliam Gibson Search ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' BIOMECHANICS Syllabus DEC APR AUG 5 2002 2004 2006 12 captures\\n12 Jul 02 - 10 Jul 10 Close\\nHelp BIOL 4590 VERTEBRATE BIOMECHANICS Dr. William P. Wall Herty 203 (Office Hours 11:00-12:00, M-TH) phone 445-0818 Text: McGowan A Practical Guide to Vertebrate Mechanics Grades: Test 1 and Test 2 are worth 25% each. The cumulative final is 30%. The term paper is 10%. Participation in class discussions is 5% and the student presentation is 5%. Prior to mid-semester, you will receive feedback on your academic performance in this course. Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. Excessive absences (3 or more) can be grounds for a reduction in grade. There will be NO make-up exams without my consent. Fire Drill Procedures: In the event of a fire signal students will exit the building in a quick and orderly manner through the nearest hallway exit. Learn the floor plan and exits of this building. Do not use elevators. Crawl on the floor if you encounter heavy smoke. Assist disabled persons and others if possible without endangering your own life. Assemble for a head count west of the building. Requests for Modifications: Any student requiring instructional modifications due to a documented disability should make an appointment to meet with the instructor as soon as possible. An official letter from GC&SU documenting the disability will be expected in order to receive accommodations. Course Objectives: Provide a thorough survey of vertebrate biomechanics, emphasizing the locomotor and masticatory systems. Promote independent thinking through critical analysis of primary literature. Discussions will enhance students ability to clearly present logical arguments. The term paper and presentation will develop oral communication skills. DATE SUBJECT 8/19 Introduction & Basic Concepts of Physics INTRODUCTORY MECHANICS 21 Vector Analysis 26-9/9 Strength of Materials 11 TEST 1\\nLOCOMOTOR MECHANICS 16, 18 Land 23, 25 Water 30-10/2 Air 9-14 Primate Locomotion 16 TEST 2 FEEDING MECHANICS 21 Skull Structure 23-30 Cranial Kinesis 11/4-6 Tooth Structure & Function 11-13 Reptilian & Avian Feeding Mechanics 18-20 Mammalian Feeding Mechanics 25 GRADUATE PRESENTATIONS 12/2-4 UNDERGRADUATE PRESENTATIONS 12-15 Minutes 4 TERM PAPERS DUE 8-10 pages 9 CUMULATIVE FINAL BIOL 5590 VERTEBRATE BIOMECHANICS Dr. William P. Wall Herty 203 (Office Hours 11:00-12:00, M-TH) phone 445-0818 Text: McGowan A Practical Guide to Vertebrate Mechanics Grades: Test 1 and Test 2 are worth 25% each. The cumulative final is 30%. The term paper is 10%. Participation in class discussions is 5% and the student presentation is 5%. Prior to mid-semester, you will receive feedback on your academic performance in this course. Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. Excessive absences (3 or more) can be grounds for a reduction in grade. There will be NO make-up exams without my consent. Fire Drill Procedures: In the event of a fire signal students will exit the building in a quick and orderly manner through the nearest hallway exit. Learn the floor plan and exits of this building. Do not use elevators. Crawl on the floor if you encounter heavy smoke. Assist disabled persons and others if possible without endangering your own life. Assemble for a head count west of the building. Requests for Modifications: Any student requiring instructional modifications due to a documented disability should make an appointment to meet with the instructor as soon as possible. An official letter from GC&SU documenting the disability will be expected in order to receive accommodations. Course Objectives: Provide a thorough survey of vertebrate biomechanics, emphasizing the locomotor and masticatory systems. Promote independent thinking through critical analysis of primary literature. Discussions will enhance students ability to clearly present logical arguments. The term paper and presentation will develop oral communication skills. DATE SUBJECT 8/19 Introduction & Basic Concepts of Physics INTRODUCTORY MECHANICS 21 Vector Analysis 26-9/9 Strength of Materials 11 TEST 1\\nLOCOMOTOR MECHANICS 16, 18 Land 23, 25 Water 30-10/2 Air 9-14 Primate Locomotion 16 TEST 2 FEEDING MECHANICS 21 Skull Structure 23-30 Cranial Kinesis 11/4-6 Tooth Structure & Function 11-13 Reptilian & Avian Feeding Mechanics 18-20 Mammalian Feeding Mechanics 25 GRADUATE PRESENTATIONS 18-20 Minutes 12/2-4 UNDERGRADUATE PRESENTATIONS 4 TERM PAPERS DUE 12-15 pages 9 CUMULATIVE FINAL ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Department of Secondary Education & Educational Leadership SED 450.024 Diverse Classroom Lab Spring 2011 Instructor: Dr. Neill F. Armstrong Course Time & Location: T 6:00-6:50, ED 451 Office: 404D McKibben Office Hours: M 10-11, T 1-2, W 4-6, R 1-2 Office Phone: 936-468-1844 Credits: 1 Fax: 936-468-1573 Email: armstronn@sfasu.edu I. Course Description: Lab will facilitate application of strategies gained in SED 450. This field based lab is co-requisite to SED 450. The SED 450L II. Intended learning Outcomes/Goals/Objectives (Program/Student Learning Outcomes): The objectives for this course, as with the intended learning outcomes, conform to the College of Education\\'s Conceptual Framework. Specifically, all course-related activities strive to facilitate the inculcation of the College\\'s Core Values, those being: academic excellence through critical, reflective, and creative thinking; an appreciation for and understanding of the relevance for lifelong learning; recognition of the importance of collaboration and shared decision making; incorporation of openness to new ideas, culturally diverse people, and innovation and change; enhanced application of the practice of integrity, responsibility, diligence, and ethical behavior; and the development of a personal and professional commitment to service that enriches the community. It is the mission of the College of Education to prepare competent, successful, caring, and enthusiastic professionals dedicated to responsible service, leadership and continued professional and intellectual development. As such, this course seeks to prepare each teacher candidate in the development of those skills and abilities necessary for meaningful, effective instructional leadership with a wide array of diverse learners. Program Learning Outcomes 1. The student will develop and adapt instruction and assessment based on the needs of diverse students. 2. The student will effectively manage a diverse learner-centered classroom. 3. The student will implement and modify instruction for all students incorporating technology as appropriate. 4. The student will understand the purpose of education and philosophical perspectives including professional, legal and ethical issues. 5. The student will use strategies and methods for reading and literacy in various content areas. Student Learning Outcomes 1. The student will develop an understanding of practical classroom management techniques and strategies. 2. The student will be able to implement learner centered theories of classroom management. 3. The student will develop classroom management strategies that align with ethical mandates. 4. The student will demonstrate knowledge pertaining to the implementation of multiple ways of meeting the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of students. 5. The student will create legal, ethical, and professional strategies for managing student behavior. 6. The student will create a safe learning environment and a culturally responsive classroom climate. 7. The student will create instructional strategies that reduce discipline problems in the classroom such as active learning and differentiated instruction.. 8. The student will demonstrate strategies for communicating effectively with family and community about the classroom environment and student issues. III. Course Assignments, Activities, Instructional Strategies, Use of Technology: 1. Internship Hours (100 pts): Students will log 40 hours of internship per week at their assigned field location. 2. A total of 4 evaluation forms (100 pts) must be submitted in the course of the semester: 2 Student Intern Evaluations of the Mentor Teacher and 2 Mentor Teacher Evaluations of the Intern. These evaluations are both formative and summative. All forms are located in the course packet. Formative evaluations due: June 16th/ Summative evaluations due: May 3rd. 2. Field Activities (200 pts): Candidates will work closely with mentor teachers on a daily basis assisting in curricular delivery and tutorial activities as required. In addition to these activities students will conduct two separate field-based activities grounded in enhancing practical application of theory-based principles. Due: to be announced. 3. Classroom Observation Surveys (2 @ 25pts): Each candidate will undertake two (2) formal classroom surveys provided by the course instructor. These surveys will occur in the normal context of intern classroom observation. Due: March 8th & April 19th. 4. Diversity Resource File (100 pts): All candidates will develop and submit a 3 ring binder containing resources related to enhancing practitioner understanding of diverse learners. These resources may include material gained in the theory component of SED 450 such as articles, power points, and handouts as well as material gathered by the candidate in researching data to increase understanding and heighten insight of individual differences. Due: May 3rd. Total Points: 550 Evaluation and Assessments (Grading): Grades will be assigned on the following scale: A = 100 - 90%, B = 89 - 80%, C = 79 - 70%, D = 69 - 60%, F = 59% and less. Candidates in the secondary and all level education certification programs (undergraduate and PBIC) must earn a \"C\" or better in each pedagogy course before progressing to the next course/level. A candidate earning a grade less than \"C\" in a pedagogy course must repeat the course and earn a \"C\" or better before the course counts toward certification. IV. Tentative Course Outline/Calendar: Week 1 On-campus class meeting (January 25th) Week 2 On-line activities Week 3 On Campus class meeting (February 8th) Week 4 On-site Orientation/beginning of Internship Field Experience (February 15th) Week 5 On-site Field Experience Week 6 On-site Field Experience Week 7 On-site Field Experience Week 8 On-site Field Experience Week 9 On-site Field Experience Week 10 On-site Field Experience Week 11 On-site Field Experience Week 12 On-site Field Experience Week 13 On-site Field Experience Week 14 On-site Field Experience Week 15 Conclusion of Internship Field Experience (May 3rd) V. Readings: Readings applicable to SED 450 will be discussed and reviewed in this lab. Additional readings will be assigned and / or provided by the course professor. VI. Course Evaluations: Near the conclusion of each semester, students in the College of Education electronically evaluate courses taken within the COE. Evaluation data is used for a variety of important purposes including: 1. Course and program improvement, planning, and accreditation; 2. Instruction evaluation purposes; and 3. Making decisions on faculty tenure, promotion, pay, and retention. As you evaluate this course, please be thoughtful, thorough, and accurate in completing the evaluation. Please know that the COE faculty is committed to excellence in teaching and continued improvement. Therefore, your response is critical! In the College of Education, the course evaluation process has been simplified and is completed electronically through MySFA. Although the instructor will be able to view the names of students who complete the survey, all ratings and comments are confidential and anonymous, and will not be available to the instructor until after final grades are posted. VII. Student Ethics and Other Policy Information: Attendance is mandatory. You have two (2) excused absences. Any more absences may result in the lowering of the final grade in the course and the NISD stipend. Students with DisabilitiesTo obtain disability related accommodations and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Human Services Building, Room 325, (936) 468-3004/ (936) 468-1004 (TDD) as early as possible in the semester. Once verified, ODS will notify the course instructor and outline the accommodation and/or auxiliary aids to be provided. Academic Integrity Academic integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students. Faculty promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for cheating and plagiarism. Definition of Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification or invention of any information, including citations, on an assigned exercise; and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were rce or giving the author due credit. Please read the complete policy at www.sfasu.edu/policies/academicintegrity.asp Withheld Grades Semester Grades Policy (A-54) Ordinarily, at the discretion of the instructor of record and with the approval of the academic chair/director, a grade of WH will be assigned only if the student cannot complete the course work because of unavoidable circumstances. Students must complete the work within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which they receive a WH, or the grade automatically becomes an F. If students register for the same course in future terms the WH will automatically become an F and will be counted as a repeated course for the purpose of computing the grade point average. Undergraduate Teacher Certification contains all policies and procedures related to undergraduate teacher certification. Teacher education candidates are responsible to know and understand the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook. The handbook may be viewed and / or downloaded at the COE website: click on IX. Other Relevant Course Information: 1. Use of Cell Phones in class cell phone use or scrutiny is prohibited in class. Under no circumstances will cell phones be tolerated during regular course time. Just as in the public school environment where cell phone usage in class would be considered a sign of disrespect and a distraction (not to mention a hindrance to learning), so shall their presence be viewed in your internship class. As such, cell phone use or incident of incoming calls will result in the loss 2. Candidate Late Work any assignment submitted late will automatically receive a 50 percent reduction in value. Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted. This is regrettable in that it is recognized that candidates lead active and sometimes stressful lives but assignments are structured to coincide with ongoing course activity, thus timeliness is relevant to facilitate professional growth as well as to enhance content understanding. Moreover, n to administer to late ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' World Regional Geography > Syllabus AUG NOV FEB 3 2002 2003 2005 10 captures\\n21 Feb 03 - 31 Jul 07 Close\\nHelp World Regional Geography > Syllabus HOME GEO 109 SYLLABUS ITEMS BLACKBOARD The Syllabus below provides information about Required Books, Grades, Sequence of Topics, and Required Project/Research Paper. Students who enroll in the course will have access to more specific details, e.g., an expanded description of possible projects and \"Dates\" for exams . . . on the College\\'s Blackboard web site. Required Books: Concepts and Regions in Geography. (2003). H. J. de Blij and Peter O. Muller. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. You may view a description of the text and student course materials at the publisher\\'s web site. Student Study Guide: Concepts and Regions in Geography. (2003). Peter O. Muller and Elizabeth Muller Hames. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The text is \"bundled\" with a CD-ROM found in a protective plastic sleeve attached to the back cover. For a description of the multimedia content on this disk, specifically . . . Geographer\\'s Tool Box, Learning Activities, Expanded Coverage of Regions and Cities, and the Publisher\\'s Web Site, please read the four pages preceding the back cover. Exploring the course materials provides a marvelous \"flavor\" of the rich variety of learning aids and resources available. Please read the instructions for installing the CD-ROM and registration requirements. This disk, mounted on your own computer, provides a nearly seamless integration of learning resources residing on the disk and at the publisher\\'s web site. A most important resource for testing purposes is the Student Study Guide by Muller and Muller. This material closely meshes with the text, Concepts and Regions in Geography. A portion of each exam will be based upon material in this Guide.\\nTop Grades: Your final grade will be determined by adding one course orientation score (100 points possible), to three exam scores (450 points possible), to scores for a Required Project and Research Paper involving The Internet (200 points possible), to a score for map work (250 points possible), then assigning a letter grade based upon where the total falls within the following ranges of scores: 900 - 1000 = A 800 - 899 = B 700 - 799 = C 600 - 699 = D Below 600 = F Primarily, exam material will be based upon Muller and Muller\\'s Student Study Guide, which is based upon de Blij and Muller\\'s text. Additionally, s, handouts, and lecture/discussion will reinforce concepts. Test format will include multiple-choice, true-false, matching, labeling diagrams, and identification. On each exam you may expect an essay based upon \"Course Outcomes\". Top Sequence of Topics: Introductory Concepts: Regions, Realms, Physical and Cultural Systems\\nEurope\\nRussia\\nNorth America\\nMiddle America\\nSouth America\\nNorth Africa/Southwest Asia\\nSubsaharan Africa\\nSouth Asia\\nEast Asia\\nSoutheast Asia\\nThe Austral Realm\\nThe Pacific Realm\\nAppendix A: Using the Maps Top * Required; Project and Research Paper: Project A \"Journal\" of a geographically-related Field Trip. The \"Trip\" may be taken in the local area of Maryland or online, i.e., a \"Virtual Field Trip.\" The required length is 12 - 15 pages. (100 points possible) Research Paper A research paper on a topic introduced either in the text or the Study Guide. The required length is 12 - 15 pages. (100 points possible) *More specific details for project requirements may be found within BLACKBOARD. Top ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Course Syllabus Course Information Departments\\nCourses\\nCourse Syllabi AC Connect\\nLogin Home/Course Syllabi/View\\nExport Printer FriendlyWordEmail Freshman Composition ICourse Syllabus\\nKaren Beyers Honorary: Instructor: Karen Beyers E-Mail: kmbeyers@actx.edu Phone: Office Hours: Catalog Year: 2010-2011 Disability Statement: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact disAbility Services (Student Service Center room 119, phone 371-5436) as soon as possible. Course Title: Freshman Composition I Course Name and Number: ENGL-1301 Course Section: 035 Semester: Spring Prerequisites: RDNG 0331 and ENGL 0302-minimum grade of C or scores on a state-approved test indicating college-level reading and writing skills Course Description: Principles of effective writing, emphasizing organization of materials to produce a unified essay which supports convincingly a thesis statement. Review of conventional elements of writing and introduction to rhetorical analysis. Department Expectations: Hours: (3 sem hrs; 3 lec, 1 lab) Class Type: Online Course Textbooks: Supplies: Internet access, word processing programNotebook Dictionary (optional) Student Performance: 1. Understand basic rhetorical concepts: subject, audience, purpose, and appeals.2. Apply rhetorical concepts in analyzing and evaluating text.3. Use standard American English to write essays that are rhetorically effective: clear, organized, detailed, grammatically correct, and audience text.4. Use the library\\'s online databases and other computer resources for research and word processing.5. Write a third person, argumentative research paper following the MLA format for citing sources Students Rights and Responsibilities: Student Rights and Responsibilities Log in using the AC Connect Portal: In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at https://acconnect.actx.edu.\\nIf you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use \"Exchange\". All other students, use \"AC Connect (Google) Email\". Expected Student Behavior: English Department Plagiarism Policy (Revised 2009): Plagiarism: According to the Amarillo College Student Code of Conduct, plagiarism is the \"appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another\\'s words and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one\\'s own written work.\" Misdocumented Plagiarism: 1. The use of someone else\\'s exact words that are quoted but not cited or cited but not quoted. 2. Using a citation at the end of a block of prose without clarifying which material is borrowed. 3. Incomplete or missing works cited entries. Misdocumented plagiarism will receive a maximum 50 percent deduction for the first offense, and the student will be required to meet with the instructor. Undocumented Plagiarism: 1. The use of someone else\\'s exact words that are neither quoted nor cited. 2. Paraphrasing someone else\\'s words without citing them. 3. The use of someone else\\'s research without citing it. Undocumented plagiarism will receive a minimum penalty of 50 percent for the first time and 100 percent off for all subsequent infractions. The student will be required to meet with the instructor and the English Department Chair. Grading Criteria: 60% Average of essays (final copies) 10%Average of quizzes, short assignments, outlines, drafts 10%Attendance/participation (Discussion postings) 20%Final exam (in-class essay) A=\"90-100,\" B=\"80-89,\" C=\"70-79,\" D=\"60-69,\" F= Below 60 On-Campus Requirements: Students will be required to write a final exam essay on campus in the Ordway Writing Lab. If students live out of the greater Amarillo area, they can arrange with me to take the exam in another supervised setting. Contact instructor for makeup policy. Attendance: Even though this is an online class, you are still required to attend it regularly and participate as required.10% of your grade will be based on this online attendance / participation, as shown through your discussion postings. If during the semester you consider dropping, please check with me first for an alternate plan that protects your investment in this course and gives you an opportunity to complete it. The official drop deadline for this semester is April 20, 2011. Calendar: Tentative Course Outline for English 1301 The Structure of an Essay: Introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion Proofreading Checklist Evaluation Criteria for Essays Description: Outline, Rough Draft, and Essay Read Diner at Midnight and The Perfect Meal. Comparison/Contrast: Outline, Rough Draft, and Essay Read Opposites Attract, Grant and Lee, and Chicanos in the Ivy League Argument: Outline, Rough Draft, and Essay Logos, Pathos, Ethos Read Children Need to Play, Why Amarillo College Should Change Its Slogan How to Find AC Library Database Articles How to Document Sources in MLA Style The Works Cited Page Narrative: Outline, Essay Read The Dare, The Perfect Picture, and The Monkey Garden Review for Final Exam Final Exam *Please see AC Online course calendar for more details. Additional Information: 2013 Amarillo College From To Cc Bcc Subject Message Send as HTML\\nURL SendCancel OK ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Tyndall Guide/Directory - Wing Units AUG NOV MAY 9 2005 2006 2007 30 captures\\n19 Feb 06 - 23 Aug 12 Close\\nHelp Wing Units 325th Fighter Wing | 325th Comptroller Squadron | 325th Operations Group\\n325th Operations Support Squadron | Flying Squadrons | 325th Air Control Squadron\\n325th Maintenance Group | 325th Maintenance Operations Squadron\\n325th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron | 325th Maintenance Squadron\\n325th Mission Support Group | 325th Contracting Squadron | 325th Services Squadron\\n325th Mission Support Squadron | 325th Civil Engineering Squadron\\n325th Security Forces Squadron | 325th Communications Squadron\\nDet 1, 325th Fighter Wing | 325th Medical Group 325th Fighter Wing Command Chief Master Sergeant | Career Assistance Advisor | Protocol\\nInspector General | Conference Center | Historian | Chaplain\\nWing Operations Center | Public Affairs | Wing Plans | Safety Office Building 662 The host unit at Tyndall is the 325th Fighter Wing, a subordinate unit of 19th Air Force and the Air Education and Training Command. Known as the Home of Air Dominance, the wing is charged with providing F-15 Eagle and F/A-22 Raptor pilot training for worldwide assignment to the Combat Air Forces and is the only training location for the F/A-22. The wing also provides training for air battle manager students, F-15 and F/A-22 crew chiefs, intelligence officers, air traffic controllers and other specialties. The wing provides command guidance and operational control of the 325th Operations Group, 325th Maintenance Group, 325th Medical Group and 325th Mission Support Group and is directly responsible for several functional areas. Command Chief Master Sergeant Building 662, (850) 283-2688 The command chief master sergeant is the 325th Fighter Wing commanders representative in all enlisted activities or issues. The CCCs office is located in the wing headquarters building. (^top of section) Career Assistance Advisor Building 662, (850) 283-2222 The career assistance advisor is the principal advisor to commanders and supervisors on retention issues and assists with training commanders and supervisors in career counseling. The wing CAA develops, supervises and manages Air Force retention programs; advises on career progression and planning; monitors mandatory pay and benefits briefing programs; and conducts advertising publicity programs to include briefing at squadron commanders calls. The CAA is also responsible for the First-Term Airman Center and the Senior Noncommissioned Officer and Noncommissioned Officer Enhancement Courses. (^top of section) Protocol Building 662, (850) 283-2800 The Protocol staff provides executive support to the wing and associate unit commanders on matters concerning protocol and coordinates the activities of U.S. and foreign military and civilian dignitaries who visit Tyndall. The protocol office is located in the wing headquarters building. (^top of section) Inspector General Building 662, (850) 283-4646 The Inspector General manages the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Resolution Program and the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention Program at Tyndall. The IGs 24-hour hot line number is (850) 283-4646. Personnel are not required to leave their name. The IG investigates and determines the disposition of complaints and disclosures by ensuring an unbiased, comprehensive collection of evidence to provide logical, fact-based conclusions and appropriate corrective actions on substantiated allegations. The IG also identifies adverse trends to installation, subordinate and associate unit commanders. Complaints and disclosures to the IG are privileged communications and are made without fear of intimidation or retribution. Personnel who believe they have been treated unfairly or have knowledge of fraud, waste and abuse should report the problem to their chain of command or contact the IG. (^top of section) Conference Center Building 1444, (850) 283-4084 Located near the Tyndall Officers Club, the Conference Center is a fully-equipped meeting center with two briefing rooms. To make reservations, call the center. (^top of section) Historian Building 662, (850) 283-2874 The wing historian documents historical activities of the 325th Fighter Wing and provides a historical reference service. The history office is located in the wing headquarters building. The historian can be contacted by phone, or e-mail 325FWHO2@tyndall.af.mil. (^top of section) Chaplain Building 1470, (850) 283-2925 The chaplain service team is dedicated to providing outstanding opportunities for religious expression, spiritual development and emotional wellness to each individual and family assigned to Tyndall. For more information, see the Chapel Community entry under the Facilities and Services heading of this guide. (^top of section) Wing Operations Center Building 219, (850) 283-2155 Also known as the 325th Fighter Wing Command Post, the Wing Operations Center is responsible for the overall management and supervision of operations and support activities at Tyndall AFB. Command post controllers act as the liaison for the 325th FW commander, group and unit commanders, the base populace and temporary duty personnel and units in whatever capacity required. Controllers flight-follow all Tyndall-assigned and TDY aircraft, launch alert aircraft on air sovereignty missions when required and keep the wing commander informed on all aspects of the wings flying program. The command post is manned by two certified controllers at all times. Their charge is to be the eyes and ears of not only the commanders assigned to Team Tyndall, but also higher headquarters at all levels. Command post controllers work closely with security forces and medical personnel and the bases fire department to maintain the pulse of all (^top of section) events and incidents occurring either on- or off-base that impact assigned personnel, dependents, civilians or aircraft and equipment. Command post controllers are trained to react to Operational Reporting, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Education and Training Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command emergency actions message processing, operational and communications security, computer and emergency notification equipment operation and flight following of all assigned and transient aircraft. The 325 FW commander or vice commander personally certifies each controller after an interview session and command post management recommendation. The on-duty controllers are the first to make notifications to wing, group and associate unit commanders. Based upon the scenario, they will initiate the type and scope of recall required Crisis Action Team, Contingency Support Staff, Disaster Control Group, Hurricane Watch Team or all of the above. Each commander on the installation is tracked by location and status so notifications can be expedited. Operational Reports from HQ AETC all the way to the National Military Command Center originate from the command post. (^top of section) Public Affairs Building 662, (850) 283-4500 The 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs office is the focal point for information concerning Tyndall people and activities. Public Affairs is responsible for telling the Air Force story to various local, regional and national audiences. The PA staff provides a variety of services to military members, their families and the local community, such as providing information on Tyndall AFB and 325th FW events and activities. The PA office is separated into three divisions: internal information, media relations and community relations. Internal information is charged with providing news and information to base and wing leadership, military members and their families. The internal information division publishes a weekly newspaper, the Gulf Defender, a quarterly community newsletter, the Checkertail Connection, a biannual retiree newsletter, The Retiree Reader, and an annual hurricane supplement. Additionally, the internal information division manages the Commanders Access Channel, available throughout Tyndall AFB on TV channel 12, the commanders Action Line, the Hometown News Release program and publishes the base guide. Media relations is responsible for providing news and information to local, regional and national media outlets about Tyndall AFB events and activities. The division fields all questions from the media and provides opportunities for interviews with wing leadership and experts on specific topics or programs. Media relations also provides training to commanders and base personnel on interacting with the media under a variety of circumstances. The division also provides base spokespeople to appear on local morning television talk shows to discuss events, activities and issues affecting Tyndall. Community relations activities provide influential civilian opinion leaders and decision makers, as well as the public at large, opportunities to talk directly to Air Force people and observe Air Force readiness first hand. The community relations division manages the bases interaction with the external public. These activities include coordinating and conducting base tours, processing requests for military aviation support at special events, coordinating requests for Air Force band participation at local events, maintaining liaison with elected officials offices, national, state and local governmental agencies, local Chamber of Commerce, and military support groups and is responsible for organizing official appearances and speeches by base leaders. Public Affairs is also instrumental in promoting special events such as Heritage Day and the Gulf Coast Salute Open House. While the 325th Fighter Wing public affairs office provides support to more than 30 associate units, three tenant units at Tyndall have their own public affairs support: First Air Force, the Southeast Air Defense Sector, the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency, the Air Force Research Laboratory and the 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group. (^top of section) Wing Plans Building 662, (850) 283- The 325th Fighter Wing Plans staff ensures the effectiveness of the wing and associate units by preparing contingency plans, and conducting base exercises in accordance with command guidance to evaluate base readiness. (^top of section) Safety Office Building 662, (850) 283-4231 The 325th Fighter Wing Safety office staff is responsible for the installation safety program, which includes flight, weapons and ground safety. The staff also conducts base safety education courses, such as the motorcycle riders safety course. Since military members who operate a motorcycle on- or off-duty, whether on- or off- a DOD installation, must attend an approved safety course, Tyndall offers an Experienced Riders Course on-base each month and a beginners course off-base through a local contractor. The safety office also offers supervisor safety training, which all supervisors must attend. Additionally, the safety office is responsible for tracking and reporting mishaps which result in injury needing medical treatment. All on- or off-duty mishaps resulting in an injury and medical treatment are required to be reported, and personnel must immediately notify their supervisor if injured in a mishap. For more information, contact the safety office. (^top of section) 325th Comptroller Squadron Building 662, (850) 283-4117 The 325th Comptroller Squadron provides a wide spectrum of financial services to individuals, commanders and fund managers. The squadron consists of two flights, Financial Services and Financial Analysis. Newcomers will deal primarily with the Financial Services flight. The Financial Services flight serves active duty, retired military, Guard, Reserve and civil service employees. The flight consists of three sections: Customer Service, Customer Support and Accounting Liaison. The Customer Service section provides pay, allowances and entitlement assistance, travel accruals, advances and myPay personal identification numbers. The Customer Service section also conducts in- and out-processing briefings. The Customer Support section provides leave program management, electronic travel system assistance, payment audits, document inputs and cashier functions. The Accounting Liaison Office manages the accuracy of the accounting system, and controls and certifies the availability of appropriated funds for wing and associate units. The ALO also serves as a liaison between base organizations and the Defense Finance and Accounting Services, which is responsible for payments to commercial vendors and government agencies. The Financial Analysis Flight (FMA) is responsible for financial planning and budget execution for the 325th Fighter Wing. The FMAs role is to provide decision support to commanders and managers. If you have an unfunded requirement or a business decision to make, contact the FMA office at (850) 283-2802. The 325th Comptroller Squadron is located on the second floor of Building 662. Customer service hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cashier hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. For customer service questions, call (850) 283-4117. 325th Operations Group Building 219, (850) 283-3254 The 325th Operations Group is the focal point for all F/A-22 Raptor and F-15 Eagle pilot training and air weapons director/air battle manager training. The group consistsof four fighter squadrons, an air weapons director/air battle manager training squadron and an operations support squadron. The group staff provides guidance and assistance in successfully executing the training mission and ensures quality performance and standardized procedures for pilots, air weapons directors/air battle managers, aircraft maintenance personnel; weapons load crews and air traffic controllers. 325th Operations Support Squadron Training Flight | Weapons & Tactics Flight | Airfield Operations Flight\\nWeather Flight | Intelligence Flight | Current Operations Flight Building 219, (850) 283-3758 The Silver Knights of the 325th Operations Support Squadron are responsible for all operational support of the four fighter squadrons to include weapons, training, airfield operations, weather, intelligence, and current operations. Training Flight Building 585, (850) 283-2212 The units training flight is responsible for 325th FW operations training and readiness for both F-15 and F/A-22 aircraft. Areas of responsibility include flight simulators; formal training courses; syllabus and courseware development; platform academic instruction; training documentation and reporting; ground, egress, flight, ejection and water survival life support training; and air combat maneuvering instrumentation equipment, facility and ranges. (^top of section) Weapons and Tactics Flight Building 585, (850) 283-2224 The weapons and tactics flight is responsible for weapons and tactics training, Top Gun/Turkey Shoot competitions, the electronic combat program and air-to-air reference publications. (^top of section) Airfield Operations Flight Building 216, (850) 283-3235 The airfield operations flight oversees the fifth busiest air traffic control complex in Air Education and Training Command and the sixth busiest in the Air Force, conducting more than 220,000 operations annually while administering one of only three United States Air Force Airfield Operations Officer Upgrade Programs. Mission monitoring service is provided to more than 6,000 fighter air-to-air training missions annually. Air traffic control facility personnel are responsible for providing air traffic services for Panama City International Airport and 11 other satellite airports. Airfield management personnel maintain three runways, (^top of section) process more than 30,000 flight plans annually and are the focal point for all transient aircraft services. Weather Flight Building 149, (850) 283-2845 The weather flight provides operational and staff weather support to the 325th Fighter Wing, Headquarters 1st Air Force, Continental U.S. NORAD Region, Southeast Air Defense Sector, 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group and other Tyndall associate units. Flight personnel also plan and establish environmental support for the air defense, aircraft training, and weapons evaluation missions, including Tyndalls base populace. (^top of section) Intelligence Flight Building 219, (850) 283-2007 The Intelligence Flight directs all intelligence activities for the 325th Fighter Wing and subordinate units to include current intelligence/threat briefings and studies, extensive aircrew/weapons controller academic training, air defense mission and exercise support and intelligence personnel training. The flight directs all aspects of the F-15C Intelligence Formal Training Unit, a four-week program designed to teach intelligence personnel assigned to F-15C units about the unique aspects of supporting the air dominance mission. An IFTU detachment at Hurlburt Field, Fla., conducts a similar course for Air Force Special Operations Command personnel. An F/A-22 IFTU unit is standing up as the aircraft is fielded at Tyndall. (^top of section) Current Operations Flight Building 219, (850) 283-8002 The Current Operations Flight is responsible for the daily scheduling of flying sorties and airspace for all regional users of Tyndall air-to-air ranges. The staff coordinates procedures between 1st Air Force, the Federal Aviation Administration and other major commands to ensure orderly and safe use of 15,000 square miles of airspace and manages the supervisor of the flying program. Flight personnel maintain the aircraft hurricane evacuation plan and when necessary, coordinate the evacuation of base aircraft. The flight is also responsible for managing the 325th Fighter Wings flying-hour program. (^top of section) Flying Squadrons 1st Fighter Squadron | 2nd Fighter Squadron\\n95th Fighter Squadron | 43rd Fighter Squadron The 1st, 2nd and 95th Fighter Squadrons provide initial F-15C Eagle qualification training for pilots, in addition to conversion and recurrence checkouts. The latest addition to the 325th Operations Group is the 43rd Fighter Squadron, which provides qualification training in the F/A-22 Raptor air dominance fighter/attack aircraft. 1st Fighter Squadron Building 432, (850) 283-4512 The history of the Fightin Furies is long and honorable. The 1st Fighter Squadron was constituted on Oct. 5, 1944 and activated as part of the 413th Fighter Group on Oct. 15, 1945. During World War II, the squadron flew P-47 Thunderbolts. On an island near Okinawa the 1st launched P-47s against the Japanese, amassing almost 1,200 combat air patrol, bombing, strafing and escort missions. It was during this era, the squadron adopted its world-renowned emblem, Miss Fury. The 1st Fighter Squadron was redesignated as the 1st Fighter-Day Squadron on Aug. 26, 1954 and activated as part of the 413th Fighter-Day Wing on Nov. 11, 1954. Then, on July 1, 1958, the squadron was subsequently named the 1st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron as part of the 413th Tactical Fighter Wing. During this time the squadron trained fighter pilots in the F-86 Sabre from 1954-1956 and the F-100 Super Sabre from 1956-1959. The 1st Tactical Fighting Training Squadron operated out of George AFB, Calif., until it was again deactivated on March 15, 1959 with then Lt. Col. Charles E. Chuck Yeager as commander. On Jan. 1, 1984, the squadron was reactivated as the 1st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, part of the 325th Tactical Training Wing at Tyndall. The 1st TFTS was activated in order to train fighter pilots in the F-15 Eagle. On Sept. 17, 1991, due to a major Air Force reorganization, the operations and maintenance functions of the 1st FS formed one combined squadron. Thus the squadron was renamed the 1st Fighter Squadron. The 1st FS is proud of its long, distinguished heritage and traditions, which have been upheld in defense of American freedom and ideals. (^top of section) 2nd Fighter Squadron Building 446, (850) 283-2904 The 2nd Fighter Squadron, known as the American Beagle Squadron, began its long and distinguished history in January 1941 when it was activated as the 2nd Pursuit Squadron. In 1942, the squadron was redesigned as the 2nd Fighter Squadron. In the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, the squadron flew the Supermarine Spitfire MkIV and the P-51 Mustang, producing 11 fighter aces and achieving 183 aerial victories, the last which was a German jet bomber. During the Cold War the 2nd FS flew a number of interceptor aircraft until transitioning to the F-15 Eagle in 1984. In 1984, the squadron became the 2nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, and in 1991 it was redesignated the 2nd Fighter Squadron. During Operation DESERT STORM, 2nd FS graduates accounted for 11 of 35 aerial victories True testimonies to the level of training student pilots receive at Tyndall. Today, the 2nd FS flies the F-15 and is charged with providing near mission ready F-15 pilots for worldwide assignment. Tasked with producing the finest Air Dominance pilots in the world, the 2nd FS carries on its proud heritage of being Second to None. (^top of section) 95th Fighter Squadron Building 164, (850) 283-2121 Known proudly as the Boneheads, the 95th Fighter Squadron has a proud and distinguished history that began in 1942. The squadron first saw service flying the original twin-tailed fighter, the P-38 Lightning, serving in both North Africa and Italy. Among the squadrons many notable accomplishments was its (^top of section) participation in the attacks on the Ploesti oil refineries. Each aircraft carried a 1,000-pound bomb and a 300-gallon gas tank. The unit was credited with delivering its bombs right on target. In May of 1943, the squadron was tasked with the mission of bombing the Island of Pantellaria, a key stepping-stone to the Allied advance. It accomplished the mission with perfection, causing the Islands garrison to surrender just prior to the Allies landing on the Island. The squadron also took part in some of the first shuttle missions to Russia. The 95th FS finished the war with more than 400 kills, 199 air-to-air kills and seven aces. During the post-war period, the squadron was assigned to the Alaskan Air Command, flying the P-51 Mustang. In the fall of 1959, the 95th FS was tasked with the defense of Washington, D.C., and the surrounding area and performed its mission flawlessly. With the initiation of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the threat of manned bomber attacks, the squadron was assigned to 24-hour alert status. Armed with the worlds fastest interceptor, the F-106 Delta Dart, the 95th FS could be called to action and within minutes be airborne fully loaded and armed with nuclear missiles. The present squadron was activated at Tyndall on Aug. 15, 1974, as the 95th Interceptor Training Squadron, redesignated the 95th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron on April 1, 1974, and finally as the 95th Fighter Squadron on Nov. 1, 1991. During the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the 95th FS leapt into action by generating combat-configured F-15C aircraft and flying combat air patrol missions over cities in the southeastern United States. The squadrons mascot, Mr. Bones, is pictured on the unit patch on a blue disc with wide yellow border signifying the squadrons dauntless capability to accomplish the mission in any weather, day or night; primarily stalking the enemy to destruction. The full dress, particularly the top hat, depicted on Mr. Bones represents the squadron personnels sentiments that the unit is tops, thus, explaining the squadron motto, Death With Finesse. (^top of section) 43rd Fighter Squadron Building 290, (850) 282-4300 The 43rd Fighter Squadron is one of the oldest active squadrons in the Air Force. The unit was originally activated June 13, 1917 as the 43rd Aero Squadron, at Camp Kelly, Texas. During the 1920s the squadron operated the Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field before being deactivated in 1936. The squadron was reactivated in 1940 as the 43rd Pursuit Squadron. Though they never saw combat in either World War, they were in France during the closing days of WWI and tasked with homeland defense in the Panama Canal Zone during World War II, when the threat of an attack on the contiguous 48 states seemed very possible. The unit did see combat during the conflict in Vietnam, flying F-4 Phantoms over South Vietnam. From 1970-1994, the 43rd FS was tasked with air defense once again, this time in the Cold War theater of Alaska. Ultimately, the unit was the recipient of 11 Distinguished Unit Citations. The unit was deactivated in 1994, and reactivated at Tyndall on October 25, 2002. The squadron is tasked with flying and training in the F/A-22 Air Dominance fighter and attack aircraft, the most advanced military aircraft in the world. The 43rd FS is the first F/A-22 flying squadron at Tyndall, and the first operational F/A-22 squadron in the world. (^top of section) 325th Air Controll Squadron Building 1281, (850) 283-2248 The Screaming Eagles began as the 325th Fighter Control Squadron in April 1943. In December 1943, the unit moved to North Africa to support the operations of the 325th Fighter Wing and other American and allied flying units. Moving its radar with the front lines, the squadron saw action throughout the Mediterranean and Southern Europe and earned battle streamers for Rome, 1944; Southern France, 1944; and the Rhineland, 1945. The squadron was disbanded in early 1945, when German air activity had effectively ceased. The present squadron was activated at Tyndall in 1947, making it the bases oldest surviving resident. During the past 54 years the squadron has taught radar operations and maintenance to tens of thousands of personnel of all ranks. Today, the school teaches five primary courses. Officers attend the nine-month Air Battle Manager course. During the course, they learn doctrine, radar theory, surveillance operations, basic fighter control using simulated aircraft, contract-flown MU-2 aircraft and 325th FW F-15s, as well as wartime E-3 operations and joint tactical operations. Graduates go on to fly in the E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System or E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System aircraft. Additionally, more than 100 officers from around the world come to Tyndall every year to attend two different advanced command and control courses for foreign air battle managers. 325th Maintenance Group Weapons Standardization Flight | Quality Assurance Flight Building 548, (850) 283-4216 The 325th Maintenance Group is responsible for all maintenance operations for the 325th Fighter Wings F-15 and F/A-22 aircraft in support of the Air Forces Air Dominance flight training. The group consists of three squadrons, the 325th Maintenance Squadron, the 325th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, the 325th Maintenance Operations Squadron, as well as Defense Support Services for contracted maintenance. Weapons Standardization Flight Building 106, (850) 283-8043 The Weapons Standardization Flight conducts weapons load crew certification and weapons task qualifications programs for all weapons loaders on base by providing academic, explosive safety and practical training. (^top of section) Quality Assurance Flight Building 548, (850) 283-4255 The Quality Assurance Flight evaluates maintenance personnel and the processes they employ while operating, inspecting, maintaining and repairing aircraft and support equipment in strict compliance with applicable technical data, safety directives and policy guidance. (^top of section) 325th Maintenance Operations Squadron Maintenance Training Flight | Maintenance Operations Flight\\nPrograms & Resources Flight Building 542, (850) 283-2081 The 325th Maintenance Operations Squadron manages all logistics officer and enlisted specialty, ancillary, F-15C/D and F/A-22 maintenance qualification training programs for the 325th Fighter Wing. The squadron also provides key maintenance analysis data, flying and maintenance scheduling management and flight line operations oversight, and oversees staff support for manpower, funding, facilities, mobility and resources for three maintenance squadrons and the maintenance group staff. Maintenance Training Flight Building 542, (850) 283-2082 The maintenance training flight provides training and training management for the 325th Maintenance Groups maintenance personnel. (^top of section) Maintenance Operations Flight Building 542, (850) 283-9681 The maintenance operations flight is responsible for analyzing, scheduling and reporting the status of all 325th Fighter Wing-assigned aircraft. Additionally, the flight provides guidance to leadership on fleet management. (^top of section) Programs and Resources Flight Building 548, (850) 283-3258 The programs and resources flight provides facility management, environmental resource management, personnel security, computer/network management and flying hour budget management. (^top of section) 325th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 1st Aircraft Maintenance Unit | 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit\\n95th Aircraft Maintenance Unit | 43rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit Building 530, (850) 283-8201 The 325th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is the largest squadron in the 325th Fighter Wing, with nearly 1000 people assigned to the unit. The AMXS functions as the front-line in the mission to keep the wings F-15 Eagles and F/A-22 Raptors flying. The squadron is responsible for on-aircraft maintenance for 76 F-15 aircraft and 23 F/A-22 aircraft. The squadrons mission is to load, launch, recover and perform a range of maintenance functions for every wing aircraft and is functionally aligned with the fighter squadrons through four assigned aircraft maintenance units. The AMXS stood up with the maintenance group as part of a 2002 Air Force-wide reorganization. 1st Aircraft Maintenance Unit Building 182, (850) 283-2236 The 1st AMU provides maintenance and sortie production and support for 26 F-15 aircraft assigned to the 1st Fighter Squadron. Additionally, the (^top of section) AMU develops and manages an annual flying hour program in support of the 1st FS training mission. (^top of section) 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit Building 180, (850) 283-4592 The 2nd AMU provides maintenance and sortie production/support for 26 F-15 aircraft assigned to the 2nd Fighter Squadron. The AMU also develops and manages an annual flying hour program in support of the 2nd FS training mission. (^top of section) 95th Aircraft Maintenance Unit Building 504, (850) 283-4478 The 95th AMU provides maintenance and sortie production/support for 25 F-15 aircraft assigned to the 95th Fighter Squadron. The AMU also develops and manages an annual flying hour program in support of the 95th FS training mission. (^top of section) 43rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit Building 290, (850) 282-4316 The 43rd AMU provides maintenance and support for 23 F/A-22 Raptors assigned to the worlds first F/A-22 squadron, the 43rd FS. (^top of section) 325th Maintenance Squadron Propulsion Flight | Avionics Flight | Munitions Flight\\nMaintenance Flight | Defense Support Services Building 580, (850) 283-4196 The 325th Maintenance Squadron is a diverse organization employing 400 personnel and comprised of five flights. The squadrons mission is to provide avionics, propulsion, munitions, sheet metal and phase support to the four fighter squadrons assigned to the 325th FW. Propulsion Flight Building 258, (850) 283-9892 The propulsion flight is responsible for inspecting, testing and repairing F-15 and F/A-22 jet engines and related components, as well as assisting fighter squadron personnel with engine and component troubleshooting. (^top of section) Avionics Flight Building 186, (850) 283-2192 The avionics flight is responsible for testing, inspecting and maintaining avionics equipment and systems associated with the 325th Fighter Wings 76 F-15 aircraft. (^top of section) Munitions Flight Building 7052, (850) 282-4623 The munitions flight is responsible for the procurement and maintenance of aerospace munitions and provides munitions-related support. (^top of section) Maintenance Flight Building 276, (850) 283-8562 The maintenance flight is responsible for performing maintenance phase inspections for the 325th Fighter Wings 76 assigned F-15 aircraft and provides sheet metal support to the aircraft maintenance units. Defense Support Services Building 522, (850) 283-2066 Defense Support Services (DS 2), LLC, provides on- and off-equipment maintenance support to the 325th Fighter Wing and tenant units. As a contracted operation, DS 2 performs maintenance consisting of low-observable/composite repair, fabrication, pneudraulic, egress, electro/environmental, aero repair, armament systems, engine management and jet engine intermediate maintenance. DS 2 also maintains all assigned support equipment, such as aerospace ground equipment, and operates the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory. The contractor provides for the maintenance and preservation of assigned historical and static display aircraft and provides maintenance personnel for mobility requirements and support to deploying fighter squadrons. (^top of section) Next Page > Arrival | Facilities & Services | History | Wing Units | Tenant/Associate Units | Leisure\\nCommunity | Pro-Military Businesses | Tyndall Air Force Base ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' 1 TECH 4301 Supervision College of Business and Technology Department of Human Resource Development and Technology The University of Texas at Tyler Course Syllabus Fall 2013 Instructor: Afton Barber Class Location: BUS 106 (Tyler) Office: HPR 226 Class Time: T/TH 11-12:15 Telephone: 903.566.7310 E-mail: abarber@uttyler.edu Office Hours: Tuesday: 9:00 am 11:00 am; Thursday: 9:00 am 11:00 am; Other times by appointment Course Description This course introduces the basic concepts of employee supervision. It emphasizes strategies that front line supervisors may use to insure that their subordinates follow an and procedures. Emphasis is placed on both theory and current practice in business organizations. Textbook Certo, S. C. (2008, 2010). Supervision: Concepts and skill building (7th Eds). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN: 978-0-07-338151-0 Learning Objectives Upon completion of 1. Describe the role of supervisions in todays business organizations; 2. Articulate the relationship between job requirements, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection; 3. Explain the role of appraisal, training, and career development in improving employee performance; 4. Critique and suggest solutions through case studies for effectively administering plans for employee compensations, benefit, safety, and healthy work environment; 5. Explain major theories of motivation and leadership for supervising and managing employees; 6. Specify the role of communication, employee rights, and discipline in creating a productive work environment; 7. Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of labor relations, collective bargaining, and contract administration to effectively analyzing and suggesting solutions to case studies; 8. Make effective recommendations to human resource issues unique to organizations involved in international business operations. Course Competencies 1. Computer-Based Skills the student will complete all written assignments in a word processing package that may include graphs, charts, spreadsheets, database manipulation 2. Communication Skills the student will exhibit a mastery of both written and oral skills in completion and presentation of the project, class discussions, and case studies 3. Interpersonal Skills the student will work with other students to complete project, case studies, and class discussions 2 4. Problem Solving (Critical Thinking) the student will use conceptual thinking, quantitative/statistical skills, gathering and analyzing data, and creativity and innovation in the identification and completion of the research project, case studies, and class discussions 5. Ethical Issues in Decision Making and Behavior the student will understand and exhibit ethics through the data collection and presentation portions of project, case studies, class discussions, and ethics game 6. Personal Accountability for Achievement the student will complete all assignments at the time designated by the instructor Course Requirements and Students Evaluation This course focuses on both theoretical foundation and applications of human resource supervision and management. Students will be evaluated on the basis of the quantity, quality, and timeliness of the following efforts. 1. Attendance and active participation in classes, including all case studies, activities, exams, quizzes, and discussions 2. Two tests on class lecture and text materials 3. Ethics game 4. A team project regarding human resource supervision and management 5. Two case studies The total possible points for Tech 4301 are listed below: Five quizzes 20% (4% each) Two case studies 10% (5% each) Midterm 20% Final exam 20% Interview project 10% Ethics game 20% Total 100% Grade Scale Breakdown A=90 100% B=80 89.9% C=70 79.9% D=60 69.9% F=BELOW 60% Assignments A. Text Readings: Students are expected to read text material and lecture notes prior to the class session for that chapter/topic in order to be able to actively participate in classes. The instructor encourages active involvement participation from each student. Students should be mindful of both too few oral contributions as well as the domination of class discussion. Be respectful of your peers. B. Tests: Three tests are required for the course as shown on your schedule. Students are expected to complete each test during the scheduled class time. NO Make-up tests are provided. Please refer to the class policy portion of the course syllabus for details regarding missed work. C. Quizzes: 3 Five quizzes will be given in class throughout the semester. Students must be present in class to take quiz and receive credit. D. Case Studies: Two cases are assigned for the course. Each student will read and answer the end-of-case questions in a typed paper (12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins). Additionally, students should be prepared to discuss the case and their responses to the questions in classroom discussions. E. Team Project: Objectives: 1. The team project is designed for students to acquire hands-on experience in real world management and supervision practices related to classroom learning. 2. The final outcome of the project is an written report. Requirements: The maximum number of members on each team cannot exceed 3. All team members will be held equally accountable for the project. engagement for the implementation of the project. to demonstrate your teamwork spirits and dedication to your project. A non-Such a member will be assigned to an individual equivalent project. A member under this situation will automatically lost grade on peer evaluation portion (5% of total points). Guidelines for the Team Project: Teams are to submit their final written report on November 21 (10%). Each report should be a typed paper (12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins) with a minimum of five pages. Teams are free to choose any supervisor in any organization, such as those in private sector, non-profit organization, higher education, or government agencies. You need to identify one supervisor at specific functional area to make your project manageable, such as sales, marketing, finance, accounting, or HR, etc. Teams are responsible to allocate different project tasks among their members evenly. Each member will be evaluated by his/her peers at the end of the project based on the performance and contribution to the project. Peer evaluation ratings will be incorporated into your final grade. Start your project planning early in the semester to maximize your learning and avoid final rush. Content of the Report: At the minimum, the project report and the presentation should cover each of the following items: Supervisors Information o Job description, responsibilities, etc. o Functions Organization background o History o Industry: Product, services, market, and customer base o Organization structure: Organization chart and management structure. How does this supervisor deliver the following supervision functions 4 o Planning o Organizing o Staffing o Leading o Controlling You may want to consider the following aspects in the interview: o Diversity in the organization o Quality improvement o Training and development o Performance appraisal o Ethical related issues o Labor unions o Other issues covered in the textbook Three challenges the supervisor encountered in his/her previous or current management and supervision experience, and how did he/she address the challenges. What have you learned from this supervisor? Tips for Contacting an Organization: Starting contacting an organization may appear to be difficult in the beginning. But remember that this is a perfect opportunity for you to practice your interpersonal skills. Also remember that you will have to market yourself to your future employers, and this is a perfect opportunity for you to practice that skill. As a starter, you maI am a UTT student at the Business Schoolcompany Course Policies Class Attendance and Participation Your presence and participation is very importantso important that it warrants a good grade. You are expected to attend every class, ask questions, and contribute constructively to the entire class. If you miss a session, not only you lose the opportunity to learn, but your classmates will also lose the opportunity to learn from you. Attendance also includes punctuality. Students are expected to practice professional time management skills and attend class on time. Five random quizzes will be given throughout Only those students present at the time of quiz are eligible for credit during that class period. Students that miss the quiz will receive a zero for that quiz. Make-up Policy There are NO make-up quizzes or exams; NO late assignments accepted. All due dates are posted in the syllabus; therefore, there will be NO late work. All assignments are due on the date posted in the syllabus unless changed by the instructor prior to the due date. Policy on Your Cell Phone Use Use of a cell phone is prohibited during class time. To avoid interruption during the class sessions, please make sure your cell phone is turned off before entering the classroom. Use of Blackboard We will use the Blackboard throughout the learning. Most class notes will be posted on blackboard before the class for students to review. Many other assignments, such as the cases will also be distributed 5 sibility to regularly check the Blackboard for assignments. Please use your UTT email ID and password access the blackboard. University Policies Academic Dishonesty Statement The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrates a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions related sty involves one of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion and/or falsifying academic records. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary proceedings. University regulations require the instructor to report all suspected cases of academic dishonesty to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. In the event disciplinary measures are imposed on the student, it report all observed cases of academic dishonesty to the instructor. Students Rights and Responsibilities To know and understand the policies that affect your rights and responsibilities as a student at UT Tyler, please follow this link: http://www2.uttyler.edu/wellness/rightsresponsibilities.php Grade Replacement/Forgiveness and Census Date Policies Students repeating a course for grade forgiveness (grade replacement) must file a Grade Replacement Contract with the Enrollment Services Center (ADM 230) on or before the Census Date of the semester in which the course will be repeated. Grade Replacement Contracts are available in the Enrollment Services itself, on the Academic Calendar, or in the information pamphlets published each semester by the Office of the Registrar. Failure to file a Grade Replacement Contract will result in both the original and repeated grade being used to calculate your overall grade point average. Undergraduates are eligible to exercise grade replacement for only three course repeats during their career at UT Tyler; graduates are eligible for two grade replacements. Full policy details are printed on each Grade Replacement Contract. The Census Date, September 9, is the deadline for many forms and enrollment actions that students need to be aware of this semester. These include: Submitting Grade Replacement Contracts, Transient Forms, requests to withhold directory information, approvals for taking courses as Audit, Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit. Receiving 100% refunds for partial withdrawals. (There is no refund for these after the Census Date) Being reinstated or re-enrolled in classes after being dropped for non-payment Completing the process for tuition exemptions or waivers through Financial Aid State-Mandated Course Drop Policy Texas law prohibits a student who began college for the first time in fall 2007 or thereafter from dropping more than six courses during their entire undergraduate career. This includes courses dropped at another 2-year or 4-year Texas public college or university. For purposes of this rule, a dropped course is any course that is dropped after the census date (See Academic Calendar for the specific date). 6 Exceptions to the 6-drop rule may be found in the catalog. Petitions for exemptions must be submitted to the Enrollment Services Center and must be accompanied by documentation of the extenuating circumstance. Please contact the Enrollment Services Center if you have any questions. Disability Services In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) the University offers accommodations to students with learning, physical and/or psychiatric disabilities. If you have a disability, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, PTSD or ADHD, or you have a history of modifications or accommodations in a previous educational environment you are encouraged to contact the Student Accessibility and Resources office and schedule an interview with the Accessibility Case Manager/ADA Coordinator, Cynthia Lowery Staples. If you are unsure if the above criteria apply to you, but have questions or concerns please contact the SAR office. For more information or to set up an appointment please visit the SAR office located in the University Center, Room 3150 or call 903.566.7079. You may also send an email to cstaples@uttyler.edu Student Absence due to Religious Observance Students who anticipate being absent from class due to a religious observance are requested to inform the instructor of such absences by the second class meeting of the semester. Student Absence for University-Sponsored Events and Activities If you intend to be absent for a university-sponsored event or activity, you (or the event sponsor) must notify the instructor at least two weeks prior to the date of the planned absence. At that time the instructor will set a date and time when make-up assignments will be completed. Social Security and FERPA Statement It is the policy of The University of Texas at Tyler to protect the confidential nature of social security numbers. The University has changed its computer programming so that all students have an identification number. The electronic transmission of grades (e.g., via e-mail) risks violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; grades will not be transmitted electronically. Emergency Exits and Evacuation regarding the appropriate exit. If you require assistance during an evacuation, inform your instructor in the first week of class. Do not re-enter the building unless given permission by University Police, Fire department, or Fire Prevention Services. 7 TECH 4301 Supervision Fall 2013 Schedule Date Topic Reading Assignment Assignment Due 8/26 8/30 Course Overview/Syllabus functions and skills Chapter 1 9/2 9/6 Quality and Productivity Chapter 2 9/9 9/13 Groups, Teams, and Powerful meetings Chapter 3 Case Study 1 due on September 12 9/16 9/20 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics & Diversity Chapter 4 and 5 9/23 9/27 Plans and Controls Chapter 6 Ethics test due by September 26 9/30 10/4 Organizing and Authority Chapter 7 10/7 10/11 Supervisor as Leader Chapter 8 Case Study 2 due on October 10 10/14 10/18 Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Creativity Chapter 9 Midterm on October 17 10/21 10/25 Communication Chapter 10 10/28 11/1 Motivating Employees Chapter 11 11/4 11/8 Problem Employees Chapter 12 11/11 11/15 Managing Employees Chapter 13 and 14 11/18 11/22 Selecting Employees Chapter 15 Interview report due on November 21 11/25 11/29 Thanksgiving Break No Class 12/2 12/6 Training and Appraising Performance Chapter 16 and 17 12/10 Final Exam at 10:45am 1:15pm Final Exam on December 10 Note: The instructor reserves the right to amend the syllabus including revising assignments, tentative schedule and evaluation as necessary. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Poulakis Sample Syllabus Eng 251 Jun JUL Aug 5 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n5 Jul 07 - 5 Jul 07 Close\\nHelp Sample Syllabus--English 251\\nInstructor--Dr. Victoria Poulakis REQUIRED TEXT\\nThe Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Volume I.\\nCOURSE OBJECTIVES\\nThis course will introduce you to a variety of literary works from around the world (not including England or the United States) from about 2500 B.C. through the late Renaissance (early seventeenth century A.D.). Readings will include Gilgamesh, The Iliad, Medea, The Ramayana of Valmiki, \"The Story of Joseph\" (Old Testament) , Dante\\'s Divine Comedy, Marie de France\\'s Eliduc, The Thousand and One Nights, Boccaccio\\'s Decameron, Marguerite de Navarre\\'s Heptameron, and Cervantes\\' Don Quixote. Class discussions, combined with reading and writing assignments, will focus on major themes in these works and the ways in which these works reflect the cultures and time periods in which they were created. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING STANDARDS\\nYou\\'ll be expected to write two long papers in this course, each at least 1500 words in length. In addition, you\\'ll be writing two short papers (each about 500 words) and will be responsible for participating (in class) in a discussion of two assigned works.(The short papers will deal with the same works you\\'ll be preparing for the class discussions). There will also be a number of \"worksheets\" which you will be expected to complete. The first long paper is due on Oct. 22; the second long paper is due on Dec.14. First class discussion and short paper: 15% First long paper: 30% Second class discussion and short paper: 15% Second long paper: 30% Class participation, attendance, and completion of all worksheets and other assignments: 10% Both long papers must be submitted in order for you to receive a grade higher than \"D\" in the course. In regard to the class discussions and short papers, if you are unable to be in class on the date when you are assigned to participate in a class discussion or submit a short paper, you should be sure to contact me to see if another assignment can be substituted; otherwise you\\'ll receive a \"zero\" for the assignment. GROUP WORK\\nAt the beginning of this course, you\\'ll be assigned to a \"group.\" As a member of the group, you\\'ll be expected to participate in helping to lead the class discussion on two occasions. (The exact dates will be given to you and will be indicated in the syllabus.) You\\'ll also be expected to submit a short paper one week after your group has led the discussion. Topics for the short paper will be given at the end of the study guide for the work which your group will be discussing. Group participation is a required part of this course. You must be in class and ready to help lead the discussion on the date assigned. If you miss class on that date, you will have to lead the discussion on a future date. Your short papers will not be accepted if you have not been in class on the day of the group discussion. A percentage of your grade for each short paper will be based on the effectiveness of your work as part of the group. WORKSHEETS\\nTo aid you in doing the readings, you\\'ll be given a \"Study Guide\" for each reading assignment. Paper topics for assigned groups will be included at the ends of the Study Guides. Most of the time, reading assignments will include doing a \"Worksheet\" which will be attached to the Study Guide.\\nWorksheets are due on the date indicated. They may be handed in up to two weeks after the due date for partial credit. ATTENDANCE Regular class attendance is required. If you are forced to miss a class, be sure to contact me to find out what you have missed. Students who miss more than five classes without having discussed reasons for absence with me (and making up missing work) will have their grades lowered by one full grade. Students with more than seven unexcused absences will have their grades lowered by two full grades. A grade no higher than \"D\" will be given to anyone with more than eight unexcused absences. I reserve the right to decide whether or not an absence will be excused. Class participation is essential. If you are forced to miss a class, be sure to contact me to find out what you have missed. You are expected to come to class having done the readings for that day and ready to participate in class discussion. Class participation will count toward the final grade; attendance will also be considered. You are responsible for all readings discussed and assignments due even if you are absent from class. If you must miss class for any length of time, be sure to notify me. During the first six weeks of class, students who do not attend class for three consecutive weeks without contacting me will be withdrawn from the class. After Nov. 2, a grade of \"W\" will be given only if a valid reason for withdrawal is provided. Students who stop attending without notifying me of the reason for withdrawal will receive a grade of \"F\" in the course. LATE PAPERS\\nAssignments must be submitted on the date indicated. A full grade on the paper will be deducted if the paper is late. Papers that are two class periods late will have two grades deducted, those that are three class periods late will have three deducted, etc. Some allowance may be made for special circumstances (illness, etc.) but I reserve the right to make the decision as to whether or not a late paper may be excused. Please note that both of the long papers must be submitted in order for you to receive a passing grade in the course. If a short paper is not submitted, the grade for that paper will be averaged in as a \"zero.\" USE OF SECONDARY SOURCES\\nAll of your writing in this course is expected to be your own work. No outside readings will be expected or required (though I\\'ll be happy to recommend additional readings if you\\'re interested). When you\\'re writing a paper, you must provide documentation for any information derived from a source. This includes use of the Internet. Failure to acknowledge sources (including editors\\' introductions in your textbook) will be regarded as plagiarism. Please do not use Cliff\\'s Notes or similar \"study guides.\" Use of these sources, especially without acknowledgment, will be treated as plagiarism and will be severely penalized. I\\'ll be providing you with my own study guides for all the readings; this is all you should use. Class study guides and worksheets for future assignments will usually be distributed at the beginning of class. If you arrive late, be sure to ask me (later) for any material I may have distributed. MANUSCRIPT FORM\\nYour papers should be neatly typed. When submitting your papers, please follow these guidelines: Leave at least a 1 1/2 inch margin on the left side and a 1 inch margin on the right side. Be sure to double space. Number your pages. Staple pages together or use a paper clip. Be sure the print is dark enough to read easily. Use 12-point print.. All papers should be carefully proofread and neatly corrected. All \"typos\" will be treated as spelling or grammatical errors. NOTE: If any changes must be made in the syllabus or in the reading/writing assignments, you\\'ll be notified in advance. If you miss a class or arrive late on any day, be sure to check with me to find out if any handouts have been distributed and/or announcements have been made. ENG 251: READINGS AND ASSIGNMENTS\\n[HOME] Week 1 Introduction to Unit One: Epic Literature of Sumeria and Ancient Greece. The Epic of Gilgamesh: Read \"Prologue\" and Parts 1-2, pp.13-25. DO WORKSHEET #1 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. [\"The Invention of Writing and the Earliest Literatures\" and \"Timeline\" pp.3-9; \"The Epic of Gilgamesh,\" pp.10-12.] Week 2 The Epic of Gilgamesh, Parts 3-7, pp.25-42. GROUP ONE DISCUSSION. Homer, The Iliad, Book I, pp.122-37. [\"Ancient Greece and the Formation of the Western Mind\" and \"Timeline,\" pp.107-15; \"Homer,\" pp.116-21.] Week 3 The Iliad, Books VI,VIII,IX, pp.137-62. DO WORKSHEET #2 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group One students, who have a paper due today, may submit Worksheet #2 on Sept.17.) GROUP TWO DISCUSSION. GROUP ONE PAPERS DUE. The Iliad, Books XVIII, XIX, pp. 163-87. GROUP THREE DISCUSSION. Week 4 The Iliad, Books XXII,XXIV, pp.187-218. DO WORKSHEET #3 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group two students, who have a paper due today, may submit Worksheet #3 on Sept. 24.). GROUP FOUR DISCUSSION. GROUP TWO PAPERS DUE. Unit Two: Greek Tragedy. Euripides, Medea. Read all of the play if possible; otherwise read at least pp.669-83. (Film to be shown in class). [\"Euripides,\" pp.667-69.] GROUP THREE PAPERS DUE. Week 5 Finish Medea. Last part of play will be shown in class. GROUP FIVE DISCUSSION BEGINS. GROUP FOUR PAPERS DUE. GROUP FIVE DISCUSSION CONTINUED: Medea. Week 6 Unit Three: Hindu Epic Read The Ramayana of Valmiki, Book 2, Sargas 1-10, pp.851-69. [\"India\\'s Heroic Age\" and \"Timeline,\" pp.837-45; \"The Ramayana of Valmiki,\" pp.846-51.] DO WORKSHEET #4 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. Read The Ramayana of Valmiki, Sargas 11-35, pp.869-905. DO WORKSHEET #5 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group Five students, who have a paper due today, may submit Worksheet #5 on Oct.12.) Class will also include discussion of assignment for the first long paper. Be sure to look over the topics before coming to class. Sign up for a \"rough draft\" conference. GROUP FIVE PAPERS DUE. Week 7 Unit Four: \"The Story of Joseph\" in The Old Testament. Read Genesis 37-46, \"The Story of Joseph,\" pp.72-83. [\"The Bible: The Old Testament,\" pp.59-63.] DO WORKSHEET #6 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. Further discussion and group work on the long paper. Bring to class a preliminary rough draft (introductory paragraph and one or two \"main\" paragraphs). Week 8 Bring to class a complete rough draft of your paper. (If you have signed up for an out-of-class conference you need not come to class today.) FIRST LONG PAPER IS DUE. BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Paper should be typed, double-spaced, all pages numbered and clipped or stapled together. Be sure to proofread carefully. Introduction to Unit Five: Christian Epic of the Middle Ages. Dante\\'s Divine Comedy, \"Inferno,\" Canto I, pp.1706-8. Week 9 Dante, The Divine Comedy, \"Inferno,\" Canto II,pp.1708-12; Canto V, pp. 1720-23. [\"The Formation of Western Literature\" and \"Timeline,\" pp.1541-45; \"Dante Alighieri,\" pp.1692-1705.] DO WORKSHEET #7 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. GROUP ONE DISCUSSION. Dante, \"Inferno,\" Cantos VI,VII,pp.1723-30. Canto XXXIV, pp.1825-29. GROUP TWO DISCUSSION. Week 10 Unit Six: Romance Literature and Story Collections. Marie de France, \"Eliduc,\" pp.1680-92. [\"Marie de France,\" pp.1679-80.] GROUP THREE DISCUSSION. GROUP ONE PAPERS DUE. Read stories from The Thousand and One Nights: pp.1517-39. DO WORKSHEET #8 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group Two students, who have a paper due today, may submit this worksheet on Nov.9.) [\"The Rise of Islam and Islamic Literature\" and \"Timeline,\" pp.1351-7; \"The Thousand and One Nights,\" pp.1514-16. GROUP FOUR DISCUSSION. GROUP TWO PAPERS DUE. Week 11 Read Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron: \"The First Day\" and \"The Second Tale of the Fourth Day,\" pp.1871-88. [\"Giovanni Boccaccio,\" pp.1869-71.] GROUP THREE PAPERS DUE. Tales of Love and Marriage. Read The Decameron: \"The Ninth Tale of the Fifth Day,\" pp.1888-92; and The Heptameron: \"Story 40,\" pp.2474-79. DO WORKSHEET #9 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group Four students, who have a paper due today, may submit Worksheet #9 on Nov.16.) [\"Marguerite de Navarre,\" pp.2460-64.] GROUP FIVE DISCUSSION. GROUP FOUR PAPERS DUE.\\nWeek 12 Unit Seven: A New Form of Narrative: The Novel. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote,Part I, Chapts.1-9, pp.2542-75. DO WORKSHEET #10 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. (Group 5 students, who have a paper due today, may submit this worksheet on Nov.19.) [\"The Renaissance in Europe\" and \"Timeline,\" pp.2391-99; \"Miguel de Cervantes,\" pp.2538-42.] GROUP FIVE PAPERS DUE. Don Quixote, finish Part I, pp.2575-2618. Look over topics for final paper. Make a tentative choice of topic and begin rereading and making notes.\\nWeek 13 Don Quixote, Part II, pp.2618-69. DO WORKSHEET #11 AND BE PREPARED TO SUBMIT IT WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS. Sign up for a rough draft conference for the final paper.\\nFinish discussing Don Quixote. Discussion of topics for final paper.\\nWeek 14 Bring to class a preliminary rough draft of your final paper (introductory section and at least two \"body\" paragraphs). Try to write a complete rough draft if possible. Week 15 Rough draft conferences will be held in my office, Room 313. Be sure you have signed up for a conference. If you haven\\'t, you should come to my office during class time on Dec. 7 and sign up. Week 16 Final paper is due. (Paper may be handed in earlier; be sure to check with me for instructions.) Last revised Fall 1998 For more information about this syllabus emailDr. Poulakis Last Update: March 07, 2002 Contact: Webmaster ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Colonial Africa: A List of Questions Easily Distracted Jun JUL Aug 12 2009 2010 2011 1 captures\\n12 Jul 10 - 12 Jul 10 Close\\nHelp Easily Distracted\\nCulture, Politics, Academia and Other Shiny Objects Jump. Jump Now! (Or Later.) (Or Climb Down Slowly.)\\nThe Usefulness of Scholarship Colonial Africa: A List of Questions I think Ive hit on a catchy structure for a modest reshuffling of my Honors seminar in Colonial Africa. Much of my reading list will remain the same, but this restructuring is designed to make the way I look at the historiography much more concrete and transparent to the students. Basically, I want to organize the syllabus in terms of what strike me as the Big Questions that sustain historical and anthropological study of the colonial and postcolonial periods. Im not sure that for each week theres a single major book or article that will frame an answer to the question: these questions operate at different scales and with different degrees of historiographical density. Im curious to hear whether there are other questions youd add to the list, or variant formulations of them that you prefer. Keep in mind that one thing I really want to explore in my seminar is the metaquestion of whether colonialism per se was important or powerful in shaping 20th Century Africa. I want to stay open to the school of thought that suggests that there are other transformative influences that have been far more powerful (capitalism, modernity), to the school of thought that suggests that its actually the prior integration of African societies into global structures between 1450 and 1850 thats more powerful, and to the school of thought that suggests that deep indigenous structures (political, environmental, social, cultural) remain more determinative of daily life and social outcomes in contemporary African societies than influences from the past century. A lot of these questions can be answered well with skeptical reformulations. E.g., you could say in response to the question, Why were European societies able to subject African societies to formal colonial rule with such rapidity? that they werent able to do so, that the colonial state had little real authority outside of administrative centers for twenty or thirty years after lines were drawn on the map in Berlin, save for occasional displays of spectacular violence.\\nThe more I think about it, the more I think that this list would also make a great premise for a catchy short book of essays. Im feeling kind of pulled by the idea. This is kind of my worst habit, thinking of ideas for books rather than finishing almost-done ones, but I cant really help myself. What was the state of African societies in 1860? Are there any useful generalizations to be made in response to that question? What was the relationship between African societies and larger global economic and political systems in 1860?\\nWhy did the Scramble for Africa happen? Why were European societies able to subject African societies to formal colonial rule with such rapidity?\\nDid the activities and character of global capitalism within Africa change markedly after the Scramble for Africa, and was that a consequence of colonialism if so?\\nDid colonial authorities exercise meaningful political and social control over African societies after 1880, and if so, what kind of control? How did colonial administration actually work, and to what ends did it work? Did the purpose or function of colonial rule change over time? How did the social structure of African societies change during the colonial era? How much of that change was directly attributable to colonialism itself?\\nHow comparable were the experiences of different African societies during the colonial era? Did the nationality of the colonizer make a significant difference? Did the nature of colonial authority vary for other reasons? Did African societies become more alike or similar in the first half of the 20th Century? Does the nature of colonial rule in Africa pose special historiographical or methodological problems for historical study? How did the content and character of cultural practice and everyday life change during the colonial era, and how much was colonialism responsible for that change? How did Africans think about or understand colonialism? How important was it to them? What social and political developments in African societies were primarily a response to or critique of colonial authority? What are the social and political origins of African nationalism? How did it relate to other social and political movements in Africa during the high imperial era from 1919-1945? Why did formal colonial rule in Africa come to an end after World War II? What primarily shaped the evolution of the postcolonial state and postcolonial African societies in the first two decades of independence? (1960-1980)? Did the relationship between African societies and the global system change significantly during that period?\\nWhy has much of postcolonial Africa suffered a series of recurrent political, economic and social catastrophes since 1980? Are all of those problems and failures in fact linked or connected? Are colonial and postcolonial useful or meaningful periodizations of African history? This entry was posted on Friday, June 12th, 2009 at 9:53 am and is filed under Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. 9 Responses to Colonial Africa: A List of Questions peter55 says: June 12, 2009 at 2:57 pm\\nPerhaps it is not relevant to your course or you have other reasons for not mentioning it explicitly, but one topic that is highly relevant to your high-level questions is the role of religious missionary ractivities. In many African nations today, the only non-state actors with national presence and with an educated cadre are religious organizations. (In the last years of Mobutus rule in Zaire, for example, the Jesuits were running the civil service.) Some lower-level questions would be (I am sure you can think of many more):\\n- How has missionary religion impacted life before, during and after colonial rule? - How did western mission activities interact with traditional culture and religion?\\n- Were there differences between countries missioned mostly by Protestants versus those where Catholics dominated? I witnessed the ill-feeling and rivalry between Catholics and Protestants that still existed in Lesotho in the 1980s, almost a century after the first missionaries arrived. - Why did some regions see the rise of traditional-Christian hybrid churches, such as the African Zionist churches of southern Africa. Another topic of relevance is the relationship between colonial rule in Africa and rule by the same powers elsewhere, leading, for example, to the movement of Indians, Malays and Chinese people from British colonies in Asia to British colonies in East and Southern Africa. This topic is also relevant to the resistance to colonial rule, most famously in the case of Gandhi, who became political active in South Africa. Timothy Burke says: June 12, 2009 at 3:04 pm\\nI was thinking of fitting missionaries in under several of these questions. But if I were to drill down a bit, theres a set of slightly more specific questions that have a huge historiography built up around them. At the top of the list is, Why did Africans convert to Christianity in such numbers? and How should we think about missionaries in the wider context of colonial society? The comparative question is a huge, important one but I think it requires a separate seminar of its own to be serviced well. moldbug says: June 13, 2009 at 11:42 am\\nThe big picture is depressingly simple.\\nEuropean interaction with Africa falls into two paradigms: colonial (explorers, soldiers, merchants, settlers) and missionary. Before 1850, the pattern is almost exclusively colonial. Between 1850 and 1950, missionaries and colonialists contended. After 1950, the pattern is almost exclusively missionary.\\nPostcolonial Africa is simply the triumph of the missionary paradigm in its secular, American Unitarian-Quaker form. Your so-called development expert is a (Protestant) missionary in disguise. Hello, Mrs. Jellyby.\\nThe easiest way to see this is to read the colonialists, specifically their comments on the missionary paradigm. Many colonialists explained that, if you gave Africa over to the missionary, exactly what has happened would happen. See, for example, Burtons discussion of Sierra Leone in Wanderings in West Africa. If theres any 19th-century country that resembled what Africa has become in the caring hands of you humanitarian gentlemen, it is Sierra Leone. moldbug says: June 13, 2009 at 12:43 pm\\nAnd I hope you wont forget the tremendous human diversity of sub-Saharan Africa certainly our most diverse continent, at least from a biological perspective.\\nWicherts et al in Intelligence have just published a tremendous meta-analysis of studies on the cognitive dexterity of this diverse population. Worth a look. The previous figure, due to Lynn who is, lets face it, a racist is 70 or under. Heroic statistical efforts on the part of Wicherts et al, who are (so far as I can tell but surely the point could stand more investigation) not racists, bring it up to 82. It is certainly possible to write the history of Africa assuming that Africans are in fact Koreans. Little new can be done in this department, however. The scholars of the 20th century have already explored it to perfection. As for the actual history of Africa, so far as I can tell it is largely unknown.\\n(Anyone here read much Stuart Cloete? Stuart Cloete simply rocks.) moldbug says: June 13, 2009 at 12:51 pm\\nA good critical thread on the Wicherts paper is at Gene Expression.\\n(Note that Harvard has just created a new Department of Human Evolutionary Biology. In case youre not quite sure what human evolutionary biology is, its pretty much the same thing you used to call scientific racism. A good primer is the new Cochran-Harpending book, The 10,000-Year Explosion. Note that during the aforementioned 10,000 years, Homo sapiens was not exactly a single homogeneous gene pool.) moldbug says: June 13, 2009 at 1:01 pm\\nHere is a good exercise for you, Professor Burke: how would a colonialist answer these questions all of which are excellent and to the point?\\nSurely, as a historian of Africa, you study colonialism. In that case, you must want to know what colonialists were thinking. Since you are not a colonialist, you must have different answers to these questions. Perhaps you could ask a progressive development expert to answer them, then ask a colonialist to answer them, then compare the answers. Dont you think this would be a fun exercise? Unfortunately, all the colonialists are dead you seem to have killed them. Or defeated them, anyway. What a bother! Oh, well, we can always deconstruct them.\\nHowever, Ive been reading the colonialists, although hardly with any depth, and I can answer all these questions if you want. Im afraid most of my answers are quite short, however. And predictable. You may find it a more useful exercise to just imagine them. ca says: June 13, 2009 at 1:25 pm\\nThe questions are greatand the book may have already been written by someone else. Check out Adu Boahens classic collection of talks, _African Perspectives on Colonialism_ (1987).\\nTheres been plenty of research since then, but Boahens core of synthetic analysis stands up well, and remains an excellent point of departure for my students. The books also highly readable, which is a big advantage.\\nIt isnt perfecttheres an explicit whiggish pan-Africanism. Ive yet to find its equal as a primer, though. Timothy Burke says: June 13, 2009 at 2:47 pm\\nThe Boahen book is a very good example of these questions as a book, yeah. I think if I were going to tackle something like this, it would be a) from a perspective other than Boahens; b) with a mind to the historiography since 1987. ca says: June 14, 2009 at 12:44 pm\\nSounds good, but raises another question worth thinking about: Boahen came from a straightforward and explicit perspective, and its easy (and productive) for students to identify and critique. And he handled these subtle questions with the sorts of waves of detail and fact that impress students about how Africa really has a history. Real people lived there. They were creative, made choices, and acted as people, not just heros or victims. Much of the scholarship since 1987, though, consists of an awful lot of historians saying its more complicated even than that and other things that are well documented, but point toward the sort of ambiguity that in the classroom often leads students (especially less prepared ones) to conclude that historians know nothing, and that everythings just a matter of opinion. And this isnt exactly what most of us are about with these non-wikipediaable questions as issues of meaning and value rather than detail and evidence.\\nOne of the questions I struggle over every time I put together a syllabus is how to balance out the need for students to understand that history includes facts and realities that they need to learn, as well as ambiguity, changing interpretations, and historical argumentation.\\nObviously, students need both.\\nPerhaps the most constructive project would be to have students work out a research agenda: what would they need to know in order to come up with meaningful insights into your starting questions?\\nMore constructively, Id suggest you consider ending the semester with a couple weeks that suggested students test their interpretations of whether colonialism mattered by following along a couple of really big themes such as violence and gender. In other words, think about whether the insights developed help us understand change/continuity in the work done by gender, or the place of various sorts of violence in shaping power and experience. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Easily Distracted is proudly powered by WordPress\\nEntries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' CSC 224 Sections 703, 706 Fall 2004 Syllabus SEP NOV DEC 4 2003 2004 2005 3 captures\\n8 Sep 04 - 20 Dec 04 Close\\nHelp CSC 224 Sections 703, 706\\nJava for Programmers\\nFall 2004 Syllabus Section 703: M 6:15-9:30, O\\'Hare campus room 234\\nSection 706: Distance Learning\\nCourse Web page: http://condor.depaul.edu/~slytinen/224\\nProfessor: Steven Lytinen E-mail: lytinen@cs.depaul.edu Office information: CampusOfficeOffice hours\\nPhoneVoice mail\\nLoopCST 645T 4:00-5:30\\n312-362-6106yes\\nO\\'Haresee front deskM 4:30-6:00\\n6-3600, or 847-296-5348no Course Description Object-oriented programming using Java for students that already know how to program. Students will learn how to design, code and test multi-class Java programs. Topics covered include: Variables, Operators, Arrays, Classes, Inheritance, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Inner classes, Exception Handling, File I/O, User Interfaces, and Event Handling. Prerequisite: Experience in at least one high-level programming language. Course Materials\\nText: Computing With Java: Programs, Objects,\\nGraphics. Alternate Second Edition. Scott/Jones, Inc, 2002.\\nISBN 1-57676-074-x. Software:\\nJava: you will need Java 2 Platform Standard Edition,\\nJ2SE version 1.3 (or higher) from Sun.\\nYou can download the latest version of J2SE for free\\nfrom Sun (version 1.4.2 -- download J2SE v 1.4.2_05, SDK -- not JRE).\\nYour text CD also comes with J2SE.\\nJ2SE is also available in the Student Microcomputing Labs. Coursework Readings. Readings will be assigned\\nfrom the text. Lectures will make more sense if you\\ndo the assigned readings before the class period for which\\nthey are assigned. Homework Assignments. There will be 5 programming assignments during the quarter.\\nMidterm (Monday, Oct. 11) and Final exam\\n(Monday, Nov. 22). The exams will be open\\nbook and open notes. Grading The grade breakdown will be as follows: Homeworks10% each\\nMidterm25%\\nFinal Exam25% The grading scale will be determined by a curve. The cutoffs will\\nbe no higher than the following: 90-100, A; 80-89.99, B; 70-79.99, C;\\n60-69.99, D; 0-59.99, F. Plusses and minuses will be given at the high/low ends of each grade range (no A+\\'s or D-\\'s). Late policy: Assignments must be turned in by the start of class on the day they are due to be considered on time. Late assignments will be penalized as follows: If assignment is turned in...Penalty will be...\\nwithin 1 week of due date1 point for each\\nday it is late\\nmore than 1 week after due date20 points + 1 point for\\neach day past a week that it is late For each assignment, a sample solution will be made available 1 week after the assignment is due. If you turn in\\nan assignment more than 1 week late\\n(with a 20+ point penalty), you are on your honor not to\\nlook at the sample solution before you turn in your assignment.\\nNo points will be given for assignments which are copied from\\nthe sample solutions. Policy on Working Together:\\nYou may feel free to discuss assignments with other students or with\\na tutor at a general level. This may include discussion of issues\\nsuch as the types of data structures and control flow needed for the assignment. However, you must write all of your own code yourself, and\\nyou may not work with others when writing code, with the exception of asking the tutors (or me) for debugging help.\\nIt has been my experience that if you write code together, or copy from a friend\\'s old assignment, or\\nif a tutor writes your program for you, you will be caught. Any violations of this policy will be dealt with very seriously.\\nSchool policies\\nOnline Instructor Evaluation Course and instructor evaluations are critical for maintaining and improving course quality. To make evaluations as meaningful as possible, we need 100% student participation. Therefore, participation in the Schools web-based academic administration initiative during the eighth and ninth week of this course is a requirement of this course. Failure to participate in this process will result in a grade of incomplete for the course. This incomplete will be automatically removed within seven weeks after the end of the course and replaced by the grade you would have received if you had fulfilled this requirement.\\nEmail\\nEmail is the primary means of communication between faculty and students enrolled in this course outside of class time. Students should be sure their email listed under \"demographic information\" at http://campusconnect.depaul.edu is correct.\\nPlagiarism The university and school policy on plagiarism can be summarized as follows:\\nStudents in this course, as well as all other courses in which independent research or\\nwriting play a vital part in the course requirements, should be aware of the strong sanctions that can be imposed against someone guilty of plagiarism. If proven, a charge of\\nplagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course and possible expulsion. The\\nstrongest of sanctions will be imposed on anyone who submits as his/her own work a report,\\nexamination paper, computer file, lab report, or other assignment which has been prepared\\nby someone else. If you have any questions or doubts about what plagiarism entails or how\\nto properly acknowledge source materials be sure to consult the instructor. Incomplete\\nAn incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional reason such as a death in\\nthe family, a serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete\\nrequest must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the\\nSchool of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences\\nresulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' AEL 602: Educational Leadership & School Restructuring DEC FEB MAY 21 2002 2003 2005 7 captures\\n5 Oct 02 - 4 May 07 Close\\nHelp syllabus and references discussion groups work groups schedule links activities grades course units course texts exams Unit II: Collaboration and Partnership\\nA. Group Communication Introduction School Effectiveness A Collaborative Venture Work Groups Team Players Work Group Dynamics Group Talk Group Behavior Learning from Small Groups Communication Leadership Introduction With the call to restructure schools, educators have been challenged to respond to societal criticisms of K-12 school effectiveness. One way to actively deal with criticism is for every school to have good leadership. Leadership is critical to success of any restructuring goal. One of the qualities of an effective leader is the ability to help people communicate. This necessitates vision. Leaders who hold out vision to their constituents provide a unifying force for the organization that builds collaborative efforts. Educational leaders use collaboration to build work teams where educators can learn from each other. The goal for work teams in education is to benefit the students by improving communication, collaboration, and enhancement of individual participation in the school restructuring process. The members of these teams can be administrators, teachers, parents, community leaders, and students. The more people who are involved in improving schools, the greater the number of people who hold a stake in school excellence. Teamwork gets the things that need to be done, gets them done quicker, and gets them done with greater accountability. Employing work teams to participate in the decision-making process strengthens the people-to-people connections and improves schools. Work teams network the members of the school community. Back to Top School Effectiveness One of the greatest problems in education is the way school effectiveness is evaluated. Some educators in defense of education respond that the paradigm used to measure what takes place in schools is a mismatch of evaluation criteria to the educational model. Schools are often evaluated with an economic-industrial model that calls for profit/product margins to statistically reflect the correlation between the funds that education receives and its product, that is, the students. Educational critics use the industrial-based model to promote the concept that schools like businesses should relate input to output in purely numerical terms. However, this is far from the entire picture. While there are some parallels between business and education, schools have many human and social factors that are never considered in the industrial model. These factors contribute important parameters to the challenge of school restructuring. Back to Top A Collaborative Venture When teachers and administrators communicate, they view the school workplace as a collaborative venture. They are responsible and accountable for improving teaching and learning. Success is tied to the communication skills and abilities of all involved in the process. Leaders of change make choices as to who they will allow to contribute to the restructuring effort. When work teams are developed, they empower teachers and administrators alike to attain specified goals. Good communication enhances the efforts. By improving the communication between the members of the school community who want to improve performance, school administrators can target existing aspects of school life and analyze ways to make them better. Back to Top Work Groups Careful planning by educational leaders helps bring about change. In this plan of action the principal analyzes the players involved in the process and the process that brings them together. This reflection begins by looking at the way that interactive dialogue in schools has been transferred to small groups. Effective leaders focus on being highly goal-oriented and involving all the stake-holders. Once the leader creates the atmosphere for change, there must be ongoing communication to keep everyone moving toward the goals. Keeping things running smoothly takes focus. The leaders must stay on top of what is happening and take every opportunity to make things happen. Communication provides the means. With a work group as part of the plan of action the faculty and school community obtain a sense of direction in the form of a vision and a mission statement. Effective leaders understand how to make things happen. They empower others to offer their talents to accomplishing the task.\\nHow do communication principles support or undermine the interplay of exchange between the leader, the followers, and the ideas central to everyday school life? In a society that is becoming more and more independent in nature, America\\'s democratic tradition has made public debate a part of our negotiated world view. It is important that teachers and administrators understand the democratic principles that this perspective contributes to school communication. Public debate is considered a right. Small groups provide the arena for public discourse to allow decision-making activities to occur. Measured discussions avoid irrational and overly emotional statements. Back to Top Team Players Since schools have turned more and more often to the business community to solve some of their material and resource needs, many business practices have found their way into the education process. The idea of the \"team player\" evolved in the business culture and has migrated to education. The socialization process within the work groups is critical to the overall improvement of the system. In an individualistic society such as the United States, the crisis of authority and the hesitancy of educators to develop a team dimension to the work culture has had significant ramifications on the school culture. We want to be \"team players\". However, there are many questions that plague educators. For example, what knowledge is to be shared and with whom? Questions of this nature continue to plague teachers and administrators alike. What can educators do to strengthen the underlying principles that illuminate what educators do on teams? How can teachers and administrators communicate better? Back to Top Work Group Dynamics There are interpersonal dynamics that affect the productivity of the group. Early discussion of the dynamics of small groups began in the 30s. Researchers examined small groups and their communication dynamics and discovered that there are \"work moments\" and \"encounter moments.\" The work of scholars during the 70s, 80s, and 90s brought the need for improved communication skills to further the objectives of small groups. They noted that in addition to work moments there are specific individual dynamics operative in small groups. Mabry (1975) sketched out the macro-communicative patterns of \"encounter\" groups. By examining his work, we can better understand some of the social-emotional dimension that are at work in \"encounter\" moments. These take place between the work moments in small group activities. Today\\'s school workplace environment provides opportunities for teachers and administrators to work in small groups, on departmental teams, committees, and school-based management teams. For individuals who have traditionally worked in isolated classrooms in control of their environment and autonomous in their specific responsibilities, this is a break with tradition. Some conflictual personal characteristics are: an attraction-repulsion tendencies between the members, \"a hidden agenda,\" the needs of participants to sense, inclusion, control, and affection; group interactions that provide self-discovery, people who join groups to learn about what others think of them, self-disclosure and values discussions that are part of the agenda, and stages of interaction: boundary-seeking, ambivalence, and actualization (Cragen & Wright,1995). Nonetheless, despite the contest between individual needs and group needs, the opportunity for educators to work cooperatively presents a tool for educators to restructure schools from within. It is evident that in working with small groups there will always be some tension between individual and group goals. Therefore, it is valuable for school leaders -- teachers and administrators-- to understand and recognize the different types of groups. Thus, participants can maximize the opportunities that work groups provide. Back to Top Group Talk This is such a simple concept, one that we encounter everyday, a multitude of times each day. Yet, talk is an extremely varied textual and multifaceted means of communication. It has many forms. Some of these forms are heavily bound by parameters of time and place. In the classroom, one teaches or lectures. In the football stadium, one cheers. This is similarly the case in small group encounters. In small groups, one discusses. However, depending on the type of group and the purpose of the group the structure of the talk changes. Small groups in American education are the place where much of the work gets done. They are a valuable tool to improve education.\\nOne of the key mechanisms to understanding small group communication is the knowledge of what creates a small group. Cragen and Wright (1995) define a small group as \"a few people engaged in communication interaction over time, usually in face-to-face settings, who have common goals, norms, and have developed a communication pattern for meeting their goals in an independent manner (p.7).\" Some of the directly observable behaviors in small groups include: verbal and nonverbal communication especially use of the question form, people standing/sitting in proximity to one another, people communication with one another for some period of time, and a grouping of people of a characteristic but not specifically defined size (the optimum size is five to seven people). Other indirectly observable characteristics of small group communication have been noted by Kurt Lewin (1951) whose work has also been instrumental in the development of the action research paradigm. Here, he isolated key characteristics of small groups. These are: interdependence; shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and procedures regarding the group\\'s purpose; structural patterns that demonstrate four kinds of talk -- problem-solving, role talk, consciousness raising, and encounter talk; cohesive focus on goals; and perception of a boundary line that designated insiders from outsiders (Cragen and Wright (1995, p.12). During the interactive phase of a small group meeting, a symbolic transformation takes place during which the group gains its own identity. This consciousness raising is symbolic but indicative of convergence theory in speech theory when two conversants adjust their speech patterns to better accommodate the style of the other. The major types of small work groups are long-standing work groups, project groups, loosely formed \"prefab\" groups, quality circles, and computer decision-making groups. Every successful organization has a variation or combination of these work groups. Knowing the way each of these models functions and the way that they can contribute to the goals of improving schools is crucial to being an effective leader. Long-standing groups offer a long history of service to the productivity of the organization. These groups develop a sense of pride and tradition. New members feel compelled to assume traditional roles. Project work groups engender for themselves an identity that allows them to perform certain roles and tasks. This begins with the clarification of goals and an initial product that offers evidence of productivity. The group leader brings about quick self-disclosure and develops interpersonal trust and tolerance for differences. The \"Prefab\" group comes into being with strict definitions of roles and responsibilities for its members. It is a collection of people that have been rigidly structured to bring about a predictable level of productivity. A quality circle is credited to two Americans living in the 1950s in Japan, Edward Deming and Joseph Juran. Their purpose was to bring volunteers together to spend time outside their work environment to help solve departmental problems. Lastly, a computer decision-making group is part human and part machine. It allows the leaders to alter the dimensions of time and place by dissolving the problems of face-to-face communication between people with busy schedules. This group\\'s cyber dimension changes many of the parameter of traditional working group and the culture of the organizational group that uses it.\\nEveryday in work groups across the U.S. there are \"working moments\" and \"encounter moments\" where the members of the group break from the task at-hand and center on the beliefs or personal feelings of those involved. Researchers have identified these as a hidden agenda. The management of this phenomenon is critical to successful handling of the task before the group and involvement of the group members. When properly supervised the work group\\'s communication produces what Bennis and Shepard (1956) call \"valid communication\" which leads to both task accomplishment and personal growth. Back to Top Group Behavior Group behavior has an identifiable form and specific communication behaviors that are associate with group sessions. In the following discussion, we will examine some of these behaviors and their implications for the success of our communication goals. Understanding their forms and their power has potential for establishing new school communication processes. Learning from Small Groups It is not sufficient to say that all group communication can lead to better understanding and goal realization. There must be focused effort on the part of the leadership to help work teams develop their potential. This takes place when members come to understand the relationship between communication theories, processes, skills, and understanding. Organizational culture partly determines what is appropriate and effective in small group communication. As the school principal has the main role in developing school culture, the school work environment provides a natural conduit to realize potential.\\nThe goals of effective work group communication are productivity, quality, consensus, and member satisfaction (Cragen & Wright,1995). Four types of talk lead to accomplish these in small work teams. They are role talk, task talk, social talk, and consciousness raising (CR). When all of these function effectively, the group is motivated and things go well. CR talk contributes to motivation. Role talk evolves into members taking on various roles. Problem-solving talk brings about understanding and consensus.\\nDewey\\'s process of reflective thinking (1910) influenced the way educators handled the teaching of discussion skills. McBurney and Hance (1939) used Dewey\\'s ideas to construct a platform which describes the way to analyze a problem. They offer the following: definition and delineation of the problem, analysis of the problem, suggestion of solutions, reasoned development of the proposed solution, and additional verification (Cragen & Wright, 1995; p. 29). Bales (1950) contributed a significant observation to the study of group dynamics. This is the descriptive model of a work team based on a system of Interactive Process Analysis (IPA). IPA is an instrument for coding communication acts in a group into two categories --social-emotional and task. These forces need to be managed and maintained in equilibrium. This can be achieved by working through three stages of problem solving. First, members orient themselves that is, they determine a common definition of the problem. Second, the group clarifies a common standard for assessing the problem. Third, the members decide who and what shall control their efforts. This is an internal struggle that takes place as the group clarifies the status of its members as they seek a solution. The communication process works through a number of tensions as the group seeks to define its identity. By observing the communication patterns of the group, Fisher (1970) concludes that four dynamic stages take place -- orientation, conflict, emergence, and reinforcement. Each phase offers members a means of building intra-group dynamics. The orientation stage begins the process. Members are tentative, make small talk, and seek to clarify where they want to go. During the conflict stage, the group participants express their opinions, align themselves, and polarize. At the emergence phase, polarization decreases and new alliances are formed. Finally, in the reinforcement phase, consensus is reached. This takes the form of verbal agreement and product outcome. Back to Top Communication Leadership In developing administrative teams and mentoring teacher-leaders, the principal moves the school toward the group\\'s goal. Effective communication is a means toward this end. The work team provides an opportunity for this to happen. In small work group communication, there are specific role and skills that have been identified as essential. The ten most frequently played roles in communication groups are -- the task leader, social-emotional leaders, tension releaser, information provider, central negative, questioner, silent observer, active listener, recorder, and self-centered follower. As teams are formed and get together to solve problems, trust and empathy are needed to build a receptive environment. The interpersonal relationship that the people develop helps bring divergent ideas closer together. Crucial to the mix is an understanding of how verbal and non-verbal codes function in groups.\\nMuch has been written on the difference between the word and the thought. There is a specific \"language\" -- verbal and non-verbal -- that conveys meaning to group members. Examples of these are the use of acronyms. Technical words associate aspects of with the task at-hand. Symbolic referentials such as use of historical figures to represent character traits of the group (e.g., the Abe Lincole group), often indicate a silent code of behaviors that are appreciated and others that are not.\\nNon-verbal language also communicates important ideas. These are divided into two groups. The first, the environment or setting drives the proximity of spatial relationship. Objectives such as the seat placement or the choice of meeting rooms indicate non-verbal nuances. Chronemics or methods of marking time; impact the length of meetings and the priority of the topic. Second, personal behaviors tell the careful observer about the way participants receive the ideas of others. Eye movement, vocalics -- grunts and groans, and kinesics -- body movements and gestures offer sometimes nonchalant and other times glaring indications of how people feel. A good group leader can use this information to help move the discussion along in the right direction.\\nWe have discussed a host of characteristics that researchers have uncovered about effective communication in small groups. School leaders who offer vision can use this knowledge to motivate administrators, teachers, community members, and students to attain common goals through work group interactions. While we always begin with humble ideas, it is incumbent on those who want to lead effectively to remove the obstacles from his or her school reaching these goals.\\nEffective communication is a tool for enlisting stakeholders\\' cooperation. There are risks -- self-disclosure, the danger of stereotypic judgments, individual differences, and emotional insecurities along the way. However, work groups build school teams by making time in busy schedules to get to know others and learn from each other.\\nThis reflection has offered a number of ideas about the form of work teams. It assumes that school members want a means of effectively communicating. In the school workplace where individualism has long been the norm, old habits are hard to break. Nonetheless, in the restructured school environment where all are stakeholders are effective communicators, goals are shared and achieved. Back to Top College of Education | Graduate School | Gadsden Center | College of Continuing Studies | Center for Teaching and Learning ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['[image: image1.jpg]\\nIntensive English Program\\nNortheast College\\nESOL 0351 Advanced Intermediate Composition for Foreign Speakers\\nCRN 55338 Fall 2011\\nNorthline Campus Room 219 / 9:00-11:10AM Tues/Thurs 3 Lec / 2 Lab / 80 hrs per semester / 16 weeks\\nProfessor: Mel Shaw\\nTelephone: 713/718-8181 Email: mel.shaw@hccs.edu\\nOffice Location:\\nRoom 310\\nOffice Hours:\\n2:00-2:30 Tues/Thurs\\nTextbook: Ready to Write More 2nd Edition, Blanchard and Root Course Description: A continuation of ESOL 0347. This course concentrates on the development of writing skills, reviews the essential elements of the paragraph, and introduces the multi-paragraph essay. Course Objectives: Students will learn to organize their thoughts to form well developed paragraphs in the form of compositions with a minimum of basic structural errors.\\nStudent Learning Outcomes: 1. Use mechanical conventions of written English.\\n2. Use verb forms and tenses in written English appropriate for this level. 3. Produce a variety of sentence types in written English. 4. Compose and revise a multi-paragraph essay, using a clearly-defined rhetorical mode.\\nAttendance & Tardiness: According to HCCS policy, you may be dropped if you miss 12.5% (four days) of class. Being on time is very important in the United States. If you arrive more than five minutes late, you will be counted tardy. (3 tardiest =1 absence) If you are more than fifteen minutes late, you will be counted absent.\\nScholastic Dishonesty: Do not copy the words or ideas of another writer without giving credit to your source. Copying another persons writing is called plagiarism and is punishable by a zero on the assignment or expulsion for repeated occurrences. Disability Support: Any student with a documented disability who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) counselor at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the DSS Office. Ms. Kim Ingram is the NE Colleges DSS counselor. Phone: 713/718-8420.\\nWithdrawal Policy: In Texas public colleges, students who enroll in the same course three or more times must pay higher tuition. Also, a law passed in 2007 limits new students to six withdrawals during their college careers. Cellular Phones: Turn off your cell phone when you enter the classroom. Talking and text messaging on the cell phone are not permitted during class time. Journals: you will turn in seven journals on topics related to lessons in your reading text, Interactions 2. Each journal should be about one page (300 words). They should be typed in Arial 12-pt font, double-spaced. The journals will be due by 3:00p.m. on the following Thursdays. No late journals will be accepted. #1. September 8 #5. November 3\\n#2. September 22 #6. November 17\\n#3. October 6 #7. December 8\\n#4. October 20\\nEGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.\\nCompositions: You will compose six compositions (one paragraph and five essays) during class periods. I will return the marked papers the following week, and you will revise your paper to receive your final grade for that composition.\\nMake-up Policy: If you are absent for an in-class composition, you must write the paper at 2:00p.m.on the following Tuesday. You will have the same time limit as classmates.\\nGrading Criteria: Grading Scale:\\nIn-class compositions\\n65% A = 90-100 Journals 15% B = 80 -89 Attendance/Participation 5% C = 70 -79 Final Exam Essay 15% IP = 0 -69 Level III Writing\\nCourse Calendar Fall 2011\\nWeek\\nDate\\nAssignment 1\\n8/30\\nIntroduction to course and sample writing 9/1\\nChapter 1: Getting Ready to Write (2-20) 2\\n9/6\\nChapter 2: Writing Paragraphs (21-26) 9/8\\nJournal # 1: Inter 2 Ex 5 (16); Chapter 2 (27-31) 3\\n9/13\\nChapter 2 (32-41) 9/15\\nComposition #1 (Paragraph); Chapter 3: Revising and Editing (42- 49)\\n4\\n9/20\\nChapter 3 (50-60) 9/22\\nJournal #2: Inter 2 Ex 7 (38); Chapter 4: Writing Essays (60-66) 5\\n9/27\\nRevision of Comp # 1 due; Chapter 4 (67-77) 9/29\\nComposition #2 (Essay) 6\\n10/4\\nChapter 5: Process Essay (79-85) 10/6\\nJournal #3: Inter 2 EX 7 (62); Chapter 5 (86-88) 7\\n10/11\\nRevision of Comp #2 due; Chapter 7: Causes and Effects (101-08) 10/13\\nComposition # 3 (Process) 8\\n10/18\\nChapter 7 (109-14) 10/20\\nJournal # 4: Inter 2 Ex 7 (85); Comp #3 Revision\\n9\\n10/25\\nChapter 8: Comparison/Contrast (115-20) 10/27\\nComposition # 4 (Cause/Effect) 10\\n11/1\\nChapter 8 (121-28) 11/3\\nJournal # 5: Interact 2 Ex 8 (105); Comp # 4 Revision\\n11\\n11/8\\nChapter 9: Problem/Solution (129-34) 11/10\\nComposition # 5 (Comparison/Contrast) 12 11/15\\nChapter 9(135-29) 11/17\\nJournal # 6: Inter w Ex 5 (132); Comp # 5 Revision 13\\n11/22\\nComposition # 6 (Problem/Solution) 11/24\\nThanksgiving 14\\n11/28\\nChapter 10: Writing Summaries (141-147) 12/1\\nChapter 11: Expressing your Opinion (152-57)\\n15\\n12/6\\nChapter 11: (158-64) 12/8\\nChapter Journal # 7: Inter 2 Ex 8 (158); Comp # 6 Revision 16\\n12/13\\nFinal Exam Essay ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' American Airman - Private Pilot Information AUG OCT DEC 26 2003 2004 2005 6 captures\\n8 Jul 04 - 6 Mar 05 Close\\nHelp PRIVATE PILOT CERTIFICATE - Your First Step Towards the Sky! With a private pilot certificate you will have the freedom to fly wherever you want! You will be able to impress your friends and family as you take them soaring through the sky. Our specially designed syllabus will guide you through the learning process and enable you to master the art of flying as efficiently as possible. We have carefully coordinated reading assignments with each flight lesson so that you will be properly prepared for each lesson. This will help you maximize your ability to learn, reducing your overall cost and helping you to succeed. We have developed a structured flight training\\nprogram operating under FAA Part 61 for teaching our primary students how to fly. Our goal is to help you learn how to fly as quickly and cheaply as possible, while ensuring that you\\'ll be a safe pilot. Our specially designed syllabus will guide you through the learning process and enable you to master the art of flying as efficiently as possible. We have carefully coordinated reading assignments with each flight lesson so that you will be properly prepared for each lesson and help you to maximize your ability to learn during for each lesson - reducing your overall cost and helping you to succeed. Your American Airman Private Pilot Flight Training Syllabus provides you with important guidance and information about your flight training program. It is designed to meet, or exceed, the legal requirements of 14 CFR Part 61; and it is designed to allow students to acquire the proficiency and experience needed to meet the certification requirements for attaining a U.S. FAA Private Pilot Certificate. Before you Get Started FAA Requirements: You must be at least 16 years old to solo and 17 years old to become a Private Pilot. You must have at least a 3rd Class Medical prior to your first solo. This is very easy to obtain and should be done early in your flight training - before you make a substantial investment. Please ask us for help in finding a convenient location to obtain your medical. You must have a strong command of the English language Other Suggestions: You should buy at least a basic book package so that you can begin studying. You should have sufficient time to allow for two flight lessons per week. Pricing Information The cost of flight training will vary greatly from person to person depending upon availability for training, study habits, motor skills, and weather conditions. Because of these variables, the following estimates are not guaranteed. We believe they are reasonable estimates for a person possessing average intelligence & motor skills, who is beginning flight training in the Northeast with ZERO previous experience. It is also important to keep in mind that these estimates are NOT based on FAA minimums, and the actual cost to you may be less. We feel it is better to provide a more realistic price than a \"best case scenario\" which could lead to frustration later. We encourage you to ask us any and all questions you may have. Private Pilot Course The current national average to earn a Private Pilot Certificate is 55-65 hours of flight time. The average in the Northeast (due primarily to weather), is closer to 70 hours. The FAA minimum requires 40 hours of flight time. The average person will probably require 35-40 lessons, and it usually costs $180-$220 per lesson (depending on length and subject of lesson). Assuming 40 lessons at $200 per lesson, a reasonable estimate to earn a private pilot certificate is $8,000. Other costs such as books, equipment, and exam fees will cost an additional $500-$800 (See Pilot Supplies ). In an effort to help minimize these costs, our carefully designed training syllabus uses only FAA publications, which are not only the definitive word on the subject, they are also the least expensive. Other Airplane Courses Offered Instrument Airplane Rating - Build your confidence! Commercial Pilot Certificate - Get paid to fly! Flight Instructor Certificates - Teach the joy the flying! ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['RLST 4030 Lab 1PROGRAM OF RECREATION AND LEISURE STUDIESDEPARTMENT OF COUNSELING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICESTHE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIARLST 4030 LabTherapeutic Recreation Facilitation Techniques LabFall 2004, Lab: Fridays, 12:20-2:15 p.m.Room 213 Ramsey Center and Other Locations as AnnouncedLynne Cory, PhD, CTRS 337 Ramsey Center706-542-4311LynneCory2004@aol.comOffice Hours: 10:15 12:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays (Other office meetings may be arranged byappointment)Purpose: RLST 4030L provides students with experiential learning activities related tofacilitation techniques used in therapeutic recreation.Course Policies: All policies governing UGA course proceedings, including student actions andinstructor actions shall be followed in this course. Policies regarding course assignments gradingand participation that are mentioned in this syllabus shall be enforced as described. Students areexpected to do their own work for all course assignments. Any student found plagiarizing awritten assignment or falsifying a course requirement will either receive a failing grade for thecourse or is referred for disciplinary action. See handout entitled, \"On Plagiarism.\" All studentsare responsible for maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity in every phase oftheir academic careers. The penalties for academic dishonesty are severe and ignorance of thepolicies is not an acceptable defense. All academic work must meet the standards contained in ACulture of Honesty. Each student is responsible to inform themselves about those standardsbefore performing any academic work.Participation: The interactive nature of this course requires consistent attendance. You areexpected to (a) read and synthesize assigned readings prior to labs, (b) arrive to labs promptly, (c)be actively involved in lab activities, and (d) dress appropriately for lab activities to ensure safeparticipation for you and clients. You are encouraged to participate in labs by asking andanswering questions, sharing ideas, experiences, and resources. If you encounter a problem thataffects your participation in this course, contact me immediately. Any student who needsaccommodation or other assistance in this course should make an appointment with me during thefirst week of classes. **Allergies**: We will have at least one occasion to interact with animalsand if you have allergies that may prevent you from safely interacting with these animals, pleasecontact me during the first week of class.Absences: Students are expected to be prepared for each lab period and will be presented withquizzes related to lab experiences during class periods. Verification (e.g. Health Center) must beprovided to support requests for absences.Evaluation of Course and Course Instructor: Students will participate in a mid-point and anend-of-semester evaluation and are encouraged to submit recommendations for courseimprovements on a continuing basis throughout the semester. RLST 4030 Lab 2DayDateLab TopicLocationFacilitatorClients inSessionFridayLab 1August 27Animal-AssistedTherapyAthens AreaCouncil on AgingAdult Day CareCenterEve AnthonyKeith AdamsLynne CoryOlder Adults withDementiaTuesdayLab 2August 31Transfer TechniquesClassroomBeth Taylor, PTNo ClientsFridayLab 3September 3ReminiscenceAthens AreaCouncil on AgingSenior CenterChelseaMurphyChris HillOlder AdultsFridayLab 4September 10Activity TherapySymposiumRock EagleConference Ctr.MultipleNo ClientsFridayLab 5September 17Adaptive PE ClassClarke CentralHigh SchoolFaith HuffJane BoydHigh SchoolStudents withMultipleDisabilitiesFridayLab 6September 24Music TherapyClassroomKyshonaArmstrongNo ClientsFridayLab 7October 1Adaptive RecreationGaines SchoolElementaryErika DouglasElementaryStudents withMultipleDisabilitiesFridayLab 8October 812:00 noonTherapeutic Use ofExerciseLay ParkGymnasiumLeslie BlackHope HavenClientsFridayLab 9October 15Aquatic TherapyClassroomRamseySwimming PoolBrenda Wright,CTRS/ATRICNo ClientsFridayLab 10October 22In-Service ProjectWork DayN/AN/AN/AFridayOctober 29No LabFALL BREAKN/AN/AN/AFridayLab 11November 5Expressive Arts*Activity Binder Due*Gaines SchoolElementaryErika DouglasElementaryStudents withMultipleDisabilitiesFridayLab 12November 12CommunityReintegration andRecreation(Community Outing)Georgia SquareMallLynne CoryNathalie GuerinNo ClientsFridayLab 13November 19Autism In-ServiceTBALionHeartSchoolNo ClientsFridayNovember 26NO LAB:Thanksgiving BreakN/AN/AN/AFridayLab 14December 3Final Project: In-Service PresentationRoom 213StudentsNo Clients RLST 4030 Lab 3Course Performance MeasuresActivity Resource Binder: Choose 6 facilitation techniques from your text and/or the list oftechniques on your class syllabus NOT addressed in the text. Find 5 activities for each technique.Write-up each activity using the following format: Activity Name, Facilitation Technique, TargetParticipants, Time Allotment, Number of Participants, Staffing Needs, Goal, Objectives, ActivitySetting, Equipment, Content, Process, Evaluation, Adaptations, and Source. Students shouldhave a mix of ages for target populations (e.g., children, adolescents, adults), and disabilities(e.g., mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse, physical disability, dementia).Please submit activity files in a binder with indexes for each facilitation technique selected. Thisproject is designed to assist students in developing a resource that will be helpful to them duringinternships and while working as TR Specialists. Students are encouraged to choose techniquesand activities they would feel comfortable implementing following successful completion of thiscourse. Please choose techniques and activities that would be easily explained and justified to asupervisor. (6 techniques x 5 activities x 15 format items x .5 per item) 225 points.Facilitation Technique In-Service Presentation: This in-service presentation will be acombination of a students facilitation technique paper and the justification for why the techniquewas selected for the identified RLST 4040 agency and its clients. The purpose of the presentationis to provide students with the opportunity to simulate a treatment team presentation or an in-service presentation. These types of presentations are required in most internships and will allowstudents to get their feet wet before internships. The 10-15 minute presentation will include:An introduction, definitions, effectiveness (supported by research), appropriateness for the clientsserved, and why the technique was selected for the agency. Additionally, students should beprepared to answer questions from the class following the presentation. The above 5 areas will beaddressed in the presentation with each section represented by 10 points for a total of 50 points.Total Points: 275 pointsGrading System:275 - 246 points = A245 - 219 points = B218 - 191 points = C190 - 164 points = D163 points and below = F']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['BIO 121 Concepts of Biology Course Description: A concepts-oriented course for the non-science major. Study of the origin of life, the cell, growth and reproduction, genetics and evolution. Number of Credit Hours: 4 Course Prerequisites and Corequisites: Prerequisite none; Corequisite BIO 121L. Program Learning Outcomes: There are no specific program learning outcomes for this major addressed in this course. It is a general education core curriculum course and / or a service course. General Education Core Curriculum Objectives/Outcomes: Texas State Exemplary Educational Objectives in the Natural Sciences addressed by this course are: Objective one derstand and apply method and appropriate Objective two methods and the differences between these approaches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in Objective three Objective four issues and problems facing modern science, including issues that touch upon ethics, Objective five nowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence on, and contribution to, Student Learning Outcomes: Students who complete Concepts of Biology will be able to: 1. Explain the scientific method and critically evaluate scientific information (EEO 1, 2, 5). 2. Identify the chemical basis for life and the characteristics that distinguish living things from inanimate matter (EEO 3, 4, 5). 3. Illustrate how genetic information is passed from parents to offspring and how this genetic information is expressed by cells (EEO 2, 4, 5). 4. Classify the diversity of life forms from the species to kingdom level (EEO 2, 4). 5. Analyze biological interactions that occur from the sub-cellular to the ecosystem level of organization (EEO 1, 2, 4, 5). 6. Discuss the role of evolution in the history of life on Earth (EEO 1, 3). Program Learning Outcomes: Each of the student learning outcomes listed above address the Biology Department Program Learning Outcome #1: Demonstrate a good knowledge base in biological concepts and be able to integrate knowledge with critical thinking skills to become problem solvers. Knowledge base will include: levels of complexity (molecular/cellular through population/communities/ecosystems); biological principles and processes. Outline of Topics: Introduction to biology (5%) o characteristics of life o categorization of organisms based on their distinguishing characteristics o ecosystem organization and energy flow o steps of the scientific method Introductory chemistry concepts important to life (10%) o structure and function of atoms o bonding arrangements o properties of water o structure and function of the 4 major groups of organic compounds Cell structure (10%) o prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells o cellular organelles and their function o structure and function of the plasma membrane o mechanisms of transport through cellular membranes Cell division (10%) o the cell cycle o mitosis in plant and animal cells o methods of asexual reproduction o sexual reproduction and the stages of meiosis Principles of genetics (10%) o Mendelian inheritance and genetics problems o multiple alleles o codominance o polygenic inheritance o sex determination o X-linkage o pedigree analysis to study genetic disorders o cause and effects of chromosomal mutations DNA structure and function (10%) o Watson and Crick model o DNA replication o RNA structure and process of transcription o translation o effect of gene mutations o genetic engineering and biotechnology Plant structure (5%) o cell types, tissues, organs o sexual reproduction in Angiosperms Cellular metabolism (10%) o role of enzymes o importance of ATP o photosynthesis pigments, light-dependent reactions, Calvin cycle o aerobic cellular respiration glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, electron transport phosphorylation o anaerobic respiration Biodiversity (10%) o Taxonomy o Kingdoms of living organisms Principles of ecology (10%) o ecological communities o species interactions o process of succession o energy flow and nutrient cycling o biomes and their characteristics o aquatic ecosystems o impact of humans on natural ecosystems Principles of evolution (10%) o historical development of evolutionary ideas o evidence of evolution o evolutionary mechanisms o role of natural selection in evolution o the species concept and the process of speciation BIO 121, Section 005, Fall 2013 Concepts of Biology Instructor: Dr. Stephen Wagner Department: Biology Email: swagner@sfasu.edu Phone: 936-468-2135 Office: 223 Miller Office Hours: Monday Thursday, 8:30 9:45, Friday, 10:00 12:00 Tuesday, 2:00-5:00. Class Meeting Time and Place: Lecture: 11:00 12:15 T, R, Rm. 139 Miller; Lab: 1:30-3:20 R, Rm. 103 Miller Objectives: This course is an introduction to the basic principles that govern biological systems. We will study biochemistry, the cell, physiology, metabolism, growth and reproduction, genetics, taxonomy, evolution, and ecology. Instructor: My name is Dr. Stephen Wagner. I have a B.S. in Environmental Biology from Heidelberg College, an MS in Microbiology from North Carolina State University, and a Ph.D. in Agronomy (Soil Microbiology) from Clemson University. I spent two years as a postdoctoral research associate with the USDA, working on herbicide biodegradation. This is my 17th year at SFA. My major research interest is microbial ecology, emphasizing bioremediation, plant-microbe interactions, and effects of management practices on soil ecology. Besides this course my courses include Prenursing Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Microbial Ecology, Industrial Microbiology, Planetary and Space Biology, and SFA 101. -8 pre-service teachers and direct projects funded by NASA and the Department of Education to develop this program and a similar program for in-service teachers. Outside of work I enjoy gardening, walking our dog Charlie Brown, hiking, home improvement, cheering on my school and Cleveland, Ohio teams, attending church, and doing volunteer work. We have two children who are both married: Michael (age 26) and our daughter-in-law Katie (age 26) and Melissa (age 24) and our son-in-law Matt (Age 24). Melissa is expecting her first baby boy in November! SI Leader: I am very excited that Kyle Sherling, a former student of this course, will be helping us as our SI Leader. Kyle can be reached at: Phone: (972) 838-7697 Email: sherlingkw@titan.sfasu.edu Lecture Text: Essential Biology with Physiology, 4th Edition, by Simon, Reece, and Dickey, 2012, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco with Mastering Biology access card. Turning Point Response Card: All students are required to use a response device (clicker) for every meeting held for this course. These are readily available for purchase from several bookstores on and off of campus. Because we will use the clicker for attendance and lab quizzes, you must bring this to every class period. Typically these will be used during the first few minutes of class. Therefore if you do not have your clicker or are late to class, you will be counted absent and/or fail the lab quiz. Please purchase this and bring it to class by the 3rd class day (next Tuesday). Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend all lectures and exams. Because this course is a science activities course that usually will involve group activities, your attendance and participation in the class is very important. Absences are only excused as outlined in the university handbook: attendance is expected at all classes, laboratories, and other activities for which a student is registered. For those classes where attendance is a factor in the course grade, the instructor shall make his/her class policy known in writing at the beginning of each term and shall maintain an accurate record of attendance. Regardless of attendance, every student is responsible for course content and assignments. It is University policy to excuse students from attendance for certain reasons. Among these are absences related to health, family emergencies, and student participation in certain University-sponsored events. Students are responsible for providing documentation satisfactory to the instructor for each class missed. Students with acceptable excuses will be permitted to make up work for absences to a maximum of three weeks of a semester or one week of a six-week summer term when the nature of the work In the case of absences caused by participation in University-sponsored events, announcement of such absences by the Vice President for Academic Affairs will constitute an official excuse. Faculty members should submit a written explanation of the absence, including the date, time and an alphabetical listing of all students attending to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for publication. You must make prior arrangements if you have to miss an exam or presentation. Please contact me before the exam if there is any problem. I will use a different format for makeup exams than the format used for the exams given to the rest of the class. All makeup exams will be given during the last week of the semester (December 3 - 7) to students who provide documented proof for a legitimate excused absence as described by university policy. Students who are late for an exam will not be permitted to take the exam and will only be allowed to take a makeup exam if there is a legitimate excuse (as described by university policy) for being late. Office Hours: Your success in this course as well as here at SFA is very important. Should you have questions or need additional help I maintain an open door policy and encourage every student to talk freely about any issue that concerns them. My office hours for the summer are listed above. If I am not in my office, I will leave a note as to my whereabouts. Also check rooms 101 (BIO Dept. office), or 207 and 208 (labs). Academic Integrity (A-9.1): Academic integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students. Faculty members promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for cheating and plagiarism. I expect everyone to do her own, original work. This includes all exams, quizzes, and assignments. We will take appropriate disciplinary action, as described in the University Student Handbook, against anyone that does not comply with this policy. Definition of Academic Dishonesty As stated in the university handbook: \"Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification or invention of any information, including citations, on an assigned exercise; and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were one\\'s own work when, in fact, it is at least partly the work of another; (2) submitting a work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into one\\'s paper without giving the author due credit.\" Acceptable Student Behavior: conduct the class or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program (see the - Students with Special Needs: Students who require special accommodations for this course will be provided such accommodations within established university guidelines. Students who are requesting support services from SFA are required to submit documentation through the Office of Disability Services to verify eligibility for reasonable accommodations; the institution must review and evaluate that documentation. To obtain disability related accommodations and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Human Services Building, Room 325, 468-3004/ 468-1004 (TDD) as early as possible in the semester. Once verified, ODS will notify the course instructor and outline the accommodation and/or auxiliary aids to be provided. Please note that the only way you can get extra time to finish exams and/or work for the course is to be verified by ODS that you are eligible to receive this accommodation. Use of Electronic Devises: Use of computers and/or other wireless devises is not permitted in class. You may, however, audio and/or video record the lectures. Listening to a biology lecture repeatedly may not be Use of calculators will not be permitted for any exams. Ringing, playing, or singing cell phones or someone responding to one are a huge interruption during lectures; if you own or use one, please turn it off for lectures or do not bring it into the lecture hall. Additionally it is now university policy that repeated disruptions is grounds for dismissal from a course taught at SFASU. Extra Credit, Bonus Points: Opportunities for extra credit or bonus points will not be given to individual students but rather to all students as a whole. Students with excessive unexcused absences and/or tardiness will not receive any additional points. Course Evaluation: All students are required to complete a course evaluation at the end of the semester for both the lecture and lab sections. Failure to complete this evaluation will result in a 1% deduction in your final grade for the course. Course Requirements and Grading: The grade in the lecture portion of this class is based on the following criteria. Please remember that lecture and laboratory grades are computed into one grade; the same grade is recorded for both lecture and lab. The lab portion counts 1/4 (25%) while the lecture portion counts 2/3 (67%) of your final grade. There will be 1000 points possible for the entire course as summarized below) 1. Lecture Exams (600/1000 pts): I have scheduled 4 lecture exams during the semester. The syllabus lists the scheduled dates of these exams. Each exam is worth 150 points of the total points for the course. 2. Attendance (50/1000 pts): In order to encourage participation in the course you will receive some credit for attending class. Attendance will be compiled at the end of the semester. The total is worth 50 points of the total points for the course. 3. Mastering Biology Assignments (100/1000 pts): developed by the publisher of your book provides you access to a multitude of material to help you master the course! You will be required to complete several assignments using this resource. Please follow the instructions in your student access kit to enroll in my course. The course ID is: BIO121WAGNERF2013 4. Final Exam: This exam will be an online (Mastering Biology website) exam. Points earned on it will be applied as bonus points toward your total course points. 5. Lab Grade (250/1000 pts.): As noted above, you will receive a separate lab grade that will be used to calculate one final grade for the course. Therefore this is worth 250 points of the total points for the course. Summary of Course Grade 1. 4 Lecture Exams @ 150 pts. = 600 points 2. Attendance Quizzes @ 50 pts. = 50 points 3. Mastering Biology Assignments @ 100 pts. = 100 points 4. Lab Grade @ 250 points = 250 points 5. Total 1000 points Grading Scale 895-1000 pts. Or 90 - 100% = A 795-894 pts. Or 80 - 89% = B 695-794 pts. Or 70 - 79% = C 595-694 pts. Or 60 - 69% = D < 594 pts Or Below 60% = F Be On Time! You are disrupting the class if you come in late, leave early or walk out of the class during lecture time. Keep in mind that all your classmates paid the same amount of money that you did to take the course and deserve the best course we can possibly give them! Also, if you need an extra hour of sleep be considerate of these situations. Please let me know if you have to come in late or leave the lecture early. If you make a habit of disrupting the class I will subtract points from your final attendance grade. No Food or Beverages in Lecture Hall! The housekeepers who take care of the lecture halls work very hard to maintain a clean lecture hall and do not make a lot of money doing this. Please help them by not consuming food and beverages other than water while you attend class. e Ship! BIO 121 FALL 2013 COURSE SYLLABUS SUBJECT DAYS CHAPTER I. The Chemical Role to Life A. Introduction 8/27, 8/29 1 B. Essential Chemistry for Biology 9/3, 5 2 C. Molecules of Life 9/10, 9/12, 9/17 3 D. A Tour of the Cell 9/19, 24 4 E. Membrane Structure and Function 9/26 4 and 5 (pp. 83-89) EXAM 1: September 24, 2013 II. The Genetic Role to Life A. Cell Cycle, Mitosis 10/1, 3 8 B. Meiosis and Gametogenesis 10/8, 10 8 B. Patterns of Inheritance 10/15 9 EXAM 2: October 17, 2013 C. DNA Structure and Function 10/22 10 E. Cancer 10/24 11 F. Biotechnology 10/29 12 III. The Metabolic Role to Life A. The Working Cell 10/31 5 B. Photosynthesis 11/5 7 C. Cellular Respiration 11/7 6 EXAM 3: November 12 2013 IV. The Biodiversity Role to Life A. How Populations Evolve 11/14 13, 14 B. Microbial Life 11/19 15 C. Plants 11/21 16 D. Animals 11/26 17 THANKSGIVING! November 28, 2012 V. Humans Role to Life A. Ecology and the Biosphere 12/3 18 EXAM 4: December 5, 2013 FINAL EXAM: December 13 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' !\" # $ %&\\' &()*+,\\n+#-\\'%&.&.+)(# &#./.+)*(#\\n01!2\\n&\\'3\\n4.\\n%56 \" 6&%7%56 \" 6&%7%56 \" 6&%7%56 \" 6&%7\\n&1($$$1#(.$.1(&13$(&\\'3((##18(139(13:#\\'(133(%56 ;&!&%7 !7\"6<567& %56 ;&!&%7 !7\"6<567& %56 ;&!&%7 !7\"6<567& %56 ;&!&%7 !7\"6<567& &8(.$(38#((.#..&$(#.##$8=#$(8($(8.3$(.((\\'(13.8!8#\\'(3# ! ># ($) $($* 6##? 6($1((, !((3..@ &8# & & & & & & & & &13)1(&=1##\\'38($&=#.3#3#(#81.&13.\\'#&\\'#13#($$.\\'(\\'#.\\'#8$A#.3.#\\'#\\'(1..B\\'##&13.#(\\'#&.1#133..! C! C! C! 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Zimmerman Office hours of Posen and Postol: TBA and by appointment Posens phone ex. 3-8088 or 3-0133\\rPostols phone ex. 3-8077\\rZimmermans phone ex. 3-2633, email: zimerman@mit.edu\\rSpring 1998 Overview The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the\\rmissions, capabilities, and costs of the largely non-nuclear forces\\rthat make up the bulk of the US military establishment. The course\\rwill also introduce the student to basic techniques for the\\rassessment of relative military capabilities between adversaries in\\rgiven theaters of military action. Central to the course will be an\\rexamination of historical cases of military action that shed light on\\rcurrent defense issues. Students will be evaluated on the basis of one paper and a final\\rexam. The paper will consist of an analysis of a current conventional\\rforces problem. The paper will be due one week before the last day of\\rclass. This means that you should begin working on the paper at the\\rbeginning of the semester. Some eligible topics are listed at the end\\rof this syllabus. There will be an undergraduate discussion section.\\rAttendance for the discussion section and lectures is mandatory. Required reading consists of a xeroxed collection of class notes\\rwhich can be purchased at Graphic Arts in the basement of E51 (Sloan\\rBldg.), delineated as \"CN\" in the syllabus. Topic List February 5 Intro: The Past, Present and Future of U.S. Force Structure February 12 US Grand Strategy February 19 The Nuclear Setting of Conventional Forces February 26 The Fundamentals of Campaign Analysis March 5 Accuracy, Lethality and Tactics March 12 The Simple Arithmetic of Ground Combat March 19 Case Study: The Battle of the Bulge April 2 The History and Role of Airpower April 9 US Intelligence Capabilities April 16 Combined Arms Warfare in Desert Storm April 23 Lessons from Ground and Air Combat in the Gulf War April 30 Search: Finding the Evasive May 7 The US Navy, the USMC, and Power Projection May 14 Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement Assigned Readings Week 1, Feb. 5 - Introduction: The Past, Present and Future of\\rthe U.S. Force Structure Les Aspin, The Bottom Up Review: Forces for a New Era , September\\r1, 1993 (Office of the Secretary of Defense) CN Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, memo:\"Four Options for a Defense\\rthat Works,\" and article: \"An Approach to Sizing American\\rConventional Forces for the Post-Soviet Era\"CN Congressional Budget Office (CBO), tables \"An Analysis of the\\rAdministrations Future Years Defense Program for 1995 Through\\r1999\". CN William S. Cohen, Annual Report to the President and the Congress,\\rApril 1997, pp. 1-17. Optional additional reading: pp. 157-198.\\rCN Week 2, Feb. 12 - US Grand Strategy Barry R. Posen and Andrew Ross, \"Competing Visions for US Grand\\rStrategy,\" International Security, Vol 21, No. 3 (Winter\\r1996-97). President Bill Clinton, A National Security Strategy of Engagement\\rand Enlargement, February 1995, The White House, pp.1-33 CN William J. Perry, \"Defense in an Age of Hope\", Foreign Affairs,\\rVol. 74, No. 6, (Nov/Dec 1996) pp. 64-79 Week 3, Feb. 19 - The Nuclear Setting of Conventional Forces William W. Kaufmann, ed., Military Policy and National Security,\\rFort Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972, Chapter IV, VIII. CN Barry R. Posen, Inadvertent Escalation, Chapter 1, pp. 1-27.\\rCN George W. Rathjens and Marvin M. Miller, \"Nuclear Proliferation\\rAfter the Cold War,\" Technology Review, Aug/Sep 1991. CN Kenneth Waltz, \"Toward Nuclear Peace,\" in The Use of Force:\\rInternational Politics and Foreign Policy, Robert J. Art and Kenneth\\rN. Waltz, eds., 1983, pp. 573-601. CN Lewis Dunn, \"Nuclear Proliferation and World Politics,\" in\\rAmerican Defense Policy, 5th ed., 1982, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins\\rUniversity Press, pp. 447-455. CN Thomas L. McNaugher, \"Ballistic Missiles and Chemical Weapons: The\\rLegacy of the Iran-Iraq War,\" International Security, Fall 1990, pp.\\r5-34. CN Office of the Secretary of Defense, \"Proliferation: Threat and\\rResponse\", Novmber 1997, pp. iii, 23-40; 60-77; 85. Week 4, Feb. 26 - The Fundamentals of Campaign Analysis John J. Mearsheimer, \"Why the Soviets Can\\'t Win Quickly in Central\\rEurope,\" pp.139-175. CN House Armed Services Committee, \"Soviet Readiness for War:\\rAssessing One of the Major Sources of East-West Instability,\" 1988,\\rpp. 1-17. CN Barry R. Posen, \"The Balance of Ground Forces on the Central\\rFront,\" Chapter 3, from Inadvertent Escalation, pp. 68-128. Ronald Asmus, Richard Kugler, Stephen Larrabee, \"What will NATO\\renlargement Cost?\" Survival, vol. 38, no. 3, Autumn 1996, pp.\\r5-26. For a critique of this literature students should read Eliot\\rCohen, \"Toward Better Net Assessment,\" pp. 176-215. CN For responses to this critique, and Cohen\\'s defense, you may wish\\rto review the \"Correspondence\" in International Security, Vol. 13,\\rNo. 4, (Spring 1989). CN Week 5, March 5 - Accuracy, Lethality, and Tactics (Postol) Week 6, March 12 - The Simple Arithmetic of Ground Combat\\r(Postol) William W. Kaufmann, \"Nonnuclear Deterrence in Central Europe,\"\\rand Appendix, \"The Arithmetic of Force Planning,\" from Steinbruner,\\red. Alliance Security and the No-First-Use Question, pp. 43-44,\\r51-79, 208-216. CN Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, \"A Common Misapplication of the Lanchester\\rSquare Law,\" International Security, Summer, 1987, pp. 135-139.CN John W. R. Lepingwell, \"The Laws of Combat? Lanchester\\rReexamined,\" International Security, Summer, 1987, pp. 89-127. CN Students interested in an alternative model may wish to consult\\rJoshua Epstein, Strategy and Force Planning, (Brookings Institution:\\r1987) Week 7, March 19 - Case Study: The Battle of the Bulge Charles B. MacDonald, A Time for Trumpets, Chapters 6,12,13,14.\\rCN Recommended Reading: Charles MacDonald, A Time for Trumpets is recommended in its\\rentirety for those interested in ground warfare when it does not go\\rentirely right. Alternatively, students may wish to review Trevor\\rDupuy Week 8, March 26 - Spring Break No class Week 9, April 2 - The History and Role of Airpower W.A. Jacobs, \"The Battle for France, 1944,\" from Close Air\\rSupport, Benjamin Franklin Cooling, Editor, Washington, DC: US Air\\rForce (US Government Printing Office) 1990, pp. 237-293. Earl Tiford, Jr., \"It Was a Loser,\" pp. 215-270, Chapter 5, from\\rhis book, Setup. CN (I recommend the entire book; it is available for\\ra reasonable price from the US Government Printing Office.) Robert Pape, \"Coercive Air Power in the Vietnam War,\"\\rInternational Security, Fall, 1990. CN Week 10, April 9 - US Intelligence Capabilities (Postol) House Armed Services Committee, \"Intelligence Successes and\\rFailures in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm,\" August 1993, pp.\\r1-45. CN Week 11, April 16 - Combined Arms Warfare in Desert Storm E. Cohen and T. Keaney, Chapter 3, \"What did the Air Campaign\\rAccomplish?,\" (GWAPS) pp. 55-119. Gen. Bernard Trainor (USMC ret\\'d) and Michael Gordon, The\\rGenerals War, chapters 18-20. Important Desert Storm Books: E. Cohen and T. Keaney, Gulf War Airpower Survey Summary Report\\r(GWAPS) Rick Atkinson, Crusade US News Staff, Triumph Without Victory, (These are moderately detailed overviews of the whole war; see\\ralso various participant memoirs.) Week 12, April 23 - Lessons from Ground and Air Combat in the\\rGulf War (Press) Stephen Biddle, \"Victory Misunderstood: What the Gulf War Tells Us\\rabout the Future of Conflict,\" International Security, Vol. 21, No. 2\\r(Fall 1996) pp. 139-179. Daryl Press, \"Lessons from Ground Combat in the Gulf\",\\rInternational Security, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Fall 1997) pp. 137-146. Thomas A. Keaney, \"The Linkage of Air and Ground Power in the\\rFuture of Conflict,\" International Security, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Fall\\r1997) pp. 147-150 Thomas G. Mahnken and Barry D. Watts, \"What the Gulf War Can (and\\rCannot) tell Us about the Future of Warfare,\" International Security,\\rVol. 22, No. 2 (Fall 1997) pp. 151-162. Stephen Biddle, \"The Gulf War Debate Redux\" International\\rSecurity, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Fall 1997), pp. 163-174. Week 13, April 30 - Search: Finding the Evasive (Postol) Association of the US Army, \"The US Army in Operation Desert\\rStorm,\" pp. i-26. CN US Army, Army Focus 1991, \"Operation Desert Storm,\" pp.20-26 Week 14, May 7 - The US Navy, the USMC, and Power Projection Karl Lautenschlager, \"Technology and the Evolution of Naval\\rWarfare,\" pp. 173-221,CN, from the reader Ed. by S. Miller and S. Van\\rEvera, Naval Strategy and National Security, (Princeton: Princeton\\rUniv. Press, 1988), Those interested in naval warfare or doing papers\\ron the subject will profit from an examination of this book. Week 15, May 14 - Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement John Mearsheimer and Robert Pape, \"The Answer, A partition plan\\rfor Bosnia,\" The New Republic, June 14, 1993, pp. 22-28. CN \"Situation in Bosnia,\" Hearings Before Senate Armed Service\\rCommittee, August 11, 1992, pp. 22-62, Especially the prepared\\rtestimony of Lt. General Barry McCaffrey, US Army and Gen. Lewis\\rMackenzie, Canadian Army, former Commander of UN Peacekeeping Forces\\rin Sarajevo. LtGen Harold G. Moore (Ret) and Joseph L. Galloway, pp.xvi (map),\\r227-249, from Chapters 18 and 19, We Were Soldiers Once...And Young\\r(New York: Random House, 1992) Paper Topics The following list of topics was devised to develop your ability\\rto analyze non-nuclear military competitions. Not all of these topics\\rnarrowly concern US military forces, but they all bear on future US\\rmilitary planning. WARNING: These are complex tasks of research and analysis. If you\\rdo not know much about Dewey and Hayden Libraries, now is the time to\\rlearn. You should discuss your paper topic with\\ryour\\rTA in the early part of the term. A topic\\rshould be selected by February\\r26, and a preliminary outline and research\\rplan should be turned in. A more comprehensive outline will be due\\rApril 2. The final paper is\\rdue May 7. Assess the air and ground campaigns that would attend a clash of arms on the Korean Peninsula. What might be the military objectives of each side? Could they achieve them? How might the fighting be terminated? US Navy open source threat assessment documents now discuss the danger to US interests posed by the \"proliferation\" of submarines around the world. Assess this threat. You will find it necessary to use a combination of political and military analysis. What is the USN\\'s apparent proposed remedy for this \"threat?\" Does the remedy seem sensible to you? Why or Why not? Discuss the vulnerability of ports to attack. How easy would it be for an adversary to seriously impair reinforcement by attacks on ports? S. Korean ports vs. N. Korean, or Saudi ports vs. a future Iraqi or Iranian attack can be your base case. (Suggest other cases if you wish.) Many current proposals to cut the defense budget without cutting force structure advocate increased use of reserve troops. Assess the military wisdom, the political wisdom, and the practical possibilities of such proposals in the US. You would be advised to examine the historical record in the US and other countries regarding such forces. It will be necessary to consider the utility of reservists with reference to particular military contingencies. Since 1980 the US military has undertaken a number of missions. Discuss these missions in comparative perspective. What do these experiences tell us about the strengths and the weaknesses of the US military? Be sure to assess the missions from both a \"tactical-operational\" and a \"politico-military\" perspective. This paper should not discuss Operation Desert Shield. What is the security value of the West Bank to the state of Israel? Presuming there is some value, what political-military arrangements would permit a withdrawal? What might be the US role in such arrangements? (Alternatively, you may answer this question with reference to the Golan Heights.) South Korean defense officials have recently voiced concern over the growth in Japanese military capabilities. How much and what types of additional forces would Japan need before it represented a serious potential invasion or blockade threat to South Korea? How long would these capabilities take to acquire, and how could South Korea respond? Are South Korean concerns well founded? Evaluate the military balance in South Asia (India and Pakistan). What conventional military pressures, if any, are fueling the nuclear arms race on the subcontinent? Could conventional arms control ease these pressures? Suppose that the UN decided to put enough force into the disputed areas of what was once Yugoslavia to make it safe for all refugees to return to their homes--ie enough force to police the formerly ethnically mixed areas of the region. How much force would that be?? In 1993 there was both a war and a genocide in Rwanda. At the time, some advocated military intervention. That intervention did not occur. Similarly, a military intervention nearly occurred in neighboring Zaire, just a few months ago. Analyze either of these possible interventions. Currently the United States aims to \"enlarge\" the NATO alliance. The first candidates for membership are Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. Both the CBO and the Rand corporation have tried to assess the costs of this policy, should it occur. Your job is to take the next step. Other candidates for future membership in NATO are the Baltic states, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, Slovakia, Rumania, and possibly even Ukraine or Belarus. Assess the costs of integrating some of these states into the Alliance. During last years crisis in the Taiwan Strait it became apparent that the conventional wisdom among American defense experts is that China does not have sufficient military capability to conquer Taiwan. Is the conventional wisdom well founded? If so, is Taiwans present security vis-a-vis China likely to erode in the foreseeable future? Alternatively, what are the current and future threats to Taiwan from a Chinese military blockade? When the Coalition launched the ground offensive during Desert Storm the Iraqis in and around Kuwait City fled north toward Iraq. Suppose that the Iraqi forces had decided to stay in Kuwait City and fight. What number of US ground forces would have been required to conquer the city? How long might it have taken? Estimate the number of US casualties. to GPF page ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['Political Theories of Democracy (Political Science 571)For most of its history, democracy has been regarded as among the most undesirable forms ofgovernment. For Aristotle, who defined it as rule with a view to the advantage of those who are\\npoor, democracy was a deviation from the superior form of government he termed polity, a\\nmixed regime that included oligarchic elements. For Plato, democracy was characterized by\\ntotal license; it naturally degenerated into tyranny. And even for the American Founding\\nFather James Madison, democracyunderstood as direct popular rulewas a dangerous form of\\ngovernment posing serious threats to both individual rights and collective well-being. By thestart of the twenty-first century, however, it seems that the conventional wisdom aboutdemocracy has taken a 180 degree turn. Few contemporary political thinkers fail to endorse\\ndemocracy as the bestor at least the best possibleform of rule. And few political practitioners\\nclaim to be anything other than small d democrats. What accounts for this shift in the place\\naccorded democracy in contemporary political thought? What exactly is it that political\\nphilosophersand leaders and activistsendorse when they endorse the democratic ideal? And\\nhow does this apparent consensus on the value of democracy thrive amidst profound\\ndisagreement about political ends?This course provides an overview of debates about the contested meaning and significance ofthis key political concept, democracy, with a focus in particular on debates among political\\ntheorists and philosophers. Over the course of the quarter, we will compare ancient and modern\\nconceptions of democracy and democratic citizenship. We will ask what role, if any, rights\\nshould play in our understanding of democratic self-governance. We will ask what democratic\\npolitical participation does, and should, entail. And we will consider recent arguments in favor\\nof, and against, a specifically deliberative understanding of democracy. More generally, moving\\nbeyond the apparent consensus on democracy, we will explore and engage in debates about what\\nit means to govern democratically, whether democracy is in fact realized in polities that claim its\\nname, and how best to further the democratic project.Course readings and requirements vary quarter to quarter. Please contact Professor Hayward foran updated syllabus.']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"> Aikido minus mysticism: a step forward [Archive] - AikiWeb Aikido Forums Apr MAY Jun 14 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n14 May 07 - 14 May 07 Close\\nHelp AikiWeb Aikido Forums > General > Aikido minus mysticism: a step forward PDA\\nView Full Version : Aikido minus mysticism: a step forward Pages :\\n[1]\\n2 Please visit our sponsor: Big Apple 2 Bites - An Aikido Novel - Aikido principles and training help in the hero\\'s quest for peace in life. Red Beetle06-07-2005, 07:51 AMWhen considering how to improve any Martial System it is necessary to take inventory, and examine if what is being taught is logically consistent and beneficial to the system as a whole. Take for example the teaching of \"Ki.\" Lots of Aikido people run around talking about \"ki\", but the fact of the matter is that the teaching of \"ki\" is simply a mystical/magical teaching which conjures belief in superstitious nonsense. :p Students attempt to clear their minds, chant words or syllables, breath a certain way, assume postures, and so forth in the attempt to grasp or develop a magical power that is about as real as George Lucas\\' \"Force.\" :cool: Students and Teachers would do better spending their time in the examination of, and actual practice of technical skills, rather than pretending to direct a make believe power from their bowels to their fingers. Another example of the useless mysticism inherent in Aikido was the recent video that appeared on one of the forum threads. The clip did a nice job demonstrating technical skills that actually make up the system of Aikido. However, from time to time one would see something like: \"Aikido is love.\" flash on to the screen. :crazy: Aikido is love? Please. Why not say, \"Baseball is love.\" , \"Golf is love.\", \"Nascar is love\", or whatever else someone decides love is to them. The word \\'love\\' quickly loses any meaning. If a word can mean anything, then it simply means nothing. Aikido is not love. :yuck: Aikido is a Martial system. Aikido class may be a place in which you can practice loving your neighbor, but Aikido is not love. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido was a nice guy, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught was the source of this kindness. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido claims that what he teaches will bring a moral harmony and love for mankind, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught actually accomplishes his claims. If a person was not familiar with Aikido, and its mystical teachings, do you really think that such a person would conclude that Aikido was the way of peaceful harmony just by watching a demonstration of Aikido projections or neutralizations? Of course not. They may be impressed, but no such moral assertion will be made from watching such a demonstration. The reason it would be impossible to deduce a moral principal from a visual or tangible demonstration is because you cannot start with something you see (Aikido demo), and end up with something you cannot see (moral ideas). One can practice ethics in Aikido class, but one cannot deduce ethics from Aikido. If ethics are taught at Aikido class, then they did not come from Iriminage or kotegaeshi, but from Asian philosophy or religion. Since that is clearly the case, why should I pay homage to such Asian religious philosophy? Why not some other religion? Why not deontology? Why not utilitarianism? If I want to go to church, why would I go to Aikido class? If I want to learn how not to fight, couldn\\'t I just ask an Amish person? Wouldn\\'t that be easier than all that physical combat training? Aikido is combat training isn\\'t it? The Amish manage not to fight without Aikido. The Amish manage to live in harmony without Aikido. Maybe Morihei Uyeshiba should have joined an Amish community instead of the religious school of Omoto-kyo. If you don\\'t need Aikido to live in harmony and peace with your neighbor, and clearly you don\\'t, then maybe Aikido doesn\\'t need Asian philosophy of religion in order to function. Maybe Aikido is simply a physical exercise that can be used in a self-defense situation. RED BEETLE www.kingsportjudo.com\\nMashu06-07-2005, 08:32 AMYou aren\\'t talking about the mysticism itself but the mistaken/misinterpreted or incomplete views of Aikido that many of it\\'s practitioners have. So your rant is like laughing at one of the blind men groping an elephant. They each think the part they have their hand on(or perhaps in) is the elephant but no matter how vehemently they argue their point they are wrong. Some of them aren\\'t even touching the elephant ffs.\\nmj06-07-2005, 10:49 AMI\\'m afraid I have to agree. You obviously have not trained indepth with Aikido so you are coming across as arrogant and insulting, which I am sure you do not intend to be Red. The first lesson of Aikido, imo, is connection. There is no point discussing until you have this to give us a place to start communicating with each other. btw I don\\'t consider myself to be a nice guy...just nicer than before :)\\nMichael Neal06-07-2005, 11:14 AMNo I think red made some very valid points.\\nKevin Leavitt06-07-2005, 11:41 AMI actually disagree with alot of what he said. I certainly understand from his perspective that this may not be what aikido is to him, but it certainly is to many and I don\\'t consider it to be a waste of time spending time on the \"internal\" aspects. Why do you want to focus soley on the technical aspects of the art? What is it that you want to gain. \"Combat effectiveness\"? Your living in a world of romantic bullshido if you think that any martial art is going to give you skills that will make you combat effective in and of itself. Sure, you can get some good things like kotegaeshi, nikkyo etc...but failure to understand the underpinnings of principle will leave you lacking. Building character, perception, and the ability to read a situation and people around you is much more important aspect of studying martial arts than any limited technical skills you may learn. The art of awareness, posture, breathing, the ability to keep calm under pressure are much more important to my overall combat effectiveness. I\\'ve used all those things in \"combat\" , rarely have I ever used any of my technical skills. sure, there are those that I do not consider warriors or \"martial artist\" that study aikido, but that does not mean that aikido is not meant for them. They get something out of it. I get much of the same that they do. Aikido can be an allegory for peace and can be a physical manifestation of resolving conflict. I think that is a wonderful thing. What is wrong with that? I don\\'t consider it a waste of time. If you want simply the \"external\" things that make you \"combat effective\". Get yourself a stick, some pepper spray, a gun, and take some classes and learn how to use them the right way. I guarantee you will be miles ahead of anyone who studies TMA or any empty hand art at all. Please spare me all the \"what if\" scenarios dealing with why you need to study empty hand while you are alone in a sterile environment. I consider that to be a waste of time for 99.9% of the time.\\nDon_Modesto06-07-2005, 11:41 AM....Lots of Aikido people run around talking about \"ki\", but the fact of the matter is that the teaching of \"ki\" is simply a mystical/magical teaching which conjures belief in superstitious nonsense. Either that or a problem of translation (and thus, lazy student: study more.) Students attempt to clear their minds, chant words or syllables, breath a certain way, assume postures, and so forth in the attempt to grasp or develop a magical power that is about as real as George Lucas\\' \"Force.\" People who took UKEMI from Osensei have a different opinion, of course. Students and Teachers would do better spending their time in the examination of, and actual practice of technical skills, rather than pretending to direct a make believe power from their bowels to their fingers. Assuming there\\'s a contradiction here... Shaun Ravens has some interesting things to say about the \"mysticism\" of these practices... Another example of the useless mysticism inherent in Aikido was the recent video that appeared on one of the forum threads. The clip did a nice job demonstrating technical skills that actually make up the system of Aikido. However, from time to time one would see something like: \"Aikido is love.\" flash on to the screen. :crazy: Aikido is love? Please. Why not say, \"Baseball is love.\" , \"Golf is love.\", \"Nascar is love\", or whatever else someone decides love is to them. From the founder himself. But in Japanese it\\'s a pun. \"AI\", written with different Ch. characters means both \"harmony\" and \"love\". The word \\'love\\' quickly loses any meaning. If a word can mean anything, then it simply means nothing. Yes. A complaint of my own, actually. But read into mysticism a little bit and you find that this is a feature, not a bug. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido was a nice guy, Not sure he was. this is no basis for concluding that what he taught was the source of this kindness.Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido claims that what he teaches will bring a moral harmony and love for mankind, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught actually accomplishes his claims. Valid point. See essays of Ellis Amdur for a nicely fleshed out argument on this. If a person was not familiar with Aikido, and its mystical teachings, do you really think that such a person would conclude that Aikido was the way of peaceful harmony just by watching a demonstration of Aikido projections or neutralizations? Yup. People see what they want to see and often what they\\'re told to see. The reason it would be impossible to deduce a moral principal from a visual or tangible demonstration is because you cannot start with something you see (Aikido demo), and end up with something you cannot see (moral ideas). Crick saw snakes and imagined DNA; Einstein saw himself on a light beam and saw Relativity. If I want to go to church, why would I go to Aikido class? UPAYA/HOBEN/Skilful Means If I want to learn how not to fight, couldn\\'t I just ask an Amish person? Wouldn\\'t that be easier than all that physical combat training? Read Saotome--Aikido and the Harmony of Nature. Aikido is combat training isn\\'t it? Precisely, no. If you don\\'t need Aikido to live in harmony and peace with your neighbor, and clearly you don\\'t, then maybe Aikido doesn\\'t need Asian philosophy of religion in order to function. Maybe Aikido is simply a physical exercise that can be used in a self-defense situation. Sounds like jujutsu. Aikido has a specific history and purpose. You don\\'t know it, so aikido plays nail to your only tool, the hammer. Fun post, though. Reminds me of myself. Thanks.\\nMashu06-07-2005, 11:56 AMWhen considering how to improve any Martial System it is necessary to take inventory, and examine if what is being taught is logically consistent and beneficial to the system as a whole. O\\'Sensei would agree: \"The Art of Peace begins with you. Work on yourself and your appointed task in the Art of Peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter\" Another example of the useless mysticism inherent in Aikido was the recent video that appeared on one of the forum threads. The clip did a nice job demonstrating technical skills that actually make up the system of Aikido. However, from time to time one would see something like: \"Aikido is love.\" flash on to the screen. or ? Maybe they were mistaken. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido was a nice guy, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught was the source of this kindness. I believe O\\'Sensei was not particularly wrapped up in the western concept of good and evil but I could be wrong. I think he was more interested in what was appropriate. If a person was not familiar with Aikido, and its mystical teachings, do you really think that such a person would conclude that Aikido was the way of peaceful harmony just by watching a demonstration of Aikido projections or neutralizations? Of course not. They may be impressed, but no such moral assertion will be made from watching such a demonstration. You can\\'t know it until you are in it. Even then it is difficult. An outsider drawing conclusions about what it is and what it isn\\'t is probably doing himself a disservice. The reason it would be impossible to deduce a moral principal from a visual or tangible demonstration is because you cannot start with something you see (Aikido demo), and end up with something you cannot see (moral ideas). Aikido techniques are supposed to be very solution oriented with just the right thing with nothing more and nothing less. From this you could find that this principle is useful in other areas. If I want to learn how not to fight, couldn\\'t I just ask an Amish person? Wouldn\\'t that be easier than all that physical combat training? Aikido is combat training isn\\'t it? The Amish manage not to fight without Aikido. The Amish manage to live in harmony without Aikido. Maybe Morihei Uyeshiba should have joined an Amish community instead of the religious school of Omoto-kyo. Amish people don\\'t fight back as far as I know. This would leave them very vulnerable. They may appear non-violent but the self-violence they potentially open themselves to seems to make them rather violent in a way. This is against Aiki principles and therefore being Amish has nothing to do with Aikido. Anyway, I hope I haven\\'t stuck my head in the elephant too deeply.\\nChrisHein06-07-2005, 12:10 PMThe Problem with mysticism, is that it\\'s mysterious. If you lose the mystery (not knowing what\\'s going on) then it\\'s no longer mysterious, however if you don\\'t lose the mystery, then you can never learn what you are doing. Mystery is for the ignorant. If you know what \"ki\" is (or rather what others refer to as being \"ki\"), it\\'s not mystical anymore. Most people in Aikido are trying to become masters of something that they want to stay in the dark about. It\\'s very hard to pin Aikidoka (I\\'m generalizing here) down when it comes to asking them what they want. I think the main reason for this is because they want to keep everything a mystery. They don\\'t want to come to the conclusion that Aikido\\'s syllabus isn\\'t good for everything. They don\\'t want to conclude that Aiki is basically rhythm, and reading of intention. They don\\'t want to discover that \"ki\" is just alignment and energy exchange that any high school physicist could explain to you. If they came to a conclusion on any of these things they would loose their mystical system. Unfortunately by doing this they limit themselves to mediocrity. By never admitting to yourself that a something is normal, dependable, and useful, you can never master it. This isnt a sickness limited only to Aikidoka, its an infection you see in the whole traditional martial arts community. They would rather not understand the reason for something, so they can live in the hope that it will never be just normal. People want fantasy, and mystery. Thetas all fine and well Intel you attempt to learn, master, and teach something. Ive often said that most traditional martial artists should join a reenactment group, or theater company and not a dojo. The only problem with this non-mystical thinking is that it tends to close down openness to new things. Which is what Im always looking for. If there is some new way to do something (even if I have to dance around in a funny dress, and yell vowels to find it) I want to learn it, this however doesn\\'t mean I should turn a blind eye to what I already know, and be afraid to admit what I have learned. -Chris Hein\\nMary Eastland06-07-2005, 02:33 PMI don\\'t think there is anything mystical about training to become stronger and then less likely to become a victim. Ki is not magic....... it is just co-ordination of mind and body. Looking at conflict as a way to create peace is a good idea. Mary\\nMitchMZ06-07-2005, 03:22 PMI would have to disagree with the statement that Ki is not a real thing. In every culture, there is a way to define this natural occurrance. Westerners tend to define in it a secular way, whereas I think Easterners tend to explain it in a spiritual way....either way, it makes sense. Now, if we merge the study of Ki/Chi with realistic training methods and techniques, I think an art becomes very effective. The only flaw I see with Aikido is the way some people practice it. The techniques have their validity, as does Ki. Applying them effectively comes down to how much we want to train and how we train. Don\\'t confuse your personal failures and the effectiveness of an entire system. That being said, I think there are a few things most dojos could do occassionally to solidify the effectiveness of their technique.\\nKeith_k06-07-2005, 03:28 PMRed Beetle, According to your website, you don\\'t practice aikido. Neither do I. Although I share your opinions on the role of ki and mysticism in the martial arts, I find it rude that you wish to impose this view on others. Mysticism is an integral part of Aikido. Those who practice Aikido gravitate to it for this reason, and those like you and me choose other arts with less emphasis on mysticism. If Aikidoka want to feel that they are in harmony with the universe and act with love and compassion as they inflict horrible pain (be it temporary or not) on an attacker, that is their business. I\\'m sure they have equally disdainful opinions about my willingness to strike an attacker full force in the face. I do not wish them to impose their philosophy on my art, as I do not impose mine upon theirs. Keith edited to correct spelling\\ntony cameron06-07-2005, 04:02 PM\"better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.\"\\njss06-07-2005, 04:27 PMIf I want to learn how not to fight, couldn\\'t I just ask an Amish person? Wouldn\\'t that be easier than all that physical combat training? Aikido is combat training isn\\'t it? The Amish manage not to fight without Aikido. The Amish manage to live in harmony without Aikido. Someone, I think on Aikiweb, had (or has?) a signature which came down to this: True pacifism is having the ability to kill someone and then choosing not to. I think that definition of pacifism is more in line with aikido than the Amish way of turning the other cheek. (As has been stated by Matthew Zsebik in post #7, btw.)\\nMichael Neal06-07-2005, 04:34 PMI find it rude that you wish to impose this view on others How is he imposing his views on others? He is just stating his views just like everyone else here.\\nChrisHein06-07-2005, 04:43 PMSomeone, I think on Aikiweb, had (or has?) a signature which came down to this: True pacifism is having the ability to kill someone and then choosing not to. I think that definition of pacifism is more in line with aikido than the Amish way of turning the other cheek. (As has been stated by Matthew Zsebik in post #7, btw.) Well..... Most Aikidoka don\\'t know if they are capable of defending themselves or not. Atleast the Amish arnt\\' pretending. -Chris Hein\\njss06-07-2005, 05:11 PMWell..... Most Aikidoka don\\'t know if they are capable of defending themselves or not. Atleast the Amish arnt\\' pretending. Touch! :D\\nakiy06-07-2005, 05:26 PMMysticism is an integral part of Aikido. That\\'s an interesting statement, one with which I\\'m not too sure if I personally agree. But, to make sure we\\'re on the same starting page: How would you define \"mysticism\" in the context of your thoughts in this thread? I\\'m sure they have equally disdainful opinions about my willingness to strike an attacker full force in the face. Interestingly, perhaps, at dinner last night, a friend of mine from the dojo said something to the effect of, \\'I guess I have no qualms about hitting people.\" We then exchanged some stories of people hitting aikido shihan in the face (purposefully as opposed to accidentally) when training with them... -- Jun\\nKetsan06-07-2005, 05:36 PMBuilding character, perception, and the ability to read a situation and people around you is much more important aspect of studying martial arts than any limited technical skills you may learn. The art of awareness, posture, breathing, the ability to keep calm under pressure are much more important to my overall combat effectiveness. I\\'ve used all those things in \"combat\" , rarely have I ever used any of my technical skills. Agree totally.\\nDon_Modesto06-07-2005, 05:45 PMKeith Kolb wrote: \"Mysticism is an integral part of Aikido.\" That\\'s an interesting statement, one with which I\\'m not too sure if I personally agree. There\\'s always that infinite regress, \"What is aikido?\" But I think mysticism was the air the founder breathed and so an integral part of aikido. Interested in your take, Jun.\\nMike Sigman06-07-2005, 05:57 PMSomeone, I think on Aikiweb, had (or has?) a signature which came down to this: True pacifism is having the ability to kill someone and then choosing not to. And true BS is to say things like this when someone\\'s younger sister can beat your butt. :) I think that definition of pacifism is more in line with aikido than the Amish way of turning the other cheek. Unfortunately, the Amish have been in the news this last week, via a book by a born and raised insider talking about physical and sexual abuse within the Amish community being much greater than perceived. Mike\\nChrisHein06-07-2005, 06:10 PMUnfortunately, the Amish have been in the news this last week, via a book by a born and raised insider talking about physical and sexual abuse within the Amish community being much greater than perceived. Mike I think we\\'re starting to get off track when we talk about the sexual tendencies of the Amish........ I would agree that mysticism is an integral part of Aikido, I had never really thought of it that way, it\\'s an interesting thought. -Chris Hein\\nakiy06-07-2005, 06:20 PMBut I think mysticism was the air the founder breathed and so an integral part of aikido. Yes, that\\'s a very good point. Interested in your take, Jun. My thought is that mysticism is one manifestation of the spiritual aspects of aikido. I like the definition of \"mysticism\" that I just found on dictionary.com: A belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience. I\\'m sure there are many people out there who will say that they are not interested in anything but the physical \"put your partner\\'s butt onto the ground\" part of aikido. For them, I wouldn\\'t necessarily say that any sort of mysticism. That is why I said that I do not necessary agree that mysticism is an integral part of aikido. -- Jun, off to the dojo to have my butt put onto the ground\\nKeith_k06-07-2005, 06:35 PMHow is he imposing his views on others? He is just stating his views just like everyone else here. \"Imposing\" may have been too harsh a word, but in effect Mr. Red Beetle is saying that the idea of ki, and the philosophy behind aikido, is rubbish. It is one thing to comment of the effectiveness of technique, but philosophy is neither right nor wrong. For him to say that a certain philosophical approach to martial arts is wrong, is...well wrong. I feel that it would be analogous to going to a dedicated Christian forum and starting a thread that says there is no way that a person could rise from the grave and come back to forgive all your sins and you are are fools for believing it. It just seems out of place in a bad way. That\\'s an interesting statement, one with which I\\'m not too sure if I personally agree. But, to make sure we\\'re on the same starting page: How would you define \"mysticism\" in the context of your thoughts in this thread? I don\\'t believe in the concept of \"ki.\" The idea that there is some form of energy inside us and all around us that we can project from our bellies to our fingertips is a bit mystical to me. I may be wrong, but I think the idea of \"ki\" is integral to Aikido. \"Ki\" being a mystical concept, mysticism is integral to Aikido. IMHO of course. As for striking with the intent to do damage: I will concede that there are aikidoka who have no problem with my willingness to beat the crap out of my attacker if you concede that that are many who would have a problem with it.\\nMike Sigman06-07-2005, 06:40 PMMy thought is that mysticism is one manifestation of the spiritual aspects of aikido. (snip) I\\'m sure there are many people out there who will say that they are not interested in anything but the physical \"put your partner\\'s butt onto the ground\" part of aikido. My two cents is that there is some \"mysticism\" via Ueshiba in Aikido because of Shinto (animism), but there\\'s a misconception about the \"heavenly views\" in Asia among many westerners, particularly the New Age. The strong undercurrent that Ueshiba was drawing on was the Asian (read \"Chinese\", since they were the dominant power whom so many emulated) idea of there being a rationality to all things in the universe. In other words, there is an order, starting with the Yin-Yang explanation and developing in a logical progression. What many are interpreting as \"spirituality\", \"mysticism\", and \"religious call to love\" is actually more of an assurance that from the chaos there is an order of rationality. The Asian \"religions\" are justifying themselves on ORDER (read \"HARMONY\"), so \"mysticism\", in the western sense, is probably not quite accurate. My opinion. Mike\\nMike Sigman06-07-2005, 07:01 PMI think we\\'re starting to get off track when we talk about the sexual tendencies of the Amish........ WE aren\\'t talking about it... it was in a book that just made the bookstores. The point is that you can\\'t point out the Amish as being exemplars of \"peace and love\" without taking into account the whole picture. It\\'s just like I pointed out to Craig Hocker... you can\\'t writhe and moan about Tohei and Ki while trivializing his habit of drinking. A saint is a saint... a man is a man. ;) Mike\\naikigirl1006-07-2005, 08:01 PMI think Aikido fights fire w/fire, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. You cant effectively stop fighting w/out knowing how to fight. I think this is the main idea of aikido. Although it is somewhat violent to learn aikido, it really IS love because it teaches you to use your skills to stop violence, and that shows love for other people. Red beetle , you speak of what you dont know . So learn something about Aikido and then come back here and whine. At least then you can back yourself up -Paige\\nMary Eastland06-07-2005, 08:04 PM[QU A saint is a saint... a man is a man. ;) A saint is a person, too. (perhaps with just a good publicist). :) Mary\\naikigirl1006-07-2005, 08:09 PMKeith kolb. You just like \"red beetle\" do not take aikido, therefore you also dont know what you are talking about. People who dont take aikido have no business coming on an AIKIDO website and posting nonsense. paige\\nNick P.06-07-2005, 08:12 PMThe original poster is not imposing his views on any of his; this is a forum for everyone (and anyone) to post anything they wish; we can choose to ignore, agree or disagree. And hope Jun is watching closely enough when things get out of hand. \"Aikido is not love. Aikido is a Martial system. Aikido class may be a place in which you can practice loving your neighbor, but Aikido is not love.\" No? Aikido is nothing but an expression of the spirit of Love for all living things. & The secret of aikido is to cultivate a spirit of loving protection for all things. from http://www.aikiweb.com/general/founder.html How does this relate to a sankyo that makes your eyes water, or an irimi-nage that feels like, well, nothing at all? I have no idea, but I am drawn to these ideals and embrace them as a fundamental under-pinning of Aikido. If I wanted a martial system (aka The 100% effective ass-whoopin\\' system), then I would look elsewhere.... Maybe you should, as well.\\neyrie06-07-2005, 08:19 PMHaving not seen the original Japanese quote \"Aikido is \\'love\\'\", I can\\'t really comment otherwise. But here\\'s a thought: Perhaps \"love\" (or at least what most people think of \"love\" in English) is not the right word??? The Chinese character for \"love\" is a composite pictogram depicting \"friends\" living under a \"roof\" with children, implying a harmonious relationship, based on friendship. Just some food for thought.... Ignatius\\nFred Little06-07-2005, 08:24 PMSo this guy walks into a bar and says: \"This place is full of drinkers and drunks....\"\\nLan Powers06-07-2005, 09:54 PMQuite a little hornets nest has been stirred up here. For what it is worth, my Sensei\\'s views (I share them , fancy that :D ) is that ki is a good term for good body mechanics, mental intention, and focus. I care little for the religion - based aspects of Aikido, but love the discipline of its form and find a lot of value in the traditions....kind of a mixed signals thing, eh? The ideal of, at least, ATTEMPTING to \"de-escalate\" violence, is at least a step in the right direction for anyone, regardless of martial art discipline that is followed. For what it is worth, I have no problem with hitting people, but am better able to NOT hit them from this training. Self control is everything. I guess it is only mystical in the sense that it came from another culture. More of an \"exotic\" thing Lan\\nakiy06-07-2005, 10:56 PMI don\\'t believe in the concept of \"ki.\" The idea that there is some form of energy inside us and all around us that we can project from our bellies to our fingertips is a bit mystical to me. I may be wrong, but I think the idea of \"ki\" is integral to Aikido. \"Ki\" being a mystical concept, mysticism is integral to Aikido. IMHO of course. Ah -- OK. Personally, I don\\'t equate the notion of \"ki\" with \"mysticism.\" Rather, I\\'d probably say that the kind of things that Mike Sigman writes about above (eg Shinto) would more fall along the lines of \"mysticism.\" There are elements of \"faith\" in budo training (and pretty much any other kind of endeavor), I think, though. Whether that\\'s \"mysticism\" or not would probably depend on the person considing it. As for striking with the intent to do damage: I will concede that there are aikidoka who have no problem with my willingness to beat the crap out of my attacker if you concede that that are many who would have a problem with it. Oh, of course I\\'d say that there are some folks out there in the world of aikido who have a problem with people who are willing to \"beat the crap\" out of someone. The same could probably be said about any martial art, but I\\'d guess that the percentage of those who have a problem with such is probably higher in aikido than, say, in krav maga. But, then again, I do know of at least one aikido T-shirt that states, \"We put the \\'harm\\' back into \\'harmony\\'\"... On the topic of \"aikido is love,\" the founder himself has said things like, \"the path of aikido is the path of protecting love,\" \"the path of aiki is the manifestation of love,\" and \"true aikido is \\'love\\'.\" (First two quotes from \"Takemusu Aiki\" and the last quote from \"Aikido\" (thanks, Peter!) both translated from the original Japanese by me.) The character used for \"love\" is, indeed, . Personally, I\\'m far from understanding what this really means, so I can\\'t say much about this topic. Any way, I wouldn\\'t say that aikido is unique in such thoughts. Even Kano sensei has written about the principle of \"jita kyoei\" (mutual welfare and benefit) for judo. I\\'m sure that those folks (myself included) who have been on the receiving end of some judo techniques will say that my impact with the earth (oof) sure didn\\'t feel so beneficial to my health! Yet, I can understand how the principle of \"jita kyoei\" comes through in the actual keiko and the shugyo. In any case, as far as the topic of those who have not taken aikido who wish to share their views, as long as they do so in a respecful manner that\\'s conducive to meaningul exchanges of thoughts, I\\'m fine with their participation. To conclude, I personally think that some interesting observations about aikido have been made by many folks in this thread. If anything, it\\'s an exercise to help delineate my own thoughts in the matter... Best, -- Jun\\nxuzen06-08-2005, 12:35 AMOnce I come across a Taoist saying:- Man follows the mandate (rules) of heaven; Heaven follows the mandate of the Way (Do or Tao); And the Way follows that which is natural. -Lao Tzu, a Taoist sage When I think abt this, I feel that aikido or any of the do art is a system of education that points to the direction of being natural or in compliance with what is natural or in harmony. Mysticism should not be attached to it. Mysticism denotes a very low level of intelligence to explain things. The concept of Ki or chi is IMO a concept that man develop to explain certain physical aspect that maybe modern science has yet to provide an answer. After more than 5,000 years, this term is still in use. I am wondering whether if we are so attached to this term or rather, if mankind still have need for this term/concept as we still have many issues that cannot be answered by conventional scientific knowledge. IMO Aikido is devoid of mysticism. It is only practitioners who attach mysticism or supernaturality to it. Hence it can be said mysticism is man-made not natural. FWIW and my two cents, Boon.\\nErik06-08-2005, 12:40 AMWhy not say, \"Baseball is love.\" , \"Golf is love.\", \"Nascar is love\", or whatever else someone decides love is to them. The word \\'love\\' quickly loses any meaning. If a word can mean anything, then it simply means nothing. This is done, indirectly, by certain individuals within sports. I doubt you hear it much in Nascar but you get it indirectly within golf and definitely within baseball although it\\'s presented differently. I bet you could also find it within hunting or similar activities. Aikidoists, however, seldom use those terms to refer to a sport or activity. Better to deride it for allowing competition. That being said, I agree and disagree with much of what you wrote. Morihei Ueshiba, as Don pointed out, clearly came from a mystical realm and seemingly bought into a lot of stuff I would frankly deem as crap. But, he was what he was and you can\\'t entirely disregard it. However, at the same time, trying to model everything: diet, no water during training, breathing exercises, etc. when you have no basis to define if any of it accomplishes anything seems dumb too. Maybe Ueshiba ate the diet he did because he couldn\\'t find a steak and with more protein in his diet he would have grown taller and been twice as good as he was? So we come along as the knuckleheads we are and eat a macrobiotic diet like Ueshiba did because, well, that\\'s what he did for a part of his life. And he was really good. And we want to be just like him. All the spiritual blather sometimes seems exactly the same to me, but you can\\'t just disregard it either, if only for a historical understanding of where the art came from.\\nCNYMike06-08-2005, 12:49 AM.... Lots of Aikido people run around talking about \"ki\", but the fact of the matter is that the teaching of \"ki\" is simply a mystical/magical teaching which conjures belief in superstitious nonsense. :p Students attempt to clear their minds, chant words or syllables, breath a certain way, assume postures, and so forth in the attempt to grasp or develop a magical power that is about as real as George Lucas\\' \"Force.\" :cool: Students and Teachers would do better spending their time in the examination of, and actual practice of technical skills, rather than pretending to direct a make believe power from their bowels to their fingers. Look at the name of the art: Aikido. Whether or not ki exists, O Sensei certainly believed in it, and it\\'s right there in the name of the art. Another example of the useless mysticism inherent in Aikido was the recent video that appeared on one of the forum threads. The clip did a nice job demonstrating technical skills that actually make up the system of Aikido. However, from time to time one would see something like: \"Aikido is love.\" flash on to the screen. :crazy: Aikido is love? Please. Why not say, \"Baseball is love.\" , \"Golf is love.\", \"Nascar is love\", or whatever else someone decides love is to them. The word \\'love\\' quickly loses any meaning. If a word can mean anything, then it simply means nothing. Aikido is not love. :yuck: Aikido is a Martial system. Aikido class may be a place in which you can practice loving your neighbor, but Aikido is not love. Towards the end of his life, O Sensei thought of traiding the \"Aiki\" characters that mean \"harmony\" to \"Aiki\" that means love. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido was a nice guy, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught was the source of this kindness. Just because a teacher, or a founder of Aikido claims that what he teaches will bring a moral harmony and love for mankind, this is no basis for concluding that what he taught actually accomplishes his claims. If a person was not familiar with Aikido, and its mystical teachings, do you really think that such a person would conclude that Aikido was the way of peaceful harmony just by watching a demonstration of Aikido projections or neutralizations? Of course not. They may be impressed, but no such moral assertion will be made from watching such a demonstration. The reason it would be impossible to deduce a moral principal from a visual or tangible demonstration is because you cannot start with something you see (Aikido demo), and end up with something you cannot see (moral ideas). One can practice ethics in Aikido class, but one cannot deduce ethics from Aikido. If ethics are taught at Aikido class, then they did not come from Iriminage or kotegaeshi, but from Asian philosophy or religion. Since that is clearly the case, why should I pay homage to such Asian religious philosophy? Why not some other religion? Why not deontology? Why not utilitarianism? If I want to go to church, why would I go to Aikido class? If I want to learn how not to fight, couldn\\'t I just ask an Amish person? Wouldn\\'t that be easier than all that physical combat training? Aikido is combat training isn\\'t it? The Amish manage not to fight without Aikido. The Amish manage to live in harmony without Aikido. Maybe Morihei Uyeshiba should have joined an Amish community instead of the religious school of Omoto-kyo. If you don\\'t need Aikido to live in harmony and peace with your neighbor, and clearly you don\\'t, then maybe Aikido doesn\\'t need Asian philosophy of religion in order to function. Maybe Aikido is simply a physical exercise that can be used in a self-defense situation. Except that the martial artist who did that would be guilty of being grossly disrepectuful to the founder, and failing to to his job of preserving and passing on what was passed to him. My Kali teacher, who also has permission to teach Pentjak Silat Serak, is constantly emphasizing his role as preserving the arts he is teaching. Martial arts is not just about teaching someone a skill -- it is about passing on part of a culture. That\\'s even true of Jun Fan/JKD; that\\'s why their terminology is in Cantonese. It may even be true of Western Boxing -- you just don\\'t notice the culture becaue we\\'re in it. WRT Serak, Andy always said, \"It is very important to do things exactly the way I show you,\" in no small part to show proper hormat or respect to the founder of the art, Pak Sera, and his disciples. I don\\'t see why this doesn\\'t apply to Aikido. You are not just teaching joint locks and throws -- you can learn those anywhere. You are getting a small part of Japanese culture that has been refracted through O Sensei\\'s vision. And if the \"mystical nonsense\" is an important part of what O Sensei wants passed down, then you\\'d damn well better pass it down, or you are not doing your job as an Aikido student/teacher. Yet it is very odd/dsiconcerting to come to Aikido, supposedly a \"traditional\" art, and find people 180 degrees from someone in the \"non-traditional\" arts WRT the role of preservation. I\\'ve had that drummed into me for over a year: That part of what we do is to preserve what we are given so it doens\\'t vanish from the face of the Earth. Aikido may have had fifty years to establish itself in the West, but that doesn\\'t make that job any less important. If you want to learn how to fight, don\\'t go to anyone for formal training in anything. Just move to a bad neighborhood and get in fights every day. Martial arts is about more than that. And if you can\\'t see that or refuse to accept it, then maybe you should ask yourself if you are doing the right thing with your disposable income.\\nKeith_k06-08-2005, 01:23 AMBut, then again, I do know of at least one aikido T-shirt that states, \"We put the \\'harm\\' back into \\'harmony\\'\"... That is excellent! Being that Hapkido and Aikido mean the same thing in their respective languages, I may just have to borrow that t-shit idea.\\nMichael Neal06-08-2005, 07:09 AMI don\\'t have a problem with spirituality and I don\\'t have a problem with people freely expressing their religious views. I just find it annoying and a bit pretentious when people use Aikido or any other martial art as a way to promote their religion when a great deal of people are there to learn a martial art.\\nian06-08-2005, 07:09 AMI always like the anecdote about aikido in which someone asks Ueshiba \"I would like to learn your aikido\", whereupon Ueshiba replies \"that\\'s funny, everyone else wants to learn their own aikido\". The point being that aikido is more of a personal exploration than a set standard. However, I agree that most mystesism (can\\'t spell!) is just stuff repeated by others, whereas in rare cases it does express a real understanding that cannot be put in conventional terms (for example, I consider ki to be a \\'model\\' of how things work, and one which is flawed, but is simpler for explaining many things). However, we must critically assess all the information which we obtain - and I believe that is a big problem with aikido. Technological advancement is not done specifically because people are clever, but because people can record knowledge for future generations, and future generations can critically appraise this (whether deductive reasoning or empirical reasoning). As an aikido community we need to get together and produce falsifiable hypotheses i.e. underlying fundamentals in aikido which can be tested and refined or rejected. We are still in a stage where different aikido clubs do radically different things, and there has been no effort to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages (possibly because an assessment in the dojo is nothing like an assessment within real combat).\\nMike Sigman06-08-2005, 07:15 AMOn the topic of \"aikido is love,\" the founder himself has said things like, \"the path of aikido is the path of protecting love,\" \"the path of aiki is the manifestation of love,\" and \"true aikido is \\'love\\'.\" (First two quotes from \"Takemusu Aiki\" and the last quote from \"Aikido\" (thanks, Peter!) both translated from the original Japanese by me.) The character used for \"love\" is, indeed, . Personally, I\\'m far from understanding what this really means, so I can\\'t say much about this topic.I\\'ve never been exactly sure how to handle some of the things O-Sensei did toward the end of his life. He was emotionally erratic, often irrascible, and treated with kid-gloves because of his temper outbursts (not always was he like this, but enough so that it was a common conversation). He awarded a woman dance teacher a 10th dan in Aikido and was seen in public demonstrations with her... notice how it\\'s very difficult to find any mention of this in the literature. In other words, there was a certain amount of behavior and pronouncements that most of the Japanese surrounding O-Sensei sort of studiously avoid talking about. So when it gets down to the \"Aikido is Love\" part, I would have several questions about it, if I wanted to be sure I understood what he was talking about. First of all, I\\'d want to be sure that the \"love\" translation really equates to the concept of \"love\" that westerners are thinking about when they hear that term. Secondly, I\\'d want to know how old he was when he made that pronouncement. Thirdly, I\\'d look at the uchi-deshi of the time and see how much their training focuses on and mentions \"Aikido is love\".... if it\\'s not a big factor in what they say or train, then I wouldn\\'t put a lot of weight onto the \"Aikido is love\" idea. ;) FWIW Mike\\nSeiserL06-08-2005, 07:36 AMIMHO, Aikido is a tool, a discipline. It can be studied without the mysticism. But I personally like it.\\nMichael Neal06-08-2005, 08:15 AMI have found more personal spirituality practicing Judo than I ever did with Aikido, even though there is no discussion whatsoever of spirituality in my Judo class or after class for that matter. I guess what I am trying to say that spirituality is a personal experience, and while your religious experience can tranfer to all aspects of your life it is better to leave the practice of religion to church and your personal time. Outward religious practice certainly does not belong in a martial arts class. How would you like it if your sensei was a Catholic and they did Catholic religious rituals during class?\\nrob_liberti06-08-2005, 08:19 AMWhen I think about the idea: \"aikido is love\" - I think about what does \"aikido\" mean to me, and what does \"love\" mean to me, and I think about how to reconcile the two things. I think the mental materialism approach of \"I already know what aikido is, and I already know what love is, and they are not the same thing\" is not quite the point. It is directly against the message of \"shoshin\". This kind of topic reminds me of Plato\\'s \"forms\" - like what is \"justice\"? what is friendship? what is virtue? can virtue be taught? It might not be such a horrible thing to ask yourself now and again, things like: what is \"ki\"? what is \"aiki\"? what is \"do\"? what is \"ikkyo\"? what is \"iriminage\"? what is the \"wa\"? etc. Giving credit where credit is due, I would say that Mike Sigman has done a really good job with what is \"ki\"? I would love to read about some of the other ideas - I just mentioned - thought about to that degree or more. Rob\\nakiy06-08-2005, 09:03 AMHi MIchael, I don\\'t have a problem with spirituality and I don\\'t have a problem with people freely expressing their religious views. I just find it annoying and a bit pretentious when people use Aikido or any other martial art as a way to promote their religion when a great deal of people are there to learn a martial art. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, but I\\'m a bit lost. I\\'m not too sure if anyone here has said that aikido should contain religious teachings. Can you expand a bit on your thoughts about this? In what manners have you seen aikido people using aikido to promote their religion? -- Jun\\nMichael Neal06-08-2005, 09:49 AMJun, many are promoting Aikido as a Religion, and practically worhipping Ueshiba as a diety. Magical powers of Ki, absolute faith in magical like acts performed by Ueshiba even though they never experienced it themselves, etc. I can spend a bit of time here on Aikiweb collecting the quotes if you would like\\nMike Sigman06-08-2005, 09:53 AMJun, many are promoting Aikido as a Religion, and practically worhipping Ueshiba as a diety. C\\'mon, Michael.... he wasn\\'t THAT fat. ;) Mike\\nCNYMike06-08-2005, 10:56 AMJun, many are promoting Aikido as a Religion, and practically worhipping Ueshiba as a diety. Magical powers of Ki, absolute faith in magical like acts performed by Ueshiba even though they never experienced it themselves, etc. I can spend a bit of time here on Aikiweb collecting the quotes if you would like Mike, last fall I attended an anual seminar here in CNY with an Okimura Sensei, who started training under O Sensei in the 1950s and is also a Buddhist priest. So he should know whether Aikido is relgious or not. He said flat out, no ifs, ands, or buts, \"Aikido is not religion.\" That\\'s a quote. Make of that what you will.\\nRon Tisdale06-08-2005, 11:06 AMNone of the yoshinkan schools I know of practice aikido as religion. Maybe you just hang out in the wrong places.... :D Ron\\njonreading06-08-2005, 11:18 AMSeparation of Church and Class!? I have a very hard time with this same concept. So far, this is about all I can say: Religion exists in aikido because the founder was very religious (in many eyes fanatical). The interaction of religion and aikido is important to training because concepts, ideas, and philosophies of aikido are derived from religious beliefs; just as many physical techniques were derived from daito ryu. Aikido people are required to understand the religious interaction of aikido to excel in training; they are not required to believe it, live it, or do anything else with it. Aikido people are required to understand the physical interaction of aikido to excel in training; they are not required to practice it, live it, or do anything else with it. This is the balance of aikido. To remove the spiritual component would leave you with a collection of techniques that resemble daito ryu. To remove the physical component would leave you with religious doctrine. Together, you have a martial art called aikido. That said, I have found that aikido is growing in spiritual zealots unbalancing aikido practice. If taken out on context, many of O\\'Sensei\\'s comments would seem fanatical or mystical (heck, even taken in context some of his quotes and ideas are \"excentric\"). To that extent, I agree that we need to pay closer attention to what the aikido community protrays is aikido, but I don\\'t think that was the focus of the thread. Aikido a a budo; an ideology to improve life in all aspects, not just fighting...\\nMichael Neal06-08-2005, 11:23 AM ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[\" Internet Archive Wayback Machine Internet Archive's Wayback Machine Loading...\\nhttp://www.uic.edu:80/~mckenzie/101syls02.html | 12:46:47 Oct 2, 2002\\nGot an HTTP 302 response at crawl time\\nRedirecting to...\\nhttp://tigger.uic.edu/~mckenzie/101syls02.html\\nImpatient? The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.Other projects include Open Library & archive-it.org.\\nYour use of the Wayback Machine is subject to the Internet Archive's Terms of Use. \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[\" Advanced Reservoir Engineering AUG MAY DEC 5 2004 2005 2008 26 captures\\n10 May 00 - 31 Jan 09 Close\\nHelp PGE 383.6 Advanced Reservoir Engineering\\nThe University of Texas at Austin Fall 1999 Unique No. 17365 Meeting Time and Place Instructor\\nTA/Grader Office Hours WWW and EMail\\nCatalog Listing Prerequisites Texts Grading Exams Homework Attendance Special Requirements Course Evaluations Course Objectives and Content Meeting Time and Place MWF 2:00-2:50 pm CPE 2.202 Instructor\\nMark A. Miller, PhD, PE Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineer, Getty Oil Co., 1972-80 PhD Petroleum Engineering, Stanford U., 1983 BS Engineering, Harvey Mudd College, 1972\\nDepartment of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering\\nThe University of Texas at Austin\\nAustin, TX 78712-1061 Office: CPE 4.186A Phone: (512) 471-3250 Fax: (512) 471-9605 Email: miller@pe.utexas.edu Grader Carlos Anez\\nCarlos_Anez@pe.utexas.edu CPE 4.148 Office hours to be arranged. Office Hours MWF 10-11:30 am Please try to use class time and office hours as much as possible for your questions. If you must see me outside my office hours, you may either see me after class or call for an appointment. Email is a good way to contact me. WWW & Email\\nInformation for the course, including this syllabus, can be accessed at:\\nhttp://www.pe.utexas.edu/Dept/Academic/Courses/F1999/PGE383.6/\\nThis web site will be used throughout the semester to post solutions to homework, provide additional information, etc. In addition, data for some homework assignments and other things may be emailed to students in the class to avoid having to retype things. Early in the semester, everyone in the class should send an e-mail message to majordomo@pe.utexas.edu with the body of the message stating: subscribe pge383-6 You should get a message back stating that you were added to the list. Please let me know if you have any difficulties in doing this. You can unsubscribe from the majordomo list with a similar command in the body of the message (although you won't probably need to, since the list will expire at the end of the semester):\\nunsubscribe pge383-6 The email address of the class list will be pge383-6@pe.utexas.edu. Catalog Listing None. Prerequisites\\nGraduate standing plus a fundamental understanding of petroleum reservoir engineering comparable to having taken the undergraduate course PGE 331 - Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering. Students without the requisite background should see the instructor. Texts\\nRequired: There is no required text for the course. We will do readings out of handouts, selected books, handbooks, and journal articles. Reference: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Dake (1978). The Practice of Reservoir Engineering, Dake (1994). Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Amyx, Bass, and Whiting (1960). Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Craft and Hawkins (rev. Terry) (1991). Pressure Buildup and Flow Tests in Wells, Matthews and Russell (1967). Advances in Well Test Analysis, Earlougher (1977). Well Test Analysis, Raghavan (1993). Enhanced Oil Recovery, Lake (1989). Waterflooding, Willhite (1986). Reservoir Simulation, Mattax and Dalton (1990). Principles of Applied Resevoir Simulation, Fanchi (1997) The Properties of Petroleum Fluids, McCain (1990) Grading Homework\\n200\\nA=\\n850-1000 Midterms (2)\\n400\\nB=\\n700-849 Final\\n400\\nC=\\n550-699 Total\\n1000\\nD=\\n400-549 Up to an additional 20 points may be awarded at my discretion for class participation, exceptional effort, improvement, etc. These points are non-negotiable! Some adjustments in the grading scheme may be made in the interest of fair and uniform grading. In no case will grading be harsher than the above. Questions about grading should be brought to my attention as soon as possible. You will have one week after the item is returned to discuss your grade. Homework grading must be discussed with the Grader first. No grade will be changed after this one-week period. Exams Midterm Exam #1\\nWednesday, 29 Sep, Time TBA Midterm Exam #2\\nWednesday., 03 Nov, Time TBA Final Exam\\nSaturday, 11 Dec, 2-5 pm If there is a problem with the dates or times for the midterms, please see me as soon as possible. Be forewarned that exams will be strictly timed. Automatic grade deductions will be made for turning them in late. Make-up exams will not be given. If you have a valid excuse (as determined by me) for missing a midterm, your final exam will grade will count 600 instead of 400 points. Homework\\nApproximately one per week. You are encouraged to discuss assignments with your colleagues after you have applied individual diligent effort. However, the work you turn in must be entirely your own. Homework assignments are intended to be practice to be certain that you understand the material. It is your chance to test what you know and to get feedback. Your best grade strategy is to attempt all of the assignments yourself before seeking help. The importance of homework in getting a good grade is far greater than the 20% weighting it receives in calculating your grade. Homework assignments will be graded on the basis of apparent effort, completeness, and clarity of presentation. Solutions will be posted in the Petroleum Engineering Reading Room and available for www or ftp download. You will be in charge of self-evaluating your homework solutions. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted, except in very rare, very serious, and unexpected circumstances. The chance of acceptance of late homework will be improved by checking with me beforehand. Attendance\\nClass attendance is not mandatory, however, the course includes a large amount of interpretative and explanatory material that will be presented only during lectures. If it is necessary for you to miss class, you should arrange to get class notes and handouts from someone in the class. Special Requirements\\nUniversity policy applies to dropping the course. Academic honesty is taken very seriously in this course. It is your responsibility to avoid situations where academic honesty can be a problem either for yourself or for those around you. Violations will be referred to the Dean of Students. The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4241 TDD or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4321. Course Evaluations\\nA course/instructor evaluation will be conducted during class time sometime the last week of class. The evaluation will be conducted by someone in the class and returned to the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering departmental office. Results will not be seen by the instructor until after grades have been turned in. All course/instructor evaluations are anonymous. The instructor welcomes feedback from students throughout the semester with regard to ways the course can be improved. In the event, however, that students wish to provide anonymous feedback, the Student Feedback Forum of the Cabinet of College Councils also offers students a line of communication with professors. Their URL:\\nhttp://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~cabinet/comments.html can be used to send anonymous feedback to any professor about a course. Please use this if you feel that you would like an anonymous form of communication with us during the semester. Course Objectives and Content\\nThis course is intended to explore advanced concepts in reservoir engineering. We will use as an important tool, reservoir simulation, in that we will apply reservoir simulation to a variety of problems, comparing results to those from other reservoir engineering methods. I. Material Balance (revisited)\\nII. Reservoir Flow Under Various Conditions and Geometries\\nA. Slightly compressible fluids, gases, and multiphase flow\\nB. Early and late time characteristics\\nC. Pseudosteady and steady flow\\nD. Superposition in time and space\\nE. Gravitational effects\\nF. Well deliverability\\nIII. Rate vs. Time Forecasting A. Combining rate and material balance relationships\\nB. Aquifer influx\\nIV. Miscellaneous\\nA. Dual porosity behavior (naturally-fractured systems)\\nB. Simultaneous mass and heat flow (applications to thermal recovery) \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" Social Detox APR OCT APR 24 2007 2008 2009 18 captures\\n18 Dec 07 - 4 Jan 14 Close\\nHelp Social Detox\\nProcess Not Product Social Detox at GermantownSkillshare\\nPosted in Uncategorized on September 26, 2008 by clover56 Last weekend a group of us gathered around a smoldering fire at Germantown Community Farm to discuss the role/responsibility of men in ending gender oppression. The discussion went in many directions as any HUGE expansive topic such as this one will facilitate. One amazing aspect of this discussion was the balance in participation. It seemed as though everyone had a lot to say and offer to the space, and I feel like I learned a lot. So I want to say thanks yall for putting on such an awesome weekend, a great dance, and for having so many great workshops and skillshares. And the food was amazing. I am for sure movin out to the countryside.\\nI wanted to take this space to share some of the discussion topics that came up. List style:\\n-How can men relate to feminism in sustainable ways? A point was made that so many mens groups have come together and men have started working on feminist projects, but then the groups fade away or someone drops the ball. Basically, how can men be involved and stay involved. What would that look like?\\n- Men often take up space in music that can interrupt or make the music dysfunctional. A woman expressed that playing music in a group of all women is a completely different experience than with a group of men. This topic spun off into some talk about listening skills. Which Ill say right now as a man thats something I need to be constantly aware of and working on.\\n- Childhood development and gender roles. We see kids growing up into sexist roles and acting out on them at a very young age. How can we subvert the mainstream messages and nurture a more creative and self-empowered expression of gender for kids?\\n- Struggle with maintaining boundaries around radical ideas in more mainstream spaces. At a worksite for example, a group of men talking in dis-respectful and sexist ways about women. How to interact with that as one of the guys. How to challenge that in ways that can be heard in such spaces without compromising values. Example; like acting aggressive to be heard in a group of men. How can this be done in ways that are not validating patriarchal behavior?\\n- We talked Mens experience with gender. Growing up, being molded, the peer pressure, sexuality, bullying, pornography, power, etc etc..\\n- How can men be active in resisting sexual assault, understanding the complexities of consent in our relationships and sexualities, and being accountable and supportive to survivors of sexual assault?\\n- What is the power or presence of a group of men hanging out together. What is the dynamic when a woman walks by? What about when a group of men and a woman cross paths on a sidewalk. Who steps aside? How does the attention shift in the group? How can these dynamic be handled in a way that is anti-sexist and aware of privilege?\\n- Positive masculinity. Whats it look like? There are many different male archetypes but how does this intersect with race and white supremacy? Who gets framed as the bad guys and who gets access to the good guy male performance.\\n- Queer masculinity/ Transmasculine expression. Expressing ones gender is an important and empowering part of queer and trans identity. How can a masculine expression be anti-sexist and accountable to folks who are so often silenced and oppressed by sexism.\\n- What makes power oppressive? Can we explore roles of power together in ways that are consensual? What about sharing power. Like contributing to eachothers self empowerment rather than competing in ways that deplete or take power away from others. How can power be shared and sustainable.\\n- How do women play into patriarchy? How can this be challenged on a personal level as well as a social level? What dynamics exist between women that can encourage or enable a sexist space?\\n- Some things that we can do immediately to challenge sexism in ourselves and community; ( I can only remember a few of the things we talked about. Our conversation spun in many ways) Share skills and information. Engage with people while teaching. Show someone how to do something and then let them do it themselves.\\nListen and self reflect on listening.\\nDont play guitar when someone is talking to you.\\nBe aware when your a guy in a group of guys. What kind of space youre takin up.\\nIf youre a guy and suddenly you find yourself walking closely behind a woman on the street, give her space. Stop to tie your shoe or cross the street or something.\\nDont validate sexist behavior in the workplace. Dont laugh at sexist jokes. Challenge that shit.\\nLearn how to be supportive of people by listening to their needs. Never decide how to take action on behalf of a woman whos been hurt or violated.\\nRead other lists of similar stuff or add to this one. 1 Comment SexualityEducation/Liberation\\nPosted in events with tags socialdetox, feminism, gender, anti-sexist, sexuality, sex positive, sex education, liberation, ghostcat, ithaca, ny, fingerlakes, potlucks on July 25, 2008 by clover56 This is the theme of a bi-weekly potluck that I host at Ghostcat Co-op where I live in Ithaca NY. The events are everyother thursday starting at 6pm. The past couple potlucks we discussed the many ways that we have all learned about sexuality growing up, all the influences and stuff that teach us about our bodies, identities, desires, and the basic how to do it. Attendance has been great, and this shows the real need that we have as a community to talk more about sex and to learn more and support eachother in this process.\\nIm really excited to announce that we will be continuing this potluck series through the fall and it is evolving into a class/skillshare type event with specific topics being taught by rotating teachers. There are fantastic heaps of sex-positive information in our community and room to expand it.\\nTo get on an e-mail / phone tree list for updates about the potlucks; contact me at Clover56 (at) riseup (dot) net Leave A Comment Earth FirstRondy\\nPosted in Uncategorized on July 16, 2008 by clover56 I just got back from the Earth First! Round River Rondevous. It was a pretty darn good time. I met some great people, learned some skills, had some really amazing conversations, ate awesome healthy food, and got covered in mud.\\nI did a SocialDetox workshop there with my friend Chelsea from Antioch. I thought it went really well, even though I might change some things in the future. Upcoming is the NorthEast Climate Confluence! Im super excited about this event. Check it out.\\nwww.climateconfluence.org Leave A Comment Hitting a Wall: How Not to Start a MensGroup\\nPosted in interviews with tags anarchism, anti-sexist, feminism, men's group, social justice, socialdetox on May 22, 2008 by clover56 Read more Leave A Comment The SecondIssue;\\nPosted in Uncategorized on April 5, 2008 by clover56 Hello world,\\nthe next issue of social detox is in the making, amongst other things. Its going to have no particular theme because trying to stick to a theme has kept me from making the zine. Instead its going to be a strange string of thoughts and connections. Hopefully it will be accessable and make sense and be a good follow up after the first zine. To contribute to the zine, please send stuff to me.\\nSome topic ideas for #2\\n-sexism makes your music sound like shit\\n-personal stories from men around ithaca\\n-interview with me (ryan clover) about the project\\n-accountability and sexual assault\\n-consent and sex education\\n-liberal new age sexual predators Leave A Comment Notworking\\nPosted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2008 by clover56 I regret to say that the Mens Discussion Freeskool class is not working for me. There have been a variety of struggles to get things together here in ithaca, and there hasnt been enough support for this project. Its ended up with just a few people trying to find time to get together, and never getting around to it. Im ashamed to even admit this because I feel somewhat responsible for its dysfunction, but Im learning and processing so much and really, nobody RSVP for the class.\\nSo in my life, most of the real work and processing of these issues is happening at my house (ghostcat). Theres 3 of us, all guys, and we process so much together, and have good supportive friendships. Its providing us with a space to encounter gender issues and work through stuff but still, theres something we need in the Anarchist Community at large and thats more action toward creating safer spaces and more action to confront sexism and deal with it.\\nI was traveling around a bit last month and met some guys who were trying to organize mens anti-sexist groups They seemed to be having the same struggle. They could have their meetings, but people were too inconsistent, so there was never any carry over. To be radical and work toward liberation, perhaps we need to emphasize a consistent process rather than a meeting. Perhaps we need to save the meetings for times when were planning something, or dealing with an issue that came up. In the meantime, we can always have conversations about gender, about unlearning oppressive behavior, about developing good communication skills and relationships. I want to write more on this later.\\nI feel like im opening up a whole new space on this blog to write like this in the first person and all But thats my goal right now. I want to put myself out there, and start writing about my experiences and emotions around these issues. I think that this project will be more useful this way.\\nSocial Detox is a process, not a product.\\nwith fire,\\nRyan 2 Comments Social DetoxPostponed\\nPosted in events on February 28, 2008 by clover56 The Social Detox class will be postponed until next week. We are still figuring out a good day of the week for the class. So far there are only a few RSVPs for the class. If you are planning on being a part of this discussion, please contact me so we can work it out. Thanks! Leave A Comment SocialDetox ClassSyllabus\\nPosted in events with tags anarcha-feminism, anarchism, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, feminism, gender liberation, ithaca freeskool, men against sexism, radical, socialdetox on February 11, 2008 by clover56 Welcome to this Winters Freeskool Session of SocialDetox. This class officially begins on thursday Feb 28th then itll be a closed session. To join the class you will need to RSVP with me at clover56 at riseup.net\\nReadings\\nThere will be required readings for the class. We will take this part of the class very seriously. The readings will provoke discussion that goes deep into the topic of anarchism and gender liberation. Some of the books we will explore;\\nWoman and Nature, by Susan Griffin\\nConquest, by Andrea Smith\\nThe Color of Violence, by Incite! women of color against violence\\nStopping Rape, a Challenge for Men, by Rus Ervin Funk\\nNightVision, by Butch Lee and Red Rover\\nCaliban and the Witch, by Silvia Federici\\n- also, well be reading various zines from the Social Detox Distro.- Leave A Comment Freeskool Winter/SpringSession\\nPosted in events on January 11, 2008 by clover56 The focus of this class is to create a space for men-identified folks to learn about gender issues. This class is anti-sexist. We will have discussions, readings, visiting teachers, and will collaborate on a final project.\\nRequirements: students must rsvp before session begins 2-28-08\\nOpening Session and presentation:\\nFeb 7th @ 7pm @ Ghost Cat co-op 514 N. Aurora st.\\nClass Begins\\nFeb 28th @ 7pm @ Ghost Cat co-op 514 N. Aurora st.\\nFinal group presentation\\nApril 24th (time and location tba) Leave A Comment Zine issue #1 primerissue\\nPosted in zines with tags anarcha-feminism, anarchism, anti-sexism, clover56, gender liberation, social detox #1, social justice, socialdetox, zines on January 10, 2008 by clover56 Social Detox Zine issue #1 (the primer issue)\\n(Click to Download) socialdetox-_1.pdf I finally figured out how to scan zines and now its ready to be downloaded. More zines are coming! So .. egh hem.. anyways Its been incredible to create this zine. this project has created the space in my life to focus on gender liberation and collaborate with amazing people in the process. Thanks to my friends whove supported this project, and to the honest criticism Ive gotten as well. This wouldnt exist if werent for the love and support of my comrads. Fire UP! Leave A Comment Next Entries Pages About\\nContribute\\nDistro Categories events (6) interviews (10) Media (6) Uncategorized (4) writings (7) zines (10) Recent Posts Social Detox at GermantownSkillshare SexualityEducation/Liberation Earth FirstRondy Hitting a Wall: How Not to Start a MensGroup The SecondIssue; Links Against Patriarchy 07\\nChicago ClitFest\\nColours of Resistance\\nDeal With It\\nDerrick Jensen\\nDifferent Kind of Dude Fest\\nIncite!\\nIthaca Freeskool\\nMedia Education Foundation\\nNCOR\\nPhillys Pissed/Philly Stands UP\\nPMS Media\\nThe Anarcha Project\\nThe Icarus Project\\nWemoons Army FireUP! Recent Comments\\nsundeep on Social Detox at Germantownmidwestwren on Aboutclover56 on Notworkingonewithbriteyes on NotworkingMONSTERS OF THE ID on A message to Anarchist Blog at WordPress.com. Theme: Black Letterhead by Ulysses Ronquillo. \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' THE LAW SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND EXAMINATION SYLLABUS AND READING LIST Revised DECEMBER 2004 2 CONTENTS Pages GUIDELINES 3 PUBLIC LAW AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM 5 CONVEYANCING 6 SCOTS PRIVATE LAW 7 EVIDENCE 9 SCOTS CRIMINAL LAW 10 TAXATION 11 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW 13 SCOTS COMMERCIAL LAW 14 * ACCOUNTING 16 * PROCEDURE 17 * PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY 19 BOOKS PERMITTED IN EXAMINATION HALL 20 * These subjects are examined as part of the Diploma in Legal Practice course For a general introduction to the study of law, students might find it helpful to read Learning the Law by Glanville Williams (12th ed. 2002 - Sweet and Maxwell) and Studying Scots Law by Hector MacQueen (3rd ed. 2004) (Lexis Nexis) 3 GUIDELINES 1. References and Sources For general reading, candidates may find it useful to have to hand a copy of Glanville Williams Learning the Law (12th ed, 2002 - Sweet and Maxwell) and Hector MacQueens Studying Scots Law (3rd ed, 2004) published by Lexis Nexis. All candidates should have in their possession a copy of the syllabus and reading list for the relevant examination. The texts listed form the basis of the study materials for each subject. Candidates should note that while the textbooks cited on the reading lists are the latest editions there are often case or statutory developments subsequent to the publication of the text. Candidates will be expected to be aware of any such developments. 2. Examination Procedures Candidates must enrol for the examination no later than FOUR weeks before it takes place. The appropriate fee is payable at the time of registration (currently 40 for a first attempt and 60 for any subsequent attempt). No more than four attempts at any one exam will be allowed. Candidates undertaking the Law Society of Scotland examinations as part of their pre-Diploma training have four years from the date of the first exam on which to pass all the Law Society examinations. Instructions about the location of the examination hall and any other arrangements for the examination will be issued approximately one week before the examination takes place. Candidates should note that if there are any extenuating circumstances of which they wish the examiner to have regard, a letter should be submitted to the Law Society of Scotlands Education and Training department in advance of the examination. Candidates are reminded that no books, notes or other items are allowed in the examination room apart from those items specifically provided for in the subject reading lists. Only material with no additions made to the published text may be used. Highlighting is permitted, as are place markers, provided that these bear no inscription other than the name of the subject area being marked. Answers should be fully reasoned with appropriate citation of authorities. Candidates are required to write legibly. If an examiner is unable to read a candidates handwriting he or she will deduct marks, or may require to fail that candidate. No extra sittings will be permitted to candidates who fail as a result of illegible handwriting. 3. Pass Mark The pass mark for each paper is 50%. It should be noted that, where a paper consists of two or more sections, the overall pass mark is 50% with the candidate requiring to achieve a mark in each section of at least 45%. Distinction is awarded for marks of 75% and above. 4 4. Oral Examinations and Intimation of Results Oral examinations are held approximately 30 days after the written examination. It is solely at the discretion of the examiner to decide whether a particular candidate should be offered an oral examination, but, generally speaking, borderline fails may be offered an oral examination. The oral examination may cover any aspect of the syllabus for that subject but is likely to concentrate on the questions contained in the examination paper. Results can be revealed to candidates only after the meeting of the Board of Examiners at which the results are ratified. The Law Society will forward feedback forms to those candidates who fail. Any candidate requiring further guidance should write in the first instance to the Law Society of Scotlands Education and Training department and the enquiry will be directed to the relevant examiner. Any queries regarding course content will be dealt with in a similar way. Candidates should be aware that the Examiners decision is final and that there is no right of appeal other than on procedural grounds. 5. Moderator Where it is alleged that the examination process has been defective, the Board of Examiners has the power to appoint a suitable person to act as a moderator. The moderator will investigate the complaint and report to the Board of Examiners who may take such action as they consider appropriate in the light of the moderators report. 6. Exemptions Applicants seeking exemption should contact the Education and Training Department of the Law Society of Scotland for guidance on what information/documentation is required by the Law Societys Examiners. After having contacted the Law Society for guidance, applications for exemptions should be made in writing to the Law Society of Scotlands Education and Training department and should specify the subjects in which exemption is sought. Applications will be considered only when all required documentation has been received. Applications for exemption should be submitted to the Society no later than 6 weeks before the examination date. Late applications will not be considered. Exemptions are granted by the Law Society of Scotlands Examiners. If an applicant seeks more than four exemptions the matter will be referred to the Law Societys Admissions Committee with a recommendation from the Examiners. 5PUBLIC LAW AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM (One paper of 3 hours) SYLLABUS General 1. Basic concepts: constitution; rule of law; separation of powers; sources of constitutional law; principles of constitutional government; structure of the UK. 2. Courts and precedent; statutory interpretation; sources of law. 3. Sovereignty of parliament; EU membership. 4. Parliament composition and functions. 5. The Scotland Act and devolved government: Scottish Parliament powers, composition and functions; the Scottish Executive. 6. The Executive: structure and powers (including royal prerogative). Citizen and the State 1. Human Rights Act and the Scotland Act (including devolution issues). 2. The European Convention on Human Rights: enforcement machinery and substantive guarantees (in particular, Arts 2-3, 5-6, 8-11, and Prot 1 Arts 1-3). 3. Domestic civil liberties: political freedoms (assembly and association; expression; the franchise); freedom of the person; state security. 4. Citizenship, immigration, deportation and extradition. Administrative Law 1. Delegated legislation. 2. Administrative justice: tribunals and inquiries. 3. Judicial control of governmental action: judicial review. 4. Non-judicial redress of grievances via ombudsmen, etc. RECOMMENDED BOOKS [Latest editions should always be used] A standard textbook on UK constitutional and administrative law, e.g. Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law (13th ed, 2002) (Longman) Turpin, British Government and the Constitution (5th ed, 2002) (Weidenfeld and Nicholson) A commentary on the Scotland Act, e.g. Himsworth and Munro, Scotland Act 1998 (2nd ed, 2000) (W Green) A source on incorporation of the ECHR, e.g. Reed and Murdoch, A Guide to Human Rights Law in Scotland (2nd ed, as 2005, forthcoming) (Butterworths) A textbook on the Scottish legal system, e.g. White and Willock, The Scottish Legal System (3rd ed, 2003) (Butterworths) Paterson and Bates, The Legal System of Scotland: cases and materials (4th ed, 1999) (W Green/Sweet & Maxwell) Walker, The Scottish Legal System (8th ed 2001) (W Green) And Ewing and Finnie, Human Rights in Scotland (3rd ed, 2004) (W Green) Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland: titles on Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights Law (reissues) (Butterworths) 6 CONVEYANCING (One paper of 3 hours) SYLLABUS 1. Authentication of deeds. 2. Transfer of land : (a) missives; (b) dispositions and; (c) registration. In relation to (c) both the Register of Sasines and the Land Register are to be covered. 3. Landownership : (a) boundaries; (b) separate tenements; (c) the law of the tenement; (d) common interest; and (e) encroachment and trespass. 4. Title conditions : (a) servitudes and (b) real burdens. 5. Leases as (a) contracts and (b) real rights. This includes clauses in commercial leases, but not the specific statutory rules on (a) agricultural leases and (b) residential tenancies. 6. Standard securities and floating charges. 7. Liferents. 8. Positive and negative prescription in relation to real rights in land. RECOMMENDED BOOKS D A Brand, A J M Steven and S Wortley, Professor McDonalds Conveyancing Manual, (7th ed, 2004) (Lexis Nexis) G L Gretton & K G C Reid, Conveyancing (3rd ed, 2004) (W Green) K G C Reid, The Law of Property in Scotland, (1996) (Lexis Nexis) R Paisley, Land Law, (2000) (W Green) The Parliament House Book - Division J. (W Green) Note: Being an offprint of Greens Conveyancing Statutes or Avizandum Statutes on Scots Law of Property, Trusts & Succession, (2004) (Avizandum) The following books might also be referred to: D J Cusine and R R M Paisley, Servitudes and Rights of Way (1998)(W Green) W M Gordon, Scottish Land Law - (2nd ed, 1999)(W Green) J M Halliday, Conveyancing Law and Practice in Scotland (2nd ed, 2 vols, 1996 & 1997)(W Green) 7SCOTS PRIVATE LAW (Two papers of 3 hours each) SYLLABUS 1. Fundamental Legal Concepts and Principles. 2. Family Law. 3. Obligations - Contract, Delict and Unjustified Enrichment. 4. Property i.e. the general principles of the law of heritable property and the law of moveable property, including the acquisition of title to property, rights in respect of property and restrictions on the use of property, but excluding the technical aspects of the law of conveyancing. 5. Trusts and Succession. RECOMMENDED BOOKS General Gloag & Henderson, Introduction to the Law of Scotland (11th ed) (W Green). Wilson, Introductory Essays on Scots Law (2nd ed) (W Green). Now out of print. Elementary Works 1. CONTRACT MacQueen and Thomson, Contract Law in Scotland (2000) (Butterworths). S Woolman & J Lake, Contract (3rd ed, 2001) (W Green). 2. DELICT Thomson, Delictual Liability (4th ed, 2004) (Butterworths). 3. FAMILY LAW Thomson, Family Law in Scotland (4th ed, 2002) (Butterworths). OR Edwards & Griffiths, Family Law (1st ed, 1997) (2nd ed due June 2005). E Sutherland, Child & Family Law (1999)(T & T Clark). 4. SUCCESSION McDonald, An Introduction to the Scots Law of Succession (3rd ed, 2001.) (W Green). Meston, The Succession (Scotland) Act 1964 (5th ed, 2002) (W Green). Hiram, The Scots Law of Succession (2002) (Butterworths). Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland: Wills and Succession (Vol 25). 5. TRUSTS K McK Norrie and E M Scobbie, Trusts - (1991) (W Green). 6. PROPERTY Guthrie & McAllister, Property (1991). K Reid, Law of Property in Scotland (1996) (Butterworths). 8 More Detailed Works for Reference 1. CONTRACT McBryde, Contract (2nd ed, 2001) (W Green). 2. FAMILY LAW Clive, Husband and Wife (4th ed, 1997) (W Green). Wilkinson and Norrie, Parent and Child (2nd ed, 1999) (W Green). 3. TRUSTS Wilson & Duncan, Trusts Trustees and Executors (2nd ed, 1995) (W Green). Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland: Trusts, Trustees and Judicial Factors (Vol 24). 4. PROPERTY Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland: (Vol 18). 5. GENERAL Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland: Obligations (Vol 15) 9 EVIDENCE (One paper of 2 hours) SYLLABUS The principles of the law of evidence comprising in particular: 1. Relevance and admissibility 2. Classification of evidence, including oral, real, documentary and opinion evidence. 3. Requirements for proof including onus, standard, presumptions and judicial knowledge. 4. Sufficiency of evidence including corroboration, similar fact evidence, admissions and confessions. 5. Exclusionary rules including hearsay, privilege, character and improperly recovered evidence. 6. Witnesses: their competence, compellability and vulnerability RECOMMENDED BOOKS RECOMMENDED TEXTS F Raitt, Evidence (3rd ed, 2001) (W Green) D Sheldon, Evidence: Cases & materials (2nd ed, 2002) (W Green) More Detailed Work Of Reference A G Walker & N M L Walker), The Law of Evidence in Scotland (2000) (M Ross with J Chalmers (Butterworths) Additional Text A Brown, Criminal Evidence and Procedure : An Introduction (2nd ed, 2003)(Butterworths) NB As the law is constantly changing, candidates should make use of case and legislation citators to update textbook reading. 10SCOTS CRIMINAL LAW (One paper of 3 hours) SYLLABUS NOTE: Candidates should note that, in examination answers, they are expected to cite relevant authority. General 1. Declaratory power of the High Court. 2. Actus reus : acts & omissions. 3. Causation. 4. Art and part guilt. 5. Inchoate crimes. 6. Mens rea : The mental element. 7. Mens rea in statutory offences. 8. Intoxication, automatism, diminished responsibility and insanity. 9. Necessity, coercion, provocation, self-defence and superior orders. Specific crimes and offences 10. Murder and culpable homicide (including causing death by dangerous driving). 11. Assault and causing real injury. 12. Sexual offences. 13. Theft and aggravated thefts. 14. Robbery, fraud and embezzlement. 15. Reset. 16. Damage to property - malicious mischief and vandalism. 17. Public order offences, including breach of the peace and offensive weapons. (NB. Candidates will not be required to know in detail the various statutory provisions dealing with road traffic law. Likewise, no detailed knowledge will be required of revenue offences, betting, gaming and lotteries provisions, or game and fishing laws.) RECOMMENDED BOOKS Prescribed Texts T H Jones and M G A Christie, Criminal Law (3rd ed, 2003) (W Green) OR R A McCall Smith and D Sheldon, Scots Criminal Law (2nd ed. 1997) (Butterworths) G H Gordon, The Criminal Law of Scotland - Vol 1 General Criminal Law (2000), Vol 2 Specific Crimes (2002), (3rd ed) (W. Green) Additional Recommended Texts Gane & Stoddart, A Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law (3rd ed, 2001) (W Green) M G A Christie, Breach of the Peace (1990) (Butterworths) C H W Gane, Sexual Offences (1992) (Butterworths) P W Ferguson, Crimes against the Person - (2nd ed1998) (Butterworths) Sheehan & Dickson, Criminal Procedure - (2nd ed, 2003) (Lexis Nexis) 11TAXATION (One paper of 3 hours) SYLLABUS The paper will examine candidates knowledge of the main principles of Tax Law. Candidates are not expected to calculate tax liabilities but knowledge of relevant case law and statutory provisions is expected. A. General This includes the sources of tax law; interpretation of taxing statutes; specialities affecting Scotland; basic tax administration (including the structure of the Inland Revenue, Inland Revenue powers, self-assessment and payment of tax and tax appeals); residence, ordinary residence and domicile in tax terms; and anti-avoidance in statute and case law. B. Income Tax The capital/income distinction; classification of income by source and otherwise; total income; exempt income; employment income and allowable expenditure (and related matters, including benefits in kind); self-employed (business) income and allowable expenditure; income from letting businesses and allowable expenditure; charity taxation and donations to charity; losses; capital allowances; personal allowances; tax reliefs, including tax-favoured investments and savings; interest; miscellaneous income and Schedule D Case VI. C. Capital Gains Tax The basic concepts of the tax, including assets, disposals, acquisitions, chargeable gains, exemptions, chargeable persons, exemptions and reliefs, tax-favoured investments; valuation and market value. D. Corporation Tax The basic concepts of the tax, including the chargeable entity, residence of companies, rates of tax, income and gains of companies, distributions, franked investment income, losses, capital allowances, small companies, close investment holding companies, basic principles affecting groups of companies. E. Inheritance Tax The meaning of the main concepts, such as transfer of value, potentially exempt transfer, disposition, excluded property, associated operations, reservation of benefit; reliefs and exemptions, charges in life and on death, trusts, valuation. F. Value Added Tax & Stamp Duty The basic elements of VAT (e.g. Concept of business, supply, exempt and taxable supplies, zero-rated supplies). The basic elements of Stamp Duty (e.g. the change on sales and leases, main reliefs). 12 G. Trusts The general principles of taxation for income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax relating to trusts; the anti-avoidance rules for settlements; estates of deceased persons. RECOMMENDED BOOKS General (may be regarded as alternatives) Tiley and Collisons UK Tax Guide (Butterworths) Pinson, Revenue Law (Sweet & Maxwell) Stephen W Mayson, Revenue Law (Financial Training Publications) Whitehouse, Revenue Law, Principles and Practice (Butterworths) CCH British Tax Guide Tolleys UK Tax Guide Yellow and Orange Tax Handbooks (Butterworths) OR CCH British Tax Statutes Inland Revenue Publications (Available free of charge from HM Inspector of Taxes, local offices) ALL available on Inland Revenue website www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk - an excellent source. NOTE: Candidates are reminded of the importance of working from up-to-date editions of tax handbooks and textbooks. 13 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW (One paper of 3 hours) SYLLABUS Candidates must develop an awareness of the pervasive influence of Community law on daily practice. In particular they must develop an understanding that Community law arguments can and have been raised in all kinds of legal proceedings commercial, administrative, financial, social and in criminal cases. 1. Constitutional structure and competences of the European Union: the three pillars structure of the EU, the scope of the European Community Treaty, the powers of the Community, the allocation of competences between the Member States and the European Community. 2. The Community institutions and the legislative process. 3. Sources of Community law. 4. Community Law and national law: incorporation of Community law in the United Kingdom; the European Communities Act 1972; direct effect and supremacy; indirect effect; enforceable Community rights and remedies in UK courts. 5. Jurisdiction of and actions before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. 6. The law of the Common/Internal market: the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital; harmonisation of legislation. 7. The competition rules: restrictive practices; monopolies; oligopolies; mergers; public undertakings; state aids; internal taxation; intellectual property; enforcement. 8. Sex discrimination law. RECOMMENDED TEXTS - a choice of either of these textbooks E Deards & S Hargreaves, EU Law Textbook (OUP, 2004) M Horspool, EU Law, (3rd ed, 2003)(Butterworths) J Steiner & L Woods, Textbook on EC Law (8th ed, 2003)(OUP) ADDITIONAL READING J Tillotson & N Foster, Text, Cases and Materials on EU Law, (4th ed, 2003)(Cavendish Publishing) S Weatherill, Cases & Materials on EU Law, (6th ed, 2003)(OUP) N.B. During the examination Candidates are permitted to have to hand a clean copy of the EU and EC Treaties. This would include a copy of, Blackstones EC Legislation, N Foster (ed), EC Legislation, (which includes important Community legislation) or a copy of the EU and EC Treaties published by the Office for Official Publications of the Communities. These materials may not be annotated or marked in any way, excepting highlighting and/or underlining. 14 SCOTS COMMERCIAL LAW (Two papers of 2 hours each) SYLLABUS Paper I 1. Insurance 2. Diligence 3. Commercial paper 4. Real and personal rights in security (with the exception of standard securities) 5. Sale of Goods 8. Carriage of goods by land and sea Paper II 1. Agency 2. Partnership (including limited partnership and limited liability partnership) 3. Companies 4. Personal and company Insolvency RECOMMENDED BOOKS RECOMMENDED TEXTS Davidson & Macgregor, Commercial Law in Scotland (2003)(W Green) A D M Forte (ed), Scots Commercial Law (1997) (Butterworths) OR Enid Marshall, Scots Commercial Law (3rd ed, 1997) (Sweet & Maxwell) Now out of print. These texts give good general coverage of most of the areas covered by the syllabus and are the latest editions, but there have been important developments in the law since some of these books were published and attention is drawn to the general guidelines which state that candidates will be expected to be aware of such developments. Out of print books may be available in libraries etc. ADDITIONAL READING The undernoted texts give more detailed coverage of particular areas of the syllabus by way of reference candidates may particularly wish to refer to them where they are more up to date than the general texts, although the general guidelines referred to above still apply. General Cusine & Forte, Scottish Cases & Materials in Commercial law (2nd ed, still forthcoming)(Butterworths) Gloag and Henderson, Introduction to the Law of Scotland (11th ed, 2001) (W Green/Sweet & Maxwell) Insurance J Birds & N Hird, Birds Modern Insurance Law (6th ed, Sept 2004) (Sweet & Maxwell) 15Diligence Logan : Practical Debt Recovery (2001)(Butterworths) D J Cusine and G Maher, The Law and Practice of Diligence (1990) (Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland) Rights in Security over Moveables D L Carey Miller, Corporeal Moveables in Scots Law, Ch 11 (1991) (W. Green) Sale of Goods P Dobson, Sale of Goods and Consumer Credit (6th ed, 2000) (Sweet & Maxwell) P Atiyah, J Adams & H MacQueen, Sale of Goods (10th ed, 2001) (Harlow, Longman) Agency G H L Fridman, The Law of Agency (7th ed, 1996) (Butterworths) Now out of print. Partnership J B Miller, The Law of Partnership in Scotland (2nd ed, 1994) (W Green) David A Bennett, An Introduction to the Law of Partnership in Scotland (1995) (W. Green) Morse & others (eds), Palmers Limited Liability Partnership Law (2002) (Sweet & Maxwell) Company N Grier, Company Law (2002)(Sweet & Maxwell) Gaver & Davies, Gowers Principles of Company Law (7th ed, 2003) (Sweet & Maxwell) B Pillans and N Bourne, Scottish Company Law (2nd ed, 1999) (Cavendish) J Dine, Company Law (4th ed, 2001) (Palgrove) (Law Masters Series) Insolvency S Davies, Insolvency and the Enterprise Act 2002, (2003)(Jordans) W W McBryde, Bankruptcy (2nd ed, 1995) (W Green/Sweet & Maxwell) D W McKenzie Skene, Insolvency Law in Scotland (1999) (T & T Clark) St Clair and Drummond Young, The Law of Corporate Insolvency in Scotland (3rd ed, Oct 2004) (Butterworths) W A Wilson, The Scottish Law of Debt (2nd ed, 1991) (W Green/Sweet & Maxwell) Now out of print. 16ACCOUNTING (Two papers of 3 hours each) N.B. 1. Those taking the Diploma in Legal Practice Course do not require this subject. 2. Candidates wishing to take this examination are asked to notify the Society as quickly as possible as an examination will not automatically be prepared in this subject. SYLLABUS 1. General principles of bookkeeping. 2. The preparation of profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. 3. The analysis and interpretation of accounts of limited companies, including accounting principles and ratios. 4. Solicitors Accounts Rules. 5. Trust and executry accounts and schemes of division. 6. Elementary investment practice, including investments by trustees. 7. Financial management of solicitors practices. RECOMMENDED BOOKS Prescribed Texts Professor Michael Morley, Accounting for Scottish Executries and Trusts (Law Society of Scotland) Now out of print Watson & Watson, Business Accounting for Solicitors (Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland) J R Dyson, Accounting for Non-Accounting Students (latest edition) (Pitman Publishing) Recommended Texts Geoffrey Holmes & Alan Sugden, Interpreting Company Reports and Accounts (Latest edition) (Woodhead Faulkner) Solicitors (Scotland) Accounts Rules, Accounts Certificates, Professional Practice and Guarantee Fund Rules 2001. A Simple Guide to the Accounts Rules, Accounts Certificates, Professional Practice and Guarantee Fund Rules 2001. Guidance on Capital Adequacy Access to: Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs) (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) J Wardhaugh, Trust Law and Accounts (1951) (W Green) Now out of print. Webster, Professional Ethics & Practice for Scottish Solicitors (4th ed 2004) (Avizandum) 17PROCEDURE (One paper of 2 hours) N.B. 1. Those taking the Diploma in Legal Practice course do not require this subject. 2. Candidates wishing to take this examination are asked to notify the Society as quickly as possible as an examination will not automatically be prepared in this subject. SYLLABUS Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:- A. CIVIL PROCEDURE The courts in which proceedings are brought and the procedural rules which apply to them, including jurisdiction The remedies and orders which may be sought The steps which must be taken in the conduct of common types of action including relevant time-limits The major court related documents including initial writs, summonses, petitions, defences, answers, motions, minutes and interlocutors Common ancillary procedures such as amendment, default, summary decree, tenders and extra-judicial settlement The award of expenses and their taxation Rights of appeal and the need for leave to appeal Enforcement of court orders Legal aid and other methods of funding litigation B. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE The courts in which proceedings are brought The legislation and procedural rules covering basic sequence of events in criminal cases, both summary and on indictment, from the accuseds arrest/arrival at the police station to conviction and sentence, including all relevant time limits Bail Rights of appeal and appeal procedure Legal aid RECOMMENDED BOOKS Civil Procedure Greens Sheriff Court Rules (Reprinted from The Parliament House Book) (latest edition) (Green) Greens Annotated Rules of the Court of Session (Reprinted from The Parliament House Book) (latest edition) (Green) OR (Parliament House Book Volumes I and II contain the same materials) Macphail, Sheriff Court Practice (2nd ed, 1998 Vol 1/2002 Vol II) (Green) Hennessy, Civil Procedure and Practice (2000) (Green) 18 Criminal Procedure Greens Criminal Court Statutes (Reprinted from The Parliament House Book) (latest edition) (Green) OR Renton & Brown, Criminal Procedure legislation (and updates) (Green) OR Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, Greens Annotated Acts (latest edition)(Green) Renton & Brown, Criminal Procedure (6th ed and updates) (Green) Brown, Criminal Evidence and Procedure An Introduction (2nd ed, 2002)(Butterworths) Sheehan & Dickson, Criminal Procedure (2nd ed, 2003)(Butterworths) POSSIBLY USEFUL BOOKS G Maher & D J Cusine, The Law and Practice of Diligence (1990) (Butterworths & LSS) Anton & Beaumont, Civil Jurisdiction in Scotland (2nd ed, 1995) (Green) S A Bennett, Style Writs for the Sheriff Court (3rd ed, 2001) (Barnestoneworth) 19 PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY (One paper of 3 hours) N.B. 1. Those taking the Diploma in Legal Practice course do not require this subject. 2. Candidates wishing to take this examination are asked to notify the Society as quickly as possible as an examination will not automatically be prepared in this subject. SYLLABUS 1. Professionalism, the Law Society and forms of practice. 2. Standards, Complaints, Discipline and the Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman. Professional entry requirements; requirements for practice; competence; professional negligence and professional misconduct; inadequate professional services; complaints and disciplinary procedures. Indemnity insurance and the Guarantee Fund. 3. The Client/Lawyer Relationship - Ethical Aspects. Initial overtures (directories, advertising and marketing); establishing the relationship (retainers); the extent of a lawyers authority; confidentiality/professional privilege; conflicts of interest; client property; fees, charging and taxation; termination of the relationship. 4. Obligations to others - Duties to the Court; duties to witnesses; duties to professional colleagues (including the obligation to pay counsels fees); duties to staff; duties to third parties in general. RECOMMENDED BOOKS AND MATERIALS Paterson, Diploma Materials on Professional Ethics and Conduct (latest edition) J H Webster, Professional Ethics & Practice for Scottish solicitors (4th ed, 2004)(Avizandum Press) Codes of Conduct (2002) (Law Society of Scotland) Solicitors Professional Handbook (W Green) (latest edition) J Ryder, Professional Conduct for Scottish Solicitors (1995) (Butterworths) I Smith & J Barton, Procedures and Decisions of the Scottish Solicitors Discipline Tribunal (1995) (T & T Clark) 20 LAW SOCIETY EXAMINATIONS Candidates are NOT PERMITTED to take any books into the following examinations:- Public Law and the Legal System Scots Criminal Law Evidence Accounting BOOKS PERMITTED IN EXAMINATION HALL ALL MATERIALS MUST BE BARE TEXT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE ANNOTATED OR MARKED IN ANY WAY, EXCEPT BY HIGHLIGHTING, UNDERLINING OR POST-ITS Candidates are permitted to take any unannotated statutes into the exam hall for the following exams:- Scots Private Law Scots Commercial Law Conveyancing Taxation Procedure European Community Law - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Candidates are permitted to take into the exam hall ONLY The Solicitors Professional Handbook and The Code of Conduct for Scottish Solicitors for the Professional Responsibility exam Candidates own material will NOT be permitted Material downloaded from the web is permitted. However, any downloaded materials taken into the exam hall must be submitted to the Invigilators with the candidates answer paper. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 1 The Faculty Reading Lists for Part I papers are revised annually to a greater or lesser extent. In designing examinations, setters take into account both reading lists operative during a two-year period. HISTORICAL TRIPOS PART I PAPER 8 & PAPER 7 c.1050-1150 READING LIST FOR ENGLISH ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY c.1050-1500 Please note that this list is neither prescriptive nor comprehensive. It does not constitute a syllabus. It is intended primarily for supervisors, especially those just starting to teach the subject, to act as a guide to the scope of the subject and the range of the reading-matter available. The reading lists are deliberately wide-ranging and extensive so that they can form a basis from which supervisors coming new to a topic can construct their own shorter supervision reading-lists. While the list is not intended to be an official reading-list for undergraduates, students will be encouraged to obtain a copy (from the Faculty Office), as it may draw their attention to subjects they had not thought of studying for their weekly essays and further reading which they might find of interest. For the part of Paper 7 up to the Conquest, there is a list, covering all aspects of Anglo-Saxon history, obtainable from the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic. Copies of this are available from the History Faculty Office. Examples of Tripos questions and illustrations of ways in which topics are sometimes combined can be found by reference to past Tripos papers (available in the U.L., the Seeley Library and most college libraries) Please would you draw the list to the attention of anybody you know to be teaching this paper for the first time. Any comments, suggestions and amendments should be sent to Professor John Hatcher, Corpus Christi College, for sections 1 13 and Dr Christine Carpenter, New Hall, for sections 14 - 32. 2 READING LIST FOR ENGLISH ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY c. 1066-1500 1 Demography and Population Studies 2 Prices, Wages and Standards of living 3 Population, Resources and Economic Development 4 Women in Town and Countryside 5 Eleventh-Century England and Domesday Book a) General b) Rural and agrarian c) Towns, trade and industry 6 Rural Society and the Agrarian Economy 1100-1500 a) Introductory and general b) Estate and regional studies c) Rural social structure and village communities d) Land market, family structures and social differentiation e) Freedom and villeinage f) Landlords: incomes, consumption and investment g) Farming practices and techniques h) Estate management 7 Economic Trends a) The twelfth century b) 1200-1350 c) Population pressure and standards of living 1275-1348 d) The Black Death e) The Later Middle Ages 8 Popular Discontent 9 The Peasants\\' Revolt 10 Towns a) Introductory and general b) Town histories c) Town government and society d) Late medieval towns 11 Industries and Industrial Organisation a) Gilds and crafts b) Cloth industry c) Mining d) Miscellaneous industries 12 Trade, Markets and Merchants a) Overseas trade b) Markets and internal trade c) Merchants and credit d) Jews and the economy 13 Archaeology 3 14 Crime, Criminals and Policing a) Law enforcement and legal administration b) Law and society c) Particular studies 15 Outlaw Literature a) Texts b) Discussion 16 Lay Literacy a) Medieval studies b) Comparative studies from other periods 17 Education a) Primary and secondary schooling b) The Universities 18 The monastic orders in England 1066-1200 a) Monasticism in Europe b) In England 19 The Friars 20 The English church in the later middle ages a) General b) Particular studies 21 Lay Piety a) Church and society b) Texts and other sources 22 John Wyclif and Lollardy a) Wyclif b) Wyclif and Lollardy 23 The Family and Marriage in England c. 1250-1500 a) General b) The aristocratic family c) Merchants and townsmen (and women) d) The peasant family e) Gender and masculinity 24 The Structure of Land Owning Society c. 1066-1500 a) Barons and knights b) \\'The crisis of the knightly class\\' c) Nobles and gentry 25 \\'Feudalism\\' a) The \\'Old\\' debate b) The \\'New\\' re-evaluation c) Studies of individual baronies 26 Bastard Feudalism a) General b) Individual affinities c) Crime, conflict and settlement d) Local studies 4 27 Aristocratic Values and Consumption Patterns c.1066-1500 a) Chivalry c. 1066-1500 b) Consumption patterns of lay landowners c.1200-1500 28 Social Mobility a) General b) Into and within nobility and gentry c) Lawyers and administrators d) Merchants and townsmen e) Peasants and yeomen 29 Aliens in English Society 30 Poverty and Charity 31 Intellectual Developments 1050-1300 32 The Arts in England c.1066-1500 a) Architecture b) Sculpture, precious metals etc. c) Painting and Illumination d) Literature e) Music f) General discussions and problems in patronage 5 General and Introductory Works M.M. Postan, The Medieval Economy and Society. J.L. Bolton, The Medieval English Economy. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change,1086-1348. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts. 1086-1348. R.H.Britnell, The Commercialization of English Society, 1000-1500. M. Keen, English Society in the Late Middle Ages, 1348-1500. J. Hatcher, Plague, Population and the English Economy, 1348-1530. S.H. Rigby, English Society in the Late Middle Ages. R H Britnell and B M S Campbell (eds.) A Commercialisinge conomy: England 1086-c.1300. R.H.Britnell and J. Hatcher (eds.) Progress and Problems in Medieval England. I.D. Whyte, Scotland before the Industrial Revolution (1995). S. Duffy, Ireland in the Middle Ages (1997). A.D. Carr, Medieval Wales (1995). J. Hatcher and M. Bailey, Modelling the Middle Ages: The history and theory of Englands economic development (2001). C. Dyer, Making a living in the Middle Ages (2003) 1 Demography and Population Studies M.M. Postan, Medieval Agrarian Society in its Prime: England, in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I (1966 edn) ed. M.M. Postan. (Not exclusively concerned with population, but a classic statement of the importance of population in economic development). J.Z. Titow, Some evidence of thirteenth-century population increase, EcHR, 1961. B.M.S. Campbell, People and Land in the middle ages, in R.A. Dodgshon and R.A. Butlin (eds), An Historical Geography of England and Wales. H.E. Hallam (ed.) Agrarian History of England, vol II, 1042-1350 Chapter 5 (exercise great caution). J. Hatcher, Plague, population and the English Economy, 1348-1530. R.M. Smith, Human Resources in G. Astill and A. Grant (eds) The Countryside of Medieval England. R.M. Smith, Demographic developments in Rural England, 1300-1348: a survey, in B.M.S.Campbell (ed), Before the Black Death. R.M. Smith, Some Reflections on the evidence for the origins of the European marriage pattern in England, in C. Harris (ed) The Sociology of the Family. L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death, espec. Chapters 5-10. L.R. Poos, The Rural Population of Essex in the Late Middle Ages, EcHR, 1985. Z. Razi, Life, Marriage and Death in a Medieval Parish: Economy, Society and Demography in Halesowen, 1270-1400. E. Miller (ed) Agrarian History of England, vol III, 1348-1500, chapter 1. J.M.W. Bean, Plague, Population and Economic Decline in England in the Late Middle Ages, EcHR, 1963. S, Thrupp, The Problem of Replacement Rates in late Medieval English Population, EcHR, 1965. J. Hatcher, Mortality in the Fifteenth Century: some new evidence, EcHR, 1986. J. Goldberg, Women, work and life-cycle in a Medieval Economy. B. Harvey, Living and Dying in Medieval England: the monastic experience, ch. IV. M. Bailey, Demographic decline in Late Medieval England: some thoughts on recent research, EcHR, Feb.1996. B. Harvey and J. Oeppen, Patterns of morbidity in late medieval England, EcHR, 2001. 2 Money, Prices, Wages and Standards of Living D.L. Farmer, Crop yields, Prices and Wages in Medieval England, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (1983). D.L. Farmer, Prices and Wages, 1042-1350, in Agrarian History of England and Wales, vol.II, ed. H.E. Hallam. D.L. Farmer, Prices and Wages, 1350-1500 in Agrarian History of England and Wales, vol. III, ed. E. Miller. 6 E.H. Phelps Brown and S. Hopkins, A Perspective of Prices and Wages, chapters 1-3. P.D.A. Harvey, The English Inflation of 1180-1220, Past and Present, 1973. M. Mate, High Prices in early fourteenth-century England: causes and consequences, EcHR, 1973. N. Mayhew, Numismatic Evidence and falling prices in the fourteenth century, EcHR, 1974. N. Mayhew, Money and Prices in England from Henry II to Edward III, AgHR, 1987. M. Allen, The volume of the English currency, 1158-1470, EcHR, 2001. J. Day, The Medieval Market Economy. S. Penn and C. Dyer Wages and earnings in Late Medieval England, EcHR 1990. T.H. Lloyd, The Movement of Wool Prices in Medieval England. P. Spufford, Money and its Uses in Medieval Europe. M. Prestwich, Edward Is monetary policies and their consequences, EcHR, 1969. C. Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages. N. Mayhew, Population, money supply and the velocity of circulation in England 1300 1700, EcHR, 1995. E. Gemmill and N. Mayhew, Changing Values in medieval Scotland: a study of prices, money and measures (1996). P. Latimer, Wages in late 12th and early 13th century England, Haskins Society Journal, ix (1997) P. Latimer, The English inflation of 1180-1220 reconsidered, Past and Present, 2001. See also section 7(c) 3 Population, Resources and Economic Development (works of a theoretical or methodological nature) D.B. Grigg, Population Growth and Agrarian Change. E.A. Wrigley, Population and History, chapters 1-4. E. Boserup, Population and Technology. M. Livi-Bacci, Population and Nutrition. K.G. Persson, Pre-Industrial Economic growth: Social Organisation and Technical Progress in Europe. T.H. Aston (ed), The Brenner Debate. R.H. Hilton (ed), The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. N. Hybel, Crisis or Change: The Concept of Crisis in the Light of Agrarian Structural Reorganization in Late Medieval England. P. Gatrell, Studies of Medieval English Society in a Russian context, Past and Present,1982. S.H. Rigby, Marxism and History: a critical introduction. J. Hatcher and M. Bailey, Modelling the Middle Ages (2001). D. Wood, Medieval Economic Thought (2002) 4 Women in Town and Country (see also 23, below) J.M. Bennett, Women in the English Medieval Countryside. B.A. Hanawalt (ed) Women and Work in Pre-industrial Europe. B.A. Hanawalt, The Ties that Bound: Peasant families in Medieval England. E. Power, Medieval Women. S.A.C. Penn, Female Wage-earners in late-fourteenth-century England, AgHR, 1987. J. Rosenthal, Aristocratic Widows in Fifteenth-Century England in B.J. Harris and J.A.McNamara (eds) Women and the Structure of Society. S.M. Stuard (ed), Women in Medieval Society. R.H. Hilton, Women Traders in Medieval England and Lords, burgesses and hucksters in Class Conflict and the Crisis of Feudalism. J. Whittle, A comparative perspective on women and landholding in north-east Norfolk, 1440-1580, Continuity and Change, 1999. L. Charles and L. Duffin (eds), Women and Work in Pre-Industrial England. P.J. Goldberg (ed), \"Woman is a Worthy Wight\": Women in English Society 1200-1500. P.J. Goldberg, Women, Work and Life-Cycle in a Medieval Economy: York. P.J. Goldberg, Women in England, 1275-1525: documentary sources. C. Middleton, Feudal lords and the subordination of peasant women, Sociological Review 1981. 7 R.M. Smith, Womens property rights under customary law, TRHS, 1986. S.H. Rigby, English Society in the Late Middle Ages ch.7. C. Barron and A. Sutton (eds.), Medieval London Widows. 1300-1500. T. North, Legerwite in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Past and Present, 1986. H. Leyser, Medieval Women: a social history of women in England, 450-1500. P.J. Goldberg, Women in England, c.1275-1525: documentary sources (1995). M. Mate, Daughters, wives and widows after the Black Death (1998). S. Bardsley, Womens work reconsidered: gender and wage differentiation in late medieval England, Past and Present, 1999 and debate in Past and Present, 2001. M. Mate, Women in medieval English Society (2000) 5. Eleventh-Century England and Domesday Book a) General S. Harvey, Domesday England in Agrarian History of England and Wales, II (ed H.E.Hallam F.W. Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond (1960 edn.) (with introduction by E. Miller). H.R. Loyn, Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest (2nd edn). M. Chibnall, Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1166. J. Holt (ed) Domesday Studies. H.C. Darby, Domesday England. R.W. Finn, The Norman Conquest and its Effects on the Economy. J. McDonald). and G. Snooks, Domesday Economy: a New Approach to Anglo-Norman History. W. Kapelle, The Norman Conquest of the North, chapter 3. P.H. Sawyer, The wealth of eleventh-century England, TRHS, 1965. D.M. Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England. R.W. Finn, An Introduction to Domesday Book. V.H. Galbraith, The Making of Domesday Book. P.H. Sawyer (ed.), Domesday Book: a Reassessment. R. Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law: society and legal custom in early medieval England (1998). D. Roffe, Domesday: The inquest and the book (2000). J. Campbell The English economy in the eleventh century, in Essays in Anglo-Saxon History, 400- 1200. C. Holdsworth (ed.) Domesday Essays. N. Higham, Domesday Survey: contecteral purpose, History (1993). R. Faith, The English Peasantry and the growth of Lordship (1997). D.A.E. Pelteret, Slavery in early medieval England (1995). J.S. Moore, Quot homines? The population of Domesday England, Anglo-Norman Studies, xix (1996). b) Rural England and Agrarian History R. Lennard, Rural England, 1086-1135. S. Harvey, Domesday England in Agrarian History of England and Wales, II, ed. H.E.Hallam. S. Harvey, The extent and profitability of demesne agriculture in England in the late eleventh century, in T.H. Aston et al (eds), Social Relations and Ideas. H.P.R.Finberg, Anglo-Saxon England to 1042, in Agrarian History of England and Wales, Iii, ed.H.P.R. Finberg. R. Faith, The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship (1997). c) Towns, Trade and Industry D.M. Palliser (ed), Cambridge Urban History, c.600-1540, ch.2, 10, 11. D. Hill, Trends in the development of towns during the reign of Ethelred II in D. Hill (ed) Ethelred the Unready. R. Hodges and B. Hobley (eds) The Rebirth of Towns in the West, AD 700-1050. H.R. Loyn, Towns in late Anglo-Saxon England, in P. Clemoes (ed), England before the Conquest. 8 M. Gardiner, Shipping and trade between England and the continent during the 11th century, Anglo-Norman Studies, xxii (1999). A.R. Lewis, The Northern Seas. M.A.S. Blackburn (ed) Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. R. Hodges, Dark Age Economics: the Origins of Towns and Trade. S.R.H. Jones, Devaluation and the balance of payments in 11th century England, EcHR, 1991. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England Towns: Commerce and Crafts, ch. 1. 6 Rural Society and the Agrarian Economy 1100-1500 a) General and Introductory M. Postan, Medieval Agrarian Society in its Prime: England Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I (1966 ed) Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol II, 1042-1350 ed. H.E. Hallam. M. Postan, Medieval Agriculture and General Problems. J.Z. Titow, English Rural Society, 1200-1350. G. Astill and A. Grant (eds) The Countryside of Medieval England. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change, 1086-1348. W.G. Hoskins, The Making of the English Landscape. E. Miller (ed.), Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol III, 1350-1500 R.H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Late Middle Ages. N. Higham, Domesday Survey: conjectural purpose, History (1993). R. Faith, The English Peasantry and the growth of Lordship (1997). R.M. Smith, The English Peasantry 1250-1600, in T. Scott (ed.), The Peasantries of Europe from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries (1998). R. Horrox (ed), Fifteenth-Century attitudes: perceptions of society (1997). M.K. McIntosh, Controlling misbehaviour in England, 1370-1600 (1998) and the discussion in Journal of British Studies, 1999. C. Dyer, Everyday Life in Medieval England. P. Schofield, Peasant and Community in Medieval England, 1200-1500 (2002) b) Estate and Regional Studies R.H. Hilton, A Medieval Society: the West Midlands. C. Dyer, Lords and Peasants: bishopric of Worcester. B. Harvey, Westminster Abbey and its estates. E. King, Peterborough Abbey. E. Miller, Abbey and bishopric of Ely. M. Bailey, A Marginal Economy? East Anglian Breckland. G.A. Holmes, Estates of the Higher Nobility in 14th Century. J. Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500. M. McIntosh, Autonomy and Community: royal manor of Havering, 1200-1500. J.A. Raftis, Estates of Ramsey Abbey. P.D.A. Harvey, A Medieval Oxfordshire Village: Cuxham. H.P.R. Finberg, Tavistock Abbey. H.E. Hallam, Settlement and Society: South Lincolnshire. S. Raban, The Estates of Thorney and Crowland. R.A.L. Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory. L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525. H.M. Jewell, The North-South Divide: Northern Consciousness in Medieval England. A. Pollard, North Eastern England in the Wars of the Roses. R. Lomas, North-east England in the middle ages (1992). c) Rural Social Structure and Village Communities G.C. Homans, English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century. 9 R.M. Smith (ed), Land, Kinship and Life-Cycle. P.D. Harvey (ed), The Peasant Land Market in Medieval England. B. Hanawalt, The Ties that Bound: Peasant families in Medieval England. J.M. Bennett, Women in the Medieval English Countryside. A. Macfarlane, The Origins of English Individualism. Z. Razi, Life, Marriage and Death: Halesowen 1270-1400. E. Britton, Community of the Vill: Family and Village Life in 14th England Century. E.B. Dewindt, Land and People in Holywell-cum-Needingworth. J.A. Raftis, Tenure and Mobility: Studies in the Social History of the Medieval English Village. R.J. Faith, Peasant families and Inheritance Customs in Medieval England, AgHR, 1966. Z. Razi Family, Land and the village community in late medieval England, Past and Present, 1981. Z. Razi, The Myth of the Immutable English Family, Past and Present, 1993/4. L.R.Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525. R.H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages. R.H. Hilton, Class Conflict and the Crisis of Feudalism (various essays). Z. Razi and R.M. Smith (eds.), Medieval Society and the Manor Court (1996). R. Hutton, The Rise and Fall of Merry England, 1400-1700. J.A. Raftis (ed) Pathways to Medieval Peasants. W.O. Ault, Open-field farming in medieval England. P. Gatrell, Studies of Medieval English society in a Russian context, Past and Present, 1982. Z. Razi and R. Smith (eds) Medieval Society and the Manor Court (1996). K. Wrightson, Medieval Villagers in perspective, Peasant Studies, 1978. E.A. Kosminsky, Studies in the Agrarian History of England in the Thirteenth Century. P. Freedman, Images of the medieval peasant. d) The Rural Land Market, Peasant Family Structures and Social Differentiation P. Hyams, The Origins of the Peasant Land Market, EcHR, 1970. M. Postan, Carte Nativorum, introduction; reprinted in Postan Essays in Medieval Agriculture. E. King, Peterborough Abbey, 1086-1310, chapter 6. R.H. Hilton, Reasons for Inequality among Medieval Peasants in Jnl of Peasant Studies 1977-8 and Hilton, Class Conflict. B. Dodwell, Holdings and inheritance in Medieval East Anglia, EcHR, 1967. A. Macfarlane, The Origins of English Individualism. P.D.A. Harvey (ed.) The Peasant Land Market in Medieval England, esp. ch. 1,2,6. R.M. Smith (ed.), Land, Kinship and life-cycle, esp. ch. 1-8. Z. Razi, \\'Family, Land and the village community in late medieval England, Past and Present, 1981. Z. Razi, The Toronto School\\'s Reconstruction of Medieval Peasant Society, Past and Present, 1979. Z. Razi, The Myth of the Immutable Peasant Family, Past and Present, 1993/4. J.A. Raftis, Tenure and Mobility. C. Howell, Land, Family and Inheritance in Transition. R. Faith, Peasant Families and Inheritance Customs, AgHR, 1966. P. Schofield, Tenurial developments and the availability of customary land in a late medieval community, EcHR, 1996. J.A. Raftis, Peasant Economic Developments within the Manorial System (1997). J. Whittle, Individualism and the family-land-bond: a reassessment of transfer patterns Among the English peasantry, P & P, 1998. B. Hanawault, The ties that bound e) Freedom and Villeinage R.L. Poole, The Obligations of Society in 12th and 13th centuries. F. Pollock and F.W. Maitland, History of English Law, vol. I. P. Vinogradoff, Villeinage in England. P. Hyams, King, lords and peasants in Medieval England. R.H. Hilton, Freedom and Villeinage in England, Past and Present, 1965. J. Hatcher, English Serfdom and Villeinage: towards a reassessment, Past and Present, 1981. 10 J. Kanzaka, \\'Villein rents in thirteenth-century England\\', EcHR 2002. R.M. Smith, Some thoughts on Hereditary and Proprietory Rights in Land under Customary Law, Law and History Review, 1983. J. Scammell, Freedom and Marriage in Medieval England, EcHR, 1974. E. Searle, Seigneurial Control of Womens Marriage, Past and Present, 1979. See also the debate on merchet in Past and Present, 1983. D.A. Carpenter, English Peasants in Politics, 1258-67, Past and Present, 1992. T. North, Legerwrite in the 13th and 14th centuries, Past and Present, 1986. R.H. Hilton, The Decline of Serfdom. S.F.C. Milsom, The Legal Framework of English Feudalism (introductory). or S.F.C. Milsom, Historical Foundations of the Common Law (2nd edn.) Chapter 8 (advanced). R.H.Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, chapters 3, 6, 9. T. Aston (ed) The Brenner Debate. D.A.E. Pelteret, Slavery in early medieval England (1995). R. Faith, English Peasantry and Growth of Lordship. f) Landlords, Incomes, Consumption and Investment i) The Great Lay and Ecclesiastical Landlords C. Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages. M. Altschul, A Baronial Family in Medieval England: The Clares 1217-1314. J.R. Maddicott, Thomas of Lancaster 1307-22. M.W. Labarge, A baronial household in the 13th century. J.H.R. Moorman, Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century. I. Kershaw, Bolton Priory. The economy of a northern monastery 1286-1323. R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory 1400-50. R.H. Snape, English Monastic Finances. J.M.W. Bean, Landlords 1350-1500 in Agrarian History of England and Wales, III i, ed. E. Miller. G. Holmes, The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Fourteenth-Century England. K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England. R.H. Hilton, A Crisis of Feudalism, Past and Present, 1978 and T.H. Aston(ed) The Brenner Debate. R.H. Hilton, Rent and Capital Formation in Feudal Society in The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages. M.M. Postan, Investment in Medieval Agriculture, Journal of Economic History, 1967. H.L. Gray, Incomes from Land in England in 1436, EHR, 1934. K. Mertes, The English Noble Household, 1250-1600. M. Mate, The indebtedness of Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1215-95, EcHR, 1973. S. Raban, Mortmain Legislation and the English Church, 1279-1500. S. Raban, The land market and the aristocracy in the thirteenth century in D.Greenaway, E.Holdsworth and J. Sayers ed. Tradition and Change, 1985. B. Harvey, Living and Dying in Medieval England: the monastic experience. D. Crouch, The Image of Aristocracy in Britain, 1000-1300. C.M. Woolgar, The Great Households in late medieval England (1999). ii) Gentry and Lesser Landlords S. Harvey, The knights and the knights fee in England, Past and Present, 1970. D.F. Fleming, Landholding by milites in Domesday Book: a revision in Anglo-Norman Studies, 13. P.R. Coss, Sir Geoffrey Langley and the crisis of the knightly class in 13th century England, Past and Present, 1975. D.A. Carpenter, Was there a crisis of the knightly class in the thirteenth century?, EHR, 1981. R.H. Britnell, Minor landlords in England and medieval agrarian capitalism, Past and Present ,1980. E. King Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England, Past and Present, 1970. N. Saul, Knights and Esquires: the Gloucestershire Gentry in the Fourteenth Century. M.C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity: a study of Warwickshire Landed Society, 1401-99, Part I. 11 M.K. Jones ed, The Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe. N. Saul, Scenes from Provisional life: Knightly families in Sussex, 1280-1400. S. Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry in the Fifteenth Century, chapter 2. R.H. Britnell, The Pastons and their Norfolk, Agricultural Hist. Rev, 1988. P.R. Coss, Lordship, Knighthood and Locality, ch. 4. C. Moreton, The Townshends and their World. P.R. Coss, The formation of the English gentry, Past and Present, 1995. P.R. Coss, The Knight in Medieval England (1997). P.J. Jeffries, Profitable 14th century legal practice and landed investment, Southern History, 1993. K. Faulkner, The transformation of knighthood in early 13th century England, EHR, 1996. See also sections 24 a-c below g) Farming Practices and Techniques Agrarian History of England and Wales, vol. II, ed H.E. Hallam, chapter 4; vol III, ed.E. Miller, chapter 3. B.M.S. Campbell, English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450 (2000). A.R.H. Baker ed R.A. Butlin, Fields System in the British Isles. B.M.S. Campbell, Agricultural Progress in Medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk, EchR, 1983. B.M.S. Campbell and M. Overton (eds) Land, Labour and Livestock. R.H. Britnell, Agricultural Technology and the Margin of Cultivation in the 14th century EcHR, 1977. J.J. Titow, Winchester Yields. D.L. Farmer, Grain yields on the Winchester Manors in the Later Middle Ages, EcHR, 1977. H.S.A. Fox, The chronology of enclosure and economic development in medieval Devon, EcHR, 1975. L. White Jr, Medieval Technology and Social Change. J.Z. Titow English Rural Society, 1200-1350, pp 37-42. R.H. Hilton, Technical determinism: the stirrip and the plough Past and Present No. 24. B.M.S. Campbell, Arable productivity in medieval England Journal of Economic History, 1983. J. Langdon, Horses, oxen and Technological Innovation. M. Bailey, The evolution of the fold course system in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, AgHR, 1990. W.H. Long, Low yields of corn in medieval England, EcHR, 1979. K. Biddick, The Other Economy: pastoral husbandry on a medieval estate. M. Mate, Medieval agrarian practices, AgHR, 1985. D. Postles, Cleaning the Medieval arable AgHR, 1989. P. Brandon, Demesne farming in coastal Sussex in the late middle ages, AgHR, 1971. B. Campbell and M. Overton, A new perspective on medieval and early modern agriculture, c.1250- 1850, Past and Present, 1993. D. Stone, The productivity of hired and customary labour, EcHR, 1997. B.H.S. Cambell et.al., The demesne-farming systems of the post-Black Death England, AgHR, 1996. B.M.S. Campbell, Matching supply to demand: crop production and disposal in the century of the Black Death, JEH, 1997. D. Stone, \\'Medieval farm management and technological mentalities\\', EcHR, 2001. i) Livestock-farming K. Biddick, The Other Economy: pastoral husbandry on a medieval estate. M. Postan, Village Livestock in the 13th Century, EcHR, 1962. J. Langdon, Horses, Oxen and Technological Innovation. J. Birrell, Deer and deer farming in medieval England, AgHR, 1992. M. Bailey, The rabbit and the medieval East Anglian economy, AgHR, 1988. T.H. Lloyd, The Medieval Wool Trade. M. Stephenson, Wool Yields in the Medieval Economy, EcHR, 1988. D. Stone, \\'The productivity and management of sheep in late medieval England\\'. AgHR, 2003. 12 ii) Colonization and Settlement The Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1042-1348, vol. II, ed H.E. Hallam, chapter 3. The Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1348-1500, vol. III, ed. E. Miller, chapter 2. W. G. Hoskins, The Making of the English Landscape. J.Z. Titow, Some differences between manors, AgHR, 1962. T.A.M. Bishop, Assarting and the growth of the open fields, EcHR, 1935. M. Aston, D. Austin and C. Dyer (eds), The Rural Settlements of Medieval England. B.K. Roberts, The Making of the English Village. C. Lewis, P. Mitchell-Fox, C.Dyer, Village, hamlet and field: medieval settlements in central England (1997). h) Estate Management D. Oschinsky, Walter of Henley. N. Denholm-Young, Seigneural Administration in England. M. Bailey (ed.), The English manor, c.1200-1500 (2002) R.H. Hilton, Rent and Capital Formation in English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages. M.M. Postan, Investment in Medieval Agriculture, Journal of Economic History, 1968. E. Stone, Profit and Loss Accountancy at Norwich Cathedral Priory, TRHS, 1962. See also sections 6 (b) and (f) 7 Economic Trends in Rural England a) The Twelfth Century E. Miller, England in the 12th and 13th centuries: An Economic Contrast, EcHR, 1971. M. Postan, The Chronology of the Labour Services, in Postan, Medieval Agriculture. Debate between M. Postan and R. Lennard in EcHR 1952-3, 1955-6, 1956-7 and 1975 and between M. Postan and A.R. Bridbury in EcHR 1975. P.D.A. Harvey, The Pipe Rolls and the Adoption of Demesne Farming, EcHR, 1974. P.D.A. Harvey, The English Inflation of 1180-1220, Past and Present, 1973. R. Faith, Demesne resources and labour rent on the manors of St. Pauls Cathedral, 1066- 1222. H.E. Butler (ed) The Chronicle of Jocelin de Brakeland. R. Faith, Demesne resources and labour rent on the manors of St. Pauls Cathedral, ECHR, 1994. E. King, Economic development in the early twelfth century, in Britnell and Hatcher, Progress and Problems. P. Latimer, The English inflation of 1180-1200 reconsidered, Past and Present, 2001. See also works by Dyer, Harvey, King, Miller and Raftis in section 6 (b). b) The Thirteenth and early Fourteenth Centuries E. Miller, The English Economy in the Thirteenth Century, Past and Present, 1964. J.Z. Titow, Some Evidence of 13th century population increase, EcHR, 1961. M.M. Postan, Medieval agrarian society at its prime: England, C.E.H.E., vol I (2nd ed). A.R. Bridbury, Economic Growth: England in the Later Middle Ages (esp. chapter IV). J.Z. Titow, English Rural Society 1200-1350. B. Campbell (ed) Before the Black Death, articles by Harvey, Mate and Bailey. M. Mate, Estates of Canterbury Cathedral Priory before the Black Death, 1315-48, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 1986. M. Mate, The impact of war on the economy of Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1294-1340, Speculum, 1982. 13 E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Towns, Commerce and Crafts (1994), chapter 7. c) Population Pressure and Standards of Living 1275-1348 M. Postan and J. Titow, Heriots and Prices on Winchester Manors, EcHR, 1959. I. Kershaw, The Great Famine and Agrarian Crisis, 1315-22, Past and Present, 1973. B.F. Harvey, The Population Trend in England, TRHS, 1965 and essay in B.Campbell, Before the Black Death. L. Poos, The Rural Population of Essex in the Later Middle Ages, EcHR, 1985. H.E. Hallam, The Postan Thesis and The Malthusian Problem in Hallam, Rural England. A.R. Bridbury Before the Black Death, EcHR, 1977. T.H. Aston (ed), The Brenner Debate, contains essays which contest the causes of the agrarian crisis. B. Campbell, Population pressure, inheritances and the land market, in R.M. Smith (ed) Land, Kinship and Life-Cycle. M. Desai, The agrarian crisis in medieval England: a Mallhusian tragedy or a failure of entitlements, Bulletin of Economic Research, 1991. J.R. Maddicott, The English Peasantry and the Demands of the Crown, 1294-1341. A. May, An index of thirteenth-century peasant inpoverishment: manor court fines, EcHR, 1973. B. Campbell (ed), Before the Black Death, essays by Harvey and Smith. M. Bailey, A Marginal Economy? chapter 3. W.C. Jordan, The Great Famine in Northern Europe (1996). P. Schofield, Dearth, Debt and the local land market in a late 13th century village Community, Agric. Hist. Rev. (1997) p440. c.225 Q36 NF1. M. Bailey, Peasant Welfare in England, 1290-1348, EcHR, 1998. M. Ecclestone, Mortality of landless men before the Black Death, Local Population Studies, 1999. H. Kitsikopoulos, Standards of living and capital formation in pre-plague England: a peasant budget model, EcHR, 2000. d) The Black Death P. Ziegler, The Black Death. E. Power, The Effects of the Black Death on Rural Organisation, History, 1918. A.E. Levett, The Black Death on the Estates of the Bishop of Winchester in P. Vinogrudoff. (ed), Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History, vol V. J.A. Raftis, Changes in an English Village after the Black Death, Medieval Studies, 1967. A.R. Bridbury, The Black Death, EcHR, 1973. R.H. Britnell, Feudal Reaction after the Black Death, Past and Present, 1990. R.M. Smith (ed) Land, Kinship and Life-cycle, essays by Campbell and Ravensdale. R.A. Lomas, The Black Death in County Durham, Journal of Medieval History, 1989. N. Richie, Labour Conditions in Essex in the Reign of Richard II, EcHR, 1934. M. Mate, Agrarian Economy after the Black Death: the manors of Canterbury Cathedral Priory, EcHR, 1984. J. Hatcher, Plague, Population and the English Economy 1348-1530. J. Hatcher, England in the Aftermath of the Black Death, Past and Present, 1994. R. Horrox, The Black Death (1994). C. Platt, King Death: the Black Death and its Aftermath in England (1996). M. Ormrod and P. Lindley, The Black Death in England (1996). D. Herlihy, The Black Death (1997). e) The Late Middle Ages A.R. Bridbury, Economic Growth: England in the Later Middle Ages. M. Postan, Economic Evidence of Declining Population, EcHR, 1950 and Essays on Agriculture. M. Postan, The Age of Contraction, CEHE, ii,. M. Postan, The Fifteenth Century, EcHR, 1950. E.A. Kosminsky The Evolution of Feudal Rent, Past and Present, 1955. 14 R.H. Hilton, The Decline of Serfdom. J. Hatcher, Plague, population and the English Economy, 1348-1530. I. Blanchard, Population change, enclosure and the early Tudor economy, EcHR, 1970. E. Miller (ed) The Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1348-1500, vol III. L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525. S. Penn and C. Dyer Wages and Earnings in Late Medieval England: enforcement of the labour laws, EcHR, 1990. J. Bothwell et al (eds.), The problem of labour in fourteenth-century England (2000) C. Dyer, A redistribution of incomes in fifteenth-century England, Past and Present, 1968 C. Dyer, Warwickshire farming. R.H. Britnell, Agricultural technology and the margin of cultivation in the fourteenth century, EcHR, 1977. M. Mate, East Sussex Land Market and Agrarian Class Structure in the Late Middle Ages, Past and Present, 1993. F.R.H. Du Boulay, An Age of Ambition: English Society in the Later Middle Ages. M. Bailey, \\'Rural Society\\' in R. Horrox (ed.), Fifteenth-century attitudes M.W. Beresford and J.G. Hurst, Deserted Medieval Villages. M.W. Beresford, Lost Villages of England. J. Hatcher, The great slump of the mid-fifteenth century, in Britnell and Hatcher, Progress and Problems (1998). E.B Fryde, Peasants and Landlords in Later Medieval England, c.1380-1525 (1996). J Kermode ed., Enterprise and Individuals in Fifteenth-Century England (1997). P. Nightingale, England and the European depression of the mid-fifteenth century, Jnl. European Econ. Hist, 1997. J. Whittle, The development of agrarian capitalism: land and labour in Norfolk, 1440-1580 (2000). 8 Popular Discontent R.H. Hilton, Peasant movements in England before 1381, EcHR, 1949. Z. Razi, The Struggles between the abbots of Halesowen and their tenants in the 13th and 14th centuries in T.H. Aston (ed), Social Relations and Ideas. R.H. Hilton, Bond Men Made Free. D.A. Carpenter, English peasants in politics, 1258-67, Past and Present, 1992. J.R. Maddicott, The English Peasantry and the demands of the crown, 1294-1341, Past and Present Supplement. I. Harvey, Jack Cades Rebellion of 1450. E.B. and N. Fryde, Popular Rebellion and Peasant Discontents, in Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, ed. E. Miller. M. Mate, The economic and social roots of medieval popular rebellion: Sussex in 1450- 51, EcHR, 1992. B. Putnam, The Enforcement of the Statutes of Labourers. L. Poos, A Society after the Black Death, chapters 8 and 9. M. Aston, Lollardy and Sedition, Past and Present, 60 (and P & P collection). I. Harvey, Was there popular politics in Fifteenth-Century England? The McFarlane Legacy, ed. R.H. Britnell and A.J. Pollard, (1994). B. Stapleton (ed), Conflict and Community in Southern England, essays by Watts and Hare. P. Hargreaves, Seigneurial reaction and peasant responses: Worcester priory and its peasants after the Black Death, Midland History, 1999. 9 The Rising of 1381 R.B. Dobson, The Peasants Revolt (2nd edn). R.H. Hilton, Bond Men Made Free. R.H. Hilton and T.H. Aston (eds), The English Rising of 1381. C. Oman, The Great Revolt of 1381 (2nd edn). E. Powell, The Rising in East Anglia. A. Prescott, London in the Peasants Revolt, London Journal, 1981. 15 G.A. Holmes, The Good Parliament of 1376. J.R. Maddicott, Law and Lordship: Royal Justices on Retainers in 13th and 14th century, Past and Present Supplement. W. Ormrod, The Peasants Revolt and the Government of England, Journal of British Studies, 1990. E.B. Fryde, The English Parliament and the Peasants Revolt of 1381, in Fryde (ed), Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance. H. Eiden, Joint action against bad lordship: the Peasants Revolt in Essex and Norfolk,History, 1998. W.H. Liddell and R.G. Wood, The Great Revolt in Essex. C. Liddy, \\'Urban Conflict in late fourteenth-century England: the case of York, 1380-1\\', EHR 2003. 10. Towns a) Introductory and General D.M. Palliser (ed), Cambridge Urban History of Britain, i, c.600-c.1540 (2001). S. Reynolds, An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns. C. Platt, The English Medieval Town. R. Holt and G. Rosser (eds) The Medieval Town, 1200-1540. M.W. Beresford, New Towns of the Middle Ages. R.H. Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000-1500. R.H. Britnell, England and Northern Italy in the early fourteenth century: an economic contrast, TRHS, 1989. A.D. Dyer, Decline and Growth in English Towns, 1400-1640. R.H. Hilton, English and French Towns in Feudal Society. R.H. Hilton Small Town Society in England before the Black Death, Past and Present, 1984. F.W. Maitland, Township and Borough. J.A.F. Thomson (ed), Towns and Townspeople in the 15th century. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts, chs.5 and 6. R.H. Hilton, Medieval market towns, Past and Present, 1985. E.M. Carus-Wilson, English Towns in A.L. Poole (ed) Medieval England, vol. I. J. Schofield and A. Vince, Medieval Towns. C. Dyer, Market towns and the countryside in late medieval England, Canadian Journal of History (1996). G. Rosser, Myth, image and social process in the English medieval town, Urban History (1996). H. Swanson, Medieval British Towns (1999). T. Slater (ed.), Towns in decline, 1000-1600 (2000) b) Town Histories G. Williams, Medieval London: from Commune to Capital. C.N.L. Brooke and G. Keir, London 800-1216: the shaping of a City. G. Rosser, Medieval Westminster 1200-1540. C. Platt, Medieval Southampton, Port and Trading Community 1000-1600. C. Phythian-Adams, Desolation of a City: Coventry and the Urban Crisis of the Late Middle Ages. R.H. Britnell, Growth and Decline in Colchester 1300-1525. E.M. Carus-Wilson, The Expansion of Exeter at the Close of the Middle Ages. D.J. Keene, Survey of Medieval Winchester, 2 vols. E. Miller, Medieval York, in Victoria County History Yorkshire: York. E.M. Carus-Wilson, The first Half-Century of the Borough of Stratford-on-Avon, EcHR, 1965. M. Biddle (ed) Early Medieval Winchester. S.H. Rigby, Medieval Grimsby. M. Bonney, Lordship and the Urban Community: Durham. D.G. Shaw, The Creation of a Community: Wells. R.H. Hilton (ed) The English Rising of 1381, essays on Canterbury and Beverley by Butcher and Dobson. A. Butcher, Oxford and Canterbury, Southern History, 1979. 16 M. Kowaleski, Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter. C. Barron, London in the late Middle Ages, 1300-1500, London Journal, 1995. M. Carlin, Medieval Southwark. D. Keene, London in the early middle ages, 600-1300, London Journal, 1995. P. Nightingale, The growth of London in the medieval English economy, in Britnell and Hatcher, Progress and Problems. J.A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, Fuelling the city: production and distribution of firewood and fuel in Londons region, 1290-1400, EcHR, 1996. See also D.M. Palliser (ed.), Cambridge Urban History of Britain (2000). c) Town Government and Society E. Miller, Rulers of thirteenth-century towns: the cases of York and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Thirteenth-Century England, i, (ed) P. Coss. S. Reynolds, The rulers of London in the twelfth century, History, 1972. A. Hibbert, The origins of the medieval Town patriciate, Past and Present, 1953. P. Nightingale, Capitalists, Crafts and Constitutional Change in Late 14th century London, Past and Present, 1989. M. Kowaleski, The commercial dominance of a medieval provincial oligarchy: Exeter in the later 14th century, Medieval Studies, 1984 and Holt and Rosser (eds) Medieval Towns. C. Gross, The Gild Merchant. S. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval London. S. Rigby, Urban oligarchy in late medieval England in J. Thomson (ed) Towns and Townspeople. G. Rosser, The Essence of Medieval urban communities: The vill of Westminster, TRHS, 1984. M. James, Ritual drama and the social body in the late medieval English town, Past and Present, 1983. J.I. Kermode, Urban decline? The flight from office in late medieval York, EcHR, 1982. R. Horrox, Urban patronage and patrons in the fifteenth century, in R.A. Griffiths (ed.) Patronage, the Crown and the Provinces. M. James, Ritual drama and the social body in the late medieval English town, Past and Present, 1983. R. Bird, The Turbulent London of Richard II. A. Hibbert, The Economic policies of Towns in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, III, ed M. Poston et al. B.R. McRee, Religious gilds and civic order: Norwich in the later middle ages, Speculum, 1992. G. Rosser, Craft guilds and the negotiation of work in the medieval town, Past and Present, 1997. d) Late Medieval Towns The literature is dominated by a long-running debate between optimists and pessimists on the subject of urban decline, initiated by A.R. Bridburys Economic Growth: England in the Late Middle Ages. For the latest views see D.M. Palliser (ed.), Cambridge Urban History of Britain, Part III. R.B. Dobson, Urban decline in late medieval England, TRHS, 1977. C. Phythian-Adams, Urban decay in late medieval England, in P. Abrams and E.A.Wrigley (eds), Towns in societies. A.R. Bridbury, English provincial towns in the late middle ages, EcHR, 1981. M. Reed (ed) English Towns in Decline, 1350-1800. J F Hadwin,. The medieval lay subsidies and economic history, EcHR, 1983. R. Tittler, Late Medieval Urban prosperity, EcHR, 1984. A.D. Dyer, Decline and Growth in English Towns, 1400-1640. S.H. Rigby and S. Reynolds, contributions to the debate in Urban History Yearbook 1979, 1980 and 1984. S.H. Rigby, Late medieval urban prosperity, EcHR, 1986, and reply by Bridbury. M. Bailey, A tale of two towns: Buntingford and Standon in the late middle ages, Journal of Medieval History, 1993. M. Kowaleski, Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter. T.R. Slater (ed.), Towns in decline, A.D. 100-1600 (1999). 17 S. Dimmock, \\'English small towns and the emergence of capitalist relations\\', Urban History, 2001. 11 Industries and Industrial Organisation a) General E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts, 1066- 1348 (1994). J. Blair and N. Ramsay (eds) Medieval Industries. L.F. Salzman, English Industries of the Middle Ages. D.W. Crossley (ed) Medieval Industry. P. Basing, Trades and Crafts in Medieval Manuscripts. b) Guilds and Craft Industries S. Thrupp, The Gilds, in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, III, ed. M. Postan et al. G. Unwin, The Gilds and Companies of London. S. Kramer, English Craft Gilds. E. Veale, Craftsmen and the Economy of London, in Holt and Rosser (eds), The English Medieval Town. S. Thrupp, Medieval Gilds Reconsidered, Journal of Economic History, 1942. H. Swanson, Medieval Artisans: An Urban Class in Late Medieval England. H. Swanson, The illusion of economic structure: craft gilds in late medieval English towns, Past and Present, 1988. J. Hatcher and T.C. Barker, A History of British Pewter. R. H. Britnell and B. Campbell (eds.), A Commercializing Economy: England 1086-1300. G. Rosser, Craft Gilds and the negotiation of work in the medieval town, P & P, 1997. c) The Cloth Industry E.M. Carus-Wilson, The Woollen Industry, in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, ii, ed. E. Miller. E.M. Carus-Wilson The English Cloth Industry in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, EcHR, 1944. E.M. Carus-Wilson, An industrial revolution of the 13th century, EcHR, 1941. (Both reprinted in E.M. Carus-Wilson, Medieval Merchant Venturers). E. Miller, The fortunes of the English Cloth Industry in the Thirteenth Century, EcHR, 1965. A.R. Bridbury, Medieval English Cloth making: an economic survey (caution!). E.M. Carus-Wilson, Evidence of Industrial Growth on some fifteenth-century manors, EcHR, 1959. R.H. Britnell, Growth and Decline in Colchester. H. Heaton, The Yorkshire Woollen and Worsted Industries. d) Mining I.S.W. Blanchard, Derbyshire lead production, 1195-1505, Derbyshire Arch. Journal, 1971. I.S.W. Blanchard, The Miner and the agricultural community in late medieval England, AgHR, 1972 and debate in AgHR, 1974. I.S.W. Blanchard, Labour productivity and work psychology in the English mining industry, EcHR, 1978. J. Hatcher, English Tin Production and Trade before 1550. J. Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry before 1700, chapter 2. J.G. Gough, Mines of Mendip. e) Miscellaneous Industries D. Knoop and G.P. Jones, The Medieval Mason. 18 L.F. Salzman, Building in England down to 1540. J. Birrell, Peasant Craftsmen in the medieval forest, AgHR, 1969. M.R. McCarthy and C.M. Brooks, Medieval Pottery in Britain. R.A. Holt, The Mills of Medieval England. H. Swanson, Building Craftsmen in Late Medieval York. G.V. Scammell, English merchant shipping at the end of the middle ages, EcHR, 1961. G.V. Scammell, Ship-owning in England, 1450-1550, TRHS, 1965. M. Kowaleski, The expansion of the south-western fisheries in late medieval England, EcHR, 2000. H. Fox, The evolution of the fishing village: South Devon 1086-1550 (2001) 12 Trade, Markets and Merchants a) Overseas Trade i) Introductory and General J.L. Bolton, The Medieval English Economy, 1150-1500, chapter 5 and 9. E. Miller and J. Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts 1066-1348 (1994). M.M. Postan, Medieval Trade and Finance. E.M. Carus-Wilson, Medieval Merchant Venturers. E.M. Carus-Wilson and O. Coleman, Englands Export Trade, 1275-1547. E. Power and M. Postan (eds), Studies in English Trade in the Fifteenth Century. G. Unwin, Finance and Trade under Edward III. G.F. Warner (ed), The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye. P. Ramsey, Overseas trade in the reign of Henry VIII, EcHR, 1954. ii) Branches of Overseas Trade: Commodities T.H. Lloyd, The English Wool Trade in the Middle Ages. E. Power, The Wool Trade in English Medieval History. M.K. James, Studies in the English Wine Trade. A.R. Bridbury, England and the Salt Trade. E. Veale, The English Fur Trade. W. Childs, Englands iron trade in the fifteenth century, EcHR, 1981. J. Hatcher, English Tin Production and Trade before 1550. E.M. Carus-Wilson, Trends in the export of English woollens in the fourteenth century, EcHR, 1950. W. Childs, English export trade in cloth in the fourteenth century, in Britnell and Hatcher, Progress and Problems. N. Hybel, \\'The grain trade in northern Europe before 1350\\', EcHR, 2002. iii) Branches of Trade: Countries and Regions T.H. Lloyd, Alien Merchants in England in the High Middle Ages. A. Ruddock, Italian Merchants and Shipping in Southampton, 1270-1600. N.J.M. Kerling, The commercial relations of Holland and Zealand with England from the Late Thirteenth Century to the Close of the Middle Ages. M.A. Mallett, The Florentine Galleys in the Fifteenth Century. W. Childs, Anglo-Castilian Trade in the Late Middle Ages. T.H. Lloyd, England and the Hanseatic Trades. G.A. Holmes, Florentine Merchants in England, 1346-1436, EcHR, 1961. G.A. Holmes, Anglo-Florentine Trade in 1451, Eng. Hist. Rev., 1993. b) Markets and Inland Trade 19 R.H. Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000-1500. R.H. Britnell, The proliferation of markets and fairs in England before 1349, EcHR, 1981. D.L. Farmer, Marketing the Produce of the Countryside, in Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, ed. E. Miller. B.M.S. Campbell, J.A. Galloway and M. Murphy, Rural land use in the metropolitan hinterland, 1270- 1339, AgHR, 1992. C. Dyer, The consumer and the market in the later middle ages, EcHR, 1989. E.W. Moore, The Fairs of Medieval England. N.S.B. Gras, The Evolution of the English Corn Market. R. H. Britnell and B. Campbell (eds.), A Commercializing Economy: England 1086-1300. English Markets and royal administration before 1200, EcHR, 1978. D. Postles, Markets for rural produce in Oxfordshire, 1086-1310, Midland History, 1987. K. Biddick, Missing links: markets and stratification among the medieval peasantry, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 1987. K. Biddick, Medieval English markets and market involvement, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 1985. J. Masschaele, Transport Costs in Medieval England, EcHR, 1993. M. Mate, The rise and fall of markets in south east England, Canadian Journal of History, 1996. I. Masschaele, Peasants, merchants and markets: in land trade in medieval England, 1150-1350 (1998). M. Bailey, The commercialisation of the English economy, 1086-1500, Journal of Medieval History, 24, (1998). c) Merchants and Credit M.M. Postan, Rise of the Money economy, Credit in medieval trade and Private financial instruments in medieval England, in M.M. Postan, Medieval Trade and Finance. E.B. and M.M. Fryde, Public Credit, in Cambridge Economic History of Europe, iii, ed.M. Postan. E. Miller, The economic policies of government: France and England, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, iii, ed. M. Postan. T.H. Lloyd, Alien Merchants in England. G. Unwin, Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance. P. Nightingale, Monetary contraction and mercantile credit in Later medieval England, EcHR, 1990. S. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval London. E. Clark, Debt litigation in a late medieval village, in J. Raftis (ed) Pathway to Medieval Peasants. J.T. Noonan, The Scholastic Analysis of Usury. S. Epstein, The theory and Practice of the just wage, Journal of Medieval History, 1991. M. McIntosh, Money lending on the periphery of London, 1300-1600, Albion, 1988. J. Kermode, Medieval Merchants: York, Beverley and Hull in the late Middle Ages (1998) P. Nightingale, A Medieval merchant community: the Grocers Company and the politics and trade of London, 1000-1485 (1995). d) Jews and the Economy H.G. Richardson, English Jewry under the Angevin Kings. P. Elman, Economic Causes of the explusion of the Jews in 1290, EcHR, 1937. D.V. Lipman, Jews of Medieval Norwich. R. Stacey, Recent work on medieval English Jewry, Jewish History, 1987. R. Stacey, The conversion of Jews to Christianity in Thirteenth-Century England, Speculum, 67 (1992). R.B. Dobson, The Jews of Medieval York and the Massacre of March 1190. P. Hyams, The Jewish minority in medieval England, 1066-1295, Journal of Jewish Studies, 1974. D. Wood (ed.), Christianity and Judaism (1992). R.R. Mundill, Englands Jewish Solution: experiment and expulsion 1262-90 (1998). 13 Archaeology 20 C. Platt, Medieval England: a social history and archaeology. H. Clarke, The Archaeology of Medieval England. J.M. Steane, The Archaeology of Medieval England and Wales. G.G. Astill, Economic change in late medieval England in T.H. Aston (ed) Social Relations and Ideas. M.W. Beresford and J.K. St Joseph, Medieval England: An Aerial Survey. B.K. Roberts, The Making of the English Village. G. Astill and A. Grant (eds) The Countryside of Medieval England. W.G. Hoskins, The Making of the English Landscape. W.G. Hoskins, Agrarian History of England and Wales 1042-1348, ed. H.E. Hallam, chapter 9. W.G Hoskins, .Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1348-1500, ed. E. Miller, chapter 9. M.W. Barley, The English Farmhouse and Cottage. M. Wood, The English Medieval House. N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle. J. Schofield and A.Vince, Medieval Towns (1994). J. Grenville, Medieval Housing (1997). G. Hutchinson, Medieval Ships and Shipping (1997). R. Gilchrist, Gender and material culture: the archaeology of religious women. 14 Crime, Criminals and Policing (see also Paper 3 reading list E5 and 6 and F5 and 6 and below 24 and 26) a) Law Enforcement and Legal Administration J. Hudson, The Formation of the English Common Law (1996) (the most accessible account of early criminal and civil proceedings). ed. C.A.F. Meekings, The 1235 Surrey Eyre, i (1979) (a very useful introductory account of how an eyre worked). J.H. Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History (for reference) (3rd. ed., 1990). ed. G.O. Sayles, Select Cases in the Court of Kings Bench (7 vols.,1936-71) (the intros. furnish the best short account of the court\\'s history). ed. B. Putnam, Proceedings before the J.P.s (1938) (intro. has the best summary of their early history). A. Harding, The Law Courts of Medieval England (a very clear and concise introduction to the subject with useful illustrative documents) (1973). H.M. Cam, The Hundred and the Hundred Rolls. ed. W.A. Morris etc. The English Government at Work 1327-36 (3 vols) ii (1947), chs. 2 and 3, iii (1950), chs. 5-8. F.W. Maitland, ed., The Court Baron (1891). Leges Henrici Primi, Assize of Clarendon (1166), Statute of Winchester (1285), Statute of Northampton (1328) - all in trans. in Eng. Hist.Docs., ii-iv. H. Ainsley, Keeping the Peace in Southern England in the 13th century, Southern History, 1984. J.B. Post, Local Jurisdictions and Judgement of Death in later Medieval England, Criminal Justice History, 1983. Equitable Resorts before 1450, Law, Litigants and the Legal Profession, ed. E.W. Ives and A.H. Manchester (1983). Musson and Ormrod (as in b) below). E. Powell, Kingship, Law, and Society, (1989) pp. 9-10 and ch 3 is a very helpful introduction. C.J. Neville, Keeping the Peace on the Northern Marches in the Later Middle Ages, EHR, 1994. b) Law and Society R. Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law: society and legal custom in early medievalEngland (1998). E. King, Dispute Settlement in Anglo-Norman England, Anglo-Norman Studies, 14(1991). E. van Houts, Gender and Authority of Oral Witnessees in Europe (800-1300), TRHS,1999. E. Powell, Settlement of Disputes by Arbitration, Law & History Rev., 1984. 21 Arbitration and the Law, Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., 1983. Kingship, Law, and Society (1989). M. Clanchy, Law and Love in the Middle Ages, in Disputes and Settlements, ed. J. Bossy (1983). Law Government and Society in Medieval England, History, 1974. J.R. Maddicott, Law and Lordship, Past & Pres. Suppl. 4 (1978). R.W. Kaeuper, Violence in Medieval Society (2000) P. Brand, Kings, Barons and Justices: the making and enforcement of legislation in thirteenth- century England (2003) M.C. Carpenter, Law, Justice and Landowners in late Medieval England,Law and History Review, 1983. R.W. Kaeuper, Law and Order in Fourteenth-Century England, Speculum, 1979. T.A. Green, Societal Concepts of Criminal Liability for Homicide in Medieval England, Speculum, 1972. J.B. Post, Crime in Later Medieval England: some Limitations of the Evidence, Continuity and Change, 1987. P. Maddern, Violence and Social Order (1992). P.R. Hyams, The Feud in Medieval England, Haskins Soc. Jnl., 1991. J. Wormald, Bloodfeud, Kindred and Government in Early Modern Scotland, Past and Present, 1980. A. Musson and W.M. Ormrod, The Evolution of English Justice: Law, Politics and Society in the Fourteenth Century (1999) also a). R.F. Green, A Crisis of Truth: literature and law in Ricardian England (1999). B. Hanawalt, Of bad and Ill Repute: gender and social control in medieval England (1998). M.McIntosh, Controlling Misbehavior in England 1370-1600 (1998). ed. P. Coss, The Moral World of the Law (2000). A. Musson, Medieval Law in Context: legal consciousness from Magna Carta to the Peasants Revolt (2001). For comparison from later periods: ed. V.A.C. Gatrell, etc, Crime and the Law: the social history of crime in western Europe since 1500, espec. Intro. and Chaps. 1 and 6.(1980). M. Gaskill, Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England (2000). c) Particular Studies B.A. Hanawalt, Crime and Conflict in English Communities (1973). J.B. Given, Society and Homicide in Thirteenth-Century England (1977). S.L. Waugh, The Profits of Violence, Speculum, 1977. E.L.G. Stones, The Folvilles of Ashby-Folville, Trans. Roy. Hist.Soc.,1957. J.G. Bellamy, The Coterel Gang, E.H.R., 1964. Pilkington and Ainsworth, Historical MS Commission, Various Collections, ii (1903), pp.38-56. R. Jeffs, The Poynings-Percy Dispute, Bull.Inst.Hist.Res., 1961. A. Cameron, A Nottinghamshire Quarrel during the Reign of Henry VII, Bull.Inst.Hist.Res 1972. P.S. Lewis, Sir John Fastolf\\'s Dispute over Titchwell, Hist.Jnl., 1958. M. T. Clanchy, Highway Robbery and Trial by Battle, Medieval Legal Records edited in Memory of C.A.F. Meekings, ed. R.F. Hunnisett and J.B. Post (1978 and 1980). J.R. Post, The Ladbroke Manor Dispute, Medieval Legal Records, ed.Hunnisett and Post. M. Cherry, The Struggle for Power in mid-Fifteenth Century Devonshire, Patronage, the Crown and the Provinces, ed. R.A. Griffiths (1981). R.L. Storey, The End of the House of Lancaster, chs. 5,7-8, 11, 13.(1966). A. Smith, Litigation and Politics, Property and Politics, ed. A.J. Pollard (1984). B. McClane, The Disputes of Robert Godsfield, Nottingham Medieval Studies, 1984. S.J. Payling, The Ampthill Dispute\\', E.H.R., 1989. Murder, Motive and Punishment in Fifteenth-Century England, EHR, 1998. S.K. Walker, Lordship and Lawlessness in the Palatinate of Lancaster, Jnl.Br.Studies., 1989. M.C. Carpenter, Sir Thomas Malory and Fifteenth-Century Local Politics, Bull.Inst.Hist. Res., 1980. P.Schofield, Peasants and the Manor Court: gossip and litigation in a Suffolk village at the 22 close of the thirteenth century, P & P, 1998. 15 Outlaw Literature and Protest Literature a) Texts (See also 32 d).) Gamelyn, in Middle English Verse Romances, ed. D.B. Sands (1986). Rymes of Robin Hood, ed. R.B. Dobson and J. Taylor (1976) contains all the early R.H. texts and Adam Bell and The Outlaws Song of Trailbaston. ed. P. Coss, Thomas Wrights Political songs of England, John to Edward II (1996). e.d. T.H. Ohlgren, Medieval Outlaws: ten tales in modern English (1998). b) Discussion The original debate, with Maurice Keens later recantation, is reprinted in Peasants, Knights and Heretics, ed. R.H. Hilton (1976). J.C. Holt, Robin Hood (2nd edition) (1989). M. Keen, The Outlaws of Medieval Legend (1961) (a useful summary of the principal tales, but see also his change of mind on R.H., noted above).. J.R. Maddicott, The Birth and Setting of the Ballads of Robin Hood, E.H.R., 1978. R.B. Dobson, and J. Taylor, The Medieval Origins of Robin Hood, Northern Hist, 1972. Dobson and Taylor, Robin Hood of Barnesdale, Northern Hist, 1983. Dobson and Taylors introduction to the Rymes.. e.d. T. Hahn, Robin Hood and Popular Culture (2000). J.R. Maddicott, Poems of Social Protest in Early Fourteenth Century England, England in the Fourteenth Century, ed. W.M. Ormrod (1986). M C Carpenter, Law, Justice and Landowners (as above, under 1b). R.W. Kaeuper, An Historians Reading of the Tale of Gamelyn, Medium Aevum, 1983. J. Coleman, English Literature in History 1350-1400: Medieval Readers and Writers, ch. 3 (1981). D. Crook, The Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood, Thirteenth-century England, 2 (1989) ed. P. Coss and S. Lloyd. D. Crook, Further Evidence on the Dating of the Robin Hood Legend, E.H.R., 1984. A. Ayton, Robin Hood and Military Service in the Fourteenth Century, Nott. Med. Studs., 1992. E. van Houts, Hereward and Flanders, Anglo-Saxon England, 1999. H.M. Thomas (as in 27a) 16 Lay Literacy (for the question of language, See 31 d) i ) a) Medieval Studies J.T. Rosenthal, Aristocratic Patronage and Book Bequests, Bull. John.Rylands Lib., 1981-2. M.T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record (2nd ed., 1992). Remembering the Past and the Good Old Law, History, 1970. C. Cipolla, Literacy and Development in the West (1969). M.B. Parkes, The Literacy of the Laity, in The Medieval World (part of Literature and Western Civilisation, ed. D. Daiches) (1973). J.W. Thompson, The Literacy of the Laity in the Middle Ages (1960). M. Aston, Lollardy and Literacy, in Aston, Lollards and Reformers (1984). Devotional Literacy, in Lollards and Reformers. Wyclif and the Vernacular, in Ockham to Wyclif, ed. M. Wilks and A. Hudson (1987). Englands iconoclasts (i) Laws against images (1988). J.W. Adamson, The Extent of Literacy in the 15th and 16th centuries, The Library, 1929-30. J. Coleman, as under 15 b), chs 2,4. V.J. Scattergood and J.W. Sherborne, English Court Culture in the Middle Ages (1983) - relevant chapters for aristocratic literary tastes. F.H. Baml, Varieties and Consequences of Medieval Literacy and Illiteracy, Speculum,1980. 23 L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death, Essex 1350-1525, ch. 12 (1991). ed. P. Biller and A. Hudson, Heresy and Literacy 1000-1530 (1994). T.S. Haskett, I have ordained and made my testament and last wylle in this form: English as a testamentary language, 1387-1450, Medieval Studies, 1996. C.F. Briggs, Literary, Reading and Writing in the Medieval West, Jnl. of Med. Hist., 2000. b) Comparative Studies from Other Periods ed. L. Stone, Schooling and Society (1976). ed. J. Goody, Literacy in Traditional Societies (1968). M. Spufford, Sections on Education in Contrasting Communities (1974). R.A. Houston, Literacy in Early Modern Europe (1988). D. Cressy, Literary and the Social Order: reading and writing in Tudor and Stuart England (1980). See also section on languages: 32 d)i) (below). 17 Education a) Primary and Secondary Schooling N. Orme, English Schools in the Middle Ages (1973). Education in the West of England (1976). The Education of the Courtier, in English Court Culture, ed. V.J. Scattergood J.W.Sherborne (1983). Schoolmasters, in Profession, Vocation and Culture, ed. C.H. Clough (1982). From Childhood to Chivalry (1984). N. Orme, The Culture of Children in Medieval England, Past and Present, 1995. K.B. McFarlane, The Education of the Nobility in The Nobility of Later Medieval England (1973). J.A.H. Moran, The Growth of English Schooling 1340-1598 (1985). W.J. Courtenay, Schools and Scholars in Fourteenth Century England (1987). H.M. Jewell, Bringing up Children in Good Learning and Manners, North. Hist., 1982. b) The Universities i) Medieval Universities in General H. Rashdall, The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, 3 vols, 2nd edition, edited by F.M. Powicke and A.B. Emden (1936). G. Leff, Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (1968). A.B. Cobban, The Medieval English Universities: Oxford and Cambridge to c.1500 (1988). Reflections on the Role of Medieval Universities in Contemporary Society,Essays Presented to Margaret Gibson, ed.C. Smith and B. Ward (1992). English University Life in the Middle Ages (1999). English University Benefactors in the Middles Ages, History, 2001. W.J. Courtenay, Schools and Scholars in Fourteenth Century England (1987). R.W. Southern, The changing Role of the Universities in Medieval Europe, Historical Research, 1987. ii) Oxford University Victoria History of the Counties of England: Oxfordshire, vol. III,ed. H.E. Salter and M.D. Lobel (1954). H.E. Salter, Medieval Oxford (1936). W.A. Pantin, Oxford Life in Oxford Archives (1972). 24 Oxford Studies Presented to Daniel Callus, Oxford Historical Society, XVI, 1964. T.H. Aston, Oxfords Medieval Alumni, Past and Present, 1977. A.B. Emden, An Oxford Hall in Medieval Times (1968). ed. J.I. Catto, The Early Oxford Schools (1984); vol. I of The History of the University of Oxford, ed. T.H. Aston. ed. J.I. Catto and R. Evans, Late Medieval Oxford (1992), vol. II of The History of the University of Oxford. iii) Cambridge University Victoria History of the Counties of England: Cambridgeshire, vol.III, ed. J.P.C. Roach (1959). R. Willis and J.W. Clark, The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, 4 vols, (1886). M.B. Hackett, The Original Statutes of Cambridge University (1970). J.R.H. Moorman, The Grey Friars of Cambridge (1952). T.H. Aston, The Medieval Alumni of the University of Cambridge, Past and Present, 1980. D.R. Leader, A History of the University of Cambridge, I: The University to 1546 (1988). ed. P. Zutshi, Medieval Cambridge (1993). iv) Colleges Histories of the colleges are numerous and, on the whole, not satisfactory. For Oxford, the best are V. Green, The Commonwealth of Lincoln College, 1427-1977 (1979), and New College, Oxford, 1279-1979 (1979), edited by J. Buxton and P. Williams. For Cambridge, the best are A.B. Cobban, The Kings Hall within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages (1969); C.N.L. Brooke, A History of Gonville and Caius College (1985); and J. Twigg, A History of Queens\\' College, Cambridge, 1448-1986 (1987). See also the Victoria County History for Cambridge. v) Graduate Career Patterns and Opportunities See articles by Aston in b ii) and iii) above. The academic, and later, careers of individual members of the two universities are described in A.B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols, (1957-9), and A.B.Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500 (1963). G.F. Lytle, Patronage Patterns and Oxford Colleges c. 1300- c.1530, The University in Society, ed L. Stone (1975). R. Swanson, Universities, Graduates, and Benefices in Late Medieval England, Past and Present, 1985. Learning and Living: University Study and Clerical Careers in Late Medieval England, History of the Universities, 1986-7. Patronage. Learning and Clerical Advancement, History of the Universities, 1986-7. 18 The Monastic Orders in England 1066-1200 (see also some of the items in 20 and 21) a) Monasticism in Europe R.W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages, Ch 6 (1970). C.H. Lawrence, Medieval Monasticism (2nd ed., 1989). G. Constable, Religious Life and Thought (1979). G. Constable, The Reformation of the Twelfth Century (1997). N.F. Cantor, The Crisis of Western Monasticism 1050-1300, American Historical Review, 1960. M. Bull, Knightly Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade, chap.4. (1993). 25 b) In England B. Harvey, Living and Dying in England 1100-1540: the monastic experience (1993). M.D. Knowles, The Monastic Order in England 940-1216 (2nd ed., 1963). D.J.A. Matthew, The Norman Monasteries and their English Possessions (1962). J.C. Dickinson, The Origins of the Austin Canons and their Introduction into England (1950). S. Thompson, Women Religions: the Foundation of English Nunneries after the Norman Conquest (1991). E. Mason, Timeo Barones et Dona Ferentes, Religious Motivation, ed.D.Baker (1978). H.M. Colvin, The White Canons in England (1951). E. Cownie, Religious Patronage in Anglo-Norman England 1066-1135 (1998). B. Kerr, Religious Life for Women c.1100-c.1350: Fontevraud in England (1999). B.D. Hill, English Cistercian Monks and their Patrons in the Twelfth Century (1968). G. Constable, Monastic Tithes from their Origins to the Twelfth Century (1964). C. Harper-Bill, The Piety of the Anglo-Norman Knightly Class, Battle Proceedings, ed. R A Brown, 1979. J. Leclerc, The Monastic Crisis of the Twelfth Century, Cluniac Monasticism in the central Middle Ages, ed. N. Hunt (1971). F. Barlow, William I and Cluny, Jnl. Eccles. Hist., 1981. B. Golding, The Coming of the Cluniacs, Battle Proceedings, ed. R.A. Brown, 1980. Burials and Benefactions: an aspect of monastic patronage in thirteenth-century England, England in the Thirteenth Century ed. W.M. Ormrod (1985). Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertine Order c.1130-c.1300 (1995). J.E. Burton, Monasteries and Parish Churches in 11th and 12th century Yorkshire Northern Hist., 1987. The Monastic Order in Yorkshire, 1069-1215 (1999). G Cowrie, Religious Patronage in Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1135 (1998) C. Harper-Bill and E. van Houts, A companion to the Anglo-Norman World, chapter 9 \\'The Anglo-Norman Church\\'. B.J. Thompson, From Alms to Spiritual Services, Monastic Studies: the continuity of tradition, ed. Judith Loades, Headstart History, 1991. Free Alms Tenure in the Twelfth Century, Anglo-Norman Studs., 1994 TRHS (as in Section 20). The Laity, the Alien Priories, and the Redistribution of Ecclesiastical Property, England in the Fifteenth Century, ed. N. Rogers (1994, ed. B.J. Thompson, Monasteries and Society in Medieval Britain (1999). F. Barlow, The English Church 1066-1154, ch. 5 (1979). J. Burton, Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain 1000-1300 (1994). M. Oliva, The Covenant and the Community in Late Medieval England (1998). C. Holdsworth, The Piper and the Tune: medieval patrons and monks (1991). R.B. Dobson, The English Monastic Cathedral in the Fifteenth Century, TRHS, 1991. 19 The Friars R. Brooke, The Coming of the Friars (1975). David Knowles, The Religious Orders in England (3 vols., 1948-59). F. Roth, The English Austin Friars, 1249-1538 (2 vols., 1961-6); originally in Augustiniana, 1958-9. J. Burton, (as in 18(b)). J.R.H.Moorman, A History of the Franciscan Order from its Origins to the Year 1517 (1968). W.A. Hinnebusch, The Early English Friars Preachers (1951). A.G. Little, Franciscan Papers, Lists, and Documents (1943). Studies in English Franciscan History (1917). -------------. Introduction of the Observant Friars in England, Proceedings of the British Academy,1923. Lancelot Sheppard, The English Carmelites (1943). A. Williams, Relations between the mendicant friars and the secular church in England in the later 26 fourteenth century, Annuale Medievale, 1960. M.W. Sheehan, The Religious Orders, in J.I. Catto (ed.), History of the University of Oxford: I: The Early Schools (1984). J.D. Dawson, Richard FitzRalph and the fourteenth-century poverty controversies, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 1983. C. Erickson, The fourteenth-century Franciscans and their critics, Franciscan Studies, 1975-6. M. Aston, Caims Castles: Poverty, Politics, and Disendowment, in R.B.Dobson (ed.), The Church, Politics, and Patronage, (1984). M.D. Lambert, Franciscan Poverty: the doctine of the absolute poverty of Christ and the Apostles in the Franciscan Order, 1210-1323 (1961). P.R. Szittya, The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature(1986) (or in Speculum, 1977). R.B. Dobson, Mendicant Ideal and Practice in Late Medieval York, in Archaeological Papers from York presented to M.W. Barley, ed. P.V.Addyman & V. E. Black (1984). F.R.H. du Boulay, The Quarrel between the Carmelite Friars and the Secular Clergy of London, 1464- 1468, JEH, 1955. L.K. Little, Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe (1978). P.H. Barnum, Dives and Pauper, EETS o.s. 275, 280 (1976, 1980). 20 The English Church in the Later Middle Ages (see also Sections 17b)v-19 and 21) a) General R.W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (1970). Steven Ozment, The Age of Reform, 1250-1550 (1980). W.A. Pantin, The English Church in the Fourteenth Century (1955). P. Heath, Between Reform and Reformation, Jnl. Eccles. Hist 1990. Church and Realm, 1272-1461 (1988). The Church and the shaping of English Society 1215-1535 (1995). R. Swanson, Unity and Diversity, Rhetoric and Reality: Modelling the Church, Jnl. of Religious History, 1996. Church and Society in Late Medieval England (2nd ed., 1993). Religion and Devotion in Europe 1215-1515 (1995). C. Harper-Bill, The Pre-Reformation Church in England, 1400-1530 (1989). J.H. Moorman, Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century (1945). N.P. Tanner, The Church in Late-Medieval Norwich (1984). J. van Engen, The Christian Middle Ages as an Historiographical Problem, AHR, 1986. Denys Hay, The Church of England in the Later Middle Ages, History, 1968. R.E. Lerner The Rich Complexity of the Late Medieval Church, Medievalia et Humanistica, 1984. J.A.F. Thomson, The Early Tudor Church and Society (1993). b) Particular Studies A.H. Thompson, The English Clergy and their Organization in the later Middle Ages (1947). P. Heath, The English Parish Clergy on the Eve of the Reformation (1969). M. Bowker, The Secular Clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln, 1495-1520 (1968). David Knowles, The Religious Orders in England, 3 vols. (1948-59). S. Wood, English Monasteries and their Patrons in the Thirteenth Century (1955). R.G. Davies, The Episcopate in Profession, Vocation, and Culture in Later Medieval England, ed. C.H. Clough (1982). J.H. Tillotson, Visitation and Reform of the Yorkshire Nunneries in the Fourteenth Century, Northern Hist, 1994. J. Burton (as in 18 (b)). R.B. Dobson, The English Monastic Cathedrals in the Fifteenth Century, TRHS, 1991. B. Thompson, Monasteries and their Patrons at Foundation and Dissolution, TRHS, 1994. The Laity, the Alien Priories, and the Redistributon of Ecclesiastical Property, England and the Fifteenth Century, ed. N. Rogers (1994). Habendum et Tenendum, Religious Beliefs and Ecclesiastical Careeers, ed. C.Harper-Bill 27 (1991). R.W. Dunning, Patronage and Promotion in the Late Medieval Church, in K. Edwards, The English Secular Cathedrals in the Middle Ages (1967). K. Wood-Legh, Perpetual Chantries in Britain (1965). A. Kreider, English Chantries: the road to dissolution (1979). M. Aston, Thomas Arundel (1967). B. Harvey (as in 18 (b)) R. Swanson, Problems of the Priesthood in pre-Reformation England, EHR, 1990. N.J.G. Pounds, A History of the English Parish (2000). 21 Lay Piety (see also Sections 18- 20) a) Church and Society Carl Watkins, Memories of the Marvellous in the Anglo-Norman Realm, Medieval Memories: men, women and the past 700-1300, ed. E. van Houts (2001). M. Chibnall, Piety, Power and History in Medieval England and Normandy (2000). A. Brown, Church and Society in England, 1000-1500 (2003) J. Shinners (ed.), Medieval Popular Religion, 1000-1500 M. Aston, Faith and Fire: popular and unpopular religion 1350-1600 (1993). Englands Iconoclasts (i) Laws against images (1988). Lollards and Reformers (1984). ed. C. Haigh, The English Reformation Revised (1987). ed. C. Harper-Bill, Religious Belief and Ecclesiastical Careers in Late Medieval England (1991). ed. C.M. Barron and C. Harper-Bill, The Church in Pre-Reformation Society (1985). J.J. Scarisbrick, The Reformation and the English People (1984). J.A.F. Thomson, Orthodox Religion and the Origins of Lollardy, History, 1989. J. Hughes, Pastors and Visionaries: Religious and Secular Life in Late-Medieval Yorkshire (1988). E. Mason, The Role of the English Parishioner, 1100-1500, Jnl.Eccles.Hist., 1976. A Brown, Popular Piety in Late Medieval England (1995). B. Kmin, The Shaping of a Community: the rise and reformation of the English Parish c1400-1560 (1996) M.G.A. Vale, Piety, Charity and Literacy among the Yorkshire Gentry,1370-1480, Borthwick Papers, 50 (1976). B.L. Manning, The Peoples Faith in the Time of Wycliff (1919). J.T. Rosenthal, The Purchase of Paradise: Gift Giving and the Aristocracy 1307-1485 (1972). ed. R.B. Dobson, The Church, Politics and Patronage in the 15th Century (1984). M.E. James, Ritual, Drama and Social Body in the Late Medieval English Town, Past and Pres., 183. J. Coleman, English Literature in History, 1350-1400: Medieval Readers and Writers, chs. 4, 5 (1981). John Bossy, The Mass as a Social Institution, 1200-1700, Past & Present, 1983. Prayers, TRHS, 1991. Christianity in the West 1400-1700. G. McM Gibson, The Theater of Devotion: East Anglian Drama and Society in the Late Middle Ages 1989). B.A. Hanawalt, Keepers of the Light: late medieval parish guilds, Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1984. P. Fleming, Charity, Faith, and the Gentry of Kent, 1422-1529, in A.J.Pollard (ed.), Property and Politics (1984). C. Carpenter, The Religion of the Gentry of Fifteenth-Century England, England in The Fifteenth Century, ed. D. Williams (1987). C. Burgess, \"\\'A Fond Thing Vainly Invented\\': an Essay on Purgatory and Pious Motive in Late Medieval England\"; Parish, Church and People, ed. S. Wright (1988). By Quick and by Dead: wills and pious provision in late medieval Bristol, EHR, 1987 C. Burgess and B. Kmin, Penitential Bequests and Parish Regimes in Late Medieval England, Jnl. Eccles. Hist, 1993. G. Rosser, Communities of Parish and Guild in the Late Middle Ages, Parish, Church and People, ed. Wright.Parochial Conformity and Popular Religion in Late Medieval England, Trans. Roy. Hist. 28 Soc., 1991. Solidarits et Changement Social: fraternits urbains Anglaises a\\' la fin du Moyen Age, Annales, 1993. Going to the Fraternity Feast, Jnl. Br. Studs., 1994. A.K. Warren, Anchorites and their Patrons in Medieval England (1985). M. Rubin, Corpus Christi: the Eucharist in late Medieval Culture (1991). E. Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England c.1400-1580 (1992). R. Hutton, The Rise and Fall of Merry England 1400-1700 (1994 ). A. Vauchez, Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages (1997). D. Webb, Pilgrimage in Medieval England (2000). M. Haren, Sin and Society in Fourteenth-Century England: a study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum (2000). N. Saul, Death, Art, and Memory in Medieval England (2001). K. Farnhill, Guilds and the parish community in late medieval East Anglia, c.1470-1550 (2001) J. Dimmick et al (eds.), Images, idolatry and Iconoclasm in late Medieval England (2002) D. Webb, Pilgrimage in Medieval England (2000) E. Duffy, The voices of Morebath (2002) chapters 1-4. b) Texts and other sources A large number of instruction manuals etc. have been published by the Early English Text Society (E.E.T.S.) and it\\'s worth browsing amongst them. Try:- ed. T.F. Simmons, Lay Folks Mass Book (E.E.T.S., 1879). ed. T.F. Simmons, Lay Folks Catechism (E.E.T.S., 1901). ed. E. Peacock, John Myrcs Instructions for Parish Priests, (E.E.T.S., 1868). Pantin has a most useful introduction to these in Chaps. 9-11, and to the mystics, several of whose works are available in Penguin Classics as well as in the E.E.T.S. Robert Mannyng, ed. I. Sullens, Handlying Synne (1983). Works which discuss religious texts:- ed. M. Glasscoe, The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England (1980). M.D. Knowles, The English Mystical Tradition (1961). G.R. Owst, Preaching in Medieval England (1920). Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England, 2nd ed. (1961). H. L. Spencer, English Preaching in the Late Middle Ages (1993). Visual Sources:- The Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England, 1200-1400, ed. J.J.G. Alexander & Paul Binski (1987) R. Gilchrist, Contemplation and Action: the other monasticism (1995). R. Marks, Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England (2000). 22 John Wycliff and Lollardy a) Wyclif K.B. McFarlane, Wycliff and English Nonconformity (1952/1972). J.H. Dahmus, The Persecution of John Wyclif (1952). ed. A. Kenny, Wyclif in his Times (1986). b) Wyclif and Lollardy M.D. Lambert, Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus (2nd ed., 1992). ed. A. Hudson, Selections from English Wycliffite Writings (1978). A. Hudson, The Premature Reformation: Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History (1988). 29 ed. A. Hudson and M. Wilks, From Ockham to Wyclif (1987). M. Aston, Lollardy and Sedition, 1381-1414, Peasants, Knights and Heretics (1976). or Lollards and Reformers (1984). Lollardy and Literacy, Lollards and Reformers. Lollardy and the Reformation: survival or revival?, ibid. H.G. Richardson, Heresy and the Lay Power under Richard II, Eng.Hist.Rev., 1936. J.A.F. Thomson, The Later Lollards 1414-1520 (1965). Orthodox Religion and the origins of Lollardy, History, 1989. J. Fines, Heresy Trials in the Diocese of Lichfield, Jnl.Eccles.Hist.,1963. E. Powell, Kingship, Law, and Society, ch. 6 (1989). R.G. Davies, Lollardy and Locality, Trans.Roy.Hist.Soc., 1991. K.B. McFarlane, Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights (1972). John Wycliffe and English Nonconformity (1952/1972). L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525, ch. 12 (1991). ed. Biller and Hudson (see Section 16(a)). ed. M. Aston and C. Richmond, Lollardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages (1997). R. Rex, The Lollards (2002) 23 The Family and Marriage in England c. 1250-1500 (see also Section 4, above and 24 below) a) General E. van Houts, History and Family Traditions in England and the Continent 1000-1200 (2000). John S. Moore, The Anglo-Norman Family: size and structure, Anglo-Norman Studies, 14 (1991). S. Shahar, Childhood in the Middle Ages (1991). R.A. Houlbrooke, The English Family (1984). A. Burton, Looking Forward from Aries?, Continuity and Change, 1989. ed. R.B. Outhwaite, Marriage and Society: Studies in the Social History of Marriage, intro. and chs. 1-3 (1981). J. Swanson, Childhood and Childrearing in ad status Sermons, Jnl.Med.Hist., 1990. H. Jewell (as in Section 17 (a)). N. Orme, The Culture of Children in Medieval England, Past and Present, 1995. eds. C.M. Rousseau and J.T. Rosenthal, Women, Marriage and Family in Medieval Christendom (1998), pp. 121-251 and 349-398. P. Fleming, Family and Household in Medieval England (2000). M. Mate, Women in Medieval English Society (1999). b) The Aristocratic Family K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, ch. 1 iii (1973). G.A. Holmes, The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Fourteenth-Century England, ch. 2 (1957). C. Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, ch. 6 (1987). C. Carpenter, The Fifteenth-Century English Gentry and their Estates, in Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe, ed. M. Jones (1986). Locality and Polity, chs. 4, 6 and 7 (1992). S.M. Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry in the Fifteenth-Century, ch. 3 (1983). C. Richmond, Marriage and the Family in Fifteenth-Century England, Bull.Inst.Hist.Res.,1985. ed. J. Ward, Women of the English Nobility and Gentry, 1066-1500 (Sources) (1995). English Noblewomen in the later Middle Ages (1992). J. Hudson, Land, Law, and Lordship in Anglo-Norman England (1994) chs 3-4, 6. J. Holt, TRHS,1972-5 (as in Section 25(b)). S. Painter, Studies in the History of the English Feudal Barony (1943). S.L. Waugh, The Lordship of England: Royal Wardships and Marriages in English Society and Politics 1217-1327 (1988). 30 N. Saul (as in 21b) ) P. Coss, The Lady in Medieval England 1000-1500 (1998). S.J. Payling, \\'The economics of marriage in late medieval England\\', EcHR 2001 F. Pederson, Marriage disputes in medieval England (2001) c) Merchants and Townsmen (and women) B. Hanawalt, Growing up in Medieval London (1995). S. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval London, ch. 4 (1948). P.J.P. Goldberg, Marriage, Migration, Servanthood and Lifecycle in Yorkshire Towns of the Later Middle Ages, Continuity and Change,1986. Women, Work and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy (1992). ed. C.M. Barron and A.F.Sutton, Medieval London Widows. J.P. Huffman, Family, Commerce and Religion in London and Cologne. Anglo-German Emigrants c.1000-c.1300 (1998). J. Kermode, Medieval Merchants in York, Beverly and Hull in the later Middle Ages (1998). d) The Peasant Family P. Gatrell, Historians and Peasants: studies of medieval English society in a Russian context, Past and Present, 1982. R.M. Smith, Modernisation\\' and the Corporate Village Community, Explorations in Historical Geography, ed. A.R.H. Baker and D.Gregory (1984). B. Hanawalt, The Ties that Bound (1986). A. Macfarlane, The Origins of English Individualism, chs. 4-6 (1978). Marriage and Love in England: modes of reproduction 1300-1840 (1986). L.R. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525, ch. 7 (1991). M.E. Mate, Daughters, Wives and Widows after the Black Death: women in Sussex,1350-1535 (1998). A selection of anthropologically-influenced works on the peasantry, (see also section 6c) above) G.C. Homans, English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century (1942). J.A. Raftis, Tenure and Mobility (1964). Z. Razi, Family Land and the Village Community in later Medieval England, Past and Present, 1981. C. Howell, Peasant Inheritance Customs in the Midlands 1280-1700, in Family and Inheritance, ed. J. Goody, J. Thirsk and E.P. Thompson(1976). R.M. Smith, Some Issues Concerning Families and their Property in Rural England, Land, Kinship and Lifecycle, ed. Smith (1984). R.M. Smith, The English Peasantry 1250-1600, in ed. T. Scott, The Peasantries of Europe from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries (1998). J. Whittle, Individualism and the family-land bond. A reassessment of land transfer patters among the English Peasantry c. 1270-1580, P & P, 1998. Inheritance, Marriage, Widowhood and Remarriage in North-East Norfolk, 1440- 1580, Continuity and Change, 1998. e) Gender and Masculinity (see also 4, 14b), 23) E van Houts, Memory and Gender in Medieval Europe (1999) Gender and Authority of Oral Witnesses in Europe (800-1300), TRHS, 1999 J. Wogan-Browne, Saints Lives and Womens Literary Culture: virginity and its authorisations c.1150-1300 (2001) ed. C.M. Meale, Women and Literature in Britain 1150-1500 (1993) R. Gilchrist, Gender and Material Culture: the archaeology of religious women (1994) ed. D.M. Hadley, Masculinity in Medieval Europe (1999) 31 24. The Structure of Landowning Society c. 1066-1500 (N.B. Sections 24-8 all overlap to some extent - also see Bibliographies for Papers 2 and 3) a) Barons and Knights D.A. Carpenter, The Second Century of English Feudalism, P & P, 2000. P. Coss, The Knight in Medieval England 1000-1300 (1993). From Knighthood to Country Gentry 1050-1400, TRHS, 1995 C. Richmond, The Rise of the English Gentry, 1150-1350, The Historian, 1990. F.M. Stenton, The First Century of English Feudalism, 2nd ed. (1961). S. Harvey, The Knight and the Knights Fee in England, Past and Pres.,1970. D.F. Fleming, Landholding by Milites in Domesday Book: a revision, Anglo-Norman Studies, 1990. R.A. Brown, The Status of the Norman Knight, War and Government in the Middle Ages, ed. J. Gillingham and J.C. Holt (1984). R. Lennard, Rural England 1086-1135, chs. 2-4. R. Mortimer, The Beginnings of the Honour of Clare, Proceedings of the Battle Conference,ed. R.A. Brown, 1980. C.W. Hollister, The Greater Domesday Tenants-in-Chief, Domesday Studies,, ed. J.C. Holt (1987). J.C. Holt, The Northerners, chs. 3 and 4 (1961). N. Denholm-Young, Feudal Society in the Thirteenth Century: the Knights, Collected Papers (1969). P. Coss, Lordship, Knighthood and Locality: a Study in English Society c.1180-1280, ch. 7 (1991). S.L. Waugh, Reluctant Knights and Jurors: respites, exemptions, and public obligations in the reign of Henry III, Speculum, 1983. S. Painter, Studies in the History of the English Feudal Barony (1943). R.F. Treharne, The Knights in the Period of Baronial Reform and Rebellion, Bull. Inst. Hist. Res. 1946-8. K. Naughton, The Gentry of Bedfordshire in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (1976) J. Scammell, The Formation of the English Social Structure: Freedom, Knights and Gentry, 1066- 1300 Speculum, 1993. J. Gillingham, Some Observations on Social Mobility in England between the Norman Conquest and the Early Thirteenth Century, The English in the Twelfth Century (2000) J.A Green, The Aristocracy of Norman England (1997). D. Crouch, The Image of Aristocracy in Britain 1000-1300 (1992). P. Dalton, Conquest, Anarchy and Lordship: Yorkshire 1066-1154 (1994). b) The Crisis of the Knightly Class (see also some of the works in b)) R.H. Hilton, A Medieval Society; the West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century, ch. 2 (1966). P. Coss, as above, Section a), chs. 4-9. Sir Geoffrey Langley and the Crisis of the Knightly Class in Thirteenth Century England, Past and Pres., 1975. D.A. Carpenter, Was there a Crisis of the Knightly Class in the Thirteenth Century?, Eng. Hist. Rev., 1980. E. King, Large and Small Landowners in Thirteenth-Century England, Past and Pres., 1970. K. Faulkner, The Transformation of Knighthood in Early Thirteenth-Century England, EHR, 1996. See also works by Denholm-Young, Waugh, Treharne and Naughton, above Section a) c) Nobles and Gentry (see also section 28) K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, chs. 1, 2 and 8 (1973). G.A. Holmes, The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Fourteenth-Century England, chs. 1-3 (1957). C. Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, Part I and Conclusion (1987). J.T. Rosenthal, Nobles and the Noble Life 1295-1500 (1976). R.R. Davies, Lordship and Society in the March of Wales 1282-1400, chs. 2,14-18 (1978) M.J. Bennett, Community, Class and Careerism: Cheshire and Lancashire Society in the Age 32 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, ch. 5(1985). A County Community: social cohesion amongst the Cheshire gentry, Northern Hist., 1973. F. Heal and C. Holmes, The Gentry in England and Wales, 1500-1700 (1994) (also relevant to Sections 17,21,23(b), 26-28). C. Moreton, The Townshends and their World (1992). P. Coss, \\'The formation of the English gentry\\', Past and Present (1995) P. Morgan, \\'Making the English Gentry\\', Thirteenth-century England 5 ed. A. Goodman and A Tuck, War and Border Societies in the Middle Ages (1992). N. Saul, Knights and Esquires: the Gloucestershire Gentry in the Fourteenth Century, chs. 1-3 and 6 (1981). Scenes from Provincial life: Knightly Families in Sussex 1280-1400, ch. 2 (1986). S. Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry in the Fifteenth Century, chs. 1, 4 and 5 (1983). C. Richmond, John Hopton: a Fifteenth-Century Suffolk Gentleman, chs. 1 and 4 (1981). S.J. Payling, Political Society in Lancastrian England: the Greater Gentry of Nottinghamshire, chs. 1-4 and Conclusion (1991). A.J. Pollard, North-Eastern England During the Wars of the Roses 1450-1500, chs. 4, 5 and 8 (1990). C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity: a Study of Warwickshire Landed Society 1401-1499, chs. 3, 9 and 17 (1992). Gentry and Community in Medieval England, Jnl.Br. Studs., 1994 ed. C. Carpenter, Kingsfords Stonor Letters and Papers (1996). ed. C. Carpenter, The Armburgh Papers (1998). ed. J. Kirby, The Plumpton Letters and Papers (1997). ed. J.G. Gairdner, The Paston Letters and Papers (variety of eds., incl. recent one-vol. reprint). J.P. Cooper, Ideas of Gentility in Early-Modern England, Land, Men and Beliefs, ed. G.E. Aylmer and J.S. Morrill (1983). The Social Distribution of Land and Men in England, ibid.. D.A.L. Morgan, The Individual Style of the English Gentleman, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe, ed. M. Jones (1986). K. Naughton, The Gentry of Bedfordshire in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (1976). N. Denholm-Young, The Country Gentry in the Fourteenth Century, chs. 1,2 and 6 (1969). H.L. Gray, Incomes from Land in 1436, Eng. Hist. Rev., 1934. J.R. Maddicott, The County Community and the Making of Public Opinion in Fourteenth-Century England, Trans.Roy.Hist.Soc., 1978. R.L. Storey, Gentleman-Bureaucrats, Profession, Vocation and Culture, ed. C.H. Clough (1982). E.W. Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, Part I (1983). 25 Feudalism (see also Bibliography for Papers 2 and 3) Note that both this section and the next Bastard Feudalism - have also a strong political and constitutional dimension; on this list, the social aspects of the reading are emphasised. Essential introduction to the subject: M. Chibnall, The Debate on the Norman Conquest (1999). a) The Old Debate J.H. Round, Feudal England (1895). D.J.A. Matthew, The Norman Conquest (1966). F.M. Stenton, The First Century of English Feudalism (2nd ed., 1961). J.O. Prestwich, Anglo-Norman Feudalism and the Problem of Continuity, Past and Pres.,1963. C.W. Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest (1962). The Military Organisation of Norman England (1965). 1066: The \\'Feudal Revolution, American Historical Review, 1967-8. E. John, English Feudalism and the Structure of Anglo-Saxon Society, Orbis Britanniae and Other Studies (1966). R.A. Brown, Origins of English Feudalism (1973) is a useful collection of the documents on which the 33 debate centred and good summary of the \\'old\\' debate. b) The New Re-evaluation J.C. Holt, Feudal Society and the Family in Early Medieval England, Presidential Addresses, Tran.Roy.Hist.Soc., 1982-5. The Introduction of Knight Service into England, Anglo-Norman Studies (formerly Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R.A.Brown), 1982. 1086, Domesday Studies, ed. Holt (1987). J. Gillingham, The Introduction of Knight Service into England, Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R.A. Brown, 1981. R. Fleming, King and Lords in Conquest England, Part II (1991). T. N. Bisson, The Feudal Revolution, Past and Pres., 1994. W.E. Kapelle, The Norman Conquest of the North (1979). R. Mortimer, The Beginnings of the Honour of Clare, Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R.A. Brown, 1980. S. Reynolds, Bookland, Folkland and Fiefs, Anglo-Norman Studies ed. R.A. Brown, 1991. Fiefs and Vassals (1994). M. Chibnall, \\'Military Service in Normandy Before 1066\\', Anglo-Norman Studies (formerly Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R.A.Brown), 1982. Anglo-Norman England 1066-1166, Part I (1986) . R. Abels, Lordship and Military Organisation in Anglo-Saxon England (1988). B. Golding, Conquest and Colonisation: the Normans in Britain, 1066-1100 (2nd ed., 2001). P. Dalton (as in 24a) ) D.A. Carpenter, \\'The second century of English feudalism\\', Past and Present, 2000. c) Studies of Individual Baronies W.E. Wightman, The Lacy Family in England and Normandy (1966). ed. R.P. Patterson, Earldom of Gloucester Charters (1973). ed. D.E. Greenway, Charters of the Honour of Mowbray (1972). B. English, The Lords of Holderness 1086-1260, a study in feudal society (1979) F.R.H. Du Boulay, The Lordship of Canterbury: an essay on medieval society, ch. 3 (1966). C. Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society: the estates of the bishopric of Worcester, 680- 1540, ch. 2 (1980). B. Harvey, Westminster Abbey and its Estates in the Middle Ages, ch.3 (1977). E. King, Peterborough Abbey 1086-1310: a study in the land market, chs 1 and 2 (1973). 26 Bastard Feudalism ( see also Bibliography for Papers 2 and 3, especially the period 1272-1509) For the essential administrative/legal context, see Section 14a), above a) General K.B. McFarlane, England in the Fifteenth Century, Intro. by G.L. Harriss and article, Bastard Feudalism (1981). The Nobility of Later Medieval England, ch. 1 i, vi and Annexe (1973). N.B. Lewis, The Organisation of Indentured Retinues in Medieval England, Trans.Roy.Hist.Soc., 1945. C. Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, ch. 3 and conclusion (1987). P. Coss, Bastard Feudalism Revised, Past and Present, 1989. Coss and Others, debate on Bastard Feudalsim Revised, Past and Present, 1991. D.A. Carpenter, The Second Century of English Feudalissm, P & P, 2000. G.L. Harriss, Political Society and the Growth of Government in Late Medieval England, Past and Present, 1993. G.A. Holmes, The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Fourteenth-Century England, ch. 3 (1957). 34 C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity: a Study of Warwickshire Landed Society 1401-1499,chs. 9, 10, first section and 17 (1992). J.R. Maddicott, Law and Lordship: Royal Justices as Retainers in Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century England, Past and Pres. Suppl.,1978. J.P. Cooper, Retainers in Tudor England, Land, Men and Beliefs, ed. G.E.Aylmer and J.S. Morrill (1983). ed. S.A. Smith, John of Gaunts Register 1372-76 (1911). ed. E.C. Lodge and R. Somerville, John of Gaunts Register 1379-83 (1937). ed. M.Jones and S. Walker, Private Indentures for Life Service in Peace and War, Camden Miscellany, 32 (1994). ed. A. Goodman and A. Tuck (as in Section 24c)). b) Individual Affinities C. Carpenter, The Beauchamp Affinity, Eng.Hist.Rev., 1980. The Duke of Clarence and the Midlands, Midland History,1986, J.R. Maddicott, Thomas of Lancaster, ch. 2 (1970). J.R.S. Phillips, Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, ch. 9 (1972). A. Pollard, The Northern Retainers of the Earl of Salisbury, Northern History, 1978. M. Cherry, The Courtenay Earls of Devon, Southern History, 1979. S.K. Walker, The Lancastrian Affinity 1361-1399 (1990). c) Crime, Conflict and Settlement i) General E. Powell, Kingship, Law, and Society (1989). Arbitration and the Law, Trans.Roy.Hist.Soc., 1983. Settlement of Dispute by Arbitration, Law and History Review, 1984. C. Carpenter, Law, Justice and Landowners in Late-Medieval England, Law, and History Review, 1983. M.T. Clanchy, Law, Government and Society in Medieval England, History, 1974. Law and Love, in Disputes and Settlements, ed. J.Bossy (1983). P.C. Maddern, Violence and Social Order (1992). J. Wormald, Bloodfeud, Kindred and Government in Early Modern Scotland, Past and Pres., 1980. ii) Particular (See above, Section 14c) d) Local Studies N. Saul, Knights and Esquires: the Gloucestershire gentry in the fourteenth century, ch. 3 (1981). Scenes from Provincial Life: knightly families in Sussex 1280-1400, ch. 3 (1981). S. Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry in the Fifteenth Century, chs. 5-9 (1983). A.J. Pollard, North-Eastern England during the Wars of the Roses, ch. 5(1990). C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity, chs. 9 and 16. H. Castor, The King, the Crown, and the Duchy of Lancaster (2000). 27 Aristocratic Values and Consumption Patterns c. 1066-1500 (see also Bibliography for Papers 2 and 3) NB: The two sections below overlap to some extent. See also Section 21 above, on lay piety and 30 below, on the arts. a) Chivalry c. 1066-1500 35 M. Strickland, War and Chivalry 1066-1217 (1996). ed., M. Strickland, Anglo-Norman Warfare (1992). M. Keen, Chivalry (1984). Chaucers Knight, the English Aristocracy and the Crusade, English Court Culture in the later Middle Ages, ed. V.J.Scattergood and J.W. Sherborne (1983). ed. M Keen, Medieval Warfare: a history (1999). R. Barber, The Knight and Chivalry (1970). S. Painter, French Chivalry: Chivalric Ideas and Practices in Mediaeval France (1940). P. Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, trans. M. Jones (1984). R.W. Southern, The Making of the Middle Ages, ch. 5 (1953). J. Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages (1924). The Political and Military Significance of Chivalric Ideas in the Late Middle Ages, Men and Ideas (1959). J. Barnie, War in Medieval Society: Social Values and the Hundred Years War 1337-99 (1974). H.M. Thomas, The Gesta Herewardi, the English and their Conquerors, Anglo-Norman Studies, 21 (1998.) J.Gillingham, The English in the Twelfth Century (2000). A.B. Ferguson, The Indian Summer of English Chivalry (1960). J.T. Rosenthal, Nobles and the Noble Life 1295-1500 (1976). K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, ch. 1ii (1973). K. Fowler, The Age of Plantaganet and Valois: the Struggle for Supremacy: 1328-1498 (1967). ed. A. Curry and M.Hughes, Arms, Armies and Fortifications in the Hundred Years War (1994). Crouch and Green (as in 24a)). Contemporary Texts: a selection The Order of Chivalry, trans. W. Caxton, E.E.T.S. The Babees Book (a.k.a. Manners and Meals in Olden Time), ed. F.J.Furnivall, E.E.T.S.(1868). The Works of Sir Thomas Malory, ed. E. Vinaver (1947). Froissart, Chronicles, selected and trans. G. Brereton (Penguin Classics,1968). The Boke of Noblesse, ed. J.G. Nicholls (1860). European texts in translation from the whole period, including several key works of chivalry, are to be found in The New Pelican Guide to English Literature 1. Medieval English Literature: Part Two: The European Inheritance, ed. B. Ford (1983). b) Consumption Patterns of Lay Landowners c. 1200-1500 (see also Section 24b) above, as well as relevant sections on incomes and estate management) C. Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, chs. 2-4 (2nd ed., 1998). K. Mertes, The English Noble Household 1250-1600 (1988). McFarlane, Nobility, as above, Section 24c), ch. 1v, vi. C. Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, ch. 4 (1987). J.R. Maddicott, Thomas of Lancaster 1307-1322, ch. 2 (1970). C. Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham 1394-1521, chs. 4-5 (1978). M.J. Bennett, Community, Class and Careerism: Cheshire and Lancashire Society in the Age of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, ch. 10 (1985). N. Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life: Knightly Families in Sussex 1280-1400, ch. 6 (1986). S. Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry in the Fifteenth Century, ch. 2 (1983). C. Richmond, John Hopton: a Fifteenth-Century Suffolk Gentleman, ch. 3(1981). A.J. Pollard, North-Eastern England During the Wars of the Roses 1450-1500, ch. 8 (1990). C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity: a Study of Warwickshire Landed Society 1401-1499, ch. 6 (1922). The Fifteenth-Century English Gentry and their Estates, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe, ed. M. Jones (1986). P. Fleming, The Hautes and their Circle: culture and the English gentry, England in the Fifteenth Century, ed. D. Williams (1987). Rosenthal, as above, Section 27a). E. Veale, The English Fur Trade in the Late Middle Ages (1966). 36 M.K. James, Studies in the Medieval Wine Trade (1971). C. Barron, Centres of Conspicuous Consumption: the aristocratic town house in London 1200 1550, London Journal 1995. C.M. Woolgar, The Great Household in Late Medieval England (1999). Pounds (as in 31a) ). 28 Social Mobility in Late Medieval England c.1250-1500 (see also section 24b), above) a) General F.R.H. Du Boulay, An Age of Ambition: English Society in the Late Middle Ages (1970). M.J. Bennett, Sources and Problems in the Study of Social Mobility: Cheshire in the later middle ages, Trans. of the Historic Soc. of Lancs. and Chesh., 1978.ed. C. H. Clough, Profession, Vocation and Culture in Later Medieval England (1982). Useful comparative works: L. Stone, Social Mobility in England, 1500-1700, Past and Present, 1966. An Open Elite? England 1540-1880 (abridged ed., 1986). b) Into and Within Nobility and Gentry (see also c) ) K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, chs. 1-3,8 (1973). M.J. Bennett, Community, Class and Careerism, ch.10 (1983). C. Carpenter, Locality and Polity, chs. 4,6 (1992). The Fifteenth-Century English Gentry and their Estates, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe, ed. M. Jones (1986). N. Saul, Knights and Esquires, ch.6 (1981). S. Payling, Political Society in Lancastrian England: the Greater Gentry of Nottinghamshire, chs. 1-3 (1991). Social Mobility, Demographic Change and Landed Society in Late Medieval England, Ec. Hist. Rev., 1992. C. Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, chs. 5 and 6 (1987). c) Lawyers and Administrators (see also b)) E.W. Ives, The Common Lawyers in Pre-Reformation England, Trans. Royal Hist. Soc.,1968. The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England (1983). P. Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession (1992). R.A. Griffiths, Public and Private Bureaucracies in England and Wales in the Fifteenth Century, Trans. Royal His. Soc., 1980. Also works by Morgan and Storey in section 24c) d) Merchants and Townsmen S. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval London (1948). S. Reynolds, An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns, ch.8 (1977). M. Kowalewski, The Commercial Dominance of a Medieval Provincial Oligarchy The Medieval Town: a Reader in English Urban History 1200-1540, ed. R. Holt and G. Rosser (1990). H. Swanson, Medieval Artisans: an Urban Class in Late Medieval England (1989). J. Kermode (as in 23c)). 37 e) Peasants and Yeomen (see also b) and sections 6c) and 23d), above). C. Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, ch.14 (1980). Changes in the Size of Peasant Holdings in Some West Midland Villages, ed. R.M.Smith, Land, Kinship and Life Cycle (1984). R.H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, chs. 1 and 2 (1975). C. Howell, Land, Family and Inheritance in Transition: Kibworth Harcourt 1280-1700, ch. 5 (1983). W.G. Hoskins, The Midland Peasant: the Economic and Social History of a Leicestershire Village (1957). B. Harvey, Westminster Abbey and its Estates in the Middle Ages, chs. 7-10 (1977). M. McIntosh, Autonomy and Community: Havering 1200 -1520 (1986). L. Poos, A Rural Society after the Black Death: Essex 1350 - 1525 ch.7 (1991). 29 Aliens in English Society (see also important works above, Section 12) P. Hyams, The Jewish Minority in Medieval England 1066-1290, Jnl of Jewish Studies., 1974. P. Brand, Jews and the Law in England 1275-90, EHR, 2000. R.R. Mundill, Englands Jewish Solutions experiment and expulsion (1998). R.B. Dobson, The Jews of Medieval Cambridge, Jewish Hist. Studs., 1990-2. A.S. Abulafia, Jewish-Christian Disputations and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, Jnl. Med. Hist., 1989. J. Edwards, The Jews in Western Europe (1993). K.T. Streit, The expansion of the English Jewish Community in the reign of Stephen, Albion (1993). J. Hillaby, London: The Thirteenth-Century Jewry Revisited, Jewish Hist. Studs., 1990-2. R.C. Stacey, 1240-60: a watershed in Anglo-Jewish Relations?, Hist. Research, 1988. The Conversion of Jews to Christianity in Thirteenth-Century England, Speculum, 1992. C. Roth, A History of the Jew in England (3rd ed., 1964). D. Pearsall, Strangers in Late Fourteenth-Century London, The Stranger in Medieval Society, ed. F.R.P Akehurst (1997). 30 Poverty and Charity (see also 19, 20 and 21) M. Mollat, The Poor in the Middle Ages (1986). P.H. Cullum, And hir name was charite: charitable giving by and for women in late medieval Yorkshire, in Woman is a worthy wight: women in English society c.1200-1500, ed.P.J. P. Goldberg (1992). A. Brown, Popular Piety in Late-Medieval England , chap. 8 (1995). N. Orme and M. Webster, The English Hospital, 1070-1570 (1995). M. Rubin, The poor, in Fifteenth-century attitudes. Perceptions of society in late medieval England ed. R. Horrox (1994). Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge (1987). M.K. McIntosh, Local Responses to the Poor in Late-Medieval and Tudor England, Continuity and Change, 1988. B.R. McRee, Charity and Gild Solidarity in Late Medieval England, Jnl. Br. Studs., 1993. P.M. Cullum and P.J.P. Goldberg, Charitable Provision in Late Medieval York, North. Hist. (1993). R.M. Smith, The Manorial Court and the Elderly Tenant in Late Medieval England, Aging and the Aged in Medieval Europe, ed. M.M. Sheehan. E. Clark, The Quest for Security in Medieval England, ibid. Some Aspects of Social Security in Medieval England, Jnl. Family Hist., 1982. Social Welfare and Mutual Aid in the Medieval Countryside, Jnl. Br. Studs., 1994. J.M. Bennett, Conviviality and Charity in Medieval and Early Modern England, Past and Present, 1992. 38 ed. M.M. Sheehan, Ageing and the Aged in Medieval Europe (1990). N. Orme and M. Webster, The English Hospital, 1070-1570 (1995). C. Rawcliffe, Medicine for the Soul: the life, death and resurrection of an English medieval hospital (1999). 31 Intellectual Developments 1050-1300 (see also Sections 17b) above and 32, below) J. Kaye, Economy and Nature in the Fifteenth Century (1998). P. Damien-Grint, The New Historians of the Twelfth-century Renaissance: inventing vernacular authority (1999). L. Cochrane, Adelard of Bath: the first English scientist (1994). R.L. Benson and G. Constable (eds.) Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century (1982). C.N.L. Brooke, Heresy and Religious Sentiment: 1000-1250, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 1968. J.H. Burns (ed.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought c.350-c.1450 (1988). R.W. Southern, St. Anselm. A Portrait in a Landscape (1990). Medieval Humanism and Other Studies (1970). Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe, 2 vols. (1995-2000). R. Ward, The Prayers and Meditations of St.Anselm (1973). P. Dronke (ed.), A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy (1988). G.R. Evans, Old arts and new theology, (1980). M.Gibson, Lanfranc of Bec, (1978). C.H. Haskins, The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century, (1927). E. Lesne, Les Ecoles de la fin de VIIIe la fin du XII sicle (1940). L.K. Little, Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe, (1978). D.E. Luscombe, Peter Abelard (1979,1980). J. Marenbon, Early Medieval Philosophy (480-1150). An introduction (1983). R.I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting society (1987). Origins of European Dissent, (1977). A Murray, Reason and Society in the Middle Ages (1978). Suicide in the Middle Ages (2 vols., 1998-2000). B. Smalley, The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, 3rd. edn. (1952). B. Tierney, The Crisis of Church and State 1050-1300 (1964). J. le Goff, Intellectuals in the Middle Ages (1993). R. Swanson, The Twelfth-Century Renaissance (1999). ed., C.W. Hollister, Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the Twelfth Century Renaissance (1997). 32. The Arts in England c.1066-1500 * = mainly pre - 1250 + = mainly post - 1250 a) Architecture *R. Marks, Stained Glass in England during the Middle Ages (1993). N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales (1991). *G. Zarnecki etc. Catalogue of the Hayward Romanesque Exhibition (1984). *R. Stalley, Early Medieval Architecture (1999). C. Cunningham, Stones of Witness: church architecture and function (1999). P. Kidson etc. A History of English Architecture (2nd ed., 1965). G. Webb, Architecture in Britain: The Middle Ages (1956). *T.S.R. Boase, English Art 1100-1216 (1953). *E. Fernie, The Effect of the Norman Conquest on Norman Architectural Patronage, Anglo- Norman Studies, 9 (1986). * Saxons, Normans and their Buildings, Anglo-Norman Studies, 21 (1998). 39 *C.M. Radding and W.W. Clark, Medieval Architecture, Medieval Learning (1992). +J. Bony, The English Decorated Style 1250-1350 (1979). +J. Harvey, The Perpendicular Style 1330-1485 (1978). L.F. Salzman, Building in England, (1952). H.M. Colvin, The History of the Kings Works: the Middle Ages (1963). R. Morris, Cathedrals and Abbeys of England and Wales (1979). G.H. Cook, The English Medieval Parish Church (1954). R.A. Brown etc. Castles: a history and guide (1980). +H.M. Colvin in Scattergood and Sherborne: see below, in d). +ed. J. Alexander and P. Binski, The Age of Chivalry (Catalogue of the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1987). C. Platt, The Architecture of Medieval Britain: a Social History (1990). The Parish Churches of Medieval England (1981). The Abbeys and Priories of Medieval England (1984). The Castle in Medieval England and Wales (1982). +P. Binski, Westminster Abbey and the Plantaganets (1995) (also relevant to b) and c) below). N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: a social and political history (1990). C. Harper-Bill and E van Houts (eds.), A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World (2003) Chapter 11. b) Sculpture, Precious Metals etc. J. Cherry, Treasure in Earthen Vessels: jewellery and plate in late medieval hoards, Treasure in the Medieval West, ed. E. Tyler (2000). L. Stone, Sculpture in Britain: the Middle Ages, (1972). *Hayward Catalogue, as above, in a). *G. Zarnecki, English Romanesque Sculpture 1066-1140 (1951). * Later English Romanesque Sculpture 1140-1210, (1953). * Studies in Romanesque Sculpture, Ch. 1 and 3 (1979). * Romanesque Sculpture in Normandy and England in the 11th century, Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R. A. Brown, 1978. *Boase, as above, in a). +J. Evans, English Art 1307-1461 (1949). P. Brieger, English Art 1216-1307 (1957). Pickering and Anderson: see below, d)iii). + Age of Chivalry (as above, in a)). +P. Lindley, Gothic to Renaissance: essays on sculpture in England (1996). *P. Lasko, Ars Sacra 800-1200 (2nd ed., 1994). Binski, Westminster Abbey (as in b)). c) Painting and Illumination J.J.G.Alexander, The Middle Ages in The Genius of British Painting, ed. D.Piper (1975). Painting and Manuscript Illumination in Scattergood and Sherborne (below b)). Pickering and Anderson: see below d)iii). Pearsall and Salter: see below d)ii). Boase, Brieger, Evans as above, in a). * Hayward Catalogue, as above, in a). *F. Wormald, The Development of English Illumination in the 12th century, Jnl. British Archaeological Assoc., 1943. * The Survival of Anglo-Saxon Illumination after the Norman Conquest, Proceedings of the British Academy, 1944. *C.R. Dodwell ed., The Great Lambeth Bible. * The Canterbury School of Illumination. *R. Gameson, The Manuscripts of Early Norman England c.1066-1130 (1999). 40 *T. Webber, Scribes and Scholars at Salisbury Cathedral c.1075-c.1125 (1992). + Pearsall and Salter, as in e)ii), below. M. Rickert, Painting in Britain: The Middle Ages (1965). + R. Hanna III, Sir Thomas Berkeley and his Patronage, Speculum, 1989. + P. Binski, The Painted Chamber at Westminster (1986). Westminster Abbey (as in b)). + Age of Chivalry (as above, in a)). K. Kamerick, Popular Piety and Art in the late Middle Ages (2002) d) Literature (see also some of the titles in section 23e) ) For anthologies and editions, see bibliography in J.A. Burrow, Medieval Writers and their Work,(1982). Note particularly Chaucer, ed. F.N.Robinson (2nd.ed., 1966) Piers Plowman, ed. A.C.V. Schmidt, (1978, 1982), Gawain and the Green Knight, ed. J.R.R. Tolkien, (1967), Malory, ed. E.Vinaver (2nd.ed. 1977), the York Mystery Plays, ed. R.Beadle (1982) A Book of Medieval English, ed. J.A. Burow and T. Turville-Petre (2nd.ed.,1995) There is a good introductory selection of texts in the New Pelican Guide to English Literature above, section 27 a). The best introductory survey is D. Pearsall, Old English and Middle English Poetry (1977); also W.P.Ker, Medieval English Literature (1955). For all periods, see The Cambridge History of the English Language, ii, 1066-1478, ed. N.F. Blake (1992). J. Simpson (ed.), The Oxford English Literary History, 2, Reform and cultural revolution (2002) C. Harper-Bill and E. van Houts, A companion to the Anglo-Norman World chapter 10 \\'Language and Literature\\' i) Language and the Development of the Vernacular *I Short, Patrons and Polygots, Anglo-Norman Studies, 14 (1991). Tam Angli quam Franci: self-definition in Anglo-Norman England, Anglo-Norman Studies, 18 (1995). L P. Smith, The English Language (3rd ed., 1966). *M.D. Legge, Anglo-Norman as a spoken language, Proceedings of the Battle Conference, ed. R A Brown, 1979. *Anglo-Norman and the Historian, History, 1941-2. *Anglo-Norman Literature and its Background (1978). R.M. Wilson, English and French in England, History, 1943. Early Medieval English Literature (3rd ed., 1968). M.T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record (2nd ed., 1993). *R.W. Chambers, On the Continuity of English Prose (1957). W. Rothwell, The Role of French in 13th c. England, Bull.Jo.Rylands Lib., 1975-6. P. Damian-Grint (as in 31). L.E. Voigts, Whats the Word? bilingualism in late medieval England, Speculum, 1996. ed. T.A. Trotter, Multilingualism in Later Medieval Britain (2000). +ii) English Vernacular Literature ed. D. Wallace, The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature (1999). The New Pelican Guide to English Literature vol. I: The Middle Ages, Part I: Chaucer and the Alliterative Tradition (Part II is a useful survey of European literature). J.A. Burrow, Medieval Writers and their Work (1982). Ricardian Poetry (1971). 41 J. Coleman, English Literature in History: 1350-1400: Medieval Readers and Writers (1981). S. Medcalf, ed. The Later Middle Ages (The Context of English Literature) (1981). D. Mehl, The Middle English Romances of the 13th and 14th Century (1968). P. Brown and A. Butcher, The Age of Saturn: literature and history in the Canterbury Tales (1991). ed. T.J. Heffernan, Popular Literature of Medieval England (1985). H. Philips, Langland, the Mysteries and the Medieval English Religious Tradition (1990). V.J.Scattergood, Literary Culture at the Court of Richard II, in Scattergood and Sherborne: see below, f). D. Pearsall and E. Salter, Landscapes and Seasons of the Medieval World (1973). D.A. Lawton, ed., Middle English Alliterative Poetry and its Literary Background (1982). ed.A.V.C.Schmidt and N.Jacobs, Medieval English Romances (1980). ed. D.B.Sands, Medieval English Verse Romances (1986). R. F. Green, Poets and Princepleasers (1980). Stevens, as in e) R. Hanna, Sir Thomas Berkeley and his Patronage, Speculum, 1989. R.M. Wilson, The Lost Literature of Medieval England (2nd ed.,1970). T. Turville-Petre, England the Nation: Language, Literature and National Identity 1290-1340 (1996). M. Schlauch, English Medieval Literature and its Social Foundations, ch. 5 (1971). P Strohm, Social Chaucer (1989). A.I. Doyle, English Books In and Out of Court from Edward III to Henry VII, in Scattergood and Sherborne: see f) below. iii) Drama and the Mystery Plays R. Axton, European Drama of the Early Middle Ages (1974). +R. Woolf, The English Mystery Plays (1972). G. Wickham, The Medieval Theatre (3rd. ed., 1987). F.P. Pickering, Literature and Art in the Middle Ages (1970). M.D. Anderson, Drama and Imagery in English Medieval Churches the visual arts (1963). +W. Tydeman, English Medieval Theatre 1400-1500 (1986). +M. Rubin, Corpus Christi: the Eucharist in late medieval England (1991). +G McM Gibson, The Theater of Devotion: East-Anglian drama and society in the late middle ages (1989). ed. R. Beadle, The Cambridge Companion to the Medieval English Theatre (1994). P. Meredith, Professional Travelling Players of the Fifteenth Century: myth or reality?, Medieval Drama, 1998. e) Music Oxford History of Music vols.I and II. F.Ll. Harrison, Music in Medieval Britain. + N. Wilkins, Music and Poetry at Court, in Scattergood and Sherborne (see below f)) J. Stevens, Music in Medieval Drama, Procs.Royal Musical Assoc., 1957-8. Words and Music in the Middle Ages 1050-1350 (1986). R. Rastall, Minstrelcy, Churches and Clergy in Medieval England, Procs.Royal Musical Assoc., 1970-1. + Some English Consort Groupings of the Later Middle Ages,Music and Letters, 1974. Minstrels of the English Royal Household, R.M.A. Research Chronicle, 1964. The Minstrel Court in Medieval England, Procs.Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1982. + R. Bowers, Some Observations on the Life and Career of Lionel Power, Procs. Royal Musical Assoc., 1975-6. The Musicians of the Lady Chapel of Winchester 1402-1539, Jnl. Eccles. Hist., 1994. English Church Polyphony: singers and sources from the 14th to the 17th century (1999). J. Southworth,The English Medieval Minstrel (1989). M. Williamson, The Musician in Medieval England (1999). + A. Wathey, Music in the Royal and Noble Households in Late Medieval England (1989). Music - Historical Anthology of Music, vol. I ed. A.T. Davison and W. Apel (1989). - The Oxford Anthology of Music: Medieval Music, ed. W.T. Marrocco and N. Sandon (1977). 42 - Medieval English Songs, ed. F.Ll. Harrison (1979). Recordings - a useful introductory tape accompanies Enjoying Early Music by Roy Bennett. - there are any number of recordings of medieval music f) General Discussions and Problems in Patronage * C R Dodwell, Anglo-Saxon Art: a new perspective (1992). * W.W.Kibler ed., Eleanor of Aquitaine: patron and politician (1976). G. Duby, The Age of the Cathedrals: art and society 980 - 1420 (1981). * M.D.Knowles, The Monastic Order in England 940 - 1216 (2nd. ed.,(1963). The Religious Orders in England (as in 20 b) above). + V.J.Scattergood and J.W. Sherborne ed. English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages (1983). * R.L.Benson and G. Constable ed., Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century; essays by Duby (1982). + J. Vale, Edward III and Chivalry (1982). + M.J.Bennett, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Literary Achievement of the North West, Jnl.Medieval Hist., 1979. E Salter, English and International: studies in the literature, art and patronage of medieval England. (1988). N. Orme, From Childhood to Chivalry : the Education of the English Kings and Aristocracy (1989). +K.B. McFarlane, The Education of the Nobility, The Nobility of Later Medieval England (1973). *R.W. Southern, The Place of England in the 12th Century Renaissance, Medieval Humanism (1970). * Englands First Entry into Europe, in Medieval Humanism (1970). P. Coss,Aspects of Cultural Diffusion in Medieval England, Past and Present, 1985. R. Brooke and C.N.L. Brooke, Popular Religion in the Middle Ages (1984). *R.M. Thomson, England in the 12th century Renaissance, Past and Present, 1983. +M. Rubin, Corpus Christi (as in d) iii, above). A. Gurevich, Medieval Popular Culture: Problems of Belief and Perception (1988). +C. Platt, King Death (1996). ed. S. Kay and M. Rubin, Framing Medieval Bodies (1994). ed. S.L. Kaplan, Understanding Popular Culture (1984). *S. Macready and F.H. Thompson, Art and Patronage in the English Romanesque (1986). *C. Norton and D. Park, Cistercian Art and Architecture in the British Isles (1986). +P. Lindley, The Black Death and English Art, The Black Death in England, ed. M. Ormrod and Lindley (1996). U. Eco, Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages (1988 ed.). + P. Binski, Westminster Abbey and the Plantaganets (1995). Medieval Death: ritual and representation (1996). R. Marks, Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England (1999). ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 120:360 - Biochemistry Syllabus Aug SEP JAN 16 2005 2006 2008 9 captures\\n16 Sep 06 - 11 Jul 10 Close\\nHelp 120:360 Biochemistry\\nFall 2006\\nInstructor: Dr. Gerald Frenkel Office: 321 Boyden Tel: 5071\\nE-mail:\\nfrenkel@andromeda.rutgers.edu\\nClass time and place: MTh 1:00 - 2:20, Room 105 Hill Hall\\nCourse Website: http://newarkbioweb.rutgers.edu/bio360\\nCourse prerequisites:\\nGeneral Biology, Foundations in Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry\\nRequired Text: Voet, Voet & Pratt, Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2nd Edition (2006)\\nOther Resources: Biochemistry textbooks on reserve in Dana Library: Easier: Campbell, Biochemistry\\nHorton et al, Principles of Biochemistry More advanced: Voet & Voet Biochemistry\\nGarrett & Grisham, Biochemistry Useful Websites: Links to Chemistry and Biochemistry resources: http://BioChemHub.com\\nMedical Biochemistry: http://www.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/home.html\\nMolecular models: http://www.bio.cmu.edu/Courses/BiochemMols/BCMolecules.html Lecture Schedule\\n[Changes made after 9/7/06 will be shown in red]\\nNote: Follow the links below to more information on the topic. To use the molecular modeling feature you will need Chime. Date Topic Readings (in Voet) Preparatory reading Chemistry topics suggested for review 12-19; Ch. 2 9/7\\nAmino acids\\nCh. 4 9/11\\nProteins I\\n95-108 9/14\\nProteins II\\n130-144 9/18\\nProteins III\\n149-161; 170-174;182-185 9/21\\nProteins IV\\n185-204 9/25\\nLipids 234-242 9/28\\nCholesterol and lipoproteins\\n242-245; 248-251; 628-635 10/2\\nNO CLASS 10/5\\nCarbohydrates\\nand glycoproteins\\n207-222 10/9 Lecture Exam 1 10/12\\nEnzymes I\\n313-318; 358-368 10/16\\nEnzymes II\\n369-385 10/19\\nEnzymes III\\n319-321 10/23\\nEnzymes IV\\n340-350 10/26\\nIntroduction to metabolism & bioenergetics\\n396-414 10/30\\nGlycolysis & fermentation I\\n428-446; 452-456 11/2\\nGlycolysis & fermentation IIGlycogen breakdown 446-451\\n473-479; 489-491 11/6\\nPyruvate dehydrogenase\\n519-524; 533 11/9\\nLecture Exam 2 11/13\\nCitric acid cycle\\n515-517; 524-531 11/16\\nFatty acid catabolism 635-640; 649-650 11/20\\nAmino acid catabolism\\n688-697 11/21 (Tuesday)\\nOxidation/reduction reactionsElectron transport 414-419; 549-567 11/27 Electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation 567-579 11/30\\nCarbohydrate biosynthesis\\n500-507; 481-487; 489-500 12/4\\nFatty acid biosynthesis\\n650-657; 462-463 12/7\\nNucleotide biosynthesis\\n41-44; 788-808 12/11\\nLecture Exam 3 12/18 8:30 - 11:30 AM Final Exam Grades\\nThe course grade will be calculated as follows:\\nThere will be 3 lecture exams, each covering approximately one third of the course. These exams will be multiple-choice.The lowest grade of the three will be dropped, and each of the remaining two will be worth 35% of the course grade. In addition there will be a comprehensive final exam (covering the entire course) that will be worth 30% of the course grade. This will consist of multiple-choice questions plus short-answer/essay questions from supplementary readings which will be announced during the course.\\nMakeup exams\\nA make-up examination will be available for students who must miss a regularly scheduled exam for an officially approved reason (see university guidelines). Please notify the instructor as soon as possible prior to the scheduled exam.Please note: there will be no makeup after you have taken an exam (i.e. to improve your grade.) ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Spanish Syllabus Header SEP NOV AUG 12 2002 2003 2004 7 captures\\n26 Jun 02 - 30 Aug 06 Close\\nHelp Spanish 1B/1BXSyllabus\\nClick on Printable Version then click on Syllabus text, then press\\n[Ctrl]-P to print. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' calendar Oct NOV JAN 15 2003 2004 2005 5 captures\\n15 Nov 04 - 25 Sep 05 Close\\nHelp ENGLISH 6362 LITERATURE OF THE VICTORIAN PERIOD Cynthia Z. Valk, B.S., M.A., M.A., Ph.D.\\nEmail: czvalk@the-i.net\\nOffice: E 103: Office Phone 983-7713, Home Phone 350-8800, Home Fax 350-8811\\nOffice Hours: See Calendar.\\nRequired Texts: Buckley Jerome Hamilton and George Bejamin Woods, eds. Poetry of the Victorian Period, 3rd Ed., New York: Longman.1965.\\nGaskill, Elizabeth.\\nNorth and South. London: Penguin Books. 1995.\\nDisraeli, Benjamin. Sybil. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998.\\nDickens, Charles. Hard Times (edition to be announced)\\nStoker, Braum. Dracula (edition to be announced)\\nSelected Drama Attendance: Regular attendance is expected and required. Irregular attendance will be cause for dismissal.\\nCourse Description: This course covers novels and poetry of the Victorian Period (c. 1832-1890).\\nCourse Outcomes/Course Objectives:\\nStudents who successfully complete this course will be able to: Increase critical skills in reading poetry and fiction.\\nIncrease proficiency in discussing poetry and fiction in a discussion-group setting.\\nImprove research and writing skills.\\nImprove oral presentation skills.\\nImprove knowledge of the Victorian Period. Short Papers: Explore some religious, political, or social issue in a two-to-three-page research paper. This paper should be your own discussion of the topic, so develop a good thesis and use secondary sources to support your potiion. Use MLA format for in-text citations, works cited, and other format considerations. (10% of grade, each paper.) 20%\\nLong Paper: In a ten-to-fifteen-page paper, explore the works of a single writer in terms of style, character, theme, source, relationship with other writers, relationship to culture, political issues, social concerns, and so forth. As in the short papers, this must be your own discussion of the topic. Use MLA format. (20% of grade.) 20%\\nFormal Analysis of a Poem: Each student will be responsible for presenting a formal analysis of a poem of substantial length from the assigned reading. Hand in your prepared script. (15% of grade.) 15%\\nClass Discussion Leadership: Each student will be responsible for conducting two class discussions. One will be in conjunction with the formal analysis of the poem, and the other will be on one of the novels. These discussion leaderships should be conducted for approximately one-half a class period, or about an hour and fifteen minutes. (10% of grade, each discussion.) 20%\\nFinal Exam: Essay ( 25%.) 25%\\nGrades: 100-90 = A; 89-80 = B; 79-70 = C; 69 and below = F. (100 = A+; 95 = A; 90 = A-, etc.)\\nLate Work = one-half letter grade per day late © The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College For comments or more information, contact Cynthia Z. Valk. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 431 U.S. 119 Apr MAY Jun 18 2009 2010 2011 1 captures\\n18 May 10 - 18 May 10 Close\\nHelp 431 U.S. 119\\n97 S.Ct. 1709\\n52 L.Ed.2d 184\\nJack B. KREMENS, etc., et al., Appellants,v.Kevin BARTLEY et al.\\nNo. 75-1064.\\nArgued Dec. 1, 1976.\\nDecided May 16, 1977. Syllabus\\nAppellees, five mentally ill individuals who were between 15 and 18 years old at the time the complaint was filed, were the named plaintiffs in an action challenging the constitutionality of a 1966 Pennsylvania statute governing the voluntary admission and voluntary commitment to state mental health institutions of persons aged 18 or younger. Appellees sought to vindicate their constitutional rights and to represent a class consisting of all persons under 18 \"who have been, are, or, may be admitted or committed\" to state mental health facilities. The statute provided, inter alia, that a juvenile might be admitted upon a parent\\'s application, and that, unlike an adult, the admitted person was free to withdraw only with the consent of the parent admitting him. After the commencement of the action, regulations were promulgated substantially increasing the procedural safeguards afforded minors aged 13 or older. After those regulations had become effective, and notwithstanding the differentiation therein between juveniles of less than 13 and those 13 to 18, the District Court certified the class to be represented by the plaintiffs as consisting of all persons 18 or younger who have been or may be admitted or committed to Pennsylvania mental health facilities pursuant to the challenged provisions. The District Court later issued a decision holding those provisions violative of due process. In July 1976, after that decision, and after this Court had noted probable jurisdiction, a new statute was enacted, repealing the provisions held to be unconstitutional except insofar as they relate to the mentally retarded. Under the 1976 Act a person 14 or over may voluntarily admit himself, but his parents may not do so; thus those 14 to 18 who were subject to commitment by their parents under the 1966 Act are treated as adults by the 1976 Act. Children 13 and younger may still be admitted for treatment by a parent. Those 14 and over may withdraw from voluntary treatment by giving written notice. Those under 14 may be released on the parent\\'s request, and \"any responsible party\" may petition for release. Held:\\n1. The enactment of the 1976 Act, which completely repealed and replaced the challenged provisions vis-a-vis the named appellees, clearly moots the claims of the named appellees, who are treated as adults totally free to leave the hospital and who cannot be forced to return unless they consent to do so. Pp. 128-129.\\n2. The material changes in the status of those included in the class certified by the District Court that resulted from the 1976 Act and the regulations preclude an informed resolution of that class\\' constitutional claims. Pp. 129-133.\\n(a) Though the mootness of the claims of named plaintiffs does not \"inexorably\" require dismissal of the claims of the unnamed members of the class, Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U.S. 393, 95 S.Ct. 553, 42 L.Ed.2d 532; Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S. 747, 96 S.Ct. 1251, 47 L.Ed.2d 444, this Court has never adopted a flat rule that the mere fact of certification by a district court requires resolution of the merits of the claims of the unnamed members of the class when those of the named parties had become moot. Pp. 129-130.\\n(b) Here the status of all members of the class, except those individuals who are younger than 13 and mentally retarded, has changed materially since this suit began; the intervening legislation has fragmented the class. The propriety of the class certification is thus a matter of gravest doubt. Cf. Indianapolis School Comm\\'rs v. Jacobs, 420 U.S. 128, 95 S.Ct. 848, 43 L.Ed.2d 74. Pp. 130-133.\\n(c) Moreover, the issue in this case with respect to a properly certified class is not one that is \"capable of repetition, yet evading review.\" Sosna, supra, distinguished. P. 133.\\n3. Since none of the critical factors that might allow adjudication of the claims of a class after mootness of the named plaintiffs are present here, the case must be remanded to the District Court for reconsideration of the class definition, exclusion of those whose claims are moot, and substitution of class representatives with live claims. Pp. 133-135. 402 F.Supp. 1039, vacated and remanded.\\nNorman J. Watkins, Harrisburg, Pa., for the appellants by Bernard G. Segal, Philadelphia, Pa., for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, as amicus curiae, by special leave of Court.\\nDavid Ferleger, Philadelphia, Pa., for the appellees.\\nMr. Justice REHNQUIST delivered the opinion of the Court. 1\\n* Appellees Bartley, Gentile, Levine, Mathews, and Weand were the named plaintiffs in a complaint challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania statutes governing the voluntary admission and voluntary commitment to Pennsylvania mental health institutions of persons 18 years of age or younger. The named plaintiffs alleged that they were then being held at Haverford State Hospital, a Pennsylvania mental health facility, and that they had been admitted or committed pursuant to the challenged provisions of the Pennsylvania Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966, Pa.Stat.Ann., tit. 50, 4101 et seq. (1969). Various state and hospital officials were named as defendants.1 2\\nPlaintiffs sought to vindicate not only their own constitutional rights, but also sought to represent a class consisting of 3\\n\"all person under eighteen years of age who have been, are, or, may be admitted or committed to Haverford State Hospital and all other state mental health facilities under the challenged provisions of the state statute.\" App. 10a-11a (complaint, P 7). 4\\nA three-judge United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania struck down the statutes as violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 402 F.Supp. 1039 (1975). The court also entered a broad order requiring the implementation of detailed procedural protections for those admitted under the Pennsylvania statutes. On December 15, 1975, this Court granted appellants\\' application for a stay of the judgment of the District Court. On March 22, 1976, we noted probable jurisdiction. 424 U.S. 964, 96 S.Ct. 1457, 47 L.Ed.2d 731. 5\\nIn general, the 1966 Act, which has been superseded to a significant degree, provides for three types of admission to a mental health facility for examination, treatment, and care: voluntary admission or commitment ( 402 and 403), emergency commitment ( 405), and civil court commitment ( 406). At issue here was the constitutionality of the voluntary admission and commitment statutes,2 402 and 403, as those statutes regulate the admission of persons 18 years of age or younger. The statutes3 provide that juveniles may be admitted upon the application of a parent, guardian, or individual standing in loco parentis and that, unlike adults, the admitted person is free to withdraw only with the consent of the parent or guardian admitting him.4 6\\nThere have been two major changes in the Pennsylvania statutory scheme that have materially affected the rights of juveniles: the promulgation of regulations under the 1966 Act, and the enactment of the Mental Health Procedures Act in 1976. At the time the complaint was filed, the 1966 Act made little or no distinction between older and younger juveniles. Each of the named plaintiffs was at that time between 15 and 18 years of age. After the commencement of this action, but before class certification or decision on the merits by the District Court, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare promulgated regulations which substantially increased the procedural safeguards afforded to minors 13 years of age or older. The regulations, promulgated pursuant to statutory authority,5 became effective September 1, 1973. The major impact of the regulations6 upon this litigation stems from the fact that the regulations accord significant procedural protections to those 13 and older, but not to those less than 13. The older juveniles are given notification of their rights, the telephone number of counsel, and the right to institute a 406 involuntary commitment proceeding in court within two business days. Under 406,7 a judicial hearing is held after notice to the parties. The younger juveniles are not given the right to a hearing and are still remitted to relying upon the admitting parent or guardian. 7\\nAlthough the regulations sharply differentiate between juveniles of less than 13 years of age and those 13 to 18, on April 29, 1974, the District Court nonetheless certified the following class to be represented by the plaintiffs: 8\\n\"This action shall be maintained as a class action under Rule 23(b)(1) and (2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of the class comprised of all persons eighteen years of age or younger who have been, are or may be admitted or committed to mental health facilities in Pennsylvania pursuant to the challenged provisions of the state mental health law (i. e., 50 P.S. 4402 and 4403). This definition of the class is without prejudice to the possibility that it may be amended or altered before the decision on the merits herein.\" App. 270a. 9\\nOn July 9, 1976, after the decision below and after this Court had noted probable jurisdiction, Pennsylvania enacted a new statute substantially altering its voluntary admission procedures. Mental Health Procedures Act, Pa. Act No. 143. The new Act completely repeals the provisions declared unconstitutional below except insofar as they relate to mentally retarded persons. 502. Under the new Act, any person 14 years of age or over may voluntarily admit himself, but his parents may not do so; those 14 to 18 who were subject to commitment by their parents under the 1966 Act, are treated essentially as adults under the new Act. 201.8 Under the new Act children 13 and younger may still be admitted for treatment by a parent, guardian, or person standing in loco parentis. Ibid. Those 14 and over may withdraw from voluntary treatment \"at any time by giving written notice.\" 206(a).9 Those under 14 may be released by request of the parent; in addition, \"any responsible party\" may petition the Juvenile Division of the Court of Common Pleas to request withdrawal of the child or modification of his treatment. 206(b). 10\\nBecause we have concluded that the claims of the named appellees are mooted by the new Act, and that the claims of the unnamed members of the class are not properly presented for review, we do not dwell at any length upon the statutory scheme for voluntary commitment in Pennsylvania or upon the rationale of the District Court\\'s holding that the 1966 Act and regulations did not satisfy due process. II 11\\nThis case presents important constitutional issues issues that were briefed and argued before this Court. However, for reasons hereafter discussed, we conclude that the claims of the named appellees are mooted by the new Act and decline to adjudicate the claims of the class certified by the District Court. That class has been fragmented by the enactment of the new Act and the promulgation of the regulations. 12\\nConstitutional adjudication being a matter of \"great gravity and delicacy,\" see Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U.S. 288, 345, 56 S.Ct. 466, 482, 80 L.Ed. 688 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring), we base our refusal to pass on the merits on \"the policy rules often invoked by the Court \\'to avoid passing prematurely on constitutional questions. Because (such) rules operate in \"cases confessedly within (the Court\\'s) jurisdiction\" . . . they find their source in policy, rather than purely constitutional, considerations.\\' \" Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S. 747, 756 n. 8, 96 S.Ct. 1251, 1260, 47 L.Ed.2d 444 (1976). A. 13\\nAt the time the complaint was filed, each of the named plaintiffs was older than 14, and insofar as the record indicates, mentally ill.10 The essence of their position was that, as matters stood at that time, a juvenile 18 or younger could be \"voluntarily\" admitted upon application of his parent, over the objection of the juvenile himself. Thus, appellees urged in their complaint that the Due Process Clause required that they be accorded the right to a hearing, as well as other procedural protections to ensure the validity of the commitment. App. 21a-22a, (complaint P 46). 14\\n(1-3) The fact that the Act was passed after the decision below does not save the named appellees\\' claims from mootness. There must be a live case or controversy before this Court, Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U.S. 393, 402, 95 S.Ct. 553, 558, 42 L.Ed.2d 532 (1975), and we apply the law as it is now, not as it stood below. Fusari v. Steinberg, 419 U.S. 379, 95 S.Ct. 533, 42 L.Ed.2d 521 (1975); Sosna v. Iowa, supra. Thus the enactment of the new statute11 clearly moots the claims of the named appellees, and all others 14 or older and mentally ill. 15\\nThese concerns were eradicated with the passage of the new Act, which applied immediately to all persons receiving voluntary treatment. 501. The Act, in essence, treats mentally ill juveniles 14 and older as adults. They may voluntarily commit themselves, but their parents may not do so, 201, and one receiving voluntary treatment may withdraw at any time by giving written notice. 206. With respect to the named appellees, the Act completely repealed and replaced the statutes challenged below, and obviated their demand for a hearing, and other procedural protections, since the named appellees had total freedom to leave the hospital, and could not be forced to return absent their consent. After the passage of the Act, in no sense were the named appellees \"detained and incarcerated involuntarily in mental hospitals,\" as they had alleged in the complaint, App. 21a. B 16\\nIf the only appellees before us were the named appellees, the mootness of the case with respect to them would require that we vacate the judgment of the District Court with instructions to dismiss their complaint. United States v. Munsingwear, 340 U.S. 36, 71 S.Ct. 104, 95 L.Ed. 36 (1950). But as we have previously indicated, the District Court certified, pursuant to Fed.Rule Civ.Proc. 23, the class described supra, at 125-126. 17\\n(4, 5) In particular types of class actions this Court has held that the presence of a properly certified class may provide an added dimension to our Art. III analysis, and that the mootness of the named plaintiffs\\' claims does not \"inexorably\" require dismissal of the action. Sosna, supra, 419 U.S., at 399-401, 95 S.Ct., at 557-558. See also Franks v. Bowman Transportation, Inc., supra, 424 U.S., at 752-757, 96 S.Ct., at 1258-1260; Gerstein v. Pugh, 420 U.S. 103, 110-111, n. 11, 95 S.Ct. 854, 861, 43 L.Ed.2d 54 (1975). But we have never adopted a flat rule that the mere fact of certification of a class by a district court was sufficient to require us to decide the merits of the claims of unnamed class members when those of the named parties had become moot. Cf. Sosna, supra, 419 U.S., at 402, 95 S.Ct., at 558. Here, the promulgation of the regulations materially changed, prior to class certification, the controverted issues with respect to a large number of unnamed plaintiffs; prior to decision by this Court, the controverted issues pertaining to even more unnamed plaintiffs have been affected by the passage of the 1976 Act. We do not think that the fragmented residual of the class originally certified by the District Court may be treated as were the classes in Sosna and Franks. 18\\nThere is an obvious lack of homogeneity among those unnamed members of the class originally certified by the District Court. Analysis of the current status of the various subgroups reveals a bewildering lineup of permutations and combinations. As we parse it, the claims of those 14 and older and mentally ill are moot. They have received by statute all that they claimed under the Constitution. Those 14 and older and mentally retarded are subject to the 1966 Act, struck down by the District Court, but are afforded the protections of the regulations. Their claims are not wholly mooted, but are satisfied in many respects by the regulations. Those 13 and mentally ill are subject to the admissions procedures of the new Act, arguably supplemented by the procedural protection of the regulations. The status of their claims is unclear. Those 13 and mentally retarded are subject to the 1966 Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Their claims are satisfied in many respects. Those younger than 13 and mentally ill are unaided by the regulations and are subject to the admissions procedures of the 1976 Act, the constitutional effect of which has not been reviewed by the District Court. Those younger than 13 and mentally retarded are subject to the 1966 Act, unaffected by the regulations. This latter group is thus the only group whose status has not changed materially since the outset of the litigation. These fragmented subclasses are represented by named plaintiffs whose constitutional claims are moot, and it is the attorneys for these named plaintiffs who have conducted the litigation in the District Court and in this Court.12 19\\nThe factors which we have just described make the class aspect of this litigation a far cry indeed from that aspect of the litigation in Sosna and in Franks, where we adjudicated the merits of the class claims notwithstanding the mootness of the claims of the named parties. In Sosna, the named plaintiff had by the time the litigation reached this Court fulfilled the residency requirement which she was challenging, but the class described in the District Court\\'s certification remained exactly the same. In that case, mootness was due to the inexorable passage of time, rather than to any change in the law. In Franks, a Title VII discrimination lawsuit, the named plaintiff had been subsequently discharged for a nondiscriminatory reason, and therefore before this Court that plaintiff no longer had a controversy with his employer similar to those of the unnamed members of the class. But the metes and bounds of each of those classes remained the same; the named plaintiff was simply no longer within them. 20\\nHere, by contrast, the metes and bounds of the class certified by the District Court have been carved up by two changes in the law. In Sosna and Franks, the named plaintiffs had simply \"left\" the class, but the class remained substantially unaltered. In both of those cases, the named plaintiff\\'s mootness was not related to any factor also affecting the unnamed members of the class. In this case, however, the class has been both truncated and compartmentalized by legislative action; this intervening legislation has rendered moot not only the claims of the named plaintiffs but also the claims of a large number of unnamed plaintiffs.13 The legislation, coupled with the regulations, has in a word materially changed the status of those included within the class description. 21\\n(6) For all of the foregoing reasons, we have the gravest doubts whether the class, as presently constituted, comports with the requirements of Fed.Rule Civ.Proc. 23(a).14 And it is only a \"properly certified\" class that may succeed to the adversary position of a named representative whose claim becomes moot. Indianapolis School Com\\'rs v. Jacobs, 420 U.S. 128, 95 S.Ct. 848, 43 L.Ed.2d 74 (1975). 22\\nIn addition to the differences to which we have already adverted, the issues presented by these appellees, unlike that presented by the appellant in Sosna, supra, are not \"capable of repetition, yet evading review.\" In the latter case there is a significant benefit in according the class representative the opportunity to litigate on behalf of the class, since otherwise there may well never be a definitive resolution of the constitutional claim on the merits by this Court. We stated in Franks that \"(g)iven a properly certified class action, . . . mootness turns on whether, in the specific circumstances of the given case at the time it is before this Court, an adversary relationship sufficient to fulfill this function exists.\" 424 U.S., at 755-756, 96 S.Ct., at 1260. We noted that the \"evading review\" element was one factor to be considered in evaluating the adequacy of the adversary relationship in this Court. Id., at 756 n. 8, 96 S.Ct., at 1260. In this case, not only is the issue one that will not evade review, but the existence of a \"properly certified class action\" is dubious, and the initial shortcomings in the certification have multiplied. See Indianapolis School Comm\\'rs v. Jacobs, supra. 23\\nIn sum, none of the critical factors that might require us to adjudicate the claims of a class after mootness of the named plaintiff\\'s claims are present here. We are dealing with important constitutional issues on the merits, issues which are not apt to evade review, in the context of mooted claims on the part of all of the named parties and a certified class which, whatever the merits of its original certification by the District Court, has been fragmented by the enactment of legislation since that certification. While there are \"live\" disputes between unnamed members of portions of the class certified by the District Court, on the one hand, and appellants, on the other, these disputes are so unfocused as to make informed resolution of them almost impossible. Cf. Fusari v. Steinberg, 419 U.S. 379, 95 S.Ct. 533, 42 L.Ed.2d 521 (1976). We accordingly decline to pass on the merits of appellees\\' constitutional claims.15 24\\nWe conclude that before the \"live\" claims of the fragmented subclasses remaining in this litigation can be decided on the merits, the case must be remanded to the District Court for reconsideration of the class definition, exclusion of those whose claims are moot, and substitution of class representatives with live claims. 25\\nBecause the District Court will confront this task on remand, we think it not amiss to remind that court that it is under the same obligation as we are to \"stop, look, and listen\" before certifying a class in order to adjudicate constitutional claims. That court, in its original certification, ignored the effect of the regulations promulgated by appellants which made a dramatic distinction between older and younger juveniles,16 and, according to the District Court, 402 F.Supp., at 1042, accorded the named appellees all of the protections which they sought, save two: the right to a precommitment hearing, and the specification of the time for the postcommitment hearing. 26\\nThis distinction between older and younger juveniles, recognized by state administrative authorities (and later by the Pennsylvania Legislature in its enactment of the 1976 Act), emphasizes the very possible differences in the interests of the older juveniles and the younger juveniles. Separate counsel for the younger juveniles might well have concluded that it would not have been in the best interest of their clients to press for the requirement of an automatic precommitment hearing, because of the possibility that such a hearing with its propensity to pit parent against child might actually be antithetical to the best interest of the younger juveniles. In the event that these issues are again litigated before the District Court, careful attention must be paid to the differences between mentally ill and mentally retarded, and between the young and the very young. It may be that Pennsylvania\\'s experience in implementing the new Act will shed light on these issues. III 27\\n(7) This disposition is made with full recognition of the importance of the issues, and of our assumption that all parties earnestly seek a decision on the merits. As Mr. Justice Brandeis stated in his famous concurrence in Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U.S., at 345, 56 S.Ct., at 482: 28\\n\"The fact that it would be convenient for the parties and the public to have promptly decided whether the legislation assailed is valid, cannot justify a departure from these settled rules . . . .\" 29\\nAnd, as we have more recently observed in the context of \"ripeness\": 30\\n\"All of the parties now urge that the \\'conveyance taking\\' issues are ripe for adjudication. However, because issues of ripeness involve, at least in part, the existence of a live \\'Case or Controversy,\\' we cannot rely upon concessions of the parties and must determine whether the issues are ripe for decision in the \\'Case or Controversy\\' sense. Further, to the extent that questions of ripeness involve the exercise of judicial restraint from unnecessary decision of constitutional issues, the Court must determine whether to exercise that restraint and cannot be bound by the wishes of the parties.\" Regional Rail Reorganization Act Cases, 419 U.S. 102, 138, 95 S.Ct. 335, 356, 42 L.Ed.2d 320 (1974). (Footnote omitted.) 31\\n(8) Our analysis of the questions of mootness and of our ability to adjudicate the claims of the class in this case is consistent with the long-established rule that this Court will not \"formulate a rule of constitutional law broader than is required by the precise facts to which it is to be applied.\" Liverpool, N. Y. & P. S. S. Co. v. Emigration Comm\\'rs, 113 U.S. 33, 39, 5 S.Ct. 352, 355, 28 L.Ed. 899 (1885). The judgment of the District Court is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. 32\\nIt is so ordered. 33\\nMr. Justice BRENNAN, with whom Mr. Justice MARSHALL joins, dissenting. 34\\nAs was true three Terms ago with respect to another sensitive case brought to this Court, I can \"find no justification for the Court\\'s straining to rid itself of this dispute.\" DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U.S. 312, 349, 94 S.Ct. 1704, 1722, 40 L.Ed.2d 164 (1974) (Brennan, J., dissenting). \"Although the Court should, of course, avoid unnecessary decisions of constitutional questions, we should not transform principles of avoidance of constitutional decisions into devices for sidestepping resolution of difficult cases.\" Id., at 350, 94 S.Ct., at 1722. 35\\nPursuant to Fed.Rule Civ.Proc. 23, the District Court, on April 29, 1974, certified appellee class consisting of persons 18 years of age or younger who are or may be committed to state mental facilities under Pennsylvania\\'s Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966. The State not only did not then oppose the certification, but to this day urges that this Court render a decision on the \"important constitutional issues . . . that were briefed and argued before this Court.\" Ante, at 127. Over a score of amici curiae organizations and parties similarly joined in presenting their views to us. Ordinarily of course, the defendant\\'s failure to object to a class certification waives any defects not related to the \"cases or controversies\" requirement of Art. III, cf. O\\'Shea v. Littleton, 414 U.S. 488, 494-495, 94 S.Ct. 669, 675, 38 L.Ed.2d 674 (1974), and would require us to proceed to the merits of the dispute. 36\\nThe Court pointedly does not suggest that the class definition suffers from constitutionally based jurisdictional deficiencies. Instead, its analysis follows a different route. We are first told that it is likely1 that the claims of the named class members are moot. After several pages in which the Court parses decisions like Sosna v. Iowa, 419 U.S. 393, 95 S.Ct. 553, 42 L.Ed.2d 532 (1975), and Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S. 747, 96 S.Ct. 1251, 47 L.Ed.2d 444 (1976), for selected clauses and phrases, thereby attempting to distinguish the present case from those earlier decisions where class claims were allowed to reach decision, the opinion ultimately concludes that in their present posture the legal claims of the class members \"are so unfocused as to make informed resolution of them almost impossible\", ante, at 134, citing Fusari v. Steinberg, 419 U.S. 379, 95 S.Ct. 533, 42 L.Ed.2d 521 (1975). Accordingly, the Court \"decline(s) to pass on the merits of appellees\\' constitutional claims\", ante, at 134, and remands to the District Court for clarification of the class certification. 37\\nWhat does all this mean? Most importantly, the Court\\'s class-action analysis must be placed in proper perspective, for it is obvious that the Court\\'s extended discussion of Sosna, Franks, and like cases is a mere camouflage of dicta bearing no relationship to the disposition of this case. Those earlier cases merely recognized the continued existence of Art. III jurisdiction notwithstanding the subsequent mootness of the claims of the named parties to a class action. They said nothing about this Court\\'s discretionary authority to remand a class claim or any other claim to the lower courts for needed clarification. Thus, in the present case, the fact that the claims of the named plaintiffs may or may not be mooted, ante, at 128-129, is irrelevant, for, if the condition of the record so requires, a remand to clarify matters necessary to permit proper consideration of the issues in this appeal would be warranted regardless of whether the named parties remained in the case. Similarly, the Court\\'s various suggestions that these named plaintiffs \"left\" the class in a manner distinguishable from those in Sosna and Franks, ante, at 132, and that the issues presented herein are \"not capable of repetition, yet evading review,\" ante, at 133, are without meaning. This Court\\'s power to remand cases as in Fusari v. Steinberg is in no way dependent on these factors, and is not foreclosed by the existence of Art. III jurisdiction as found in Franks, Sosna, and their progeny. 38\\nIndeed, it is clear that for all the extraneous discussion of Sosna and Franks, the decision today follows those cases, for it recognizes that an Art. III \"case or controversy\" persists in this instance notwithstanding the apparent mootness of the claims of named plaintiffs, and, therefore, confirms that our jurisdiction is constitutionally viable. Otherwise, of course, the Court could not, as it does today, voluntarily \"decline\" to pass on the merits of the suit, ante, at 134, but rather would be compelled to avoid any such decision. While, as shall be seen, I disagree that the modification of Pennsylvania law warrants even a clarifying remand in this instance, I think it particularly unwise to hide a purely discretionary decision behind the language of Art. III jurisdiction. After all, the action actually taken today by the Court a remand for consideration in light of intervening law is regularly ordered in one or two short paragraphs without such fanfare or gratuitous discussion. See, e. g., Philadelphia v. New Jersey, 430 U.S. 141, 97 S.Ct. 987, 51 L.Ed.2d 224 (1977); cf. Cook v. Hudson, 429 U.S. 165, 97 S.Ct. 543, 50 L.Ed.2d 373 (1976). 39\\nI do not express this objection to the Court\\'s opinion due to a concern for craft alone. Jurisdictional and procedural matters regularly dealt with by the Court often involve complex and esoteric concepts. An opinion that is likely to lead to misapplication of these principles will cost litigants dearly and will needlessly consume the time of lower courts in attempting to decipher and construe our commands. Consequently I have frequently voiced my concern that the recent Art. III jurisprudence of this Court in such areas as mootness and standing is creating an obstacle course of confusing standardless rules to be fathomed by courts and litigants, see, e. g., Warth v. Seldin, 422 U.S. 490, 519-530, 95 S.Ct. 2197, 2215-2221, 45 L.Ed.2d 343 (1975) (BRENNAN, J., dissenting); DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U.S., at 348-350, 94 S.Ct., at 1721-1722 (BRENNAN, J., dissenting), without functionally aiding in the clear, adverse presentation of the constitutional questions presented. As written, today\\'s opinion can only further stir up the jurisdictional stew and frustrate the efforts of litigants who legitimately seek access to the courts for guidance on the content of fundamental constitutional rights. 40\\nIn this very case, for example, we deny to the parties and to numerous amici intervenors an authoritative constitutional ruling for a reason that at best has only surface plausibility. In truth, the Court\\'s purported concern for the \"lack of homogeneity\" among the children in the class is meaningless in the context of this appeal. The District Court\\'s judgment established and applied a minimum threshold of due process rights available across the board to all children who are committed to mental facilities by their parents pursuant to Pennsylvania law. The core of the mandated rights, essentially the non-waivable appointment of counsel for every child and the convening of commitment hearings within specified time periods,2 applies equally to all Pennsylvania children who are subject to parental commitment. In reviewing the propriety of these threshold constitutional requirements, our inquiry is not to any meaningful extent affected by the intervening change in Pennsylvania law.3 Indeed, we are informed by Pennsylvania officials that the 1976 amendment, by abolishing parental commitment of mentally ill children over 14, merely serves to eliminate 20% of the members of the certified class from the lawsuit. Reply Brief for Appellants 1. The amendment, however, bears no relationship whatever to the District Court\\'s judgment insofar as it pertains to the remaining 80% of the class that is, to those children who can still be committed by their parents.4 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania itself acknowledges that \"(o)ver three-fourths of the plaintiff class . . . are subject to the very statutes which the lower court examined, declared unconstitutional, and enjoined.\" Id., at 3. The Court\\'s disposition of this case, therefore, ensures nothing but an opportunity for the waste of valuable time and energy. At most, the District Court on remand realistically can be expected to confirm that 20% of the children no longer are members of the class, while reaffirming its carefully considered judgment as to the remaining 80%. I do not understand why we do not spare the District Court this purely mechanical task of paring down the class, for nothing would now prevent us from excluding 20% of the children from our consideration of the merits and evaluating the District Court\\'s judgment as it affects the remaining 80%. See, e. g., Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S., at 755-757, 96 S.Ct., at 1259-1260. 41\\nNor can the Court\\'s action be justified by its order to the District Court that new class representatives with live claims be substituted to press forward with the suit. For, again, in the posture of this case, this is purely a matter of form. Franks, Sosna, and Gerstein v. Pugh, 420 U.S. 103, 110-111, n. 11, 95 S.Ct. 854, 861, 43 L.Ed.2d 54 (1975), plainly recognize and act upon the premise that, given the representative nature of class actions,5 the elimination of named plaintiffs ordinarily will have no effect on the \"concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the Court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions\". Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 204, 82 S.Ct. 691, 703, 7 L.Ed.2d 663 (1962). Certainly, in this appeal there can be no question of adequate adversity and cogency of argument. Attorneys for the class continue diligently to defend their judgment in behalf of the children who are still within the purview of Pennsylvania\\'s parental commitment law. Pennsylvania equally diligently resists the District Court\\'s judgment and pressures for a controlling constitutional decision. And a vast assortment of amici curiae ranging from sister States to virtually all relevant professional organizations have submitted briefs informing our deliberations from every perspective and orientation plausibly relevant to the case. In brief, the Court\\'s assertion of its inability \"to make informed resolution of\" the issues is, in this instance, pure fancy. 42\\nI do not believe that we discharge our institutional duty fairly, or properly service the constituencies who depend on our guidance, by issuing meaningless remands that play wasteful games with litigants and lower courts.6 Therefore, I respectfully dissent from the Court\\'s disposition of this case. Because the Court does not address the important constitutional questions presented, I too shall defer the expression of my views, pending the Court\\'s inevitable review of those questions in a later case. 1 Haverford State Hospital was initially named as a defendant but was dismissed by mutual agreement. 402 F.Supp. 1039, 1043 n. 6 (ED Pa.1975). 2 The principal distinction between the sections is that a voluntary commitment is not to exceed 30 days, with successive periods not to exceed 30 days each, as long as care or observation is necessary. There is no time limitation following a voluntary admission to a facility. See id., at 1054-1055, n. 3 (dissenting opinion). See also n. 4, infra. There has been no distinction between the two sections for purposes of this lawsuit. Hence, unless otherwise indicated, we shall use the words \"admitted\" and \"committed\" interchangeably. 3 The statutes provide: 402. \"Voluntary admission; application, examination and acceptance; duration of admission\\n\"(a) Application for voluntary admission to a facility for examination, treatment and care may be made by:\\n\"(1) Any person over eighteen years of age.\\n\"(2) A parent, guardian or individual standing in loco parentis to the person to be admitted, if such person is eighteen years of age or younger.\\n\"(b) When an application is made, the director of the facility shall cause an examination to be made. If it is determined that the person named in the application is in need of care or observation, he may be admitted.\\n\"(c) Except where application for admission has been made under the provisions of section 402(a)(2) and the person admitted is still eighteen years of age or younger, any person voluntarily admitted shall be free to withdraw at any time. Where application has been made under the provisions of section 402(a)(2), only the applicant or his successor shall be free to withdraw the admitted person so long as the admitted person is eighteen years of age or younger.\\n\"(d) Each admission under the provisions of this section shall be reviewed at least annually by a committee, appointed by the director from the professional staff of the facility wherein the person is admitted, to determine whether continued care is necessary. Said committee shall make written recommendations to the director which shall be filed at the facility and be open to inspection and review by the department and such other persons as the secretary by regulation may permit.\\n\"Where the admission is under the provisions of section 402(a)(2), the person admitted shall be informed at least each sixty days of the voluntary nature of his status at the facility.\" Pa.Stat.Ann., tit. 50, 4402 (1969) (footnote omitted). 403. \"Voluntary commitment; application, examination and acceptance; duration of commitment\\n\"(a) Application for voluntary commitment to a facility for examination, treatment and care may be made by:\\n\"(1) Any person over eighteen years of age.\\n\"(2) A parent, guardian or individual standing in loco parentis to the person to be admitted, if such person is eighteen years of age or younger.\\n\"(b) The application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant in the presence of at least one witness. When an application is made, the director of the facility shall cause an examination to be made. If it is determined that the person named in the application is in need of care or observation, he shall be committed for a period not to exceed thirty days. Successive applications for continued voluntary commitment may be made for successive periods not to exceed thirty days each, so long as care or observation is necessary.\\n\"(c) No person voluntarily committed shall be detained for more than ten days after he has given written notice to the director of his intention or desire to leave the facility, or after the applicant or his successor has given written notice of intention or desire to remove the detained person.\\n\"(d) Each commitment under the provisions of this section shall be reviewed at least annually by a committee, appointed by the director from the professional staff of the facility wherein the person is cared for, to determine whether continued care and commitment is necessary. Said committee shall make written recommendations to the director which shall be filed at the facility and be open to inspection and review by the department and such other persons as the secretary by regulation shall permit.\\n\"Where the commitment is under the provisions of section 403(a)(2), the person committed shall be informed at least each sixty days of the voluntary nature of his status at the facility.\" Pa.Stat.Ann., tit. 50, 4403 (1969) (footnote omitted). 4 With respect to those voluntarily admitted, the 1966 Act explicitly distinguishes between adults, who are free to withdraw at any time, and those 18 and younger, who may withdraw only with the consent of the admitting parent or guardian. 402(c). However, 403(c), relating to withdrawal after voluntary commitment, does not explicitly make an age distinction, and, on its face, would allow either the person committed or the applicant (i. e., the parent or guardian) to effect the withdrawal. However, neither the court below nor the parties below have read the statute as containing this distinction. E. g., Brief for Appellants 25. 5 201(2) of the 1966 Act. 6 Relevant portions of the regulations are set forth in the District Court\\'s opinion. 402 F.Supp., at 1042-1043, n. 5. 7 Section 406 is the statute that provides for the hearing procedures to be used in an involuntary civil court commitment. Pa.Stat.Ann., tit. 50, 4406 (1969). 8 Section 201 provides:\\n\"Any person 14 years of age or over who believes that he is in need of treatment and substantially understands the nature of voluntary commitment may submit himself to examination and treatment under this act, provided that the decision to do so is made voluntarily. A parent, guardian, or person standing in loco parentis to a child less than 14 years of age may subject such child to examination and treatment under this act, and in so doing shall be deemed to be acting for the child. Except as otherwise authorized in this act, all of the provisions of this act governing examination and treatment shall apply.\" 9 Section 206 provides:\\n\"(a) A person in voluntary inpatient treatment may withdraw at any time by giving written notice unless, as stated in section 203, he has agreed in writing at the time of his admission that his release can be delayed following such notice for a period to be specified in the agreement, provided that such period shall not exceed 72 hours.\\n\"(b) If the person is under the age of 14, his parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis may effect his release. If any responsible party believes that it would be in the best interest of a person under 14 years of age in voluntary treatment to be withdrawn therefrom or afforded treatment constituting a less restrictive alternative, such party may file a petition in the Juvenile Division of the court of common pleas for the county in which the person under 14 years of age resides, requesting a withdrawal from or modification of treatment. The court shall promptly appoint an attorney for such minor person and schedule a hearing to determine what inpatient treatment, if any, is in the minor\\'s best interest. The hearing shall be held within ten days of receipt of the petition, unless continued upon the request of the attorney for such minor. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the rules governing other Juvenile Court proceedings.\\n\"(c) Nothing in this act shall be construed to require a facility to continue inpatient treatment where the director of the facility determines such treatment is not medically indicated. Any dispute between a facility and a county administrator as to the medical necessity for voluntary inpatient treatment of a person shall be decided by the Commissioner of Mental Health or his designate.\" (Footnote omitted.) 10 The following notations are found in various medical records and evaluations in the record: (a) appellee Bartley, \"Admission Note: Organic Brain Syndrome with epilepsy\" (App. 137a); (b) appellee Gentile, \"Schizophrenia\" (id., at 145a); appellee Levine, \"functioning within the average range of intelligence\" (id., at 167a); appellee Weand, \"dull normal range of intelligence\" (id., at 169a); appellee Mathews, \"functioning on a lower average range of intelligence, giving evidence of bright, normal and even superior learning capacities\" (id., at 175a). 11 Given our view that the Act moots the claims of the named appellees, we need not address the issue of whether the promulgation of the new regulations had previously mooted their claims. 12 Mr. Justice BRENNAN suggests that none of this is relevant to our adjudication of the case. Post, at 140-142. Implicit in this suggestion is the conclusion that in the present posture of this case certification of a class represented by these named plaintiffs would be acceptable. This approach disregards the prerequisites to class actions contained in Fed.Rule Civ.Proc. 23(a), see n. 14, infra, and pushed to its logical conclusions would do away with the standing requirement of Art. III. See, e. g., Bailey v. Patterson, 369 U.S. 31, 33, 82 S.Ct. 549, 550, 7 L.Ed.2d 512 (1962) (parties may not \"represent a class of whom they are not a part\"); Schlesinger v. Reservists to Stop the War, 418 U.S. 208, 216, 94 S.Ct. 2925, 2930, 41 L.Ed.2d 706 (1974) (class representative must \"possess the same interest and suffer the same injury\" as members of class). 13 Mr. Justice BRENNAN, post, at 142, seeks to minimize the extent of the changes in the law by asserting that only 20% of the plaintiff class is affected by the new Act. Even if this assertion were undisputed, it would not affect our disposition of the case. But we have no way to test the reliability of that figure. Before the new Act was passed, the distinction between mentally ill and mentally retarded was largely irrelevant for admissions purposes; hence the District Court made no findings with respect to the proportion of the class in each category, and the dissent does not indicate any support in the record for this figure, which first appears in the Reply Brief for Appellants 1 n. 2. Since this information was supplied by a party seeking a determination on the merits, it cannot be treated as a form of \"admission against interest\" by a litigant on appeal. In addition, the suggestion that 80% of the class remains in status quo ante completely overlooks the substantial changes wrought by the regulations, which classified on the basis of age, rather than on the basis of mental illness or mental retardation. 14 Rule 23(a) provides:\\n\"(a) Prerequisites to a Class Action. One or more members of a class may sue or be sued as representative parties on behalf of all only if (1) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable, (2) there are questions of law or fact common to the class, (3) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the claims or defenses of the class, and (4) the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.\" 15 Mr. Justice BRENNAN suggests that our refusal to review the merits of these claims, and our vacation of the District Court\\'s judgment, are simply a confusing and unnecessary exaltation of form over substance. While our refusal to pass on the merits rests on discretionary considerations, we have long heeded such discretionary counsel in constitutional litigation. See Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U.S. 288, 341, 56 S.Ct. 466, 80 L.Ed. 688 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring). The dissent\\'s startling statement that our insistence on plaintiffs with live claims is \"purely a matter of form,\" post, at 142, would read into the Constitution a vastly expanded version of Rule 23 while reading Art. III out of the Constitution. The availability of thoroughly prepared attorneys to argue both sides of a constitutional question, and of numerous amici curiae ready to assist in the decisional process, even though all of them \"stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start,\" does not dispense with the requirement that there be a live dispute between \"live\" parties before we decide such a question.\\nThe dissent, post, at 137, attaches great weight to the fact that the State argues that the case is not moot. As we have pointed out in the text, infra, at 136, the fact that the parties desire a decision on the merits does not automatically entitle them to receive such a decision. It is not at all unusual for all parties in a case to desire an adjudication on the merits when the alternative is additional litigation; but their desires can be scarcely thought to dictate the result of our inquiry into whether the merits should be reached. The dissent\\'s additional reliance on the \"numerous amici (who have requested) an authoritative constitutional ruling . . .\" post, at 140, overlooks the fact that briefs for no fewer than eight of these amici argue that the case is moot or suggest that the case be remanded for consideration of the intervening legislation. 16 Upon promulgation of the regulations, the named appellees received, inter alia, the right to institute a \"section 406\" involuntary commitment proceeding in court within two business days. Under 406, a judicial hearing is held after notice to the parties; counsel is provided for indigents. It is this right to a hearing that was the gravamen of appellees\\' complaint. App. 21a-23a, (complaint P 46). 1 The statutory modification upon which the Court principally relies for mootness pertains solely to mentally ill children 14 or older, whereas the class consists of all children who are mentally ill and retarded. Since this distinction was irrelevant when the action commenced, the complaint does not inform us whether the named class members, while older than 14, are mentally ill or mentally retarded. Thus, it is accurate for the Court to state that \"insofar as the record indicates,\" all the named children are mentally ill and consequently fall within the purview of the 1976 statutory amendment. Ante, at 128. But, since the record barely scratches the surface in this regard, it is possible that some of the children have been committed because of retardation. If so, the Court\\'s supposition that the claims of the named parties are mooted is inaccurate and presumably can be corrected by the District Court on remand. 2 In brief, the District Court mandated a probable-cause hearing within 72 hours of the initial detention followed by a complete postcommitment hearing within two weeks thereafter. 402 F.Supp. 1039, 1049 (ED Pa.1975). 3 The September 1, 1973, regulations, on which the Court additionally places some reliance, are even less relevant to the proper disposition of this case. Under these regulations, the procedural rights of juveniles 13 or older underwent change following commencement of this suit. These older juveniles now must be informed of their rights within 24 hours of commitment and must be given the telephone number of an attorney. Should the retarded or mentally ill child be capable and willing to take the initiative, he may object to this commitment, contact his lawyer, and request a hearing. The hospital then can file an involuntary commitment petition, whereby the child remains in the institution pending the hearing on his commitment; the regulations fix no time period in which this hearing must be held. In its consideration of this case, the District Court was fully aware of these regulations, but concluded that they do not resolve the constitutional infirmities that it found to inhere in Pennsylvania\\'s statutory scheme. Id., at 1042-1043, n. 5. In particular, the regulations fall far short of satisfying the lower court\\'s judgment in its failure to guarantee to every child the nonwaivable guidance of an attorney and a prompt commitment hearing within a specified time period. For this reason, the Court\\'s concern that the class is subdivided into \"a bewildering lineup of permutations and combinations\", ante, at 130, actually is of no constitutional significance to the decision of this suit. For even taking the regulations into account, all the children who can be committed by their parents continue to be held pursuant to procedures as to which plaintiffs complain, and as to which the District Court concluded, constitutional standards are not satisfied. 4 The 1976 Act does provide that, with respect to all children, a \"responsible party\" may step forward and challenge a child\\'s commitment by filing a petition in the juvenile court requesting the appointment of an attorney and the convening of a hearing. Mental Health Procedures Act 206(b) (1976). Given that the most likely \"responsible party,\" the child\\'s parents, are the persons seeking his institutionalization, Pennsylvania itself recognizes that this amounts to \"no real change in the law\" and to no \"additional procedural protections.\" Reply Brief for Appellants 1-2, n. 3. 5 See, e. g., Craig v. Boren, 429 U.S. 190, 194, 97 S.Ct. 451, 50 L.Ed.2d 397 (1976); Singleton v. Wulff, 428 U.S. 106, 117-118, 96 S.Ct. 2868, 2875, 49 L.Ed.2d 826 (1976) (opinion of Blackmun, J.). 6 On several occasions, the Court complains that my position, in characterizing today\\'s action as meaningless and wasteful, fails to give due consideration to the requirements of Art. III and Rule 23. Ante, at 131, n. 12, 134 n. 15. This contention is seriously misleading. When the class was duly certified in 1974, both Rule 23 and Art. III were properly complied with as I agree they must be. The Rule 23 issue is no longer before us, for we cannot, some three years later, sua sponte and over the objection of all parties, challenge compliance with a Rule of Civil Procedure, unless, of course, noncompliance or some intervening circumstance serves to undercut our jurisdiction. That is not the case here, however, for both the majority and I are in agreement that no jurisdictional defect is to be found. In sum, therefore, the inquiry applicable to this case is the following: Does this Court properly exercise its discretion through its remand to the District Court when (1) our Art. III jurisdiction is sound, and (2) the class plaintiff was properly certified pursuant to Federal Rule, and (3) no party objected or today objects to the certification, and (4) the class continues to possess live claims and a District Court judgment that are unaffected by any constitutionally relevant changes in state law, and (5) the substance of the constitutional contentions continue to be litigated cogently by both parties? When these factors are fairly taken into account, the conclusion is plain that today\\'s action can be justified neither by the quasi-jurisdictional language which the Court needlessly includes in its opinion, nor by sound, practical considerations of discretion. CC | Transformed by Public.Resource.Org ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' HIST 232 -- Survey of U.S. History from 1865 MAY MAY JUL 4 2001 2002 2003 11 captures\\n20 May 01 - 18 Apr 05 Close\\nHelp HIST-232 Dr. David Blanke History of the United States since 1865 Heelan Hall 308 MWF 10:40-11:50 blanked@briar-cliff.edu Heelan Hall 383 Office Phone: x5476 CLASS OBJECTIVES This course surveys the history of the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present. This period witnessed the radical reconstruction of notions of race and gender, the formation of national issue-oriented political parties, the evolution of a powerful industrial-capitalist economy, and the emergence of the U.S. as a key player in international affairs. More importantly, the age saw a deliberate and on-going effort by Americans to express, support, and expand notions of democracy, civic virtue, and republicanism for everyone in the United States. This course takes these noble aspirations seriously; asking where and how Americans defined these concepts, whether or not they were met, and how the major social movements both reflected and forced changes on the American people. We will use two original investigations of U.S. social history to examine these changes in detail. Our mission is to become familiar with the key concepts and events in American history, to foster informed in-class discussions of these concepts and events, and to emerge at the end of the quarter with a heightened awareness of, and empathy for the people who created this country. The basic tools that we will use to meet these objectives are formal lectures, class discussions, outside reading, slide and video presentations, humor, and most importantly our intellectual curiosity. While the class is not intended as a civics lesson, it will stress the fact that deciphering the meaning of history is an ongoing intellectual process -- one that will continue with or without your active participation. The class can act as a starting point for your role in this debate. As a result of these efforts, this class will be working to build what Briar Cliff College calls our \"historical foundation.\" As defined by the College, \"the Historical Foundation promotes a habit of mind which examines \\'events\\' within historical context, both as a way of discerning truth as well as appreciating the development and continuity of the human community.\" REQUIRED BOOKS John Mack Faragher, et. al., Out of Many: A History of the American People. VolumeTwo. David Blanke, Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest (Ohio University Press, 2000). KEY DATES AND GRADING STRUCTURE Exam #1, December 20 (20%) A = 90-100 Blanke Paper, January 3 (15%) B = 80- 89 Exam #2, January 24 (20%) C= 70-79 In-Class Presentations, February 7-9 (15%) D = 60-69 Final Exam, Thursday, February 22 (20%) In-Class Participation, Quizzes, Professional/Adult Behavior, etc. (10%) DESCRIPTION OF GRADED EVENTS Exams (60%) will each be divided into three sections. The first asks you to identify the significance of several key terms and is worth 40% of the exam. The second asks for one short answer to a question and is worth 30% of the exam. The third asks for a well-argued essay answer and is worth 30% of the exam. The Final Exam will not be comprehensive. Handouts will be made available listing probable ID terms for each exam. A brief, in-class review of the format for the first exam is possible if needed. See the history department web-page for more \"useful information.\" The In-Class Presentation (15%) will be a 10 minute, in-class presentation by teams of 4-6 students on historical topics and in formats defined by the groups. A handout describing the parameters of this assignment and a posting of the assigned teams will be made available by the third week of class. Attendance will be taken and is mandatory for all presentation days. Individual students will have their own grade dropped 5% for failing to attend either class period. Blanke Paper (15%) is a four- to six-page analytical review of a secondary work in history. A style sheet will be distributed to provide additional information on this assignment. In-Class Participation, Quizzes, Professional/Adult Behavior (10%) will be held in-class and will deal with the material presented in the textbook and discussed in class. In addition, I will reward those who attend class regularly, use the time in class professionally (i.e., no sleeping, excessive talking, etc.). This is a significant component of the final grade and should be treated as such. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, ATTENDANCE, AND OTHER CLASS POLICIES It is my experience and belief that most students attend class regularly, submit assignments and take exams on time, perform well over the quarter, and do not cheat. Moreover, I am flexible with students who prove willing to work to overcome early-quarter \"lapses\" in attendance, performance, or honesty. Unfortunately, the following rules are necessary for those unable or unwilling to meet the basic requirements of College life. The penalty for academic dishonesty is specified in the current Undergraduate Bulletin. In short, students will be awarded zero points for any assignment in which cheating is detected. Moreover, the student\\'s academic advisor will be informed of any instances of cheating. Regular attendance is vital to all College course work. I reserve the right to lower your final grade if you miss class for any reason more than three times over the course of the quarter. If you miss six or more classes I will expect you to drop the class or accept a failing grade for the course. Students who fail the first exam are required to schedule a meeting with me within one week of the return of the exam to discuss their work and ways to improve their performance. Make-up exams will be offered to students who call me before test time and later provide a written notice of an excused absence. The questions on the make-up exam will not be harder, per se, but the exam will not offer optional questions (e.g., on a scheduled exam the student will be asked to answer one of two essay questions, on a make-up exam there will be only one question). Make-up exams will be offered for only one week after the scheduled date of the exam, after which the student will earn a score of zero for that assignment. A student may only take one make-up exam over the span of the quarter. See me immediately if the material, course description, or assignments are confusing in any way. In addition, see me immediately if you have any special physical needs or need any unique arrangements in order to attend and successfully complete the course. FINAL THOUGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS \"RAH-RAH\" Throw out your previous bad experiences with History in High School or at other Colleges. This course does not require that you memorize speeches, dates, or statistics that (as College students) your are intelligent enough to look up in any textbook. The focus in this course is on finding the significance of people, events, and ideas. While those habitually \"bored\" with history may be able to convince themselves that this class is no different than others, we will be approaching the past in ways that constantly require our conscious (re)consideration. History as a discipline requires no special knowledge, has little or no technical jargon, and ultimately is the study of what makes people do what they do. There is nothing in this class (or other history classes) that is too difficult to comprehend if you are willing to read the assignments, attend class, take notes, and use your God-given intellect. Use the web-site. It is intended to help and, according to those who have taken this class in the past, it does help. It is my job to present the material as clearly and as engaging as possible. It is my job to be available to you to help you to experience the intellectual exhilaration of the \"historical foundation.\" In sum, I am here to help you with a subject that I love to talk about. While I can\\'t guarantee that every student will find equal joy in the academic challenge of the course, I can promise that I will bring my excitement and the best of my abilities to class every day. PRELIMINARY CLASS TOPICAL AND READING SCHEDULE 11/29 Course Introduction, Syllabus 12/1-4 Reconstruction; Out of Many, Ch. 17 Handout: 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution 12/6-13 Big Business, the \"Great Upheaval,\" and the \"Counter Offensive;\" Out of Many, Ch. 19 12/15-18 Gilded Age Politics, the (first) \"Great Depression,\" and Populism; Out of Many, Ch. 20 Handout: William Jennings Bryan\\'s \"Cross of Gold\" Speech 12/20 EXAM #1 Please note that many of you other MWF classes will also be holding exams on this day. Begin preparing earlier that you normally would for this exam, as it will be more like finals week than a regular exam. 1/3 Discussion of Blanke, Sowing the American Dream PAPER DUE 1/5-8 Progressivism, Out of Many, Ch. 21 1/10-12 Imperialism, Inter-American Relations, and the \"Great War;\" Out of Many, Ch. 22 1/15 Civil Rights, \"Jim Crow,\" and Nativism at the turn of the Century 1/17-19 Popular Mass Culture, 1890-1920; the Twenties (slide presentation -- this will be difficult to \"make up\" from another\\'s notes) 1/24 EXAM #2 1/26 Changing Role of Women in America, 1900-1930 1/29 The Great Depression and New Deal, Out of Many, Ch. 24 1/31- 2/2 World War II at home and abroad, Out of Many, Ch. 25 2/5 The Cold War at home and abroad, Out of Many, Ch. 26-7 2/7-9 In-Class Presentations (Conclusion of the Cold War) 2/12 The \"Third\" Reconstruction, Civil Rights from 1945-1966, Out of Many, Ch. 28 Handout: Garry Wills, \"The Age of King\" 2/14 Vietnam and America\\'s Internal Dissension, Out of Many, Ch. 29 2/16 JFK, LBJ, and Nixon, Out of Many, Ch. 29 Handout: Bob Dylan 2/19 From Nixon to Clinton: The Collapse of both the Liberal and Conservative Consensuses, Out of Many, Ch. 30-31 2/22 FINAL EXAM -- not comprehensive, but a \"normal\" exam covering the last third of the class While intended to provide a useful guide for the entire quarter, the class schedule is open to change as the course unfolds. For your planning purposes you can assume that the dates for the exams and papers will remain constant. \"Open College\" is a Briar Cliff program that opens regularly scheduled classes to the public. If enrollment is high, we may need to move the class to a larger room. In any event, be prepared for the possibility that someone will be sitting in \"your\" seat. The following are terms that will be discussed in the second half of the U.S. Survey: \"The Dunning School\" Wartime Reconstruction Radical/Congressional R. \"Black Codes\" Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Andrew Johnson 14th Amendment Thaddeus Stevens Confiscation Freedman\\'s Bureau (3 March 1865) Civil Rights Act of l866 lst Reconstruction Act of l867 Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 Southern Reconstruction Union Leagues Ku Klux Klan Slaughterhouse Case (1869) U.S. v. Reese (1875) U.S. v. Cruikshank (1875) \"The Compromise of 1877\" \"Share Cropping\" Crop Lien System Planter-merchant Merchant-landlord Debt Peonage Greenback Act of l862 National Banking Act of l863 Currency Act of l865 Multiplier Effect Dependency-Control \"American Letters\" Stint John D. Rockefeller Pools->Cartels->Trusts Vertical/Horizontal Integration Social Darwinism Accommodation-Resistance Andrew Carnegie Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute (1881) 1877 National Railroad Strike \"The Great Upheaval\" (1877-96) Knights of Labor (1869) Industrial Union Terence Powderly Producerism Counter Offensive Haymarket Riot (1886) Samuel Gompers A.F. of L. Craft Union \"Business Unionism\" Homestead Works Strike (1892) Coxey\\'s Army Pullman Palace Car Co. Strike (1894) Eugene Debs Machine Politics Mugwumps The \"Spoils System\" Patronage U.S. Two Party System Credit Mobliere Stalwarts Pendleton Act (1883) 1890 McKinley Tarrif \"Free Silver\" Coinage Act of 1873 Specie Resumption Act of 1875 Bimetalism Trust Regulation Munn -v- Illinois (1876) Interstate Commerce Act (1887) U.S. -v- E. C. Knight (1895) Jesse James Populism William Jennings Bryan The National Patrons of Husbandry, or Grange Ignatius Donnelly The Farmers\\' Alliance Federal Subtreasury Plan \"Sockless\" Jerry Simpson The People\\'s Party (aka \"Populists\" 1888) The Omaha Platform (1892) The \"Cross of Gold\" Speech William McKinley Frank L. Baum (1899) Frederick Jackson Turner (1893) \"Buffalo Bill\" Cody Wounded Knee (1890) Ghost Dances George Armstrong Custer Little Big Horn (1876) \"Concentration\" Dawes Severalty Act (1887) \"Throughput\" \"Soldiering\" Lucy and Albert Parsons Patrick Henry McCarthy \"Movement Culture\" The Progressive Era (1900-1920) \"Post-Modernism\" National Civic Federation National Association of Manufacturers \"Open Shops\" Socialist Party of America IWW Syndicalism ILGWU Lawrence, MA Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911) Social (Gospel) Progressives National Progressives Corporate Liberal Progressives Jane Addams Settlement Houses Muckrakers Ida Tarbell Theodore Roosevelt 1901 Anthracite Coal Strike Trust Busting Pure Food & Drug Act (1906) City Manager Joseph Folk Robert LaFollette Progressive \"Interest Groups\" (WCTU, NAACP) John Dewey Woodrow Wilson Clayton Act (1914) Federal Reserve Frederick Winslow Taylor \"The Industrial Divide\" Welfare Capitalism Manifest Destiny Imperialism William Seward Frederick Jackson Turner Alfred Thayer Mahan \"Great White Fleet\" Spanish-American War (1898) Platt Amendment (1901) Panama Canal Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903) \"Roosevelt Corollary\" (1904) Mexican Civil War (1913-1917) Francisco Madero Porfirio Diaz Emiliano Zapata Pancho Villa Venustiano Caranza Victoriano Huerta (Mexican) Constitution of 1917 Alliance System Von Schlieffen Plan World War I (1914-1918) U-Boats Lusitania (1915) Zimmerman Telegram (1917) Committee on Public Information (1917) \"14 Points\" Versailles Treaty Highbrow/Lowbrow Culture 1893 Columbian Exposition \"Cheap Amusements\" Saloons Central Park, NYC Coney Island Baseball George \"Babe\" Ruth John L. Sullivan Department Stores Modern Advertising \"Degenerate Culture\" Harlem Renaissance Duke Ellington Nickelodeons National Board of Review (1908) Rudolph Valentino Charlie Chaplin United Artists (1920) Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) American Protective Association (1894) Immigration Restrictive Leagues Eugenics Scopes \"Monkey Trial\" (1925) Prohibition (1920-1933) Sacco & Venzetti (1920-1927) Anarchists KKK (#2) Birth of a Nation (1915) Ida B. Wells \"Jim Crow\" (de jure -v- de facto) Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 Atlanta Compromise (1895) W.E.B. DuBois NAACP (1910) EEOC v. Sears Roebuck (1988) Muller v. Oregon (1908) \"Brandeis Brief\" 19th Amendment (1920) National Women\\'s Suffrage Movement (individualism) American Women\\'s Suffrage Movement (collective) \"Cult of Domesticity\" \"Feminism\" Margaret Sanger Birth Control League of America (1915) Planned Parenthood (1938) National American Women\\'s Suffrage Association Carrie Chapman Catt National Women\\'s Party (1916) Equal Rights Amendment (1921) \"Normalcy\" \"The Great Depression\" (1929-1941) Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) \"Voluntary Cooperation\" Herbert Hoover Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932) \"The Bonus Army\" (1932) The New Deal (1933-1937) Franklin Delano Roosevelt \"Brain Trust\" AAA (1933) NIRA/NRA (1933) RFC Wagner Act (1935) Social Security Act (1935) Good Neighbor Policy Huey Long \"Share Our Wealth\" The \"Good War\" Fascism Benito Mussolini Weimar Germany Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (1922) Nazi Party SA-SS Lebensraum Anschluss Nuremburg Laws (1935) Krystallnacht (1938) \"Fortress America\" (Isolationism) Appeasement Munich Conference Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939) Blitzkrieg Rapid Preparedness Lend Lease Atlantic Charter (1941) Battle of Britain Operation Barbarossa (June, 1941) Pearl Harbor (Dec., 1941) Casablanca (1942 film) \"Cost Plus\" Contracts Executive Order #8802 (1942) CORE Zoot Suit Riots Korematsu -v- U.S. Stalingrad (1943) D-Day (1944) Midway Islands (1942) Use of Atomic Weapons in WWII Yalta Conference Atomic Diplomacy \"Containment\" The Marshall Plan National Security Act (1947) NATO NSC-68 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) HUAC Alger Hiss Sen. Joseph McCarthy Age of Conformity/Consensus (Young) Elvis Alfred Kinsey Report Playboy Betty Friedan Legal Defense Fund (1910) Jackie Robinson (1947) Brown -v- Board of Education, Topeka Kansas (1954) \"Second Reconstruction\" Southern Manifesto White Citizens\\' Councils Desegregation of Little Rock High Schools (1957) Rosa Parks Martin Luther King \"Letter from a Birmingham Jail\" SCLC Montgomery Bus Boycott SNCC CORE (1942) Freedom Rides Birmingham, Alabama March on Washington (1963) Civil Rights Act of 1964 Selma (1964) Freedom Summer (1964) Voting Rights Act of 1965 Malcolm X \"Identity Politics\" La Raza Atlanta Compromise (1972) \"Benign Neglect\" Apocalypse Now (1979) \"Hubris\" Vietnam War (1945-1973) Ho Chi Minh Diem Bien Phu 1954 Peace Accords Ngo Dinh Diem Group 599 (V.C.) \"Strategic Hamlets\" \"Operation Beef-Up\" Diem Coup (Oct, 1963) NSAM 288 (Mar., 1964) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (Aug, 1964) Plieku (Feb, 1965) \"Rolling Thunder\" Free Speech Movement Beatniks --> Hippies Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Bob Dylan Tet Offensive (1968) 1968 Democratic Convention Vietnamization Christmas Bombings (1972) Armistice (Jan, 1973) Nikita Krushchev Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Warren Commission (1964) Economic Opportunity Act (1964) \"Moynihan Report\" (1965) Richard M. Nixon Enemies List Detente Watergate Daniel Ellsberg \"Plumbers\" CREEP James McCord John Dean \"Smoking Gun\" Tapes Saturday Night Massacre (Oct, 1973) Richard Nixon v. U.S. (July 24, 1974) Impeachment (July 27, 1973) Resignation (Aug 9, 1974) 1973 Oil Embargo Jimmy Carter Panama Canal Treaty Camp David Accords \"Malaise Speech\" (July, 1979) Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-1980) \"Stagflation\" New Left -- New Right Ronald Reagan The (Arthur) Laffer Curve \"Reaganomics\" (economic policy) Reagan Revolution (coalition politics) Ghostbusters (1984) David Stockman ERTA (1981) 1986 S&L Crisis Iran-Contra (1986) AIDS (1981) Yuppies George Herbert Walker Bush The Gulf War Bill Clinton Newt Gingrich Contract with America (1994) Hillary Clinton Triangulation Monica Lewinsky Affair Impeachment ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Dr. B\\'s General Chemistry II Spring 2004 Feb MAR APR 8 2003 2004 2005 2 captures\\n8 Mar 04 - 26 Apr 04 Close\\nHelp General\\nChemistry II Chem 122Spring 2004 MWF 9-950 Central\\nConnecticut State University Dr. Thomas R. BurkholderCopernicus 4402Phone: 860-832-2683 (2-2683 on campus)e-mail : burkholder@ccsu.edu\\nor check out my website:http://www.chemistry.ccsu.edu/burkholder Dr. B\\'s Spring 2004 Schedule Office Hours: MF 10-11, W 10-13 Required\\nTexts: For the Lecture:\\nChemistry: Structure and Dynamics\\nJames Spencer, George Bodner, Lyman Rickard\\nChemistry: A Guided Inquiry\\nRichard Moog, John Farrell For the Lab:\\nCHEM 122 General Chemistry II Spring 2004\\nBarry Westcott, Guy Crundwell Required Materials: A\\nscientific calculator is essential for this course; you should bring\\nit to class and lab. Safety goggles and lab coat are required\\nfor laboratory, please see the laboratory syllabus and manual for\\ndetails. A bound notebook (spiral or cloth bound, 150 pages min., 8\\n1/2\" x 11 (no looseleaf please) to keep your solved homework\\nproblems. Grading: Final Grade is based\\non the following: Grades will be posted to Campus\\nPipeline as they are recorded. Group Assignments 15% Lab Grade 25% Hour exams 40% Comprehensive Final 20% Total 100% Group Assignments: Each\\ngroup will be assigned and report out the answers to two Skill\\nDevelopment Activities from the Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry\\nbook. Your results will be posted to Campus Pipeline. Group members\\nwill report jointly and receive the same grade for the report. Others\\nmay receive up to 10% upgrade on their Group Assignments grades by\\ncontributing to the online discussion.\\nLaboratory: (Spring\\n2004 Lab Schedule) There are 9\\nlaboratory periods scheduled. Department policy requires that\\nstudents pass the laboratory part of the course to pass the whole\\ncourse. You must complete all of the laboratory assignments to pass\\nthe laboratory. See also Dr. B\\'s laboratory\\nsyllabus Laboratory begins Thursday, February 12, 2004 Students enrolled in Chemistry 121/122 must pass the laboratory to pass the course. Students repeating the course are encouraged to repeat the laboratory. However, a student may be excused from repeating the laboratory provided the following criteria have been met: The student has informed the current lecture instructor within the first two days of the semester that he or she is currently repeating the course and would like to be excused from repeating the laboratory.\\nThe laboratory grade previously earned by the student is 80 % or greater. The laboratory grade previously earned by the student will be used as the laboratory grade in determining the final grade in the repeated course.\\nIt is general department policy that in order to pass Chemistry 122, a student must complete and submit laboratory reports for all of the assigned experiments. Exams: Four\\nscheduled 50 minute exams covering the material outlined below. The\\nexam dates are Feb 18, Mar 17, Apr 21, and May 12. No make-up\\nexams will be given. All of the exams you take will be\\naveraged in. Note that there may be additional exam questions which\\nare given on a take home basis. Final Exam:\\nComprehensive, American Chemical Society standardized examination\\ncovering material from both semesters of General Chemistry. The final\\nis scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 17, 2004. You may\\nwish to look at the ACS Exams website for more details about a study\\nguide. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/chemexams/MATERIALS/gen_guide.html\\nGroup Work: This\\ncourse will primarily be taught using a combination of the guided\\ninquiry method and lecture. You will be assigned to groups of 4 or 5\\nand work collaboratively during class on the Chem Activities in\\nChemistry: A Guided Inquiry. You will be expected\\nto prepare for the assigned Chem Activity by reading the appropriate\\nsections in Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics.\\nSee below for schedule of Chem Activities. In addition, you will be\\nresponsible for doing the problems in Chemistry: Structure and\\nDynamics related to the Chem Activities. Weather Policy If classes\\nare canceled (call 832-3333, snowphone) anything that is scheduled or\\ndue will be postponed until the next scheduled class meeting.\\nSpring\\n2004 Schedule of Chem Activities, Reading and Homework Week of: Chem Activity Other Activity Reading Homework January 26 W-26 M-IntroF-Colligative Properties Chapter 8A.1-8A.4 8A: 1,3,4,6,8,9,10,12,14,16 February 2 M-36, W-37 F-Lecture Chapter 10.3, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 10: 1-8 9 M-38, W-39 F-Example Problems Chapter 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 10: 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 32 16 M-Are we there yet?W-Exam I 23 W-41, F-42 Chapter 8.12, 13Chapter 11.1-11.4 8: 54-55,6611:5,6,7,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,26 March 1 M-43, W-44 F-Math & Equilibrium Chapter 11.5,6,8-11Chapter 10.8 11:28,30,34,35,36,37,38,42,44,50, 59, 60,61,64,71,72,74,7510:33-35,31,32 8 M-45, W-46, F-47 Chapter 11.7,12,13,14,15 11:78,80,82,83,84,86,89,90,92,94, 99, 100,104,106 15 M-Example Problems W-Exam II F-Catch Up Chem Activity 48 if you haven\\'t done it yet.Chapter 11A1-4 11A: 1,2,4,5, 9, 14,15 22 SPRING BREAK 29 M-49, W-50, F-51 Chapter 12 12: 6,8,10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 24, 29, 39, 49, 50, 54, 56, 62, 68, 70 April 5 M-52, W-53, F-54 Chapter 13.1-8 13: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30 12 M-55, W-56 Chapter 13.9-14 13: 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 51, 53, 54, 59, 61, 63. 19 F-57 M-Catch UpW-Exam III Chapter 12AII.1-4 12AII: 1,3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 22, 26 26 M-58, W-59, F-60 Chapter 14.1-10 14: 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 33, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, May 3 W-61, F-62 M-Example ProblemsEnthalpy of Formation Chapter 7A, 14.10 7A: 7-1714: 55,57, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 79, 81 10 M-Summarize Entire SemesterW-Exam IV 17 Final Exam: 8:00 a.m., Monday, May 17, 2004 Return To: Chemistry--Dr.\\nB\\'s Home Page Return To: Chemistry\\nDepartment Home Page Return To: CCSU\\nHome Page ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' MAY SEP Oct 3 2002 2003 2004 4 captures\\n21 Apr 03 - 12 Sep 03 Close\\nHelp University of Wisconsin - Fond du Lac Microeconomics Spring 2003 COURSE INFORMATION INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Sayeed Payesteh OFFICE: S-205\\nhttp://www.fdl.uwc.edu/faculty/spayeste/ PHONE: 9293655\\ne-mail: spayeste@uwc.edu OFFICE HOURS: M W 11:30-1:00, TR 12:00-1:00, and by appointment.\\nCLASS TIMES: TR 10:30-11:45, S-238 TEXTBOOK: McEachern, W. A., Economics: A Contemporary Introduction, 6th Edition, South-western, 2002. OBJECTIVES: The primary purpose of this course is to develop a basic understanding of the major concepts, theories, and tools used in analyzing the economic behavior of consumers and firms in a market economy. Among the subjects included are demand and supply model, elasticity, minimum wage and labor market, cost and production, pricing under different market structures, government regulations, and global trade. ASSIGNMENTS:\\nAssignments include reading the text, completing the assigned problem sets, and the Internet Assignments. The Internet Assignments provide students with the opportunity to use the World Wide Web as a research tool to perform economic analysis. These assignments allow the students to learn by taking advantage of new technology and to experience the link between the real world and economic theory. Lectures will cover the material indicated in the Required Readings list. Topics may be added and/or deleted depending upon time and other considerations during the semester. It may also be necessary to change the order of topics. Changes of this nature will be announced in class. There will be two types of problem sets: (a) Handout problems. The purpose of these problems is to prepare the students for detailed discussions of the material covered in the class. Collaboration on doing these problems is highly encouraged. These problems are not to be handed in for grades. (b) Problems from the text. These problems should be completed and handed in by the due dates. Each set will be graded. No late homework will be accepted. The assignment set with the lowest score (or one missed assignment) will be dropped in computing your overall homework grade. GRADING: The course grade will be based on class participation, homework, quizzes, best 2 out of 3 midterms, and one comprehensive final exam. Exams are closed book and closed notes. Make-up exams will be given for missed exams only when duly excused (my prior permission is required). A 5- percent extra credit will be awarded at the discretion of the instructor on the basis of class attendance, participation, and timely return of the assignments. To qualify student should have perfect attendance record, no delays in turning in their assignments, and turning in a quality work. Grade Distribution\\n90%-up... ..A\\n80%-89%....B\\n70%-79%....C\\n60%-69%... D <60%....... F The points assigned to each factor are: Class Attendance/Participation, etc.............. ........... ....5 % Homework 5% Quizzes 5% Exam I 25% Exam II 25% Exam III 25% Final 40% Total ........... ...105% I. Basics: The Art and Science of Economic Analysis Jan. 21 Chapters 1 Some Tools of Economic Analysis Jan. 23 Chapter 2 The Market System Jan. 28, 30, Feb. 4 Chapter 3 The Economic Actors Feb. 6 Chapter 4 II. Microeconomics: Elasticity of Demand Feb. 11, 13 Chapter 5 EXAM I Feb. 18 Consumer Choice and Demand Feb. 20 Chapter 6 Production and Cost in the Firm Feb. 25, 27, Mar. 4 Chapter 7 Perfect Competition Mar. 6, 11 Chapter 8 EXAM II Mar. 13 SPRING RECESS Mar. 17 - 21 Monopoly Mar. 25, 27 Chapter 9 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Apr. 1, 3 Chapter 10 Resource Markets Apr. 8, 10 Chapter 11 Human Resources: Labor and Entrepreneurial Ability Apr. 15, 17 Chapter 12 Economic Regulation Apr. 22, 24 Chapter 16 EXAM III Apr. 29\\nIII. International Economics International Trade May 1, 6, 8 Chapter 20 Final Exam\\nTuesday, May 13, 12:00 - 1:45 PM ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['Revised 12/2013 Page 1 of 13 LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERAL COURSE SYLLABUS Spring 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Leah M. Hepburn DEPARTMENT: English and Communication Department PHONE NUMBER/EXTENSION: 956-721-5222 E-MAIL ADDRESS: Leah.webster@laredo.edu CAMPUS/OFFICE LOCATION: OFFICE HOURS: Adkins Building, office 120 Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8:00-12:00 and online 3:00-4:00 COURSE TITLE: Composition I COURSE NUMBER: English 1301 COURSE LEVEL: Transfer Level English CONTACT HOURS (RANGE FOR STATE INFORMATION): 48 LAB: N/A TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS: Patterns for College Writing 12th edition include ISBN 978-1-457-67329-0 CORE or NON-CORE Course: CORE COURSE DESCRIPTION: Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. Note: ENGL 1301 is now a pre-requisite for all 2000-level literature courses. This change was a result of recommendations by the English faculty group for the 2011 Learning Objectives project. END-OF-COURSE OUTCOMES: Purpose: This course requires the study and practice of the processes and principles of effective writing, with an emphasis on expository prose/ and persuasive writing. Honors sections are offered for those enrolled in the LCC Honors Program. Academic Course Guide Manual Objectives 1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes. 2. Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution. 3. Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose. 4. Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts. 5. Use Edited American English in academic essays. Revised 12/2013 Page 2 of 13 Writing Requirements The student will write a minimum of 5 major writing assignments that involve revision: -3 essays (2-3 page minimum), each focusing on a different rhetorical mode, or 2 essays and a multimedia project -1 synthesis essay (3-4 page minimum), incorporating 1 or 2 outside sources informally documented -a final essay exam that focuses on one of the rhetorical modes taught during the semester; engage in the writing process to produce expository and persuasive writing; demonstrate sentence skills: among these, parallel construction, active and passive voice, coordination and subordination, free of modifier errors, and economy of language. Reading Requirements Students will read and analyze selections on a variety of subject areas from the textbook, but may include articles from newspapers, magazines, and other sources. Other Students may be required to do oral presentations or COURSE OBJECTIVES OR EXEMPLARY OBJECTIVES: 1. The student will learn to understand and apply writing and speaking processes through invention, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation. 2. The student will learn to compose texts that effectively address purpose, style, and content. (This includes: clear focus, structurally unified development of ideas, appropriate rhetorical and visual style, correct use of Standard American Academic English (SAAE), and ethically appropriate use of research.) 3. The student will learn to understand and appropriately apply modes of expression (i.e. descriptive, expositive, narrative, scientific, or self-expressive), in written, visual, and oral communication. 4. The student will learn to participate effectively in Revised 12/2013 Page 3 of 13 groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding. 5. The student will learn to understand and apply basic critical thinking, problem solving, and technical proficiency in the development of exposition and argument. 6. The student will be able to incorporate sources effectively and ethically into their own texts. GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: The General Education Competencies (SACS) and the Core Objectives (THECB) are implemented and assessed throughout the LCC Core Curriculum. The academic and workforce areas apply the general education competencies and core objectives relevant to their programs. Laredo Community College has identified four college-level general education competencies. They are: 1. Communication: LCC students develop and express ideas through effective written, oral, and visual communication for various academic and professional contexts. Expected Outcomes: A. The student uses relevant content that conveys understanding. B. The student uses disciplinary conventions for organizing content and presenting content. C. The student uses communication tools appropriately and skillfully for academic and professional contexts. 2. Critical Thinking: LCC students use inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information, and innovation and creative thinking. Expected Outcomes: A. Students pose vital questions and identify problems, formulating them clearly and precisely. B. Students consider alternative viewpoints, recognize and assess assumptions, and identify possible consequences. C. Students develop well-reasoned conclusions and solutions. D. Students apply creative ideas or approaches to achieve solutions or complete projects. 3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills: LCC students apply scientific and mathematical concepts to analyze and solve problems to investigate hypotheses. Expected Outcomes: A. Students identify problems or hypotheses and related quantitative components. B. Students select appropriate quantitative approaches to analyze and solve problems and investigate hypotheses. C. Students correctly apply quantitative approaches to analyze and solve problems and investigate hypotheses. D. Students summarize and reflect on their learning experiences. 4. Teamwork: LCC students consider different points of view and work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal. Expected Outcomes: A. The student makes a quality contribution to the Team Revised 12/2013 Page 4 of 13 Activity. B. The student treats fellow team members courteously with respect. C. The student models personal attributes that contribute teamwork. QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN (QEP) Reading: Gateway to Learning The QEP is a long-term institutional commitment designed to improve student learning. The improvement of reading and reading comprehension was selected by the students, faculty, staff, and administration of LCC as the focus of our QEP. The diverse reading materials assigned in this course should help you to improve your basic reading and reading comprehension skills necessary to succeed in college. SCANS COMPETENCIES: Refer to attachment. SCANS ASSESSMENT: Results of personal classroom interaction, tests and exams, quizzes, assignments. TEACHING STRATEGIES/METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Students will use the Process Approach for writing so they learn how to work through revision. The teaching method is eclectic. The educational techniques may include classroom lecture, class discussion, group work, library and research assignments, oral reports, audiovisual materials, and individual conferences scheduled outside of class time. OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT: level of proficiency demonstrated by the student on all writing assignments, tests, quizzes, other daily work and final exam. Students must demonstrate the ability to write an acceptable essay. EXTERNAL ASSESSMENTS: Students enrolled in this course may be randomly selected to participate in external assessments to determine educational gains. You may be asked to provide assignments which may be included in course portfolios and used for evaluation of General Education Competencies. In addition, you may be selected to participate in the completion of surveys and/or be selected to take tests which will gauge your overall improvement in reading, writing, critical thinking, and mathematics. These activities are designed to collectively monitor your overall progress as a higher education student. METHODS AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION: To be completed by dept. Should be specific to the program and instructor. GRADING SCALE: A -90% B Good, 89-80% C Average, 79-70% D 69-60% F 59% or below F_ Failure, Non-Participatory I Incomplete W Withdrawal NC No Credit NC_ No Credit, Non-Participatory NC_DV .. No Credit, Developmental NCDV No Credit, Developmental, Non-Participatory P Pass NP No Pass AU Audit Revised 12/2013 Page 5 of 13 Students must access the Semester Progress Report and Final Grades through PASPort (http://pasport.laredo.edu). Instructors will notify students of the window of availability for grades. ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS: Office of the Registrar Fort McIntosh Campus - Memorial Hall Room 103 or call (956) 721-5887 South Campus Billy Hall Student Center Room 113 or call (956) 794-4109 Enrollment and Registration Services Center Fort McIntosh Campus - Memorial Hall Room 125 or call (956) 721-5109 or 5421 South Campus Billy Hall Student Center Room 113 or call (956) 794-4109 Financial Aid Center Fort McIntosh Campus Building P-24 or call (956) 721-5361. South Campus Billy Hall Student Center Room 123 or call (956) 794-4361. Health Services Center Fort McIntosh Campus Kazen College Center Room 132 or call (956) 721-5189. South Campus Billy Hall Student Center Room 208 or call (956) 794-4189. Attendance will be taken up until the official census date, which is the first 11 class days during the fall and spring semester, and for the first three days during the summer sessions. Students who attend at least one day of class leading up to the census date will be officially enrolled in the course, and faculty members will drop any students who have not attended at least one class day. Once the official census date for the semester or session has passed, no formal attendance will be required except for programs where the respective accreditation agency requires attendance records. Students who do not intend to remain enrolled after attending at least one class day must initiate a drop request from any or all classes by submitting a drop slip to the Enrollment and Registration Services Center or through PASPort. Responsibility for class attendance rests with the student. Regular and punctual attendance is expected. It is advised that a student contact Financial Aid Center at either campus prior to dropping a course. Absence From Final Examinations: A student who is absent from a final examination receives a grade of \"0\" for the examination and a grade of \"F\" for the course. Any students authorized to be absent from a final examination receive a grade of on their transcript until they take the final examination. Such students must take the final exam within four months. Final exams cannot be re-taken. The instructor will submit a Grade Change Form to change the previously submitted incomplete grade Other Policies (LCC and State-Wide): A. 3-peatIf a student signs up for a class for a third time, even if he/she dropped or failed it before, the State will not provide funding for that student and the student will be required to pay an additional fee. B. Beginning Fall 2007, students cannot drop more than 6 classes throughout their college career. Any subsequent drops earned at all Texas to other institutions. C. Finishing on timeThe State expects students to graduate on time. Students who obtain 90 or more credit hours at a Community College are no longer eligible for financial aid. D. Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Requirement effective Spring 2012; update effective October 1, 2013. Per Texas State Law (SB 62), students who meet the criteria below must provide proper documentation that they have received the bacterial meningitis vaccination within the last five years and at least 10 calendar days before the beginning of the semester. All new or transfer students under age 22. All returning students under the age of 22, who have experienced a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring Revised 12/2013 Page 6 of 13 term. Students enrolled in online courses that physically attend classes or come to campus within the semester. the Health Services Center. SPECIAL SERVICES CENTER: Fort McIntosh Campus - Building P-41 South Campus Billy Hall Student Center, Room 21 Fort McIntosh and South Campus Phone Number: (956) 721-5137 A student with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wishes to request special accommodations in this class, should notify the Special Services Center. The request should be made early in the semester so that appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with Federal Law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Special Services Counselor. For additional information, call or visit the Special Services Center. The student who needs note-taking and/or test-taking accommodations must notify the faculty member prior to the first exam. A pregnant student is required to meet all course/ program outcomes, including attendance. There may be contaminants present in clinical area(s) that could adversely affect a fetus. It is advisable for the student to contact her obstetrician, once pregnancy has been confirmed, to ensure that there are no medical concerns/limitations to continuing her courses. GRADE APPEAL: A student who wishes to question the final grade earned in a course or class activity should first discuss the situation with the instructor who issued the grade. If the issue is not resolved, the student should contact the appropriate Department Chairperson to request a review of the grade. decision, the student may contact the appropriate Dean of Instruction for assistance related to the grade appeal. Established departmental procedures will be utilized to resolve student grade appeals. After all other avenues have been exhausted; the student may request a review of the grade by the Vice-President for Instruction. Student grades are an academic matter; therefore, there is no further appeal beyond the Office of the Vice-President for Instruction. Students have two weeks (10 working days) after a final course grade is issued to appeal it. Students have one week (five working days) after an activity grade is issued to appeal it. Exceptions require the approval of the Vice-President for Instruction. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Office of Dean of Student Affairs Fort McIntosh Campus Memorial Hall Room 212 Phone Number: (956) 721-5417 Code of Student Conduct & Discipline Each student is expected to be fully acquainted with all published policies, rules, and regulations of the College, copies of which shall be available to each student for review www.laredo.edu (Student Life/Student Handbook/Student Rights and Responsibilities) and the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. Laredo Community College will hold each student responsible for compliance with these policies, rules, and regulations. The student is responsible for obtaining published materials to update the items in this Code. Students are also expected to comply with all federal, state, and local laws. This principle extends to conduct off campus which is likely to have an adverse effect on Laredo Community College or on the educational process. Revised 12/2013 Page 7 of 13 Student Misconduct Each student is expected to conduct him/herself in a manner consistent with the college\\'s functions as an educational institution. Specific examples of misconduct and the disciplinary process are located at www.laredo.edu (Student Life/Student Handbook/Student Rights and Responsibilities). Use of Personal Electronic Devices The use of an electronic device shall not interfere with the instructional, administrative, student activities, public service, and other authorized activities on College District premises. Unless prior authorization is obtained from the instructor or respective College District official, the use of an electronic device is expressly prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, clinical settings, and designated quiet areas on College District premises. Certain violations of this policy may be excused in the case of emergencies or other extenuating circumstances provided that prior approval is obtained from the instructor or respective College District official. The use of electronic equipment capable of capturing still or moving images in any location where individuals may reasonably expect a right to privacy is not authorized on College District premises. Noncompliance with these provisions shall be considered a violation of Board adopted policy and shall warrant appropriate disciplinary action. Academic Dishonesty The College expects all students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students will be expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their experiences in the classroom. Any student found guilty of dishonesty in their academic work is subject to disciplinary action. (1) The College and its official representatives may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any form of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following: A. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on academic work, plagiarism, and collusion. B. Cheating on academic work includes: a. Copying from another student\\'s test paper or other academic work. b. Using, during a test, materials not authorized by the person giving the test. c. Collaborating, without authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work. d. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting, in whole or part, the contents of an unadministered test. e. Substitution for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for oneself, to take a test or prepare other academic work. f. Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered test or information about an unadministered test. C. Plagiarism means the appropriation of another\\'s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one\\'s own written work offered for credit. D. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with Revised 12/2013 Page 8 of 13 another person in preparing written work offered for credit. (2) Procedures for discipline due to academic dishonesty shall be the same as in student disciplinary actions, except that all academic dishonesty actions shall be first considered and reviewed by the faculty member. If the student does not accept the decision of the faculty member, he/she may appeal the decision to the appropriate Department Chairperson, Dean of Instruction, or the Vice President for Instruction. If the student does not accept the decision of the appropriate Department Chairperson, Dean of Instruction, or the Vice President for Instruction, the student may then follow the normal disciplinary appeal procedures for a review of the decision. For additional information please refer to the: Student Policies - LCC Policy Manual The LCC Policy Manual is available online and includes all Federal, State, and Local Policies applicable to the College. Students may website at www.laredo.edu (About LCC/Manual of Policy). EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, From an LCC phone, dial 111. From a Cell phone, dial 911. LCC Campus Police Offices Fort McIntosh Campus Building P-64 Room 102 South Campus Henry Cuellar Protective Services Center Room 130 LCC Alert System: Safety and security for LCC is paramount. When an emergency arises, LCC will provide students with information as rapidly and as efficiently as possible. Students must register for the LCC Alert system at www.laredo.edu/lccalert. Emergencies: In case of an emergency, contact Campus Police. Campus Police will then dispatch a police officer to the site and alert emergency personnel. If it is determined that a notification needs to be sent out after an emergency is reported, the notification will provide information on what to do. When a person calls 111 or 911, Campus Police strongly encourages the caller to provide the following information: name, the location from where they are calling, the location of the emergency, and the type of emergency. The caller is to remain on the phone with the dispatcher until emergency responders arrive. DISCLAIMER: Every attempt has been made to make the contents of this syllabus informative and accurate. Content of the syllabus is subject to revision and change in the event of extenuating circumstances. Changes will be made available to you electronically. The updated official version of the LCC Catalog is the on-line catalog and can be found at www.laredo.edu (Admission/College Catalog). ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION Please view files on PASPORT General Coursework Information Tentative Student Calendar Laredo Community College Course Calendar ENGL 1301 Composition I Spring, 2014 Leah M. Hepburn Revised 5/2013 Page 9 of 13 Date Week Brief Description of Topic Assignments/Examinations/ Activities with Brief Description Chapters/Reading 1 Course Intro & Student Interviews Interview other students & write paragraph about each (#1) 2 Fundamentals of the Essays Grade Student Essays 3 Fundamentals of the Essays Practicing Introductions (#2) and Writing Transitional Sentences (#3) 4 Ethical Dilemmas Free Will vs. Determinism Assignments (#4 & 5) 5 Essay #1 Rough Draft Due Border Issues Assignment #6 Page 679 in Patterns) 6 Rio Grande Slideshow Assignment #7 page 648 in Patterns) 7 Essay #1 final draft Listening Assignment #8 Patterns 8 Interviews of Older People Definition/Relationships Assignment #9 &10 Assignment #11 9 Essay #2 Due Expedience Vs. Moral Absolutes Assignment #12 10 Begin Documentation Process Assignments #13 & 14 Astrology Laredo Community College Course Calendar ENGL 1301 Composition I Spring, 2014 Leah M. Hepburn Revised 5/2013 Page 10 of 13 Pancho Villa 11 Continue Documentation Assignments #15 &16 Origin of Your Names 12 Continue Documentation Assignment #17 13 Essay #3 Due 14 Write Essay #4 in-class 15 Review for Final Exam * Schedule is subject to change. Revised 5/2013 Page 11 of 13 SCANS COMPETENCIES ENCLOSURE skills and workplace competencies for students. Foundation Skills are defined in three areas: basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities. Basic Skills includes Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Mathematical Operations, Listening, and Speaking effectively. Thinking Skills include a worker must think creatively, make decisions, solve problems, visualize, know how to learn, and reason effectively. Personal Qualities include a worker must display responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honest. Work Place Competencies include resources, interpersonal skills, information, systems, and technology. Foundation Skills Basic Skills: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens and speaks. F1. Reading: Locates, understands, and interprets written information in prose and in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules. F2. Writing: Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and flowcharts. F3. Arithmetic: Performs basic computations and approaches practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques. F4. Listening: Receives, attends to, interprets, and responds to verbal messages and other cues. F5. Speaking: Organizes ideas and communicates orally. Thinking Skills: Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows how to learn, and reasons. F6. Creative Thinking: Generates new ideas. F7. Decision Making: Specific goals and constraints, generates alternatives, considers risks, and evaluates and chooses best alternative. F8. Problem Solving: Recognizes problems and devises and implements plan of action. F9. Seeing Things in Organizes and processes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information. F10. Knowing How To Learn: Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills. F11. Reasoning: Discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between two or more objects and applies it when solving a problem. Personal Qualities: Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty. F12. Responsibility: Exerts a high level of effort and perseveres toward goal attainment. F13. Self-Esteem: Believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self. F14. Sociability: Demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy, and politeness in group settings. F15. Self-Management: Assesses self accurately; sets personal goals, monitors progress, and exhibits self-control. F16. Integrity/Honesty: Chooses ethical course of action. Workplace Competencies Resources C1. Allocates Time: Selects relevant, goal-related activities, ranks them in order of importance, allocates time to activities, and understands, prepares, and follows schedules. C2. Allocates Money: Uses or prepares budgets, including making cost and revenue forecasts, keeps detailed records to track budget performance, and makes appropriate adjustments. C3. Allocates Material and Facility Resources: Acquires, stores, and distributes materials, supplies, parts, equipment, space, or final products in order to make the best use of them. C4. Allocates Human Resources: Assesses knowledge and skills and distributes work accordingly, evaluates performance, and provides feedback. Interpersonal C5. Participates as a member of a team: Works cooperatively with others and contributes to group with ideas, suggestions, and effort. C6. Teach Others New Skills: Helps others to learn. C7. Serves Clients/Customers: Works and communicates with clients and customers to satisfy their expectations. Revised 5/2013 Page 12 of 13 C8. Exercises Leadership: Communicates thoughts, feelings, and ideas to justify a position, encourages, persuades, convinces, or otherwise motivates an individual or groups: including responsibly challenging existing procedures, policies, or authority. C9. Negotiates to Arrive at a Decision: Works toward an agreement that may involve exchanging specific resources or resolving divergent interests. C10. Works with Cultural Diversity: Works well with men and women and with a variety of ethnic, social, or educational backgrounds. Information C11. Acquires and Evaluates Information: Identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy. C12. Organizes and Maintains Information: Organizes, processes, and maintains written or computerized reports and other forms of information in a systematic fashion. C13. Interprets and Communicates Information: Selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods. C14. Uses Computers to Process Information: Employs computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information. Systems C15. Understands Systems: Knows how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operates effectively within them. C16. Monitors and Corrects Performance: Distinguishes trends, predicts impact of actions on system operations, diagnoses deviations in the function of a system/organization, and takes necessary action to correct performance. C17. Improves and Designs Systems: Makes suggestions to modify existing systems to improve products or services, and develops new or alternative systems. Technology C18. Selects Technology: Judges which set of procedures, tools, or machines, including computers and their programs will produce the desired results. C19. Applies Technology to Task: Understands the overall intent and the proper procedures for setting up and operating machines, including computers and their programming systems. C20. Maintains and Troubleshoots Technology: Prevents, identifies, or solves problems in machines, computers, and other technologies. Revised 5/2013 Page 13 of 13 LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM I have read and understood the information and requirements of the course syllabus for ENGL 1301_, _____Spring 2014___________. Course & Number Semester ________________________________ ______________________ _________________ Student Name (Please Print) Palomino ID Date Admission into and/or graduation from a program does not guarantee employment, a particular salary level, and/or passage on any licensure examinations. Student Signature _______________________________ Faculty Name Richter, J. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" MA5401 SYLLABUS -- Fall '07 MAY SEP JUN 15 2006 2007 2010 3 captures\\n21 May 07 - 9 Jun 10 Close\\nHelp MA 5401 Syllabus Fall '07, T. Olson Class meeting times and locations\\nTuesdays and Thursdays 1-2pm in 327B Weekend problem sessions (3pm Sat in lounge or 2pm Sun in lab) Optional: Office hour 2-3pm Mondays Instructor:\\nTamara Olson (trolson@mtu.edu)\\n310 Fisher Hall 487 - 2191 Office Hours: by appointment and ??? Problem Session Problems\\nSept.15-16: Chapter 2 problems 24, 25, 26, *37* Homework Writeups #1 (Due Tuesday 9/18) Chapter 1: problems 16 and 24 (corresponding to problems 16 and 23 in the second edition) Chapter 2: problems 22, *37* Text: H.L. Royden, Real Analysis, Third Edition, 1988.\\nMaterial in chapters 3-5. Assessment:\\nHomework, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Homework grades will be either ``Good,'' ``O.K.,'' or ``resubmit.'' (``Good'' and ``O.K.'' correspond to ``A'' and ``B''.) Grade:\\nHomework: 40% Mid-term Exam: 30% Final Exam: 30% Proof-writing help Proof-writing tips How to proofread a proof send email to trolson@mtu.edu to Tamara Olson's Home About this document ... \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 11D: The Fall Classes Aug SEP Oct 12 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n12 Sep 07 - 12 Sep 07 Close\\nHelp 11D\\nLeave saving the world to the men? I don\\'t think so. About Subscribe to this blog\\'s feed Recent Comments Amy P on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea.\\nAmy P on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea.\\nM. Gemmill on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea.\\nAmy P on On Manliness\\nAncarett on Weekend Journal\\nLaura on Weekend Journal\\nalessandro rossi on A Very Tardy Weekend Journal\\nAmy P on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea.\\nAmy P on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea.\\nWilliams on Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea. The Family Newspapers and Journals New York Post Online Edition\\nSalon.com\\nThe New Republic Online\\nThe Atlantic Monthly\\nThe New Yorker\\nNew York Press\\nEducation Week\\nThe New York Times Archives September 2007\\nAugust 2007\\nJuly 2007\\nJune 2007\\nMay 2007\\nApril 2007\\nMarch 2007\\nFebruary 2007\\nJanuary 2007\\nDecember 2006 & Free counter Free counter Amazon Oh, Yeah. That\\'s A Good Idea. | Main | Weekend Journal September 07, 2007 The Fall Classes The semester began yesterday. I\\'m teaching \"Introduction to Political Theory\" and \"Media and Politics\".\\nThis is the first time for Political Theory and I\\'m quite excited about it. I have a packed classroom with lots of students from last semester. The class fulfills a college requirement, so I have some biology and nursing students, along with a lot of political science majors. I have to find some middle road between them. We\\'re using a reader, which takes the best bits of Plato and Hobbes. Next Monday we\\'re going to start off slow. Just some Greek and Roman history and Pericles\\' Funeral oration. Theory is the sort of class that can be dreadfully slow or great. It really depends on the students doing the readings. I hope they do the readings. I hope.\\nThe second is class is a repeat, but I\\'m blowing up the syllabus from last semester and starting over. Last semester, I tried to do several weeks just on New Media. But the readings were of questionable quality. Everything before 2006 is dated. Last semester, I had the students create a blog. It could be on any topic. They had to write 20 posts with links to other online sources. But it was too difficult to grade blogs on different topics, and students had to quickly learn about another topic that wasn\\'t related to the class. This time, all blogs will be on the topic of media, and I will assign them very specific topics for their posts. Example, \"Describe and respond to one op-ed article in a mainstream paper. Or evaluate and compare two blogs.\"\\nI\\'m very excited about the coming semester. September 07, 2007 in Academia | Permalink TrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry:http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/80636/21416851\\nListed below are links to weblogs that reference The Fall Classes: Comments Your blogging class sounds really interesting--I wish I had had something like that in college. Do they use commercial blog services (ie--blogger, wordpress, etc.) or does the school have some kind of intranet-hosted blogs? Posted by: landismom | September 07, 2007 at 10:24 PM I like that you have applied the research on teaching adults to your methodology for you classes. They sound interesting, current and needed. Hope you have fun with them Posted by: carosgram | September 08, 2007 at 09:44 AM I\\'m excited, too -- and am back to my seasonal class-based blogging. Come by sometime, if you like:\\nhttp://blogs.brown.edu/course/fall07_pols0100/ Posted by: RCinProv | September 08, 2007 at 01:56 PM Post a comment If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In You are currently signed in as (nobody). Sign Out Name: Email Address: (Not displayed with comment.) URL: Remember personal info? Comments: ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Stephen F. Austin State University College of Education Department of Human Services Communication Sciences & Disorders Program Language Disorders in Children SPH 320.002.201410 Fall 2013 Instructor: Deena Petersen, M.S., CCC/SLP Course Time & Location: T/TH: 12:30-1:45 HSTC 319 Office: Human Services 205C Office Hours: M/W 12:00-1:00; 2:15-3:15; T/TH: 8:30-9:30; 10:45-11:45; F- a.m. by appointment only Office Phone: 468-3997 Email: petersend@sfasu.edu Credits: 3 hours Prerequisites: SPH 250 Normal Speech and Language Development AND acceptance to the undergraduate Communication Sciences and Disorders Program I. Course Description: This course studies nature, causes and characteristics of language delay and disorders in infants and preschool children. Therapeutic strategies for stimulation and remediation in this population. II. Intended Learning Outcomes/Goals/Objectives: (Program/ Student Learning Outcomes) This course reflects the following core values of the College of Education (see the COE Conceptual Framework at www.sfasu.edu/education/about/accredidations/ncate/conceptual): Academic excellence through critical, reflective, and creative thinking Life-long learning Collaboration and shared decision-making Openness to new ideas, to culturally diverse people, and to innovation and change Integrity, responsibility, diligence, and ethical behavior Service that enriches the community. This course also supports the objectives of the Department of Human Services: Objectives of the DHS include: (1) The preparation of special education teachers for elementary and secondary schools, (2) The preparation of persons for careers in rehabilitation, orientation and mobility, and related human services, occupations serving persons with disabilities, speech language pathology and school psychology. This course also supports the mission of the Speech-Language Pathology Program. The mission of the Speech-Language Pathology Program is to prepare knowledgeable professionals committed to enhancing the quality of life of persons with communication disorders. To meet this mission, the program emphasizes the importance of scientific study, critical thinking skills, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical principles, the responsibility to educate the public about communication disorders, and the importance of continued professional development throughout ones career. SACS Objectives: This course supports the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology program learning outcomes (PLOs) two and five. These competencies are measured by successful completion of all course requirements, including examinations and quizzes, group discussion and activities, written assignments, and projects: 1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of normal and abnormal speech acquisition including fundamentals of assessment and treatment in preparation for graduate school. 2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of normal and abnormal language acquisition including fundamentals of assessment and treatment in preparation for graduate school. 3. Students will demonstrate competency in professional writing skills appropriate for the field of speech language pathology. 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret an audiogram. 5. Students will be exposed to an adequate representation of the field of speech language pathology. 6. Students will demonstrate knowledge of normal anatomy and physiology of the speech system. This course addresses the following standard(s) of the Council for Clinical Certification of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: Courses within the speech-language pathology program have been designed to ensure that students demonstrate required knowledge and ability as outlined in the Standards and Implementations for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology. Standard III-B: The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing processes, including their biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases. Standard III-C: The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech, language, hearing, and communication disorders and differences and swallowing disorders, including their etiologies, characteristics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates. Standard III-D: The applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention, assessment, and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates of the disorder. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS COURSE: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate, by performance on examinations, projects/presentation, class discussion, and interactive group activities an understanding of the following: 1. The student will explain different theories influencing language development. 2. The student will explain and administer different assessments of language for children. 3. The student will develop language goals and intervention activities for children and present to the class. 4. The student will describe language characteristics of children with specific language impairment and implications for assessment and intervention. 5. The student will describe language characteristics of children with hearing loss and implications for assessment and intervention. 6. The student will describe language characteristics of children with intellectual disability and implications for assessment and intervention. 7. The student will describe language characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders and implications for assessment and intervention. 8. The student will explain different types and features of augmentative and alternative communication. 9. The student will describe multicultural issues and implications for assessment and intervention. These competencies are measured by successful completion (70% or above) of all course requirements including examinations, group discussion and activities, written assignments, and projects. III. Course Assignments, Activities, Instructional Strategies, & use of Technology: Reading Assignments: Text chapters that correspond to selected course topics/activities are listed on the course schedule, below. The listing is comprehensive and according to the date(s) the topic(s) will first be introduced. By completing the readings, you will be better prepared to contribute to class discussions, clarify answers to questions about topics you do not understand and complete outside assignments and scheduled examinations. Examinations: There will be three scheduled examinations. Each exam may consist of multiple choice, True/False, and short answer items. Examination dates are listed on the course schedule below. Class Projects: There will be three projects. The due dates are listed on the course schedule, below. Project 1: CELF-4/CELF-Preschool/CASL Administration & Scoring: DUE: October 15th (100 points). Must be submitted to LiveText before a grade will be given. Project 2: Language Observation Summary: DUE: October 31st (100 points). Must be submitted to LiveText before a grade will be given. Choice 1: Observe a young child with ASD or a school age child with ASD. Record observations on the childs receptive, expressive, & pragmatic language skills. Use a pragmatic skills checklist from the CELF-4/CELF-4 Preschool, or Transdiscplinary Play Based Assessment, Observational Tool, p. 293. Write a summary of your observations on receptive, expressive, & pragmatic language skills. Choice 2: Observe a child in Little Jacks or a PPCD Program in the public schools, or approved client in the clinic. Record observations on the childs receptive, expressive, & pragmatic language skills. Document language abilities using the Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment, Observational Tool, p. 293 and/or pragmatic checklist from the CELF-4/CELF-4 Preschool. Write a summary of your observations on receptive, expressive, & pragmatic language skills. Contact Information: The Helping House; Amanda Johnson- 936-371-1536 Project 3: Therapy Activities and Presentation: DUE: November 21st (100 points) Write 2 goals for each language domain (semantics, syntax/morphology, pragmatics). Specify if the goal addresses receptive or expressive language. Goals must be written in the correct format. For one goal in each domain provide a therapy activity to address the goal (total of 3 activities). Be as creative as possible. Provide a description of the activity and provide any materials needed for the activity. Choose one activity to present to the class. Participation: Successful class interactions depend on prepared and present communicators! You are expected to attend each class and to participate in all class discussions and activities. This includes actively listening, asking and answering questions, expressing your opinion. Diversions due to personal notes, visiting, or working on day planners, are not considered appropriate and will be addressed with observed. Cell phones are to be turned off during class. Texting during class (reading, composing, or sending messages) is NOT accepted and will be addressed as observed. IV. Evaluation and Assessment: GRADING: The student will have three exams over the material presented during the semester. The student will also complete three projects. This gives you a total of four grades that are averaged for your final grade. The final examination (or third exam) is not comprehensive and will cover the material from the last portion of the semester. Three scheduled exams @ 100 points each 300 Project 1: CELF-4/CELF-Preschool/CASL Administration & Scoring 100 Project 2: Language Observation Summary 100 Project 3: Therapy Activities Project & Presentation 100 Total 600 points A 89.5-100% B 79.5-89.4% C 69.5-79.4% D 59.5-69.4% F 59.4% and below Grade Calculation: (Points earned to date) X 100= (Grade) (Points possible to date) Extra Credit: *All extra credit points will be added in to your exam and project point total and then divided by 600. (Exam grades + Project grades + Extra Credit points/600= your grade) Course Evaluation: (5 points) Complete online course evaluation by University deadline LATE POLICY: No late work will be accepted without permission by the instructor. For each day that assigned work is late, 10% of the grade will be deducted. V. Tentative Course Outline/Calendar: August 27 T Course Overview & Syllabus Syllabus August 29 TH Language Terms;Language Theory Ch. 1 September 3 T Language Theory; Domains of Language Ch. 1 September 5 TH Assessment of Language Disorders Ch. 2 September 10 T Assessment Process Ch. 2 September 12 TH Decision Making in Assessment/Intervention Ch. 3 September 17 T CELF-4/CASL Review September 19 TH Language Tests September 24 T Exam Review September 26 TH EXAM #1 October 1 T Test Administration-Project 1 October 3 TH Language Observation Practice October 8 T Principles of Intervention Ch. 4 October 10 TH Principles of Intervention Ch. 4 October 15 T Goals; Therapy Activities; Project 1 DUE October 17 TH Early Childhood Intervention ASHA EI Guidelines Journal Articles October 22 T ECI Therapy Activities October 24 TH Exam Review October 29 T EXAM #2 October 31 TH Children with Specific Language Impairment; Ch. 5 Project 2 DUE November 5 T Children with Hearing Loss Ch. 6 November 7 TH Children with Intellectual Disability Ch. 7 November 12 T Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ch. 8 November 14 TH Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Journal Article November 19 T Augmentative & Alternative Communication Ch. 10 November 21 TH Therapy Activities Presentations; Project 3 DUE November 26 T Therapy Activities Presentations (Cont.) November 28 TH Thanksgiving Holiday! December 3 T Multicultural Issues; Wrap-up and review for exam Ch. 11 December 5 TH No Class! Study! Study! Study! December10 T EXAM #3 10:30 VI. Required Readings A. Kaderavek, Joan N. Language Disorders in Children (2011): Boston: Pearson. B. American Speech-Languge-Hearing Association, Ad Hoc Committee on the Role of the Speech- Language Pathologists in Early Intervention (2008). Roles and responsibilities of speech-language pathologists in early intervention: Guidelines. Retrieved from http://www.asha.org/docs/html/GL2008-00293.html. C. Paul, D. & Roth, F. (2011). Clinical forum: First years, first words: SLPs providing early Intervention services. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42, 320-330. D. Prelock, P., Beatson, J., Bitner, B., Broder, C., & Ducker, A. (2003). Interdisciplinary assessment of young children with autism spectrum disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools, 34, 194-202. E. Woods, J. & Wetherby, A. (2003). Early identification of and intervention for infants and toddlers Who are at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 34, 180-193. F. Woods, J., Wilcox, M., Friedman, M., & Murch, T. (2011). Collaborative consultation in natural environments: Strategies to enhance family-centered supports and services. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42, 379-392. G. LiveText account, ISBN# 978-0-979-6635-4-3. This may be purchased at the bookstore or purchased online at www.livetext.com . Once you have purchased the account, you must activate your account at www.livetext.com . If you have purchased LiveText in another course, you will NOT need to buy a second account. NOTE: If you plan to use financial aid to purchase this account, you must make the purchase by the date set by financial aid. If you are purchasing LiveText for the first time, you need to complete the My Cultural Awareness Profile (MCAP) found within their LiveText account. You should complete the MCAP within the first month of the semester. VII. Course Evaluations: Near the conclusion of each semester, students in the College of Education Electronically evaluate courses taken within the COE. Evaluation data is used for a variety of important purposes including: 1. Course and program improvement, planning and accreditation; 2. Instruction evaluation purposes; and 3. making decisions on faculty tenure, promotion, pay, and retention. As you evaluate this course, please be thoughtful, thorough, and accurate in completing the evaluation. Please know that the COE faculty is committed to excellence in teaching and continued improvement. Therefore your response is critical! In the College of Education, the course evaluation process has been simplified and is completed electronically through MySFA. Although the instructor will be able to view the names of students who complete the survey, all rating and comments are confidential and anonymous, and will not be available to the instructor until after final grades are posted. 5 EXTRA CREDIT points will be added to your total points before your grade is averaged if you complete a course evaluation BEFORE the university deadline. VIII. Student Ethics and Other Policy Information: Attendance: Attendance in class is required. You will be responsible for signing the attendance sheet during each class period. The attendance sheet will be taken up at the beginning of each class. If you are late, it is your responsibility to come to the instructor (after class) and ask for the attendance sheet to sign. If you do not sign in, you will be considered absent. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain handouts and class notes from your peers. Absence is not an excuse for missing information, handouts, class notes, etc. If you miss class during an exam or other assignment that a grade was given, you are responsible for providing written documentation (illness, hospitalization, death in the family) so that you may make up that grade. You are responsible for scheduling the make-up within one week of the missed class. Your final grade will be lowered by 5 points for every three unexcused absences. Excused absences must have documentation (i.e. documented illness from a physician, etc.) which must be submitted within one week of absence. Students with Disabilities: To obtain disability related accommodations, alternate formats and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Human Services Building, and Room 325, 468-3004/468-1004 (TDD) as early as possible in the semester. Once verified, ODS will notify the course instructor and outline the accommodation and/or auxiliary aids to be provided. Failure to request services in a timely manner may delay your accommodations. For additional information, go to http://www.sfasu.edu/disabilityservices/ . Location: Human Services Building, room 325. Phone: (936) 468-3004. Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students. Faculty members promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for cheating and plagiarism. Definition of Academic Dishonesty: Academic Dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification of invention of any information, including citations, on an assigned exercise; and or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were ones own work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into ones paper without giving the author due credit. Please read the complete policy at http://www.sfasu.edu/policies/academic_integrity.asp Withheld Grades Semester Grades Policy (A-54): Ordinarily at the discretion of the instructor of record and with the approval of the academic chair/director, a grade of WH will be assigned only if the student cannot complete the course work because of unavoidable circumstances. Students must complete the work within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which they receive a WH, or the grade automatically becones an F. If students register for the same course in future terms the WH will automatically become an F and will be counted as a repeated course for the purpose of computing the grade point average. Acceptable Student Behavior: Classroom behavior should not interfere with the instructors ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program (see the Student Conduct Code, policy D-34.1). Unacceptable or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students who disrupt the learning environment may be asked to leave class and may be subject to judicial, academic or other penalties. This prohibition applies to all instructional forums, including electronic, classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. The instructor shall have full discretion over what behavior is appropriate/inappropriate in the classroom. Students who do not attend class regularly or who perform poorly on class projects/exams may be referred to the Early Alert Program. This program provides students with recommendations for resources or other assistance that is available to help SFA students succeed. To complete Certification/Licensing Requirements in Texas related to public education, you will be required to: 1. Undergo criminal background checks for field or clinical experiences on public school campuses; the public school campuses are responsible for the criminal background check; YOU are responsible for completing the information form requesting the criminal background check. If you have a history of criminal activity, you may not be allowed to complete field or clinical experiences on public school campuses. At that point, you may want to reconsider your major while at SFASU. 2. Provide one of the following primary ID documents: passport, drivers license, state or providence ID cards, a national ID card, or military ID card to take the TExES exams (additional information available at www.texes.ets.org/registrationBulletin/ ). YOU must provide legal documentation to be allowed to take these mandated examinations that are related to certification/licensing requirements in Texas. If you do not have legal documentation, you may want to reconsider your major while at SFASU. 3. Successfully complete state mandated a fingerprint background check. If you have a history of criminal activity, you may want to reconsider your major while at SFASU. LiveText LiveText is the data management system used by the Perkins College of Education (PCOE) for program improvement and to assess and monitor compliance to national accreditation standards. All Perkins College of Education majors and Secondary Education students are required to purchase a LiveText account, either through the University Bookstore or at www.livetext.com . This is a ONE-TIME purchase, and the account will be used throughout your undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral program of study. Required program assignments, designated by instructors and program coordinators, must be submitted within your LiveText account. Successful completion of this course and your degree requirements are dependent on the submission of all required LiveText assignments. IX. Other Relevant Course Information: Communication for this course will be done through Desire2Learn (D2L); http://d2l.sfasu.edu. Please check D2L often to get announcements, print out handouts, check your grades, etc. If you have difficulty accessing D2L, contact Student Support 498-1919 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\"COLLIN COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE AND SECTION NUMBER: ENGL 1302 CRN#: 22681 (1302.S36); 22688 (1302.S43); 25240 (1302.S56) COURSE TITLE: Composition/Rhetoric II CLASS MEETING TIME: See Course Schedule of Assignments LOCATION: Spring Creek Campus CREDIT HOURS: 3 LAB HOURS: 1 PREREQUISITE: ENGL 1301 COLLEGE REPEAT POLICY: A student may repeat this course only once after receiving a grade, including W. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Making Literature Matter, 5th edition 2. Heart of Darkness (Conrad)/Any edition SUPPLIES NEEDED: Bluebooks Personal mini-stapler INSTRUCTOR: Susan Grimland E-MAIL: sgrimland@collin.edu No e-mails through BlackBoard Students must use CougarMail INSTRUCTORS PHONE NUMBER: 972.881.5793 (ofc) OFFICE: SCC I-219 OFFICE HOURS: MW 10-11:30 am; TR 1-2:30 pm. Please contact me for other times. ENGLISH 1302: Course Title: Composition II Course Description: Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research- 1302/Grimland- 2 based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions. Lab required. Student Learning Outcomes: State-mandated Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence. Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA, etc.) Additional Collin Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following: 1. Demonstrate personal responsibility through the ethical use of intellectual property. * * * * * * * Student Learning Outcomes for English 1302 We believe that English 1301 leads directly into English 1302, and that the second course builds upon skills from English 1301; therefore, English 1302 will continue to develop and evaluate those expected outcomes from English 1301. Because English 1302 focuses on research skills, students successfully completing the course should also be able to demonstrate the following: A. Defend an informed position or argument within the context of a specific discipline with explanations and answers to relevant counterarguments. B. Comprehend writing as a series of additional research tasks that include finding, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate primary and secondary sources. C. Practice appropriate conventions of documenting their work with the MLA format. D. Continue to build upon the Student Learning Outcomes for English 1301 1. Students should be able to demonstrate rhetorical knowledge in the following ways: a. Read and interpret a prompt for a writing assignment. b. Write essays that take a position and successfully argue or defend that position. c. Write essays with appropriate evidence, discussion, and organization for a specific audience. d. Write essays with strong introductions and conclusions that represent sophisticated thought and writing. e. Write essays that use format, structure, tone, diction, and syntax appropriate to the rhetorical situation. 2. Students should be able to demonstrate critical thinking, reading, and writing in the following ways: 1302/Grimland- 3 a. Use reading and writing for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating. b. Integrate their own ideas with those of others with clear distinction between the two. 3. Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the writing process in the following ways: a. Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text. b. Develop and demonstrate flexible strategies for generating ideas, revising, editing, and proofreading. c. Understand and utilize the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes by learning to critique their own and others work. 4. Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of conventions in the following ways: a. Apply knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics. b. Control such surface features as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Students must write a minimum of FOUR essays. TWO of these must be research papers of at least five typed pages, each of which must include THREE to SIX sources. 2. Even though this course focuses on argumentation and research, the student will study various types of literature and write response papers and/or analyses. 3. Research is MANDATORY. No student should be able to pass the course without completing research papers written in the latest MLA style of documentation. English 1302 should prepare students for sophomore courses where students are expected to know the current MLA style of documentation. 4. A final exam must be given at the scheduled time during the week of finals. Part of the final exam should be devoted to testing the students on current MLA style of documentation. The final exam counts as 20% of the course grade. 5. Every student must complete sixteen units of lab work in the course. METHOD OF PRESENTATION: Lectures, class discussion, small group discussions, computer-assisted instruction, library orientation, audio/visual materials, oral presentations, and personal conferences. GRADING POLICY AND PROCEDURE: 4 ESSAYS (100 each) 400 points (One essay is Annotated Bibliography) MIDTERM EXAM 100 points FINAL: 200 points CLASS PARTICIPATION 100 points (Includes Quizzes) ATTENDANCE 100 points 4 RESPONSES (50 each) 200 points 1302/Grimland- 4 IN-CLASS WRITING 100 points DEPARTMENTAL LABS 100 points MLA 100 points Total: 1400 points Grade Assignment: 1288-1400=A 1177-1287=B 1067-1176=C 980-1066=D Below 980=F Assignments are to be completed by their assigned date and time. Late assignments (5 minutes after the start of class) will receive a significantly lower grade. (Each additional day late lowers the grade by 10%.) Students who cannot meet a deadline may make arrangements in advance of the due date for a later due date with no penalty. No arrangements will be made on the day of the deadline; instead, submit whatever work you have completed along with a request for additional time. Papers may be submitted before deadlines. See the note below about the final exam. Opportunity for any other make-up work depends upon the reason it could not be done by the deadline, and, if accepted, it will be done only at the discretion, and convenience, of the instructor. RETENTION OF WRITTEN WORK: STUDENTS MUST RETAIN ACCESS TO ORIGINAL WRITTEN MATERIALS IN CASE OF LOSS. BE SURE TO PRINT EXTRA COPIES OF ESSAYS AND OTHER WRITTEN WORK. BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR WORK ON YOUR OWN COMPUTER OR FLASH DRIVE. CLASS PARTICIPATION: THE GRADE OF A WILL NOT BE AWARDED TO ANY STUDENT WHO DOES NOT PARTICIPATE REGULARLY AND THOUGHTFULLY DURING CLASS DISCUSSIONS. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM SPEAKING IN FRONT OF YOUR CLASSMATES, YOU NEED TO SEE ME DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS TO DISCUSS. THIS DISCUSSION WILL, HOWEVER, NOT RESULT IN ANY EXEMPTION TO THIS POLICY. LAB UNIT REQUIREMENTS: The lab component is an integral part of this writing course. Over the course of the semester, you will complete the component by reading Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and taking 3 quizzes about the novels content. You will also complete 2 critical reading / reflection assignments. 3 quizzes: 40 points; 2 reading /reflections: 60 points, for a total of 100 points. You must achieve a total of 80 points to receive credit for the lab component. If you fall below 80 points, your final grade will be lowered one letter grade. If you fail to complete any of the lab component, you will lose one letter grade and 100 points. WRITING CENTER HELP FOR STUDENTS: Instructors may call the Writing Center to request a consultant for a twenty-minute visit to classes to tell students about the services of the Writing Center. Check hours, etc., online at www.collin.edu/writingcenter. 1302/Grimland- 5 WRITING WORKSHOPS FOR STUDENTS: Several Writing Workshops will be held each semester to address specific areas of the writing and research process. Instructors should watch for information about these two-hour workshops (brochures available in the Writing Centers and online at www.collin.edu/writingcenter ) and encourage students to attend. These workshops address topics such as sentence structure, MLA documentation, writing a literary analysis, essay organization, writing arguments, invention strategies, ESL issues, how to spot and correct common writing errors, etc. Instructors are encouraged to award lab credit (or extra credit) for students who attend these workshops. LRC HELP FOR STUDENTS: Instructors may schedule orientation and instruction sessions for their classes about the librarys resources and about specific research topics by calling the Spring Creek library and setting up a date and time. Course Content: tation and analysis FINAL EXAM: You must take the final exam (essay) on You will need to supply a bluebook on the day of the exam. Be sure to buy the large size. This exam cannot be made up. If you do not take it at the appointed time, you forfeit 20% of your course grade. ATTENDANCE: Academic success is closely related to regular classroom attendance. You are required to attend class regularly and punctually. Missing more than two classes during the semester is considered excessive. If your absences exceed this number, you may be advised to drop the course. Additionally, class starts promptly at the appointed time. If you arrive late, the sign in sheet will reflect your tardiness. Tardiness is disruptive to the students who arrived on time. THREE late sign- ins will constitute one absence. Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance: 1302/Grimland- 6 It is the policy of Collin County Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals who are students with disabilities. This College will adhere to all applicable Federal, State and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodation as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student's responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972. 881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations. Academic Ethics: Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission of ones own work material that is not ones own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teachers editions, use of information about exams posted on the Internet or electronic medium, and/or falsifying academic records. While specific examples are listed below, this is not an exhaustive list and scholastic dishonesty may encompass other conduct, including any conduct through electronic or computerized means: Plagiarism is the use of an authors words or ideas as if they were ones own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination; collaborating with another student during an examination without authority; using, buying, selling, soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining course assignments and/or examination questions in advance, copying computer or Internet files, using someone elses work for assignments as if it were ones own; or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course. Collusion is intentionally or unintentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, failing to secure academic work; providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate about an examination or any other course assignment; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS: In accordance with Section 51.911 of the Texas Education Code, CCCCD will allow a student who is absent from class for the observance of a religious holy day to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time. Students are required to file a written request with EACH PROFESSOR within the FIRST 15 DAYS OF THE SEMESTER to qualify for an excused absence. A copy of the state rules and procedures regarding holy days, and 1302/Grimland- 7 the form of notification of absence from each class under this provision, are available from the Admissions and Records Office. EMERGENCY PROVISION: In case of campus closure due to inclement weather, national or local disaster, or for any other unforeseen reason, students are expected to continue classwork according to the schedule of assignments. When classes resume, we will pick up with the appropriate lesson scheduled for that date unless a test or quiz was scheduled. Tests and quizzes will be made up on the day classes resume, but missing lectures or other scheduled work will be rescheduled into the rest of the semester. Student is ultimately responsible for keeping assignments current during any hiatus. CHECK BLACKBOARD FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM INSTRUCTOR. SICKNESS PROVISION: SAME AS EMERGENCY PROVISION. CHANGES TO SYLLABUS: This syllabus, including the schedule of assignments that follows, may be changed during the semester at the discretion of the instructor to better meet the needs of this course; if so, students will be provided a revised copy or notified in class of the changes. CELL PHONES/PAGERS: During class all electronic devices must be silenced. I DO NOT EVEN WANT TO SEE THEM. If you must answer your phone, you need to consider whether you should be in class that day. First offense: loss of 50% of participation grade; second offense: loss of 50% of participation grade. After that, loss of attendance points. PERSONAL CONDUCT: Your classmates and I expect you to arrive on time and leave when class is dismissed. Additionally, we expect you to come to class prepared and ready to add to our discussions. PERSONAL COMPUTER /STAPLER ISSUES: I expect you to purchase a mini-stapler and to use it for your papers. Furthermore, although I might sympathize with your personal electrical problems, your lack of paper or ink, your recent move, or any other excuse that prevents you from printing your paper before class, you are not excused from turning in your paper no later than 5 minutes after the due date. E-MAIL: Unless I ask you to email an assignment to me, I will not open any attachments from students. Therefore, please use CougarMail to communicate with me about assignments or other matters. Do not use e-mail in BlackBoard. DUE DATES: The dates listed on the attached course schedule reflect the DATES THAT ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND READINGS SHOULD BE COMPLETED. I expect you to consult your syllabus and course schedule regularly. 1302/Grimland- 8 \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Designweenie: Weblog FEB APR JUN 4 2006 2007 2008 25 captures\\n15 Jul 04 - 25 Dec 08 Close\\nHelp I have a hard time coming to terms with the new aesthetic being peddled in the corporate identity market. There is trend away from the mono-chromatic, simple and witty icons of the 19th century and towards a more slick, conceptually vacant and multi-color mark of the 90s internet boom.\\nAssigning a logo assignment in school has always been about a)clarity of message and b)designing within strict limitations. Yes, this is quickly becoming an old-fashion way of looking at a logo, but I truly feel something is being lost. And that, that is being lost is metaphoric of what is being lost in graphic design in general. The 1980s AT&T logo (designed by the amazing Saul Bass) is a classic example of wonderful design. You can imagine the design brief from the client stating that they wanted a mark that communicated that they are a global communications company. If you take away the text the mark still works. It references the global nature of the company by its circular shape and the lines in-force this (latitude lines) and at the same time makes the viewer think about satellites and data. The mechanical nature of the rendering connotes precision and competence.\\nWonderful. A tremendous amount of clarity in a small package. And it works just as well in black and whitewhich means the client can save money on things like bills and invoices where printing in color would cost more money. Plus theyll look great when they send out faxes and when their logo gets photocopied. Boo-ya! Now, take our new logo. Take away the type and what do we have? Okay, now imagine this mark in 5, 10 years when the memory of the old logo is now longer with us. What do we have? In my mind the reality in which this mark is rendered leaves little to the imagination. While I had no problem suspending my perception of scale with the old mark, with this one I am inclined to view it (and that also means interpret it) as a small mark. It looks to me like a rubber ball Id by from a machine at the grocery store for 25 cents. The blue transparency has a lot to do with that perception as well. Rarely do I see perfectly translucent globes in scales larger than a couple inches.\\nSo without the suspension of my perception of scale, this mark connotes playfulness, simple, classic and affordability and at the same time, once Im thinking in these terms I also believe the mark means easily losable, childish, and cheap. The strips do not look mechanically precise anymore. They communicate a random, organic and in-precise manufacturing process. Does this mental frame communicate AT&T? I think not. Does this mark survive a trip through the fax machine or photocopier? This new mark is all style and no thinking. It looses whatever thought went into it in a couple years. Its what design has become. This way of thinking about design is not sustainable. If the internet has taught us anything its once we put the tools to create in the hands of everyone, everyone decides what is acceptable. And anyone can create style; you dont need a fancy design degree for that.\\nNot everyone can create the old AT&T mark. That requires talent, and a fancy design degree can help bring out that talent. Design should be just as much about how something functions, or solves a clients problem as it is about making something visually pleasing. The visually pleasing part is getting way too much attention, and other professions are taking away the making things work part of design. 21 November 2005 12:50 PM , t:systems , t:concepts of design , p:designing So BBEdit 8 has been released and there has been a huge outcry about the icon. Lots of people dislike it. I tend to agree, and Id like to talk about why. Here are the two BBEdit icons. The (A)old and (B)the new. One might think that the simple change in typeface is what makes the new icon bad, but it is far more complicated than that.\\nBefore we can have an opinion about the icon, we need to decide how to evaluate it. Simple gut reactions based on personal preference are useless when trying to have a reasonable discussion. There are 3 criteria that Ill evaluate the icons on: composition, concept and usefulness. To help in the discussion lets also talk about some alternate icons at the same time These are (C)The Clipper System by Gedeon Maheux (Icon Factory), (D)SmoothIcons by Corey Marion (Icon Factory) and (E) Jon Hicks alternate BBEdit icon.\\nComposition\\nComposition is the element that changes the most between icons A through D (Jon Hicks icon (E) is conceptually very different from all the others). Composition is what creates the visual hierarchy, meaning the composition is what helps the viewer understand which elements are important, and which are less so. In all the icons expect for B (BBedit 8.0), there is a strong hierarchy. The viewer is told that the letter B is important, and the background is less important. The hierarchy in all of the successful icons (A,C,D & E) is established with contrast and with some help from color theory. The contrast is best explained by looking at the BBEdit 8.0 icon (B)the icon with poor contrast. The letterform is made up of line widths that do not vary, and are similar in width to the blue box behind it. This creates poor contrast and the letterform starts to blend into the background. You may want to point of that the Clipper icon (C) has similar line weight issuesbut they arent issues. Heres why. Dark colors recede and light colors tend to come forward. The same is true for cool colors (blues, purples and greens), they recede into the background and warm colors (reds, oranges, yellows) do the opposite. So while the line weights issues in icon (B) and also present in icon (C), icon (C) compensates by using white against the blue. Concept\\nIf you did not know that BBedit was a text editor geared towards writing computer code, would you understand what the application did by viewing any of these icons? Jon Hicks icon (E) comes closest to being successful in this area. All the others rely on the programs and Bare Bones branding to convey the function of the application. The current BBedit icons (B) (A) convey something other than writing text and code. Looking at these icons we might assume that the application is about quilting, or some sort of mechanical engineering. Icons (C) and (D) are just playing off the original, so we will leave them alone in this discussion, although icon (D) might be seen as a board game. Jon Hicks icon (E) gives the impression of the creation of documents, and the typography, with the smaller second b gives a scientific (or mathematical) feel to the application. The blue background might give the impression of blueprints, and the shiny writing instrument has a very technical feel about it. The icon is fairly close to the mark. It starts with text editing and tries to alter it to speak about the technical nature of the text you are editing.\\nAnother approach (which would yield very different results) would be to start with technical imagery and attempt to alter it with the concept of editing text. Usefulness\\nHere we need to consider the environment that an icon lives in. Icons live in a community of other icons (whether they are in the Dock or in the Finder). It is because of this that an icon needs to differentiate itself from other icons, and at the same time seem like it is part of the icon community on your computer. Both goals oppose themselves to some degree.\\nIcons (A) and (B) do not play well in the Mac OS X icon community. They do not follow the aesthetic of the other icons on the machine. This works to their benefitthey differentiate themselves nicely. Icons (C) and (D) are special cases. They are intended to be used with other custom icons. When used as intended, they are very successful.\\nSince Jons icon (E) is based off an Apple icon (TextEdit) is plays very well in the icon community, but may not differentiate itself as well as the other icons.\\nConclusion\\nSo which icon is the best? Well that depends. Personally I am using (D) because the strong black outline allows it to differentiate itself at small sizes, and I am less concerned about the harmony of my icon collection. The idealist in me likes Jon Hicks (E) because it is the strongest conceptually.\\nUltimately the concept of best when it comes to this item of design is a personal choice. My hope in writing this essay was to get people to think about design, and give them a framework to think about it in.\\nI often have problems explaining to non-designers what going through a design program is like. This essay is very much what one of my classes might be like, except I would reach all the points by asking the students questions (sometimes leading them). I am usually very surprised by what they say, and sometimes they even change my mind. 3 September 2004 04:07 PM , t:usability , t:systems , t:looking sideways , t:concepts of design , p:designing In the current issue of Eye Magazine, there is an abridged version of Kevin Larsons paper on the science of word recognition. (Eye Magazine 52, page 74)\\nThe online edition does not have a copy of the article.\\nIts a great read for a typography freak like myself. It basically debunks the word shape theory of reading and supplants it with parallel letter theory. (Which I do not completely comprehend right nowotherwise Id summarize) I cant seemed to find a copy of the full paper online, but hopefully Ill be able to get a copy next time Im at the school library. 22 July 2004 03:22 PM , p:designing , t:concepts of design , t:pratt , t:usability The worlds flags given letter grades 29 March 2004 11:29 AM , t:concepts of design , p:designing , t:fun Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School 24 March 2004 09:58 AM , p:designing , t:concepts of design Here are a bunch of loosely related notes and thoughts from the Summit. Im plopping them down here because Im insanely busy and will forget to solidify these thoughts if I dont give them a tangible place to live. For me the theme of this years summit: context, methods.\\nForeign phrase I heard most often: contextual inquiry. Being on the IA design methods panels got me to think alot about design patterns and methods in general. I think I tend to practice process methods far more often than form methods. Let me explain. A week or two ago I decided not to teach graphic design anymore. I am really interested in teaching designers to design and not just decorate. This means they need to learn to be able to think and let the solution come from an examination of the problem. I encounter a tremendous amount of resistance when I try to do this from the students. They are far more receptive to thinking this way in my IA and Visual Communications classes. So Im going to focus on teaching those classes better.\\nA good friend and fellow professor was disappointed with my decision. She was saying (essentially) that I was one of the few graphic design professors that didnt teach the students patterns for design. This means I didnt assign a magazine spread and then expect the students to design something that looks like a magazine spread. Instead I wanted the student to read the content of the magazine article and think about how they could best serve the content and contribute to it visually. I think this serves as an example of a positive and as a negative design pattern. The negative pattern is the one that dictates the visual elements that when assembled say magazine spread (that would be the information shape of the magazine)and the process of blindly following the pattern to create something that looks correct.\\nThe positive pattern would be evaluating the actual communications problems and using the information shape of the magazine pattern as a guideline to try to solve the problem.\\nTheres a strong idea here, and like strong ideas Im most certainly not the first one to have it. It needs some editing and further reflection. Typography is both a craft and an art form. Information Architecture is both a craft and an art form. What can IA learn from 500 years of typographic knowledge? There are no new ideas. Most of my personal work habits (ahem, methods?) were validated in the personas and ...and then a miracle occurs sessions. Both essentially talked about ways I tend to think about problems. Peters examples could have been torn right out of my sketchbook for the last ten years. And here I thought I was special. I dont think in complete sentences. What makes the most sense to me is sentence fragments (thoughts) in spacial relationships. I think best by drawing and my laptop was useless as a note taking device. I need to read Andrew Dillons information shape research paper. 1 March 2004 10:05 AM , t:concepts of design , p:designing From a users perspective, opentype on Adobes latest applications is typography done better than it has ever been done on a Macintosh.\\nOver the last week Ive been working on a print piece that is dependent on type. Ive been setting the type with Adobe Garamond and while the new opentype face does not give me anything I didnt have before with the former type 1 family, the user interface to all the options and variations for this face in the opentype version is a huge improvement. Now with opentype, all the alternate glyphs, ligatures (notice the fi combination in the screen shot), and typographic goodness are all contained within one font. Previously in order to get alternate letter forms you would need to use a whole other font for a single letter. Making words bold or italic would destroy these alternate letterforms. To get ligatures you would need to use an option key combination, or sometimes a different fonteither option would reek havoc with spell checkers. The only item concerning opentype that Im confused about is how Adobe is handling optical adjustments. (If a font is optically adjusted, then the letterform changes based on the size it is being used. A standard feature of most type all the way up until about 40 years ago when the industry started using film type, and now digital type). In the fonts that support optical adjustments, we are still given different font files for the different size ranges of type that the face is suppose to be used for. Why cant this be done automatically, and contained within the opentype file? Here is a passage from Adobe on optical adjustments that ships with their typefaces.\\nTypefaces with optical size variants have had their designs subtly adjusted for use at specific point size ranges. This capability reintroduces one of the features of hand-cut metal type, which uses a separate font for each point size and is often optically adjusted. This is an advantage over the current common practice of scaling a single digital type design to different point sizes, which may reduce legibility at smaller sizes or sacrifice subtlety at larger sizes.\\nThe objective of optical sizing is to maintain the integrity and legibility of the underlying typeface design throughout a range of point sizes. The adjustments typically made to the design to optimize it for different sizes are: for larger point sizes, the space between characters (letter fit) tightens, the space within characters (counterforms) closes up (i.e., the letters are slightly more condensed), the serifs become finer and the stroke contrast becomes greater, the overall weight becomes lighter, and the x-height gradually diminishes; for smaller point sizes, opposite adjustments are made.\\nSmaller optical sizes are also useful when output resolution is very limited, such as for on-screen display. One might choose to use a smaller optical size design for creating text on buttons for a Web page, for example.\\nIn other words, no matter how much your intuition tells you the opposite, designs intended for one scale, rarely work as well as they could at a large or smaller scale. 24 January 2004 12:22 PM , t:concepts of design , p:designing , t:tools The current issue of The New York Times Magazine is their annual design issue. This years theme is The Way We Live Now. Available now at your local newstand. (At least in NYC, you can get Sundays times on Saturday night. Others may need to wait until tomorrowor read the website version) 29 November 2003 06:35 PM , t:concepts of design , p:consuming Ive had several conversations with students that in the last 24 hours that deal with issues of superficial morality.\\nScene One\\n(Im sitting in the department office with the assistant chair, Phil. A student walks in)\\nStudent: Professor Foo has sent me on a mission.\\nPhil: Thats a disturbing thought.\\nMe: Yea, I just had this vision of Foo dressed up in tights and a cape and sending her students off to do her bidding.\\nStudent: ... Why? is it disturbing.\\nMe: Because we dont know if she is using her powers for good, or for evil.\\nPhil: Oh, I think we know.\\nStudent: Anyway, shed like to know if the computer in here has Adobe Premiere installed on it.\\nScene Two\\n(Im sitting in the department office, one of my students walks in)\\nStudent: Professor which? umm.. which ?\\nMe: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?\\n(Student stares at me like a deer caught in a set of headlights)\\nMe: Ah, youd a good witchbut you secretly desire to be a bad one. I can respect that.\\nStudent: umm, I forget what I was going to ask you.\\nMe: But Im the one who asked you a question.\\nStudent: Oh, yea. Right.\\nMe: Dont worry, it happens to me all the time. Ill see you in class.\\n(Student walks out the office)\\nScene Three\\n(Im teaching a sophomore level class, in the middle of a class discussion)\\nStudent A: Of course its deceptiveIts design.\\nMe: Wait! Are you telling me that you think design is all about brain washing the masses and greasing the slimy wheels of capitalism?\\n(Many heads in the room nod yes)\\nMe: Why are you people design majors?\\n(Silence, awkwardness, staring at shoes)\\nStudent A: Well, isnt that what its all about?\\nMe: No! Well, sometimes yes. But you can use your design powers for good or evil. The choice is yours. Use it wisely.\\n(A collective, contemplative pause)\\nStudent B: Is that what you were talking about yesterday?, when you were talking about being a witch? 11 November 2003 11:02 AM , t:fun , t:concepts of design , p:teaching In The Education of an E-Designer (edited by the extraordinarily prolific Steven Hellerthe Issac Asimov of the design profession), there is an essay and syllabus by Hugh Dubberly about teaching IA to design students. He and I came to many of the same conclusions, but he took a different path than I. I found it to be an interesting (and informative) read.\\nHe also has this wonderful line in the book about using websites as projects for design students:\\nTime spent [trying to gain the production skills needed to complete a website] can crowd out the time spent understanding [the] principals [involved] ... Websites are complicated and students have relatively little experience with them, compared to books or television. Introducing students to [information architecture] by asking them to design a commercial website, is like teaching people to swim by pushing them out of a boat in the middle of a lake. The students may learn, but the process cant reasonably be called teaching.\\nNice. 26 September 2003 07:46 PM , t:concepts of design , p:teaching People often ask me about what design books I recommend. Well Ive put together a little list over at Amazon:\\n4 books every graphic designer should have (in his/her library)\\nShort and sweet. 4 Books comprising the core knowledge every designer should know (or be aware of). Everything else builds on an understanding of these fundamentals.\\nOf course, this is all my opinion. Many people will disagreeof that I am sure. 21 September 2003 10:13 PM , t:concepts of design , p:designing Better By Design is a British television show that is now playing on PBS stations in the States. Its a show that gives you a taste of what the design process is all about. 20 September 2003 06:57 AM , t:concepts of design , p:designing RSS\\nRDF ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['Course Syllabus Course Information BA 3365.501 Principles of Marketing Wednesday 7 9:45 pm, SOM 2.717, Fall 2008 Professor Contact Information Instructor: Prof. Ashutosh Prasad Tel: (972) 883-2027 E-mail: aprasad@utdallas.edu Office: SOM 3.221 Office Hours: T 4:00 - 7:00pm; or by appointment TA: Cesar Zamudio Tel. 972-883-4418 czamudio@student.utdallas.eduOffice: SOM 3.618 Office Hours: M 10am -1pm Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions N/A Course Description This course introduces students to marketing theory and practice in modern firms. As such, the course covers concepts and tools used by marketing managers and issues that they encounter. We will first discuss the role of marketing and the business environment in which firms face their challenges and opportunities. We discuss consumer behavior. These provide the basis for understanding the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategic framework. A substantial amount of efforts are then devoted to specific marketing mix decisions to help execute a marketing strategy effectively. Topics we will cover include marketing strategy, ethics, advertising, product development, pricing, e-commerce, wholesaling and retailing. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes o Learn and apply marketing concepts and theoretical frameworks such as Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning. o Enhance marketing decision-making skills, e.g., be able to describe and implement different pricing methods such as markup pricing and target pricing. o Recognize, evaluate and implement ethical constraints when making marketing decisions. Course Syllabus Page 1 Required Textbooks and Materials The course will be primarily lectures and discussion based. Lectures and discussion of key marketing concepts and skills will be followed as specified in the class schedule. Articles and issues that are of current interests and of relevance to topics being discussed will be brought to class to reinforce learning. You are encouraged to bring in your materials that are relevant to the topics discussed. Class time will be spent on topics that are especially important, interesting or difficult. Students are responsible for all of the information in the assigned materials whether it is explicitly covered in class or not. Textbook Marketing, Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley and William Rudelius, McGraw Hill-Irwin, 9th Edition, 2009. Overheads Overhead slides in MS PowerPoint are available from the webpage www.utdallas.edu/~aprasad/teaching.html. And also from WebCT. Assignments & Academic Calendar Date Topics Readings / HW Due Session 1 Wed, Aug 27 Introduction to Marketing Syllabus review Ch. 1 Session 2 Wed, Sep 3 Strategic Planning Marketing Ethics Ch. 2, 4 Session 3 Wed, Sep 10 Consumer Behavior Ch. 5 Session 4 Wed, Sep 17 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Ch. 9 Session 5 Wed, Sep 24 Organizational Customers Review Ch. 6 Session 6 Wed, Oct 1 Exam I (Ch, 1,2, 4, 5, 9) Session 7 Wed, Oct 8 Developing New Products & Services Ch. 10 Session 8 Wed, Oct 15 Managing Brands Services Marketing Ch. 11, 12 Session 9 Wed, Oct 22 Pricing I Ch. 13 Course Syllabus Page 2 Session 10 Wed, Oct 29 Pricing II Ch. 14 Session 11 Wed, Nov 5 Exam II (Ch, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) Session 12 Wed, Nov 12 Channels Ch. 15 Session 13 Wed, Nov 19 Retailing Ch. 17 Session 14 Wed, Nov 26 Advertising & Promotions Ch. 19 Session 15 Wed, Dec 3 Personal Selling & Sales Management Synopsis & Review Ch. 20 Wed, Dec 10 Reading Days No class Session 16 Wed, Dec 17 Exam III (Ch. 2, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20) Grading Policy Activity Score Exam I 30% Exam II 30% Exam III 30% Attendance & CP 10% Any grade dispute should be submitted in writing within one week of the assignment of the grade. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late submissions will not be accepted. Course & Instructor Policies Exams: Exams will consist of multiple choices, short answer and essay questions. There is no make-up exam. In case permission is given to skip an exam (e.g. due to medical need), we will average the results of your other exams and give a 3-5 point penalty. Students are expected to attend all sessions and to have read and reflected on the material to be covered in class. Two absences are allowed without penalty. Thereafter, subtract a point for each absence. Class participation scores will be based upon the quality of input, responses, questions and in-class activities. Please avoid negative participation such as annoying others by surfing the web on your laptop. Course Syllabus Page 3 Student Conduct & Discipline The University of Texas System and The University of Texas at Dallas have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their business. It is the responsibility of each student and each student organization to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern student conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in the UTD publication, A to Z Guide, which is provided to all registered students each academic year. The University of Texas at Dallas administers student discipline within the procedures of recognized and established due process. Procedures are defined and described in the Rules and Regulations, Series 50000, Board of Regents, The University of Texas System, and in Title V, Rules on Student Services and Activities of the universitys Handbook of Operating Procedures. Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and regulations (SU 1.602, 972/883-6391). A student at the university neither loses the rights nor escapes the responsibilities of citizenship. He or she is expected to obey federal, state, and local laws as well as the Regents Rules, university regulations, and administrative rules. Students are subject to discipline for violating the standards of conduct whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct. Academic Integrity The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as ones own work or material that is not ones own. As a general rule, scholastic dishonesty involves one of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion and/or falsifying academic records. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary proceedings. Plagiarism, especially from the web, from portions of papers for other classes, and from any other source is unacceptable and will be dealt with under the universitys policy on plagiarism (see general catalog for details). This course will use the resources of turnitin.com, which searches the web for possible plagiarism and is over 90% effective. Email Use The University of Texas at Dallas recognizes the value and efficiency of communication between faculty/staff and students through electronic mail. At the same time, email raises some issues concerning security and the identity of each individual in an email exchange. The university encourages all official student email correspondence be sent only to a students U.T. Dallas email address and that faculty and staff consider email from students official only if it originates from a UTD student account. This allows the university to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individual corresponding and the security of the transmitted information. UTD furnishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with university personnel. The Department of Information Resources at U.T. Dallas provides a method for students to have their U.T. Dallas mail forwarded to other accounts. Course Syllabus Page 4 Withdrawal from Class The administration of this institution has set deadlines for withdrawal of any college-level courses. These dates and times are published in that semester\\'s course catalog. Administration procedures must be followed. It is the student\\'s responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. In other words, I cannot drop or withdraw any student. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final grade of \"F\" in a course if you choose not to attend the class once you are enrolled. Student Grievance Procedures Procedures for student grievances are found in Title V, Rules on Student Services and Activities, of the universitys Handbook of Operating Procedures. In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, it is the obligation of the student first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor, supervisor, administrator, or committee with whom the grievance originates (hereafter called the respondent). Individual faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. If the matter cannot be resolved at that level, the grievance must be submitted in writing to the respondent with a copy of the respondents School Dean. If the matter is not resolved by the written response provided by the respondent, the student may submit a written appeal to the School Dean. If the grievance is not resolved by the School Deans decision, the student may make a written appeal to the Dean of Graduate or Undergraduate Education, and the deal will appoint and convene an Academic Appeals Panel. The decision of the Academic Appeals Panel is final. The results of the academic appeals process will be distributed to all involved parties. Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and regulations. Incomplete Grade Policy As per university policy, incomplete grades will be granted only for work unavoidably missed at the semesters end and only if 70% of the course work has been completed. An incomplete grade must be resolved within eight (8) weeks from the first day of the subsequent long semester. If the required work to complete the course and to remove the incomplete grade is not submitted by the specified deadline, the incomplete grade is changed automatically to a grade of F. Disability Services The goal of Disability Services is to provide students with disabilities educational opportunities equal to those of their non-disabled peers. Disability Services is located in room 1.610 in the Student Union. Office hours are Monday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The contact information for the Office of Disability Services is: The University of Texas at Dallas, SU 22 PO Box 830688 Richardson, Texas 75083-0688 (972) 883-2098 (voice or TTY) Course Syllabus Page 5 Essentially, the law requires that colleges and universities make those reasonable adjustments necessary to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability. For example, it may be necessary to remove classroom prohibitions against tape recorders or animals (in the case of dog guides) for students who are blind. Occasionally an assignment requirement may be substituted (for example, a research paper versus an oral presentation for a student who is hearing impaired). Classes enrolled students with mobility impairments may have to be rescheduled in accessible facilities. The college or university may need to provide special services such as registration, note-taking, or mobility assistance. It is the students responsibility to notify his or her professors of the need for such an accommodation. Disability Services provides students with letters to present to faculty members to verify that the student has a disability and needs accommodations. Individuals requiring special accommodation should contact the professor after class or during office hours. Religious Holy Days The University of Texas at Dallas will excuse a student from class or other required activities for the travel to and observance of a religious holy day for a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property tax under Section 11.20, Tax Code, Texas Code Annotated. The student is encouraged to notify the instructor or activity sponsor as soon as possible regarding the absence, preferably in advance of the assignment. The student, so excused, will be allowed to take the exam or complete the assignment within a reasonable time after the absence: a period equal to the length of the absence, up to a maximum of one week. A student who notifies the instructor and completes any missed exam or assignment may not be penalized for the absence. A student who fails to complete the exam or assignment within the prescribed period may receive a failing grade for that exam or assignment. If a student or an instructor disagrees about the nature of the absence [i.e., for the purpose of observing a religious holy day] or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the chief executive officer of the institution, or his or her designee. The chief executive officer or designee must take into account the legislative intent of TEC 51.911(b), and the student and instructor will abide by the decision of the chief executive officer or designee. These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor. Course Syllabus Page 6 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Course Syllabus Course Information Departments\\nCourses\\nCourse Syllabi AC Connect\\nLogin Home/Course Syllabi/View\\nExport Printer FriendlyWordEmail Business Computer ApplicationsCourse Syllabus\\nRao Prabhakar Honorary: Professor Instructor: Rao Prabhakar E-Mail: rsprabhakar@actx.edu Phone: 806-371-5217 Office Hours: MW: 8:00 - 9:00 AM; 4:30 - 5:30 PM; DUTTON HALL 207A TR: 8:00 - 9:00 AM; DUTTON HALL 207A Catalog Year: 2011-2012 Disability Statement: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact disAbility Services (Student Service Center room 119, phone 371-5436) as soon as possible. Course Title: Business Computer Applications Course Name and Number: BCIS-1305 Course Section: 033 Semester: Fall Prerequisites: RDNG 0321-minimum grade of C or a score on a state-approved test indicating readiness for RDNG 0331 Course Description: In-depth study of computer hardware, software, operating systems and information systems pertaining to a business environment. The main focus of this course is to understand and use various business software applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics and other miscellaneous business applications. Department Expectations: Hours: (3 sem hrs; 2 lec, 3 lab) Class Type: Hybrid Textbooks: Textbooks for BCIS 1305 Exploring Microsoft Office 2010 Vol. 1by Grauer Technology In Action, Introductory Version, 7th Ed., Completeby Evans Textbook requirements for this class: myitlab code that allows for e-texts of Technology in Action and Exploring Office 2010 (Printed textbooks are not a requirement for this class.) *Please note this course will require assignments to be completed in Microsoft Office 2010 Options for textbooks: Purchase a bundled package Technology in Action, Complete, 7th.edition complete Exploring Office 2010, Vol. I myitlab code (allows for use of e-text books or electronic textbook) Getting started with myitlab CD for Technology in Action Purchase a myitlab code only, without e-texts. This option assumes you have or access to the contents of the textbooks Technology in Action, 7th edition Complete and Exploring Office 2010. Contact your instructor for any questions. Supplies: Access to a PC (personal computer ) Office 2010, Professional: Word, Excel and Access Reliable access to the Internet Student Performance: In-depth study of computer hardware, software, operating systems and information systems pertaining to a business environment. The main focus of this course is to understand and use various business software applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases,and other miscellaneous business applications. What software is included in system software? What are the different kinds of operating systems? What are the most common operating systems? How does the operating system provide a means for users to interact with the computer? How does the operating system help manage resources such as the processor, memory, storage, hardware, and peripheral devices? How does the operating system interact with application software? How does the operating system help the computer start up? What are the main desktop and window features? How does the operating system help me keep my computer organized? What utility programs are included in system software, and what do they do? What exactly is a computer, and what are its four main functions? What is the difference between data and information? What are bits and bytes, and how are they measured? What devices do I use to get data into the computer? What devices do I use to get information out of the computer? Whats on the motherboard? Where are information and programs stored? How are devices connected to the computer? How do I set up my computer to avoid strain and injury? What is the origin of the Internet? How can I communicate through the Internet? How can I communicate and collaborate using Web 2.0 technologies? What are the various kinds of multimedia files found on the Web, and what software do I need to use them? What is e-commerce, and what e-commerce safeguards protect me when Im online? What is a Web browser? What is a URL, and what are its parts? How can I use hyperlinks and other tools to get around the Web? How do I search the Internet effectively? How do I evaluate a Web site? How does data travel on the Internet? What are my options for connecting to the Internet? What will the Internet of the future look like? Whats the difference between application software and system software? What kinds of applications are included in productivity software? What are the different types of multimedia software? What are the different types of entertainment software? What are the different types of drawing software? What kinds of software do small and large businesses use? What kind of software is available online? Where can I go for help when I have a problem with my software? How can I purchase software or get it for free? How do I install, uninstall, and start software? What are the changes that have brought us a digital lifestyle? How has the move to digital information affected the communication tools important to both the business world and life outside of work? How do cell phone and smartphone components resemble a traditional computer, and how do they work? Why would I use VoIP, and what does it offer that is unique? How is digital media different from analog? What can I carry in a portable media player, and how does it store data? What ways are there for me to create and to watch digital video? What changes does ubiquitous computing bring to our lifestyles? From which types of viruses do I need to protect my computer? What can I do to protect my computer from viruses? How can hackers attack my computing devices, and what harm can they cause? What is a firewall, and how does it keep my computer safe from hackers? How do I create secure passwords and manage all of my passwords? How can I surf the Internet anonymously and use biometric authentication devices to protect my data? How do I manage online annoyances such as spyware and spam? What data do I need to back up, and what are the best methods for doing so? What is social engineering, and how do I avoid falling prey to phishing and hoaxes? How do I protect my physical computing assets from environmental hazards, power surges, and theft? What are the advantages of a business network? How does a client/server network differ from a peer-to-peer network? What are the different classifications of client/server networks? What components are needed to construct a client/server network? What do the various types of servers do? What are the various network topologies (layouts), and why is network topology important in planning a network? What types of transmission media are used in client/server networks? What software needs to run on computers attached to a client/server network, and how does this software control network communications? How do network adapters enable computers to participate in a client/server network? What devices assist in moving data around a client/server network? What measures are employed to keep large networks secure? Who owns, manages, and pays for the Internet? How do the Internets networking components interact? What data transmissions and protocols does the Internet use? Why are IP addresses and domain names important for Internet communications? What are FTP and Telnet, and how do you use them? What are HTML/XHTML and XML used for? How do e-mail, instant messaging, and Voice over Internet Protocol work, and how is information using these technologies kept secure? How do businesses use the Internet to reduce computing costs? After completing Office Fundementals and File Management, the student will be able: Use Windows Explorer Work with folders and files Select, copy, and move multiple files and folders Identify common interface components Get Office Help Open a file Print a file Close a file and application Select and edit text Use the Clipboard group tasks Use the Editing group tasks Insert objects Review a file Change page settings After Completing Word, the student will be able to: Understand how word processors work Customize Word Use features that improve readability Check spelling and grammar Display a document in different views Prepare a document for distribution Modify document properties Apply font attributes through the Font dialog box Control word wrap Set off paragraphs with tabs, borders, lists, and columns Apply paragraph formats Understand styles Create and modify styles Format a graphical object Insert symbols into a document Insert comments in a document Track changes in a document Acknowledge a source Create and modify footnotes and endnotes Insert a table of contents and index Add other reference tables Create cross-references After Completing Excel, the student will be able to: Plan for effective workbook and worksheet design Explore the Excel window Enter and edit cell data Use symbols and the order of precedence Use Auto Fill Display cell formulas Manage worksheets Manage columns and rows Select, move, copy, and paste Apply alignment and font options Apply number formats Select page setup options Print a worksheet Use semi-selection to create a formula Use relative, absolute, and mixed cell references in formulas Avoid circular references Insert a function Total values with the SUM function Insert basic statistical functions Use date functions Determine results with the IF function Use lookup functions Calculate payments with the PMT function Create and maintain range names Use range names in formulas Decide which chart type to create Create a chart Change the chart type Change the data source and structure Apply a chart layout and a chart style Move a chart Print charts Insert and customize a sparkline Select and format chart elements Customize chart labels Format the axes and gridlines Add a trendline After Completing Access, the student will be able to: Navigate among the objects in an Access database Understand the difference between working in storage and memory Practice good database file management Back up, compact, and repair Access files Create filters Sort table data on one or more fields Know when to use Access or Excel to manage data Use the Relationships window Understand relational powerDesign data Create tables Understand table relationships Share data with Excel Establish table relationships Create a single-table query Specify criteria for different data types Copy and run a query Use the Query Wizard Create a multi-table query Modify a multi-table query Students Rights and Responsibilities: Student Rights and Responsibilities Log in using the AC Connect Portal: In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at https://acconnect.actx.edu.\\nIf you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use \"Exchange\". All other students, use \"AC Connect (Google) Email\". Expected Student Behavior: Students are expected to maintain a high standard of individual honor in their scholastic work.Students who are guilty of cheating, plagiarism, copying, or dishonesty may be excluded from class with a grade of F; or, in flagrant cases, may be suspended from the College. The faculty of the CIS Department reserves the right to ask a student to verify any portion of a test by reproducing any specific section or all of the test in question. Any action that comprises the computer systems at Amarillo College, including but not limited to hacking or cracking, can result in a grade of \"F\" in this course and possible further disciplinary action. Grading Criteria: Final grades will be assigned as indicated below. A - Superior, Minimum of 90% average on exams and quizzes plus all homework turned in with a 90% average on graded work. B - Good, Between 80% and 89.49% average on exams and quizzes plus all homeworkturned in with a minimum average of 80% on graded work. C - Adequate, Between 70% and 79.49% average on all work. D - Minimum, Between 60% and 69.49% average on all work. F - Failing, Below 60% average on all work. EVALUATION: Student grade will be based on the following: Technology in Action Chapter Tests 10% Technology in Action Major Exams 15% Technology in Action Final 15% MyitlabLabs 20% Myitlab Major Exams 25% Myiitlab Final 15% Summary of the above: 10%-Chapter Tests TIA total 40%-Major Exams for TIA and Myitlab total 20%-Labstotal 30%-Final for TIA and Myitlab total 100%TOTAL Assignment, homework, quiz, and test dates are provided for each student at the beginning of the semester. It will be your responsibility to complete each assignment, all homework, and take exams on the scheduled dates. Attendance: Check your email daily and have assignments in on time. An exam may be taken only one time Attendance will be determined from online class participation through homework assignments, discussions, and exams. Calendar: BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS BCIS 1305 Technology in Action (TIA) is your lecture book. For each chapter in this textbook, you must do a Chapter Test (required) from the AC Online site. Exploring Office 2010, myitlab Training for each hands-on exercise is optional. It exactly duplicates the textbook and will be similar to your final. The myitlab grader labs and myitlab grader exams are mandatory for each chapter. Doing the training will greatly improve your grade on the labs and tests and especially the final. Week Date Chapter Training in Myitlab can be repeated as many times as you want. It is not mandatory Lab Assignments and Tests Lab Grader assignments in myitlab, 2 attempts TIA tests and Grader Major Exams, 1 attempt 1 8/22 Myitlab, Introduction to Windows/File Management Test over General Class Information andLab 1 2 8/29 Office 2010, Introduction to Windows 7 and Office Fundamentals/File Management Read TIA Chapter 5, and Myitlab Training OF Lab----- (Myitlab Office Fundamentals/File Management ) OF Exam------ (Myitlab Office Fundamentals/File Management} 3 9/5 Technology in Action(TIA) Chapter 5, Using System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs, and File Management Myitlab Word Chapter 1 Read Chapter 2 TIA TIA Ch5 Quiz Word Ch1 Lab 4 9/12 TIAChapter 2, Looking at Computers: Understanding the Parts Read Chapter 3 TIA Read Word Ch apter 2 and Myitlab Training TIA Ch2 Quiz Word Ch1 Exam 5 9/19 TIAChapter 3, Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Webs Resources Office 2010, Word Chapter 2 Read Chapter 4 TIA TIA Ch3 Quiz Word Ch2 Lab 6 9/26 TIAChapter 4, Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play. Read Word Chapter 3 and Myitlab Training TIA Ch4 Quiz Word Ch2 Exam 7 10/3 Office 2010, Word Chapter 3 Read Excel Chapter 1 and Myitlab Training Word Ch3 Lab Word Ch3 Exam 8 10/10 Office 2010, Excel Chapter 1 Study for Major Exam 1 TIA, Chapter 2-5 Excel Ch1 Lab 9 10/17 Office 2010, Excel Chapter 2 Read Excel Chapter 2 and Myitlab Training Excel Ch1 Exam TIA ME1 Chapts. 25 10 10/24 Office 2010, Excel Chapter 3 Read Excel Chapter 3 and Myitlab Training Excel Ch2 Lab Excel Ch2 Exam 11 10/31 Office 2010, Access Chapter 1 Read Chapter 8 TIA Excel Ch3 Excel Ch3 Exam 12 11/7 TIA Chapter 8, Digital Lifestyle: Managing Digital Data and Devices Read Chapter 9 TIA Read Access Chapter 1 and Myitlab Training TIA Ch8 Quiz Access Ch1 Lab 13 11/14 TIA Chapter 9, Digital Lifestyle: Protecting Digital Data and Devices Office 2010, Access Chapter 2 Read Chapter 12 TIA Read Access Chapter 2 and Myitlab Training TIA Ch9 Quiz Access Ch1 Exam 14 11/21 TIA Chapter 12, Behind the Scenes: Networking and Security in the Business World Read Chapter 13 TIA TIA Ch12 Quiz Access Ch2 Lab Access Ch2 Exam 15 11/28 TIA Chapter 13, Internet (Remote Electronics) Voting Study for Major Exam 2 TIA, Chapters 8, 9 12 and 13 TIA Ch13 Quiz Myitlab Final TIA ME2 Chapts. 8, 9, 12 and 13 16 12/5 FINAL TIA On campus classes see Final Schedule, online classes Final due Monday at 11:55 of final week. Additional Information: Important Dates to Remember August 22 Fall Classes Begin August 22-26 Late Registration September 5 Labor Day Holiday (college closed November 7 Spring Registration Begins November 16 Last Day to Withdraw November 24-27 Thanksgiving Holiday December 5 Final Week 2013 Amarillo College From To Cc Bcc Subject Message Send as HTML\\nURL SendCancel OK ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' center for art and public life Feb MAR APR 25 2002 2003 2004 4 captures\\n25 Mar 03 - 23 Aug 03 Close\\nHelp >projects>mentorship>literary circles Literary Circles Image Gallery Literary Circles Project Period: Fall 2001 Participants\\nCCAC: Virginia Jardim, English I instructor and her students. Arts Far West: Michelle Macias, Language Arts High School Teacher and her 11-12th grade students. Developed by CCAC faculty leader Virginia Jardim, the project described here is one of four of its type that have taken place over the last two years. Content shifts in accordance with the interests of participants each semester and is jointly planned by lead faculty from CCAC and AFW. Participants change each semester and have involved CCAC English I and II students partnering with AFW students from sixth through twelfth grade. CCAC students and Arts Far West students met together for an hour a week, over an 8-week period. CCAC students were coaches to AFW students. Together they worked on reading, writing and bookmaking assignments. The project began by reading and discussing the \"The Broken Promise\" by Elouise Cobell, S.F. Chronicle 9/9/01. Cobell is a member of the Blackfeet Tribe and is suing the federal government of behalf of her people. To prepare for their work with the high school students, CCAC students first read and discussed the article, then researched the topic and developed questions for their first session with the high school class. Beginning with the second session, CCAC students worked in pairs with high school students. Their first assignment was helping high school seniors write essays for their college applications. This was a familiar challenge for the college freshman, who had written their own essays the previous year. As college mentors, CCAC students were able to give practical advice and support, as well as editorial assistance. In the third and following sessions, discussion focused on creation myths from the Pahute Indian tribe. Drawing inspiration from these stories, mentors and mentees learned bookmaking skills and worked together on inventing and illustrating their own myths. These books were exhibited on the CCAC campus and at the City of Oakland Gallery. English 1 Syllabus.pdf\\nTips for Journaling.pdf continue ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Right Reason: Common Sense And Theory Sep OCT JUN 28 2005 2006 2007 15 captures\\n28 Oct 06 - 6 Nov 08 Close\\nHelp Sviatoslav Richter |\\nMain\\n| Democracy and Minors March 20, 2005 Common Sense And Theory\\nIn the recent movie Chicago, a woman finds her husband at home in bed with another woman. Just prior to being shot dead by his wife, the husband asks her, ungrammatically and perhaps imprudently, Who are you going to believe, me or your eyes? This is the question that has been asked of the common man in recent years by the intellectuals of the Left, and fortunately the common man has been more tolerant than the fictional wife. It is the same as the question first raised by Hume with respect to Pyrrhonian skepticism. His answer was that it cannot be defeated by reason, but, have no fear, no one will believe it. Perhaps this was true of skepticism, but neither of these claims is true of current Leftist counter-intuitive theory. I think the Left can be defeated by reason and, as is all too sadly plain, it can all too often be believed. A defining difference between Conservative thinking and Liberal thinking, it has often been remarked, is the relative respect allotted to common sense, on the one hand, and theoretically driven complex reasoning, on the other. When these two come into conflict, it is said, the Conservative places the burden of proof over on to the counter-intuitive reasoning, while the Liberal places the burden of proof back on to common sense. This is rather beautifully modeled by Barry Stroud in his book, The Significance of Philosophical Skepticism, when he deals with Moore and his two hands argument against Idealism. Very simply, Moore says that he knows there are two hands before him (holding them out and looking at them), Heres one, and heres another. The skeptic (Idealist) counters, But what about my argument showing that you cant know that? and Moore responds: Its unsound. I know that because it leads to a false conclusion. And, no, I dont know whats wrong with it; thats not my problem, its not my argument. Stroud describes this as a stand-off because, it seems to him, the antagonists have reached rock-bottom commitments that neither will abandon. This makes it seem as if both the Moore and the Idealist positions are, from a rational point of view, equally arbitrary. Yet, it seems to me that there is more to their positions, though admittedly, there are also pre-philosophical commitments involved.\\nIn both cases, I suggest, the antagonists are driven by preferences respecting explanation that can be seen in a mildly altered version of Quines model of human knowledge. In this model, common sense and science are not competing systems, but rather a part of continuous web of belief. His well-known image is that of an ellipse, with perceptual beliefs constituting the circumference and theoretical beliefs the center. Beliefs on the circumference are the most resistant to change, though not immune. Beliefs at the center are the least resistant to change, they include, for example, beliefs in the existence of theoretical entities. The relationship between the internal and circumferential beliefs is that the latter provide both the input and the output of an explanatory machine whose function it is to predict what we will be perceiving in the future. I want to locate the beliefs of common sense quite close to the circumference, let me call them peripheral. Respective locations within the web reflect the webs overall function, namely that of the prediction of future perception. This means that perception is inherently more privileged than theoretical assumption, since the latter is functionally subordinate to the former. To the extent that the deliverances of science (and pseudo-science) conflict with the beliefs of common sense, the burden of proof rests on them since the default presumption of truth lies with beliefs closer to the circumference.\\nAt the heart of the modern Leftist academics impulse is the attempt to force the capitulation of common sense, to force the ordinary man to accept the inadequacy of his own judgments in all arenas. The Liberal chooses to put his faith in the center of Quines ellipse, making the periphery and even the circumference of the figure change in order to preserve the center. The choice between these two models is not beyond psychological explanation. Yes, I know that generalizations of this kind are difficult to defend, but, then, I also believe that many racial/cultural stereotypes are fairly reliable predictors. I think Nietzsche captures the Liberal quite well in his sketch of Socrates as the ancient equivalent of todays Leftist university intellectual. He tries his best to make verbal reasoning the instrument of decision and if he fails at this, he feels utterly impotent once again. What is dignified suicide, after all, if not the last blow struck by the powerless? Contrary to their pacifist rhetoric, they are psychologically in the sad state of understanding only force in social interaction. Because they lack the means for its physical expression, they try to dominate by means of a narrowly defined intellectual force. The modern Liberal has neither the skill nor the inclination to persuade or negotiate. He is not, in an old still good sense of the word, political. He cannot be, because he does not really understand his environment, he feels the same impotence felt by new immigrants of not being on the inside. Some actual immigrants have dealt with that sense of powerlessness through the acquisition of wealth, others by forming groups who invent their own norms of power. Academe has become such a group, though of strange cultural immigrants, not national ones. A person descended from many generations within a country can still have this experience of being an immigrant to the culture by feeling, for whatever reason, disempowered and marginalized. They have fallen out of the culture.\\nIt is this that explains the rage of the university based academic Left. It is this that explains its constant harping on Bushs intelligence. For this contingent, the only legitimate world explanatory framework is the symbol-manipulative one at the center of Quines figure. They do not recognize it as a pragmatic fiction. It is the world in which clever talk is thought per se to influence events. Players who do not change their decisions and behaviors because of some argument in a journal of post-modern social/political/economic criticism are, well, just stupid or evil. A hysterical insistence on capitulation from ones opponent because one has the better argument reflects the kind of despair experienced by those who feel they have no access to the levers of power. Nowhere was this frustration more visible than in the Liberal response to the Kerry/Bush debates. \"Our man was the cleverer,\" they cried, \"why does he lose? Why are people so stupid?\"\\nFrequently, this kind of falling out of the culture can also be explained in historical terms. It expresses itself as a sense that the rules of the past have proven worthless and that now anything is allowed, and a frequent response is to put all confidence in a new faith with new rules. The French 17th C. experienced such a dislocation with the gradual erosion of the authority of Scholasticism. In that case, they turned to the new science. German youth experienced such a dislocation after Germanys defeat in the first World War. In that case, they turned to an extreme nationalism. It is likely that our current intellectual Left is a consequence of the sheer horror of the second World War, a post-traumatic turning to a brew of Marxism, science, and post-modern criticism. One can think of contemporary Liberalism as the socio-political equivalent of Esperanto, the rational language that failed, with the exception that it is both more successful in finding adherents and more dangerous.\\nThe problem is that reality, both physical and social, is far more complex than these fledgling sciences or the flourishing university-based pseudo-sciences can hope successfully to manage. On the other hand, our common sense is not only the instrument that Nature designed for this task, but it has been trained by generations and generations of experience for the management of life. Like Hume, Ill place my confidence in common sense over the deliveries of abstruse and abstract complex philosophy.\\nPosted by Jean-Pierre Schachter at March 20, 2005 6:38 PM\\n| TrackBack (0) Comments Professor Schacter,\\n\"Who are you going to believe...\" is only incorrect if \"you\" is incorrect in the singular, or \"So. The Spear-Danes in days gone by...\" is an unacceptable bastardization of \"Hwaet we Gar-Dena in gear dagum...\"\\nEven if you consider a prescriptive grammar tenable, it is exceedingly demanding to expect that a man\\'s last utterance upon the fatal discovery of his affair to be well-formed.\\nPosted by: Patrick O\\'Neill at March 20, 2005 8:10 PM Demanding? Yes. But we\\'re Conservatives, dammit! We hold ourselves to a stricter standard.\\nI like to think that each of us, under similar circumstances, would meet the occasion with grace, dignity, and a proper respect for syntax.\\nDon\\'t quite see how the Beowulf opening pertains to the grammar, but I\\'ll take your word for it that it\\'s ok,\\nJP\\nPosted by: Jean-Pierre at March 20, 2005 8:56 PM The translation of Beowulf given IS inaccurate. It should be: \"Lo. WE spear-Danes in days gone by... \"\\nPosted by: John Ray at March 20, 2005 10:30 PM Jeanne-Pierre, how bizarre that nearly half the American population has been marginalized and is no longer in synch with American culture! Is that even a conceptual possibility?\\nPosted by: marc at March 21, 2005 6:21 AM Marc-\\nI\\'m curious as to where you pull the \"half the American population\" number from. I can only guess that it is related to something like the close divide in the recent presidential election, or the number of registered Democrats and Republicans. Of course the first doesn\\'t capture the huge number of people who don\\'t vote, and of those who do vote it doesn\\'t capture the moderate conservatives and single issue voters. If it is something like the second I\\'d hope we wouldn\\'t conflate political parties with political philosophies. To be certain neither party captures a philosophy perfectly.\\nPosted by: Matthew Mullins at March 21, 2005 7:59 AM The left has a contempt for the past,unless it\\'s a Supreme Court decision they favor. The past argues against much of their intellectual foundation,such as it is,and must be discredited or ignored. If you can sweep away history and common sense with it you can clear the ground for a centralized state and a moral vacuum which opens the way for any number of negative social upheavals. But that\\'s tactical,the other part is egotistical and contrarian.They just have to know better. Forget Moore\\'s two hands,I like the note in Aristotle\\'s Metaphysics About the skeptic falling into a hole on the road to Megara,let him retain his skepticism of reality from the bottom of the hole.\\nPosted by: johnt at March 21, 2005 9:19 AM Matt, I thought about including a caveat about the voting public, but in point of fact it seems epistemically reasonable to think that the nonvoters either don\\'t accept the basic principles of conservativism (at least insofar as they are reflected in the republican and libertarian platforms) or they are more less evenly distributed across parties. In any event, I can\\'t see any reason to think that the nonvoters break decisively for conservatives. Similarly, I see no reason to think that there are more moderate conservatives than moderate liberals (if there is a difference between the two) or that there are more single issue voters who go republican than go democrat. ETC. But in any event, it would seem reasonable to think that there are almost as many liberals as conservatives in America, wouldn\\'t it? If so, the point stands.\\nPosted by: marc at March 21, 2005 9:21 AM Marc, Even if you split the population as you suggest, it\\'s actually quite a testimony to the hardiness of the traditional American spirit that only half of the population has gone French. Given the reach and influence of the MSM and the fact that the vast majority of the Universities are in the hands of the Left, not to mention High Schools and, even, Grade schools, it\\'s remarkable that even half of the population has not succumbed. In point of fact, I rather doubt that the divide is as even as you represent it.\\nPosted by: Jean-Pierre at March 21, 2005 9:37 AM I don\\'t think the theoretical backdrop and the chosen example were good fits were one another at all. Each could\\'ve made an interesting post alone; together, it\\'s just disjointed and strange.\\nThe example, however, was interesting: \\'what do we do when people disagree with us on important issues.\\' It\\'s an interesting question, but I don\\'t think the actual answer will track the political divide so well. Interesting idea, but you\\'re trying to cram it into the wrong boxes.\\nPosted by: jpe at March 21, 2005 9:45 AM I\\'m not sure the Quine \"periphery/center\" business applies altogether to social and moral matters. For one thing, almost everybody has principles they\\'re devoted to, and principles seem to belong to the center. So it\\'s not clear the center is more changeable than the periphery. For another, perceptions aren\\'t as theory-independent as in the natural sciences.\\nOn both the right and the left there\\'s a lot of \"we need to take our country back\" rhetoric these days. So it seems lots of people on all sides have \"fallen out\" of the culture (or feel the culture has abandoned them). That seems to reflect a situation in which large numbers of people hold opposing views as to what common sense says about human relations, politics and the like. Is it common sense that men and women are different, and that has to come out somehow in the way people live, or is it common sense that discrimination is an intolerable attack on the individual that must be stopped? Those differences spill over to perceptions. When we see a stay-at-home mom or a female fighter pilot or boxer do we see a triumph or a disaster?\\nIt seems to me that the radicalism of modern thought, including liberalism, has led through its triumphs to a situation in which it becomes very difficult to say what common sense says. Somehow common sense must be restored, but I don\\'t think that can be done simply by appealing to common sense, which has become quite ambiguous. Something more theoretical is needed to deal with the damage done by theory.\\nPosted by: Jim Kalb at March 21, 2005 9:50 AM Come to think of it: your selection of this particular example for the disjunction of common sense and theory is ill-advised. Far from there being some tension between the two vis-a-vis the election, the conclusion that people are idiots closely coheres with our experience and common sense.\\nIt\\'s not a mathematical plug that keeps our equations in balance; it\\'s an obvious extrapolation from everyday life. I\\'m on my way out the door to buy lunch, and I fully expect to interact with at least one idiot in that limited time.\\nPosted by: jpe at March 21, 2005 9:51 AM Jeanne-Pierre,\\nI don\\'t see how consciously affecting \"whom\" (and really, this is what most modern native speakers are doing when they throw down a \"whom\" in otherwise spontaneous speech) demonstrates a proper respect for syntax. The problem with insisting on whom is that there\\'s no way to consistently argue for clutching at the remnants of English\\'s moribund case system without concluding that the proper second person singular pronoun is not you, but thee, etc. Languages change, and whether we accept or reject this determines whether linguistics will give us insights into the structure of the mind or a set of rules in a schoolbook, vigorously drilled and happily forgotten. Because Right Reason is what it is, I would like to anticipate an argument that linguistic conservatism (here, efforts to resuscitate \"whom\") follows from political conservatism, to which I\\'d offer three responses. The first is that the premises which underlie a Humean respect for tradition in a system of political economy have no analogues in the framework of social linguistics. There are no rights to guarantee, no resources to be allocated, and the only utility we could speak of would be ease of intelligibility, which is never threatened by indiscriminate who\\'s, terminal prepositions or split infinitives. There is simply no reason to extend conclusions between the two. Secondly, reasoning to linguistics from political philosophy will probably take the prescriptivist places they (and yes, I would stick up for singular they as well) don\\'t want to go. What we have in French, say, is a continuous line of mutually intelligible generations of native speakers that has some how managed to pull a French lapin out of a Latin galea. This tradition of systematic, regular change in language is what we should like to preserve, though language is no less indifferent to our thoughts on the matter than the blink reflex or nerve conduction, and will continue to operate whether we\\'d prefer it or not. Lastly, I offer a counter-example in John McWhorter, a Berkeley linguist and Manhattan Institute scholar, whose Word on the Street is one of the best popular introductions to sociolinguistics around.\\nJohn,\\nWell, OK. Literally, we\\'d have \"What. We of-the-Spear-Danes in old days of-the-people-kings power heard\", where \\'we\\' is the subject, \\'heard\\' the verb, and \\'of-the-spear-Danes\\' the object. Quoting half of the original sentence makes it sound as though \"We the spear-Danes\" has the same structure as \"We the people\", which of course it doesn\\'t. I agree that that\\'s not as clear as it could be from my poor choice of excerpt. My attempted point was that by denying language change we\\'d have to believe that the modern English translation of Beowulf is not just subjectively more or less \"faithful\" to the original, but objectively wrong.\\nPosted by: Patrick O\\'Neill at March 21, 2005 10:09 AM Jean-Pierre (sorry about misspelling your name previously), as I recall educators have only a limited and generally passing influence on people\\'s political and religious beliefs. Developmental environment (family and friends) and current environment are the appropriate predictors.\\nI should add that I find the dichotomy commonsense/theory-driven pretty dubious to begin with. Perhaps conservatives think of their theories as commonsensical (perhaps by defining commonsense as whatever conservatives believe?), but I would think that it would be pretty hard to make a case, for instance, that conservative environmental policy is commonsensical (modulo the assumption that environmental degradation is pretty significant). Oftentimes what is commonsensical in a given circumstance is quite the opposite of what is conservative. Perhaps Bush\\'s doctrine of pre-emptive military action is commonsensical in response to 9-11, but arguably it wasn\\'t conservative.\\nPosted by: marc at March 21, 2005 10:24 AM Given the reach and influence of the MSM and the fact that the vast majority of the Universities are in the hands of the Left, not to mention High Schools and, even, Grade schools, it\\'s remarkable that even half of the population has not succumbed.\\nIsn\\'t this a hermeneutic of suspicion, which is one of the primary mode of marxist & post-structuralist thought? In other words, the above seems to suggest that everyone secretly \\'knows\\' that the conservative position is correct, but particular social structures obscure this knowledge.\\nWouldn\\'t the common sense approach be that people that aren\\'t conservatives actually hold liberal positions in good faith?\\nPosted by: jpe at March 21, 2005 10:31 AM \"Given the reach and influence of the MSM and the fact that the vast majority of the Universities are in the hands of the Left, not to mention High Schools and, even, Grade schools...\"\\nYour \"given\" is demonstrably wrong, based on the well-documented fact that Republicans now control the White House, both houses of Congress, a bare majority of the Supreme Court, and a majority of state legislatures.\\nAnd who are these \"Left\" who control so many school districts all over the US?\\nAnd how \"vast\" is this \"vast majority\" of universities in the hands of the \"Left?\" Do you have ANY numbers or studies to back any of this up?\\nYour academic/Left/MSM conspiracy theory is just as bogus and dishonest as Hitler\\'s Jewish conspiracy theory.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 21, 2005 10:49 AM And how \"vast\" is this \"vast majority\" of universities in the hands of the \"Left?\" Do you have ANY numbers or studies to back any of this up?\\nI don\\'t think there\\'s much question that universities are saturated with left-of-center professors. The strange thing is the positing of an essential conservatism, which one need only recollect through some Socratic midwifery. (cf: \"Even if you split the population as you suggest, it\\'s actually quite a testimony to the hardiness of the traditional American spirit that only half of the population has gone French.\")\\nPosted by: jpe at March 21, 2005 11:07 AM OK, time out! I invoke Godwin\\'s law on Raging Bee!\\nPosted by: Steve Burton at March 21, 2005 11:22 AM oops. Sorry about the misspelling, JP.\\nPosted by: Patrick O\\'Neill at March 21, 2005 11:47 AM jpe: \"you don\\'t think there\\'s much question\" is not even close to qualifying as \"proof\" of anything. If you don\\'t ask questions, and don\\'t listen when others ask them, then of course you won\\'t \"think there\\'s much question.\" I\\'m sure, to use another example, that Noam Chumpsky \"doesn\\'t think there\\'s much question\" that he\\'s always right.\\nIf you expect a blithering conspiracy theory like that to be taken seriously, then you\\'ll need to do a lot better than \"I don\\'t think there\\'s much question\" - especially when the alleged conspiracy shows no signs of success!\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 21, 2005 12:07 PM Though I am no great shakes as semanticist, I assert that \"conservative\" doesn\\'t really refer to any strictly defined set of attributes. Obviously \"republican\" in the European sense has little to with American republican; was Marcus Aurelius, who advocated many conservative virtues, but also wanted to eliminate religion a conservative? And if conservatives do value logic and scientific thinking (as many on this blog suggest) it is not impossible that such rationality might often lead to someone espousing liberal positions, such as environmentalism, welfare, etc.\\nPosted by: El Grande at March 21, 2005 12:31 PM Marc-\\nPreemption may not be paleoconservative, but it is certainly neoconservative.\\nRaging Bee-\\nOne doesn\\'t have to control the local districts for the high schools, grade schools, etc to be left of center. You simply have to control the universities that train the teachers who come out and fill all those teaching positions at the local level. If you don\\'t think educational theory and the professors in education and the arts are left of center then you simply have not been on a university campus. Most left of center professors in the arts wont even bother to deny that they are the majority, they just quibble about why. As admitted left of center prof David Velleman says: Large regions of the humanities and social sciences have become increasingly ideological. Politics has infiltrated research and teaching to an unhealthy extent, damaging our credibility.\\nThis is easily verifiable by doing a little research on you own.\\nPosted by: Matthew Mullins at March 21, 2005 12:39 PM Matt, sure, but that just raises the question of whether or not neocons are conservatives (no descriptivists here!). I rather doubt that they are on many issues.\\nPosted by: marc at March 21, 2005 12:59 PM \"One doesn\\'t have to control the local districts for the high schools, grade schools, etc to be left of center. You simply have to control the universities that train the teachers who come out and fill all those teaching positions at the local level.\"\\nTo what extent to \"the Left\" \"control\" the universities that train the teachers? To what extent does that \"control\" affect exactly what future teachers are taught? And how \"controlled\" are those teachers once they graduate and get jobs? Are these teachers under no influences other than what they learned in college years ago? Do they get no political pressure from the school districts that hire them?\\nLike nearly all conspiracy theories, yours implies that the human relationships in question are \"control\" relationships, and that the actors have no will of their own.\\nPS: I notice you\\'re backing down from Jean-Pierre\\'s \"given:\" first it was \"the Left\" (implying Nader, Chomsky, Sontag, CPUSA, etc.); now it\\'s \"left-of-center\" (implying Kerry, Edwards, and just about everyone who doesn\\'t agree with Bush Jr.). You may want to choose who you\\'re accusing before you continue with the accusations. I\\'d like to know, in particular, whether I get to be a part of your alleged conspiracy or not; being in limbo is really stressing me out.\\nAlso, you\\'re narrowed your focus from universities in general to \"educational theory and the professors in education and the arts.\" So how widespread is this academic/Left/MSM web of influence REALLY? How many left-wingers became powerful players after majoring in education or \"the arts?\"\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 21, 2005 1:14 PM Another quibble: I notice that Matthew\\'s quote of Prof. Velleman did not say WHOSE \"Politics has infiltrated research and teaching.\"\\nAnd another: Matthew\\'s insinuation that I have not been to a campus is simply wrong. And why should I do the research to support or refute the outlandish conspiracy theories thrown about so carelessly here? You made the allegations; it\\'s your job to prove them.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 21, 2005 1:54 PM That universities and news media are strongly biased to the left may be hard to prove in this venue, as would be the claim, \"If you keep pestering a stranger at a bar full of tough guys late on a Friday night, you will have a high likelihood of getting punched.\" But how many people in the forum think such claims have yet to be proven to their satisfaction? I suppose we could entertain the concerns of a skeptic who demands that first the existence of an American society external to his mind be proven. On the other hand, one has to start somewhere, not in epistemological principle, but as a practical matter in deliberations of this sort.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 21, 2005 2:25 PM I\\'m not sure what to make of this post, so let me just second Patrick O\\'Neill\\'s remarks, especially his defense of singular \"they,\" which is perfectly good English. The OED lists it as the second definition, after the plural one and before the indefinite \"they\" of \"they say ... \", and gives examples going back to the 16th century. Here\\'s one from 1535: \"He neuer forsaketh any creature vnlesse they before haue forsaken them selues.\" I know J-P didn\\'t mention singular \"they,\" but, anyway, so there!\\nActually I do have a substantive remark. W/r/t skepticism and common sense, the issue is not \"common sense says X; should we believe it?\" but instead \"What is it exactly that common sense is telling us?\" That there is no (theoretically) \"innocent eye\" (that\\'s Gombrich) does not threaten our knowledge, but it can show how theoretical distortions can pass themselves off as \"pure\" common sense. Stroud is very good on this: he\\'s quite clear that there is no question of accepting (radical) skeptical conclusions (ie giving up our beliefs), but also insists, rightly, that as things stand we have no right to dismiss skeptical arguments as misguided. In this sense Moore is no help. Certain conceptions of knowledge face a theoretical difficulty which cannot be overcome by mere hand-waving (so to speak); and this difficulty reaches all the way to common sense affecting not its general reliability, as the skeptic (but not the idealist) argues, but instead its content and significance.\\nI\\'m also curious to hear Edward Feser\\'s reaction, given the scorn he poured on Robert Nozick the other day for the latter\\'s animus toward the \"coercive\" nature of rigorous argument.\\nPosted by: DF Maier at March 21, 2005 2:28 PM Jean-Pierre, you may want to clarify whom (who?) you\\'re criticizing here. Otherwise it sounds a bit like you endorse the type of \"conservative\" behavior exemplified below:\\nLiberal: I think gays should have the legal right to marry.\\nConservative: Your belief conflicts with common sense. Therefore, I reject it.\\nLiberal: Wait! I have some empirical evidence that allowing gays to marry would not harm society in any significant way. And it\\'s wrong to deny legal rights to citizens unless their exercise of those rights would trample on the rights of others. Since gay marriage does not transgress anyone\\'s rights, it would be wrong and perverse of us not to allow it.\\nConservative: I don\\'t need to listen to your theoretically-driven complex reasoning. I just know that gay marriage is wrong, by the light of common sense.\\nLiberal: My premises and rules of inference are commonsensical as well, at least as far as I know.\\nConservative: No they\\'re not.\\nLiberal: Well, what\\'s wrong with them?\\nConservative: They cannot accord with common sense, and that\\'s all there is to it. For common sense says that gays should never be allowed to marry.\\nLiberal: What if common sense contradicts itself?\\nConservative: It doesn\\'t.\\nLiberal: How do you know?\\nConservative: Common sense.\\nLiberal: All right. If that\\'s really what you think, I\\'m not sure that we have much to say to each other. But it does look rather intellectually uncurious of you not to evaluate my argument on its own merits, rather than just dogmatically clinging to your current beliefs.\\nConservative: I\\'m a dogmatist, am I? You people are all the same. You have neither the skill nor the inclination to persuade and negotiate, and so in the end you resort to name-calling and force. Liberal: Well, I admit that I\\'m currently lobbying for the legalization gay marriage. But I\\'m happy to engage in argument too, provided you\\'ll meet me halfway. Who knows, I may even learn something.\\nConservative: You dang kids are all so liberal these days. I blame the public schools. You might wish to put in a few words to rule out the highly uncharitable reading, on which you endorse the imaginary \"conservative\"\\'s position. You are just arguing against a bizarre radical group in academia, and not against everyone who happens to hold left-leaning political views, right?\\nPosted by: Rachael at March 21, 2005 2:42 PM I suppose that the hedonistic utilitarian response to a woman finding her husband in bed with another woman is for her to join them.\\nPosted by: Peter Wizenberg at March 21, 2005 2:51 PM \\'That universities and news media are strongly biased to the left may be hard to prove in this venue, as would be the claim, \"If you keep pestering a stranger at a bar full of tough guys late on a Friday night, you will have a high likelihood of getting punched.\"\\'\\nThis analogy is not even close. The claim about pestering a stranger in a bar IS provable, because it involves specific concepts and circumstances, clearly stated. The former claim about \"leftist bias\" in \"universities and news media\" is NOT provable, or disprovable, because the underlying concepts are poorly defined or undefined. Which \"universties and news media?\" Which \"leftists?\" What do we mean by \"bias?\" Proving such claims is like \"proving\" that someone is a \"murderer\" without stating exactly who he killed.\\nI do not doubt that SOME universities and news media have a leftward bias. I am responding here, however, to the allegation of \"the reach and influence of the MSM and the fact that the vast majority of the Universities are in the hands of the Left, not to mention High Schools and, even, Grade schools...\" This accusation is not borne out by ANY observation of mine, and is made here with insufficient evidence, and the supporting logic is so slipshod as to raise serious questions regarding the motives of the accusers - questions that only get sharper when they respond to criticism by rewording their original charges on the fly: \"left\" to \"left-of-center,\" \"universities\" to \"educational theory and the professors in education and the arts.\"\\nDon\\'t make vague accusations and then try to weasel out of them by saying \"It\\'s hard to prove, but does anyone here doubt it?\" You\\'re not fooling anyone who doesn\\'t want to be fooled.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 21, 2005 3:07 PM Bee finds my argument is unsatisfactory, so he moves quickly to proclaim that I have perverse motives. I\\'m a weasel trying to fool people.\\nThere\\'s enough of this kind of trite vitriol in the blogosphere. I\\'m sorry to see it here. It\\'s boring, rude, and distracting.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 21, 2005 3:35 PM Well, Im glad to see everyone is settling in nicely. Look, if someone asked me Are universities and the MSM strongly biased to the left? Id answer sure. If they asked Are there exceptions? Id say sure again. If they asked How far to the left? Id say Good question. Not too many in the far left, really. Lots and lots at least somewhat left of center.\\nJust extrapolating on voting patterns in universities and newsrooms, Id be surprised to find that most of the overwhelming majority Democratic voters would describe themselves as conservative Democrats. Id also give prohibitive odds that if every faculty member or network or large newspaper journalist in the U.S. were strapped to a lie detector and forced to answer honestly Do you consider your politics liberal, moderate or conservative, the results would overwhelmingly show liberal.\\nNow, in that sense, and maybe that sense alone, there is some merit to Mr. Ryans Can you seriously doubt or deny it? claim. It remains to be asked, however, just how far to the left any or most of these folks are, whether their liberalism is of an economic or social variety or both, etc., etc.\\nBTW, Mr. Wizenbergs quip reminded me of my favorite Lenny Bruce story: My mother-in-law broke up my marriage.... Yeah, my wife found us in bed together... She yelled at me You pervert!... I said What do you mean, pervert? ... Shes not my mother!\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 21, 2005 5:27 PM General question:\\ndo terms like \"the Left\", \"the modern Liberal\", and the like behave enough like natural kind terms in order to support the kinds of generalizations being made here? If they do, then we might hope to get explanatory insight, predictive power, broad understanding, etc., by exploring the inner essences of \"the Left\", \"the modern Leftist\", \"the modern Liberal\" and their congeners.\\nBut if they are pretty loose labels on rag-tag assemblages that hardly share so much as family resemblances, much less underlying causal structures...? So: it seems to me worth asking whether there are any natural kinds to be understood here. (Or causal-cum-explanatory-generalization-supporters, if you want to cast that net wider than natural kinds, though to me those are still the paradigmatic cases).\\nPosted by: Tad Brennan at March 21, 2005 5:45 PM Rachael,\\nGreat post. Nice \\'n funny, too. Got my wheels turning quite a bit today, thanks Perhaps a reply would be as follows. Conservatives have been offering arguments, so it isn\\'t your liberal character who should kindly ask to be given a chance to hash things out. And conservative articles and books don\\'t even make a respectable showing on the syllabus in, say, an upper division political philosophy seminar. Furthermore, attempts to show that common-sense morals are incoherent can be shown to be unsound, but there is a certain hegemony, a holding-sway of leftist theories in academia that makes the task impractical. When a a fire hose issues forth, each drops can be turned away, in principle, but not all at once in their torrent. The forum is warped. Your large contingent occupies a funhouse of warped mirrors, and there\\'s only one or two poor saps who are charged to go to you one by one and attempt to show you that your persons don\\'t in fact have the bizarre shapes you think they have. There are too many of you. The one or two poor saps tire. They become cynical. They give up. Maybe they should. Their task may be too monumental.\\nIn connection with Jean-Pierre\\'s post, the poor saps would like to say that it is plain that you are standing in front of wobbly mirrors rather than looking at your actual bodies. You\\'re allowing yourselves to be blinkered. Your enormous and hegemonic body of theory grates against common sense in many ways. Bringing these ways to light is, though easy in piecemeal, simply too monumental a task en masse. Another analogy: First one spends loads of time showing that Singer book X does not in fact show that common-sense is incoherent, and as soon as one finishes, Unger publishes a slightly different version of the same argument, so now one must get to work on this task.... (Not that those two guys are centrally representative of mainstream academic leftism, but it\\'s an apt illustration.) It never ends. Inductive evidence shows that the torrent will never give any drops devastating to common-sense morals. Facing the flow becomes sisyphean, nauseating, and, in view of the preciousness of academia, education, and scholarship, depressing. One gives up.\\nAh, but I whine. Yet, I blog. At least here, in the blogosphere, my conservative arguments are considered, refuted, what have you. In academia, the extent to which this happens is negligible.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 21, 2005 6:25 PM Professor Schachter,\\nI agree that in political discourse, there will always be a conflict between those who take certain long established practices as their first principles, and those who will not do so. This division is, of course, not an absolute one- those who give the benefit of the doubt to the traditional way will occasionally go against it, and those who don\\'t see traditional way as a first principle will occasionally base their arguments on it. But it remains that certain citizens give the benefit of the doubt to they way things have traditionally been, and others do not. These traditional, established practices are called \"common sense\" according to the first meaning of the term (I\\'m pretty sure that this is the second definition of common sense given by the OED, but the first definition is not common, but technical.)\\nThe conflict between these two different groups of citizens must be perpetual, and one group cannot hope to refute the other so long as they remain merely followers of tradition/common sense or reactionaries against the traditional way. Neither tradition as such nor the rejection of it are self-evidently true, and therefore the rejection of either is not self-evidently false. Skepticism about whether self- evident truths can be known does not decide the issue one way or another, because skepticism is a sort of negation: an inability to decide. If we try to argue that tradition is more solid because it is the product of many minds, how can we do so unless- in one way or another- we make the positive claim that the product of many minds is generally closer to the truth? Even then, the conflict remains, for political actions concern particular things to be done, and in any particular case it is not evident that the traditional way is right. I accept that the eighteeth century French were fools for leaving traditional scholasticism, and the Germans of our last century were fools for turning to some new fad science. But what of the seventeenth century English? Closer to home, what about the eigtheenth century Americans, who saw fit to rebel against the traditional bods that had long tied them to England? I don\\'t mention that last example for nothing. It is in American history that the conflict between tradition/ rebellion against the traditional is most perfectly transcended. Here in America, our most solemn national holiday commemorates the day on which a convocation of statesmen declared that certain truths are to be held as \"self evident\", and that these same self evident truths are to guide all political action, so much so that \"whenever a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, instituting in its place such forms of government that are more conducive of life and happiness.\" The American founding trancended and yet preserved the opposition between what is called in the article \"the left and right\" because it founded a regime based on self-evident truths. It is fair to notice that the self evident truths the founders enumerated are not self- applying: we must work to see how they manifest themselves in particular cases. But nevertheless, the realization of these self evident truths is all important, and they should be the foundation of all our political thought. The self-evidently true is in fact another definition of \"common sense\" and it is the definition that is all important. This common sense is the true foundation of at least the American republic, and it deserves to be the foundation of any community of persons.\\nPosted by: shulamite at March 22, 2005 4:16 AM oops. At the end of pp. #2 I meant to say \"traditional bonds\". I knew there had to be a typo somewhere. There are a few missed commas too. Oh well. If you can be sympathetic to Bush, you can forgive my shoddy writing too.\\nPosted by: shulamite at March 22, 2005 4:25 AM I suspect psychology may be better able than philosophy to address Mr. Brennans question. That is, I think that many peoples views are intellectually often little more than a rag-tag collection of diverse opinions which nonetheless tend to cluster in, lets say, extended family (or tribal or maybe even ethnic group) type resemblances, to stretch the Wittgensteinian metaphor.\\nEven so, while I find absolutely nothing per se connected about ones views on capital punishment, free trade, school vouchers, global warming, gay marriage, the UN and gun control, it nonetheless obtains as a fairly reliable general rule that if I know a persons position on one or two of these topics I can reliably predict his position on at least most the rest and many others.\\nNow, it happens that I think there must be some sort of subtextual political stickum (the political equivalent of Lockes something I know not what) which tends to bind or pull these sorts of views together. But, for what its worth, I dont think that stickum is as likely to be some sort of fundamental principle or set of principles or beliefs as it is some sort of psychological disposition having to do with how peoples fears and desires differ.\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 22, 2005 7:15 AM Tad: thanx for the long-overdue questions. For what it\\'s worth, my attempt at an answer is this: in \"conservative\" and \"libertarian\" circles, \"liberal\" and \"leftist\" have become nothing more than epithets on the level of \"nigger.\" Far from being clearly defined, they are used as a substitute for useful definition, to demonize large numbers of people at a time without having to discuss what those people actually believe or do.\\nPart of this is the fault of many of those people who are called \"liberal\" or \"leftist:\" they have failed, since the \\'70s, to define themselves, and have thus allowed their enemies to define them. Another part of the blame lies with their enemies, who have taken this opportunity to demonize them in order to justify treating them as subhuman, and avoid confronting the complex and important issues that \"liberals\" have tended to \"own.\"\\nIn order to inject some sense into the debate, I will attempt to reclaim the word \"liberal\" and define it as \"one who advocates policies that (in his/her opinion at least) tend to increase liberty for people overall.\" In John Locke\\'s time (when the word first came into wide use), \"liberal\" meant opposing absolute monarchy, tyranny, feudalism and \"divine right of kings,\" and supporting free enterprise (to increase economic liberty for all) and democratic forms of government (to increase political liberty for all).\\nToday, \"liberal\" tends to mean advocating increased political freedom for all, civil rights, and equality under the law; and opposing tyranny, bigotry and unequal standards of justice. In the economic sphere, it tends to mean advocating regulatory policies that reduce the freedom of businesses in order to increase that of consumers and smaller businesses.\\nAs for \"leftist,\" that word seems to represent a crowd who have lost all coherence since they threw their support to Khomeini in 1979. Anyone who calls himself a \"leftist\" today can bloody well define himself, thankyouverymuch.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 22, 2005 8:34 AM Raging Bee: Is one to infer that your set of liberal objectives would or would not seek to restrict private bigotry other than through persuasion? Does equality under the law refer to merely procedural equality or does it presuppose the need or desirability of some sort of governmental leveling process either for more equal opportunity or more equal results? Would such economic regulations seek merely to avoid anti-competitive practices or otherwise \\'protect\\' consumers and smaller businesses?\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 22, 2005 8:49 AM DA: I am advocating a set of general priorities and principles that I think should guide the making of policy. It is up to all of us as citizens and voters to discuss which specific policies will give us the best overall results for the most reasonable social and economic costs. This will mean, among other things, balancing conflicting interests and needs (i.e., the need to create jobs and meet material needs vs. the need to protect the environment for future generations); and admitting that there are limits to what can be accomplished by political means. I don\\'t have all the answers, but I am willing to admit that people not like myself have legitimate interests -- if you\\'re willing to return the favor.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 22, 2005 9:13 AM Mr. Ridgely--\\nI think your questions to RBee are all fair ones to ask an individual. As soon as RBee answers them, he or she will be agreeing with some of the \\'liberals\\' whose fundamental stance was at issue, and disagreeing with others. The use of nails will not hold jello to a wall, but it will sometimes cause streams of jello to diverge to either side of the nail. (And I would attribute the same formlessness to the \"modern right\" \"modern conservatism\", etc. to the same degree and on the same grounds--it has no *theme*, as someone once said).\\n\"I suspect psychology may be better able than philosophy...\"\\nDo I hear an echo of \"malt does more than MIlton can\"? I\\'m not opposed to your outlook here, but I would probably accept a wider notion of \"philosophical\" enquiry, to include some of what you might be labeling \"psychology\". E.g., it would be of some philosophical interest if there were two fundamental psychological outlooks, which when followed consistently then led to the ramified array of opposing positions that are sometimes taken to characterize right and left. (Attempts have been made along this line, e.g. \"compassion\" vs. \"accountability\", \"liberty\" vs. \"welfare\", etc.).\\nWhat is striking to me is that the people I encounter whose views are most reliably predictable, and who most often follow a party line, are also the people who seem to have the least coherent underlying philosophy, and the least concern for the coherence of their various positions.\\nIn sharp contrast to them are the people who actually care about thinking things through in a careful and consistent way (the ones like me and thee, of course), whose resulting views always wind up fascinatingly contrarian and unpredictable. Talk to careful, thoughtful people, and they wind up taking a \"left\" view on abortion and a \"right\" view on Hollywood, or a \"right\" view on gun control and a \"left\" view on school prayer, and on and on. They are far from predictable, and they make bad party members (bless them).\\nStill, I agree with you that in many cases, and especially with the man on the street, if you see a Kerry sticker on their Volvo, or a Bush sticker on their Hummer, you can have some confidence in predicting their views on the list of topics you mention. The success rate is far above random chance. What explains these familiar facts?\\nSome want to discern a fundamental philosophical opposition. You would replace that with a fundamental psychological opposition, but you still accept a form of the \"subtextual stick-um\" model (and I doff my hat to you for that phrasing). I am a big fan of Lockean substance in metaphysics, but in politics my best guess is that what we are seeing is nothing more than the outcome of historical accidents, pure and simple. There are reasons, but not profound ones, why my Irish Catholic ancestors wound up in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, and reasons, but not principled ones, why people in the mines looked favorably on unions. And there was no stick-um, other than history, holding together Catholicism with union sympathy. It held together for many decades, then fragmented under the pressure of other historical events. History and politics are constantly making strange bedfellows; we deceive ourselves if we think those bedfellows manifest underlying natural kinds, or even family relations. (Oh dear--I\\'ve given you an opening for another joke about family members in bed together).\\nPosted by: Tad Brennan at March 22, 2005 9:21 AM Raging Bee, I am perfectly willing to admit people not like myself have legitimate interests and I think the best way for both them and me to pursue those interests is to leave each other alone as much as possible and, in particular, for the state to intervene as little as absolutely necessary. I asked the questions originally because different answers to how we go about balancing those conflicting interests you mention, and specifically what role the state should play in that process, often falls along the liberal / conservative fault line. Thus, for example, how one defines increasing political or economic freedom for all might lead to support for, say, affirmative action or it might lead to support for the notion that private businesses should be free to discriminate. It might lead to the conclusion that people should be free to take drugs or at least to drive without seatbelts or buy a car without airbags, or it might lead to the conclusion that the state must prohibit such exercises of freedom for the conflicting sake of public health or safety. In other words, few people from either the left or the right object to broad principles of economic or political freedom. The devil always lies in the details.\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 22, 2005 9:24 AM D A Ridgely You left out higher taxes. Although the lines between parties are starting to blur one of the cohesive factors connecting your enumerated positions is the exixtence of said parties,that and a media that manages to find it\\'s own stickum. It\\'s rather like two sets of people rooting for two different fotball teams and not recognizing a need to explain why. As to words and labels,thru usage the term progressive has come to be aligned soley to a concept of gov\\'t as an engine of improvement and an automatic rejection of tradition. You might say that to the extent that there is an overarching belief or umbrella it is related to the misuse of this word. Shulamite, there will always be an argument over two things in any society larger than Crusoe\\'s island,change and how to change. Skepticism is a fine tool with which to erode the beliefs of others but have no doubt that in politics especially the skeptics have their own granite hard beliefs. Mr Ridgely comments on the psychology of fears and desires but what about the psychology of ego and dominance however vicariously held. Tradition/common sense are a wall erected against these two as expressed in the domain of politics and as imperfect as they are,being the product of imperfect beings,I owe my allegiance to them as I think you do also. As to the American Revolution,you may misread it. Most of the founders had no less than a tremendous admiration for the mother country and it\\'s institutions,i.e.Gouveneur Morris thought we to should have a king. I mention this only because of your reference to the tradition/rebellion dichotomy,but perhaps I misread it.\\nPosted by: johnt at March 22, 2005 9:42 AM Mr. Brennan:\\nAs usual, you make far too much sense for me to have much fun arguing with. (Except perhaps for that Lockean metaphysics business. Really now!) Ill gladly accept both your broader sense of philosophical and your contingent, historical account of how the proverbial man on the street (or in the coal mine) came to many of his political views.\\nIndeed, Id go on to claim that this sort of thing accounts at least to some extent to the political liberalism of many a man in the ivory tower, too, especially those in fields supposedly remote from politics. But so, also, with political scientists, economists, etc. and, yes, even philosophers. I dont accuse them collectively or, for the most part, individually of intentional dishonesty, but I do strongly suspect that their history and psychology invariably influence how they go about weighing conflicting theories, etc. As Ive often said in a different venue, philosophers bring more than their brains to the political debate. (Id go on, by the way, to say that in the groves of academe, certain social psychology phenomena can also be seen to occur, certain critical mass phenomena and, sadly, certain explicit political agendas when it comes to faculty hiring, promotions, etc. But that would be a different discussion, wouldnt it?)\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 22, 2005 9:46 AM DA: You\\'re right. I would also add that we can best pursue our respective interests by thinking and speaking clearly, as George Orwell very strongly advised, and not misusing labels such as \"liberal,\" \"conservative,\" \"leftist\" and \"fascist\" for purposes of divisiveness, disinformation, and demonization, as con-artists and extremists of all \"persuasions\" are eager to do when they can\\'t \"persuade\" any other way.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 22, 2005 9:55 AM Dear Shulamite (please call me Jean-Pierre),\\nThanks for your thoughtful response. I certainly agree with you that a tension between inherited attitudes and beliefs and new ones is not only healthy, but a necessary condition of a society/cultures survival (if I correctly read you). The key question is not this, I think, but rather the specific form taken by a revolutionary challenge. Once again, the metaphor that comes to mind is from Quine, out of Neurath, namely that of the raft of knowledge. I welcome the ongoing maintenance of the raft, even its repair or redesign, as long as the change is supportive of the objective of remaining afloat. In order for your model (and mine) to work, it is important that the innovators share this objective with the traditionalists and that they not be a deranged suicide cult willing to sink the raft out of hatred for the traditionalists. Yes, I understand that not all people on the Left belong to this tribe, but, like the millions and millions of peace loving Muslims we keep hearing about, the mild-mannered reasonable Leftists allow the hate-driven ones to speak for them. This noisy contingent has taken the podium in the MSM and in the universities, from where they exercise a dangerous power intent on preventing the very discussion you value. I found many of the responses to this post interesting for the fact that their very tone is evidence for the view they are themselves attacking, and they are tragically unaware of that. Several of these posts are filled with a kind of venom that signals we are not dealing here with friendly discussants of a common question, how to approach American life in the 21st C, but rather people driven by a rage that must have other sources than the topic under discussion.\\nBy all means, the social discussion is good and must continue, but, on the other hand, a fifth column flying under the colors of the loyal Left must be recognized, publicly identified, and resisted. Calling it a fifth column unfortunately suggests that all its members are cynical self-aware enemies of the nation; I certainly dont think that is the case. Many, if not most, have had a mantra provided for them that panders to their own psychological dispositions. The tune is always there among the people, and the cynics just supply the words. Extreme radical Leftism (or, for that matter, Rightism) is always a product of more than politics, it is always a disease of practical reason in which intuitive natural responses are undermined and transformed into weapons either against others or against those who hold the ideology themselves. I think it was Stalin who referred to the intellectual bourgeois Left of the West as useful idiots. And I think it may have been Nietzsche who remarked that an organism that has lost the ability to identify its enemies is doomed to extinction (or something like that). It is precisely this that has happened to the radical Left. It identifies those who wish to protect the country as the enemy and the attacker as the victim/friend. We have seen this happen on a smaller scale in the phenomenon of the Stockholm Syndrome, and, on a yet smaller scale, when the rape victim blames herself. Was my skirt too short? Was the rape my fault? she asks. The American Left asked, after 9/11, What did we do to make them hate us? Perhaps we wore our skirts too short.\\nWe recognize that this response is pathological when it occurs in hostages and when it occurs in a rape victim. I suggest it is no less a sign of a pathology, an ideologically based pathology, when it occurs after a terrorist attack.\\nThis is merely a dramatic example of the kind of problem I detect in the radical vocal Left, it is far from the whole. Examples can be multiplied endlessly.\\nYour example of the American Revolution is very interesting. If my memory serves me here, the revolutionaries were far from wild-eyed. Correct me if Im wrong, but wasnt this a revolution only reluctantly undertaken after England refused to address the colonys concerns? These were really Englishmen whom England forced into independence, not a population intent on bringing England down. The radical Left could emigrate to North Korea or China, but it chooses not to do so. The radical Left could establish communes in the U.S., but it chooses not to do so. The goal of the radical Left is power at any price, even at the price of first bringing the country to its knees before a foreign enemy. The Left endlessly inveighs against the sins of the arrogant superpower under whose umbrella it lives, but one has to strain to hear its criticisms of China and North Korea. The Left wanted to submit the power of the U.S. to the French, the Germans, and the U.N., and we still hear it saying that regardless of how corrupt these nations and institutions have proven to be.\\nThese positions all are _counter-intuitive_, and when this is pointed out, the response of the Left is that the Right is, as always, just _stupid_. These issues, says the Left, are complex and require high intelligence to understand. As a used-car dealer once told me when I questioned why it was that I was receiving no credit for my trade-in: Customers never understand these things. And the ordinary man just never understands the deliverances of the Left. We ordinary people, led by that fool Bush, are just so _stupid_!\\nIt is this issue of the attack on common-sense and intuition that interested me in my post.\\nPosted by: Jean-Pierre at March 22, 2005 11:18 AM Bee, please. I value your commenting at this blog. But you reach to quickly for \"weasel\" and \"con-artist\" in this case. I could quite easily say that you are a weasel and con-artist in your attempt to parse senses of \"left\" and \"control\" in effort to obscure the obvious fact that universities are in the hands of the left. But I wouldn\\'t say that because I don\\'t believe that it\\'s true.\\nI believe that the universities are in the hands of the left. I may be wrong. I also believe \"biased to the left\" is a reasonable, rather than inherently misleading, gloss on \"in the hands of the left\". I may be wrong. Show this. Move forward. Leave the invective out. When you move quickly to the invective you display a reflex shared with the sophistical con-men you speak of: bullying.\\nI stand with you against the slick-talking con-men and sophists of which you speak. I would venture to guess that I have a deeper and more consuming hatred of them than you do. But no one here meets their description, and I find that I must err to the side of controling my rage, lest I hit too many of the wrong targets with it. You rage too quickly in this instance, Bee.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 22, 2005 11:18 AM Jim: you\\'re the one making the accusation that \"the universities are in the hands of the left;\" so you\\'re the one who should be making the effort to prove it, rather than expecting others to disprove it.\\nOr, at the very least, try to clarify your accusations into something that can be independently quantified and/or verified.\\nI have read LOTS of anecdotes of specific professors and departments CLEARLY leaning to the left, to an irrational degree. I don\\'t doubt any of them in themselves; I only doubt that they add up to a monolithic, nationwide leftward tilt in academic learning and discourse. If there\\'s a conspiracy here, it sure as hell ain\\'t working!\\nI also doubt your accusation due to my own anecdote: I majored in International Relations at UVa, where the IR department leaned right (pro-US, pro-defense, and in one case, VIRULENTLY anti-Communist); the history dep\\'t. leaned a wee bit left (mildly anti-Nixon, sympathetic to both sides in Central American civil strife, sympathetic to Khomeini even during the hostage \"crisis\"); and I didn\\'t take enough liberal-arts classes to judge that dep\\'t\\'s leanings - or whether they even cared. I think the Law School was kinda rightish. We had a \"Socialist-Feminist Alliance,\" but also a Young Americans for Freedom chapter, and a gaggle of LaRouchies...oh, and some Maranatha dingbats shouting their hatred (oops, excuse me, God\\'s hatred) of gays and loose women.\\nI also doubt your accusations because you seemingly fail to account for the large number of private religious colleges in the US. I find it hard to believe that places like Bob Jones and Brigham Young Universities lean left. And what about state schools in the Deep South?\\nFinally, I doubt your accusation because similar accusations are made by people with extremist partisan agendas of their own, and who routinely cry \"BIAS!\" as a mantra to shout down any fact that doesn\\'t fit their own narrow world-view. I do not know you well enough to judge your motives; but the character of many of those who echo your accusations, and the venues in which I see such accusations, causes me generally to doubt their believability and their honesty.\\nI understand that professors can be biased, and can inject uninformed or obsolete prejudices into their teaching. But I also understand that extremists of all stripes work tirelessly to erode the credibility of any institution that would stand independent of their agendas - especially universities, the sciences (they don\\'t know the Bible!), the mainstream media, and any other independent source of factual information. I advise a little healthy skepticism toward both sides of this divide.\\nPosted by: Raging Bee at March 22, 2005 12:29 PM Mr. Ridgely--\\n\"As usual, you make far too much sense...\"\\nYou flatter me. But it shouldn\\'t surprise you that I side with common sense--I am a liberal, after all.\\nPosted by: Tad Brennan at March 22, 2005 12:43 PM The idea that academia in the U.S. does NOT have a pronounced leftward leaning is at such variance to all of my experience, that I can do nothing but duplicate the response that David Lewis encountered when proposing his plurality-of-worlds hypothesis:\\nAn incredulous stare.\\n(I admit it doesn\\'t work very well on a comment to a blog posting.) :|\\nPosted by: Peter Wizenberg at March 22, 2005 12:56 PM Perhaps, Mr. Brennan, although my experience has been that good sense, either among liberals or conservatives, tends not to be all that common.\\nPosted by: D.A. Ridgely at March 22, 2005 1:09 PM D A Ridgely re 1:09 post Among whom then,among these two unfortunate camps,would it be more common? Signing off for now,be back later.\\nPosted by: johnt at March 22, 2005 2:23 PM Bee: I do not know you well enough to judge your motives; but the character of many of those who echo your accusations, and the venues in which I see such accusations, causes me generally to doubt their believability and their honesty.\\nNo, further insult embellished by churlish pseudo-apology won\\'t do.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 22, 2005 3:37 PM I didn\\'t have time to read all of the responses, so I apologize if my observation is redundant.\\nI\\'m a undergraduate economics student, and I share your distaste for the academic left. At the same time, I think your association of \"liberalism\" with a relatively greater resistance to empirically informed common sense is unfair. This is especially true with regard to liberal economic doctrines. Much of economics is all about overcoming one\\'s knee-jerk, common-sense impulses and reasoning through things a priori. In my observation, the more economic training people have, the more I think they are prepared to interpret their \\'periphery\\' to conform to their \\'center\\'. If you don\\'t believe me, check out mises.org, where every real-world event is smashed into an Austrian conceptual box. Of course, in a broader sense, I do believe that that (historical) empirical data also supports free-market economics, at least by comparison with socialism and communism. But in my experience, Liberals--even those with economics training--find these sorts of historical arguments much more persuasive than the sort of theoretical/conceptual arguments that are the stock in trade of academic economists.\\nPosted by: Andrew Kushner at March 22, 2005 9:33 PM jeez, it told me that it hadn\\'t submitted properly three times in a row. my apologies for the redundant posts.\\nPosted by: Andrew Kushner at March 22, 2005 9:35 PM Dear Jean Pierre,\\nI see no way around making a post that is inordinately long, since the argument here is subtle and I think it is essential to get it right. My response will proceed in two parts:\\n1.) I will restate the argument as I understand it so far; 2.) I will give a more general account of what my position is, and how I think it is alike and different to yours. Your initial post noted a difference between two different ways of thinking about political affairs, and it sought a resolution to the difference. The difference noted was that those of the right give the benefit of the doubt to common sense, whereas those of the left do not, but choose rather to deny common sense when it comes into conflict with theoretical reasonings. You give two characteristics of common sense: a.) Common sense is a sort of belief that is very near the beliefs that \"provide both the input and the output of an explanatory machine whose function it is to predict what we will be perceiving in the future.\" and also;\\nb.) Common sense is a sort of belief that \"has been trained by generations and generations of experience for the management of life.\"\\nOn the basis of the first meaning of common sense, you establish a priority of common sense by the following argument:\\n-What relates more to the overall function of predicting future perceptions deserves the benefit of the doubt, and -common sense does this more than theoretical reasoning, since it provides the imput and output for theoretical beliefs. You also bolster up the second premise by your second given characteristic of common sense, that common sense is a set of beliefs that has a proven track record of dealing with the experience of human life. Now, for a more general account of my own position.\\nI agree that common sense does in fact provide the imput for theoretical reasoning, and that it judges its output. So long as there is a dispute between common sense and theoretical reasoning, common sense does deserve the benefit of the doubt. Here we agree wholly. But there are also certain things that are capable of judging both common sense and theoretical reasoning: for example, \"nothing can both be and not be at the same time and in the same respect\" (even the most die hard skeptic or critic cannot survive without the principle of contradiction). This principle, and others like it, transcend both common sense and theoretical reasoning. This transcendence allows for theoretical reasoning to refute even common sense, if theoretical reasoning can succeed in showing how it is more closely allied to the transcendent principle. In other words, even though theoretical reasoning is incapable of refuting common sense in a head to head fight, it is capable of overcoming it if it gets the trump card of a transcendent principle. Now everyone admits that theoretical reasoning has found this trump card some number of times; and in fact there is a certain kind of reasoner who seems to define science itself as a sort of refutation of common sense. (My only problem with those who define science in this way is that they are notorious for ignoring that they only refuted common sense by appealing to something more known than common sense- far from being skeptics, they are actually affirming some transcendent truth that can refute common sense.)\\nNow if theoretical reasoning can appeal to something beyond common sense, then common sense can, of course, also appeal to something beyond itself in order to justify itself. But at some point- and this is the soul of my whole argument- both common sense and theoretical reasoning end up appealing to some transcendent truth in order to justify themselves. When I say \"at some point\" I mean this as an epistemic point. Any particular belief of Common sense or theoretical reasoning has either been a manifestation of some transcendent truth all along, or they have never been right. This is one reason why these truths deserve to be called \"transcendent\". We can only discover them and recognize their reality. To take a famous example: Dred Scott was either in fact a man all along, or he was not. This was why I brought up the example of the American revolution. The Americans were bound by a long tradition to England, but they rejected that longstanding tradition on the basis of self evident truths. We can qualify and critique this move as much as we want, but at the end of the day, we are still confronted with this: these founders declared that the foundation of all government was a body of self-evident truths, and we must either agree or disagree with them. Regardless of how we respond, the ramifictions of our response will go to the core of our political beliefs. The things we hold as foundational truths are not truths far off, distant, and unimportant to our lives. They are the bedrock of our own beliefs or knowledge even now. We can only accept our foundations or ignore them.\\nPosted by: shulamite at March 23, 2005 1:06 AM Shulamite, that was fabulous. I wonder what you would have to say about this response to your view. I agree with both you and Jean-Pierre.\\nYou list two \"transcendent\" and \"foundational\" truths - that Dred Scott is a man, and the principle of contradiction, and you allude to American Revolutionary views, such as that people have a right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These seem to me to flow from the principle of contradiction, or at least to be so closely tied to it as to make it clear to me that the foundational truths you refer to are cases of simple (hence self-evident) entailments inherent to the meanings of important moral terms. So, I think your proposal is merely to remind us that common sense can indeed be overridden: by the principle of contradiction.\\nFor example: No one knows what would count as evidence that Dred Scott, under the description of him that, as everyone knows, could be easily empirically verified, is not a man. No one knows what would count as evidence that people do not have a right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Indeed, no one has ever put forth any such evidential criteria.) Man, Dred Scott, freedom, and happiness are terms that are conceptually (your \"transcendently\" or \"foundationally\") related in such a way that we cannot conceive of a wedge that could come between any two of them and rupture their relation. Proposals, such as \"but he\\'s black,\" or \"but they don\\'t have blue blood,\" are so easily refuted by showing that they are based on inconsistencies and incongruence with various empirical facts that they quickly fall away. No proposal of evidential standards withstands the slightest scrutiny. Show me where the liberating revolutions, such as abolition, American Revolution, women\\'s sufferage, etc. were a matter of parties devoted to two different transcendent truths and thus butting heads, rather than cases in which one of the two parties was able to show that the other\\'s position, though perhaps counting as common sense itself, was a case of an inconsistent use of common-sense terms. The one side was always able to show that the other was incoherent.\\nSo, your proposal might therefore be reducible to an amendment to Jean-Pierre\\'s position: that common sense be accorded epistemic priority except in cases in which contradictions between common-sense beliefs are discovered. When a common-sense belief (e.g., blacks may be enslaved because they aren\\'t people) is discovered to conflict with another, we inevitably can find that one of the two is the deviant from the largest and most coherent set of common-sense beliefs and must therefore be banished from this priviledged set forever.\\nOf course, you needn\\'t except that unless you agree with me that it\\'s incoherent to say that Dred Scott (\"under the description....\") isn\\'t a man because he is black, or that people may pursue happiness unless they are not of royal lineage. And you\\'ll agree with me on that point only if you accept that the nonexistence of evidential conditions under which we could accept either of those odious statements is proof enough that they are incoherent. But as a matter of historical fact, the important revolutionary arguments were won by the demonstration of the reactionaries\\' incoherence, not simply by people just seeing a transcendent truth that justified relinquishing the past.\\nIn any event, this is a way to remove the dispute between you and Jean-Pierre by making your position a corollary to his, rather than a competitor to it. Of course, I\\'d be quite keen to see any insight you might have on this.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 23, 2005 8:25 AM Mr. Ryan--\\n\"that common sense be accorded epistemic priority except in cases in which contradictions between common-sense beliefs are discovered.\"\\nThis seems eminently sane to me (I don\\'t know what Shulamite or Prof. Schachter will say).\\nBut it is a principle that is equally endorsed by people across the philosophical spectrum--it opens the door to Rawlsian reflective equilibrium. As I said in some exchanges with Prof. Bonevac on his post on Singer, it is a principle that Singer, too, would claim to be adhering to. And it is very hard to show that he is *not* adhering to it.\\nSo I\\'m not sure if Prof. Schachter should accept your amendment, friendly as it may be.\\nPosted by: Tad Brennan at March 23, 2005 8:29 AM Yes, I\\'m all in favor of reflective equilibrium, as long as that means the successful monitoring of the set of common-sense values we accept for those outliers: the common-sense values that are inconsistent with the enormous and coherent set of other common-sensee values. In that sense, Singer has no reflective equilibrium. He has a coherent set of values, perhaps, but he got them by simply cutting away the bulk of common-sense values. And Singer has not shown that ol\\' American values are so far from reflective equilibrium that we should relinquish them as he does.\\nThat\\'s just the point. Shulamite has a transcendent value. Suppose that it is that \"Every American deserves health insurance.\" (I have no idea whether Shulamite believes that or even is left of center.) His duty would be, just as in the case of the American Revolution, abolition, and sufferage, to show that contradicting this value puts one at odds with the largest and most coherent set of common-sense values we share. He cannot hope to justify a revolution by getting people just \"to see\" that his value is true by intuition. That\\'s not the way rational moral progress works. It works by discovering common-sense values that betray the others by contradicting them.\\nThis is a conservative threshold I am proposing that any change in values must surpass before being warranted. It is rationalistic protection against claims that revolution may be justifed by by someone\\'s inuitive grasp of moral facts; it may not. That blacks are not not people and so may be enslaved was found to be indefensible in debate, not merely counterintuitive. The contrary position was found to be defensible given the meanings of terms, not merely intuitively compelling. I\\'m not arguing against Shulamites position, unless he means precisely this hard intuitionist position. I\\'m offering a construal of his notion of fundamental fact which I think adheres smoothly to his explanation of his own view, especially insofar as he used the principle of contradiction to explain it.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 23, 2005 9:50 AM \"outliers\", \"the enormous and coherent set\", \"the bulk\"\\nMr. Ryan--\\nThese are the kind of terms I think it is easy to grant at the level of intuitions, and hard to precisify at the level of method. What are the metrics behind such judgements? How many beliefs are there in common sense beliefs, and how do we count them? If I deny that Norwegians are persons, is that one belief or 4 million? And having counted them, how do we weigh them?\\nLook, I would be happy to discover metrics that could show where Singer took the exit-ramp from the planet. I think discovering such metrics is a central aim for philosophy. What I am denying is that we have them yet. What we have so far, instead, are intuitions. You claim that Singer has not reached a reflective equilibrium. I think he has reached one, but it is badly skewed in favor of some common-sense beliefs rather than others. Still, to make good the claim that he is employing a method distinct from the method of RE, or employing it in a distinctively vicious way, I think we would need to be able to answer the metric questions much more clearly than we can.\\nI just don\\'t think we have arrived at a point yet where we can point to bright-line differences of method. We can point to lousy counter-intuitive conclusions, and fight them with clearer and less costly intuitions. We can argue that the Singers of the world are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. But the analogy is inapposite, because both the baby whom we want to preserve and the bathwater that we wish to discard are constituted by the same sort of stuff--intuitions and beliefs that can find some support from common sense.\\nPosted by: Tad Brennan at March 23, 2005 11:04 AM I think he has reached [reflective equilibrium], but it is badly skewed in favor of some common-sense beliefs rather than others.\\nYou know this, Mr. Brennan. Yet, you lack a \"metric\" for gauging epistemic justification in normative inquiries. Therefore, you don\\'t need a metric. (Incidentally, \"badly skewed\" means that he has not reached RE in the sense in which I defined it. So, I\\'m not sure you and I disagree on whether he\\'s reached it, in either your sense or mine. If he had only one moral belief, that would be RE in your sense, I think, but not in mine.)\\nFurther proof that a \"metric\" is not needed: People frequently obtain justification for their moral beliefs by arguing by analogy to widely shared moral beliefs and getting their facts straight (including making deductions). There is no \"metric\" for analogical coherence, \"widely shared,\" \"straight,\" etc., and yet they perform this feat. For instance, we don\\'t need to know whether \"widely shared\" means >45%, >51% or >85% of the population, in order to use the term properly. I think its a general point. Scientists don\\'t need a metric in order to tell that a theory has been robustly confirmed. Epistemic justification may be grasped, and it may be explained. But it can\\'t be quantified.\\nPosted by: Jim Ryan at March 23, 2005 11:58 AM To all who are interested:\\nI put up a more developed account of my own argument at my own blog:\\nwww.waitingforelijah.blogspot.com\\nPosted by: shulamite at March 23, 2005 7:48 PM Post a comment Name: Email Address: URL: Security Code: Remember personal info?\\nYesNo Comments: ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[\" PSYCHOLOGY 2317: STATISTICAL METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY SOUTHWEST COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR: Barbara Lachar, Ph.D. SECTION: CRN34807 PHONE: 281-242-3058 SPRING 2013:16 weeks MW 12:30-2:00PM OFFICE HOURS: 2:00 -2:30PM Mon. Stafford Scarcella Rm. W110 E-MAIL: Barbara.Lachar@hccs.edu FINAL EXAM: WED MAY 8, 12:00 2:00PM COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the use of scientific methods in psychology and to the statistical analysis of data. Attention is given to descriptive, correlation and inferential statistical methodology. PREREQUISITE: Must be placed into college level reading (or take GUST 0342 as a co-requisite) and be placed into college level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0319 as a co-requisite) and be placed into MATH 0312 (or higher). COMPUTER/INTERNET ACCESS IS REQUIRED. YOU NEED THIS COURSE KEY TO REGISTER. VD7N-ZKZW-3EA5 You can begin working on your homework as soon as you register!In this course, you will use a textbook and Aplia's website. You will have access to a digital version of your textbook on Aplia through the end of this course. Purchasing a copy of the textbook is recommended even if it is an older edition. Aplia is part of CengageBrain, which allows you to sign in once and access your materials and courses. Registration 1. Connect to http://login.cengagebrain.com. 2. If you already have an account, sign in. From your Dashboard, enter your course key in the box provided, and click the Register button. If you don't have an account, click the Create an Account button, and enter your course key when prompted: Continue to follow the on-screen instructions.Access is free for three weeks but then payment must be made to continue. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK and Aplia website: Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2011) Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, .7th ed., Wadsworth ISBN: 9780495812203 COURSE GOALS: To develop knowledge and skills in the use of proper statistical methodology (both descriptive and inferential statistics) in analyzing data collected by scientific methods in psychology. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Define and identify basic concepts in inferential and descriptive statistics. 2. Explain and apply the concepts and procedures of descriptive statistics. 3. Describe and utilize principles of probability and hypothesis testing. 4. Apply and interpret common inferential statistical tests and correlational methods. OBJECTIVES: Part I: The basic components of statistics. 1. To learn the basic terminology and logic of statistical analysis. 2. master definitions and computations with the exception of the power curve and the sample size requirements. Part II: Applications of inferential statistics to the scientific method 1. The t test will be introduced to replace the z test. 2. Compute one sample, independent sample and related sample t-tests. 3. Identify, apply, compute and interpret ANOVA, correlation and regression, and Chi Square . COURSE CALENDAR AND ASSIGNMENTS 20% of your grade consists of the . You have 3 chances to solve the problems and your grade is based on the highest score obtained in the three attempts. January 14 Introduction to course: syllabus Chapter 1 Introduction to Statistics January 26 Ch 1 Complete Ap[lia assignment - Ch 2 Frequency Distributions January 21 No class Martin Luther King Holiday January 25 Chapter 2 Complete Aplia problems- Ch. 3 Central Tendency; January 28 Chapter 3 Complete Aplia problems- Chapter 4 Variability January 30 Chapter 4 Variability Review for Exam #1 February 4 Exam #1, Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 February 6 Chapter 5 Z scores February 11 Chapter 5 Complete Aplia assignment - Chapter 6 Probability February 15 Chapter 6 - Complete Aplia Problems - Ch, 7 Dist. of Sample Means February 18 No Class February 20 Chapter 7 Complete Aplia Problems - Ch 8 Hypothesis Testing February 25 Chapter 8 Complete Aplia Problems February 27 Chapter 8; Review for Exam 2 March 4 Exam 2, Chapters 5,6,7,8 March 6 Chapter 9 Introductions to the t-Statistic March 11 - 17 SPRING BREAK HOLIDAY-NO CLASS March 18 Chapter 9 (Complete Aplia problems) and Chapter 11 Related Samples March 20 Chapters 11 (Complete Aplia Problems) and Chapter 10 Independent Measures March 25 Chapter 10 Aplia Problems and Review for Exam #3 March 27 Exam #3 Chapters 9, 10, and 11 April 2 Chapter 13 Analysis of Variance April 4 Chapter 13 Aplia Problems and Chapter 14 April 9 Chapter 14 Aplia Problems Review for Exam 3 April 11 April 14 Exam #4 Chapters 13and 14 April 16 Chapter 15 Correlations and Regression April 18 Chapter 15 (problems #5, 9, 19,21, 25) April 23 Chapter 16 Chi Square April 25 Chapter 16 (problems #3, 5, 9, 13, 19 and 21) April 30 Exam #5: Chapters 15 and 16 May 2 Review for Final Exam May 8 NOON-2PM Comprehensive Final Exam REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Gravetter, F.J. and Wallnau, L.B. (2011) Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, .7th ed., Wadsworth ISBN: 9780495812203 STUDY GUIDE: Gravetter, F.J. (2011) Study Guide for Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Wadsworth. ISBN: 9780495903918 TEXTBOOK WEB SITE: www.thomsonedu.com/psychology/gravetter The accompanied textbook website offers some useful information concerning the statistical concepts. It also provides practice quiz for each chapter. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY: The instructor will prepare lectures, demonstrations and assign learning exercises to cover each topic listed on the schedule. Lectures will cover much of the material on which you will be tested. Read the assigned chapters prior to class and complete the homework assignments. Come prepared to participate by asking questions, sharing examples and giving your opinion. There will be an opportunity for questions during class, and to review tests items after they are graded. The material will reappear on the comprehensive final exam. INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepare class activities, lectures and exams Review and evaluate results. Assign grades. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend classes in a timely manner and participate. Read and comprehend the textbook Complete required assignments and exams Request help in the event of questions or problems Maintain copies of paperwork, handouts, and assignments, including this syllabus STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. The ADA office for the Southwest College and Dr. Becky Hauri can be reached at 713-718-7910. Special accommodations can be provided to only those students who show proper documentation. HCC Policy Statement: Academic Honesty A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students. The instructor is responsible for measuring each student's individual achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcement roles. You are expected to be familiar with the University's Policy on Academic Honesty, found in the catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Cheating on a test includes: Using materials not authorized by the person giving the test; Collaborating with another student during a test without authorization; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of a test that has not been administered; Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. Plagiarism and the unacknowledged Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit. Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F in the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System. (See the Student Handbook) HCC Policy Statements Class Attendance - It is important that you come to class! Attending class regularly is the best way to succeed in this class. Research has shown that the single most important factor in student success is attendance. Simply put, going to class greatly increases your ability to succeed. You are expected to attend all lecture and labs regularly. You are responsible for materials covered during your absences. Class attendance is checked daily. Although it is your responsibility to drop a course for nonattendance, the instructor has the authority to drop you for excessive absences. If you are not attending class, you are not learning the information. As the information that is discussed in class is important for your career, students may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5% hours of instruction. The six hours of class time would include any total classes missed or for excessive tardiness or leaving class early. You may decide NOT to come to class for whatever reason. As an adult making the decision not to attend, you do not have to notify the instructor prior to missing a class. class. Poor attendance records tend to correlate with poor grades. If you miss any class, including the first week, you are responsible for all material missed. It is a good idea to find a friend or a buddy in class who would be willing to share class notes or discussion or be able to hand in paper if you unavoidably miss a class. Class attendance equals class success. HCC Course Withdrawal Policy If you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the final date of withdrawal. Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet with the instructor to discuss why you feel it is necessary to do so. The instructor may be able to provide you with suggestions that would enable you to complete the course. Your success is very important. Beginning in fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performance. It is your responsibility to visit with your professor or a counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. to stay in class and improve your academic performance. If you plan on withdrawing from your class, you MUST complete the process PRIOR to returning to the same online enrollment page that you used to originally register for classes. From the drop-down menu, select enrollment drop instead of enrollment add. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each semester and/or depending on class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC schedule of classes and catalog, any HCC Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade. Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating via email and/or telephone with a professor and/or counselor. Do not submit a request to discuss withdrawal options less than a day before the deadline. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade. Repeat Course Fee The State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat failed classes. To increase student success, students who repeat the same course more than twice, are required to pay extra tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is to encourage students to pass their courses and to graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available. Classroom Behavior As your instructor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to develop and maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Your instructor takes this responsibility very seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it difficult for him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the learning needs of your classmates and assist your instructor achieve this critical goal. Use of Camera and/or Recording Devices As a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your responsibility to be respectful of the learning atmosphere in your classroom. To show respect of your fellow students and instructor, you will turn off your phone and other electronic devices, and will not use these devices in the classroom unless you receive permission from the instructor. Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations EVALUATION AND GRADES: Your final grade will be calculated according to the following core competency formula: A. The best four of five hourly exams and your final exam will be averaged and weighted 80%. Reading, computational and listening objective. B. Aplia Graded Assignments are weighted 20% of your final grade. C. Written and Oral Communication-Internet Skills Final Averages will earn the following grades A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = Below 60% You may earn one bonus point per chapter by completing and submitting the practice quizzes provided on the student companion website to the textbook. Bonus points will also be available for correct responses to daily quizzes. Students who are late will not be eligible for bonus points. Plan to take all exams. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS PROVIDED, with the exception of very drastic circumstances or emergencies. ONE MISSED EXAM SCORE WILL BE DROPPED.pped. Exams will be open note and you may refer to your homework assignments during the exam. Assignments will be collected for the chapters following each exam. You may not use the interior of the textbook, the quizzes, or the actual chapter content, but you may refer to the statistical tables in the rear of the book, the formulas listed on the inside of the book cover and any personal notes/homework solutions you prepare. Photocopies of textbook material other than tables MAYNOT BE USED DURING ANY EXAMINATION. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ALL PERSONAL NEEDS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF AN EXAMINATION. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE ROOM AFTER BEGINNING AN EXAM WITHOUT SUBMITTING THEIR ANSWERS AS COMPLETE. Anyone arriving more than 15 minutes late for any examination will be considered absent and will have missed the examination. PLEASE MUTE ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING CLASS. YOU CAN BE ASKED TO LEAVE FOR THE DAY AND CONSIDERED ABSENT IF A PAGER OR CELLULAR TELEPHONE INTERRUPTS CLASS OR AN EXAMINATION. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Syllabus for EH 403, Dr. Gates, Spring 2004 MAY AUG Sep 18 2003 2004 2005 3 captures\\n16 Mar 04 - 18 Aug 04 Close\\nHelp Dr. Joanne E. Gates: EH 403\\nShakespeare: the early plays Jacksonville State University English Department\\nSyllabus for EH 403, Dr. Gates, Spring 2004\\n206 Stone Center, 782-5548. Office Hours 11:30-12:45 on TTH,\\nMWF\\nat 11:40-12:30, and 3:15-4:15 (in lab), and either 4:00-4:45 TTH or TBA\\nSection 01 [Sched # 1832] Meets in SC 233; TUESDAY, THURSDAY,\\n12:45- 2:15 pm\\nCOURSE DESCRIPTION [JSU Catalog]: \"403. Shakespeare: (3) [credits].\\n403 semester: HAMLET, OTHELLO and selections from EARLY comedies and HISTORIES.\"\\nPREREQUISITES: Successful completion of EH 102. Strongly recommended:\\ncompletion of literature survey sequence.\\nDisability Accommodations Statement: Any individual who qualifies\\nfor reasonable accommodation under The Americans With Disabilities Act\\nor Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should contact the instructor\\nimmediately.\\nStandard Civility Statement: All students are expected\\nto attend class fully prepared with appropriate materials and all devices\\nwhich make noise turned to the off position (e.g., cellular phones, pagers,\\npersonal stereos, etc.). Any student behavior deemed disruptive by\\nthe professor will result in expulsion of the student from the classroom,\\nwith an absence for the day and possible disciplinary action. It is best\\nnot to have your phone out while you are in the room: I am not responsible\\nfor returning it to you if you leave it behind. It must not ring during\\nthe class; it is extremely disruptive and rude and may be a violation of\\nAcademic Honesty regulations to use it when the class is in session or\\na quiz is being given.\\nThe Professor Expects that you follow standard protocols of\\nclassroom behavior, abide by the JSU Student Handbook, and conform to particular\\nrequirements of assignments and class discussion as announced.\\nOBJECTIVES\\nTo study the plays of Shakespeare in their critical and historical\\ncontexts; to understand the ways that changing cultural contexts affect\\nthe production and interpretation of Shakespeare.\\nTo understand the background for Shakespeare\\'s plays, including, where\\nappropriate, the study of Shakespeare\\'s sources.\\nTo understand the literary and dramatic aspects of the plays.\\nTo study the dramatic aspects of the plays with attention to what is\\nlearned from comparative production analysis, especially through films,\\npublished reviews, and creative approaches to the staging of Shakespeare.\\nTo develop critical skills in responding to literature, to be able to\\nwrite critically and personally about the literature (and the different\\ngenres of literature) in ways that demonstrate understanding and appreciation\\nfor the variety of interpretations that literature invites.\\nTo exercise students\\' techniques of critical thinking, questioning,\\nand problem solving.\\nATTENDANCE POLICY. Cutting class is strongly discouraged. Because\\ndiscussions, writing exercises, quizzes, and in-class assignments are graded\\nor prepare you for graded work, cuts will likely affect your grade. The\\ndepartmental attendance policy for this course mandates that you attend\\nat least 75% of classes to receive a passing grade. Unlike composition\\ncourses, there is no difference between excused and unexcused absences;\\nbut if you miss two or more classes in a row, I consider it courteous and\\npart of your responsibility as a student to speak to me about what you\\nhave missed and whether there is a need to make up work. There is no \"Withdraw\\nPassing\" from the course allowed after you have exceeded your limit of\\n7 cuts (For TTH classes, 8 cuts = automatic F). Even though tardiness and\\nleaving early are not officially counted as a partial absence, understand\\nthat it is extremely discourteous and rude. When you have unavoidable reasons\\nfor arriving late, leaving early, or otherwise attending the class sporadically,\\nplease inform the instructor ahead of time. The professor reserves the\\nright to count these occasions as partial absences, but you will be warned\\nahead of time and notified as to the way any partial absences is recorded.\\nWhenever in doubt, make sure to verify your record of attendance. Midterm\\nand major assignments can be made up only at the discretion of the instructor\\n(you better have a good excuse for failure to attend on days when a major\\nassignment is scheduled). I always drop the lowest quiz grade, and sometimes\\noffer occasions to do makeup work (different assignments) to improve your\\nquiz average. Otherwise, quizzes and daily class work cannot be made up.\\nExceptions made only in unusual circumstances.\\nREQUIREMENTS. To receive a passing grade of 60, you must complete\\nall units of the course (midterm, final, quiz grade and reports grade)\\nwith an average of sixty or above.\\nTEXTS\\nShakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare, 2nd ed. Ed.\\nG. Blakemore Evans and J.J.M. Tobin. Boston and N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin,\\n1997. [ISBN: 0-395-75490-9.]\\nOccasional critical reading or source material, placed on reserve (or\\nhandouts and Internet access). Depending on the focus for the critical\\npaper, there may be additional texts or critical works you are expected\\nto consult.\\nEVALUATION:\\nMidterm, with prepared essay and short answer = 25%\\nQuiz and class grade, the average of graded class work,\\nincluding short written responses (some prepared reports, some on-the-spot).\\nThe short factual quizzes that test basic play knowledge cannot be made\\nup nor taken at alternate times, even with legitimate and school-related\\nexcuses. You will be allowed to drop one of these quiz grades (either the\\nlowest or one you missed). In addition to these there will be quiz grades\\nassigned to short essays and reports, including reports on films viewed.\\nMore details will be forthcoming. If you have scored poorly in two\\nquizzes at Midterm time, you should speak to me. An alternative assignment\\nmight be substituted for one of the non-factual, report-based quizzes,\\nat the discretion of the instructor. The average of all but lowest quiz\\n= 25% of Course Grade.\\nCritical Reports (for the primary grade, a brief, carefully prepared\\nessay (due Friday April 9) with Class presentation later that week which\\nyou present or comment on in class, based on outside reading and/or the\\nviewing of a film. All specific topics for the major report must be pre-approved. 25%\\nFINAL Exam (see below for schedule), 25% In both Midterm\\nand Final, ample options in selections for essays and formal graded work\\nallow students to focus and plan personal approaches to questions. Short\\nanswers test basic knowledge.\\nSYLLABUS\\nWeek 1 Thursday, January 8 Introduction to\\ncourse Assign review of literary and dramatic terms and Hamlet.\\nWeek 2 Tuesday, January 13 Discussion of Structure and significance\\nof\\nHamlet Thursday, January 15 LAST DAY TO ADD Discussion of\\nHamlet.\\nIntro to early comedies and A Midsummer Night\\'s Dream. Consideration of Shakespeare\\'s\\nearly comic style and plotting techniques.\\nWeek 3 Tuesday, January 20 A Midsummer Night\\'s Dream. Jan. 22: last\\nday to withdraw and receive 80% refund on tuition. Thursday, January 22. Introduce\\nTaming\\nof the Shrew. Sources and variant text questions related to the play.\\nWeek 4 Tuesday, January 27 Taming of the Shrew, concluded. Thursday, January 29 Introduce Richard\\nIII. Read Acts I-III, Richard III.\\nWeek 5 Tuesday, February 3 Complete Richard III. Feb. 5: last\\nday to withdraw and receive 50% refund on tuition. Thursday, February 5 More discussion\\nof Richard III. Introduce Othello.\\nWeek 6 Tuesday, February 10 Complete reading of Othello for this\\nclass. Hand out essay questions for MIDTERM. Class responses: Issues in\\nOthello. Thursday, February 12 Discussion of early comedy/\\nhistory and review for Midterm. Read for this date, Cinthio\\'s source to\\nOthello\\nWeek 7 Tuesday, February 17\\nMIDTERM: Write Essays in Class. Disclaimer: Official reporting deadline\\nmay come too early to compute Midterm exam and therefore is used primarily\\nto report students whose absences put their grade at risk. It is the student\\'s\\nresponsibility to know standing in the course. [Midterm grades filed Feb.\\n24.] Thursday, February 19 Introduced Cinthio\\nsource of Othello. (Read for Tue.) Take Short Answer Section\\nof MIDTERM.\\nWeek 8 Tuesday, February 24 Follow up discussion of Cinthio as\\nsource for Othello. Introduce issues related to middle comedies.\\nAssign reading: Titus Andronicus. Midterm grades filed. Thursday, February 26 Film, Titus\\nAndronicus\\nWeek 9 Tuesday, March 2 Complete Titus Andronicus Thursday, March 4. LAST DAY TO DROP\\nWITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY\\nQuiz and discussion on Titus Andornicus. Introduce critical\\nissues in and Shakespearean tragedy. Revisit Aristotle.\\nWeek 10 Tuesday, March 9 As You Like It and Thomas Lodge\\'s Rosylinde Thursday, March 11: As You Like\\nIt and Rosalynde.\\nWeek 11 Tuesday, March 16. Work on major issues in Hamlet,\\nfocusing on Acts I-IV.\\nSelect / Propose/ Plan Critical Paper Thursday, March 18 Hamlet Re-Read\\nall of\\nHamlet for this class. Graded Class discussion and report:\\nissues in revenge tragedy. (including) Hamlet Titus Andronicus,\\nand Othello\\nSPRING BREAK March 22-26\\nWeek 12 Tuesday, March 30. Continue Tragedy discussion and begin presenting\\npaper ideas. Thursday, April 1: Introduce Twelfth\\nNight. Reports: A presentation and workshopping of your working thesis\\nfor your critical paper. MLA bibliography review. The Papers will\\ntake one of these emphases: EITHER A) The study of a source to a Shakespeare\\nplay, or B) the Study of an additional comedy or history not assigned to\\nthe class, compared to one that is assigned, or C) Assessment of the literature\\nof film criticism, connected to one or more films of the plays on the syllabus.\\nAll projects must be approved by this date.\\nWeek 13\\nTuesday, April 6 Twelfth Night Thursday, April 8. Twelfth Night, continued.\\nFriday, April 9. By 4:00: Turn in critical paper or other approved\\ntopic. Two copies of finished paper should be turned in. Retain an additional\\ncopy.\\nWeek 14\\nTuesday, April 13. Presentations from the finished papers.\\nLAST DAY TO DROP PASSING OR WITHDRAW: professor\\'s statement\\nthat you are passing the course is required. Thursday, April 15 Last class: Review for FINAL. Discuss general guidelines\\nfor FINAL EXAM\\nWeek 15\\nTuesday, April 20 \"Academic Preparation Day\" No class:\\nComplete all make-ups and extra credit by the end of the day. Conferences may be scheduled to return papers, discuss\\ngrade to date. I recommend that you hold free the block of time of day\\nthis class meets, in case make-up work is scheduled (for instance, if you\\nmiss more than one quiz because you had university sponsored events).\\nFINAL EXAM: For TUE/THUR 12:45 class, the exam is 10:30 a.m.\\nto 12:30, Tuesday April 27, in the classroom.\\nGENERAL GUIDELINES: I participate in a Teaching\\nInquiry Community at JSU. Its purpose is to share teaching strategies and\\ngenerate communication to other teachers from classroom-based research.\\nFor this reason, I may retain selected written work in order to quote from\\nit. Before doing so, I will first request permission from any students\\nwhose work I anticipate using. Assume that all anonymously collected evaluations\\nmight also be quoted.\\nMy quizzes tend to vary a great deal in format.\\nYou should always be prepared for a rigorous quiz that tests the basic\\ncontent of the play--keeping characters straight, knowing the plot--on\\nthe first day the play is listed on the syllabus. Depending on your\\nschedule, some of you may be invited to preview films outside of class\\nand under my supervision, or do background reading, with a report to the\\nclass averaged as an additional quiz. Occasionally, there may be unannounced\\nquizzes, which may take the form of open-book exercises, short essays,\\ndiscussions, or reports on group work. I drop the lowest quiz, then average\\nthe remaining grades for one-fourth of your grade for the course.\\nAll formal written work, including the critical paper\\nand test essays for the course should conform to the standard MLA format.\\nRemember that when quoting from verse plays, it is necessary to list Act,\\nScene, and line numbers. There are two acceptable ways to do this. Whenever\\nyou use a quotation for class purposes, especially on the Midterm, Class\\nPaper, and Final, get into the habit of proper citation form. Chose one\\nor the other style and be consistent:\\nArabic numbers with periods (no spaces) separating the\\nnumbers: 4.3.115-117. Roman numerals with commas and spaces: IV, iii, 115-117.\\n(Beware of secondary sources which include quotes which do not contain\\nthese references. Electronic editions of the plays may also contain unnumbered\\nlines.)\\nInformation that comes from a CRITICAL source must always\\nbe properly introduced and identified. This includes MONARCH NOTES, CLIFF\\nNOTES, electronic resources, and all other guides to the plays. It is academic\\ndishonesty not to give complete credit to your source, whether or not the\\nidea is directly quoted. This course is not designed to require a great\\ndeal of critical scholarship, but I expect that those who do want to make\\nuse of, refute, or expand on interpretations of the play by previous scholars\\nwill check with me to make sure that they are using proper methodology.\\nNOTE WELL: The instructor respects student individuality and innovative\\ninterpretive strategies. Group work and class discussions aim for the most\\npopulist/democratic discussion: all students encouraged to contribute;\\nthose monopolizing discussion time will be asked privately to moderate\\ntheir vocal responses. You are expected to maintain academic standards,\\nto turn in only original work, and to properly credit all sources not your\\nown. This class is designed to properly train and assist you in doing so.\\nYou are expected to comply with the JSU Student Handbook with reference\\nto all issues including code of conduct and academic dishonesty. Whenever\\na grade dispute, an attendance record dispute, or other issues of decorum\\narise, your FIRST responsibility is to arrange conference with the instructor.\\nI will distribute detailed guidelines for the paper at\\na later date. All topics must be approved. Note well: I will explain my\\nphilosophy and policies on the use of film to study Shakespeare in the\\nnear future. I am working to incorporate electronic literature into all\\nmy courses. I will speak more about possible projects for this course than\\ninclude work with electronic texts of Shakespeare and Internet sites.\\nThose of you who are interested in the Internet or use\\nof Computer technology with study of Humanities should strongly consider\\nfor your critical paper a project which makes use of these interests. ALL\\nPAPER AND PROJECT TOPICS and all make-up assignments MUST BE APPROVED. Some useful links:\\nhttp://www.jsu.edu/depart/english/gates/shtragcv.htm\\n(\"Shakespeare and the Tragic Virtue\" by James P. Hammersmith)\\nhttp://www.jsu.edu/depart/english/gates/shtragln.htm\\nOther links to Shakespeare and Tragedy\\nhttp://www.jsu.edu/depart/english/engother.htm#Shakes\\nMy Departmental list of Shakespeare links; Shakespeare\\'s Sources separated\\nat the bottom. To e-mail Dr. Gates: jgates@jsucc.jsu.edu.\\nTERMS\\nTHAT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WORK WITH\\n[Some of these are less relevant to Shakespeare studies,\\nbut this list is a good review of terms you mastered in EH 102.] ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Chem 4411 - Physical Chemistry Lab - Spring 2006 SEP FEB Mar 5 2006 2007 2008 4 captures\\n23 Aug 06 - 5 Feb 07 Close\\nHelp Course Info Schedule\\nHomework\\nAnnouncements\\nLinks\\nAtkins Text Website\\nAtkins Reference Data Chemistry Department Bowers Research Group Chemistry 4411, Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics and Kinetics Section 7395,\\nclick here for Summer B syllabus (Micha) Summer A 2006 (Bowers) Textbook: Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins and J de Paula, 7th Edition (Freeman, NY, 2002) ISBN # 0-7167-3539-3\\nLectures: MTWF, 3rd Period, 11:00-12:15, FLG 0265 (Florida Gym) Instructor:Dr. Russell Bowers\\nemail: russ@ufl.edu (use CHM4411 in subject line)\\nphone numbers: Office: 846-0839.\\nLab: 392-0501. office hours: 1:00-2:00, Tuesday, Wednesday.\\noffice location: Room 312C CLB (Chemistry Lab Building) Teaching Assistant: Seonah Kim, NPB 2341. Monday afternoon (2-4pm).\\nThe TA will grade homework assignments and will hold office hours on the days indicated on the Homework page. Turn in late homework assignments directly to the TA, not to Dr. Bowers. A penalty of 20% per day will be applied unless late turn-in has been pre-arranged with Dr. Bowers. Questions about homework grading should be directed firstly to the TA, then to Dr. Bowers if a resolution is needed. Homework: Problems will be assigned on Monday of each week and will be due at the beginning of class the following Monday at the beginning of class. Write neatly on one side of each page; staple together. Unstapled papers will not be accepted. Late papers will be accepted only in case of documented illness or emergency. Solutions to problems will be provided within one day following the due date.\\nGrading: Your Summer A grade will be based on the following. Unit 1 exam 45% Unit 2 exam 45% Homework\\n10% Mathematica: (symbolic math program)\\nStudents can buy timed-out versions of the student software on our website for either $45 for a semester or $70 for a year. At the end of that time, they can get a credit of $40 to convert to a standard license if they wish. This conversion must happen within 30 days of the end of their license. For additional information, the students can visit the following links: http://www.wolfram.com/products/student/mathforstudents/licenses.html http://store.wolfram.com/view/app/timedstudent/ They can also go to the Wolfram webstore (http://store.wolfram.com/catalog/) and the semester and 1-year options is about 1/2 way down the page....after all the options to purchase permanent copies. C.R. Bowers, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; (352) 392-3261. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' GSEP Educational Links AUG NOV JAN 19 2001 2002 2004 19 captures\\n8 Sep 01 - 23 Dec 05 Close\\nHelp Resources Page\\nClass-Specific Reference Material Ed 650\\nCredential Information\\nCommission on Teacher Credentialing\\nEducational Miscellany\\nComprehensive list of U.S. and International Colleges and Universities on the Web\\nFoundations and Grants\\nComputers for Schools Program- the Detwiler Foundation.\\nEdLiNC - an information/referral service called the E-Rate Hotline designed to help schools and libraries obtain their share of the Universal Service Fund.\\nFoundation Center - information on cooperating centers and collections.\\nGrants- comprehensive list with an emphasis on science.\\nJames S. McDonnell Foundation - funds research and innovation in education, global understanding, and biomedical and behavioral science.\\nNFIE Leadership Grants - National Foundation for the Improvement of Education grants to help with new instructional approaches, use of information technology, etc. October 15 Deadline!\\nSAMI Grant Info - Science and Math Initiatives and The Teacher Help Service from Los Alamos National Laboratory. Has mini grant and funding source information.\\nSmarter Kids Foundation - Grants for funding Smartboards (TM) (interactive whiteboards that facilitate computer-based teaching) for educators.\\nGrants for Class Size Reduction Initiative Proposals.\\nGovernment Resources\\nCalifornia Dept. of Education-includes Agenda for Education in California, etc.\\nCalifornia Web Project-Global SchoolHouse and Global SchoolNet Foundation\\nERIC (Educational Resources information Center)\\nImproving America\\'s Schools Act-Information and Resourcews\\nLos Angeles Unified School District Net\\nSchools on the Net-includes NetDay 2000, etc.\\nTeamsNet -Distance Learning administered by L.A. County Office of Education\\nU.S. Dept. of Education\\nMagazines, etc.\\nEducation Week on the Web\\nEducational News Resources-from Boston College Center for international Higher Education\\nE-Mail Groups-a list of all kinds of e-mail groups by topic\\nGeorge Lucas Ed Foundation - Edutopia Newsletter. Published in May and November. Updates on Foundation activities and articles about integration of technology in teaching and learning environments.\\nThe Scout Report - excellent weekly Internic publication about the best of what\\'s new on the Web.\\nSyllabus Magazine - includes articles, resources, top 40 web sites, professional development, and more\\nT.H.E. Journal - Technological Horizons in Education\\nOrganizations\\nAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)\\nC.U.E.-Computer Using Educators. Community Technology Centers\\' Network (CTCNet)- a network of 150 community technology centers, from Carnegie Mellon University.\\nDreamms for Kids, Inc. - (Developmental Research for the Effective Advancement of Memory and Motor Skills) \"Assistive Technology Solutions\".\\nEducom -\"Transforming Education through Information Technology\". Has a good newsletter also.\\nGetty Center: Arts Ed Net - Lesson plans, images, \"Kids Framing Kids: More than just a pretty picture\", etc.\\nNational Homeschool Association - \"Home Schooling vs. Public Education\" information.\\nProfessional Development\\nProfessional Development - \"Pathways to School Improvement\". From the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.\\nProfessional Development Consortium - from California Technology Assistance Project.\\nRegional Educational Laboratories -\\nResearch for Better Schools -\\nTapped In - Teacher Professional Development Institute. A \"community of K-14 teachers engaged in professional discourse, collaborative work, and other on-line activities.\"\\nPlaces for Kids\\nCyber Patrol: divided into sections for play, schoolwork and parents\\nExploring Volcanos - Volcano World.\\n\"Fifty Extraordinary Experiences for Internet Kids\" - \"Net-Mom approved\".\\nKidsWebJapan - learn all about Japan\\nKids stuff from PBS - Kids Backstage, Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street, etc.\\nSafe Kids Online - Child safety information and sites for parents, kids, and teachers.\\nTechKnow- \"The cool cyberliteracy site for kids\" from PBS.\\nTeen Aids Resources - put together by Keri Oberg, recent GSBM M.B.A.graduate\\nYahooligans - Yahoo for kids.\\nResearch and Reports\\nArgus. Terrific research site.\\nGetting America\\'s Students Ready for the 21st Century: Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge-U.S. Dept. of Education Report\\nCenter for Research in Educational Policy -\"Educational Effectiveness and Improvement Through Research\".\\nClass Size Reduction Page - Legislation, etc. from the California Dept. of Education.\\nComprehensive Listing of Think Tanks - An unusual source for interesting information.\\nLibrary of Congress Education Page - The Learning Page of the Library of Congress. Librarians Guide to the Internet - A great source of information by subject. National Center for Education Statistics - provides facts and figures for policymakers.\\nThe Parents\\' Guide to the Information Superhighway: Rules and Tools for Families Online-established by The Children\\'s Partnership organization. Web Site Advisor\\'s Guide - from Apple K-12 Education and the American School Directory. Written to help schools plan and utilize their web sites.\\nSubject Resources/Lesson Plans\\nArmadillo\\'s K-12 WWW Resources-a good list of K-12 WWW Resources\\nAsk An Expert-ask hundreds of experts in all different fields via e-mail\\nAssociation for Supervision & Curriculum Development\\nAT&T Learning Network- miscellaneous teacher information.\\nBarrier Free Education - Resources for the inclusion of students with disabilities into math and science education.\\nCalculators- of every type and every subject to be used on-line.\\nClassroom Connect (a place for K-12 educators to mount Web pages from their school--free!)\\nCourseware for Higher Education on the World Wide Web-from the Virtual Media Lab, a pilot project of Educational Technology Services, SAS Computing, University of Pennsylvania\\nDiscovery Channel for Teachers - videos and support materials for teachers.\\nEarth Systems - environmental information and resources, including student organizations.\\nEdSitement - brought to you by the NEH. Lesson plans, top humanities websites.\\nEducation (Includes K-12)-lots of web resources from Galaxy\\nEducation World-from American Fidelity. Includes all kinds resources for administrative, special ed., distance ed., continuing ed., student, and more. Includes education employment listings, etc.\\nEdWeb-a hyperbook used to explore technology and educational reform, andto hunt down on-line educational resources.\\nERIC Query Form Galileo - JPL\\'s countdown to Europa 15.\\nInsects in 3D - Yes, from the Dept. of Entomology at Virginia Tech. Includes VRML and movies.\\nInternet Resources for Technology Education-good list by category of Journals and Magazines, Informational Sources, Vendors, Government and Educational Organizations, and Educational Institutions. Put out by Ohio State University.\\nInvesting, The Basics of - A Guide for Educators. A teaching guide with easy-to-use format.\\nK-12+ Servers-from TENET Web. Has links to K-12 schools, school districts, colletes of edcuation, and school website development resources.\\nLearner Online-from Annenberg/CPB Project\\'s Web Site for learners and Educators.\\nLibrary of Congress Treasures. Out of 110 million items in the Library of Congress, these are the treasures.\\nThe Math Archives: an extensive list of math sites\\nMathematics, Technology, and Science Education -The Casio Classroom. Has all kinds of tools for math teachers, problem of the week, activity of the week, lessons, etc.\\nMicroscopic Images\\nThe Geometry Forum:-from the Center for the Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures, a NSF Science and Technology Center at the University of Minnesota. All kinds of interactive web applications and downloadable software for math teachers.\\nNews from your Hometown - explore the 50 states through the Washington Post and Associate Press. Get weather, government documents, sports scores, etc. by clicking around a U.S. map.\\nNickNacks- collaborating in the global classroom: playwriting in the round, virtual comics, world news and views, collaborating with HyperStudio, and more.\\nPeople\\'s Differences - the National Forum on People\\'s Differences.\\nPicturing Justice - The intent of this page is to seek out popular images of law (in movies and television) and foster a conversation about justice as it relates to our legal system. Positively Speaking - brings persons affected by HIV/AIDS as presenters in the classroom. Sponsored by a collaboration between schools and health agencies.\\nProject EASI - (Easy Access for Students and Institutions) Resources for students and institutions. Project SMART - Internet training, support for math and science teaching. Regional Alliance Hub - K-12 Math and Science Education efforts and resources in the Northeast.\\nSchoolhouse - \"Library in the Sky\" sponsored by Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Organizes Web exploration for teachers, students, and parents.\\nSmart Catalog - Math and Science Articles and Index of professional development opportunities and resources. From the Los Angeles Educational Partnership.\\nSmart Valley, Inc.- Silicon Valley Network project working with the community to coordinate people and technology projects.\\nTeachers Helping Teachers - has IRC line for \"Teacher Chat\" on Sudans from 6pm - 11pm. Includes teaching ideas and tips (classroom management, various academic subjects, special ed, topic of the week, etc.)\\nThrowing the Switch: Powering a Generation of Change - to document the restructuring of electrical power in North America. From the Smithsonian Institution.\\nVirtual Classroom - from Eastern New Mexico University. For faculty interested in integrating technology into the classroom. Has ideas, methods, examples, tools, strategies.\\nThe Visible Human Being Project. A guided tour of the human being. Trees - all about them.\\nWebED Curriculum Links - for families, schools, and libraries. From University of Wisconsin. Tons of curriculum links.\\nWomen\\'s Contribution to Physics in the 20th Century - from U.C.L.A.\\nWomen\\'s History Resource Center - biographies, timeline, quizes, etc.\\nWomen in American History - biographies, etc.\\nWorld Wide Art Resources - the \"largest gateway to the arts\". Art agencies, film resources, publications, schedules, art history, chat forum, artist index, galleries, museums, commercial art, etc.\\nUnusual Tools\\nMIS Yearbook Publisher - Want to create your own yearbook? Download a demo....\\nTrackStar - for incorporating multiple URLs into a cohesive presentation. Last updated Thursday, May 8, 1998. Report errors to Ventura Academic Computing ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Nov DEC FEB 29 2002 2003 2005 9 captures\\n29 Dec 03 - 22 Sep 05 Close\\nHelp Class Work Name Description\\nDate Higher Education 664 - Schuh (3)\\nAdministrative organization and behavior; communications, leadership, finance, strategic planning, and institutional governance.\\nSpring 2002 College Organization and Administration. syllabus abstracts: leadership, strategic planning & technology leadership paper midterm exam paper final paper final presentation final exam paper Higher Education 665 - Schuh (3)\\nLectures, discussions, and individual investigation relating to financial administration in colleges and universities. Budgeting, auxiliary enterprises, administration of financial planning, fund raising, examination of theories on expenditures. Designed for persons aspiring to serving as college administrators.\\nFall 2002 Financing Higher Education syllabus Paper Review #1 - Review of Cost, Price, and Public Policy: Peering into the Higher Education Black Box paper Paper Review #2 - Review of The Tuition Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together paper Paper Review #2.5 - Review & Comparison of State of Diffusion and Swimming Against the Tide paper 1 paper 2 Final Researh Paper - \"Competition for Human Resources Funding: The Uneasy Balance of Merit Staff, Professional Staff, and Faculty at Research Universities In Recessionary Times\"\\nPresentation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615A\\nSeminar\\nFall 2002 Communication and Team Building - Robinson (1) Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615B\\nSeminar\\nFall 2002 Governance, Politics and Policies - Bradley (1) Higher Education 666 - Moore (3)\\nAn examination of institutional culture and issues in higher education focusing on the roles and responsibilities of faculty and academic administrators\\nSpring 2003 Academic Issues and Culture Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615C\\nSeminar\\nSpring 2003 Law, Equity, Equality - Schuh (1) Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615E\\nSeminar\\nSpring 2003 Problem Solving and Planning - Poston (1) Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615D\\nSeminar\\nSummer 2003 Ethics, Justice, and Caring - Evans & Hackmann (1) syllabus Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 615F\\nSeminar\\nSummer 2003 Critical and Creative Thinking - Ebbers & Licklider (1) Higher Education 562 - Ebbers (3)\\nModes of curriculum design, development, and change in colleges. Development of curricular leadership and evaluation strategies.\\nSummer 2003 Curriculum Development in Colleges syllabus Review of: Freedman, J.O. (1996). Idealism and Liberal Education. Major Curriculum Project Designated Experts Project\\nWhat is a Liberal Education (ppt) Community Colleges (Joseph) and Land Grants (Brincks) (ppt) Private College (Kevin) (ppt) College Fair Scenario Worksheet & References Higher Education 582 - Ebbers (3)\\nThe community college as a unique social and educational institution: its history, philosophy, functions, programs, faculty and student characteristics, organization and finance, trends, and issues. Reviews current research and exemplary community college practices internationally, nationally, and in Iowa. Summer 2003 The Comprehensive Community College syllabus Higher Education 690 - Schuh (3)\\nInformation Technology Leadership in Higher Education A Theoretical and Practical Perspective\\nSummer 2003 Independent Study proposal ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Course Information for RELGH120A MAR SEP OCT 8 1998 2003 2004 11 captures\\n15 Oct 97 - 17 Feb 05 Close\\nHelp Course Information for RELGH120A Course Number:RELGH120A Cross List: Course Name:Introduction to Jewish Thought Fufills: Instructor:KKOLTUN-FROMM Semester & Year:Fall 1997 Introduction to Jewish Thought - 120a Gest 101, Haverford College Tues./Thurs. - 2:30-4:00pm Fall Semester, 1997 Ken Koltun-Fromm (645-8324) (email:\\rkkoltunf) Office: Roberts 103 (896-1485) Office hours: Tues./Thurs. 1-2pm Summary This course is designed to introduce us to Jewish thought from the\\rbiblical period to the present, focusing on three interrelated\\rthemes: creation, revelation, and God. Each section is devoted to\\rone theme, beginning with biblical texts, followed by rabbinic,\\rmedieval and modern readings. Our goal will be to understand and\\rassess the different meanings of creation, revelation, and God in the\\rhistory of Jewish thought. Course Requirements Each student is required to attend and participate in class\\rdiscussions, and be prepared to discuss the assigned class readings. Three five-seven page (double-spaced) papers. The first paper\\rmust be reworked and handed in again as a rewritten paper (only this\\rsecond draft will be graded). Each paper will analyze a specific\\rissue, problem, question, or text relevant to class discussions. No\\radditional readings or library research is required for these papers. One five-minute class presentation. These presentations are your\\rchance to set the agenda for class discussion. They should focus on\\rparticular problems, questions, or criticisms you have concerning\\rthat day\\'s reading assignment, with the intent to open discussion on\\ra particular issue, text, or question. They should not summarize the\\rreading material, nor should they go beyond the five minute time\\rframe. I will present a list of classes on Thursday, Sept. 4th, and\\ryou can sign-up for any available day. I will do the first class\\rpresentation on Thursday, Sept. 4th, so that you get some sense of\\rwhat this is about. I have posted two folders under the name \"Rel. 120a\" on the\\rfaculty server on the internet. One is a \"drop box\", in which you\\rcan send me papers or comments that only I will read (others cannot\\ropen files once they are put in the box). The second folder is a\\r\"sharing box\", in which everyone can drop in notes, comments, and\\rsuggestions that everyone else can read. This second box will be\\ruseful for those giving class presentations. The day or so before\\rclass, you can post suggestions about what to focus on in the reading\\rin order to better prepare for class. Also, comments that were not\\raired in class can be posted in this folder to vent out some\\rfrustration. I will certainly use this box when I have comments\\rabout a previous class or want you to think about a few questions\\rbefore the next class. For this to work, we all must regularly check\\rthe posted folders. I will have more to say about this in class. Final exam Course Grading Class participation (class presentation included) (10%) Three 5-7 page papers (20% each paper, total 60%) Final Exam (30%) Reading List Holtz, Back to the Sources Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith (strongly recommended) Spinoza, Tractatus Plaskow, Standing Again at Sinai Heschel, God in Search of Man Reading Packet All books (except reading packet) are on reserve in the Magill\\rLibrary at Haverford. Each book is listed according to their call\\rnumber on reserve. There is one additional copy of Soloveitchik\\'s\\rLonely Man of Faith that is listed under author\\'s name. All\\rbooks can be checked out for a maximum of two hours, but cannot be\\rchecked out of the library. The reading packet must be bought from the Religion Department on\\rthe second floor of Gest. This is a required text, and necessary for\\rcourse participation. Soloveitchik\\'s book presents a special case. It is very\\rexpensive, but very worth owning. I strongly recommend that you buy\\rthe book, but I do not require it due to its expense. The bookstore\\rhas ordered ten copies, and will order more if the need arises. There are two copies reserved in Magill library - one listed under\\rcall number, the other under author\\'s last name. If you choose not\\rto buy the book, I suggest that you copy pages from the library\\rreserve. All reading materials should be brought to class for the day\\rassigned. We will be doing a lot of critical readings of texts, so\\ryou really need that text in front of you in class. SYLLABUS I. CREATION 1. September 2 (Tuesday) Introduction to class Genesis 1 2. September 4 (Thursday) Genesis 1-3 (packet) 3. September 9 (Tuesday) Genesis 1-3 (packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 31-71 (Biblical Narrative) 4. September 11 (Thursday) Midrash Rabbah: I:4,8,9, III:7,8,9, VIII:1,4,5,8,9 (packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 177-204 (Midrash) 5. September 16 (Tuesday) Jeremy Cohen, Be Fruitful and Multiply, pp.\\r124-165 (packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 129-172 (Talmud) 6. September 18 (Thursday) Rashi\\'s Commentary to Gen. 1-3, pp. 2-3, 6-8, 12-14\\r(packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 213-257 (Medieval Commentaries) 7. September 23 (Tuesday) Maimonides, Guide, pp. 13-16, 199-200 (packet) 8. September 25 (Thursday) Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith, pp. 1-52 September 26 (Friday) First paper due 9. September 30 (Tuesday) Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith, pp. 53-112 Return first paper II. REVELATION AND PROPHECY October 2 (Thursday) No class - Rosh Hashana 10. October 7 (Tuesday) Exodus 18-22, 31:12-33:23, Numbers 12, Deut. 5\\r(packet) Rewrite of first paper due 11. October 8 (Wednesday) (1st make-up class) The Classic Midrash, pp. 402-414, 420-422,\\r513-514 (packet) 12. October 9 (Thursday) Mishnah, Pirke Avot, chapters 1, 3, 6 (packet) October 14 (Tuesday) No class - Fall vacation October 16 (Thursday) No class - Sukkot 13. October 19 (Sunday) (2nd make-up class) Maimonides,Guide, pp.221-227,312-315,328-329,384-386 (packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 261-299 (Medieval Jewish\\rPhilosophy) 14. October 20 (Monday) (3rd make-up class) Spinoza, Tractatus, pp. 13-56 15. October 21 (Tuesday) Spinoza, Tractatus, pp. 57-80, 98-106, 114-119,\\r182-189 October 23 (Thursday) No class - Shemini Azeret 16. October 28 (Tuesday) Plaskow, Standing Again at Sinai, pp. ix-xxi,\\r1-40 17. October 30 (Thursday) Plaskow, Standing Again at Sinai, pp. 52-90,\\r121-143 November 3 (Monday) Second paper due III. GOD 18. November 4 (Tuesday) Gen. 18:17-33, Psalms 22,23,25, Lamentations 1-3, 5\\r(packet) 19. November 6 (Thursday) Mas. Ta\\'anith 19a, 23a, 23b, Mas. Baba Metzia 59b\\r(packet) 20. November 11 (Tuesday) Zohar, 49-59, 105-106, 121-126 (packet) Back to the Sources, pp. 305-352 (Kabbalistic Texts) 21. November 13 (Thursday) Kabbalah, pp.\\r74-75,79,83-88,111,128,131,146,149 (packet) 22. November 18 (Tuesday) Heschel, God in Search of Man, pp. 3-32,\\r114-124 23. November 20 (Thursday) Heschel, God in Search of Man, pp. 125-144,\\r152-164, 184-199 24. November 25 (Tuesday) Abraham Isaac Kook, The Moral Principles pp.\\r135-184 (packet) November 27 (Thursday) No class - Thanksgiving 25. December 2 (Tuesday) Rubenstein, After Auschwitz, pp. 3-13, 157-176\\r(packet) Berkovits, Faith after the Holocaust, pp. 67-85 (packet) Third paper due 26. December 4 (Thursday) Fackenheim, Jewish Return, pp. 19-32, 240-251\\r(packet) Fackenheim, The Jewish Bible, pp. 27-48 (packet) 27. December 9 (Tuesday) Back to the Sources, pp. 11-29 (packet) Return to\\rHaverford\\rHome Page This page is maintained by Administrative\\rComputing. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['\\nChicana/o Experience Ethnic Studies 2560 Page 5 Note: The syllabus is not a binding legal contract. It may be modified by the instructor when the student is given reasonable notice of the notification, particularly when the modification is done to rectify an error that would disadvantage the student. Chicana/Chicano Experiences Ethnic Studies 2560-002\\nSpring 2009\\nMondays & Wednesdays 9:40 10:30 AM Instructor: Ricardo R. Venegas Email: Armando.solorzano@utah.edu\\nPhone: (801) 803-8830 Office: Carlson Hall 112 Office Hours: Mon & Wed 10:45 12:00 PM Required text and readings: Books:\\nThe Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan, 1970-2000 - Chon A. Noriega, Eric R. Avila, Karen Mary Davalos, and Chela Sandoval.\\nHarvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America - Juan Gonzalez. The Memories of Ana Caldern - Graciela Limon\\nOnline articles will be available on WebCT.\\nCourse Description:\\nThis class will introduce students to major socio-historical events that have shaped the experiences of Mexican Americans and Latinas/os (Chicanas/os) in the United States. Since the Chicano community is an ever-evolving phenomenon, we will put special emphasis on the continuous transformations of Mexican-American and Latina/o community, the causes, and its consequences. The relevance of Latinas/os in society lies not only in that they constitute the largest minority group in the United States, but also in their overwhelming contribution to political, social, and cultural arenas in American society. An interdisciplinary approach is employed in this course with literature drawn from Sociology, Political Science, History, Economics, and relevant videos. Course Goals:\\nUnderstanding that students learn in various ways, my approach to teaching is a multilateral one; I hope to create a safe and encouraging environment where students are encouraged to be open about their ideas and opinions without feeling marginalized. I understand that not two students are in the same level of comprehension of the topics discussed in class so I try to make the lectures and readings comprehensible enough for students located throughout the spectrum. I encourage students to challenge themselves to think outside the box and to become critical about the subject and their lives through the interactions with other students and with ideas which question normalized ideologies in society; to become trailblazers in their own right. Here are other goals set for class:\\nExpose students to elements which constitute to historical and contemporary Chicana/o identities. Develop analytical skills to interrogate how we construct and internalize forms of privileges and institutionalize individual and collective Chicana/o experiences. Provide opportunities for students to critically examine their own inherited political, economic, social, and cultural identities and how these shape how we see the world.\\nProvide students opportunities to intelligently connect course readings and assignments in the class and beyond.\\nBolster writing competencies that cross different disciplinary backgrounds. Academic Misconduct: Academic misconduct will not be tolerated and students will be penalized for cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication of information. Always remember to acknowledge any words or ideas which are not your own. When in doubt about how to reference your sources of information please ask the instructor. Content, Conduct, and Accommodations Policy: You may disagree with some of content of this class. Please review the syllabus carefully to see if the course is one that you are committed to taking. If you have a concern, please consult the University of Utahs accommodations policy (www.admin.utah.edu/fac dev/index.html) and discuss it with me as soon as possible. This class incorporates social and political issues that intersect with race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. Although class discussions, readings, films, lectures, course content and subject may disagree with your personal position and everyday understandings --this should not prevent yourself from critically engaging with new ideas and from asking questions. Diverse opinions, that blend experiences with academic scholarship and research are important and will be respected. The entire class will take responsibility for discussing, listening, and respecting each others contributions. Please avoid personal insults when disagreeing with others. Some students may find some of the materials, presentations, lectures, or audio/visual materials controversial or in conflict with their core values. Please be assured that all the material that I present, assign, or require you to encounter and address has been selected for its overall value and its operationalization of concepts we are engaging. I will not make content accommodations for any course material. It is your responsibility to review the syllabus, readings, assignments, and materials to be sure that this is a course you wish to take. Should you have questions or concerns, please see me immediately. Details on the universitys accommodation policy are available at this link:\\nhttp://www.admin.utah.edu/facdev/accommodations-policy.pdf\\nTurn the ringer off on your cell phones and pagers prior to the start of class.\\nStatement on Disability: The University of Utah provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities that limit their ability to fully function in the academic setting. If accommodations will be needed for this class, please notify the instructor with reasonable prior notice. Also remember to contact the Center for Disability Services (162 Olpin Union Building, http:disability.utah.edu, 581-5020) to access services to accommodate your situation. Assignments: Attendance/participation 85 points. Weekly responses 135 points. Film analysis 50 points. Quizzes 140 points. Midterm 65 points. Final paper 125 points. >Total points possible 600. Late/ Incomplete Assignments:\\nAssignments need to be turned in on time and must be complete. Partially completed assignments will not be accepted. Only in emergency cases will late assignments be accepted and should be discussed with the instructor immediately. Attendance and class/group participation: 85 Points It is essential to attend class regularly and remain in class for the entire period. Your active participation and contribution towards class discussion and activities is important to your success and that of others. Come to class prepared to discuss weekly assigned readings. The material discussed in class is supplemental to the required readings and it is your responsibility to obtain this information if you miss class. There will be group discussions and in-class activities/ writing assignments that cannot be made up. Weekly responses: 135 Points. Ten weekly responses consists of particular current events concerning Chicana/Latino communities in the state of Utah, the United States, and/or internationally. For these responses, the objective is to integrate a particular event or ideas and the arguments found in the reading from class. Each week one student from each group will write a one page (400 words) posted on WebCT in the discussion section for each week. The focus is on a clear summary and synthesis of ideas. The rest of the group will be responsible to respond to the posting and to at least one other student.13.5 points are possible for each response.\\nMovie Analysis: 50 Points. You will write a two page (single space) analysis on episode one and two from the series Race: The Power of an Illusion. In this analysis you are to make critical connections to the readings, films, and lectures from class. You will focus on identifying the creators implicit and explicit point of view, the presentation or montage of substantiating voices/texts, identification of the explicit/implicit foil (counter-argument), and your critical evaluation of their persuasion. These concepts will be presented throughout the semester.\\nMidterm: 65 Points.\\nA take-home mid-term will be given during week 10. It will consist of a three (3) question essay, with each question having a minimum of two page (2) response. A total of six (6) pages will be needed to be turned in together with the essay questions. Quizzes: 140 Points. Seven quizzes will be administered throughout the semester; the instructor reserves the right to decide on which day it will be given. The quizzes consist of five questions and it will reflect on the readings for the week. Each quiz is worth 20 points. Quizzes cannot be made up. Final: 125 Points - Analysis on the book The Memories of Ana Calderon by Graciela Limon. A final paper will take place of an exam; a 10 page minimum and a 12 page maximum MLA format; 12pt. times new roman font; double space; due Wednesday, April 29th in my box at the Ethnic Studies Department Office in the Carlson Hall building no later than 2 PM.\\nMore information will be given after the midterm.\\nGrading Scale (based on percentage of 600 total points possible) 94-100 A 73-76 C 90-93 A- 70-72 C- 87-89 B+ 67-69 D+ 83-86 B 63-66 D 80-82 B- 60-62 D 77-79 C+ Below 60 E Theme Outline, Films, and Readings\\nWeek 1 Introduction.\\nDefining Terms; Mexicans Americans/Hispanics/Latinos/Chicano syllabus.\\nReading: Miner. Body Ritual among the Nacirema. WebCT\\nReading: Harris. Whiteness as Property. WebCT\\nWeek 2 Colonization of Mexico (1500 1800)\\nReading: Gonzales. Harvest of Empire. Intro & Chapters 1, 2, 3 Reading: Penalosa. Toward an Operational Definition of the Mexican American. Chicano Studies Reader.\\nWeek 3 Reading: Reading: Gonzales. Harvest of Empire. Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Explanation of authors voice and perspective in scholarly work\\nReading: Horsman. Manifest Destiny and Race. Reading: Gomez-Quinones. Toward a Perspective of Chicano History. Chicano Studies Reader Week 4 Development of the Southwest (1800 1848) The uses of substantiating literatures in academic writing\\nReading: Gonzales. Harvest of Empire. Chapters 7, 8, & 9 Reading: Vargas. Mexicano Life and Society in the Southwest 1821-1846 Week 5 Reading: Gonzales. Harvest of Empire. Chapters 10, 11, &12\\nReading: De Leon. Life for Mexicans in Texas After the 1836 Revolution. WebCT Week 6 Reading: Gonzales. Harvest of Empire. Chapters 13, 14, & Epilogue Explanation of the conventions of persuasion in writing\\nReading: Saragosa. Recent Chicano Histography: An Interpretative Essay. Chicano Studies Reader\\nWeek 7 Mexican American War (1848 1900)\\nReading: Vargas. Mexican Americans After the Mexican American War. WebCT\\nWeek 8 Reading: Paredes. Folklore, Lo Mexicano, and Proverbs. Chicano Studies Reader.\\nReading: Goldman. Mexican Muralism: Its Social-Educative Roles in Latin America and the United States. Chicano Studies Reader. Week 9 WWI & Pre-WWII Period (1900 1940) Beging reading The Memories of Ana Calderon by Graciela Limon.\\nReadings: Carrasco. A Perspective for a Study of Religious Dimensions in Chicano Experience: Bless Me, Ultima as a Religious Text. Chicano Studies Reader. Week 10 Spring Break No School\\nWeek 11 WWII and Chicano Civil Rights (1940 1970s)\\nReading: Riddell. Chicanas and El Movimiento. Chicano Studies Reader. Reading: The Bracero Program. Reading: Sandos & Cross. National Development and International Labour Migration: Mexico 1940-1965. WebCT\\nWeek 12 Film. Chicano! Quest for a Homeland.\\nFilm. Chicano! Struggles in the Field. Reading: Gutierrez. Unraveling Americas Hispanic Past. Chicano Studies Reader Reading: Segura & Pesquera. Beyond Indifference an Antipathy. Chicano Studies Reader.\\nWeek 13 Film. Chicano! Taking Back the Schools.\\nFilm. Chicano! Fighting for Political Power. Reading: Gonzalez. Chicana Identity Matters. Chicano Studies Reader. Reading: Roman. Latino Performance and Identity. Chicano Studies Reader\\nWeek 14 Film. The Bronze Screen.\\nReading: Noriega. Chicano Cinema and the Horizon of Expectations. Chicano Studies Reader. Reading: Goldman & Ybarra-Frausto. The Political and Social Contexts of Chicano Art. WebCT. Week 15 Chicanas & Chicanos since 1980s\\nReading: Chavez & Aponte. Are Hispanics Making Significant Progress? WebCT Reading: Chabram. Chicano Critical Discourse: An Emerging Cultural Practice. Chicano Studies Reader. Week 16\\nReading: Davalos. Chicana/o Studies and Anthropology: The Dialogue That Never Was. Chicano Studies Reader. Review for final. PAGE 5 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Syllabus JAN NOV Dec 26 2001 2002 2003 2 captures\\n29 Jan 02 - 26 Nov 02 Close\\nHelp MusH440-540: Studies in American Music\\nCourse Description and Requirements\\nThis course is about vernacular musical traditions in the United States: folk music from the Anglo-American and African-American traditions, popular music, religious music, musical theater, and, to an extent, cultivated music that has been influenced by traditions.\\nDaily assignments will involve readings from the text, Americas Music by Gilbert Chase, as well as scholarly articles and other sources; listening to music on assignment tapes and sometimes responding to specific questions about these. There will be a series of brief written assignments (a total of about 15 pages for the semester). These must be typed, and are due at the beginning of class on the date indicated. The class Web Site--www.ets.uidaho.edu/mush440_540--includes the syllabus, assignments, related web sites, a class list with e-mail addresses, and a discussion function. Your class participation grade will be determined by attendance and evidence of preparation for a given days discussion and by your submissions to the discussion group on the Web. There will be two tests--on Monday March 8 and Monday April 26-- and a final summary project in lieu of a final exam. Assignments, participation, and tests are of equal weight (1/3 each) in determining your final grade There will be no class on the Friday of Jazz Festival.\\nGraduate Students: There will be one major project in addition to these listed requirements. RESOURCES\\nThree key reference tools for the study of American music are the New Grove Dictionary of American Music (in the Schuldt Library), David Horns The Literature of American Music and Donald Krummels Bibliographical Handbook of American Musicthese last two are bibliographies (classified lists of studies on all aspects of American music). Your text book, as well as the surveys of American music by Charles Hamm and H. Wiley Hitchcock, also have very useful bibliographies. UnCover and Academic Abstractson-line periodical searches through IDAare the best way to access current writings in newspapers and magazines on all subjects. The Music Index, the Humanities Index, and America, History and Life are useful periodical indexes to more in-depth articles in scholarly journals. The Schuldt Library has recordings and listening facilities, basic reference works, and a Reserve system. The catalogue to the CD collection is available on the computer across the room from the door; this catalogue is also available online: www.uidaho.edu/LS/Music/schuldt.html. LP\\'s are accessible through the card catalogue. The single most important source of recordings of U.S. music is the New World Records Recorded Anthology of American Musicyou have a Xerox of the first 100 records in the series. They are accessible in the library by asking for NW and then the number as listed in the handout. The Index to the New World Records by Davis ( Ref. ML 156.9/D38 in the U.I. Library) is a more complete analytical index. A few other key collections: A270-272--Anthology of American Folk Music; A203--The Folk Box; A381 The Smithsonian Collection of Country Music; cd 93-97 The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz, and The Smithsonian Collection of Classic American Song (a cassette collection with no number).\\nMy office hours are Wed. and Friday 9:30-10 and Thursday 1-2:30 PM. You are welcome to stop by, or contact me by e-mail (mdupree@uidaho.edu)or my office phone (885-7557) TAPE 1: ANGLO-AMERICAN FOLK SONG 1. Massey Groves--Paul Clayton\\n2. The Coo-coo Bird--Clarence Ashley and Doc Watson\\n3. Hi Sheriff of Hazzard--Tom Paxton\\n4. Tom Dulea--Frank Proffitt\\n5. Little Devils--Jean Ritchie Tape 2: Anglo-American and African American religious songs; work songs; 19th century popular songs up to 1870\\nSide A\\nAinsworth Psalter: Anonymous, Psalms 100 and 111\\nWilliam Billings: The Bird (fuging tune),\\nA Virgin Unspotted (anthem)\\nSacred Harp and Southern Harmony collections:\\nDaniel Read: Windham (hymn)\\nAnon: Wondrous Love (folk hymn)\\nAnon: Antioch (revival hymn)\\nAnon.: Amazing Grace (lining hymn)\\nWm. S. Bradbury: Just As I Am (gospel hymn)\\nRev. R. Lowry: Shall We Gather at the River (gospel hymn)\\nAnon.: Sign of Judgement (Black spiritual)\\nAnon: Oh Death (Black spiritual)\\nAnon: Beulah Land (Black spiritual)\\nSIDE B\\nRaggy Levy, Pick a Bale, Grizzly Bear (work songs)\\nHenry T. Burleigh: Go Down Moses (jubilee spirituals)\\nMinstrel Show music: Medley, Lucy Neal\\nStephen Foster: Gentle Annie, Old Uncle Ned, Good Times Medley\\nKittridge: Tenting Tonight on the Old Campground\\nRoot: Marching through Georgia\\nDance: Voice Quadrille Tape 3: Bands, Blues and Ragtime Bands and Blues\\nMarch of the 35th Regiment (ca. 1775)\\nWood Up Quickstep (ca. 1850)\\nMills: At a Georgia Campmeeting (1899); Sousa Band\\nSousa: Glory of the Yankee Navy (1909); Sousa Band\\nRolled and Tumbled (Blues); Rose Hemphill Po Boy Blues; John Dudley\\nBlack Snake Moan; Leadbelly\\nSlow Boogie; Champion Jack Dupree\\nDead Man Blues; Jelly Roll Morton and the Hot Peppers\\nLost Yo Head Blues; Bessie Smith, Louis Armstrong and the Hot Five (1925)\\nRags and Ragtime influences\\nDallas Rag; Dallas String Band\\nScott Joplin: Euphonic Sounds; Joshua Rifkin\\nJoplin: Magnetic Rag; (Joplins scoring)\\nJoplin: TreemonishaAct III, excerpt from Act IV\\nClarinet Marmalade; Jim Europes 369th Infantry Band\\nZez Confrey: Coaxing the Piano (1922) Tape 4: POPULAR MUSIC TAPE: THE 1920s AND THE 1950s The Twenties\\nApril Showers 1921 Al Jolson\\nYes, Sir, That\\'s My Baby 1925 Blossom Seeley\\nTherell Be Some Changes Made 1927 Sophie Tucker\\nMy Blue Heaven 1927 Gene Austin\\nMississippi Mud 1928 Paul Whitemans Rhythm Boys\\nDeep Night 1929 Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees\\nAint Misbehavin (Fats Waller) 1929 Louis Armstrong [I\\'m remaking the 1950s part of the tape] Tape 5: Ives and Gershwin SIDE 1: Charles Ives Ann Street\\nCharlie Rutledge\\nAt the River\\nTwo Memories: Very Pleasant; Rather Sad Symphony #4: I, II. SIDE 2: George Gershwin Swanee Piano Prelude #2: Andante con moto e poco rubato\\nRhapsody in Blue first part: Paul Whiteman orchestra in Ferde Groffe arrangement second part: George Gershwin performing on Duo-Art Piano Tape 6: MUSICAL THEATER TAPE\\nSIDE A\\nHarrigan and Braham: \"Maggie Murphy\\'s Home\" from Reilly and the 400 (1885)\\nWill Marion Cook: \"Darktown is Out Tonight\" from Clorindy, or, The Origins of the Cakewalk (1898)\\nGeorge M. Cohan: \"Yankee Doodle Boy\" from Little Johnny Boy (1904)\\nSigmund Romberg (+ 50s arranging): Overture, \"The Desert Song\" and \"Riff Song\" from The Desert Song (1925)\\nSisle and Blake: \"Gee, I\\'m Glad I\\'m from Dixie\" and \"On Patrol\\nin No-man\\'s Land\"(also by J. Europe), Shuffle Along (1921)\\nGeorge and Ira Gershwin: You Don\\'t Know Half of It, Dearie; TheMan I Love; Fascinatin\\' Rhythm from Lady, Be Good! (1924)\\nJerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein: Make Believe, Old Man River,\\nCan\\'t Help Loving That Man of Mine, from Show Boat (l927)\\nGorney and Harburg: \"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? from New Americana (1932) SIDE B Cole Porter: You\\'re the Top; Anything Goes; Anything Goes (1934)\\nMark Blitzstein: scene 4 from The Cradle Will Rock (1938) Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein: Some Enchanted Evening, There is Nothing Like a Dame, Bali Ha\\'i, I\\'m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair, You\\'ve Got to Be Carefully Taught from South Pacific (1949) Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim: Tonight; The Rumble;\\nSomewhere; Gee, Officer Krupke! West Side Story (1957) Tape 7: Hillbilly and Country Music Tape Side A\\n1920s Doc Boggs: \"Sugar Baby\"\\nNelstones Hawaiians: \"The Fatal Flower Garden\"\\nGid Tanner and the Skillet Lickers: \"Molly Put the Kettle On\"\\nBreaux Freres: \"Home, Sweet Home\"\\nCarter Family: \"Engine 143\"\\nJimmie Rodgers: \"T for Texas\"\\nJimmie Rodgers: \"Mother, the Queen of my Heart\" 1930s Bob Wills: \"San Antonio Rag\"\\nSons of the Pioneers: \"Tumblin Tumbleweed\" 1940s Hank Williams: \"Honky Tonkin\" 1950s Tennessee Ernie Ford: \"Sixteen Tons\" Everly Brothers: \"Down in the Willow Garden\" ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' pseudoscience01 FEB JUL APR 14 2005 2007 2009 6 captures\\n2 Sep 04 - 6 Apr 09 Close\\nHelp Pseudoscience: Why People Believe \"Weird\" Things.\\nWinter Quarter 2004 101 Section 235 (TTh 1:30-3:00) Instructor: George F. Michel, Psychology Department, Rm 507,\\nByrne Hall, ext. 54246\\ne-mail: gmichel@depaul.edu\\nOffice\\nhours: TTh 3:15-5:00, or by appointment\\nCourse Description: \"Pseudoscience: (Why People Believe \"Weird\"\\nThings)\" examines why superstitious behavior and weird beliefs are so prevalent,\\nhow they become established and are maintained, and how otherwise rational\\npeople come to believe in irrational phenomena.\\nReasons for Course: We live in the most technologically advanced\\nsociety in the most technologically advanced time in history. Yet, \"weird\"\\nbeliefs and superstitions are widespread. Many people believe in mind reading,\\npast-life regression therapy, abductions by extra-terrestrials, witches,\\nghosts, and other supernatural notions. Although science is the foundation\\nof modern technological achievements, many eschew real science in favor\\nof pseudoscience notions such as \"scientific creationism\", \"scientific\\nevidence of racial superiority\", \"UFOs and alien abductions\", \"alternative\\nmedicine\". Such supernatural beliefs are prevalent among people of all\\noccupations and every educational and income level. In this course, the\\nstudent examines several well-understood, psychological processes such\\nas, 1) our sensitivity to coincidence, 2) penchant for developing rituals\\nand habits to counteract feelings of anxiety or impatience when filling\\ntime or when marking expected changes in lifestyles, 3) a fear of failure,\\n4) attempts to cope with uncertainty, and 5) a need for control of our\\ndestinies that often result in irrational beliefs and superstitious and\\nerroneous behavior.\\nPurpose of Course: The purpose of this course is to enable the\\nstudent to discover exactly how superstitions, erroneous decisions, and\\nweird beliefs are a result of common cognitive processes invoked by attempts\\nto cope with the complexity and uncertainties of life (especially the social\\naspects of life). These cognitive processes are manifest in several different\\nkinds of strategies that are used in our intuitive reasoning. Some are\\nclose to good norms of rationality, whereas others depart sharply from\\nthem. Since the good and poor rational strategies co-exist, we are simultaneously\\nboth rational and irrational. The student is introduced to, and encouraged\\nto use, the methods of skepticism to counteract the twin alternate mental\\npositions of cynicism and gullibility that result from the typical application\\nof our intuitive cognitive processes as coping techniques.\\nCourse Design: The course begins first by describing our intuitive\\ncognitive processes. The student works through several examples which demonstrate\\nhow these processes contribute to fallacies of thinking. Then, alternative\\nmethods (e.g., decision analysis, problem-solving strategies, substituting\\nsmall meanings for \"the meaning of it all\", and learning how to delay gratification)\\nof coping with the complexity and uncertainty of life are presented. Finally,\\nseveral pseudoscientific notions (e.g., Scientific Creationism vs. Evolutionary\\nTheory, Evidence of Racial Superiority) are explored in greater detail\\n(using traditional written sources and those provided via the World Wide\\nWeb). Through individual and team projects, the student is encouraged to\\nprobe these beliefs for evidence of common fallacies of thinking and to\\nprovide\\nalternative methods for preventing and/or correcting the errors inherent\\nin acquiring these beliefs.\\nCourse Requirements: For each Thursday\\nclass meeting, the student is required to provide a written\\nreport (about a page) of an instance of belief or reasoning, encountered\\nin the media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) that is related to the current\\nor previous assigned readings (see syllabus). Each\\nTuesday of the week, the student will provide a written report\\n(about 650 words) of what he/she learned during the previous week.\\nThis report is not a brief summary of what was discussed\\nor read during the previous week but rather an account of\\nthose ideas, notions, or bits of information encountered in the readings\\nor discussion with which the student previously was unfamiliar or unaware.\\nWhen writing this paper, first describe exactly the information of which\\nyou were unaware or unfamiliar and then describe how it has changed your\\nunderstanding of science, pseudoscience, and reality. Students\\nwill keep a journal (about three entries/week) describing any\\ninstance in which course readings or discussion has helped them avoid confusing\\nscience with pseudoscience. The student also will maintain a personal portfolio\\nof his/her homework assignments. For a team project,\\nat the end of the quarter, the student will lead, with other members of\\nher/his team, a skeptical discussion of some form of \"weird\" belief (e.g.,\\nastrology, water dowsing, telepathy, spiritualism). Click link to see the\\narticle list . Students\\nwill be graded on their contributions to class discussion, skeptical team-presentations,\\nhomework assignments, and journals. Assigned Texts:\\nShermer, M. (2002). Why people believe weird things: Pseudoscience,\\nsuperstition, and other confusions of our time Revised paperback edition. New York: Henry Holt & Company.\\nPark, R. (2000). Voodoo Science: The road from foolishness to fraud. New York: Oxford University Press.\\nCourse Syllabus:\\nTopic Date Reading\\nI. Science and Skepticism\\n1/6-8\\nShermer: pp. IX-XXVI, 1-10, Chs. 1 & 2 A. A skeptical perspective (decision-making, problem-solving,\\nbase-rate probability) B. The difference between science and pseudoscience C. The positive power of skepticism (delaying gratification,\\nsmall victories)\\nII. Reality versus Illusion\\n1/13-15\\nShermer: Ch 3; Park: Ch 1 A. Scientific Method B. Reasoning in Action C. Fallacies that lead us to believe weird things D. Contiguity, perceiving causality, & the establishment of rituals E. Cognitive illusions\\nIII. Superstition and Magic\\n1/20-22\\nPark: Chs. 2, 3, 4 A. Believing and Magical Thinking B. Superstition & Coincidence: What are the Odds?\\nIV. Pseudoscience, Magical Thinking & Superstition 1/27-29 A. UFOs & Alien Abduction Shermer: Ch 6 B. Near Death Experience Shermer: Ch 5 C. Normal, Paranormal, Deviations Shermer: Ch 4 D. Cults & Hysterical Epidemics\\nShermer: Chs 7 & 8\\nV. Science and Society\\n2/3-12 A. Congress & the Law\\nPark: Chs. 5 & 6 B. Courts, the Law & Science\\nPark: Chs 7 & 8 C. National Security & Science\\nPark: Ch. 9 D. Science & the Future\\nPark: Ch. 10; Shermer: Ch 16\\nVI. Evolution\\nand Creationism\\n2/17-24\\nShermer - Chs 9, 10, & 11 A. Twenty-five\\ncreationist arguments and twenty-five evolutionist answers B. Science\\ndefended and science defined VII. History and Pseudohistory\\n2/26-3/4\\nShermer: Chs. 12, 13, 14, &15 A. The Holocaust B. How We Know about History c. Racism\\nand science\\nVIII. Why Do People Believe What They Believe?\\n3/11\\nShermer - Chs. 17 & 18 Team\\nPresentations: 3/11 & 3/15 (11:45-2:00) Additional Readings (check link here for an additional\\nannotated list):\\nFearnside, W.W. (1980). About thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:\\nPrentice-Hall.\\nFisher, S. & Greenberg, R.P., Eds. (1997). From placebo to panacea:\\nPutting psychiatric drugs to the test. New York: Wiley.\\nGould S.J. (1996). Full house: The spread of excellence from Plato\\nto Darwin. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc.\\nJohnson, M. (1987). The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning,\\nimagination, and reason. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.\\nJohnson-Laird, P.N. & Wason, P.C., Eds. (1977). Thinking: Readings\\nin cognitive science. New York: Cambridge University Press.\\nJones, M.D. (1995). The Thinker\\'s Toolkit: Fourteen skills for making\\nsmarter decisions in business and in life. New York: Random House.\\nKahneman, D., Slovic, P., & Tversky, A., Eds. (1982). Judgment\\nunder uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. New York: Cambridge University\\nPress.\\nLakoff, G. (1987). Women, Fire, and dangerous things: What categories\\nreveal about the mind. Chicago IL: The University of Chicago Press.\\nLakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago,\\nIL: University of Chicago Press.\\nPiatelli-Palmarini, M. (1994). Inevitable illusions: How mistakes\\nof reason rule our minds. New York: Wiley\\nRose, S. (1998). Lifelines: Biology beyond determinism. New York: Oxford\\nUniversity press.\\nStich, S. (1983). From folk psychology to cognitive science: The\\ncase against belief. Cambridge, MA: The MIT press. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Crosscurrents, syllabus, Spring 2002 Sep OCT JAN 16 2002 2003 2004 5 captures\\n16 Oct 03 - 1 Sep 04 Close\\nHelp Crosscurrents\\nPassion Introduction Requirements Syllabus\\nReadings Class materials The Passion of the Holy Women\\nPerpetua and Felicitas\\n1.1 If ancient examples of faith, which were both evidence of the grace of God and things that assisted in the instruction of men, have been set down in writing so that by reading them and, as it were, by the representation of the actions themselves, God is honoured and man is comforted, why should not new examples which contribute equally to both ends also be disseminated? 1.2\\nAt some time in the future these examples themselves will be \\'ancient\\' and necessary for those times, even if in the present, in their own time, they are considered to have somewhat lesser authority because of the normal veneration of things that are old. 1.3\\nBut let those who adjudge the unique power of the one Holy Spirit to be limited to certain ages and times consider this: that more recent events should in fact be considered the greater since they are the most recent and because of the overflowing of grace decreed for the final expanses of time. 1.4\\nFor in the last days, says the Lord, I will pour my Spirit over all flesh, and their sons and daughters will prophesy; and I will pour forth my Spirit even over my slave men and slave women; and young men will see visions, and old men will dream dreams. 1.5\\nSo we also recognize and honour new prophesies and visions just as they have been promised, and all the other powers of the Holy Spirit that we believe to be for the use of the Church (to whom the Spirit has also been sent to manage the distribution of these gifts to everyone, just as the Lord distributes them to everyone). So it is necessary that we disseminate them and, by reading them, celebrate the glory of God, so that neither weakness nor despair of faith should lead anyone to believe that the grace of God was shared only by the ancients (whether it be the honour of martyrdom or of revelations) since God will always bring about what he has promised -- as evidence for those who do not believe, and as a favour for those who do. 1.6\\nAnd so let us also announce to you, our brothers and little sons, that which we have heard and have touched, so that you who are also interested in remembering the glory of the Lord might now know that though hearing you might have a partnership with the holy martyrs, and through them with our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is splendour and honour though the ages of ages. Amen. 2.1\\nThe young catechumens were arrested, Revocatus and his fellow female-slave Felicitas, and Saturninus and Secundulus. Among these persons was also Vibia Perpetua, a woman of honest birth, educated as befitting a person of free status, and properly married. 2.2\\nShe had a father, a mother, and two brothers, one of whom was a catechumen like herself, and a young infant son whom she was breastfeeding. 2.3\\nShe herself was about twenty-one years old. From this point on she narrates the whole sequence of events of her own martyrdom, just as she wrote it down in her own hand and according to her own understanding. She says: 3.1\\nWhen we were still with our arresting officers, my father wished to make me change my mind with words of persuasion. He perservered in his attempts to defeat me, all because of his love for me. \\'Father\\', I said, \\'For the sake of argument, do you see this vase, or whatever you want to call it, lying here?\\' And he said, \\'Yes, I see it\\'. 3.2\\nAnd I said to him, \\'Can you call it by any other name than what it is?\\' And he said, \\'No, you can\\'t\\'. \\'So,\\' I said, \\'I cannot call myself anything other than what I am -- a Christian\\'. 3.3\\nMerely hearing this word upset my father greatly. He threw himself at me with such violence that it seemed he wanted to tear my eyes out, but in the end he just harrassed me and then left, beaten, along with 3.4 his devilish arguments. For the next few days during which my father was away, I gave thanks to the Lord, and was able to refresh myself because of his absence. 3.5\\nIn the space of those few days I was baptized, and the Spirit told me not to expect anything else from the water except suffering in the flesh. A few days later we were thrown into prison. I was really frightened. I\\'d never experienced such darkness. 3.6\\nIt was a hard time. The heat was stifling because of overcrowding. The constant \\'shake-downs\\' and demands by the prison guards and soldiers. On top of everything, I was tortured with worry for my baby. 3.7\\nThen the blessed deacons Tertius and Pomponius, who brought help to us, paid out the necessary bribes -- and within a few hours we were sent to a better part of the prison where we were able to refresh ourselves. 3.8\\nWhen we left our prison quarters, we were all able to get some freedom for ourselves. I breastfed my baby. He was already faint from hunger. In my worry, I spoke to my mother about the baby, and tried to comfort my brother. I handed my baby boy over to their care. I was exhausted when I saw how worn out they were with concern for me. 3.9\\nThese worries tortured me for many days. Finally I got permission to keep my baby with me in prison. Once I had been relieved of the tortures and worries about my child, I immediately got better. The prison suddenly became a palace -- I would have preferred to be there rather than anywhere else in the world. 4.1 Then my brother said to me, \"Lady sister, you already have such an elevated standing that you can ask for a vision and it will be shown to you whether you are to suffer or to be set free.\" 4.2 And since I knew that I was able to talk with the Lord, whose favours I had shared so much, I faithfully promised this to him, saying, \"Tomorrow I will report back to you.\" I asked, and the following was shown to me. 4.3\\nI see a bronze ladder of great size reaching up to the sky, but narrow, so that only one person at a time could climb it, and on the sides of the ladder hung every type of iron instrument. There were swords, spears, curved hooks, knives, and sharp spits, so that if anyone tried to climb the ladder carelessly or did not pay attention while going up, they would be torn and their flesh would become hooked on the iron instruments. 4.4\\nAnd at the foot of the ladder itself there was coiled a snake of immense size, which would mount attacks on those who tried to climb the ladder and which would terrify them from making the attempt. 4.5\\nBut Saturus climbed up first -- he was the man who, although he was not present when we were arrested, later voluntarily handed himself over on our account (because he was the one who had taught us). 4.6\\nWhen he got to the top of the ladder, he turned around and said to me: \"Perpetua, I am supporting the ladder for you -- but watch that the snake doesn\\'t bite you.\" And I said, \"In the name of Jesus Christ, it will not harm me.\" 4.7\\nAnd, as if it were afraid of me, it stuck its head out only warily from beneath the foot of the ladder. And, as if I were stepping on the first rung of a ladder, I stepped on its head and began my climb. 4.8\\nAnd I saw the immense expanse of a garden and in the middle there sat a white-haired man in the clothing of a shepherd, a large man, milking his sheep. And standing about were a many thousands clad in shining white robes. 4.9\\nAnd he raised his head, noticed me and said: \"It is good that you have come, my child.\" And he called me over and from the cheese that he had milked he gave me a little mouthful. And I took it in my cupped hands and ate it. And all those who were standing round about said, \"Amen\". 4.10\\nAnd at the sound of their voice I woke up, still chewing something sweet. And I immediately reported all of this to my brother. And I understood that I was to suffer and I began to have no more hope for this earthly life. 5.1\\nA few days later a rumour began to circulate that we were to be taken to our court hearing. My father, consumed with worry, hurried from the city. He came to me in order to dissuade me, and said: 5.2\\n\"My daughter, have pity on my grey hair. Have pity on your father, if I am still worthy to be called \\'father\\' by you. With these hands of mine I raised you to the flower of your present age. I placed you before all your brothers in honour. Please don\\'t shame me before other men. 5.3\\nConsider your brothers. Consider your mother and your mother\\'s sister. Think of your baby son, who will not be able to live without you. 5.4\\nChange you mind before you destroy us all. If anything should happen to you, none of us will be able to speak freely again.\" 5.5\\nMy father spoke these words to me, as a father would, with paternal affection, kissing my hands. Throwing himself at my feet, he wept. He no longer addressed me as \\'daughter\\', but rather as \\'Lady.\\' 5.6\\nFor my part, I grieved for my father\\'s misfortune, because he alone of all my relations took no joy in my suffering. I tried to comfort him, and said, \"What happens tomorrow on the prisoners\\' platform will be what God wishes. You must know that we are no longer in our own power, but in that of God.\" He went away from me deeply saddened. 6.1\\nOn the next day, when we were eating breakfast, we were suddenly seized to be taken to our court hearing. We came to the forum. Rumour had quickly run through the parts of the town neighbouring on the forum, and an immense crowd began to gather. 6.2\\nWe ascended the platform. The others, when questioned, confessed. Then my turn came. My father appeared right there with my baby son He pulled me down off the stairs, and said, \"Sacrifice. Have pity on your child.\" 6.3\\nAnd Hilarianus the procurator, who was then acting (governor) in place of the deceased proconsul Mincius Timinianus, and who had received the governor\\'s \\'right of the sword\\', said: \"Spare the white hair of your father, spare your infant son. Make sacrifice on behalf of the Health of our Lord Emperors.\" 6.4\\nAnd I said, \"I will not.\" Hilarianus then asked: \"Are you a Christian?\" And I replied, \"I am a Christian.\" 6.5\\nAnd when my father rushed up in order to dissuade me, Hilarianus ordered him to be struck down and to be beaten with rods. And the fate of my father made me grieve as if I myself were being beaten. Thus I grieved for his old age. 6.6\\nThen the governor pronounced his sentence against us all and condemned us to the beasts. We descended the platform and returned, happy, to the prison. 6.7\\nBut because my baby had become used to being breastfed and to staying with me in prison, I immediately sent the deacon Pomponius to my father to ask him to return my baby to me. My father refused. It was as God willed. The baby no longer desired my breasts. They were no longer to be so sore and inflamed. I was no longer tortured with concern for my baby, or by the pain in my breasts. 7.1\\nA few days later we were all praying. Suddenly, in the midst of prayer, a voice came to me and I called out the name of Dinocrates. And I was shocked because his name had never entered my mind except at that moment, and I became very sad when I remembered his fate. 7.2\\nAnd I knew at once that I was full of honour and had to make a request on his behalf. And I began to make a long prayer on his behalf and to groan out aloud to the Lord. 7.3\\nOn that very same night, the following was shown to me: 7.4\\nI see Dinocrates coming out of a shadowy place where there are many other persons -- he is very hot and dry, his clothes filthy and his colour pale. And there is that wound on his face, which he had when he died. 7.5\\nThis Dinocrates was my brother in the flesh, six years old, who, because of his weak state, had died from a cancer of the face -- a death so terrible that it was hateful to all those who witnessed it. 7.6\\nTherefore I prayed on his behalf. But between him and me there was a great chasm so that neither one of us could approach the other. 7.7\\nIn that place, where Dinocrates was, there was a reservoir full of water, but it had a rim higher than the height of the boy; and Dinocrates always had to try to stretch himself upwards in order to get a drink. 7.8\\nI was pained because the reservoir was full of water, but Dinocrates was not able to get a drink because of the height of the rim. 7.9\\nThen, suddenly, I woke up and I realized that my brother was suffering. But I had faith that I would be able to assist him. On every day we spent in the military prison, I kept praying on his behalf. For we were to fight in the military games. At this time it was the anniversary (birthday) of Geta Caesar. 7.10\\nAnd I prayed on his behalf day and night, groaning and crying that this gift might be given to me. 8.1\\nOn the day on which we were kept in bonds, the following was shown to me: I see that place where I had earlier seen Dinocrates, but he now has a clean body, is well clothed and refreshed; and where there was once a wound, I now see a scar. 8.2\\nAnd that reservoir, which I had seen earlier, has its rim lowered to the level of the boy\\'s navel, and he is drawing water from it without cease. 8.3\\nAnd on rim there is a golden dish full of water. And Dinocrates comes near to it and begins to drink from it; and that dish never ran dry. 8.4\\nAnd when he was full, he goes away from the water and begins to play happily in the usual manner of children. And suddenly I woke up. Then I realized that he had been removed from his punishment. 9.1\\nThen, a few days later, the soldier, the \\'officer\\' (optio) Pudens, who was in charge of the prison, began to praise us realizing what great courage there was in us. He allowed many people to visit us so that, in turns, we and they were able to refresh ourselves. 9.2\\nAs the day of the games was now coming near, my father came to me consumed with worry, and he began to pull out the hairs of his beard and to throw them on the ground, and he then threw himself prostrate on the ground before me, and began to curse the number of his years, and to utter such words as would move all creation. 9.3\\nAnd I grieved for his unhappy old age. 10.1\\nOn the day before we were to fight, I see in the following vision: The deacon Pomponius came to the door of the prison and beat on it loudly. 10.2\\nAnd I went out to him and opened the door for him. He was clothed in an unbelted shining white garment, and was wearing multilayered sandals. 10.3\\nAnd he said to me, \"Perpetua, we are waiting for you -- come.\" And he held my hand and we began to go through some very harsh and rugged country. 10.4\\nWe had hardly arrived, out of breath, at the amphitheater when he led me into the middle of the arena and said to me: \"Don\\'t be afraid. I am with you here and will struggle with you.\" And he went away. 10.5\\nAnd I notice the huge roaring crowd. Because I knew that I had been sentenced to the beasts, I was surprised that no wild animals were being sent out against me. 10.6\\nInstead there came out against me an Egyptian, disgusting in appearance, along with his assistants to fight with me. And there come to me some handsome young men, and my assistants and supporters. 10.7\\nI am undressed and become a man. And my assistants began to rub me all over with olive oil, as is customary in such athletic contests. And on the other side I see the Egyptian rolling around in the dust. 10.8\\nAnd there came out a man of great size so that he even exceeded the roof of the amphitheater in height, dressed in an unbelted cloak coloured purple between two stripes that ran down the middle of his chest, wearing multi-layered sandals made from gold and silver, carrying a baton somewhat like a lanista (gladiatorial trainer), and holding a green branch on which there were golden apples. 10.9\\nAnd he asked for silence, and said, \"This Egyptian, if he beats this woman, will kill her with his sword; this woman, if she beats him, will receive this branch. 10.10\\nAnd he went back to his seat. And we advanced towards each other and began to exchange blows. The Egyptian wanted to be able to grab me by the feet, but I was able to keep striking him in the face with my heels. 10.11\\nAnd I was raised up in the air and I began to strike him in this way even though I was not able to step on the ground. But when I saw there was a delay in his reactions, I joined my hands by knitting my fingers together and grabbed hold of his head. He fell on his face and I stepped on his head. 10.12\\nAnd the crowd began to shout and my supporters began to sing songs in my praise. And I went up to the lanista and received the branch. 10.13\\nAnd he kissed me and said to me, \"Daughter, peace be with you. And I began to leave the arena through the Gate of Life, covered with glory. Then, suddenly, I woke up. 10.14\\nAnd I realized that I was not about to do battle with the beasts, but against the devil. But I also knew that I was to be victorious. 10.15\\nI have written my account up to the day before the games. What happens at the games themselves, let him write who wishes to do so. 11.1\\nBut the blessed Saturus also issued this vision of his own, which he himself wrote down. He said: 11.2\\nWe had died and had departed from our flesh, and we began to be carried by four angels towards the east, angels whose hands did not touch ours. 11.3\\nWe were indeed moving, not lying down and turned upwards, but as if climbing a gentle slope. 11.4\\nAnd as soon as we were freed from this world, we saw an immense light, and I said to Perpetua (for she was at my side): \\'This is what the Lord promised us. We have received his promise.\\' 11.5\\nAnd while we were being guided along by these four angels, a great open space appeared to us, which was much like a formal garden, having rose bushes and every kind of flower. 11.6\\nThe height of the trees was the same as that of a cypress, and their leaves kept falling all the time. 11.7\\nIn that garden there were four more angels, more resplendent than the others, who, when they saw us, honoured us, and said to the other angels, in admiration: \"Here they are, here they are!\" And those four angels who had guided us became fearful, and so they set us down. 11.8\\nAnd on foot we crossed to a stadium by a broad road. 11.9\\nThere we found Iucundus and Saturninus and Artaxius, who had been burned alive in the same persecution, and Quintus, who had died as a martyr while still in prison, and we asked of them where they had been. 11.10\\nBut the other angels said to us, \\'First come, enter, and greet the Lord.\\' 12.1\\nAnd we came to a place whose walls seemed to be constructed from light; and in front of the doorway of this place stood four angels, who clothed those who entered in long shining white robes. 12.2\\nAnd we entered, and we heard a single united voice saying \\'Holy, Holy, Holy, \\' without cease. 12.3\\nAnd we saw in that same place a sort of white-haired man sitting down who had snowy white hair and the face of a young man, but whose feet we could not see. 12.4\\nTo his right and to his left stood four elders, and behind them stood many other elders. 12.5\\nAnd entering with a sense of wonder we stood before the throne, and four angels raised us up and we kissed him, and he stretched out his hand and touched us on the face. 12.6\\nAnd some elders said to us: \\'Let us stand.\\' And so we stood and made the greeting of peace. And other elders said to us, \\'Get up and play.\\' 12.7\\nAnd I said to Perpetua, \\'You now have what you want.\\' And she said to me, \\'Thanks be to God. As I was once happy in the flesh, I am now much happier in this existence.\\' 13.1\\nAnd then we went out, and we saw outside the gate the bishop Optatus on the right and the learned presbyter Aspasius to the left, both looking rather sad and lonely. 13.2\\nAnd they threw themselves at our feet and said, \\'Let us make up matters between us, since you have gone away, and have left us here alone.\\' 13.3\\nAnd we said to them, \\'Are you not our father and you our priest, and yet you are throwing yourselves at our feet?\\' And we were greatly moved and we embraced them. 13.4\\nAnd Perpetua began to speak in Greek with them, and we went apart with them into the garden, beneath the rose trees. 13.5\\nAnd when we were speaking with them, the angels said to them, \\'Allow these people to refresh themselves. And if you have any quarrels amongst yourselves, then settle them amongst yourselves.\\' 13.6\\nAnd the angels greatly upset them. They said to Optatus, \\'Correct your congregation, because they are coming to you as if they were returning from the chariot races and from fighting over the different teams.\\' 13.7\\nAnd thus it seemed to us that they wished to close the gates. 13.8\\nAnd we began to recognize many brothers there and also martyrs, and we were all nourished on an ineffable fragrance which filled us to the full. Thus, rejoicing, I woke up. 14.1\\nThese are the remarkable visions of those most blessed martyrs, Saturus and Perpetua, which they themselves wrote down. 14.2\\nAs for Secundulus, indeed, God called him out from this world by a premature death, while he was still in prison. It was a special favour so that he would be spared from facing the wild beasts. 15.1\\nAs for Felicitas, indeed, the favour of the Lord also touched her in this way. 15.2\\nShe already had an unborn child in her womb for eight months (for she was pregnant when she was arrested). When the day of the spectacle was upon them, she was in great sorrow lest her appearance be put off because of her pregnancy -- for it was not permitted to display pregnant women in public punishments. She feared that she would have to pour out her holy and innocent blood in a later show amongst the guilty common criminals. 15.3\\nEven her fellow martyrs were greatly saddened lest they leave behind such a good companion, a lone comrade to take the same road of hope. 15.4\\nJoined together, therefore, with one groan they pour out a prayer to the Lord on the second day before the games. 15.5\\nImmediately after their prayer, the birth pains began to overwhelm her. And since she suffered greatly in her labour because of the natural difficulty of giving birth in the eighth month, one of the assistant jailers said to her, \"If you are suffering this much with this, what will you do when thrown to the beasts, whom you thought so little of when you refused to sacrifice?\" 15.6\\nAnd she replied, \"Now I am suffering what I am suffering; but there there will be another in me who will suffer for me, because I will be suffering for him\". 15.7\\nThus she gave birth to a baby girl, whom a certain sister raised for her as her own daughter. 16.1\\nTherefore since the Holy Spirit has permitted and in giving permission has so wished it, I have written down the sequence of events in the games themselves. Even if we are unworthy to add to such great glory by our simple narrative, nevertheless since it was the mandate (mandatum) of the most holy Perpetua, we shall execute her trust (fideicommissum), adding one more document concerning her resolve and her nobility of mind. 16.2\\nThe tribune had punished them severely. Because of the warnings of certain very hollow men he was afraid that they be would be whisked out of prison by the use of certain magical incantations. Perpetua addressed him to his face: 16.3\\n\"Why do you not allow us to refresh ourselves at all, we the most noble of the condemned, indeed of Caesar\\'s, since we are intended to fight on his birthday? Will there not in fact be glory for you, if we are brought forth looking fatter on that day?\" 16.4\\nThe tribune was very upset and blushed. He ordered them to be treated more humanely and he gave the opportunity for her brothers and for others to come and and to be refreshed with them, for by this time even the officer (optio) of the prison was a believer. 17.1\\nOn the day before the games they ate the last supper which they call \\'the free.\\' For them, however, it was not a \\'free dinner\\', but rather a \\'love feast.\\' And with that same resolve they hurled words back at the crowd, threatening them with the coming judgment of God. Giving common witness to the happiness they had in their own suffering, they ridiculed the curiosity of the voyeurs. Saturus said: 17.2\\n\"Will not tomorrow be enough for you? Why do you stare so eagerly at what you hate? Today our friends, tomorrow our enemies. But carefully note our faces, so that you will be able to recognize us on that day.\" 17.3\\nSo all the onlookers were thunderstruck, retreated, and from these experiences many of them began to believe. 18.1\\nThe day of their victory dawned. They processed from the prison into the amphitheater, happy, as if they were going to heaven, shaking, not with fear, but with joy. 18.2\\nPerpetua followed, with a shining face, a calm step, as the wife of Christ and the girlfriend of God, rejecting the gaze of all the onlookers with the strength of her own eyes. 18.3\\nLikewise Felicitas, was joyful that she had given birth safely, so that she might do battle with the wild animals, from blood to blood, from the midwife to the net-man gladiator (retarius), washed after giving birth in a second baptism. 18.4\\nAnd when they were lead to the gate of the arena, they were forced to put on new clothing, the men that of the priests of Saturn, the women that of the priestesses of Ceres. It was then that that kind woman fought back right to the end with her usual resolve. 18.5\\nShe said, \"We came to this place freely, of our own volition, so that our freedom would not be taken away. We pledged lives, so that we would not be required to do anything else. That is the agreement we made with you.\" 18.6\\nEven injustice recognizes justice. The tribune conceded. They would be led forth into the arena dressed plainly, just as they were. 18.7\\nPerpetua sand a song, already treading on the head of the Egyptian. Revocatus, Saturninus and Saturus began to issue threats at the onlooking crowd. 18.8\\nThen, when they came beneath the gaze of Hilarianus, by gestures and motions they indicated to Hilarianus \"You -- us, but God -- you.\" 18.9\\nThe crowd became very agitated at this and demanded that they be whipped through a line of beast-hunting gladiators. But all the martyrs were happy because they were now able to have a share in the Lord\\'s sufferings. 19.1\\nBut he who said, \"Ask and you will receive\", granted to each one of those who asked the death which that one desired. 19.2\\nFor, when they used to talk amongst themselves concerning the wish they had for their type of martyrdom, Saturninus declared that he wished to be thrown before every different type of wild beast so that he would be able to acquire a more glorious crown. 19.3\\nSo, in the staging of the spectacle, he and Revocatus, having first experienced the attack of a leopard, were then put on a platform where they were attacked by a bear. 19.4\\nSaturus, however, was terrified most by the thought of bears. He hoped that he would be finished off by one bite from a leopard. 19.5\\nHe was exposed to a wild boar, but it was the venator who had tied him to the boar who was actually gored by the animal and died a few days after the games. Saturus himself was only dragged along. 19.6\\nAnd when he was exposed to a bear, having been trussed up on the bridge, the bear refused to come out of its cage. So, still unharmed, Saturus was taken away. 20.1\\nThe devil, however, was preparing a wild cow for the women, an unusual and uncustomary thing. A wild animal to match their sex. 20.2\\nUnclothed and clad only in see-through nets, the women were brought forth. The crowd, however, was very upset, seeing the one woman was a delicate young girl, and the other, her breasts still dripping with milk, fresh from childbirth. 20.3\\nSo the women were taken away, and were clothed in unbelted robes. Perpetua was hit first and fell on her side. 20.4\\nWhen she sat down, Perpetua drew back the robe which had been torn along one side in order to drape her thighs, more mindful of shame than of pain. 20.5\\nThen she fixed up her hair, which had become dishevelled, with a sharp pin. It was, indeed, not right that a female martyr should suffer while her hair was out of order, so that she might actually appear to be mourning while actually in her glory. 20.6\\nThen she got up and noticed Felicitas who had been crushed to the ground. She went over to her, stretched out her hand and helped her get up. Then the two of them stood together. 20.7\\nThe hardness of the crowd was now finally overcome, and so the women were taken back through the Gate of Life. 20.8\\nThere Perpetua was held up by a certain catechumen named Rusticus who had been close by her side, and, almost as if coming out of a dream (so much had she been imbued in the spirit and in ecstasy) she began to look around and to all those who were there, and who were much taken aback, she said, \"When are we going to be exposed to that wild cow, or whatever it is?\" 20.9\\nAnd when she heard what had already happened, she could not believe it at first, except that she saw the marks of the physical violence on her body and on her clothing. 20.10\\nThen she summoned her brother and the catechumen, and spoke to them, saying, \"Remain strong in the faith and all love each other; do not be panicked by our sufferings\". 21.1\\nLikewise, at another gate, Saturus was exhorting the soldier Pudens, saying, \"As things stand now, it is exactly as I presumed and predicted -- I have not yet even felt the attack of one wild beast. Now believe me with all your heart. See, I will be exposed to that animal, and will be finished off by one bite of a leopard.\" 21.2\\nAnd at the end of the spectacle, he was thrown to a leopard. At one bit from the animal so much blood gushed out that the crowd roared in witness to his second baptism: \"Had a great bath! Had a great bath!\" 21.3\\nFor he was certainly well who had been washed in this way. 21.4\\nThen he said to the soldier Pudens, \"Farewell. Remember my faith and me. Don\\'t let these things upset you. Let them strengthen you.\" 21.5\\nAt the same time he asked him for a ring from his finger, and dipping it in his wound, he gave it back to him as an inheritance, leaving this pledge and memorial of his blood to him. 21.6\\nBy then, as he was unconscious, his body was thrown in the usual place, along with the others, to have his throat cut. 21.7\\nBut the crowd demanded that they be brought back into the middle of the arena, so that, when the sword penetrated into the bodies, their eyes could be companions to the slaughter. The condemned then got up of their own accord and took themselves to the place where the crowd wanted them, exchanged kisses with each other, and so sealed their martyrdom with the ritualistic signs of peace. 21.8\\nThe others, without moving and in silence, received the sword, especially Saturus, who was the first to ascend the platform, and the first to give up his spirit. For he was there to sustain Perpetua. 21.9\\nPerpetua, however, had to taste more pain yet. She screamed out in agony as she was struck on the bone. She herself had to steady the wavering right hand of a rookie gladiator and guide it to her throat. 21.10\\nPerhaps such a great woman, who was so feared by the unclean spirit, could not be killed unless she herself willed it. 21.11\\nO bravest and most blessed martyrs. You are truly called and chosen for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who praises and honours and adores him ought to read these proofs, which are no less important than the ancient ones for the strengthening of the Church. These new examples of courage will give witness to the one and always the same Holy Spirit who works amongst us even up to the present day. And to almighty God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom is splendour and boundless power through the ages of ages. Amen. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' AUG DEC JUN 6 2002 2003 2004 11 captures\\n24 Jan 03 - 28 May 10 Close\\nHelp ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES November 14, 2002 11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. ACADEMIC SENATE CHAMBERS Members Present: Abdelwahed, Bedell, Boyum, Buck, Cox, Emry, Fitch, Fromson, Gannon, Gilbert, Guerin, Hewitt, Jeremiah, Jones, Junn, Kim, Klassen, Meyer, Nanjundappa, Parker, Parman, Pasternack, Perkins, Putcha, Randall, Reisman, Rhoten, Rimmer, Roberts, Russell, Rutemiller, Schroeder, Shapiro, Smith, Szeszulski, Tavakolian, Vargas, Wolverton and Wong Members Absent: Arkenberg, Erickson, Gordon, Hagan, Sawicki, Sutphen and Taulli. I. CALL TO ORDER\\nChair Gilbert called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m. II. URGENT BUSINESS\\nNone. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS\\nChair Gilbert announced the sad news that Judy Ramirezs husband, Frank, passed away on November 13th. Condolences may be sent to Judy Ramirez, 2066 Picasso Drive, Davis, CA 95618. In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Frank may be made to the Child & Adolescent Studies Endowment Fund. He also announced receiving a notification a week ago of a volume that the CSU Institute for Teaching & Learning is putting together relating to issues on academic technology in the CSU. They are looking to identify published articles written by faculty from all the campuses, who have effectively integrated academic technology into their teaching. They encourage papers that address the use of technology to improve student learning or student access to learning, but will accept any article that was written or co-authored by CSU faculty members that addresses the use of academic technology in higher education. Submission deadline is Friday, December 6, 2002. Chair Gilbert noted he had received a notification from David Spence concerning an international faculty partnership seminar that will be held this summer in Paris. Title of the seminar is Imagine Real Spaces: France and California. Seminar theme will examine the worlds perception of Paris and California as places of dreams. The group will also explore leading geopolitical roles each plays and how it highlights the contrasts between dream and reality. Substantial amounts of the costs of attending are being picked up by the Chancellors office, and local campuses are encouraged to help out with travel costs. If interested in applying for the seminar, brochures are available in the Senate office or in the International Programs Office. Senator Nanjundappa announced the 2003-04 Contract Re-Opener Bargaining Survey Luncheon Meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, December 9th at 12 noon. Senator Rhotencommented on the materials she distributed to Senatorsfrom the Academic Integritycampaignsponsored by the Dean of StudentsOffice, Judicial Affairsand University Honors and Scholars throughUniversity Initiative funding. The aimof the campaign is to help students understand academic integrity expectations withinthe universitycommunity. They worked withan advisory group of studentsfrom across the colleges whocame up withthe theme, CSUF-Making Integrity Count, and helped produce four different posters aimed at students to help them do the right thing. The campaignwas kicked off in late October at an HonorsWeek event andthey will be out at otherstudent events throughout the rest of theacademic year. Senator Pasternack announced he had attended the statewide Senate meeting last week. A major item of discussion on Friday was a Senate resolution calling for reconsideration of the Trustees proposed budget. The budget proposal adopted by the Board of Trustees is inconsistent with Senate budget priorities in that it: Provides for only 1% faculty salary increase within the partnership agreement; Seeks funding for salary costs already funded under previous legislative allocations; Sets the interests of faculty and university staff against each other through an attempt to achieve salary parity; Fails to cover first-year costs of ACR-73 in the partnership agreement. Senator Meyer explained that a major source of frustration for the faculty is that over the last 7 or 8 years, the system has received from the legislature exactly what the trustees have asked for. We have not asked for monies to help with the closing of CPEC salary gap, or money for taking care of burdening maintenance. We are not going to get additional funding from the State of California unless we ask for it, and for whatever reason, the Chancellor and Trustees have decided that they will not ask for it. Predictions for next years budget include a cut estimated to be between 12 to 15%. IV. CHAIRS REPORT\\nChair Gilbert reminded the Senators that the discussion of the proposal to raise CSUFs enrollment cap to 25,000, as part of the revised Master Plan, will be on the agenda for the next Senate meeting on December 12th. In order to create a context in which we can have an informed, collegial and constructive discussion of that issue, he encouraged the Senators to communicate to the Senate office any questions, concerns or issues that they would like to raise at that meeting, so that the individuals who will be in a position to respond to those issues, can do so as responsibly and comprehensively as possible. Time Certain\\n11:45 a.m.\\nAmir Dabirian Director, Information Technology\\nSubject: Faculty Portals Amir Dabirian was invited to do a presentation to the Senate on Faculty Portals. The Faculty Portal provides secure access to online information personalized for each user. The faculty pages feature tabs for easy navigation, and faculty can customize the appearance of their pages to reflect their particular needs. Additional features will be added for faculty in the coming months. Features currently being offered include: My CSUF Email Library Profile Committees Training Finance Services Titan Card Campus Calendar Classes faculty will now be able to post a message to the students portal. Faculty has access to class lists, an information-posting feature for the Class Schedule that displays notes and/or a syllabus for a particular class. Chair Gilbert, on behalf of the Senate, thanked Amir for the informative presentation. Time Certain\\n12:15 p.m.\\nDr. Louise Adler, Chair--Educational Leadership\\nSubject: ASD 02-129 Joint Ed.D. Program It was m/s [Bedell/Pasternack] to adopt the document ASD 02-129 Joint Ed.D. Program. It was m/s/accepted as a friendly amendment [Shapiro/Fitch] to amend Section 1, sub-section g. Options concentrations or special emphasespage 20. After the sentence It is expected that most of those admitted to the program on this campus will be leaders or potential leaders in K-12 education add the following sentence Students with a rich background in classroom instruction gained through five or more years of teaching experience, are likely to bring to the program the necessary knowledge and dispositions to successfully complete the program. It was m/s/accepted as a friendly amendment [Vargas/Fitch] to amend the second paragraph on page 2, under Joint Executive Committee. Immediately after the second sentence All will be members of the Executive Committees of the participating campuses add the following sentence The chair of the joint Executive Committee will rotate between the campuses on an ad hoc basis, so that a member from each campus would be chair before a campus repeats in the chair position. It was m/s/accepted as a friendly amendment [Vargas/Fitch] that because of the previous motion, which changes the chart in the abstract and instead of having just one campus in the center and all the others pivoting around a satellite, propose changing this picture to a round table showing a pentagon where they are all equally arranged. It was m/s/accepted as a friendly amendment [Nanjundappa/Bedell] to add a sentence on page 38 under Procedures for formation of Initial Governing Faculty Group (first 3 years): section d. to read During the first three years of the Governing Faculty Group, a member of the group may be removed by the Associate VP, Academic Programs in consultation with the appropriate dean and the chair. It was m/s/p [Pasternack/Bedell] to close debate. It was m/s/p to approve document ASD 02-129 Joint Ed.D. Program as amended with one abstention. V. CONSENT CALENDAR\\nIt was m/s/p [Bedell/Abdelwahed] to approve the following Consent Calendar:\\nA. ASD 02-126 Academic Senate Minutes October 31, 2002\\nB. ASD 02-127 Department Name Change for Department of Foreign Languages & Literature VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS\\nA. ASD 02-123 UPS 300.030 Revised Academic Appeals\\nIt was m/s [Gannon/Rimmer] to approve document UPS 300.030. It was m/s/p [Rhoten/Gannon] on page 2, line 16 at the end of the sentence that ends in either party insert according to Presidential Directive #9 the representative may not be a licensed or practicing attorney. Accepted as a friendly amendment on page 4, line 21 at the end of the sentence that ends in either party insert according to Presidential Directive #9 the representative may not be a licensed or practicing attorney. Accepted as a friendly amendment on page 4, line 15 to insert or uphold after the word dismiss. It was m/s/f [Rutemiller/Gannon] under Section C. Timing of Appeals Process amending line 39 and 40 to read the written appeal shall be submitted within 60 calendar days of the completion of the consultation process described in Section B. 2. It was m/s/f [Nanjundappa/Abdelwahed] to delete the first part of the sentence on page 1, line 20 Because the university presumes that students act honestly. It was m [Fromson] to call the question on this amendment. Amendment failed. It was m/s/p [Shapiro/Fitch] to call the question on the document as amended. Motion passed to approve ASD 02-123 UPS 300.030 as amended. VII. NEW BUSINESS\\nA. ASD 02-128 Revisions to Academic Senate Bylaws\\nThis item was not considered at this meeting due to time limitations and will be placed on the agenda as Unfinished Business for the next meeting. It was m/s/p [Fitch/Shapiro] to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Medical and Molecular Virology Jul AUG Sep 5 2008 2009 2010 2 captures\\n5 Jul 09 - 5 Aug 09 Close\\nHelp MIC 433: Medical and Molecular Virology Contents\\nExam 2 Key Viruses in the News...\\nMain\\nSyllabus\\nLecture and Test Schedule Student Link\\nD2L Resources All the Virology on the Web\\nMedlinePlus (NIH) Lecture Schedule, Fall 2008 Subject to change, as needed; updated 1/09/08 Week\\nDay Topic Required Reading Useful Web sites Week 1 1/16 W Th Introduction to the Course Viruses in history..... The Nature of Viruses PPT\\nPDF Chapter 1, p.1-6. History of Smallpox Rabies Polio\\nThe flu Pandemic of \\'18 Big Pict Book of viruses One Step Growth Curve Week 2 1/21\\nM T W Th Martin Luther King Holiday Classification of viruses The viral replication cycle: Receptors PPT PDF Attachment and penetration Chapter 1, p. 6-7 Chapter 1, 8-31 Week 3 1/28\\nM T W Th Genomic replication strategies PPT| PDF Genomic replication strategies A few controls on genomic expression PPT | PDF Virus-Cell interactions; Demonstration: Viral plaques Chapter 1 cont\\'d Replication Strategies Virus Replication About DNA replication Week 4 2/4 M T W Th Virus spread Virus structure: Icosahedral PPT PDF and Enveloped virus structure Assembly of viruses Chapter 2 Epi Curve Links Electron Microscopy Virus Structure site\\nVirus Ultrastructure Study Guide Questions for Ex 1 Week 5 2/11 M T W Th EXAM ONE Host Response I - Cellular Immunity Host Response II - Antibody Vaccines; Demonstration: Antibody neutralization of virus Covers Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 10 369-377 CHapter 10 377-388 CDC Vaccine Recommendations Week 6 2/18 M T W Th Host Defense III - Innate PPT PDF immunity and Interferons Plus stranded RNA viruses: Picornaviridae: Enteroviruses Caliciviruses, and Astroviruses Chapter 10 388-404 Chapter 3 A Picornavirus Page The Big Picture Book of viruses:\\nEnteroviruses Chapter 3 cont\\'d.\\nNorwalk virus infection Feline Calicivirus Calicivirus and Oceans\\nEmerging Hep E Week 7 2/25 M T W Th Togaviridae: Alphavirus sub-family PPTPDF Alphaviruses cont\\'d Flaviviridae PPT PDF(Dengue, WNV, and emergence) Hepacivirus (Hepatitis C) Chapter 3 cont\\'d Viral vector: p 429-30\\nCDC: Encephalitis viruses\\nDengue - WHO site Chaper 8, p. 331-4; 336-8\\nHepatitis C Week 8 3/3\\nM T W Th Pestiviruses Coronaviridae, FIP PPTPDF\\nReview EXAM TWO Pestivirus Info Coronaviruses Study Guide for Exam 2Covers Chapt 3 to p. 130; parts of Chapt 8; Chapt 10 to p. 404 Week 9 3/10 M T W Th Plus stranded virus evolution; Minus (negative) strand viruses Rhabdoviridae Rabies and VSV Paramyxoviridae (Measles) Chapter 4 Mononegavirales The CDC rabies Page Rabies.com Rabies in Arizona, 07 The Measles Initiative Week 10 3/24 M T W Th Emergence of Henipaviruses Filoviridae (Ebola), Bornaviridae Orthomyxoviridae (Influenza) Human and Bird \"Flu\" Chapter 4; Chapter 8 p.329-31 Influenza RNA Replication\\nThe Flu Pandemic of 1918\\nList of Flu Epidemics Week 11 3/31\\nM T W Th Bunyaviridae and Arenaviridae Emergence from Insect and rodent hosts Double stranded RNA viruses Rotaviruses Chapter 8 p. 341-2 Chapter 5 Week 12 4/7\\nM T W Th Review EXAM THREE Viruses using reverse transcriptase Retroviridae Study Guide for Exam 3 Covers Chapters 4, 5; Parts of Chapter 8 Chapter 6 Retroviruses Week 13 4/14 M T W Th Retroviridae replication and genes Retrovirus oncogenesis, vectors Lentiviridae (HIV, AIDS, HAART) Hepadnaviridae (hepatitis B) Chapter 6 cont\\'d Viral vector p. 427-428 Chapter 8 p. 338-341 Hepadna Week 14 4/21 M T W Th DNA viruses Poxviridae (Smallpox) Herpesviridae Herpes simplex, Chickenpox, Shingles, Mononucleosis; CMV; Chapter 7 The Smallpox story Scourge of the World - BBC Dr. Alibek Interview Herpesvirus Overview\\nPictures of Herpes Lesions Week 15 4/28 M T W Th Viral counterdefenses Adenoviridae and Papillomaviridae Human Papilloma Virus and Cancer Parvoviridae\\nChapter 10 p. 405-418 Adenovirus\\nHPV Vaccine Parvo B19 Chapter 7 cont\\'d Week 16 5/5 M T W Subviral agents Prions Review Chapter 9 Mad Cow Disease vCJD Cases Study Guide for Ex 4 Final Exam\\nW FINAL EXAM - Wednesday May 14, 8-10 Comprehensive but weighted (80%) with most recent material on Retroviruses and DNA viruses Main | Dept of Veterinary Science and Microbiology | University of Arizona ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' ENG 1013 Freshman Composition ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['PAGE TECA 1303 page 2 [image: image1.jpg]\\nGuided Studies\\nNorthwest College GUST 1270 College and Career Planning\\nCRN 53078 Semester Fall 2010 2 hour lecture course / 48 hours per semester/ 16 weeks Class Time: TuTh 8:00pm 9:30pm Location: Katy Campus Instructor: Desmond Lewis\\nInstructor Contact Information: Email: desmond.lewis@hccs.edu Phone: 713-718-5211\\nOffice location and hours: Office location: AD6 Office hours: MoWe 10am-11am/ TuTh 12:30pm-1:30pm\\nCourse Description\\nA Student Success course is designed to prepare students for the demands of college and for success in the world of work. The course emphasizes setting priorities, time management, effective listening, note-taking, concentration techniques, retention of information, book analysis, comprehension techniques, and test-taking skills. This course also incorporates modules that are designed to facilitate the use of library databases in conducting research, planning and setting educational objectives, lifelong career assessment, decision-making, financial aid, tutoring, and student support services, enabling the student to maximize the use of college resources.\\nPrerequisites\\nYou must be placed in GUST 0341 or higher to be eligible to take a student success course. Students below this reading level will be deferred from the Student Success course requirement until their reading level has improved.\\nCourse Goal\\nAssist you in acquiring skills needed to have a successful college experience.\\nStudent Learning Outcomes The student will be able to: Develop an academic/personal/professional Action Plan, to include long-term goals, with detailed emphasis on time spent at HCCS. Identify and use various student services at HCCS. Use classroom skills, including test-taking, note-taking, time management, etc. Identify and develop personal/professional characteristics sought by professors/ employers. Learning Objectives Students will: Discuss how you are responsible for your experience in college Describe ways you can create a successful experience in college. List, describe and use specific methods to: Improve the ability to recall information Managed time more efficiently. Read a textbook with improved retention. Prepare and take tests successfully. Take effective notes. Present clear reports, both written and verbal Listen, with comprehension, to a lecture. Develop stronger and healthier relationships. Deal with stress. Acquire a philosophy of career development. Learn and practice how to change inappropriate habits and behaviors. Locate and utilize a variety of college services and resource materials. Improve creative and critical thinking skills. SCANS or Core Curriculum Statement and Other Standards\\nCredit: 2 (2 lecture) A course designed to prepare students for the demands of college courses. Emphasis on time management, effective listening and note taking skills, textbook marking methods, concentration techniques, retention of information, reading comprehension, test-taking skills, and career awareness.\\nNote:\\nThis syllabus and the accompanying course calendar are subject to change as necessary. Tentative Lecture Outline: Week Number Lecture Topic and Activity Reference Chapters or text pages 1 Introduction to the course & textbook Syllabus and class overview Discuss Chapter 1 Portfolio Assignment 1\\nRead Chapter 2 Syllabus & Chapter 1 2 Discuss Chapter 2 Submit topic for Career Research (Can be group project) Career Research Portfolio Assignment 2 Chapter 2 3 Read Chapter 3 Discuss Chapter 3\\nPortfolio Assignment 3 Read Chapter 4 Chapter 3 4 Discuss Chapter 4 Portfolio Assignment 4 Read Chapter 5 Chapter 4 5 Discuss Chapter 5 Read Chapter 6 Chapter 5 6 Discuss Chapter 6 Review for Midterm Exam Read Chapter 7 Chapter 6 7 8 9 10 11 *Midterm Exam Portfolio Assignment 5 Discuss Chapter 7 Portfolio Assignment 6 Read Chapter 8 Discuss Chapter 8 Portfolio Assignment 7\\nRead Chapters 9 & 10 Discuss Chapters 9 & 10 Portfolio Assignment 8\\nRead Chapters 11 & 12 Discuss Chapters 11 & 12 Read Chapters 13 & 14 Chapters 1-6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapters 9 & 10 Chapters 11 & 12 12 Discuss Chapters 13 & 14 Read Chapter 15 Chapters 13 & 14 13 Discuss Chapter 15 Chapter 15 14 *Presentations *Research Paper Due 15 *Presentations cont. Final Exam Review Chapters 1-15 16 *Final Exam *Portfolios Due *Important Dates: Labor Day Holiday: September 6, 2010 Midterm Exam: Week of October 10, 2010 Priority Deadline for Spring Financial Aid: October 15, 2010 Thanksgiving Break: November 25-28, 2010\\nPresentations: Week of November 28, 2010 Research Paper Due: Week of November 28, 2010 Portfolios Due: On the day of the Final Exam Final Exams: December 13-19, 2010 Last Day for Withdrawals: November 18, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. Chapters 1-15 Instructional Materials\\nCornerstone: Creating Success Through Positive Change 6th Edition by Robert M. Sherfield & Patricia G. Moody\\nHCC Policy Statement - ADA\\nAny student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized\\nto provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support\\nServices Office. For questions, please contact Donna Price at 713.718.5165 or the Disability\\nCounselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, please visit\\nwww.hccs.edu then click Future students, scroll down the page and click on\\nthe words Disability Information. District ADA Coordinator Donna Price 713.718.5165\\nCentral ADA Counselors Jaime Torres - 713.718.6164 Martha Scribner 713.718.6164\\nNortheast ADA Counselor- Kim Ingram 713.718.8420\\nNorthwest ADA Counselor Mahnaz Kolaini 713.718.5422\\nSoutheast ADA Counselor Jette Lott - 713.718.7218\\nSouthwest ADA Counselor Dr. Becky Hauri 713.718.7910\\nColeman ADA Counselor Dr. Raj Gupta 713.718.7631 HCC Policy Statement: Academic Honesty A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students. The instructor is responsible for measuring each student\\'s individual achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcement roles. You are expected to be familiar with the University\\'s Policy on Academic Honesty, found in the catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty: includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Cheating on a test includes: Copying from another students test paper; Using materials not authorized by the person giving the test; Collaborating with another student during a test without authorization; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of a test that has not been administered; Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. Plagiarism means the appropriation of anothers work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in ones own written work offered for credit. Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit. Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F in the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System. (See the Student Handbook) HCC Policy Statements Class Attendance - It is important that you come to class! Attending class regularly is the best way to succeed in this class. Research has shown that the single most important factor in student success is attendance. Simply put, going to class greatly increases your ability to succeed. You are expected to attend all lecture and labs regularly. You are responsible for materials covered during your absences. Class attendance is checked daily. Although it is your responsibility to drop a course for nonattendance, the instructor has the authority to drop you for excessive absences. If you are not attending class, you are not learning the information. As the information that is discussed in class is important for your career, students may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of six (6) hours of instruction. The six hours of class time would include any total classes missed or for excessive tardiness or leaving class early. You may decide NOT to come to class for whatever reason. As an adult making the decision not to attend, you do not have to notify the instructor prior to missing a class. However, if this happens too many times, you may suddenly find that you have lost the class. Poor attendance records tend to correlate with poor grades. If you miss any class, including the first week, you are responsible for all material missed. It is a good idea to find a friend or a buddy in class who would be willing to share class notes or discussion or be able to hand in paper if you unavoidably miss a class. Class attendance equals class success. HCC Course Withdrawal Policy\\nIf you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the final date of withdrawal. Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet with the instructor to discuss why you feel it is necessary to do so. The instructor may be able to provide you with suggestions that would enable you to complete the course. Your success is very important. Beginning in fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may alert you and HCC counselors that you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performance. It is your responsibility to visit with your professor or a counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. to stay in class and improve your academic performance. If you plan on withdrawing from your class, you MUST contact a HCC counselor or your professor prior to withdrawing (dropping) the class for approval and this must be done PRIOR to the withdrawal deadline to receive a W on your transcript. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each semester and/or depending on class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC schedule of classes and catalog, any HCC Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating via email and/or telephone with a professor and/or counselor. Do not submit a request to discuss withdrawal options less than a day before the deadline. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade. Repeat Course Fee\\nThe State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat failed classes. To increase student success, students who repeat the same course more than twice, are required to pay extra tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is to encourage students to pass their courses and to graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available. Classroom Behavior\\nAs your instructor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to develop and maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Your instructor takes this responsibility very seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it difficult for him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the learning needs of your classmates and assist your instructor achieve this critical goal. Use of Camera and/or Recording Devices\\nAs a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your responsibility to be respectful of the learning atmosphere in your classroom. To show respect of your fellow students and instructor, you will turn off your phone and other electronic devices, and will not use these devices in the classroom unless you receive permission from the instructor. Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations\\nInstructor Requirements\\nAs your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:\\nProvide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student grades are to be derived Facilitate an effective learning environment through class activities, discussions, and lectures Description of any special projects or assignments Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness and make up Provide the course outline and class calendar which will include a description of any special projects or assignments Arrange to meet with individual students before and after class as required To be successful in this class, it is the students responsibility to:\\nAttend class and participate in class discussions and activities Read and comprehend the textbook Complete the required assignments and exams:\\nAsk for help when there is a question or problem Keep copies of all paperwork, including this syllabus, handouts and all assignments Grading\\nYour instructor will conduct quizzes, exams, and assessments that you can use to determine how successful you are at achieving the course learning outcomes (mastery of course content and skills) outlined in the syllabus. If you find you are not mastering the material and skills, you are encouraged to reflect on how you study and prepare for each class. Your instructor welcomes a dialogue on what you discover and may be able to assist you in finding resources on campus that will improve your performance.\\nFinal grades are determined by averaging the total of each area listed below. 30% Instructors Choice (Online activities, quizzes, attendance/orientation & assignments) 10% Assignment Portfolio 15% Midterm Exam 25% Career Research Essay and Oral Presentation 20% Final Exam Grading Scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 69-60 D 59 and Below F Useful Web Resources:\\nwww.hccs.edu\\nhttp HYPERLINK \"http://learning.nwc.hccs.edu/\" ://learning.hccs.edu http:// HYPERLINK \"http://careers.typefocus.com/index.html\" careers.typefocus.com/index.html www.bls.gov/OCO/ www.tbecachievetexas.com\\nwww.hccs.askonline.net\\nhttp://mystudentsuccesslab.com\\nwww.acinet.org Please have the names and telephone numbers of two students you may call. Classmate 1 ______________________ Email: ______________________ Phone: ___________________ Classmate 2 ______________________ Email: ______________________ Phone: _____________________ ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['4 English 1302: Rhetoric and Composition II Instructor: Paul Lee Course Information: Section 2: MWF 8-8:50 PH 100 Section 037: TR 9:30-10:50 PH 100 Section 043: TR 11-12:20 PH 100 Section 060: MWF 9-9:50 PH 100 Section 061: MWF 10-10:50 PH 100 Office/Hours: TuTH 8:00-9:30\\nEmail: paullee@uta.edu\\nPhone (Messages Only): 817-272-2692 ENGL 1302 RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION II: Continues ENGL 1301, but with an emphasis on advanced techniques of academic argument. Includes issue identification, independent library research, analysis and evaluation of sources, and synthesis of sources with students own claims, reasons, and evidence. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ENGL 1301. ENGL 1302 Expected Learning Outcomes\\nIn ENGL 1302, students build on the knowledge and information that they learned in ENGL 1301. By the end of ENGL 1302, students should be able to:\\nRhetorical Knowledge\\nIdentify and analyze the components and complexities of a rhetorical situation\\nUse knowledge of audience, exigence, constraints, genre, tone, diction, syntax, and structure to produce situation-appropriate argumentative texts, including texts that move beyond formulaic structures\\nKnow and use special terminology for analyzing and producing arguments\\nPractice and analyze informal logic as used in argumentative texts Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing\\nUnderstand the interactions among critical thinking, critical reading, and writing\\nIntegrate personal experiences, values, and beliefs into larger social conversations and contexts\\nFind, evaluate, and analyze primary and secondary sources for appropriateness, timeliness, and validity\\nProduce situation-appropriate argumentative texts that synthesize sources with their own ideas and advance the conversation on an important issue\\nProvide valid, reliable, and appropriate support for claims, and analyze evidentiary support in others texts Processes\\nPractice flexible strategies for generating, revising, and editing complex argumentative texts\\nEngage in all stages of advanced, independent library research\\nPractice writing as a recursive process that can lead to substantive changes in ideas, structure, and supporting evidence through multiple revisions\\nUse the collaborative and social aspects of writing to critique their own and others arguments Conventions\\nApply and develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics, and be aware of the field-specific nature of these conventions\\nSummarize, paraphrase, and quote from sources using appropriate documentation style\\nRevise for style and edit for features such as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling\\nEmploy technologies to format texts according to appropriate stylistic conventions Required Texts.\\nGraff and Birkenstein, They Say/I Say 2nd edition\\nFirst-Year Writing: Perspectives on Argument (2012 UTA custom 3rd edition STUDENTS MUST HAVE THIS EDITION)\\nRuszkiewicz et al, The Scott, Foresman Writer (UTA custom edition) Description of Major Assignments. Reading Responses/Reading Quizzes: Each reading response should be two double-spaced pages and should address the prompts provided. Reading quizzes will be assigned periodically, particularly if students do not come to class prepared. Issue Proposal: This semester youll be conducting research on an issue that you select. For this paper, you will take stock of what you already know about the issue you select, organize and develop your thoughts, and sketch a plan for your research. Annotated Bibliography: For this assignment you will create a list of at least 10 relevant sources that represent multiple perspectives on your issue. You will include a summary of each source and a discussion of how you might use the source in your next essays. Mapping the Issue: For this paper, you will map the controversy surrounding your issue by describing its history and summarizing at least three different positions on the issueall from a completely neutral point of view. Researched Position Paper: For this paper, you will advocate a position on your issue with a well-supported argument written for an audience that you select.\\nPeer Reviews. Each essay will include mandatory peer review workshops. You will be required to include all peer review materials in the papers final folder in order to receive full credit. It is very important that you attend class on peer review days, as you will not be able to make up these points. Grades. Grades in FYC are A, B, C, F, and Z. Students must pass ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 with a grade of C or higher in order to move on to the next course. This policy is in place because of the key role that First-Year English courses play in students educational experiences at UTA. The Z grade is reserved for students who attend class regularly, participate actively, and complete all the assigned work on time but simply fail to write well enough to earn a passing grade. This judgment is made by the instructor and not necessarily based upon a number average. The Z grade is intended to reward students for good effort. While students who receive a Z will not get credit for the course, the Z grade will not affect their grade point average. They may repeat the course for credit until they do earn a passing grade. The F grade, which does negatively affect GPA, goes to failing students who do not attend class regularly, do not participate actively, or do not complete assigned work. Your final grade for this course will consist of the following:\\nIssue Proposal 15%\\nAnnotated Bibliography 10%\\nMapping the Issue 25%\\nResearched Position Paper\\t30%\\nResponses/Quizzes 10%\\nClass Participation 10% Final grades will be calculated as follows: A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, F=69%-and below; Z=see the Z grade policy above. All major essay projects must be completed to pass the course. If you fail to complete an essay project, you will fail the course, regardless of your average. Keep all papers until you receive your final grade from the university. You cannot challenge a grade without evidence. Students are expected to keep track of their performance throughout the semester (you can do this by referring to your grades in Blackboard and/or discussing your grades with me) and seek guidance from available sources (including the instructor) if their performance drops below satisfactory levels. I grade on a point system, so you should be able to keep close track of your grades. That means that, instead of averaging your grades, you can simply add up the points for the assignments that youve already received (for instance, the In-Class Essay Exam is 15% or 150 points) to get an idea of where your grade stands. To understand what you need to get the grade you desire, just determine how many more points you need to get that grade. Expectations for Out-of-Class Study: Beyond the time required to attend each class meeting, students enrolled in this course should expect to spend at least an additional 9 hours per week of their own time in course-related activities, including reading required materials, completing assignments, preparing for exams, etc. Grade Grievances: Any appeal of a grade in this course must follow the procedures and deadlines for grade-related grievances as published in the current undergraduate catalog. For undergraduate courses, see http://wweb.uta.edu/catalog/content/general/academic_regulations.aspx#10 Late Assignments. Papers are due at the beginning of class on the due date specified. Reading responses and quizzes will not be accepted late. Assignments turned in after the class has begun will receive a ten-percent deduction unless the instructor has agreed to late submission in advance of the due date. For each calendar day following, the work will receive an additional ten percent deduction. Work is not accepted after three late days. If you must be absent, your work is still due on the assigned date. Revision policy. Revision is an important means for improving both the writing process and the final product. Students have the option of revising ONE of the major essayseither the Issue Proposal or the Mapping the Issue Essayafter it has been graded. The original grade and revision grade will be averaged to arrive at the students final grade for the essay. The last major paper, after it has been submitted for grading, cannot be revised for a higher grade. Attendance Policy. Improvement in writing is a complex process that requires a great deal of practice and feedback from readers. Regular attendance is thus necessary for success in ENGL 1302. Students are expected to attend class regularly and to arrive on time. Excused absences include official university activities, military service, and/or religious holidays. Students must inform the instructor in writing at least one week in advance of an excused absence. After accruing four unexcused absences in a T/Th class or six unexcused absences in an M/W/F class, students will be penalized 5% off their final grade for each additional absence. I will not supply what you miss by email or phone. Please make an appointment to see me in person to discuss absenteeism and tardiness. Please be in class on time, ready to begin the day\\'s activities. Habitual tardiness is one indication of poor time management and life preparation. Classroom behavior. Class sessions are short and require your full attention. All cell phones, pagers, iPods, MP3 players, laptops, and other electronic devices should be turned off and put away when entering the classroom; all earpieces should be removed. Store newspapers, crosswords, magazines, bulky bags, and other distractions so that you can concentrate on the readings and discussions each day. Bring book(s) and e-reserve readings (heavily annotated and carefully read) to every class. Students are expected to participate respectfully in class, to listen to other class members, and to comment appropriately. I also expect consideration and courtesy from students. Professors are to be addressed appropriately and communicated with professionally. According to Student Conduct and Discipline, \"students are prohibited from engaging in or attempting to engage in conduct, either alone or in concert with others, that is intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with, or that in fact obstructs, disrupts, or interferes with any instructional, educational, research, administrative, or public performance or other activity authorized to be conducted in or on a University facility. Obstruction or disruption includes, but is not limited to, any act that interrupts, modifies, or damages utility service or equipment, communication service or equipment, or computer equipment, software, or networks (UTA Handbook or Operating Procedures, Ch. 2, Sec. 2-202). Students who do not respect the guidelines listed above or who disrupt other students learning may be asked to leave class and/or referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Academic Integrity. All students enrolled in this course are expected to adhere to the UT Arlington Honor Code:\\nI pledge, on my honor, to uphold UT Arlingtons tradition of academic integrity, a tradition that values hard work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence. I promise that I will submit only work that I personally create or contribute to group collaborations, and I will appropriately reference any work from other sources. I will follow the highest standards of integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code. Instructors may employ the Honor Code as they see fit in their courses, including (but not limited to) having students acknowledge the honor code as part of an examination or requiring students to incorporate the honor code into any work submitted. Per UT System Regents Rule 50101, 2.2, suspected violations of universitys standards for academic integrity (including the Honor Code) will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Violators will be disciplined in accordance with University policy, which may result in the students suspension or expulsion from the University. It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University. \"Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts\" (Regents Rules and Regulations, Series 50101, Section 2.2) You can get in trouble for plagiarism by failing to correctly indicate places where you are making use of the work of another. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the conventions of citation by which you indicate which ideas are not your own and how your reader can find those sources. Read your textbook and/or handbook for more information on quoting and citing properly to avoid plagiarism. If you still do not understand, ask your instructor. All students caught plagiarizing or cheating will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Americans with Disabilities Act. The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of all federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). All instructors at UT Arlington are required by law to provide \"reasonable accommodations\" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Any student requiring an accommodation for this course must provide the instructor with official documentation in the form of a letter certified by the staff in the Office for Students with Disabilities, University Hall 102. Only those students who have officially documented a need for an accommodation will have their request honored. Information regarding diagnostic criteria and policies for obtaining disability-based academic accommodations can be found at www.uta.edu/disability or by calling the Office for Students with Disabilities at (817) 272-3364. Drop Policy. Students may drop or swap (adding and dropping a class concurrently) classes through self-service in MyMav from the beginning of the registration period through the late registration period. After the late registration period, students must see their academic advisor to drop a class or withdraw. Undeclared students must see an advisor in the University Advising Center. Drops can continue through a point two-thirds of the way through the term or session. It is the student\\'s responsibility to officially withdraw if they do not plan to attend after registering. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-attendance. Repayment of certain types of financial aid administered through the University may be required as the result of dropping classes or withdrawing. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information. Writing Center. The Writing Center, Room 411 in the Central Library, offers tutoring for any writing you are assigned while a student at UT-Arlington. During Fall 2012, Writing Center hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday; and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. You may register and schedule appointments online at uta.mywconline.com or by visiting the Writing Center. If you need assistance with registration, please call 817-272-2601. If you come to the Writing Center without an appointment, you will be helped on a first-come, first-served basis as consultants become available. Writing Center consultants are carefully chosen and trained, and they can assist you with any aspect of your writing, from understanding an assignment to revising an early draft to polishing a final draft. However, the Writing Center is not an editing service; consultants will not correct your grammar or rewrite your assignment for you, but they will help you become a better editor of your own writing. I encourage each of you to use the Writing Center. In addition to one-on-one consultations, the Writing Center will offer FYC and grammar workshops periodically throughout the semester. For more information on these, please visit us at http://www.uta.edu/owl. Library Research Help for Students in the First-Year English Program. UT Arlington Library offers many ways for students to receive help with writing assignments:\\nResearch Librarians: Second floor of Central Library Course-Specific Guides. All First-Year English courses have access to research guides that assist students with required research. To access the guides go to http://libguides.uta.edu. Search for the course number in the search box located at the top of the page. The research guides direct students to useful databases, as well as provide information about citation, developing a topic/thesis, and receiving help. Student Support Services: UT Arlington provides a variety of resources and programs designed to help students develop academic skills, deal with personal situations, and better understand concepts and information related to their courses. Resources include tutoring, major-based learning centers, developmental education, advising and mentoring, personal counseling, and federally funded programs. For individualized referrals, students may visit the reception desk at University College (Ransom Hall), call the Maverick Resource Hotline at 817-272-6107, send a message to resources@uta.edu, or view the information at www.uta.edu/resources. Student Feedback Survey: At the end of each term, students enrolled in classes categorized as lecture, seminar, or laboratory shall be directed to complete a Student Feedback Survey (SFS). Instructions on how to access the SFS for this course will be sent directly to each student through MavMail approximately 10 days before the end of the term. Each students feedback enters the SFS database anonymously and is aggregated with that of other students enrolled in the course. UT Arlingtons effort to solicit, gather, tabulate, and publish student feedback is required by state law; students are strongly urged to participate. For more information, visit http://www.uta.edu/sfs. Electronic Communication Policy. All students must have access to a computer with internet capabilities. Students should check email daily for course information and updates. I will send group emails through MyMav. I am happy to communicate with students through email. However, I ask that you be wise in your use of this tool. Make sure you have consulted the syllabus for answers before you send me an email. Remember, I do not monitor my email 24 hours a day. I check it periodically during the school week and occasionally on the weekend. The University of Texas at Arlington has adopted the University MavMail address as the sole official means of communication with students. MavMail is used to remind students of important deadlines, advertise events and activities, and permit the University to conduct official transactions exclusively by electronic means. For example, important information concerning registration, financial aid, payment of bills, and graduation are now sent to students through the MavMail system. All students are assigned a MavMail account. Students are responsible for checking their MavMail regularly. Information about activating and using MavMail is available at http://www.uta.edu/oit/email/. There is no additional charge to students for using this account, and it remains active even after they graduate from UT Arlington. Conferences and Questions: I have three regularly scheduled office hours each week. These times are reserved for students to drop by or to make an appointment to discuss course assignments, grades, or other class-related concerns. I will be happy to make other appointment times for you if your class schedule conflicts with regular conference times or if I am not available on certain days. If you receive a grade on an assignment or quiz about which you have questions, please wait twenty-four hours before discussing it with me. This gives you time to process the assignment comments and to think about how your course work meets the requirements set forth for each assignment. I do not discuss individual student issues in the classroom before, during or after class. Syllabus and Schedule Changes. Instructors try to make their syllabuses as complete as possible; however, during the course of the semester they may be required to alter, add, or abandon certain policies/assignments. Instructors reserve the right to make such changes as they become necessary. Students will be informed of any changes in writing. Course Schedule. Assignments are due on the day they are listed. Syllabus Abbreviations TSIS: They Say/I Say IP: Issue Proposal SFW: The Scott, Foresman Writer AB: Annotated Bibliography FYW: First-Year Writing: Perspectives on Argument MI: Mapping the Issue RPP: Researched Position Paper Week Date Assignments 1 1/14 Course introduction. Policies and procedures. 1 1/16 Rhetorical situation\\nRead: FYW P48-P49-P22 (FYE policies, outcomes, etc) and The Rhetorical Situation (P17-P22)\\nDiagnostic Essay 1 1/18 Rhetorical situation, cont.\\nRead: Review FYW The Rhetorical Situation Last day for late registration 2 1/21 NO CLASS: MLK HOLIDAY 2 1/23 Entering academic conversations\\nRead: TSIS Preface, Introduction, and Ch. 9\\nDue: RR#1: Choose a current issue that interests you. Write a brief (1/2 page) summary of the issue. Then put in your oar. What do they say about the issue? What do you say? Use the templates in the Introduction to help organize your ideas. 2 1/25 TBD 3 1/28 Introduction to argument\\nRead: FYW Chapter 1 and TSIS Chapters 1 and 7 3 1/30 Discuss ENGL 1302 assignment sequence\\nRead: ENGL 1302 assignments in FYW P49-P73. Pay careful attention to the Issue Proposal (IP) as it will be assigned today. Due: RR#2: Name another current issue that interests you. Why does it interest you? What stake do you have in the issue? What is your position? What are opponents positions? Where is there common ground on the issue? Also, bring questions about assignment sequence in general and IP specifically. 3 2/1 Discuss current issues\\nRead: Review FYW Chapter 1 Due: RR#3: Select three possible issues to research this semester. Draft responses to invention questions 1-4 in the Issue Proposal assignment for each issue (FYW P51-P56). 4 2/4 Review and discuss sample IP. Discuss peer review.\\nRead: Sample IP in FYW and Understanding Your Instructors Comments and FYE Evaluation Rubric in SFW pp. xxiii-xxix. 4 2/6 Finding and Stating Claims. Assign peer review groups.\\nRead: FYW Chapter 4 and TSIS Chapter 4 4 2/8 In-class work on IPs.\\nDue: Rough Draft of IP 5 2/11 Reasons and evidence\\nRead: FYW Chapter 6.\\nDue: RR#4: FYW pp. 171-172 Tasks 1 and 2 5 2/13 Reasons and evidence, cont.\\nRead: TSIS Chapters 2, 3, 5; SFW pp. 233-248 5 2/15 Discuss strengths and weaknesses of IP and trajectory of research project. Assign annotated bibliography (AB).\\nDiscuss AB assignment; Read: AB assignment in on P57\\nDue: Issue Proposal 6 2/18 Library Day: Research for Annotated Bibliography\\nMeet in library room 315A.\\nDue: Possible search terms for your library research. 6 2/20 Read: SFW pp. 224-232. 6 2/22 Warranting claims and reasons\\nRead: FYW Chapter 9. 7 2/25 Warranting claims and reasons. Assign peer review groups.\\nRead: Review FYW Chapter 9. 7 2/27 In-class work on AB\\nDue: Peer review of ABs. 7 3/1 Mapping the Issue (MI)\\nRead: MI assignment in FYW P59-P65\\nDue: Questions about MI assignment 8 3/4 Ethos, pathos, and logos\\nRead: FYW Chapter 5 and Evaluating Proofs handout\\nDue: ABs 8 3/6 Reporting evidence\\nRead: FYW Chapter 5\\nDue: RR# 5: Select an article from your AB and analyze its claims and support 8 3/8 Reporting evidence, cont.\\nRead: Review FYW Chapter 7\\nDue: RR# 6: Write a draft outline of your MI. Include the evidence you will use to support your discussion of the conversations youre mapping. 9 3/11 SPRING BREAK 9 3/13 SPRING BREAK 9 3/15 SPRING BREAK 10 3/18 In-class work on MI. Read: Sample MI in FYW pp. P59-P65. 10 3/20 In-class work on MI\\nDue: Second draft of MI 10 3/22 TBD 11 3/25 Assign Researched Position Paper\\nRead: RPP assignment in FYW pp. P66-P73.\\nDue: Questions about RPP assignment 11 3/27 Discuss strengths and weaknesses of MI.\\nDue: MI Portfolios 11 3/29 Your readers role in your argument\\nRead: FYW Chapter 8, TSIS Chapter 6\\nDue: Name the intended audience for your RPP (remember, it must be a person or group with a real address) and explain how you intend to frame your problem/solution for your chosen audience.\\nLast day to drop 12 4/1 Outlining your argument\\nRead: FYW Chapter 13\\nDue: Outline of your RPP, including main claim, so what, reasons, and support. 12 4/3 Making your case\\nRead: TSIS Chapter 10\\nDue: Draft a paragraph of your RPP in which you include a reason, support your reason with evidence, and include metacommentary to clarify or elaborate 12 4/5 LIBRARY DAY. Go to room 315A of the Library 13 4/8 Rogerian Argument\\nRead: FYW Chapter 11\\nDue: Where do you have common ground with opponents in your RPP? Draft a paragraph of your RPP in which you highlight your common ground. 13 4/10 Research Process\\nRead: FYW Chapter 14.\\nDue: Questions about your research process. 13 4/12 [bookmark: _GoBack]TBD 14 4/15 Due: Bring a list of questions you still need to answer/information you still need to gather for your RPP and search terms for library work. 14 4/17 In-class work on RPPs.\\nRead: Sample RPP pp. P66-P73 in FYW.\\nDue: Questions about RPP project. 14 4/19 In-class work on RPPs. Assign peer review groups.\\nDue: First draft of RPP. 15 4/22 In-class work on RPPs. Due: Second draft of RPPs 15 4/24 In-class work on RPPs.\\nDue: Peer review of RPPs 15 4/26 In-class work on RPPs.\\nDue: Third draft of RPPs 16 4/29 Discuss strengths and weaknesses of RPPs.\\nDue: RPP Portfolios. 16 5/1 Class evaluations. RPP presentations 16 5/3 RPP presentations, cont.\\nLast day of classes ENGL 1302 Syllabus Contract I have read and understood the syllabus, and I agree to abide by the course policies. _____________________________________ ______________ Print Name Date _____________________________________ Signature Date ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics Courses at Heriot-Watt University FEB APR MAY 11 2008 2009 2011 4 captures\\n26 Feb 09 - 24 Jul 11 Close\\nHelp Text only\\nAccess Keys HW Home Search People Finder Contact Us Home School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences F71CR Credit Risk Management\\nLecturer: Alexander McNeil Aims This module aims to introduce students to the models used in the\\nmanagement of portfolio credit risk. We explore the mathematical\\nunderpinnings of widely-used industry models, such as the Moody's KMV\\nmodel, CreditMetrics and CreditRisk+, and learn how the critical\\nphenomenon of default dependence is modelled. We show how these\\nportfolio credit models are used to determine capital adequacy and\\nreveal how they have shaped regulation and led to the Basel II capital\\nformula.. Summary In this module we will cover the following topics: Introduction to credit risk: credit-risky instruments, defaults, ratings\\nMerton's model of the default of a firm\\nCommon industry models (KMV, CreditMetrics, CreditRisk+)\\nModelling dependence between defaults with factor models\\nLatent variable or threshold models of default\\nMixture models of default\\nThe Basel II regulatory capital formula\\nCalculating the portfolio credit loss distribution\\nLarge portfolio behaviour of the credit loss distribution\\nCalibration and statistical inference for credit risk models Learning outcomes On completion of the module the student should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of credit risk;\\nDescribe the theoretical underpinnings of models used in the financial industry;\\nShow a knowledge of the regulatory framework and, in particular, the Basel II regulatory capital formula;\\nExplain how dependence is modelled in credit portfolios;\\nExplain how latent variable or threshold models are constructed;\\nDescribe mixture models of default and derive their mathematical properties;\\nDescribe methods for calculating the portfolio loss distribution, including asymptotic approximations;\\nDescribe and apply statistical approaches to calibrating credit risk models. Reading McNeil, A.J. and Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2005). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools. Princeton, New Jersey.\\nBluhm, C. and Overbeck, L. and Wagner, C. (2002). An Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling. Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series, London. Assessment There will be a two-hour examination carrying at least 70% of the credit and coursework carrying up to 30% of the credit. Help If you have any problems or questions regarding the module, you are encouraged to\\ncontact the lecturer. Material online Further information and course materials are available at Heriot-Watt VISION\\nDetailed syllabus Introduction to Credit Risk: credit-risky instruments, the\\nnature of the challenge, defaults, exposures, losses given default, a\\nfirst look at default dependence\\nMerton's Model: the relationship between asset value, debt and equity, pricing in Merton's model\\nIndustrial Implementations of Merton's Model: KMV and CreditMetrics\\nLatent Variable or Threshold Models: a short copula primer, role of copulas in threshold models, industry models as threshold models\\nMixture Models: exchangeable models, one-factor models, mapping threshold models to mixture models, CreditRisk+\\nThe Portfolio Loss Distribution: calculating the portfolio\\nlos distribution, Monte Carlo methods, asymptotic results in infinitely\\ngranular portfolios, the Basel II regulatory formula\\nStatistical Estimation: estimating default probabilities and default correlation; relationship to generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) Courses Undergraduate\\nMSc/PG Diploma Actuarial Science\\nMSc Financial Mathematics\\nMSc Quantitative Risk Management\\nResearch\\nResearch Areas and Groups\\nSeminars\\nPostgraduate Research\\nGeneral\\nPeople\\nJob Vacancies\\nActuarial & Financial Links\\nProbability & Statistics Links\\nMaxwell Institute\\nInformation for Current Students Accredited Courses All our actuarial courses are fully accredited by the UK Actuarial Profession - exemption opportunities! Current Students Vision Staff (Internal) Webmail Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences , Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland Phone: +44 (0)131 451 3202, Fax +44 (0)131 451 3327 or Email enquiries@macs.hw.ac.uk Copyright 2008 Heriot-Watt University Disclaimer Freedom of Information Site maintained by: macs webperson Last updated: 09 Jan 2009 \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\"> Amy Proctor - Blog - Americans Not BuyingEvolution FEB DEC Jan 2 2007 2008 2009 3 captures\\n3 Dec 07 - 2 Dec 08 Close\\nHelp Blog Rules of Engagement About Awards & Citations E-Mail IRAQI FREEDOM Blogroll My Blip.TV My You Tube My Brightcove Videos BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT\\nvia Amy Proctor Blog Rules of Engagement About Awards & Citations E-Mail IRAQI FREEDOM Blogroll My Blip.TV My You Tube My Brightcove Videos Navigation Blog Rules of Engagement About Awards & Citations E-Mail IRAQI FREEDOM Blogroll My Blip.TV My You Tube My Brightcove Videos Amy Proctor Archives Archives Login Join The Fight Join my Iraqi Freedom Blogroll US/Iraq 1990-2007 Senate Select Committee on Pre-War Intel 2004 Joint Resolution Authorizing War Against Iraq Iraq Liberation Act 1998 Clinton Speech on Bombing Iraq WMD Site 1998 Iraq Opposition Appropriations Bill 1998 Iraq Nat. Congress on Liberation Act 1998 U.N. Resolutions/Docs on Iraq 1991-99 Terrorism Has No Religion Stats SEARCH THIS SITE Site RSS Feeds Subscribe to Amy Proctor\\'s RSS Feed Blog RSS\\nBlog Comments RSS Media My Point Radio - April 2, 2007 -Amy interviewed by Dave and Jenn P.V.Radio-March 28, 2007-Amyinterviewed byFrank and Shane MONTEL WILLIAMS - October 12, 2006With CNNs Lou Dobbs, Rev Jesse Jackson, Tony Goldwyn, Amy Holmes, Asra Nomani and Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf-Promo-Segment 1-Segment 2-Segment 3-Segment 4 (Amy)-Segment 5.W.A.R RADIO- July 4, 2006 -Amy interviewed by Cao-Johnny interviewed by Cao.Message to Greenlawn Baptist Church - July 2, 2006SFC John Proctoron Christ in Combat .CBS RADIO 550 KTSA - June 13, 2006-Amy interviewed about Haditha.CINDY SHEEHAN RALLY- Sept. 15, 2005Video: (Amy interviewed)-WLTX News Articles: (Amy interviewed)-WIS10-WLTX 19-The State-WCNC-Charlotte Observer-Charlotte News-WIS 10 Citations Time/CNN: More Awards.... Pope Pius XII Humani Generis Creation & Evolution Darwinism Refuted Darwinism Watch Harun Yahya Humani Generis Kolbe Center No Evolution Reenforcements Families United Pro-Life National Right to Life Priests for Life Pro-Life Catholic Links Vatican-The Holy See Catholic Exchange Catholic Answers EWTN New Advent First Things Priests for Life Catholic Culture Papal Images Catholic World News Lord of the Rings LOTR.Net LOTR Fan Club LOTR Fanatics Bag End LOTR & Catholicism Catholic Imagination of Tolkien Christianity & Middle Earth Trilogy Trailer Fellowship Trailer ROTK Trailer Lord of the Peeps Lord of the Peeps \"book\" Promos Recent Comments Recent Comments 4-Star Generals Gateway Pundit Hot Air Jill Stanek Michael Yon Top Brass BLACKFIVE California Conservative Captain\\'s Journal EYE on the U.N. Flopping Aces High Plains Patriot Iraq the Model Little Green Footballs Michelle Malkin Mudville Gazette News Busters Regime of Terror Stop the ACLU Small Wars Journal Sweetness & Light Translating Iraq Documents Uncommon Sense (Cuba) My Platoon Amy in NZ Amy\\'s Kiwi Politics AubreyJ.Org Chief RZ Cop the Truth Dragon Lady\\'s Den Faith at the Front Fix 4 RSO Gawfer Gazing at the Flag Hillbilly Politics Indigo Red Internet Radio Network J Rob JeffreyMark Leticia Light & Life Marie\\'s 2 Cents Michael Johns Ms. Underestimated Old Soldier Padre Steve Political Grind Radaractive Right in a Left World Sacred Scoop Sister Toldjah Sparks from the Anvil SpouseBUZZ The Barnyard Thinkin\\'bout Stuff Wake Up America Write on the Right Roll Call A Lady\\'s Ruminations American Power Bear Creek Ledger Ben Gray Blogs for Bush Cao\\'s Blog Captain\\'s Quarters Common Cents Conservababes Democrats Lie Don Singleton Don Surber Elmer\\'s Brother Faultline USA Gina Cobb Hooah Wife Jo\\'s Cafe\\' Hawkeye (R) 24 Steps to Liberty Middle East Journal Murtha Must Go NoisyRoom.Net Scottish Right The Riehl Word The Anchoress Catholic Comrades Against the Grain ByzFaith CPT Tom Cafeteria is Closed Catholic Blogs.Blogspot Catholic Fire Catholic Londoner Catholic Mom Catholic Paratrooper Dei Gratia Fanatholic Feminine-Genius Jessica Letters from a Young Catholic Southfarthing Soapbox The Pope Blog - Pope Benedict XVI Iraqi Comrades Iraq the Model Sooni in Iraq The Average Iraqi Israeli Comrades Boker tov, Boulder! Military Army.mil Army Corps of Engineers CENTCOM Counterinsurgency Manual Defend America Early Bird News Iraq Fact Sheet Military Review-CAC OIF Multi-Nat. Force Operation Iraqi Freedom Docs Pentagon Channel Rank U.S. Dept of Defense Recon Al Jazeera BlackGenocide.Org CathNews Catholic League Catholic World News Christian Post CNN Drudge Report Fox News GeoBytes Global Terrorism Analysis GOP.com House Armed Services Committee Iraq Government Iraqi Media Net John McCain MEMRI MEMRI TV NationalBlackProLifeUnion New York Times News Blaze Pew Research Real Clear Politics Rush Limbaugh Strategy Page UK Times USA Today Washington Post Washington Times White House WorldNetDaily Yahoo Pictures-Iraq NObama Bloggers Victory Caucus Stop the ACLU Blogburst The Truth Surge Bloggers united to combat the media bias on Iraq GOP Bloggers Blue Star Blogs IKA War Against Terror 101st Fighting Keyboardists Is Centanni/Wiig Release a Hamas Photo Op? | Main | The Sickness of Islam Part 1 (Osama bin Laden) Thursday24Aug Americans Not BuyingEvolution Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 10:26AM Jon Miller of Michigan State University is befuddled. He conducted a survey, as reported in New Scientist Magazine, and it seems Americans are at the bottom of the I believe in evolution totem pole. A survey of 32 European countries, the US and Japan shows that only Turkey is less willing than the US to accept evolution as fact. The percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005. This has totally frustrated and confused evolutionists. Some of the insulting and arrogant sentiments expressed by Miller and his colleagues: Religious fundamentalism, bitter partisan politics and poor science education have all contributed to this denial of evolution in the US. \"The US is the only country in which [the teaching of evolution] has been politicized,\" he says. \" Republicans have clearly adopted this as one of their wedge issues. In most of the world, this is a non-issue.\" Miller\\'s report makes for grim reading for adherents of evolutionary theory. Even though the average American has more years of education than when Miller began his surveys 20 years ago, the percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005 (Science, vol 313, p 765). That\\'s despite a series of widely publicised advances in genetics, including genetic sequencing, which shows strong overlap of the human genome with those of chimpanzees and mice. \"We don\\'t seem to be going in the right direction,\" Miller says. There is some cause for hope. Team member Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, California, finds solace in the finding that the percentage of adults overtly rejecting evolution has dropped from 48 to 39 in the same time. Meanwhile the fraction of Americans unsure about evolution has soared, from 7 per cent in 1985 to 21 per cent last year. \"That is a group of people that can be reached,\" says Scott. Miller thinks more genetics should be on the syllabus to reinforce the idea of evolution. American adults may be harder to reach: nearly two-thirds don\\'t agree that more than half of human genes are common to chimpanzees. How would these people respond when told that humans and chimps share 99 per cent of their genes? Actually, its closer to 95%, but whose counting. Human DNA is also similar to that of the worms, mosquitoes, and chickens. There is a 75% similarity between the DNA of nematode worms and man. The genes of fruit flies belonging to the Drosophila genus and human genes yielded a similarity of 60%. How should people respond to that, Mr. Miller? Common design is not common ancestry.Republicans politicize poor science education. Meanwhile, evolutionists hope to evangelize the unsure Americans. Who says evolution isnt part of the religion of liberalism as Ann Coulter claims? In her book GODLESS; the Church of Liberalism says, Coulter says, If people are born gay, why hasnt Darwinism weeded out people who dont reproduce? (for that we need a theory of survival of the most fabulous). Perhaps Americans arent buying evolution because we know better. To blindly accept what a mostly atheistic scientific communitycan only call a scientific theory that starts with the end result and attempts to reconstruct the math backwards to make it work is clearly problematic, as evidenced by the numerous revisions science has had to make over the past decades. America has been around longer than Darwinism. America has seen the success of her Judeo-Christian beliefs and the utter failure of cultures that embrace evolution. Heroes of Fascism, Marxism and Communism have all worshipped at the altar of evolution with tragic human results. America has witnessed the decline of Europe and its journey down the drain morally, culturally and economically in its rejection of religion and adherence to Darwinism.Maybe in the end it\\'s because America is largely a religious country that understands faith in a Creator God is morefoolproof than faithin a Father Ape. Maybe Americans have seen \"science\" give proof only to take it back time and time again as the evidence changes, whereas the steadfastness of Creation remains logical and infallible.Maybe because it takesfaith to believe thataNeandertal Man living 350,000 years agofirst discovered in the mid 1800\\'swith only 300 remains found worldwide is sufficient explanation for our evolutionary ancestry is why Americans aren\\'t buying evoluntion,especially since we all personally know 300 people who look like the Neandertal man today!In any case, the day scientists stop condescending to those of us who are \"unsure\" of scientific theory in favor of common sense is the day creationists might say, \"Well, I\\'ll bea monkey\\'s uncle.\" RELATED POSTS:Liberal Infallibility-The Gospel According to Coulter Worm Turds Prove Evolution \\'It\\'s the Demography, Stupid\\' The Eugenics of Communism Jesus on Trial Moral Darwinism in the Anti-War Movement Trackback URL: http://amyproctor.squarespace.com/blog/trackback/653862 Update on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 09:49AM by Amy Proctor Pope Prepares to Embrace Theory of Intelligent Design(Hat Tip: Johnny Proctor)John Hooper in RomeMonday August 28, 2006The Guardian Philosophers, scientists and other intellectuals close to Pope Benedict will gather at his summer palace outside Rome this week for intensive discussions that could herald a fundamental shift in the Vatican\\'s view of evolution. There have been growing signs the Pope is considering aligning his church more closely with the theory of \"intelligent design\" taught in some US states. Advocates of the theory argue that some features of the universe and nature are so complex that they must have been designed by a higher intelligence. Critics say it is a disguise for creationism.A prominent anti-evolutionist and Roman Catholic scientist, Dominique Tassot, told the US National Catholic Reporter that this week\\'s meeting was \"to give a broader extension to the debate. Even if [the Pope] knows where he wants to go, and I believe he does, it will take time. Most Catholic intellectuals today are convinced that evolution is obviously true because most scientists say so.\" In 1996, in what was seen as a capitulation to scientific orthodoxy, John Paul II said Darwin\\'s theories were \"more than a hypothesis\". Last week, at a conference in Rimini, Cardinal Christoph Schnborn of Austria revealed that evolution and creation had been chosen as the subjects for this year\\'s meeting of the Pope\\'s Schlerkreis - a group consisting mainly of his former doctoral students that has been gathering annually since the late 1970s. Apart from Cardinal Schnborn, participants at the closed-door meeting will include the president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Peter Schuster; the conservative ethical philosopher Robert Spaemann; and Paul Elbrich, professor of philosophy at Munich University. Last December, a US court sparked controversy when it ruled that intelligent design should not be taught alongside evolution theory. Cardinal Schnborn said: \"The debate of recent months has undoubtedly motivated the Holy Father\\'s choice.\" But he added that in the 1960s the then Joseph Ratzinger had \"underlined emphatically the need to return to the topic of creation\". The Pope also raised the issue in the inaugural sermon of his pontificate, saying: \"We are not the accidental product, without meaning, of evolution.\" A few months later, Cardinal Schnborn, who is regarded as being close to Benedict, wrote an article for the New York Times backing moves to teach ID. He was attacked by Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory. On August 19, Fr Coyne was replaced without explanation. Vatican sources said the Pope\\'s former astronomer, who has cancer, had asked to be replaced. Update on Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 09:16AM by Amy Proctor Hitler Used Darwinism to Justify the HolocaustandDarwins legacy of deathCoa\\'s Blog provides these links in her article:Rabbi defends show linking Darwin, HitlerDarwins Deadly Legacy Gives Shocking Look at Social ImpactAlso see this post at the ID ReportDarwin-Hitler connection sparks attacks, WorldNetDaily.com, Aug. 22, 2006ADL Furious Over Darwin Documentary, NewsMax.com, Aug. 22, 2006Why Evolution breeds monsters like Hitler, Trotsky and StalinMarx & Engels: writings quotes and parallels to todays leftistsEugenics and the leftFrom Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience comes an excellent piece called Fascist Ecology: The Green Wing of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents by Peter Staudenmaier, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany Amy Proctor | 518 Comments | 4 References | Permalink | Share Article | Email Article in Science, Evolution View Printer Friendly Version\\nEmail Article to Friend References (4) References allow you to track sources for this article, as well as articles that were written in response to this article. Response:\\nAmericans don’t go for Darwin at Cao\\'s Blog on August 26, 2006 Darwinists totally discount any scientific evidence that doesn?t fit within the Theory of Evolution; that seems to me to be incredibly biased. In science, when you have a hypothesis, you test it, and if it doesn?t pan out, you?re supposed to wit... Response:\\nAmericans, Are You Proud? by Gia at :: gias blog :: on September 1, 2006 *Romania* scores higher than America Im still completely freaked out by this Response:\\nkurt at kurt on October 12, 2006 igisubeg noebaci Response:\\nDoing it right at scohen.org on July 3, 2007 Despite the nattering of some fools, it is fairly simple to incorporate science with religion. Being raised Jewish, I’ve come into contact with many Jews (duh!) and have only found one creationist –my uncle. So here’s an article that... Reader Comments (518) The reason that most of the rest of the world does beleive in the Scientific Theory of evolution is because they have lost their faith and the United States and Israel bave not lost their faith in Judeao Christian faith in the one true God.Excellant Post Amy and you are absolutely correct.Republicans politicize poor science education. Meanwhile, evolutionists hope to evangelize the unsure Americans. Who says evolution isnt part of the religion of liberalism as Ann Coulter claims? In her book GODLESS; the Church of Liberalism says, Coulter says, If people are born gay, why hasnt Darwinism weeded out people who dont reproduce? (for that we need a theory of survival of the most fabulous). August 24, 2006 | Phil Ann Coulter has a great chapter on evolution in \"Godless.\"It drives me nuts the way the Discovery Channel and BBC programming treat darwinian evolution like it\\'s scientific fact, when it\\'s nothing more than a completely unsubstantiated Victorian-age theory.I think the reason secularists/atheists are such big believers in evoution is because they NEED it to be true... otherwise, they\\'d have to believe in God. Theists don\\'t need to believe that evolution is false-- one can believe in God and still believe in evolution-- but atheists need to believe evolution is true. But how about this: even if darwinian evolution were discovered to be scientific fact, we\\'re still left with the question of who or what started the process... August 24, 2006 | Karen I think it\\'s funny how Miller feels so threatened that the number of people who buy evolution have dropped so severely. His solution? Indoctrinate the kids!That doesn\\'t seem to be working either, if certain jr high and high school students in California are anything to judge by.On a different note, it\\'s funny how people say \"religion has caused more wars than blahblahblah\". Really, it makes me wonder how I could\\'ve missed the religious element in both World Wars. The Darwinistic influence is obvious enough though. August 24, 2006 | Trent Great thread, Amy. Powerful, poignant and riveting to read. I laughed my head off when I read this: \"...especially since we all personally know 300 people who look like the Neandertal man today!\"Its true! August 24, 2006 | Johnny \"On a different note, it\\'s funny how people say \"religion has caused more wars than blahblahblah\". Really, it makes me wonder how I could\\'ve missed the religious element in both World Wars. The Darwinistic influence is obvious enough though.\"EXCELLENT POINT! August 24, 2006 | Johnny As mentioned above it is only a \"Theory\" not a proven fact as we all know. They may be scratching their heads in trying to make head or tails on this matter.There is only one irrifutable fact proven time and time again. God the Father is our creator!They need all the luck in trying to dispute that fact.Great post Amy, as always! August 24, 2006 | Leticia I have to be very honest here, Karen is a very intelligent person one of whom I have come to respect.Karen, made several good points here to, she used to have a article on her blog that said if the evolutionists beleive that we came from fish, then why are there still fish.Karen Writes: \"It drives me nuts the way the Discovery Channel and BBC programming treat darwinian evolution like it\\'s scientific fact, when it\\'s nothing more than a completely unsubstantiated Victorian-age theory.\"The reason for that Karen is that the Left do not beleive in GOD and they have to beleive in something so they preferr to beleive in something that is so obtuse that no one else could believe in no matter how many of the Leftist started nagging on that.Another excellant point that Karen made here is: I think the reason secularists/atheists are such big believers in evoution is because they NEED it to be true... otherwise, they\\'d have to believe in God. That is so very True Karen. Also You went on and stated: Theists don\\'t need to believe that evolution is false--one can believe in God and still believe in evolution-- but atheists need to believe evolution is true. Why is that It is because they need to beleive in something because to have nothing to beleive in is a very empty feeling.This point here that Karen made hits the nail right on the head and it still baffles the Evolutionist today.But how about this: even if darwinian evolution were discovered to be scientific fact, we\\'re still left with the question of who or what started the process...Johnny Writes: \"...especially since we all personally know 300 people who look like the Neandertal man today!\"Johnny, Those that look like the Neandertal man of today are all Liberals. LOL August 24, 2006 | Phil There is, in case anyone is interested, an informative and funny audio lecture on the problems of evolution here: http://www.ewtn.com/vondemand/audio/searchprog.asp. The talk is about an hour long but worth it. You\\'ll need Real Player to listen to it but if you don\\'t have it click the \"return to searh page\" on the site and download it. It\\'s completely free.A whole series of mostly short essays can be found here: http://www.catholiceducation.org/links/search.cgi?query=darwin&submit.x=21&submit.y=13I just finished reading ARCHITECTS OF THE CULTURE OF DEATH by Donald De Marco and Benjamin Wiker. It\\'s excellent, and even I understood most of it. They have an essay on Darwin. They don\\'t focus much on his theory in THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES but on the racist theories he drew up on its basis. This he did in a book called THE DESCENT OF MAN. By the way, the full title of the Origin of Species is this: THE ORIGIN OF SPEICIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE. Scratch an evolutionist and you\\'ll find a eugenicist. August 24, 2006 | Dim Bulb, freak show, sick puppy Johnny (or should I call you Mr. Proctor?),\"Blah, blah, blah,\" is right. By all accounts America is a faith nation, but how many of its wars have been motivated by religion? If any nations wars should have been motivated by religion (assuming that religion leads necessarily to wars) it is this one. Most of our wars were in fact motivated by greed of some kind, such as land or natural resources. That holds true for most other wars. Also, political ideaologies are a major factor.\"War is hell, and you can;t refine it.\" (General William T. Sherman). Because war is so nasty and frightening people \"get religion.\" There are few atheists or liberals in fox holes. My dad has many audio tapes of talks given by Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I recall him once talking about how during WW II the atheist communists in Russia began talking about \"Holy Mother Russia\" and began encouraging people to attend church. Even the un-devote will turn to their god or gods in a war. When people claim that religion has started more wars than anthing else they\\'re looking at the facade rather than the facts. August 24, 2006 | Dim Bulb, freak show, sick puppy Amy,In your article, you used the phrase \"worshipped at the altar of evolution\"... Now that\\'s a bit scary, since I used almost that exact same phrase in the manuscript of my book (never published) back in 1982, and concerning the exact same subject! (Goose bumps now going up and down body!)Perhaps we can attribute this \"coincidence\" to the Holy Spirit who may enjoy using this particular phrase??God Bless... August 24, 2006 | Hawkeye P.S.-- BTW, have you had a chance to check out my newest website... \"Victory Against Terror\"?http://victory.envy.nu/index.htmI would appreciate any comments you might have for how to improve the site, etc.Best regards to you and Johnny... August 24, 2006 | Hawkeye DimBulb, et al:I was quoting Trent above in the \\'war...\\' remarks, so your very astute remarks belong to Trent, not me. you can call me Johnny, that\\'s fine.Your Dad is a Catholic theologian, or just a Bishop Sheen fan? August 24, 2006 | Johnny Hawkeye, your VAT website is terrific. The Battalion Commander\\'s letter is priceless and every word is true. Thanks for posting that! August 24, 2006 | Johnny ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' AUG DEC JUN 26 2002 2003 2005 29 captures\\n12 Dec 02 - 20 Jul 10 Close\\nHelp VWC Faculty Web Page - Dr. Carstens, English 441, Fall 2001 Postcolonial Literature: The British Empire Enchained\\nWorld Literature in English, from India, Africa, the Carribean and the U.K. Course Description: Postcolonial literature describes literature by authors from non-European, non-U.S. countries once subject to British or European colonial rule. This course looks at how, by \"enchaining\" the peoples and cultures of nations once under its rule and \"enchaining\" itself to these nations in a common history of Empire, England and its literature both shaped and were shaped by these relations. We will begin with late Victorian examples of literature explicitly or implicitly involving British colonial relationships, written from a British point of view, then focus on contemporary fiction written in English from areas once but no longer under British colonial rule: The Indian Subcontinent, Nigeria and South Africa, the Carribean, and the U.K. itself. We will examine how colonial literature imagines the \"other\" and how those representations relate to material realities, as well as how the \"postcolonial\" literature by writers from the once-colonized nations resist and re-imagine their identities and their relationships to colonial history. This literature is historically, politically, and culturally engaged, as well as culturally, thematically and stylistically diverse varyingly marked by adventure, romance, tragedy, humor, social realism, and experimental narrative forms. A number of the novels on this syllabus have won or were short-listed for the prestigious Booker Prize. Major Readings: Rudyard Kipling, _Kim_ Salmon Rushdie, _Shame_ Anita Desai, _Clear Light of Day_ Buchi Emechita, _The Joys of Motherhood_ Caryl Phillips, _Crossing the River_ J.M. Coetzee, _Disgrace_ Useful Web Links: George Landow\\'s Postimperial and Postcolonial Web\\nOther Colonial and Postcolonial links Page last updated on July 7, 2001 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" EECS 622 Syllabus OCT OCT JAN 30 2002 2003 2004 3 captures\\n21 Oct 02 - 20 Jan 04 Close\\nHelp EECS 622 Microwave and Radio Transmission Systems (Fall 02)\\nMWF 12:30 - 1:20\\nRoom 3017 Learned Home Instructor: Prof. Jim Stiles Offices: 1013-E Learned Hall 864-8803 307 Nichols Hall 864-7744 E-mail: jstiles@rsl.ukans.edu Office Hours: 9:30 to 12:20 MWF, or by appointment. Catalog Listing: EECS 622 (3) Introduction to radio transmission systems. Topics include radio transmitter and receiver design, radiowave propagation phenomenology, antenna performance and basic design, and signal detection in the presence of noise. Students will design radio systems to meet specified performance measure. Prerequisite: EECS 420, EECS 461, EECS 562 Course Objective: To introduce the fundamentals of radio transmission systems, including wireless communication devices and radar. Topics include transmitter and receiver system analysis and design, antenna performance and specification, fundamentals of propagation and scattering, and detection in the presence of noise. Upon completion of this course, students should be capable of designing, at a systems level, a radio transmission system that will meet a given detection specification. Required Text: Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems, by David Pozar, J. Wiley, 2001. Grading: The following factors will be used to arrive at the final course grade. Homework 10 % Projects 15 % Exam I 20 % Exam II 20 % Final Exam 35 % Grading Scale: Grades will be assigned to the following scale: A 90 - 100 % B 80 - 89 % C 70 - 79 % D 60 - 69 % F < 60 % These are guaranteed maximum scales and may be revised downward at the instructor's discretion. Homework: Homework will be collected at the beginning of class on a roughly weekly basis. Collaboration with classmates is permitted. Copying is not permitted. Exams: No make-ups for (excused) missed exams will be given. The first missed exam will be scored by taking 90% of the average of the other exams. Subsequent missed exams will be scored as zero. Ethics Policy: Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. It will result in a failing grade and may result in further disciplinary action by the University. For details see the Academic Misconduct section of the Timetable. Home \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Demonstration Feb MAR JUN 14 2003 2004 2005 8 captures\\n14 Mar 04 - 16 Oct 05 Close\\nHelp UUHistoryTheSyllabusRegistrationContentsSKSMonLine UpAtMorning...TheTransient...FromEdwards... What We Will Cover in this Unit\\nTRANSCENDENTALISM Dare to love God without mediator or veil... Ralph Waldo Emerson Divinity School Address, 1838 Not even one generation passed before the young movement of Unitarians experienced a rebellion from within their own ranks. Inspired by the thought of German Idealism (Kant, Hegel) and British Transcendentalism (Coleridge, Carlyle), a group of young Unitarian men and women began to preach a new religion of intuition and personal experience. They called themselves the Transcendentalists.\\nDaniel Walker Howes article will provide an overview of the period we are covering in this unit, 18351865. He will discuss the early development of Unitarianism, its role in social reform, and the Transcendentalist rebellion. Next you will read two primary texts of the Transcendentalists, Emersons Divinity School Address and\\nParkers Transient and Permanent in Christianity. These documents will help you get a sense of the core values of Transcendentalism.\\nAfter the assigned readings, we ask that you do some research on one Transcendentalist of your choosing. Read some biographical material as well as a primary text or two, and compose a one page response to what youve learned. The Explore More section will provide you with a starting point for your research. Assigned Readings\\nThese are the required readings for this unit. At Morning Blest and Golden-Browed: Unitarians, Transcendentalists and Reformers, 18351865 by Daniel Walker Howe\\nThe Divinity School Address ** by Ralph Waldo Emerson\\n** Note: Following this link will take you outside of the UU history website. Use the back or previous buttons on your browser to navigate back when finished with the reading. The Transient and Permanent in Christianity by Theodore Parker Questions to Consider What values did the Transcendentalists share?\\nWhat was their critique of classical Unitarianism?\\nWhat are the continuities between classical Unitarianism and Transcendentalism?\\nHow did the Transcendentalists theology shape their attitudes toward justice issues? Explore More\\nThis section includes optional readings for this unit, links to resources on the World Wide Web, and a select bibliography.\\nOptional Readings From Edwards to Emerson by Perry Miller\\nIn this essay, Miller articulates continuities between the Puritan revivalism of Jonathon Edwards and the Transcendentalist intuitionalism of Emerson. What is persistent, he argues, from Edwards to Emerson is the Puritans effort to confront, face to face, the image of a blinding divinity in the physical universe, and to look upon that universe without the intermediacy of ritual, of the Mass and the confessional. The Oversoul, ** by Ralph Waldo Emerson\\n**Note: Following this link will take you outside of the UU History website. Use back or previous buttons on your browser to navigate back when finished with the reading. Links to Internet Resources\\nThe Web is filled with resources on the Transcendentalists. Much of the information is scholarly and appropriate for use in a history course, while some falls under the category of boosterism. We have tried to provide you with some of the best links to begin your searches (as of late 1999). Click here for brief Encyclopedia Articles on the Transcendentalists.\\nA good starting point for information is the Transcendentalists home page, which provides links to bibliographies, and information on individual Transcendentalists.\\nFor Information on Ralph Waldo Emerson, see the Emerson page for on-line texts of most of his essays and poems.\\nThe The Margaret Fuller Society maintains a Web page with links to Fuller biographies and bibliographies, as well as on-line texts by Fuller, including the complete Women in the 19th Century (though it is difficult to read because of bad page design).\\nThe Thoreau homepage provides links to Thoreau biographies, bibliographies, as well as readable on-line editions of many of his works.\\nThe Theodore Parker website provides links to Parker biographies, bibliographies, as well as on-line texts by and about Parker.\\nThe Nathaniel Hawthorne Society maintains a website with links to articles and books by and about Hawthorne.\\nClick here for an exhaustive on-line Bibliography of Transcendentalism in general, as well as links to bibliographies for many individual Transcendentalists. Bibliography Blanchard, Paula. Margaret Fuller: From Transcendentalism to Revolution (New York: Delta-Seymour Lawrence, 1978). The MFC-required biography.\\nCapper, Charles. Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life Vol 1: The Private Years (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992).\\nA recent biography of Fullers early years.\\nCommager, Henry Steele. Theodore Parker (Little, Brown: Boston, 1946). Commager presents a folksy narrative of Parkers life.\\nHutchison, William. The Transcendentalist Ministers: Church Reform in the New England Renaissance (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1959).\\nLooks at the Transcendentalists as theological and ecclesial reformers, not just as literary figures.\\nMiller, Perry. Margaret Fuller: American Romantic. A Selection From Her Writings and Correspondence (Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1963).\\nMiller, Perry. The Transcendentalists: An Anthology (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1950).\\nThis is widely considered the best resource on Transcendentalism. It includes writings by virtually all the Transcendentalists.\\nRichardson, Jr. Robert D. Emerson: Mind on Fire (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997).\\nAn excellent recent biography of Emerson.\\nRichardson, Jr. Robert D. Henry Thoreau: A Life of the Mind (Berkeley: Univ. Of California Press, 1986).\\nRusk, Ralph L. The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson (New York: Scribners, 1949). For fifty years the standard biography.\\nTharp, Louise Hall. The Peabody Sisters of Salem (Boston: Little, Brown, 1950). For information on Elizabeth Palmer Peabody.\\nWest, Cornel. The American Evasion of Philosophy (University of Wisconsin: Madison, 1990).\\nWest assesses Emersons legacy within the American philosophical school of pragmatism, as well as its implications for a progressive politics today.\\nWilliams, George Hunston. Re-thinking the Unitarian Relationship with Protestantism: An Examination of the Thought of Frederic Henry Hedge (Boston: Beacon Press, 1949).\\nA good assessment of the thought of Hedge. For more bibliographic information, pursue links on the Web, and see the various bibliographic essays in David Robinsons The Unitarians and the Universalists (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1985). This page was last modified Wednesday 04 February 2004. Copyright 19982004 Starr King School for the Ministry. All rights reserved. For comments or requests\\nwrite to the Webweaver at webweaver@online.sksm.edu. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" LEND_Syllabus_SPR_2003 SEP NOV Dec 5 2002 2003 2004 4 captures\\n4 Apr 03 - 5 Nov 03 Close\\nHelp LEND Leadership Development Seminar 2002 - 2003 Spring Quarter Syllabus\\nLEND Spring 2003 Syllabus MS Word Version | LEND Winter 2003 Syllabus | LEND Autumn 2002 Syllabus\\nLEND Seminar Curriculum 2002 - 2003\\nMajor Topics: * Introduction to Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities * Introduction to Maternal and Child Health Bureau * Social, Historical, and Political Context of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability * Disability Studies from a Cultural Context * Disability Policy, Advocacy, and Law * Disability Research, Science, and Ethics Coordinators: Johnson Cheu (O) 292-5482, Cheu.1@osu.edu Patricia Cloppert (O) 247-6193, Cloppert.2@osu.edu Paula Rabidoux (O) 688-8472, Rabidoux.1@osu.edu\\nTexts Required: Claiming Disability by Simi Linton\\nThe Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman\\nFrom Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy by Richard Scotch Reading Packet in 357\\nSPRING QUARTER 2003\\nWeek: 1 Date: 4/2/03 Topic: IDEA and 504: Jurisdictional Issues Assignment: Enter data from 5 client charts by the final week of the quarter. See Jessica Lietz for your assignment. Case Review (See hand out) Goal: To increase knowledge of IDEA/504 and further develop jurisdictional advocacy skills. Objectives: To learn to anticipate some of the more typical concerns parents, students, and districts bring to the IEP negotiation.\\nWeek: 2 Date: 4/9/03 Topic: IDEA and 504: Jurisdictional Issues Assignment: Presentation of case reviews Goal: To increase knowledge of IDEA/504 and further develop jurisdictional advocacy skills. Objectives: To learn to anticipate some of the more typical concerns parents, students, and districts bring to the IEP negotiation.\\nWeek: 3 Date: 4/16/03 Topic: Self Determination (MCHB Site Visit) Presenters: Steve Cooley and Jane Trajanovski Goal: To learn how to apply phenomenological data to theoretical models. Objectives: To understand some of the daily life issues related to self determination.\\nWeek: 4 Date: 4/23/03 Topic: Assistive Technology and Augmentative/Alternative Communication Issues Presenters: Mary Jo Wendling and Jane Johnson Goal: Introduction to AT/AAC, funding basics Objectives: To acquaint students with the fundamentals of AT/AAC and how to circumnavigate some of the barriers to resources. Week: 5 Date: 4/30/03 Topic: Trainee Presentations of interests (cont. from winter quarter) Assignment: Reflection on first four weeks. See LEND WEB page (http://medicine.osu.edu/LEND/LEND_Forms.htm) for details. If you are completing a reflective journal for your faculty advisor use this to meet assignments for both. Submit electronically to all three instructors. Goal: To network with trainees/faculty on projects of interest. Objectives: Each trainee will present a current project or area of interest.\\nWeek: 6 Date: 5/7/03 Topic: Research, Science, Ethics Assignment: Readings Goal: To discuss particular aspects of concern with regard to research, science, and ethics in the area of developmental disability. Objectives: Trainees will understand multiple points of view from which to approach research, science, and ethics.\\nWeek: 7 Date: 5/14/03 Topic: Research, Science, Ethics Assignment: Readings Goal: To discuss particular aspects of concern with regard to research, science, and ethics in the area of developmental disability. Objectives: Trainees will understand multiple points of view from which to approach research, science, and ethics.\\nWeek: 8 Date: 5/21/03 Topic: Trainee Portfolio Presentations Assignment: Each trainee will present his/her year's portfolio. (See hand out.) Goal: To learn about exemplary practices from each other.\\nWeek: 9 Date: 5/28/03 Topic: Trainee Portfolio Presentations Assignment: Reflection on your LEND year. See LEND WEB page (http://medicine.osu.edu/LEND/LEND_Forms.htm) for details. If you are completing a reflective journal for your faculty advisor use this to meet assignments for both. Submit electronically to all three instructors. Goal: To learn about exemplary practices from each other. Week: 10 Date: 6/4/03 Topic: Graduation \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" MIT OpenCourseWare | Literature | 21L.487 Modern Poetry, Spring 2002 | Syllabus May JUN Jul 11 2006 2007 2008 1 captures\\n11 Jun 07 - 11 Jun 07 Close\\nHelp skip to content Search Advanced Search Course Home Syllabus Calendar Readings Assignments Study Materials Download this Course MIT OpenCourseWareLiteratureModern Poetry, Spring 2002 Syllabus Description\\nThis course considers some of the substantial early twentieth-century poetic voices in America. Authors vary, but may include Moore, Frost, Eliot, Stevens, and Pound.\\nGrades\\nI try to be decent. If forced to give a formula, I'd say something like: slightly over 1/3 for written work, slightly over 1/3 for other work, and leeway for my sense of whether you've learned something and helped others to learn. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005 MITPrivacyLegal Notices\\nYour use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and course materials is subject to the conditions and terms of use in our Legal Notices section. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "['Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 1 USTD 1201 Train Your Brain: Brain Facilitation Techniques Fall 2013 Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:20 Instructors: Michelle Hanby, Ph.D. Sharon Kulig, Ph.D. Office: Academic Building, Room 204G Phone: 325- 942-6125 E-mail: Michelle.Hanby@angelo.edu kuligsharon@hotmail.com Office Hours: Tues 10:30-12 Wed 9:30-12 (online) Thurs 10-12 and 1-3 Required materials: Journal and Appointment Book for Avoiding First Semester Rookie Mistakes: With Daily Brain-Building Tips by Dr. Sharon Kulig and Gus Clemens (available in the University Bookstore) Required Technology: 1. ASU e-mail address. You are responsible for checking your ASU e-mail address on a daily basis. Notifications about the course will be sent via blackboard to your ASU e-mail address. No other e-mail address is acceptable for use in this course. 2. Blackboard Course Management System (http://blackboard.angelo.edu). Blackboard (Bb) is a course management system that enables you to practice your critical thinking skills in regard to your coursework. Bb course content is arranged in modules. Each module contains relevant course documents as well as related media such as online learning modules, offering you a platform for study outside of class. Through Bb you can check your grades, communicate with your instructor, catch up on recent classroom announcements, and access the syllabus and other course documents/handouts. Course Description: This course is designed to encourage and teach you how to take better care of yourself and your brainthat personal, three pound computer of yours that looks like a turkey meatloaf and is made up of a hundred billion neurons. Your brain is not a fixed, mechanical device. Its better. Given the right information, you can nurture it, alter its structure, rewire it, increase its levels of oxygen and nutrition and enlarge its mass. Over the many years, the size of the human brain has tripled. The latest and most improved addition to your brain is its front porch, AKA, the prefrontal cortex. This bit of cranial real estate is the most turbo-powered, executive suite of them all. Remember grandmas lamenting about some kids (but not you, of course) having to learn everything the hard way. Well the most advantageous aspect of your being a proud owner of a prefrontal cortex is its ability to serve as a handy dandy experience simulator. This is an incredible anatomical advancement. It is why youre not likely to be ordering anchovy and liver yogurt at Baskin Robbins any time soon. **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 2 Consider flight simulators. Wet behind the ears pilots practice in flight simulators to avoid crashing and burning right off the bat in their cockpits or box offices on account of their inexperience. Similarly, you, thanks to your prefrontal cortex flight simulator, can experience things in advance in your head without having to live them out catastrophically by making rookie mistakes. College freshmen smack up against formidable contenders: on average 1,125,000 students dropout; the average college student debt after college is $23,700; the number of college students arrested at spring break is 88,750; and on average 62 parties are attended by college students in a 52 week year. Not to mention binge drinking, date rape, hooking up/breaking up, long distance relationships, cheating in all its nefarious forms, cliques (are there more or less at college than there were in high school), roommate dramarama, attractiveness issues (even the number one entertainer in the world overcorrected on that one), time mismanagement/crushing fatigue, and the fact that it still only takes three seconds to cross a median strip at sixty miles an hour. Students electing to take this course will punch each other awake. Youll serve as one anothers mirrors as you shake things up by considering obstacles that could do you in during your freshman year at college in the same way that an iceberg did in the Titanic. Course Objectives: The brain responds to intellectual stimulation, exercise, and socialization opportunities. It can be gnawed by stress; and conserved through stress management. It is affected by rest, the practice of faith, and fun. (Tickle it over here and it laughs over there.) Within 15 minutes of any meal, snack, or drink, whats been ingested is impacting the brain. Eating healthfully what the brain most wants for breakfast, lunch and dinner augments it. Your heart will be similarly impacted; for you have a pump. You are, however, your brain. Were going to break open some infamous animal house antics in order to let in a little light. And were going to challenge you to share what you discover. As you meet cognitive challenges, levels of chemicals essential to learning increase in your brain. And when you are learning, you are going to be upgrading your brains circuitry, changing and improving the level at which it performs. The brain loves novelty and in this course, we introduce students to whats new in the way of taking better care of ones brain. Our aim is to equip freshmen to live a more brain facilitative lifestyle --within the enriched but legendarily challenging environment of a first semester at college. The sooner students open themselves to brain facilitative lifestyle interventions, the sooner they will begin to hardwire into their still very malleable minds the idea that they do not have to learn the hard way. Were going to re-tool your thinking as together we break open some of the more common poor choices made by young adults. 1. Learn to apply course material (e.g., goal setting, organizational skills, stress management, brain facilitative skills) to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions. 2. Learn to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems 3. Learn to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view Student Learning Outcomes: **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 3 We will learn about and discuss a variety of strategies designed to help you transition into college and help you succeed in your college career and beyond. At the completion of this course, you will demonstrate higher-level critical thinking and core study skills strategies. By the end of this course, you should be able to do the following: Apply time management skills and set goals Access and use campus resources effectively Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills Student Learning Assessment: Student learning outcomes are measured by direct and indirect class participation, classroom exercises and activities, weekly activities, presentations, and your final project all of which are directly related to the course objectives. Class Requirements: Attendance and Participation: Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend all class meetings and mentor sessions. Occasionally, there will be out of class assignments meant to prepare you for class participation. These assignments are required and will factor into your attendance and participation grade. (5%) Journal Assignments: You will complete weekly assignments in your Journal and Appointment Book for Avoiding First Semester Rookie Mistakes. These assignments will due on Tuesday and Thursday and will be graded pass or fail based on completeness. (20%) Presentation: You will develop a brief (approximately 15 minute) course lecture on a specified topic. This will account for 25% of your final grade for the course. Grades will be based upon: 1. Creativity (3 points) 2. Exposition (graphs and charts, organization of display, workmanship, creativity, abstract and bibliography documenting information presented) (4 points) 3. Thoroughness (coverage of topic; completion; comprehension of topic) (4 points) 4. Presentation (Knowledge of topic, interest in topic, oral presentation, appearance) (4 points) 5. Scientific thought (organization; accuracy of observations, scientific methodology, interpretation of data) (5 points) Flight Plan: Based on your presentation and the follow-up discussion with your peer mentor and classmates, you will develop a flight plan for avoiding common mistakes common to your topic area. You will post a draft of your flight plan in Blackboard as a blog. This will give your fellow classmates further opportunity to comment and help you in constructing your flight plan. After receiving feedback, you will submit your finalized flight plan. The finalized flight plan is worth 10% of your final grade. Your feedback to your fellow classmates is worth 5% of your final grade. **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 4 Semester Project (35% of grade): You will demonstrate your learning by choosing to undertake one of the following: A. Write, produce and star in a peer instructive video vignettes relating to living a more brain facilitative lifestyle while at college B. Draft an article for potential publication ASUs Rampage relating to living a more brain facilitative lifestyle C. Develop an hour long television program centering on avoiding rookie mistakes ones freshman year for ASUs Ram TV: Channel Six. Describe four differing viewpoints for the panelists. Assignments % of Grade Grading Scale Attendance 5% A = 90 100% Weekly Assignments 20% B = 80 89% Presentation 25% C = 70 79% Flight Plan 15% D = 60 69% Final Project 35% F = <60% Total 100% ACADEMIC HONESTYASU Student Academic Honor Code: www.angelo.edu/forms/pdf/Honor_Code.pdf The Academic Honor Code is an agreement between the student and the academic community to foster academic integrity, value student educational goals, and maintain ASUs positive academic reputation. As an ASU student, you are responsible for understanding and adhering to this code. Likewise, ASU faculty should strive to create an environment in which academic honesty and personal ethics are held in the highest regard. Talk to me, your instructor, if you have a question concerning academic integrity. ASU Student Handbook: http://www.angelo.edu/cstudent/documents/pdf/Student_Handbook.pdf The ASU Student Handbook contains our Student Academic Honor Code Statement: Angelo State University expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuits. Additionally, ASU expects all students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach and to maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Academic integrity means the student does his or her own academic work, unless the instructor explicitly permits collaboration. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade in the course. SMART Tutoring: SMART is Angelo States umbrella of academic support to help you achieve academic success (www.angelo.edu/dept/smart). It is in your best interest to make use of these services throughout the course and beyond. SMART tutoring services are free to all ASU students and consist of the following: **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 5 ASU Tutor Center (www.angelo.edu/dept/tutoring) Writing Center (www.angelo.edu/dept/writing_center) Math Lab (www.angelo.edu/dept/mathematics/lab_hours) Supplemental Instruction (www.angelo.edu/dept/si) SMART Workshops (http://www.angelo.edu/dept/smart/smart_workshops.php) The ASU Tutor Center, Writing Center, Math Lab and SI also offer online tutoring. Students can access SMART Online via Blackboard: blackboard.angelo.edu. Look for the SMART Online tab. DISABILITIES: ASU is committed to the principle that no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs or activities of the university, or be subjected to discrimination by the university, as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Americans Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008 (ADAAA), and subsequent legislation. Student Services is the designated campus department charged with the responsibility of reviewing and authorizing requests for reasonable accommodations based on a disability, and it is the students responsibility to initiate such a request by contacting: Mrs. Audrey Wilson, ADA Coordinator 325-942-2191 or 325-942-2126 TDD/FAX audrey.wilson@angelo.edu Student Services Office Hardeman Building, Rm 203B STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you have to drop this course, you must do so formally through the Registrars Office (200 Hardeman), filing a Drop Slip with my signature. Failure to withdraw officially will result in a failing grade (F). The last day to withdraw from this first 8-week course is September 27, 2013. Keep in mind that in Texas, college students are allowed only 6 withdrawals; after that, you will be barred from withdrawing for the remainder of your time at ASU. COMMON COURTESY: Turn off all pagers, cell phones, or other electronic communication devices before entering the classroom. Place these items in your backpacks. Please refrain from engaging in personal conversations once class has started. It is rude to me and to your peers when you persist to converse with friends during class. Be courteous to your peers when they are responding in class by listening to what they have to say. Laptops may be used in class as long as you use them for purposes related to this class and provided such use does not distract you or other students from the discussion or activities. If you incorrectly use your laptop in class, you will be marked absent for the day and lose this privilege for the remainder of the semester. **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 6 Lecture Topics Week #1 Tuesday, Aug. 27 Welcome and Introductions Thursday, Aug. 29 First Meeting with Peer Mentor Week #2 Tuesday, Sept. 3 Time Management, Organizational and Study Skills (Dr. Hanby) Thursday, Sept. 5 Discussion with Peer Mentor Develop Goals for the Semester Week #3 Tuesday, Sept. 10 31 Steps to a Better Brain (Guest Gus Clemens) Thursday, Sept. 12 Library Mining Week #4 Tuesday, Sept. 17 Executive Functioning (Dr. Kulig) Thursday, Sept. 19 Discussion with peer mentor Week #5 Tuesday, Sept. 24 Partying; Binge Drinking; Drugs on Campus (Student presenters) Thursday, Sept. 26 Discussion with peer mentor Week #6 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Hooking Up: Virginity, Age of Consent, Unplanned Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Date Rape (Student presenters) Thursday, Oct. 3 Discussion with peer mentor Week #7 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Romantic Relationships: Infatuation, Cheating, Emotional Intimacy, Long Distance Relationships, Saying I Do While at the U, Breaking Up (Student presenters) Thursday, Oct. 10 Discussion with peer mentor Week #8 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Toxins, Nicotine, Alcohol (Student presenters) Thursday, Oct. 17 Discussion with peer mentor Week #9 Tuesday, Oct. 22 Depression, Happiness, Suicide, Thought Control (Student presenters) Thursday, Oct. 24 Discussion with peer mentor Week #10 Tuesday, Oct. 29 Stress Management, Sleep, Dreams (Student presenters) Thursday, Oct. 31 Discussion with peer mentor **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** Hanby & Kulig Freshman Seminar: Train Your Brain 7 Week #11 Tuesday, Nov. 5 Campus Relationships: Boundaries, Roommate Dramarama, Campus Cliques (Student presenters) Thursday, Nov. 7 Discussion with peer mentor Week #12 Tuesday, Nov. 12 Head Injury (Student presenters) Thursday, Nov. 14 Discussion with peer mentor Week #13 Tuesday, Nov. 19 The Role of Faith in Stress Management (Student presenters) Thursday, Nov. 21 Discussion with peer mentor Week #14 Tuesday, Nov. 26 Character and Morality (Student presenters) Thursday, Nov. 28 Thanksgiving: No Class Week #15 Tuesday, Dec. 3 Final Class Projects/Something Else I Wish We Could Discuss Thursday, Dec. 5 Discussion with peer mentor Week #16 Thursday Dec. 12 Final Class Projects 8-10am **Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors** ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Outstanding Students Tapped for Alumni Scholarships, Awards - The Mason Gazette - George Mason University NOV JAN OCT 26 2007 2008 2009 3 captures\\n26 Nov 07 - 12 Oct 08 Close\\nHelp Skip Navigation | RSS Feed | SEARCH: Mason Home Page\\nNews and Media\\nMason in the News\\nE-Files\\nSupporting Mason\\nFast Facts\\nMason Speakers\\nMason Sports\\nMason Weather Broadside\\nDocket\\nCIP Report\\nUpdate on Private Support\\nThe Mason Senator\\nSPP Currents Full Archives\\nA Closer Look\\nNew and Noteworthy\\nAccolades\\nAccomplished Alumni\\nArts\\nAthletics\\nBuilding the Future\\nMovers and Shakers\\nResearch Spotlight\\nStandout Students\\nSyllabus\\nIn Memory Outstanding Students Tapped for Alumni Scholarships, Awards\\nApril 26, 2007\\nOn April 18, the George Mason University Alumni Association held its annual Celebration of Distinction, honoring dozens of outstanding people alumni, faculty and students for their achievements and contributions to the university. The Gazette will be profiling the student award winners this week. The John C. and Louise P. Wood Undergraduate Scholarship By Colleen Kearney Rich Victor MendezVictor M. Mendez is feeling the pressure not just the pressure that comes with being an electrical engineering major maintaining a 3.79 GPA, but the responsibility of being an example. Mendez is the first person in his family to seek a college education. I need to set a model for my siblings, he says, that shows that making it to college is not enough, you must strive to be among the best. Mendez is used to facing challenges. When he came to the United States from El Salvador at age 11, he needed to learn English. Since then, he has gone on to assist others with their language acquisition, helping Latino children improve their Spanish reading and writing skills. He also credits his participation in Masons Early Identification Program since the seventh grade for some of his successes thus far. Thanks to EIP, I learned that college was within my grasp. Since being admitted to Mason, he has had the opportunity to give back to the EIP Program, serving as a tutor and mentor for the program in 2005 and 2006. He is also a member of Masons Hispanic Student Association and has held a number of part-time jobs, all while maintaining his place on the Deans List academically. This scholarship will provide some of the financial support Mendez needs to concentrate on his studies. He expects to graduate in May 2009. The John C. and Louise P. Wood Graduate Scholarship By David Driver Nelson FelicianoPhotos by Laura SikesNelson Feliciano lived in a tough neighborhood in Newark, N.J., until the start of third grade, when his family moved to a new, more challenging neighborhood. I hated school. I associated school with harassment and bullying. I spent most of the day watching the clock, says Feliciano. In high school, a counselor told him not to spend a lot of time filling out college applications. Despite this, Feliciano applied to and attended Rutgers University, graduating with a BA in anthropology and English. In 2005, Feliciano enrolled at Mason, and he now plans to graduate in December with an MA in anthropology. One of the many roles Feliciano has taken on at Mason is resident advisor, where he works with students on the Passport Learning Community floor and tutors Chinese students enrolled in the universitys 1-2-1 program. He has also worked as a teaching assistant to anthropology professor Susan Trencher. Last summer, he traveled to Christchurch, New Zealand, to assist in research on the effect of global warming in urban areas. The research helped me better understand how such things as flooding and violent winds are getting worse due to global warming and that the impact it will have on heavily populated areas will be as catastrophic, if not worse, as the tragedies that came to pass during Hurricane Katrina, he says. The Wood scholarship will provide Feliciano the support and time he needs to finish his thesis. If you can prove you have the drive and skills, there are organizations out there to help you, he says. Feliciano hopes to one day teach at the university level. Other student award winners this year were\\rManeshka Eliatamby, a masters candidate at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution who received the Mary Lynn Boland Award for Outstanding Student Service\\rLatoya Banks, an English major who received the Black Alumni Commitment to Diversity Book Award\\rOliver Schluemer, a senior majoring in finance who received the Emerging Business Leader Undergraduate Award\\rDavid A. Farris, an MBA student who received the Emerging Business Leader Graduate Award\\nReturn to Main Gazette Page Options Printer-Friendly Version Send to a Friend Archives Full Archives\\nFeature Stories\\nNew and Noteworthy\\nResearch Spotlight\\nMovers and Shakers\\nStandout Students\\nAccolades\\nAccomplished Alumni\\nArts\\nAthletics\\nIn Memory ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[\" Internet Archive Wayback Machine Internet Archive's Wayback Machine Loading...\\nhttp://saturn.vcu.edu:80/~wnewmann/Links363.htm | 1:40:22 Dec 12, 2002\\nGot an HTTP 302 response at crawl time\\nRedirecting to...\\nhttp://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/Links363.htm\\nImpatient? The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.Other projects include Open Library & archive-it.org.\\nYour use of the Wayback Machine is subject to the Internet Archive's Terms of Use. \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "['Psychology 3315 Abnormal Psychology Summer I 2012 Professor: Ollie J. Seay, Ph.D. Office: 216 E, Psychology Bldg., Texas State University-San Marcos Phone: (512) 245-3167 / Cell (512) 656-2665 Email: os12@txstate.edu Class Times: 6:00 10:00 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays RRHEC Avery 405 Office Hours: as arranged before class Tuesdays & Thursdays (in the classroom at Round Rock) Textbook: Kring, A.M., Johnson, S.L., Davison, G.C. & Neale, J.M. (2012). Abnormal psychology (12th edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-118-01849-1; BRV ISBN: 978-1-118-12912-8 COURSE PREREQUISITE: Introductory Psychology In this course, you will be given a detailed look at the causes, consequences and possible treatments for abnormal behavior. We will discuss what makes a behavior abnormal as well as what techniques may be used to assess behavior. We will survey mental disorders as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and those proposed for the next edition. This will include diagnosis, classification, and treatment of various mental and behavioral disorders. As time permits, we will track the development of various treatment techniques and use case examples, films, and demonstrations whenever possible to illustrate key points. Abnormal behavior is a vast and complicated area of psychology and covers everything from depression to hallucinations to phobias. We will attempt to understand these disorders in terms of factors that may have lead to their development and what factors might help us understand, explain, and, eventually, cure and prevent them. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES & COURSE CONTENT OBJECTIVES: The Department of Psychology has adopted expected student learning outcomes for the undergraduate major, the graduate major, and for PSY 1300, a general education course meeting a requirement for the social and behavioral science component. These expected student learning outcomes are available for your review at the following website: http://www.psych.txstate.edu/assessment/ The following objectives are specific examples of the kinds of questions and concepts you should be prepared to discuss in this course via your course exams and your course papers. Specific exam questions will demand that you be able to provide relevant and accurate responses to these objectives: Psychology 3315 Page 2 of 7 1.) Understands Abnormal Behavior 1.1 defines abnormal 1.2 explains diagnostic criteria in diagnosing abnormal behavior 1.3 understands the basic models used to describe abnormal behavior 1.4 explains how definitions of abnormal have changed throughout history 2.) Understands How Abnormal Behaviors Develop 2.1 explains the Biological model of abnormal behavior 2.2 explains the Psychodynamic model of abnormal behavior 2.3 explains the Behavioral model of abnormal behavior 2.4 explains the Cognitive model of abnormal behavior 2.5 explains the Humanistic and Existential models of behavior 2.6 explains Family, Couples, and Group perspectives of abnormal behavior 3.) Understands Basic Assessment of Abnormal Behavior 3.1 explains the use of observations to assess abnormal behavior 3.2 explains the use of interviews to assess abnormal behavior 3.3 explains the use of psychological tests to assess abnormal behavior 3.4 explains the use of neurological tests to assess abnormal behavior 3.5 understands the ethical concerns involved in assessing abnormal behavior 4.) Understands the Basic Classification Methods in Abnormal Behavior 4.1 explains the diagnostic categories used in the DSM-IV-TR or proposed revision 4.2 understands the advantages and disadvantages of using manuals like the DSM-IV-TR 4.3 describes alternative methods for classifying abnormal behavior patterns 5.) Understands the basic disorders and can distinguish between them 5.1 explains anxiety disorders 5.2 understands the major phobic disorders 5.3 explains stress disorders 5.4 describes dissociative disorders 5.5 explains somatoform disorders 5.6 describes conduct disorders 5.7 explains substance-related disorders 5.8 understands disorders of mood and thought 5.9 explains psychotic disorders 5.10 understands cognitive and developmental disorders 6.) Understands Treatments Used for Each Major Disorder Discussed 6.1 describes the relative advantages and disadvantages of various treatment strategies 6.2 explains individual approaches to treatment 6.3 understands the group approaches to treatment Psychology 3315 Page 3 of 7 6.4 explains the psychodynamic approach to treatment 6.5 understands eclectic approaches to treatment The short list above is a good sampling of the concepts you will learn in this course. To keep track of your understanding of such issues, we will have 2 1-hour exams, case-study assignments, a comprehensive final exam and exit reaction cards. COURSE THEMES: Besides specific learning objectives listed above, there are themes that will weave throughout this course and our discussions. Your understanding of the learning objectives will be tested with exams. Your understanding of the course themes will be measured by your in-class discussion, exit reaction cards and Case Study Assignments. Before describing grades for the course and specific information about papers and assignments, I will describe these course themes. 1.) Abnormal is culturally and historically determined. * what we perceive as abnormal varies by culture * what we view as abnormal or normal changes across time 2.) Abnormal behaviors are symptoms of an underlying problem, not the problem itself * we cannot treat a disorder by simply treating the symptoms * we must dig down & uncover the problem(s) actually causing the symptoms 3.) Abnormal behaviors are signals of a persons attempt to communicate, compensate for and/or deal with underlying problems * a person suffering from Schizophrenia, for example, may hear voices telling him to do bad things. As a result, he may flap his hands constantly by his ears to shoo the voices away. * to us, this behavior is odd. To him, however, is may be an attempt to deal with what is otherwise impossible to understand and cope with. Our ability to successfully treat a disorder requires that we look beyond the symptoms and ask what is causing the symptoms that we see. 4.) Most serious disorders have underlying biological causes * although we do not always know the cause, we will eventually uncover it * this also explains why medications can be so effective as forms of treatment 5.) Most disorders can be effectively treated with proper diagnosis and care. Few of the most serious disorders, however, can be completely cured. 6.) People have disorders and are affected by them. They are NOT the disorder. People First language is expected in all written assignments and discussions. Examples: A person is NOT a schizophrenic, but a person with schizophrenia. A person is NOT a Borderline, but a person with Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychology 3315 Page 4 of 7 GRADES FOR THE COURSE: 2 In-Class Exams 40% (40 Qs/200 pts. each exam) = 400 points Participation/Attendance 10% (10 pts. per class) = 100 points 5 Exit/Reaction Cards 5% (10 pts. ea.) = 50 points 2 Case Study Assignments 20% (10% ea.) = 200 points Comprehensive Final Exam 25% (50 Qs) = 250 points Total = 1000 points EXAMS There will be 2 In-Class exams consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions. Each test will be worth 200 points, 5 points per question. The Final Exam will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions, worth 5 points each, for a total of 250 points. Taking the Chapter Exams on the Wiley website can definitely help with learning the material and taking the tests. The exams can be accessed by going to http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP002001.html then clicking on Student Companion Site under Student Resources on the right side of the page. EXIT CARDS: Students will need to purchase a packet of note cards for this course. At least five times during the summer session, at the end of the class period, I want you to turn in one of these cards. On the card, you are to respond to the days discussion, ask questions, reflect on the material, discuss issues you want to address but did not want to discuss during class time, let me know how you think the course is going, give me suggestions for the course, etc. Lets have a discussion. It is NOT sufficient to simply turn in a card with your name on it or to say no comments or questions. If you turn a card in with only your name or a non-substantive comment, I will NOT give you the points for that day. At the very least, reflect on the material and make some comment about what you learned, what confuses you, what you would like to learn more about, etc. These will be useful for me in monitoring student understanding, and I will respond personally to ALL cards turned in and return them to you the next class period. You will earn a possible 5% (50 points) of your course grade if you turn the required minimum number of cards (5). This allows you to miss a few class periods and still be able to earn the maximum number of points for exit cards. You will not get extra points for turning in more than 5 cards. Psychology 3315 Page 5 of 7 PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE: I will be taking attendance and giving 10 points per class for participation/attendance. This is a very short time frame in which to learn a great deal of material. I will be sending an attendance sheet around in each class. I will deduct 10 points from your total score for each missed class. CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENTS: There will be 2 case study assignments. These will be posted on TRACS. You are to follow the instructions and turn in a 3 page double-spaced response on the dates listed below. Please provide a list of references used in providing your responses. When you are asked for references, an online Google search is NOT acceptable. All references should some from the Alkek Library where you can search journals and databases. Citations should be in APA style. MAKE-UP POLICY: It is generally NOT my policy to give make-up exams or assignments. I do, however, realize that sometimes circumstances are beyond a students control. In such cases you MUST contact me prior to missing the exam or assignment or as soon after missing it as possible. Except in extreme circumstances, the missed exam or assignment must be made up within one week of the missed date. All make-up exams and assignments will require an excuse with documentation. You will not be allowed to make-up more than one exam or assignment, so please use that missed exam or assignment wisely. All late assignments (including exams after one week and only after being excused with documentation) will be docked 2% for each weekday they are late. The maximum penalty for late work is 20% which is still better than a zero. GRADING PHILOSOPHY: It is my belief that no instructor can effectively communicate 100% of the intended material with perfect accuracy and, as such, final grades should not be based on the assumption that a perfect score is possible. I will use a curve. Rather than using the highest score possible (1000 points) to establish 90, 80, 70, & 60% grade cutoffs, then, I use the highest score actually obtained across the assignments as a 100% score. For example, if you earned 885 points, and I used the traditional method for calculating your grade, I would divide your 885 points by 1000 for an 88% or a B. With my method, however, I use the high score as the divisor. Let us say that the highest score is 975, then I would divide your 885 points by 975 (instead of 1000) for a score of 91%, or an A. As you can see, my method can make a big difference in your GPA giving you a 4.0 instead of a 3.0. Psychology 3315 Page 6 of 7 SPECIAL NEEDS: Any student who believes that he/she has a need for special accommodations should contact the Student Disabilities Office which is located in the Student Center. I will gladly comply with their recommendations regarding special accommodations for any student who may qualify. NOTE TAKING AND RECORDING POLICY: The lectures and course materials I bring to this class belong to me and the sources from which I draw upon to design them. You are authorized to take notes for your own personal use, but you are not authorized to record my lectures or reproduce materials without my written permission. PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT STATEMENT ON ACADEMIC HONESTY: Learning and teaching take place best in an atmosphere of intellectual fair-minded openness. All members of the academic community are responsible for supporting freedom and openness through rigorous personal standards of honesty and fairness. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty undermine the very purpose of the university and diminish the value of education. Texas State Policy: Violation of the Honor Code includes but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other work, plagiarism, collusion and the abuse of resource materials. (UPPS 07.10.01) Psychology Policy: The study of psychology is best done in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Academic dishonesty, in any form, destroys this atmosphere. Academic dishonesty consists of any of a number of things that spoil a good student-teacher relationship. A list of academically dishonest behaviors include: (1) passing off others work as ones own, (2) copying off another person during an examination, (3) signing another persons name on an attendance sheet, (4) in written papers, paraphrasing from an outside source awhile failing to credit the source or copying more than four words in a sequence without quotation marks and appropriate citation. The Psychology Department faculty believe that appropriate penalties for academic dishonesty include an F in the course and/or prosecution through the Student Justice System. During an exam a student may be asked to change seats if I observe any problem. This does not mean that you are being accused of cheating; rather I am trying to prevent a potential problem from occurring. LECTURES & ASSIGNMENTS: Our Classes begin: Monday June 4 our first day is Tuesday, June 5 Class 1 June 5 Introduction to Class, Abnormal Behavior Psychology 3315 Page 7 of 7 Read: Chapter 1 (Note: This is the only time that the chapter is read after class. For the following classes, make sure you read the chapters indicated by class time.) Class 2 June 7 Current Paradigms in Psychopathology: Diagnosis & Assessment Read: Chapters 2 & 3 Class 3 June 12 Mood Disorders; Anxiety Disorders Read: Chapters 5 & 6 Case Study 1 Due at Beginning of Class Class 4 June 14 EXAM 1 First Half of Class over Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6 (Note: we will not cover Chapter 4) 2nd Half of Class Obsessive-Compulsive-Related and Trauma-Related Disorders Read: Chapter 7 Class 5 June 19 Dissociative Disorders and Somatic Symptom Disorders; Schizophrenia Read: Chapters 8 & 9 Class 6 June 21 Substance Use Disorders; Eating Disorders Read: Chapters 10 & 11 Class 7 June 26 EXAM 2 First Half of Class over Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11 2nd Half of Class Sexual Disorders Read: Chapter 12 Class 8 June 28 Disorders of Childhood; Late Life & Neurocognitive Disorders Read: Chapters 13 & 14 Case Study 2 Due at Beginning of Class Class 9 July 3 Personality and Personality Disorders; Legal & Ethical Issues Read: Chapters 15 & 16 EXAM REVIEW JULY 5 FINAL EXAM 8:00 10:30 p.m. (NOTE OFFICIAL TIME) Final Exam is comprehensive but will be more heavily weighted on Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 1 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 University of Redlands Master of Business Administration School of Business COURSE: BUAD 687, Legal Issues for Business and Management UNITS: 3 CLUSTER: LOCATION/MEETING TIMES: 6:00-10:00 pm, INSTRUCTOR: G. Keith Roberts, J.D., LL.M. OFFICE: 129B, Hornby Hall OFFICE PHONE: 909.748.6350 FAX: 909.335.5125 INSTRUCTOR E-MAIL: keith_roberts@redlands.edu INSTRUCTOR WEB SITE: http://e-redlands.uor.edu/kroberts COURSE DESCRIPTION: BUAD 687 Legal Issues for Business and Management (3). Identification and examination of legal issues that managers confront in the business environment, domestic as well as global. Emphasis on identifying legal issues before they become legal problems. COURSE OVERVIEW: The importance of the legal environment to business and management is more apparent today than ever before. The legal environment is a moving river and changes in laws have a direct as well as indirect impact on the management community. Although the 2 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 basic rules of law remain stable for many years, new issues affecting our professional and personal lives are presented often. Such issues will continue to arise, and probably accelerate in this new century, presenting management with extremely difficult decision problems. Management is constantly facing problems, which might be easily solvable on a bottom line profit basis, but present perplexing problems in terms of their social consequences. The text material here presents information on substantive and procedural law, including questions of ethics, from the perspective of the management community. The course is not meant to replicate subject material as presented to law students in graduate law schools, nor is it designed to make the student an expert in one or more areas of the law. It is, rather, designed to introduce areas of study providing a framework for the analysis of problems confronting management, and alerting them to areas requiring professional counsel. MAJOR TOPICS: Major topics to be covered are: Common Law and Sources of Law Ethics and Social Responsibility Court Systems ADR E-Commerce Disputes Constitutional Regulation Crimes Torts Product Liability Copyrights and Trademarks Cyberlaw Contracts and the U.C.C. Structure of and Fiduciary Responsibilities in Business Organizations Employment Relationships and EEO Consumer Protection Environment Promoting Competition International Transactions 3 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The student will be able to: Critically analyze the impact of law on business management. Recognize a legal problem and evaluate possible solutions by discerning the facts, the legal principles, the result, and the impact on business. Critically analyze judicial decisions. Evaluate the legal, managerial, and ethical ramifications of business problems. RESOURCES: The required text for this course is The Legal and E-Commerce Environment Today: Business in Its Ethical, Regulatory, and International Setting, Miller and Cross, Third Edition (2002). LEXIS-NEXIS can be accessed from a UOR workstation (Regional Center or Main Campus) at the following URL: http://www.redlands.edu/library/databasebytitle.htm Web site for U.S. Supreme Court decisions is: http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/ Web site for Code of Federal Regulations is: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/index.html Other Sites: http://www.legalengine.com http://www.jurisline.com http://www.findlaw.com http://www.law.com GRADING: 4 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 Class Participation 10% Internet Article Paper 10% Online Discussions 10% Two Quizzes 10% Paper #1 15% Paper #2 20% Final In-Class Exam 25% COURSE SCHEDULE: WS Date Topics Deliverables or Test Readings 1 Date Introduction, Common Law, Ethics, Courts, ADR. Internet Article Paper Due (2 copies) Ch 1-4 2 Date E-Commerce, Constitution, Agencies, Crimes, Torts (Intentional). Quiz Online Discussion Due Ch 5-9 3 Date Torts (Negligence), Product Liability, Intellectual Property, Cyberlaw, Contracts Paper #1 Draft Due; Revised Internet Article Paper Due Ch 9 (Contd), Ch 10-12 4 Date Remedies and Sales, E-Contracts, Bankruptcy, Organizations, Employment Relationships. Quiz Online Discussion Due Ch 13-17 5 Date EEO, Consumer Protection, Environment. Paper #1 Due Ch 17 (Contd), Ch 5 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 18, 20, and 21 6 Date Promoting Competition, Investor protection, International Transactions. Paper #2 Due Final Exam Ch 23-25 GRADING SCALE A 1000-950 C 769-740 A- 949-900 C- 739-700 B+ 899-870 D+ 699-670 B 869-840 D 669-640 B- 839-800 D- 639-600 C+ 799-770 F 599 and below GRADING CRITERIA: 3.7-4.0 (A):Outstanding. Student displayed exceptional grasp of the material, frequently, with evidence of intellectual insight and original thought. 2.7-3.3 (B):Excellent. Work demonstrated a thorough grasp of the material with occasional errors and omissions. Assignments were thoroughly and completely done, with careful attention to detail and clarity and with evidence of intellectual insight. 1.7-2.3 (C):Acceptable. The quality of work was acceptable, meeting minimal course standards but not exceptional. Performance on examinations and other course assignments was satisfactory and demonstrated that the student was keeping up with the material and attending to detail. 0.7-1.3 (D):Poor. The quality of work was not always satisfactory but overall was passing. Assigned work was not always done and when done was inadequate. Performance on examinations and other work was generally weak with regard to understanding on subject, proper formulation of ideas and thoroughness. 0.0 (F): Failing. A grade of F indicates that the students failed the course. The quality and quantity of work 6 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 was not of college level. A failing grade may be assigned for a variety of reasons such as failure to complete course requirements as outlined in the syllabus, inability to comprehend course material or ineptitude in dealing with it, consistently unsatisfactory performance on examinations and/or assignments or excessive absences. I: Incomplete. With a valid excuse, an incomplete will be given. Consult the INSTRUCTOR POLICIES below and the U of R Catalog for further information on incomplete grades. W: Student officially withdraws from the class. CLASS PARTICIPATION: You earn points for participation by contributing to the discussion in class. You do not get points for keeping your seat warm. INTERNET ARTICLE PAPER: The student will select one Internet article relevant to a subject covered in the course (see assigned readings for subjects covered). The student will discuss the facts, the legal issue(s), and its importance to the course. A copy of the Internet article with a 1 to 2-page discussion of the facts, the legal issue(s), and its importance to the course will be turned in at Workshop 1. Each student will submit two copies of the paper. One copy will be submitted to the Instructor, and one copy will be submitted to another student for review. Students will give each other written feedback. Students should not worry too much about each others grammar. [If there are a million sentence fragments, the student could say something like I had a hard time understanding what you were trying to say because of all the sentence fragments.] Students will focus on responding to the ideas, developing complexity, and the readers ability to understand what the writer is trying to communicate. A peer review sheet is distributed with specific questions about whether the substantive requirements of the assignment have been met, the documentation is appropriate, accurate, and 7 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 complete, and the grammar and style are satisfactory. Peer response is an exercise in community, not in judging. Each student will receive peer feedback at Workshop 1. The instructors feedback will be received no later than Workshop 2. A revision of the paper is due at Workshop 3. Each student will orally present the paper to the class during one of the remaining Workshops. ONLINE DISCUSSIONS: To encourage student reflection and interaction in this six-week course, students will participate in two online discussions. Topics will be given at the end of specific class periods as well as posted on the course Blackboard site. Student contributions will be assessed based on their ability to address the issues presented and engage fellow students in a thoughtful progression of ideas. Initial contributions to online discussions must be made no later than 24 hours prior to class to allow sufficient time for everyone to respond. QUIZZES/FINAL EXAM: There will be two in-class quizzes (Workshops 2 and 4) comprised of multiple choice and true/false questions based on the prior Workshops material. [Workshop 2 quiz based on Workshop 1 material; Workshop 4 quiz based on Workshops 2 and 3 material.] The final exam will be at Workshop 6. PAPER #1: Prepare a three-page typed (double-spaced) paper that summarizes and discusses the Sources of Ethical Standards discussed in Chapter 2 (1 -2 pages). [Use your own words. For instance, what did Kant contribute?] Then answer one (1) of the Questions and Case Problems at the end of Chapter 2 (1 page). The draft is due at Workshop 3 (10% deduction if not submitted by Workshop 3). Draft (with instructor comments) will be returned at Workshop 4. The final paper is due at Workshop 5. PAPER #2: 8 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 Prepare a four or five-page typed (double-spaced) paper on a legal topic approved by the instructor. You will analyze the legal and/or ethical issue(s). Paper due at Workshop 6. GRADING CRITERIA FOR PAPERS #1 & #2: 1. analysis 2. reference to relevant issues and materials in the literature 3. well-argued case 4. well-presented material 5. appropriate use of English 6. Spelling and grammar are considered important. Grade reduction will be proportionate to the number and severity of errors. 7. Plagiarism and/or copyright infringement will be severely penalized. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Your attention is invited to the University of Redlands policy on Academic Honesty. Both the standards of academic honesty and the procedures for addressing academic dishonesty are outlined in detail in the University of Redlands Catalog. INSTRUCTOR POLICIES: Each 3-unit (Carnegie Unit) graduate course is the equivalent of 135 hours. That is equivalent to 22.5 hours per week for 6 weeks. Since you will spend 4 hours each week in class, it is expected that your homework will be approximately 18 hours per week. Attendance at Workshops is required. A student who is consistently late or misses a substantial portion of the class, must meet with the instructor to discuss extra work. Anyone missing more than two Workshops (or more than 8 hours of Workshop time throughout the course), regardless of the reason, will not be able to earn a passing grade, should withdraw immediately, and make arrangements with his/her academic advisor to take it at another time. An \"incomplete\" is not given for poor or neglected work. A grade of \"incomplete\" is to be granted only for very special 9 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 reasons. The granting of an incomplete grade should occur only after a discussion between faculty and student, initiated by the student. The decision of whether or not to grant an incomplete is dependent on an emergency situation which prevents the student from completing (on time) the work necessary for the course. An incomplete grade will be converted to a permanent grade within eight weeks from the last night of the course. This means that the instructor must turn in the grade to the Registrar no later than the eighth week. Any incomplete work must be submitted to the instructor with enough lead time for the instructor to evaluate the work and issue a grade change. Assignments submitted late will be downgraded 2% per calendar day of delay. The only exception is the 10% deduction specified above in regard to Paper #1. CLASS OPERATIONS: Although law classes are often conducted utilizing lectures primarily, a law class of this nature will benefit all participants most effectively through maximum student participation. HOW TO SURVIVE THIS COURSE: The text discusses broad legal concepts, legal rules, exceptions to rules, and exceptions to the exceptions. It is far more important that the student has a good feel for the broad concepts and important legal rules than he or she retains any amount of detailed information concerning exceptions, etc. The idea is for the student to be able to apply his or her broad knowledge to real-world problems. This is the payoff to this course. It is important that the student thinks about the concepts and their application and let the rest of the class know what he or she is thinking. A portion of the student\\'s grade is dependent upon his or her participation, and the students will to a large extent teach themselves. As you concentrate on your studies, you may want to keep the following in mind: When you have learned a lot, you have earned a bachelors degree. 10 Revised (4/11/02) Master Syllabus-K. Roberts University of Redlands 2002 When you have learned even more, but have discovered you really dont know much at all, you have earned a masters degree. When you have learned even more still, and again come to realize you dont know much at allbut also realize that neither does anyone else, you have earned a doctorate. Help is readily available. If the student should have a question about something he or she has read, a concept, an assignment, whatever...he or she should send an e-mail or call. FINALLY AND MOST IMPORTANT...there is no law that says this course can\\'t be a lot of fun. So ENJOY! ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\"PSY 1303 - Psychology of Adjustment - Fall, 2010 Course Syllabus Mrs. Brittany Draper, Lecturer of Psychology Office: Academic Building, Room 204H Office hours: 8:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. & 2:00-3:00 p.m., Tuesday & Thursday Not on campus Monday, Wednesday, or Friday Office phone(s): 942-2068, ext. 252; 942-2219 E-mail address: bdraper@angelo.edu Place: 004A; 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m., Tues. & Thurs. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you have any questions or concerns. Course Description: This course involves the study of the dynamics of human behavior from a life adjustment approach. Representative topics include: Adjustment issues Interpersonal issues Gender and sexuality Mental and physical health Course Objectives: This course strives to introduce the student to psychological theory and research as it relates to problems of adjustment in todays world. I hope to better foster in you: More effective coping skills Improved critical thinking skills Enhanced personal growth and self-awareness Increased awareness and understanding of others Course Assignments: Course assignments will be reviewed in class, and they can also be accessed online through Blackboard (http://blackboard.angelo.edu). To receive full credit, the homework assignments must be typed and should be turned in the day that it is due by 12:00 p.m. Late assignments will not be accepted. Class Attendance: You are expected to attend all lecture classes. You will lose points by being absent, as many assignments will be completed and/or turned in while in class and cannot be turned in at another time. Absences from class will not be excused for any reason, but points lost by missing class can be made up by earning extra credit. Extra Credit Opportunities: You may earn extra credit points for a number of different activities. These include completing the questionnaires and personal probes in the Personal Explorations Workbook (1 point each), participating in research, etc. A maximum of 32 extra credit points (to be added to your raw point total) can be earned during the course of the semester. All extra credit assignments must be turned in no later than 12/02/10 at 12:00 PM. Course Evaluation: 1) There will be four examinations, each worth 50 points (200 points total, 41% of total grade). The dates of the examinations, and the material covered by each examination, are listed on the Course Calendar. No more than one makeup examination will be allowed per student. Make-up exams will be taken at the time of the final exam. There is no make-up for the final exam. 2) Sixteen chapter quizzes will be posted on Blackboard, each worth 10 points (160 points total, 33% of total grade). You will have until the chapter exam (at 8 oclock in the morning) to complete each quiz and they can be taken multiple times (3). 3) Twenty-three in-class activities will be completed over the course of the semester, each worth 2 points (46 points total, 9% of total grade). These activities must be completed in class and cannot be made up. 4) Five homework assignments will be completed over the course of the semester, each worth 10 points (50 points total, 10% of total grade). Each homework assignment must be typed, 12-point font, Times New Roman, no less than one page. No hand-written papers or late papers will be accepted!! 5) You will be required to perform one individual oral presentation, and the format will be reviewed in class. Your individual presentation will be graded, and you will receive written feedback. The individual oral presentation is worth 25 points, (5% of total grade). NOTE: IF YOU MISS YOUR ASSIGNED PRESENTATION DATE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT-BE RESPONSIBLE AND REMEMBER THE DATE YOU SIGNED UP FOR!! 6) You will be required to participate in two research projects this semester. If you choose not to participate in a research project, you will receive an alternate assignment. For additional details, see the Research Opportunities link on the department homepage at: http://www.angelo.edu/dept/psychology_sociology/ The research participation is worth 10 points (5 points per research project, 2% of total grade). 7) As noted above, a maximum of 32 extra credit points can be earned. Final Grade Point Percentage Point Total A 90-100% 442-491+ B 80-89% 393-441 C 70-79% 344-392 D 60-69% 296-343 F Below 60% Below 295 You can access your course grade at any time through Blackboard (http://blackboard.angelo.edu). Click on Tools, then My Grade. Calculate your current grade by dividing your total points earned to date by the total number of possible points. Required texts: 1) Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century (9th Edition) (Weiten & Lloyd, 2009) 2) Personal Explorations Workbook The texts for this course are available in the ASU Bookstore (located in the University Center and the one off-campus on Ave N). Honor Code: Angelo State University expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuits. Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code, which is available on the web at http://www.angelo.edu/forms/pdf/honorcode5.pdf. Disabilities: Persons with disabilities that warrant academic accommodations must contact the Student Life Office, Room 112 University Center (942-2193), in order to request such accommodations prior to their being implemented. You are encouraged to make this request early in the semester so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Classroom Etiquette: Please be respectful of others in class. When in doubt, use the golden rule! Please BE ON TIME for class; inform me in advance if you know you will be late or have to leave class early. Please refrain from engaging in private chats with your neighbors in class, as this is likely to distract other students. If you bring your cell phone to class, please TURN IT OFF OR SET IT TO VIBRATE to avoid disrupting the class. Please note: This syllabus/calendar is subject to change at the discretion of Mrs. Draper in the event of extenuating circumstances. Class Schedule, Topics to be Covered & Recommended Readings 08/24/10 Introduction, orientation and course overview 08/26/10 Introduction, orientation and course overview The syllabus, Course Calendar, and Course Requirements will be reviewed the first two days. It is recommended that students buy the textbook and/or workbook by the end of the first week as we will begin Chapter 1 the following week. It is recommended to read Chapter 1 before next week. It is also suggested that students begin thinking about their oral presentation date as a sign-up sheet will be passed around during Thursday's class. **If Oral Presentations are scheduled, these will happen at the beginning of classes before each class session starts. These will occur all semester until each student has had the opportunity to complete the assignment. The students are reminded that it is his/her responsibility to remember their scheduled date. 08/31/10 Chapter 1 (Adjusting to Modern Life) Topics to be covered: Paradox of Progress, The Search for Direction, The Psychology of Adjustment, The Scientific Approach to Behavior, The Roots of Happiness Class Activity #1 will be completed during class. It is recommended to read Chapter 2 before Tuesday's class. 09/02/10 Chapter 2 (Theories of Personality) Topics to be covered: The Nature of Personality, Psychodynamic Perspectives; Class Activity #2 will be completed during class. Homework #1 will be reviewed in class. The assignment will be posted on Blackboard in Assignments and will be due Tuesday by 12 p.m. 09/07/10 Chapter 2 Topics to be covered: Behavioral Perspectives, Humanistic Perspectives, Biological Perspectives; Class Activity #3 will be completed during class. It is recommended to read Chapter 3 before the next class. Homework #1 is due by 12 p.m. 09/09/10 Chapter 3 (Stress and Its Effects) Topics to be covered: The Nature of Stress, Major Types of Stress, Responding to Stress (if time allows); Class Activity #4 will be completed during class. 09/14/10 Chapter 3 Topics to be covered: Responding to Stress, The Potential Effects of Stress, Factors Influencing Stress Tolerance; Class Activity #5 will be completed during class. It is recommended that students read Chapter 4 before the next class. 09/16/10 Chapter 4 (Coping Processes) Topics to be covered: The Concept of Coping, Common Coping Patterns of Limited Value, The Nature of Constructive Coping; Class Activity #6 will be completed during class. 09/21/10 Chapter 4 Topics to be covered: Appraisal-Focused Constructive Coping, Problem-Focused Constructive Coping, Emotion-Focused Constructive Coping (if time allows); Class Activity #7 will be completed during class. The students are reminded that their first exam covering Chapters 1-4 will be on Thursday. It is also announced that the first 4 Chapter quizzes (1-4) will be due Thursday morning (the day of the exam) by 8:00 A.M. A review for the exam will be posted in Information. 09/23/10 Exam #1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4) The students will be given the entire class period to take the exam. It is recommended that students read Chapter 5 before the next class. 09/28/10 Chapter 5 (The Self) Topics to be covered: Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, Basic Principles of Self-Perception, Self-Regulation, Self-Presentation (if time lapses before completion of the chapter, we will continue Chapter 5 before starting Chapter 6 next class); Class Activity #8 will be completed in class. Announcement: the next 4 quizzes (Chapters 5-8) are now available due date is the next exam at 8:00 A.M. It is recommended that students read Chapter 6 before next class. 09/30/10 Chapter 6 (Social Thinking and Social Influence) Topics to be covered: Forming Impressions of Others, The Problem of Prejudice, The Power of Persuasion, The Power of Social Pressure (if time lapses before completion of the chapter, we will continue Chapter 6 before starting Chapter 7 next class). Class Activity #9 will be completed in class. Homework #2 will be reviewed in class and is due Tuesday by 12 p.m. It will be posted on Blackboard under Assignments. It is recommended that students read Chapter 7 before the next class. 10/05/10 Chapter 7 (Interpersonal Communication) Topics to be covered: The Process of Interpersonal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Toward More Effective Communication; Class Activity #10 will be completed in class. Homework #2 is due by 12 p.m. 10/07/10 Chapter 7 Topics to be covered: Communication Problems, Interpersonal Conflict; Class Activity #11 will be completed in class. It is recommended that students read Chapter 8 before the next class. 10/12/10 Chapter 8 (Friendship and Love) Topics to be covered: Perspectives on Close Relationships, Intial Attraction and relationship Development, Friendship, Romantic Love; Class Activity #12 will be completed in class. Students are reminded that their second exam will be on Thursday. A review will be posted in Information. It is also a reminder that the quizzes will be due by 8:00 A.M. the day of the exam. 10/14/10 Exam #2 (Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8) The students will be given the entire class period to take the exam. It is recommended that students read Chapter 9 before the next class. 10/19/10 Chapter 9 (Marriage and Intimate Relationships) Topics to be covered: Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage, Moving Toward Marriage, Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle, Vulnerable Areas in Marital Adjustment, Divorce, Alternatives to Marriage (if time lapses before completion of the chapter, we'll finish Chapter 9 before moving to Chapter 10 next class). It is recommended that students read Chapter 10 before next class. Class Activity #13 will be completed in class. Announcement: The next set of quizzes (Chapters 9-12) are now available on Blackboard. You will have until the date of the next exam at 8 AM to take them. 10/21/10 Chapter 10 (Gender and Behavior) Topics to be covered: Gender Stereotypes, Gender Similarities and Differences, Biological Origins of Gender Differences, Environmental Origins of Gender Differences, Gender Role Expectations, Gender in the Past and in the Future. Class Activity #14 will be completed in class. Homework #3 will be handed out and discussed in class as well as posted on Blackboard in Assignments. It is due on Tuesday by 12 PM. It is recommended that students read Chapter 11 before the next class. 10/26/10 Chapter 11 (Development in Adolescence and Adulthood) Topics to be covered: The Transition of Adolescence, The Expanse of Adulthood, Aging: A Gradual Process, Death and Dying. Class Activity #15 will be completed in class. Homework #3 is due by 12PM. It is recommended that students read Chapter 12 before the next class. 10/28/10 Chapter 12 (Careers and Work) Topics to be covered: Choosing a Career, Models of Career Choice and Development, The Changing World of Work. Class Activity #16 will be completed in class. 11/02/10 Chapter 12 Topics to be covered: Coping with Occupational Hazards, Balancing Work and Other Spheres of Life. Class Activity #17 will be completed in class. Homework #4 will be handed out and discussed in class as well as posted on Blackboard in Assignments. It is due Tuesday by 12 PM. Instructions for Chapter 13 questions will be discussed in class. Students are reminded that their next exam is Tuesday. A review will be posted in Information. Also, the next set of quizzes will be due by the morning of the exam at 8 AM. There is no class on Thursday, November 4th. 11/04/10 No Class. An assignment has been given that is due by Tuesday. Reminder that your exam is on Tuesday and quizzes are due by Tuesday at 8 AM. 11/09/10 Exam #3 (Chapters 9, 10, 11 & 12) The students will be given the entire class period to take the exam. It is recommended that students read Chapter 14 before the next class. Homework #4 is due by 12 PM. 11/11/10 Chapter 14 Topics to be covered: Stress, Personality, and Illness, Habits, Lifestyles, and Health, Habits, Lifestyles, and Health, Reactions to Illness. Class Activity #18 will be completed in class. Announcement: The next set of quizzes (Chapters 13-16) are now available. You'll have until the date of the final exam at 8AM to take them. Discussion questions for Chapter 13 are due in class. 11/16/10 Chapter 13 (Development and Expression of Sexuality) Topics to be covered: this is a discussion class related to the question submitted. Class Activity #19 will be completed in class. Announcement: only pages 427-433 will be covered on the next exam from Chapter 13. It is recommended that students read Chapter 15 before the next class. 11/18/10 Chapter 15 (Psychological Disorders) Topics to be covered: Abnormal Behavior: Concepts and Controversies, Anxiety Disorders, Somatoform Disorders (if time allows); Class Activity #20 will be completed in class. Homework #5 will be handed out in class as well as posted on Blackboard in Assignments. It is due by Tuesday at 12 PM. 11/23/10 Chapter 15 Topics to be covered: continue Somatoform Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Mood Disorders, Schizophrenic Disorders. Class Activity #21 will be completed in class. Homework #5 is due by 12 PM. It is recommended that students read Chapter 16 before the next class. 11/25/10 Holiday - Thanksgiving 11/30/10 Chapter 16 (Psychotherapy) Topics to be covered: The Elements of the Treatment Process, Insight Therapies, Behavior Therapies; Class Activity #22 will be completed in class. 12/02/10 Chapter 16 Topics to be covered: continue Behavior Therapies, Biomedical Therapies, Current Trends and Issues in Treatment; Class Activity #23 will be completed in class. Announcement: The last set of quizzes (Chapters 13-16) are due by the time of the final exam on Thursday at 8 AM. A review will be posted in Information. 12/09/10 Exam #4 (Chapters 13, 14, 15, & 16) 9:30 Class: 8:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. The students will be given the entire class period to take the exam. Please note the time of the final at 8 AM. There is no make-up for the final exam. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' American Journalism Review Jun JUL JUN 21 2006 2007 2010 5 captures\\n21 Jul 07 - 12 Dec 10 Close\\nHelp HOME\\nNEWS SOURCES\\nRESOURCES\\nAJR CONTENT\\nAJR INFORMATION\\nSEARCH\\n| Friday, January 04, 2008 Newspapers Magazines Television Networks Television Affiliates Radio News/Wire Services Media Companies AJR Study Guide Journalism Awards Journalism Orgs Media Monitors Reporters\\' Tools Writing Aids Media News Online Current Issue AJR Archives State of the American Newspaper About AJR Submissions Guide Media Kit Reprints Order Back Issues Letters to the Editor AJR Letters From AJR, October/November 2007 Duke Lacrosse Saga I want to congratulate Rachel Smolkin on her cover story in the August/ September issue of AJR. I\\'ve been reading the magazine for a long time, and in my opinion \"Justice Delayed\" is the single best article ever published in the magazine. It should be required reading for everyone in the media world. John L. Kirby Portales, New Mexico As a lawyer who also writes an occasional op-ed column for my local newspaper, I was impressed and gratified by Rachel Smolkin\\'s masterful analysis of the media\\'s many failures in the Duke case. It seemed as if every journalist became a mouthpiece for the prosecution, with particularly egregious examples found in papers that normally trumpet the importance of due process. In fact, the New York Times, among others, seemed to want to give greater constitutional protections to Jose Padilla than to three young lacrosse players. Ultimately, everyone bears responsibility for this grave miscarriage of justice, from Mike Nifong and his prosecutorial juggernaut to a lying accuser to the jaded and opportunistic multicultural mafia on the Duke faculty. But it is the media\\'s dereliction of duty that troubles me most. Prosecutors can be disbarred, perjurers prosecuted and academics fired. But renegade journalists wrap themselves in the First Amendment far too often as an excuse for shoddy performance. And we let them. It would be nice if the same people who crucified the media for giving President Bush a free pass on Iraq would have demanded the same accountability on behalf of three innocent lacrosse players. Christine Flowers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rachel Smolkin did an outstanding job analyzing the good, bad and outrageous coverage of the Duke lacrosse fiasco. My cop reporter instincts told me from the start there was much that was fishy about the story. I followed the coverage intently in print and online as the sordid mess unfolded and was astonished at how many putatively objective journalists were so quick to swallow an agenda-driven party line. The episode should be a case study for J-school students, and Smolkin\\'s article should lead the syllabus. Bob Fredericks Local news editor Journal News/LoHud.com White Plains, New York What an excellent, comprehensive review of this sorry tale. Daniel Okrent\\'s comment about the charges fitting into \"preconceived notions of too many in the press\" sums it up. I don\\'t blame you for avoiding the rat\\'s nest of political ideology in your summary, but it is inescapable that the case illustrates the cultural prejudices brought to journalism on race and gender issues by the sorts of folks who seem to predominate in editorial boardrooms. I don\\'t think the ordinary consumers of journalism believed much of mainstream reporting on these issues even before the Duke case; the \"liberal\" stereotypes conflicted too greatly with the reality they experienced daily. People in the profession should stop being in denial about this problem. Mark Richard Columbus, Ohio Many thanks for the fine piece about journalistic missteps in coverage of the Duke \"rape\" case. One of the aspects of the case at which you and others hint but which is never explicitly addressed is that Duke is in the South. And there are those Americans who believe Southerners are almost genetically different stupider, more violent, racist and inbred than citizens of any other quadrant of the country. Amadou Diallo, Rodney King, regional black officials and decades of racial progress notwithstanding, the American South is still considered by too many people (mostly those ignorant of the area) to be the seat of all the most heinous recent racial crimes in the U.S. And certainly the Duke case was initially played as poor black victim vs. elite white Southern university town. Never mind that the three young men (falsely) charged came from other parts of the country. So much of the rest of the country is ignorant of and oblivious to my region, until some satisfying, stereotypical and sometimes ill-informed story like the Duke case rears its head. Mary Tillotson Tuscaloosa, Alabama Overall, your piece on the Duke case was good, and I think that you really did well on keeping the story straight, which is difficult to do with a piece that is as complicated as this one. There is one thing you did leave out, and I think it was important: That was the role of the Internet, and especially the blogs. For example, KC Johnson was able to pursue this one via his own blog which you acknowledged. There were others of us blogging as well, and we reached a number of people. I think that the rise of the blogs here was significant and provides an interesting challenge to the mainstream media. William L. Anderson Associate professor of economics Frostburg State University Frostburg, Maryland I was surprised your article didn\\'t make anything of what now seems to have been the rush to judgment by the Duke administration, including its respected president, Richard Brodhead. The vigor with which Brodhead suspended the team and dismissed the coach certainly reinforced the perception among the media that the case had merit. And while I agree entirely with your critique of the media, I think Duke and Brodhead have gotten off very lightly in subsequent coverage. Joshua Mills Professor of journalism Baruch College/CUNY New York, New York ### Need a laugh? For funny errors and clever headlines, click here News Sources: Newspapers Magazines Television Networks Television Affiliates Radio News/Wire Services Media Companies AJR Resources: AJR Study Guide Journalism Awards Journalism Orgs Media Monitors Reporters\\' Tools Writing Aids Media News Online AJR Information: About AJR Submissions Guide Media Kit Reprints Order Back Issues Letters to the Editor Contents Copyright 2007 American Journalism Review. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy A publication of the University System of Maryland Foundation with offices at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[\" CIS8120 Syllabus APR AUG MAR 29 2004 2005 2006 50 captures\\n12 Apr 01 - 4 Jan 12 Close\\nHelp Site Contents Students\\nFaculty/Staff\\nAffiliates\\nColloquium Speakers\\n----------------------\\nAbout CIS\\nAcademic Programs\\nBusiness Corner\\nFaculty & Research\\nLatest News\\nStudent Info\\nCIS Alumni\\nCIS Internship\\nCIS Tutors\\n----------------------\\nContact\\nSite Map\\nIntranet\\nHome CIS Department About CIS Academic Programs BBA CIS MBA CIS EXECUTIVE MBA MS CIS PHD CIS Business Corner Faculty & Research News Student Info CIS Alumni CIS Internship CIS Tutors Student Server CIS Annual Report 2004 Contact Site Map Intranet CIS Home Robinson Home GSU Home Driving Directions CIS8120 Syllabus This course is no longer offered.\\nCIS 8120 - Principles of Web Design Course Prerequisite: CSP: 1-8. Prerequisites are strictly enforced! Course Description: Principles of Web Design - This course examines the basic design and usability issues for web development. Current platforms and technologies for web applications are evaluated. The course focuses on usability of web sites in terms ofcontent organization, navigation, page and site design, and the general principles of human computer interaction.\\nCourse Readings:\\n1. Due to the fast pace of technology developments in the area of web design, there is no required textbook. Current readings will be posted during the semester.\\n2. Students are required to have access to Macromedia Dreamweaver MX (can be purchased by students at GSU bookstore for $ 99.98). Access to Macromedia Studio MX would be better (can be purchased by students at GSU bookstore for $ 199.98).\\nRecommended Readings:\\nStudents can take online tutorials on various tools such as Dreamwaver, Photoshop, HTML etc. at http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwwbt/index.html Note: The following books are short introductions into their respective topics. The books are not required. The Web Wizards Guide to HTML; Wendy G. Lehnert; Addison Wesley; ISBN: 0201741725; 2001\\nThe Web Wizard's Guide to XML; James Smith; Addison Wesley; ISBN: 0201769905; 2002\\nThe Web Wizard's Guide to DHTML and CSS; Steven G. Estrella; Addison Wesley; ISBN: 0201758342; 2002\\nInternet & World wide web: how to program, Deitel & Deitel, Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed, ISBN 0-13-030897-8\\nSearch Engine Optimization on an Extreme Budget, by Nonstop Internet, ISBN: 0972311017, 2002 Course Objective: Upon completing this course, the student should be able to: Understand and apply key concepts and principles of human computer interaction (HCI) and usability that are the basis for effective web site design. Understand and apply different approaches to site navigation and design.\\nUnderstand how to organize and display site content.\\nUnderstand and be able to apply key Information Architecture concepts\\nBe able to objectively evaluate and critique the overall usability of web sites.\\nBe able to design an implement a web site that demonstrates the best practices of current usability guidelines.\\nUnderstand and apply key concepts of search engine optimization technologies, aspects of the semantic web and web services Class Policies: Grading\\nThere is no curve, nor extra credit, available. Quiz #1 16.66 % Quiz #2 16.67 % Quiz #3 (Final) 16.67 % Critical Analyses 20.00 % Web Site Design 12.50 % Web Site Report 12.50 % Oral Presentation 05.00 %\\nQuizzes will test your ability to apply class concepts and material. Candidate quiz questions will be distributed in advance and will require prior preparation before the quiz date. Class attendance is important! I will try to take roll at the beginning of each class, not to police attendance per se, but to help me to learn your names. Although class attendance does not formally enter into the grade calculation, an excess of absences (more than two), or excess tardiness, will indirectly affect my judgment of your scholastic commitment. Further, it can affect your grade if you are borderline between any two grade categories. Withdrawing 'W' grade will be assigned to a student if he withdraws before the middle of the quarter while doing pass work. 'WF' will be assigned to the student who withdraws before the middle of the quarter while doing failing work or withdraws after the middle of the quarter. Class participation Your class participation grade will be based on the quantity and quality of verbal contributions that you make to the class as well as your class attendance. Your project presentation will also figure into your class participation grade. Class attendance is important! If you miss more than one class your class participation grade will be jeopardized. Grades will be assigned at the conclusion of the course based on your numeric average as follows: 90 percent or higher is assigned an A 89.99 to 80 percent is assigned a B 79.99 to 70 percent is assigned a C 69.99 to 60 percent is assigned a D Less than 60 percent is assigned an F Individual Assignments: Note: all assignments are due on the date indicated. Any late assignment will be reduced in grade. Assignments that are submitted more than one week late will not be accepted (and will consequently be assigned a grade of 0). Also, all assignments are to be completed individually, not in teams of students.\\n(1) Web Site Pairs Critical Analyses of Usability (20 % of final class grade); (2) Usable Web Site Design/Implementation (25 % of final class grade); (3) Presentation 15 Minutes of Fame (5 % of final class grade) (1) Web Site Pairs Critical Analyses of Usability: Each student will write two critical essays that compare and contrast pairs of like-minded public sites (i.e. MSNBC versus CNN; Circuit City versus Best Buy), critiquing them in terms of their respective usability and suitability for purpose. Each (pair of) critical analysis will count 10 % towards your final class grade (20 % total), and each will focus on one particular topic of overall web site usability, as assigned by the instructor (for example, (i) home page design, or (ii) overall site design including primary and secondary navigation, or (iii) overall presentation and organization of content). The critical analyses are individual assignments. Electronic submissions are required as a cumulative library of all critical analyses submitted from previous CIS 8120 classes is maintained. More details about conducting each assignment will be provided later, but in general, experience has demonstrated that each of the (pairs of) critical analyses that are assigned grades in the high A range generally have the following characteristics: ? Focus on pairs of sites that have notable and explicable contrasts, i.e. one of them is generally good in terms of the focused usability topic while the second is not so good. ? Focus on pairs of sites that are like minded, that is, that target the same purpose, user population, etc. (note that this is a requirement). ? Are well organized, and written, in coherent essays exceeding 2,000 words (excluding images and screen shots). ? Contain embedded annotated screen shots that illustrate the arguments in the analysis. (2) Usable Web Site Design/Implementation: Students will develop a working web site that incorporates the principles of usability as taught in the course (using i.e. Macromedia products Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX). Students will develop a written report on their site that substantiates that the site meets acceptable standards of usability. Two distinct grades for this assignment will be assigned based on: (1) the merits of the site itself (12.5 % of your class grade); and on (2) the quality of the accompanying report substantiating why the site meets high standards of usability (12.5 % of your class grade). For their 15 minutes of fame, students may choose to demo their site to the class and explain how it meets usability objectives. More details about this assignment will be provided in class, but in general, experience has demonstrated that those projects that are assigned grades in the high A range generally have the following characteristics: ? Are substantive, well-developed sites that incorporate principles of usability as taught in the class. ? The sites contain perhaps thirty or more individual nodes. ? Are accompanied by a well-written essay of 3,500 words or more (excluding images and accompanying screen shots) that cogently and persuasively argue why the site is usable. Note that the accompanying written report is mandatory. ? Comprehensively cover the various important topics and aspects of web site usability as taught and practiced in the class. ? Contain embedded annotated screen shots (in the written report) that illustrate the arguments for usability. (3) 15 Minutes of Fame Each student will make a 15 minute presentation to the class (5 % of your total class grade). On the third week of class, each student is required to commit to a specific class date in which you will achieve your fifteen minutes of fame. More information about this assignment will be provided later. In general, you have three options for the topic of your fame legacy. You may choose to present a discussion of: (i) one of your submitted critical analyses (anytime during the semester); (ii) your developed web site and arguments for usability (late in the semester); or (iii) some other current topic pertinent to web site usability or technology (but not exclusively to web site design per se) that you find intriguing. By the third week of class, you are required to submit the date that you will present. A few more details about this assignment will be provided later, but in general, experience has demonstrated that those presentations that are assigned grades in the high A range generally have the following characteristics: ? Are substantive, enthusiastic, energetic and informative presentations that relate to topics of web site usability from the class. ? Are well received by fellow students. ? Are accompanied by visual examples and/or slides that illustrate your topical points. ? Engage the class, both in evident interest, as well as by eliciting class interaction and discussion. Course Schedule Readings\\nThe schedule on the following page outlines the required topics and readings for each weekly class. Weekly readings and slides for each scheduled class will be posted at least one week in advance. Students are responsible for all readings assigned, regardless of whether they are fully discussed in class. I reserve the right to make changes to the class schedule as the semester progresses. In addition, I will also present material for discussion in class that is not covered in the required readings. Students will be responsible for all material presented/discussed in class. Learning Objectives\\nIn the following class schedule, web usability topics will include material from the following list. There will also be in-class demos using i.e. Dreamweaver MX. Topics and readings will be posted for each class not later than one week in advance. Upon course completion, students will be able to: ? implement page and site design (including home page design and unique characteristics); ? identify examples of good/bad home page and site design; ? identify and appropriately apply site information architecture, including site topologies and approaches to navigation; ? present site features and content for any selected series of Web sites; ? develop search strategies and demonstrate search engine optimization techniques; ? properly incorporate web graphics and multimedia; ? demonstrate e-Commerce usability in a Web site of their own design. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly breakdown of classes, subject to change:\\nWeek 1: Syllabus and class introduction, HCI Principles\\nWeek 2: Overview of current Web Technologies I (X/D-HTML, XML, CSS)\\nWeek 3: Web Technologies II (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, etc.) Due: Presentation Topic & Date\\nWeek 4: Web Site Analysis and Design\\nWeek 5: Quiz 1\\nWeek 6: Principles of Page Design\\nWeek 7: Designing Content and Writing for Web\\nWeek 8: Principles of Site Design - Information Architecture 1\\nWeek 9: Information Architecture 2 Navigation\\nWeek 10: Quiz 2\\nWeek 11: Search Strategies and Search Engine Optimization / Presentations\\nWeek 12: Site Usability - Critiquing web sites / Presentations Week 13: E-Commerce usability / Presentations\\nWeek 14: Web technologies III (N-tier, web services, Java/NET)\\nWeek 15: Class Web Site Presentations\\nWeek 16: Quiz 3 (Final) Quick Links Programs BBA CIS MS CIS MBA CIS Syllabus List Schedule Apply Online Copyright 2000 Computer Information Systems Department, Georgia State University. All rights reserved. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' LEGIS-Syllabus DEC JAN Feb 30 2004 2005 2006 3 captures\\n4 Aug 04 - 30 Jan 05 Close\\nHelp Legislation Fall Term 2004\\nProfessor Kris W. Kobach Course Syllabus ________________________________________________________________________ Required texts: William N. Eskridge, Jr. and Phillip P. Frickey, Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Ed. (St. Paul: West, 2001) (EF, below). Additional readings indicated below (available at web page). Recommended text: Lawrence E. Filson, The Legislative Drafters Desk Reference (Washington: Congressional Quarterly, 1992). ________________________________________________________________________ Course objectives: This course combines legislative theory, legislative procedure, caselaw about legislative issues, statutory interpretation, and legislative drafting. Students should come away from the course with an understanding of the complicated issues of legislative theory and statutory interpretation, and with the practical ability to draft legislation well. Grading and course requirements: Grades will be partly based upon a legislative drafting projects completed in teams and partly based upon a short multiple-choice examination. Each drafting team will produce: a draft of a bill for submission in either the Kansas or the Missouri legislature, a comparison of the bill to similar legislation in other states, an analysis of the bills constitutionality, and a policy analysis of the bill. ________________________________________________________________________ (The topic numbers indicated below will not correlate exactly with class sessions. Some class session will deal with more than one topic. In other instances, we will take two weeks to cover a topic.) I. LEGISLATIVE THEORY AND PROCEDURE\\n(1) Introduction; legislative theory Introduction to the art of statutory interpretation. Models of legislation, Madisonian theory and public choice theory. EF: 47-81. North Carolina v. Fly; Federalist 10. (2) Legislative procedure and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 How the Civil Rights Act proceeded through Congress and the basic stages of legislation. The judicial interpretation of the Act in Griggs v. Duke Power Company. EF: 1-47. How Congress Works; The Legislative Process in Missouri. (3) Application of legislative theory and introduction to statutory interpretation The United Steelworkers of America v. Weber and Johnson v. Transportation Agency decisions and the interpretive approach used by the Supreme Court. EF: 81-118. II. REPRESENTATION (4) Representation theory Concepts of representation, one person-one vote. EF: 121-32. (5) Representation issues in the courts Racial gerrymandering and term limits. EF: 133-52, 168-89, 201-227. U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton. III. LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING (6) Basic principles of legislative drafting William N. Eskridge, Jr. and Phillip P. Frickey, Legislative Drafting; The Onion, Congress Passes Americans with No Abilities Act Steven M. Gillon, Oops! Top 10 Laws that Lashed Back; Neal McChristy, Bills Arent Always Meant to Become Law; Lawrence E. Filson, General Considerations. For guidance in drafting projects: Missouri General Assembly Committee on Legislative Research, The Essentials of Bill Drafting 1997; Missouri General Assembly Committee on Legislative Research, The Essentials of Bill Drafting 2002; Final Checklist for Bill Drafters; Lawrence E. Filson, Writing the Provisions of a Prototypical Bill. IV. STATUTORY INTERPRETATION BY THE JUDICIARY (7) Eclecticism, plain meaning and intentionalism EF: 669-89. (8) Purposivism: legal process theory Legislative mistakes, dynamic interpretation. EF: 690-727. Missouri v. McGirk. Bush v. Gore; Gore v. Harris; The New Jersey Democratic Party, Inc. v. Forrester Deroy Murdock, When the law is only a suggestion Kobach, NY Post To Misread a Statute: Is Floridas high court focusing on the wrong issue? Kobach, NY Post Als Supreme Doom: His lawyers have no real answer to Dubyas best point (9) Revival of the plain meaning rule and the new textualism EF:\\n727-55. Justice Antonin Scalia, A Matter of Interpretation. (10) Canons of interpretation and their application by the courts Basic presumptions, Bishop v. Linkway Stores, Muscarello v. United States, and the rule of lenity, U.S. v. Margiotta. EF: 817-65, 909-17. Muscarello v. United States, Holloway v. United States, Jones v. United States. (11) Legislative history Does it matter? If so, how should courts use it? EF:\\n937-63, 979-81, 1020-36. Robinson v. Wroblewski. V. DIRECT DEMOCRACY (12) The referendum as a source of law Use of initiatives and referendums at home and abroad. City of Eastlake v. Forest City Enterprises, Inc. EF:\\n528-37. Kris W. Kobach, The Referendum: Direct Democracy in Switzerland; David Magelby, Direct Legislation in the American States. ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Legal Aspects of Sports Blog Nov DEC APR 25 2006 2007 2008 31 captures\\n25 Dec 07 - 5 Jan 14 Close\\nHelp Legal Aspects of Sports Blog\\nRyan M. Rodenberg, Esq. Final Course Grades\\nDecember 13th, 2007 I just finished calculating the letter grades for the course. I will post them on OneStart and/or OnCourse sometime tomorrow before 5:00PM EST. The course grade distribution is as follows:\\nA: three students\\nA-: twelve students\\nB+: five students\\nB: three students\\nC+: two students\\nC: two students\\nCopies of the final exam will be available in my office on or after December 19, 2007. Feel free to stop if you want a copy of your final exam. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Final Exam Scores\\nDecember 13th, 2007 I just finished grading the final exams. As you know, the exam was worth 45 (percentage) points. The score distribution is as follows:\\n45 - one student\\n43.5 - one student\\n43 - one student\\n42.5 - five students\\n42 - two students\\n41.5 - one student\\n41 - one student\\n40.5 - two students\\n40 -one student\\n39.5 - three students\\n39 - one student\\n38.5 - one student\\n38 - one student\\n37 - one student\\n36 - one student\\n35 - three students\\n34.5 - one student Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Office Hours\\nDecember 11th, 2007 With the semester ending this Friday, I will no longer be holding office hours. My yet-to-be-determined office hours for the Spring 2008 semester will be posted on my door (and on this website) at some point in the next couple of weeks. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Colorado Football Lawsuit\\nDecember 7th, 2007 The University of Colorado has settled the lawsuit I blogged about several months ago. A link to the Denver Posts article is below:\\nhttp://www.denverpost.com/ci_7655874?source=rss Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off College Basketball Point Shaving in the 1950s\\nNovember 29th, 2007 Some news regarding college basketball point shavingfrom the annals of history:\\nhttp://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=3133220 Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Case Brief Assignment (Verbal Portion)\\nNovember 29th, 2007 The scores earned on the case brief oral defense were strong. It was evident that the vast majority of students spent several hours preparing for the verbal portion of the assignment. The score breakdown is as follows:\\n10 -four students\\n9.5 -nine students\\n9 - six students\\n8.5 - five students\\n8 - three students\\nPlease stop by my office if you want get a copy of the case brief assignment (written and verbal portions). I have recorded the scores and have copies available to hand back to you before the final exam on December 11, 2007. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Final Exam Preview\\nNovember 26th, 2007 I just finished drafting the final exam. It is worth 45% of your final grade. There are 40 questions on the exam. In addition, there are two extra credit questions. Barring something unforeseen, the exam format will be as follows:\\nEssay questions - 4\\nShort answer questions - 11\\nTrue/False questions - 25\\nTheT/F questions are each worth 0.5% of the final grade. The short answer questions are each worth 1% of the final grade. The essay questions are of variable weight. For example, one essay question is worth 12% of the final grade. In contrast, another essay question is only worth 2% of the final grade.\\nI took the exam myself and finished in82 minutes. You will have 150 minutes to complete the exam. Like the mid-term exam, the final exam will be closed book. You may be tested on any material discussed in the assigned readings, handouts (electronic orhard copy), or lectures.\\nThe two extra credit questions are in short answer format and each carry 0.5% of (possible) extra credit. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Case Brief Assignments (Written Portion)\\nNovember 26th, 2007 I finished reading/grading the written case briefs. As expected, a number ofhigh scores were earned. As you know, the written portion of the case brief assignment is 10% of your final grade. The score breakdown is as follows:\\n9.5 - seven students\\n9.0 - eight students\\n8.5 - seven students\\n8.0 - three students\\n7.5 - two students\\nI have recorded the scores on my MS Excel spreadsheet and will make copies tomorrow or Wednesday. If you want to pick up a copy before the final exam on December 11, 2007,please stop by my office later this week or next week. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Lecture Outline - Religion and Sports\\nNovember 20th, 2007 I. Introduction\\nA. Case Brief Assignment\\nB. Review of Intellectual Property in Sports\\nII. Religion and Sports\\nA. Overview\\nB. First Amendment\\nIII. Looking Ahead\\nA. Nov. 27\\nB. Dec. 3\\nC. Dec. 10 Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Quiz #5 - Question #8 (EXTRA CREDIT)\\nNovember 14th, 2007 23 out of 24 students earned extra credit on this question. As someone who doesnt participate in fantasy leagues, I found a number of comments very interesting. Thank you for your feedback. Posted in Sports Law | Comments Off Previous Entries PagesAbout Archives December 2007\\nNovember 2007\\nOctober 2007\\nSeptember 2007\\nAugust 2007 Categories Sports Law (102) Blogroll ATP\\nChronicle\\nCNBC Sports Biz\\nCNN\\nCNNSI\\nConcurring Opinions\\nConglomerate\\nCreighton University\\nDorf on Law\\nELS\\nESPN\\nFindlaw\\nGoogle\\nHotmail\\nIndiana University\\nITF\\nLaw.com\\nLegal Scholarship\\nLegal Theory\\nMoney Players\\nMoneyLaw\\nNCAA\\nNSLI\\nPrawfsblawg\\nSBD\\nSCOTUS Blog\\nSELS\\nSLA\\nSports Law Blog\\nSRLA\\nSteve G\\nTennis Week\\nTSLP\\nU.S. Supreme Court\\nUnderground Tennis\\nUniversity of Washington\\nUSTA\\nVolokh\\nWages of Wins\\nWSBA\\nWTA Tour\\nYahoo Meta Register Login\\nValid XHTML\\nXFN\\nWordPress Legal Aspects of Sports Blog is proudly powered by WordPress\\nEntries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Rural Sociology at MU - Courses, RS 120 SEP JAN Feb 16 2003 2005 2006 5 captures\\n3 Jul 02 - 16 Jan 05 Close\\nHelp Population and Ecology Syllabus and Class Information\\nRural Sociology/Sociology 120 Winter 2001 Instructor:Theresa Goedeke 204 Outer, Sociology Building Phone 882-5752 (voice mail available) Email: tlg011@mizzou.edu Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2-4pm and by appointment.\\nAssistant Instructor:Ann D. Breidenbach 16 Sociology Building Phone: 882-0393 Email: amd5ae@mizzou.edu Office Hours: MW 11-12pm and by appointment\\nMeeting Time/Place:MWF 10:00-10:50 Lecture-Eng West 353 Discussion A-- Eng West 353 Discussion B-Gannett 276 Course Goals: In this course we will identify and discuss changing population patterns and develop an understanding of how those changes relate to some of the central environmental issues debated today. To achieve these goals we will 1) explore the dynamics of population size, distribution and composition; 2) examine the affects that populations patterns, as well as cultural and social patterns, have on the environment; 3) discuss the social, cultural, and environmental implications of strategies and policies developed to address population and environmental problems. Required Texts: Hohm, Charles, Lori Jones and Shoon Lio, Eds. 2000. Opposing Viewpoints: Population. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Livernash, Robert and Eric Rodenburg. 1998. Population Change, Resources, and the Environment. Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau. McFalls, Joseph A. 1998. Population: A Lively Introduction, 3rd Edition. Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau. Course Article Packet-A collection of articles produced by Custom Publishing at the University Bookstore in Brady Commons. * (OV) denotes Opposing Viewpoints as source of reading assignment in course schedule. Class Schedule: Class DateClass TopicReading Assignments DueOther Assignments Due Jan 19IntroductionEaster Island paper Jan 22The Socilogical Perspective Jan 24Ecology and Population DynamicsDaimond, J.\"Easter\\'s End\"(packet) Jan 26-DiscussionReflections on Easter IslandEaster Island Paper Jan 29Theories of Ecological Limits I! Livernash and Rodenburg Pp. 2-10 Jan 31Theories of Ecological Limits II! Hardin, G. \"The Tragedy of the Commons\" (packet) Feb 2Theories of Ecological Limits III! Malthus, T. *(OV) Pp. 31-38 ! Simon, J. \"World Population Growth\" (packet) Debate Preference Forms\\nFeb 5Film: New Range Wars\\nFeb 7- DiscussionPopulation and Ecological Problems! Brown, L. et al. (OV) Pp. 98-105 ! Maier, T. (OV) 106-113 Feb 9Science and Technology! Fremlin, J. (OV) Pp. 45-53\\nFeb 12Science and Technology! Hardin, G. (OV) Pp. 54-60\\nFeb 14Exam A\\nFeb 16Intro to Demography and Fertility-Formulas and Concepts! McFalls, J. Pp. 3-11 ! Sussmilch, J. (OV) Pp. 17-23 Feb 19Fertility-Trends and Correlates! Townsend, J. (OV) Pp. 24-30 ! Crossette, B. (OV) Pp. 81-86\\nFeb 21Mortality-Formulas and Concepts; Trends and Correlates! McFalls, J. Pp. 11-16 ! Schwartz, W. (OV) Pp.87-94\\nFeb 23- DiscussionFertilty and Mortality Issues! Vonnegut Jr. \"Tomorrow\" (handout)\\nFeb 26Migration-Formulas and Concepts! McFalls, J. Pp. 16-22 !Kennedy, D. \"Can We Still Afford to be a Nation of Immigrants?\" (packet) Feb 28Migration-Trends and Correlates! Brimelow, P. \"Invisible Economy\" (handout) ! Simon, J. \"Why Control the Borders?\" (packet)\\nDebate Resources\\nMar 2Demonstration Debate: U.S. Immigration\\nMar 5Immigration HearingsImmigration Paper\\nMar 7Debate Worktime(in class)\\nMar 9Population Growth and Change! McFalls, J. Pp. 23-43\\nMar 12Population Growth and Change! Livernash and Rodenburg Pp. 10-13\\nMar 14-DiscussionPopulation Growth and Change-Should we grow or get bigger?! Smail, J.K. (OV) Pp. 64-73 ! Singer, M. (OV) Pp. 74-80. Mar 16Exam B\\nMar 19Population and Poverty-Trends and Correlates! Livernash and Rodenberg Pp. 13-18 Mar 21Population and Poverty-Trends and Correlates! Eberstadt, N. \"What is Population Policy?\"(packet)\\nMar 23Film: Rescue PartyFirst Draft of Debate Case Due\\nMar 24 to April 1 Spring BreakNo Class\\nApril 2Population and Food-Theoretical Propositions! Hinrichsen, D. (OV) Pp. 114-121\\nApril 4Population and Food-Theoretical Propositions! Hildyard, N. (OV) Pp. 122-129Population and Food Paper\\nApril 6NO CLASS-Use this time to work on your debate.\\nApril 9-DiscussionPopulation, Food and Poverty\\nApril 11Population and Consumption Overview! Sagoff, M. \"Do We Consume Too Much?\" (packet)! Ehrlich, P. et al. \"No Middle Way on the Environment\" (packet)\\nApril 13Population and Consumption- Developed vs. Developing Nations! Ling, C. \"A Southern Perspective on Sustainable Consumption\" (packet)\\nApril 16Film: Affluenza\\nApril 18-DiscussionConsidering Affluence.Affluence Paper\\nApril 20Exam C\\nApril 23Population Policy Overview! Piel, G. (OV) Pp. 198-209 ! Hardin, G. \"Lifeboat Ethics\" (packet)\\nSecond Draft of Debate Case\\nApril 25Population Policy Issues! Mosher, S. (OV) 180-188 ! Hall, J. (OV) Pp.189-197 April 27Film: Indonesia\\'s Doctor of Happiness! Westoff, C. (OV) Pp. 157-166! Grimes, S. (OV) Pp. 167-179\\nApril 30-DiscussionPopulation and PolicyHardin Paper\\nMay 2-DiscussionDebate 1\\nMay 4-DiscussionDebate 2\\nMay 7-DiscussionDebate 3\\nMay 9-DiscussionDebate 4\\nMay 11Course Wrap UpRevise &Resubmit; Due\\nMonday, May 14 3:30 to 5:30pm Final Exam Grading: Your discussion leader will grade all assignments and exams, and will assign final grades for the course. If you have any questions about grading, please do not hesitate to ask. Late Paper Policy:Late assignments will not be accepted, no exceptions please. Assignments must be turned in during class on the day that the assignment is due (papers will not be accepted after class). If you must miss a class it is your responsibility to make sure that assignments are turned in during or before the class you will miss. Revise and Resubmit Policy: You will be given the opportunity to revise 1 writing assignment. This assignment can be revised and resubmitted at any time throughout the semester, but must be turned by May 11. Please turn in the original paper along with the revision. The assignment will be re-graded and the new score will be substituted for the score previously earned. This offer is entirely optional; you need not revise a paper if you do not wish to do so. However, this is a great opportunity to improve a low score or to complete a paper that was not previously turned in (i.e., one you may have received 0 pts. for). Extra Credit Points Policy: If during the semester you run across current events (e.g., news clippings, articles, T.V. news stories, etc) that are applicable to course topics or information, we encourage you to bring these items or a synopsis of them to class to share. You will get 3 bonus points for each bit of information you bring. All we ask is that you indicate (specifically) where you got the information and describe how it relates to the class. Other Course Information Attendance and Punctuality Policy: Attendance is required-no differentiation is made between excused or unexcused absences; if you miss a class it counts as an absence. This class will be very interactive and will require meaningful and informed participation from everyone, therefore attendance is extremely important. If you cannot avoid missing a class it is your responsibility to get any handouts, assignment sheets or information/announcements missed. Attendance will be recorded each day; it is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet. Finally, showing up to class late and leaving early is disruptive to the class and is, therefore, unacceptable. Do not be late and plan to stay until the end of class each day. Students showing symptoms of chronic lateness will be counseled on an individual basis. Disabilities:If you have needs addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify us immediately and/or contact Disability Services at 882-4696 (A038 Brady Commons). Academic Honesty and Ethics: We will adhere to departmental and University policies on academic dishonesty. Please note: \"The Department of Rural Sociology hereby notifies all students that in accordance with the University regulations, ALL acts of academic dishonesty (including plagiarism) will result in the assignment of a zero or failing grade for that test/assignment and the matter will be referred to the office of the Provost for disciplinary action.\" Rural Sociology\\nAbout Us | Academics | Research/Extension | People\\nSSU | CAFNR | MU | UM System\\nCopyright 1999 Curators of the University of Missouri URL: http://www.ssu.missouri.edu/ruralsoc/academic/courses/rs120.html ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Physics 3444: Digital Electronics Spring 2013 TR 12:30-1:45, Lab T 2:00-4:50, VIN 147 PROFESSOR: Dr. David Bixler OFFICE: VIN 115 PHONE: 942-2242 EMAIL: David.Bixler@angelo.edu WEBPAGE: http://tesla.angelo.edu/~dbixler/ OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10:00-12:00am; TR 9:00-10:00am DESCRIPTION: A study of the behavior of digital logic circuit elements, with an emphasis on applications in research instrumentation, industrial controls, and computer design. Students must also be enrolled in the Physics 3444 Laboratory. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of Physics 3444, the student will demonstrate factual knowledge concerning the basic digital devices and digital circuits which comprise a simple computer system. The student will also apply logical thinking and scientific reasoning to solve quantitative problems and evaluate quantitative information in the study of basic digital devices and digital circuits. Furthermore, every student will demonstrate the technical and analytical skills for this field of study. These learning outcomes will be assessed through homework assignments, in-class exams and laboratory reports. MATERIALS: Textbook: Digital Design by Mano/Ciletti, 5th ed. COMMENTS: Angelo State University expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuits. Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code, which is contained in both print and web versions of the Student Handbook. Persons with disabilities which may warrant academic accommodations must contact the Student Life Office, Room 112 University Center, in order to request such accommodations prior to any accommodations being implemented. A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence. Attendance is required and will be taken at all class meetings. Each day you will complete a worksheet with problems covering the material discussed that day in class. There are no make-ups for these worksheets. Homework will be assigned regularly and will be due at the beginning of class on the due date specified. Homework will not be accepted once it is graded and returned to the class. Since the answers to many problems can be found in the text or on the web, some explanation or mathematics should be shown with each problem to receive full credit. Mobile phones and music players must be turned off at all times. Note that this means that you cannot use a mobile phone as your calculator. Use of any electronic device other than your calculator during an exam is not allowed. Two exams will be given during the lab period to allow for ample time to complete all problems. A comprehensive final exam will be given during the normal final exam time for this lecture period. There are no make-ups for exams, but for very special and unavoidable circumstances, a student may request special arrangements to take an exam early. Such requests will be considered on an individual basis by the instructor, and must be made no later than one week prior to the date of the scheduled exam. The course grade will be calculated as follows: Tests 30% (15% each), Homework 20%, Final Exam 20%, Worksheets and Labs 30%. Physics 3444 Spring 2013 Schedule DATE TOPIC TEXT CHAPTERS Jan.15 Introduction, Basic Circuits and Boolean Algebra 2 Jan.17 Boolean Algebra and Functions, Standard Forms 2 Jan.22 Standard Forms, Logic Operations and Logic Gates 2 Jan.24 Gate Level Minimization and Karnaugh Maps 3 Jan.29 K-Maps, POS and SOP Simplification 3 Jan.31 NAND and NOR implementation, XOR function 3 Feb.5 Digital Systems and Binary Numbers, Conversions 1 Feb.7 Complements, Signed numbers, and Codes 1 Feb.12 Transistor Logic: TTL and CMOS -- Feb.14 Combinational Logic Circuits; Review 4 Feb.19 Test 1 1-3 Feb.21 Combinational Analysis and Design 4 Feb.26 The Adder/Subtractor 4 Feb.28 The Binary Multiplier, Comparator 4 Mar.5 Decoders, Encoders 4 Mar.7 Multiplexers, Demultiplexers 4 Mar.12,14 SPRING BREAK -- Mar.19 Synchronous Sequential Logic: Latches and Flip-Flops 5 Mar.21 Flip-Flops and Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits 5 Mar.26 Sequential Circuit State Reduction and Assignment 5 Mar.28 State Machine Design; Review 5 Apr.2 Test 2 4-5 Apr.4 Registers and Shift Registers, Ripple Counters 6 Apr.9 Synchronous and Other Counters 6 Apr.11 Memory: RAM, Addressing and Decoding, Error Detection 7 Apr.16 ROM, Flash Memory, Programmable Logic 7 Apr.18 Microprocessor Design and Architecture -- Apr.23 The Simple As Possible Computer, Control Words -- Apr.25 T-States, Control Words and Machine Code -- Apr.30 Advanced Microprocessor Design -- May 2 Comprehensive Review -- May 9 Final Exam ALL ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Class Schedule MAR SEP NOV 10 2002 2003 2004 5 captures\\n6 Mar 03 - 26 Mar 04 Close\\nHelp Apprv\\nCRN\\nCr Hr\\nP/Term\\nSpring 2003 -- updated3/11/2003 3:26:03 PM POL 3613\\nCriminal Law And Procedure 20369\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 7:30 pm - 10:15 pm\\nT\\nLAR_120\\nMorelli, J POL 3623\\nEspionage And Intelligence 20372\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 9:00 am - 9:50 am\\nM\\nW\\nF\\nLAR_120\\nJones, Randall\\nCLASS IS FULL POL 3990\\nIntl. Business in Context 20510\\n1 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 5:30 pm - 7:15 pm\\nW\\nLAR_115\\nBaughman, Timothy POL 3990\\nIssues in Global Pol I 22870\\n1 IR\\n01/31/03\\n02/02/03 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm\\nF\\nLAR_116\\nFurmanski, Louis\\nPick up syllabus in POL office by 01/31/03\\n02/02/03 9:00 am - 5:00 pm\\nS\\nLAR_116\\nJanuary 17, 2003. 01/31/03\\n02/02/03 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm\\nU\\nLAR_116 POL 3990\\nIssues in Global Pol II 22871\\n1 IR\\n02/28/03\\n03/02/03 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm\\nF\\nLAR_116\\nShin, Youngtae\\nPick up syllabus in POL office by 02/28/03\\n03/02/03 9:00 am - 5:00 pm\\nS\\nLAR_116\\nFebruary 14, 2003. 02/28/03\\n03/02/03 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm\\nU\\nLAR_116 POL 3990\\nIssues in Global Pol III 22872\\n1 IR\\n04/04/03\\n04/06/03 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm\\nF\\nLAR_116\\nMohamad, Husam\\nCLASS IS FULL 04/04/03\\n04/06/03 9:00 am - 5:00 pm\\nS\\nLAR_116 04/04/03\\n04/06/03 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm\\nU\\nLAR_116 POL 4263\\nThe Media And Politics Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20374\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm\\nM\\nW\\nF\\nLAR_120\\nHardt, Jan POL 4463\\nPublic Finance And Budgeting Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20376\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 7:30 pm - 10:15 pm\\nW\\nLAR_120\\nSharp, Brett POL 4543\\nInternational Cooperation Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20378\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm\\nM\\nW\\nF\\nLAR_120\\nGatch, Loren POL 4643\\nSurvey Of American Pol Thought Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20379\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03\\n12:30 pm - 1:45 pm\\nT\\nR\\nLAR_116\\nOlson, William POL 4733\\nAmerican Foreign Policy Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20380\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 7:30 pm - 10:15 pm\\nM\\nLAR_116\\nFurmanski, Louis POL 4773\\nThe Presidency Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20382\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm\\nT\\nR\\nLAR_116\\nOlson, William POL 4823\\nReligion And Politics Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 20383\\n3 1\\n01/13/03\\n05/09/03\\n11:00 am - 11:50 am\\nM\\nW\\nF\\nLAR_120\\nScott, Gregory Approval codes:\\nA = Instructor; C = Chairperson; D = Department; G = Graduate Advisor Page 2 of 5 P/Term codes:\\n1 = Full Term; INT = Intersession; B1 = Block 1; B2 = Block 2; IRR = Short Course First Previous Next Last ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' AFAM301 - Junior Colloquium: Theory and Methods in African American Studies AUG OCT DEC 14 2002 2003 2004 38 captures\\n21 Jun 02 - 6 Sep 13 Close\\nHelp [\\nWesleyan Home Page\\n] [\\nWesMaps Home Page\\n] [\\nWesMaps Archive\\n]\\n[\\nCourse Search\\n] [\\nCourse Search by CID\\n] Academic Year 2003/2004 Junior Colloquium: Theory and Methods in African American StudiesAFAM 301 FA The Junior Colloquium is designed to teach students to think critically and analytically about \"race\" as a belief system that plays a foundational role in the western world view. The seminar is intended to familiarize\\nmajors\\nwith classic works in the field of African American Studies, while also introducing them to key theoretical debates about race, culture, and society. Topics covered include the historical development of the idea of\\nrace,\\nthe intersections between race and other facets of identity such as gender and class, and the different ways in which race has been conceptualized. MAJOR READINGS\\nTo be announced. EXAMINATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS\\nShort essays, oral presentations, an annotated bibliography, and a final seminar paper. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS and/or COMMENTS\\nAs of the 02-03 academic year, this colloquium will be required of all AFAM majors.Students must obtain a copy of the syllabus (which can be picked up at CAAS) in order to prepare for the first class. COURSE FORMAT: Seminar REGISTRATION INFORMATION Level:\\nUGRD\\nCredit:\\n1\\nGen Ed Area Dept:\\nSBS AFAM\\nGrading Mode:\\nGraded Prerequisites:\\nAFAM201 SECTION 01 Instructor(s): Eudell,Demetrius L.\\nTimes: ...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; Location: CAMS 1&2 Reserved Seats: (Total Limit: 20)\\nSR. major: Jr. major: 20\\nSR. non-major: Jr. non-major: SO: FR:\\nSpecial Attributes: Links to Web Resources For This Course. Last Updated on OCT-14-2003 Contact\\nwesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459 ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 1 School of Management Undergraduate Internship Syllabus All Sessions Faculty: Marilyn Kaplan, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, School of Management Email: mkaplan@utdallas.edu 972-883-2742 SM 2.208 Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions Undergraduate students can earn up to 6 credit hours (maximum of 3 semesters per degree level) of Internship/Co-op credit towards graduation if elective credits are Credit hours granted are based on minimum number of hours worked on internship. Students may enroll for fewer credit hours if desired. o 1 Credit Hour (80-159 work hours) o 2 Credit Hours (160-239 work hours) o 3 Credit Hours (240+ work hours) Students currently employed full-time seeking to obtain credit via the internship program need to receive PRIOR APPROVAL to enroll. A one page document (signed by the supervisor) identifying the scope of a new learning project must be submitted to the course instructor. Internship must be related to current major/program and degree level. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes 1. Construct a set of goals and objectives to accomplish during the internship and submit during the first two weeks of your internship. 2. Prepare an Internship Poster due the last day of classes. 3. Complete evaluation forms through the Career Center. Grading Policy This is a credit/no credit course. To earn a pass for the class you must submit the last two items above by the last day of the semester to your program. Failure to turn in these items no credit NO Deviations or Exceptions to the grading policy! 2 Course Requirements - 1. Complete 3 specific goals & objectives within the first 2 weeks: Due 2 weeks after start of job. Form must be signed by Supervisor. 2. Participate in site visit: Your course instructor may schedule a brief visit with your supervisor (@ work location) during the semester to discuss your work experience. It is your responsibility to insure our office has the correct contact information, and to assist in arranging for a visit with your supervisor. 3. Final Project: internship poster. See detail below. Internship Poster Specifications Internship Class Final Project Poster Format for Final Submission: Students and/or teams must prepare a standard research poster project. Each poster should fit within dimensions of 36 inches high by 48 inches wide. The poster is due on the last day of classes for the semester. Look for templates on eLearning. Upload your poster to eLearning by the due date. If you wish to enter your poster in the annual contest, have your poster printed in the Student Union, 2nd floor, Student Organization Center. You can only pay with a check, but this is the cheapest printing option. Individual students or teams (two (2) students per team, must work for the same employer in the same department) can submit a poster for their final project in the internship class. Your research poster project must be about your internship. Students and/or teams will find information on poster preparation at a number of sites on items: http://colinpurrington.com/tips/academic/posterdesign The Newcastle University School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials in the U.K. has a good website which reviews guidelines for both content and design. http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/dept/tips/present/posters.htm The project can be an innovative application of management theory or techniques, the improvement of an existing application, or a solution to a problem in your internship. Students need to discuss the confidentiality of the work they have done for their specific company with their supervisor, and adjust their poster presentation to take that into account. Should your poster involve proprietary information, the name of the company can be changed. 3 You will be graded on the creativity and applicability of the idea or research, the completeness of the documentation on the submitted poster and the quality of the presentation and description of methods. All submitted posters will be displayed the following semester. Course & Instructor Policies 1. Questions concerning the assignments should be directed to Dr. Kaplan, mkaplan@utdallas.edu 2. If you experience any problems that require our assistance or if your internship ends suddenly for any reason, please contact your course instructor immediately. 3. If you have any issues that might impact your completion of the requirements for this course, please contact your program manager immediately. 4. You are expected to have read the syllabus before your first day of employment. 5. You are expected to check your email regularly and promptly read all messages from your program manager. University Policies: (http://provost.utdallas.edu/home/syllabus-policies) These descriptions and timelines are subject to change. These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor. 4 University of Texas at Dallas Student Goals Plan School of Management Internships Instructor: Dr. Marilyn Kaplan Student Name: ____________________________ Phone (______)_______________(H) Email: _________________________________ (______)_______________(W) Degree: ____________________________ Grad Date: _________________ Site Supervisor Name ______________________ Phone (______)_______________ Title: ________________________________ email: _____________________ FAX _______________________ Work Site: ___________________________________________________________ (complete name of employer/company) Location Address: _____________________________________________________________ Street City, State, Zip Student: 1. After discussion with your supervisor, fill out the second page. 2. Obtain the ryour goals. 3. Submit two weeks after start date at your internship by uploading to eLearning. I have reviewed the Goals and Objectives as stated on the following form. I agree to participate in a performance appraisal (form will be provided) at the conclusion of this semester. __________________________________________________ ________________ Signature of Site Supervisor Date __________________________________________________ ________________ Signature of Student Intern/Co-op Date 5 University of Texas at Dallas Co-op / Internship Goals/Objectives and Expectations for: Student ________________________________________ Employer _______________________________________ List at least 3 specific learning goals/objectives for the semester: ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" Bio 3840 Syllabus DEC APR AUG 26 2002 2003 2004 6 captures\\n6 Feb 02 - 8 Aug 03 Close\\nHelp Bio 3840/7840 Animal Biology (course website: http://www.gsu.edu/~biodhe/Bio3840/Bio3840Sp2002Syl.htm)\\nSEE FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Computer #1331/1401; Last Modified 5/05/02 ( Go to Lecture Schedule ) Instructor: Dr. Don Edwards (428 SA) Time: 5:30-6:45PM, 400G, Mondays and Wednesdays Office hours: by appointment Edwards' e-mail: biodhe@langate.gsu.edu Text: Integrated Principles of Zoology, 11th Edition, by Hickman, Roberts & Larson, McGraw-Hill, 2001.\\nPrerequisites This is a course in the biology of animals that is intended for students who have already had a strong introductory course in cell biology, genetics and molecular biology. I assume that you are well acquainted with these topics. If you have not had such a course, or had one several years ago, I strongly recommend that you take this course AFTER you have had such an introductory course. Syllabus The syllabus, including the lecture topics and readings, is in the table below. I will make every effort to stick to this time-table, but it may slip if some topics appear to require more time to discuss. You should read the assigned chapters BEFORE class. Please bring any questions about the reading to class; if I dont answer your question in the course of the lecture, please ask it. If a question comes to mind during the lecture, please ask it also. Chances are that others will have the same or a similar question, so you help everyone by asking it. Study Questions After each short series of lectures I will pass out a series of study questions. These are for you to address they should guide your review of the material. They will be discussed during the pre-exam review. Exams and Grading There will be 4 one hour exams, spaced at roughly equal intervals. The exams will consist of a set of questions that will require ~1 page answer for each. Each exam accounts for 25% of your final grade. Your final grade will be determined by the University Grading scale according to your percentage total: 90% and higher: A; 80% - 90%: B; 70% - 80%: C; 60% - 70%: D; ? 60%: F. Borderline grades (within 1 point of the next higher border) will be decided on the basis of class participation. Academic Honesty The University standards of academic honesty are assumed for this course. They can be found at http://www.gsu.edu/handbook/sec409.html . Attendance Attendance at all lectures and exams is expected. Please arrive on time. If you are late, please enter by the rear door to avoid disturbing the class. Make-up Exams A regularly scheduled exams should only be missed and a make-up exam taken in the case of extreme hardship, such as severe illness. Only one make-up exam is permitted for each student, who should schedule it to occur within one week after the regularly scheduled exam. The make-up exam may be substantially more challenging than the regularly scheduled exam. Lecture, Reading and Exam Schedule Date Topic Chapters in book Prior to class Background reading Chs 1-5 Mon. Jan. 7 Introduction Wed. Jan. 9 Evolution I 6 Mon. Jan. 14 Evolution II 5: pp 81-86; 6 Wed. Jan. 16 Evolution III 6 Mon. Jan. 21 MLK Holiday Wed. Jan. 23 Reproduction 7 Mon. Jan. 28 Development Study Questions1 8 Wed. Jan. 30 Exam 1 KEY Mon. Feb. 4 Nerve Cells 35 Wed. Feb. 6 Nervous Systems 35 Mon. Feb. 11 Neural Plasticity 35 Wed. Feb. 13 Neuronal Computaton 35 Mon. Feb. 18 Hormones 36 Wed. Feb. 20 Muscle Study Guide 2 31 Mon. Feb. 25 Review Wed. Feb. 27 Exam 2 March 4-10 Spring Break Mon. Mar. 11 Last day to withdraw and receive a 'W' Wed. Mar. 13 Homeostasis 32 Mon. Mar. 18 Circulation 33 Wed. Mar. 20 Respiration 33 Mon.. Mar. 25 Behavior , Baboons 38 Wed. Mar. 27 Ecology Study Guide 3 39 Mon. Apr. 1 Ecology Review 40 Wed. Apr. 3 Exam 3 Mon. Apr. 8 Diversity I 9-12 Wed. Apr. 10 Diversity II 13-15 Mon. Apr. 15 Diversity III 16-18 Wed. Apr. 17 Diversity IV 25-28 Mon. Apr. 22 Diversity V 29, 30 Wed. Apr. 24 Diversity V Study Guide 4 29,30 Mon. Apr. 29 Overall Review May 6, 5pm Exam 4 (cumulative) \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" Cardinal Stritch University Nov DEC JAN 30 2007 2008 2010 4 captures\\n30 Dec 08 - 28 May 10 Close\\nHelp HOME CONTACT APPLY\\nE-MAIL PAGE\\nPRINT PAGE\\n12.30.2008 Fall Term UNDERGRADUATESEvening Business and Management ProgramsTraditional ProgramsTransfer StudentsUndergraduate MajorsStudent Orientation ProgramsGRADUATE STUDENTSGraduate AdmissionsDoctoral ProgramsEducation ProgramsEvening Business and Management ProgramsM.A. Clinical PsychologyM.A. HistoryM.A. Lay MinistriesM.A. MinistryM.A. Religious StudiesM.A. Visual StudiesM.M. PianoM.S. NursingM.S. Sport ManagementCURRENT STUDENTSAcademic CalendarAcademic Support CenterActivitiesAthleticsBookstoreCareer ServicesCourse CatalogsCourse SchedulesFinancial AidInformation TechnologyInternational Student ServicesLibraryMyStritchStudy Abroad ProgramsALUMNI & DONORSAlumni BenefitsAlumni News/EventsStritch Annual FundCareer ServicesPlanned GiftsStritch Magazine About StritchWelcome from the PresidentBasic FactsGet InfoVisit CampusLocation and MapsVirtual TourHistoryFranciscan TraditionJobs at StritchPublic RelationsAcademicsOverviewArts and SciencesEducation and LeadershipEvening Business and Management ProgramsNursingAcademic Support CenterAdmissionsOverviewUndergraduatesGraduate StudentsInternational AdmissionsCredit for Prior LearningTuition/AidOverviewTuition and FeesGeneral Aid InformationAid EligibilityApply for AidLoan InformationScholarshipsAfter CollegeOnline Aid ServicePersonal/Prof. DevelopmentOverviewCertificate ProgramsCoachingConferences/WorkshopsCourses for EducatorsMentoring/SEWNTPNon-Credit LearningPrograms for AdministratorsStudent LifeOverviewActivitiesAthleticsCampus MinistryDean of Students OfficeHousingInternational EducationSecurityVocation DevelopmentNews/CalendarNewsCalendarCousins CenterInaugurationAcademic CalendarAlumni/DonorsOverviewAlumni News and EventsAlumni BenefitsLeadership/RecognitionGive BackStritch Annual FundPlanned GiftsAnnual ReportGrants/ResearchCommunity TiesOverviewArt GalleryFranciscan CenterLeadership CenterPartnershipsPerforming ArtsReading CenterSaint Clare CenterSpeakers BureauServices/ResourcesOverviewBookstoreCareer ServicesCounseling ServicesHealth ServicesInformation TechnologyMulticultural RelationsRegistrarOther Student Services OverviewCertificate ProgramsCoachingConferences/WorkshopsCourses for EducatorsMentoring/SEWNTPNon-Credit LearningPrograms for Administrators Personal, Professional Development OverviewJoin Our Mailing ListDownload/Request a CatalogContact UsStaffPolicies and ProceduresCertificate Programs HomeNon-credit Administrative Assistant Certificate ProgramNon-credit Supervisory Skills Certificate ProgramNon-Credit Computer Literacy Certificate ProgramNon-credit Franciscan Studies Certificate ProgramProfessional Coaching HomeRegistrationConferences and Workshops HomeEducators RetreatNeuroscience of LearningSingle Special EventsCourses for Educators HomeASCD Online CoursesEd2Go Online CoursesMedia (Video and DVD) CoursesPI 34Sally Ride AcademySingle CoursesDigital Media Conference and WorkshopsTeachscape Online CoursesTools for LearningWEA Professional Development AcademySEWNTP HomeRegister for an Upcoming EventMentor Professional Development TrainingsMentoring Certificate ProgramPost-Mentor Training DialoguesFirst Year Beginning TeachersSecond and Third Year Beginning TeachersPI 34 License Renewal, PDP Offerings and ToolsProgramming for District Administrators and District Induction Team LeadersSEWNTP Consortium Districts, Primary Contacts and Steering CommitteeDirections to Host SitesProducts: Formative Assessment ToolsContact UsNon-Credit Extended Learning HomeEd2Go Online CoursesLearn It Online CoursesArt CoursesBusiness CoursesComputer CoursesCulture CoursesHumanities CoursesPersonal WellnessSpirituality CoursesPrincipals' CenterPrincipal Induction Program Find books, videos, recordings, etc. in the library catalog. MyStritch is the Cardinal Stritch University Intranet for current students, faculty, and staff. Wisconsin Main Campus 6801 N. Yates Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 (800) 347-8822or (414) 410-4000 View map Minnesota Main Campus 3300 Edinborough WaySuite 320 Edina, MN 55435 (952) 835-6418 View map Other Locations\\nContact Your browsing history Digital Media Conference and Workshops > Tools for Learning > Business Courses > Personal Wellness > Mentoring Certificate Program Mentoring Certificate Programin association withthe Southeastern Wisconsin New Teacher Project (SEWNTP)We would like to offer congratulations to the first cohort group of 14 mentors on completing the requirements for the Mentoring Certificate from the Southeastern Wisconsin New Teacher Program (SEWNTP) and Cardinal Stritch University. These mentors competed a series of six courses and nine credits geared at helping them develop coaching skills to use with beginning teachers.The commitment to impacting the practice of new teachers and subsequent student learning will enrich these mentor's classrooms and the classrooms of others. The leadership skills they bring to their districts is a cause for recognition and celebration for the following: Lisa Albers - Brown Deer\\nErin Best - Whitefish Bay\\nMary Cieslewski - Whitefish Bay\\nSusan Jones - Whitefish Bay\\nKeri Kotlewski - Whitefish Bay\\nFeliecia Mayfield - Brown Deer\\nBev Meyerhoff - Germantown\\nGail Pollock - Whitefish Bay\\nEunice Puetzer - Brown Deer\\nMarguerite Roberts - Brown Deer\\nCarol Rudebeck - Germantown\\nAliisa Sampe - Whitefish Bay\\nLisa (Leely) Sattell\\nRachell Skell - Erin\\nMichelle Trepte - Nicolet\\nMichelle Walny - Nicolet\\nHolly Warren-Ryno - Brown Deer\\nHeidi Williams - Germantown\\nKimberly Wright - Brown Deer Cardinal Stritch University Mentoring CertificateEarn nine post-baccalaureate credits taking coursework and workshops that result in a Mentoring Certificate. The program is designed for teachers and administrators interested in supporting beginning teachers through mentoring. The College of Education and Leadership of Cardinal Stritch University will award this certificate. Why should I participate? Statistics show that approximately one half of beginning teachers nationwide leave the profession within the first five years as many new teachers feel increasingly overwhelmed and underprepared. The classroom teacher is widely considered the most important factor in student achievement. So, too, the mentor teacher is the most essential feature of any high quality induction program. A mentor's knowledge and skill are especially critical in programs that seek to accelerate the development of a novice teacher's classroom practice and to create a teaching force with the capacity to meet the needs of all students in an increasingly diverse society. Therefore, according to Wisconsin's PI 34, school districts must train mentors to provide support and assistance to initial educators. To meet the demands of the spirit of the law, a mentoring certificate will ensure that mentors will gain a comprehensive and deep understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to best serve beginning teachers. Moreover, earning a mentoring certificate will prepare those educators to become teacher leaders, thus strengthening the overall quality of education for all students in their districts.\\nWho Should Participate? You are eligible to participate in the Mentoring Certificate Program if you are a pre-K-12 educator with at least three years of teaching experience and want to mentor new teachers. Course and Workshop Requirements\\nFor course and workshop descriptions, please clickhere. ED 690 Professional Development Plans and Processes (3 credits)\\nED 642 Instructional Mentoring: Professional Development for Those Who Work With Beginning Teachers (1 credit)\\nED 643 Coaching and Observation Strategies for Working with Beginning Teachers (1 credit)\\nED 644 Analyzing Student Work to Guide Instruction with Practical Application (2 credits)\\nED 645 Designing and Presenting Professional Development to Support Beginning Teachers\\nED 646 Mentoring for Equity (1 credit) Each course is offered through University Outreach at Cardinal Stritch University. The result is formal academic study and workshop training that provides a research, theoretical and practical base for mentoring. Completing the certificate means that the workshops and courses have been attended and completed. Each person will receive a paper certificate of completion from Cardinal Stritch University's College of Education and Leadership. Credits can count toward electives in the Master of Education. Credits may also be used for salary advancement, mentorship qualifications and for professional development portfolios. The Mentoring Certificate can be completed within one academic year but participants have a maximum of five years to complete the program, taking into consideration the timing of the courses and workshops. Mentoring Certificate Enrollment Process\\n1. To participate in the Mentoring Certificate Program you must first apply for admission by completing and submitting the Mentoring Certificate Program enrollment form. To download this form, please clickhere. Mail this form to Mary Whittet, SEWNTP program coordinator, 6801 N. Yates Road, Box 97, Cardinal Stritch University,Milwaukee, WI 53217, fax (414) 410-4693, or e-mail the information tomcwhittet@stritch.edu. 2. You must also fill out a course or workshop registration form for each course/workshop you are required to attend.\\nFor information and to register for ED 690 Introduction to Professional Development Plans and Processes, pleaseclickhere.\\nFor information and to registerfor Mentor TrainingsED 642, ED 643, ED 644, ED 645 or ED 646, please clickhere.\\n3. For Information and to register for Analyzing Student Work Practical Application Post Mentor Training Dialogue please clickhere.\\n4. All registrations must be submittedtwo weeks prior to the course/workshop. On-site registration is not available. Please complete and submit one form for each course/workshop you plan to attend. 5. At each course or training workshop participants will receive a course syllabus and a form to apply for the optional graduate credit at the reduced fee of $150/credit.\\nMore about the SEWNTP ConsortiumCardinal Stritch University and area school districts in southeastern Wisconsin have joined together to meet districts' mentoring and new teacher induction needs. The consortium provides its members with ongoing training and support to meet PI 34 requirements and collaboration to share ideas, resources and expenses. The SEWNTP consortium works closely with theNew Teacher Center-Wisconsin. The NTC-Wis affiliated with theNew Teacher Centerat University of California, Santa Cruz and has adapted much of the California training so that it strongly reflects the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and supports districts as they meet the requirements of PI 34. For more information, contact Rhonda Dubin, SEWNTP director, at (414) 410-4688, rfdubin@stritch.edu. Program Affiliates Cardinal Stritch University is an independent Franciscan Catholic institution of higher education sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi. The University provides graduate and undergraduate programs to prepare students for life and for professional careers. Its mission is to transform lives through value-centered education. The College of Education and Leadership has more than 60 years of experience in the field of education and a reputation for innovative, cutting-edge programs. Stritch was the first institution in southeastern Wisconsin to introduce the master of arts programs in reading, special education and accelerated master's degrees for adults in business. The college's dedication to excellence permeates the program content and the faculty. University Outreach has extensive opportunities that include single course offerings and degree programs in non-traditional formats for individuals and school districts seeking teaching certification, advanced degrees and courses necessary for teacher-licensing requirements. Southeastern Wisconsin New Teacher Project (SEWNTP) is a consortium made up of Cardinal Stritch University and area school districts in southeastern Wisconsin who have joined together to meet districts' mentoring and new teacher induction needs. The SEWNTP Consortium provides its members with ongoing training and support to meet PI 34 requirements and collaboration to share ideas, resources and expenses. New Teacher Center-Wisconsinbrings guidance, training and support to school districts as they develop and implement new teacher induction programs. TheNew Teacher Center-Wisconsinbuilds upon the expertise of the New Teacher Center at the University of California, Santa Cruz in improving retention rates while accelerating the practice of new teachers. 2008 CARDINAL STRITCH UNIVERSITY \"]\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' paralegal training, online legal studies, legal education AUG OCT DEC 19 2003 2004 2006 29 captures\\n6 Jul 01 - 7 Aug 07 Close\\nHelp Your browser does not support script RegisterOrder BooksSitemapHOME Sitemap\\nLog In\\n(you must be registered)\\nFAQ\\'s\\nFavorite Links If you cannot see the menu on the left of your screen, please click here. Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, and Probate\\nSYLLABUS INSTRUCTOR: David P. Dougherty, J.D. E-Mail: ddough@msn.com EXPECTATIONS: This is an accelerated course. You will be expected to spend an average of at least 8 hours per week reading and completing assignments. Please note that, barring extenuating circumstances, extensions will not be granted for this online course. This course is the equivalent of at least 50 course contact hours.\\n70% is the minimum passing score on all tests and assignments for this course. OBJECTIVE: To become competent as a legal assistant in the areas of Wills, Trusts, and Administration of Estates. TEXT: The required text for this course is Introduction to Estate Planning in a Nutshell, 4th Edition, West Publishing Company, 1992, ISBN #0-0-314-00809-8. This book is available from The Center for Legal Studies 800-522-7737 for approximately $23 plus shipping. Optional Textbook: Basics of Legal Document Preparation, by Robert R. Cummins, Delmar Publishers, 1997, ISBN 0-8273-6799-6, also available from The Center for Legal Studies. COURSE OUTLINE: Students will read the course textbook in its entirety quickly during the first week of the course to obtain an overview of estate planning. Afterwards, read each chapter more carefully while taking notes regarding important terms and concepts. The first three quizzes should be turned in after the second week and the final two quizzes by the last week of the course.\\nThere are two writing assignments due using standard form books such as West\\'s Legal Forms or American Jurisprudence Legal Forms: the preparation of a Simple Will and a Revocable Living Trust for hypothetical clients. The writing assignments are due by the end of the course. There will be six participation exercises that should be posted each week. GRADING Your grade will be based on your completion of five Bulletin Board assignments (class participation), five quizzes, and two written assignments. The quizzes and writing assignments are submitted using the Private Mail tool. You will have the opportunity to engage in \"class participation\" by using the Bulletin Board tool to respond to the bulletin board assignments throughout the course. Also, participating in the bulletin board assignments will enhance your understanding of the reading material.\\nYour final grade will be figured as follows:\\nThe five quizzes are worth 100 points each and comprise 50% of your grade.\\nYour class participation assignments comprise 25% of your grade.\\nYour two writing assignments are worth 100 points each and comprise 25% of your grade. WITHDRAWAL POLICY Students may drop the course with a full tuition refund if written notice is sent to The Center for Legal Studies by email info@legalstudies.com by the Wednesday before class begins. Students may drop the course with a 50% tuition refund if written notice is sent to The Center for Legal Studies by email info@legalstudies.com anytime from the Thursday before the course begins until the first Thursday of class. After the first Thursday of class no refunds will be issued. We have a lot on deck, so lets get started! CLS is a proud member of the following organizations: The Center for Legal Studies Legal Education & Preparation for College Entrance Exams\\n22316 Sunset Drive Golden, CO 80401 Contact us at info@legalstudies.com or call 800-522-7737. Legal Nurse Consultant Training Course|Paralegal Certificate Course|Advanced Paralegal Courses| Mediation Certificate Course|Legal Secretary Certificate Course| Legal Investigation Certificate Course|Victim Advocacy Certificate Course|Continuing Legal Education| Standardized Test Preparation| Preparing a Lawsuit CD-ROM Top of Page ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[\" IR Syllabus | Mrs. Mess's Blog Jun JUL NOV 25 2007 2008 2011 4 captures\\n25 Jul 08 - 20 Apr 12 Close\\nHelp Mrs. Messs Blog IR Syllabus General Overview:This course is designed to help students understand the diplomatic process as well as the nature of many international decisions of the past & present. We will also examine international problems, controversies, and conflicts, while exploring United States involvement in these issues. The course will consist of case studies that will entail extensive discussion, debate, and research. Participation in oral discussions will be pertinent to the success of this class and therefore required in daily open forums. Maintaining updated knowledge of current events will help contribute to these discussions. This class is to be treated as a current events class as well as an international relations course. In order for you to keep up with the ever changing world, it will be imperative for you to watch world news, read newspapers or news magazines, or stay up to date through use of the internet!\\nGrading Policy: All assignments for this course will be allotted a point value. At the end of the marking period the total number of points the student has earned will be divided by the total number of possible earned points. This value is then turned into a percentage. Any assignment not turned in on the day it is due will only be accepted one day late and for half credit. It is your responsibility to contact the teacher for any work missed due to an excused absence. You will have as many days as you were absent to turn in any work that you missed due to that absence. Failure to turn in missed work on time will result in a 0. Remember there is a participation grade for this course; therefore, it is vital that you speak up in class as much as possible to ensure full participation points! Issues to be addressed:\\nInternational Relations Theory\\nHistory of International Relations\\nCold War to War on Terror: Realigning World Powers\\nState vs. Non State Actors\\nWhy nations go to war\\nForeign Policy & Diplomacy\\nCreation and Role of the United Nations\\nTerrorism, WMD, and National Security: Past and Present\\nEthnic Conflicts of the World\\nGenocide: Can it be prevented? A look at historic genocide\\nGlobal North & Global South: Closing or widening the gap\\nInternational Trade: Is all trade fair trade?\\nGlobalization and its Effects: Pro vs. Anti Globalization\\nHuman Rights & Social Justice: Sovereignty and Nation building\\nIslam and Democracy: Future of the Middle East\\nPoverty, Disease and Starvation: Global epidemics\\nPopulation Growth and Scarce Resources\\nGlobal Environmental Problems\\nSpecific Topics of Study:\\nNorth Korea, Iran, Rogue actors and nuclear weapons\\nArab Israeli Conflict: Will there ever be a solution?\\nCAFTA: Will it really help?\\nKashmir: Is nuclear war inevitable?\\nNATO: Redefining Roles\\nDarfur: Genocide in Action\\nThe European Union: More than the Euro\\nChiapas: The Native Issue\\nNigeria: Oil Rich, Political Stability Poor\\nChina: Economic Reform and World Power\\nSomalia: Constant anarchy\\nIndia: Rise of the Middle Class Pages About me & this blog\\nIR Syllabus\\nISS Syllabus\\nOutdoor Club\\nSki Club\\nTech Use in the High School Educational Links Del.icio.us Bookmarks\\nMrs. Messs Charter Site Personal Links Webmail\\nYahoo Mail Categories EDUC 600 Field Hockey Integrated Social Science International Relations July 2008 S\\nM\\nT\\nW\\nT\\nF\\nS May 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031 Meta Log in\\nEntries RSS\\nComments RSS\\nWordPress.org Archives May 2008\\nApril 2008\\nMarch 2008\\nFebruary 2008\\nJanuary 2008\\nDecember 2007\\nNovember 2007\\nOctober 2007\\nSeptember 2007\\nAugust 2007\\nJune 2007\\nMay 2007\\nNovember 2006\\nOctober 2006\\nSeptember 2006 Mrs. Messs Blog 2007 All Rights Reserved. Using WordPress Engine Entries and comments. Anubis 1.0 made by Nurudin Jauhari. Hosted by Edublogs. \"]\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' Instruction JUL AUG OCT 5 2003 2004 2008 34 captures\\n11 Nov 99 - 15 May 08 Close\\nHelp INSTRUCTION The Center offers Undergraduate and Graduate Degree & Certificate options. Students should seek REESC advice about planning and declaring BA or MA programs. Certificates are formally attached to diplomas and transcripts of degree candidates in any of the university\\'s liberal arts departments and professional schools. Certificates may be earned in conjunction with bachelor of arts (BA), master of arts (MA), and doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees. Undergraduates who seek double majors or minors may also earn the REESC certificate. 1975-85, REESC was one of two national Undergraduate Center programs funded by the US Office of Education, Department of Health Education and Welfare. Visit\\nA PAGE DEVOTED TO STUDENTS\\nCheck the Russian Film Series\\nOther important links: STUDY ABROAD OPPORTUNITIES\\nOREGON INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM\\nUO CATALOG DUCK HUNT General Overview of degrees and certificates UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR\\nField of Concentration\\nResearch Requirement\\nDouble Major\\nHonors\\nMinor\\nUNDERGRADUATE CERTIFICATE MASTERS DEGREE\\nTransfer credit policy\\nGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ONLINE GRADUATE APPLICATION COURSES NEXT TERM\\nFULL REPERTOIRE OF COURSES\\nFOREIGN LANGUAGE ACROSS CURRICULUM\\nCOMMUNITY PROGRAMS\\nSUMMER PROGRAMS\\nFOREIGN AREA OFFICERS PROGRAM GENERAL OVERVIEW of REESC DEGREES\\nAND CERTIFICATES\\nAll REESC degree and certificate programs require completion of work within four areas:\\n1. LANGUAGE: All students are required to achieve a specified level of\\nproficiency in Russian or another language of the region.\\n2. FIELD OF CONCENTRATION: Students are required to choose a\\nfield of concentration in which to focus the bulk of their course work. The\\nstandard options are: Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures: COURSES in Russian and other Slavic and East European languages, literatures, linguistics, culture, anthropology, art, music, dance, and other departments in the humanities.\\nRegional Studies: COURSES in Russian and East European history, politics, business, economics, geography, environment, anthropology, library sciences, religion, philosophy, journalism, sociology, and other departments in the social sciences. Note: Self-designed fields of concentration are permitted with the\\npre-approval of the REESC Executive Committee. See handout for more information on\\nprocedure.\\n3. RESEARCH: All students are required to complete a research paper (M.A.\\nstudents complete a thesis) within their field of concentration and submit the\\npaper to the REESC Office prior to graduation.\\n4. ELECTIVES: All students are required to take a specified number of\\nREESC-related courses outside their field of concentration (see item 2 above).\\nElective courses are selected from the list of COURSES in the\\nfield NOT selected as the students field of concentration. If a\\nstudents field of concentration is Slavic, then electives will be chosen from\\nRegional Studies; if the field of concentration is Regional Studies, then electives\\nwill be chosen from Slavic. Program Planning: All students interested in the REESC degree or certificate\\nprogram should pick up the Curricular Requirements and Planning Sheet for the relevant\\nprogram (available in the REESC Office, Friendly 227). Arrange to meet with the Director or an Associate Director as early as possible to plan your\\nprogram of study. UNDERGRADUATE Program The Russian and East European Studies Center (REESC)\\nCurricular Requirements for the Undergraduate Major,\\nMinor, and Certificate\\nI. REQUIREMENTS FOR A MAJOR:\\nA. Credits. 40 graded credits are required (beyond language requirement, point\\none below). All courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better. Distribution\\nRequirements are as follows: 1. Language: three years of college study (or equivalent) in languages of the region. Note that fulfillment of this requirement does not count toward the 40 credits. Option 1: three years of one Slavic language (strongly advised for Slavic Field of Concentration)\\nOption 2: two years of one Slavic language and one year of another language of the region 2. Field of Concentration: 7 four-credit REESC-approved courses in a selected field of concentration. At least 4 courses in the students field of concentration must be upper division courses. Fields of Concentration include: Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Includes courses in Russian and other Slavic and East European languages, literatures, linguistics, art, music, dance, anthropology, and other departments in the humanities.\\nRegional Studies: Includes courses in Russian and East European history, politics, business, economics, geography, environment, anthropology, library sciences, religion, philosophy, journalism, sociology, and other departments in the social sciences. Note: Self-designed fields of concentration are permitted with the pre-approval of the REESC Executive Committee. Students wishing to design fields of concentration outside the primary two listed above must meet with their advisor and petition the Executive Committee for approval of a self-designed field as early as possible (Petitions will not be accepted later than 3 quarters prior to graduation). Students may also petition the relevant Associate Director to consider courses from departments outside of those listed above for field of concentration/elective credit. 3. Research requirement: Students are required to write a research paper in conjunction with one of their upper division courses (or as a separate reading course) in their field of concentration. In order to meet this requirement, the paper topic must be approved by the students REESC advisor and the paper submitted to the REESC Office prior to graduation.\\n4. Electives: 3 four-credit REESC-approved courses outside the students field of concentration. At least 2 electives must be upper division courses. B. Limitations on Transfer Credits: At least 20 credits of upper division, graded\\nREESC-approved courses must be completed in residence at the University of Oregon. No more\\nthan 2 four-credit courses taken abroad may be counted toward fulfillment of the Field\\nof Concentration/Elective requirements. Approval by the relevant Associate Director is\\nrequired in order to count any courses taken abroad toward the major. C. Language Course Credit: Only language courses taken beyond the fulfillment of\\nthe language requirement outlined in point A.1 may be counted toward the students field\\nof concentration or elective requirements. D. Generic Courses: No more than a total of 12 credits of independent\\nreading, research, or thesis may be applied toward the 40 credits for the major. E. Requirements for a Double Major: Courses taken in\\nfulfillment of requirements for a second major may NOT be counted toward the 40\\ncredit requirement of the REESC major. To apply for a double major in\\nREESC, you must complete a declaration form and supply the REESC Office with certain\\nrecords before being approved. F. Graduating with Honors: To graduate with honors in Russian\\nand East European Studies, a student with an overall GPA of 3.5 by the end of the junior\\nyear should first meet with their advisor, then submit a thesis proposal to the REESC\\nExecutive Committee for approval. If approved, the student must register for a minimum of\\n4 credits of thesis under the supervision of a REESC faculty member.\\nThe thesis must be completed at least one term prior to the term of graduation and may\\ncount toward fulfillment of the research requirement (A.3). See Honors Thesis handout for\\nmore details. II. REQUIREMENTS FOR A MINOR: A minor in Russian and East\\nEuropean Studies requires 28 graded credits (passed with a grade of C- or better). The\\nlanguage and research requirements are identical to those listed for the\\nmajor; 5 four-credit REESC-approved courses are required in the students Field\\nof Concentration and 2 four-credit REESC-approved Electives are required\\noutside the students Field of Concentration. At least 16 graded credits must\\nbe taken in residence at the University of Oregon and no more than 2 four-credit courses\\ntaken abroad may be applied toward fulfillment of the Field of Concentration/Elective requirements.\\nNo more than 8 credits of independent reading or research may be applied toward the 28\\ncredits for the minor. Courses taken toward fulfillment of a non-REESC major may NOT\\nbe counted toward the 28 credits. III. CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS: The REESC Certificate may be\\nearned in conjunction with any major offered at UO. Requirements for the undergraduate\\nREESC Certificate are identical to the minor requirements described\\nabove (Item II), with one exception. In contrast to the undergraduate REESC minor, courses\\ntaken toward fulfillment of a students major may also be counted\\ntoward the fulfillment of the certificate requirements. IT IS THE CERTIFICATE CANDIDATES\\nRESPONSIBILITY TO APPLY FOR THE CERTIFICATE AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE (REGISTRAR\\'S\\nOFFICE) THAT THE STUDENT APPLIES FOR THE DEGREE. IV. DECLARING AND ADVISING: Majors, minors, and certificate students are encouraged to\\ndeclare their intention as early as possible (usually during their second year of\\nstudy). At the time of declaring the major or minor/certificate, students should also\\nselect a REESC advisor within their field of concentration\\nand meet with that advisor to plan a tentative program. The declaration form and tentative\\nprogram should both be submitted to the REESC Office at the earliest convenience, no later\\nthan May 15. Students are expected to meet with their advisor on a regular basis and\\nsubmit an updated program plan every year. V. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION REESC Faculty (Note that any REESC faculty member\\nmay be selected as an advisor) Baccalaureate Transfer Credit Undergraduates who have passed graduate-level courses during their senior year\\nat the University of Oregon--beyond all bachelor\\'s degree requirements--may apply up to 9\\ncredits toward the graduate certificate in Russian and East European studies (within the\\n15-credit maximum for transfer credit). Credits for \"open-end\" courses, e.g.,\\nThesis (503), Research (601), Reading and Conference (605), Colloquium (608), and\\nPracticum (609), do not qualify. Work in courses graded B- or better, and P/N courses accompanied by the\\ninstructor\\'s statement that the work was of graduate quality, can count toward the\\nrequirements of the graduate certificate in Russian and East European studies, with\\ndepartmental and REESC approval. A Transfer of Baccalaureate Credit form, available at the\\nGraduate School, must be filed within two terms of acceptance into the graduate Russian\\nand East European studies certificate program and within two years of earning the\\nbachelor\\'s degree. GRADUATE Program\\nMaster of Arts The University of Oregon Russian and East European Studies Center\\nREQUIREMENTS FOR Master of Arts DEGREE\\nGraduate program application materials are available in the Center office. Email a request for materials. Deadline for\\nsubmission of application for admission in the next academic year (fall term) is the first\\nday of February. Applications from those not seeking graduate fellowship support will be\\naccepted for consideration throughout the academic year, contingent on availability of\\nspace in the program.\\nGraduate students are expected to meet with their advisor on a regular basis and submit\\nan updated program plan every spring term. Candidates and their advisors will consult\\nappropriate degree planning sheets (the Slavic Option or the Regional Option) to design programs with the following features:\\nForty-nine (49) graded graduate-level credits with a grade of B- or better are required\\n(not counting language requirement credits). Ordinarily the REESC MA is a two-year\\n(six-quarter) program, though it can be completed in a year and a half (18 months) with\\nsummer-quarter work.\\nIncoming candidates for the Center\\'s M.A. degree must meet with an advisor and take an advisory placement examination in their\\nprimary Slavic language (usually Russian) on the Friday before the beginning of their\\nfirst academic term. 1. Language: four years of college study (or equivalent)\\nin languages of the region, following pathway A or B below. Note that fulfillment of this\\nrequirement does not count toward the 49 credits above. A: four years of Russian or another Slavic language, or B: three years of one Slavic language and one year of another language of the region Candidates whose option is Slavic Languages, Literatures and\\nCulture are required to select \"A\" above, and are strongly advised to take at\\nleast one year of a second Slavic language. Before receipt of the M.A. degree, these\\ncandidates must pass a reading examination in French or German, administered by the\\nCenter. Any REESC M.A. candidate who plans to continue graduate study beyond the M.A. is\\nstrongly advised to select \"A\" above.\\nCandidates whose option is Regional Studies may select either\\n\"A\" or \"B\" above, but are strongly advised to take at least one year\\nof either a second Slavic language, German, or other language of the region.\\n2. Field of Concentration: 6 graduate-level courses\\nin a selected field of concentration (24 credits). Candidates will consult with their\\ngraduate advisors and get their approval of courses within the field of concentration. Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Includes courses in Slavic and East European languages, literatures, linguistics, culture, art, music, dance, and anthropology.\\nRegional Studies: Includes courses in Russian and East European history, politics, business, economics, geography, environment, anthropology, library sciences, religion, philosophy, journalism, and sociology. Note: Self-designed fields of concentration are permitted with the pre-approval of the\\nREESC Executive Committee. Students wishing to design fields of concentration outside the\\nprimary two listed above must meet with their advisor and petition the Executive Committee\\nfor approval of a self-designed field as early as possible (Petitions will not be accepted\\nlater than 3 quarters prior to graduation). Students may also petition the Center\\'s\\nExecutive Committee to consider courses from departments outside of those listed above for\\nfield of concentration/elective credit.\\nIn the academic term prior to the submission of thesis (point 3 below), candidates will\\ntake a written comprehensive exam on their field of concentration. 3. Research and Thesis: Candidates are required to research and write a\\nthesis (9 credits of 503 THESIS). The thesis will be presented for defense before the\\ncandidate\\'s committee. The defense of the thesis might include discussion of the\\ncomprehensive exam (point 2 above).\\n4. Electives: 4 REESC-approved graduate-level elective courses (16 credits).\\nThe Field of Concentration (point 2 above) and the particular academic needs of the degree\\ncandidate define the range of elective choice. Transfer of credit earned at another\\ninstitution of higher learning\\nGraduate credit earned while a graduate student in another accredited graduate school\\nmay be transferred to the graduate degree or certificate in Russian and East European\\nstudies under the following conditions: The total credits transferred may not exceed 16 (four standard courses)\\nThe courses transferred must be relevant to the degree or certificate program as a whole. No more than two transfer courses may be applied to the field of concentration or to the elective requirements\\nThe courses must be approved by the Director of the Russian and East European Studies Center.\\nThe grades earned must be P (pass), B-, or better\\nTransfer credit does not count toward the requirement of 24 credits in University of Oregon graded graduate courses Transfer of credit earned as an undergraduate at UO\\nBaccalaureate Transfer Credit. Undergraduates who have passed graduate-level courses\\nduring their senior year at the University of Oregon--beyond all bachelor\\'s degree\\nrequirements--may apply up to 9 credits toward the graduate degree or certificate in\\nRussian and East European studies (within the 15-credit maximum for transfer credit).\\nCredits in RUSS 503 Thesis, RUSS 601 Research, RUSS 605 Reading and Conference, RUSS\\n608 Colloquium, and RUSS 609 Practicum do not qualify. Work in courses graded B- or better, and pass/no pass (P/N) courses accompanied by the\\ninstructor\\'s statement that the work was of graduate quality, can count toward the\\nrequirements of the graduate degree or certificate in Russian and East European studies,\\nwith REESC approval. A Transfer of Baccalaureate Credit form, available at the Graduate\\nSchool, must be filed within two terms of acceptance into the REESC graduate degree or\\ncertificate program and within two years of earning the bachelor\\'s degree. Graduate Certificate Program\\nCandidates for graduate degrees (M.A. or Ph.D.) in any program at the\\nUniversity of Oregon (except REESC itself) are eligible to work for a REESC graduate\\ncertificate. Email a request for\\nmaterials.\\n1. LANGUAGE:\\nOption 1 (4 years of Russian or another Slavic language)\\nOption 2 (4 years of language study in two languages of the region)\\n2. FIELD OF CONCENTRATION (24 credits or six courses)\\n3. RESEARCH PAPER (ordinarily the thesis or dissertation deals substantially with a\\nRussian and East European topic)\\n4. ELECTIVES (8 credits or two courses)\\nTransfer credit policy\\nIT IS THE CERTIFICATE CANDIDATES RESPONSIBILITY TO APPLY FOR THE CERTIFICATE AT THE\\nSAME TIME AND PLACE (REGISTRAR\\'S OFFICE) THAT THE STUDENT APPLIES FOR THE DEGREE. ONLINE GRADUATE\\nAPPLICATION\\nIt is possible to apply to the University of Oregon Graduate\\nSchool via the internet for admission to the Russian and East European\\nStudies Center Master of Arts Program.\\nThose who choose to apply with this online form still\\nneed to mail TOEFL scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and\\nGraduate Teaching Fellowship [GTF] applications directly to the address just\\nbelow.\\nThe secure online application requires the use of Netscape\\nNavigator versions 4.06 and greater or Microsoft Internet Explorer versions\\n4.0 and greater that support JavaScript, Cookies, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).\\nMacintosh users require Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.51 or greater.\\nForeign applicants to our graduate program must submit the \"Internation\\nStudent Finanacial Statement Form\", below.\\nClick\\nhere to download the Acrobat Reader\\nClick\\nhere to apply via the internet\\nClick here for the PDF\\nversion\\nGraduate\\nTeaching Fellowship Application Form\\nInternational\\nStudent Fianancial Statement Form All applicants must mail transcripts, letters of recomendation, TOEFL score(non-native English speakers)and Graduate Teaching Fellowship [GTF]\\napplications directly to:\\nGraduate Secretary\\nRussian and East European Studies Center\\nUniversity of Oregon\\nEugene OR 97403 USA\\nReturn to MA requirements FOREIGN LANGUAGE ACROSS THE CURRICULUM [FLAC]\\nIn 1993, REESC faculty, in cooperation with the UO Vice-Provost for\\nInternational Affairs, helped design what became a four-year project to encourage and\\nsupport the incorporation of foreign-language experience in the social science curriculum.\\nA generous grant from the Ford Foundation allowed concentration on several less frequently\\ntaught languages, including Russian.\\nBeginning in the fall of 1994 and continuing through the 1997/98 academic year,\\nseveral history and REESC courses experimented with different ways to help students use\\nRussian language materials in their studies. Courses in the history of Russia and\\nRussian culture taught by Julie Hessler, Alan Kimball, Oleg Kripkov, and Yelaina\\nKripkov have been a part this program. Winter term, 1998, Oleg Kripkov taught a\\nREESC course, \"National Identity and Social\\nCrisis Through Contemporary Russian Texts\", under the Ford grant. At the heart\\nof the pedagogical experiment was the thought that we need to expand the foreign-language\\nexperience beyond the traditional language/literature curriculum.\\nThe program is administered out of the UO International Studies Department, and\\na full report will\\nfollow the completion of the grant period.\\nAlan Kimball, REESC Director, composed the following summary report: My objective has been to teach history with foreign-language (Russian) primary and secondary sources. This is not the same as use of historical sources to teach Russian. Language instruction is done very well in language departments. Main accent here is on reading and understanding texts in the foreign language. Some amount of exposure to the spoken language is also desirable, but I do not think it wise to make student discussion in the foreign language a significant part of the course experience. I have found it best to concentrate FLAC instruction in a special section, associated with but not bound to an existing course. In other words, recruit students into a satellite course from an existing course, preferably of broad subject matter, as in this case Russian History, a full-year course, but compose the syllabus of the satellite course in such a way that it can also \"stand alone\" as a course for students recruited from a broader population of students who have the requisite language ability and interest. The section should therefore be organized around its own particular theme, of interest to a broad range of students but sufficiently focused to present a coherent and repeated core vocabulary. In this connection, I have make every effort to attract and keep students whose foreign-language levels cover a broad spectrum. In Russian, I feel some effort has to be made to attract students in their second year of instruction, certainly in the third. The challenge is two-fold: how to satisfy the pedagogical needs of students at both intermediate and advanced levels of facility in the foreign language. The challenge is to identify appropriate texts and incorporate them in a single syllabus in such a way that students can work together in one course without some being overwhelmed and others held back. Work closely with a professional foreign-language pedagogue in all these matters. [REESC HOME] [Instruction] [\\nStudents ] [More REESC Courses ] ']\n", "y/n/qn\n", "[' Latin 226 @ Wheaton College Jan FEB APR 1 2004 2005 2007 5 captures\\n1 Feb 05 - 23 Feb 09 Close\\nHelp Instructor: Bret Mulligan Syllabus Course Description Web Resources Handouts Home Click here for a PDF of Course Description LATIN 226: Roman Lyric Spring 2003 Wheaton College 11:30 12:20 MWF Meneely Hall 303 Professor Mulligan Knapton Hall 119 E-Mail: bmulliga@wheatonma.edu Tel: x3661 Office Hours: M W F 9.30-10.20; M W 2-3 Course Description and Objectives: Latin 226 is an intermediate-level Latin literature course that will introduce you to selections of Latin lyric poetry from the 2nd century BCE to the 20th century CE. The focus of the class will be on developing your ability to read and appreciate Latin lyric poetry. Special attention will be paid to the formal analysis of poetry and in gaining a familiarity with lyric meters. What is Lyric poetry? Originally a term used to describe songs sung to the accompaniment of a lyre, lyric poetry has come to designate all non-dramatic poetry not composed in dactylic hexameter (e.g. epic, satire) or elegaic couplets (e.g elegy, epigrams). Lyric\" therefore encompasses a vast range of poetry, including hymns to gods, erotic poetry, brutal ad hominem attacks, and philosophical meditations. Weeks 1-10: We will begin by reading selections from the two major surviving lyric poets of Roman antiquity: Catullus (c. 84-54 BCE) and Horace (December 8th, 65 November 27th, 8 BCE). Catullus, a provincial aristocrat from northern Italy, was a leading member of an avant-garde group of writers called the \"Poetae Novi\", poets who openly rejected traditional Italian poetic forms and themes in favor of Greek lyric conventions and meters. Horace, the son of a freedman from a region to the southeast of Rome, was less of an overt radical than Catullus but nevertheless pushed the poetic potential of the Latin language to new heights. In the pages of his Odes can be found some of the most beautiful and well-wrought poems ever written. Because both Catullus and Horace often consciously imitating and adapting Greek poetry, whenever possible we will read samples of Greek lyric (in translation) that influenced the Roman lyric poets. Weeks 11-13: After gaining an appreciation for the canonical works on Roman lyric, we will survey examples of lyrics from the 1st and 2nd centuries CE (Petronius, Marcus Aurelius), Late Antiquity (Ausonius, Boethius, Ambrose, Fortunatus), the Middle Ages (Carmina Burana, Ecclesiastical Hymns and Songs), and contemporary Neo-Latin. Course Format, Requirements, Grading: Much of our class time will be devoted to reading and examining prepared texts and in developing skills and strategies for accurately reading Latin. This requires consistent, diligent preparation of the assigned material. While I encourage you to make use of multiple translations in preparing assignments, it is essential that you incorporate the interpretations therein in your own interpretation of the poem. You will be expected to have read and re-read Latin assignments until you can explain preferably from an unmarked text - both what is being said and how the language of the passage creates that meaning. In order to target the pace of the class as accurately as possible, a syllabus for the following week will be provided every Friday. Assignments are due on the day listed in the syllabus. Adequate advanced notice of exams and papers will be provided. As you well know, language acquisition and cultivation requires daily preparation, attendance, and participation. Because of the unavoidable vicissitudes of fate and health, I will excuse up to 2 absences in the course of the semester. Additional absences without my prior approval will result in a reduction of your course grade by 3 points. I will evaluate you based on your performance in class, on written homework assignments (also known as parsing assignments), and on frequent announced and unannounced quizzes. Throughout the semester, various topics will be assigned for brief in-class presentations. Also, there will be short projects and presentations spread throughout the semester culminating in an 8-10 page final project. These will allow the class to gain a broader understanding of the historical epochs under consideration and of the production and interpretation of poetic texts. Your final grade will be calculated based on the following formula: Class preparation & Assignments40% In-semester exams & Quizzes 20% Final Project: 20% Short papers and presentations: 20% Attendance +/- Required Texts (226) Catullus = The Student\\'s Catullus, 2nd edition, ed. Daniel H. Garrison. Oklahoma University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0806127635 ($19.95) Catullus/Lee = The Poems of Catullus, Guy Lee trans. Oxford University Press, 1998. ($10.95) Horace = Horace Odes and Epodes: A New Annotated Latin Edition, ed. Daniel H. Garrison. Oklahoma University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0806130571 ($21.95) Horace/West = The Complete Odes and Epodes, David West trans. Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 019283942X ($10.95) Miller = Miller, Andrew W.. Greek Lyric: An Anthology. Hackett Publishing, 1996. ISBN: 0872202917 ($11.95) Suggested Text (226) A&G = Allen and Greenough\\'s New Latin Grammar, Anne Mahoney ed. Focus Publishing, 2001. ISBN: 1585100277 Halporn = The Meters of Greek and Latin Poetry. James W. Halporn, Martin Ostwald, Thomas G. Rosenmeyer. Hackett Publishing, 1994. ISBN: 0872202437 Wheelock = R. A. LaFleur, ed., Wheelocks Latin, 6th edition, Harper-Collins, 2000. ISBN: 0060956410 Updated on May 9, 2003 9:32 Return to Top ']\n", "y/n/qy\n", "[' 1 3 EDCI 517.01W Reading and Learning in K-12 Content Areas RDG 417.01W Reading and Learning in the Content Areas ONLINE COURSE SYLLABUS: FALL, 2012 Instructor: Dr. Linda McCaghren Office Location: eCollege, EDS 248J Office Hours: Monday Friday Virtual Office eCollege Preferred Email Address: drmccaghren@gmail.com University Email Address: linda.mccaghren@tamuc.edu COURSE INFORMATION Materials Textbooks, Readings, Supplementary Readings: McLaughlin, M. (2010). Content Area Reading: Teaching and Learning in an Age of Multiple Literacies. Pearson Education, Inc. Note: This class does not use Myeducationlab. If you order the textbook online use the following ISBN: 978 0205 48 6618 Course Description: This course is designed for graduate students in the emergency permit program seeking initial teacher certification. The focus is on reading comprehension, concept development and strategies for interacting with expository materials. The role of the teacher, the text, and the student are examined in the learning process. Text analysis methods, teacher directed strategies, reader-based strategies, and literature are discussed as appropriate for all elementary and secondary grade levels. Student Learning Outcomes: By the conclusion of the course, the student will demonstrate a working knowledge of the following outcomes: 1. The learner will evaluate the needs of students and connect them with the goals of the teacher and the curricular demands of subject areas; 2. The learner will analyze curriculum and instruction by using varied resources to enable all students to become successful readers and writers; 3. The learner will demonstrate how to assist students with acquiring the knowledge, skills, and ability to comprehend expository text, and to interact with and use teacher directed and reader-based content reading strategies; 4. The learner will employ techniques to encourage the development and use of higher-order thinking skills in all students; 5. The learner will develop effective instructional strategies through the integration of teaching and technology; and 2 6. The learner will design reading and literacy instruction in the content areas that will enable all students to reach educational goals and achievements. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Instructional / Methods / Tasks / Projects / Assessments This course occurs in a digital learning environment designed with a module format. All discussion, quiz and performance task. You will be expected to read assigned material, participate in discussions and group tasks, reflect on your knowledge growth and complete all assigned tasks/projects by the due date. Late work will not be accepted. Therefore you need to demonstrate a level of time management that allows you to meet due dates as posted. Participate in all online group/class discussions. There will be an opportunity to work as an individual, with a partner or in a group of 3-4 students. Working with a partner or in a group requires you to follow my CCC: collaboration, cooperation, and completion. This means, as an adult learner, you will collaborate with another student or students in a cooperative manner to complete a quality product. I truly believe two minds are better than one so I encourage partnerships or groups. However, I WILL NOT mediate should an issue arise pertaining to CCC; you are expected to find a resolution. You will always have the choice to opt out of the partnership or group and work as an individual. Therefore, you are expected to show a level of professionalism and stay actively engaged with your partner or the group through communication and contributions to complete the project. Read required textbook. The student will be expected to read the required text and any supplemental materials. This is an online course that presents written information as an alternate mode of lecture. Do not take this lightly; as an online course you are expected to read/reflect for meaning. Reflections: throughout the course, the student may be asked to consider ideas presented in articles and threaded discussions. Some of the reflections will be assigned and submitted to the instructor, others will be for personal reflection and kept by the student. Written tasks: Completion of all discussions/reflections and projects should exhibit professionalism in appearance and content at an acceptable level of scholarship. Projects are to be completed and turned in according to the due date posted in eCollege. Late work will not be accepted without an excused absence and/or extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor with a late due date determined by the instructor. The campus library and/or computer labs are available for use in the event personal technology fails or supplies or assistance is needed. Grading I make it a personal goal to grade module assignments within one week after due dates. eCollege provides you with a current grade average so you can monitor your course grade at any time during the semester. Grading: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 3 60-69 D Below 60 F TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS This is an online course and some obvious technological resources will be required. Access to a computer with Internet access (high-speed preferred)K Microphone for VoiceThread and classlive sessions throughout the semester. Speakers so you can hear me and others during our classlive sessions (when scheduled) and other audio enhanced assignments throughout the semester. Word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred) As a student enrolled at Texas A&M University-Commerce, you have access to an email account via myLeo - all my emails sent from eCollege (and all other university emails) will go to this account, so please be sure to check it regularly. Conversely, you can email me via my preferred email: drmccaghren@gmail.com. You may also use eCollege email system or your myLeo email as our spam filters will catch yahoo, hotmail, etc. and I will not check for your email in spam. ACCESS AND NAVIGATION eCollege Technical Concerns: Please contact the eCollege HelpDesk, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. by sending an email directly to helpdesk@online.tamuc.org. You may also reach the HelpDesk by calling (toll-free) 1-866-656-5511, or through the Online Chat by clicking on the \"Live Support\" tab within your eCollege course. Course Concerns: If you have questions pertaining to the content of this course (e.g., questions about module assignments, course due dates, etc.), please contact me through the under Course Home in eCollege. If you have a personal issue contact me through my preferred email: drmccaghren@gmail.com Other Questions/Concerns: Contact the appropriate TAMU-C department relating to your questions/concern. If you are unable to reach the appropriate department with questions regarding your course enrollment, billing, advising, or financial aid, please call 903-886-5511 between the hours of 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. COMMUNICATION AND SUPPORT Interaction with Instructor Statement: Participation & Communication: I expect each of you to be active and thoughtful participants within the digital learning environment (eCollege) and your digital learning community. You are to expect the same of me. This includes your successful completion of each module and I will provide a timely grade feedback. If you are having difficulty do not wait until the day before the due date to contact me. 4 1. All course/content questions should be posted on Virtual Office in order to avoid duplication of questions and answers. I check Virtual Office daily Monday Friday. Emails of a personal nature should be sent to my Preferred email address: drmccaghren@gmail.com. I check it daily Monday - Friday. A reply will be sent within 12 hours depending upon the time your message was received. Please do not send me panicked last minute emails with the word HELP!!!!!!!! in the subject line. 2. Or if you want to talk via the \"phone\" download a program called Skype - a free internet calling service that you can use to chat live or place a call to me. I have a video camera and can also transmit my video via a skype call. To download the program, go to www.skype.com and search for drlindaum as the contact to add me to your list. There is also the option of using Google+. You can go to the Google.com website and set up your free account. eCollege Student Technical Support Texas A&M University-Commerce provides students technical support in the use of eCollege. The student help desk may be reached by the following means 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Chat Support: Click on \\'Live Support\\' on the tool bar within your course to chat with an eCollege Representative. Phone: 1-866-656-5511 (Toll Free) to speak with eCollege Technical Support Representative. Email: helpdesk@online.tamuc.org to initiate a support request with eCollege Technical Support Representative. Help: Click on the \\'Help\\' button on the toolbar for information regarding working with eCollege (i.e. How to submit to dropbox COURSE AND UNIVERSITY PROCEDURES/POLICIES Course Specific Procedures: Citizenship: All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. (See Student 92s Guide Handbook, Policies and Procedures, Conduct). Late work: Late work is not accepted. You will have plenty of notification and time to complete all module assignments. If you know you are going to be out of town and unable to access a computer, plan ahead. See course semester outline at the bottom of this syllabus. Plagiarism: Plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated and will result in an automatic F in theKcourse. Various versions of your work and final papers will be run through Turnitin software - this is not meant to \"catch\" you in the act, but rather assist you in seeing possible areas that may be unintentionally plagiarized and allow for editing your work. Attendance: This is an online class therefore attendance is up to you! You will be given the opportunity to participate with a partner or in a group to complete projects. The quality of your contributions and regular participation activities, including attendance via ClassLive sessions (when scheduled), will be considered attendance. It is stronglyKencouraged that you attempt to log into the course everyday and/or check Announcements or your email messages in order to not get behind. The synchronous sessions via ClassLive are not required, but it is in your best interest to attend when available during the semester. I will not conduct another ClassLive for missed attendance. 5 Scholarly Expectations: All works submitted for credit must be original works created by the scholar uniquely for the class. It is considered inappropriate and unethical to make duplicate submissions of a single work for credit in multiple classes, unless specifically requested by the instructor. You are expected to submit documents that have been through drafts and edited. University Specific Procedures: ADA Statement Students with Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact: Office of Student Disability Resources and Services Texas A&M University-Commerce Gee Library Room 132 Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835 Fax (903) 468-8148 StudentDisabilityServices@tamu-commerce.edu Student Conduct All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. (See Code of Student Conduct from Student Guide Handbook). COURSE OUTLINE/CALENDAR Schedule for Fall 2012: Module topics/dates are tentative and subject to change. Requirements for each module will include a Reading Assignment and the following Assignments: Performance Project, Discussion, and Quiz. Course modules will open on the first day of class, however, pay attention to the due dates that are different for each module. Module 1 - 21st Century Literacy August 27 Module opens September 9 Reading and Assignments Due Module 2 Tools for Learning and Knowing August 27 Module opens October 7 Reading and Assignments Due Module 3 Creativity and Cultural Diversity August 27 Module opens October 28 Reading and Assignments Due Module 4 Diagnostic Teaching August 27 Module opens November 25 Reading and Assignments Due 6 Module 5 Content Area Resource Anthology August 27 Module opens December 9 Performance Project Due ']\n", "y/n/qq\n" ] } ], "source": [ "labels = {}\n", "for d in predictions:\n", " t = [x.text for x in Document_Text.select().where(Document_Text.document == d)]\n", " print(t)\n", " label = input('y/n/q')\n", " \n", " if label == 'y':\n", " labels[d] = True\n", " elif label == 'n':\n", " labels[d] = False\n", " elif label == 'q':\n", " break\n", " else:\n", " print('Skipping...')\n", " continue" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 314, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "tp = 0\n", "fp = 0\n", "tn = 0\n", "fn = 0\n", "\n", "for l in labels:\n", " if predictions[l] > 0.5:\n", " if labels[l] == True:\n", " tp += 1\n", " else:\n", " fp += 1\n", " \n", " if predictions[l] < 0.5:\n", " if labels[l] == False:\n", " tn += 1\n", " else:\n", " fn += 1" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 320, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "(45, 3, 34, 16)" ] }, "execution_count": 320, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "tp, fp, tn, fn" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "I labeled 98 documents, 48 of which were syllabi. That gave us an overall accuracy of (45 + 34) / 98 = 80.1% -- slightly lower than what we achieved in cross-validation. The majority of error comes in with false negatives, which means a threshold of 0.5 might be too tight." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 329, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "fpr, tpr, t = roc_curve([labels[x] for x in labels], [predictions[x] for x in labels])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 331, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "([], 0.88303057155516163)" ] }, "execution_count": 331, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXcAAAEACAYAAABI5zaHAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAADiNJREFUeJzt3V+I3XeZx/H3Z5MqFLbbSKAXaaSuBrcutFQxVt3FkRaM\n", "vbDgwpb4Z/EPWBYie2ddL2xudNk7kUIppRavzIUWNruUFkEHRdpqwf5xTUqiFpJUirVVRHqR4LMX\n", "c9o5O82cfzlzzsyT9wsG5nt+3/7mmS/nfPLtc36/M6kqJEm9/NWyC5AkzZ/hLkkNGe6S1JDhLkkN\n", "Ge6S1JDhLkkNjQ33JN9K8mKSZ0fM+WaSU0meTnLTfEuUJE1rkp37g8ChzQ4muQ14R1UdAL4A3Dun\n", 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], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "plt.plot(fpr, tpr), auc(fpr, tpr)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 439, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[]" ] }, "execution_count": 439, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAX0AAAEACAYAAABfxaZOAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAGDJJREFUeJzt3X2QXfV93/H3h8XgipinCEMiLZUBhcgwBptYdmw3Xtca\n", "ozAmcqhniNwk49glpK46Tjsey2Haokxr151MM3WKx6NqZDuZ8aBMjDWoHkBA4nVwah5UhB6MVpFA\n", "C3qgFJAhYAtXgk//OGfR1Urac/fpntX+Pq+ZM/eex/u9Z3Y/+9tzfucc2SYiIspwWtsFRERE7yT0\n", "IyIKktCPiChIQj8ioiAJ/YiIgiT0IyIK0hj6kr4u6VlJ28ZY5s8k7ZK0RdI7O6YvlTRUz1s5VUVH\n", "RMTEdNPS/waw9GQzJV0HXGZ7IfD7wNfq6X3AbfW6bweWS1o06YojImLCGkPf9gPAj8dY5DeAP6+X\n", "fQg4V9JFwGJgt+1h24eBdcCyyZccERETNRXH9OcBezvG99XTfvEk0yMioiVTdSJXU7SdiIiYRqdP\n", "wTb2A/0d4/OpWvVvGjW9v55+DEm5+U9ExATYHneDeypCfwOwAlgn6b3Ai7aflfQCsFDSAuAAcCOw\n", "/EQbmEjhs5GkVbZXtV3HTDCyLyTeCmy3eWvbNbUlPxdHZV8cNdEGc2PoS7od+CAwV9Je4FaqVjy2\n", "V9u+S9J1knYDPwF+r553RNIKYCPQB6y1vWMiRUZExNRoDH3bJ2ydj1pmxUmm3w3cPYG6IiJiGuSK\n", "3JllsO0CZpDBtguYQQbbLmAGGWy7gFOd2n6IiiTnmH6cTI7pR5zYRLMzLf2IiIIk9CMiCpLQj4go\n", "SEI/IqIgCf2IiIIk9CMiCpLQj4goSEI/IqIgCf2IiIIk9CMiCpLQj4goSEI/IqIgU/EQlYgZQ+J0\n", "quczL+gY/jHwFZutrRUWMUMk9OOUI3EWsBC4FLik4/USqsdyPgcMdwxXAtdAQj8ioR+ngp+TWEMV\n", "9AuB84Engd3AE8B24M562rDNzzpXlpjX23IjZq6Efsx0B4H/AjwLrAN2AftsXm+1qohTVEI/ZjSb\n", "I8Aft11HxGzR2HtH0lJJQ5J2SVp5gvnnSVovaYukhyRd0TFvWNJWSZslPTzVxUdExPiM2dKX1Afc\n", "BiwB9gOPSNpge0fHYrcAj9r+TUmXA1+tlwcwMGD74NSXHhFTQeI04AJgPjCvfr2AqsfTi23WFlOv\n", "6fDOYmC37WEASeuAZUBn6C8Cvgxge6ekBZIusP1cPT/Pv41oiYSA84CLO4b+ephfv/4i8A9UDbt9\n", "9ev1wEbgwd5XHdOpKfTnAXs7xvcB7xm1zBbgBuAHkhZT9YmeT9VtzsD9kl4DVtteMyVVRwTwRiv9\n", "Qo5ej7Cg4/1IyL8GPF0Pe+the8f7/TavjtruVb2oP3qvKfTdxTa+DHxF0mZgG7CZ6ocM4AO2D0i6\n", 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"BeXWyhER0SihHxFRkIR+RERBEvoREQVpDH1JSyUNSdolaeVJlhmQtFnSdkmD41k3IiJ6Z8zQl9QH\n", "3AYsBd4OLJe0aNQy5wJfBa63fSXw8W7XjWNJGmi7hpki++Ko7Iujsi8mr6mlvxjYbXvY9mFgHbBs\n", "1DKfAO6wvQ/A9vPjWDeONdB2ATPIQNsFzCADbRcwgwy0XcCprin05wF7O8b31dM6LQTOl/Q9SZsk\n", "/c441o2IiB5quiK3myu33gS8C/gwMAf4oaQHu1w3IiJ6qCn09wP9HeP9VC32TnuB520fAg5J+lvg\n", "qnq5pnWB6sqy8RQ9m0m6te0aZorsi6OyL47KvpicptDfBCyUtAA4ANwILB+1zJ3AbfWJ2zOB9wB/\n", "Cvx9F+uSWzBERPTOmKFv+4ikFcBGoA9Ya3uHpJvr+attD0m6B9gKvA6ssf04wInWncbvEhERDVq/\n", "4VpERPROz67I7fIirz+r52+R9M5e1dZrTftC0j+v98FWSX8n6R1t1NkL3V7AJ+ndko5IuqGX9fXS\n", "ZC6EnG26+B2ZK+keSY/V++KTLZQ57SR9XdKzkraNscz4ctP2tA9Uh3d2Awuoevs8Biwatcx1wF31\n", "+/cAD/aitl4PXe6LXwXOqd8vLXlfdCz3N8B3gX/Wdt0t/lycC/wImF+Pz2277hb3xSrgP4/sB+AF\n", "4PS2a5+GffFPgHcC204yf9y52auWfjcXav0G8OcAth8CzpU04edAzmCN+8L2D22/VI8+BMzvcY29\n", "0u0FfP8a+DbwXC+L67HJXAg523SzL54Bzq7fnw28YPtID2vsCdsPAD8eY5Fx52avQr+bC7VOtMxs\n", "DLvxXrT2aeCuaa2oPY37QtI8ql/4r9WTZutJqMlcCDnbdLMv1gBXSDoAbAE+26PaZppx52avHpfY\n", "7S/q6O6bs/EXvOvvJOlDwKeA909fOa3qZl/8N+ALti1JHP8zMltM+EJI27umtbLe62Zf3AI8ZntA\n", "0qXAfZKusv3yNNc2E40rN3sV+t1c5DV6mfn1tNmmm31BffJ2DbDU9lj/3p3KutkX1wDrqrxnLvDr\n", "kg7b3tCbEntmMhdCzrbQ72ZfvA/4IoDtJyTtAS6nuraoJOPOzV4d3nnjIi9JZ1BdqDX6l3YD8LsA\n", "kt4LvGj72R7V10uN+0LSxcB3gN+2vbuFGnulcV/YvsT222y/jeq4/r+chYEP3f2O3Al8QFKfpDlU\n", "J+4e73GdvdDNvhgClgDUx7AvB57saZUzw7hzsyctfXd3kdddkq6TtBv4CfB7vait17rZF8B/AM4D\n", "vla3cA/bXtxWzdOly31RhC5/R056IeRs0uXPxZeAb0jaQtV4/bztg60VPU0k3Q58EJgraS9wK9Vh\n", "vgnnZi7OiogoSB6XGBFRkIR+RERBEvoREQVJ6EdEFCShHxFRkIR+RERBEvoREQVJ6EdEFOT/A6Ct\n", "C23tjP2eAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "p, r, t = precision_recall_curve([labels[x] for x in labels], [predictions[x] for x in labels])\n", "plt.plot(r, p)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "In this graph, you can see that there is a sharp dropoff of precision around the 80% recall. To me, this implies that while many documents are obviously syllabi or not, at a certain point, there is a sharp increase in ambiguity. This mirrors my experience with labeling the syllabi, where sometimes it was close enough that I gave ambiguous responses across trials. For example, I didn't have a rigorous take toward how to classify course teasers in catalogs." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 347, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "additional_training = []\n", "for l in labels:\n", " t = [x.text for x in Document_Text.select().where(Document_Text.document == l)][0]\n", " additional_training.append({\n", " 'id': l,\n", " 'text': t,\n", " 'is_syllabus': labels[l]\n", " })" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 349, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "additional_training_df = pd.DataFrame(additional_training)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 370, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "training_texts = np.concatenate((training_df.text.values, additional_training_df.text.values))\n", "training_labels = np.concatenate((is_syllabus.values, additional_training_df.is_syllabus.values))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 29, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pickle" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 423, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import json\n", "with open('extra_labels.json', 'w') as out:\n", " json.dump(labels, out)\n", "\n", "with open('training_data.p', 'wb') as out:\n", " pickle.dump({'text': training_texts,\n", " 'labels': training_labels}, out)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 371, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 1 jobs | elapsed: 6.4s\n", "[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 50 jobs | elapsed: 12.2min\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Fitting 3 folds for each of 28 candidates, totalling 84 fits\n", "Best score: 0.953\n", "Best parameters set:\n", "\tclf_lr__C: 10\n", "\tvect__max_df: 0.5\n", "\tvect__ngram_range: (1, 2)\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 84 out of 84 | elapsed: 21.3min finished\n" ] } ], "source": [ "full_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),\n", " ('clf_lr', LogisticRegression())\n", "])\n", "\n", "parameters = {\n", " 'vect__max_df': (0.5, 1),\n", " 'vect__ngram_range': ((1, 1), (1, 2)), # unigrams or bigrams,\n", " 'clf_lr__C': (1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 10),\n", " #'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False),\n", " #'tfidf__norm': ('l1', 'l2')\n", "}\n", "\n", "grid_search = GridSearchCV(full_clf, parameters, n_jobs=1, verbose=1, scoring='roc_auc')\n", "grid_search.fit(training_texts, training_labels)\n", "print(\"Best score: %0.3f\" % grid_search.best_score_)\n", "print(\"Best parameters set:\")\n", "best_parameters = grid_search.best_estimator_.get_params()\n", "for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()):\n", " print(\"\\t%s: %r\" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 373, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 1 jobs | elapsed: 28.2s\n", "[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 9 out of 9 | elapsed: 4.0min finished\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Fitting 3 folds for each of 3 candidates, totalling 9 fits\n", "Best score: 0.954\n", "Best parameters set:\n", "\tclf_lr__C: 100\n", "\tvect__max_df: 0.5\n", "\tvect__ngram_range: (1, 2)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "full_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),\n", " ('clf_lr', LogisticRegression())\n", "])\n", "\n", "parameters = {\n", " 'vect__max_df': (0.5,),\n", " 'vect__ngram_range': ((1, 2),), # unigrams or bigrams,\n", " 'clf_lr__C': (10, 100, 1000),\n", " #'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False),\n", " #'tfidf__norm': ('l1', 'l2')\n", "}\n", "\n", "grid_search = GridSearchCV(full_clf, parameters, n_jobs=1, verbose=1, scoring='roc_auc')\n", "grid_search.fit(training_texts, training_labels)\n", "print(\"Best score: %0.3f\" % grid_search.best_score_)\n", "print(\"Best parameters set:\")\n", "best_parameters = grid_search.best_estimator_.get_params()\n", "for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()):\n", " print(\"\\t%s: %r\" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 407, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "full_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5, ngram_range=(1, 2))),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),\n", " ('clf_lr', LogisticRegression())\n", "])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 398, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# extract additional features from the syllabus\n", "from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin\n", "from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion\n", "from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer\n", "\n", "class BasicInfoExtractor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):\n", " def fit(self, x, y=None):\n", " return self\n", " \n", " def transform(self, docs):\n", " return [{ 'length': len(x) } for x in docs]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 401, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "full_clf_with_length = Pipeline([\n", " ('features', FeatureUnion(\n", " transformer_list=[\n", " \n", " # Calculate the length of the document\n", " ('summary_stats', Pipeline([\n", " ('stats', BasicInfoExtractor()),\n", " ('dv', DictVectorizer())])),\n", " \n", " # Grab the bag of words and do tf-idf\n", " ('vocab', Pipeline([\n", " ('vect', CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5, ngram_range=(1, 2))),\n", " ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer())]))],\n", "\n", " )\n", " ),\n", " ('clf_lr', LogisticRegression(C=100))])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 403, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.51572965550717798" ] }, "execution_count": 403, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "kf = KFold(n=len(training_texts), n_folds=3, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n", "cv_results = cross_val_score(full_clf_with_length, training_texts, training_labels, cv=kf, scoring='roc_auc')\n", "cv_results.mean()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Whoah. This is atrocious. Let's run it without the length." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 409, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Pipeline(steps=[('vect', CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', binary=False, charset=None,\n", " charset_error=None, decode_error='strict',\n", " dtype=, encoding='utf-8', input='content',\n", " lowercase=True, max_df=0.5, max_features=None, min_df=1,\n", " ngram_range=(1, 2), preproc...e, fit_intercept=True,\n", " intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=None, tol=0.0001))])" ] }, "execution_count": 409, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "full_clf.fit(training_texts, training_labels)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "0. dc7/63864fd102cda422a3336a253f4b5: 0.2641848963786986\n", "1. 4a1/3672b50b3bc9e17203be269132326: 0.17882957059440863\n", "2. 4a1/7337f7d0a8501b066a84132b5fc7c: 0.7334698700743912\n", "3. 932/c9fadb9e3aa522910900dcbf2e308: 0.18920748053192663\n", "4. 259/05bd26a0662e9b3390f5c6d9881e9: 0.5780535111763904" ] } ], "source": [ "from playhouse.postgres_ext import ServerSide\n", "from osp.corpus.models.text import Document_Text\n", "import time\n", "\n", "# Select all texts.\n", "query = Document_Text.select()\n", "\n", "# Mapping from a syllabus id to its predicted probability of being a syllabus\n", "predictions2 = {}\n", "\n", "# Counter\n", "i = 0\n", "\n", "# Wrap the query in a server-side cursor, to avoid\n", "# loading the plaintext for all docs into memory.\n", "for sy in ServerSide(query):\n", " \n", " # Predict probability\n", " p = full_clf.predict_proba([sy.text])[0,1]\n", "\n", " predictions[sy.document] = p\n", " if i < 5 or i % 10000 == 0:\n", " print('{}. {}: {}'.format(i, sy.document, p))\n", " i += 1" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "with open('predictions.p', 'wb') as out:\n", " pickle.dump(predictions, out)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 435, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "with open('predictions.csv', 'w') as out:\n", " for k in predictions:\n", " out.write('{},{}\\n'.format(k, predictions[k]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 447, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "((98,), (99,))" ] }, "execution_count": 447, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "t.shape, p.shape" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 462, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[]" ] }, "execution_count": 462, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAX4AAAEPCAYAAABFpK+YAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAIABJREFUeJzt3Xe8XFW5//HPlxB6EghNepQiRXoRFCEUJfSqFEUpUqSq\n", "cIGr6GTuRcSflyKCiFQpAoqIoAQEJYL0UBK6EEpoAqGXAAk8vz/WPsnkZM7JnHNmz57yfb9e85q2\n", "Z88zM2eeWWfttZ6liMDMzDrHHEUHYGZmjeXEb2bWYZz4zcw6jBO/mVmHceI3M+swTvxmZh0m18Qv\n", "6XxJL0t6sJdtTpf0hKTxktbOMx4zM8u/xX8BMKqnOyVtA6wQESsCBwJn5RyPmVnHyzXxR8StwBu9\n", "bLID8Nts27uABSUtnmdMZmadrug+/qWA5yquPw8sXVAsZmYdoejED6Bu111DwswsR3MW/PwvAMtU\n", "XF86u20mkvxjYGbWDxHRvXENEZHrCRgBPNjDfdsA12WXNwTu7GG7GMDzj877NbZDTLXGNZDPotPe\n", "K8dV35ggBkE8C7F2M8XVjO9Vxf6i2u25tvglXQZsCiwi6TmgBAzOojk7Iq6TtI2kJ4H3gH3zjMfM\n", "WtqWwOQI7i86kFagstbs6b5cE39E7FnDNoflGYOZtY1vA+cWHUQrUFn7ASf1dH/RffyNMLboAKoY\n", "W3QAPRhbdABVjC06gB6MLTqAHowtOoAqxg50BxKLAV8mJf96GVvHfdXL2IE8WGUNBk4lvVebAI9W\n", "3S7rB2pqkiKqHaCwhvNnYUWQOBr4XAT7FB1Ls1JZiwF/AN4Bvh6leKun72szDOc0sw4gIYkVJObp\n", "6+NwN0+PVNYglbULcA9wC7BDlOKt3h7TCV09ZlYwiTmAM4GvAgtIvEka0PFulfO3gbcqzoeS5vfc\n", "1vjIm5fKWoA0IOa7wKvAwVGKMbU81onfzHKVJf1fA6sBnwE+AIYDCwDzdztfgJToh2XbfDq7fnSE\n", 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"NlJnB+DGCA7qfn8EU0iTO8Y2NjKztnE4sA6wSZTiraKD6S/38beJbKnEC0hzI14pOByzdrUnMLqV\n", "kz64xd8Wspb+L4AVgEOA24qNyKz9qKxlSEOgxxYcyoA58be4rE//RFKRqM0jaOmWiFkT2wW4NkrR\n", "8utPu6unRUmsIHEJqQb4LcDGTvpm+cgO6n4HuKToWOrBib8FSXwduJM0cmeFCE7ODtyaWT6+BrxO\n", "Cy220huP428xWX/+BODIiMb/EfqzsE6TtfYfBL4Xpejz3Jci9fR9dYu/9WwDzAPcXHQgZh1iF+Bt\n", "0iJFbcEHd1uIxEjSkM1dI2pa4czMBu4o4GdRaoHukRq5xd8CJCSxJ/AHYPcIbi06JrNOoLI2AhZl\n", "1kWkWppb/E1CYjHgi6QCas8AtwOPAEsCZwGfBraN4O6iYjTrQN8FTo9StFUVWyf+AmQHaJcn1fHe\n", "ODstTkr240g/AP9Faml8DJxO6t4pfE1Ps06hsnYmLVx+QMGh1J0TfwNJzAf8ChgFTAVuBf5FmnX7\n", "cPfa+Nl/AXN7dSyzxlJZXyM1uLaOUrxddDz15sTfIFktnYuBj4ANIma/OHOEa+6YNZrK2gs4Gdgq\n", "SjG+6Hjy4MTfOIcAiwFbRvBh0cGY2axU1jeBnwJbRikeLjqevDjxN84I4BonfbPmpLL2AE4CNm/m\n", "xVXqwcM5G0BibtLiJ66lY9aEVNYOpAVWtmr3pA9O/LnLVr36PfAycH7B4ZhZNyprS+BcYLsoxYNF\n", "x9MI7uqpM4lPAdNI7+0hpHU5byStcTutyNjMLFFZQ0jDqTcHvgnsEqUYV2xUjePEX393AssBbwKX\n", "AZtE8HixIZl1NpU1L7ARKdFvDqwB3E2qtrlZOx/IrabH6pyShvf2wIh4PZeIqsfSEhUhJeYBXiON\n", 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"2+wF/DEins/2P0vSH4gIIoIpEUyO4NkIHongHid9s7awC3BV0UG0olrq8Y+OiOn939nl0TU8bimY\n", "aZHw57PbKq0IDJd0s6RxkvauYb9m1uFU1kLA7sCVRcfSimrp46/2b/2gGh5XSx/SYGAdUmGl+YA7\n", "JN0ZEU/U8Fgz61w/Ba6MUrjkeT/UkvjvlXQKcCbpR+BQ4N4aHvcCM4/+WYbU6q/0HOmA7hRgiqRb\n", "SEMrZ0n82XyCLmMjYmwNMZhZm1FZG5Hm26xadCzNJhssM3K2283u4K6kBYAfkVrlkFaTOiEi3pvN\n", "4+YkHdzdAniRtOhB94O7KwNnAFsBcwN3AbtHxCPd9uUDik3Cn4U1mspagzSJtMtBwAlRissLCqll\n", "9Lksc5eIeBc4VtL8s0v23R43TdJhwA2krqHzIuJRSQdl958dEY9Juh6YAHwCnNM96ZtZZ1JZc5GK\n", "I36H1JffNSfnIjzJckBqafF/gVTfekhELCNpTeCgiDikEQFmMbiV2ST8WVgjqKy1gQuBScBBUYoX\n", "i42oNfW7xU+agDUKUu2aiBgvadPeH2Jm1nfdWvlHAZdEqQ+TjawmNVXnjIhJ0kw/GtPyCcfMOpXK\n", "2pzU0HwGWDNK8VKxEbWvWhL/JElfBJA0F6k2xqO9P8TMrDZZobX/RxqlcyzwR7fy81VL4v8O8AvS\n", "5KsXSAXODs0zKDNrfyprMdJk0N1I4/J3i1J8WGhQHaKWUT2vkkorANOHdx4KzFJwzcxsdlTWvMB3\n", "SX34FwMrRyleLzaqztLbYutLAv8NLA88BPwPcADpw3J9DDPrrzOBJYANoxRPFh1MJ+qtxX8RaaWt\n", "v5JG9TwE3AmsFxH/aUBsZtZmVNaSwM7A8m7lF6fHcfySHoiItSquPw8sFxHVFjbJlceONw9/FjYQ\n", 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"fwGwS5O8V4tXvFcbAM80QUwrAzeRDiLOR2oxrlp0XNl2w0gHUOdtks/vFKBU8Vk+DwxvgriGAXNl\n", "lw8ALqxnDG3R4o8aJotJ+hRwD+kAzieSjiR9Gd4tKibgx8BCwFlZS3ZqRGyQRzx9jGtX4JuSpgLv\n", "klpoRcfUcDXGtRvwHUnTSGtKFP5eRcRjkq4n1bT6BDgnIh4pOq5s052AGyL9N5KrGmM6EbhA0njS\n", "Mc9jIr//1voS16rAhUrlah4iHQOsG0/gMjPrMO0yqsfMzGrkxG9m1mGc+M3MOowTv5lZh3HiNzPr\n", "ME78ZmYdxonf2pqkhStKAb8k6fns8huSHs7h+Uarj2W/JVWdSyLpQkm71icysxmc+K2tRcRrEbF2\n", "RKwN/Bo4Jbu8FmlyU68kDerrU/YnzF5u90Qbqzsnfus0qjgfJOk32QIcN0iaB0DSWEmnSroHOELS\n", "utlt47JFOz6VbXeEpIezypy/q3iOVbPKmBMlHT79iaXvZwuQPJjNHJ85sOSMbIGOG4HFaGzJZ+sQ\n", "bVGywayfVgT2iIgDJV1BKlVxKamVPTgi1pc0J3ALsH1EvCZpd1JRr/2BY4ERETFVUldNd5Fq5Ywk\n", "lQd5XNKvSP9h7EOq5zMHcJeksRExviKenUmVPVcBPgU8ApyX26u3juXEb53s6YiYkF2+l1Q0q8sV\n", "2fnKwGrATVk9pUHAi9l9E4DfSbqaVI4Z0o/GXyItsPGapFdISXxj4KquGjWSrgI2IdVd77IJ8LtI\n", "dVRekvSPer1Qs0pO/NbJPqy4/DEwT8X1rlXIBDwcEV+o8vhtScl6e+CHklbPbv+o237nJP0gVHbb\n", "iFn777tvY5YL9/GbzdA9MQM8DiwqaUMASYMlrZotBrNsRIwFjiOV0V2A6ok7gFuBnSTNK2l+UpXK\n", "W7ttdwuwu6Q5JC0BbFan12U2E7f4rdNED5er3hcRH0naDThd0jDSd+ZU4N/AxdltAn4REW9lZXRn\n", "GYkTEfdLuhC4O7vpnIr+/a7n+pOkzUl9+5OA2/v/Ms165rLMZmYdxl09ZmYdxonfzKzDOPGbmXUY\n", "J34zsw7jxG9m1mGc+M3MOowTv5lZh3HiNzPrMP8fKXIEmecBI/AAAAAASUVORK5CYII=\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "plt.plot(t, p[:-1], label='precision')\n", "plt.plot(t, 1-r[:-1], label='recall')\n", "plt.xlabel('Threshold')\n", "plt.ylabel('Precision/Recall')\n", "plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1))\n", "\n", "plt.vlines(0.325, 0, 1, label='0.325')\n", "plt.legend(loc='lower left')\n", "plt.plot()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 467, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "fprs = []\n", "tprs = []\n", "thresholds = []\n", "\n", "ps = []\n", "rs = []\n", "ts = []\n", "\n", "kf = KFold(n=len(training_labels), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=983214)\n", "for train, test in kf:\n", " full_clf.fit(training_texts[train], training_labels[train])\n", " predictions = full_clf.predict_proba(training_texts[test])\n", "\n", " p, r, t = precision_recall_curve(training_labels[test], predictions[:, 1])\n", " ps.append(p)\n", " rs.append(r)\n", " ts.append(t)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 468, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "mean_p = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*ps)]\n", "mean_r = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*rs)]\n", "mean_t = [np.mean(x) for x in zip(*ts)]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 480, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[]" ] }, "execution_count": 480, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAX4AAAEPCAYAAABFpK+YAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\n", "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAAIABJREFUeJzt3Xm8HFWZ//HPNwuyhLATEcIygCDIDlFBMAgjYV9EEWdQ\n", "GBhwYRnFARnUSrnxY1RkkEUGEGcQWUREYFgEMYCIQCAECBABRQggS9ghyPb9/XHqJs3NvTedvl1d\n", "vTzv16te6e5bXf2kz71PV5865zmyTQghhN4xouoAQgghtFYk/hBC6DGR+EMIocdE4g8hhB4TiT+E\n", "EHpMJP4QQugxpSZ+ST+R9KSku4fY5yRJD0iaLmmTMuMJIYRQ/hn/2cCkwX4oaSdgLdtrAwcDp5Uc\n", "Twgh9LxSE7/tG4HnhthlN+B/in1vAZaWNK7MmEIIoddV3ce/MvBozf1ZwCoVxRJCCD2h6sQPoH73\n", "o4ZECCGUaFTFr/8YML7m/irFY+8gKT4MQgihAbb7n1xXnvgvBQ4Fzpf0QeB5208OtONAwbeKpMm2\n", "J1f1+u2i2e+DJFfZro2K34ck3oekWe+DxChgHWAHYCKwOPB2zWbgreL2W8X9vscH2t4G7TfQa5Wa\n", "+CWdB3wEWF7So0AGjAawfbrtKyTtJOlB4BXggEGPlWtqg2HcBnzfmR9q8PkhhDAkiXHAhsAGwLKk\n", "xFy7vVmzjQXGASsW//bdXpp0zfMa4GfAs6Tu+P7byJrbqvl3oK31id/2vnXsc2idh/tcAyGMAHYF\n", "/qhc/w080+/n9wI3OfPLDRw7hNAjJN4N7E86OV2Fecn8LTh2DHA4cFexPU1KzqOBRYvbI0n5djTw\n", "EvAwcCvwZLE9BTxj81aT4/6fAR/vhHr8w+0SUK51gH8lvfl9RgIbAZsBzzPva9TlwEXA68ADzvy0\n", "pIm2pzT6+t2i2e9DB3f1xO8Dnfs+SIjUpbII8Bowp9+/SwBr1Gxbk7pefgmcCdzDO5L5Jh+CaZfa\n", "7TcwZbC/sZ5I/EMeO9diwPLF3cWBfwY+Svq2sBbpQ+BF4FxnvquMGHpVpyb+0JkkViD9ff8LqVvl\n", "edIZ+WLFv3235wB/qdmmA7+weamCsIclEn8jr5trfWA7YAXSL8sipG8Gvwa+7cx/bXVM3SQSf6iX\n", "xAhSX/i7SV0sb5C+lfdtb5NO4Fbst71OOnHblvS3fCnwE+AGm7cHeS2149l7IyLxDzeGXKOBZYB3\n", "Af8GfBa4n3RGUI+/AVOL7c/OOuCNL1k7tGtoLxJLAOsC65O6YjcE/oHUr/486e9oBOkkbHTx7yKk\n", "bpdnSH3lfX3mTxc/WwaYBpxv80IL/zuVi8TfZMq1CKlLaIV6dif94m5ebEsBd5MuBN1J+jC425nf\n", "KCfa9tSO7RrKVfSvjwNWr9nWrNlWAB4gDby4k/Q38hDwqM2clgfc4SLxtxHlWo407GsjYBPSh8Ea\n", "pJIVzwMXAD9z5qcqC7IFuq1de1nRFbM2KXkvRRqy2Pdv3+3xpN95gD+TRrb8lZTY+7aHmz2ypZdF\n", "4m9zyjWG9K1gZeAzwO7A70lfUU9w5qGK3XWkXmjXbiLxLuC9pL70vm0c8EHgQ6Rx5zNJJy8vAi/0\n", "+/cJYLrN31oefI+KxN9hlGtJYCfSBandgGOBs515wAtSnagX27UTSWwMHAjsS+o7f4rUn/4MqR99\n", "Guliaf95MqFikfg7mHJtBpxCupj1G1K/53Tgvk6+SNzr7dquin74tYEdSYMYliOtrfFTm4crDC0s\n", "pEj8HU65RpBqeGxOuj4wgTQD8DTgHGfumjHGoXUkFicl9uVI81b+kfR7Ngq4GjgfuC763TtTJP4u\n", "o1wizSb8IrA9MIM0vPQ+0gWzt0izEK925rb8o412bS6JkaRJiH21YN5DGve+LCmxL0vql1+peHwc\n", "acTZ7GJ7FLiWlPDv65ax7L0sEn8XU67lSeOe1y22VUl/0KuRit/9szM/Ul2EA4t2bUzRFbM78BVS\n", "ch9TbIsCr5K+CT4JPE4a996X2J8l9cv/rdieBF6NBN+9IvH3IOUaSUoORwKTgSnAzHb5BhDtumAS\n", 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"SXsDJ0laivQ380PgT8A5xWMC/sv2C5IGHIlje5qknwK3Fg+dUdO/3/dav5L0UVLf/iPAHxr/b4Yw\n", "uCjLHEIIPSa6ekIIocdE4g8hhB4TiT+EEHpMJP4QQugxkfhDCKHHROIPIYQeE4k/hBB6TCT+EELo\n", "Mf8fdoUNDpl7IM4AAAAASUVORK5CYII=\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "plt.plot(mean_t, mean_p[1:], label='precision')\n", "plt.plot(mean_t, mean_r[1:], label='recall')\n", "plt.xlabel('Threshold')\n", "plt.ylabel('Precision/Recall')\n", "plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1))\n", "\n", "plt.vlines(0.43, 0, 1, label='0.43')\n", "plt.legend(loc='lower left')\n", "plt.plot()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 479, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'10',\n", " '11',\n", " '12',\n", " '13',\n", " '14',\n", " '15',\n", " '20',\n", " '30',\n", " 'about',\n", " 'all',\n", " 'also',\n", " 'an',\n", " 'and',\n", " 'and the',\n", " 'any',\n", " 'are',\n", " 'as',\n", " 'assignments',\n", " 'at',\n", " 'at the',\n", " 'be',\n", " 'but',\n", " 'by',\n", " 'can',\n", " 'captures',\n", " 'class',\n", " 'close',\n", " 'close help',\n", " 'course',\n", " 'each',\n", " 'final',\n", " 'first',\n", " 'for',\n", " 'for the',\n", " 'from',\n", " 'from the',\n", " 'have',\n", " 'help',\n", " 'how',\n", " 'if',\n", " 'in',\n", " 'in the',\n", " 'information',\n", " 'is',\n", " 'it',\n", " 'may',\n", " 'more',\n", " 'new',\n", " 'no',\n", " 'not',\n", " 'of',\n", " 'of the',\n", " 'on',\n", " 'on the',\n", " 'one',\n", " 'or',\n", " 'other',\n", " 'reading',\n", " 'required',\n", " 'should',\n", " 'student',\n", " 'students',\n", " 'syllabus',\n", " 'that',\n", " 'the',\n", " 'their',\n", " 'these',\n", " 'this',\n", " 'time',\n", " 'to',\n", " 'to be',\n", " 'to the',\n", " 'two',\n", " 'up',\n", " 'use',\n", " 'which',\n", " 'will',\n", " 'will be',\n", " 'with',\n", " 'work',\n", " 'you',\n", " 'your'}" ] }, "execution_count": 479, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "c = full_clf.named_steps['vect']\n", "c.stop_words_" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.4.0" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }