{ "total_rows": 3457, "offset": 0, "rows": [ { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236e502", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431754783906, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236e502" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ajǝŋgwara na Abalimi amǝɽa", "morphemes": "Ajǝŋgwara na Abalimi amǝɽa", "gloss": "crow comp2 Abalimi deceiver", "translation": "The Crow and Abalimi the deceiver", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236ff86", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431754838487, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236ff86" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ pǝnde ram,", "morphemes": "Loma-nǝŋ pǝnde ram", "gloss": "day-indef past early", "translation": "Once upon a time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52406d68", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431755008686, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52406d68" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ajǝŋgwara yabaṯo leđa lǝnǝŋ ǝrđa rǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "Ajǝŋgwara y-ab-aṯ-o leđa l-ǝnǝŋ ǝrđa r-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "crow cly-take.rt-loc.appl-pfv people cll-indef meat clr-indef", "translation": "The crow took a piece of meat from some people", "tags": "ditransitive .", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52653193", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431755259485, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52653193" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "irri leđa lǝfo lëri nḏǝfe egeɽa", "morphemes": "irr-i leđa l-ǝ-f-o l-ër-i nǝ-đǝfe eg-eɽa", "gloss": "sclr-this people cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv cll-hang.rt-inf1 on-fence loc-house", "translation": "that some people have hung on a fence in the house,", "tags": "auxiliaries", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526574c5", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431755582275, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526574c5" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa đǝbera ađare nano oro alǝmane.", "morphemes": "ṯa đǝbera a-đ-ar-e nano oro alǝ-man-e.", "gloss": "comp1 wind rtc-clđ-blow.rt-inf1 over then 1du-cook.rt-inf1", "translation": "that they might cook it after the wind blew over it.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adv Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52668d0f", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431755774047, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52668d0f" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ajǝŋgwara nǝyape na nǝyaborṯwe nwaldaŋ eđǝñwa", "morphemes": "Orn ajǝŋgwara nǝ-y-ap-e na nǝ-y-aborṯw-e nwaldaŋ eđǝñwa", "gloss": "but crow comp2-cly-carry.rt-inf1 comp2 comp2-cly-fly.rt-inf1 far wilderness", "translation": "But the crow took the meat and flew far to the forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266a42d", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431756781895, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266a42d" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝyabǝđe pǝlelo iguɽi gǝđuɽwëndǝlia", "morphemes": "Nǝ-y-abǝđ-e pǝlelo ig-uɽi gǝ-đǝɽwëndǝlia", "gloss": "comp2-cly-set.rt-inf1 high loc-tree of-sorrel.tree", "translation": "and set on above the sorrel tree", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266e251", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431756894571, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266e251" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ayosaṯe ǝrđa irri yapo.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ayo-s-aṯ-e ǝrđa irr-i y-ap-o.", "gloss": "because 3sg?-eat.rt-loc.appl-inf1 meat sclr-this cly-carry.rt-d.inf2", "translation": "wanting to eat the meat there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266f08c", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431757006719, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5266f08c" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ođǝloŋ gǝnǝŋ gǝbërnia Abalimi,", "morphemes": "Orn ođǝloŋ g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-bërn-ia Abalimi,", "gloss": "but fox clg-indef clg-dpc-be.named.rt-ipfv Abalimi,", "translation": "But one fox named Abalimi,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526730e8", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431757194063, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526730e8" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gafo gafo uɽi nḏurṯu goṯa ŋuɽwëndǝlia,", "morphemes": "g-a-fo g-a-fo uɽi nḏurṯu g-oṯ-a ŋu-ɽwëndǝlia,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-past.aux tree under clg-pick.up.rt-inf2 fruit?-sorrel.tree.rt", "translation": "was there under the tree collecting the sorrel fruits", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526756dc", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431757578408, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526756dc" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝsëci Ajǝŋgwara ŋen yeṯo nǝyaffe uɽi eđǝpe", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-sëc-i Ajǝŋgwara ŋen y-eṯo nǝ-y-aff-e uɽi eđǝpe", "gloss": "comp2 comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-inf1 crow when cly-come.rt comp2-cly-shoot.rt-inf1 tree.rt above", "translation": "and he saw the crow when it sat on above the tree", "tags": "check:shoot", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adv V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526c7a0c", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431757729820, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526c7a0c" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yefo ǝrđara igëñua yonaṯa yesa.", "morphemes": "y-e-fo ǝrđa-ra ig-ëñua y-onaṯ-a y-e-s-a", "gloss": "cly-?-past.aux meat-with loc-mouth cly-want.rt-ipfv cly-?-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "with the meat in its mouth wanting to eat it.", "tags": "check:e.vowel", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526c9258", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431757794429, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526c9258" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Abalimi amǝɽa gafo gacoña kañ", "morphemes": "Na Abalimi amǝɽa g-a-fo g-a-coñ-a kañ", "gloss": "and abalimi deceiver clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-be.hungry.rt-ipfv very", "translation": "But the deceiver Abalimi was very hungry", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526ca877", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431759098259, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526ca877" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gafo gagakondo eđe alo pređ ṯa aŋǝlǝse", "morphemes": "na g-a-fo g-a-ga-kond-o eđe alo pređ ṯa aŋǝ-l-ǝ-s-e", "gloss": "and clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-iter-search.for.rt-pfv meat place all comp1 3sg.inf-cll-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and he had searched for the meat everywhere", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Adv Adv Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526ccc3c", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431759170567, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526ccc3c" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋerṯe gǝfiđia wagǝnǝŋ kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-fiđ-ia wag-ǝnǝŋ kwai kwai.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-find.rt-ipfv thing-indef never never", "translation": "and he did not find anything at all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526cfb8e", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431773545525, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526cfb8e" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ndǝ gǝsëcu Ajǝŋgwara yefo ǝrđara", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ndǝ g-ǝ-sëc-u Ajǝŋgwara y-e-f-o ǝrđa-ra", "gloss": "so when clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv crow cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv meat-clr.with", "translation": "So when he saw the crow with the meat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d1598", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431773688868, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d1598" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋonaṯo ṯa gamabaṯa aŋǝse,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋ-onaṯ-o ṯa g-a-ma-m-aṯ-a aŋ-ǝ-s-e,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt-pfv comp1 clg-rtc-3sg.om-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv 3sg.inf-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he decided to take it from him and eat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d215e", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431773775197, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d215e" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋajǝbeṯe gaɽe gamabaṯa ṯau.", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋa-jǝbeṯ-e g-aɽe g-a-ma-b-aṯ-a ṯau.", "gloss": "but comp1-3sg.cons-not.know.rt-cons.pfv clg-what clg-rtc-3sg.om-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv how", "translation": "but he did not know what to do.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d3473", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431773990839, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d3473" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn taltal gënŋu nǝŋǝmaṯe ŋenǝsi", "morphemes": "Orn taltal g-ënŋu n-ǝŋǝ-m-aṯ-e ŋen-nǝ-si", "gloss": "then quickly clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv talk-on-eye", "translation": "then he thought out immediately", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N-P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d4cd7", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774096596, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d4cd7" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋundǝđi Ajǝŋgwara olega gǝŋǝra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-und-ǝđ-i Ajǝŋgwara ole-ga g-ǝŋǝra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv crow voice-clg.with clg-good very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "and he called the Crow with fine voice and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d729c", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774183019, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d729c" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya đappa đǝlëɽǝñi Ajǝŋgwara.", "morphemes": "“Ya đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝñi Ajǝŋgwara.", "gloss": "oh friend clđ-1sg.poss Crow", "translation": "\"Oh my dear friend Mr Crow.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d8c71", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774419317, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d8c71" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje agaŋǝra ŋayo kañ ṯia ŋwande điñiđi?", "morphemes": "Maje a-g-aŋǝra ŋayo kañ ṯia ŋ-wande điñiđi?", "gloss": "man 2sg-clg-good beautiy very in.this.way clŋ-what today", "translation": "How you look nice today?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N Adv Adv N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d9d25", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774634557, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526d9d25" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aganŋa agafo agabalǝŋa erreka ulëldiṯano ŋǝlǝŋa ŋǝŋǝra kañ,", "morphemes": "Aganŋa a-g-a-fo a-g-a-b-alǝŋ-a erreka ulëldiṯano ŋǝlǝŋa ŋ-ǝŋǝra kañ,", "gloss": "2sg.pro 2sg-clg-rtc-past.aux 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-sing.rt-ipfv yesterday morning song clŋ-good very", "translation": "You have sang yesterday morning a very beautiful song,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526da875", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774735288, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526da875" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝlǝŋa ŋǝlaɽǝŋa nǝŋǝñǝŋǝreṯe nano kañ đurri,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝlǝŋa ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa n-ǝŋǝ-ñǝ-ŋǝr-eṯ-e nano kañ đurri,", "gloss": "and song clŋ-2sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-1sg.om-please.rt-appl-cons.pfv very indeed", "translation": "and your song pleased me very much,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526dfc3a", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431774890611, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526dfc3a" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ṯeŋonaṯo ṯa ŋañalǝŋiṯi tǝŋ lomanto,", "morphemes": "orn ṯ-e-ŋ-onaṯo ṯa ŋa-ñ-a-lǝŋ-iṯ-i tǝŋ loman-onto,", "gloss": "but comp1b-1sg-2sg.om-want.rt comp1 2sg.inf-1sg.om-rtc-sing.rt-appl-cons.pfv again day-one", "translation": "so I want you to sing to me again one more time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526de489", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775020399, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526de489" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno ŋerreka, olega igi gǝlaɽǝŋa gǝŋǝra.", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno ŋ-erreka, ole-ga ig-i g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-ǝŋǝra.", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like clŋ.poss-yesterday voice-clg.with sclg-this clg-2sg.poss clg-good", "translation": "as yesterday, with your sweet voice.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv P-N N-P Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e1c3c", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775155122, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e1c3c" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na agiđi ndǝ agalǝŋiṯǝñe ŋǝlǝŋa ŋarno ŋerreka ŋǝŋǝra,", "morphemes": "Na a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-a-lǝŋ-iṯ-ǝñ-e ŋǝlǝŋa ŋ-arno ŋ-erreka ŋ-ǝŋǝra,", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-rtc-sing.rt-appl-pass-cons.pfv song clŋ-like clŋ.poss-yesturday clŋ-good", "translation": "And if you sang to me a sweet song like of the yesturday,", "tags": "conditional", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V N Adv P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e3b8b", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775290741, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e3b8b" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igiđi yeɽe iŋaŋëci lǝfer alo lǝnǝŋ lǝfo Nḏǝbarlda Eđrafe", "morphemes": "i-g-iđi y-e-ɽ-e i-ŋa-ŋëc-i lǝfer alo l-ǝnǝŋ l-ǝ-fo Nḏǝbarlda Eđrafe", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-dpc-go.rt-cons.pfv 1sg-2sg.om-show.rt-cons.pfv farm place cll-indef cll-dpc-past.aux stream Ethrafe", "translation": "I will show you a farm beside the Ethrafe Stream", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e526f", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775366250, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526e526f" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lerṯo mǝɽwatano đwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "l-erṯ-o mǝɽwat-ano đ-waña kañ,", "gloss": "cll-have.rt-pfv peanut-in clđ-many very", "translation": "which has a lot of peanuts,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526f05dc", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775489608, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526f05dc" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋaɽe ŋase na ŋararrawuṯi ñere ñǝlaɽǝŋa com.”", "morphemes": "ŋ-a-ɽ-e ŋ-a-s-e na ŋ-ar-arrawuṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlaɽǝŋa com.”", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-go.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-cons.pfv and clŋ-iter-carry.to.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-2sg.poss also", "translation": "and you will go and eat and carry to your children too.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526fb27f", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775610205, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc526fb27f" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndǝ Ajǝŋgwara yenno ole g-Abalimi amǝɽa", "morphemes": "Na ndǝ Ajǝŋgwara y-e-nn-o ole g-Abalimi amǝɽa", "gloss": "and when crow cly-rtc-hear.rt-pfv voice clg.poss-abalimi deceiver", "translation": "When the Crow heard what Abalimi the deceiver said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52705c64", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775802578, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52705c64" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa gënŋu gaŋǝra ŋǝlǝŋa na gabalǝŋa olega game,", "morphemes": "ṯa g-ënŋu g-aŋǝra ŋǝlǝŋa na g-a-b-alǝŋ-a ole-ga g-ame,", "gloss": "comp1 clg-3sg.pro clg-good song and clg-rtc-prog-sing.rt-ipfv voice-clg.with clg-nice", "translation": "that he songs are sweet, and that he sang with a beautifull sound,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj N Conj V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52706409", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431775920805, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52706409" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen yenno ṯa mǝɽwata đëtu elǝfer đwaña com,", "morphemes": "na ŋen y-e-nn-o ṯa mǝɽwata đ-ëtu e-lǝfer đ-waña com,", "gloss": "and when cly-dpc-hear.rt-pfv comp1 peanuts clđ-be.2d loc-farm clđ-many also", "translation": "and when he heard that there are a lot of peanuts too in the farm", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N V P-N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52707679", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776033607, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52707679" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yënŋu nǝyajǝbëini eŋen ṯa yafo ǝrđara ëñua,", "morphemes": "y-ënŋu n-ǝya-jǝb-ëin-i eŋen ṯa y-a-f-o ǝrđa-ra ëñua,", "gloss": "cly-3sg.pro comp2-cly.inf-forget.rt-pass-cons.pfv about comp1 cly-rtc-be.loc-pfv meat-clr.with mouth", "translation": "he forgot that he has a meat in his mouth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Comp V N-P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52708eaa", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776119480, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52708eaa" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia yënŋu nǝyepǝlađe ëñuano yilëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "nǝṯia y-ënŋu n-ǝye-pǝl-ađ-e ëñu-ano y-ilëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "so cly-3sg.pro comp2-cly.inf-open.rt-ap-cons.pfv mouth-in cly-3sg.poss", "translation": "so he opened his mouth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270923d", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776162527, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270923d" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ayǝma ŋǝlǝŋa,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ayǝ-m-a ŋǝlǝŋa,", "gloss": "because cly.inf-take.rt-ipfv song", "translation": "to sing,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270ac6a", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776220766, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270ac6a" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ǝrđa ndrǝmiɽi ëñua.", "morphemes": "na ǝrđa n-đǝ-m-iɽ-i ëñua.", "gloss": "and meat comp2-clđ.inf-3sg.om-fall.rt-cons.pfv mouth", "translation": "and the meat fell from his mouth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270cbc5", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776306919, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270cbc5" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Abalimi amǝɽa gafo gaṯurwa uɽi nḏurṯu", "morphemes": "Na Abalimi amǝɽa g-a-fo g-a-ṯurw-a uɽi nḏurṯu", "gloss": "and abalimi deceiver clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-stand.rt-ipfv tree under", "translation": "And the deceiver Abalimi was standing under the tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270e27a", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776385635, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270e27a" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ǝrđa rëtu rirtu pǝlelo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ǝrđa r-ëtu r-ir-t-u pǝlelo,", "gloss": "and when meat clr-be.2d clr-fall.rt-loc.appl-pfv above", "translation": "And when the meat was falling down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270f493", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776490949, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5270f493" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu nǝŋëɽǝṯi ëñua na nǝŋaborwe", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu n-ǝŋ-ëɽ-ǝṯ-i ëñua na n-ǝŋ-aborw-e", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv mouth and comp2-3sg.cons-jump.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he opened his mouth ready and jumped", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271210e", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776639398, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271210e" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋëndëci ǝrđa elo rǝmulu rǝbǝɽǝṯia iđuđa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ënd-ëc-i ǝrđa elo r-ǝmulu r-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-ǝṯ-ia i-đuđa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv meat high clr-before clr-dpc-prog-fall.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-ground", "translation": "and caught the meat before it reached the ground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52713d9f", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776720785, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52713d9f" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝyelaldǝñǝṯe nwaldaŋ ṯaŋǝso.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ye-laldǝñ-ǝṯ-e nwaldaŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-with-run.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv far comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pfv", "translation": "and ran away and began to eat it.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52715213", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776842158, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52715213" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ajǝŋgwara nilǝŋini nano ṯa Abalimi gakǝbiṯǝmalo,", "morphemes": "Na Ajǝŋgwara n-i-lǝŋin-i nano ṯa Abalimi g-akǝbiṯǝ-ma-alo,", "gloss": "and crow cln-dpc-know.rt-cons.pfv at comp1 abalimi clg-deceive.rt-3sg.om-place", "translation": "And the Crow realized that he was been a victim of Abalimi the deciever,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52716eb7", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431776938478, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52716eb7" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝsađëcu Abalimi nwaldaŋ gǝsa ǝrđa rǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-sađ-ëc-u Abalimi nwaldaŋ g-ǝ-s-a ǝrđa r-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-ap-pfv abalimi far clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv meat clr-3sg.poss", "translation": "and he saw Abalimi far away eating his meat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52718461", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431777425625, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc52718461" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝŋirǝwano kañ na ŋen ṯaŋǝmaso egare ṯaŋarṯo iguɽi.", "morphemes": "N-ǝŋ-irǝw-ano kañ na ŋen ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-s-o eg-are ṯ-aŋ-ar-ṯ-o ig-uɽi.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-descend.rt-in very and talk comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-eat.rt-pfv loc-belly comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-tree", "translation": "He became very sad and angry and he cried angrily on the tree.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Conj N V P-N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271a5d6", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431777583838, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271a5d6" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa Abalimi gakǝbǝṯǝmalo nǝŋǝmabaṯe ǝrđa pređ.", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa Abalimi g-akǝbǝṯ-ǝ-ma-alo n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ab-aṯ-e ǝrđa pređ.", "gloss": "because abalimi clg-deceive.rt-pfv-3sg.om-place comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv meat all", "translation": "For Abalimi decieved him and took the whole meat form him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271c76a", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431777628160, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271c76a" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen iŋi ŋabaŋëiđia ṯa Abalimi gerṯo ŋamǝɽa ŋwaña kañ", "morphemes": "Ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-a-b-aŋë-iđ-ia ṯa Abalimi g-erṯ-o ŋamǝɽa ŋ-waña kañ", "gloss": "talk sclŋ-this clŋ-rtc-prog-show.rt-ap-ipfv comp1 abalimi clg-have.rt-pfv deceit clŋ-many very", "translation": "This kind of stories show that Abalimi has many ways to decieve people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Comp N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271dec4", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431777883872, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5271dec4" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gëbǝđia leđa ŋëmiñua ŋwaña gǝyigakǝbǝṯia leđa alo,", "morphemes": "na g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia leđa ŋëmiñua ŋ-waña g-ǝ-yi-g-akǝbǝṯ-ia leđa alo,", "gloss": "and clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv people jokes clŋ-many clg-dpc-with-iter-deceive.rt-ipfv people place", "translation": "and he makes fun of people with different way that uses,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc527209c6", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431778411219, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc527209c6" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno leđa com lǝmaṯan lǝsaṯa lorba", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno leđa com l-ǝmaṯan l-ǝ-s-aṯ-a lorba", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like people also cll-indef cll-dpc-eat.rt-appl-ipfv siblings", "translation": "as many people mocked and decieved others", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv N Adv Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5272078f", "key": [ "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", 1431778512024, "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5272078f" ], "value": { "story": "25b07c7b8a735c578cccf0fc5236c0fd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "laŋge ŋamǝɽaŋa ildi lǝɽo nǝɽǝṯiano.", "morphemes": "laŋge ŋamǝɽa-ŋa ild-i l-ǝ-ɽ-o nǝɽǝṯiano.", "gloss": "things deceit-clŋ.with scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv full", "translation": "and took the belongings of the full people.", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N N-P Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08115c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439975079219, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08115c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ lëbəđia ŋəmëɽria ŋanṯau?", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-ë-b-əđ-ia ŋəmëɽria ŋano-ṯau?", "gloss": "moro.people cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work meaning-how?", "translation": "What do Moro people do?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b083046", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439975423160, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b083046" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ laɽo leđa ləlaɽa.", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-ɽ-o leđa l-ə-laɽ-a.", "gloss": "moro.people cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv people cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Moro people are farmers.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b084bbd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439975899955, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b084bbd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu lalaɽa niwur esərəŋ na lalaɽa ini erəñwaŋ nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "Lënŋulu l-a-laɽ-a n-iwur e-sərəŋ na l-a-laɽ-a i-ni e-rəñwaŋ nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "3pl.pro cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv on-villages loc-garden and cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv loc-fields loc-wilderness far,", "translation": "They farm crops in farms around their villages and in fields far away,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08658e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439976300382, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08658e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo laməca đwala lǝmǝjaca eneɽa na nwaldaŋ nwarra.", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-məc-a đwala l-ǝ-mǝj-ac-a en-eɽa na nwaldaŋ nwarra.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-raise.rt-ipfv animals cll-dpc-raise.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-houses and far cattle.camps.", "translation": "and they used to raise animals in their houses and in cattle camps", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b086223", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439976644150, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b086223" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge ildi ləlëɽənia esərəŋ niwur:", "morphemes": "Laŋge ild-i l-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia e-sərəŋ n-iwur:", "gloss": "things scll-this cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv in-garden on-villages:", "translation": "The things which are cultivated near the houses:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08a095", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439977072983, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08a095" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ lafo lalaɽa ŋwala esərəŋ niwur ŋarno,", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a ŋwala e-sərəŋ n-iwur ŋ-arno,", "gloss": "moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv sorghum in-garden on-villages clŋ-like,", "translation": "Moro people cultivated light sorghum in farms near houses, along with", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08ac16", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439977107003, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08ac16" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋwala ŋəñəla na ŋwana ŋəlëmu,", "morphemes": "ŋwala ŋə-ñəla na ŋwana ŋə-lëmu,", "gloss": "sorghum clŋ.poss-sweet and sorghum clŋ.poss-Arabs,", "translation": "sweet sorghum and maize", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08d16f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439977462599, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b08d16f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "bala, karmaka, aṯṯayanda, ŋwal ŋəɽebai, na warria,", "morphemes": "bala, karmaka, aṯṯayanda, ŋwal ŋə-ɽebai, na warria,", "gloss": "bala, carmaka, attai, sorghum clŋ.poss-mercy, and beans,", "translation": "and many different kinds of sorghum, and beans,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N Adj Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0955a5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439978039812, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0955a5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na japəređa, məɽwata, ŋuria, aṯarnia, cəgulwa,", "morphemes": "na japəređa, məɽwata, ŋuria, aṯarnia, cəgulwa,", "gloss": "and sesame, peanuts, cucumber, leeks, pumpkins,", "translation": "early sesame, peanuts, cucumbers, leeks, pumpkins,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b096448", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439979583431, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b096448" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com lënŋulu lafo lalaɽa era isi yëuṯa ŋəbuŋwa", "morphemes": "na com lënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a era is-i y-ëuṯ-a ŋəbuŋwa", "gloss": "and also 3sg.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv gourd.plant scly-this cly-throw.rt-ipfv gourds", "translation": "and also they grow gourd plants which produce gourds", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b097133", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439980015637, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b097133" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi ŋǝfo ŋǝbǝđǝnia ŋǝmbwëlua na ŋgǝria ŋoɽra na ŋǝrra", "morphemes": "iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-fo ŋ-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ǝn-ia ŋǝmbwëlua na ŋgǝria ŋ-oɽra na ŋ-ǝrra", "gloss": "sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-past.aux clŋ-dpc-prog-do.rt-pass-ipfv bowls and bowls clŋ-big and clŋ-small", "translation": "from which they make bowls big and small", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0992d0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439980312967, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0992d0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝla ɽetǝɽeto na ñaɽǝŋwaṯa ñulia na ñǝŋan", "morphemes": "na nǝla ɽetǝɽeto na ñaɽǝŋwaṯa ñ-ulia na ñǝ-ŋan", "gloss": "and dishes different and gourds.bowls clɲ.poss-flour and clɲ.poss-milk", "translation": "and all kind of dishes and bowls for flour and milk", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09a38d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439980596628, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09a38d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝla nǝŋau na nǝŋuru", "morphemes": "na nǝla nǝ-ŋau na nǝ-ŋuru", "gloss": "and bowls cln.poss-water and cln.poss-making.porridge", "translation": "and bowls for drinking water and for making porridge", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09cc02", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439980824215, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09cc02" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na mǝɽwa iđi đǝbǝđǝnia ŋǝmakǝŋia", "morphemes": "na mǝɽwa iđ-i đ-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ǝn-ia ŋǝmakǝŋia", "gloss": "and long.gourds sclð-this clð-dpc-prog-do.rt-pass-ipfv horns", "translation": "and long gourds for making horns", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09e15d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439980953148, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b09e15d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝbuŋwa ŋǝŋau na ŋǝŋuɽu", "morphemes": "na ŋǝbuŋwa ŋǝ-ŋau na ŋǝ-ŋuɽu", "gloss": "and gourds clŋ.poss-water and clŋ.poss-wine", "translation": "and gourds for water and for wine", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a11e9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439981263375, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a11e9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝcwa nǝŋan na nǝŋoređ, na nǝlwa nǝŋan.", "morphemes": "na nǝcwa nǝ-ŋan na nǝ-ŋoređ, na nǝlwa nǝ-ŋan.", "gloss": "and gourd cln.poss-milk and cln.poss-sesame and big.gourd cln.poss-milk.", "translation": "and gourds for milk and sesame, and big milk gourds.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a902a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439981446644, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a902a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na laŋge ildi ləlëɽənia ini erəñwaŋ:", "morphemes": "Na laŋge ild-i l-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni e-rəñwaŋ:", "gloss": "and things scll-this cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-farms loc-wilderness:", "translation": "And the things which are planted in the distant farms:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a964c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439981716254, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a964c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ lalaɽa ŋwana ŋeđe, ojma, kulma na bala,", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-laɽ-a ŋwana ŋ-eđe, ojma, kulma na bala,", "gloss": "Moro.people cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv sorghum clŋ-green, white.sorghum, red.sorghum and bala", "translation": "The Moro were cultivating green sorghum, white sorghum, red sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a9613", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439981822573, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0a9613" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləkoḏrwa, đəbara, ŋoređa, ŋǝđǝmana,", "morphemes": "na ləkoḏrwa, đəbara, ŋoređa, ŋǝđǝmana,", "gloss": "and kadro.sorghum, cotton, sesame, beans,", "translation": "and kadro sorghum, cotton, sesame, beans,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ad4f8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439981997440, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ad4f8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwana iŋi ŋërrənəṯu alo ŋəmajən.", "morphemes": "na ŋwana iŋ-i ŋ-ërr-ən-əṯ-u alo ŋ-əmajən.", "gloss": "and sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-enter.rt-pass-loc.appl-pfv place clŋ-new.", "translation": "and the new sorghums that were brought into the country.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0aed92", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439982170435, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0aed92" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge ildi ləbəliđənia:", "morphemes": "Laŋge ild-i l-ə-b-əliđ-ən-ia:", "gloss": "things scll-this cll-dpc-prog-sell.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "Production crops", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0afd56", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439982335434, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0afd56" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge ildi lǝfo lǝbǝliđǝnia na lǝmama algǝrus,", "morphemes": "Laŋge ild-i l-ǝ-fo l-ǝ-b-ǝliđ-ǝn-ia na l-ǝ-mam-a algǝrus,", "gloss": "things scll-this cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-prog-sell.rt-pass-ipfv and cll-dpc-bring.rt-ipfv money,", "translation": "The things that for sold for money were,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b0cb0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439982397227, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b0cb0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝŋulu ŋoređa na đǝbara,", "morphemes": "fǝ-ŋulu ŋoređa na đǝbara,", "gloss": "foc-3pl.pro sesame and cotton,", "translation": "were sesame and cotton,", "tags": "x", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b2cc3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439982598745, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b2cc3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na uləŋia igi gǝfo gobəđa alo na gǝfo gǝbëɽənia", "morphemes": "na uləŋia ig-i g-ǝ-fo g-obəđ-a alo na g-ǝ-fo g-ǝ-bëɽ-ən-ia", "gloss": "and weika sclg-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-grow.rt-ipfv down and clg-dpc-past.aux clg-dpc-collect.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "and weika that grows alone in fields and been collected,", "tags": "x", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b4e93", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439982763921, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b4e93" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaliliđənu na naṯərldəña ini nokora,", "morphemes": "ṯ-al-iliđ-ən-u na naṯərldəña in-i n-okora,", "gloss": "comp1-3pl.inf-sell.rt-pass-cons.ipfv and leaves scln-this cln-hibiscus", "translation": "and sold and also the hibiscus,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp-V Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b56d1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439983043940, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b56d1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na roɽa irri rǝfo rurnia egǝmbor,", "morphemes": "na roɽa irr-i r-ǝ-fo r-ur-n-ia eg-ǝmbor,", "gloss": "and haluk sclr-this clr-dpc-past.aux clr-dig.rt-pass-ipfv loc-duleb.trees,", "translation": "and haluks which are dug in the area of duleb palms", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b8df9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439983407108, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0b8df9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iɽəṯia, ŋwara, rldua, ŋuiya, ŋəɽəfia na emaɽǝkǝŋia.", "morphemes": "na iɽəṯia, ŋwara, rldua, ŋuiya, ŋəɽəfia na emaɽǝkǝŋia.", "gloss": "and palm.leaves, tebaldi.fruits, ardeb.fruits, nabak.fruits, lalobs.fruits, and dom.fruits", "translation": "and palm leaves, tebaldi fruit, ardeb fruit, nabak fruit, lalobs fruit, and dom fruit.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0bf17e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439983859524, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0bf17e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ laməca lande:", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-məc-a lande:", "gloss": "moro.people cll-rtc-raise.rt-ipfv what:", "translation": "The animals that Moro people raise", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c333b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439984015110, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c333b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ananoŋ Ləmwarəŋ lafo laɽo leđa ləməca ləṯura na laro na oɽo,", "morphemes": "Ananoŋ Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-a-ɽ-o leđa l-ə-məc-a ləṯura na laro na oɽo,", "gloss": "first moro.people cll-rtc-past.rt cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv people cll-dpc-raise.rt-ipfv pigs and hens and goats", "translation": "At first, the Moro people were known as people who raised pigs, hens and goats,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c6513", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439984391167, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c6513" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn iria nəyiđi nəyënṯi ulilu yaŋalaya.", "morphemes": "orn iria n-əy-iđi n-əy-ënṯ-i ulilu yaŋala-ya.", "gloss": "then cows comp2-cly.inf-fut.aux comp2-cly.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv recently sheep-cly.with", "translation": "then cows and sheep were introduced more recently.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c6956", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439984606019, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0c6956" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Lǝmwarǝŋ lëbwa lǝṯurala, oɽoya na larla kañ", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Lǝmwarǝŋ l-ëbw-a lǝṯura-la, oɽo-ya na lar-la kañ", "gloss": "so moro.people cll-love.rt-ipfv pigs-cll.with, goat-cly.with and hen-cll.with very", "translation": "So the Moro people like pigs, goats and hens more than anything else.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N-P N-P N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ca5a1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439984913608, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ca5a1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋiđi đwala iđi đǝbǝđia na đǝtǝɽia đǝma.", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋ-iđi đwala iđ-i đ-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia na đ-ǝ-tǝɽ-ia đǝma.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-fut.aux animals sclð-this cll-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv and clð-dpc-purify.rt-ipfv marriage.", "translation": "and they make these animals for marriage and blessing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ccc10", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439985133233, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ccc10" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Uṯra gënŋu gafo gaɽǝñađaṯa na gatǝɽia đǝma.", "morphemes": "Uṯra gënŋu g-a-fo g-a-ɽǝñađaṯ-a na g-a-tǝɽ-ia đǝma.", "gloss": "pig 3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-complete.rt-ipfv and clg-rtc-purify.rt-ipfv marriage", "translation": "The pig plays an important role in completing and blessing the marriage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ce885", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439985382587, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ce885" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋowa ŋafo ŋananaca ëđǝmwa laro.", "morphemes": "Na ŋowa ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-na-nac-a ëđǝmwa laro.", "gloss": "and young.woman clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-iter-give.rt-ipfv young.man chickens.", "translation": "And the young woman used to give chickens to her betrothed young man as a gifts", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d0db6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439985600668, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d0db6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñwađđo ñafo ñayibinia,", "morphemes": "Na ñwađđo ñ-a-fo ñ-a-yib-in-ia,", "gloss": "and he.goats clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-pay.dowry.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "And the rams were used for dowry payments.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d22d1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439985831795, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d22d1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na uđaren ëđǝmwa gafo gananaca uđaren ŋowa rǝldo.", "morphemes": "Na uđar-en ëđǝmwa g-a-fo g-a-na-nac-a uđar-en ŋowa rǝldo.", "gloss": "and uncle-3sg.poss young.man clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-iter-give.rt-ipfv uncle-3sg.pro young.woman goat", "translation": "And the young man uncle gives the young woman’s uncle a goat in marriage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d3962", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439985961444, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d3962" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge ildi ləŋəmëɽria:", "morphemes": "Laŋge ild-i lə-ŋəmëɽria:", "gloss": "things scll-this cll.poss-working:", "translation": "The tools of working", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d3a39", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439986073586, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d3a39" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Pənde ram Leđa lafo lalaɽa ŋoɽaŋa nayen", "morphemes": "Pənde ram Leđa l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a ŋoɽa-ŋa n-ayen", "gloss": "Past early people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv sticks on-mountains", "translation": "A long time ago people used long wooden sticks to plough with in the mountains,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv N V V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d8ec4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439986336639, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0d8ec4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ipëinia yafo yero yiləŋinia məldin", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ipëinia y-a-fo y-ero y-i-ləŋ-in-ia məldin", "gloss": "because irons cly-rtc-past.aux cly-not.aux cly-dpc-know.rt-pass-ipfv yet", "translation": "for there were no metals known yet", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0dc49b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439986538208, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0dc49b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ləmwarəŋ lafo lero lopəđaiđia leđala mǝldin,", "morphemes": "na Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-ero l-opəđaiđ-ia leđa-la mǝldin,", "gloss": "and moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-not cll-meet.rt-ipfv people-cll.with yet,", "translation": "and up to that time Moro people did not contact with other nations yet", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0dd179", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439986700815, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0dd179" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lərto lǝnwaldaŋ ilika ldəfo nayen!", "morphemes": "l-ərto l-ǝ-nwaldaŋ i-lika l-d-ə-fo n-ayen!", "gloss": "cll-strange.rt cll.poss-far loc-time comp2-cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv on-mountains", "translation": "strange from long distances since they settled in the mountains!", "tags": "what does this mean?", "syntacticCategory": "Adj Adj P-N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0e6a45", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439986934748, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0e6a45" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ilika ildi ilikano ipëini yiləŋicənu đəge,", "morphemes": "Orn i-lika ild-i i-lik-ano ipëini y-i-ləŋ-ic-ən-u đəge,", "gloss": "but loc-time scll-this loc-time-in irons cly-dpc-know.rt-appl-pass-pfv at.last,", "translation": "Then in the middle age when the irons were known,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv P-N Adj N-P N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0e9169", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439987938692, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0e9169" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝmwarǝŋ liđu ṯallaɽo noɽəñana", "morphemes": "Lǝmwarǝŋ l-iđ-u ṯ-al-laɽ-o noɽəña-na", "gloss": "moro.people cll-do.rt-pfv comp1b-cll.inf-cultivate.rt-cons.ipfv plow-with.cln", "translation": "Moro people began to plough with iron tools", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ea978", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1439988172398, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0ea978" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldiđi ni noɽra na ldirəwuṯi alo eđəñwa!", "morphemes": "na l-d-iđ-i ni n=oɽra na l-d-irəwu-ṯ-i alo e-đəñwa!", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv fields cln-big and comp2-cll-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv down loc-wilderness!", "translation": "and they made big farms and then moved down to the plains!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b30dcfb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440228933790, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b30dcfb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ləṯoɽaṯa ni leđa lafo laređa nuɽi cəgwëndwaya,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-ə-ṯoɽaṯ-a ni leđa l-a-fo l-a-ređ-a nuɽi cəgwëndwa-ya,", "gloss": "and when cll-dpc-prepare.rt-ipfv fields people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cut.rt-ipfv trees axes-cly.with", "translation": "And when they cultivated the fields, they chopped trees with axes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b30fb3d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440229112524, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b30fb3d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaləpu đoca na ṯaɽraṯo noɽəñana nalo", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alə-p-u đoca na ṯ-alǝ-raṯ-o noɽəña-na n-alo", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-beat.rt-cons.ipfv bushes and comp1b-cll.ipfv-clear.rt-cons.ipfv hoes-cln.with on-places", "translation": "and cut bushes and cleared the farms with hoes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b31199b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440233140813, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b31199b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaləfərđo yagəracaya, na ṯaləwađo ŋwana", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alə-fərđ-o yagəraca-ya, na ṯ-alə-wađ-o ŋwana", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-clear.rt-cons.ipfv hooks-cly.with, and comp1b-cll.inf-plant.rt-cons.ipfv sorghum", "translation": "they would clear the fields with hooks and then they would plant sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b45de56", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440422329973, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b45de56" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "noɽəñana nəđəwađa nërrənəcinu nemen gwala,", "morphemes": "noɽəña-na nə-đə-wađ-a n-ë-rr-ənəc-in-u n-emen g-wala,", "gloss": "hoes-cln.with cln.poss-clð.nom-plant.rt-ipfv cln-rtc-iter-enter.rt-pass-pfv on-sticks clg-long,", "translation": "with traditional hoes fixed on long sticks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b45f7df", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440422518461, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b45f7df" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalwanḏo ŋwana ndrətiaŋəna!", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-wanḏ-o ŋwana ndrətia-ŋə-na!", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-harvest.rt-cons.ipfv sorghum knives-acc?-cln.with!", "translation": "and they would harvest the sorghum with knives!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b461372", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440422920359, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b461372" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯenia lǝmǝn lafo lacəđa rəmanəŋ relǝŋgrema", "morphemes": "Ləṯenia l-ǝmǝn l-a-fo l-a-cəđ-a rəmanəŋ r-elǝŋgrema", "gloss": "fathers cll-some cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-carve?.rt-ipfv legs clr.poss-beds", "translation": "Some men were making legs for beds", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b463237", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440423286619, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b463237" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na upəndri igi leđa ləfo lǝlondra noɽəñana nebaca,", "morphemes": "na upəndri igi leđa l-ə-fo l-ǝ-lo-ndr-a noɽəña-na n-ebaca,", "gloss": "and wood sclg-this people cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-3pl.om-sleep.rt-ipfv tools-with cln.poss-iron", "translation": "and wood on which people sleep with iron tools", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b464c83", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440423556336, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b464c83" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ldiđi ṯaləcəđo rəmanəŋ reləŋgrem na riɽǝbambar,", "morphemes": "orn l-d-iđi ṯ-alə-cəđ-o rəmanəŋ r-eləŋgrem na r-iɽǝbambar,", "gloss": "but comp2-cll.inf-fut.aux comp1b-cll.inf-carve?.rt-cons.ipfv legs clr.poss-beds and clr.poss-sitting.tools?,", "translation": "Then they began to make bedframes and for sitting tools,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b465dad", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440424727062, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b465dad" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaləđəwo rəmanəŋ enađol alkoḏaḏaya,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alə-đəw-o rəmanəŋ e-nađol alkoḏaḏa-ya,", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-pierce.rt-cons.ipfv legs loc-nose iron.tools-cly.with", "translation": "and they made holes for the bed’s legs with sharpened tools.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b467624", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440424997925, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b467624" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo lacǝđa rowa rǝyilëɽǝnia com,", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-cǝđ-a rowa r-ǝ-yi-lëɽ-ǝn-ia com,", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-carve?.rt-ipfv sticks clr-dpc-with-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv also,", "translation": "and they make long sticks for ploughing tools too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b4694d6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440425411511, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b4694d6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo labaɽa uruba ndrətəna na elmoñjəliaya.", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-baɽ-a uruba ndrətə-na na elmoñjəlia-ya.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-gather.rt-ipfv grasses knives-cln.with and pruning.hooks-cly.with", "translation": "and they were cutting grass for building with knives and pruning hooks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46a0bd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440425629900, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46a0bd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñəŋgenia ñafo ñabaɽa oṯia noɽəñana neŋođo,", "morphemes": "Ñəŋgenia ñ-a-fo ñ-a-baɽ-a oṯia noɽəña-na n-eŋođo,", "gloss": "mothers clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-gather.rt-ipfv wood axes-cln.with cln-trunk,", "translation": "The women cut wood with an axes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46ba62", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440426014681, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46ba62" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñafo ñawaṯo nəla ini nəkəro na ŋəmbwëlua", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-fo ñ-a-waṯ-o nəla i-ni n-ə-kər-o na ŋəmbwëlua", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-sew.rt-pfv gourds scln-this cln-dpc-break.rt-pfv and bowls", "translation": "and they mended the broken bowls and big dishes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46d6af", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440427873650, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46d6af" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "roloŋra ibwëɽuaya yimiđənu nəđəbara lǝmaṯrarala,", "morphemes": "roloŋ-ra ibwëɽua-ya y-i-miđ-ən-u nə-đəbara lǝmaṯrara-la,", "gloss": "awls-clr.with threads-cly.with cly-dpc-make.rt-pass-pfv cln.poss-cotton weaver.beam-with", "translation": "with awls and threads made from cotton with a weaver’s beam", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P N-P V Adj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46eabe", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440428240213, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b46eabe" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñafo ñaṯuđa na ñawarđa ñaɽəŋwaṯa aŋəno", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-fo ñ-a-ṯuđ-a na ñ-a-warđ-a ñaɽəŋwaṯa aŋəno", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-draw.rt-ipfv and clɲ-rtc-write.rt-ipfv bowls body", "translation": "and they drew decorations on the vessels", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47054f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440428391885, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47054f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋgria na ŋəbuŋwa ndrətiaŋəna nibwa,", "morphemes": "na ŋgria na ŋəbuŋwa ndrətiaŋə-na n-ibwa,", "gloss": "and large.bowls and gourds knives-cln.with cln-hot,", "translation": "and large bowls and pots of gourds with heated knives", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b472534", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440428515913, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b472534" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñafo ñapuldia ŋəbuŋwa ndrətəna com.", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-fo ñ-a-puld-ia ŋəbuŋwa ndrətə-na com.", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-cut.open.rt-ipfv gourds knives-cln.with too.", "translation": "and they would cut open the new pot's gourds with knives as well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b473c74", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440428637525, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b473c74" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na laŋge ləmən com ildi leđa ləfo lǝliđia", "morphemes": "Na laŋge l-əmən com ild-i leđa l-ə-fo l-ǝ-l-iđ-ia", "gloss": "and things cll-some also scll-this people cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-3pl.om-make.rt-ipfv", "translation": "The other things which the people made", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b476676", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440428851062, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b476676" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləŋəmëɽria fəŋulu elfrara, ñərlda, nəmuđi,", "morphemes": "lə-ŋəmëɽria fə-ŋulu elfrara, ñərlda, nəmuđi,", "gloss": "cll.poss-work foc-3pl.pro axes, spears, javelins,", "translation": "for work are small axes, spears, and javelins", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj Adv N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b477e1e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440429677019, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b477e1e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "warəjaca, sia yeɽo ebre, naləŋa, ndrəpwañəđia,", "morphemes": "warəjaca, sia y-eɽ-o ebre, naləŋa, ndrəpwañəđia,", "gloss": "arrows, fire cly-have.rt-pfv woods, nut, pliers,", "translation": "arrows, bows, nuts (for bolts), pliers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b4792bf", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440430091328, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b4792bf" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lǝṯwëɽi lafo lawaṯa nwe, ñumra na ŋorna, na nǝmbǝria,", "morphemes": "na lǝṯwëɽi l-a-fo l-a-waṯ-a nwe, ñumra, na ŋorna, na nǝmbǝria,", "gloss": "and old.men cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-sew.rt-ipfv big.baskets, baskets, and small.baskets, and bases,", "translation": "and the old men would sew the sorghum baskets, and all sorts of baskets, and bases", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N N Conj N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47a32b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440430811417, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47a32b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lǝṯenia lafo lacǝđa ŋoɽa na ŋǝmanda,", "morphemes": "na lǝṯenia l-a-fo l-a-cǝđ-a ŋoɽa na ŋǝmanda,", "gloss": "and men cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-make.rt-ipfv wood.plows and hunting.sticks", "translation": "The men would make wood plows and hunting sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47b85b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440431005987, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b47b85b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laṯoɽaṯa nëɽi, ŋǝfra, ŋǝbǝria, napǝndǝŋia,", "morphemes": "na l-a-ṯoɽaṯ-a nëɽi, ŋǝfra, ŋǝbǝria, napǝndǝŋia,", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-prepare.rt-ipfv shields, sticks, long.stick, curved.sticks", "translation": "and they make shield, stick, long stick, curving sticks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b75dedb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440673568750, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b75dedb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo lëbǝɽia irpulwa na ṯalǝwaṯo nërrua nǝŋau na nǝŋuɽu.", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-ë-bǝɽ-ia irpulwa na ṯ-alǝ-waṯ-o nërrua nǝ-ŋau na nǝ-ŋuɽu.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-tan.rt-ipfv leathers and comp1b-cll.inf-sew.rt-cons.ipfv skins cll.poss-water and cln.poss-wine.", "translation": "and they tanned leathers of animals and they make water skins and wine skins", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Conj V N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76037e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440673802719, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76037e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lǝṯenia lǝmǝn lafo larmǝñjia leđa nḏǝbina inḏǝbina niria.", "morphemes": "Na lǝṯenia l-ǝmǝn la-f-o l-a-rmǝñj-ia leđa nḏǝbina cly.poss-nḏǝbina n-iria.", "gloss": "and men cll-some cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cobble?.rt-ipfv people shoes loc-leathers cln.poss-cows", "translation": "And some men used to make shoes from skins of cows", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b7617bc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440673972441, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b7617bc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëmmia lafo lawaṯa ndia na nǝbamba,", "morphemes": "Na lëmmia l-a-fo l-a-wat-a ndia na nǝbamba,", "gloss": "and boys cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-sew.rt-ipfv drums and drums", "translation": "the boys would make different kinds of drums", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b763025", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440674299565, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b763025" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irëmbëi yeyëɽǝŋëinia iŋǝbu, noca, nǝlwa,", "morphemes": "na irëmbëi y-e-y-ëɽǝŋ-ëin-ia i-ŋǝbu, noca, nǝlwa,", "gloss": "and buckets cly-dpc-with-draw.rt-appl.pass-ipfv loc-wells, milk.gourds, milk.pots", "translation": "and buckets which they use to draw water from wells, milk gourds, and milk pots,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b764503", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440674472593, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b764503" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ermbegwa, mekia obǝṯrga,", "morphemes": "na ermbegwa, mekia obǝṯr-ga,", "gloss": "and lyres koshkosh.leaves duleib-clg.with,", "translation": "as well as lyres with the koshkosh leaves of the from duleib tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b767279", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440674634791, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b767279" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđǝmwa lafo laṯoɽaṯa ǝrlde irri rǝbërinia,", "morphemes": "na lëđǝmwa l-a-fo l-a-ṯoɽ-aṯ-a ǝrlde irri r-ǝ-bër-in-ia,", "gloss": "and young.men cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prepare.rt-loc.appl-ipfv horns sclr-this clr-dpc-blow.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "and young men would make horns that were blown,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b767cf0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440674924967, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b767cf0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lǝpo lafo lalata ŋǝmwa, ŋǝɽia, nadia,", "morphemes": "na lǝpo l-a-fo l-a-lat-a ŋǝmwa, ŋǝɽia, nadia,", "gloss": "and old.women cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-make?.rt-ipfv big.pots, medium.pots, small.pots,", "translation": "and old women would make different sizes of pots", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b769476", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675045486, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b769476" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo lawaṯa rǝca rǝyundǝnia ŋuɽu.", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-waṯ-a rǝca r-ǝ-y-und-ǝn-ia ŋuɽu.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-pas.aux cll-rtc-sew.rt-ipfv filters clr-dpc-with-refine.rt-pass-ipfv wine.", "translation": "and they would sew the filters for wine.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b769b42", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675120197, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b769b42" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eɽa g-Omarəŋ", "morphemes": "Eɽa g-Omarə-ŋ", "gloss": "house clg.poss-moro.person-acc", "translation": "The Moro House", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76bdb2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675230424, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76bdb2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ lafo labəđa neɽa ŋwandraŋa,", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-abəđ-a neɽa ŋwandra-ŋa,", "gloss": "moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-build.rt-ipfv houses stones-clŋ.with,", "translation": "The Moro people built their houses with stones", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76d3fa", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675317182, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76d3fa" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwandra ŋafo ŋwaña neyen!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwandra ŋ-a-fo ŋ-waña n-eyen!", "gloss": "because stones clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-many on-mountains!", "translation": "because stones were plentiful in the mountains!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76fe7e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675455062, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76fe7e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eɽa gafo gëbəđənia gađaiđo alo eɽo,", "morphemes": "Eɽa g-a-fo g-ëbəđ-ən-ia g-ađaiđo alo eɽo,", "gloss": "house clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-build.rt-pass-ipfv clg-round place circle,", "translation": "The house is built in a round shape,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76ee90", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675624654, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b76ee90" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eŋəna yilëɽəŋu nǝyǝɽatođe alo endrel.", "morphemes": "na eŋəna y-ilëɽəŋu n-ǝyǝ-ɽatođ-e alo e-ndrel.", "gloss": "and rooms cly-3pl.poss comp2-cly.inf-raise.rt-cons.pfv place loc-sides,", "translation": "and the rooms are built in a circle.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b773d9c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675889628, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b773d9c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iđuna yiđi nayakëɽəni alo ŋwandraŋa ŋoɽra naməca", "morphemes": "Iđuna y-iđi n-ay-ak-ëɽ-ən-i alo ŋwandra-ŋa ŋoɽra n-aməca", "gloss": "foundations cly-will.aux cln-cly.inf-iter-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv down stones-clŋ.with clŋ-big cln-rock", "translation": "The foundations would be laid with big stones on a flat rock", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b776105", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440675987641, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b776105" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla neda gəbərano,", "morphemes": "walla n-eda g-əbərano,", "gloss": "or on-stone clg-large,", "translation": "or on a wide stone,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b776632", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440676103129, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b776632" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đərañjal nađëbəđəni đađaiđo alo eɽo,", "morphemes": "na đərañjal n-ađ-ëbəđ-ən-i đ-ađaiđo alo eɽo,", "gloss": "and wall cln-clđ.inf-build.rt-pass-cons.pfv clđ-round place circle,", "translation": "and the walls were built in a circle,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b777322", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 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into the wall.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77a668", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440676664367, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77a668" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə đərañjala đabəjəđənu nəđərmaṯe elo aten,", "morphemes": "Ndə đərañjala đ-abəjəđ-ən-u n-əđ-ərmaṯ-e elo aten,", "gloss": "when wall clð-rtc-build.rt-pass-cons.pfv comp2-clð.cons-reach.rt-cons.pfv up a.little,", "translation": "When the wall had been built up a little bit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77c289", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440677278378, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77c289" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eŋəna nəyipwëcəni erəpe ərldwira roɽra rəđađaṯo alo ilikano,", "morphemes": "eŋəna n-əy-ipwëc-ən-i erəpe ərldwi-ra r-oɽra r-ə-đađ-aṯ-o alo i-likano,", "gloss": "rooms cln-cly.cons-cover.rt-pass-cons.pfv above trunks-clr.with clr-big clr-clr-dpc-cross.rt-loc.appl-pfv place in-middle", "translation": "the rooms would be covered over by a ceiling made of big trunks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77d844", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440677562450, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77d844" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eŋəna nayiđənṯi alo yeɽo narra nələṯur walla oɽo,", "morphemes": "na eŋəna n-ay-iđ-ən-ṯ-i alo y-e-ɽ-o narra nələṯur walla oɽo,", "gloss": "and rooms comp2-cly.inf-make.rt-pass-loc.appl-cons.pfv place cly-be pens of-pigs or goats,", "translation": "and this place under the house they make it to hold pigs or goats,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77e113", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440677902543, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b77e113" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋaca naŋəndrini alo esəŋəno na alo nayiđəni yeɽəwađaiđo aŋəno", "morphemes": "na ŋaca n-aŋ-əndr-i-n-i alo e-səŋəno na alo n-ay-iđ-ən-i y-eɽəwađaiđo aŋəno", "gloss": "and mud cln-clŋ.inf-lay.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv down loc-rooms and place comp2-cly.inf-make.rt-pass-cons.pfv cly-even body", "translation": "and mud was laid down on the floor in rooms and that place was made smooth and even", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b7800bd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440678027195, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b7800bd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəyimətiniano aŋəna yimulu yëbəđənia,", "morphemes": "na n-əy-imət-i-n-i-ano aŋəna y-i-mul-u y-ëbəđ-ən-ia,", "gloss": "and comp2-cly.cons-smooth.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv-on body cly-before cly-dpc-continue.rt-pfv cly-rtc-build.rt-pass-ipfv,", "translation": "and made the same level as before it is built", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b960e70", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440845595849, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b960e70" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eɽalo naŋəṯəbəni alo ilikano narra nanəgakiđiṯi iñua egeɽalo,", "morphemes": "na eɽalo n-aŋə-ṯəb-ən-i alo i-likano narra n-anə-gakiđ-i-ṯ-i iñua eg-eɽalo,", "gloss": "and yard cln-3sg.inf-cut.rt-pass-cons.pfv down loc-middle pens comp2-cln.inf-open.rt-caus-loc.appl-cons.pfv mouths loc-yard,", "translation": "and the yard is made in center of the house where the doors of the pens opened into the yard,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96196f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440845750891, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96196f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn eŋəna nayetođe narra erəpe na nuṯa enen", "morphemes": "orn eŋəna n-aye-tođ-e narra erəpe na n-uṯa enen", "gloss": "but rooms comp2-cly.inf-raise.rt-cons.pfv pens above and on-walls cln.3pl.poss", "translation": "then the rooms were built above the pig pens", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9626a9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440846117754, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9626a9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nanëbəđəni ŋacaŋa ŋəmən ŋore ŋəđamo ŋawa ŋəđənia,", "morphemes": "n-an-ëbəđ-ən-i ŋaca-ŋa ŋ-əmən ŋ-ore ŋ-ə-đam-o ŋawa ŋə-đənia,", "gloss": "comp2-cln.inf-build.rt-pass-cons.pfv mud-clŋ.with clŋ-some clŋ-red clŋ-dpc-resist.rt-pfv water clŋ.poss-rains", "translation": "it is build with a red colored mud which resisted rain,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9640e0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440846286571, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9640e0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn com aŋgace ṯa uṯa naŋəbəliđəni irua nano yiria.", "morphemes": "orn com aŋgace ṯa uṯa n-aŋə-bəliđ-ən-i irua nano y-iria.", "gloss": "but also sometimes comp1 wall comp2-clŋ.inf-polish.rt-pass-cons.pfv dung on cly.poss-cows", "translation": "but in many cases the walls were polished outside with cow dung.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b965ad6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440846599313, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b965ad6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə uṯa gaŋəna gərmaṯo elo aten,", "morphemes": "Ndə uṯa g-aŋəna g-ə-rmaṯ-o elo aten,", "gloss": "when wall clg.poss-room clg-dpc-reach.rt-pfv up little", "translation": "When the wall of the room had reached a certain height", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b966e5a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440847142710, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b966e5a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa nalajace eđəpe naliṯi nəɽota na alo isi ŋorldwa ŋuṯurrwa,", "morphemes": "leđa n-al-ajac-e eđəpe n-al-iṯ-i nəɽota na alo is-i ŋorldwa ŋ-uṯurrw-a,", "gloss": "people comp2-cll.inf-add.rt-cons.pfv above comp2-cll.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv shelves and place scly-this poles clŋ-stand.rt-ipfv", "translation": "the builders would add to it to make a shelf which is where the poles of the roof would stand,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b968cd9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440847654074, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b968cd9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋoman ŋəmən reɽəmia rələṯura narërnəcini nuṯa", "morphemes": "na ŋoman ŋ-əmən reɽəmia rə-ləṯura n-ar-ërnəc-i-n-i n-uṯa", "gloss": "and times clŋ-some jaws clr.poss-pigs comp2-clr.inf-place.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv on-wall", "translation": "and sometimes the jaws of pigs would be placed on the outer wall", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96a085", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440847974870, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96a085" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋorldwa aŋela aŋələwërrənṯi iŋi ŋəɽo rəṯu.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋorldwa aŋ-ela aŋə-lə-w-ërrənṯ-i iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ɽ-o r-ə-ṯu.", "gloss": "because poles clŋ.inf-come.rt clŋ.inf-3pl.om-loc-iter.enter.rt-cons.pfv sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv clr-dpc-2d.aux", "translation": "in order that the poles would be fixed onto them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96eee0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440848396484, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b96eee0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na alo nayəfeṯe ëwur nëñua yaŋəno yeɽəwađaṯo", "morphemes": "Na alo n-ayə-f-eṯ-e ëwur nëñua y-aŋəno y-e-ɽəwađaṯ-o", "gloss": "and place cln-cly.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv gate in.front cly.poss-room cly-dpc-be.equal.to.rt-pfv", "translation": "And they made space in front of the door of the room that was the size of", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b970636", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440848514734, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b970636" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aləŋgrema leđa loɽaŋa errekano,", "morphemes": "aləŋgrema leđa l-o-ɽaŋ-a errek-ano,", "gloss": "bed people cll-loc-sit.rt-ipfv evening-in,", "translation": "sitting bed in the evenings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b971ac0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440853601169, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b971ac0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ildi aŋəna esen naləfeṯe aŋəna nëñua esen,", "morphemes": "na leđa ild-i aŋəna esen n-alə-feṯ-e aŋəna nëñua esen,", "gloss": "and people scll-this room cly.3pl.poss comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv room in.front cly.their,", "translation": "and the people whom the room belongs to would sit in front of their room,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b973c47", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440853779154, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b973c47" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn alo yebərano aten nayefeṯe lambala nëñua", "morphemes": "orn alo y-ebərano aten n-aye-f-eṯ-e lambala nëñua", "gloss": "but place cly-wide a.little comp2-cly-be.loc-loc.appl-inf1 hut infront", "translation": "and there is a large space in front of the kitchen", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b974b93", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440853992605, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b974b93" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñere ñoɽaŋa na ñosaṯa laləmən.", "morphemes": "ñere ñ-o-ɽaŋ-a na ñ-o-s-aṯ-a laŋge l-əmən.", "gloss": "children clɲ-loc-sit.rt-ipfv and clɲ-loc-eat.rt-loc.appl-ipfv things cll-some", "translation": "where the children would to sit and eat their food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b975d18", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440854180613, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b975d18" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na obǝla igi gerṯo elano yeđwađa naŋǝfeṯe com.", "morphemes": "Na obǝla ig-i g-erṯ-o el-ano ye-đwađa n-aŋǝ-f-eṯ-e com.", "gloss": "and hut sclg-this clg-have.rt-pfv grinding.stones-in cly.poss-grinding comp2-3sg.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-inf1 too.", "translation": "and there is a grinding room so there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b977088", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440854317047, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b977088" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia eđa giđi ndə gënṯu ndëwur eləpe,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia eđa g-iđi ndə g-ënṯ-u ndëwur e-ləpe,", "gloss": "so man clg-fut.aux if clg-enter.rt-pfv outside loc-entrance,", "translation": "So when someone would come from outside through the entrance,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b978511", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440854592255, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b978511" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋafiđi alo yefo nḏəŋ đəŋacəba leđa loɽaŋa ildi ləbərlda nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "n-aŋa-fiđ-i alo y-e-f-o n-ḏəŋ đə-ŋacəba leđa l-o-ɽaŋ-a ild-i l-ə-bərlda nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv place cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv on-hand clð.poss-food people cll-loc-sit.rt-ipfv scll-this cll-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv far,", "translation": "will find on his right hand the place where the guests and the foreigners would sit and", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9796c3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440854662368, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9796c3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa na leđa lajəbaṯo.", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa na leđa l-ajəb-aṯ-o.", "gloss": "young.men and people cll-not.know.rt-loc.appl-pfv", "translation": "young men and strangers.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97b5bd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440854981238, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97b5bd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nëñua aten pëḏia nađofeṯe iđi đeṯenia đətođo narra,", "morphemes": "Na nëñua aten pëḏia n-ađ-o-f-eṯ-e iđ-i đ-eṯen-ia đ-ə-tođ-o narra,", "gloss": "and in.front a.little room comp2-clð.inf-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv sclð-this clð.poss-father.rt-ipfv clð-dpc-raise.rt-pfv on-pig.pen", "translation": "And the big room of the father which is over the pig pen stands next to that place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97d4e9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440855146530, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97d4e9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nëñua aten, pëḏia nađofeṯe iđi đənəmuđəni na rəməɽənia", "morphemes": "na nëñua aten, pëḏia n-ađ-o-f-eṯ-e iđ-i đə-nəmuđəni na rəməɽənia", "gloss": "and in.front a.little room comp2-clð.inf-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv sclð-this clð.poss-sorghum.storage and sesame.storage", "translation": "and next to it, you find a big storage area for sorghum and a little one for sesame", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97f627", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440856040941, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b97f627" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nëñua aten aŋəna nayofeṯe isi yoɽra yundrənia.", "morphemes": "na nëñua aten aŋəna n-ay-o-f-eṯ-e isi y-oɽra y-u-ndr-ən-ia.", "gloss": "and infront a.bit room comp2-cly.inf-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv scly-this cly-big cly.poss-loc-sleep.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "and next to it there is a big sleeping room.", "tags": "locative on nominalized verb?", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b981935", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440856369399, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b981935" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eləpe nḏəɽe đəŋabur alo yafau yeŋəmwa ŋəŋawa.", "morphemes": "Na e-ləpe nḏəɽe đə-ŋabur alo y-a-f-a-u ye-ŋəmwa ŋə-ŋawa.", "gloss": "and loc-gate inside clð.poss-left place cly-rtc-be.loc-ipfv-loc cly.poss-pots clŋ.poss-water", "translation": "And on the left side of the gate there are water pots", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N P Adj N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b983a05", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440856475514, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b983a05" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwa laɽaŋa nḏrañjal đobəla", "morphemes": "Ləmwa l-a-ɽaŋ-a n-ḏrañjal đ-obəla", "gloss": "water.pot cll-rtc-sit.rt-ipfv on-wall clð-short", "translation": "the water pot is placed on a short wall", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9855e9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440856717623, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9855e9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla eləmaṯara ləđuru alo larnəđiano ŋəɽwa ŋəɽijin,", "morphemes": "walla e-ləmaṯara l-ə-đur-u alo l-arnəđ-ia-no ŋəɽwa ŋ-əɽijin,", "gloss": "or loc-pole cll-dpc-stand.rt-pfv cll-divide.rt-ipfv-in heads clŋ-three,", "translation": "or on pole which has three branches,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b986d52", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440856882841, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b986d52" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləmwa naləfeṯe eləmaṯar.", "morphemes": "na ləmwa n-alə-f-eṯ-e e-ləmaṯar.", "gloss": "and water.pot comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-pole,", "translation": "and the water pot was put in that triangular shape", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9b40b7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440857049908, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9b40b7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lambala walla oḏoḏo walla obəla", "morphemes": "Na əlna ild-i lə-ñowa n-alə-f-eṯ-e nëñua aten,", "gloss": "and room scll-this cll.poss-young.women comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv in.front a.little,", "translation": "And young women’s room stood next that place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c47ea", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440857210477, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c47ea" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lambala walla oḏoḏo walla obəla", "morphemes": "na lambala walla oḏoḏo walla obəla", "gloss": "and kitchen or all or grinding.room", "translation": "and kitchen, grinding room were next to that", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj Adv Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c5ea9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440857434051, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c5ea9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alo isi yiwiđëinia laləmən na ala yoɽaŋa isi yeŋoređa nayofeṯe.", "morphemes": "alo is-i y-i-w-iđ-ëin-ia laləmən na ala-yo-ɽaŋ-a is-i ye-ŋoređa n-ay-o-f-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "place scly-this cly-dpc-loc-make.rt-appl.pass-ipfv something and cll.inf-loc-stay.rt-ipfv scly-this cly.poss-sesame comp2-cly.inf-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "the place where the food was cooked and where the grinding stones for sesame were put", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Adj Conj V Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c6ede", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440857752546, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c6ede" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na rəfe reɽa rapwëcənia oṯega igi gəpənu gəɽo ərldwi", "morphemes": "Na rəfe r-eɽa r-apwëc-ən-ia oṯe-ga ig-i g-ə-p-ən-u g-ə-ɽ-o ərldwi", "gloss": "and fence clr.poss-house clr-fill?.rt-pass-ipfv wood-with sclg-this clg-dpc-chop?.rt-pass-pfv clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv trunks", "translation": "And open places between rooms is fill with wood that cut like short trunks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N-P Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c7ddb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1440857883285, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b9c7ddb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egal yemaṯan na alo yemaṯan đərañjala nəđofeṯe.", "morphemes": "eg-al y-emaṯan na alo y-emaṯan đərañjala n-əđ-o-f-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "loc-place cly-different? and place cly-different? wall comp2-clð.cons-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "in some places, and other places is covered with stone wall.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj Conj N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babb424", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441019379332, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babb424" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə eđa gënṯu ndëwur giđi naŋəfiđi eləpe,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə eđa g-ënṯ-u ndëwur g-iđi n-aŋə-fiđ-i e-ləpe,", "gloss": "so when man clg-enter.rt-pfv outside clg-will comp2-3sg.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv loc-gate,", "translation": "So when someone goes in he find at the gate,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv N V N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babd01c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441019522114, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babd01c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alo isi lëđəmwa loɽaŋa ndə leṯo,", "morphemes": "alo is-i lëđəmwa l-o-ɽaŋ-a ndə l-eṯ-o,", "gloss": "place scly-this youth cll-loc-sit.rt-ipfv when cll-come.to.rt-pfv,", "translation": "the place where the youth sit when they came to visit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babf1a8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441019729239, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69babf1a8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na pëḏia nəđəfeṯe nëñua aten orn aŋəna isi yerṯo uməđəniano,", "morphemes": "na pëḏia n-əđə-f-eṯ-e nëñua aten orn aŋəna is-i y-erṯ-o uməđəni-ano,", "gloss": "and room comp2-clð.cons-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv in.front a.little then room scly-this cly-have.rt-pfv storage-in", "translation": "and the big room be next to it then the big room with the stores inside it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P Adv N Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac04c6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441020008291, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac04c6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn aŋəna isi yiliji ləɽəlda na obəla igi gela", "morphemes": "orn aŋəna is-i yi-liji l-əɽəlda na obəla ig-i g-ela", "gloss": "then room scly-this cly.poss-women cll-female and hut sclg-this clg.poss-grinding.tones", "translation": "then the room for women with the grinding room beside it", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj Adj Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac2cdc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441020301646, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac2cdc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lambala ildi ləwiđicənia acəba na əlna ildi ləŋowa na ildi loɽo,", "morphemes": "na lambala ild-i l-ə-wi-đ-ic-ən-ia acəba na əlna ild-i lə-ŋowa na ildi l-oɽo,", "gloss": "and kitchen scll-this cll-dpc-loc-make.rt-appl-pass-ipfv food and room scll-this cll.poss-girl and scll-this cll.poss-goats.", "translation": "and the kitchen where food was cooked and the girls' room and goats' hut.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac4ac9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441020569915, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac4ac9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na egal isi yefafo iŋiga oṯe gafafiau gəwëcəđinu ŋopia nḏərañjal,", "morphemes": "na eg-al isi y-e-fa-f-o iŋiga oṯe g-a-fa-f-ia-u g-ə-wëcəđ-i-n-u ŋopia n-ḏərañjal,", "gloss": "and in-place scly-this cly-dpc-iter-be.loc-pfv in.between wood clg-dpc-iter-be.loc-ipfv-loc clg-dpc-arrange.rt-caus-pass-pfv well on-wall", "translation": "and in the open spaces between the rooms is filled with wooden stick that were neatly arranged on the stone wall", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac5c09", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441020723056, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac5c09" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na alo isi yeləmwa ləŋawa nayəfeṯe nḏəŋ đəŋabur.", "morphemes": "na alo is-i ye-ləmwa lə-ŋawa n-ayə-f-eṯ-e nǝ-đəŋ đə-ŋabur.", "gloss": "and place scly-this cly.poss-pots cll.poss-water comp2-cly-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-hand clð.poss-left.", "translation": "and the water pot is on the left side.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj Adj V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac7758", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441020888983, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac7758" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə leđa ləfo egeɽa errekano", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə leđa l-ə-f-o e-geɽa errek-ano", "gloss": "so when people cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv in-house evening-in", "translation": "So when the members of the household would sit at their houses in the evenings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac7d1c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441021111379, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bac7d1c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liđi naləfeṯe lađaiđo eɽalo igi gəfo pəlalo gəlǝṯura", "morphemes": "l-iđi n-alə-f-eṯ-e l-ađaiđo eɽa-lo ig-i g-ə-f-o pəlalo gə-lǝṯura", "gloss": "cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv cll-circle yard-down sclg-this clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv under clg.poss-pigs", "translation": "they would be surrounded by the yard which is lower place of the pigs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baca1ea", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441021266993, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baca1ea" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalǝɽwataiđo ildi ləfo egeɽa.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alǝ-ɽwat-aiđ-o ild-i l-ə-f-o eg-eɽa.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-speak.rt-appl.ap-pfv scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-house.", "translation": "and they speak to each other all those who in the house", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bacb5f7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441021421757, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bacb5f7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia aŋgace ṯa fəŋen iŋi ŋəŋgiṯu leđa lə Ləmwarəŋ ṯaləɽwato pəlelo.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia aŋgace ṯa fə-ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ŋgiṯ-u leđa lə-Ləmwarəŋ ṯ-alə-ɽwat-o pəlelo.", "gloss": "so perhaps comp1 foc-talk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-let.rt-pfv people cll.poss-Moro.people comp1b-cll.inf-speak.rt-inf2 loudly", "translation": "So maybe this is what make the Moro people speak loudly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Comp N Adj V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bacc6d0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441021638696, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bacc6d0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eŋəna yafo yalëlənia ŋorldwaŋa ŋəṯəbu na ebriaga.", "morphemes": "Eŋəna y-a-f-o y-a-lël-ən-ia ŋorldwa-ŋa ŋə-ṯəbu na ebria-ga.", "gloss": "rooms cly.rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-frame.rt-pass-ipfv poles-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-bamboo and thin.stick-clg.with", "translation": "The roofs of the houses are made with long bamboos and thin sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N-P Adj Conj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bace590", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441021926017, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bace590" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋorldwa ŋiđi naŋəṯurini nəɽoto", "morphemes": "Ŋorldwa ŋ-iđi n-aŋə-ṯur-i-n-i nə-ɽoto", "gloss": "poles clŋ-fut.aux comp2-clŋ.inf-raise.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv on-wall.shelf.", "translation": "the end of the bamboo poles are fixed in a straight row around on the flat edge of the wall", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad05a2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441022071551, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad05a2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋërrəncini ereɽəm irri rəfo uṯa nano,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-ërr-ənc-i-n-i e-reɽəm irri rəfo uṯa nano,", "gloss": "and comp2-clŋ.inf-iter-enter.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv in-jaws sclr-this clr-dpc-be.loc-pfv wall at,", "translation": "and they are inserted into the jaws that are on the outer wall,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad1161", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441022250805, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad1161" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋəna ayiđurwi alo ndə đəbera đətođo,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋəna ay-iđurw-i alo ndə đəbera đ-ə-tođ-o,", "gloss": "because room cly.inf-stand.rt-inf1 down when wind clð-dpc-rise.rt-pfv", "translation": "in order to ensure that the roof stands firm against the storms,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad1802", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441022336654, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad1802" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋorldwa iŋi ŋəɽo ŋəɽwa naŋakëɽəđi ŋəɽwa egorb eđro", "morphemes": "na ŋorldwa iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ɽ-o ŋəɽwa n-aŋ-ak-ëɽ-əđ-i ŋəɽwa eg-orb e-đro", "gloss": "and poles sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv heads comp2-clŋ.inf-iter-put.rt-ap-cons.pfv heads loc-brother loc-roof", "translation": "and the heads of the bamboos tied together in the higher part of the roof", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad4246", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441022506155, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad4246" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na waya naŋələgakasëini nenda,", "morphemes": "na waya n-aŋə-lə-g-akas-ëin-i n-enda,", "gloss": "and wheel comp2-clŋ-3pl.om-iter-tie.up.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv on-head,", "translation": "and a frame like a wheel ties the top of the poles together,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad8f07", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441022891990, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bad8f07" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ebria naləpwađëini ŋorldwa nano", "morphemes": "na ebria n-alə-pwađ-ëin-i ŋorldwa nano", "gloss": "and thin.bamboo comp2-cll.inf-wrap.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv poles at", "translation": "and thin slices of bamboo are wrapped round the the frame of the room", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69badcff7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023241933, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69badcff7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gađaiđo aŋəna eɽo egariano na ndëwurano.", "morphemes": "g-a-đaiđ-o aŋəna eɽo egariano na ndëwurano.", "gloss": "clg-rtc-surround.rt-pfv room round inside and outside.", "translation": "surrounding the frame of the house from inside and outside.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae25e7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023401763, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae25e7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋəna isi yerṯo numəđəniano", "morphemes": "Na aŋəna is-i y-erṯ-o numəđəni-ano", "gloss": "and room scly-this cly-have.rt-pfv store-in", "translation": "And the store room", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae3bc1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023481767, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae3bc1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yerṯo ŋwađia ŋəđəwiṯu alo ekwaŋano,", "morphemes": "yerṯo ŋwađia ŋ-ə-đəw-i-ṯ-u alo ekw-aŋano,", "gloss": "has poles clŋ-dpc-stand.rt-caus-appl-pfv place loc-room,", "translation": "has standing poles that support the roof from the inside,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae52f7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023675156, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bae52f7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lwađia lənəŋ landraṯo uməđuni lerṯo ñarṯoŋga", "morphemes": "lwađia lənəŋ l-a-ndr-aṯ-o uməđuni l-erṯ-o ñarṯoŋga", "gloss": "pole cll-one cll-rtc-lay.rt-loc.appl-pfv storage cll-have.rt-pfv branch", "translation": "One pole which has a branch in the middle stands beside the storage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baea800", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023840582, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baea800" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alaməđaṯe wuji ndə gaboṯwa numəđən", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-aməđaṯ-e wuji ndə g-aboṯw-a n-uməđən", "gloss": "because cll.inf-help.rt-cons.pfv woman if clg-climb.rt-ipfv on-storage", "translation": "to help the woman to climb onto the storage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baec61a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441023984620, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baec61a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋəma laŋge ləmən iguməđun walla iđəməɽənia,", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋə-m-a laŋge l-əmən ig-uməđun walla i-đəməɽənia,", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-bring.rt-inf2 things cll-some loc-storage or in-sesame.storage", "translation": "so as to get something from the sorghum storage or sesame storage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baf2504", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441024157664, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baf2504" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com ñere ñərra ñafo ñandra numəđun pənde ram", "morphemes": "na com ñere ñ-ərra ñ-a-fo ñ-a-ndr-a n-uməđun pənde ram", "gloss": "and also children clɲ-female clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-sleep.rt-ipfv on-storage past early", "translation": "also children used to sleep over the store long ago", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N Adj V V P-N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baf6299", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441024440115, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baf6299" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñafo ñarrəboṯwa ñarṯoŋgaña.", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-fo ñ-arr-əboṯw-a ñarṯoŋga-ña.", "gloss": "and clɲ-past.aux clɲ-iter-climb.rt-ipfv branches-clɲ.with", "translation": "and they used to climb with those cut branches", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bafa82a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441024679984, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bafa82a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eŋəna yafo ywaḏənia urubaga gəɽo", "morphemes": "Eŋəna y-a-fo y-waḏ-ən-ia urubaga g-ə-ɽ-o", "gloss": "rooms cly-rtc-past.aux cly-build.rt-pass-ipfv grasses clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv", "translation": "The house were built with different types of grasses like", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bafdb26", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441024790458, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bafdb26" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đəpwa, laba, ŋgupara, walla opəlia.", "morphemes": "đəpwa, laba, ŋgupara, walla opəlia.", "gloss": "grass.type1, grass.type2, grass.type3, or grass.type4.", "translation": "thepwa, laba, ngubbar, or woplia.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baff636", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441024997382, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69baff636" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đəfia đafo đëbəđənia oṯega igi gəɽo ərldwi", "morphemes": "Na đəfia đ-afo đ-ë-bəđ-ən-ia oṯe-ga ig-i g-ə-ɽ-o ərldwi", "gloss": "And fence clð-past.aux clð-rtc-build.rt-pass-ipfv wood-clg.with sclg-this clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv trunks", "translation": "And the upper wall of the house is made of fire wood that cut in shape of short sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb00fff", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441025281229, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb00fff" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igi ŋowa ŋəfo ŋëɽənṯǝlo ilika ŋəmëinu egeɽa majən,", "morphemes": "ig-i ŋowa ŋ-ə-fo ŋ-ë-ɽənṯǝl-o i-lika ŋ-ə-m-ëin-u eg-eɽa majən,", "gloss": "sclg-this young.women clŋ-dpc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-chop.for.rt-pfv in-time clg-dpc-take.rt-appl.pass-pfv in-house new,", "translation": "which was chopped for a girl when she was about to be taken to her house", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb03015", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441025612873, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb03015" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na oṯia naləṯuɽëini ŋopia naldaldanḏaṯe alo isi yipiano yefo eŋəna ilikano.", "morphemes": "na oṯia n-alə-ṯuɽ-ëin-i ŋopia n-al-da-ldanḏ-aṯ-e alo is-i y-i-piano y-e-f-o eŋəna ilikano.", "gloss": "and wood comp2-cll.inf-arrange.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv well comp2-cll.inf-iter-cover.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place scly-this cly-dpc-empty cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv rooms in.between", "translation": "the firewood arranged well so as cover all the spaces between the rooms", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V N Adj Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb05b8f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441025814612, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb05b8f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa oṯia gafo gasia yoɽa", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa oṯia g-a-fo ga-sia y-oɽ-a", "gloss": "because wood clg-rtc-past.aux clg.poss-fire cly-burn.rt-ipfv", "translation": "For this wood was used for fire", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb082bc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441026052540, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb082bc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ilika ildi ləŋen ŋəbəɽaŋano ŋəđaɽa oṯe abeya!", "morphemes": "i-lika ild-i lə-ŋen ŋ-ə-bəɽaŋano ŋ-ə-đaɽ-a oṯe abeya!", "gloss": "loc-time scll-this cll.poss-talk clŋ-dpc-hard clŋ-dpc-get.rt-ipfv wood autumn", "translation": "in the hard times of getting wood in the autumn season!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj Adj Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb09de4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441026163097, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb09de4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na oṯe gafo gerṯo ŋəmëɽria com egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Na oṯe g-a-fo g-erṯ-o ŋəmëɽria com eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "and wood clg-rtc-past.aux clg-have.rt-pfv work also loc-house", "translation": "and also the wood is used for other work in the house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb0ae4f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441026383421, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb0ae4f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋəmbwëlua ŋafo ŋawakëɽənia ndə ŋwasənu", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋəmbwëlua ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-w-ak-ëɽ-ən-ia ndə ŋ-was-ən-u", "gloss": "because bowls clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-loc-iter-put.rt-pass-ipfv when clŋ-wash.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "for the plates and bowls would be put on them when they were washed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb0bda1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441026562186, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69bb0bda1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋuđi ŋawa nano.", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋ-uđ-i ŋawa nano.", "gloss": "comp1 clŋ.inf-dry.rt-cons.pfv water at.", "translation": "so as to get dry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13b9a2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441270615280, "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13b9a2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com alo nəyefeṯe isi ŋuɽu ŋəwiđëinia,", "morphemes": "Na com alo n-əye-f-eṯ-e is-i ŋuɽu ŋ-ə-w-iđ-ëin-ia,", "gloss": "and also place comp2-cly.cons-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv scly-this wine clŋ-dpc-loc-make.rt-appl.pass-ipfv", "translation": "And also there is a place where wine is made,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13d182", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441270850887, "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13d182" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəmbwëlua ŋəŋuɽu ŋəfo ŋoɽaŋa ŋarno yaɽera,", "morphemes": "na ŋəmbwëlua ŋə-ŋuɽu ŋ-ə-fo ŋ-o-ɽaŋ-a ŋ-arno yaɽera,", "gloss": "and bowls clŋ.poss-wine clŋ-dpc-past.aux clŋ-loc-put.rt-ipfv clŋ-like big.pots,", "translation": "and wine bowls where it has been put like big pots", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13ee38", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441270969755, "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe13ee38" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəmwa, natwa na nəɽendria!", "morphemes": "ŋəmwa, natwa na nəɽendria!", "gloss": "water.pots, wine.gourds, and pans!", "translation": "water pots, wine gourds, and big pans!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe1416b1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441273394927, "634c041e7ef3b9438dfd8729fe1416b1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aŋəna isi ywuji gǝɽo lǝŋgen,", "morphemes": "Aŋəna is-i y-wuji g-ǝ-ɽ-o lǝŋg-en,", "gloss": "room scly-this cly.poss-woman clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv mother-3sg.poss,", "translation": "The women's room,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9191ca8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441444983417, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9191ca8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "acəba igi gabəla gafo gawiđëinia com,", "morphemes": "acəba ig-i g-abəla g-a-f-o g-a-w-iđ-ëin-ia com,", "gloss": "food sclg-this clg-sour clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-rtc-loc-make.rt-appl.pass-ipfv also,", "translation": "the sour porridge is made there also", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9194687", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441445397333, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9194687" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ađuna yisia yafau na ɽia lacəba na eṯal gəŋədu,", "morphemes": "na ađuna yi-sia y-a-f-a-u na ɽia l-acəba na eṯal gə-ŋədu,", "gloss": "and foundation cly.poss-fire cly-rtc-be.loc-ipfv-loc and pot cll.poss-food and pot clg.poss-dough,", "translation": "there is found the oven and the porridge pot, the dough pot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91955b2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441445571439, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91955b2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eləŋgrema yeɽəjan na yar yeɽəjan yacəba eđro!", "morphemes": "na eləŋgrema y-eɽəjan na yar y-eɽəjan y-acəba e-đro!", "gloss": "and beds cly-two and ropes cly-two cly.poss-food loc-roof!", "translation": "and it contains two beds and two ropes for holding food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Conj N Adj Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9196f53", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441445886804, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9196f53" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋgoldo iŋi ŋəwakëɽənia laŋge pređ larno nërrua na ndrenia naŋofeṯe.", "morphemes": "Na ŋgoldo iŋ-i ŋ-ə-w-ak-ëɽ-ən-ia laŋge pređ l-arno nërrua na ndrenia n-aŋ-o-f-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "and shelves sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-loc-iter-put.rt-pass-ipfv things all cll-like bags and clothes comp2-3sg.inf-loc-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "And shelves in which all things are put like bags and clothes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Adv Adj N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91993e6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441446073016, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91993e6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ləmaṯara lakarnəđo ŋəɽwano ŋwaña", "morphemes": "Na ləmaṯara l-ak-arnəđ-o ŋəɽwa-no ŋwaña", "gloss": "and pole cll-iter-divide.rt-pfv heads-in clŋ-many", "translation": "And a pole divided into many branches", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919a57b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441446240341, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919a57b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liđi nalurëini ləndraṯo lambala,", "morphemes": "liđi n-al-urë-i-n-i l-ə-ndr-aṯ-o lambala,", "gloss": "cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-dig.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv cll-dpc-sleep.rt-loc.appl kitchen", "translation": "is dug into the ground and stands close to the kitchen,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919c002", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441446344488, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919c002" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa ṯaləwakëri laŋge ləmən larno,", "morphemes": "leđa ṯ-alə-w-ak-ër-i l-aŋge l-əmən l-arno,", "gloss": "people comp1b-cll.inf-loc-iter-hang.rt-cons.pfv things cll-some cll-like", "translation": "people used to hang their materials such as,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919d142", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441446989317, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919d142" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋwana ŋəlëmu na ŋwala ɽetəɽeto iŋi ŋəɽo ŋəlwa,", "morphemes": "ŋwana ŋə-lëmu na ŋwala ɽetəɽeto iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ɽ-o ŋəlwa,", "gloss": "sorghum clŋ.dpc-Arab and light.sorghum different sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv seeds", "translation": "maize and different seeds which are kept for sowing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919efd7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447151261, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a919efd7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋoman ŋəmən ŋwana na ŋwala iŋi ŋəɽo ŋəlwa ŋaɽaŋa elambal,", "morphemes": "na ŋoman ŋ-əmən ŋwana na ŋwala iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ɽ-o ŋəlwa ŋ-a-ɽaŋ-a elambal,", "gloss": "and time clŋ-some sorghum and light.sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv seeds clŋ-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv loc-kitchen,", "translation": "but sometimes the sorghum which is used as seed is kept on the roof of the kitchen", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a05c2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447323693, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a05c2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ɽuri alerṯe lələsa walla lələkera.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ɽuri al-erṯe l-ə-lə-s-a walla l-ə-lə-ker-a.", "gloss": "because rats cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-3pl.om-eat.rt-ipfv or cll-dpc-3pl.om-destroy.rt-ipfv", "translation": "so that rats will not eat or destroy them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a1b18", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447401625, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a1b18" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eɽalo na ŋəmëɽria ŋəlëɽəŋu:", "morphemes": "Eɽalo na ŋəmëɽria ŋəlëɽəŋu:", "gloss": "yard and work 3sg.poss", "translation": "The yard and its function:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a4442", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447587423, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a4442" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eɽalo gafo goliano gəɽo lwaṯa lǝbǝrano eɽa ilikano,", "morphemes": "Eɽalo g-a-f-o g-oliano g-ə-ɽ-o lwaṯa l-ǝbǝrano eɽa i-likano,", "gloss": "yard clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-deep clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv circle cll-wide house loc-middle", "translation": "the yard is a low place in a circle shape in the middle of the house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a5ae2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447672687, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a5ae2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eŋəna nayëđiṯi eɽo,", "morphemes": "na eŋəna n-ay-ëđiṯ-i eɽo,", "gloss": "and rooms comp2-cly.inf-surround.rt-cons.pfv around", "translation": "it surrounded by the rooms,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a71b2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447849398, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a71b2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləṯura lafo lasaṯa eɽalo ilikano na laoɽaŋa,", "morphemes": "na ləṯura l-a-f-o l-a-s-aṯ-a eɽalo ilikano na l-a-o-ɽaŋ-a,", "gloss": "and pigs cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-eat.rt-loc.appl-ipfv yard in.middle and cll-rtc-loc-stay.rt-ipfv", "translation": "pigs used to eat in the middle of the yard and stay in it.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N P Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a8d09", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441447998680, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91a8d09" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na narra ini nələṯura nafo narəkađëcu iñua eɽalo,", "morphemes": "na narra in-i nə-ləṯura n-a-fo n-ar-əkađ-ëc-u iñua eɽalo,", "gloss": "and pens scln-this cln.poss-pigs cln-rtc-past.aux cln-iter-open.rt-loc.appl-pfv mouth yard", "translation": "the pig pens opened to the yard.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91aa35f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441448213693, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91aa35f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lowo lələṯrua lafo egeɽalo ləṯura losaṯa na luṯiṯa ŋawa.", "morphemes": "na lowo lə-ləṯrua l-a-fo eg-eɽalo ləṯura l-o-s-aṯ-a na l-u-ṯi-ṯ-a ŋawa.", "gloss": "and basin cll.poss-pigs cll-rtc-past.aux loc-yard pigs cll-loc-eat.rt-loc.appl-ipfv and cll-loc-drink.rt-ipfv water.", "translation": "the pigs’ basin was in the middle where they would eat and drink", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91aaa43", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441448387715, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91aaa43" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯura lafo lasinia ŋwana, nabəđwa,", "morphemes": "Ləṯura l-a-fo l-a-s-i-n-ia ŋwana, nabəđwa,", "gloss": "pigs cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-eat.rt-caus-pass-ipfv sorghum, leftover.porridge,", "translation": "the pigs were fed sorghum, and leftover porridge", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ac35d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441448528822, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ac35d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "keđa na laŋge pređ ildi leđa ləlosa,", "morphemes": "keđa na laŋge pređ ild-i leđa l-ə-l-o-s-a,", "gloss": "leftover.wine and things all scll-this people cll-dpc-3pl.om-loc-eat.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "the leftover wine and everything left over from people's meals", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ae2e5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441448660647, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ae2e5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋaña ŋəmən ŋəbërnia yauyawaŋ, na ŋoraŋorenia.", "morphemes": "na ŋaña ŋ-əmən ŋ-ə-bërn-ia yauyawaŋ, na ŋoraŋorenia.", "gloss": "and grass clŋ-some clŋ-dpc-call.rt-ipfv grass.type5 and grass.type6", "translation": "and certain grasses called yowyawa and ngragorenia", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91afc51", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441448910596, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91afc51" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndə ləṯura lëbərëinu alo lafo liđi ṯaləso laŋge đoɽəđoɽa pređ,", "morphemes": "Orn ndə ləṯura l-ëbər-ëin-u alo l-a-fo l-iđi ṯ-alə-s-o laŋge đoɽəđoɽa pređ.", "gloss": "but when pigs cll-release.rt-appl.pass-pfv out cll-rtc-past.aux cll-fut.aux cll-be.fut comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-pfv things dirty all.", "translation": "but if pigs were set free they would eat dirty things", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V P V V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b18c0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449027092, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b18c0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ŋen ŋaŋəra ṯa ləṯura aləɽrǝmuđwëini egal yeŋəra!", "morphemes": "nəṯia ŋen ŋ-aŋəra ṯa ləṯura alə-ɽrǝmuđw-ëin-i eg-al yeŋəra!", "gloss": "so talk clŋ-good comp1 pigs cll.inf-keep.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv in-place cly-good!", "translation": "so it is better for them to be kept in a good place!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b29af", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449080699, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b29af" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəɽəđənia:", "morphemes": "Đə-ɽəđən-ia:", "gloss": "clð.nom-sacrifice.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Sacrifices", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b411a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449339814, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b411a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lafo lëbəđiṯa đəɽəđənia eɽalo iđi đəta đəleđa legeɽa caŋ caŋ.", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-fo l-ë-b-əđ-i-ṯ-a đə-ɽəđən-ia eɽalo iđ-i đ-ə-ta đə-leđa l-egeɽa caŋcaŋ.", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-caus-appl-ipfv clð.nom-sacrifice.rt-ipfv yard sclð-this clð-dpc-small clð.nom-people cll-house alone,", "translation": "People used to make their ritual sacrifices for their households alone in their yards", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b7529", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449486263, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b7529" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə apa gonaṯa gəɽəđa ñere ñəlëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə apa g-onaṯ-a g-ə-ɽəđ-a ñere ñəlëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "so when father clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-sacrifice.rt-ipfv children clɲ.3sg.poss", "translation": "So if the father wants to make sacrifices for his children", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b8d5d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449634004, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91b8d5d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi naŋurndəđia ñere pređ ñələđia əllëɽəŋu ləɽrrwa na ləɽəlda,", "morphemes": "g-iđi n-aŋ-ur-ndəđ-ia ñere pređ ñə-ləđia əllëɽəŋu lə-ɽrrwa na lə-ɽəlda,", "gloss": "clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-iter-call.rt-ipfv children all cll.3sg.poss cll.poss-boys and cll.poss-girls,", "translation": "he call all his his children, his sons and daughters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bad29", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449787407, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bad29" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñǝlorba ǝllëɽǝŋu lǝɽǝlda walla lǝɽrrwa,", "morphemes": "na ñǝ-lorba ǝllëɽǝŋu lǝ-ɽǝlda walla lǝ-ɽrrwa,", "gloss": "and clɲ.poss-brothers cll.3sg.poss cll.poss-female or cll.poss-male,", "translation": "and of his brothers, sisters sons and daughters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bbec4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441449912778, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bbec4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia ñere nañela nañirəwuṯi eɽalo,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia ñere n-añ-ela n-añ-irəwu-ṯ-i eɽalo,", "gloss": "so children comp2-clɲ.inf-come.rt comp2-comp2.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv yard", "translation": "so they all come and go down into the low yard", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91be9c8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441450055804, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91be9c8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na apa naŋëndi uṯra walla ŋurënia naŋandəjëiđi ëñua", "morphemes": "na apa n-aŋ-ënd-i uṯra walla ŋurënia n-aŋ-ënd-əj-ëiđ-i ëñua", "gloss": "and father comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv pig or piglet comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-loc.appl-appl.ap-cons.pfv mouth", "translation": "then the father catches a pig or a piglet and holds it up by its mouth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bfc2f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441450541812, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91bfc2f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəyebapəre ñere niwiñ pređ naŋəlabuŋəṯi naŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-ye-ba-pər-e ñere n-iwiñ pređ na-ŋə-l-abuŋṯ-i n-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-with-iter-touch.rt-cons.pfv children on-bosoms all comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-bless.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.in-say.rt,", "translation": "and touches the bosom of the children with it and blesses them and says,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c0f2f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441450910397, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c0f2f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Maje ŋəɽañ aŋəñëburṯi ləbaya nano aŋiɽəṯi isəliaŋ nwaldaŋ!", "morphemes": "“Maje ŋəɽañ aŋə-ñ-ëbur-ṯ-i ləbaya nano aŋ-iɽ-əṯ-i i-səlia-ŋ nwaldaŋ!", "gloss": "\"Man sickness 3sg.inf-1sg.om-fly.rt-appl-cons.pfv merciful at 3sg.inf-fall.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-foreigners-acc far!", "translation": "\"Let all sickness pass over my children and be fall upon foreigners far away", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c2960", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441451204434, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c2960" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ləbai alela aləñəɽëŋəṯi ṯia ləmolo moldwe!”", "morphemes": "Na ləbai al-ela alə-ñə-ɽëŋ-əṯ-i ṯia lə-molo moldwe!”", "gloss": "And merciful.ones cll.inf-come.rt cll.inf-1sg.om-stay.rt-appl-cons.pfv in.this.way cll-cold coldness!", "translation": "and let the merciful ones remain cold and in peace!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c3855", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441451262898, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c3855" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia apa naŋəɽəđe đwala na ŋəfəni naŋerṯe ŋirəwuṯa alo iđuđa,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia apa n-aŋə-ɽəđ-e đwala na ŋəfəni n-aŋ-erṯe ŋ-irəw-uṯ-a alo i-đuđa,", "gloss": "so father comp2-3sg.inf-kill.rt-cons.pfv animal and blood comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clŋ-descend.rt-loc.appl-ipfv down loc-ground", "translation": "So the father sacrifices the animal and the blood does not go down into the the ground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ca095", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441451273571, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91ca095" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəfəni ŋəmaṯan naŋərkuđëiđi uđufiga", "morphemes": "na ŋəfəni ŋ-əmaṯan n-aŋə-rkuđ-ëiđ-i uđufi-ga", "gloss": "and blood clŋ-some comp2-3sg.inf-mix.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv waste-clg.with", "translation": "and took some blood and mixed with the waste of the animal", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c2de4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441451686359, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91c2de4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəyefəndaye alo egeɽa naŋwase,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-yefənday-e alo eg-eɽa n-aŋ-was-e,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-throw.rt-cons.pfv place in-house comp2-3sg.in-clean.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "and he threw it upon the inside walls of the house for ritual cleansing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91cfc83", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441451937790, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91cfc83" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəfəni ŋəmaṯan naŋəmëni naŋəsəni na ñere iñi ñərra", "morphemes": "na ŋəfəni ŋ-əmaṯan n-aŋə-mën-i n-aŋə-s-ən-i na ñere iñ-i ñ-ərra", "gloss": "and blood clŋ-some comp2-3sg.inf-cook-caus and comp2-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pass-cons.pfv and children sclɲ-this clɲ-young", "translation": "and the rest of the blood is cooked and eaten, and the young children", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91d1140", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441452112807, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91d1140" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nañagakasəni naṯəndria ermanəŋ walla ndərəŋ!", "morphemes": "n-añ-ag-akas-ən-i naṯəndria e-rmanəŋ walla ndə-rəŋ!", "gloss": "comp2-clɲ.inf-iter-tie.rt-pass-ipfv pig.feet loc-feet or on-hands!", "translation": "tie the hooves of the pigs around their feet and on their wrists", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91d5158", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441452662894, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a91d5158" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋətu:", "morphemes": "Ŋətu:", "gloss": "shelters", "translation": "Shelters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a949df8d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441792697952, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a949df8d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Neɽa pređ nafo nekerṯo ŋətu ndëwur,", "morphemes": "Neɽa pređ n-a-f-o n-ek-erṯ-o ŋətu ndëwur,", "gloss": "houses all cln-rtc-past.aux cln-iter-have.rt-pfv shelters outside,", "translation": "All houses have shelters outside,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a048e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793007591, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a048e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa ləloɽaŋa ëđəñin iŋiga ŋəđəməñəniano ibwi ndə aŋal gubwa.", "morphemes": "leđa l-ə-l-o-ɽaŋ-a ëđəñin i-ŋiga ŋə-đə-məñəniano ibwi ndə aŋal g-ubwa.", "gloss": "people cll-dpc-3pl.om-loc-sit.rt-ipfv daytime loc-times clŋ.poss-clð.nom-rest summer when heat clg-hot", "translation": "people sit in them during the workless time in summer when it is hot.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a22fd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793161919, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a22fd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lətu lafo lurëinia nəŋəmaṯar marldwan", "morphemes": "Na lətu l-a-fo l-ur-ëin-ia nə-ŋəmaṯar marldwan", "gloss": "and shelter cll-rtc-past.aux cll-dig.rt-appl.pass-ipfv on-poles four", "translation": "And the shelter is supported by four poles", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a3f6f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793282406, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a3f6f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla đenəlonto ndə lətu loɽra,", "morphemes": "walla đenəŋ-nǝ-lonto ndə lətu l-oɽra,", "gloss": "or five-and-one when shelter cll-big", "translation": "or six poles if it is a big one.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj Comp N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a5be5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793506083, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a5be5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəmaṯar ŋafo ŋurëinu alo walla ŋađađurwinia alo", "morphemes": "ŋəmaṯar ŋ-a-fo ŋ-ur-ëin-u alo walla ŋ-a-đa-đurw-i-n-ia alo", "gloss": "poles clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-dig.rt-appl.pass-ipfv down or clŋ-rtc-iter-stand.rt-caus-pass-ipfv down", "translation": "the poles that hold the shelter are dug down or are stood on the ground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a75ed", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793589016, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a75ed" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋakëɽənṯi ŋwandra,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ak-ëɽ-ən-ṯ-i ŋwandra,", "gloss": "and-clŋ-iter-put.rt-pass-loc.appl-cons.pfv stones", "translation": "and supported by stones", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a92ba", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441793830296, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94a92ba" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ərldwi marldwan narəđađaṯe alo narakëndi ŋəmaṯara endrel,", "morphemes": "na ərldwi marldwan n-arə-đađ-aṯ-e alo n-ar-ak-ënd-i ŋəmaṯara e-ndrel,", "gloss": "and trunks four comp2-clr.inf-cross.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place comp2-clr.inf-iter-catch.rt-cons.pfv poles loc-edges,", "translation": "and four long sticks are put on the tops of the poles to make the frame of the shelter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94aaeba", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441794051846, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94aaeba" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ərldwi rwaña narəđađaṯe lətu ilikano,", "morphemes": "na ərldwi r-waña n-arə-đađ-aṯ-e lətu ilikano,", "gloss": "and trunks clr-many comp2-clr.inf-cross.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv shelter middle", "translation": "and the middle there were many smaller sticks across the upper side", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94abc9a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441794203654, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94abc9a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋobe naŋənandrini lətu eđəpe ŋwaña ŋəṯəñia", "morphemes": "orn ŋobe n-aŋə-na-ndr-i-n-i lətu eđəpe ŋwaña ŋ-əṯəñia", "gloss": "but straw comp2-clŋ.inf-iter-lay.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv shelter above clŋ-many clŋ-thick", "translation": "then straw is laid on the top to cover it", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ad4e0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441794285050, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ad4e0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋgakasëini ldətu,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-ga-kas-ëin-i nǝ-lətu,", "gloss": "and comp2-clŋ.inf-iter-tie.rt-pass.appl-caus on-shelter", "translation": "and it is tied onto the shelter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94afc3c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441794543794, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94afc3c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋobe nəŋəŋgiṯi lətu naləmolweṯano na naŋiđi wili gəŋəra.", "morphemes": "na ŋobe n-əŋə-ŋgiṯ-i lətu n-alə-molw-eṯ-ano na n-aŋ-iđ-i wili gəŋəra.", "gloss": "and straws comp2-clŋ.cons-let.rt-cons.pfv shelter comp2-cll.inf-cold.rt-cmp-in and comp2-clŋ.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv shade clg-good", "translation": "and the straws make the shelter cool and have good shade", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b229e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441794803894, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b229e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lafo labakëɽia ŋwala iŋi ŋəlëɽənia eŋəborṯo nəŋətu", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-fo l-a-b-ak-ëɽ-ia ŋwala iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia e-ŋəborṯo nə-ŋətu", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-iter-put.rt-ipfv light.sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-field on-shelters", "translation": "people used to put the light sorghum on the shelters that is grown in the fields near the houses", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b2f49", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795027422, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b2f49" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋəɽəñađaṯe đonḏəṯa eđen na na ṯaŋuɽənu ŋəteta", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋə-ɽəñađaṯ-e đ-onḏ-əṯ-a eđen na ṯ-aŋ-uɽ-ən-u ŋ-ət-et-a", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-finish.rt-cons.pfv clð.nom-strong.rt-cmp-ipfv sclð.3pl.poss and comp1b-clŋ.inf-thresh.rt-pass-pfv clŋ-small.rt-cmp-ipfv", "translation": "so as to get dry to be threshed little by little", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b461c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795223148, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b461c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwana iŋi ŋəlëɽənia ini ŋwaña aŋələjope.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwana iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni ŋwaña aŋə-lə-jop-e.", "gloss": "because sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-fields clŋ-many clŋ-3pl.om-reach?.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "so as the sorghum that is produced in the fields finds them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b650b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795390462, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b650b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋəlëɽənia ini ŋaɽaŋa ldətu.", "morphemes": "Na com ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni ŋ-a-ɽaŋ-a nǝ-lətu.", "gloss": "and also beans sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-fields clŋ-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv on-shelter,", "translation": "And also the beans which are grown in the fields were put on the shelters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b8d75", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795504893, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94b8d75" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lə Ləmwarəŋ lafo laber ləndra ëđəñin,", "morphemes": "Leđa lə-Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-aber l-ə-ndr-a ëđəñin,", "gloss": "people cll.poss-moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-not.aux cll-dpc-sleep.rt-ipfv day,", "translation": "Moro people were not used to sleeping during the daytime,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94baa86", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795637641, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94baa86" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lafo laɽaŋa inwil iŋətu", "morphemes": "orn l-a-fo l-a-ɽaŋ-a i-nwil i-ŋətu", "gloss": "but cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-sit.rt-ipfv loc-shade loc-shelters", "translation": "but they sat in the shade of the shelters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bb4cc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441795741433, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bb4cc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaliđu ŋəmëɽria ŋəmən rəŋra ŋarno,", "morphemes": "ṯ-al-iđ-u ŋəmëɽria ŋ-əmən rəŋ-ra ŋ-arno,", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.ipfv work clŋ-some hand-clr.with clŋ-like,", "translation": "doing some hand made works such as,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bce80", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441796668961, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bce80" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đəmeđa đunḏëcia na yar ɽetəɽeto", "morphemes": "đə-međ-a đunḏëcia na yar ɽetəɽeto", "gloss": "clð.nom-make.rope.rt-ipfv bed.ropes and ropes different", "translation": "making ropes for beds and different kinds of ropes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94be711", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441797058925, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94be711" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đəcəđa laŋge na đəwaṯa ñumra, nwe, na ŋorna", "morphemes": "na đə-cəđ-a laŋge na đə-waṯ-a ñuməra, nwe, na ŋorna", "gloss": "and clð.nom-make.rt-ipfv things and clð.nom-sew.rt-ipfv baskets, sorghum.baskets, and bean.baskets", "translation": "and making different kinds of things and weaving baskets, sorghum baskets, and bean baskets,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bfbae", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441797561330, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94bfbae" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đəbuɽwa nṯwelia na điđia laŋge lwaña", "morphemes": "na đə-buɽw-a nṯwelia na đ-iđ-ia laŋge l-waña", "gloss": "and clð.nom-weave.rt-ipfv carpets and clð.nom-make.rt-ipfv things cll-many", "translation": "and weaving carpets and making different kinds of things", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c0884", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441797830717, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c0884" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi ləbəđənia rəŋra na ṯaləbəɽwëiđu ŋəɽwa!", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ə-b-əđ-ən-ia rəŋ-ra na ṯ-alə-bəɽw-ëiđ-u ŋəɽwa!", "gloss": "scll-this cll-dpc-prog-make.rt-pass-ipfv hands-clr.with and comp1b-cll.inf-beat.rt-appl.ap-cons.ipfv heads!", "translation": "which were made by hands and they would comb each other’s hair!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c230c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798009857, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c230c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia leđa lafo liđi naləɽaŋađaṯe iŋətu ṯia", "morphemes": "Nəṯia leđa l-a-fo l-iđi n-alə-ɽaŋ-ađaṯ-e i-ŋətu ṯia", "gloss": "so people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-will comp2-cll.inf-stay.rt-way-cons.pfv loc-shelter in.this.way", "translation": "So people used to stay like this in the shelter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c4cc6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798245547, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c4cc6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egaŋal igi gibwa na errekano naŋəɽe oro naləkəriano,", "morphemes": "eg-aŋal ig-i g-ibwa na errekano n-aŋə-ɽ-e oro n-alə-kərian-o,", "gloss": "loc-heat sclg-this clg-hot and evening comp2-3sg.inf-be.rt-cons.pfv then comp2-cll.inf-separate.rt-pfv.", "translation": "in the time when it very hot and at evenings they would separate", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c67a4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798358836, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c67a4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liji ləɽəlda nalerldeṯe nǝŋau walla egoṯe,", "morphemes": "liji l-əɽəlda n-al-erld-eṯ-e nǝ-ŋau walla eg-oṯe,", "gloss": "people cll-females comp2-cll.inf-walk.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-water or loc-wood", "translation": "the women go either to fetch water or to get wood", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c7eeb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798468889, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c7eeb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləṯenia nalerldeṯe iŋəmëɽria ŋomən", "morphemes": "na ləṯenia n-al-erld-eṯ-e i-ŋəmëɽria ŋ-omən", "gloss": "and fathers comp2-cll.inf-walk.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-work clŋ-other", "translation": "and the fathers would go to do other work", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c9da0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798614055, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94c9da0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋarno đəṯoɽaṯa eŋəna walla đabəđa erañjala yemən", "morphemes": "ŋ-arno đə-ṯoɽaṯ-a eŋəna walla đ-abəđ-a erañjala y-emən", "gloss": "clŋ-like clð-fix.rt-ipfv rooms or clð.nom-build.rt-ipfv stone.walls cly-some", "translation": "like mending the roofs or building stone walls", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94cb404", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798719223, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94cb404" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla đəṯoɽaṯa ŋəborṯwa", "morphemes": "walla đə-ṯoɽaṯ-a ŋəborṯwa", "gloss": "or clð.nom-fix.rt-ipfv steps", "translation": "or preparing the planting steps near homes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94cd034", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798834011, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94cd034" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla đaməđaṯa liji ləmən iŋəmëɽria ɽetəɽeto.", "morphemes": "walla đ-aməđaṯ-a liji l-əmən i-ŋəmëɽria ɽetəɽeto.", "gloss": "or clð.nom-help.rt-ipfv people cl-some loc-work different.", "translation": "or helping other people in different activities.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ce9ac", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441798987984, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ce9ac" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə liji lokoɽəbəđo nəŋau walla egoṯe,", "morphemes": "Ndə liji l-ok-oɽəbəđ-o nə-ŋau walla eg-oṯe,", "gloss": "when people cll-iter-return.rt-pfv on-water or loc-wood,", "translation": "When the women return from drawing water or fetching wood,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N Conj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d08bd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441799095320, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d08bd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naliđi đəsa iđi 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clg-enter.rt-pfv sclg-this clg.poss-evening", "translation": "when it is dark at night,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d5028", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441799546876, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d5028" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liji naləɽrarraiđe təŋ enaɽənwa, ñəŋgenia na ləṯenia,", "morphemes": "liji n-alə-ɽra-rraiđ-e təŋ e-naɽənwa, ñəŋgenia na ləṯenia,", "gloss": "people comp2-cll.inf-iter-gather.rt-cons.pfv again loc-sitting.places, mothers and fathers,", "translation": "people used to gather in sitting places, women and men,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv P-N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d9646", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441799602845, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94d9646" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñəŋgenia nañarrəbaṯa ŋəđəmana enaɽonwa", "morphemes": "na ñəŋgenia n-añ-arr-əb-aṯ-a ŋəđəmana e-naɽonwa", "gloss": "and mothers comp2-clɲ.inf-iter-bring.rt-loc.appl-ipfv beans loc-sitting.place", "translation": "the mothers bring cocked beans at the sitting places", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94dc17a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441799928438, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94dc17a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa naldosaṯe na ṯalakëɽu ŋurriñua na ŋëməñua", "morphemes": "leđa n-al-d-o-s-aṯ-e na ṯ-al-ak-ëɽ-u ŋurriñua na ŋëməñua", "gloss": "people comp2-cll.rt-cll-loc-eat.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv and comp2-cll.inf-iter-tell.rt-pfv riddles and puzzles", "translation": "the people eat them there and tell the stories and riddles and puzzles", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94de794", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441800277680, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94de794" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaloṯo ŋen iŋi ŋəfo irnuŋ egen", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-oṯ-o ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ə-f-o irnuŋ egen", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-pick.up.rt-cons.ipfv talk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.loc-pfv city sclg.3pl.poss", "translation": "and retell the stories about what is going a round their villages", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e080e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441800685082, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e080e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaləməlëđu ŋəɽwatano na ŋen iŋi ŋəbəla irnuŋ.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alə-məlëđ-u ŋəɽwata-no na ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ə-b-əla irnuŋ.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-exchange.rt-cons.ipfv talk-in and talk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-prog-come.rt city.", "translation": "and the exchange the rumors about what is happening in the city.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e3b89", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441804607814, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e3b89" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ywarra na ŋwana:", "morphemes": "Ywarra na ŋwana:", "gloss": "Fences and sorghum", "translation": "Store places and sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e557c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441804798020, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e557c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ywarra yeŋwana ŋini yafo yafafia nənda", "morphemes": "Ywarra ye-ŋwana ŋ-i-ni y-a-fo y-a-fa-f-ia nə-nda", "gloss": "fence cly.poss-sorghum clŋ.poss-loc-fields cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-iter-be.loc-ipfv on-rocks", "translation": "The storage for sorghum was on flat rocks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e6e5a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441804925236, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e6e5a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ini nənandraṯo neɽa ṯwañ enen.", "morphemes": "in-i n-ən-andr-aṯ-o neɽa ṯwañ enen.", "gloss": "scln-this comp2-cln.inf-lay.rt-loc.appl-pfv houses near scln.3pl.poss,", "translation": "which are near their houses", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e81cc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441805114312, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e81cc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋgace ṯa ndə eda goɽra leđa lwaña naləweɽəbəđe,", "morphemes": "Na aŋgace ṯa ndə eda g-oɽra leđa l-waña n-alə-w-eɽəbəđ-e,", "gloss": "and perhaps comp1 if rock clg-big people cll-many comp2-cll.inf-loc-share.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And sometimes if the rock was large many people would share it together,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e95bb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441805352576, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94e95bb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndə eda gəta aŋgace ṯa leđa ləɽəjan walla ləɽəjin bipi naləwoɽəbəđe!", "morphemes": "na ndə eda g-əta aŋgace ṯa leđa l-əɽəjan walla l-əɽəjin bipi n-alə-w-oɽəbəđ-e!", "gloss": "and if rock clg-small perhaps comp1 people cll-two or cll-three only comp2-cll.inf-loc-share.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and if it is small, only two or three can share it!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N Adj Adv Comp N Adj Conj Adj Adv Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ebb64", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441805492266, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ebb64" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eđa gənəŋ giđi naŋəṯəbe alo yilëɽəŋu neda", "morphemes": "Eđa g-ənəŋ g-iđi n-aŋə-ṯəb-e alo y-ilëɽəŋu n-eda", "gloss": "man clg-one clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-cut.rt-cons.pfv place cly-3sg.pro on-rock", "translation": "Each person chooses his place on the rock", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94eccee", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441805818088, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94eccee" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋolaldawoṯe ŋwana ŋəlëɽəŋu iŋi ŋəlëɽənu ini eđəñwa,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-o-la-ldawoṯ-e ŋwana ŋ-əlëɽəŋu iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-u in-i e-đəñwa,", "gloss": "and-3sg.inf-loc-iter-gather.rt-rt sorghum clŋ-3sg.poss sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-pfv loc-fields loc-wilderness", "translation": "and he carries to it the sheaves of his sorghum from the fields after harvest", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ee118", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441806070835, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ee118" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwana aŋəɽəñađaṯe đonḏəṯa eđen,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwana aŋə-ɽəñađaṯ-e đ-onḏ-əṯ-a eđen,", "gloss": "because sorghum clŋ.inf-finish.rt-cons.pfv clð.nom-strong.rt-cmp-ipfv sclð.3pl.poss", "translation": "in order to dry completely dry it", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94f547c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441806738924, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94f547c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro aŋiđi aŋuɽəni ilika ildi ləđoɽa.", "morphemes": "oro aŋiđi aŋ-uɽ-ən-i i-lika ild-i lə-đ-oɽ-a.", "gloss": "then clŋ.inf-fut.aux clŋ.inf-thresh.rt-pass-cons.pfv in-time scll-this cll.poss-clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv", "translation": "then be trodden in the time of threshing sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94f6318", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 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ŋađaiđo alo eɽo", "morphemes": "na ləṯenia ṯ-al-abəđ-o ŋwana ŋ-ayo ŋopia ŋ-a-đaiđ-o alo eɽo", "gloss": "and fathers comp1b-cll.inf-build.rt-cons.ipfv sorghum clŋ-beautiful well clŋ-rtc-surround.rt-pfv place round", "translation": "and fathers put the sorghum in order in different decorated shapes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94f913b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441807405389, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94f913b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno ŋen iŋi eđa gənəŋ gonaṯa.", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno ŋen iŋ-i eđa g-ənəŋ g-onaṯ-a.", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like talk sclŋ-this man clg-one clg-want.rt-ipfv", "translation": "according to what the person likes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fa8e5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441807876497, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fa8e5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ŋəṯərmia ŋəŋwana naŋətođe eđwarra đonto ŋwala,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ŋəṯərmia ŋə-ŋwana n-aŋə-tođ-e e-đwarra đ-onto ŋ-wala,", "gloss": "so heaps clŋ.poss-sorghum comp2-clŋ.inf-raise.rt-cons.pfv loc-fence clð-one clŋ-tall,", "translation": "So different shapes of heaps of sorghum are stacked up tall,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fbeb7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441808246985, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fbeb7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋero ŋəɽəwaṯia ŋenŋanṯa ŋəma ŋafafađaṯo ɽetəɽeto ŋəleđa.", "morphemes": "orn ŋ-ero ŋ-ə-ɽəwaṯ-ia ŋenŋanṯa ŋəma ŋ-a-fa-f-ađaṯ-o ɽetəɽeto ŋə-leđa.", "gloss": "but clŋ-not.aux clŋ-dpc-equal.rt-ipfv because power clŋ-rtc-iter-be.loc-way-pfv different clŋ.poss-people,", "translation": "which differ in their quantities due to the different ability of each farmer.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fddfb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441808351499, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94fddfb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ubwa geṯo igi gəđoɽa,", "morphemes": "Ndə ubwa g-eṯo ig-i gə-đ-oɽ-a,", "gloss": "if month clg-come.rt-pfv sclg-this clg.poss-clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv", "translation": "When the threshing month come", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ff538", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441808531098, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a94ff538" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa naluɽəbəđi ŋwana esəwarra təŋ", "morphemes": "leđa n-al-uɽəbəđ-i ŋwana e-səwarra təŋ", "gloss": "people comp2-cll.inf-return.rt-caus sorghum loc-fences again", "translation": "people carry again sorghum from store places.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9501c28", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441808908672, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9501c28" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naldəṯaṯulwëṯi inubwaɽa ŋenŋanṯa aŋuɽəni.", "morphemes": "n-al-də-ṯa-ṯulw-ëṯ-i i-n-ubwaɽa ŋenŋanṯa aŋ-uɽ-ən-i.", "gloss": "comp2-3pl.inf-3pl.om-iter-pure?.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-on-threshing.place because 3sg.inf-thresh.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "and pure them into the threshing place to be threshed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9502ff4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809087917, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9502ff4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə lika leṯo ləđoɽa leđa gənəŋ,", "morphemes": "Na ndə lika l-eṯ-o lə-đ-oɽ-a l-eđa g-ənəŋ,", "gloss": "and if time cll-come.rt-pfv cll.poss- clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv cll-man clg-indef,", "translation": "And when a threshing time of certain man come,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95050eb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809336609, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95050eb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa naŋəɽəđe ŋwana ŋəmulu ŋəṯulwëinia nubwaɽa", "morphemes": "eđa naŋəɽəđe ŋwana ŋəmulu ŋəṯulwëinia nubwaɽa", "gloss": "man sacrifice sorghum before be-pure on-threshing", "translation": "the man makes ritual sacrifice to sorghum before it is pure into the threshing place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95067b5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809548803, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95067b5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋwase ubwaɽano ananoŋ, orn naŋoɽe!", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-was-e ubwaɽa-no ananoŋ, orn n-aŋ-oɽ-e!", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-clean.rt-cons.pfv threshing.place-in first, then comp2-3sg.inf-thresh.rt-cons.pfv!", "translation": "and purify the threshing place first, then he threshes!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9507c89", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809614597, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9507c89" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ubwaɽa:", "morphemes": "Ubwaɽa:", "gloss": "threshing place", "translation": "The threshing place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9509ee8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809769207, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9509ee8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika Lǝmwarǝŋ lǝmulu lirǝwuṯa elǝbate", "morphemes": "I-lika Lǝmwarǝŋ lǝmulu l-irǝwu-ṯ-a e-lǝbate", "gloss": "loc-time moro.people before cll-descend.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-ground", "translation": "Before Moro people came down from hill tops to the grounds", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950b746", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441809947998, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950b746" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lënŋulu lafo loɽǝṯa ŋwana nǝda yabǝlaṯaya,", "morphemes": "lënŋulu l-a-fo l-oɽ-ǝṯ-a ŋwana n-eda yabǝlaṯa-ya,", "gloss": "cll.3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-thresh.rt-loc.appl-ipfv sorghum on-rocks clubs-with,", "translation": "they were threshing the sorghum on flat rocks with clubs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950e1f5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441810085650, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950e1f5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwala ŋafo ŋero ŋwaña iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝnia.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋwala ŋ-a-fo ŋ-ero ŋ-waña iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-lëɽ-ǝn-ia.", "gloss": "because sorghum clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-not.aux clŋ-many sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv.", "translation": "because there was not a large amount of sorghum which was grown", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950fb9c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441810251405, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a950fb9c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ilika ldirǝwuṯu elǝbate đǝge ldǝṯoɽaṯe ni noɽra,", "morphemes": "Orn i-lika l-d-irǝwu-ṯ-u e-lǝbate đǝge l-d-ǝ-ṯoɽaṯ-e ni n-oɽra,", "gloss": "but loc-time comp2-cll-descend.rt-loc.appl-pfv in-ground at.last comp2-cll.inf-prepare.rt-cons.pfv farms cln-big", "translation": "but when they moved down to the ground they began to make big farms,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N V P-N Adv V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9510f94", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441810554993, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9510f94" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia ŋwana nǝŋwañǝṯe iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝnia na nda nerṯe elǝbate,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia ŋwana n-ǝŋ-wañ-ǝṯ-e iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-lëɽ-ǝn-ia na nda n-erṯe e-lǝbate,", "gloss": "so sorghum comp2-clŋ.cons-many.rt-cmp-cons.pfv sclŋ-this comp2-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv and rocks cln-not.aux loc-ground,", "translation": "So the sorghum which is grown increased and there were not enough flat rocks on the plain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9512813", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441810979819, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9512813" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia lënŋulu ldǝfiđi ŋen ŋǝđoɽa ŋǝmajǝn na fǝŋu ubwaɽa.", "morphemes": "nǝṯia lënŋulu l-dǝ-fiđ-i ŋen ŋǝ-đ-oɽ-a ŋ-ǝmajǝn na fǝ-ŋu ubwaɽa.", "gloss": "so 3pl.pro comp2-cll.inf-find-rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ.poss-clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv clŋ-new and foc-3sg.om threshing.place.", "translation": "so they discover a new way of threshing on the threshing place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj Conj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95f9bb3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441883634729, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95f9bb3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đoɽǝṯa ŋwana igubwaɽa:", "morphemes": "Đ-oɽ-ǝṯ-a ŋwana ig-ubwaɽa:", "gloss": "clð-thresh.rt-loc.appl-ipfv sorghum loc-threshing.place", "translation": "Threshing sorghum in the threshing place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fad44", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441883811698, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fad44" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ubwaɽa gafo gëbəđənia egal yeɽo ɽrwe yonḏəṯo,", "morphemes": "Ubwaɽa g-a-f-o g-ëbəđ-ən-ia eg-al yeɽo ɽrwe y-onḏəṯo,", "gloss": "threshing.place clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-rtc-build.rt-pass-ipfv loc-place cly-dpc-be.aux-pfv plain cly-solid,", "translation": "The threshing place was made on a flat solid ground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fcbe4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441884387346, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fcbe4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yero jərarrano walla ŋwandra ŋərra,", "morphemes": "na y-e-r-o jərarrano walla ŋwandra ŋ-ərra,", "gloss": "and cly-dpc-not.have.rt-pfv gravel or stones clŋ-small", "translation": "where there is no gravel or small stones", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fe085", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441884517788, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95fe085" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ləṯenia lafo liđi naləpwañe ləbate lonḏəṯo", "morphemes": "nəṯia ləṯenia l-a-fo l-iđi n-alə-pwañ-e ləbate l-onḏəṯo", "gloss": "so fathers cll-rtc-past.aux cll-will comp2-cll.inf-search.rt-cons.pfv ground cll-solid", "translation": "So the fathers used to look for solid ground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95ff001", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441884758631, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a95ff001" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naləṯəbe lwaṯa loɽra aten naliđi ubwaɽa.", "morphemes": "n-alə-ṯəb-e lwaṯa l-oɽra aten n-al-iđ-i ubwaɽa.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-cut.rt-cons.pfv circle cl-big a.bit comp2-cll.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv threshing.place", "translation": "and they clear a circle and make it a threshing place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9600d03", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441884895622, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9600d03" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji ləɽəlda naləmama irua yiria", "morphemes": "Na liji l-əɽəlda n-alə-ma-m-a irua y-iria", "gloss": "And people cll-females comp2-cll.inf-iter-bring.rt-ipfv dung cly.poss-cows", "translation": "And the women bring the cow dung", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9604324", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441885227106, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9604324" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naləmətiđi ubwaɽano iruaya ndəŋ ndəŋ.", "morphemes": "n-alə-mət-i-đ-i ubwaɽa-no irua-ya ndəŋ-ndəŋ.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-smooth.rt-caus-ap-cons.pfv threshing.place-in dung-cly.with firm-firm.", "translation": "and they smooth the place nicely with the dung.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9604e33", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441885498310, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9604e33" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ubwaɽa gonḏəṯano đəge naŋəbəɽeṯe aŋəno, ndə leđa loɽa ŋwana,", "morphemes": "Ndə ubwaɽa g-onḏəṯ-o-ano đəge n-aŋə-bəɽ-eṯ-e aŋəno, ndə leđa l-oɽ-a ŋwana,", "gloss": "if threshing.place clg-dry.rt-pfv-in at.last comp2-3sg.inf-hard.rt-cmp-cons.pfv body, when people cll-thresh.rt-ipfv sorghum", "translation": "When it becomes dry and solid, then people beat the sorghum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9606c13", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441885597850, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9606c13" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋerṯe gəkera ŋwana ndə ŋuɽənia", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-erṯe g-ə-ker-a ŋwana ndə ŋ-uɽ-ən-ia", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-break.rt-ipfv sorghum when clŋ-thresh.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "and the place does not break the sorghum when it is threshed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9607b2d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441885924482, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9607b2d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ubwaɽa naŋerṯe gəmurwa aŋəno com.", "morphemes": "na ubwaɽa n-aŋ-erṯe g-ə-murw-a aŋəno com.", "gloss": "and threshing.place comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-demolish.rt-ipfv body also.", "translation": "and the threshing place is not demolished.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9609690", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441886107625, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9609690" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lafo laber loɽađaiđia nano təmtəm ilika lonto,", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-fo l-a-b-er l-oɽ-a đaiđia nano təmtəm i-lika l-onto,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-not.aux cll-thresh.rt-ipfv together at all loc-time cl-one,", "translation": "The people in the village do not beat the sorghum all at the same time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V Adv P Adv P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9608ebc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441886444862, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a9608ebc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lafo labakëɽəjəđəṯia ŋəbərki alo ŋenŋanṯa alaməđaiđe aluɽəcəđi.", "morphemes": "orn l-a-fo l-a-b-ak-ëɽ-əj-əđ-əṯ-ia ŋəbərki alo ŋenŋanṯa al-aməđ-aiđ-e al-uɽ-əc-əđ-i.", "gloss": "but cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-iter-put.rt-appl-ap-loc.appl-ipfv spaces place because cll.inf-help.rt-ap.pass-cons.pfv cll.inf-thresh.rt-appl-ap-cons.pfv.", "translation": "but they arrange themselves and give places to one another in order to help each other.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960c876", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441886745229, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960c876" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rəmwaco fəŋulu irri rəfo rëndənṯu đoɽa", "morphemes": "Rəmwaco fə-ŋulu irr-i r-ə-f-o r-ënd-ən-ṯ-u đoɽa", "gloss": "Mature.men foc-3pl.om sclr-this clr-dpc-past.aux clr-catch.rt-pass-loc.appl-pfv threshing", "translation": "The work of threshing is assigned to the mature men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960dd01", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441886925676, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960dd01" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji naŋəliṯi ŋuɽu ṯaləṯu ŋuɽu ṯaloɽo,", "morphemes": "na wuji n-aŋə-l-i-ṯ-i ŋuɽu ṯ-alə-ṯ-u ŋuɽu ṯ-al-oɽ-o,", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.inf-make.rt-appl-cons.pfv wine comp1b-cll.inf-drink.rt-cons.ipfv comp1b-cll.inf-thresh.rt-cons.ipfv,", "translation": "the woman makes wine for them to drink while they were threshing,", "tags": "x", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960eab4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441887157870, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a960eab4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋalənaca ŋəma na ŋaləmolwe egaŋəno", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋuɽu ŋ-a-f-o ŋa-lə-nac-a ŋəma na ŋ-a-lə-molw-e eg-aŋəno", "gloss": "because wine clŋ-rtc-be.loc-pfv clŋ-rtc-3pl.om-give.rt-ipfv power and clŋ-rtc-3pl-cool.rt-caus loc-body", "translation": "for wine gives them strength and energy and makes them cool", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a961087f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1441887328226, "9089d6358f54e391fd107bf5a961087f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋafo ŋalaldəñia đəcwara na đəmeđia egaŋəno!", "morphemes": "na ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-la-ldəñ-ia đəcwara na đəmeđia eg-aŋəno!", "gloss": "and clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-iter-drive.rt-ipfv tiredness and fatigue loc-body!", "translation": "and drive away the tiredness and fatigue from their bodies!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00101c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442409613831, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00101c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia com ildi loɽra ləmaməđia lafo laməđaṯa leđa nḏoɽa.", "morphemes": "Lëmmia com ild-i l-oɽra l-ə-ma-m-əđ-ia l-a-fo l-a-məđ-aṯ-a leđa n-ḏ-oɽ-a.", "gloss": "boys also scll-this cl-big cll-dpc-iter-marry.rt-ap-ipfv cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-help.rt-loc.appl-ipfv people on-clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "The teenagers also who are to get engaged are involved in helping the people in threshing.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv Adj Adj V V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b002e21", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442409771822, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b002e21" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lika leṯo ləđoɽa igubwa igi gə Đoɽa,", "morphemes": "Ndə lika leṯo lə-đoɽa ig-ubwa igi gə Đoɽa,", "gloss": "if time come of-threshing in-month which of Threshing,", "translation": "When time come for threshing in March", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b009049", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442410253977, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b009049" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia nalətoṯe nḏoɽa neɽa ṯaluɽəṯu leđa ildi ləlaɽa ŋwana ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "lëmmia n-alə-to-ṯ-e n-ḏ-oɽ-a n-eɽa ṯ-al-uɽ-əṯ-u leđa ild-i l-ə-laɽ-a ŋwana ŋ-waña,", "gloss": "boys comp2-cll.inf-move.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv on-house comp1b-cll.inf-thresh.rt-appl-cons.ipfv people scll-this cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-ipfv sorghum clŋ-many", "translation": "the boys who will initiated moved to the threshing place and threshed to the people who have a lot of sorghum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00dbcc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442410365874, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00dbcc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaləɽiñənṯu ñwađđo.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alə-ɽiñ-ən-ṯ-u ñwađđo.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-kill.rt-pass-loc.appl he.goats.", "translation": "and he-goats are slaughtered for them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00f2b7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442410532322, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b00f2b7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na wuji igi gerṯo đoɽa giđi naŋundəđia ŋowa ŋənəŋ", "morphemes": "Na wuji ig-i g-erṯ-o đ-oɽ-a g-iđi n-aŋ-undəđ-ia ŋowa ŋ-ənəŋ", "gloss": "And woman sclg-this clg-have.rt-pfv clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-call.rt-ipfv young.woman clŋ-indef", "translation": "And the mother who is the owner of the work calls one of the young women", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b010fb7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442410730845, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b010fb7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋela ṯaŋəmaməđaṯo iŋəmëɽria iŋi ŋeɽa na đaɽa ŋawa ŋəđwasənia", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-el-a ṯ-aŋə-ma-məđ-aṯ-o i-ŋəmëɽria iŋ-i ŋ-eɽa na đ-aɽ-a ŋawa ŋə-đ-was-ən-ia", "gloss": "comp2-clŋ.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp1b-clŋ.inf-3sg.om-help.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-work sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-house and clð.nom-fetch.rt-ipfv water clŋ.poss-clð.nom-wash.rt-pass-ipv", "translation": "to come and help her in the house working and of fetching the water for bathing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N Adj Adj Conj N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b012354", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442410851903, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b012354" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia ildi loɽa.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia ild-i l-oɽ-a.", "gloss": "for the boys scll-this cll-thresh.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "for the boys who are beating the sorghum.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b014d37", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442411084625, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b014d37" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ŋowa ŋafo ŋalubəđəṯia lëmmia acəba gəməte", "morphemes": "Na com ŋowa ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-lubəđ-əṯ-ia lëmmia acəba g-əməte", "gloss": "and also girl clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-make.porridge?.rt-appl-ipfv boys porridge clg-smooth", "translation": "And also the girl used to make a smooth watered porridge for the boys", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0184ac", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442411356351, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0184ac" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋələṯi na ṯaŋəlaməđaṯo iŋəmëɽria pređ.", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋə-lə-ṯ-i na ṯ-aŋə-l-aməđ-aṯ-o i-ŋəmëɽria pređ.", "gloss": "comp1b-clŋ.inf-3pl.om-drink.rt-cons.pfv and comp1b-clŋ.inf-3pl.om-help.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv loc-work all.", "translation": "and gave them to drink and to help them in all their works.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b01a523", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442411533415, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b01a523" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən ŋowa ŋafo ŋiđi ṯaŋirnḏëcu lëmmia", "morphemes": "Na ŋoman ŋ-əmən ŋowa ŋ-a-fo ŋ-iđi ṯ-aŋ-irnḏëc-u lëmmia", "gloss": "And times clŋ-some girl clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-fut.aux comp1b-clŋ.inf-iter.test.rt-cons.ipfv boys,", "translation": "And sometimes the girl used to test the boys,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b01cc73", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442411832344, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b01cc73" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋəlləŋete an gaɽe lonḏəṯo na larmoṯwa đəməṯia", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋə-lləŋet-e an gaɽe l-onḏəṯo na l-armoṯw-a đəməṯia", "gloss": "comp1 clŋ-know.rt-inf1 ynq whether cll-strong and cll-keep.rt-ipfv life", "translation": "in order to find out if they are strong and morally well-behaved", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj Adv Adj Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b020bee", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442411974399, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b020bee" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi eđen na lero lələŋeṯa liji ləɽəlda.", "morphemes": "iđ-i eđen na l-er-o l-ə-ləŋeṯ-a liji l-əɽəlda.", "gloss": "sclð-this sclð.3pl.poss and cll-not.aux-pfv cll-dpc-know.rt-ipfv women cll-females", "translation": "and did not knew women.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N Conj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b027c8c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442412221441, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b027c8c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋgace ṯa ŋowa naŋaboṯwe ummia gənəŋ nəndria nəlëɽəŋu", "morphemes": "Na aŋgace ṯa ŋowa n-aŋ-aboṯw-e ummia gənəŋ nə-ndria nəlëɽəŋu", "gloss": "And perhaps comp1 girl comp2-3sg.inf-climb.rt-cons.pfv boy clg-indef on-knees cln.3sg.poss", "translation": "And the girl might climb onto the boy's knees (in order to test him)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b030c28", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442412378212, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b030c28" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋələŋeṯe an gaɽe ummia gađuru alo ndəŋ.", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋə-ləŋeṯ-e an gaɽe ummia g-a-đur-u alo ndəŋ.", "gloss": "comp1 clŋ.inf-know.rt-inf1 ynq whether boy clg-rtc-stand.rt-pfv place firm", "translation": "to find out if the boy is strong and stands firm.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Comp Adv N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b039b36", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442412619569, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b039b36" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ummia gənəŋ gubwa nano naŋətođe nano,", "morphemes": "Ndə ummia g-ənəŋ g-ubwa nano n-aŋə-tođ-e nano,", "gloss": "If boy clg-one clg-hot at comp2-3sg.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv at,", "translation": "And if one of the boys is hot, his organ moved up", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj Adj P V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b03d7f2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442412800562, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b03d7f2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen iŋi naŋwarni, ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia lafo lëməcinia", "morphemes": "na ŋen iŋ-i n-aŋ-warn-i, ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia l-a-fo l-ë-məcin-ia", "gloss": "and talk sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.inf-rebuke.rt-cons.pfv, because boys cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-brought.up.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and this would rebuke them, for the boys must be brought up properly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b041cf0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442413018732, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b041cf0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aləɽeṯe lëđəmwa ləŋəra lonḏəṯo!", "morphemes": "ṯa alə-ɽ-eṯ-e lëđəmwa l-əŋəra l-onḏəṯo!", "gloss": "comp1 cll.inf-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv young.men cll-good cll-strong!", "translation": "in order to become good strong heroes of future!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04311d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442413154769, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04311d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən aŋgace ṯa ñowa añəɽeṯe ñəɽəjan", "morphemes": "Na ŋoman ŋ-əmən aŋgace ṯa ñowa añə-ɽ-eṯ-e ñ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "And times clŋ-some perhaps comp1 girls clɲ.inf-be.rt-comp-cons.pfv clɲ-two", "translation": "In some cases, perhaps there might be two girls,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b049562", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442413376235, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b049562" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə đoɽa đoɽra ŋwana ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "ndə đ-oɽ-a đoɽra ŋwana ŋ-waña,", "gloss": "if clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv clð-big sorghum clŋ-many,", "translation": "if there is a lot of sorghum to thresh", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04cbc9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442413701843, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04cbc9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə đoɽa đəɽəñađaiđo wuji naŋakarnəđəṯi ñowa ŋwana.", "morphemes": "ndə đ-oɽ-a đ-ə-ɽəñađaiđ-o wuji n-aŋ-ak-arnəđ-əṯ-i ñowa ŋwana.", "gloss": "if clð.nom-thresh.rt-ipfv clð-dpc-finish.rt-pfv woman comp2-3sg.inf-iter-divide.rt-appl-cons.pfv girls sorghum", "translation": "if the work is finished, the mother used to give share of the sorghum to the girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04ed19", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442413859180, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b04ed19" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lafo loɽa ŋwataŋa na ñəməḏugwagaña,", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-fo l-oɽ-a ŋwata-ŋa na ñəməḏugwaga-ña,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.rt cll-thresh.rt-ipfv clubs-with and wooden.tools-with", "translation": "People used to thresh with clubs and wooden tools", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N-P Conj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05085e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414003382, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05085e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liji ləɽəlda lurnëcia ŋwana,", "morphemes": "na liji l-əɽəlda l-urnëc-ia ŋwana,", "gloss": "and women cll-female cll-winnow.rt-ipfv sorghum,", "translation": "and the women winnowing the sorghum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0533c3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414142602, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0533c3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaldaldawoṯəlo inəmuđun nwena,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-da-ldawoṯ-ə-lo i-nəmuđun nwe-na,", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-iter-gather.rt-pfv-3pl.om loc-stores baskets-cln.with", "translation": "and carry them into the stores with big baskets", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0550f8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414374961, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0550f8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa naŋələŋini ṯa gaɽe gapo ŋwana nwe mənau?", "morphemes": "na eđa n-aŋə-ləŋ-i-n-i ṯa gaɽe g-a-p-o ŋwana nwe mənau?", "gloss": "and person comp2-3sg.inf-know.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv comp1b whether clg-rtc-bring.rt-pfv sorghum baskets how.many?", "translation": "and they make a context to know how many baskets each person brings.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05697b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414550872, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05697b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lǝŋgenia naŋakarnəđəṯi ñǝŋgenia ŋwana iñi ñeṯo nǝñəmaməđaṯe", "morphemes": "Orn lǝŋgenia n-aŋ-ak-arnəđ-əṯ-i ñǝŋgenia ŋwana iñ-i ñeṯo n-ǝñə-ma-məđaṯ-e", "gloss": "then mother comp2-3sg.inf-iter-divide.rt-appl-cons.pfv mothers sorghum sclɲ-this who clɲ-come.rt-pfv comp2-clɲ.cons-3sg.om-help.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Then the mother divides some sorghum to the women who helped her", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0572ce", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414700773, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0572ce" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋələnanace ŋwana gəlaga gəbəco,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-lə-na-nac-e ŋwana gəla-ga g-əbəco,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv sorghum gourd-clg.with clg-white", "translation": "and gives each one of them sorghum in a white gourd", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0596a0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414912868, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b0596a0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com naŋələnanace liji ildi ləɽo ŋəbayaŋəno!", "morphemes": "na com n-aŋə-lə-na-nac-e liji ild-i l-ə-ɽ-o ŋəbaya-aŋəno!", "gloss": "and also comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv women scll-this are pitiful-body!", "translation": "and also she gives some to the poor!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05a462", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442414998918, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b05a462" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ela na đwađa:", "morphemes": "Ela na đ-wađ-a:", "gloss": "grinding.stones and clð.nom-grind.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Grinding and grinding stones", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b793ae8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442835909363, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b793ae8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji lə Ləmwarəŋ lafo lwađa ulia rəŋra esəla.", "morphemes": "Liji lə-Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-wađ-a ulia rəŋ-ra e-səla.", "gloss": "people cll.poss-moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-grind.rt-ipfv flour hands-clr.with loc-grinding.stones", "translation": "Moro people used to grind sorghum on grinding stone with their hands.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79618e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442836070267, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79618e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ela yafo yurëinia alo yeɽəjan", "morphemes": "Ela y-a-fo y-ur-ëin-ia alo y-eɽəjan", "gloss": "grinding.stones cly-rtc-past.aux cly-dig.rt-appl.pass-ipfv place cly-two", "translation": "The grinding stones used to be fixed in two places,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b797db2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442836226741, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b797db2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "elna ildi lənuməđun walla elna ildi lela,", "morphemes": "e-lna ild-i lə-numəđun walla e-lna ild-i l-ela,", "gloss": "loc-room scl-this cll.poss-storage or loc-room scll-this cll.poss-grinding.stones", "translation": "either in the store room or in the grinding room,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj Adj Conj P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79a0b5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442836441603, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79a0b5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ëɽəđia naŋëbəđənṯi ela gađaiđo alo eɽo", "morphemes": "na ëɽəđia n-aŋ-ëbəđ-ən-ṯ-i ela gađaiđo alo eɽo", "gloss": "and short.wall comp2-3sg.inf-build.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv grinding.stones surround place around", "translation": "and a short wall is built round the grinding stone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79b19e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442836628393, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79b19e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəɽo ëṯəndi gabəṯo elo aten,", "morphemes": "g-ə-ɽ-o ëṯəndi g-abəṯ-o elo aten,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv bank clg-ascend.rt-pfv up a.little,", "translation": "surrounded by a low wall,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79d248", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442836851070, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79d248" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋəmətiniano gəməte ŋenŋanṯa wiya walla đuđa ađerṯe.", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-mət-i-n-i-ano g-ə-mət-e ŋenŋanṯa wiya walla đuđa ađ-erṯ-e.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-smooth.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv-in clg-dpc-smooth.rt-cons.pfv because dust or soil clð.inf-not.have.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "it is smoothed inside and cleaned from any dust or soil.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79ed3d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442837033674, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79ed3d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ëɽəđia gëbəđənia gəbərano aten ela ndësi,", "morphemes": "Na ëɽəđia g-ëbəđ-ən-ia g-əbərano aten ela ndësi,", "gloss": "And bank clg-build.rt-pass-ipfv clg-large a.little grinding.stones in.front", "translation": "And the bank is built a little bit wider in front of the grinding stones,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79fe4b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442837189838, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b79fe4b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ulia ṯaŋirəwuṯu ndə wuji gwađa.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ulia ṯ-aŋ-irəw-uṯ-u ndə wuji g-wađ-a.", "gloss": "because flour comp1b-3sg.inf-pour.rt-loc.appl-pfv when woman clg-grind.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "so that flour can pour on it while the woman is grinding.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7a1a8d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442837366011, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7a1a8d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na alo ela endrel ŋwala naŋurëini alo", "morphemes": "Na alo ela endrel ŋwala n-aŋ-u-rëin-i alo", "gloss": "And place grinding.stones beside sorghum comp2-3sg.inf-loc-pour.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv down", "translation": "and next to the grinding stones sorghum is poured", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7aa7c2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442837583570, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7aa7c2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa wuji ṯaŋəldaldəfo ṯaŋəlakëɽu egala", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa wuji ṯ-aŋə-l-da-ldəf-o ṯ-aŋə-l-ak-ëɽ-u eg-ala", "gloss": "because woman comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-take.rt-cons.ipfv comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-put.rt-pfv loc-grinding.stone", "translation": "in order that the woman can take them with her hands and put them on the grinding stone", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7acd93", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442837772318, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7acd93" ], 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grinding upper.grinding.stones-with clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv stones clŋ-small clŋ-dpc-suitable.rt-loc.appl-pfv-3sg.om loc-hands", "translation": "The uses small stone in her grinding suits her hands", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b682a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442838369785, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b682a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəbəđi ŋaɽo ŋəɽəjan iŋi ŋəywëđənia,", "morphemes": "na ŋəbəđi ŋ-a-ɽ-o ŋ-əɽəjan iŋ-i ŋ-ə-y-wëđ-ən-ia,", "gloss": "and upper.grinding.stones clŋ-rtc-be.rt-pfv clŋ-two sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-with-grind.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "There are two types of stones that are used for grinding", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b6d99", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442838537723, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b6d99" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləbəđi ildi loɽra aten lurëra ŋwala,", "morphemes": "ləbəđi ild-i l-oɽra aten lurëra ŋwala,", "gloss": "upper.grinding.stone scll-this cll-big a.bit coarse.flour sorghum, the bigger stone make rough flour,", "translation": "the bigger stone makes rough flour,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b9ee1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442838672735, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7b9ee1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ildi ləta nano lamaməñia ulia,", "morphemes": "nəṯia wuji g-iđi n-aŋ-urër-i ŋwana ləbəđə-la ild-i l-oɽra", "gloss": "so woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-roughen.rt-caus sorghum upper.grinding.stone-with scll-this cll-big", "translation": "so the woman uses the big stone for roughing the sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7bab2c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442838815566, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7bab2c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia wuji giđi naŋurëri ŋwana ləbəđəla ildi loɽra", "morphemes": "oro n-aŋə-ma-məñ-i ulia ləbəđə-la ild-i l-əta,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-iter-go.out.rt-caus flour upper.grinding.stone-with scll-this cll-small", "translation": "then she smooths the flour with the small one", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7d96f4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442838997440, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7d96f4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro naŋəmaməñi ulia ləbəđəla ildi ləta,", "morphemes": "na ndə ala y-eməte i-si, wuji n-aŋ-oɽ-aṯ-e oɽəđa-ga,", "gloss": "and when grinding.stone cly-smooth loc-eye, woman comp2-3sg.inf-roughen.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv hard.stone-with", "translation": "and if the surface of the grinding stone looks smooth, the woman sharpened with another harder stone,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7d9f30", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442839432822, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7d9f30" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndə ala yeməte isi, wuji naŋoɽaṯe oɽəđaga,", "morphemes": "na wuji g-a-fo g-a-mənad-ađ-a eg-ala ëpiya-ya.", "gloss": "and woman clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-clean.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-grinding.stone straw.duster-with", "translation": "the woman cleans at the grinding place with straw duster", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7fce56", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442839814206, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7fce56" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji gafo gamənadađa egala ëpiyaya.", "morphemes": "Wuji g-wađ-a na g-a-ma-məñ-i-a ulia ŋoman ŋ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "Woman clg-grind.rt-ipfv and clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-caus-ipfv flour times clŋ-two", "translation": "The woman grinds and repeats the grinding twice", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7ff5f1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442839971414, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b7ff5f1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji gwađa na gamaməñia ulia ŋoman ŋəɽəjan", "morphemes": "Wuji g-wađ-a na g-a-ma-məñ-i-a ulia ŋoman ŋ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "Woman clg-grind.rt-ipfv and clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-caus-ipfv flour times clŋ-two", "translation": "The woman grinds and repeats the grinding twice", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b803117", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840065218, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b803117" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ŋəɽijin walla marldwan ŋoman ŋəmən,", "morphemes": "walla ŋ-əɽijin walla marldwan ŋ-oman ŋ-əmən,", "gloss": "or clŋ-three or four times clŋ-some,", "translation": "or three or four times in some cases,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b80cfda", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840383409, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b80cfda" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ulia gwunëinia gəmətəməte.", "morphemes": "ndə ulia g-w-un-ëin-ia g-əmətə-məte.", "gloss": "if flour clg-dpc-need.rt-appl.pass-ipfv clg-smooth-very.smooth", "translation": "if very smooth flour is needed.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b813f8d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840558811, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b813f8d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eŋen ŋəɽənda wuji giđi naŋəɽəñe ŋwala, ŋwana,", "morphemes": "Eŋen ŋəɽənda wuji giđi n-aŋə-ɽəñ-e ŋwala, ŋwana,", "gloss": "about first woman clg-fut-aux comp2-3sg.inf-kill.rt-cons.pfv light.sorghum, sorghum,", "translation": "Firstly the woman grind the sorghum roughly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b8149cd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840663248, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b8149cd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋurëri ulia gwaya,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-urër-i ulia g-waya,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-roughen.rt-caus flour clg-rough,", "translation": "and grinds rough flour.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81c580", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840818612, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81c580" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋoɽəbaṯe ulia nano ŋenŋanṯa ulia aŋəmətəṯe,", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋ-oɽəb-aṯ-e ulia nano ŋenŋanṯa ulia aŋə-mət-əṯ-e,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-repeat.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv flour at because flour 3sg.inf-smooth.rt-cmp-inf1,", "translation": "then she repeats the grinding to make fine flour,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81d386", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442840965588, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81d386" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndə wuji gəfiđu ulia gwaya məldin", "morphemes": "na ndə wuji g-ə-fiđ-u ulia g-waya məldin", "gloss": "and when woman clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv flour clg-rough still", "translation": "and if she finds that it is still not fine", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81eaad", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442841152281, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b81eaad" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəloɽəbaṯe nano təŋ lomanto walla ŋoman ŋəɽəjan,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-l-oɽəb-aṯ-e nano təŋ lomanto walla ŋ-oman ŋ-əɽəjan,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-repeat.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on again once or times clŋ-two", "translation": "she repeats the grinding once or twice more", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b829de6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442841266878, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b829de6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen iŋi ŋanṯa wuji gamaməñia ulia.", "morphemes": "na ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-anṯ-a wuji g-a-ma-məñ-i-a ulia.", "gloss": "and talk sclŋ-this clŋ-be.called.rt-ipfv woman clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-caus-ipfv flour,", "translation": "and this action is called the woman is making the flour fine.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82cca0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442841989571, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82cca0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ilika ñəkorban ñënṯu alo,", "morphemes": "Orn i-lika ñəkorban ñ-ënṯ-u alo,", "gloss": "But loc-time sieve clɲ-enter.rt-pfv place,", "translation": "But when the sieve become to be used", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82e8b6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442842160570, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82e8b6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liji liđu nalwađe ulia na naldəlate", "morphemes": "liji l-iđ-u n-al-wađ-e ulia na n-al-dəlat-e", "gloss": "women cll-do.rt-pfv comp2-cll.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv flour and comp2-3pl.inf-sieve.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "the women used to sieve the flour after the grinding", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82f735", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442842306199, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b82f735" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naloɽəbaṯe nabərnḏa nano təŋ naldwađe.", "morphemes": "orn n-al-oɽəb-aṯ-e nabərnḏa nano təŋ n-al-dwađ-e.", "gloss": "then comp2-cll.inf-repeat.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv remains at again comp2-cll.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "then they again grind what is left,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b831764", "key": [ 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alo y-emolwe məldin", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-will.rt comp2-clɲ.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv early morning-in place cly-cold still", "translation": "and they get up early in the morning when it is still cool", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b833ea7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442842812179, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b833ea7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nañëndəđi eŋələŋa ṯañaləŋo ŋələŋa ŋəneda walla ŋənëpwa", "morphemes": "n-añ-ënd-əđ-i e-ŋələŋa ṯ-añ-aləŋ-o ŋələŋa ŋə-neda walla ŋə-nëpwa", "gloss": "comp2-clɲ.inf-catch.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-songs comp1b-clɲ.inf-sing.rt-cons.ipfv songs clŋ.poss-rock or clŋ.poss-fighting", "translation": "and begin to sing songs of the stickfighting", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b83e0ec", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442842914596, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b83e0ec" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəfo məɽəñ ndrenia nerəlo nano,", "morphemes": "ñ-ə-f-o məɽəñ ndrenia n-erə-lo nano,", "gloss": "clɲ-dpc-be.loc-pfv without? clothes cln-not.aux-3pl.om at,", "translation": "they grind naked without clothes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b83f554", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442843115954, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b83f554" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋal aŋerṯe gəlirəwa nano,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋal aŋ-erṯe g-ə-l-irəw-a nano.", "gloss": "because sweat 3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-3pl.om-descend.rt-ipfv at", "translation": "in order that sweat will not run from their bodies.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84184f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442843281387, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84184f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwala iŋi ŋwađənia ŋafo ŋamamənia nəlana nəbəco,", "morphemes": "Ŋwala iŋ-i ŋ-wađ-ən-ia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-ma-m-ən-ia nəla-na n-əbəco,", "gloss": "light.sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-grind.rt-pass-ipfv clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-iter-take.rt-pass-ipfv bowls-cln.with cln-white,", "translation": "The sorghum which is made flour is taken in white gourds,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b842dc5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442843350994, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b842dc5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji naŋwađe gəla gəbəco gonto", "morphemes": "na wuji n-aŋ-wađ-e gəla g-əbəco g-onto", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv gourd clg-white clg-one", "translation": "and woman grinds one white bowl", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b844b73", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442843466426, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b844b73" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla nəɽəjan walla nəɽijin, ndə gerṯo ŋəmëɽria ŋənəŋ,", "morphemes": "walla n-əɽəjan walla n-əɽijin, ndə g-erṯ-o ŋəmëɽria ŋ-ənəŋ,", "gloss": "or cln-two or cln-three, if clg-have.rt-pfv work clŋ-indef,", "translation": "or two or three, if she has extra work to do,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b8463ea", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442843621629, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b8463ea" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ndə liji leɽa lerṯo ŋəmëɽria ŋoɽrađaṯəṯia", "morphemes": "walla ndə liji l-eɽa l-erṯ-o ŋəmëɽria ŋ-oɽr-ađaṯ-ə-ṯia", "gloss": "or when people cll.poss-house cll-have.rt-pfv work clŋ-big.rt-way-pfv-in.this.way", "translation": "or if the people of the household have a great occasion", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b849ef0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442844170203, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b849ef0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋənanace lorba ŋwala ildi ləɽëwur naləmwëđəṯi,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-na-nac-e lorba ŋwala ild-i lə-ɽëwur n-alə-m-wëđ-əṯ-i,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv sisters sorghum scll-this cll.dpc-door comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-grind.rt-appl-inf1", "translation": "she gives her neighbors sister some of sorghum to grind them for her,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84b32d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442844559163, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84b32d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla wuji naŋwađe ñoman ñwaña ŋenŋanṯa aŋwađe ulia gwaña!", "morphemes": "walla wuji n-aŋ-wađ-e ñoman ñ-waña ŋenŋanṯa aŋwađe ulia g-waña!", "gloss": "or woman cln-3sg.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv days clɲ-many because 3sg.inf-grind.rt-inf1 flour clg-much", "translation": "or the woman grinds for many days so as to make a lot of flour", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84c29b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442844647936, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b84c29b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đwađa ŋoređa na məɽwata:", "morphemes": "Đ-wađ-a ŋoređa na məɽwata:", "gloss": "clð.nom-grind.rt-ipfv sesame and peanuts:", "translation": "Grinding sesame and peanuts:", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9718b8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929172436, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9718b8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji liđi naləɽiṯi ŋoređa walla məɽwata egəɽendr,", "morphemes": "Liji l-iđi n-alə-ɽiṯ-i ŋoređa walla məɽwata eg-eɽendr,", "gloss": "people cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-roast.rt-cons.pfv sesame or peanuts loc-clay,", "translation": "The women first fried the sesame or peanuts in the pan", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b973392", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929366629, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b973392" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naldəwađəṯe egala isi yeŋoređa", "morphemes": "orn n-al-də-wađ-əṯ-e eg-ala is-i ye-ŋoređa", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-grind.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-grinding.stone scly-this cly.poss-sesame", "translation": "then they grind them on the sesame grinding stone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9746e4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929448475, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9746e4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋoman ŋəmən ŋen ŋarno ŋulia,", "morphemes": "ŋoman ŋ-əmən ŋen ŋ-arno ŋ-ulia,", "gloss": "time clŋ-some talk clŋ-like clŋ-flour,", "translation": "in a manner something like flour,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b974d23", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929573822, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b974d23" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ala isi yeŋoređa yaber yeɽaŋa egal yento,", "morphemes": "orn ala is-i ye-ŋoređa y-aber y-e-ɽaŋ-a eg-alo y-ento,", "gloss": "but grinding.stone scly-this cly.poss-sesame cly-not cly-dpc-stay.rt-ipfv loc-place cly-one,", "translation": "but the sesame grind stones do not remain in one place,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b976391", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929703755, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b976391" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yënŋu yafo yërrəpənia na yero yebǝrṯa ëɽəđia,", "morphemes": "yënŋu y-a-fo y-ë-rr-əp-ən-ia na y-ero y-e-b-ǝrṯ-a ëɽəđia,", "gloss": "cly.3sg.pro cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-iter-carry.rt-pass-ipfv and cly-not.aux cly-dpc-prog-have.rt-ipfv short.walls", "translation": "it was carried from place to place it has no walls,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b976d8a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442929889337, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b976d8a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn wuji gamaməñia ŋoređa walla məɽwata ŋen ŋarno gəmaməñia ulia,", "morphemes": "orn wuji g-a-ma-məñ-i-a ŋoređa walla məɽwata ŋen ŋ-arno g-ə-ma-məñ-i-a ulia,", "gloss": "but woman clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-caus-ipfv sesame or peanuts talk clŋ-like clg-dpc-iter-go.out.rt-caus-ipfv flour", "translation": "The woman can repeat pressing of sesame or peanuts as when she is making flour", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97722c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930031289, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97722c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋoređa, məɽwata naɽrəməṯia ala nenda.", "morphemes": "orn ŋoređa, məɽwata n-aɽrəm-ə-ṯia ala ne-nda.", "gloss": "but sesame, peanuts comp2-remain.rt-pfv-in.this.way grinding.stone on-head", "translation": "but the sesame or peanut remain at the front edge of the stone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b977f13", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930088227, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b977f13" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəñəroməđa ŋela:", "morphemes": "Đə-ñəroməđ-a ŋela:", "gloss": "clð.nom-press.rt-ipfv oil", "translation": "Pressing oil", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97b454", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930261727, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97b454" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋəmaməñi ŋoređa, walla məɽwata ləmətəməte,", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-ma-məñ-i ŋoređa, walla məɽwata l-əmətə-məte,", "gloss": "Woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-iter-go.out.rt-caus sesame or peanuts cll-smooth-very", "translation": "The woman used to grind the sesame or peanuts, until they became soft and smooth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97dc62", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930647691, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97dc62" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ṯaŋəlaldəfëcu ŋawa ṯaŋəlakëndəjëiđu kañ kañ ṯwanaŋ,", "morphemes": "oro ṯ-aŋə-la-ldəfëc-u ŋawa ṯ-aŋə-l-ak-ëndəj-ëiđ-u kañ kañ ṯwanaŋ,", "gloss": "then comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-water.rt-cons.pfv water comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-squeeze.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv very very long.time", "translation": "the she dripped a little water on them and squeezed them together for a long time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97f7ec", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930718162, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b97f7ec" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ŋoređa walla məɽwata naləməñaṯe ŋela", "morphemes": "nəṯia ŋoređa walla məɽwata n-alə-məñ-aṯ-e ŋela", "gloss": "so sesame or peanuts comp2-cll.inf-go.out.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv oil", "translation": "until oil comes out of them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9817e1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930802644, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b9817e1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji ṯaŋundaṯu ŋela elaɽəŋwaṯa,", "morphemes": "na wuji ṯ-aŋ-und-aṯ-u ŋela e-laɽəŋwaṯa,", "gloss": "and woman comp1b-3sg.inf-press.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv oil loc-bowl", "translation": "and the woman pressed the oil in small bowl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b98309d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1442930915183, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b98309d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋundi ŋela pređ eŋoređ walla eməɽwato.", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-und-i ŋela pređ e-ŋoređ walla e-məɽwato.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-press.rt-cons.pfv oil all loc-sesame or loc-peanuts.", "translation": "she pressed all the oil from the sesame or peanuts", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139133b4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443522374102, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139133b4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋela iŋi ŋafo ŋayisənia laləmən,", "morphemes": "Ŋela iŋ-i ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-yi-s-ən-ia la-ləmən,", "gloss": "oil sclŋ-this clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-with-eat.rt-pass-ipfv cll-cll.some", "translation": "This oil is used in food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13914cb5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443522639151, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13914cb5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liji lafo lacəbwunia na lacwađa ñowa", "morphemes": "na liji lafo l-a-cəbw-un-ia na l-a-cwađ-a ñowa", "gloss": "and people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-anoint.rt-pass-ipfv and cll-rtc-anoint.rt-ipfv young.women", "translation": "and the women use it for anointing their bodies and for anointing girls", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1391424a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443522914782, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1391424a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ñəbalaŋaṯa nəda walla ndə ñərṯia ldəmakəŋ,", "morphemes": "ndə ñ-ə-b-alaŋ-aṯ-a n-əda walla ndə ñ-ə-rṯ-ia l-dəmakəŋ,", "gloss": "when clɲ-dpc-prog-sing.rt-loc.appl-ipfv on-rock or when clɲ-dpc-dance.rt-ipfv on-gourd.horn.", "translation": "when they sing at theater or when they dance lemakeng", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13917d0c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443523112791, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13917d0c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ñere ñərra ñafo ñacwëđənia ŋela ŋələṯura.", "morphemes": "orn ñere ñ-ərra ñ-a-fo ñ-a-cwëđ-ən-ia ŋela ŋə-ləṯura.", "gloss": "but children clɲ-little clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-anoint.rt-pass-ipfv oil clŋ.poss-pigs", "translation": "but the little children are anointed with pig's fat", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1391892d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443523254614, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1391892d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đwađa ŋəđəmana na uləŋia:", "morphemes": "Đ-wađ-a ŋəđəmana na uləŋia:", "gloss": "clð.nom-grind.rt-ipfv beans and okra", "translation": "Grinding beans and okra", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13919861", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443523364268, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13919861" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji lafo lwađaṯa ŋəđəmana na uləŋia egala isi yulia,", "morphemes": "Liji l-a-fo l-wađ-aṯ-a ŋəđəmana na uləŋia eg-ala is-i y-ulia,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-grind.rt-loc.appl-ipfv beans and okra loc-stone scly-this cly.poss-flour.", "translation": "The women used to grind beans and okra on the flour grinding stone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13917d03", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443523419700, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13917d03" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəđəmana ŋurërnia ŋwaya na uləŋia gwađənia gəməte.", "morphemes": "ŋəđəmana ŋ-urër-n-ia ŋwaya na uləŋia g-wađ-ən-ia gəməte.", "gloss": "beans clŋ-pound.rt-pass-ipfv coarse and okra clg-grind.rt-pass-ipfv smooth.", "translation": "beans are pounded coarsely and okra is ground very smooth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13930d7f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443524286859, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13930d7f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gə Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Acəba ig-i gə Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "food sclg-this clg.poss-moro.people", "translation": "The food of Moro people", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1392f2e2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443524294878, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1392f2e2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gafo gasa acəba gabəla ŋauŋa", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ gafo gasa acəba g-abəla ŋau-ŋa", "gloss": "Moro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv porridge clg-sour water-clŋ.with", "translation": "Moro people ate leavened porridge with water", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139333cc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443524620145, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139333cc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gasa eđe yilǝṯura,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gasa eđe yi-lǝṯura,", "gloss": "because 3sg.pro clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv meat cly.poss-pigs", "translation": "because he eats pigs’ meat", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139383ab", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443524726361, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139383ab" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu lëbəđia acəba gacəfa ṯaləso ŋanŋa", "morphemes": "na lënŋulu l-ë-b-əđ-ia acəba g-acəfa ṯ-alə-s-o ŋan-ŋa", "gloss": "and 3pl.pro cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv food clg-unleavened comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-cons.ipfv milk-clŋ.with", "translation": "and also they cooked unleavened porridge and ate it with milk,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393bc8f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443525114370, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393bc8f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lamana ŋəđəmana na ŋwana ŋəlëmu na cəgulwa,", "morphemes": "na l-a-man-a ŋəđəmana na ŋwana ŋə-lëmu na cəgulwa,", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv beans and sorghum clŋ.poss-arabs and pumpkins", "translation": "and they boiled the beans and maize corn and pumpkins,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393db74", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443525386319, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393db74" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëbəđia acəba gənəŋəɽəfi na ŋoređa na ŋəɽe na cəgulwa.", "morphemes": "na l-ë-b-əđ-ia acəba gə-nəŋəɽəfi na ŋoređa na ŋəɽe na cəgulwa.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv food clg.poss-lalobs and sesame and coconut and pumpkins", "translation": "and they made porridge from lalobs, sesame, coconut and from pumpkins", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393f7aa", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443525698710, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1393f7aa" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gafo gaɽađa iɽëđənia nuɽina ini ninënəŋ,", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-a-ɽađ-a iɽëđənia nuɽi-na in-i ni-nënəŋ,", "gloss": "Moro.people clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-mix.rt-ipfv salad trees-cln.with scln-this cln.poss-ears,", "translation": "Moro people used to make mixture of salad from the leaves of some kind of trees,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13940440", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443525911350, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13940440" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na raṯai rənuɽi məɽwatađa na ŋoređəŋa,", "morphemes": "na raṯai rə-nuɽi məɽwata-đa na ŋoređə-ŋa,", "gloss": "and leaves clr.poss-trees peanuts-clð.with and sesame-clŋ.with", "translation": "and some other tree leaves with peanuts and sesame.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13941a6b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443526072515, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13941a6b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nënəŋ na raṯai rənuɽi ini nəɽëđənia fəŋulu:", "morphemes": "nënəŋ na raṯai rə-nuɽi ini n-ə-ɽëđ-ən-ia fə-ŋulu:", "gloss": "ears and leaves clr.poss-trees scln-this cln-dpc-mix.rt-pass-ipfv foc-3pl.pro:", "translation": "the leaves of the trees which are eaten as a salad are:", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13943c15", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443526496767, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13943c15" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wara, ebala, emia, iđəfəria, jəlelia, ŋuɽwa, iṯumi na nuɽi nəmən nwaña ŋəɽwa.", "morphemes": "wara, ebala, emia, iđəfəria, jəlelia, ŋuɽwa, iṯumi na nuɽi n-əmən n-waña ŋəɽwa.", "gloss": "tabaldi, ebala, emiah, beans, jəlelia, ardaib, onion and tree cln-other cln-many heads", "translation": "waraa, ebala, emiah, beans leaves jelele, ardaib, onion, and some other tree leaves", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139443e8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443526721636, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139443e8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gafo gëbəđia ŋuɽu ŋǝbǝco eŋolo na eŋon.", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-ë-b-əđ-ia ŋuɽu ŋ-ǝbǝco e-ŋolo na e-ŋon.", "gloss": "Moro.person clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-make.rt-pass-ipfv wine clŋ-white loc-sorghum and loc-corn", "translation": "A Moro person would make white wine from light sorghum and corn", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13945550", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443526886497, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13945550" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gafo gañoməđa ŋela eŋoređ na eməɽwato.", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-a-ñom-əđ-a ŋela e-ŋoređ na e-məɽwato.", "gloss": "moro.person clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-press.rt-ap-ipfv oil loc-sesame and loc-peanuts", "translation": "Moro people press oil from sesame and peanuts.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13946892", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443527094514, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13946892" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gabuɽwaṯa ŋucia ŋëmərria na ŋəŋəđəman", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-a-buɽw-aṯ-a ŋucia ŋ-ëmərria na ŋə-ŋəđəman", "gloss": "moro.person clg-rtc-cook.rt-loc.appl-ipfv sauce clŋ.poss-amrriha and clŋ.poss-beans", "translation": "Moro people cooked sauce of amrriha and of beans", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13948455", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443528235025, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13948455" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋərldua na ŋəcororo na ŋəŋau na ŋəpaɽəlwa na ŋokora.", "morphemes": "na ŋə-rldua na ŋə-cororo na ŋə-ŋau na ŋə-paɽəlwa na ŋ-okora.", "gloss": "and clŋ.poss-ardaib.fruits and clŋ.poss-croro and clŋ.poss-water and clŋ.poss-mulukhia and clŋ.poss-karkade", "translation": "and from ardaid fruits and croro, water, mulukhia and from karkade", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394956e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443528385445, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394956e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Điđia Acəba igi gabəla (gəɽo ulia):", "morphemes": "Đ-iđ-ia Acəba igi g-abəla (g-ə-ɽ-o ulia):", "gloss": "clð-make.rt-ipfv food sclg-this clg-sour (clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv flour):", "translation": "Making leavened porridge (flour food)", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394b78a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443528597018, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394b78a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gafo garwëđənia gəɽo ulia (gabəla) na gacəfa.", "morphemes": "Acəba g-a-fo g-a-rwëđ-ən-ia g-ə-ɽ-o ulia (g-abəla) na gacəfa.", "gloss": "porridge clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-make.rt-pass-ipfv clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv flour (clg-sour) and clg-unleavened.", "translation": "The porridge was made with flour (sour) and unleavened,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394aec6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443528697890, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394aec6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gabəla gəɽo ulia,", "morphemes": "Acəba ig-i g-abəla g-ə-ɽ-o ulia,", "gloss": "food sclg-this sour clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv flour", "translation": "The leavened porridge is made like this:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394ebbd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443528807467, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394ebbd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji giđi naŋəme ulia gəlaga gəbəco", "morphemes": "wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-m-e ulia gəla-ga g-əbəco", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-inf1 flour gourd-clg.with clg-white", "translation": "a woman takes flour in white gourd", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394f7c3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443529514018, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb1394f7c3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəlakëɽi egəṯal ŋauŋa ŋabəla,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-l-akëɽ-i eg-əṯal ŋau-ŋa ŋ-abəla,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-pot water-clŋ.with clŋ-sour,", "translation": "and mixes it with sour water (starter?) in dough pot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139506c0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443529792792, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139506c0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndə ŋawa ŋabəla ŋero egəṯal, wuji naŋəɽe naŋəmaṯa lorba,", "morphemes": "orn ndə ŋawa ŋabəla ŋero egəṯal, wuji naŋəɽe naŋəmaṯa lorba,", "gloss": "but when water sour no in-pot, woman and-she go and-bring-from sisters,", "translation": "and if there is no sour water in the dough pot, the woman goes and fetch it from her neighbors,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13952b58", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443529870019, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13952b58" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndə gero gəfiđa ŋawa ŋabǝla,", "morphemes": "orn ndə g-ero g-ə-fiđ-a ŋawa ŋ-abǝla,", "gloss": "but when clg-not.have clg-dpc-find.rt-ipfv water clŋ-sour,", "translation": "and if she does not find it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13954032", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443530006377, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13954032" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋubwi ŋawa ŋibwa naŋəyakëɽi egətal,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ubw-i ŋawa ŋ-ibwa n-aŋə-y-akëɽ-i eg-ətal,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-boil.rt-cons.pfv water clŋ-hot comp2-3sg.inf-with-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-pot", "translation": "she boils water and makes dough with it,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13955b98", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443530226849, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13955b98" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋëɽi eṯal alo yilëɽəŋu elna lacəba,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-ëɽ-i eṯal alo y-ilëɽəŋu e-lna l-acəba,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-cons.pfv pot place cly.3sg.poss loc-room cll.poss-food", "translation": "and she then placed the dough pot on its place in the kitchen.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139575a2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443530335896, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb139575a2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝdu naŋabəleṯe uləŋgi,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝdu n-aŋ-abəl-eṯ-e uləŋgi,", "gloss": "and dough comp2-clŋ.inf-sour.rt-cmp-cons.pfv night", "translation": "and the dough become leavened during the night,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13958caf", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443530457864, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13958caf" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji naŋətođe ram ulëldiṯano naŋiđi acəba.", "morphemes": "na wuji n-aŋə-tođ-e ram ulëldiṯ-ano n-aŋ-iđ-i acəba.", "gloss": "and woman and comp2-3sg.inf-arise.rt-cons.pfv early.morning-in comp2-3sg.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv porridge.", "translation": "and the woman wakes up early in the morning and make porridge.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13965fe3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443530708298, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13965fe3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋərace ŋawa nəsia iɽi lacəba ŋəɽəwađaṯo ŋǝdu nano,", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-rac-e ŋawa n-əsia i-ɽi l-acəba ŋə-ɽəwađaṯ-o ŋǝdu nano,", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-pour.rt-cons.pfv water on-fire in-pot cll.poss-food clŋ.poss-equal.rt-cons.pfv dough at", "translation": "The woman would pour water in a pot of porridge on a fire as the measure of the dough,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a42661", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443620909338, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a42661" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋəməñi ŋǝdu ŋətëfr eŋau,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-məñ-i ŋǝdu ŋ-ətëfr e-ŋau,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-bring.rt-cons.pfv dough clŋ-little loc-water", "translation": "and she puts some dough in the water,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a443c3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443621158257, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a443c3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ilika lətëfr ŋawa naŋubwiṯi na naŋəndəđiano,", "morphemes": "na ilika lətëfr ŋawa naŋubwiṯi na naŋə-ndəđi-ano,", "gloss": "and in-time little water be-hot and tear-inside,", "translation": "and in a short time the water become hot and boiled,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a45f8f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443621456635, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a45f8f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji ṯaŋəṯulwëṯu ŋǝdu ŋəteta ŋəteta", "morphemes": "na wuji ṯaŋəṯulwëṯu ŋǝdu ŋəteta ŋəteta", "gloss": "and woman pour dough little little", "translation": "and the woman poured the dough little by little into the boiled water", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a47f98", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443621627031, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a47f98" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iɽi lacəba gəlaga gəŋuru,", "morphemes": "i-ɽi l-acəba gəla-ga gə-ŋuru,", "gloss": "loc-pot cll.poss-porridge bowl-clg.with clg.poss-making.porridge", "translation": "into the pot of porridge using a small bowl,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4893b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443621813706, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4893b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋəɽəwu acəba đəɽəđa aten aten", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋə-ɽəw-u acəba đəɽə-đa aten aten", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-stir.rt-cons.ipfv porridge wooden.stick-clð.with slowly slowly", "translation": "and began to mix the porridge slowly with the wooden stick", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a49adf", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443623642864, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a49adf" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋakëɽəjiṯu ŋǝdu na ŋǝdu naŋəməndađe egəṯal,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-ak-ëɽ-əjiṯ-u ŋǝdu na ŋǝdu n-aŋə-məndađ-e eg-əṯal,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-put.rt- loc.appl-cons.ipfv dough and dough comp2-clŋ.inf-finish.rt-inf1 loc-pot,", "translation": "and adds to the porridge which is still uncooked dough from the dough pot until it finished,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4c49f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443623759727, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4c49f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə acəba gəɽo ŋau walla gabəla tətəl,", "morphemes": "ndə acəba g-ə-ɽ-o ŋau walla g-abəla tətəl,", "gloss": "when food clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv water or clg-sour much,", "translation": "if the porridge is still too soft or if it is too sour,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4fdf6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443623866409, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a4fdf6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji naŋëɽəjiṯi ulia gəmaṯan.", "morphemes": "wuji n-aŋ-ëɽ-əjiṯ-i ulia g-əmaṯan.", "gloss": "woman comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-appl-loc.appl-cons.pfv flour clg-some.", "translation": "the woman adds some flour to it.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a57bc7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624064202, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a57bc7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn wuji naŋgiṯi acəba ṯaŋəmanəṯo iɽi,", "morphemes": "Orn wuji n-a-ŋgiṯ-i acəba ṯ-aŋə-man-əṯ-o i-ɽi,", "gloss": "but woman comp2-3sg.inf-let.rt-cons.pfv food comp1b-3sg.inf-boil.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv loc-pot,", "translation": "Then the woman leaves the porridge boiling in the cooking pot", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a52ad1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624209000, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a52ad1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋela naŋəɽəwi təŋ.", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋ-ela n-aŋə-ɽəw-i təŋ.", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt comp2-3sg.inf-mix.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "then she comes and mixes it again.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a53a8f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624327953, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a53a8f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika acəba gəmana wuji naŋəɽe naŋwase ŋəmbwëlua đərtađa", "morphemes": "I-lika acəba g-ə-man-a wuji n-aŋə-ɽ-e n-aŋ-was-e ŋəmbwëlua đərtađa", "gloss": "loc-time food clg-dpc-boil.rt-ipfv woman comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-wash.rt-cons.pfv bowls together?", "translation": "During the boiling of the porridge the woman goes and washes the bowls", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a51f17", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624633884, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a51f17" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋələṯaṯaɽəbwađëṯi noṯe ṯa ŋawa aŋəluđi nano.", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-lə-ṯa-ṯaɽəbwađ-ëṯ-i n-oṯe ṯa ŋawa aŋə-l-uđ-i nano.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-iter-turn.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-wood comp1 water clŋ.inf-3sg.nf-dry.rt-inf1 at.", "translation": "and she put them on the firewood upsidedown in order to dry", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a5602a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624639935, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a5602a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə acəba gəmano twaŋ đəge,", "morphemes": "Ndə acəba g-ə-man-o twaŋ đəge,", "gloss": "when food clg-dpc-boil.rt-pfv long enough,", "translation": "When the porridge is cooked enough,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a6cae1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443624957072, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a6cae1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji naŋəwërđi ŋəmbwëlua alo ađuna nano", "morphemes": "wuji n-aŋə-wër-đ-i ŋəmbwëlua alo ađuna nano", "gloss": "woman comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-ap-cons.pfv bowls down fire at", "translation": "the woman puts the bowls down around the fire", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a6d8ef", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 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i-ləmbwëlua", "gloss": "and porridge comp2-3sg.inf-iter-ascend.rt-ap-cons.pfv at clg-iter-over.rt-appl.ap-pfv loc-bowl", "translation": "and the porridge rises up like heaps that has steps in each bowl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7454b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443625656414, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7454b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa acəba igi gabəla gafo gasənia ŋauŋa,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa acəba igi g-abəla g-a-fo g-a-s-ən-ia ŋau-ŋa,", "gloss": "because food sclg-this clg-sour clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv water-clŋ.with", "translation": "for this leavened porridge was eaten with water,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a74143", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443625811245, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a74143" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gənəŋ naŋəse gəɽəwađaṯəma nano na naŋəṯëđəṯi orba gomən.", "morphemes": "eđa g-ənəŋ n-aŋə-s-e g-ə-ɽəw-ađaṯ-ə-ma nano na n-aŋə-ṯëđ-əṯ-i orba g-omən.", "gloss": "man clg-one comp2-3sg.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv clg-dpc-equal.rt-way-pfv-3sg.om at and comp2-3sg.inf-leave.rt-appl-cons.pfv brother clg-other", "translation": "someone eats his fill and leaves to the others member of the family.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7e840", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443626090039, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7e840" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəmbwëlua iŋi ŋacəba fəŋulu:", "morphemes": "Ŋəmbwëlua iŋi ŋ-acəba fə-ŋulu:", "gloss": "bowls sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-food foc-3sg.om:", "translation": "The bowls of the porridge are:", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7de85", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443626156780, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7de85" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləŋgəria lëđəmwa, ləŋgəria leṯenia na ləmbwëlua ləñere ñərra,", "morphemes": "ləŋgəria l-ëđəmwa, ləŋgəria l-eṯenia na ləmbwëlua lə-ñere ñ-ərra,", "gloss": "bowl cll.poss-young.man, bowl cll.poss-father and bowl cll.poss-children clɲ-little,", "translation": "the bowl for the young man, for the father, and for the children,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7fc2d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443626543909, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7fc2d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləmbwëlua ləleđa ildi ləbərlda nwaldaŋ", "morphemes": "na ləmbwëlua lə-leđa ild-i l-ə-b-ər-ld-a nwaldaŋ", "gloss": "and bowl cll-people scll-this cll-dpc-iter-prog-come.rt-ipfv far", "translation": "and the bowl for those come from far", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7e8ba", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443626890731, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7e8ba" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ildi lajəbaṯo na laɽəŋwaṯa lummia igi gəsia oɽo.", "morphemes": "na ild-i lajəbaṯo na laɽəŋwaṯa l-ummia ig-i g-ə-s-i-a oɽo.", "gloss": "and scll-this strangers and bowl cll.poss-boy sclg-this clg-dpc-eat.rt-caus-ipfv goats", "translation": "and strangers and a bowl for the boy who looks after the goats.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7dba0", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443627129571, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a7dba0" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏurṯu alo ndə wuji gəfəndëiyu acəba đəge", "morphemes": "Orn nḏurṯu alo ndə wuji g-ə-fəndëiy-u acəba đəge", "gloss": "but last place when woman clg-dpc-scoop.rt-pfv porridge last", "translation": "Then finally if the woman scoops all the porridge from the pot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a9f036", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443627301623, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a9f036" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəburđađëci acəba eŋau igi gəṯaṯënu", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-b-urđađ-ëc-i acəba e-ŋau ig-i g-ə-ṯaṯën-u", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-prog-clean.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv porridge loc-water sclg-this clg-dpc-remain.rt-pfv", "translation": "she cleans whatever remain in the pot and mixed with some water", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a9ff1f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443627350378, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13a9ff1f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋiđi acəba gəɽo murṯu murṯu na ṯaŋërnu ṯa acəba geŋau,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-iđ-i acəba g-ə-ɽ-o murṯu murṯu na ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u ṯa acəba ge-ŋau,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv food clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv watery? watery? and comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-cons.pfv comp1 porridge clg.poss-water,", "translation": "she makes a watery porridge which is drinkable and it called the final watery porridge", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aaa1c9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443627975217, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aaa1c9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eṯenia nayiṯi ndə lika ləbarṯəma na com ñere ñərra nañəṯi.", "morphemes": "eṯenia n-ay-iṯ-i ndə lika l-ə-b-arṯ-ə-ma na com ñere ñ-ərra n-añ-əṯ-i.", "gloss": "father comp2-cly?-drink.rt-cons.pfv if time cll-dpc-prog-run.fast.rt-pfv-3sg.om and also children clɲ-little comp2clɲ-drink.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and the father drinks it if he is time for him to go to work and also the children", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aab5e3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443628335166, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aab5e3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gabəla gafo galubəđənia ŋauŋa na gasənia ŋanŋa na ŋuciaŋa.", "morphemes": "Acəba igi g-abəla g-a-fo g-a-lubəđ-ən-ia ŋau-ŋa na g-a-s-ən-ia ŋan-ŋa na ŋucia-ŋa.", "gloss": "porridge sclg-this clg-sour clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-mix.rt-pass-ipfv water-clŋ.with and clg-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv milk-clŋ.with and sauce-clŋ.with", "translation": "The leavened porridge is eaten mixed with water and with milk and sauce", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aaf599", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443628617144, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13aaf599" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba Gacəfa:", "morphemes": "Acəba G-acəfa:", "gloss": "porridge clg-unleavened", "translation": "The unleavened porridge", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2cdb3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443695958117, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2cdb3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gafo gëbəđənia gacəfa ilika lerrekano", "morphemes": "Acəba gafo g-ë-b-əđ-ən-ia g-acəfa i-lika l-errekano", "gloss": "porridge clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-pass-ipfv clg-unleavened loc-time cll.poss-evening", "translation": "Unleavened porridge used to be made during the evenings", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2e8a8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696107693, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2e8a8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə acəba gapəđo igi gabəla giđənu ulëldiṯano.", "morphemes": "ndə acəba g-a-pəđ-o ig-i g-a-b-əl-a g-iđ-ən-u ulëldiṯ-ano.", "gloss": "when porridge clg-rtc-finish.rt-pfv sclg-this clg-sour clg-do.rt-pass-pfv morning-in.", "translation": "when the leavened porridge was finished which was made in the mornings.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2fd0d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696291360, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f2fd0d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋərace ŋawa nəsia egadia gəta gəbəra ëñuano,", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-rac-e ŋawa nə-sia eg-adia g-əta g-əbəra ëñu-ano,", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-pour.rt-inf1 water on-fire loc-pot clg-small clg-wide mouth-in", "translation": "the woman put water on fire in the mouth of a small open pot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f31eb8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696398240, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f31eb8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋələđwi ulia eŋau gətëfr,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-ləđw-i ulia e-ŋau g-ətëfr,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-sprinkle.rt-cons.pfv flour loc-water clg-little,", "translation": "and sprinkled some flour on the water,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f32371", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696520084, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f32371" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndə ŋawa ŋubwa ŋəməñəđia nano", "morphemes": "na ndə ŋawa ŋ-ubwa ŋ-ə-məñ-əđ-ia nano", "gloss": "and when water clŋ-hot clŋ-dpc-bring.rt-ap-ipfv at", "translation": "and when it becomes hot and boiling", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f338a7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696721753, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f338a7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji naŋəṯaṯulwëṯi ulia eŋau na naŋəruđwi acəba", "morphemes": "wuji n-aŋə-ṯa-ṯulw-ëṯ-i ulia e-ŋau na n-aŋə-ruđw-i acəba", "gloss": "woman comp2-3sg.inf-pour.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv flour loc-water and comp2-3sg.inf-mix.rt-cons.pfv food", "translation": "she poured flour in the boiling water and mix the porridge", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f349d8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443696893123, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f349d8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lika lətëfr na naŋakëɽi enəla walla iŋəmbwëlua.", "morphemes": "lika l-ətëfr na n-aŋ-ak-ëɽ-i e-nəla walla i-ŋəmbwëlua.", "gloss": "time cll-little and comp2-3sg.inf-iter-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-gourds or loc-bowls.", "translation": "for a while and carried the porridge in small or big bowls.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f364bb", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697017875, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f364bb" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gacəfa gasənia ŋanŋa walla ŋuciaŋa", "morphemes": "Acəba ig-i g-acəfa g-a-s-ən-ia ŋan-ŋa walla ŋucia-ŋa", "gloss": "porridge sclg-this clg-unleavened clg-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv milk-clŋ.with or sauce-clŋ.with", "translation": "The unleavened porridge was eaten either with milk or sauce", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f37b39", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697155406, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f37b39" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa lasa ləmən ŋauŋa walla ŋaldəcaŋa ŋəlai!", "morphemes": "na leđa l-a-s-a l-əmən ŋau-ŋa walla ŋaldəca-ŋa ŋə-lai!", "gloss": "and people cll-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv cll-some water-clŋ.with or sweets-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-bees!", "translation": "and some people eat it with water or with honey!", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f38bca", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697241564, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f38bca" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gacəfa gaɽo alo:", "morphemes": "Acəba ig-i g-acəfa g-a-ɽ-o alo:", "gloss": "porridge sclg-this clg-unleavened clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv place:", "translation": "Kinds of unleavened porridge", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f39f36", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697301363, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f39f36" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa bipi.", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa bipi.", "gloss": "porridge clg-unleavened only.", "translation": "Normal unleavened porridge", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3ae46", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697429417, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3ae46" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋəɽəfi", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-ŋəɽəfi", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-on-lalobs", "translation": "unleavened porridge from lalobs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3bb8c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697531230, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3bb8c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋoređ", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-ŋoređ", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-on-sesame", "translation": "nleavened porridge from sesame", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3c328", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697629979, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3c328" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəcəgulwa", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-cəgulwa", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-on-pumpkins", "translation": "unleavened porridge from pumpkins", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3dbc1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443697731725, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f3dbc1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋela", "morphemes": "Acəba 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"story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋan", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-ŋan", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-on-milk", "translation": "unleavened porridge from milk", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f41fa8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698141146, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f41fa8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋau ŋəŋəđəman ŋəṯəbinu nəsia", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-ŋau ŋə-ŋəđəman ŋ-ə-ṯəb-i-n-u nə-sia", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-from-water clŋ.poss-beans clŋ-dpc-cut.rt-caus-pass-pfv on-fire", "translation": "unleavened porridge from soup of beans that boiled half way", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4319d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698230774, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4319d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba gacəfa gənəŋəde", "morphemes": "Acəba g-acəfa gə-nə-ŋəde", "gloss": "food clg-unleavened clg.poss-on-coconut", "translation": "unleavened porridge from coconut fruit", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f440ac", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698321132, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f440ac" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Almaḏiḏa na kisra:", "morphemes": "Almaḏiḏa na kisra:", "gloss": "madida and kisra", "translation": "Madida and kisra", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f45d90", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698587225, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f45d90" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika ildi lənḏurṯu alo liji liđu ldələŋeṯe ləbəđia almaḏiḏa na kisra!", "morphemes": "I-lika ild-i lə-nḏurṯu alo liji l-iđ-u l-də-ləŋeṯ-e l-ə-b-əđ-ia almaḏiḏa na kisra!", "gloss": "loc-time scll-this cll.poss-last place people cll-do.rt-pfv cll-iter-know.rt-cons.pfv cll-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv madida and kisra!", "translation": "In modern times women began to make madida and kisra!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f47937", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698763473, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f47937" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Almaḏiḏa yëbəđənia ŋǝduŋa yabəla bipi", "morphemes": "Almaḏiḏa y-ë-b-əđ-ən-ia ŋǝdu-ŋa y-abəla bipi", "gloss": "madida cly-rtc-prog-do.rt-pass-ipfv dough-clŋ.with cly-sour only", "translation": "Usually madida is made of sour dough", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f49561", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443698929722, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f49561" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yindrəldwa na yenəŋwaro na yinǝŋǝɽǝfi.", "morphemes": "na yi-nd-rəldwa na ye-nə-ŋwaro na yi-nǝ-ŋǝɽǝfi.", "gloss": "and cly.poss-on-ardaib and cly.poss-on-dabaldi and cly.poss-on-lalobs.", "translation": "and of ardaib fruit and of dabaldi fruit and of lalops fruit", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4b6a7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443699085390, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4b6a7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ilika ŋen ŋ-Alkanisa ŋënṯu e-Lǝmwarǝŋ majǝn,", "morphemes": "Na i-lika ŋen ŋ-Alkanisa ŋ-ënṯ-u e-Lǝmwarǝŋ majǝn,", "gloss": "and loc-time talk clŋ.poss-church clŋ-enter.rt-pfv loc-moro.people new,", "translation": "And in the time when Christianity came to Moro area,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4ca75", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 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acəba gə-n-alkiḏr!", "gloss": "loc-time kisra clð-come.rt-pfv recently clð-be.loc-pfv clð-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv comp1 porridge clg.poss-on-kidra!", "translation": "At that time when kisra was introduced to Moro culture it was called Kidra porridge!", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4fb25", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443699498611, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f4fb25" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn điñiđi đabërnia kisra,", "morphemes": "Orn điñiđi đ-a-b-ërn-ia kisra,", "gloss": "but now clð-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv kisra,", "translation": "But now it is called kisra,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5168a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443699698861, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5168a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñəŋgenia ñaɽo noɽofa iđiđia kisra điñiđi!", "morphemes": "na ñəŋgenia ñ-a-ɽ-o noɽofa i-đ-iđ-ia kisra điñiđi!", "gloss": "and mothers clɲ-rtc-be.rt-pfv skillful loc-clð.nom-do.rt-ipfv kisra now!", "translation": "and now women are skilled in making kisra!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f52220", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443699995454, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f52220" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋucia:", "morphemes": "Ŋucia:", "gloss": "sauce", "translation": "Sauce", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f53725", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443700277536, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f53725" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji lafo labəɽwaṯa ŋucia ŋəndrəldwa, ŋëmərria,", "morphemes": "Liji l-a-f-o l-a-b-əɽw-aṯ-a ŋucia ŋə-ndrəldwa, ŋëmərria,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv cll-rtc-prog-cook.rt-loc.appl-ipfv sauce clŋ.poss- ardaib, clŋ.poss-amarria", "translation": "Women used to cook sauce of ardaib fruits, amarria,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f54b4d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443700496810, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f54b4d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəŋəđəmana, ŋəcororo, ŋəŋau, ŋəpaɽəlwa, ŋokora,", "morphemes": "ŋə-ŋəđəmana, ŋə-cororo, ŋə-ŋau, ŋə-paɽəlwa, ŋ-okora,", "gloss": "clŋ.poss-beans, clŋ.poss-croro, clŋ.poss-water, clŋ.poss-mulukhia, clŋ.poss-karkade,", "translation": "of beans, croro, water, mulukhia, karkade,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f55c65", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443700940814, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f55c65" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋucia ŋəŋan ŋabəla walla ŋacəfa,", "morphemes": "na ŋucia ŋə-ŋan ŋ-abəla walla ŋ-acəfa,", "gloss": "and sauce clŋ.poss-milk clŋ-sour or clŋ-fresh", "translation": "and sauce of sour milk or fresh milk", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f57452", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701100259, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f57452" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋucia ŋəŋoređa na ŋəməɽwata na ŋǝñaṯorra!", "morphemes": "na ŋucia ŋə-ŋoređa na ŋə-məɽwata na ŋǝ-ñaṯorra!", "gloss": "and sauce clŋ.poss-sesame and clŋ.poss-peanuts and clŋ.poss-tomatoes!", "translation": "and sauce of sesame and of peanuts and of tomatoes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f59451", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701251826, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f59451" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋucia pređ ŋafo ŋabəɽwëinia uləŋga,", "morphemes": "Ŋucia pređ ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-b-əɽw-ëin-ia uləŋ-ga,", "gloss": "sauce all clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-prog-cook.rt-appl.pass-ipfv weika-clg.with", "translation": "all these kinds of sauce were cooked mixed with weika", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5a814", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701451781, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5a814" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi ŋucia iŋi ŋəpaɽəlwa na ŋokora na ŋëmərria caŋ caŋ", "morphemes": "illi ŋucia iŋi ŋə-paɽəlwa na ŋ-okora na ŋ-ëmərria caŋ caŋ", "gloss": "except sauce sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-mulukhia and clŋ.poss-karkade and clŋ.poss-amarria alone alone", "translation": "except the sauce of mulukhia, karkade leaves and amarria only", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5b47b", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701521496, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5b47b" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋafo ŋaber ŋonaṯa uləŋia.", "morphemes": "ŋ-a-fo ŋ-aber ŋ-onaṯ-a uləŋia.", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-not.rt clŋ-need.rt-ipfv weika.", "translation": "do not need weika.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5e79f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701799210, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5e79f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋucia ŋafo ŋabəɽwëcənia lubəgaṯiala egəɽendr na egadia gəta.", "morphemes": "Ŋucia ŋ-a-f-o ŋ-a-b-əɽwëc-ən-ia lubəgaṯia-la eg-əɽendr na eg-adia g-əta.", "gloss": "souse clŋ-rtc-be.loc-pfv clŋ-rtc-prog-cook.rt-pass-ipfv cooking.stick-cll.with loc-pan and loc-pot clg-small.", "translation": "All sauces are cooked with special stick in a pan of clay or in small pot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5cb2a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443701861602, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5cb2a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana na Warria:", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana na Warria:", "gloss": "beans and Warria", "translation": "Beans and warria beans", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5f6a9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443702111446, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f5f6a9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋəlëɽənia eŋəborṯo ŋabërnia warria", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia e-ŋəborṯo ŋ-a-b-ërn-ia warria", "gloss": "beans sclŋ-this sclŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-basin clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv warria", "translation": "The beans that grow in farms near houses is called warria", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f60fc9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443702222752, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f60fc9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iŋi ŋəlëɽənia ini ŋabërnia ŋəđamana.", "morphemes": "na iŋi ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni ŋ-a-b-ërn-ia ŋəđamana.", "gloss": "and sclŋ-this sclŋ-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv loc-fields clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv beans.", "translation": "and the one which is grown in the fields far is called beans", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f65163", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443703616561, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f65163" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana ŋamënia ŋəməte na ŋərukuđëiđu ŋwalǝŋa!", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana ŋ-a-mën-ia ŋ-əməte na ŋ-ə-rukuđ-ëiđ-u ŋwalǝ-ŋa!", "gloss": "beans clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv clŋ-smooth and clŋ-dpc-mix.rt-appl.ap-pfv sorghum-clŋ.with!", "translation": "Beans are boiled sometimes pure beans and sometimes mixed with sorghum!", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f65e42", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443703916796, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f65e42" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwana ŋafo ŋabwërnia na naŋəmëni ŋoređaŋa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwana ŋ-a-fo ŋ-abwër-n-ia na n-aŋə-mën-i ŋoređa-ŋa,", "gloss": "sorghum clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-beat.rt-pass-ipfv comp2-clŋ.inf-boil.rt-cons.pfv sesame-clŋ.with,", "translation": "Corn used to be beaten before getting ripe and cooked with sesame", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6892e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443704089694, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6892e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwana iŋi ŋəlëmu ŋamënia na ŋasənia ŋoɽo,", "morphemes": "na ŋwana iŋ-i ŋə-lëmu ŋ-a-mën-ia na ŋ-a-s-ən-ia ŋ-oɽo,", "gloss": "and sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-Arab clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv and clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv clŋ-roasted", "translation": "and the corn was cooked and roasted", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6aa7e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443704191915, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6aa7e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwala ŋañəla ŋamënia.", "morphemes": "na ŋwala ŋ-añəla ŋ-a-mën-ia.", "gloss": "and sorghum clŋ-sweet clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "and the sweet sorghum is boiled.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6d1fa", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443704818037, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6d1fa" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana ŋafo ŋamënia uḏiləga", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-mën-ia uḏiləga", "gloss": "beans clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv kind.of.leaves-clg.with", "translation": "The beans are cooked with the leaves of some creeping plants", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6e8d3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443705026377, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6e8d3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na kewađa na nëmədwana na cəgulwaya.", "morphemes": "na kewa-đa na nëmədwa-na na cəgulwa-ya.", "gloss": "and kind.of.insects-clð.with and kind.of.insects-cln.with and pumpkin-cly.with", "translation": "and with some kinds of insects and with pumpkins", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N-P Conj N-P Conj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6f299", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443705301554, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f6f299" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋəđəmana ŋëɽəđənia ŋoređaŋa na məɽwatađa lwađənu,", "morphemes": "Na ŋəđəmana ŋ-ë-ɽəđ-ən-ia ŋoređa-ŋa na məɽwata-đa l-wađ-ən-u,", "gloss": "and beans clŋ-rtc-mix.rt-pass-ipfv sesame-clŋ.with and peanuts-clð.with cll-pound.rt-pass-pfv,", "translation": "The beans are eaten mixed with sesame and peanuts,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f71532", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443705456815, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f71532" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋasənia ŋelaŋa ŋələṯur na ŋəŋoređa walla məɽwata", "morphemes": "na ŋ-a-s-ən-ia ŋela-ŋa ŋə-ləṯur na ŋə-ŋoređa walla məɽwata", "gloss": "and clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv oil-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-pigs and clŋ.poss-sesame or peanuts", "translation": "and they are eaten with the fat of pigs and oil of sesame or peanuts", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f739d7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443705681051, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f739d7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋamënia eđeya yiləṯur na ŋelaŋa ŋeđe yiria na oɽo!", "morphemes": "na ŋ-a-mën-ia eđe-ya yi-ləṯur na ŋela-ŋa ŋ-eđe y-iria na oɽo!", "gloss": "and clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv meat-cly.with cly.poss-pigs and oil-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-meat cly.poss-cows and goats!", "translation": "and they are boiled with pig's meat and with fat of cows and goats!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f752fc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443705861422, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f752fc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋəṯəbinu nəsia:", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋəṯəbinu nəsia:", "gloss": "beans which cut on-fire", "translation": "Half boiled beans:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f760ae", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443706003010, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f760ae" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə eđa gǝnǝŋ gəlaɽo ŋəđəmana ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "Ndə eđa gǝnǝŋ gəlaɽo ŋəđəmana ŋwaña,", "gloss": "when man one grew beans many,", "translation": "If someone grew a lot of beans,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f78305", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443706168289, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f78305" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji gəlëɽəŋu naŋələṯəbi nəsia ŋəmaṯan,", "morphemes": "wuji g-əlëɽəŋu n-aŋə-lə-ṯəb-i n-əsia ŋ-əmaṯan,", "gloss": "wife clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-cut.rt-cons.pfv on-fire clŋ-some,", "translation": "his wife half cooks some of them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f79dd3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443706295636, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f79dd3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəɽo ŋəsa ŋəleđa ildi ləmaməña nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "ŋ-ə-ɽ-o ŋəsa ŋə-leđa ild-i l-ə-ma-məñ-a nwaldaŋ.", "gloss": "clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv food clŋ.poss-people scll-this cll-dpc-iter-go.out.rt-ipfv far.", "translation": "and it becomes food for those who travel far.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7c4de", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443706516430, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7c4de" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋundəđi liji ləɽëwur walla lǝnua liđia egen", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋ-und-əđ-i liji lə-ɽëwur walla lǝnua liđia eg-en", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux cln-3sg.inf-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv women cll.poss-gates or inlaws people child-3sg.poss", "translation": "The wife will call her neighbors or the in-laws of her son or daughter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7ddb8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443706741198, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7ddb8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalela naləmaməđaṯe naŋəṯəbi ŋəđəmana nəsia.", "morphemes": "n-al-el-a n-alə-ma-məđaṯ-e n-aŋə-ṯəb-i ŋəđəmana nə-sia.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-help-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-cut.rt-cons.pfv beans on-fire.", "translation": "and they come and help her in boiling the beans half way.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7eabd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443707024100, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f7eabd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəđəmana ŋiđi naŋakëɽəni nəsia iɽi loɽra", "morphemes": "Ŋəđəmana ŋ-iđi n-aŋ-akëɽ-ən-i nə-sia i-ɽi loɽra", "gloss": "beans clŋ-fut.aux cln-3sg.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-fire log-pot cll-big", "translation": "The beans are put on a fire in a big pot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f802a3", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443707287131, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f802a3" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla eləmwa na ŋawa naŋəlurëini ŋəɽəwađaṯo,", "morphemes": "walla e-ləmwa na ŋawa n-aŋə-l-u-rëi-n-i ŋ-ə-ɽəw-ađaṯ-o,", "gloss": "or loc-big.pot and water comp2-clŋ.inf-3pl.om-loc-pour.rt-pass-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc-measure.rt-way-pfv,", "translation": "or in a big clay pot filled with water,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f81397", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443707535412, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f81397" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ŋəđəman ŋəfo ṯwañ ṯa aŋəmane, na ŋawa ŋələwaya,", "morphemes": "ndə ŋəđəman ŋəfo ṯwañ ṯa aŋəmane, na ŋawa ŋə-l-ə-waya,", "gloss": "when beans be near to be-cooked, and water in-them-dies,", "translation": "and when the beans are nearly to be cooked, and the water dies in them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f82825", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443707780861, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f82825" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liji naləṯəbəđe ŋeniano nalerṯe lələŋgiṯi aləɽokəđaiđe.", "morphemes": "liji na-lə-ṯəbəđe ŋenia-no na-l-erṯe lə-lə-ŋgiṯi aləɽokəđaiđe.", "gloss": "people and-they-cut talk-inside and-not-them-allow be-complete.", "translation": "the women do not allow the beans to be boiled completly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f84241", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443707999130, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f84241" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji naləme ŋawa iŋi ŋəŋəđəman naləwiđi acəba gacəfa", "morphemes": "Na liji n-alə-m-e ŋawa iŋ-i ŋə-ŋəđəman na-lə-w-iđ-i acəba g-acəfa", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv water sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-bean comp2-3pl.om-loc-make.rt-cons.pfv porridge clg-unleavened", "translation": "And the women sieve the water from the beans and make unleavened porridge out of it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f861a4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708166581, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f861a4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nalekece ŋəđəmana nəŋətu walla nəŋəpa naŋonḏəṯe.", "morphemes": "na n-al-ekec-e ŋəđəmana nə-ŋətu walla nə-ŋəpa n-aŋ-onḏəṯ-e.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-spread.rt-cons.pfv beans on-shelters or on-rocks comp2-3sg.inf-dry.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "and they spread the beans on the shelter or on flat rocks to dry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f87f81", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708264884, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f87f81" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ŋəđəman ŋonḏəṯo təmtəm đəge,", "morphemes": "Ndə ŋəđəman ŋ-onḏəṯ-o təmtəm đəge,", "gloss": "when beans clŋ-dry.rt-pfv all at.last,", "translation": "When the beans get dried completely,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8b459", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708537983, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8b459" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji naŋəlwađe ŋəmaṯan naŋəliđi ŋəɽo ulia,", "morphemes": "wuji n-aŋə-l-wađ-e ŋəmaṯan n-aŋə-l-iđ-i ŋəɽo ulia,", "gloss": "woman comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-grind.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-some comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om- make.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv flour,", "translation": "the woman grinds some of them into flour,", "tags": "resultative", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f89b04", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708595146, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f89b04" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ŋəđəmana ṯaŋəsənu ŋauŋa,", "morphemes": "nəṯia ŋəđəmana ṯ-aŋə-s-ən-u ŋau-ŋa,", "gloss": "so beans comp2b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pass-cons.ipfv water-clŋ.with,", "translation": "So this bean flour is eaten with water", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8f056", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708747615, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8f056" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn tətəl ndə leđa ləməña nwaldaŋ", "morphemes": "orn tətəl ndə leđa l-ə-məñ-a nwaldaŋ", "gloss": "but much when people cll-dpc-go.out.rt-ipfv far", "translation": "especially when people travel far away", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8f183", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443708850360, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f8f183" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalape ŋəđəmana iŋi ŋəṯəbinu nəsia ṯaldəsaṯo elo eđađ,", "morphemes": "n-al-ap-e ŋəđəmana iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ṯəb-i-n-u n-əsia ṯ-al-də-s-aṯ-o elo e-đađ,", "gloss": "comp1-3pl.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv beans sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-cut.rt-caus-pass-pfv on-fire comp1b-3pl-3pl.om-eat.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv up loc-way,", "translation": "they carry with them the half boiled beans and eat them on their way,", "tags": "V N Adj N Adj V P-N V P P-N", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f926cc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443709044121, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f926cc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla eđa ṯaŋələsaṯo egal isi gəbəɽau nwaldaŋ!", "morphemes": "walla eđa ṯ-aŋə-lə-s-aṯ-o eg-al is-i g-ə-b-əɽ-a-u nwaldaŋ!", "gloss": "or man comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-eat-loc.appl-pfv loc-place scly-this scly-this clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-ipfv-loc far!", "translation": "or they eat them at their destination!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f99c61", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443709234015, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f99c61" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋoređa na məɽwata:", "morphemes": "Ŋoređa na məɽwata:", "gloss": "sesame and peanuts:", "translation": "Sesame and peanuts", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f9be4d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443709352437, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f9be4d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋoređa ŋaɽo alo yeɽəjan,", "morphemes": "Ŋoređa ŋ-a-ɽ-o alo y-eɽəjan,", "gloss": "sesame clŋ-rtc-be.rt-pfv place cly-two", "translation": "There are two kinds of sesame seeds", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f9b3d4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443709494654, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13f9b3d4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋoređa iŋi ŋalëɽəni esərəŋ niwur ŋabërnia japəređa,", "morphemes": "ŋoređa iŋ-i ŋ-a-lëɽ-ən-i es-ərəŋ n-iwur ŋ-a-bërn-ia japəređa,", "gloss": "sesame sclŋ-this clŋ-grow.rt-pass-pfv loc-farms in-village clŋ-rtc-be.called.rt-ipfv japretha,", "translation": "The sesame which is grown around the villages is called japretha", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13fa7044", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443709770058, "3ef62e243b5424aae370c5fb13fa7044" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iŋi ŋəlëɽənia ini nḏubwu ŋabërnia ŋoređa ŋəbəco na aṯinḏria.", "morphemes": "na iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni n-ḏubwu ŋ-a-bërn-ia ŋoređa ŋ-əbəco na aṯinḏria.", "gloss": "and sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-grow.rt-pass-ipfv in-fields cln.poss-plateau clŋ-rtc-be.called.rt-ipfv sesame clŋ-white and atindria", "translation": "and the one which grown in plateau is called white sesame and atindria.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0249ce9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443856755974, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0249ce9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋoređa ŋëpəɽənia igubwa igi gə Đəpəɽa", "morphemes": "Ŋoređa ŋ-ë-pəɽ-ən-ia ig-ubwa ig-i gə-Đə-pəɽ-a", "gloss": "sesame clŋ-rtc-pull.rt- in-month sclg-this clg.poss-clð.nom-pull.rt-ipfv", "translation": "The sesame sheaves is pulled and bound in the month of October (= of Pulling)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024b0e8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443856963111, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024b0e8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋəpinṯi ŋətu naŋəwakëɽəni ṯa aŋonḏəṯe,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-pin-ṯ-i ŋətu n-aŋə-w-ak-ëɽ-ən-i ṯa aŋ-onḏ-əṯ-e,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg-build.rt-appl-cons.pfv shelters comp2-3sg.inf-loc-iter-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv comp1 3sg.inf-dry.rt-cmp-inf1,", "translation": "and shelters are made for they until they dry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024c328", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443857298248, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024c328" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ŋwi ŋəɽəñađaṯo đonḏəṯa naŋəpəđəni na naŋərəjëini irəməɽənia.", "morphemes": "ndə ŋwi ŋ-ə-ɽəñađaṯ-o đ-onḏəṯ-a n-aŋə-pəđ-ən-i na n-aŋə-rəj-ëin-i i-rəməɽənia.", "gloss": "when seeds clŋ-dpc-finish.rt-pfv clð.nom-dry.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.inf-winnow.rt-pass-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.inf-pour.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv loc-barns.", "translation": "when the seeds are dried they are winnowed and put into the barns.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024cfd4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443857645575, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024cfd4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋoređa ŋasənia ŋəɽəsi ŋəmulu walla ŋəɽicənu,", "morphemes": "Ŋoređa ŋ-a-s-ən-ia ŋ-ə-ɽ-ə-si ŋ-ə-mul-u walla ŋ-ə-ɽic-ən-u,", "gloss": "sesame clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv-eyes (seeds) clŋ-dpc-still.rt-pfv or clŋ-dpc-roast.rt-pass-pfv,", "translation": "The sesame is eaten raw or roasted,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024e546", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443857798420, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef024e546" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋasənia ŋwađənu ŋəɽo lakəkor na ŋəməte ŋəñuməđənu.", "morphemes": "na ŋ-a-s-ən-ia ŋ-wađ-ən-u ŋ-ə-ɽ-o lakəkor na ŋ-əməte ŋ-əñuməđənu.", "gloss": "and clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv clŋ-grind.rt-pass-pfv clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv rough and clŋ-smooth clŋ-pressed", "translation": "and it is eaten ground roughly or smoothly pressed.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0250550", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443857911476, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0250550" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ŋoređa ŋamënia eđeya yelaro,", "morphemes": "Na com ŋoređa ŋ-a-mën-ia eđe-ya ye-laro,", "gloss": "and also sesame clŋ-rtc-boil.rt-ipfv meat-cly.with cly.poss-chicken,", "translation": "And also it is cooked with chicken meat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0251748", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443858034935, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0251748" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yoɽo na yiria yonḏəṯo walla yabəra,", "morphemes": "y-oɽo na y-iria y-onḏəṯo walla y-abəra,", "gloss": "cly.poss-goats and cly.poss-cows cly-dry or cly-fresh,", "translation": "or of goats or cows, either dried or fresh", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0253473", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443858704394, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0253473" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđe yelaŋge ildi ləməṯia lalo larno ɽrui, ndia, ñəđənia,", "morphemes": "na eđe ye-laŋge ild-i l-ə-məṯ-ia lalo larno ɽrui, ndia, ñəđənia,", "gloss": "and meat cly.poss-things scll-this cll-dpc-live.rt-ipfv lives.world? cll- like mice, fowl, rabbits,", "translation": "and also is cooked also with other animals meat such as mice, fowls, and rabbits,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025410c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443858853172, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025410c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com ŋoređa ŋabəɽwëcənia,", "morphemes": "na com ŋoređa ŋ-a-b-əɽwëc-ən-ia,", "gloss": "and also sesame clŋ-rtc-prog-cook.rt-pass-ipfv,", "translation": "and sesame also is cooked as sauce,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025649a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443859144506, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025649a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋayiđənia ŋen iŋi ŋəđërrənəcia ñere ndrəŋ na ŋañuməđənia ŋela.", "morphemes": "na ŋ-a-y-iđ-ən-ia ŋen iŋi ŋə-đërrənəcia ñere ndrəŋ na ŋ-a-ñum-əđ-ən-ia ŋela.", "gloss": "and clŋ-rtc-with-use.rt-pass-ipfv talk sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-naming children names and clŋ-rtc-press.rt-ap-pass-ipfv oil", "translation": "and also used at certain cermony of ritual of naming the babies, and for pressed oil.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02586d9", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443859737129, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02586d9" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Məɽwata đalëɽənia eŋəfer esərəŋ niwur, na ntëbtëb.", "morphemes": "Məɽwata đ-a-lëɽ-ən-ia e-ŋəfer e-sərəŋ n-iwur, na n-tëbtëb.", "gloss": "peanuts clð-rtc-grow.rt-pass.ipfv loc-squares loc-garden on-village, and on-sandy.land.", "translation": "Peanuts are grown in square gardens near the village or in sandy land", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0257841", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443859907157, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0257841" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə məɽwata đirəwi nađəpəɽəni", "morphemes": "Ndə məɽwata đ-irəw-i n-ađə-pəɽ-ən-i", "gloss": "when peanuts clð-descend.rt-caus and-clð.inf-pull.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "When they peanuts are ripe they are gathered and pulled out,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025c463", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443860022835, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef025c463" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nađakëɽəni nəŋətu walla nađarrëini,", "morphemes": "nađakëɽəni nəŋətu walla nađarrëini,", "gloss": "it-be-put on-shelters or be-removed,", "translation": "and it is put on the shelters or it is cleaned", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0274dfc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443860545272, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0274dfc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə điđi đonḏəṯo nađuɽəlini nađərəjëini irəməɽənia rəlëɽəŋu walla esəswal.", "morphemes": "ndə đ-iđi đ-onḏəṯ-o n-ađ-uɽəl-i-n-i n-ađə-rəj-ëin-i i-rəməɽənia r-əlëɽəŋu walla e-səswal.", "gloss": "when clð-fut.aux clð-dry.rt-pfv comp2-clð.inf-peel.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv comp2-clð.inf-pour.rt-pass.appl-cons.pfv loc-barns clr-3sg.poss or loc-sacks", "translation": "When it is dried enough it is pealed and put into its barns or in sacks.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0276390", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443860709201, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0276390" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Məɽwata đasənia đəmulu đabəra walla đonḏəṯo,", "morphemes": "Məɽwata đasənia đəmulu đabəra walla đonḏəṯo,", "gloss": "peanuts eaten still fresh or dried,", "translation": "The peanuts is eaten raw fresh or dried", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0278025", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443860876623, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0278025" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đəmano walla đoɽo, na đañuməđənia ŋela na đabəɽwëcənia.", "morphemes": "na đ-ə-man-o walla đ-oɽ-o, na đ-a-ñuməđ-ən-ia ŋela na đ-a-bəɽwëc-ən-ia.", "gloss": "and clð-dpc-boil.rt-pfv or clð-burn.rt-pfv, and clð-rtc-press.rt-pass-ipfv oil and clð-rtc-cook.rt-pass-ipfv sauce,", "translation": "or boiled or burned with fire, and it pressed oil and it is cooked as sauce,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0279869", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443863653975, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0279869" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iɽëđənia:", "morphemes": "Iɽëđənia:", "gloss": "salad", "translation": "Tree leaf salad", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ac05", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443863778397, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ac05" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji lə Ləmwarəŋ lafo laɽađa laŋge lwaña kañ", "morphemes": "Liji lə Ləmwarəŋ lafo laɽađa laŋge lwaña kañ", "gloss": "people of moro were mixing things many very", "translation": "Moro people used to make salad from many kinds of tree leaves", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ce79", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443863924862, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ce79" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋoređaŋa na məɽwatađa na ŋəđəmanəŋa iŋi ŋəṯəbinu nəsia.", "morphemes": "ŋoređa-ŋa na məɽwata-đa na ŋəđəmanə-ŋa iŋi ŋəṯəbinu nə-sia.", "gloss": "sesame-with and peanuts-with and beans-with which be-cut on-fire.", "translation": "with sesame, peanuts, and with beans which are half cooked.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ddf7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443863997339, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027ddf7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge ildi leđa lələɽađa:", "morphemes": "Laŋge ild-i leđa lə-lə-ɽađ-a:", "gloss": "things which people cll-dpc2-3pl.om-mix.rt-ipfv:", "translation": "Things that are made into salad:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027e90f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443864087451, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef027e90f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa laɽađa nënəŋia nənuɽi narno", "morphemes": "Leđa laɽađa nënəŋia nə-nuɽi narno", "gloss": "people mix ears of-trees like", "translation": "People make salad from the leaves of trees such as", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028038d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443864272660, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028038d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wara, ləɽwa, ebala, emia, uđəpi, oya, na udadəlia.", "morphemes": "wara, ləɽwa, ebala, emia, uđəpi, oya, na udadəlia.", "gloss": "tabaldi.leaves, ardaib.leaves, eme, uthpi, woya, and audadlia.tree", "translation": "tabaldi leaves, ardaib leaves, eme, uthpi woya, and the audadlia tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0280bfd", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443864406044, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0280bfd" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com leđa laɽađa laŋge lobəđa alo larno,", "morphemes": "Na com leđa l-a-ɽađ-a laŋge l-obəđ-a alo l-arno,", "gloss": "and also people cll.rtc-mix.rt-ipfv things cll-grow-ipfv down cll-like,", "translation": "also they make salads from the plants that grown on land such as,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0282a23", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865106241, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0282a23" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iṯumi, jəlelia, iḏəfəria, oɽəl, na ëfəñia.", "morphemes": "iṯumi, jəlelia, iḏəfəria, oɽəl, na ëfəñia.", "gloss": "onions, jelele, leaves.of.beans, moleta, and leaves.of.vegetables", "translation": "green onions, leaves of beans, moleta, and leaves of some vegetables.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02838a2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865252697, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02838a2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com leđa laɽađa ləđia lənuɽi, larno, ŋəbarṯəŋia,", "morphemes": "Na com leđa l-a-ɽađ-a ləđia lə-nuɽi, larno ŋəbarṯəŋia,", "gloss": "and also people cll.rtc-mix.rt-ipfv fruits cll.poss-trees, cll-like ŋəbarṯəŋia", "translation": "Also they make salad from the fruit of trees like, ngabartngia,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0284cd8", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865368996, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0284cd8" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋuli, ŋuiya, ŋəbəđa, ŋəbəldəŋwara na emaɽəkəŋia.", "morphemes": "ŋuli, ŋuiya, ŋəbəđa, ŋəbəldəŋwara na emaɽəkəŋia.", "gloss": "nguli, nguiya, fig, ngebelongwar, and dom", "translation": "nguli, nguiya, fig, ngebelongwar, and dom", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028757f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865411182, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028757f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Điđia Ŋuɽu:", "morphemes": "Điđia Ŋuɽu:", "gloss": "making wine", "translation": "Making wine", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02897bf", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865552770, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02897bf" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ lafo lëbəđia ŋuɽu eŋwalo na uđəɽi,", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-ë-b-əđ-ia ŋuɽu e-ŋwalo na uđəɽi,", "gloss": "Moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv wine loc-sorghum and yeast,", "translation": "Moro people make wine from sorghum and yeast,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028a4ab", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865691948, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028a4ab" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋerṯo ŋəmëɽria ŋoɽra kañ eđəməṯia đə Ləmwarəŋ,", "morphemes": "na ŋuɽu ŋ-a-fo ŋ-erṯ-o ŋəmëɽria ŋ-oɽra kañ e-đəməṯia đə-Ləmwarəŋ,", "gloss": "and wine clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-have.rt-pfv work clŋ-big very loc-life clð.poss-moro.people", "translation": "Wine plays important role in the Moro community", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028c7ab", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443865918031, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028c7ab" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđəma eđen na inëməđia enen na iŋəmëɽria eŋen.", "morphemes": "e-đəma eđen na i-nëməđia enen na i-ŋəmëɽria eŋen.", "gloss": "loc-marriage 3pl.poss and loc-festivals 3pl.poss and loc-work 3pl.poss.", "translation": "in their marriage and festivals and in their work.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028e465", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443866199992, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef028e465" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋubəđi ŋwala naŋəliđi uđəɽi,", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋ-ubəđ-i ŋwala n-aŋə-l-iđ-i uđəɽi,", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-grow.rt-caus sorghum comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-make.rt-inf1 yeast,", "translation": "The women put sorghum in water to grow in order to make yeast,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0290b1c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443866696125, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0290b1c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "uđəɽi gupənia acəbano na acəba naŋole.", "morphemes": "uđəɽi g-up-ən-ia acəba-no na acəba n-aŋ-ol-e.", "gloss": "yeast clg-reach.rt-pass-ipfv food-inside and food comp2-3sg.inf-leavened-inf1", "translation": "the yeast goes throughout the porridge and it becomes leavened.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0291c94", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443866772475, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0291c94" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gonaṯa gəbəđia ŋuɽu,", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-onaṯ-a g-ə-b-əđ-ia ŋuɽu,", "gloss": "when woman clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc2-prog-make.rt-ipfv wine,", "translation": "When a woman wants to make wine,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0292bc4", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443866941492, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0292bc4" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi naŋəme ŋwala eləŋgəre naŋəɽrace alo naswal", "morphemes": "g-iđi n-aŋə-m-e ŋwala e-ləŋgəre n-aŋə-l-rac-e alo n-aswal", "gloss": "clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv sorghum loc-bowl comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-pour.rt-cons.pfv down on-sack", "translation": "she takes some sorghum from in a bowl and she pours it into a sack", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0294358", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867082420, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0294358" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eləbate elna egal yemolo yerṯo wiliano", "morphemes": "e-ləbate e-lna eg-al yemolo yerṯo wili-ano", "gloss": "in-ground in-room in-place cool has shadow-in", "translation": "on the ground in a cool dark place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0295f0e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867293061, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0295f0e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəɽrəjace ŋawa nano na naŋələtëri aswalaya yomən,", "morphemes": "na-ŋə-l-rəjace ŋawa nano na na-ŋə-lə-tëri aswala-ya yomən,", "gloss": "and-she-them-pour water on and she-them-cover sack-with another,", "translation": "she pours water on them and covers them with another sack,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0298487", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867431551, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0298487" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa uđəɽi gobəđaṯa egal yemolwe,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa uđəɽi g-obəđ-aṯ-a eg-al y-emolwe,", "gloss": "because yeast clg-grow.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-place cly-cool,", "translation": "for yeast grows in a cool place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0299890", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867541605, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef0299890" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ndə aŋal gubwa ŋwala naŋonḏəṯe na naŋerṯe ŋobəđa!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ndə aŋal gubwa ŋwala naŋonḏəṯe na naŋerṯe ŋobəđa!", "gloss": "because when heat hot sorghum be-dry and did grow!", "translation": "for if it is hot the sorghum become dry and do not grow!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029c0e7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867684482, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029c0e7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na wuji ṯaŋəldaldəfëcu ŋawa ŋəteta", "morphemes": "Na wuji ṯ-aŋə-l-da-ldəfëc-u ŋawa ŋəteta", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-wet.rt-cons.ipfv water little", "translation": "and each time the woman wet them with a little water", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029b4f7", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867792521, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029b4f7" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwala naŋəɽaŋe ñoman ñəɽəjan walla ñəɽijin", "morphemes": "na ŋwala n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e ñoman ñ-əɽəjan walla ñ-əɽijin", "gloss": "and sorguhm comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv days clɲ-two or clɲ-three,", "translation": "the sorghum stays like this for two or three days", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029ea95", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443867980476, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029ea95" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro naŋobəđe naŋəməñi urldia na ŋəɽwa ŋəlëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "oro n-aŋ-obəđ-e n-aŋə-məñ-i urldia na ŋəɽwa ŋ-əlëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-grow.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-produce.rt-cons.pfv roots and heads clŋ-3pl.poss,", "translation": "after that it sprouts and makes roots", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029fe11", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443868194743, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef029fe11" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đuđa đero nəṯia naŋobəđaṯe alo bipi.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đuđa đ-ero nəṯia n-aŋ-obəđ-aṯ-e alo bipi.", "gloss": "because soil clð-not.exist so comp2-3sg.inf-grow.rt-loc.app-cons.pfv place only.", "translation": "for there is no soil so it springs out just like that", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a1b33", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443869553867, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a1b33" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ŋwala iŋi ŋobəđo ŋenŋa ŋarno iŋi ŋabërnia uđəɽi.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ŋwala iŋ-i ŋ-obəđ-o ŋen0ŋa ŋarno iŋ-i ŋ-abër-n-ia uđəɽi.", "gloss": "so light.sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-grow.rt-pfv talk-with sclŋ-this clŋ-call.rt-pass-ipfv yeast", "translation": "So the sorghum which is grown like this is called yeast.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a35be", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443869746135, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a35be" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia wuji giđi naŋəme uđəɽi naŋeləce nëđəñin naŋonḏəṯe,", "morphemes": "nəṯia wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-m-e uđəɽi n-aŋ-eləc-e n-ëđəñin n-aŋ-onḏəṯe,", "gloss": "so woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv yeast comp2-3sg.inf-spread.rt-cons.pfv on-sun comp2-3sg.inf-dry.rt-inf1,", "translation": "so the woman takes the yeast and spread it out in the sun to get dry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a503e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443869802730, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a503e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro naŋwađe uđəɽi!", "morphemes": "oro n-aŋ-wađ-e uđəɽi!", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv yeast!", "translation": "then she grinds the yeast!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a734c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443869923215, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a734c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na təŋ wuji naŋəme ulia naŋəlakëɽi egəṯal,", "morphemes": "Na təŋ wuji n-aŋə-m-e ulia n-aŋə-l-ak-ëɽ-i eg-əṯal,", "gloss": "and again woman comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv flour commp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om- iter-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-pot", "translation": "and again the woman takes flour and puts it into the dough pot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a90cc", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443870177379, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a90cc" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝdu naŋabəleṯe, na naŋiđi naŋiđiṯi acəba eđaɽer", "morphemes": "na ŋǝdu n-aŋ-abəl-eṯ-e, na n-aŋ-iđi n-aŋ-iđ-iṯ-i acəba e-đaɽer", "gloss": "and dough comp2-3sg.inf-sour.rt-cmp-cons.pfv, and comp2-3sg.inf-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-make.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv porridge loc-pot", "translation": "and the dough becomes sour, and the woman makes porridge in an open pot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a9a15", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443870564342, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02a9a15" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋorəjace ulia guđəɽi naŋiđi acəba gəɽo bwër bwër naŋəɽiṯi đəɽini.", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-o-rəj-ac-e ulia g-uđəɽi n-aŋ-iđ-i acəba g-ə-ɽ-o bwër.bwër n-aŋə-ɽ-iṯ-i đə-ɽin-i.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.rt-loc-pour.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv flour clg.poss-yeast comp2-3sg.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv food clg-dpc2-be.rt-pfv beat?.beat? comp2-3sg.inf-roll-cons.pfv ball", "translation": "and she poured the yeast flour into the dough and would make dry roasted porridge like balls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02abd2a", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443870746947, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02abd2a" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oro naŋiđi acəba gabəla naŋorace đəɽini đakəl,", "morphemes": "Oro naŋiđi acəba gabəla naŋorace đəɽini đakəl,", "gloss": "then she-made food sour and-she-in-pour balls food that,", "translation": "Then she cook sour porridge and pours that balls food in it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02ad022", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443870943736, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02ad022" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋərukəđëiđi acəba đəɽiniđa naŋəɽəñe đəɽini", "morphemes": "na na-ŋə-rukəđëiđi acəba đəɽini-đa na-ŋə-ɽəñe đəɽini", "gloss": "and she-mix food balls-with and-she-kills balls", "translation": "and she-mix up the porridge with that balls food to kill the balla", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02aeb80", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443871117548, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02aeb80" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋëɽəjiṯi ŋawa naŋətëri naŋgiṯi acəba ṯaŋolo", "morphemes": "na naŋëɽəjiṯi ŋawa naŋətëri naŋgiṯi acəba ṯaŋolo", "gloss": "and adds water and-she-cover and-let food leaven", "translation": "and she adds water and she covers it and let it to get leaven", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02af8d1", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443871261485, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02af8d1" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na uđəɽi naŋupəni acəbano naŋəɽeṯe ŋuɽu!", "morphemes": "na uđəɽi naŋupəni acəbano naŋəɽeṯe ŋuɽu!", "gloss": "and yeast went through porridge-inside and-it-become wine!", "translation": "the the yeast went throughout the porridge and it become wine!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b118f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443871642426, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b118f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia wuji naŋundi ŋuɽu đəge đəcađa", "morphemes": "nəṯia wuji naŋundi ŋuɽu đəge đəca-đa", "gloss": "so woman she-refine wine last refiner-with", "translation": "so the woman refine the wine at last with the refiner", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b185f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443871790297, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b185f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋundaṯi eləmwa walla iɽi loɽra,", "morphemes": "naŋundaṯi e-ləmwa walla i-ɽi loɽra,", "gloss": "and-she-refine-to in-pot in-pot big,", "translation": "and she pours it in a basin of clay or a big pot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b377f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443871877604, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b377f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋənanace leđa naləṯi,", "morphemes": "na naŋənanace leđa naləṯi,", "gloss": "and she-gives people and-they-drink", "translation": "and then she gives to the people to drink,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b5bd5", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872040224, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b5bd5" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na keđa naŋəṯëni na naŋəsini ləṯura walla oɽo!", "morphemes": "na keđa naŋəṯëni na naŋəsini ləṯura walla oɽo!", "gloss": "and remains be-left and be-eaten pigs or goats!", "translation": "and the remains after refining, it is given to the pigs or goats!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b898d", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872169419, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b898d" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋëbəđənṯia ŋəmëɽria ikərəŋ", "morphemes": "Ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋëbəđən-ṯia ŋəmëɽria ikərəŋ", "gloss": "wine was been-made-for work only", "translation": "The wine is make only for work", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b907f", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872324608, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b907f" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋafo ŋaber ŋəṯənia məɽəñ, na ñere ñərra ñafo ñaber ñəṯia!", "morphemes": "na ŋafo ŋaber ŋəṯənia məɽəñ, na ñere ñərra ñafo ñaber ñəṯia!", "gloss": "and was not drunk without, and children small were not drink!", "translation": "and it was not use without purpose, and the children were not allowed to drink!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b944e", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872542010, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02b944e" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Omarəŋ gafo gaməṯia eŋen ŋame na eđəŋəranano,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Omarəŋ gafo gaməṯia eŋen ŋame na eđəŋəranano,", "gloss": "so moro were living in-talk good and in-happiness,", "translation": "So the Moro people were living a good life and in happiness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bc325", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872656187, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bc325" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋero eđəməṯia iđi đə Ləmwarəŋ,", "morphemes": "na ŋuɽu ŋafo ŋero e-đəməṯia iđi đə Ləmwarəŋ,", "gloss": "and wine was no in-life which of Moro", "translation": "and drinking wine was not exist in Moro community,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bdf52", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872802829, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bdf52" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi fələṯwëɽi na apaŋənda ildi loɽra caŋ caŋ", "morphemes": "illi fə-ləṯwëɽi na apaŋənda ildi loɽra caŋ caŋ", "gloss": "except it-is-old men and fathers who old alone alone", "translation": "except the elders and aged people are only who drink it", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bf2b2", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443872913774, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02bf2b2" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi ləfo ləbəđənṯia ŋuɽu ikərəŋ.", "morphemes": "ildi ləfo ləbəđənṯia ŋuɽu ikərəŋ.", "gloss": "which be them-done-to wine alone", "translation": "those wine is specially made for them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c0143", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443873065282, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c0143" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ŋen ŋafo ŋëđəñənu ṯa ëđəmwa walla maje gəta aŋəṯi ŋuɽu.", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ŋen ŋafo ŋëđəñənu ṯa ëđəmwa walla maje gəta aŋəṯi ŋuɽu.", "gloss": "because talk was feared that young or man small drink wine.", "translation": "For it was shamefull for a youth or a young man to drink", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c1ca6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443873162913, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c1ca6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen iŋi ŋəfo ŋəbəđənṯia ŋuɽu:", "morphemes": "Ŋen iŋi ŋəfo ŋəbəđənṯia ŋuɽu:", "gloss": "talk which was done-for wine:", "translation": "Wine was only made for these reason such as:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c2f78", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443873365720, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c2f78" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëməđia na ŋənua na đəbia", "morphemes": "Nëməđia na ŋənua na đəbia", "gloss": "Feasts and inlaws and payment dowries", "translation": "Feasts and for inlaws occasions and marriage dowries", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c3cb6", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443873714987, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c3cb6" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəmëɽria ŋəđəlaɽa ini ŋənua walla nafiri", "morphemes": "Ŋəmëɽria ŋəđəlaɽa ini ŋənua walla nafiri", "gloss": "work of-ploughing in-fields inlaws or group work", "translation": "Working in fields in groups and cooperative works", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c57bf", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443873845038, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c57bf" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đwanḏa na đabəđa na đwaḏa neɽa,", "morphemes": "Đwanḏa na đabəđa na đwaḏa neɽa,", "gloss": "harvesting and building and building houses,", "translation": "Harvesting, building or making the roofs of huts,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c60ab", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1443874044625, "71b2cf328d91325eafe612cef02c60ab" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đəređa na đəṯoɽaṯa ni na đaɽa uruba", "morphemes": "đəređa na đəṯoɽaṯa ni na đaɽa uruba", "gloss": "chopping and making fields and gathering grasses", "translation": "chopping and clearing the fields and gathering the grass for building.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "5f36008e38b55e13b28fe2a3ca78c234", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", 1488831793512, "5f36008e38b55e13b28fe2a3ca78c234" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b0740ae", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "In progress", "morphemes": "I-n progress", "gloss": "cons.pfv-comp2 ?", "translation": "", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b07ea1c", "key": [ "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b07b906", 1439970982469, "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b07ea1c" ], "value": { "story": "32a4e729a4c1d2278bec26f69b07b906", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ccccc", "morphemes": "", "gloss": "", "translation": "", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db700506f", "key": [ 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were three twins lions.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70087a8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437480270468, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70087a8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đëffia đǝnǝŋ đaɽo đaređ aŋǝno", "morphemes": "Đëffia đ-ǝnǝŋ đ-a-ɽo đaređ aŋǝno", "gloss": "Lion clđ-one clđ-rtc-past.aux speckled body", "translation": "One lion was speckled body.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7008f79", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437480326674, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7008f79" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đomǝn đaɽo đǝmarraña aŋǝno", "morphemes": "na đ-omǝn đ-a-ɽ-o đǝmarraña aŋǝno", "gloss": "and clđ-other clđ-rtc-be.rt-pfv patchy body", "translation": "and the other was spotted body", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db700b08a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437480428616, "376fa2132546ec616697799db700b08a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đomǝn đaɽo đǝɽitiu aŋǝno.", "morphemes": "na đ-omǝn đ-a-ɽ-o đǝɽitiu aŋǝno.", "gloss": "and clđ-other clđ-rtc-be.rt-pfv grey body", "translation": "and the third was greyed body.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db700d02c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437480612032, "376fa2132546ec616697799db700d02c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Yëffia isi yafo yaɽo nǝlǝŋ, na yafo ywaña đwala kañ.", "morphemes": "Yëffia is-i y-a-fo y-a-ɽ-o n-ǝlǝŋ, na y-a-fo y-waña đwala kañ.", "gloss": "Lions scly-this cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-past.aux ?-rich, and cly-rtc-past.aux cly-many wealth very.", "translation": "Those lions were very wealthy, they had many cattle.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V Adj Conj V Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db700f2c0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437480738212, "376fa2132546ec616697799db700f2c0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Yënŋulu yafo yerṯo iria na yëuria na yaŋala com.", "morphemes": "Y-ënŋulu y-a-fo yerṯo iria na yëuria na yaŋala com.", "gloss": "cly-3pl.pro cly-rtc-past.aux there cattles and camels and sheeps too.", "translation": "They had cows, camels, and sheep too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Conj N Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70104f3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437481011258, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70104f3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na yënŋulu yafo yaɽatođa đwalađa eđen", "morphemes": "Na yënŋulu y-af-o y-aɽatođa đwalađa eđen", "gloss": "and they cly-past cly-moving wealth-with their,", "translation": "They moved from one place to another with their herds and livestock,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70115f8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437481404589, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70115f8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yafo yayakaldaca alo pređ ŋenŋanṯa,", "morphemes": "na y-a-fo ya-y-akaldaca alo pređ ŋen-ŋanṯa,", "gloss": "and cly-rtc-past.aux with-?-moving? place all word-meaning,", "translation": "and they were moving around the land with the animals for,", "tags": "check:it particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N Adv Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70130ac", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437481612295, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70130ac" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yafo yabapwaña ŋëmia ŋǝŋǝra, nwaldaŋ na ṯwañ com.", "morphemes": "y-a-fo y-abapwaña ŋëmia ŋ-ǝŋǝra, n-waldaŋ na ṯwañ com.", "gloss": "cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-seek.rt-ipfv pasture clŋ-good, clŋ-far and near too.", "translation": "they were seeking good pasture, far or near too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7013add", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437481713214, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7013add" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ yëffia nǝyifiđi ođǝloŋ gǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "Orn loma-nǝŋ yëffia nǝ-y-i-fiđ-i ođǝloŋ g-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "but day-indef lions comp2-cly-dpc1?-find.rt-cons.pfv fox clg-one", "translation": "Then, one day the lions found a fox,", "tags": "check:dpc1", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Ad N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7015f91", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437482973677, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7015f91" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝɽo lǝmǝđe aŋano gǝfo nǝŋen ŋǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-ɽ-o lǝmǝđe aŋano g-ǝ-f-o nǝ-ŋen ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv reddish body clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv on-word clŋ-1du.poss", "translation": "a reddish coloured moving around was on his own affairs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7017517", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437483093328, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7017517" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbapwaña ŋǝsa ṯa aŋǝse.", "morphemes": "gǝ-b-a-pwañ-a ŋǝsa ṯa aŋ-ǝ-s-e.", "gloss": "??prog-rtc-look.for.rt-ipfv food comp1 3sg.inf-dpc-eat.rt-inf1", "translation": "looking for something to eat.", "tags": "check:g?", "syntacticCategory": "V N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db701917e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437483371373, "376fa2132546ec616697799db701917e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn yëffia nǝyëndi ođǝloŋ ṯayakaborṯo", "morphemes": "Orn yëffia nǝ-y-ënd-i ođǝloŋ ṯ-ay-ak-aborṯ-o", "gloss": "but lions comp2-cly-catch.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1b-cly.inf-iter-ride.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "The lions caught the fox, they used him to carry them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db701afa4", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437483664943, "376fa2132546ec616697799db701afa4" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯayërrǝpi laŋge ldëɽua, ndǝ yënŋulu yetođa.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-ay-ërrǝ-p-i laŋge ldëɽua, ndǝ y-ënŋulu y-e-tođ-a.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cly.inf-iter-carry.rt-caus thing over-back, when cly-3pl.pro cly-dpc-move.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and forced him to carry their belongings, when they moved to other place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P? Comp N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db701bfc4", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437483842236, "376fa2132546ec616697799db701bfc4" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋorwaṯe kañ na nǝŋǝɽeṯe ŋǝbaya aŋǝno", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-orwaṯe kañ na n-ǝŋ-ǝɽeṯ-e ŋǝbaya aŋǝno", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-be.weak very and cons2-3sg.cons-become.rt-cons.pfv pitiful body", "translation": "The Fox became very weak and poor", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db701d405", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437484215275, "376fa2132546ec616697799db701d405" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ Ođǝloŋ nǝŋobǝđe nǝŋǝbarṯe Yëffia", "morphemes": "Orn loma-nǝŋ Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-obǝđe n-ǝŋ-ǝbarṯe Yëffia", "gloss": "but day-indef fox comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt comp2-3sg.cons-escape.from.rt lions", "translation": "Then the fox was able to flee and escape from the lions,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Adv N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db704d2de", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437484623611, "376fa2132546ec616697799db704d2de" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋëbǝrđǝni na nǝŋǝlaldǝñe nǝŋǝṯwe.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ëbǝrđǝn-i na n-ǝŋ-ǝlaldǝñe n-ǝŋ-ǝṯwe.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-save.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt comp2-3sg.cons-lost.rt.", "translation": "and he was saved himself and ran till he got lost.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db704eb88", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437484713015, "376fa2132546ec616697799db704eb88" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝfo eđađ gǝlaldǝña", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-fo e-đađ gǝlaldǝña", "gloss": "but when fox clg-dpc-past.aux loc-way running", "translation": "And when he was on way running,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Adv N V P-N? N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7050864", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437484930234, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7050864" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝrraiđe Ŋwëliaŋa ŋǝnǝŋ eđađ ŋǝɽo lǝndor.", "morphemes": "l-dǝ-rraiđ-e Ŋwëlia-ŋa ŋ-ǝnǝŋ e-đađ ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o lǝndor.", "gloss": "comp2-3pl-meet.rt-cons.pfv hyena-with ŋ-indef loc-way clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv checkered,", "translation": "he met a coloured hyena on the way,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj P-N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705228f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437485116132, "376fa2132546ec616697799db705228f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,\"Orañ agalaldǝña eđa?\"", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa,\"Orañ agalaldǝña eđa?", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-cons.pfv-say.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1, \"brother you-running? why?\"", "translation": "The Hyena said the Fox, \"Why are you running my brother?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp N N-V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70538b3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437485310303, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70538b3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Igađwëinu ṯa yela iŋundǝđi", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “I-gađwëinu ṯa yela i-ŋ-undǝđ-i", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1,\"1sg-be.sent comp1 come 1sg-2sg.inf-call-inf1,", "translation": "The Fox answered, \"I have been sent to call you,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7054f2c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437485548170, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7054f2c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝfeṯr na alǝɽǝbǝđr eđǝŋǝranano", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-ǝf-eṯ-r na al-ǝɽǝbǝđ-r e-đ-ǝŋǝra-nano", "gloss": "because 1in-be.loc-appl-pl and 1in-share.rt-pl loc-clđ-good-at,", "translation": "so as to come and join us in the great feast,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7056331", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437485786636, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7056331" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đǝđǝrrëiđia eŋen iđi lǝgerṯr lëndr na yëffia.”", "morphemes": "đǝ-đǝrrëiđia e-ŋen iđ-i lǝ-g-erṯ-r l-ëndr na yëffia.”", "gloss": "of-agreement in-word sclđ-this 1in-clg-have.rt-pl cll-1ex.poss and lions.\"", "translation": "of the agreement which signed between us and lions.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N P-N Adj V Adj Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705738c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437485850318, "376fa2132546ec616697799db705738c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "And the Fox said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7058ec0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437486092224, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7058ec0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mbu ananoŋ ŋaboṯwe ayen nano yibërnia Dogala", "morphemes": "“Mb-u ananoŋ ŋ-aboṯw-e ayen nano y-i-b-ërn-ia Dogala", "gloss": "\"go.rt-d.imp first 2sg.inf-climb.rt-inf1 mountain at cly-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Dogala", "translation": "\"Go ahead of me and climbed up the mount of Dogala", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705a9d3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437486287518, "376fa2132546ec616697799db705a9d3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na agabǝla ŋafiđi rappa rǝlaɽǝŋa pređ rëtu raŋaṯurṯia eđađ", "morphemes": "na a-g-a-b-ǝl-a ŋa-fiđ-i rappa r-ǝlaɽǝŋa pređ r-ëtu r-a-ŋa-ṯurṯia e-đađ", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-going.rt-ipfv 2sg.inf-find.rt-inf1 friends clr-2pl.poss all clr-there clr-rtc-2sg.inf-wait.rt on-road", "translation": "you are going to meet all your friends there waiting you on the way,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj Adv N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705b6bf", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437486436070, "376fa2132546ec616697799db705b6bf" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa igënǝñi igabǝlađaṯa nëñua mǝldin", "morphemes": "ŋen-ŋanṯa i-g-ënǝñi i-g-a-b-ǝl-a-đaṯa nëñua mǝldin", "gloss": "word-meaning 1sg-clg-am 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv-to in.front still", "translation": "for I have to go a head", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705cd0e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437486635985, "376fa2132546ec616697799db705cd0e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa yeɽe yundǝđia leđa ildi lero mǝldin.", "morphemes": "ṯa y-eɽ-e y-undǝđia leđa ild-i lero mǝldin.", "gloss": "comp1 1sg-go.rt-inf1 1sg-call.rt people scll-this absent yet.", "translation": "to call the other people who did not arrive yet.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db705e35d", "key": [ 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comp1-clŋ-sing.rt-??-pfv up loc-way and comp1-clŋ-make.rt clŋ-noise,", "translation": "he began to sing songs on his way,and makes a great noise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7061e69", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487274956, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7061e69" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝɽe nëñua aten orn ldopǝđaiđe", "morphemes": "orn Ŋwëlia nǝ-ŋ-ǝɽ-e nëñua aten orn ld-opǝđaiđ-e", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-clŋ-go.rt-cons.pfv in.front little but 3pl.om-meet.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "when the hyena walked a little further, he met", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P Adj Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7063231", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487378644, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7063231" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Yëffiaya elo yebapwaña Ođǝloŋ", "morphemes": "Yëffia-y-a elo ye-b-a-pwañ-a Ođǝloŋ", "gloss": "lions-cly-with up cly-prog-rtc-look.for.rt-ipfv fox", "translation": "with lions looking for the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7065b17", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487528648, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7065b17" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na yënŋulu nǝyenne Ŋwëlia ëñua nǝyayëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na y-ënŋulu nǝ-ye-nn-e Ŋwëlia ëñua nǝ-ya-y-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and cly-3pl.pro comp2-cly-hear.rt-cons.pfv hyena mouth comp2-3sg.om-cly-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "and they greeted the Hyena and said to him,", "tags": "check:3sg.om", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db706704f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487603575, "376fa2132546ec616697799db706704f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa nǝbǝṯau?”", "morphemes": "“Đappa nǝ-bǝṯau?”", "gloss": "\"friend comp2-how?", "translation": "\"My friend how are you?\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70689cc", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487740205, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70689cc" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo ŋen ŋero.”", "morphemes": "Na ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo ŋen ŋero.”", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"no word absent.\"", "translation": "The Hyena replied and said, \"I'm fine, not bad.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7069d66", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487847151, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7069d66" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Yëffia nǝyayëiṯi ŋwëlia tǝŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Yëffia n-ǝya-yëiṯ-i ŋwëlia tǝŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "Lions comp2-cly.inf-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena again comp1,", "translation": "Again the lions said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db706b753", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437487944257, "376fa2132546ec616697799db706b753" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Agero agǝsëcia Ođǝloŋ igi egañ", "morphemes": "“A-g-er-o a-g-ǝ-sëc-ia Ođǝloŋ ig-i egañ", "gloss": "\"2sg-clg-neg.aux-pfv 2sg-clg-dpc-see.rt-ipfv fox sclg-this 1in.poss", "translation": "\"Have you not seen our Fox", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db706d784", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488235412, "376fa2132546ec616697799db706d784" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñagakaborṯwa na ṯǝñërrǝpi laŋge?”", "morphemes": "ña-g-ak-aborṯw-a na ṯǝ-ñ-ërrǝp-i laŋge?”", "gloss": "2pl-clg-iter-ride.rt-ipfv and comp1b-clɲ-carry.rt-ipfv things?", "translation": "which we rode on and carried our belongings?\"", "tags": "check:clg;ipfv;carry", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj N-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db706e7c6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488280400, "376fa2132546ec616697799db706e7c6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝ-ŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-clŋ-say.rt,", "translation": "The Hyena said,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70704c8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488476506, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70704c8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñagopǝđaiđǝldǝga ayen nano isi ye Kaḏora,", "morphemes": "“Ña-g-opǝđaiđǝ-ldǝ-ga ayen nano is-i ye Kaḏora,", "gloss": "1ex-clg-meet.rt-3pl.om-with mountain near scly-this of Kadora,", "translation": "\"I have met with hime near the mountain of Kadora,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7072ab0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488603573, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7072ab0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na fǝŋu gǝlwaɽǝṯǝñe ṯa lǝgerṯr đǝŋǝranano", "morphemes": "na fǝ-ŋu g-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-ǝ-ñe ṯa lǝ-g-erṯ-r đǝŋǝranano", "gloss": "and foc-3sg.om clg-dpc-tell.rt-appl-pfv-1sg.om comp1 3pl.om-clg-have.rt-pl feast", "translation": "he is the one who told me that we have the feast", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7073ffe", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488798288, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7073ffe" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi đǝđǝrrëiđia eŋen lëndr ldǝɽo.", "morphemes": "iđ-i đǝ-đǝrrëiđia e-ŋen lëndr ldǝɽo.", "gloss": "sclđ-this of-agreement loc-word 1in.pro together.", "translation": "of the agreement that signed between us.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj P-N N N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70751b7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437488905953, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70751b7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn yëffia nǝyëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn yëffia nǝ-y-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "but lions comp2-cly-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "Then the lions said to Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db707608e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437489395102, "376fa2132546ec616697799db707608e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Agaɽo đag nǝŋaɽeṯe tǝgtǝg eŋǝṯǝɽa ŋǝlaɽǝŋa", "morphemes": "“A-g-a-ɽ-o đag n-ǝŋa-ɽeṯ-e tǝgtǝg e-ŋǝṯǝɽa ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv useless comp2-3sg.inf-be.rt-cons.pfv stubborn loc-mind clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "\"You are foolish and stupid", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj V Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a656d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437554923225, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a656d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agajǝba ŋađǝna na ŋamǝɽa ŋ-Ođǝloŋ?", "morphemes": "A-g-ajǝb-a ŋađǝna na ŋamǝɽa ŋ-Ođǝloŋ?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv mockery and deceit of-fox?", "translation": "You don't know the deceit and wickedness of the Fox?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a78c0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437555055887, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a78c0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Yëffia nǝyëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ageṯo ŋa bǝɽan,", "morphemes": "Yëffia nǝ-y-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa, “A-g-eṯ-o ŋa-bǝɽan,", "gloss": "lions comp2-cly-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1, \"2sg-clg-come.rt-d.inf2 2sg-alone,", "translation": "Lions said to the Hyena, You have come by yourself,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a8434", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437555151728, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a8434" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ gamǝlëđëiđiaŋa egal yilëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ g-a-mǝlëđ-ëi-đ-ia-ŋa e-gal y-ilëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "fox clg-rtc-replace.rt-appl-ap-ipfv-2sg.om loc-place cly-1du.poss.", "translation": "The Fox replaced you in his position.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a9879", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437555493547, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a9879" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elaŋ nai ṯǝŋandërrǝbǝṯu laŋge ndǝ ñǝgǝtođa.”", "morphemes": "Elaŋ nai ṯ-ǝŋ-a-nd-ërrǝbǝṯ-u laŋge ndǝ ñǝ-g-ǝ-tođ-a.”", "gloss": "come then comp1b-3sg.cons-2sg-1ex.om-carry.rt-cons.ipfv things if 1ex-clg-dpc-move.rt-ipfv.\"", "translation": "Then come to carry our luggage whenever we moved.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a9bc3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437555591329, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70a9bc3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na yëffia nǝyëndi Ŋwëlia na ṯayakaborṯo", "morphemes": "Na yëffia nǝ-y-ënd-i Ŋwëlia na ṯa-y-ak-aborṯ-o", "gloss": "and lions comp2-cly-catch.rt-pfv hyena and comp1-cly-iter-ride.rt-pfv", "translation": "So the lions caught the Hyena and they use to ride on", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ac568", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437555733841, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ac568" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯayërrpi laŋge ndǝ yënŋulu yetođa.", "morphemes": "na ṯa-yërr-p-i laŋge ndǝ y-ënŋulu ye-tođ-a.", "gloss": "and comp1-use.rt-carry.rt-inf1 things if cly-3pl.pro cly-move.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and to carry their luggage when they moved.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ad998", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437556731559, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ad998" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmurǝwi ilëɽua", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ǝ-murǝw-i i-lëɽua", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-crunch.rt-cons.pfv loc-back", "translation": "And the Hyena wounded on its back", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70da945", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557205964, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70da945" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋëpǝni lëɽua na ṯalǝŋǝlo kañ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ëpǝn-i lëɽua na ṯ-alǝ-ŋǝl-o kañ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-peel.rt-cons.pfv back and comp1b-cll.inf-wound.worsen.rt-cons.ipfv very.", "translation": "and the skin removed from its' back and there is a terrible wound.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70eace0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557350532, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70eace0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ Ŋwëlia nǝŋëbǝrđǝni com", "morphemes": "Orn loma-nǝŋ Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëbǝrđǝn-i com", "gloss": "but day-indef hyena comp2-3sg.cons-escape.rt-cons.pfv too", "translation": "But some time later the Hyena fled and escaped", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ec8b9", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557549793, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ec8b9" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlaldǝñe nǝŋǝṯwe.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ǝlaldǝñ-e n-ǝŋ-ǝṯwe.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-run.away.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-lost", "translation": "and ran away till he got lost.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ee265", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557644656, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ee265" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ tǝŋ Ŋwëlia ldǝrraiđe", "morphemes": "Orn loma-nǝŋ tǝŋ Ŋwëlia ldǝ-ryraiđ-e", "gloss": "but day-indef again hyena 3pl.om-meet.rt-inf1", "translation": "And again the Hyena met the with", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ef634", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557685563, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ef634" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋga igi gǝfo giđǝma ŋađǝna.", "morphemes": "Ođǝlo-ŋga ig-i g-ǝ-fo g-iđǝ-ma ŋađǝna.", "gloss": "fox-with sclg-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-make.rt-3sg.om mockery", "translation": "the Fox who had deceived him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ef6f4", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437557845736, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ef6f4" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1,", "translation": "Hyena said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f641b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437558360380, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f641b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa gerṯa fǝŋa agǝfo agiđiñe ŋađǝna?", "morphemes": "“Đappa g-erṯa fǝ-ŋa a-g-ǝ-fo a-g-iđi-ñe ŋađǝna?", "gloss": "\"friend clg-neg.aux foc-2sg.om 2sg-clg-dpc-past.aux 2sg-clg-make.rt-1sg.om deceit", "translation": "\"My friend, aren't you the one who deceived me some times ago?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f6af3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437558481256, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f6af3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo, gerṯa fǝñi!", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo, g-erṯa fǝ-ñi!", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"No, clg-neg.aux foc-1sg.om!", "translation": "The Fox replied and said, \"No, it is not me!", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f7f0b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437558682325, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f7f0b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Fǝŋa igalǝŋeṯaŋa ŋopia.”", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Fǝ-ŋa i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-a-ŋa ŋopia.”", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt foc-2sg.om 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-ipfv-2sg.om well", "translation": "Then the Hyena said, \"It is you I knew you well.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f95ed", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437558935921, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70f95ed" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝmǝñađaṯo Ođǝloŋ nano ṯaŋonaṯo ŋǝbëndia,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-mǝña-đaṯ-o Ođǝloŋ nano ṯa-ŋo-naṯ-o ŋ-ǝ-b-ënd-ia,", "gloss": "but hyena comp1b-clŋ.inf-go.out.rt-way-pfv fox near comp1-3sg.om-want.rt-pfv clŋ-prog-catch.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Then the Hyena approached near the Fox aiming to seize him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70fbb39", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437559166722, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70fbb39" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝdaŋe uɽi nano nǝŋaboṯwe iguɽi.", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-đaŋ-e uɽi nano n-ǝŋ-aboṯw-e ig-uɽi.", "gloss": "but fox comp2-clŋ.inf-go.up.rt-cons.pfv tree near comp2-3sg.cons-climb.rt-cons.pfv loc-tree", "translation": "But the Fox ran and climbed up to the tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70fb66d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437559380887, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70fb66d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝɽëŋǝṯu uɽi ođǝloŋ nḏurṯu ŋǝciano kañ.", "morphemes": "Na ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽëŋ-ǝṯ-u uɽi ođǝloŋ nḏurṯu ŋ-ǝ-ciano kañ.", "gloss": "and hyena comp1-clŋ.inf-sit.rt-appl-cons.ipfv tree fox under clŋ-dpc-angry very.", "translation": "And they Hyena stayed under the tree waiting fox very angrily", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "COnj N V N N P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ff934", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437559519955, "376fa2132546ec616697799db70ff934" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝlǝŋeṯo ṯa ŋwëlia", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o ṯa ŋwëlia", "gloss": "but when fox clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv comp1 hyena", "translation": "When the Fox realised that the Hyena", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7101ac2", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437559585807, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7101ac2" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋaber ŋiđi aŋǝmaŋgiṯi aŋǝɽe,", "morphemes": "ŋ-a-b-er ŋ-iđi aŋǝ-ma-ŋgiṯ-i aŋǝ-ɽe,", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-prog-neg.aux clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-3sg.om-allow.rt-inf1 3sg.inf-go.", "translation": "will not allow him to leave", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7103387", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437559897525, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7103387" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝme ŋamǝɽa ŋǝnǝŋ ṯaŋarrǝŋǝnu pǝlelo ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-e ŋamǝɽa ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ṯ-aŋ-arr-ǝŋǝn-o pǝlelo ṯa-ŋ-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv deceit clŋ-one comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-answer.rt-cons.ipfv loudly comp1-clŋ-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "He thought cunningly and he began to answer to someone loudly and says,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db710376e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437560109843, "376fa2132546ec616697799db710376e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wooŋ, wooŋ ñagaṯau-e? Ñagaṯa ŋwëlia-e?”", "morphemes": "“Wooŋ, wooŋ ña-g-aṯ-au-e? Ña-g-aṯ-a ŋwëlia e?”", "gloss": "Woo, woo! 2pl-clg-say.rt-how-inf1 2pl-clg-say.rt-ipfv hyena emph?", "translation": "\"Woo, woo! What did you say? Do you mean the Hyena?", "tags": "check:gloss", "syntacticCategory": "? ? V V N ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7106248", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437560404385, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7106248" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaɽǝṯau aŋǝno?", "morphemes": "Ŋ-a-ɽ-ǝ-ṯau aŋǝno?", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-be.rt-pfv-how body?", "translation": "What type of his colour?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7106f2c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437560747500, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7106f2c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagaṯa ŋamurǝwu ilëɽua-e?", "morphemes": "Ña-g-aṯ-a ŋ-a-murǝw-u i-lëɽua e?", "gloss": "2pl-clg-say.rt-ipfv clŋ-rtc-scratch.rt-pfv loc-back emph?", "translation": "Do you mean the one who cruched on it's back?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7107ea0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437560834747, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7107ea0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aa, ŋëni ëli uɽi nḏurṯu.", "morphemes": "Aa, ŋ-ëni ëli uɽi nḏurṯu.", "gloss": "Yes, clŋ-be.1d here tree under", "translation": "Yes, there it is under the tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7109942", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437560998913, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7109942" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝnno ṯia nǝŋǝđǝñiṯi alo kañ", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-nn-o ṯia n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-i alo kañ", "gloss": "when hyena clŋ-dpc-hear.rt-pfv in.this.way comp2-clŋ.inf-afraid.rt-appl-cons.pfv place very", "translation": "When Hyena heard that, he became very frightened,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db710b635", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437561188175, "376fa2132546ec616697799db710b635" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝkǝrđe egare ṯaŋaṯa aŋgace yëffia", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ǝkǝrđ-e e-gare ṯa-ŋ-aṯ-a aŋgace yëffia", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-amaze.rt-cons.pfv loc-belly comp1-clŋ-say.rt-ipfv perhaps lions", "translation": "and he became worried indeed and thought perhabs lions", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db710ca41", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437561326298, "376fa2132546ec616697799db710ca41" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yabapwaña na yonaṯa yibëndi tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "ya-ba-pwañ-a na y-onaṯ-a yi-b-ënd-i tǝŋ,", "gloss": "cly-iter-seek.rt-ipfv and cly-want.rt-ipfv cly-prog-catch.rt-inf1 again.", "translation": "were seeking him, wanting to catch him again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db710d23a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437561570335, "376fa2132546ec616697799db710d23a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwëlia nǝŋobađe ŋǝñoŋ ŋǝŋǝđaña", "morphemes": "na ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-obađ-e ŋǝñoŋ ŋǝ-ŋǝđaña", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv speed clŋ.poss-fear", "translation": "the Hyena became afraid and ran away with all his might,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db710f589", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437561725406, "376fa2132546ec616697799db710f589" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋënṯi inuɽi eđǝñwa alo yibërnia Nǝŋǝbwa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i i-nuɽi eđǝñwa alo y-i-bërn-ia Nǝŋǝbwa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-trees wilderness place cly-dpc-call.rt-ipfv Nǝŋǝbwa", "translation": "and he ran to the bushes in the forest at the place called Nenbwoa", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7113e92", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437561921721, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7113e92" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝrre uɽi ndala nǝŋaye.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-rr-e uɽi nda-la n-ǝŋ-ay-e.", "gloss": "comp2-clŋ.inf-strike.rt-cons.pfv tree head-with comp2-3sg.cons-die.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "and the Hyena struck the tree with his head and died", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N-P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db71152ae", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437562019689, "376fa2132546ec616697799db71152ae" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋađǝna ŋođǝloŋ ŋoɽra kañ", "morphemes": "Ŋađǝna ŋ-ođǝloŋ ŋ-oɽra kañ", "gloss": "Deceit clŋ-fox clŋ-big very", "translation": "The deceit of the fox is very great", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7116166", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", 1437562186527, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7116166" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7002c73", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋamǝñaṯo ŋađǝna ŋǝđwala pređ đeđǝñwa.", "morphemes": "ŋ-a-mǝñaṯ-o ŋađǝna ŋǝ-đwala pređ đ-e-đǝñwa.", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-exceed.rt-pfv deceit of-animals all clđ-loc-forest.", "translation": "he is more that the deceit of all animals of the forest", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db731326b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438170594566, "376fa2132546ec616697799db731326b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝkǝro undr na maje igi girmëṯu", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr na maje ig-i g-irmëṯ-u", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist and man sclg-this clg-be.blind.rt-pfv", "translation": "The cripple and the blind man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7314608", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438170927316, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7314608" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iliga lakǝl leđa lǝnǝŋ lafo laɽǝñǝđia Ṯurđa iđi đore", "morphemes": "I-liga l-akǝl leđa l-ǝnǝŋ l-a-fo l-a-ɽǝñ-ǝđ-ia Ṯur-đa iđ-i đore", "gloss": "loc-time scll-that people cll-indef cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-kill.rt-ap-ipfv Turkish.government-with sclđ-this red", "translation": "At that time some people were fighting with the Turkish army", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj N Adj V V N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7314e4a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438171113286, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7314e4a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đafo đabaɽa leđa na đalǝmamaṯa đwala.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đ-a-fo đ-a-b-aɽ-a leđa na đ-a-lǝ-ma-m-aṯ-a đwala.", "gloss": "because clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv people and clđ-rtc-3pl.om-iter-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv wealth", "translation": "because they were hunting men and taking wealth from them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73162b0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438171304579, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73162b0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lomanǝŋ Ṯuri đore nǝđënṯi irnuŋ egen ram ulëldiṯano,", "morphemes": "Na loman-nǝŋ Ṯuri đore nǝ-đ-ënṯ-i irnuŋ egen ram ulëldiṯano,", "gloss": "and day-indef Turkish.government clđ-red comp2-clđ.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv city 3pl.poss early morning", "translation": "So one day the Turkish army attacked their village early morning,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N Adj V N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7318d8b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438171535994, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7318d8b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ldǝbuɽwi eltol ldaṯa,", "morphemes": "na leđa n-ld-ǝ-buɽw-i e-ltol n-ld-aṯa,", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-dpc-blow.rt-cons.pfv loc-cheek comp2-cll.inf-say.rt", "translation": "The people shouted out and said to each other,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73194cb", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438171806218, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73194cb" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Tođr allaldǝñǝr alaboṯr nayen Ṯuri đore đënṯu!", "morphemes": "“Tođ-r al-laldǝñǝ-r al-aboṯ-r nayen Ṯuri đ-ore đ-ënṯ-u!", "gloss": "rise.rt-pl 1in-run.rt-pl 1in-climb.rt-pl mountains Turkish.government clđ-red clđ-enter.rt-pfv", "translation": "\"Wake up all of you let us run to the mount, the Turkish army arrived!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db731b38b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172026124, "376fa2132546ec616697799db731b38b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji ldaborwe alo lǝkǝrđo na ldǝmame ñere eñen", "morphemes": "Liji n-ld-aborw-e alo l-ǝkǝrđo na n-ld-ǝ-ma-m-e ñere eñen", "gloss": "people comp2-cll.inf-hurry.up.rt-cons.pfv down cll-afraid and comp2-cll.inf-dpc-iter-take.rt-cons.pfv children 3pl.poss", "translation": "The people hurried up dismayed and took their children", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Adj Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db731cad7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172147556, "376fa2132546ec616697799db731cad7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đwala eđen pređ oɽo iria ṯalaldǝño", "morphemes": "na đwala eđen pređ oɽo iria ṯa-laldǝñ-o", "gloss": "and wealth 3pl.poss all goats cattle comp1b-run.rt-pfv", "translation": "and all their livestock, goats, and cows and ran away", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db731d87b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172298520, "376fa2132546ec616697799db731d87b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝbarđaṯe Ṯuri đore nayen isi yoɽra ywala.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝ-barđ-aṯ-e Ṯuri đ-ore nayen is-i y-oɽra y-wala.", "gloss": "because cll.inf-flee.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv Turkish.government clđ-red mountains scly-this cly-big cly-high.", "translation": "to flee from the Turkish army to the high big mountain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db731fc4c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172383590, "376fa2132546ec616697799db731fc4c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen leđa lobǝđo pređ,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen leđa l-obǝđ-o pređ,", "gloss": "and word people cll-flee.rt-pfv all", "translation": "And all the people ran away,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73211db", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172472767, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73211db" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn maje nǝŋǝfe gǝnǝŋ girmëṯu,", "morphemes": "orn maje n-ǝŋǝ-f-e g-ǝnǝŋ g-irmëṯ-u,", "gloss": "but man comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc-cons.pfv clg-indef clg-be.blind.rt-pfv", "translation": "but there was a blind man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7322ddb", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172574038, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7322ddb" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa nǝŋerṯe gǝnǝŋ gǝmǝlǝɽǝca nda", "morphemes": "na eđa n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-mǝ-lǝɽǝc-a nda", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-3sg.om-care.for.rt-ipfv head", "translation": "And no one left to take care of him", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73248e1", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172674611, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73248e1" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ldǝlaldǝñe ldǝmaṯađe alo,", "morphemes": "na leđa n-ldǝ-laldǝñ-e n-ldǝ-ma-ṯađ-e alo,", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-run.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-leave.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "and the people ran and left him behind,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7326454", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438172832943, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7326454" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje gomǝn tǝŋ gǝkǝro undr leđa lerṯǝma", "morphemes": "Na maje g-omǝn tǝŋ g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr leđa l-erṯ-ǝ-ma", "gloss": "and man clg-other again clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist people cll-have.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "And behold, there was another man crippled. And his relatives,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adv V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732824e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173040574, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732824e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝlaldǝñe ldǝmaŋgiṯi ŋenŋanṯa eđa gero gǝɽǝwađaṯo gǝmapa,", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-laldǝñ-e n-ldǝ-m-aŋgiṯ-i ŋenŋanṯa eđa g-ero g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-o g-ǝ-m-ap-a,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-run.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-leave.rt-cons.pfv because man clg-not.aux clg-dpc-be.able.rt-pfv clg-dpc-3sg.om-carry.rt-ipfv", "translation": "ran away and left him back, because they were not able to carry him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Comp N V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7328bfa", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173147340, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7328bfa" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia majanda ildi ndǝm eđa nǝŋerṯe gǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "nǝṯia maj-anda ild-i ndǝm eđa n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "so man-assoc.pl cll-this both man comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux indef", "translation": "so for both of the two men, no one had been found", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732a551", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173302021, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732a551" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝɽriṯia alo na ldǝṯëđǝni alo,", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-ɽriṯ-ia alo na n-ldǝ-ṯëđ-ǝn-i alo,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-care.for.rt-ipfv place and comp2-cll.inf-leave.rt-pass-cons.pfv place", "translation": "to take care of them and they were left behind,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732bf9f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173567338, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732bf9f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa ndǝ Ṯuri đore đeṯo đǝkeyacǝlo ŋǝbaya nano ađǝlǝŋgiṯi alǝmǝṯe,", "morphemes": "ṯa ndǝ Ṯuri đ-ore đ-eṯo đ-ǝ-key-ac-ǝlo ŋǝbaya nano ađǝ-lǝ-ŋgiṯi alǝ-m-ǝṯ-e,", "gloss": "comp1 if government clđ-red clđ-come.rt clđ-dpc-hate.rt-ap-place mercy at clđ.inf-3pl.om-fut.aux cll.inf-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "for the mercy of the Turkish men, if they have pity on them they will let them live,", "tags": "idiom?", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Comp N Adj V-P V N P V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732d480", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173688912, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732d480" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ đǝɽǝñǝlo ađǝlǝɽǝñe.", "morphemes": "na ndǝ đ-ǝ-ɽǝñ-ǝ-lo ađǝ-lǝ-ɽǝñ-e.", "gloss": "and if clđ-dpc-kill.rt-place clđ.inf-3pl.om-kill.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and if not they can kill them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732e405", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438173979943, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732e405" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn maje igi girmëṯu ṯaŋakaborṯo alo nano ṯǝrma ṯǝrma ṯaŋaro,", "morphemes": "Orn maje ig-i g-irmëṯu ṯ-aŋ-ak-aborṯ-o alo nano ṯǝrma ṯǝrma ṯ-aŋa-r-o,", "gloss": "but man sclg-this clg-blind comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-jump.to.rt-pfv place at terma terma comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-pfv", "translation": "But the blind man was walking and jumping up there terma terma weeping,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N P Adv Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db732ff66", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438174151915, "376fa2132546ec616697799db732ff66" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na maje igi gǝkǝro undr gafo gaɽaŋa uṯa nano ṯaŋǝwarṯo,", "morphemes": "na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr g-afo g-a-ɽaŋ-a uṯa nano ṯ-aŋǝ-war-ṯ-o,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist clg-past.aux clg-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv wall at comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-loc.appl-pfv", "translation": "and the cripple man was sitting beside the wall and crying there,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "COnj N Adj V N V V N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7330ca3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438174387502, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7330ca3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ṯaŋǝnno ŋwal ŋǝmaje igi girmëṯu na nǝŋǝmundǝđi", "morphemes": "orn ṯ-aŋǝ-nn-o ŋwal ŋǝ-maje ig-i g-irmëṯu na n-ǝŋǝ-m-und-ǝđ-i", "gloss": "but comp1b-3sg.inf-hear.rt-pfv voice clŋ-man sclg-this clg-be.blind and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv", "translation": "then he heard the voice of the blind man and called him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Adj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7331e99", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438174521499, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7331e99" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Ya orañ ela, mǝñađaṯa ëli.\"", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Ya orañ ela, mǝñ-ađaṯ-a ëli.\"", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 oh brother come.imp pass.rt-way-ipfv here", "translation": "he said to him, \"My friend, pass by here.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp Adv N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733313a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438175516599, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733313a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen maje gǝnno igi girmëṯu nǝŋǝbǝleđeṯe nda elo", "morphemes": "Ŋen maje g-ǝ-nn-o ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋǝ-bǝleđ-eṯ-e nda elo", "gloss": "word man clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-pull.rt-appl-cons.pfv head up", "translation": "When the blind man heard he lifted up his head", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Adj V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7334ca6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438175643232, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7334ca6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gajǝba alo isi ole gǝwela,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-ajǝb-a alo is-i ole g-ǝ-wela,", "gloss": "because clg-not.know.rt-ipfv place scly-this voice clg-dpc-come.rt", "translation": "because he did not know where the voice comes from,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733678f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438175703269, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733678f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋondǝjiṯi tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ondǝjiṯ-i tǝŋ,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-listen.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "and he listened again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73370a6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438175966450, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73370a6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋǝmundǝđi tǝŋ ṯaŋǝmëiṯu ṯa,", "morphemes": "na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋǝ-m-und-ǝđ-i tǝŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-u ṯa,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv again comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1", "translation": "and again the cripple man called him and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Adv V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7338ca7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176217903, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7338ca7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Mǝñađaṯa ëli, ela mǝñađaṯa nḏǝɽe đǝŋabur.\"", "morphemes": "\"Mǝñ-ađaṯ-a ëli, ela mǝñ-ađaṯ-a nǝ-đǝɽe đǝŋabur.\"", "gloss": "pass.rt-way-imp here come.imp pass.rt-way-imp on-direction left", "translation": "“Pass by here, come on, pass by the left hand side.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V V P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7339f39", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176340486, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7339f39" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu ṯaŋerldeđeṯo olia nano", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu ṯ-aŋ-erldeđ-eṯ-o olia nano", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp1b-3sg.inf-walk.rt-loc.appl-pfv voice at", "translation": "The blind man walked according to the direction of words", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733b6ab", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176640702, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733b6ab" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝrmaṯǝma nano nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Orañ agaɽaṯau nǝŋ?\"", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-ǝrmaṯ-ǝ-ma nano n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Ora-ñ a-g-a-ɽ-a-ṯau nǝŋ?\"", "gloss": "and word clg-reach.rt-pfv-3sg.om at comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 brother-1sg.poss 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-ipfv-what word", "translation": "and when he approached near the man he asked him, \"What is wrong with you my brother?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P V Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733cee6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176748559, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733cee6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Igakǝro undr.\"", "morphemes": "Maje n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"I-g-a-kǝr-o undr.\"", "gloss": "man comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-break.rt-pfv waist", "translation": "The man answered, \"I am cripple.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733e287", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176825677, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733e287" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "The blind man said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db733f93c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438176959855, "376fa2132546ec616697799db733f93c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Agakǝro undr agajǝba nafǝrlda?\"", "morphemes": "\"A-g-a-kǝr-o undr a-g-ajǝb-a n-af-ǝrld-a?\"", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-break.rt-pfv waist 2sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv comp2-clf.inf-walk.rt-ipfv", "translation": "\"Acripple that you can’t walk?\"", "tags": "check:clf??", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7340efe", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438177027669, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7340efe" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje nǝŋëiṯi ṯa, \"Aa\"", "morphemes": "Maje n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Aa\"", "gloss": "man comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 yes", "translation": "He answered, \"Yes,\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7341d59", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438177749597, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7341d59" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Na gama lǝgëbǝđiṯau đǝge?\"", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Na gama lǝ-g-ë-b-ǝđi-a-ṯau đǝge?\"", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 and what 1du-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv-how last", "translation": "The blind man said to him, \"Then what can we do?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7344060", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438178104119, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7344060" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋëiṯi maje igi gǝkǝro undr ṯa,", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr ṯa,", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv man sclg-this broke waist comp1", "translation": "The blind man said to the cripple man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N Adj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7344cd7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438178342772, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7344cd7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Gaɽe aginia kañ igafana igiđi eŋape netam a?\"", "morphemes": "\"G-a-ɽ-e a-g-ini-a kañ i-g-afan-a i-g-iđi e-ŋ-a-p-e ne-tam a?\"", "gloss": "clg-rtc-be.rt-cons.pfv 2sg-clg-be.heavy.rt-ipfv very 1sg-clg-not.able.to.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-2sg.om-rtc-carry.rt-cons.pfv on-neck ynq", "translation": "\"Are you too heavy that I can’t be able to carry you on my shoulders?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adv V V V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73461dc", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438178390562, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73461dc" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝkero undr nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-ker-o undr n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "The cripple man said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7346bee", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438178608069, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7346bee" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Nḏare! Inḏëciñe cia gaɽe igaɽǝṯau!\"", "morphemes": "\"Nḏare! Inḏëc-iñ-e cia g-a-ɽ-e i-g-a-ɽ-ǝ-ṯau!\"", "gloss": "don't.know try.rt-1sg.om-juss plz clg-rtc-be.rt-cons.pfv 1sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv-how", "translation": "\"I don’t know! Try your best to find out whether you can!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7347986", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438178811088, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7347986" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋǝfiđiṯi maje gëbia nǝŋǝwape netam", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-iṯ-i maje g-ëbia n-ǝŋǝ-wa-p-e n-etam", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-appl-cons.pfv man clg-light comp2-3sg.cons-rtc-carry.rt-cons.pfv on-neck", "translation": "Then the blind man found that the man is light and he carried him on his shoulders", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N AdJ V V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ae1f8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438247797911, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ae1f8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝmayerldo na lëtu lama leđa iđurṯu laboṯwa nayen.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-y-erld-o na lëtu l-a-m-a leđa i-đurṯu l-aboṯw-a nayen.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-with-walk.rt-pfv and there cll-rtc-take.rt-ipfv people loc-behind cll-climb.rt-ipfv mountains", "translation": "and he walked with him and the traced the way of people to the mountains.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj Adv V N P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73af05e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438247933017, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73af05e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ldǝfo eđađ orn ldǝcoñǝṯe kañ", "morphemes": "Na ŋen n-ldǝ-f-o e-đađ orn n-ldǝ-coñ-ǝṯ-e kañ", "gloss": "and word comp2-cll.inf-be.rt-pfv loc-way but comp2-cll.inf-hunger.rt-cmp-cons.pfv very", "translation": "When they reached half way they became very hungry", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b22bc", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248048215, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b22bc" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lafo lero lǝsa lalǝmǝn", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-afo l-ero l-ǝ-s-a laŋge l-ǝmǝn", "gloss": "because cll-past.aux cll-not.aux cll-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv thing cll-indef", "translation": "for they have not eaten some food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b30fe", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248267390, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b30fe" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa lalaldǝño ldǝlǝṯađalo bipi", "morphemes": "na leđa l-a-laldǝñ-o n-ldǝ-lǝ-ṯađ-alo bipi", "gloss": "and people cll-rtc-run.rt-pfv comp2-cll.inf-3pl.om-leave.rt-place without", "translation": "the people flew away and left them behind without food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b5b32", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248395755, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b5b32" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa nǝŋerṯe gǝnǝŋ gǝnacǝlo lalǝmǝn!", "morphemes": "na eđa n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-nac-ǝ-lo laŋge l-ǝmǝn!", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-give.rt-pfv-3pl.om thing cll-indef", "translation": "and there is no one gave them food!", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b7664", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248483924, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b7664" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "And the blind man said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b83e2", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248615829, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b83e2" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Gama lǝgasa lande lǝgǝcoña ṯia?\"", "morphemes": "\"Gama lǝ-g-a-s-a lande lǝ-g-ǝ-coñ-a ṯia?\"", "gloss": "what 1du-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv what 1du-clg-dpc-hunger.rt-ipfv in.this.way", "translation": "\"We are too hungry, what shall we eat?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b88bf", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248712894, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b88bf" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to-rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "The cripple man said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Comp1", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b98a2", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438248828432, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73b98a2" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Nḏare orn alǝɽe nǝŋǝṯia!\"", "morphemes": "\"Nḏare orn al-ǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ṯia!\"", "gloss": "don't.know but 1du-dpc-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-in.this.way", "translation": "\"I don’t know, but we have to keep on!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bac81", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249059424, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bac81" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn taltal ṯalǝfiđu rǝmwa roɽra eđađ rayo leđa lǝɽǝño.", "morphemes": "Orn taltal ṯ-alǝ-fiđ-u rǝmwa r-oɽra e-đađ r-a-y-o leđa l-ǝ-ɽǝñ-o.", "gloss": "but quickly comp1b-cll.inf-find.rt-pfv snake clr-big loc-road clr-rtc-die.rt-pfv people cll-dpc-kill.rt-pfv", "translation": "Then immediately they found a big dead snake on the road people have killed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N Adj P-N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bbd07", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249117416, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bbd07" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "The cripple man said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bd5b4", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249520067, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bd5b4" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Oo! Gama ođe gau igi gayǝṯo eđađ ëli?", "morphemes": "\"Oo! Gama ođe gau ig-i g-ay-ǝṯ-o e-đađ ëli?", "gloss": "oh what gazelle what sclg-this clg-die.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-road here", "translation": "\"Oh, why did this gazelle die in the road?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N N N Adj V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bdbeb", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249520067, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73bdbeb" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Oo! Gama ođe gau igi gayǝṯo eđađ ëli?", "morphemes": "\"Oo! Gama ođe gau ig-i g-ay-ǝṯ-o e-đađ ëli?", "gloss": "oh what gazelle what sclg-this clg-die.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-road here", "translation": "\"Oh, why did this gazelle die in the road?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N N N Adj V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c35b0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249727482, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c35b0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋǝđurwi, nǝŋaṯa ṯa, \"Gogona!\"", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋǝ-đurw-i, n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, \"G-ogon-a!\"", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-stop.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 clg-be.big.rt-ipfv", "translation": "The blind man stopped and said, \"Is it big!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c5af1", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438249933677, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c5af1" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋaṯa, \"Aa, gogona na gama lǝgaɽacau.\"", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Aa, g-ogon-a na gama lǝ-g-a-ɽ-a-cau.\"", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt yes clg-be.big.rt-ipfv and what 1du-clg-rtc-go.rt-ipfv-with", "translation": "The cripple man said, \"Yes it is big, but what shall we do with it?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Adv V Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c7ac3", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438250482214, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c7ac3" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋaṯa, \"Irǝwiñe netam.\"", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Irǝw-i-ñe n-etam.\"", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt lower.rt-juss-1sg.om on-neck", "translation": "The cripple man said, \"Let me down.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c9a98", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438250606553, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73c9a98" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋirǝwi na nǝŋëiṯi maje ṯa girmëṯu,", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋ-irǝw-i na n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i maje ṯa g-irmëṯu,", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-lower.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv man comp1 clg-be.blind", "translation": "The cripple man climbed down and said to the blind man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V Conj V N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cb08f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438250779492, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cb08f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Mǝñađaṯo nḏǝŋ đǝŋabur ŋaɽe ŋakǝlda đeṯia iđëi!\"", "morphemes": "\"Mǝñ-ađaṯ-o n-ḏǝŋ đǝŋabur ŋ-a-ɽ-e ŋ-ak-ǝld-a đeṯia iđ-ëi!\"", "gloss": "pass.rt-way-pfv on-hand left clŋ-rtc-go.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-iter-cut.rt-ipfv branch clđ-that", "translation": "\"Go to the left direction, and cut that branch of that tree!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cd6cb", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438250991567, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cd6cb" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋerlde ŋenŋa iŋi maje gǝmaɽwatiṯia", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-erld-e ŋen-ŋa iŋ-i maje g-ǝ-ma-ɽwat-iṯ-ia", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-walk.rt-cons.pfv talk-with sclŋ-this man clg-dpc-3sg.om-instruct.rt-appl-ipfv", "translation": "And the blind man walked as the cripple man instructed him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N-P Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cf30c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438251088730, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73cf30c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝkǝlda đeṯia.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ǝk-ǝld-a đeṯia.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.om-iter-cut.rt-ipfv branch", "translation": "and cut the branch.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d1b23", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438251583216, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d1b23" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lǝmamo oṯia ldǝđaɽe sia na ldudi ođe.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen lǝ-ma-m-o oṯia n-ldǝ-đaɽ-e sia na n-ld-ud-i ođe.", "gloss": "and word cll-iter-take.rt-pfv wood comp2-cll.inf-rub.rt-cons.pfv fire and comp2-cll.inf-burn.rt-cons.pfv gazelle", "translation": "When they took wood from the branch and rubbed fire from two sticks and roasted the gazelle,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d319d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438251743409, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d319d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ldǝsa eđe,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen n-ldǝ-s-a eđe,", "gloss": "And word comp2-cll.inf-eat.rt-ipfv meat", "translation": "then they were eating meat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d416d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438251899643, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d416d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "maje igi gǝkǝro undr ṯaŋǝsaṯo ëñua yipiano cok cok.", "morphemes": "maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr ṯ-aŋǝ-s-aṯ-o ëñua y-ipiano cok cok.", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-loc.appl-pfv mouth cly-empty cok cok", "translation": "The cripple eats with an empty mouth, chock chock, pretending that he is eating.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d6ad6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438252005854, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d6ad6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi girmëṯu ṯaŋǝso ŋenŋa ŋǝđeṯǝm.", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-irmëṯ-u ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o ŋen-ŋa ŋǝ-đeṯǝm.", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pfv talk-with clŋ.poss-truth", "translation": "while the blind man eats truely", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d82e1", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438252176604, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d82e1" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen gǝso nǝŋǝtalǝṯe ldǝper, nǝŋëiṯi maje ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen g-ǝ-s-o n-ǝŋǝ-tal-ǝṯ-e n-ldǝper, n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i maje ṯa,", "gloss": "and when clg-dpc-eat.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-reach.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-tail comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv man comp1", "translation": "When he ate till he reached to the tail, he said to the cripple man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d92e9", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438252368607, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73d92e9" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Maje ŋwëndǝgi nësiñe garno rǝmwa?", "morphemes": "\"Maje ŋwëndǝ-gi në-s-i-ñe garno rǝmwa?", "gloss": "Man what-sclg 2sg.inf-eat.rt-caus-1sg.om as snake", "translation": "\"Fellow, what did you let me to eat like the snake?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73da88c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438252544062, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73da88c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Aa rǝmwa irri!\"", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Aa rǝmwa irr-i!\"", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 yes snake sclr-this", "translation": "The cripple man said to him, Yes, it is the snake!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V Comp Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dbdca", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438252620757, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dbdca" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje girmëṯu nǝŋëiṯi maje ṯa,", "morphemes": "Maje g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i maje ṯa,", "gloss": "man clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv man comp1", "translation": "The blind man said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dd08f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438253881189, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dd08f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Ŋen ŋanṯau nǝñarrǝpaŋa egal isi ywalano ododo oro ŋela ŋañǝsi rǝmwa?", "morphemes": "\"Ŋen ŋan-ṯau n-ǝñ-arr-ǝp-a-ŋa e-gal is-i y-walano ododo oro ŋ-ela ŋ-a-ñǝ-s-i rǝmwa?", "gloss": "word mean.rt-how comp2-1sg.inf-iter-carry.rt-ipfv-2sg.om loc-place scly-this cly-long all then 2sg.inf-come 2sg.inf-rtc-1sg.om-eat.rt-caus snake", "translation": "\"How can I carry you all this long journey, then you let me eat the snake?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N Adj Adj Adj Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73de418", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438253926101, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73de418" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "The cripple man said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73df05d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254083075, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73df05d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Agaṯa yerṯe igǝŋësia rǝmwa fǝŋa asëgi?", "morphemes": "\"A-g-aṯa y-erṯe i-g-ǝ-ŋë-s-i-a rǝmwa fǝ-ŋa asëgi?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-say.rt 1sg-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-2sg.om-eat.rt-caus-ipfv snake foc-2sg who", "translation": "\"Who are you that I may not let you eat the snake?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e0752", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254358100, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e0752" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi girmëṯu nǝŋǝciṯano kañ nǝŋëbǝri si karr", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯano kañ n-ǝŋ-ëbǝr-i si karr", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-be.angry.rt very comp2-3sg.cons-release.rt-cons.pfv eye clear", "translation": "The blind man became very angry, and he opened his eyes and saw!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V Adv V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dfcda", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254507995, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73dfcda" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋondaiđo na nǝŋerṯe gǝbëndia ŋen mǝldin", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋ-ondaiđ-o na n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-b-ënd-ia ŋen mǝldin", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-believe.rt-ipfv word still", "translation": "He was able to see, but he did not believe yet,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e29d6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254653492, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e29d6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa gasëiđia na nǝŋǝriđǝni isi,", "morphemes": "ṯa g-a-sëiđ-ia na n-ǝŋǝ-riđ-ǝn-i i-si,", "gloss": "that clg-rtc-see.rt-ipfv and comp2-3sg.cons-rub.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-eyes", "translation": "that he is seeing and he rubbed his eyes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e35f5", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254799816, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e35f5" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe ŋen ŋopia ṯa gasëiđia đeṯǝm,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e ŋen ŋopia ṯa g-a-sëiđ-ia đeṯǝm,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv word well comp1 clg-rtc-see.rt-ipfv true", "translation": "Then he realized that truly he could see well,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adv Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e3c1f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438254905157, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e3c1f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝnwane maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "and he saw the cripple man and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e7705", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255020301, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e7705" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Fǝŋa ŋëŋgi agǝsiñe rǝmwa?\"", "morphemes": "\"Fǝ-ŋa ŋëŋgi a-g-ǝ-s-i-ñ-e rǝmwa?\"", "gloss": "foc-2sg.om who 2sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv snake", "translation": "\"Are you the one who allow me to eat the snake?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e96de", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255122455, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73e96de" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje igi gǝkǝro undr nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Aa, fǝñi.\"", "morphemes": "Na maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Aa, fǝ-ñi.\"", "gloss": "and man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to-rt-cons.pfv comp1 yes foc-1sg.om", "translation": "The cripple man said to him, \"Yes, it is me.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Comp Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73eb26a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255211133, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73eb26a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje igi gǝfo girmëṯu nǝŋëiṯi maje igi gǝkǝro undr ṯa,", "morphemes": "Maje ig-i g-ǝ-fo g-irmëṯu n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i maje ig-i g-ǝ-kǝr-o undr ṯa,", "gloss": "man sclg-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-be.blind comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv man sclg-this clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv waist comp1", "translation": "The man who was blind said to the cripple man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V V N Adj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ed111", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255485239, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ed111" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Igabǝla emama ŋođa iŋudi ŋen ŋano agǝsiñe rǝmwa!\"", "morphemes": "\"I-g-a-b-ǝl-a e-ma-m-a ŋođa i-ŋ-ud-i ŋen ŋano a-g-ǝ-s-i-ñ-e rǝmwa!\"", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv 1sg-iter-take.rt-ipfv wood 1sg-2sg.om-burn.rt-cons.pfv word as 2sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-caus-1sg.om-cons.pfv snake!", "translation": "\"I am going to bring more wood and burn you as you allow me eat the snake!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V N P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ee3b8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255660313, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ee3b8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen maje gǝmamo ŋođa nǝŋǝlaffaṯe isia,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen maje g-ǝ-ma-m-o ŋođa n-ǝŋǝ-l-aff-aṯ-e i-sia,", "gloss": "and word man clg-dpc-iter-take.rt-pfv wood comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-put.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-fire", "translation": "When the man brought wood and put them on the fire,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ef2a8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438255859481, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73ef2a8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋëndi na nǝŋǝmape alo ŋabǝɽaŋa nǝŋaṯa gamayaffǝđia isia.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ënd-i na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ap-e alo ŋabǝɽa-ŋa n-ǝŋ-aṯa g-a-ma-yaffǝđ-ia i-sia.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-carry.rt-cons.pfv place force-with comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-rtc-3sg.om-throw.rt-ipfv loc-fire", "translation": "he take hold the cripple man by force and tried to throw him in the fire!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V N V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73f0c6b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438256185060, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73f0c6b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Maje nǝŋoɽǝṯe maje erǝŋ ṯrig,", "morphemes": "Maje n-ǝŋ-oɽǝṯ-e maje e-rǝŋ ṯrig,", "gloss": "man comp2-3sg.cons-jump.rt-cons.pfv man loc-hands ?", "translation": "The cripple man jumped out from his hands,", "tags": "check:trig", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db73f2c3d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438256667640, "376fa2132546ec616697799db73f2c3d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋobǝđe kañ na ldǝbwađe majega alo ndǝŋ ndǝŋ", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e kañ na n-ldǝ-bwađ-e maje-ga alo ndǝŋ ndǝŋ", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-flee.rt-cons.pfv very and comp2-cll.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv man-with place firm firm", "translation": "and ran away and the man chasing him trying to catch him", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv Conj V N-P N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7401c79", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438256895841, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7401c79" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na maje nǝŋǝmëndi, nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "na maje n-ǝŋǝ-m-ënd-i, n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-catch.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "and he caught him and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7403b4a", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257127809, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7403b4a" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Orañ gama lǝgaṯa lǝgaɽǝñǝđia eđa?\"", "morphemes": "\"Ora-ñ gama lǝ-g-aṯa lǝ-g-a-ɽǝñ-ǝđ-ia eđa?\"", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss what 1du-clg-say.rt 1du-clg-rtc-kill.rt-ap-ipfv why", "translation": "\"My friend why intended to kill each other?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db74044cd", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257223979, "376fa2132546ec616697799db74044cd" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, \"Nḏare!", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, \"Nḏare!", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 don't.know", "translation": "The man said to him, \"I don't know!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db740849b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257324274, "376fa2132546ec616697799db740849b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen ŋaŋǝra nǝŋ com aṯa gafo gabanṯa", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra n-ǝŋ com aṯa g-afo g-abanṯa", "gloss": "but word clŋ-good comp2-3sg.cons also say.rt clg-past.aux clg-be.better.rt", "translation": "But it was good too if it was not", "tags": "split.verb", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adv V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7408d20", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257486501, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7408d20" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egero igǝŋësia rǝmwa gabanṯa ŋerṯe agëbǝrđia si", "morphemes": "e-g-ero i-g-ǝ-ŋë-s-i-a rǝmwa g-abanṯa ŋ-erṯe a-g-ëbǝrđ-ia si", "gloss": "1sg-clg-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-2sg.om-eat.rt-caus-ipfv snake clg-be.better.rt 2sg.inf-not.aux 2sg-clg-heal.rt-ipfv eye", "translation": "let you ate the snake you should not have healed your eyes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7409951", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257637006, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7409951" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa ŋamama ŋođa ŋaṯa agañudia na yëbǝrđi igënǝñi com.", "morphemes": "ṯa ŋa-ma-m-a ŋođa ŋ-aṯa a-g-a-ñ-ud-ia na y-ëbǝrđ-i i-g-ën-ǝñ-i com.", "gloss": "comp1 2sg.inf-iter-take.rt-ipfv wood 2sg.inf-say.rt 2sg-clg-1sg.om-burn.rt-ipfv and 1sg-heal.rt-cons.pfv 1sg-clg-be.1d-pass-cons.pfv also", "translation": "to bring wood and tries to burn me and to be healed too!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N V V Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db740aaa6", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438257942434, "376fa2132546ec616697799db740aaa6" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia lënŋulu ndǝm ldëbǝrđi ŋenŋa ŋǝɽo aŋwara aŋǝno,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia lënŋulu ndǝm n-ld-ëbǝrđ-i ŋenŋa ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o aŋwara aŋǝno,", "gloss": "so 3pl.pro both comp2-3sg.inf-heal.rt-cons.pfv word-with clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv miracle body", "translation": "So both of them healed by miracle way,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N-P V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db740bb1e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438258040951, "376fa2132546ec616697799db740bb1e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ldǝɽe ldǝjope leđa elden nayen.", "morphemes": "Na n-ldǝ-ɽ-e n-ldǝ-jop-e leđa elden n-ayen.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-reach.rt-cons.pfv people 3pl.poss on-mountains", "translation": "and went to their people in the mountains.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db740d32f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", 1438258222428, "376fa2132546ec616697799db740d32f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db729a508", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lorba elden ldǝliṯi đǝŋǝranano đoɽra kañ!", "morphemes": "Na lorba elden n-ldǝ-l-iṯ-i đǝŋǝranano đ-oɽra kañ!", "gloss": "and brothers 3pl.poss comp2-cll.inf-3pl.om-make.rt-cons.pfv feast clđ-big very", "translation": "And their relatives made to them a great celebration!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7432807", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438260736851, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7432807" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋina", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋina", "gloss": "fox and dog", "translation": "The Fox and the Dog", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7433c2b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438260865198, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7433c2b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ođǝloŋ gafiđu Ŋina nǝŋëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Loma-nǝŋ Ođǝloŋ g-a-fiđ-u Ŋina n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef fox clg-rtc-find.rt-pfv dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "One day the fox found the dog and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N V C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7435b93", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438260999918, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7435b93" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Orañ igonaṯa lǝgǝɽia đappa đoɽra kañ.\"", "morphemes": "\"Or-añ i-g-onaṯ-a lǝ-g-ǝ-ɽ-ia đappa đ-oɽra kañ.\"", "gloss": "sibling-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1du-clg-dpc2-be.rt-ipfv friend clđ-big very.", "translation": "\"My sister I want you to be friends.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db74e9b22", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438417658807, "376fa2132546ec616697799db74e9b22" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa, \"Ŋen ŋëpi igaŋǝnṯu ŋen", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa, \"Ŋen ŋëpi i-g-ëŋǝn-ṯ-u ŋen", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1, \"talk well 1sg-clg-answer.rt-appl-cons.ipfv talk", "translation": "The dog said to the fox, \"Alright, I agree", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N C N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db753b02e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438599831143, "376fa2132546ec616697799db753b02e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igaŋeɽǝđia ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝŋǝra ya đappa!", "morphemes": "orn ii-g-a-ŋ-eɽǝđ-ia ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-ǝŋǝra ya đappa!", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-2sg.om-ask.rt-ipfv talk clŋ-indef clŋ-good my friend!", "translation": "but I want to ask you one thing sounds very good my friend!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7542b93", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438600045031, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7542b93" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "'Igabwaña ṯa ndǝ erṯo sǝrwala yarno orba ikwaŋ", "morphemes": "'I-g-a-bwañ-a ṯa ndǝ erṯ-o sǝrwala y-arno orba ikwaŋ", "gloss": "\"1sg-clg-rtc-want.rt-ipfv comp1 if have.rt-pfv shorts cly-like sibling that?", "translation": "\"I beg you if you have an extra shorts like what you", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V C Conj V N Adv N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7543446", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438600297771, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7543446" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nafǝya añǝnace nǝŋ ṯǝyarrǝbaṯo nafla.'\"", "morphemes": "n-a-f-ǝ-ya a-ñǝ-nac-e nǝŋ ṯǝ-y-a-rr-ǝb-aṯ-o n-afla.'\"", "gloss": "cln-rtc-be.loc-pfv-with 2sg-1sg.om-give.rt-inf1 talk comp1b-1sg-rtc-prog-carry.rt-loc.appl-pfv on-parties", "translation": "wearing, give me to wear when we go to parties", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7545bbd", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438600584422, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7545bbd" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝnace Ŋina sǝrwala yekǝro iđurṯu,", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-nac-e Ŋina sǝrwala yekǝro i-đurṯu,", "gloss": "but fox comp2-clŋ.inf-give.rt-cons.pfv dog shorts broke loc-rear", "translation": "The fox gave the dog shorts which have a hole at the rear.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db754abc7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438600789299, "376fa2132546ec616697799db754abc7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋina nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa, \"Orn đǝti đau nǝŋ iđi?\"", "morphemes": "na ŋina n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa, \"Orn đǝti đ-au nǝŋ iđ-i?\"", "gloss": "and dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1, \"But hole clđ-how talk sclđ-this?", "translation": "and the dog said to the fox, \"But what is this hole for?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N C C N C Conj N Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7550284", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438601139560, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7550284" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, \"Mbu ŋaɽe ṯǝŋaurđađëṯu,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, \"Mbu ŋ-a-ɽ-e ṯǝŋaurđađëṯu,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, \"go.imp clŋ-rtc-be.rt-inf1 diarrhoea,", "translation": "The fox said, \"You can use it for to diarrhoea,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V C V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7550a34", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438601206472, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7550a34" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đǝtia đaŋamǝđaṯa.\"", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đǝtia đ-a-ŋa-mǝđaṯ-a.\"", "gloss": "because hole clđ-rtc-2sg.om-help.rt-ipfv", "translation": "for it will help you", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db755404b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438601338637, "376fa2132546ec616697799db755404b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋina ŋafo ŋonḏaco na ŋafo ṯwañ aŋǝlǝŋe,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋina ŋ-a-fo ŋ-onḏac-o na ŋ-a-fo ṯwañ aŋǝ-lǝŋ-e,", "gloss": "but dog clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-pregnant.rt-pfv and clŋ-rtc-past.aux near 3sg.inf-give.birth.rt-inf1,", "translation": "The dog was pregnant and was soon to deliver,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Conj V P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db75553ec", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438601464659, "376fa2132546ec616697799db75553ec" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋǝlǝŋo đǝge nǝŋundǝđi đappa đǝlaɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-o đǝge n-ǝŋ-undǝđ-i đappa đ-ǝlaɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and when clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-pfv last, comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-cons.pfv friend clđ-2sg.poss", "translation": "And when she gave birth, she invited her friend,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7556523", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438601587208, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7556523" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋeṯa nafla yilëɽǝŋu, nǝṯia Ođǝloŋ nǝŋela.", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋ-eṯa n-afla yi-lëɽǝŋu, nǝ-ṯia Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ela.", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-come.rt on-party cly-3sg.poss, comp2-in.this.way fox comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt.", "translation": "to come to her party. So the fox came.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "C V P-N Adj Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db75586a7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438602568322, "376fa2132546ec616697799db75586a7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lǝso đǝge ldǝbeṯe oro ldǝmǝñe ldeṯe eŋaña ṯa alǝsiđa.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen lǝ-s-o đǝge ldǝ-beṯ-e oro ldǝ-mǝñe ld-eṯe e-ŋaña ṯa alǝ-siđ-a.", "gloss": "and when 3pl.om-eat.rt-pfv last 3pl.om-satisfy.rt-cons.pfv then 3pl-went.out 3pl.om-went loc-grass comp1 3pl.inf-defecate.rt-pfv", "translation": "When they ate to their satisfied, they went out to the bushes to defecate", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V Adv V Adv V V N C V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db755a7be", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438603711617, "376fa2132546ec616697799db755a7be" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋurđu ŋǝɽǝfia na Ŋina ṯaŋurmaṯu Ođǝloŋ kañ,", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ ṯ-aŋ-urđu ŋǝɽǝfia na Ŋina ṯ-aŋ-urm-aṯ-u Ođǝloŋ kañ,", "gloss": "but fox comp1b-3sg.inf-diarrhea lalob and dog comp1b-3sg.inf-laugh.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv fox very", "translation": "Then the fox relaxed his bowels with lalob waste and the dog laughed at him very much.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "C N N N Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db755bfa0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438603933200, "376fa2132546ec616697799db755bfa0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "And the fox said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db755da37", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438605167067, "376fa2132546ec616697799db755da37" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Maje đappa agañurmaṯa eđa ŋen ŋǝɽo ŋađǝna?\"", "morphemes": "\"Maje đappa a-g-a-ñ-urm-aṯ-a eđa ŋen ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋađǝna?\"", "gloss": "\"man friend 2sg-clg-rtc-1sg.om-laugh.rt-loc.appl-ipfv why talk clŋ-dpc-be.rt-ipfv mockery?\"", "translation": "\"My friend why are you laughing at me with mockery?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db756278c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438607656836, "376fa2132546ec616697799db756278c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋaṯa, \"Agasa ŋga ŋǝɽǝfia?\"", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"A-g-a-s-a ŋga ŋǝɽǝfia?\"", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv where lalobs?\"", "translation": "The dog said, \"Where do you eat lalobs?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db75d9584", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438859879127, "376fa2132546ec616697799db75d9584" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa, \"Igasa ŋǝɽǝfia iđǝɽǝfi iđi đ-Ukiñaŋgi.\"", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"E-g-a-s-a ŋǝɽǝfia i-đǝɽǝfi iđ-i đ-Ukiñaŋgi.\"", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"1sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-d.ipfv lalobs loc-lalop tree sclđ-this clđ-Aukinyangi.", "translation": "The fox said, \"I eat them in Aukinyangi lalop tree.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db75da892", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438859997366, "376fa2132546ec616697799db75da892" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋaṯa, \"Agasalo ŋǝɽe?\"", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"A-g-a-s-a-lo ŋǝɽe?\"", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-inf2-3pl.om why?\"", "translation": "The dog said, \"Why do you eat them?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db75dcf89", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1438860201172, "376fa2132546ec616697799db75dcf89" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa, \"Ñagasalo nanda igëmcu egañ.\"", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Ña-g-a-s-a-lo nanda ig-ëmcu egañ.\"", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"1ex-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv-3pl.om 1ex.pro loc-race 1in.poss.\"", "translation": "The fox said, \"We foxes, we eat them.\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7697053", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439013707381, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7697053" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋǝmamëinu ŋenǝsi kañ", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋǝ-ma-mëinu ŋen-nǝ-si kañ", "gloss": "but fox he-him-bring talk-on-eye very", "translation": "Then the fox began to reflect back about this", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db769ffbc", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439033947913, "376fa2132546ec616697799db769ffbc" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋaṯa gama igaɽacau đappaŋo!", "morphemes": "ṯa-ŋ-aṯa gama e-g-a-ɽ-ac-au đappa-ŋo!", "gloss": "comp1-clŋ-say.rt what 1sg-clg-rtc-do.rt-appl-how friend-acc!", "translation": "and said what did I have done to my friend!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a0222", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439034123788, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a0222" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋina nǝŋaɽǝjace ŋen tǝŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aɽǝjac-e ŋen tǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "and dog comp2-3sg.cons-add.rt-cons.pfv talk again comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1,", "translation": "And the dog added and said to the fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a39d7", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439034456053, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a39d7" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Đappa iđu ṯasaṯo ŋǝɽǝfiano ŋenŋanṯa ŋerṯe agǝsiđa ŋǝɽǝfia.\"", "morphemes": "\"Đappa iđ-u ṯa-s-aṯ-o ŋǝɽǝfia-ano ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-erṯ-e agǝ-siđ-a ŋǝɽǝfia.\"", "gloss": "\"Friend do.rt-pfv comp1-eat.rt-loc.appl-d.ipfv lalobs-in because clŋ-neg.aux-inf1 clg.inf-defecate.rt-ipfv lalobs.\"", "translation": "\"My friend, you should chew the lalobs well so as not to defecate lalobs.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a4b9e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439034552684, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a4b9e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa, \"Eŋađ yarra kañ", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Eŋađ y-arra kañ", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"Teeth cly-small very,", "translation": "The fox said, \"My teeth are too small,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a6851", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439034728301, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a6851" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yiđi ayǝkǝre ndǝ igǝsa laŋge lǝbǝɽaŋǝno.\"", "morphemes": "y-iđi ayǝ-kǝr-e ndǝ i-g-ǝ-s-a laŋge l-ǝbǝɽ-aŋǝno.\"", "gloss": "cly-fut.aux cly.inf-break.rt-inf1 if 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-inf2 things cll-hard-body.\"", "translation": "it will break when I try to eat hard things.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a8b6f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035056930, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a8b6f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn đǝge lënŋulu ndǝm ldoɽǝbaṯe egeɽa", "morphemes": "Orn đǝge lënŋulu ndǝm ld-oɽǝbaṯ-e eg-eɽa", "gloss": "then last 3pl.pro both 3pl.om-return.rt-cons.pfv loc-house", "translation": "Then the two of them returned to the house", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adj Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a9ed8", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035300070, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76a9ed8" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaɽrǝṯo ŋenŋanṯa afla yamulu yeŋgaṯia", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-rǝṯ-o ŋenŋanṯa afla y-amulu y-eŋgaṯ-ia", "gloss": "and comp1b-3pl.inf-dance.rt-d.inf2 because party cly-not.yet cly-not.finish.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and began to dance because the party is still on", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ab1c0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035418718, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ab1c0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen afla yeŋgaṯo đǝge, Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋina ṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen afla y-eŋgaṯ-o đǝge, Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋina ṯa,", "gloss": "and when party cly-finish.rt-pfv last, fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv dog comp1,", "translation": "and the party came to end, and the fox said to the dog,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj N V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ac994", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035565531, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ac994" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Đappa eđe yamano đǝge orn Ŋwëlia ŋëtu ŋeṯo,", "morphemes": "\"Đappa eđe y-amano đǝge orn Ŋwëlia ŋ-ëtu ŋ-eṯ-o,", "gloss": "\"Friend meat cly-cooked last but hyena clŋ-there clŋ-come.rt-d.inf2,", "translation": "\"My friend the meat is ready, but the hyena is coming,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj Conj N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ae802", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035666208, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ae802" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gama alǝgasaṯa ŋga eđe?\"", "morphemes": "gama alǝ-g-a-s-aṯ-a ŋga eđe?\"", "gloss": "what cll.inf-clg-rtc-eat.rt-loc.appl-ipfv where meat?\"", "translation": "where shall we the meat?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b0518", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439035740415, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b0518" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋina ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋina ṯa,", "gloss": "but fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv dog comp1,", "translation": "Then the fox said to dog,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b224f", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439036020192, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b224f" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Ela ŋirǝwuṯi umǝđun ṯeŋananađacau eđe", "morphemes": "\"Ela ŋ-irǝwuṯ-i umǝđun ṯe-ŋa-na-nađac-au eđe", "gloss": "\"Come clŋ-go-down store comp1b-2sg.om-iter-go.and.give.rt-how meat", "translation": "\"Come and climbed down to the sorghum store and I can give you the meat there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b357e", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439036158604, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b357e" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa eŋađ yoɽra kañ yelaɽǝŋa na agasa kañ kañ,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa eŋađ y-oɽra kañ y-elaɽǝŋa na a-g-a-s-a kañ kañ,", "gloss": "because teeth cly-big very cly-2sg.poss and 2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv very hard,", "translation": "because your teeth are too big and you ate with a great noise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj Adj Conj V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b4a09", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439036649042, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b4a09" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝnno.", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-nn-o.", "gloss": "hyena comp1b-3sg.inf-hear.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "and the hyena hears.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b6100", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439036871585, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b6100" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋina ṯa, \"Wate iŋëɽi ɽia nano", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋina ṯa, \"Wate i-ŋ-ëɽi ɽia nano", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv dog comp1, \"Wait 1sg-clŋ-put.rt pot near", "translation": "The fox said to the dog, \"Let me put the pot over you on the top of the store", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N C V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b7f21", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439036967710, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b7f21" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ Ŋwëlia ŋeṯo aŋerṯe ŋǝlǝŋeṯa ŋen", "morphemes": "ndǝ Ŋwëlia ŋ-eṯ-o aŋ-erṯ-e ŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a ŋen", "gloss": "if hyena clŋ-come.rt-pfv 3sg.inf-neg.aux-inf1 know.rt-ipfv talk", "translation": "and when the hyena comes not knows the case,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b8ab0", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439037132496, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76b8ab0" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa lǝgasa eđe ŋenŋanṯa agasa ŋǝɽǝldiaŋa.", "morphemes": "ṯa lǝ-g-a-s-a eđe ŋenŋanṯa a-g-a-s-a ŋǝɽǝldia-ŋa.", "gloss": "comp1 1in-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv meat because 2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv noise-with", "translation": "that we are eating meat for you ate with a great noise.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "C V N Conj V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ba1cb", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439037545343, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76ba1cb" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋirǝwuci Ŋina umǝđun", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-irǝwuc-i Ŋina umǝđun", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.consg-climb.down.rt-caus dog storage", "translation": "The fox let the dog went inside the storage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76bb232", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439037815206, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76bb232" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu ṯaŋǝso eđe yobaŋǝno na ṯaŋǝnanaco Ŋina ŋođia.", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋu ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o eđe yoba-aŋǝno na ṯ-aŋǝ-na-nac-o Ŋina ŋođia.", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-cons.ipfv meat soft-body and comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-give.rt-cons.ipfv dog bones", "translation": "and he began to eat the soft meat and to give bones to the dog.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V N N Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76bc902", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439037909885, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76bc902" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv fox comp1,", "translation": "The dog said to the fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db76be6ba", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439038052019, "376fa2132546ec616697799db76be6ba" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Ace đappa eđe yabǝɽaŋǝno pređ eđa?\"", "morphemes": "\"Ace đappa eđe yabǝɽa-aŋǝno pređ eđa?\"", "gloss": "\"What friend meat hard-body all why?", "translation": "\"What friend why is all the meat very hard?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N N N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7709713", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439199191638, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7709713" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa, \"Đappa dia raɽo opo kañ.\"", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Đappa dia r-a-ɽ-o opo kañ.\"", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"friend cow clr-rtc-be.rt-pfv old very.", "translation": "The fox said, \"My friend the cow is too old.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db770adf2", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439199306769, "376fa2132546ec616697799db770adf2" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen eđe yemǝndađo đǝge, Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋina ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen eđe ye-mǝndađ-o đǝge, Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋina ṯa,", "gloss": "when meat cly-finish.rt-pfv last, fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv dog comp1,", "translation": "When the meat finished, the fox said to the dog,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj N V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db770d194", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439199530163, "376fa2132546ec616697799db770d194" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Đappa aboṯwaŋ đǝge Ŋwëlia ŋabǝɽo.", "morphemes": "\"Đappa aboṯw-aŋ đǝge Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-b-ǝɽ-o.", "gloss": "\"friend climb.rt-3sg.inf last hyena clŋ-rtc-prog-go.rt-pfv", "translation": "\"My friend climb out from the gain store the hyena has gone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db771091c", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200102326, "376fa2132546ec616697799db771091c" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋaboṯwa na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋeɽǝđe ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aboṯw-a na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-eɽǝđ-e ṯa,", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-climb.rt-cons.d.pfv and fox comp2-3sg.cons-ask.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "The dog climbed out and the fox asked her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj N V C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db77122bc", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200338521, "376fa2132546ec616697799db77122bc" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Agabërnia asëgi?\" Ŋina nǝŋaṯa ṯa, \"Igabërnia Okorrǝco.", "morphemes": "\"A-g-a-bërn-ia asëgi?\" Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, \"I-g-a-b-ërn-ia Okorrǝco.", "gloss": "\"2sg-clg-rtc-call.rt-ipfv who\" dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, \"1sg-clg-prog-name.rt-ipfv Okorrecho.", "translation": "\"What is your name?\" The dog answered, \"My name is Okorrecho.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V C V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db77141b5", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200517564, "376fa2132546ec616697799db77141b5" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa ṯa gabërnia Akađe lëɽua.", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa gabërnia Akađe lëɽua.", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 call turns back", "translation": "And the fox said that he is called turn behind.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V C N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7715aaa", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200690305, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7715aaa" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋina nǝŋaṯa, \"Akađe lëɽua iđu ela", "morphemes": "Ŋina n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Akađe lëɽua iđu ela", "gloss": "dog comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, Turns back fut.aux come", "translation": "The dog said, \"Turn behind will you come again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7716f11", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200786984, "376fa2132546ec616697799db7716f11" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đǝŋǝranano đǝlëɽǝñi điđi ađǝfeṯe.\"", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đǝŋǝra-nano đ-ǝlëɽǝñi đ-iđi ađǝ-f-eṯ-e.\"", "gloss": "because happy-on clđ-1sg.poss clđ-fut.aux clđ.inf-be.loc-appl-inf1.", "translation": "for my feast will take place.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N-P Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db77182e4", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439200884741, "376fa2132546ec616697799db77182e4" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen đǝŋǝranano đǝfo đǝge,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen đǝŋǝranano đ-ǝ-fo đǝge,", "gloss": "and when feast clđ-dpc-past.aux last,", "translation": "And when the feast took place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db771a27b", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439201025434, "376fa2132546ec616697799db771a27b" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Akađe lëɽua nǝŋela ṯaŋǝrṯo kañ ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Akađe lëɽua n-ǝŋ-ela ṯ-aŋ-ǝrṯ-o kañ ṯ-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "Turns back comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp1b-3sg.inf-dance.rt-cons.ipfv very comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt,", "translation": "Turns behind came and began to dance and says,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db771af98", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439201164280, "376fa2132546ec616697799db771af98" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Arna ŋǝɽǝfi! Arna ŋǝɽǝfi!", "morphemes": "\"Arn-a ŋǝɽǝfi! Arn-a ŋǝɽǝfi!", "gloss": "Swallow.rt-d.imp lalobs! Swallow.rt-d.imp lalobs!", "translation": "\"Swallow lalobs! Swallow laloba!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db771bf7d", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439201164280, "376fa2132546ec616697799db771bf7d" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Arna ŋǝɽǝfi! Arna ŋǝɽǝfi!", "morphemes": "\"Arn-a ŋǝɽǝfi! Arn-a ŋǝɽǝfi!", "gloss": "Swallow.rt-d.imp lalobs! Swallow.rt-d.imp lalobs!", "translation": "\"Swallow lalobs! Swallow laloba!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "376fa2132546ec616697799db771e1c5", "key": [ "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", 1439201348333, "376fa2132546ec616697799db771e1c5" ], "value": { "story": "376fa2132546ec616697799db7311d71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Arna ŋǝsɽǝfi! Ṯrwa, ṯrwa, ṯrwa!\"", "morphemes": "Arn-a ŋǝsɽǝfi! Ṯrwa, ṯrwa, ṯrwa!\"", "gloss": "Swallow.rt-d.imp lalobs! Arm, arm, arm!\"", "translation": "Swallow lalobs! My power, my power, my power!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b4613", "key": [ "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", 1442637805326, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b4613" ], "value": { "story": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋina", "morphemes": "Ođǝlo-ŋ na Ŋina", "gloss": "fox-clŋ and dog", "translation": "", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b5577", "key": [ "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", 1442637831032, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b5577" ], "value": { "story": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ođǝloŋ gafiđu Ŋina nǝŋëiṯi ṯa", "morphemes": "Lomanǝŋ Ođǝlo-ŋ gafiđu Ŋina nǝŋëiṯi ṯa", "gloss": "oneday fox-clŋ found dog said that", "translation": "", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b647a", "key": [ "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", 1442637859889, "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b647a" ], "value": { "story": "3a208ce7cdadc7bfd7d785f96b3b31ed", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igaŋeɽǝđia ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝŋǝra ya đappa", "morphemes": "orn i-g-a-ŋeɽǝđia ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-ǝŋǝra ya đappa", "gloss": "but ? talk one good with friend", "translation": "", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64c9bf", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430897994148, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64c9bf" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ guɽu Oṯǝmbo", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-uɽ-u Oṯǝmbo", "gloss": "When Fox clg-burn.rt-pfv ostrich", "translation": "When Fox burned Ostrich", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64ea20", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430898115211, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64ea20" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ŋarpendo ŋeṯo eŋapwo,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ŋarpendo ŋ-eṯ-o e-ŋapwo,", "gloss": "day-indef Rat clŋ-come.rt-pfv loc-hunting", "translation": "Once upon a time a Rat came hunting,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a651270", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430898705660, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a651270" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝfiđi ŋǝđǝnia alo ŋayo ŋǝmǝniano,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i ŋǝđǝnia alo ŋ-ay-o ŋǝmǝni-ano,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv rabbit place clŋ-dead.rt-pfv blow.rt-in.", "translation": "then he found a dead rabbit on the ground that was swollen.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a65530e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430898937741, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a65530e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝđurwi nano na nǝŋǝbuɽwi lomanǝla egare", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋǝ-đurw-i nano na n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i loman-ǝla e-gare", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-stop.rt-cons.pfv near and comp2-3sg.cons-beat.rt-cons.pfv finger-with loc-belly", "translation": "and he stpped near it and knocked with his finger on its belly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6558f5", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430899026743, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6558f5" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋoman ŋǝɽijin tuŋtuŋtuŋ,", "morphemes": "ŋoman ŋ-ǝɽijin tuŋ-tuŋ-tuŋ,", "gloss": "time clŋ-three Idph-Idph-Idph", "translation": "three times tuk tuk tuk,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a65662f", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430899132319, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a65662f" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝđǝni ṯaŋaro ŋwal ŋǝŋǝra kañ", "morphemes": "na ŋǝđǝni ṯ-aŋ-ar-o ŋwal ŋǝŋǝra kañ", "gloss": "and rabbit comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-pfv sound good very", "translation": "and it made a very beautiful sound,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6575bc", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430899280706, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6575bc" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋarno ŋwal ŋebamba igi gǝnëpwa.", "morphemes": "ŋarno ŋwal ŋe-bamba ig-i gǝ-nëpwa.", "gloss": "like sound clŋ.of-drum sclg-which clg.of-fight.", "translation": "like the sound of the stick-fighting drum.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a668c15", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430899463639, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a668c15" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oro Ŋarpendo nǝŋǝbuɽwi erel aten", "morphemes": "Oro Ŋarpendo n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i erel aten", "gloss": "then rat comp2-3sg.cons-hit.rt-cons.pfv cheek slow", "translation": "Then the rat stood up and listened,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6676a2", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430899663871, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6676a2" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝdëŋialo na ṯaŋwondiṯu,", "morphemes": "g-ǝdëŋ-i alo na ṯ-aŋ-wondiṯ-u,", "gloss": "clg-strech.rt-cons.pfv place and comp1b-3sg.inf-listen.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "he stretched out to listen,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a667ef3", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430900211884, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a667ef3" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋirǝwëini sia nḏobǝnia nǝŋëri nuɽi,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-irǝwë-ini sia nǝ-đobǝnia n-ǝŋ-ër-i n-uɽi,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-go.down.rt-?? fire on-shoulder comp2-3sg.cons-hang.rt-cons.pfv on-tree,", "translation": "then he got down his gun from his shoulder and hung on a tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": 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"translation": "and drew them near the dead rabbit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a671d36", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430901121919, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a671d36" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋǝpu ŋen ŋarno ebamba,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe ṯ-aŋǝ-p-u ŋen ŋ-arno ebamba,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp1b-3sg.inf-beat.rt-cons.ipfv talk clŋ-like drum,", "translation": "and he began to beat it as if it were a drum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6726bc", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430901246215, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6726bc" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ebamba ṯaŋaro ŋwal ŋǝŋǝra kañ.", "morphemes": "na ebamba ṯ-aŋ-ar-o ŋwal ŋǝŋǝra kañ.", "gloss": "and drum comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-pfv sound good very,", "translation": "and the drum made a nice sound.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a674c19", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430901455644, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a674c19" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋal ṯaŋǝmaso nda lǝndësi kañ,", "morphemes": "Na aŋal ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-s-o nda lǝ-ndë-si kañ,", "gloss": "and sweat comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-eat.rt-pfv head of-head-eye very", "translation": "and the sweat ran from his forehead,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a679618", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430910534859, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a679618" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "girǝwa gwaña garno gwuji gǝfo neɽǝndr gǝɽiṯa đǝɽini,", "morphemes": "g-irǝw-a gwaña g-arno g-wuji g-ǝ-fo n-eɽǝndr g-ǝ-ɽiṯ-a đǝɽini,", "gloss": "clg-go.down.rt-ipfv clg-many clg-like clg-woman clg-dpc2-past.aux on-pot clg-dpc2-roast.rt-ipfv food.of.marisa.", "translation": "running down as of the woman who roasted marisa’s food on the firepans,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a67ac6a", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430910835605, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a67ac6a" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋal ṯaŋǝmǝño nḏurṯu nǝŋǝrmaṯe ndrǝmanǝŋ irri rǝɽǝsi.", "morphemes": "na aŋal ṯ-aŋǝ-mǝñ-o nḏurṯu n-ǝŋǝ-rm-aṯ-e n-drǝmanǝŋ irr-i r-ǝɽǝ-si.", "gloss": "and sweat comp1b-3sg.inf-go.down.rt-pfv behind comp2-3sg.cons-reach.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-feet sclr-which clr-be.rt-eye,", "translation": "and it ran down his back and reached to his feet,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a67dfed", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430911090300, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a67dfed" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ebamba garo ṯwanaŋ,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ebamba g-a-ro ṯwanaŋ,", "gloss": "and when drum clg-rtc-cry.rt long,", "translation": "And when the drum had sounded for long time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69229b", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430911282299, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69229b" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "laŋge ldarrǝboṯwa pređ ildi leđǝñwa ɽrǝṯia egǝbamba.", "morphemes": "laŋge ld-arrǝboṯw-a pređ ildi l-eđǝñwa ɽrǝṯ-ia eg-ǝbamba.", "gloss": "things 3pl.om-climb.rt-ipfv all scll-which cll.of-wilderness dance.rt-ipfv loc-drum.", "translation": "all of the animals of the forest came to dance in the sound of the drum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a693089", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430911529752, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a693089" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaboṯwa gǝrṯia kañ,", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aboṯw-a g-ǝ-rṯ-ia kañ,", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-come.up.rt-ipfv clg-dpc3-dance.rt-ipfv very", "translation": "The Fox came up and began to dance a lot.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a694e87", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912185219, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a694e87" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbwañǝṯia lǝmbi đođia lǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-bwañ-ǝṯ-ia lǝmbi đođia l-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "clg-dpc2-want.rt-appl-ipfv tail boasting cll-3sg.poss,", "translation": "boasting about himself with his tail,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69638e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912533304, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69638e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝrldađaṯo laŋge alo pređ.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-rldađ-aṯ-o laŋge alo pređ.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-trample.rt-loc.appl-pfv things down all.", "translation": "and trampled down on the other animals.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a697696", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912750099, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a697696" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn maje igi gǝbërnia Lǝŋgërria, (ođǝɽala) ṯaŋǝɽwato kañ,", "morphemes": "Orn maje ig-i g-ǝ-bërn-ia Lǝŋgërria, ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽwat-o kañ,", "gloss": "but man sclg-which clg-dpc2-call.rt-ipfv tortoise comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-pfv very,", "translation": "But the one who called tortoise complained very much,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69a473", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912865859, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69a473" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝɽwatiṯu Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋǝmëiṯu ṯa,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽwat-iṯ-u Ođǝloŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-u ṯa,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-appl-cons.ipfv fox comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.ipfv comp1,", "translation": "and talked to the Fox saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69981e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912872307, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69981e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ ŋerṯe agǝndrǝldađaṯa alo ñowa ndësi.”", "morphemes": "“Orañ ŋ-erṯ-e a-g-ǝ-nd-rǝldađ-aṯ-a alo ñowa ndësi.”", "gloss": "brother clŋ-not.aux-inf1 2sg-clg-dpc2-1du.om-trample.rt-loc.appl-ipfv down young.women forehead.\"", "translation": "\"My friend don’t trample us down in front of the young women.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a698aa3", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430912909794, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a698aa3" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝnno ŋen iŋi Lǝŋgërria gǝlwaɽo,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i Lǝŋgërria g-ǝ-lwaɽ-o,", "gloss": "when fox clg-dpc2-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-which lengerria clg-dpc2-say.rt-pfv,", "translation": "When the Fox heard what the tortoises had said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69ae4c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430913164891, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a69ae4c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝrldađaṯo laŋge alo tǝtǝl ŋǝnnia,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-rldađ-aṯ-o laŋge alo tǝtǝl ŋ-ǝ-nn-ia,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-trample.rt-loc.appl-pfv things place more clŋ-dpc2-hear.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "he trampled them down even more and more,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6a236a", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430913271329, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6a236a" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laŋge ldǝciṯano kañ ŋenŋanṯa Ođǝloŋ gëđǝñilo alo.", "morphemes": "na laŋge ld-ǝciṯano kañ ŋenŋanṯa Ođǝloŋ g-ëđǝñi-lo alo.", "gloss": "and things 3pl.om-angry very because fox clg-frighten.rt-3pl.om down.", "translation": "and all others animals became very angry, but they were afraid of the fox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6b02c7", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430913805684, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6b02c7" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Apa Oṯǝmbo gafo gero geṯo mǝldin,", "morphemes": "Orn Apa Oṯǝmbo g-a-fo g-er-o g-eṯ-o mǝldin,", "gloss": "but Father Ostrich clg-rtc-past.aux clg-not.aux-pfv clg-come.rt-pfv still,", "translation": "But the Ostrich father had not arrived yet,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6af70b", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430913892444, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6af70b" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝrmaṯo đǝge,", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o đǝge,", "gloss": "and when clg-dpc2-arrive.rt-pfv last,", "translation": "and when he arrived at last,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6b0cec", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430914066650, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6b0cec" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋela ṯaŋǝrṯo kañ uđruŋga đorna đǝđaŋǝṯo ǝrmwa elo,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋe-la ṯ-aŋǝ-rṯ-o kañ uđruŋga đorna đ-ǝ-đaŋ-ǝṯ-o ǝrmwa elo,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp1b-3sg.inf-dance.rt-pfv very ????? dust clđ-dpc-rise.rt-cmp-pfv sky above,", "translation": "he began to dance and stir up the dust that reached to the highest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6be862", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430914285758, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6be862" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alo yero lǝgumǝñia si alǝnwanǝđe alo,", "morphemes": "alo yero lǝ-g-umǝñ-ia si alǝ-nwan-ǝđ-e alo,", "gloss": "place no 1in-clg-bring.out.rt-ipfv eye 1in-look.rt-ap-inf1 down", "translation": "and the dust covered the whole place that make it difficult to see.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6bf11b", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430914429145, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6bf11b" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋiđu ŋëđǝmwa kañ", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-iđ-u ŋëđǝmwa kañ", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.ipfv greatness very", "translation": "And he boasted himself greatly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c0515", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430914683111, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c0515" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñǝgonwaña ñǝrǝjǝṯia ǝrmwa ñǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ.", "morphemes": "ñǝgonwa-ña ñ-ǝ-rǝj-ǝṯ-ia ndǝ-rmwa ñ-ǝŋǝr-a ŋayo kañ.", "gloss": "feathers-with clñ-dpc-dance.rt-cmp-ipfv in-sky clñ-good.rt-ipfv beauty very.", "translation": "with his beautiful feathers waving high in the air.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c20ad", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430914977059, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c20ad" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝlaŋ gǝsëcu Oṯǝmbo gǝmǝñaṯǝlo ŋëđǝmwaŋa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝlaŋ g-ǝ-sëc-u Oṯǝmbo g-ǝ-mǝñ-aṯǝ-lo ŋëđǝmwa-ŋa,", "gloss": "when fox clg-dpc-see.rt-cons.pfv ostrich clg-dpc-is.ahead-cmp-3pl.om greatness-with,", "translation": "When Fox noticed that the Ostrich is more greatness than others,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c2ae4", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430915050777, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c2ae4" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝciṯano kañ.", "morphemes": "nǝŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ.", "gloss": "and-be-angry very.", "translation": "he became very angry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c6ffe", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430915420474, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c6ffe" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nǝŋëncini đǝŋ egalcep aten", "morphemes": "Orn n-ǝŋ-ëncin-i đǝŋ eg-alcep aten", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv hand in-pocket quietly", "translation": "Then he inserted his hand into his pocket quietly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c9738", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430916344720, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6c9738" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋumëinia bëbiya nǝŋitici sia", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-umëin-ia bëbiya n-ǝŋ-itic-i sia", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-bring.out.rt-cons.d.pfv match comp2-3sg.cons-light.rt-cons.pfv fire", "translation": "and brought out a match and lit fire", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6cc650", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430916646788, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6cc650" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝwaṯe Oṯǝmbo nano eñǝgonwa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-w-aṯ-e Oṯǝmbo nano e-ñǝgonwa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-set.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv ostrich at in-feathers.", "translation": "and set fire on feathers of Ostrich.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6ce800", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430916803057, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6ce800" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na sia nǝyëndi ñǝgonwa neđaŋǝṯe ǝrmwa yore,", "morphemes": "na sia n-ǝ-yënd-i ñǝgonwa ne-đaŋ-ǝṯ-e ǝrmwa yore,", "gloss": "and fire comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv feathers comp2-rise.rt-cmp-cons.pfv sky red.", "translation": "and fire catches the feathers and the flame went up.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6ce0c1", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430917132885, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6ce0c1" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen nǝŋǝkǝrǝcǝđe nano iŋi ŋǝfo pređ,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-kǝrǝcǝđ-e nano iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-fo pređ,", "gloss": "and talk comp2-3sg.cons-in.disorder.rt-cons.pfv body sclŋ-which clŋ-dpc-past.aux all", "translation": "and the party become in disorder and confusion.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6cd45d", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430917333211, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6cd45d" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen nǝŋǝmǝlađaiđe ŋǝbaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-mǝlađaiđ-e ŋ-ǝ-b-aṯ-a ṯa,", "gloss": "and talk comp2-3sg.cons-change.rt-cons.pfv said that,", "translation": "and everything changed and people says,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6d7d79", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430917470072, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6d7d79" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lorldaña sia yëndu Oṯǝmbo,", "morphemes": "“Lorldaña sia y-ënd-u Oṯǝmbo,", "gloss": "Brothers fire cly-catch.rt-pfv Ostrich.", "translation": "\"My brothers and sisters the fire caught the ostrich,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6d93bd", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430917791768, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6d93bd" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "bapwañar ŋawa, mar ŋawa Oṯǝmbo gabaya,", "morphemes": "b-apwañar ŋawa, m-a-r ŋawa Oṯǝmbo g-a-b-ay-a,", "gloss": "prog-look.for.rt water, bring.rt-prox.imp-pl water, Ostrich clg-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "look for water, bring forth water, the ostrich is dying,", "tags": "venitive", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6db0c2", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", 1430917876165, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a6db0c2" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a64b219", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wëi, wëi gayo đǝge!”", "morphemes": "wëi, wëi g-a-y-o đǝge!”", "gloss": "oh oh clg-rtc-die.rt-pfv last", "translation": "Oh, it died.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78856f", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430990408319, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78856f" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñǝm na Lëmmia", "morphemes": "Ñǝm na Lëmmia", "gloss": "bears and boys", "translation": "The Boys and The Bears", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78a06a", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430990518147, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78a06a" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ maje gafo gafo gǝnǝŋ gerṯo jǝnenia yoɽra.", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ maje g-a-fo g-a-f-o g-ǝnǝŋ g-erṯo jǝnenia y-oɽra.", "gloss": "day-indef man clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-indef clg-have.rt garden cly-big", "translation": "Once upon a time there was a man who had a big garden.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N-Adj N V V Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78b47e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430990723582, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78b47e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na jǝnenia yafo yerṯo nuɽiano nǝmaŋga nwaña.", "morphemes": "Na jǝnenia y-a-fo y-erṯo nuɽi-ano nǝ-maŋga n-waña.", "gloss": "and garden cly-rtc-past.aux cly-have.rt tree-in cln.poss-mango cln-many", "translation": "There were many mango trees in the garden.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N-P N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78be5c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430991396391, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78be5c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maŋga đafo đarldo đwaña nǝđorṯe.", "morphemes": "Na maŋga đ-a-fo đ-a-rld-o đ-waña nǝ-đ-orṯe.", "gloss": "and mango clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-rtc-bear.rt-pfv clđ-many and-clđ-red", "translation": "The mango trees bear a lot of mangoes and they were ripe.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78cf28", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430991576445, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78cf28" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñǝm nǝñǝɽe ṯañǝso.", "morphemes": "Na ñǝm nǝ-ñ-ǝ-ɽ-e ṯa-ñ-ǝ-s-o.", "gloss": "and bears comp2-clɲ-dpc-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1-clɲ-dpc-eat.rt-pfv", "translation": "And the bears went and began to eat the mango fruits.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78ed19", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430992572824, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78ed19" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lëmmia lafo lafo lǝmǝn lǝlǝŋǝnu ndijin.", "morphemes": "Orn lëmmia l-a-fo l-a-f-o l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-lǝŋ-ǝn-u ndijin.", "gloss": "but boys cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv cll-some cll-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv three", "translation": "There were three brothers.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a792325", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430992898576, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a792325" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ummia igi goɽra gano Kuku, na Kwëɽi ṯaŋǝmaɽeđeṯo na Ŋaldo gǝta.", "morphemes": "Ummia ig-i g-oɽra g-a-n-o Kuku, na Kwëɽi ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-ɽeđeṯ-o na Ŋaldo g-ǝta.", "gloss": "boy sclg-this clg-big clg-rtc-hear.rt-pfv Kuku and Kori comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-follow.rt-d.inf2 and Ngalo clg-young", "translation": "The elder one is called Kuku, the second is Kori, and Ngalo is the younger one.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N Conj N V Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7914c2", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430992987532, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7914c2" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liga lǝnǝŋ Kuku gabǝɽo ejǝnene,", "morphemes": "Na liga l-ǝnǝŋ Kuku g-a-b-ǝɽ-o e-jǝnene,", "gloss": "and time cll-indef kuku clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-pfv loc-garden", "translation": "One day Kuku went into the garden,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a791560", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430993262611, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a791560" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋǝndrǝṯi ñǝm alo ṯa aŋǝlǝɽǝñe.", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋǝ-ndr-ǝṯ-i ñǝm alo ṯa aŋǝ-lǝ-ɽǝñ-e", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-sleep.rt-appl-cons.pfv bears place comp1 3sg.inf-3pl.om-kill.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "to hide for the bears to kill them.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a792a70", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430993403855, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a792a70" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen gǝndralo egal yoliano aten,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen g-ǝ-ndr-alo eg-alo yoliano aten,", "gloss": "and word clg-dpc-sleep.rt-place loc-place deep little", "translation": "When he was hiding in a hollow place,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V-P P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a79b05c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430993782685, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a79b05c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ṯaŋǝsëcu ñǝm ñëtu ñeṯǝma nano ŋabǝɽaŋa ŋwaña kañ.", "morphemes": "oro ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u ñǝm ñ-ëtu ñ-eṯ-ǝ-ma nano ŋabǝɽa-ŋa ŋ-waña kañ.", "gloss": "then comp1-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv bear clɲ-be.2d clɲ-come.rt-pfv-3sg.om at power-with clŋ-many very", "translation": "he saw the bears coming towards him with the great might.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V V P N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a79beea", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430993953950, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a79beea" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋǝđǝñiṯalo nǝŋobǝđe nǝŋgaṯe alo.", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-i-alo n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e n-ǝŋ-gaṯ-e alo.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-be.afraid.rt-cmp-cons.pfv-place comp2-3sg.cons-flee.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "Kuku became afraid and ran away.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a2ef9", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430994109453, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a2ef9" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kwëɽi ŋen gǝsëcu Kuku gǝlaldǝño, nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Kwëɽi ŋen g-ǝ-sëc-u Kuku g-ǝ-laldǝñ-o, n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and Kori word clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv kuku clg-dpc-run.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "And when Kori saw Kuku run away, he said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a4773", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430994337922, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a4773" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Kuku pi agëđǝñialo,", "morphemes": "“Kuku pi a-g-ë-đǝñ-ia-lo,", "gloss": "kuku ? 2sg-clg-dpc-be.afraid.rt-ipfv-place", "translation": "“Kuku, you are a coward,", "tags": "check:pi", "syntacticCategory": "N ? V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a506e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430994548424, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a506e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wate eɽe igënǝñi bǝɽan, yeɽe yinḏëinia.”", "morphemes": "wate y-eɽe i-g-ënǝ-ñi bǝɽan, y-eɽe y-inḏë-in-ia.”", "gloss": "wait.imp 1sg-go.rt 1sg-clg-be.1d-1sg.om self 1sg-go.rt 1sg-try.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "Wait, let me go and try by myself.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a8a76", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430995087377, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7a8a76" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kwëɽi gǝbǝɽo nǝŋǝndralo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kwëɽi g-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o n-ǝŋǝ-ndr-alo,", "gloss": "and word Kori clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-sleep.rt-place", "translation": "And when he went to the hiding place,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7ab9c0", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430996214599, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7ab9c0" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro đǝge ṯaŋǝsëcu ñǝm ñëtu ñeṯǝma nano ŋabǝɽaŋa ŋwaña kañ.", "morphemes": "oro đǝge ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u ñǝm ñ-ëtu ñ-eṯǝ-ma nano ŋabǝɽa-ŋa ŋ-waña kañ.", "gloss": "then last comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv bears clɲ-be.2d clɲ-come.rt-3sg.om at strength-with clŋ-many very", "translation": "and he saw the bears coming towards him with the great might.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N V V P N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7ac3eb", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430996236429, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7ac3eb" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwëɽi nǝŋǝđǝñiṯalo com nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋobǝđe nǝŋǝlǝbǝcǝni.", "morphemes": "Kwëɽi n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-alo com n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e n-ǝŋǝ-lǝbǝc-ǝn-i.", "gloss": "kori comp2-3sg.cons-be.afraid.rt-appl-place also comp2-3sg.cons-wake.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-flee.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-hide.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "Kori became afraid and ran away to hide himself.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7aad50", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430996323024, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7aad50" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo nǝŋela nǝŋëiṯi Kuku na Kwëɽi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-ela n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Kuku na Kwëɽi ṯa,", "gloss": "but Ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv kuku and kori comp1", "translation": "Then Ngalo come and said to Kuku and Kori,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7b4c99", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430996754689, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7b4c99" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñagëđǝñialo ṯia eđa?", "morphemes": "“Ña-g-ë-đǝñ-i-alo ṯia eđa?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-dpc-be.afraid.rt-cons.pfv-place in.this.way why", "translation": "\"Why are you such cowards?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7b3355", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430997204209, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7b3355" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wate cia Ŋaldo aŋǝɽe gënŋu bǝɽan, aŋǝɽe aŋǝndrǝṯi laŋge alo.”", "morphemes": "Wate cia Ŋaldo aŋ-ǝɽe g-ënŋu bǝɽan, aŋ-ǝɽe aŋ-ǝ-ndr-ǝṯ-i laŋge alo.”", "gloss": "wait.imp plz Ngalo 3sg.inf-go.rt clg-3sg.pro self 3sg.inf-go.rt 3sg.inf-dpc-sleep.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv things down", "translation": "let Ngalo go by himself, to hide for the beasts.\"", "tags": "particle check:beran", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N V P N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7f9b50", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430997744569, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a7f9b50" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ŋaldo gǝbǝɽo nǝŋǝndralo,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ŋaldo g-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o n-ǝŋǝ-ndr-e-alo,", "gloss": "word Ngalo clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-sleep.rt-cons.pfv-place", "translation": "When Ngalo went to the hiding place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a805b6e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430998080501, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a805b6e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ṯaŋǝsëcu ñǝm ñëtu ñeṯo ŋabǝɽaŋa na ŋǝɽǝldiaŋa ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "oro ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u ñǝm ñ-ëtu ñ-eṯo ŋabǝɽa-ŋa na ŋǝɽǝldia-ŋa ŋ-waña,", "gloss": "then comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv bears clɲ-be.2d clɲ-come.rt strength-with noise-with clŋ-many", "translation": "He saw the bears coming towards him with a great might and a loud voice", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V V N-P Conj N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a812e89", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430998301533, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a812e89" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ñǝm ñǝrmaṯǝma nano ṯwañ,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ñǝm ñ-ǝ-rmaṯ-ǝ-ma nano ṯwañ,", "gloss": "and word bears clɲ-dpc-arriv.rt-cons.pfv-3sg.om at near", "translation": "and when they came close to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a815111", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430998544285, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a815111" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaffe lǝm nda lǝnǝŋ siaya nǝŋǝɽǝñe.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aff-e lǝm nda l-ǝnǝŋ sia-ya n-ǝŋǝ-ɽǝñ-e.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-shoot.rt-cons.pfv bear head cll-indef gun-with comp2-3sg.cons-kill.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he shot one of the bears on its head and killed it.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adj N-P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a816667", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430998706811, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a816667" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ñǝm ñǝsëcu orba gaffǝnu ŋǝfǝnŋa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ñǝm ñ-ǝ-sëc-u orba g-aff-ǝn-u ŋǝfǝn-ŋa,", "gloss": "and word bears clɲ-dpc-see.rt-pfv brother clg-shoot.rt-pass-pfv blood-with", "translation": "And when other bears saw their brother been shot and was bleeding,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8173ce", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430998860024, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8173ce" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñǝm nǝñǝse orba ŋenŋanṯa ñënŋulu ñakeyo ŋǝfǝni,", "morphemes": "ñǝm nǝ-ñǝ-s-e orba ŋenŋanṯa ñënŋulu ñ-a-key-o ŋǝfǝni,", "gloss": "bears comp2-clɲ.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv brother because 3pl.pro clɲ-rtc-hate.rt-pfv blood.", "translation": "They ate him because they don’t like seeing blood,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a817cc6", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430999027965, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a817cc6" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñaber ñonaṯa ñǝsađëcia ŋǝfǝni wagǝnǝŋ nano kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-b-er ñ-onaṯ-a ñ-ǝ-s-ađ-ëc-ia ŋǝfǝni wagǝnǝŋ nano kwai kwai.", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-prog-not.aux clɲ-want.rt-ipfv clɲ-dpc-see.rt-ap-appl-ipfv blood anything at never never", "translation": "and they don’t like to see blood on anything.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V N N P Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81c847", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430999231268, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81c847" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ñënŋulu nǝñǝsǝđe pređ nǝñǝmǝndađe bǝɽan.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ñënŋulu nǝ-ñ-ǝ-s-ǝđ-e pređ n-ǝñ-ǝmǝnd-ađ-e bǝɽan.", "gloss": "so 3pl.pro comp2-clɲ.inf-dpc-eat.rt-ap-cons.pfv all comp2-clɲ.inf-finish.rt-ap-cons.pfv self", "translation": "So they ate each other and they all died.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81d871", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430999410895, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81d871" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋobǝđe nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlwaɽǝṯi lorba ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "but Ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-wake.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-flee.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cons.pfv-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv brothers comp1", "translation": "Then Ngalo ran to his brothers and told them that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81e9a0", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1430999513563, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a81e9a0" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Sëcǝr igaɽǝño lǝm lǝnǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "“Sëc-ǝ-r i-g-a-ɽǝñ-o lǝm l-ǝnǝŋ.”", "gloss": "see.rt-imp 1sg-clg-rtc-kill.rt-pfv bear cll-indef", "translation": "\"Behold, I have killed a bear.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a822746", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431008110898, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a822746" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eṯen gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝmaŋǝrṯi nano kañ eŋen iŋi giđu,", "morphemes": "Na eṯe-n g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ŋǝrṯ-i nano kañ e-ŋen iŋ-i g-iđ-u,", "gloss": "and father-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-please.rt-pfv at very loc-talk sclŋ-this clg-do.rt-pfv", "translation": "And his father was pleased with him for what he had done,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P Adv P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a823882", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431008552788, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a823882" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋundǝđi lëmmia pređ nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa, “Ya ñere ñagǝlëɽǝñi,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-und-ǝđ-i lëmmia pređ n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ya ñere ñ-agǝlëɽǝñi,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv boys all comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 oh children clɲ.poss-1sg.poss", "translation": "and he called his sons and said to them, \"My children,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Comp Adv N P-Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a82a2ea", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431008841737, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a82a2ea" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñowa ñëtu ñǝmǝn ilǝbu lǝnǝŋ iḏuniya alo", "morphemes": "ñowa ñ-ëtu ñ-ǝmǝn i-lǝbu l-ǝnǝŋ i-ḏuniya alo", "gloss": "young.women clɲ-be.2d loc-well cll-indef loc-earth place", "translation": "there are some young women in a well beneath the earth,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj P-N Adj P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a82ed42", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431009107204, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a82ed42" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igonaṯa ṯa ñaɽe ñalǝmama ñalarrǝbǝca ñaliđi lwasalanda.”", "morphemes": "na i-g-onaṯa ṯa ñ-a-ɽe ñ-a-lǝ-ma-m-a ñ-a-l-arrǝbǝc-a ñ-a-l-iđi lwasal-anda.”", "gloss": "and 1sg-clg-want.rt comp1 clɲ-rtc-go.rt 2pl-rtc-3pl.om-iter-take.rt-ipfv 2pl-rtc-3pl.om-bring.rt-ipfv 2pl-rtc-3pl.om-do.rt wife-assoc.pl", "translation": "and I want you to go and bring them out and make them your wives.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a830b07", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431009801514, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a830b07" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eṯen nǝŋǝlǝmiṯi lar lwalatai", "morphemes": "Na eṯe-n n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-m-iṯ-i lar l-wala-ta-i", "gloss": "and father-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-take.rt-appl-cons.pfv rope cll-long-cmp-caus", "translation": "and he made a long rope for them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a832b0f", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431009991104, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a832b0f" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝyikirǝwuṯi alo alǝɽe alǝmama ñowa.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝ-yi-k-irǝwu-ṯ-i alo alǝɽe alǝmama ñowa.", "gloss": "because cll.inf-with-iter-descend.rt-appl-cons.pfv place cll.inf-dpc-go.rt cll.inf-iter-take.rt-impf young.women", "translation": "to go down the well and bring the girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8368a6", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431010310974, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8368a6" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đǝge Kuku ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gaɽǝnda na fǝŋu gǝlirldǝṯia ananoŋ,", "morphemes": "Na đǝge Kuku ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu g-a-ɽǝ-nda na fǝ-ŋu g-ǝ-l-irldǝṯ-ia ananoŋ,", "gloss": "and last kuku because 3sg.pro clg-rtc-go.rt-first and foc-3sg.om clg-dpc-3pl.om-go?.rt-ipfv first", "translation": "and because Kuku is the elder then it is he who is the one who goes first,", "tags": "check:go?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N Comp N V Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8385b6", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431010543076, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a8385b6" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋakasǝni larlano nǝŋǝlwaɽǝṯi lorba ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-akas-ǝn-i lar-la-ano n-ǝŋǝ-lwaɽǝ-ṯ-i lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-tie.rt-pass-cons.pfv rope-with-in comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv brothers comp1", "translation": "he tied the rope round his wrist and said to his brothers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P-P V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a838e85", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431010742102, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a838e85" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lorldañ, ndǝ ñǝgǝnna igǝndëiṯia ṯa, ‘Gǝmole, gǝmole!’", "morphemes": "“Lorlda-ñ, ndǝ ñ-ǝ-g-ǝnn-a i-g-ǝnd-ëiṯ-ia ṯa, ‘Gǝmole, gǝmole!’", "gloss": "brothers-1sg.poss if 2sg-dpc-hear.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-2pl.om-say.to.rt-ipfv comp1 cold cold", "translation": "\"My brothers, when you hear me saying, 'Cold, cold!'", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp V V Comp Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d150000bb", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431010967300, "691fc088488461932a4c744d150000bb" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ṯǝñañoɽǝco ilǝbu. Orn ndǝ igǝbaṯa, ‘Gubwa, gubwa!’", "morphemes": "Ṯǝ-ña-ñ-oɽǝc-o i-lǝbu. Orn ndǝ i-g-ǝ-b-aṯa, ‘Gubwa, gubwa!’", "gloss": "comp1b-2ex-1sg.om-lower.rt-pfv loc-well but if 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-say.rt hot hot", "translation": "Lower me down into the well, but if I say, 'Hot, hot!'", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Conj Comp V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1500010f", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431011127998, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1500010f" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñañabǝce taltal ilǝbu.”", "morphemes": "Ña-ñ-abǝce taltal i-lǝbu.”", "gloss": "2sg-1sg.om-raise.rt quickly loc-well", "translation": "Pull me out of the well quickly.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15011844", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431011447600, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15011844" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Kuku ŋen gǝfo lǝbu nëñua gǝmulu girǝwuṯa iligano nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Kuku ŋen g-ǝfo lǝbu n-ëñua gǝmulu g-irǝw-uṯ-a i-ligano n-ǝŋ-aṯa", "gloss": "but kuku word clg-past.aux well on-mouth not.yet clg-descend.rt-appl-ipfv loc-middle comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "But while Kuku was still at the mouth of the well and had not reached half way down, he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N P-N Adv V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d150135f3", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431011575571, "691fc088488461932a4c744d150135f3" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Gubwa, gubwa! Uɽǝbǝđiñǝr.”", "morphemes": "“Gubwa, gubwa! Uɽǝb-ǝđ-ǝ-ñǝ-r.”", "gloss": "hot hot return.rt-ap-imp-1sg.om-pl", "translation": "\"Hot, hot! Pull me out.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15014c63", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431012043856, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15014c63" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lorba ldǝmabǝleđa na ldǝmabǝce nëṯǝndia.", "morphemes": "Na lorba n-ldǝ-ma-bǝleđa na n-ldǝ-ma-abǝce n-ëṯǝndia.", "gloss": "and brother comp2-cll-3sg.om-pull.rt and comp2-cll-3sg.om-raise.rt on-bank", "translation": "and his brothers pulled him and lifted him out of the well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15016a77", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431012169369, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15016a77" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kwëɽi gǝsëcǝma nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kwëɽi g-ǝ-sëc-ǝ-ma n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and word kori clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv-3sg.om comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "And when Kori saw him, he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15018614", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431012371275, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15018614" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Kuku, agëđǝñialo ṯia eđa? Wate yoɽǝṯe igënǝñi bǝɽan.”", "morphemes": "“Kuku, a-g-ëđǝñi-alo ṯia eđa? Wate y-oɽǝṯe igënǝñi bǝɽan.”", "gloss": "Kuku 2sg.inf-clg-be.afraid.rt-down in.this.way why wait.rt 1sg-climb.down.rt 1sg.pro self", "translation": "\"Kuku, why are you such a coward!? Let me go down by myself.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V-N Adv Adv V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d150182f3", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431012727831, "691fc088488461932a4c744d150182f3" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwëɽi nǝŋëndi lar nǝŋǝyikasǝniano nǝŋoɽǝṯe ilǝbu,", "morphemes": "Kwëɽi n-ǝŋ-ënd-i lar n-ǝŋǝ-yi-kas-ǝn-i-ano n-ǝŋ-oɽǝṯe i-lǝbu,", "gloss": "kori comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv rope comp2-3sg.cons-with-tie.rt-pass-cons.pfv-body comp2-3sg.cons-climb.down.rt loc-well", "translation": "Kori took the rope and tied it around his waist and went down the well,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V-N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15012bc9", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431012973568, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15012bc9" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝmulu gǝrmaṯa alo yenǝŋ, nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Gubwa!”", "morphemes": "na ŋen gǝmulu g-ǝrmaṯa alo y-enǝŋ, n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Gubwa!”", "gloss": "and word not.yet clg-arrive.rt place cly-indef comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 hot", "translation": "and before he reach anywhere, he cried, \"Hot!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V N Adj V Comp Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15016078", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431013201576, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15016078" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lorba ldǝmabǝleđa na ldǝmabǝce nëṯǝndia.", "morphemes": "Na lorba n-ldǝ-ma-bǝleđa na n-ldǝ-m-abǝc-e n-ëṯǝndia.", "gloss": "and brothers comp2-cll-3sg.om-pull.rt and comp2-cll-3sg.om-raise.rt-cons.pfv on-bank", "translation": "and his brothers pulled him out and took him out of the well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1500fb9d", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431013448853, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1500fb9d" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo gǝsëcu Kuku goɽǝbǝđo na Kwëɽi tǝŋ nǝŋoɽǝbǝđe nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo g-ǝ-sëc-u Kuku g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o na Kwëɽi tǝŋ n-ǝŋ-oɽǝb-ǝđ-e n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and word ngalo clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv kuku clg-return.rt-ap-pfv and kori again comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-ap-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "And when Ngalo saw Kuku returned and so Kori did also, he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N V Conj N Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1507b17f", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431013656815, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1507b17f" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Maje ñagëđǝñialo ṯia ŋwande?", "morphemes": "“Maje ña-g-ëđǝñi-alo ṯia ŋwande?", "gloss": "man 2sg-clg-be.afraid.rt-place in.this.way what.for", "translation": "Why are you so cowards you two?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157df7e4", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431154193538, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157df7e4" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wate cia yirǝwi igënǝñi bǝɽan.”", "morphemes": "Wate cia y-irǝwi igënǝñi bǝɽan.”", "gloss": "wait plz 1sg-go.down.rt 1sg.pro self", "translation": "Let me go down I myself.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e0154", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431154429430, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e0154" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ŋaldo gakasǝnu larlano nǝŋëiṯi lorba ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ŋaldo g-a-kas-ǝn-u lar-l-ano n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "word ngalo clg-rtc-tie.rt-pass-pfv rope-with-in comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv brothers comp1", "translation": "When Ngalo tied his waist with the rope he said to his brothers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N-P-P V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e095d", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431154565619, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e095d" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ndǝ ñagǝfiđǝñe igǝbaṯa, ‘Gǝmole, gǝmole!’", "morphemes": "“Ndǝ ña-g-ǝ-fiđ-ǝ-ñe i-g-ǝ-b-aṯa, ‘Gǝmole, gǝmole!’", "gloss": "if 2sg-clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv-1sg.om 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-say.rt cold cold", "translation": "When you find me saying, 'Cold, cold!'", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e719c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431154848894, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e719c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ṯǝñañoɽǝco, orn ndǝ igǝlwaɽo ṯa, gubwa!", "morphemes": "Ṯǝ-ña-ñ-oɽǝco, orn ndǝ i-g-ǝ-lwaɽo ṯa, gubwa!", "gloss": "comp1b-2sg-1sg.om-lower.rt but if 1sg-clg-dpc-tell.rt comp1 hot", "translation": "Let me go down, and when I say, hot!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj Comp V Comp Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e8127", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431155128850, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157e8127" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Walla ŋen ŋëbwa! Ñañabǝce taltal.”", "morphemes": "Walla ŋen ŋëbwa! Ña-ñ-abǝce taltal.”", "gloss": "or word hot 2sg-1sg.om-raise.rt quickly", "translation": "or it is hot! You pull me outside immediately!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ebc55", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431155525464, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ebc55" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo girǝwa ṯaŋaṯa ṯa, “Gǝmole! Gǝmole!”", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo g-irǝwa ṯ-aŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Gǝmole! Gǝmole!”", "gloss": "and word ngalo clg-descend.rt comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt comp1 cold cold", "translation": "And Ngalo was going down, he kept saying, \"Cold! Cold!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V Comp Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ece24", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431155746106, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ece24" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lorba ṯalǝmirǝwi, na Ŋaldo nǝŋǝrmaṯe iḏunyia iđi đǝṯwañ,", "morphemes": "Na lorba ṯ-alǝ-m-irǝwi, na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-rmaṯ-e i-ḏunyia iđ-i đ-ǝṯwañ,", "gloss": "and brothers comp1b-cll.inf-3sg.om-go.down.rt and ngalo comp2-3sg.inf-arrive.rt-cons.pfv loc-earth clđ-this clđ.poss-near", "translation": "and his brothers let him go down, untill he reached the lower earth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj N V P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157edab6", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431155876938, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157edab6" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝɽwato mǝldin ṯa, “Gǝmole! Gǝmole!”", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-ǝɽwat-o mǝldin ṯa, “Gǝmole! Gǝmole!”", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-speak.rt-pfv still comp1 cold cold", "translation": "and he kept saying, \"Cold! Cold!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv Comp Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ef037", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431156088896, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ef037" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ṯaŋirǝwinu ṯaŋirǝwinu, na nǝŋǝrmaṯe iḏunyia iđi đǝpǝlalo", "morphemes": "Na ṯ-aŋ-irǝwi-n-u ṯ-aŋ-irǝwi-n-u, na n-ǝŋ-ǝrmaṯ-e i-ḏunyia iđ-i đ-ǝpǝlalo", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-go.down.rt-pass-pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-go.down.rt-pass-pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-arrive.rt-cons.pfv loc-earth sclđ-this clđ-bottom", "translation": "And he went down and down until he reached the bottom of the earth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Conj V P-N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ee645", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431156446559, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157ee645" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi ñere ñǝfau ñǝɽ ñowa iñi lënŋulu lǝlǝbwaña ildi lǝlǝŋǝnu.", "morphemes": "iđ-i ñere ñ-ǝ-f-au ñ-ǝ-ɽ ñowa iñ-i lënŋulu lǝ-lǝ-bwaña ild-i lǝ-lǝŋ-ǝn-u.", "gloss": "sclđ-this girls clɲ-dpc-be.loc-ipfv clɲ-dpc-be.rt young.women sclɲ-this 3pl.pro cll-3pl.om-like.rt scll-this cll-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "where the young women live, who they liked.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N V V N Adj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f1d83", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431156992385, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f1d83" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋarrǝbǝce ñere pređ,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-arr-ǝbǝc-e ñere pređ,", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-iter-ascend.rt-cons.pfv girls all", "translation": "And Ngalo let all the girls go out from the well,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f3a4e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431157273352, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f3a4e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋǝfo ŋǝŋǝrama nano kañ nǝŋabǝce nḏurṯu alo.", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-f-o ŋ-ǝŋǝrama nano kañ n-ǝŋ-abǝc-e nḏurṯu alo.", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv clŋ-beautifull at very comp2-3sg.cons-raise.rt-cons.pfv lastly place", "translation": "exept the one who he loves the most; he let her climb last", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj P Adv V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f3e9b", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431157391490, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f3e9b" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lorba lǝsëcu ŋere iŋi ŋǝnḏurṯu alo ŋǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen lorba l-ǝ-sëc-u ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝnḏurṯu alo ŋ-ǝŋǝra ŋ-ayo kañ,", "gloss": "and word brothers cll-dpc-see.rt-pfv girl sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-last place clŋ-good clŋ-beauty very", "translation": "and when his brothers saw that the last girl was so beautiful,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N Adj P-Adj N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f85eb", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431157810299, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157f85eb" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldajǝbëini eŋen ŋǝ Ŋaldo ldëbǝri lar ldiɽǝṯi ilǝbu.", "morphemes": "n-ld-ajǝbëin-i e-ŋen ŋǝ Ŋaldo n-ld-ëbǝr-i lar n-ld-iɽ-ǝṯ-i i-lǝbu.", "gloss": "comp2-cll-forget.rt-cons.pfv loc-word clŋ.poss Ngalo comp2-cll-loose.rt-cons.pfv rope comp2-cll-fall.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-well", "translation": "they forget their brother Ngalo and they let the rope fall into the well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N P N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fa60a", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431158078313, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fa60a" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo igi gǝđamalo nǝŋëbǝrǝjëini larlda ilǝbu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo ig-i g-ǝ-đamo-alo n-ǝŋ-ëbǝrǝ-jëin-i lar-lda i-lǝbu", "gloss": "so ngalo sclg-this clg-dpc-defeat.rt-place comp2-3sg.cons-loose.rt-pass.rt-cons.pfv rope-with loc-well", "translation": "So Ngalo who is brave was left down in the well with a rope,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V-N V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fb4f9", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431158174889, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fb4f9" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋerṯe gǝɽǝwađaṯia gaboṯwa tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia g-aboṯw-a tǝŋ,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clg-dpc-be.able.rt-ipfv clg-go.out.rt-ipfv again", "translation": "and he was not able to get out again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fcd07", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431158501640, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fcd07" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋǝɽaŋo ldwandr lǝnǝŋ uɽi nḏurṯu ŋen ŋǝciama nano kañ.", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽaŋo n-ldwandr l-ǝnǝŋ uɽi nḏurṯu ŋen ŋǝcia-ma nano kañ.", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-be.sitting.rt on-stone cll-indef tree under word bad-3sg.om at very", "translation": "Then he went and sat down on a stone under a tree unhappy.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V P-N Adj N P N Adj P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fd036", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431158692588, "691fc088488461932a4c744d157fd036" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Gakambo nǝđela đǝnǝŋ nǝđǝmǝñe lǝbu nano,", "morphemes": "Orn Gakambo n-ǝđ-ela đ-ǝnǝŋ n-ǝđ-ǝ-mǝñ-e lǝbu nano,", "gloss": "but dragon comp2-clđ.inf-come.rt clđ-indef comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-pass.rt-cons.pfv well at", "translation": "Then Dragon came and passed by the well,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580037e", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431158982661, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580037e" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝđǝfiđi Ŋaldo ilǝbu nǝđǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Agau ilǝbu maje!?”", "morphemes": "n-ǝđ-ǝ-fiđ-i Ŋaldo i-lǝbu n-ǝđ-ǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “A-gau i-lǝbu maje!?”", "gloss": "comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-find.rt-cons.pfv ngalo loc-well comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 2sg-why loc-well man!", "translation": "and found Ngallo in the well and said to him, \"Why are you in the well!?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N V Comp Adv P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15802dee", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431159051301, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15802dee" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋëiṯi Gakambo ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Gakambo ṯa,", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Gakambo comp1", "translation": "Ngalo said to Gakambo that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15803ef8", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431163744857, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15803ef8" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igafo igoɽǝṯo ilǝbu nǝñarrǝbǝce ñere ñǝnǝŋ ñǝɽo ñowa,", "morphemes": "“I-g-afo i-g-oɽ-ǝṯ-o i-lǝbu n-ǝñ-arr-ǝbǝc-e ñere ñ-ǝnǝŋ ñ-ǝ-ɽ-o ñowa,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-past.aux 1sg-clg-go.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-well comp-clɲ.inf-iter-raise.rt-cons.pfv girls clɲ-indef clɲ-dpc-be.rt-pfv young women", "translation": "\"I went down the well and helped some young women to climb up,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d158050f7", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431164536549, "691fc088488461932a4c744d158050f7" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lorldañanda ldǝñëbǝrǝjëci larlda ilǝbu.”", "morphemes": "orn lorlda-ñ-anda n-ldǝ-ñ-ëbǝrǝjëc-i lar-lda i-lǝbu.”", "gloss": "but brothers-1sg.poss-assoc.pl comp2-cll-1sg.om-loose.rt-cons.pfv rope-with loc-well", "translation": "but my brothers let the rope go down into the well.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15805d08", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431164784729, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15805d08" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo nǝđëiṯi Ŋaldo ṯa, “Ndǝ agonaṯa agaboṯwa nëṯǝndia,", "morphemes": "Gakambo n-ǝđ-ëiṯ-i Ŋaldo ṯa, “Ndǝ a-g-onaṯa a-g-aboṯwa n-ëṯǝndia,", "gloss": "dragon comp2-clđ.inf-say.to.rt-cons.pfv ngalo comp1 if 2sg-clg-want.rt 2sg-clg-climb.rt on-bank", "translation": "Gakambo said to Ngalo, \"If you want to climb up to the surface,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp Comp V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15808435", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431165009602, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15808435" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋañǝnace ñǝruma ñǝmunwa đenǝŋ, na ŋawa eŋaɽa đenǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ŋa-ñǝ-nac-e ñǝruma ñǝ-munwa đenǝŋ, na ŋawa e-ŋaɽa đenǝŋ.”", "gloss": "2sg-1sg.om-give.rt-cons.pfv rams clɲ-black five and water loc-bottle five", "translation": "you may give me five black rams, and five bottles of water.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj Conj N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580a89d", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431165329775, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580a89d" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋaŋǝnṯi ŋen ŋǝ Gakambo nǝŋǝnace laŋge ildi nǝđǝlwaɽǝlau.", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-aŋǝnṯ-i ŋen ŋǝ Gakambo n-ǝŋǝ-nac-e laŋge ild-i n-ǝđǝ-lwaɽǝ-la-u.", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-accept.rt-cons.pfv word clŋ.poss dragon comp2-3sg.cons-give.rt-cons.pfv things scll-this comp2-clđ.inf-ask.rt-3pl.om-pfv", "translation": "Ngalo agreed and gave Gakambo what he asked for.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580c5b7", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431165860308, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580c5b7" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đǝge Gakambo nǝđëbǝriṯi Ŋaldoŋ nǝldiano nǝŋǝlǝwënṯi,", "morphemes": "Na đǝge Gakambo n-ǝđ-ëbǝr-iṯ-i Ŋaldo-ŋ nǝldi-ano n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-wënṯ-i,", "gloss": "and last dragon comp2-clđ.inf-release.rt-appl-cons.pfv Ngalo-acc wings-in comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-enter.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and then Gakambo stretched his wings and Ngalo went on them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N N-P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580d496", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431165977049, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580d496" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen đirǝwuṯǝma nano.", "morphemes": "ŋen đ-irǝwuṯ-ǝ-ma nano.", "gloss": "word clđ-lower.rt-pfv-3sg.om at", "translation": "when they came down beside him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580fc11", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431166197792, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1580fc11" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Gakambo nǝđape Ŋaldo na ṯađaboṯo Ŋaldoga ilǝbu,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Gakambo n-ǝđ-ap-e Ŋaldo na ṯa-đ-aboṯo Ŋaldo-ga i-lǝbu,", "gloss": "so dragon comp2-clđ.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv ngalo and comp1b-clđ.inf-ascend.rt Ngalo-with loc-well", "translation": "So Dragon took Ngalo and began to climb up with him from the well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581010c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431166366292, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581010c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen nǝđǝrmaṯo iḏuniya iđi đǝndelia aten,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝđ-ǝrmaṯ-o i-ḏuniya iđ-i đ-ǝndelia aten,", "gloss": "and word comp2-clđ.inf-reach.rt-pfv loc-earth clđ-this clđ.poss-above bit", "translation": "and when it reached the lower earth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d158126ce", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431166574053, "691fc088488461932a4c744d158126ce" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝđǝđurwi nǝđare nǝđaṯa, “Kwag, kwag!", "morphemes": "n-ǝđǝ-đurw-i n-ǝđ-ar-e n-ǝđ-aṯa, “Kwag, kwag!", "gloss": "comp2-clđ.inf-stop.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clđ.inf-cry.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clđ.inf-say.rt kwag kwag", "translation": "it stopped and cried with a loud voice and said, \"Kwag, kwag!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15813cb9", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431166731822, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15813cb9" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋawa ŋamǝndađo, na igacoña gaɽe igaɽëiniau.”", "morphemes": "Ŋawa ŋ-amǝndađ-o, na i-g-a-coñ-a gaɽe i-g-a-ɽ-ëin-i-au.”", "gloss": "water clŋ-finish.rt-pfv and 1sg-clg-rtc-be.hungry.rt-ipfv what i-clg-rtc-be.rt-pass-caus-ipfv", "translation": "the water has finished, and I am hungry, what shall I do?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d158145c0", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431166995363, "691fc088488461932a4c744d158145c0" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋǝṯǝbǝṯi ǝrđa ldǝndr ǝllëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝnace.", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-ṯǝb-ǝṯ-i ǝrđa n-ldǝndr ǝllëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-nac-e.", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-appl-cons.pfv meat on-thigh 3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-give.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "So Ngalo cut a flesh from his thigh and gave it to her", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15818494", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431167223990, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15818494" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Gakambo đǝnaṯo ǝrđa nǝđǝfiđi ǝrđa rwuji nǝđerṯe đǝsa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Gakambo đ-ǝ-naṯ-o ǝrđa nǝ-đǝ-fiđ-i ǝrđa r-wuji n-ǝđ-erṯe đ-ǝ-s-a,", "gloss": "and word dragon clđ-dpc-try.rt-pfv meat comp2-clđ.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv meat clr.poss-man comp2-clđ.inf-not.aux clđ-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And when Gakambo tested the meat, it didn't eat it for it knew that it was human flesh,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N V N P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15819248", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431167473235, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15819248" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝđëɽǝni egǝɽaɽa mǝɽǝmǝɽǝñ, na nǝđabǝce Ŋaldo nëṯǝndia,", "morphemes": "n-ǝđ-ëɽ-ǝn-i eg-ǝɽaɽa mǝɽǝmǝɽǝñ, na n-ǝđ-abǝc-e Ŋaldo n-ëṯǝndia,", "gloss": "comp2-clđ.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv in-tongue without and comp2-clđ.inf-bring.rt-cons.pfv ngalo on-bank", "translation": "and it put it under its tongue, and brought Ngalo out on the surface.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adv Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581b4d3", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431167664001, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581b4d3" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝđǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Tođo ŋaɽe! Agaɽaṯau?”", "morphemes": "na nǝ-đǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Tođ-o ŋa-ɽe! A-g-a-ɽ-a-ṯau?”", "gloss": "and comp2-clđ.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 stand-imp 2sg.inf-go.rt 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-ipfv-what", "translation": "and it said to him, \"Stand up and go! What happend to you?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581d1a6", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431167943793, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581d1a6" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋëiṯi ṯa, “Iliga agaṯa agacoña, niŋaṯǝbǝṯi ǝrđa ldǝndr lǝlëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “I-liga a-g-aṯa a-g-acoña, n-i-ŋa-ṯǝb-ǝṯ-i ǝrđa n-ldǝndr l-ǝlëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 in-time 2sg-clg-say.rt 2sg-clg-hungry.rt comp2-1sg-2sg.om-cut.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv meat on-thigh cll-1sg.poss", "translation": "Ngalo said, \"When you said you are hungry, I cut a peice of meat from my thigh and gave to you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp P-N V V V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581e04c", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431168088404, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581e04c" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo nǝđǝme ǝrđa nǝđǝmoɽǝbace ldǝndr,", "morphemes": "Gakambo n-ǝđ-ǝ-m-e ǝrđa n-ǝđ-ǝ-m-oɽǝb-ac-e n-ldǝndr,", "gloss": "Gakambo comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-take.rt-cons.pfv meat comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-3sg.om-return.rt-ap-cons.pfv on-thigh", "translation": "Gakambo took the meat and and put back to his thigh,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581f8ab", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431168310394, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581f8ab" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋaldo nǝŋǝtođe đǝge, na Gakambo nǝđǝmaṯađe nǝđëtu đabǝla.", "morphemes": "na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e đǝge, na Gakambo n-ǝđ-ǝ-ma-ṯađ-e n-ǝđ-ëtu đ-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "and ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-stand.rt-cons.pfv last and Gakambo conp2-clđ.inf-dpc-3sg.om-leave.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clđ.inf-be.2d clđ-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and Ngalo stood up, and Gakambo left him and went away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Conj N V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581fe89", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431168446839, "691fc088488461932a4c744d1581fe89" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋeṯe egeɽa egen.", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e eg-eɽa egen.", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-house 3pl.poss", "translation": "Ngalo left and went to their home.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c08aaf", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431329365942, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c08aaf" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen gǝrmaṯo egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "and word clg-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv loc-house", "translation": "And when he arrived home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0afdd", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431329984083, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0afdd" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝfiđi lorba lǝmorcǝđia ŋere iŋi gǝfo gonaṯa gënŋu.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i lorba l-ǝ-morc-ǝđ-ia ŋere iŋ-i g-ǝ-fo g-onaṯa gënŋu.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv brothers cll-dpc-grapple.rt-ap-ipfv girl sclŋ-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-want.rt 3sg.pro", "translation": "he found his brothers grappling over the girl he loved.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0be91", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431330222246, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0be91" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lorba lǝ Ŋaldo lǝnwanǝma ldirǝwiṯiano kañ.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen lorba lǝ Ŋaldo l-ǝ-nwan-ǝ-ma n-ld-irǝw-iṯ-i-ano kañ.", "gloss": "and word brothers cll.poss ngalo cll-dpc-see.rt-pfv-3sg.om comp2-cll.inf-lower.rt-appl-cons.pfv-in very", "translation": "and when his brothers saw him they became ashamed.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N P N V V-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0c5f4", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431330395080, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0c5f4" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn eṯen gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝmaŋǝrṯi nano kañ eŋen iŋi giđu,", "morphemes": "Orn eṯe-n g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ŋǝrṯ-i nano kañ e-ŋen iŋ-i g-iđ-u,", "gloss": "but father-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-please.rt-cons.pfv at very loc-word sclŋ-this clg-do.rt-pfv", "translation": "but his father was pleased of him for what he has done.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P Adv P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0d664", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431330636637, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0d664" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ŋaldo, fǝŋere ŋaŋga iŋi agonaṯa đurri?”", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ŋaldo, fǝ-ŋere ŋ-aŋga iŋ-i a-g-onaṯa đurri?”", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 Ngalo foc-girl clŋ-which sclŋ-this 2sg-clg-want.rt exactly", "translation": "And he asked him, \"Ngalo, Which girl is it exactly that you want?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N N Adj Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0f089", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431330971260, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0f089" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Fǝŋere iŋi igabǝce ilǝbu nḏurṯu alo.”", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Fǝ-ŋere iŋ-i i-g-abǝc-e i-lǝbu nḏurṯu alo.”", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 foc-girl sclŋ-this 1sg-clg-raise.rt-cons.pfv loc-well last place", "translation": "Ngalo answered him, \"It is the one who I let climb up from the well last.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp N Adj V P-N Adv P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0f4e2", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431331416420, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0f4e2" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eṯen nǝŋǝmaṯe lǝđia ŋere iŋi ldǝmorcǝđia nǝŋǝmanace.", "morphemes": "Eṯe-n n-ǝŋǝ-m-aṯ-e lǝđia ŋere iŋ-i n-ldǝ-morc-ǝđ-ia n-ǝŋǝ-ma-nac-e.", "gloss": "father-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv sons girl sclŋ-this comp2-cll-grapple.rt-ap-ipfv comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-give.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "His father took the girl whom his brothers were quarreling upon and gave her to him,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0fd26", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431331652647, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0fd26" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo nǝŋǝme ŋere nǝŋiđi wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-m-e ŋere n-ǝŋ-iđ-i wase-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "gloss": "so ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv girl comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv wife-3sg.poss 3sg.poss lastly", "translation": "So Ngalo took the girl and let her to be his wife,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0eaf2", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431331905594, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c0eaf2" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝfeṯe eđǝŋǝranano na idëuṯaralo egeɽa egen.", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-f-eṯ-e e-đǝŋǝra-nano na i-dëuṯa-ara-alo eg-eɽa egen.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll-be.loc-appl-cons.pfv loc-good-body and 1sg-cast.rt-stomach-place loc-house 3pl.poss", "translation": "and they live happy life and in peace in their own house.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-Adj-N Conj V-N-P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c212bc", "key": [ "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", 1431332339094, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c212bc" ], "value": { "story": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a78637b", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na wuji nǝŋǝmalǝŋǝṯi ñere ñǝɽrrwa đenǝŋ na ñere ñǝɽǝlda marldwan.", "morphemes": "Na wuji n-ǝŋǝ-ma-lǝŋ-ǝṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝɽrrwa đenǝŋ na ñere ñ-ǝɽǝlda marldwan", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-give.birth.rt-appl-cons.pfv children clɲ-male five and children clɲ-female four", "translation": "And the woman born to him five sons and four daughters.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf451861", "key": [ "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", 1424315084670, "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf451861" ], "value": { "story": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eɡavəla indʌŋʌtʃi ŋen əŋi ɪŋaɲ naen sesaɲ", "morphemes": "e-ɡ-a-v-əl-a i-ndʌŋʌtʃ-i ŋen əŋ-i ɪŋaɲ naen s-esaɲ", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 1sg.inf-tell-inf1 sclŋ-this ? mountains scly-1ex.pl.pos", "translation": "I'm going to tell you about our mountains", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf4523d7", "key": [ "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", 1424315299444, "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf4523d7" ], "value": { "story": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oɾaɲ koɡona ŋeniʌ kəmmənu lnʷinanda let̪o lapa irrijala", "morphemes": "oɾa-ɲ k-oɡona ŋeniʌ k-əmm-ən-u lnʷi-n-anda l-et̪-o l-ap-a irrijala", "gloss": "sister-1SG CL.g-big when CL.g-marry-PAS-PRFV parents-3sg-ASSOC cl.l-come-PRFV CL.l-bring-IMPV money", "translation": "My older sister when she got married his parents came and got money", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf463892", "key": [ "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", 1424315780227, "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf463892" ], "value": { "story": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenəŋant̪a t̪əɡe oɾaɲ ɡəmɪniə", "morphemes": "ŋ-enəŋant̪a t̪əɡe oɾa-ɲ ɡ-əm-ɪn-iə", "gloss": "?-meaning ? sister-1SG CL.g-marry-PAS-IMPV", "translation": "Meaning my sister was married.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf49b062", "key": [ "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", 1424317023131, "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf49b062" ], "value": { "story": "5a0f0459e1aa6d201c35578abf3ef0d9", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalnatʃəlo lədʒilli ikʌwuɾ ododo", "morphemes": "n-al-natʃ-ə-lo lədʒ-ill-i i-kʌwuɾ ododo", "gloss": "comp2-3pl.inf-give.rt-cons.pfv-3sg.om people-scll-this lic-neighbor all", "translation": "And give it to all our neighbors.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea7157a94a", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427098228157, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea7157a94a" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor na Ŋwëlia", "morphemes": "Calǝndor na Ŋwëlia", "gloss": "Chalendor and Hyena", "translation": "Chalendor and Hyena", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71584e52", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427098384493, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71584e52" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "calǝndor gaɽo ŋǝmǝna ŋǝta.", "morphemes": "calǝndor g-a-ɽ-o ŋǝmǝna ŋǝta.", "gloss": "calǝndor clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv she.goat little", "translation": "chalendor is a little she goat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71585b1e", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427098525548, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71585b1e" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu gafo gero goɽra na nǝŋerṯe gǝbǝɽano com,", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu g-a-fo g-er-o g-oɽra na n-ǝŋ-erṯe gǝbǝɽano com", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-not.aux-pfv clg-big and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux strong too", "translation": "she was not big nor strong too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71589540", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427098688954, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea71589540" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn gënŋu gafo gerṯo lorba lǝɽijin lǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ.", "morphemes": "orn g-ënŋu g-a-fo g-erṯ-o lorba l-ǝɽijin l-ǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ", "gloss": "but clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-have.rt-pfv sisters cll-three cll-good beauty very", "translation": "but she has a very beautifull three sisters.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea7158b243", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427098929033, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea7158b243" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lorba ildi lǝɽijin lafo lamamǝña ṯalerldeṯo nwaldaŋ ñoman pređ ulëldiṯano na ëđǝñinano.", "morphemes": "Lorba ild-i l-ǝɽijin l-a-fo l-a-mam-ǝña ṯa-l-erld-eṯ-o nwaldaŋ ñoman pređ ulëldiṯano na ëđǝñinano.", "gloss": "sisters scll-this cll-three cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-go.out.rt-??? comp1b-cll-walk.to.rt-appl-pfv far days all morning and midday.", "translation": "those her three sisters, they went out far away every morning and at midday.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f0669", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427358050610, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f0669" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu lafiđu gi gǝnǝŋ gerṯo ŋañano ŋwaña ŋeđe.", "morphemes": "L-ënŋulu l-a-fiđ-u gi g-ǝnǝŋ g-erṯ-o ŋañano ŋwaña ŋ-eđe.", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-find.rt-pfv field clg-some clg-have.rt-pfv grass in alot of green.", "translation": "They have found a field which has a good pasture.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f145f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427358209125, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f145f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor gënŋu gafo gaɽaŋa neɽa,", "morphemes": "Calǝndor g-ënŋu g-a-fo g-a-ɽaŋ-a neɽa,", "gloss": "calǝndor clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv house,", "translation": "But Chalendor was staying at home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f2d36", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427358380547, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f2d36" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na neɽa tu laŋge lero lǝmǝn lǝsǝnia lǝŋǝra", "morphemes": "na neɽa tu laŋge l-er-o l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-s-ǝn-ia l-ǝŋǝra", "gloss": "and house there things cll-not.aux-pfv cll-some cll-dpc2-eat.rt-pass-ipfv cll-good", "translation": "and at home there is not good things to be eaten", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f3633", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1427358646432, "dc490cdc43cd56a8c2c210ea718f3633" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi nabǝɽwala ini nirtǝṯu alo bipi na ndrenia ini nǝtaŋa nǝcwaro..", "morphemes": "illi nabǝɽwala in-i n-irtǝṯ-u alo bipi na ndrenia ini nǝtaŋa nǝcwaro.", "gloss": "except leaves scln-which cln-fall.rt-ipfv down only and clothes cln-which cln-dirty cln-old.", "translation": "except the dry leaves which fall down and dirty old clothes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501aed8", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428497236777, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501aed8" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu gafo gata alo na garraŋǝno,", "morphemes": "G-ënŋu g-a-fo g-ata alo na g-arra-aŋǝno,", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-small down and clg-thin-body", "translation": "she was very thin and small,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501c2d1", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428497420226, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501c2d1" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gafo gajǝba goɽra.", "morphemes": "na g-afo g-ajǝb-a g-oɽra.", "gloss": "and clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-not.able.rt-ipfv clg-big", "translation": "she was not able to grow up", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501da70", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428497513046, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a501da70" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lorba ǝllëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "orn lorba ǝl-lëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "but sister cll-3sg.poss,", "translation": "but her sisters,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } 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g-ëiṯ-u lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef calǝndor clg-say.to.rt-pfv sisters comp1,", "translation": "one day calendor said to her sisters that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50256f8", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428498389776, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50256f8" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lorldañ, ŋen ŋanṯau ñaganǝñaŋ ñagoɽra,", "morphemes": "“Lorld-añ, ŋen ŋan-ṯau ña-g-a-nǝñaŋ ña-g-oɽra,", "gloss": "sisters-1sg.poss talk 2sg.inf-how 1ex-clg-rtc-become?.rt 1ex-clg-big.rt,", "translation": "my sisters how you are growing,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adv V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50262b0", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428498617084, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50262b0" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯǝñađǝwo eṯeṯo, ñagasa lande?", "morphemes": "na ṯǝ-ña-đǝwo eṯeṯo, ña-g-a-s-a lande?", "gloss": "and comp1b-1ex-be.fat.rt always, 1ex-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv what?", "translation": "and always getting fat, what are you eating?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5029ae3", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428499260343, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5029ae3" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lorba lderṯe lonaṯa ṯa orba egen aŋǝlǝŋeṯe alo isi gi gǝfau igi gerṯo ŋañano ŋeđe,", "morphemes": "lorba ld-erṯe l-onaṯ-a ṯa orba egen aŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e alo is-i gi gǝfau ig-i g-erṯ-o ŋañano ŋeđe,", "gloss": "sisters 3pl.om-not.aux cll-want.rt-ipfv comp1 sister 3pl.poss 3sg.inf-know.rt-inf1 place scly-which field where sclg-which clg-have.rt-pfv grass green?", "translation": "Her sisters did not want their sister to know where the field of the green pasture was.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a502ace9", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428499617421, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a502ace9" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa igi tu ŋwëlia ŋëtau ŋǝcia ŋenia kañ", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa i-gi tu ŋwëlia ŋëtau ŋ-ǝcia ŋ-enia kañ", "gloss": "because loc-field there hyena there clŋ-bad clŋ-fierce very", "translation": "because there is a fierce hyena in that field.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a502c95f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428499707492, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a502c95f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lorba lǝ Calǝndor lalǝŋeṯo ŋen ṯa calǝndor gabwaña đǝsa kañ,", "morphemes": "na lorba lǝ Calǝndor l-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ṯa calǝndor g-a-bwañ-a đ-ǝ-s-a kañ,", "gloss": "and sisters of calǝndor cll-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk comp1 calǝndor clg-rtc-love.rt-ipfv clð-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv very", "translation": "and calendor’s sisters knew that she loves eating so much,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5031317", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428500289411, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5031317" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia lënŋulu ldaṯa, Calǝndor gëbǝđia aŋǝɽaŋe igi tu twanaŋ ëđǝñina ayënṯi,", "morphemes": "nǝ-ṯia l-ënŋulu ld-aṯ-a, Calǝndor g-ëbǝđ-ia aŋǝ-ɽaŋ-e i-gi tu twanaŋ ëđǝñina ay-ënṯ-i,", "gloss": "comp2-in.this.way cll-3pl.pro 3pl.om-say.rt-ipfv, calǝndor clg-do.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-stay.rt-inf1 loc-field there long, sun cly.inf-go.down.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "so they thought that calendor will stay for long time in the field untill the sunet.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5037b51", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428500736852, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5037b51" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ŋwëlia aŋela aŋǝmafiđi na aŋǝmase.”", "morphemes": "oro ŋwëlia aŋ-ela aŋǝ-m-a-fiđ-i na aŋǝ-m-a-s-e.”", "gloss": "then hyena 3sg.inf-come.rt 3sg.inf-3sg.om-rtc-find.rt-cons.ipfv and 3sg.inf-3sg.om-rtc-eat.rt-inf1 her.”", "translation": "the the hyena will come and find her and eat her.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503d390", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428501142836, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503d390" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia lënŋulu ldǝneđe lǝlwaɽǝṯia calǝndor ŋen ŋǝđurwaṯu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia l-ënŋulu ldǝneđe lǝlwaɽǝṯia calǝndor ŋen ŋǝđurwaṯu", "gloss": "Therefore cll-3pl.pro refused tell calǝndor talk straight,", "translation": "Therefore they refused to tell calendor the truth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503d21f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428501314348, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503d21f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ldǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "orn ld-ǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "but 3pl.om-dpc2-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "But they said to her that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503e043", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428501522528, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a503e043" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ, nanda ñagasa nabǝɽwala đǝtǝmǝni,", "morphemes": "“Ora-ñ, nanda ña-g-a-s-a nabǝɽwala đǝtǝmǝni,", "gloss": "sister-poss, 2sg.om-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv leaves only,", "translation": "Our sister, we eat just dry leaves,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5043a5e", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428501746368, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a5043a5e" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñagawoṯa ndrenia alo ini nǝcwaro nǝtaŋa.", "morphemes": "na ña-g-a-woṯ-a ndrenia alo in-i n-ǝcwaro n-ǝtaŋa.", "gloss": "and 1ex-clg-rtc-pick.rt-ipfv clothes down scln-which cln-old cln-dirty", "translation": "we collect old dirty clothes from the ground.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a504469b", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428501907313, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a504469b" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nanda ñagaber ñagǝfafiđia ŋǝsa alo yenǝŋ", "morphemes": "Nanda ña-g-a-b-er ña-g-ǝ-fa-fiđ-ia ŋǝsa alo y-enǝŋ", "gloss": "1ex.pro 1ex-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1ex-clg-dpc2-iter-find.rt-ipfv food down cly-indef", "translation": "We didn’t find any food anywhere.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50479dd", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428502131479, "a60bd06a1a31375bf12e1028a50479dd" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝŋǝra kwai kwai alo pređ isi ñagǝwerldeṯa.”", "morphemes": "ŋǝŋǝra kwai kwai alo pređ is-i ña-g-ǝ-werld-eṯ-a.”", "gloss": "good never never place all scly-which 1ex-clg-dpc2-walk.rt-loc.appl-ipfv", "translation": "good food wherever we go.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901184d", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428582825036, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901184d" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor ṯaŋǝsëcu lorba na ṯaŋǝlǝtǝŋëđi ŋopia", "morphemes": "Calǝndor ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u lorba na ṯ-aŋǝ-lǝtǝŋëđ-i ŋopia", "gloss": "calǝndor comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-cons.pfv sisters and comp1b-3sg.inf-stir.rt-cons.pfv well", "translation": "Calǝndor stirred at her sisters very well,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9013975", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428582981575, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9013975" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝɽwatǝnu nano ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.to.self.rt-cons.pfv at comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt-ipfv,", "gloss": "and talked to herself that,", "translation": "and talked to herself that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9015cc9", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428583235329, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9015cc9" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lënŋulu laber lǝñǝɽwatiṯia ŋen ŋǝđurwaṯu.”", "morphemes": "“L-ënŋulu l-a-b-er 1ex-ñǝ-ɽwatiṯ-ia ŋen ŋǝđurwaṯu.”", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-prog-not.aux 1ex-1sg.om-talk.rt-ipfv talk straight", "translation": "“They were not telling me the truth.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9016d0b", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428583875504, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9016d0b" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nǝŋǝsëiđi eŋen bǝte, oro nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn n-ǝŋǝ-sëiđ-i e-ŋen bǝte, oro n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-think.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk ??, then comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "But she thought about this matter, then she said to them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901794f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428584017277, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901794f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igaber igǝbaŋǝnṯia ŋen eŋalo.", "morphemes": "“Igaber igǝbaŋǝnṯia ŋen eŋalo.", "gloss": "I not I accept talk yours", "translation": "“I will not accept what you said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901bff4", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428584436043, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901bff4" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Arrǝnǝcǝnǝr rǝŋ iñua esalo, ñamamǝñia laŋge enare ildi ñagǝsǝlo.", "morphemes": "Arrǝnǝcǝnǝr rǝŋ iñua esalo, ñamamǝñia laŋge e-nare ildi ña-gǝsǝlo.", "gloss": "entered hands in mouth yours, bring out things in stomech which you ate them,", "translation": "put your hands inside your belly, and bring out what you have eaten,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901d347", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428584609117, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901d347" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igiđi elǝŋeṯe laŋge ildi ñagǝsǝlo.”", "morphemes": "orn igiđi elǝŋeṯe laŋge ildi ñagǝsǝlo.”", "gloss": "then i will know things which you ate them", "translation": "then I will know what you have eaten.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901f05f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428584806693, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad901f05f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lorba calǝndor ldiđi ŋen garnǝṯia,", "morphemes": "Lorba calǝndor ld-iđi ŋen garnǝ-ṯia,", "gloss": "sisters calǝndor 3pl.om-fut.aux talk like-in.this.way,", "translation": "The sisters of Calendor did that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9021353", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428585396311, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9021353" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na calǝndor nǝŋǝfiđi ŋen ṯa lënŋulu lafo lasa ŋaña ŋeđe ŋǝŋǝra.", "morphemes": "na calǝndor n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i ŋen ṯa l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-s-a ŋaña ŋeđe ŋǝŋǝra.", "gloss": "and calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv talk comp1 cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv grass green good.", "translation": "And Calendor noticed that they were eating good pasture.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9022c35", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428585624333, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9022c35" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn gënŋu ṯaŋǝso ŋabǝɽwala nǝnënǝŋ ini nirtǝṯu alo", "morphemes": "orn gënŋu ṯaŋǝso ŋabǝɽwala nǝnënǝŋ ini nirtǝṯu alo", "gloss": "but she eats leaves of ears.which fall down,", "translation": "while she eats leaves of trees that fall down.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90238b2", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428585937964, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90238b2" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrenia ini nǝrmǝđu nǝcwaro", "morphemes": "na ndrenia ini nǝrmǝđu nǝcwaro", "gloss": "and clothes which old ragged", "translation": "and the old ragged clothes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9025829", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428586073051, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9025829" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor nǝŋëiṯi lorba ṯa,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor nǝŋëiṯi lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "so calǝndor she said to sisters her that", "translation": "Therefore Calendor said to her sisters,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90265ff", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428586337743, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90265ff" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lorldaña ñagañǝgakǝbǝṯia alo eđa?", "morphemes": "“Lorldaña ñaga-ñǝ-gakǝbǝṯia alo eđa?", "gloss": "Sisters my you me deceive down why?", "translation": "“My sisters, why are you deceiving me?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90279a9", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428586504554, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90279a9" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagamamǝñu ŋaña ŋeđe isǝñua esalo,", "morphemes": "Ña-g-a-mamǝñ-u ŋaña ŋeđe i-sǝñua esalo,", "gloss": "2pl-clg-rtc-bring.rt-pfv grass green loc-mouths cls-2pl.pro,", "translation": "you brought green grass out of your mouths,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9028c77", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428586734047, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9028c77" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ṯǝñañëiṯu ṯa ñagasa nabǝɽwala alo bipi?", "morphemes": "orn ṯǝ-ña-ñ-ëiṯ-u ṯa ña-g-a-s-a nabǝɽwala alo bipi?", "gloss": "but comp1b-2pl-1sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1 2pl-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv papers down only?", "translation": "and said to me that you are eating dry leaves only?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad902f5f5", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428586941063, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad902f5f5" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lorba ldǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Orañ Calǝndor,", "morphemes": "Orn lorba ldǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Or-añ Calǝndor,", "gloss": "but sisters 3pl.om-3sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1, “Brother-1sg.poss, Calendor,", "translation": "Then her sisters said, “Our sister Calendor,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9030cfe", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428587188497, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9030cfe" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nanda ñagafo ñagabaṯa ṯa ñagëbǝđia ŋopia, orn ñagiđu mǝnna!", "morphemes": "nanda ña-g-a-fo ña-g-a-baṯ-a ṯa ña-g-ëbǝđ-ia ŋopia, orn ña-g-iđ-u mǝnna!", "gloss": "1ex.pro 2pl-clg-rtc-past.aux 2pl-clg-rtc-think.rt-ipfv comp1 2pl-clg-do.rt-ipfv good, but 2pl-clg-do.rt-ipfv wrong!", "translation": "We thought that we are acting rightly, but we did wrong!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad903218f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428587498380, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad903218f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ñagafo ñagaŋasëcia agobano kañ,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ña-g-a-fo ña-g-a-ŋa-sëc-ia a-g-oban-o kañ,", "gloss": "because 1ex-clg-rtc-was.aux 1ex-clg-rtc-2sg.om-see.rt-ipfv 2sg-clg-weak.rt-pfv very", "translation": "because we thought that since you are very weak,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9032d7c", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428587755076, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9032d7c" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "agǝber agiđi ŋaɽǝwađaṯe ŋobǝđe ŋabarṯe ŋwëlia ndǝ ŋeṯo nǝŋǝndǝfiđr i-gi!", "morphemes": "a-g-ǝ-b-er a-g-iđi ŋa-ɽǝwađaṯ-e ŋ-obǝđ-e ŋ-a-barṯ-e ŋwëlia ndǝ ŋ-eṯo n-ǝŋǝ-ndǝ-fiđ-r i-gi!", "gloss": "2sg-clg-dpc2-prog-not.aux 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-be.able.rt-inf1 2sg.inf-run.rt-inf1 2sg.inf-rtc-escape.rt-inf1 hyena if clŋ-come.rt comp2-3sg.cons-1.in.om-find.fg-pl loc-field!", "translation": "and not able to escape from the hyena, when he come and find us in the field!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90351b8", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428587902422, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad90351b8" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ñagalǝŋeṯo ṯa agabwaña đǝsa,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ña-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ṯa a-g-a-bwañ-a đǝ-s-a,", "gloss": "because 2pl-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-love.rt-ipfv clð.nom-eat.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "because we knew that you like eating so much,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9035ed0", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428588194648, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9035ed0" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na agiđi aṯa ëncu nda ǝllaɽǝŋa eŋaña,", "morphemes": "na a-g-iđi aṯa ëncu nda ǝl-laɽǝŋa e-ŋaña,", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-if deep head cll-2sg.poss loc-grass,", "translation": "and when you entered your head in the grass,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9037df4", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428588408789, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9037df4" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "agaber agiđi ŋaređe alo kwai, oro ŋwëlia aŋase,", "morphemes": "a-g-a-b-er a-g-iđi ŋa-ređ-e alo kwai, oro ŋwëlia aŋ-a-s-e,", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.om-raise.rt-inf1 down ever, then hyena 2sg-rtc-eat.rt-inf1", "translation": "you will never raise up your head, then the hyena eats you.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9039f38", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428588609388, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9039f38" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia nǝñaṯa ṯa wate ñerṯe ñagǝŋalwaɽǝṯia ŋen ŋǝđurwaṯu!", "morphemes": "nǝṯia n-ǝñ-aṯ-a ṯa wate ñ-erṯ-e ña-g-ǝŋalwaɽǝṯ-ia ŋen ŋǝ-đurwaṯ-u!”", "gloss": "in.this.way comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv comp1 wait.rt not we you tell you talk straight!", "translation": "So we said let us not tell you the truth!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cb1dd", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428749393356, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cb1dd" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Calǝndor nǝŋaṯa", "morphemes": "Na Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a", "gloss": "and calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And Calendor said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cd923", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428749700014, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cd923" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋëpi lǝgiđr aɽr alǝsar ŋaña igi eṯeɽe!”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋëpi lǝ-g-iđ-r aɽr alǝ-s-a-r ŋaña i-gi eṯeɽe!”", "gloss": "Talk well 1in-clg-fut.aux-pl go.rt cll.inf-eat.rt-ipfv-pl grass loc-field tomorrow!\"", "translation": "\"Okay, we will go tomorrow to eat the grass in the field.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cf9fb", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428749952301, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92cf9fb" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor ldǝtođe lorbala eṯeɽe ulëldiṯano ram ldeṯe igi.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor ldǝ-tođ-e lorba-la eṯeɽe ulëldiṯano ram ld-eṯ-e i-gi.", "gloss": "therefore calǝndor 1in-rise.rt-cons.pfv sisters-cll.with tomorrow morning early 1in-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-field.", "translation": "Therefore Calendor and her sisters rose up tomorrow early morning and went to the field", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d1816", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750158059, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d1816" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Calǝndor gǝfiđu ŋaña ŋeđe nǝŋënṯi eŋaña ṯaŋǝso,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Calǝndor g-ǝ-fiđ-u ŋaña ŋeđe n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i e-ŋaña ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o,", "gloss": "and talk calǝndor clg-dpc2-find.rt-cons.pfv grass green comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-grass comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pfv,", "translation": "When Calendor found green grass, she began to eat eagerly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d2984", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750257795, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d2984" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝṯađaṯe lorba nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ǝṯađ-aṯ-e lorba nwaldaŋ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv sisters far", "translation": "and left her sisters far away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d39fd", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750390733, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d39fd" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋwëlia nǝŋela na lorba Calǝndor ldǝnwane ŋwëlia,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ela na lorba Calǝndor ldǝ-nwan-e ŋwëlia,", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt and sisters calǝndor 3pl.om-see.rt-cons.pfv hyena,", "translation": "Then hyena came and sisters of calendor saw it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d41d4", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750541767, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d41d4" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋëtu ŋeṯa ldundǝđi Calǝndor,", "morphemes": "ŋëtu ŋ-eṯ-a ld-undǝđ-i Calǝndor,", "gloss": "there clŋ-come.rt-ipfv 3pl.om-call.rt-cons.pfv calendor.", "translation": "coming and they called calendor.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d8dc3", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750613769, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d8dc3" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Calǝndor nǝŋerṯe gǝnna,", "morphemes": "na Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-ǝ-nn-a,", "gloss": "and calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clg-dpc2-hear.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and calendor didn’t hear,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d9db2", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750714669, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92d9db2" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lorba Calǝndor ldǝlaldǝñe ldǝṯađe", "morphemes": "na lorba Calǝndor ldǝ-laldǝñ-e ldǝ-ṯađ-e", "gloss": "and sisters calǝndor 3pl.om-run.rt-cons.pfv 3pl.om-leave.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and sisters of calendor ran away and left", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dbd9d", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428750884989, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dbd9d" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor gonto igi gǝsa gǝŋǝranano kañ!", "morphemes": "Calǝndor g-onto i-gi g-ǝ-s-a g-ǝŋǝra-nano kañ!", "gloss": "calǝndor clg-one loc-field clg-dpc2-eat.rt-ipfv clg-happiness-in very", "translation": "Calendor was alone eating very happily.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ddf17", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428751070246, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ddf17" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Calǝndor gǝtuđi nda nǝŋǝfiđi lorba lero gǝfo gonto!", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Calǝndor g-ǝ-tuđ-i nda n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i lorba l-er-o g-ǝ-fo g-onto!", "gloss": "and talk calǝndor clg-dpc2-rise.rt-cons.pfv head comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv sisters cll-not.aux clg-dpc2-was.aux clg-one.", "translation": "When calendor realized, she found herself alone, without her sisters.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dd9af", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428751217040, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dd9af" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmeṯa nano na nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-m-eṯ-a nano na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Then hyena comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-come.rt-d.inf1 near and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt comp1,", "translation": "Then hyena came to her and said to her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dd76f", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428751431149, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92dd76f" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wëndǝgi gakǝl gǝfo igëñua yelaɽǝŋa gǝbǝđia ŋǝɽǝldia?”", "morphemes": "“Wëndǝ-gi g-akǝl g-ǝ-fo i-gëñua y-elaɽǝŋa g-ǝ-bǝđ-ia ŋǝɽǝldia?”", "gloss": "\"What-is clg-that clg-dpc2-past.aux loc-mouth cly-2sg.poss clg-dpc2-make.rt-ipfv noise?", "translation": "\"What is that thing moving in your mouth, making noise?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e2b2a", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428751595654, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e2b2a" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor nǝŋaṯa, “Waŋge igi a!”", "morphemes": "Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Waŋge ig-i!”", "gloss": "calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"Thing sclg-this!”", "translation": "Calendor responded, \"This thing!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e4e7a", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428751718934, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e4e7a" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Waŋge igi fǝŋu đǝl iđi đǝlëɽǝñi.", "morphemes": "Waŋge ig-i fǝ-ŋu đǝl iđ-i đ-ǝlëɽǝñi.", "gloss": "Thing sclg-this foc-is horn sclđ-which clđ-1sg.poss.", "translation": "This is my horn.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e701e", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428752224805, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e701e" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Jess yerṯo đǝl, yënŋulu yabëria ndǝ đǝbwañǝđia đǝtođo.”", "morphemes": "Jess y-erṯ-o đǝl, y-ënŋulu y-a-bër-ia ndǝ đǝbwañǝđia đ-ǝ-tođ-o.”", "gloss": "army cly-have.rt-pfv horn, cly-3pl.poss cly-rtc-blow.rt-ipfv if war clđ-dpc2-arise.rt-pfv", "translation": "The army has a horn, they blow it if the war broke out.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e77c2", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428752419868, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e77c2" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Na fǝlandǝldi lakǝl lǝfiaŋa egǝrel nenda lǝlaɽǝŋa?”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Na fǝ-landǝldi l-akǝl l-ǝ-fiaŋ-a e-gǝrel nenda l-ǝlaɽǝŋa?”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"And foc-what cll-those cll-dpc2-???.rt-ipfv loc-side head cll-2sg.poss?", "translation": "Hyena said, \"And what are those things on the side of your head?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e6e42", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428752539275, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92e6e42" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor nǝŋaṯa, “Laŋge ildi,", "morphemes": "Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Laŋge ild-i,", "gloss": "calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"Things scll-these.", "translation": "Calendor responded, \"These things,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ece60", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428752749565, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ece60" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝnëɽi ini igǝlǝyopa ndǝ ëpwa yefo, na nañǝrmoṯwa.”", "morphemes": "fǝ-nëɽi in-i i-g-ǝ-lǝyop-a ndǝ ëpwa ye-fo, na n-añǝ-rmoṯw-a.”", "gloss": "foc-shield scln-which 1sg-clg-dpc2-defend.rt-ipfv if fight cly-was.aux, and comp2-clñ.inf-protect.rt-ipfv.\"", "translation": "it is my shield which I protect myself with whenever there is fighting.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f0aca", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753031726, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f0aca" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Na fǝlandǝldi lǝsa ndaŋ ndaŋ nenda lǝndësi lǝlaɽǝŋa larno lulu?”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Na fǝ-landǝldi l-ǝ-s-a ndaŋ ndaŋ nenda lǝndësi l-ǝlaɽǝŋa larno lulu?”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"And foc-what cll-dpc2-eat.rt-ipfv flash flash head forehead cll-2sg.poss like pearls?\"", "translation": "Hyena asked, \"And what are these thing that flashes on your forehead like pearls?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f16f7", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753216347, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f16f7" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor nǝŋaṯa, “Laŋge ildi, fǝŋulu sia isi yilëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Laŋge ild-i, fǝ-ŋulu sia is-i y-ilëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"Things scll-these, foc-3pl.pro weapon scly-which cly-1sg.poss.\"", "translation": "Calendor responded, \"It is my weapon.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f48b7", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753381721, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f48b7" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Na fǝlandǝldi lakǝl lǝfiaŋa nenda eđǝpe?”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Na fǝ-landǝldi l-akǝl l-ǝ-fiaŋ-a nenda eđǝpe?”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"And foc-what cll-what cll-dpc2-???.rt-ipfv head over?\"", "translation": "Hyena asked, “And what are those things on top of your head?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f6a0c", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753454198, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f6a0c" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Calǝndor nǝŋaṯa, “Laŋge ildi,", "morphemes": "Calǝndor n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Laŋge ild-i,", "gloss": "calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, “Things scll-these,", "translation": "Calendor responded, “These things,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f8952", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753695450, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f8952" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝŋulu ñǝrlda iñi ñǝlëɽǝñi, na igiđi eŋalǝyeđǝwe eŋaɽǝñe.”", "morphemes": "fǝ-ŋulu ñǝrlda iñ-i ñ-ǝlëɽǝñi, na i-g-iđi e-ŋa-lǝyeđǝw-e e-ŋa-ɽǝñ-e.”", "gloss": "foc-3pl.pro spears sclñ-which clñ-1sg.poss, and 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-2sg.om-toss.rt-inf1 1sg-2sg.om-kill.rt-inf1.\"", "translation": "These are my spears, and I will toss you with and kill you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f92e5", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428753928816, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f92e5" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen ŋwëlia ŋǝnno ŋen iŋi pređ,", "morphemes": "Ŋen ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i pređ,", "gloss": "talk hyena clŋ-dpc2-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this all,", "translation": "When hyena heard all this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f8ef3", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754093561, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f8ef3" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝđǝñiṯialo nǝŋobǝđe kañ nǝŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñiṯial-o n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e kañ n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-fear.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv very comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv far", "translation": "He became afraid and ran far away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f9fd2", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754246949, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92f9fd2" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Calǝndor nǝŋǝmayobǝđaiđe na nǝŋǝmađǝwuṯi alo na nǝŋǝmalëldǝñi.", "morphemes": "Na Calǝndor n-ǝŋǝ-m-ay-obǝđaiđ-e na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ađǝwuṯ-i alo na n-ǝŋǝ-m-alëldǝñ-i.", "gloss": "and calǝndor comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-cly.inf-run.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-toss.rt-cons.pfv place and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-drive.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "And Calendor ran after him and tossed him away and drove him away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ffa45", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754397296, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad92ffa45" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝlaldǝñe ṯa aŋëbǝri etam gǝlëɽǝŋu eŋǝɽañ", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-laldǝñ-e ṯa aŋ-ëbǝr-i etam g-ǝlëɽǝŋu e-ŋǝɽañ", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv comp1 3sg.inf-save.rt-cons.pfv self clg-3sg.poss from-death", "translation": "Hyena ran away to save himself from his death.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9300c66", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754507701, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9300c66" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋerṯ ŋiđi aŋoɽǝbaṯe igi lomanǝŋ tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-erṯ ŋ-iđi aŋ-oɽǝbaṯ-e i-gi loma-nǝŋ tǝŋ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-come.rt-inf1 loc-field day-indef again.", "translation": "And he did not come back to the field anymore.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad93033b9", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754643166, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad93033b9" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor na lorba ndijin lǝlëɽǝŋu ldǝŋǝreṯe nano kañ", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Calǝndor na lorba ndijin l-ǝlëɽǝŋu ldǝ-ŋǝreṯ-e nano kañ", "gloss": "in.this.way calǝndor and sisters three cll-3sg.poss 3pl-be.glad.rt-inf1 body very,", "translation": "Therefore Calendor and her three sisters became very happy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9303be1", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754744453, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9303be1" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Calǝndor gaɽǝwađaṯo nǝŋǝlëldǝñi ŋwëlia igi,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Calǝndor g-a-ɽǝwađ-aṯ-o n-ǝŋǝ-lëldǝñ-i ŋwëlia i-gi,", "gloss": "because calǝndor clg-rtc-able.rt-loc.appl-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-drive.rt-cons.pfv hyena loc-field,", "translation": "because the calendor was able to drive the hyena from the field,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9305f2b", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428754866875, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad9305f2b" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu ṯalǝso ŋaña na đoca igi", "morphemes": "na l-ënŋulu ṯ-alǝ-s-o ŋaña na đoca i-gi", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-pfv grass and trees loc-field", "translation": "and they were able to eat grass and trees in the field", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad93077cd", "key": [ "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", 1428755069132, "e70f9c12ef992d1aedb4575ad93077cd" ], "value": { "story": "5bd5c015fe0022343e06727611719349", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝfo iđëuṯaralo na ldoɽreṯe na ldǝđǝweṯe kañ.", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-fo i-đëuṯaral-o na ld-oɽr-eṯ-e na ldǝ-đǝw-eṯ-e kañ.", "gloss": "cll-dpc2-past.aux loc-cast.heart.down.rt-pfv and 3pl-grow.rt-cmp-inf1 and 3pl-be.fat.rt-cmp-inf1 very.", "translation": "In security and they grown up and become healthier and fatter.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05d6f2", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431943331787, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05d6f2" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa pređ lakero ŋen", "morphemes": "Leđa pređ l-a-ker-o ŋen", "gloss": "people all cll-rtc-break.rt-pfv talk", "translation": "All people have done wrong", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05e8bc", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431943599299, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05e8bc" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri na Ŋwëtininia laɽo ŋëuya,", "morphemes": "Ukriri na Ŋwëtininia l-a-ɽ-o ŋëuya,", "gloss": "Aukriri and Atininia cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv friends", "translation": "Aukriri and Atininia were friends,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05ff10", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431943762967, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05ff10" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu lafo lafo irnuŋ Nayen Yiŋǝnḏr.", "morphemes": "L-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-f-o irnuŋ Nayen Yi-ŋǝnḏr.", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv city Mount cly.poss-Oxen", "translation": "They lived in Mount of Oxen village,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d0607db", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431943898196, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d0607db" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lënŋulu lafo lalaɽa ni", "morphemes": "Na l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a ni", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv fields", "translation": "And they were cultivating crops,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06399c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431944200504, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06399c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝbarlda Egǝmbor, Neṯaŋǝsia,", "morphemes": "Nḏǝbarlda Eg-ǝmbor, Ne-ṯaŋǝsia,", "gloss": "stream loc-duleib.trees on-pool.poisons", "translation": "alongside the bank of the Stream of Duleib trees, near the Poisons Pool.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d065093", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431944400412, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d065093" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ni nakǝl nafo nalǝŋa ŋwana ŋwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "na ni n-akǝl n-a-fo n-a-lǝŋ-a ŋwana ŋ-waña kañ,", "gloss": "and fields cln-that cln-rtc-past.aux cln-rtc-produce.rt-ipfv sorghum clŋ-many very", "translation": "and those fields were very productive to different crops.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d066b57", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431944591560, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d066b57" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đuđa đafo đañǝla egal yakǝl đurri.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đuđa đ-a-fo đ-añǝla eg-al y-akǝl đurri.", "gloss": "because soil clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-sweet loc-place cly-that indeed", "translation": "for the soil of that area is very fertile", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj P-N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d067d9b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431944700550, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d067d9b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ukriri galwaɽǝṯu Atininia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ukriri g-a-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-u Atininia ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef Aukriri clg-rtc-tell.rt-appl-pfv Atininia comp1", "translation": "Oneday Aukriri told Atininia surprisingly that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06932c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945033511, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06932c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñǝmoco ta, ŋen ŋawande iŋi Rǝmwa", "morphemes": "“Ñǝmoco ta, ŋen ŋa-wande iŋi Rǝmwa", "gloss": "surprise comp1 talk clŋ.poss-what sclŋ-this God", "translation": "\"Nyemocho, what that meant when God", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp N N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06a9be", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945289035, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06a9be" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "rǝnacǝya liji ŋen ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno ṯia ŋarno iŋi?”", "morphemes": "r-ǝ-nac-ǝ-ya liji ŋen ŋ-ǝbǝɽa-aŋǝno ṯia ŋ-arno iŋ-i?”", "gloss": "clr-dpc-give.rt-pfv-with people talk clŋ-hard-body in.this.way clŋ-like sclŋ-this", "translation": "gave mankind a very difficult life such as this?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V Adv Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06cc93", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945381184, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06cc93" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Atininia nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Atininia n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Atininia said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06d14b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945530812, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06d14b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñamal Rǝmwa ranacǝndr ŋen ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno,", "morphemes": "“Ñamal Rǝmwa r-a-nac-ǝ-nd-r ŋen ŋ-ǝbǝɽa-aŋǝno,", "gloss": "Nyamal God clr-rtc-give.rt-pfv-1in.om-pl talk clŋ-hard-body", "translation": "Nyamal God gave us a very difficult life,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06fcf9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945668598, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d06fcf9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa uṯëɽi igi gǝlǝŋendr Aḏam,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa uṯëɽi ig-i g-ǝ-lǝŋ-en-nd-r Aḏam,", "gloss": "because grandfather sclg-this clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-1ex.om-pl Adam", "translation": "because Adam, our ancestor father,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d070a49", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431945753689, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d070a49" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu Awa,", "morphemes": "na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu Awa,", "gloss": "and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss Eve", "translation": "And his wife Eve,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d07357a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431946197852, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d07357a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lakero ŋen ldǝse uɽi igi gǝṯǝmuđu na gǝđǝñǝnu,", "morphemes": "l-a-ker-o ŋen n-ldǝ-s-e uɽi ig-i g-ǝ-ṯǝmuđ-u na g-ǝ-đǝñ-ǝn-u,", "gloss": "cll-rtc-break.rt-pfv talk comp2-cll.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv tree sclg-this clg-dpc-forbid.rt-pfv and clg-dpc-fear.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "were disobedient and ate the fruit from the forbidden sacred tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N Adj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d0729a6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431946359963, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d0729a6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "uɽi igi Rǝmwa rëiṯǝlo ṯa lǝber leṯo alǝse,", "morphemes": "uɽi ig-i Rǝmwa r-ëiṯ-ǝ-lo ṯa l-ǝ-b-er l-eṯ-o alǝ-s-e,", "gloss": "tree sclg-this God clr-say.to.rt-pfv-3pl.om comp1 cll-dpc-prog-not.aux cll-come.rt-pfv cll.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "the tree which God commanded them not to eat from,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V Comp V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d076741", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431946500416, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d076741" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lderṯe lǝnna ŋen iŋi Rǝmwa rǝlwaɽǝṯǝlo,", "morphemes": "orn n-ld-erṯe l-ǝ-nn-a ŋen iŋ-i Rǝmwa r-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-ǝ-lo,", "gloss": "but comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-hear.rt-ipfv talk sclŋ-this God clr-dpc-tell.rt-appl-pfv-3pl.om", "translation": "but they did not obey God in what he has commanded them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d077626", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431946617225, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d077626" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝkere ŋen ldǝse uɽi.", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-ker-e ŋen n-ldǝ-s-e uɽi.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-break.rt-cons.pfv talk comp2-cll.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv tree", "translation": "and they did wrong and ate the fruit.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d078460", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1431946741515, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d078460" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Rǝmwa ramǝñǝlo ejǝnene", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Rǝmwa r-a-mǝñ-ǝ-lo e-jǝnene", "gloss": "so God clr-rtc-go.out.rt-pfv-3pl.om loc-garden", "translation": "Therefore God drove them out of the garden", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2e8ed1", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432026922261, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2e8ed1" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "isi yefo yeŋǝra yerṯo laŋgiano lǝŋǝra", "morphemes": "is-i y-e-f-o y-eŋǝra y-erṯo laŋgi-ano l-ǝŋǝra", "gloss": "scly-this cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv cly-good cly-have.rt- things-in cll-good", "translation": "that was beautiful and full with every kind of fruit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V Adj V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2e9cf4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027222130, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2e9cf4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrǝlǝmǝñi iđǝmǝñǝniano iđi ldǝfo lǝfau,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝrǝ-lǝ-mǝñ-i i-đǝmǝñǝnia-ano iđ-i n-ldǝ-fo l-ǝ-f-au,", "gloss": "and comp2-clr.inf-3pl.om-go.out.rt-cons.pfv loc-enjoying-inside sclđ-this comp2-cll.inf-past.aux cll-dpc-be.loc-ipfv", "translation": "and he took them out from the easy life that they had been enjoying", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N-P Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2ec0dd", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027334011, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2ec0dd" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrǝlǝnace ŋen ŋubwa ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝrǝ-lǝ-nac-e ŋen ŋubwa ŋ-ǝbǝɽa-aŋǝno.", "gloss": "and comp2-clr.inf-3pl.om-give.rt-cons.pfv talk hot clŋ-hard-body", "translation": "and gave them this very hard and difficult life.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2eda26", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027391442, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2eda26" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋëiṯi Atininia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Atininia ṯa,", "gloss": "Aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Atininia comp1", "translation": "Aukriri said to Atininia,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2ef7bb", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027672641, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2ef7bb" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñǝmoco ta, agañëiṯia ṯau đǝŋǝɽan!", "morphemes": "“Ñǝmoco ta, a-g-a-ñ-ëiṯ-ia ṯau đǝŋǝɽan!", "gloss": "Nyemocho comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-1sg.om-say.to.rt-ipfv how surprise", "translation": "surprised, \"Nyemocho, what do you mean by this speech!", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f157a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027818931, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f157a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndǝ Aḏamanda lǝkero ŋen eŋen lënŋulu!", "morphemes": "Orn ndǝ Aḏam-anda l-ǝ-ker-o ŋen eŋen l-ënŋulu!", "gloss": "but if Adam-assoc.pl cll-dpc-break.rt-pfv talk 3pl.poss cll-3pl.pro", "translation": "Suppose Adam and Eve have done wrong by themselves!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f39a6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432027949324, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f39a6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëndr lǝgiđiṯarau nǝŋ?", "morphemes": "Nëndr lǝ-g-iđ-iṯ-a-r-au nǝŋ?", "gloss": "1in.pro 1in-clg-do.rt-appl-ipfv-pl-how talk", "translation": "What did we do?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f40bc", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432028036730, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f40bc" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝgerṯr nǝŋ ŋen ŋanṯau?", "morphemes": "Lǝ-g-erṯ-r nǝŋ ŋen ŋan-ṯau?", "gloss": "1in-clg-have.rt-pl when talk meaning-how", "translation": "What wrong do we have?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f574a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432028294852, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d2f574a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ gafo gafo fǝñi ñǝŋgi igǝfo igǝfo igëɽǝnu ejǝnene", "morphemes": "Ndǝ g-a-fo g-a-f-o fǝ-ñi ñ-ǝŋgi i-g-ǝ-fo i-g-ǝ-f-o i-g-ëɽ-ǝn-u e-jǝnene", "gloss": "if clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv foc-1sg.om 1sg-who 1sg-clg-dpc-past.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv 1sg-clg-put.rt-pass-pfv loc-garden", "translation": "If I was the one who was placed in the garden,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Adv N V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3025eb", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432028500607, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3025eb" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbanṯa igafo igarmoṯo ŋen ŋopia tǝf,", "morphemes": "gǝbanṯa igafo i-garmoṯo ŋen ŋopia tǝf,", "gloss": "it-better i-was i-keep talk well ????", "translation": "I would have succeed to keep the promise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3045f6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432028741911, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3045f6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na điñiđi gǝbanṯa lǝgënǝr lǝgeror elwadia ildi?”", "morphemes": "na điñiđi g-ǝbanṯ-a lǝ-g-ënǝ-r lǝ-g-ero-r e-lwadia ild-i?”", "gloss": "and now clg-be.better.rt-ipfv 1in-clg-be.1d-pl 1in-clg-not.aux-pl loc-miserable scll-this", "translation": "and now we would not have been in this miserable life?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d307c4b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432039862705, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d307c4b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Atininia nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Atininia n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Atininia said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3092c5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040114283, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3092c5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñamal igalǝŋeṯo ŋen ṯa agabwaña agǝbaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "“Ñamal i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ṯa a-g-a-bwañ-a a-g-ǝ-b-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "Nyama 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-want.rt-ipfv 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-say.rt comp1", "translation": "\"Nyamal I understand that you want say,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30aefa", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040239586, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30aefa" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rǝmwa rero rǝđurwaṯa eŋen,", "morphemes": "Rǝmwa r-ero r-ǝđurwaṯa e-ŋen,", "gloss": "God clr-not.aux clr-fair loc-talk", "translation": "God is unfair about this matter,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30c569", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040413187, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30c569" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rakǝmǝndr đǝtǝmǝni lǝgeror lǝgǝbǝđiar mǝnna,", "morphemes": "na r-a-kǝm-ǝ-ndr đǝtǝmǝni lǝ-g-ero-r lǝ-g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia-r mǝnna,", "gloss": "and clr-rtc-judge.rt-pfv-1in.om without 1in-clg-not.aux-pl 1in-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv-pl wrong", "translation": "and he condemned us without cause,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30d769", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040679099, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30d769" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen ŋëpi wate lǝgiđi oro alǝɽwate cia lomanǝŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "orn ŋen ŋ-ëpi wat-e lǝ-g-iđi oro alǝ-ɽwate cia loman-nǝŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "but talk clŋ-well wait.rt-d.imp 1in-clg-fut.aux then cll.inf-talk plz day-indef again", "translation": "and that is good, but wait and we will talk again on this matter next time.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V V Conj V Adv N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30ead7", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040782528, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d30ead7" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Atininia giđu đǝsa đoɽra,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Atininia g-iđ-u đǝsa đ-oɽra,", "gloss": "day-indef Atininia clg-do.rt-pfv feast clđ-big", "translation": "One day Atininia made a big feast,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31028a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432040920121, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31028a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋundǝđi Ukririŋ ṯa aŋela aldǝgǝse acǝba.", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋ-und-ǝđ-i Ukriri-ŋ ṯa aŋ-el-a aldǝ-g-ǝ-s-e acǝba.", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv Aukriri-acc comp1 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll.with-clg-dpc-eat.rt-pfv food", "translation": "and he invited Aukriri to come and eat with him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31127e", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041156296, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31127e" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝsa ŋiđǝnu ŋwaña nǝŋǝɽwa nǝŋǝɽwa,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝsa ŋ-iđ-ǝn-u ŋ-waña nǝŋǝɽwa nǝŋǝɽwa,", "gloss": "food clŋ-do.rt-pass-pfv clŋ-many head head", "translation": "Many different kinds of food were prepared,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d312793", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041254207, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d312793" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđe yëɽicǝu ŋelaŋa,", "morphemes": "eđe y-ëɽ-ic-ǝu ŋela-ŋa,", "gloss": "meat cly-put.rt-loc.appl-pfv oil-clŋ.with", "translation": "the meat was roasted,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3143b8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041468432, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3143b8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laŋge lǝmǝn lǝñǝla ldiđǝni lwaña, na lǝmaḏiḏa,", "morphemes": "na laŋge l-ǝmǝn l-ǝñǝla ld-iđ-ǝn-i l-waña, na lǝmaḏiḏa,", "gloss": "and things cll-some cll-sweet cll-do.rt-pass-cons.pfv cll-many and porridge", "translation": "and some very delicious food and porridge,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V Adj Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d316301", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041584929, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d316301" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝđǝmana nǝŋǝɽëđǝni mǝɽwatǝđa,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝđǝmana n-ǝŋǝ-ɽëđ-ǝn-i mǝɽwatǝ-đa,", "gloss": "and beans comp2-3sg.cons-mix.rt-pass-cons.pfv peanut-clđ.with", "translation": "and beans mixed with peanut", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d318098", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041769126, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d318098" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iɽëđǝnia com nǝŋǝfeṯe.", "morphemes": "na iɽëđǝnia com n-ǝŋǝ-f-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "and tabaldi.leaf also comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "and leaves of tabaldi tree mixed with sesame was there too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d319c43", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432041907562, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d319c43" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Atininia nǝŋǝme laɽǝŋwaṯa lǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "Orn Atininia n-ǝŋǝ-m-e laɽǝŋwaṯa l-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "but Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv bowl cll-indef", "translation": "Then Atininia took a bowl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31bdd8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042116270, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31bdd8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝwërđǝnu aŋǝno lǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ,", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-wërđ-ǝn-u aŋǝno l-ǝŋǝra ŋayo kañ,", "gloss": "cll-dpc-write.rt-pass-pfv body cll-good beauty very", "translation": "which was decorated outside with a very beautiful colour,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31e0ba", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042299641, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d31e0ba" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋëɽi egacǝba iligano na nǝŋǝtëri ëñua ŋopia.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ëɽ-i eg-acǝba i-ligano na n-ǝŋǝ-tër-i ëñua ŋ-opia.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-food loc-dishes and comp2-3sg.cons-cover.rt-cons.pfv mouth clŋ-well", "translation": "and he placed it among the dishes in the plate and covered it firmly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N P-N Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32056b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042370946, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32056b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ukriri gǝrmaṯo egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ukriri g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "when Aukriri clg-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv loc-house", "translation": "When Aukriri arrived home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d321f34", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042514478, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d321f34" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Atininia nǝŋǝmaɽëŋi alo elna ildi loɽra lǝbǝrano", "morphemes": "Atininia n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ɽëŋ-i alo e-ǝlna ild-i l-oɽra l-ǝbǝrano", "gloss": "Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-stay.rt-cons.pfv place loc-room scll-this cll-big cll-wide", "translation": "Atininia welcomed him in a very wide big room", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3231ca", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042600826, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d3231ca" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝmanace ŋawa nǝŋǝṯi,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-ma-nac-e ŋawa n-ǝŋǝ-ṯ-i,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-give.rt-cons.pfv water comp2-3sg.cons-drink.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and gave him cold water to drink,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32357e", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432042924744, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32357e" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯa-ldǝ-gakëɽu ŋen na ṯa-lǝ-ɽwato", "morphemes": "na ṯa-ldǝ-ga-këɽ-u ŋen na ṯa-lǝ-ɽwat-o", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-iter-remember.rt-pfv talk and comp1b-cll.inf-talk.rt-pfv", "translation": "and they began to recall the stories and talked on different issues,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32411f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043018524, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32411f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eŋen ŋǝni enen ini nǝfo", "morphemes": "eŋen ŋǝni enen ini nǝfo", "gloss": "about of-fields their which were", "translation": "about their field which were", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d326bd4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043158658, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d326bd4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝbarlda Egǝmbor na ŋwana na đwala.", "morphemes": "Nḏǝbarlda Egǝmbor na ŋwana na đwala.", "gloss": "stream Ekmbor and sorghum and wealth", "translation": "in the Ekembor Stream and about sorghum and wealth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Conj N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d328bc7", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043245800, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d328bc7" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn iliga lǝtëfr wasen Atininia", "morphemes": "Orn i-liga lǝ-tëf-r was-en Atininia", "gloss": "but loc-time cll-few-pl wife-3sg.poss Atininia", "translation": "And in a short time Atininia’s wife", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32a5c9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043535269, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32a5c9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlënṯia nano garrǝpo acǝba gwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-l-ënṯ-ia nano g-arr-ǝp-o acǝba g-waña kañ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-enter.rt-ipfv at clg-iter-carry.rt-pfv food clg-many very", "translation": "came in carrying a plate full with different kinds of food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32b590", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043598561, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32b590" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝlǝnne ëñua", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-nn-e ëñua", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-hear.rt-pfv mouth", "translation": "and she greeted them", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32faf5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043750286, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d32faf5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝlëɽǝṯi acǝba alo nǝgëtu gabǝla.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëɽ-ǝṯ-i acǝba alo nǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-put.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv food place comp2-clg-be.2d clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and she put the food down and went back,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d330a50", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432043818398, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d330a50" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Atininia nǝŋëiṯi Ukririŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Atininia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ukririŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Aukriri comp1", "translation": "and Atininia said to Aukriri,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d331f78", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432044119488, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d331f78" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñamal tođo alǝse ŋǝsa iŋi Rǝmwa rǝnacǝndr ŋǝŋǝra!”", "morphemes": "“Ñamal tođ-o alǝ-s-e ŋǝsa iŋ-i Rǝmwa r-ǝ-nac-ǝ-ndr ŋ-ǝŋǝra!”", "gloss": "Nyama arise.rt-imp cll.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv food sclŋ-this God clr-dpc-give.rt-pfv-1in.om clŋ-good", "translation": "\"Nyamal let us eat the delicious food which God gave us!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d532734", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432100961367, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d532734" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋëiṯi Atininia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Atininia ṯa,", "gloss": "Aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Atininia comp1", "translation": "Aukriri said to Atininia,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53358f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432101224958, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53358f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñǝmoco ŋǝsa agakereṯo alo ŋǝɽe ṯia fasëgi gǝsa?”", "morphemes": "“Ñǝmoco ŋǝsa a-g-a-ker-eṯ-o alo ŋǝɽe ṯia fasëgi g-ǝ-s-a?”", "gloss": "Nyemoch food 2sg-clg-rtc-waste.rt-loc.appl-pfv place why in.this.way who clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "\"Nyemoch you have prepared a lot of food who will eat it?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adv Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d533eee", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432101337814, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d533eee" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia lënŋulu ldeṯe acǝba nano ṯalǝso", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia l-ënŋulu n-ld-eṯ-e acǝba nano ṯ-alǝ-s-o", "gloss": "so cll-3pl.pro comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv food at comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-pfv", "translation": "So they started to eat the food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5350b9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432101801509, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5350b9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalakëɽu ŋǝrriñua na đǝmwëđǝnia", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-ak-ëɽ-u ŋǝrriñua na đǝ-mwëđǝnia", "gloss": "so comp1b-cll.inf-iter-put.rt-pfv puzzles and clđ.nom-stories", "translation": "and recount riddles and stories", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5369f4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432101918292, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5369f4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalurmǝđu kañ lǝŋǝranano.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-urmǝđ-u kañ l-ǝŋǝranano.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-laugh.rt-pfv very cll-happy", "translation": "and they were very happy and laughed loudly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5381a4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432101978994, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5381a4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Atininia nǝŋëiṯi Ukririŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Atininia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ukriri-ŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "but Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-say.to-rt-cons.pfv Aukriri-acc comp1", "translation": "Then Atininia said to Aukriri,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53a284", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432102196234, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53a284" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Amalika so cia ŋǝsa ananoŋ", "morphemes": "“Amalika s-o cia ŋǝsa ananoŋ", "gloss": "Amalika eat.rt-imp plz food first", "translation": "\"Amalika go on eat this delicious food", "tags": "imperative", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53ae1f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432102987922, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53ae1f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi Rǝmwa rǝnacǝndr ŋǝŋǝra ŋame,", "morphemes": "iŋ-i Rǝmwa r-ǝ-nac-ǝ-ndr ŋ-ǝŋǝra ŋ-ame,", "gloss": "sclŋ-this God clr-dpc-give.rt-pfv-1in.om clŋ-good clŋ-sweet", "translation": "That God gave us to eat and enjoy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53d751", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103208723, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53d751" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igabǝla yundǝđia uṯëɽia aŋela aldǝsǝr.", "morphemes": "i-g-a-b-ǝl-a y-und-ǝđ-ia uṯëɽia aŋ-el-a aldǝ-s-ǝ-r.", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-call.rt-ap-ipfv old.man 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv 1in-eat.rt-pfv-pl", "translation": "I am going to call the grandfather to come and share food with us.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53f631", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103364764, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d53f631" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "So ŋǝsa iŋi pređ oro ŋarmoṯwe", "morphemes": "S-o ŋǝsa iŋ-i pređ oro ŋarmoṯw-e", "gloss": "eat.rt-imp food sclŋ-this all then keep-d.imp", "translation": "Eat all these kinds of food, but be careful", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d540a87", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103508475, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d540a87" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋerṯe agǝkiđia laɽǝŋwaṯa ildi,", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-kiđ-ia laɽǝŋwaṯa ild-i,", "gloss": "talk clŋ-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-open.rt-ipfv bowl scll-this", "translation": "not to open that covered bowl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d542259", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103596453, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d542259" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi ndǝ igoɽǝbǝđo.”", "morphemes": "illi ndǝ i-g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o.”", "gloss": "except if 1sg-clg-return.rt-ap-pfv", "translation": "till I come back.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5444a6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103645751, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5444a6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Aukriri said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d545c63", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103772298, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d545c63" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋëpi ñǝmoco, mbu ŋela ram.”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋ-ëpi ñǝmoco, mbu ŋ-el-a ram.”", "gloss": "talk clŋ-well nyemocho go.imp clŋ-come.rt-ipfv early", "translation": "\"Alright Nyemocho, go and come quickly.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d546a49", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432103891339, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d546a49" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Atininia nǝŋǝtođe nǝgëtu gabǝla,", "morphemes": "Atininia n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e nǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝl-a,", "gloss": "Atininia comp3-sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clg-be.2d clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv", "translation": "So Atininia went.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5481b9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432104111197, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5481b9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋǝɽaŋo ëwur eđǝɽe yelna ṯwañ", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽaŋ-o ëwur eđǝɽe ye-ǝlna ṯwañ", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-stay.rt-pfv door beside cly.poss-room near", "translation": "And he went and hid himself beside the door gate of the room", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54ae10", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432104556332, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54ae10" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝsëcu Ukririŋ gaɽe gëbǝđiṯau?", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u Ukriri-ŋ g-aɽe g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia-ṯau?", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv Aukriri-acc clg-what clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv-how", "translation": "to watch Aukriri from far what he might do.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54c5a6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432105706769, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54c5a6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋǝṯëđǝni elna gonto na ṯaŋǝso acǝba ananoŋ,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋǝ-ṯëđ-ǝn-i e-ǝlna g-onto na ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o acǝba ananoŋ,", "gloss": "aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-room clg-one and comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pfv food first", "translation": "Aukriri was left alone in the room and went on in eating,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Adj Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54e457", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432105821779, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d54e457" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn Atininia nǝŋerṯe goɽǝbǝđo mǝldin,", "morphemes": "orn Atininia n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o mǝldin,", "gloss": "but Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-return.rt-ap-pfv still", "translation": "but unfortunatly Atinina did not come back quickly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5504cf", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432105880639, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5504cf" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen nǝŋwalǝṯano kañ,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝŋ-wal-ǝṯ-ano kañ,", "gloss": "and talk comp2-3sg.cons-be.long.rt-cmp-in very", "translation": "and it was too long,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5527be", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106001032, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5527be" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen nǝŋǝmeṯa egare gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "orn ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-m-eṯ-a eg-are g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "but talk comp3-sg.cons-3sg.om-come.rt-ipfv loc-belly clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "then thoughts came into his mind", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d553b94", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106164657, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d553b94" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋonaṯo gǝkiđia laɽǝŋwaṯa", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-onaṯo g-ǝ-kiđ-ia laɽǝŋwaṯa", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt clg-dpc-open.rt-ipfv bowl", "translation": "and pushed him to open the bowl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d554c53", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106296602, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d554c53" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋǝlǝŋeṯe laŋge ildi lǝfau,", "morphemes": "aŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e laŋge ild-i l-ǝ-f-au,", "gloss": "3sg.inf-know.rt-cons.pfv things scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv", "translation": "to know the hidden secret, what might be inside the bowl.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d556450", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106595487, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d556450" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ṯaŋǝmaɽwaṯo ŋǝnǝŋ ṯaŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-ɽwaṯ-o ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and talk comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-controll.rt-pfv clŋ-indef comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "And this desire seized him and said to him", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d558724", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106726820, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d558724" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Laɽǝŋwaṯa ildi lerṯo laŋgiano", "morphemes": "“Laɽǝŋwaṯa ild-i l-erṯo laŋgi-ano", "gloss": "bowl scll-this cll-have.rt things-in", "translation": "There are things in this bowl", "tags": "copula", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55950b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432106852471, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55950b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi lǝŋǝrṯu laŋge na lamǝṯu lorba pređ!", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ǝŋǝ-r-ṯ-u laŋge na l-am-ǝṯ-u lorba pređ!", "gloss": "scll-this cll-3sg.cons-be.better.rt-cmp-pfv things and cll-be.sweet.rt-cmp-pfv sisters all", "translation": "which are more delicious than others!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55be3a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107022770, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55be3a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Walla gama ŋen ŋanṯau iŋi?", "morphemes": "Walla g-ama ŋen ŋan-ṯau iŋ-i?", "gloss": "or clg-what talk meaning-how sclŋ-this", "translation": "Or what does this mystery mean?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N-Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55e40d", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107125528, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d55e40d" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ace Kuku gakiđia waŋge", "morphemes": "Ace Kuku g-a-kiđ-ia waŋge", "gloss": "man kuku clg-rtc-open.rt-ipfv thing", "translation": "I shall open the thing", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5600cf", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107385030, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5600cf" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋonwanǝđe oro aŋoɽǝbace ŋopia!", "morphemes": "aŋo-nwan-ǝ-đe oro aŋ-oɽǝb-ac-e ŋ-opia!", "gloss": "3sg.inf-look.rt-pfv-clđ.with then 3sg.inf-return.rt-ap-cons.pfv clŋ-well", "translation": "To know the secret, then I will cover it well again!", "tags": "check:with", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d562b37", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107532756, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d562b37" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igonaṯa igǝlǝŋeṯa laŋge ildi lǝfo elaɽǝŋwaṯa!”", "morphemes": "i-g-onaṯa i-g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a laŋge ild-i l-ǝ-f-o e-laɽǝŋwaṯa!”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-want.rt 1sg-clg-dpc-know.rt-ipfv things scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-bowl", "translation": "I want know the things that hidden in the bowl!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d564193", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107728878, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d564193" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋǝsaṯe ara gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋǝ-s-aṯ-e ara g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "Aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-eat.rt-appl-cons.pfv stomach clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "Aukriri determined to open the bowl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d565126", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432107917497, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d565126" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝkiđi laɽǝŋwaṯa aten,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-kiđ-i laɽǝŋwaṯa aten,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-open.rt-cons.pfv bowl bit", "translation": "And he removed the cover quietly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d565a76", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432108006315, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d565a76" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gabaco lǝgoṯaya elo,", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-a-bac-o lǝgoṯaya elo,", "gloss": "and talk clg-rtc-remove.rt-pfv cover up", "translation": "and when he took off the cover,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d56748a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432108154308, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d56748a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "uri gǝta nǝŋaborwe bruđ elaɽǝŋwaṯa", "morphemes": "uri g-ǝta n-ǝŋ-aborw-e bruđ e-laɽǝŋwaṯa", "gloss": "mouse clg-small comp2-3sg.cons-jump.rt-cons.pfv quick loc-bowl", "translation": "a small mouse jumped out from the bowl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d568209", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432108361996, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d568209" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋoɽǝṯe egacǝba iŋǝmbwëlu,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-oɽ-ǝṯ-e eg-acǝba i-ŋǝmbwëlu,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-food loc-dishes,", "translation": "and it jumped among the dishes of the food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d568404", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432108558178, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d568404" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ukriri nǝŋaṯa gabëndia uri aŋoɽǝbace elaɽǝŋwaṯa,", "morphemes": "na Ukriri n-ǝŋ-aṯa g-a-b-ënd-ia uri aŋ-oɽǝb-ac-e e-laɽǝŋwaṯa,", "gloss": "and aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-rtc-prog-catch.rt-ipfv mouse 3sg.inf-return.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-bowl", "translation": "and Aukriri tried to catch it and put it back in the bowl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d571680", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432108904453, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d571680" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝđwađe acǝba tǝmtǝm nǝŋǝkere,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-đwađ-e acǝba tǝmtǝm n-ǝŋǝ-ker-e,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-push.rt-cons.pfv food all comp2-3sg.cons-break.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he pushed down the whole food to the ground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d573f8a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109017563, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d573f8a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝsa nǝŋǝṯǝlwëini alo pređ.", "morphemes": "na ŋǝsa n-ǝŋǝ-ṯǝlw-ëin-i alo pređ.", "gloss": "and food comp2-3sg.cons-throw.rt-pass-cons.pfv place all", "translation": "and all food was thrown to the ground.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d57591a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109158462, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d57591a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn taltal Atininia nǝŋënṯia", "morphemes": "Orn taltal Atininia n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-ia", "gloss": "but quickly Atininia comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And immediately Atininia came in", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5774b6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109377112, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5774b6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝfiđi Ukriri gǝkero acǝba pređ, nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i Ukriri g-ǝ-ker-o acǝba pređ, n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv Aukriri clg-dpc-break.rt-pfv food all comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "and found Aukriri broke all of the food, and he said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d578059", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109555313, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d578059" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñamal ta ŋwande?”", "morphemes": "“Ñamal ta ŋwande?”", "gloss": "nyamal comp1 what", "translation": "\"Nyamal what happened?\" Surprisingly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d579f24", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109610625, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d579f24" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ukriri n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Aukriri comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Aukriri said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d57b107", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432109749466, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d57b107" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñǝmoco! Igakero ŋen nekere ŋǝsa,", "morphemes": "“Ñǝmoco! I-g-a-ker-o ŋen n-e-ker-e ŋǝsa,", "gloss": "nyemoch 1sg-clg-rtc-break.rt-pfv talk comp2-dpc-break.rt-cons.pfv food", "translation": "\"Nyemocho! I have done wrong and broke the food,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d582689", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432110813352, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d582689" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igajǝba ŋen iŋi nǝyaṯa igëbǝđia fǝrfǝr.", "morphemes": "i-g-ajǝb-a ŋen iŋ-i nǝ-y-aṯa i-g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia fǝrfǝr.", "gloss": "1sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv talk sclŋ-this comp2-1sg-say.rt 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv ever", "translation": "I did not know what I decided to do at all", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5836e6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432110965935, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5836e6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agalwaɽǝṯǝñe ṯa yerṯe igeṯo ikiđi laɽǝŋwaṯa?", "morphemes": "A-g-a-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-ǝ-ñe ṯa y-erṯe i-g-eṯ-o i-kiđ-i laɽǝŋwaṯa?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-tell.rt-appl-pfv-1sg.om comp1 1sg-not.aux 1sg-clg-come.rt-pfv 1sg-open.rt-cons.pfv bowl", "translation": "You have promised me not to uncover the bowl!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5848fa", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432111056246, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5848fa" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nǝyerṯe igǝrmoṯwa ŋen.", "morphemes": "Orn nǝ-y-erṯe i-g-ǝ-rmoṯw-a ŋen.", "gloss": "but comp2-1sg-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-keep.rt-ipfv talk", "translation": "But I did not keep the promise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58a965", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432111231070, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58a965" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn điñiđi đǝge igalǝŋǝđëinu eŋen iŋi", "morphemes": "Orn điñiđi đǝge i-g-a-lǝŋǝđ-ëin-u e-ŋen iŋ-i", "gloss": "but now last 1sg-clg-rtc-remember.rt-pass-pfv loc-talk sclŋ-this", "translation": "But now I remembere your speech", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Adv V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58c35b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432111359352, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58c35b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝgǝfo lǝgǝɽwato ram", "morphemes": "lǝ-g-ǝ-fo lǝ-g-ǝ-ɽwat-o ram", "gloss": "1in-clg-dpc-past.aux 1in-clg-dpc-talk.rt-pfv early", "translation": "which we have talked about,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58e94d", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432111464699, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d58e94d" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝge igalǝŋeṯo ŋen đeṯǝm", "morphemes": "na đǝge i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen đeṯǝm", "gloss": "and last 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk true", "translation": "and at last I knew the fact", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d592da8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", 1432111522357, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d592da8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d05c408", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa leđa pređ lakero ŋen.", "morphemes": "ṯa leđa pređ l-a-ker-o ŋen.", "gloss": "comp1 people all cll-rtc-break.rt-pfv talk", "translation": "that all people have done wrong!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59b852", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432116925947, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59b852" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman na Ŋwëlia", "morphemes": "Oman na Ŋwëlia", "gloss": "Lion and Hyena", "translation": "The Lion and the Hyena", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59ce9c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432117232124, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59ce9c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ŋwëlia lopǝđaiđo Omanga eđađ na Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Loma-nǝŋ Ŋwëlia l-opǝđaiđ-o Oman-ga e-đađ na Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef hyena cll-meet.rt-pfv lion-with loc-road and lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "Once upon a time the Hyena met with the Lion on the road and the Lion said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N-P N Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59ea79", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432117352486, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59ea79" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ igonaṯa ṯa alǝɽeṯe đappa.”", "morphemes": "“Ora-ñ i-g-onaṯ-a ṯa alǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e đappa.”", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv comp1 1du-be.rt-appl-inf1 friends", "translation": "\"My friend I want us to be friends.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a178a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432117468763, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a178a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi igaŋǝno.”", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi i-g-aŋǝn-o.”", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 “talk clŋ-well 1sg-clg-agree.rt-pfv.", "translation": "And the Hyena said, \"Alright I accept.\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a3f93", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432117733916, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a3f93" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia ŋafo ŋerṯo dia rore rǝbǝco ñobǝɽa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-erṯ-o dia r-ore r-ǝbǝco ñobǝɽa,", "gloss": "hyena clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-have.rt-pfv cow clr-red clr-white legs,", "translation": "The Hyena had a cow with white and red legs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "The Hyena had a cow with white and red legs,", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a58b6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432117931378, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a58b6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Oman gafo gerṯo ŋǝnḏri ŋoɽra ŋǝđǝbǝɽwe.", "morphemes": "na Oman g-a-fo g-erṯ-o ŋǝnḏri ŋ-oɽra ŋ-ǝđǝbǝɽwe.", "gloss": "and lion clg-rtc-past.aux clg-have.rt-pfv ox clŋ-big clŋ-colorful", "translation": "and the Lion had a big colorful ox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a7e9a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432118147782, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a7e9a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn liga ldela lǝnǝŋ, na dia rǝ Ŋwëlia ndronḏace", "morphemes": "Orn liga ld-ela l-ǝnǝŋ, na dia rǝ Ŋwëlia nǝ-r-onḏac-e", "gloss": "but time 3pl.om-come.rt cll-one, and cow of hyena comp2-clr-conceive.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "It happened that the Hyena's cow conceived", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Conj N P N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a9f1e", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432118338771, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5a9f1e" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝsu iria ñoman pređ ŋenŋanṯa dia rǝlëɽǝŋu ronḏaco,", "morphemes": "na Ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-s-u iria ñoman pređ ŋenŋanṯa dia rǝlëɽǝŋu r-onḏac-o,", "gloss": "and hyena comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-cons.ipfv cattle days all because cow his clr-conceive.rt-pfv", "translation": "and the Hyena looked after cattle all the time because his cow had conceived,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adv Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5ab0fa", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432118561626, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5ab0fa" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋgace ṯa riđi arǝlǝŋaṯe alo.", "morphemes": "na aŋgace ṯa r-iđi arǝ-lǝŋ-aṯ-e alo.", "gloss": "and perhaps comp1 clr-fut.aux clr.inf-give.birth.rt-loc.appl-inf1 place.", "translation": "and it may give birth anywhere at anytime.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5ac616", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432120780519, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5ac616" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Oman gasëcu dia rǝ Ŋwëlia ruđëiđu,", "morphemes": "Loma-nǝŋ Oman g-a-sëc-u dia rǝ Ŋwëlia ruđ-ëiđu,", "gloss": "day-indef lion clg-rtc-see.rt-ipfv cow of hyena full-breast", "translation": "One day the Lion saw the Hyena’s cow was about", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N P N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5af473", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432120914631, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5af473" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rabaṯo igëđu yoɽra,", "morphemes": "na r-ab-aṯ-o i-g-ëđu y-oɽra,", "gloss": "and clr-carry.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-clg-breast cly-big,", "translation": "to give birth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5adc98", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432121114289, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5adc98" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe ŋen ṯa dia rafo ṯwañ arǝlǝŋe na nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e ŋen ṯa dia r-a-fo ṯwañ arǝ-lǝŋ-e na n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv talk comp1 cow clr-rtc-past.aux near clr.inf-give.birth.rt-inf1 and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "he knew that the date of giving birth is appraoching and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Comp N V Adv V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b1d32", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432121224469, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b1d32" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Dia irri rǝ Ŋwëlia rabǝla arǝlǝŋe điñiđi,", "morphemes": "“Dia irr-i rǝ Ŋwëlia r-a-b-ǝla arǝ-lǝŋ-e điñiđi,", "gloss": "Cow sclr of hyena clr-rtc-prog-come.rt clr.inf-give.birth.rt-inf1 today", "translation": "\"The cow of the Hyena is going to deliver today,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv P N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b3878", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432121357915, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b3878" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igabǝla ilwaɽǝṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa aŋǝɽe aŋǝmǝñǝniano eloman ildi,", "morphemes": "orn i-g-a-b-ǝla i-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa aŋ-ǝɽe aŋǝ-mǝñ-ǝn-i-ano e-loman ildi,", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt 1sg-tell.rt-appl-inf1 hyena comp1 3sg.inf-go.rt 3sg.inf-pass.rt-pass-caus-in loc-day scll-this", "translation": "but I am going to tell the Hyena to rest today,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Comp V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b53f8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432121491012, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d5b53f8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igënǝñi yeɽe nǝŋëmia.”", "morphemes": "na i-g-ënǝñi yeɽe nǝŋëmia.”", "gloss": "and 1sg-clg-go.rt there pasture", "translation": "and I will go for pasture myself.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d68d386", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432191792722, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d68d386" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋeṯe Ŋwëlia nano nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Oman n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-eṯe Ŋwëlia nano n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "lion comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt hyena near comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "The Lion went to see Hyena and told him that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d68e974", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192124531, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d68e974" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa! Agësu liga lwalano kañ, nǝyerṯe igǝŋamǝđaṯa,", "morphemes": "“Đappa! A-g-ë-s-u liga lwalano kañ, nǝ-y-erṯ-e i-g-ǝŋ-a-mǝđaṯ-a,", "gloss": "Friend! 2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-pfv time long very, comp2-1sg-neg.aux-cons.pfv 1st—clg-2sg-help.rt-pfv,", "translation": "\"My friend! You have been at pasture for a long time, and I couldn't help you,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6904bb", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192373800, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6904bb" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋgiṯǝñe yeɽe nǝŋëmia điñiđi ŋenŋanṯa ŋela ŋamǝñǝniano.”", "morphemes": "orn ŋgiṯ-ǝ-ñe y-eɽe nǝ-ŋëmia điñiđi ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-ela ŋa-mǝñǝniano.”", "gloss": "but allow.rt-ipfv-1sg.om 1sg-go.rt on-pasture now because clŋ-come.rt 2sg-rest.rt.", "translation": "So let me to go today so that you can have your rest.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V P-N Adv Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d691bd9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192520406, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d691bd9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi! Mbu ŋǝɽe ŋarmoṯwe iria ŋopia.”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi! Mbu ŋ-ǝɽe ŋa-r-moṯwe iria ŋopia.”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-ipfv, “talk clŋ-well! go.imp clŋ-go.pst 2sg.inf-clr-guard.rt cattles well.", "translation": "The Hyena said, \"It is alright, go and take care of the cows.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d691d1e", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192616489, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d691d1e" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Oman nǝŋǝɽe iriaya nǝŋëmia", "morphemes": "Nǝ-ṯia Oman nǝ-ŋ-ǝɽe iria-ya nǝ-ŋëmia", "gloss": "comp2-in.this.way lion comp2-go.rt cows-with on-pasture,", "translation": "So the Lion took the cows to pasture,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69818b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192730080, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69818b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝrmaṯo iriaya eđǝñwa nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-ǝrmaṯ-o iria-ya eđǝñwa nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "and when clg-arrive.rt-pfv cows-with wilderness far,", "translation": "and when he arrived with the cows at the faraway forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N-P N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6991e7", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432192871678, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6991e7" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "dia irri rǝ Ŋwëlia ndrǝlǝŋe ŋǝmbǝɽo.", "morphemes": "dia irr-i rǝ Ŋwëlia nǝ-r-ǝ-lǝŋ-e ŋǝmbǝɽo.", "gloss": "cow sclr-this of hyena comp2-clr-dpc2-give.birth.rt-cons.pfv calf.", "translation": "the Hyena's cow delivered a calf.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69b27d", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432193543338, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69b27d" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Oman nǝŋǝke ŋen ṯa, dia rǝlǝŋo rǝ Ŋwëlia,", "morphemes": "Orn Oman n-ǝŋ-ǝk-e ŋen ṯa, dia r-ǝ-lǝŋ-o rǝ-Ŋwëlia,", "gloss": "but lion comp2-3sg.cons-hate.rt-cons.pfv talk comp1, cow clr-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv clr.poss-hyena,", "translation": "But the lion became jealous that the Hyena’s cow gave birth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp N V P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69cdf3", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432193632258, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69cdf3" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝnḏri nǝŋerṯe ŋǝlǝŋa ŋǝlëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "na ŋǝnḏri n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-a ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "and ox comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc2-give.birth.rt-ipfv clŋ-1sg.poss.", "translation": "but his ox did not give birth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp N V P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69da5a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432193785919, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69da5a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oro nǝŋǝmamaṯe dia ŋǝfǝni na abǝɽara", "morphemes": "Oro n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ma-ṯ-e dia ŋǝfǝni na abǝɽara", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-iter-take.rt-appl-cons.pfv cow blood and delivery.fluid", "translation": "Then he took some blood and some delivery fluid", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69f6a6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432193931669, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d69f6a6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋakëɽi ŋǝnḏri nḏurṯu ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-a-këɽ-i ŋǝnḏri nḏurṯu ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-rtc-put.rt-cons.pfv ox behind clŋ-1sg.poss,", "translation": "and put it at his ox's end,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a0e48", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194062123, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a0e48" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa ṯa ŋǝnḏri ŋalǝŋo iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a ṯa ŋǝnḏri ŋ-a-lǝŋ-o iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv comp1 ox clŋ-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv sclŋ-this clŋ-1sg.poss.", "translation": "and says that it is his ox that delivered.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a1c32", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194236873, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a1c32" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen errekano gǝɽo, Oman nǝŋǝđaŋǝṯe iriaya nǝwarra,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen errekano g-ǝ-ɽ-o, Oman n-ǝŋǝ-đaŋǝṯ-e iria-ya nǝwarra,", "gloss": "and when evening clg-dpc2-be.rt-pfv, lion comp2-3sg.cons-go.up.rt-cons.pfv cows-with cattle,", "translation": "And when the evening came, the Lion took the cows to the cattle camp,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N V N-P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a3423", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194441739, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a3423" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝrmaṯo warra nano nǝŋundǝđi Ŋwëlia pǝlelo nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-ǝrmaṯ-o warra nano n-ǝŋ-undǝđ-i Ŋwëlia pǝlelo n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "and when clg-arrive.rt-pfv camp near comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-cons.pfv hyena high comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "and when he appraoched the cattle camp,he shouted for Hyena and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N P V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a5984", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194634217, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a5984" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa! Ela ram ŋanwane ŋǝnḏri iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝñi ŋalǝŋo!”", "morphemes": "“Đappa! Ela ram ŋa-nwan-e ŋǝnḏri iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi ŋ-a-lǝŋ-o!”", "gloss": "Friend come.rt early 2sg.inf-look.at.rt-inf1 ox sclŋ-this ŋ-1sg.poss clŋ-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv!", "translation": "\"My friend! Hurry up and see my ox delivered!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a7d80", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194776052, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a7d80" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmëiti ta, “Agaɽo iɽǝṯiano?", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëit-i ta, “A-g-a-ɽ-o iɽǝṯi-ano?", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1, 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv full-in?", "translation": "Hyena said to him, \"Are you full?", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V Adj-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a99e1", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432194909130, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6a99e1" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝnḏri ŋalǝŋa ṯau? Fǝdia rǝlëɽǝñi irri rǝlǝŋo,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝnḏri ŋ-a-lǝŋ-a ṯau? Fǝ-dia r-ǝlëɽǝñi irri r-ǝ-lǝŋ-o,", "gloss": "ox clŋ-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv how? foc-cow clr-1sg.poss which clr-dpc2-give.birth.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "How could an ox have delivered? It is my cow which gave birth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6aaa3d", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432195232451, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6aaa3d" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "sëcu rǝtǝŋaṯa ŋǝmbǝɽo aŋǝno", "morphemes": "sëc-u rǝ-tǝŋaṯ-a ŋǝmbǝɽo aŋǝno", "gloss": "see.rt-pfv it-lick.rt calf body", "translation": "see it is licking the calf body", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6db794", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432199394231, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6db794" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aganŋa agaber agǝsëcia ŋǝnḏri ŋǝlëldǝñǝṯia ŋǝmbǝɽo alo?”", "morphemes": "na aganŋa a-g-a-b-er a-g-ǝ-sëc-ia ŋǝnḏri ŋǝlëldǝñ-ǝṯ-ia ŋǝmbǝɽo alo?”", "gloss": "and 2sg.pro 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-neg.aux 2sg-clg-dpc2-see.rt-ipfv ox running.rt-appl-ipfv calf place", "translation": "and don’t you see the ox running away from the calf?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6dd857", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432199540488, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6dd857" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "but lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1", "translation": "But the Lion said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6de0ac", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432199662590, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6de0ac" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa, fǝŋǝnḏri ŋǝlëɽǝñi iŋi ŋǝlǝŋo.”", "morphemes": "“Đappa, fǝ-ŋǝnḏri ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-o.”", "gloss": "Friend, foc-ox clŋ-1sg.poss sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv.", "translation": "\"My friend it is my ox that delivered.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e1028", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432199901808, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e1028" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝciṯano kañ oro ṯaŋǝbwañǝŋǝma ŋenŋanṯa ŋafo ŋëđǝñia Oman,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯi-ano kañ oro ṯ-aŋǝ-bwañǝ-ŋǝma ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-a-fo ŋëđǝñia Oman,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-bad.rt?-in very then comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt-power because clŋ-rtc-past.aux afraid Lion,", "translation": "The Hyena grew angry but kept silent because he was afraid of the Lion,", "tags": "check: citi", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adv V Conj V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e25e6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432200913347, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e25e6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋǝɽe ṯa aŋǝsǝki Oman", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ɽe ṯa aŋǝ-sǝk-i Oman", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-arise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp1 clŋ.inf-accuse.rt-cons.pfv lion", "translation": "Then he went and raised his case against the lion", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e4350", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201080931, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e4350" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nano ŋenŋanṯa aŋela aŋǝliṯi sëriya.", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ nano ŋenŋanṯa aŋ-ela aŋǝ-l-iṯ-i sëriya.", "gloss": "fox near because 3sg.inf-come.rt 3sg.inf-3pl.om-make.rt-caus judgement", "translation": "to the Fox to come and make a judgement", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e6561", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201180774, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e6561" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iliga eloman lǝsëriya,", "morphemes": "I-liga e-loman lǝ-sëriya,", "gloss": "loc-time loc-day of-judgement", "translation": "On the day of judgement,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e7da8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201311010, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e7da8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa lararraiđo lwaña ṯa alǝsëiđi na allǝŋeṯe ŋen iŋi,", "morphemes": "leđa l-a-rarraiđ-o l-waña ṯa alǝ-sëiđ-i na allǝŋeṯe ŋen iŋ-i,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-gather.rt-pfv many comp1 cll.inf-see.rt-pfv and know talk sclŋ-this,", "translation": "Many people attended to hear about this case.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Comp V Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e86c8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201411206, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6e86c8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋerṯe geṯo ram nǝsëriya.", "morphemes": "orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋerṯe geṯo ram nǝ-sëriya.", "gloss": "but fox comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux-cons.pfv clg-come.rt-pfv early on-court", "translation": "but the Fox did not come on time to the court.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ea00b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201583332, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ea00b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa ṯalǝmaṯurṯu ëđǝñëđǝñin, oro nǝŋerṯe garmaṯo mǝldin.", "morphemes": "Na leđa ṯ-alǝ-ma-ṯur-ṯ-u ëđǝñëđǝñin, oro n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-a-rmaṯ-o mǝldin.", "gloss": "and people comp1b-cll.inf-3sg.om-wait.rt-appl-cons.ipfv all.day, but comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux-cons.pfv clg-rtc-arrive.rt-pfv yet.", "translation": "and people were waiting for him the whole day, but did not arrive yet.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ebe40", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432201726954, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ebe40" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen errekano gǝɽo, Ođǝloŋ nǝŋela", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen errekano g-ǝ-ɽ-o, Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ela", "gloss": "but when evening clg-dpc2-be.rt-pfv fox comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt", "translation": "But in the evening, the Fox came", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ed82a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432202954594, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ed82a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "garrǝpo ŋǝmbwëlua gakërinǝlo ldëɽua na gǝbǝrlda taltal.", "morphemes": "g-a-rrǝp-o ŋǝmbwëlua gakërinǝ-lo nǝ-lëɽua na g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a taltal.", "gloss": "clg-rtc-carry.rt-pfv bowls hanging-3pl.om on-back and clg-dpc2-prog-walk.rt-ipfv quickly,", "translation": "carrying bowls made of goard hung from his back and walking quickly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V P-N Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ef283", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432203152681, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6ef283" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa ldaṯa, “Wëi! Sëcǝr Ođǝloŋ gëtu geṯo", "morphemes": "Leđa ld-aṯ-a, “Wëi! Sëcǝr Ođǝloŋ g-ëtu g-eṯo", "gloss": "people 3pl.om-say.rt-ipfv, \"Oh! see.imp fox clg-be.2d clg-come.rt", "translation": "And the people said, \"Oh! Look the Fox is coming", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f3837", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432203529311, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f3837" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "garrǝpo ŋǝmbwëlua gǝbǝrlda taltal.”", "morphemes": "g-a-rrǝp-o ŋǝmbwëlua g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a taltal.”", "gloss": "clg-rtc-carry.rt-pfv bowls clg-dpc2-prog-walk.rt-ipfv quickly.", "translation": "carrying gourd bowls and walking quickly.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f45eb", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432203660935, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f45eb" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝrmaṯo leđa nano", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o leđa nano", "gloss": "and when fox clg-dpc2-arrive.rt-pfv people near", "translation": "And when the Fox approached the people,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f813a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432204595421, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f813a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlǝmǝñaṯe ṯaŋerldo bwir bwir.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-mǝñaṯ-e ṯ-aŋ-erld-o bwir bwir.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-pass.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-walk.rt-pfv quick quick", "translation": "he passed them and walked very quickly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f9ecc", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432204776754, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6f9ecc" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn leđa ldǝrace ole kañ ldaṯa, “Maje đǝɽan!", "morphemes": "Orn leđa ldǝ-rac-e ole kañ ld-aṯ-a, “Maje đǝɽan!", "gloss": "but people 3pl.om-pour.rt-pfv out voice very 3pl.om-say.rt-ipfv, \"man ?????!", "translation": "And the people shouted loudly and said, \"You fellow!", "tags": "check:đǝɽan", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P N Adj V N ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6fa5b1", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432204940757, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6fa5b1" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agabǝṯa ŋga, na agafo eŋen ŋanṯau?", "morphemes": "A-g-a-b-ǝṯ-a ŋga, na a-g-a-fo e-ŋen ŋan-ṯau?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv where, and 2sg-clg-rtc-past.aux loc-talk mean-how?", "translation": "Where are you going, and what are you doing?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6fb01b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432205136597, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d6fb01b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagaŋaṯurṯia bǝtanoŋ na agabǝṯa ŋga?”", "morphemes": "Ña-g-a-ŋa-ṯurṯ-ia bǝt-anoŋ na a-g-a-b-ǝṯ-a ŋga?”", "gloss": "1ex-clg-rtc-2sg.inf-wait.rt-ipfv early-morning and 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv where?", "translation": "We are waiting for you since morning, and where are you going to?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d7041cd", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432207433021, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d7041cd" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa, “Igakǝrđo kañ,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “I-g-a-kǝrđ-o kañ,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1, \"1sg-clg-rtc-hurry.rt-pfv very", "translation": "The Fox said to them, \"I am in a hurry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d706184", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432207595609, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d706184" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igonaṯa igǝbǝla taltal yeɽe enwana bapa gǝlëɽǝñi laṯa galǝŋo.”", "morphemes": "i-g-onaṯ-a i-g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a taltal y-eɽe e-nwan-a bapa g-ǝlëɽǝñi l-aṯ-a g-a-lǝŋ-o.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-dpc2-prog-go.rt-ipfv quickly 1sg-go.rt 1sg-see.rt-ipfv father clg-1sg.poss 3pl-say.rt-ipfv clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv.", "translation": "I want go quickly to see my father they said he gave birth.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adv V V N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d706ae5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432207688340, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d706ae5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen leđa lǝnno ṯa bapa galǝŋo,", "morphemes": "Ŋen leđa l-ǝ-nn-o ṯa bapa g-a-lǝŋ-o,", "gloss": "when people cll-dpc2-hear.rt-pfv comp1 father clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv,", "translation": "When people heard that his father gave birth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d7085da", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432207804980, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d7085da" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯalurmaṯu Ođǝloŋ kañ ṯalaṯa,", "morphemes": "ṯ-al-urma-ṯ-u Ođǝloŋ kañ ṯ-al-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-laugh.rt-appl-cons.ipfv fox very comp1b-cll.inf-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "They started to laugh loudly and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "They started to laugh loudly and said,", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70a5db", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432208030584, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70a5db" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Eṯalo galǝŋa ṯau! Leđa lalǝŋa lǝɽrrwa?”", "morphemes": "“Eṯ-alo g-a-lǝŋ-a ṯau! Leđa l-a-lǝŋ-a lǝɽrrwa?”", "gloss": "Father-2sg.poss clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-ipfv how! people cll-rtc-give.birth.rt-ipfv male?", "translation": "\"How can your father gives birth! Do male give birth?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "\"How can your father gives birth! Do male give birth?\"", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70c2de", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209186240, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70c2de" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa, “Orn ñaŋ ñagarraiđo ëli ñagëbǝđiṯau?", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Orn ñaŋ ña-g-a-rraiđ-o ëli ña-g-ëbǝđi-ṯau?", "gloss": "but fox comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1, But 2pl.pro 2pl-clg-rtc-gather.rt-pfv here 2pl-clg-do.rt-how.", "translation": "Then the Fox said to them, \"And you too, what have you gathered here for?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp Conj N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70db04", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209321384, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70db04" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagasëcu ŋǝnḏri ŋǝlǝŋo lomanǝŋ?”", "morphemes": "Ña-g-a-sëc-u ŋǝnḏri ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-o loma-nǝŋ?”", "gloss": "2pl-clg-rtc-see.rt-d.inf2 ox clŋ-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv day-indef?", "translation": "Have you seen one day an ox gave birth?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70f08a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209610397, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d70f08a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa ldirǝwiṯano kañ ldaṯa,", "morphemes": "Leđa ld-irǝwiṯi-ano kañ ld-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "people 3pl.om-go.down.rt-in very 3pl.om-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "And the people became ashamed and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d710638", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209720039, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d710638" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“D̶̶eṯǝm ŋen ŋafo ŋopia ŋ-Ođǝloŋ,", "morphemes": "“D̶̶eṯǝm ŋen ŋ-a-fo ŋopia ŋ-Ođǝloŋ,", "gloss": "true talk clŋ-rtc-past.aux well of-fox.", "translation": "\"It is true, what the fox said is right.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d712ae2", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209908029, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d712ae2" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gerṯa fǝŋǝnḏri iŋi ŋǝlǝŋo, orn fǝdia irri rǝ Ŋwëlia rǝlǝŋo.”", "morphemes": "g-erṯ-a fǝ-ŋǝnḏri iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-o, orn fǝ-dia irr-i rǝ Ŋwëlia r-ǝ-lǝŋ-o.”", "gloss": "clg-neg.aux-ipfv foc-ox sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv, but foc-cow sclr-this of hyena clr-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv.", "translation": "It is not the ox that gave birth, but it is the cow.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V Conj N Adj P N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d71469c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432209977204, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d71469c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ldëiṯi Oman ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ld-ëiṯ-i Oman ṯa,", "gloss": "and 3pl.om-say.to.rt-pfv lion comp1,", "translation": "And they said to Lion,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d715a26", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432210297973, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d715a26" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Fǝdia irri rǝ Ŋwëlia rǝlǝŋo na gerṯa fǝŋǝnḏri ŋǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "morphemes": "“Fǝ-dia irr-i rǝ Ŋwëlia r-ǝ-lǝŋ-o na g-erṯ-a fǝ-ŋǝnḏri ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "gloss": "foc-cow sclr-this of hyena clr-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pfv and clg-neg.aux-ipfv foc-ox clŋ-2sg.poss.", "translation": "\"It is the Hyena's cow that gave birth not your ox.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P N V Conj V P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91c05f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432544149930, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91c05f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman nǝŋǝciṯano kañ, oro nǝŋaṯa ŋen ŋëpi.", "morphemes": "Oman n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-i-ano kañ, oro n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a ŋen ŋëpi.", "gloss": "lion comp2-3sg.cons-be.bad.rt-cons.pfv-inside very, then comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv talk well.", "translation": "The Lion became very angry, but he said it is alright.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adv V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91c99c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432544272608, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91c99c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa ldǝbapaiđiano.", "morphemes": "Na leđa ld-ǝ-bapaiđ-i-ano.", "gloss": "and people 3pl.om-scatter.rt-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "Then the people left the place.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91d598", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432544401498, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91d598" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen errekano gǝɽo, Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen errekano g-ǝ-ɽ-o, Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "but when evening clg-dpc2-be.rt-pfv, lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "But when the evening came, the Lion said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91f8bc", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432549617971, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d91f8bc" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa alǝɽe aluđëđi dia.”", "morphemes": "“Đappa alǝ-ɽe al-uđëđ-i dia.”", "gloss": "\"friend 1in-go.rt 1in-milk.rt-inf1 cow.", "translation": "\"My friend let us milk the cow.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92115c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432549849152, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92115c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman nǝŋape lǝmbwëlua gënŋu, na Ŋwëlia nǝŋape one.", "morphemes": "Oman n-ǝŋ-ap-e lǝmbwëlua gënŋu, na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ap-e one.", "gloss": "lion comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv bowl 3sg.pro, and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-inf1 basket.", "translation": "The Lion took the bowl of gourd, and the Hyena took a basket.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d921a77", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432549906866, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d921a77" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "The Lion said to Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d923b9b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550015982, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d923b9b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ëɽu one pǝlelo aganŋa ŋenŋanṯa dia ralaɽǝŋa,", "morphemes": "“Ëɽu one pǝlelo aganŋa ŋenŋanṯa dia r-alaɽǝŋa,", "gloss": "put basket high 2sg.pro because cow clr-2sg.poss,", "translation": "\"Put the basket above because the cow is yours,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9258bd", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550154169, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9258bd" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igënǝñi yëɽi lǝmbwëlua pǝlalo ǝllëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "na i-g-ënǝñ-i yëɽi lǝmbwëlua pǝlalo ǝll-ëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "and 1sg-clg-put.rt-pfv gourd under scll-1sg.poss.", "translation": "and I put my bowl under.\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d927cb1", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550240844, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d927cb1" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa ŋen ŋëpi.", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a ŋen ŋëpi.", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv talk well.", "translation": "and the Hyena said it is alright.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d929806", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550495777, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d929806" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Oman guđëđa, na ŋan ṯaŋirǝwuṯu ilǝmbwëlu", "morphemes": "Ŋen Oman g-uđëđ-a, na ŋan ṯ-a-ŋirǝwu-ṯu i-lǝmbwëlu", "gloss": "when lion clg-milk.rt-ipfv, and milk comp1b-rtc-pour.rt-to loc-bowl,", "translation": "When the Lion was milking, the milk poured through the basket into the gourd bowl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92ab65", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550664644, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92ab65" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na opwaña ṯaŋǝṯëđǝnu egone.", "morphemes": "na opwaña ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯëđǝn-u eg-one.", "gloss": "and bubble comp1b-3sg.inf-left.rt-cons.ipfv in-basket.", "translation": "and only bubbles were left in the basket.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92ca16", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550790222, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92ca16" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen luđëđu đǝge, Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-uđëđ-u đǝge, Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "and when 3pl.om-milk.rt-pfv last, lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "and after they finished milking. The Lion said to Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V Adj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92dd34", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432550966805, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92dd34" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mbu taltal ŋaɽe ŋëṯi ñere ŋan ramram đǝbera đǝmulu đǝbara nano.”", "morphemes": "“Mbu taltal ŋ-a-ɽe ŋ-ëṯi ñere ŋan ramram đǝbera đǝmulu đǝbara nano.”", "gloss": "go.imp quickly clŋ-rtc-go.rt 2sg.inf-drink.rt children milk quickly wind still blow on.", "translation": "\"Go quickly to give the milk to the children before the wind blows it.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V V N N Adv N Adv V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92f0c4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432551276758, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d92f0c4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝtǝŋaṯe opwaña bipi,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋǝ-tǝŋaṯ-e opwaña bipi,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-lick.rt-cons.pfv bubble only.", "translation": "The Hyena only went and licked up the milk bubble", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d930228", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432551411986, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d930228" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋerṯe ŋǝbeṯa walla ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu com.", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e ŋ-ǝ-beṯ-a walla ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu com.", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc2-satisfy.rt-ipfv or children ñ-1sg.poss too.", "translation": "but was not satisfied neither were his children.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Conj N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d931dcb", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432551542334, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d931dcb" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Oman nǝŋǝṯi ŋan ñereña ñǝlëɽǝŋu ldǝbeṯe.", "morphemes": "Orn Oman n-ǝŋ-ǝṯ-i ŋan ñere-ña ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ld-ǝ-beṯ-e.", "gloss": "but lion comp2-3sg.cons-drank.rt-cons.pfv milk children-with ñ-1sg.poss 3pl.om-dpc2-satisfy.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "But the Lion drank the milk together with his children and all were satisfied.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N-P Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d933c77", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432551767200, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d933c77" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman gafo gëbǝđia ṯia jaca,", "morphemes": "Oman g-a-fo gëbǝđia ṯia jaca,", "gloss": "lion clg-rtc-past.aux doing in.this.way everyday,", "translation": "The Lion did this everyday,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d934da2", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432552960488, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d934da2" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋwëlia nǝŋerṯe ŋǝɽǝwađaṯia ŋǝmalwaɽǝṯia ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e ŋ-ǝ-ɽǝwađ-aṯ-ia ŋ-ǝ-malwaɽ-ǝṯ-ia ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ kwai kwai,", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-able.to.rt-loc.appl-ipfv comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-appl-ipfv talk clŋ-one never never", "translation": "but the Hyena couldn't tell him anything at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d936c18", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553043833, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d936c18" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋafo ŋëđǝñialo.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-a-fo ŋëđǝñia-alo.", "gloss": "because clŋ-rtc-past.aux afraid-down", "translation": "because he was afraid.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9385c5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553154816, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9385c5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn iliga lǝnǝŋ Ŋwëlia nǝŋasaṯe ara gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Orn i-liga l-ǝnǝŋ Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋa-s-aṯ-e ara g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "but loc-time cll-one hyena comp2-3sg.cons-eat.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv stomach clg-1sg.poss,", "translation": "But one day the Hyena decided in his heart,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d94f719", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553184630, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d94f719" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋëiṯi Oman ṯa,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Oman ṯa,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv lion comp1,", "translation": "and went and told the Lion that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9640b6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553463895, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9640b6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa điñiđi igapa nǝŋ lǝmbwëlua, na ŋa ŋanape one.”", "morphemes": "“Đappa điñiđi i-g-a-p-a nǝŋ lǝmbwëlua, na ŋa ŋa-nap-e one.”", "gloss": "\"friend now 1sg-clg-rtc-take.rt-ipfv ??? bowl, and 2sg.pro 2sg.om-take.rt-inf1 basket.", "translation": "\"My friend today I am taking the milk in bowl, and you take it in the basket.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96806d", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553664217, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96806d" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen luđëđu Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝṯi ŋan ñereña ñǝlëɽǝŋu ldǝbeṯe,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-uđëđ-u Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe n-ǝŋ-ǝṯ-i ŋan ñere-ña ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ld-ǝ-beṯe,", "gloss": "and when 3pl.om-milk.rt-pfv hyena comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp2-3sg.cons-drink.rt-cons.pfv milk children-with clñ-3sg.poss 3pl.om-dpc2-satisfied.", "translation": "And when they milked the Hyena drank the milk together with the children and were satisfied,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9698b3", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553831200, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9698b3" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn Oman nǝŋǝciṯano kañ ŋenŋanṯa Ŋwëlia ŋëṯu ŋan pređ,", "morphemes": "orn Oman n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯan-o kañ ŋenŋanṯa Ŋwëlia ŋ-ëṯ-u ŋan pređ,", "gloss": "but lion comp2-3sg.cons-be.angry.rt-pfv very because hyena clŋ-drink.rt-pfv milk all.", "translation": "but the Lion got very angry because the Hyena drank all the milk,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96ad6f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432553912959, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96ad6f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋonaṯo gǝɽǝña dia rǝ Ŋwëlia.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-onaṯ-o g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-a dia rǝ Ŋwëlia.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt-pfv clg-dpc2-kill.rt-ipfv cow of hyena.", "translation": "and he decided to kill the cow of Hyena.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96cd04", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554014560, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96cd04" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liga lǝnǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋafo ŋero nǝwarra", "morphemes": "Na liga l-ǝnǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-er-o nǝwarra", "gloss": "and time cll-one hyena clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-neg.aux-pfv cattle", "translation": "And one day the Hyena was not in the cattle camp", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96df20", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554125758, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96df20" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Oman nǝŋǝɽǝñe dia na nǝŋaŋgëci eđe alo pređ.", "morphemes": "na Oman n-ǝŋǝ-ɽǝñ-e dia na n-ǝŋ-aŋgëc-i eđe alo pređ.", "gloss": "and lion comp2-3sg.cons-kill.rt-cons.pfv cow and comp2-3sg.cons-remove.rt-cons.pfv meat place all.", "translation": "and the Lion killed the cow and hid all the meat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96e8fd", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554227728, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d96e8fd" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋeṯo nǝwarra errekano,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-eṯ-o nǝwarra errekano,", "gloss": "and when Hyena clŋ-come.rt-pfv cattle evening,", "translation": "And when the Hyena came back to the cattle camp in the evening,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d970d91", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554301370, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d970d91" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Oman nǝŋǝnwane ŋëtu ŋeṯo nwaldaŋ", "morphemes": "na Oman n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e ŋ-ëtu ŋ-eṯ-o nwaldaŋ", "gloss": "and lion comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-there clŋ-come.rt-pfv far", "translation": "and the Lion saw him coming from afar,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d971c2c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554425009, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d971c2c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝme ǝrlde rǝdia nǝŋǝluraṯi iđuđa", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-e ǝrlde rǝ-dia n-ǝŋǝ-l-uraṯ-i i-đuđa", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv horns of-cow comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-bury.rt-cons.pfv loc-ground", "translation": "he took the cow's horns and burried them in the ground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d973288", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554546361, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d973288" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝlëndëcu irri rǝɽo ŋǝɽwa,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-l-ëndëc-u irr-i r-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋǝɽwa,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-hold.rt-cons.pfv sclr-this clr-dpc2-be.rt-pfv heads,", "translation": "and held them in his hand from the edges,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d974dd5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554667230, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d974dd5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝrmaṯo ṯwañ, Oman nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝrmaṯ-o ṯwañ, Oman n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-reach.rt-pfv near lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "and when the Hyena approached, the Lion said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975383", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432554943778, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975383" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa, obǝđaŋ ram lǝbate larna dia pređ!”", "morphemes": "“Đappa, obǝđ-aŋ ram lǝbate larna dia pređ!”", "gloss": "Friend, run.rt-?? fast ground swallowing cow all!", "translation": "\"My friend, hurry up the ground is swallowing up the cow!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975904", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432555100939, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975904" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋobǝđe kañ, nǝŋǝɽe ldëndeiđi ǝrlde", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e kañ, n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ld-ëndeiđ-i ǝrlde", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv very, comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv 3pl.om-catch.rt-cons.pfv horns", "translation": "The Hyena ran fast and they both held the horns together", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975f00", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432555993933, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d975f00" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝbǝleđe dia ŋǝmaŋa pređ eŋen na ldiɽi ndǝm.", "morphemes": "ld-ǝ-bǝleđ-e dia ŋǝma-ŋa pređ eŋen na ld-iɽ-i ndǝm.", "gloss": "3pl.om-dpc2-pull.rt-cons.pfv cow power-with all 3pl.poss and 3pl.om-fall.rt-cons.pfv two.", "translation": "they pulled the cow with all their strength and both of them fell down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d977696", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556274455, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d977696" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Oman nǝŋaṯa, “Wana! Đappa lǝbate larnaṯǝnde dia pređ!”", "morphemes": "Na Oman n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a, “Wana! Đappa lǝbate larnaṯǝnde dia pređ!”", "gloss": "and lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv, \"Oh! friend ground swallowed cow all", "translation": "And the Lion said, \"Oh! My friend the ground has swallowed our cow.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d979846", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556364504, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d979846" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Oman nǝŋëiṯi đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "gloss": "but lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv friend clđ-3sg.poss comp1", "translation": "Then the Lion told his friend that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97b9b6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556515170, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97b9b6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋëcia kañ orn mo ǝrlde aganŋa arǝɽe arǝŋamǝđaṯe.”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋëcia kañ orn mo ǝrlde aganŋa arǝ-ɽe arǝ-ŋa-mǝđa-ṯ-e.”", "gloss": "“talk bad very but take.imp horns 2sg.pro clr.inf-go.rt clr.inf-2sg.om-help.rt-appl-inf1.", "translation": "\"It is too bad but you take the horns so that they can help you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97da18", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556589841, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97da18" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝrmaṯo egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝrmaṯ-o e-geɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-arrive.rt-pfv loc-house clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "And when the Hyena arrived home", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97f0c5", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556754720, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d97f0c5" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝđwaṯe ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa, añǝɽe añǝma sia elna l-Oman.", "morphemes": "nǝŋǝđwaṯe ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa, añǝɽe añǝma sia elna l-Oman.", "gloss": "he-sent children his for, go brought fire in-house of-lion.", "translation": "he sent his children to go and fetch some fire from the house of the Lion.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98038b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556861991, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98038b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ñere ñǝbǝɽo, Oman nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ñere ñǝbǝɽo, Oman nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "gloss": "and when children went, lion said-them that,", "translation": "And when the children went there, the Lion told them that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d981261", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432556981587, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d981261" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñerṯe ñagiđi ñanwanǝđe eđro,", "morphemes": "“Ñerṯe ñagiđi ñanwanǝđe eđro,", "gloss": "Don't you-will looked in-roof,", "translation": "\"You shouldn't lift up your eyes to the roof,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d982e4a", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432557155967, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d982e4a" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa kǝđaṯak gënau na giđi aŋǝndeṯe isi.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa kǝđaṯak gënau na giđi aŋǝndeṯe isi.”", "gloss": "because chili there and will went-to in-eyes.", "translation": "because there is chill it may affect your eyes.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9848e4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432557288189, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9848e4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋere ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝ Ŋwëlia ŋafo ŋaber ŋǝnna", "morphemes": "Orn ŋere ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝ Ŋwëlia ŋafo ŋaber ŋǝnna", "gloss": "but child one of hyena was not hearing", "translation": "But one of the Hyenas' children was stubborn", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d985cc3", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432557558938, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d985cc3" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝnwanǝđe siya yeđǝɽe nǝŋǝnwanaṯe eđe eđro,", "morphemes": "nǝŋǝ-nwanǝđe si-ya ye-đǝɽe nǝŋǝ-nwana-ṯe eđe e-đro,", "gloss": "and-she-looked eye-with be-side and-she-sow-at meat in-roof,", "translation": "she looked with her side eye and saw meat hung on the ceiling,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9867f6", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432557776397, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9867f6" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman gǝndǝdǝlo nǝŋǝlekelǝce.", "morphemes": "Oman gǝndǝdǝlo nǝŋǝlekelǝce.", "gloss": "lion cut-them and-them spread.", "translation": "that the Lion had sliced and hung to dry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d987ad4", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432557944053, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d987ad4" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ñere ñoɽǝbǝđo ñǝrmaṯo eṯen nano nǝñǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ñere ñ-oɽǝbǝđ-o ñ-ǝrmaṯ-o eṯen nano n-ǝñǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and when children returned reached father near comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "And when the children returned to their father, they told him that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d987e2f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432558046111, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d987e2f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Bapa Oman gaɽǝño wande!", "morphemes": "“Bapa Oman g-a-ɽǝñ-o wande!", "gloss": "\"father lion clg-rtc-kill.rt-pfv what!", "translation": "\"Father, what did the Lion slaughter?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d989980", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432558328625, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d989980" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ñagasađëcu eđe ywaña eđro elna lǝlëɽǝŋu.”", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ña-g-a-sađëc-u eđe ywaña e-đro e-lna lǝlëɽǝŋu.”", "gloss": "because 1in-clg-rtc-see.rt-loc meat many loc-roof loc-room 3sg.poss.", "translation": "Because we saw a lot of meat in his room.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98afa9", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432560319354, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98afa9" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmamëini ŋenǝsi nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ma-mëin-i ŋen-nǝ-si n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-3sg.cons-iter-bring.rt-cons.pfv talk-on-eye comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "Then Hyena thought and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98d730", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432561168225, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98d730" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igalǝŋeṯo ŋen đǝge ṯa, f-Oman gǝɽǝño dia rǝlëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "“I-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen đǝge ṯa, f-Oman g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-o dia r-ǝlëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk last comp1, foc-lion clg-dpc2-kill.rt-pfv cow clr-1sg.poss.", "translation": "I know the truth now, it is the Lion who killed my cow.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98e5e3", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432561386634, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d98e5e3" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋǝɽe ṯa aŋeɽǝđe Oman eŋen iŋi.", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe ṯa aŋe-ɽǝđ-e Oman e-ŋen iŋ-i.", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt comp1 clŋ.inf-ask.rt-inf1 lion loc-talk sclŋ-this", "translation": "And Hyena went to investigate the Lion concerning this case.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9906e7", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432561589610, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9906e7" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oman nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Orañ igiđu mǝnna,", "morphemes": "Oman n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ora-ñ i-g-iđ-u mǝnna,", "gloss": "lion comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1, \"brother-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-make.rt-pfv mistake.", "translation": "The Lion said to the Hyena, \"My brother I have done you wrong,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d991b2f", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432561858298, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d991b2f" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen ŋëpi wate yeɽe ema sia yela aludi eđe.”", "morphemes": "orn ŋen ŋëpi wate y-eɽe e-m-a sia y-ela al-ud-i eđe.”", "gloss": "but talk well wait.imp 1sg-go.rt 1sg-bring.rt-ipfv fire 1sg-come.rt 1in-burn.rt-inf1 meat.", "translation": "but it's okay, let me run and get some fire so that we can burn the meat.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9935ee", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432562590145, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d9935ee" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Oman nǝŋǝɽe oro nǝŋoɽǝbǝđe eđađ gǝṯǝldia,", "morphemes": "Na Oman n-ǝŋ-ǝɽe oro n-ǝŋ-oɽǝbǝđ-e e-đađ g-ǝṯǝld-ia,", "gloss": "and lion comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt then comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-cons.pfv loc-way clg-lame.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "The Lion went, but came back walking lame.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d994875", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432562664987, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d994875" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋela nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ela n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "and said to the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d996453", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432562978912, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d996453" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ đi đawađǝñe eđǝmanǝŋ nǝyerṯe igǝɽǝwađaṯia igǝbǝla,", "morphemes": "“Ora-ñ đi đ-a-wađǝ-ñe e-đǝmanǝŋ n-ǝy-erṯ-e i-g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia i-g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a,", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss thorn clđ-rtc-stab.rt-1sg.om loc-foot comp2-cly.inf-not.aux-cons.pfv 1sg-clg-dpc2-able.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-dpc2-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "\"My brother a thorn has stabbed my foot and I couldn't go,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d997dfa", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563142894, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d997dfa" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn mbu ŋa bǝɽan agwaña ŋǝñoŋ ŋaɽe ŋama sia yakǝl", "morphemes": "orn mbu ŋa bǝɽan a-g-waña ŋ-ǝñoŋ ŋ-a-ɽe ŋ-a-m-a sia yakǝl", "gloss": "but go.imp 2sg.om alone 2sg-clg-many clŋ-run.rt clŋ-rtc-go.rt clŋ-rtc-bring.rt-ipfv fire what", "translation": "but go you because you are faster and get that fire", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d998f22", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563276526, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d998f22" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝmaŋëci ëđǝñina isi yore aŋǝno yibënṯia.”", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-maŋ-ëc-i ëđǝñina is-i y-ore aŋǝno yi-b-ënṯ-ia.”", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-show.rt-appl-cons.pfv sun scly-which scly-red body cly-prog-enter.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "and he pointed him the sun which was going down.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99a3cc", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563404923, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99a3cc" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋwëlia nǝŋënci nda alo ṯaŋǝldǝño kañ", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ënc-i nda alo ṯ-aŋǝ-ldǝño kañ", "gloss": "In.this.way hyena comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv head down comp1b-3sg.inf-run.rt very", "translation": "So the Hyena went looking and running very fast", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99a87b", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563484647, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99a87b" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa ŋabǝla aŋǝma sia,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯa ŋ-a-b-ǝl-a aŋǝ-m-a sia,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clŋ-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv clŋ.inf-bring.rt-ipfv fire,", "translation": "aiming to go and bring the fire,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99bc7c", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563551840, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99bc7c" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ëđǝñina nǝyënṯi na ŋǝrm nǝŋëndi alo.", "morphemes": "orn ëđǝñina n-ǝy-ënṯ-i na ŋǝrm n-ǝŋ-ënd-i alo.", "gloss": "but sun comp2-cly.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv and dark comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv place.", "translation": "but the sun went down and it was dark,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99c0d8", "key": [ "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", 1432563670000, "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d99c0d8" ], "value": { "story": "62e7c811577d46e5efe096563d59a5bb", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝṯwe nǝŋerṯe ŋoɽǝbǝđo tǝŋ điñiđi mǝldin.", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ṯwe n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e ŋ-oɽǝbǝđ-o tǝŋ điñiđi mǝldin.", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-be.lost.rt comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clŋ-return.rt-pfv again now still.", "translation": "and the Hyena got lost and couldn't return till now.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": ".", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11e300", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444027746002, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11e300" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa na Ŋabəɽa e-Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Ëpwa na Ŋabəɽa e-Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "fighting and strength loc-moro.people", "translation": "The stick fighting and the strength of the Moro People", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11f658", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444027962213, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11f658" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yafo yaɽo ŋen iŋi ŋərmoṯo đəməṯia đəLəmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-a-fo y-a-ɽ-o ŋen iŋi ŋ-ə-r-moṯ-o đə-məṯ-ia đə-Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "fighting cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv talk clŋ-this clŋ-dpc-iter-live.rt-pfv clð.nom-live.rt-ipfv clð.poss-moro.people", "translation": "Stickfighting plays an essential part in the life of Moro people", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1217c3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444028100468, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1217c3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na fəŋu isi yegakasaiđo ŋen pređ", "morphemes": "na fə-ŋu is-I y-e-gakas-aiđ-o ŋen pređ", "gloss": "and foc-3sg.om scly-this cly-dpc-it-tie.rt-appl.ap-pfv talk all", "translation": "and it was the basis of all the different activities", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1238bc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444028399505, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1238bc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi Omarəŋ gəbəđia.", "morphemes": "iŋ-I Omarəŋ g-ə-b-əđ-ia.", "gloss": "sclŋ-this Moro clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv", "translation": "that the Moro take part in.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1249c5", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444028638946, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1249c5" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa lə Ləmwarəŋ lafo laləŋinu", "morphemes": "Na leđa lə-Ləmwarəŋ l-a-fo l-aləŋ-in-u", "gloss": "And people cll.poss-Moro.people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-know.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "The Moro people were well known", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca126a80", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444028789477, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca126a80" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alo nano təmtəm neyen yeleđa ləmunwa ɽetəɽeto,", "morphemes": "alo nano təmtəm n-eyen ye-leđa l-əmunwa ɽetəɽeto,", "gloss": "place at all on-hills cly.poss-people cll-black different,", "translation": "all over the territory of the Nuba tribes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P Adv P-N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca127600", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444029103826, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca127600" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa lënŋulu lëpəđia nëpwa na labəɽa ləfrala.", "morphemes": "ṯa lënŋulu l-ë-p-əđ-ia n-ëpwa na l-abəɽa ləfra-la.", "gloss": "that 3pl.pro cll-rtc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv on-fighting and cll-skilled stick-with.", "translation": "that they were fighting with the sticks and they were skillful with the sticks.", "tags": "right.node.raising?", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N Conj Adj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca128e64", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444029293021, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca128e64" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Omarəŋ gafo gonḏəṯo kañ na gafo gabəɽa na gađamalo,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-onḏəṯo kañ na g-a-fo g-abəɽa na g-ađamalo,", "gloss": "So Moro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-strong very and clg-rtc-past.aux clg-skilled and clg-courageous,", "translation": "So the Moro people were very mighty, courageous and brave,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv Conj V Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca129b4e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444029390714, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca129b4e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn gënŋu gafo gaber gəbwañaṯa liji ŋəma, walla ŋen nano.", "morphemes": "orn gënŋu g-a-fo g-a-ber g-ə-bwañ-aṯ-a liji ŋəma, walla ŋen nano.", "gloss": "but 3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-neg.aux clg-dpc-want.rt-loc.appl-ipfv people strength, or talk at", "translation": "but they were not quarrelsome and did not stir up people for fighting.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N N Conj N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12a897", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444029578416, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12a897" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu gafo gaməṯia iđëuṯaralo leđala pređ.", "morphemes": "Gënŋu g-a-fo g-a-məṯ-ia i-đ-ëuṯ-a-ara-alo leđa-la pređ.", "gloss": "3sg clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-live.rt-ipfv loc-clð.nom-throw.rt-ipfv-stomach-down people-with all.", "translation": "But they lived in peace with others.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P V V P-N-P N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12b78d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444029710757, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12b78d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gafo gopəṯa etam gəlëɽəŋu ikərəŋ", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-opəṯ-a etam g-əlëɽəŋu ikərəŋ", "gloss": "Moro clg-rtc-be.rt clg-defend.rt-ipfv neck clg-3sg.poss only", "translation": "The Moro person only defended himself from others", "tags": "reflexive", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12e7b7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444030037261, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca12e7b7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gafo gaber giđi aŋəđaŋəṯe liji nano ṯa aliđəlda đəbwañəđia,", "morphemes": "g-a-fo g-a-ber g-iđi aŋə-đaŋ-əṯ-e liji nano ṯa al-iđ-ə-l-da đəbwañəđia,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-be.rt clg-rtc-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-go.up.rt-appl-inf1 people at comp1 3pl.inf-do.rt-inf1-3pl.om-with war,", "translation": "he would not attack others or stir up war against them without cause,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V V N P Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca130b94", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444030281568, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca130b94" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu ganeđo ŋen ŋǝcia.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu g-a-neđ-o ŋen ŋ-ǝcia.", "gloss": "because 3sg.pro clg-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv talk clŋ-bad.", "translation": "because he hates wickedness.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca131f3d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444030518078, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca131f3d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndə leđa ləmən ləbwañaṯəma ŋəma", "morphemes": "Orn ndə leđa l-əmən l-ə-bwañ-aṯ-ə-ma ŋəma", "gloss": "but if people cll-some cll-dpc-want.rt-loc.appl-3sg.om strength", "translation": "But when others would stir him up,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca132e74", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444030896985, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca132e74" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ləniniṯəma ŋen nano,", "morphemes": "walla lə-nin-iṯ-ə-ma ŋen nano,", "gloss": "or 3pl-dpc-search.rt-appl-pfv-3sgom talk at", "translation": "or mistreat him,", "tags": "particle idiom:mistreat", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca134c12", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444030988074, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca134c12" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋətođe naŋiđi ŋen ŋoɽra ŋəməñəđialo,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-tođ-e n-aŋ-iđ-i ŋen ŋ-oɽra ŋə-məñ-əđ-i-alo,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ-big clŋ-go.out.rt-ap-cons.pfv-down", "translation": "he would react violently with immeasurable regardless", "tags": "Comparative", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj V-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1357cc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031141745, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1357cc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu ganeđo ŋađəna na gaber gonaṯa gəđərnənia nano.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu g-a-neđ-o ŋađəna na g-a-ber g-onaṯ-a g-ə-đərn-ən-ia nano.", "gloss": "because 3sg.pro clg-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv mockery and clg-rtc-not.aux clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-press.rt-pass-ipfv on", "translation": "because he rejects insults or refuses to be oppressed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj V V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1361cf", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031293980, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1361cf" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Omarəŋ gonaṯa gəməṯia iđëbərëinia alo.", "morphemes": "Omarəŋ g-onaṯ-a g-ə-məṯ-ia i-đ-ëbər-ëin-ia alo.", "gloss": "Moro clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-live.rt-ipfv loc-clð.nom-release.rt-appl.pass-ipfv down.", "translation": "He wants to live a life of freedom.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1362c2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031293980, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1362c2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yeṯo ŋga?", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-eṯ-o ŋga?", "gloss": "fighting cly-come.rt-pfv where?", "translation": "Where did stickfighting come from?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca139b2e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031521750, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca139b2e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen ŋero ŋələŋinia ŋopia gaɽe ëpwa", "morphemes": "Ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-ə-ləŋ-in-ia ŋopia gaɽe ëpwa", "gloss": "talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-dpc-know.rt-pass-ipfv well how fighting", "translation": "It is not known how stickfighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13b41f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031732777, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13b41f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yatođalo ṯau ananoŋ e-Ləmwarəŋ.", "morphemes": "y-a-tođ-o-alo ṯau ananoŋ e-Ləmwarə-ŋ.", "gloss": "cly-rtc-rise.rt-pfv-place how first in-Moro.people-acc.", "translation": "started in Moro community in the ancient time.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "V-P Adv Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13e9a6", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444031952441, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13e9a6" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na alo yero yiləŋinia yenəŋ isi", "morphemes": "Na alo y-ero y-i-ləŋ-in-ia y-enəŋ is-i", "gloss": "and place cly-not.aux cly-dpc-know.rt-pass-ipfv cly-one scly-this", "translation": "And no one knew the place where", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13cd74", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444032117936, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13cd74" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ëpwa yetođau alo walla yiməniau!", "morphemes": "ëpwa y-e-tođ-o-au alo walla y-i-m-ən-u-au!", "gloss": "fighting cly-dpc-rise.rt-pfv-how down or cly-dpc-take.rt-pass-pfv-how!", "translation": "the stickfighting started or taken from.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13cf6a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444032291744, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca13cf6a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen iŋi apaŋənda ləɽwata ildi loɽra", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen iŋi apa-ŋ-ənda l-ə-ɽwat-a ild-i l-oɽra", "gloss": "but talk which father-acc-assoc.pl cll-dpc-talk.rt-ipfv scll-this who cll-old", "translation": "But what is retold orally by the ancestors,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca142f0d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444032429070, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca142f0d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ləṯwëɽi ildi ləpənde ram, lënŋulu labaṯa ṯa", "morphemes": "na ləṯwëɽi ild-i lə-pənde ram, lënŋulu l-a-b-aṯa ṯa", "gloss": "and old.men scll-this cll.poss-past early, they cll-rtc-prog-say.rt comp1,", "translation": "and elderly people of the past, they say,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj Adv N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca145413", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444032838364, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca145413" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ilika pənde ram leđa lafo labwañəđia leđala əɽrto", "morphemes": "“I-lika pənde ram leđa l-a-fo l-a-bwañəđ-ia leđa-la lərto", "gloss": "\"E-time past early people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-war.rt-ipfv people-with cll-others", "translation": "\"In the early ancient times there was a fighting among the peoples against each others", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adv Adv N V V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1459f5", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444033041041, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1459f5" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Lëmu ildi leṯo alo yerto", "morphemes": "na Lëmu ild-i l-eṯ-o alo y-erto", "gloss": "and Arabs scll-this cll-came.rt-pfv place cly-other", "translation": "and with Arabs who came from other places", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca146e6e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444033373077, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca146e6e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldaṯa laləmaṯa alo esen na ŋələŋe eŋen.", "morphemes": "n-ǝl-aṯa l-a-lə-m-aṯ-a alo es-en na ŋələŋe eŋen.", "gloss": "cmp2-cll.inf-say.rt cll-rtc-3pl.om-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv place cly.3pl.poss and kingdom clŋ.3pl.poss", "translation": "and tried to take off their land and their kingdom", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca148968", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444033682624, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca148968" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa na rəmwaca lafo liđi ṯaliđu ŋabərnene", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa na rəmwaca l-a-fo l-iđi ṯ-al-iđ-u ŋabərnene", "gloss": "so young.men and adults cll-rtc-past.aux cll-fut.aux comp2b-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.ipfv sports", "translation": "So the young men and adult men were used to practice exercises", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14a332", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444033863356, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14a332" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalirnḏëiđu ŋəfraŋa na warəjacaga na nëɽina noɽra", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-irnḏ-ëiđ-u ŋəfra-ŋa na warəjaca-ga na nëɽi-na n-oɽra", "gloss": "and comp2b-cll.inf-train.rt-appl.ap-pfv sticks-with and spears-with and shields-with cln-big", "translation": "and training each other with sticks and wooden spears and big shields,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Conj N-P Conj N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14b55f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444035117722, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14b55f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalarrəŋëiđu ŋen ṯaləpəđu na ṯaləbəɽeđo nano", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-arrəŋëiđ-u ŋen ṯ-alə-p-əđ-u na ṯ-alə-bəɽeđ-o nano", "gloss": "and comp2b-3pl.inf-teach.rt-cons.ipfv talk comp2b-3pl.inf-fight.rt-ap-cons.ipfv and comp2b-3pl.inf-encourage.rt-cons.ipfv at", "translation": "and teaching themselves how to fight or defend themselves and to encourage each other,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V Conj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14c362", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444035209719, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14c362" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa laṯa ṯa ndə ađe yiđi yaffaṯəlo alo lomanəŋ", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-aṯa ṯa ndə ađe y-iđi y-aff-aṯ-ə-lo alo loman-nəŋ", "gloss": "because 3pl-say.rt comp1 if enemy cly-fut.aux cly-attack.rt-loc.appl-pfv-3pl.om down day-indef", "translation": "for they thought that whenever an enemy attacked them suddenly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp Comp N V V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14eefc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444035701115, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca14eefc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aləfiđəni ləṯuɽëinu na lələŋeṯo đəbwañəđia", "morphemes": "alə-fiđ-ən-i ləṯuɽëinu na lə-ləŋeṯ-o đəbwañəđia", "gloss": "cll.inf-find.rt-pass-cons.pfv 3pl.pro and cll.inf-know.rt-cons.ipfv war", "translation": "they should find them ready and prepared for war", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15233e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444036304526, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15233e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lələŋeṯo lopəṯa yoperre na ñərlda", "morphemes": "na lə-ləŋeṯ-o l-opəṯ-a yoperre na ñərlda", "gloss": "and cll.inf-know.rt-pfv cll-defend.rt-inf2 swords and spears", "translation": "and have skills to defend against the swords and spears", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca157aac", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444036576049, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca157aac" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəfra na laŋge pređ ləŋəɽañ.", "morphemes": "na ŋəfra na laŋge pređ lə-ŋəɽañ.", "gloss": "and sticks and things all cll.poss-death.", "translation": "and sticks and against all local weapons of war.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca159ea1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444036744964, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca159ea1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ŋen ŋakəl nəŋëndiđini e-Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ŋen ŋ-akəl n-əŋ-ënd-iđ-in-i e-Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "so talk clŋ-that comp2-clŋ.inf-catch.rt-ap-pass-cons.pfv loc-moro.people", "translation": "So all these exercises inherited all over the generations of Moro people.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15bb7b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444036920092, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15bb7b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋəborgwađaṯo nëñua na ṯaŋəṯuɽëinu", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋə-borgwađaṯ-o nëñua na ṯ-aŋə-ṯuɽëin-u", "gloss": "and comp1b-clŋ.inf-progress.rt-cons.ipfv mouth and comp1b-clŋ.inf-be.organized.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "and it was developed and organized,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15fc59", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444037056000, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca15fc59" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nëɽi ini nəfo noɽra nəbərano niđu niđəni nərra", "morphemes": "na nëɽi in-i n-ə-fo n-oɽra n-əbərano n-iđ-u n-iđ-ən-i n-ərra", "gloss": "and shields cln-this cln-dpc-past.aux cln-big cln-large cln-fut.aux cln-make.rt-pass-inf1 cln-small", "translation": "and the shields which are big and large were made small", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj Adj V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca162314", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444042217012, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca162314" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəfra nəŋiđənṯi ndwa ərrṯu nopəṯa ñoman.", "morphemes": "na ŋəfra n-əŋ-iđ-ən-ṯ-i ndwa ərrṯu n-opəṯ-a ñoman.", "gloss": "and sticks comp2-clŋ.inf-make.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv covers behind cln-defend.rt-ipfv fingers", "translation": "and the handle of the sticks were covered with leather to protect the fingers.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1633d9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444042410870, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1633d9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ëpwa nəyela eŋen iŋi niṯuɽëini", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ëpwa n-əy-ela e-ŋen iŋ-i n-i-ṯuɽëin-i", "gloss": "so fighting comp2-cly.inf-come.rt loc-talk cŋ-this comp2-cly.inf-be.organized.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "So this is where stickfighting came from and developed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comj N Comp-V P-N Adj Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca164a77", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444042591107, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca164a77" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ṯaləpəđu ŋenŋanṯa alaŋëiđi ŋəma na ŋabəɽa eŋen", "morphemes": "na leđa ṯ-alə-p-əđ-u ŋenŋanṯa al-aŋ-ëiđ-i ŋəma na ŋabəɽa eŋ-en", "gloss": "and people comp2b-cll.nf-fight.rt-ap-cons.ipfv because cll.inf-show.rt-appl.ap-inf1 power and strength sclŋ-3pl.poss", "translation": "and the men fight each other so as to show their power and capability", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Comp-V Conj V N Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16758b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444042854640, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16758b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ađe yiđi yënṯu ayerṯe yeloɽəwađaṯia təŋ,", "morphemes": "ndə ađe y-iđi y-ënṯ-u ay-erṯe ye-lo-ɽəwađaṯ-ia təŋ,", "gloss": "if enemies cly-fut.aux cly-enter.rt-prf cly.inf-do-neg.aux cly-3pl.om-able.rt-ipfv again,", "translation": "for if the enemies attack them, will not conquered them again", "tags": "lit: If the enemies would enter, they would not be able to (?)", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca166e72", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043065626, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca166e72" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa yënŋulu yalaldəñəlo Suḏan alənenda", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa y-ënŋulu y-a-laldəñ-ə-lo Suḏan alənenda", "gloss": "because cly-3pl.pro cly-rtc-chase.rt-prf-3pl.om Sudan northern", "translation": "for they had been chased by them from the northern Sudan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca169a9c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043147473, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca169a9c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldaffe Suḏan alo ilikano na eyen nelopəṯe isi yefo điñiđi.", "morphemes": "n-ǝl-aff-e Suḏan alo i-likano na eyen n-e-l-opəṯ-e is-i y-e-f-o điñiđi.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-fly?.rt-cons.pfv Sudan place loc-middle and hills comp2-cly.inf-3pl.om-defend.rt-cons.pfv scly-this cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv now.", "translation": "and ran to the middle of the Sudan to the mountains where they settled in secure place up to now.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P P-N Conj N V Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16ae1b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043267942, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16ae1b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ilika lakəl leđa ləɽrrwa pređ lafo lëbəđiđia", "morphemes": "Na i-lika l-akəl leđa l-ə-ɽ-o ɽrrwa pređ l-a-fo l-ë-b-əđiđ-ia", "gloss": "and in-time cll-that people cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv male all cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-exercise.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And from that time all male people were training themselves", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj N V N Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16c1c9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043524317, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16c1c9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alələŋeṯe rəŋra na alələŋeṯe lopəṯa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa alə-ləŋeṯ-e rəŋ-ra na alə-ləŋeṯ-e l-opəṯ-a", "gloss": "because cll.inf-know.rt-inf1 hands-with and cll.inf-know.rt-inf1 cll-defend.rt-ipfv", "translation": "in order to master their skills of fighting and defending", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16df44", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043646235, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16df44" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñərlda iñi ñakëbərinia nwaldaŋ", "morphemes": "ñərlda iñ-i ñ-ak-ëbər-in-ia nwaldaŋ", "gloss": "spears clɲ-this clɲ-iter-throw.rt-pass-ipfv far", "translation": "against the spears that were thrown from distances", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16f94b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043793676, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca16f94b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəfra walla yoperre ndə laffəđo nano ṯwañ", "morphemes": "na ŋəfra walla yoperre ndə l-aff-əđ-o nano ṯwañ", "gloss": "and sticks or sworrds if cll-attack.rt-ap-pfv on near", "translation": "and the stick or swords for hand-to-hand combat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Comp V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1703cf", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444043935445, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1703cf" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yemajən", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i ye-majən", "gloss": "fighting scly-this cly.poss-recent", "translation": "Modern stickfighting", "tags": "check:recently", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1721e5", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444044258661, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1721e5" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yemajən yaṯuɽëinu neɽeṯe yarno ŋabərnene,", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i ye-majən y-a-ṯuɽëin-u n-e-ɽ-eṯ-e y-arno ŋabərnene,", "gloss": "fighting scly-this cly.poss-recent cly-rtc-organized.rt-pfv comp2-cly.inf-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv cly-like sports", "translation": "Modern stickfighting was developed and organised into sports matches,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca173e67", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444044367741, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca173e67" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝyinëini ŋen ŋoɽra đurri ŋenŋanṯa yënṯu eđəməṯia đ-Omarəŋ,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝyi-nëi-n-i ŋen ŋ-oɽra đurri ŋenŋanṯa y-ënṯ-u e-đəməṯia đ-Omarəŋ,", "gloss": "but comp2-cly.inf-give.rt-pass-cons.pfv talk clŋ-big indeed because cly-enter.rt-pfv loc- clð.nom-live.rt-ipfv clð-Moro", "translation": "but it was given great importance because it played a prominent role in the lives of Moro people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv Conj V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1759a9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444044521029, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1759a9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Omarəŋ gafo gaməṯia ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa.", "morphemes": "na Omarəŋ g-a-fo g-a-məṯ-ia ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa.", "gloss": "and moro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-live.rt-ipfv because fighting,", "translation": "And the Moro men were been brought up for the stickfighting.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca177a20", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444044708365, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca177a20" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yafo yabaŋëiđia ŋabəɽa iŋi ŋəlëđəmwa na ŋëđəmwa eŋen.", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-a-fo y-a-b-aŋëi-đ-ia ŋabəɽa iŋ-i ŋ-ə-lëđəmwa na ŋëđəmwa eŋ-en.", "gloss": "fighting cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-prog-show.rt-ap-ipfv strength sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-young.men and capabilities sclŋ-3pl.poss", "translation": "Stickfighting was used to show the power and ability of the young men.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1789a0", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444044934150, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1789a0" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ëpwa nəyiđəni yilëđəmwa ikərəŋ na gerṯa yaleđa pređ.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ëpwa n-əy-iđ-ən-i yi-lëđəmwa ikərəŋ na g-erṯa ya-leđa pređ.", "gloss": "so fighting comp2-cly-inf-make.rt-pass-cons.pfv cly-for?-young.men only and clg-not.aux cly.poss-people all", "translation": "So the stickfighting was specialized for young men only and not for all people.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj Adv Conj V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17a724", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444045099927, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17a724" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yëmcu ɽetǝɽeto:", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i y-ëmcu ɽetǝɽeto:", "gloss": "fighting scly-this cly-clans different", "translation": "The stickfighting of different clans", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17b997", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444045270468, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17b997" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1. 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The stickfighting of the Ulba clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17dff9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444045953592, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17dff9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "3. Ëpwa ye Nḏərria", "morphemes": "3 Ëpwa ye-Nḏərria", "gloss": "3 fighting cly.poss-Nderre", "translation": "3. The stickfighting of the Nderre clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17ef82", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444046153057, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17ef82" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "4- Ëpwa yi Nubwa", "morphemes": "4 Ëpwa yi-Nubwa", "gloss": "4 fighting cly.poss-nufwa", "translation": "4. The stickfighting of the Nufwa clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17fbe4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444046375856, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca17fbe4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "5- Ëpwa ye Layene", "morphemes": "5 Ëpwa ye-Layene", "gloss": "5 fighting cly.poss-Layene clan", "translation": "5. The stickfighting of the Layene clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca180a03", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444047123841, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca180a03" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "6- Ëpwa yi Wërria", "morphemes": "6 Ëpwa yi-Wërria", "gloss": "6 fighting cly.poss-Werria", "translation": "6. The stickfighting of Werria clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1821a6", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444047364191, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1821a6" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "7- Ëpwa ye Ləŋorbana", "morphemes": "7 Ëpwa ye-Ləŋorbana", "gloss": "7 fighting cly.poss-Lengorban", "translation": "7. The stickfighting of Lengorban clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca184636", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444047551159, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca184636" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1- Ëpwa ye Ləṯokəfəlda", "morphemes": "1 Ëpwa ye-Ləṯokəfəlda", "gloss": "1 fighting cly.poss-letogvella", "translation": "1. The Stickfighting of Letogvella clan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca185e35", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444047721576, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca185e35" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯokəfəlda lafo lëpəđia alo yiɽijin", "morphemes": "Ləṯokəfəlda l-a-fo l-ë-p-əđ-ia alo y-iɽijin", "gloss": "Letogvella cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv places cly-three", "translation": "The stickfighting of the Letogvella were between three areas", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca18744a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444047981357, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca18744a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1) Liji ildi lə Nəŋoro", "morphemes": "1) Liji ild-i lə-Nəŋoro", "gloss": "1) people scll-this cll.poss-Nengoro", "translation": "a) The people of the Nengoro area", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca187f78", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444048209353, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca187f78" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "b) Liji ildi lə Nəŋədelo", "morphemes": "b) Liji ild-i lə-Nəŋədelo", "gloss": "b) people scll-this cll.poss-Nengdelo", "translation": "b) The people of the Nengdelo area", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca195612", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444048394622, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca195612" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "c) Liji ildi l-Eləboŋ", "morphemes": "c) Liji ild-i l-Eləboŋ", "gloss": "c) people scll-this cll.poss-Elbong", "translation": "c) The people of the Elbong area", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1a4eec", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444048562710, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1a4eec" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nḏurṯu alo ŋen leđa likirəwuṯu erəñwa,", "morphemes": "orn nḏurṯu alo ŋen leđa l-ik-irəw-uṯ-u e-rəñwa,", "gloss": "but last times when people cll-iter-descend.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-fields.", "translation": "But in the last times when people moved down to the plains and open areas,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ad363", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444048894442, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ad363" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Liji ildi lə Nəŋoro, na liji ildi l-Eləboŋ,", "morphemes": "Liji ild-i lə-Nəŋoro, na liji ild-i l-Eləboŋ,", "gloss": "people scll-this cll.poss-Nengor, and people scll-this cll.poss-Elbong", "translation": "The people of Nengor and Elbong", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ae9f1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444049207920, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ae9f1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝrraiđe ldǝɽo na ṯalërnu liji lalǝŋgwa", "morphemes": "l-dǝ-rraiđ-e l-dǝɽo na ṯ-al-ërn-u liji l-alǝŋgwa", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-join.rt-cons.pfv cll-together and comp1b-cll.inf-called.rt-cons.ipfv people cll-west", "translation": "joined together and were called the people of west", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b033c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444049453459, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b033c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji ildi lǝ Nǝŋǝdelo ṯalërnu liji lelia", "morphemes": "Na liji ild-i lə-Nǝŋǝdelo ṯ-al-ërn-u liji l-elia", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll.poss-Nengdelo comp1b-cll.inf-called.rt-cons.ipfv people cll-east", "translation": "and the people of Nengdelo were called the people of the east.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b1430", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444049802733, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b1430" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji ildi lelia ṯalǝbwañǝđo lijila ildi lalǝŋgwa", "morphemes": "Na liji ild-i l-elia ṯ-alǝ-bwañǝđ-o liji-la ildi l-alǝŋgwa", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll-east comp1b-cll.inf-war.rt-cons.ipfv people-with scll-this cll-west", "translation": "And the people of the east were fighting against the people of west,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b2aa7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444049864487, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b2aa7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alo yeɽǝjan Ilbiri na Ayen Iđǝrṯu", "morphemes": "alo y-eɽǝjan Ilbiri na Ayen I-đǝrṯu", "gloss": "places cly-two Ilbiri and Hill on-under", "translation": "two areas Ilbiri and Ayen Ithrtu (the foot of the hill)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b45fe", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444049968201, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1b45fe" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yaɽatođa ṯau?", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-a-ɽatođ-a ṯau?", "gloss": "fighting cly-rtc-start.rt-ipfv how?", "translation": "How stickfighting takes place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d1d2e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444050514197, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d1d2e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yaɽatođa rađra irri", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-a-ɽatođ-a rađ-ra irri", "gloss": "fighting rises ways-with sclr-this", "translation": "Stickfighting takes place in the following way", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d2ff8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444050786267, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d2ff8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1. Đëɽia ləmənḏin eŋowa", "morphemes": "1. Đ-ëɽ-ia ləmənḏin e-ŋowa", "gloss": "1. clð-put.rt-ipfv flag loc-young.woman", "translation": "1- Hanging the flag on the betrothed girl’s house.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d39af", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051092924, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d39af" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "2. Đənaca ëđəmwa đar", "morphemes": "2. Đə-nac-a ëđəmwa đar", "gloss": "2. clð.nom-give.rt-ipfv young.man rope", "translation": "2. Giving the young man the rope", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d8650", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051269643, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1d8650" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "3. Đëndia ŋowa", "morphemes": "3. Đ-ënd-ia ŋowa", "gloss": "3. clð-catch.rt-ipfv youngwoman", "translation": "3. Seizing the betrothed young woman", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1da45c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051441497, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1da45c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1. Ëpwa yiđëɽia ləmənḏin eŋowa", "morphemes": "1. Ëpwa yi-đ-ëɽia ləmənḏin e-ŋowa", "gloss": "1. fighting cly.poss-clð.nom-put-ipfv flag loc-youngwoman", "translation": "1. Stickfighting by hanging the flag", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dae3f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051510812, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dae3f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëđəmwa gafo giđi naŋəđwaṯe lëmmia ləmənḏinla,", "morphemes": "Ëđəmwa g-a-fo g-iđi n-aŋə-đwaṯ-e lëmmia ləmənḏin-la,", "gloss": "young.man clg-rtc-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-send.rt-inf1 boys flag-cll.with", "translation": "The young man the fighter use to send cattle boys with the flag,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dc41a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051683787, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dc41a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëđəmwa gafo giđi naŋəđwaṯe lëmmia ləmənḏinla,", "morphemes": "Ëđəmwa g-a-fo g-iđi n-aŋə-đwaṯ-e lëmmia ləmənḏin-la,", "gloss": "young.man clg-rtc-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-send.rt-inf1 boys flag-cll.with", "translation": "The young man the fighter use to send cattle boys with the flag,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ddc30", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051810886, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ddc30" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëmmia naləɽe naluraṯi ləmənḏini naŋəna egeɽa gəŋowa,", "morphemes": "Na lëmmia n-alə-ɽ-e n-al-uraṯ-i ləmənḏini n-aŋəna eg-eɽa g-ə-ŋowa,", "gloss": "and boys comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-inf1 comp2-cll.inf-insert.rt-inf1 flag on-room loc-house cl.poss-young.woman,", "translation": "And the boys go and hang the flag above the house of the betrothed girl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dd54e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444051949405, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1dd54e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi ëđəmwa gəmo igi gonaṯa ləpəđialdəga.", "morphemes": "iŋ-i ëđəmwa g-ə-m-o ig-i g-onaṯ-a l-ə-p-əđ-i-a-ldə-ga.", "gloss": "clŋ-this young.man clg-dpc-marry.rt-pfv sclg-this clg-want.rt-ipfv cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-cons.pfv-3pl.om-with", "translation": "that the young man who wants to fight wants to marry.", "tags": "stacked.relatives extraposition .", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N V Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e05ca", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444052087141, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e05ca" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñowa nañekeɽəđe ŋopia nañələŋeṯe ləmənḏin lasëgi ildi?", "morphemes": "Na ñowa n-añ-ek-eɽəđ-e ŋopia n-añə-ləŋeṯ-e ləmənḏin l-asëgi ild-i?", "gloss": "and young.women comp2-clɲ.inf-iter-ask.rt-cons.pfv well comp2-clɲ.inf-know.rt-cons.pfv flag cll-whose scll-this", "translation": "And the young women try to find out who exactly the flag belongs to.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e1f5e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444052284017, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e1f5e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñowa pređ iñi ñəfo irnuŋ gakəl nañəṯuɽëini taltal", "morphemes": "Na ñowa pređ iñ-i ñ-ə-f-o irnuŋ g-akəl n-añə-ṯuɽ-ëin-i taltal", "gloss": "and young.women all sclɲ-this clɲ-dpc-be.loc-pfv village clg-that comp2-clɲ.inf-prepare.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv quickly,", "translation": "And all the young women in the village quickly prepare", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e4326", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444052999544, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e4326" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa añirəwuṯi nəwarra gëđəmwa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa añ-irəw-uṯ-i nə-warra g-ëđəmwa", "gloss": "because clɲ.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-cattle.camp clg-young.man", "translation": "in order to go to the young man's cattle camp", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e618d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444053509314, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e618d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "añəɽe añənaiđe ole ganṯa ləmənḏin lëɽənu.", "morphemes": "añə-ɽ-e añə-nai-đ-e ole g-anṯ-a ləmənḏin l-ëɽ-ən-u.", "gloss": "clɲ.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv clɲ.inf-give.rt-ap-cons.pfv talk clg-mean.rt-ipfv flag cll-put.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "to announce that the flag has been raised.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e7a07", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444053622081, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e7a07" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ñowa ñərmaṯo warra nano ṯwañ,", "morphemes": "Ndə ñowa ñ-ə-rmaṯ-o warra nano ṯwañ,", "gloss": "if young.women clɲ-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv camp at near,", "translation": "And as the young women get close to the camp,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e956a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444053867461, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1e956a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nañëndəđi eŋələŋa ŋibwapiđ ŋəbëndəjëcia", "morphemes": "n-añ-ënd-əđ-i e-ŋələŋa ŋ-ibwa-piđ ŋ-ə-b-ëndəjëc-ia", "gloss": "comp2-clɲ.inf-catch.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-song clŋ-hot-very clŋ-dpc-prog-continue.rt-ipfv", "translation": "they begin to enthusiastically sing a song without stopping", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1eb8a8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444053979178, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1eb8a8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəkia ëđəmwa igi gerṯo ləmənḏin", "morphemes": "na ŋəkia ëđəmwa ig-i g-erṯ-o ləmənḏin", "gloss": "and against young.man sclg-this clg-have.rt-pfv flag", "translation": "against the young man who has the flag", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ed04c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054086991, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ed04c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəsa ëđəmwa egare igi gəmo ŋowa!", "morphemes": "na ŋ-ə-s-a ëđəmwa eg-are ig-i g-ə-m-o ŋowa!", "gloss": "and clŋ-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv young.man loc-heart sclg-this clg-dpc-take.rt-pfv young.woman", "translation": "And the song consumes the heart of the young man who has betrothed the girl!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ef9ae", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054162659, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1ef9ae" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə ëđəmwa gənno ŋələŋa iŋi", "morphemes": "Na ndə ëđəmwa g-ə-nn-o ŋələŋa iŋ-i", "gloss": "and if young.man clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv song sclg-this", "translation": "When the young man hears this song,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f0e5d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054414543, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f0e5d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝwađe eŋələŋa ŋəlëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-wađ-e e-ŋələŋa ŋ-əlëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-stab.rt-cons.pfv loc-song clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "he begins to sing by himself,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f1a85", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054414543, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f1a85" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋeɽəđe ṯa ŋen ŋanṯau?", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋ-eɽəđ-e ṯa ŋen ŋ-anṯ-a-au?", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-ask.rt-cons.pfv comp1 talk clŋ-mean.rt-ipfv-how?", "translation": "and after that he asks what’s happening", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f3f61", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054612493, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f3f61" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋowa ŋənəŋ naŋoɽəbace ole naŋaṯa ləmənḏin lëɽənu!", "morphemes": "Ŋowa ŋ-ənəŋ n-aŋ-oɽəbac-e ole n-aŋ-aṯa ləmənḏin l-ëɽ-ən-u!", "gloss": "young.woman clŋ-indef comp2-clŋ.inf-answer.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clŋ.inf-say.rt flag cll-put.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "One of the girls replies to him and says that the flag has been raised.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f5433", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054709331, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f5433" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia ləlëđəmwa lanṯia \"leṯo lduraṯi ləmənḏin!\"", "morphemes": "Lëmmia lə-lëđəmwa l-anṯ-ia l-eṯ-o n-ǝl-ur-aṯ-i ləmənḏin!", "gloss": "boys cll.poss-young.men cll-call.rt cll-come.rt-pfv comp2-cll.inf-they-dig.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv flag", "translation": "The cattle boys belonging to the young men call “They came to hang the flag!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f58ef", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054820720, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f58ef" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa ildi ləfo ilika lakəl pređ naləɽrraiđe ldəɽo", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa ild-i l-ə-fo i-lika l-akəl pređ n-alə-rraiđ-e l-dəɽo", "gloss": "so young.men scl-this cll-dpc-past.aux loc-time cll-that all comp2-cll.inf-gather.rt-cons.pfv cll-together", "translation": "So all the young men of that area gather together", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f68f7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444054951400, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f68f7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalələŋeṯe ŋen iŋi ŋunëinia.", "morphemes": "n-alə-ləŋeṯ-e ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-unëi-n-ia.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-know.rt-cons.pfv talk sclŋ-this clŋ-need.rt-pass-ipfv.", "translation": "to figure out what is needed.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f7939", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444055065010, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca1f7939" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nalaɽëci ñowa eđađ nañəɽe ŋələŋaŋa.", "morphemes": "Na n-al-aɽëc-i ñowa e-đađ n-añə-ɽ-e ŋələŋa-ŋa.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-farewell.rt-pfv young.women loc-way comp2-clɲ-go.rt-cons.pfv songs-with", "translation": "And they send the young women off, back to their village with songs of stickfighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca702c7c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444115462761, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca702c7c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen iŋi ŋələmənḏin naŋaŋëcini lëđəmwa pređ nəwarra,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ləmənḏin n-aŋa-ŋëc-in-i lëđəmwa pređ nə-warra,", "gloss": "and talk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-flag comp2-clŋ.inf-inform.rt-pass-cons.pfv young.men all on-camp", "translation": "And the news of the flag is announced to all young men in the cattle camp", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca704f74", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444115592058, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca704f74" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəɽəldia naŋəmaṯe nwarra,", "morphemes": "na ŋəɽəldia n-aŋə-m-aṯ-e n-warra,", "gloss": "and news comp2-clŋ.inf-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-camps,", "translation": "and then loud noise can be heard everywhere in the camps", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70614a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444115779437, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70614a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəbamba nëpənia na ŋəmakəŋ ŋabërinia na ərlde rabërinia", "morphemes": "nəbamba n-ë-p-ən-ia na ŋəmakəŋ ŋ-a-b-ër-in-ia na ərlde r-a-b-ër-in-ia", "gloss": "drums cln-rtc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv and gourd.horns clŋ-rtc-prog-blow.rt-pass-ipfv and trumpets clr-rtc-prog-blow.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "of the drums being beaten and horns whistling and blowing the trumpets", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca706f2e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444115997358, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca706f2e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđəmwa labaləŋa ŋələŋa ŋǝnëpwa.", "morphemes": "na lëđəmwa l-a-b-aləŋ-a ŋələŋa ŋǝ-nëpwa.", "gloss": "and young.men cll-rtc-prog-sing.rt-ipfv songs clŋ-dpc-fighting", "translation": "and the young men sing fighting songs.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca708259", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444116390334, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca708259" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lëđəmwa naɽrraiđe ldəɽo taltal", "morphemes": "Orn lëđəmwa n-alǝ-rraiđ-e ldəɽo taltal", "gloss": "then young.men comp2-cll.inf-gather.rt-cons.pfv together quickly", "translation": "After that all the young men call for a meeting quickly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70a049", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444116593250, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70a049" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalëndi loman ildi ləbəla alirəwia ləmənḏin", "morphemes": "n-al-ënd-i loman ild-i l-ə-b-əl-a al-irəw-ia ləmənḏin", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv day scll-this cll-dpc-prog-come.rt-ipfv cll-descend.rt-caus-ipfv flag", "translation": "and they decide on a day when they will come take down the flag", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70aa2d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444116787248, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70aa2d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iguɽi na alëndəni lika lëpwa.", "morphemes": "ig-uɽi na al-ënd-ən-i lika l-ëpwa.", "gloss": "loc-tree and cll.inf-catch.rt-pass-cons.pfv time cll-fighting", "translation": "from the tree and to establish the time for the fight", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70cc6d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444116931995, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70cc6d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eloman ildi ləđirəwia ləmənḏin", "morphemes": "E-loman ild-i lə-đ-irəw-ia ləmənḏin", "gloss": "loc-day scll-this cll.poss-clð.nom-descend.rt-caus-ipfv flag", "translation": "On the day that the flag is taken down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70f2ba", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444117235521, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca70f2ba" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa liđi nalarrəpe sia yeɽo ŋəbəɽe", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa l-iđi n-al-arr-əp-e sia y-eɽ-o ŋəbəɽe", "gloss": "young.men cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-iter-carry.rt-cons.pfv fire cly-be.rt-pfv metal", "translation": "the young men carry machine guns", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7108b0", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444117408894, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7108b0" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yarno salal, kurḏum, abjigir na ŋgəṯera", "morphemes": "y-arno salal, kurḏum, abjigir na ŋgəṯera", "gloss": "cly-like shalal, gordon, abujigir, and abutera", "translation": "like shalal, gordon, abujigir, and abutera", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca711e4e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444117491310, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca711e4e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nalornḏəjace albaruđ emormorṯo icëŋgəliđ enoya", "morphemes": "na n-al-ornḏəj-ac-e albaruđ e-mormorṯo i-cëŋgəliđ e-noya", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-fill.rt-loc.app-cons.pfv gun.powder loc-bullets loc-belts loc-waist", "translation": "and they fill the bullets around the belts on their waists with gunpowder", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca717b73", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444117726412, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca717b73" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləɽe ŋələŋaŋa ŋenŋanṯa aləɽe aluɽi ləmənḏin đuɽia siaya.", "morphemes": "na n-alə-ɽ-e ŋələŋa-ŋa ŋenŋanṯa alə-ɽ-e al-uɽ-i ləmənḏin đ-uɽ-ia sia-ya.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv songs-with in.order.to cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv cll.inf-burn.rt-cons.pfv flag clð.nom-burn.rt-ipfv guns-cly.with", "translation": "and they go with song with the purpose of geting rid of the flag by burning it with gunfire", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca71d5de", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444118148302, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca71d5de" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa nalaffəđe eđəfra ṯaləfəndayo ləmənḏin siaya", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa n-al-aff-əđ-e e-đəfra ṯ-alə-fənday-o ləmənḏin sia-ya", "gloss": "so young.men comp2-cll.inf-march.rt-cons.pfv in-line cons2b-cll.inf-shoot.rt-cons.ipfv flag guns-cly.with", "translation": "So the young men march in one line around the tree and begin to shoot the flag with their guns,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca71edf3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444118611973, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca71edf3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñowa nañëndəđi eŋələŋa ŋəbëndəjëcia.", "morphemes": "na ñowa n-añ-ënd-əđ-i e-ŋələŋa ŋ-ə-b-ëndəjëc-ia.", "gloss": "and young comp2-clɲ.inf-catch.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-songs clŋ-dpc-prog-continue.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and the young women continue singing songs.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca721c26", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444118808253, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca721c26" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lëđəmwa luɽu ləmənḏin twaŋ,", "morphemes": "Ndə lëđəmwa l-uɽ-u ləmənḏin twaŋ,", "gloss": "when young.men cll-burn.rt-pfv flag already,", "translation": "When the young men have finished burning the flag,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca725611", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444120169071, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca725611" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gənəŋ naŋaboṯwe iguɽi naŋirəwia ləmənḏin", "morphemes": "eđa g-ənəŋ n-aŋ-aboṯw-e ig-uɽi n-aŋ-irəw-i-a ləmənḏin", "gloss": "man clg-indef comp2-3sg.inf-climb.rt-cons.pfv loc-tree comp2-3sg.inf-descend.rt-caus-ipfv flag", "translation": "someone then climbs up the tree and takes down the flag", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca726908", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444120384448, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca726908" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi ləṯaṯënu leteta naloɽəbaṯe nəwarra,", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ə-ṯa-ṯ-ën-u l-eteta n-al-oɽəb-aṯ-e nəwarra,", "gloss": "scll-this cll-dpc-remain.rt-pass-pfv cll-little comp2-cll.inf-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv cattle.camps,", "translation": "that is left and they go back to the cattle camps,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7278e8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444120548258, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7278e8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eṯeɽe naliđi naləđwaṯe lëmmia ŋəɽwataŋa", "morphemes": "na eṯeɽe n-al-iđ-i n-alə-đwaṯ-e lëmmia ŋəɽwata-ŋa", "gloss": "and tomorrow comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-send.rt-cons.pfv boys speech-clŋ.with", "translation": "and the next morning they send boys with a message", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72b890", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444120738685, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72b890" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa ëpwa yiđi ayəfeṯe ilika lënṯia xxx na elwaṯa lënṯia xxx!", "morphemes": "ṯa ëpwa y-iđi ayə-f-eṯ-e i-lika l-ënṯ-ia xxx na e-lwaṯa l-ënṯ-ia xxx!", "gloss": "comp1 fighting cly-fut.aux cly.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-inf1 loc-day cll-called.rt-ipfv xxx and loc-playground cll-called.rt-ipfv xxx!", "translation": "that the fighting will take place on such and such a day and on the playground called so and so!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72d29e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444120971252, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72d29e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia nalǝɽe nalənaiđia ŋəɽwata, nəṯia ëpwa nayefeṯe.", "morphemes": "Lëmmia n-alǝ-ɽ-e n-alə-nai-đ-ia ŋəɽwata, nəṯia ëpwa n-aye-f-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "boys comp2-3pl.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv and-cll.inf-give.rt-ap-inf2 speech, so fighting comp2-cly.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "The boys go and deliver the words, so then the fighting takes place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72e6fa", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121232533, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72e6fa" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "2. Ëpwa yeđənaca ëđəmwa đar", "morphemes": "2. Ëpwa ye-đ-ənac-a ëđəmwa đar", "gloss": "2. Fighting cly.poss-clð.nom-give.rt-ipfv young.man rope", "translation": "Fighting by giving someone rope", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72f138", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121289565, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca72f138" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igëpwa isi yeđar,", "morphemes": "Ig-ëpwa is-i ye-đar,", "gloss": "loc-fighting scly-this cly.poss-rope,", "translation": "In rope stickfighting,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7310d9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121527683, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7310d9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ëđəmwa giđi naŋəđwaṯe lëmmia đarđa", "morphemes": "ëđəmwa g-iđi n-aŋə-đwaṯ-e lëmmia đar-đa", "gloss": "young man clg-fut. aux comp2-3sg.inf-send.rt-cons.pfv boys rope-with", "translation": "the young man would send cattle boys with the rope", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7304ad", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121653100, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7304ad" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝlëiṯi ṯa lǝbəla alǝnace ëđəmwa đar", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa l-ǝ-b-əl-a alǝ-nac-e ëđəmwa đar", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 cll-dpc-prog-go.rt-ipfv cll.inf1-give.rt-cons.pfv young.man rope", "translation": "and order them to go and deliver the rope to the rival young man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca734a94", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121859514, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca734a94" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igi ləkeđəldəga na lǝpǝđialdǝga.", "morphemes": "ig-i l-ə-keđ-ə ldə-ga na l-ǝ-p-ǝđ-i-a ldǝ-ga.", "gloss": "sclg-this cll-dpc-hate?.rt-pfv 3pl.om-clg.with and cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv 3pl.om-clg.with", "translation": "who is his rival and fight with him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7366bd", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444121971903, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7366bd" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đar iđi aŋgace ṯa ađəɽeṯe waŋge gənəŋ bipi walla ŋamla ŋənəŋ.", "morphemes": "Na đar iđ-i aŋ-gac-e ṯa ađə-ɽ-eṯ-e waŋge gənəŋ bipi walla ŋamla ŋ-ənəŋ.", "gloss": "and rope scð-this 3sg.inf.possible.rt-cons.pfv comp1 clð.inf-be.rt-appl-cons.pfv thing clg-indef only or symbol clŋ-indef", "translation": "And this cord it might be anything or any symbol.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca746a36", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444122148655, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca746a36" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đar ŋen ŋanṯa ləgerṯo ëmcu gwalano", "morphemes": "Na đar ŋen ŋ-anṯ-a lə-g-erṯ-o ëmcu g-walano", "gloss": "and rope talk clŋ-mean.rt-ipfv 1in-clg-have.rt-pfv debt clg-long", "translation": "And the meaning of the rope is that we have a long race", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca747914", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444122354755, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca747914" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləgəbərldeđeiđia ŋen ŋarno đar.", "morphemes": "lə-g-ə-bərldeđ-eiđ-ia ŋen ŋ-arno đar.", "gloss": "we-are-iter.pull.against.rt-appl.ap-ipfv talk clŋ-like rope", "translation": "in which we are pulling against each other like a rope", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca74d6ed", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444122702103, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca74d6ed" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ole igi ganṯa đar com ganṯa", "morphemes": "Na ole ig-i g-anṯ-a đar com g-anṯ-a", "gloss": "and word sclg-this clg-mean.rt-ipfv rope also clg-mean.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And the word that means rope also means", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca74ee8a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444122866584, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca74ee8a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəmëɽria iŋi ŋëndənṯiaŋa walla ŋëɽənṯiaŋa ṯa ŋaɽəñađaṯe", "morphemes": "ŋəmëɽria iŋ-i ŋ-ë-nd-ən-ṯ-ia-ŋa walla ŋ-ëɽ-ən-ṯ-ia-ŋa ṯa ŋ-aɽəñađaṯ-e", "gloss": "work clŋ-this clŋ-rtc-assign.rt-pass-appl-ipfv-2sg.om or clŋ-put.rt-pass-appl-ipfv-2sg.om comp1 2sg.inf-finish.rt-inf1", "translation": "work that is assigned or given to somebody to finish", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca750c17", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123082242, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca750c17" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno yar isi yilëɽənia ini grusya.", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno yar is-i y-i-lëɽ-ən-ia i-ni grus-ya.", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like ropes cly-this cly-dpc-plough.rt-dpc- in-fields money-with", "translation": "like the size of the fields that are to be plowed for pay", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca751e62", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123261904, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca751e62" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "(maje walla wuji gaṯəbənṯu đar galaɽa grusya).", "morphemes": "(maje walla wuji g-a-ṯəb-ən-ṯ-u đar g-a-laɽ-a grus-ya).", "gloss": "(man or woman clg-rtc-cut.rt-appl-pfv rope clg-rtc-plough.rt-ipfv money-cly.with)", "translation": "(rope is cut for a man or a woman to plough for money)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca753821", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123330268, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca753821" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëmmia lafo liđi naleṯe nəŋau walla nəŋəbu", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëmmia l-a-fo l-iđi n-al-eṯ-e nə-ŋau walla nə-ŋəbu", "gloss": "so boys cll-rtc-past.aux cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-inf1 on-water or on-wells", "translation": "So the cattle boys used to go the watery places or wells", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca755c9e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123505768, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca755c9e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi iria yiluṯia ŋawa walla nəwarra", "morphemes": "iŋ-i iria y-i-lu-ṯ-ia ŋawa walla nə-warra", "gloss": "clŋ-this cattle cly-dpc-3pl.om-drink.rt-ipfv water or on-cattle.camps", "translation": "where the livestock drink water, or to cattle camps", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75730e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123621054, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75730e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi iria yiluṯia ŋawa walla nəwarra", "morphemes": "iŋ-i iria y-i-lu-ṯ-ia ŋawa walla nə-warra", "gloss": "clŋ-this cattle cly-dpc-3pl.om-drink.rt-ipfv water or on-cattle.camps", "translation": "where the livestock drink water, or to cattle camps", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca758ee8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123714638, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca758ee8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalənace ëđəmwa đar igi gunëinia.", "morphemes": "n-alə-nac-e ëđəmwa đar ig-i g-unëi-n-ia.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-give.rt-cons.pfv young.man rope who clg-want.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "to give the cord to the young man who is needed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75b381", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123861180, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75b381" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋgace ŋoman ŋəmən ëđəmwa gənəŋ", "morphemes": "Na aŋgace ŋoman ŋ-əmən ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ", "gloss": "and perhaps time clŋ-some young.man clg-indef", "translation": "perhaps in sometimes another young man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75cc4f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444123986628, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75cc4f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋənëini đara ŋaməɽa gərto gerṯa figi gunëinia đurri,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-nëi-n-i đara ŋaməɽa g-ərto g-erṯa f-ig-i g-unëi-n-ia đurri,", "gloss": "be-3sg.inf-give.rt-pass-cons.pfv cord secretly another clg-not.aux foc-sclg-this clg-want.rt-pass-ipfv exactly,", "translation": "is given the cord indirectly. It’s not quite the one who is needed exactly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75f24d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124083236, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca75f24d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đaboŋwa na đabuŋənia đafo đafo igëpwa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đ-aboŋw-a na đ-abuŋ-ən-ia đ-a-fo đ-a-fo ig-ëpwa", "gloss": "because clð.nom-curse.rt-ipfv and clð.nom-curse.rt-pass-ipfv clð-rtc-past.aux clð-rtc-be.loc loc-fighting", "translation": "because cursing and being cursed was involoved in the stickfighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca760505", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124265865, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca760505" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ëđəmwa giđi naŋeṯe apa nano igi gəcia iñua gaboŋəđia", "morphemes": "na ëđəmwa g-iđi n-aŋ-eṯ-e apa nano ig-i g-ə-cia iñua g-aboŋ-əđ-ia", "gloss": "and young.man clð-fut.aux comp2-inf1-go.rt-cons.pfv father at sclg-this clg-dpc-bad.rt lips clg-curse.rt-ap-ipfv", "translation": "and the young man used to go to the man who has evil mouth who curse others", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca761d67", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124337244, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca761d67" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəmabuŋəṯi ëđəmwa gakəl ndə gəbəɽa,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-m-abuŋ-əṯ-i ëđəmwa gakəl ndə g-ə-bəɽa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-curse.rt-appl-cons.pfv young.man clg-that if clg-dpc-skillful.rt,", "translation": "and he would then curse that man for his rival if he was very skilful in fighting with sticks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7643f1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124457915, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7643f1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ṯa gënŋu aŋabuŋənṯi ŋenŋanṯa aŋəməteṯe.", "morphemes": "walla ṯa gënŋu aŋ-abuŋ-ən-ṯ-i ŋenŋanṯa aŋə-mət-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "or that 3sg.pro 3sg.inf-bless.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv in.order.to 3sg.inf-be-slippery-cmp-cons.pfv.", "translation": "or he himself be blessed so as not to be harmed.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca766cfc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124582635, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca766cfc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ŋoman ŋəmən đar đafo", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ŋoman ŋ-əmən đar đ-a-fo", "gloss": "so times clŋ-some rope clð-rtc-past.aux", "translation": "So sometimes the cord was", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca766235", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124701639, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca766235" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "điđi nađənëini ëđəmwa gərto ŋaməɽa,", "morphemes": "đ-iđi n-ađə-nëi-n-i ëđəmwa g-ərto ŋaməɽa,", "gloss": "clð-fut.aux comp2-clð.inf-give.rt-pass-cons.pfv young.man clg-other secretly,", "translation": "is given to another person secretly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76a779", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444124782396, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76a779" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa oro ñənḏri añela añopəđaiđe elwaṯa bipi ñero iñua nano!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa oro ñənḏri añ-ela añ-opəđ-aiđ-e e-lwaṯa bipi ñ-ero iñua nano!", "gloss": "for then bulls clɲ-come.rt clɲ.inf-meet.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv loc-playground only clɲ-not.have.rt lips at", "translation": "and then the two heros meet at the playground without any cursing", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76a502", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125046399, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76a502" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëđəmwa igi gənëinu đar giđi naŋëndi", "morphemes": "Ëđəmwa ig-i g-ə-nëi-n-u đar g-iđi n-aŋ-ënd-i", "gloss": "young.man sclg-this clg-dpc-give.rt-pass-pfv rope clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "The young man who is given the cord is assigned", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76cbbd", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125177120, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76cbbd" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "loman lëpwa na lwaṯa ildi ëpwa yiđi ayofeṯe.", "morphemes": "loman l-ëpwa na lwaṯa ild-i ëpwa y-iđi ay-of-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "day cll-fighting and playground scll-this fighting cly-fut.aux cly.inf-be.loc-cmp-cons.pfv.", "translation": "the date and playground where the fighting will take place.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76e4c3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125321561, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca76e4c3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia ildi ləbəɽo ldənaiđia đar,", "morphemes": "Lëmmia ild-i l-ə-b-əɽ-o l-də-nai-đ-ia đar,", "gloss": "boys scll-this cll-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv comp2-cll.inf-give.rt-ap-inf2 rope,", "translation": "The cattle boys who went to deliver the cord,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca770283", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125419860, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca770283" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo liđi naləsini la-ləmən ŋopia na nalëɽəni eđađ naloɽǝbǝđia.", "morphemes": "l-a-f-o l-iđi n-alə-s-i-n-i laləmən ŋopia na n-al-ëɽ-ən-i e-đađ n-al-oɽǝbǝđ-ia.", "gloss": "cll-rtc-past.aux cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-eat.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv something well and cpmp2-cll.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv in-way comp2-cll.inf-return.rt-inf2.", "translation": "they were to be welcomed and honored very well and sent back.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca770a67", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125513900, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca770a67" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən lëmmia liđi naləneđe laləmən", "morphemes": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən lëmmia l-iđi n-alə-neđ-e laləmən", "gloss": "and times clŋ-some boys cll-fut.aux comp2-cll-inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv something", "translation": "But in some cases the boys used to refuse to eat food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca771ed4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125627067, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca771ed4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə lëđəmwa ləɽwato ŋen ŋǝcia ŋəkia lëđəmwa ildi elden.", "morphemes": "ndə lëđəmwa l-ə-ɽwat-o ŋen ŋ-ǝ-cia ŋəkia lëđəmwa ild-i eld-en.", "gloss": "if young.men scll-dpc-insult.rt-pfv talk clŋ-dpc-bad against young.men scll-this scll-3pl.poss.", "translation": "if the other young men insulted or spoke evil words against their young men.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7731d6", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444125978178, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7731d6" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëmmia liđi naloɽəbəđia nalela naɽwatiṯi lëđəmwa elden", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëmmia l-iđi n-al-oɽəbəđ-ia n-al-ela na-ɽwat-iṯ-i lëđəmwa eld-en", "gloss": "so boys cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-run.rt-inf2 comp2-cll.inf-come.rt and-speak.rt-appl-cons.pfv young.men scll-3pl.poss", "translation": "So when the boys came back they retell their young men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca774149", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444126211851, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca774149" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen pređ iŋi lëđəmwa ləɽwatəṯəlo ildi lənëinu đar.", "morphemes": "ŋen pređ iŋ-i lëđəmwa l-ə-ɽwat-əṯ-ə-lo ild-i l-ə-nëi-n-u đar.", "gloss": "talk all sclŋ-this young.men cll-dpc-speak-appl-appl-pfv-3pl.pro scll-this cl-dpc-give.rt-pass-pfv rope", "translation": "all the words that the young men insulted them with when they delivered the cord to them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77b847", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444126350867, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77b847" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn đəge ëpwa nayiđi nayefeṯe ilika ildi lëndənu.", "morphemes": "Orn đəge ëpwa n-ay-iđi n-ay-ef-eṯ-e i-lika ild-i l-ënd-ən-u.", "gloss": "then finally stick.fighting comp2-cly.inf-fut.aux comp2-cly.inf-be.loc-appl-cons.pfv loc-time scll-this cll-catch.rt-pass-pfv.", "translation": "And at last the stickfighting takes place at the appointed time", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77da8b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444126587884, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77da8b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen iŋi ŋabërnia ṯa ëđəmwa gađwaiđo igëđəmwa.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-a-b-ërn-ia ṯa ëđəmwa g-a-đwaiđ-o ig-ëđəmwa.", "gloss": "and talk sclŋ-this clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv comp1 young.man clg-rtc-send.rt-pfv loc-young.man.", "translation": "And these procedure is called the young man invited the other young man to fight.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77e700", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444126687145, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca77e700" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "3. Ëpwa yiđëndia ŋowa", "morphemes": "3. Ëpwa yi-đ-ënd-ia ŋowa", "gloss": "3 fighting cly.poss-clð.nom-catch.rt-ipfv girl", "translation": "3. The stickfighting of seizing the young woman", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7839ab", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444126947630, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7839ab" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ëđəmwa gonaṯa emađen nëpwa", "morphemes": "Ndə ëđəmwa g-onaṯ-a emađ-en n-ëpwa", "gloss": "when young.man clg-want.rt-ipfv peer-3sg.poss on-fighting", "translation": "If one young want to fight with his colleague at the playground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7859e1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444127094458, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7859e1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi naŋəmëndëci ŋowa ŋəlëɽəŋu nëpwa walla egal yenǝŋ,", "morphemes": "g-iđi n-aŋə-m-ënd-ëc-i ŋowa ŋ-əlëɽəŋu n-ëpwa walla eg-al y-enǝŋ,", "gloss": "clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-catch.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv girl clŋ-3sg.poss on-fighting or in-place cly-indef,", "translation": "he used to seize his engaged girl in the playground or at any other place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79a236", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444127722247, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79a236" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu giđi naŋëndi ŋowa eđəŋ leđa nëñua nëpwa", "morphemes": "gënŋu g-iđi n-aŋ-ënd-i ŋowa e-đəŋ leđa nëñua n-ëpwa", "gloss": "3sg.pro clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv girl in-hand people in.front on-fighting", "translation": "he catches the girl by her wrist in front of the people who are watching the match", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79bf09", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128154572, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79bf09" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋəyeɽe egal ywalano aten na ŋowa ṯaŋəmateṯo,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-yeɽ-e eg-al y-walano aten na ŋowa ṯ-aŋə-ma-teṯ-o,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-place cly-long.rt a.little and girl comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-follow.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "and go with her a short distance and the girl follows him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79c6b2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128401527, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca79c6b2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ŋəɽwata iŋi nəŋənëini ëđəmwa igi gəmo ŋowa ŋakəl", "morphemes": "nəṯia ŋəɽwata iŋ-i n-əŋə-nëi-n-i ëđəmwa ig-i g-ə-m-o ŋowa ŋakəl", "gloss": "and.so speech sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.inf-give.rt-pass-cons.pfv young.man sclg-this clg-dpc-marry.rt-pfv girl clŋ-that", "translation": "and so this action is taken by the young man who is engaged to that girl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a0b99", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128486385, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a0b99" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa ëđəmwa ganṯia gëndu wasen gəlëɽəŋu!", "morphemes": "ṯa ëđəmwa g-anṯ-ia g-ënd-u was-en gəlëɽəŋu!", "gloss": "comp1 young.man clg-be.named.rt-ipfv clg-catch.rt-pfv wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss!", "translation": "that the young man named so and so seized his wife!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a248f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128606600, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a248f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa aləpəđëiđi nëpwa ilika ildëi ṯia,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa alə-pəđ-ëiđ-i n-ëpwa i-lika ild-ëi ṯia,", "gloss": "and.so perhaps comp1 young.men cll.inf-fight.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv on-fighting loc-time scll-that exact,", "translation": "So the two young men may fight immediately at that very moment,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a463b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128708933, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a463b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ëpwa ayiđi ayubəđëini nano ulëldiṯu,", "morphemes": "oro ëpwa ay-iđi ay-ubəđ-ëin-i nano ulëldiṯu,", "gloss": "then fighting cly.inf-fut.aux cly.inf-start?.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv at morning,", "translation": "and then the regular fighting will start early the next morning,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a5329", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128824644, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a5329" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa isi yiđëndia ŋowa yaber yeɽaŋa ṯwanaŋ.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa is-i y-i-đ-ënd-ia ŋowa y-aber y-e-ɽaŋ-a ṯwanaŋ.", "gloss": "because fight scly-this cly.poss-clð.nom-catch.rt-ipfv girl cly-not.aux cly-dpc-last.rt-ipfv long.", "translation": "because the fighting of seizing girl doesn’t need a long time to fix.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a748b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444128983168, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a748b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋomǝn iŋi ŋəɽatuđia ëpwa com", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋ-omǝn iŋi ŋ-ə-ɽatuđ-ia ëpwa com", "gloss": "and talk clŋ-other sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-rise.rt-ipfv fight also", "translation": "And also the other events that stir up the fighting are", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a9831", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444129166352, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7a9831" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa alopəđaiđe egal yenəŋ,", "morphemes": "aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa al-opəđ-aiđ-e eg-al y-enəŋ,", "gloss": "perhaps comp1 young.men cll.nf-meet.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv loc-place cly-indef,", "translation": "perhaps the young men meet at certain place or occasions", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7aa5bb", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444129415811, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7aa5bb" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno ndə ləlaɽa eŋamal na ldəɽwatəđəṯi ŋađəna,", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arn-o ndə l-ə-laɽ-a e-ŋamal na l-də-ɽwat-əđ-əṯ-i ŋađəna,", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like.rt-pfv when cll-dpc-plant.rt-ipfv loc-age.mate.group and comp2-cll.inf-talk.rt-ap-appl-cons.pfv mockery,", "translation": "as at the cermony of ploughing the field of their peer’s father according to the system and they insult each other,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7ac26d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444129864463, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7ac26d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ṯa ëđəmwa aŋəɽwatəṯi ŋowa ŋađəna", "morphemes": "walla ṯa ëđəmwa aŋ-ə-ɽwat-əṯ-i ŋowa ŋađəna", "gloss": "or comp1 young.man clŋ.inf-dpc-talk.rt-appl-cons.pfv young.woman mockery", "translation": "or when one young man insults his rival young man in front of his engaged girl.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7ad20f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444130062758, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7ad20f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋëđəmwa gənəŋ nəŋau nəŋəbu walla eđađ walla iŋəmëɽria ŋənəŋ,", "morphemes": "ŋ-ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ n-əŋau n-əŋəbu walla e-đađ walla i-ŋəmëɽria ŋ-ənəŋ,", "gloss": "clŋ-young.man clg-indef on-water on-wells or loc-streets or in-work clŋ-indef", "translation": "at the drawing water place or wells, or at the streets or at any activities that took place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7addde", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444130280067, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7addde" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla com aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa aləkeyacəđe ŋabəɽa bipi.", "morphemes": "walla com aŋgace ṯa lëđəmwa alə-keyac-əđ-e ŋabəɽa bipi.", "gloss": "or also perhaps comp1 young.men they-hate?.rt-ap-cons.pfv power only.", "translation": "And also in some cases if the two young men are capable and have good reputation, and each one only wants to defeat the other.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7af737", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444131309986, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7af737" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yelwaṯa", "morphemes": "Ëpwa ye-lwaṯa", "gloss": "fight cly.poss-playground", "translation": "The fighting in the playground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b1874", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444131730853, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b1874" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gəri giđi naŋəpəni goɽra", "morphemes": "Gəri g-iđi n-aŋə-p-ən-i g-oɽra", "gloss": "fence clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-prepare.rt-pass-cons.pfv clg-big", "translation": "A big arena is made", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b3ad1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444132415230, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b3ad1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rəmwaco fəŋulu irri rəpwa gəria", "morphemes": "na rəmwaco f-əŋulu irr-i r-ə-pw-a gəria", "gloss": "and mature.men foc-3pl.pro sclr-this clr-dpc-prepare.rt-ipfv fence", "translation": "and mature men are the one who prepare the arena", "tags": "CLEFT", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b3569", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444132860350, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b3569" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rəṯoɽaṯa leđa na rëpəđiđia lëđəmwa.", "morphemes": "na r-ə-ṯoɽaṯ-a leđa na r-ëpəđ-i-đ-ia lëđəmwa.", "gloss": "and clr-dpc-organize.rt-ipfv people and clr-fight.rt-caus-ap-ipfv young.men.", "translation": "and organize the people and control the fighting as referees", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b693d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133027050, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b693d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa ildi ləndelia liđi naləđurwi nḏəɽe đəndelia na đalənenda,", "morphemes": "Leđa ild-i lə-ndelia l-iđi n-alə-đurw-i n-ḏəɽe đə-ndelia na đ-alənenda,", "gloss": "people scll-this cll-dpc-eastern cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-stop.rt-cons.pfv on-side clð.poss-eastern and clð-northern,", "translation": "The people who come from the eastern direction stop by the eastern and northern side,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b83c9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133186632, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b83c9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ildi laləŋgwa liđi naləđurwi nḏəɽe đəndaləŋgwa na đalənḏurṯu.", "morphemes": "na leđa ild-i l-aləŋgwa l-iđi n-alə-đurw-i n-ḏəɽe đə-ndaləŋgwa na đ-alənḏurṯu.", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll-west cll-fut comp2-cll.inf-stop.rt-cons.pfv on-side clð.poss-western and clð-southern.", "translation": "and one who come from west direction stop by the western and southern side.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b9cc6", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133409659, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7b9cc6" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëđəmwa nalënṯi igəri ñowa ñəlaləŋiṯia", "morphemes": "Na lëđəmwa n-al-ënṯ-i i-gəri ñowa ñ-ə-la-ləŋ-iṯ-ia", "gloss": "and young.men comp2-cll.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-fence young.women clɲ-dpc-iter-sing.rt-appl-ipfv", "translation": "And the young men then enter inside the fence with the young women singing for them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bb039", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133542016, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bb039" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëmmia ləpwa india,", "morphemes": "na lëmmia l-ə-pw-a india,", "gloss": "and boys cll-dpc-beat.rt-ipfv drums,", "translation": "and the cattle boys playing the drums,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bb809", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133666088, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bb809" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđəmwa ṯalaləŋo na ṯaɽrəṯo na ṯalakaldaco gəri egariano,", "morphemes": "na lëđəmwa ṯ-al-aləŋ-o na ṯ-a-ɽrəṯ-o na ṯ-al-ak-aldac-o gəri e-gari-ano,", "gloss": "and young.men comp1b-cll.inf-sing.rt-cons.ipfv and comp1b-cll.inf-dance.rt-cons.ipfv and comp1b-cll.inf-move.rt-cons.ipfv fence loc-belly-in", "translation": "and the young men dancing in the drums and singing and moving around inside the fence", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7be511", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444133999935, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7be511" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naɽrraṯe ndria alo.", "morphemes": "orn n-a-ɽrraṯ-e ndria alo.", "gloss": "then comp2-cll.inf-kneel.rt-cons.pfv knees down.", "translation": "then they kneeled down on their knees.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bff58", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444134297815, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7bff58" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ëđəmwa gənəŋ naŋətođe naŋəɽe naŋəmađaṯe", "morphemes": "Na ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ n-aŋə-tođ-e n-aŋə-ɽ-e n-aŋə-mađ-aṯ-e", "gloss": "and young.man clg-indef comp2-3sg.inf-rise.up.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-ask.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv,", "translation": "And each young man goes and asks his rival,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c1151", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444134477906, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c1151" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ëđəmwa alo igi gəmabwaña ṯa lëpəđialdəga,", "morphemes": "ëđəmwa alo ig-i gə-ma-bwañ-a ṯa l-ë-p-əđ-ia-ldə-ga,", "gloss": "young.man down sclg-this clg-dpc-3sg.om-want.rt-ipfv comp1 cll-rtc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv-3pl.om-with", "translation": "the young man who wants to fight with him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c2f35", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444134570936, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c2f35" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋgace ṯa aŋəmabuɽwađëṯi alo aŋəmabuɽwi ləndria ləfrala", "morphemes": "na aŋgace ṯa aŋə-ma-buɽwađ-ëṯ-i alo aŋə-ma-buɽw-i ləndria ləfra-la", "gloss": "and perhaps comp1 3sg.inf-3sg.om-kick.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv down 3sg.inf-3sg.om-beat.rt-cons.pfv thigh stick-with,", "translation": "and perhaps he might kick him or beat him on his thigh with his stick", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c4ba8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444134743445, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c4ba8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla aŋəmarre đəboṯrwađa walla iđəbinga.", "morphemes": "walla aŋə-ma-rr-e đə-boṯrwa-đa walla iđəbin-ga.", "gloss": "or 3sg.inf-3sg.om-butt.rt-cons.pfv clð.nom-defend.rt.instrument-clð.with or shield-clg.with", "translation": "or butt him with his shield, or defender instrument", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c70c1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444134840817, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c70c1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə ëđəmwa gakəl gonaṯəma", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə ëđəmwa gakəl g-onaṯ-ə-ma", "gloss": "so if young.man clg-that clg-want.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "So if the young man agreed to fight him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c88a1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444135198250, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c88a1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋətwađaṯe đəŋ alo iđuđa na nalaffəđe nano ṯaləpəđu,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-twađ-aṯ-e đəŋ alo i-đuđa na n-al-aff-əđ-e nano ṯ-alə-p-əđ-u,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-rub.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv hand down loc-soil and comp2-cll.inf-attack.rt-ap-cons.pfv at comp1b-cll.inf-fight.rt-ap-cons.ipfv,", "translation": "he rubbed his hand on the soil and prepared to fight him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c94af", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444135290088, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c94af" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndə ëđǝmwa gero gonaṯa ṯa lǝpəđia orbaga", "morphemes": "orn ndə ëđǝmwa g-ero g-onaṯ-a ṯa l-ǝ-p-əđ-ia orba-ga", "gloss": "but when young.man clg-not.aux clg-want.rt-ipfv comp1 cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv brother-with", "translation": "but when the man doesn't want to fight with him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c9ede", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444135468664, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7c9ede" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəɽe naŋəmabuɽwaṯi đəboṯrwa walla iđəbini gəlëɽəŋu", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-ɽ-e n-aŋə-ma-buɽw-aṯ-i đə-boṯrwa walla iđəbini g-əlëɽəŋu", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-kick.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv clð.nom-defend.rt.instrument or shield clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "he kicks his shield or the defender instrument", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cb229", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444135667707, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cb229" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ganeđeṯəma ŋabəɽa.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-a-neđ-eṯ-ə-ma ŋabəɽa.", "gloss": "because clg-rtc-refuse.rt-appl-pfv-3sg.om force.", "translation": "to show that he doesn’t want to fight with him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cc3d7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444135947787, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cc3d7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com aŋgace ṯa apa gənəŋ aŋəneđe", "morphemes": "Na com aŋgace ṯa apa g-ənəŋ aŋə-neđ-e", "gloss": "and also perhaps comp1 father clg-indef 3sg.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And in some cases a father may refuse,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cdb8a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136053970, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cdb8a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla đəmwaca đənəŋ ađəneđe", "morphemes": "walla đəmwaca đənəŋ ađə-neđ-e", "gloss": "or mature.men clð-indef clð.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "or one of the mature men refuses", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cfc7e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136206759, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7cfc7e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋënṯi ilika naŋələbuɽwaṯi obəṯra ndəm naŋaṯa iganeđo,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-ënṯ-i i-lika n-aŋə-lə-buɽw-aṯ-i obəṯra ndəm naŋaṯa iganeđo,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-middle comp2-3sg.inf-3pl-kick.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv shields both comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt 1sg-clg-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv,", "translation": "and he goes between the two fighters and kicks the shield of the two and says that he refuses,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d16a9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136318080, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d16a9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñagaləŋənu! Walla ñagaɽo ŋəbia! Na naŋələkereṯe ëpwa.", "morphemes": "ña-g-a-ləŋ-ən-u! Walla ña-g-a-ɽ-o ŋəbia! Na n-aŋə-lə-ker-eṯ-e ëpwa.", "gloss": "2pl-clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv! or 2pl-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv brother-in-laws! and comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-break.rt-appl-cons.pfv fighting", "translation": "for you are kin! Or you are brother-in-laws, and he stops them from fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d1d56", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136461345, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d1d56" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏurṯu alo lëđəmwa ildi lerṯo đar", "morphemes": "Orn nḏurṯu alo lëđəmwa ild-i l-erṯ-o đar", "gloss": "but last place young.men scll-this cll-have.rt-pfv rope", "translation": "Then at last the young men who have the cord,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d3f96", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136659662, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d3f96" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naliđənṯi gəri goɽra.", "morphemes": "n-al-iđ-ən-ṯ-i gəri g-oɽra.", "gloss": "comp2-3pl.inf-do.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv fence clg-big", "translation": "and the big fence is prepared for them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d46be", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136659662, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d46be" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji pređ nalëndi alo naliđi uṯa alo eɽo", "morphemes": "Na liji pređ n-al-ënd-i alo n-al-iđ-i uṯa alo eɽo", "gloss": "and people all comp-cll.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv place comp-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv wall place around", "translation": "And all the people stand in the circle very quiet around the fence, making a circle around the wall,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d45ba", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136863540, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d45ba" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaləsëjəṯu ñənḏri ŋabəɽa.", "morphemes": "ṯ-alə-sëj-əṯ-u ñənḏri ŋabəɽa.", "gloss": "comp1b-3pl.inf-watch.rt-appl-inf2 bulls force.", "translation": "to watch the fighting of the heroes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d96bc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444136863540, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca7d96bc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aŋgace ṯa ŋoman ŋəmən ŋənḏri ŋənəŋ", "morphemes": "Na aŋgace ṯa ŋoman ŋ-əmən ŋənḏri ŋ-ənəŋ", "gloss": "and perhaps comp1 time clŋ-some bull clŋ-indef", "translation": "And sometimes one of the heroes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8c9a03", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444200121143, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8c9a03" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋətuđi orba taltal lwaṯa lonto,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-tuđ-i orba taltal lwaṯa l-onto,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv brother quickly playground cll-one", "translation": "will defeat his comrade in one match,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cb993", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444200245041, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cb993" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn eŋoman ŋwaña aŋgace ṯa ñənḏri ñəɽəm añakarnəđe ŋabəɽa,", "morphemes": "orn e-ŋoman ŋwaña aŋgace ṯa ñənḏri ñ-əɽəm aña-karn-əđ-e ŋabəɽa,", "gloss": "but loc-times clŋ-many perhaps comp1 bulls clɲ-both clɲ-divide.rt-ap-cons.pfv strength,", "translation": "and sometimes the two heroes are equally matched,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cc608", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444200612782, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cc608" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nañəpəđi ŋwaṯa ŋəɽijin walla marldwan.", "morphemes": "na n-añə-pəđ-i ŋwaṯa ŋ-əɽijin walla marldwan.", "gloss": "and comp2-clŋ-fight.rt-cons.pfv playground clŋ-three or clŋ-four", "translation": "and they fight three or four matches.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cd550", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444200799377, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cd550" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏurṯu alo leđa nalaborṯwe ilikano naləfaɽəcəđi ñənḏri,", "morphemes": "Orn nḏurṯu alo leđa n-al-aborṯw-e i-lik-ano n-alə-faɽəc-əđ-i ñənḏri,", "gloss": "but last place people comp2-cll.inf-jump.to.rt-cons.pfv loc-middle-in comp2-cll.inf-stop.rt-ap-cons.pfv bulls,", "translation": "Then finally the people end the contest between the two heroes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cefcf", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444200931081, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8cefcf" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋoman ŋəmən ndǝ ñǝnḏri ñǝpǝđia ëpwa yeicia jaca,", "morphemes": "na ŋoman ŋ-əmən ndǝ ñǝnḏri ñ-ǝ-p-ǝđ-ia ëpwa y-eicia jaca,", "gloss": "and times clŋ-some if oxen clɲ-dpc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv fight cly-bad always,", "translation": "and in some cases if the fighting become terrible at each times", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d1619", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444201102272, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d1619" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "rǝmwaco narǝlwaɽe eŋen", "morphemes": "rǝmwaco n-arǝ-lwaɽ-e e-ŋen", "gloss": "the mature men comp2-clr.inf-discuss.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk", "translation": "the mature men or referees discuss the matter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d2698", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444201344503, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d2698" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñǝnḏri nañəməñaṯe ndëwur", "morphemes": "na ñǝnḏri n-añə-məñ-aṯ-e ndëwur", "gloss": "and oxen comp2-clɲ-exit.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv outside", "translation": "and the two heroes go outside the fence", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d4425", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444201655261, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d4425" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nañəɽe nañiđi ŋələŋənia na nañǝɽeṯe rappa đǝge!", "morphemes": "n-añə-ɽ-e n-añ-iđ-i ŋələŋənia na n-añǝ-ɽeṯ-e rappa đǝge!", "gloss": "comp2-clɲ.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clɲ.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv relation and comp2-clɲ.inf-become.rt-cons.pfv friends at.last!", "translation": "to make a relationship of agreement, and they become friends afterwards!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d6440", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444201869502, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d6440" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ëpwa yafo yero ṯa yaɽo ŋen ŋeicia,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ëpwa y-a-fo yero ṯa y-a-ɽ-o ŋen ŋ-eicia,", "gloss": "so fight cly-rtc-past.rt cly-not.rt comp1 cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv talk clŋ-bad,", "translation": "So stickfighting was not a bad thing,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d7821", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444202081469, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d7821" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn yafo yaɽo ṯa ŋabərnene iŋi bipi na ŋen ŋəŋəra.", "morphemes": "orn y-a-fo y-a-ɽ-o ṯa ŋabərnene iŋi bipi na ŋen ŋ-əŋəra.", "gloss": "but cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv comp1 playing clŋ-this only and talk clŋ-good,", "translation": "but it was like a sports match and a good thing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d9a0f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444202552268, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8d9a0f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə ëpwa yebǝɽenḏaiđo,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə ëpwa y-e-bǝɽenḏ-aiđ-o,", "gloss": "so when fight cly-doc-finish.rt-appl.ap-pfv,", "translation": "So when the fighting come to an end,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8dac5f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444202704568, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8dac5f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa ləmaməñëinu laŋge nano lëpwa đǝge,", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa l-ə-ma-məñ-ëin-u laŋge nano l-ëpwa đǝge,", "gloss": "young.men cll-dpc-iter-exit.rt-appl.pass-pfv things at cll-fight at.last,", "translation": "the fighters take off their fighting clothes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8dc4f2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444203773747, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8dc4f2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa ildi ləfo ləpəđia nalənnəđe ëñua nalaṯa,", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa ild-i l-ə-fo l-ə-p-əđ-ia n-alə-nn-əđ-e ëñua n-al-aṯa,", "gloss": "young.men scl-this cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-ifpv comp2-cll.inf-hear.rt-ap-cons.pfv mouth comp2-cll.inf-say.rt,", "translation": "the fighters who were participating in the race greet each other and say,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8ddf04", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444204037298, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8ddf04" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Oman an agamaməñau ṯia!”", "morphemes": "“Oman an a-g-a-ma-məñ-au ṯia!”", "gloss": "\"Lion, ynq 2sg-clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-how in.this.way!", "translation": "\"Lion, I hope you were not hurt!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8df15d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444204214550, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8df15d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na emađen naŋəmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na emađ-en n-aŋə-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and peer-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "And his peer answers him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8e3ccd", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444205767517, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8e3ccd" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Aa, igaŋəra, na an agamaməñau aganŋa com!”", "morphemes": "“Aa, i-g-a-ŋəra na an a-g-a-ma-məñ-au aganŋa com!”", "gloss": "\"Yes, 1sg-clg-rtc-good.rt and ynq 2sg-clg-rtc-iter-go.out.rt-how 2sg.pro too!\"", "translation": "\"Yes, I am alright, and you too I hope were not hurt!\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V Conj Adv V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8e4f47", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444205994701, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8e4f47" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋoman ŋəmən aŋgace ëpwa ayəciṯi nayarneṯe ṯa ŋəɽañ iŋi.", "morphemes": "Orn ŋoman ŋ-əmən aŋgace ëpwa ayə-ci-ṯ-i n-ay-arn-eṯ-e ṯa ŋəɽañ iŋ-i.", "gloss": "but times clŋ-some perhaps fight cly.inf-bad.rt-comp-cons.pfv comp2-cly.inf-like.rt-comp-cons.pfv comp1 death sclŋ-this", "translation": "But in sometimes the fighting become tough and terrible as a real war.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8ffaaa", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444207691326, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca8ffaaa" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa pređ naləpwëcəđi, na ŋen naŋərkuđëiđi nano", "morphemes": "Na leđa pređ n-alə-pw-ëc-əđ-i, na ŋen n-aŋə-rkuđ-ëiđ-i nano", "gloss": "and people all comp2-cll.inf-fight.rt-loc.appl-ap-cons.pfv, and matter comp2-clŋ.inf-mix.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv at,", "translation": "and everybody begins to fight, and the situation becomes confused,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V Conj N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca900a17", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444207834158, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca900a17" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia eđa naŋerṯe gələŋeṯa đəmwaca walla apa goɽra", "morphemes": "nəṯia eđa n-aŋ-erṯe g-ə-ləŋeṯ-a đəmwaca walla apa g-oɽra", "gloss": "so man comp2b-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-know.rt-ipfv mature.man or father clg-big", "translation": "so that no one can distingush between a mature man or an elder", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90275c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208216985, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90275c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ëđəmwa walla wuji gəɽəbwa gəɽo ləŋgen", "morphemes": "walla ëđəmwa walla wuji g-əɽəbwa g-ə-ɽ-o ləŋg-en", "gloss": "or young.man or woman clg-female clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv mother-3sg.poss", "translation": "or between young man or a woman who is a mother", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9039e0", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208356122, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9039e0" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla gəɽo ŋowa walla ummia.", "morphemes": "walla g-ə-ɽ-o ŋowa walla ummia.", "gloss": "or clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv girl or boy.", "translation": "or between a young woman or a boy.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9059b3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208484862, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9059b3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agiđi ṯəŋasëcu ŋəfra ŋəđaŋəṯo elo", "morphemes": "A-g-iđi ṯə-ŋa-sëc-u ŋəfra ŋ-ə-đaŋəṯ-o elo", "gloss": "2sg-clg-will.aux comp1b-2sg.inf-see.rt-cons.pfv sticks clŋ-dpc-raised.rt-pfv up", "translation": "Only you can see sticks lifted up", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca908675", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208727260, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca908675" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ole gabëinu elo ŋəɽəldiaŋa ŋoɽra kañ,", "morphemes": "na ole g-a-bëin-u elo ŋəɽəldia-ŋa ŋ-oɽra kañ,", "gloss": "and voice clg-rtc-lift.rt-appl.pass-pfv up noises-clŋ.with clŋ-big very,", "translation": "and voices are raised with a great noise", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca909b1b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208801567, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca909b1b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa lǝpǝđia kǝrkǝrm na lopəṯa kwakwa", "morphemes": "leđa l-ǝ-p-ǝđ-ia kǝrkǝrm na l-opəṯ-a kwakwa", "gloss": "people cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv ? and cll-defend.rt-ipfv ?,", "translation": "some people beat each other, and others defend themselves,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90ab91", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444208993956, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90ab91" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laŋge ləməñaṯo alo ildi ləŋəɽañ.", "morphemes": "na laŋge l-ə-məñaṯ-o alo ild-i lə-ŋəɽañ.", "gloss": "and things cll-dpc-appear.rt-pfv out scll-this cll.poss-death.", "translation": "and weapons of war are taken out.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90c6c7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444209085920, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90c6c7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen iŋi ŋafafia ndə ëpwa yekərəcəđo nano", "morphemes": "Ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-a-fa-f-ia ndə ëpwa y-e-kərəcəđ-o nano", "gloss": "talk scll-this clŋ-rtc-iter-happen.rt-ipfv when fight cly-dpc-disorganized.rt-pfv at", "translation": "This happen whenever the fighting becomes disturbed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90dbeb", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444209212676, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90dbeb" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ndə ëđəmwa gənəŋ gəbuɽu emađen nəŋiɽi", "morphemes": "walla ndə ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ g-ə-buɽ-u emađ-en n-əŋ-iɽ-i", "gloss": "or when young.man clg-indef clg-dpc-strike.rt-pfv peer-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-fall.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "or when one young man strike his colleague and he fall down", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90f10a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444210855737, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca90f10a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋəmapwađëṯi alo walla ndǝ gǝbuɽwađaṯǝma eŋadan,", "morphemes": "na n-əŋə-ma-pw-ađëṯ-i alo walla ndǝ g-ǝ-buɽw-ađaṯ-ǝ-ma e-ŋadan,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.pro-beat.rt-way-cons.pfv down or if clg-dpc-strike.rt-way-pfv-3sg.om loc-unaware,", "translation": "and he beat him down, or if he strike him in unaware condition,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9104de", "key": [ 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eđa g-ənəŋ", "gloss": "and fight cly-rtc-break.rt-appl-ap-ipfv at also when man clg-indef,", "translation": "and the fight would also break down when someone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca914295", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444211433338, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca914295" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəbuɽwađëṯu orba eŋadan na eđa gomən nəŋəmanwane,", "morphemes": "g-ə-buɽw-ađëṯ-u orba e-ŋadan na eđa gomən n-əŋə-ma-nwan-e,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-strike.rt-way-pfv brother loc-unaware and man clg-other comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-see.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "struck his peer unawares and smeone saw him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca915520", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444211701474, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca915520" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu naŋəbuɽwi eđa gakəl,", "morphemes": "na gënŋu n-aŋə-buɽw-i eđa g-akəl,", "gloss": "and 3sg.pro and-3sg.inf-hit.rt-cons.pfv man clg-that,", "translation": "and he strikes that guy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91711a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444211844160, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91711a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ŋen naŋəkərəcəđe nano kərkərñ.", "morphemes": "nəṯia ŋen n-aŋə-kər-əc-əđ-e nano kərkərñ.", "gloss": "so talk comp2-3sg.inf-break.rt-appl-ap-cons.pfv at badly", "translation": "so these matters make disturbances and the fighting become dangerous.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9188c9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212085360, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9188c9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yaɽo alo mənau?", "morphemes": "Ëpwa yaɽo alo mənau?", "gloss": "fight cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv place how.many?", "translation": "How many types of stickfighting are there?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91a021", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212269470, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91a021" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yelwaṯa yaɽo alo yeɽəjan:", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i ye-lwaṯa y-a-ɽ-o alo y-eɽəjan:", "gloss": "fight scly-this cly.poss-field cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv place cly-two:", "translation": "The fighting which is in the field are two:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91b098", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212383867, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91b098" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1. Ëpwa yermanəŋra anṯa", "morphemes": "1. Ëpwa ye-rmanəŋ-ra anṯa", "gloss": "1. Fighting cly.poss-feet-clr.with empty", "translation": "1. The fighting of emptiness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91c2c7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212485229, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91c2c7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "2. Ëpwa yelaŋgela nano", "morphemes": "2. Ëpwa ye-laŋge-la nano", "gloss": "2. Fighting cly.poss-things-cll.with at", "translation": "2. Fighting with tools", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Num N N-P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91db36", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212662931, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91db36" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "1. Ëpwa yermandra anṯa:", "morphemes": "1. Ëpwa ye-rmand-ra anṯa:", "gloss": "1. Fighting cly.poss-feet-clr.with empty", "translation": "1. The fighting of the emptiness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91fb36", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444212799551, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca91fb36" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Fəŋu ëpwa isi yananoŋ yeđobaṯa lwaṯa.", "morphemes": "Fə-ŋu ëpwa is-i y-ananoŋ ye-đobaṯa ldwaṯa.", "gloss": "foc-3sg.pro fight cly-this cly-first cly.poss-beginning playground.", "translation": "This is the warm up fighting when the groups reach the playground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca95eb12", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444213248546, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca95eb12" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lwaṯa ləfo nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "Ndə lwaṯa l-ə-f-o nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "when playground cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv far,", "translation": "If the playground is far away,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca960bbe", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444213422561, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca960bbe" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa liđi nalerṯe ləgakasëinia laŋge nano lëpwa,", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa l-iđi n-al-erṯe l-ə-g-akasëin-ia laŋge nano l-ëpwa,", "gloss": "young.men cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-tied.rt-ipfv things on cll-fight,", "translation": "the fighters will not wear all the tools of fighting,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca96159c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444213643445, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca96159c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alëbiṯi aŋəno", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-ëb-iṯ-i aŋəno", "gloss": "because cll.inf-light.rt-comp-cons.pfv body", "translation": "so as to lighten their bodies", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca964ea4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444213772826, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca964ea4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na alerlde aɽrǝmaṯe alo isi ëpwa yefau.", "morphemes": "na ale-rld-e aɽ-rǝmaṯ-e alo is-i ëpwa y-e-f-a-u.", "gloss": "and cll.inf-walk.rt-cons.pfv cll.inf-reach.rt-cons.pfv place scly-this fight cly-dpc-be.loc-ipfv-loc.", "translation": "and walk till they reach the playground where the fighting take place.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca98434b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444214338295, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca98434b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə leđa ɽrəmaṯo elwaṯa", "morphemes": "Ndə leđa ɽ-rəmaṯ-o e-lwaṯa", "gloss": "if people cll-reach.rt-pfv loc-playground,", "translation": "When the groups reached the playground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca981d23", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444214800524, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca981d23" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđǝmwa nalaffəđe nano rəmanəŋra alo lero ləgakasëinia laŋge nano", "morphemes": "lëđǝmwa n-al-aff-əđ-e nano rəmanəŋ-ra alo l-er-o l-ə-gakas-ëin-ia laŋge nano", "gloss": "young.men comp2-cll-attack.rt-ap-cons.pfv at feet-with down cll-not.have.rt-pfv cll-dpc-tied.rt-appl.pass-ipfv things at", "translation": "the fighters attack each other randomly without wearing all the fighting tools", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9812b3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444215180655, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9812b3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iria gero gəṯuɽëinia ŋopia.", "morphemes": "na iria g-ero g-ə-ṯuɽëi-n-ia ŋopia.", "gloss": "and fence clg-not.aux clg-dpc-prepare.rt-pass-ipfv well.", "translation": "and the playground is not very well prepared.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca98937a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444215341562, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca98937a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən aŋgace ṯa rəmwaco naraffəđe nano", "morphemes": "Na ŋoman ŋəmən aŋgace ṯa rəmwaco n-ar-aff-əđ-e nano", "gloss": "and times clŋ-some perhaps comp1 mature.men cln-clr.inf-attack.rt-ap-cons.pfv at", "translation": "And at sometimes the mature men fought each other before the young men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97ec7d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444215571497, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97ec7d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ananoŋ narəpəđi lëđǝmwa lǝmulu,", "morphemes": "ananoŋ n-ar-əp-əđ-i lëđǝmwa l-ǝ-mul-u,", "gloss": "first comp2-clr.inf-fight.rt-ap-cons.pfv young.men cll-dpc-still.rt-pfv,", "translation": "and fought before the young men started,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97f8a4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444215798644, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97f8a4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn đǝge gǝri gëpwa naŋǝṯuɽëini,", "morphemes": "orn đǝge gǝri g-ëpwa n-aŋǝ-ṯuɽëi-n-i,", "gloss": "then at.last fence clg-fight comp2-3sg.inf-prepare.rt-pass-cons.pfv,", "translation": "and then the playground be prepared,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97e875", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444216287596, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca97e875" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləṯoɽaṯe ëpwa.", "morphemes": "na n-alə-ṯoɽaṯ-e ëpwa.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-organize.rt-cons.pfv fighting", "translation": "and the stickfighting be organized", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca995b77", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444216550391, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca995b77" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə lëđǝmwa lǝđwaṯo ŋabəɽa alo iŋi ŋananoŋ,", "morphemes": "Na ndə lëđǝmwa l-ǝ-đwaṯ-o ŋabəɽa alo iŋ-i ŋ-ananoŋ,", "gloss": "and when young.men cll-dpc-send.rt-pfv power down sclŋ-this clŋ-first,", "translation": "And when the fighter sent out their hot forces", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99734a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444217201420, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99734a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa naləməñaṯe ndëwur", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa n-alə-məñaṯ-e ndëwur", "gloss": "young.men comp2-cll.inf.arrive.rt-cons.pfv outside", "translation": "they go outside the fence", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca998d56", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444217320016, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca998d56" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalǝɽe naləgakasëini laŋge nano lëpwa đəge", "morphemes": "n-alǝ-ɽ-e n-alə-gakas-ëin-i laŋge nano l-ëpwa đəge", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-tie.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv things on cll-fighting at.last", "translation": "to wear the cloths of the fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99af7b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444217432279, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99af7b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rəmwaco ṯarəɽwatiṯəlo fəṯau ləbəla aləpəđi!", "morphemes": "na rəmwaco ṯ-arə-ɽwatiṯ-ə-lo fə-ṯau l-ə-bəla alə-p-əđ-i!", "gloss": "and mature.men comp1b-clr.inf-instruct.rt-cons.ipfv-3pl.om foc-how cll-dpc-prog.aux cll.inf-fight.rt-ap-cons.pfv!", "translation": "and the mature men instruct and advise them how to behave in fighting!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99cd7f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444217631533, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99cd7f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "2- Ëpwa yelaŋgela nano:", "morphemes": "2- Ëpwa ye-laŋge-la nano:", "gloss": "2. Fighting cly.poss-things-cll.with at", "translation": "2. Fighting with tools", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N N-P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99e4c8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444217966161, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca99e4c8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lëđəmwa ləbuɽəđu rəmanəŋra anṯa", "morphemes": "Ndə lëđəmwa l-ə-buɽ-əđ-u rəmanəŋ-ra anṯa", "gloss": "when young.men cll-dpc-fight.rt-ap-pfv feet-with.clr empty", "translation": "When the fighter fight without fighting clothes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a05e8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444218367083, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a05e8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naləməñaṯe ndëwur naləɽe naləgakasëini ndrenia nano", "morphemes": "n-alə-məñaṯ-e ndëwur n-alə-ɽ-e n-alə-gakas-ëin-i ndrenia nano", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-arrive.rt-cons.pfv outside comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-tie.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv clothes on", "translation": "they go out and put on their fighting clothes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a25ec", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444218537894, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a25ec" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laŋge nano pređ ildi lëpwa,", "morphemes": "na laŋge nano pređ ild-i l-ëpwa,", "gloss": "and things on all scll-this cll-fight,", "translation": "and all tools of fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a4848", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444218718564, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a4848" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia nalënṯia igǝri ŋǝlǝŋaŋa!", "morphemes": "nǝṯia n-al-ënṯ-ia i-gǝri ŋǝlǝŋa-ŋa!", "gloss": "so comp2-cll.inf-enter.rt-ipfv loc-fence songs-with.clŋ!", "translation": "so they enter the fence singing!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a5d61", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444218853784, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a5d61" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yelaŋgela nano yero yeɽia ŋəɽəldia aŋəno,", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i ye-laŋge-la nano y-ero y-e-ɽ-ia ŋəɽəldia aŋəno,", "gloss": "fight scly-this cly.poss-thing-with.cll at cly-not.aux cly-dpc-be.rt-ipfv noisy shape", "translation": "Fighting with fighting clothes on is not noisy", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a7618", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444219105170, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a7618" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yënŋu yaṯuɽëinu ŋopia na lëđəmwa", "morphemes": "y-ënŋu y-a-ṯuɽëin-u ŋopia na lëđəmwa", "gloss": "cly-3sg.pro cly-rtc-organized.rt-pfv well and young.men", "translation": "It is well orgnized and the fighters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a8c75", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444219208632, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9a8c75" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëpəđia ləɽəjan ləɽəjan, na iria gabərano gəlëɽəŋu.", "morphemes": "l-ë-p-əđ-ia ləɽəjan ləɽəjan, na iria g-a-bərano g-əlëɽəŋu.", "gloss": "cll-rtc-fight.rt-ap-ipfv two two, and fence clg-rtc-large.rt clg-3sg.poss.", "translation": "fight in pairs and the fence is very wide.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Adj Conj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9aacd1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444219348019, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9aacd1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge lëpwa (ndrenia nëpwa):", "morphemes": "Laŋge lëpwa (ndrenia nëpwa):", "gloss": "things cll-fighting (cloths cln-fighting)", "translation": "The tools of fighting (the clothes of fighting)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ad117", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444219644780, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ad117" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Laŋge lənano lëpwa fəŋulu:", "morphemes": "Laŋge lə-nano l-ëpwa fə-ŋulu:", "gloss": "things cll.poss-body cll-fighting foc-3pl.pro:", "translation": "The outside accessories are:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9afe22", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220128961, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9afe22" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləfra lerṯo ondwa nḏurṯu ildi ëđəmwa", "morphemes": "ləfra l-erṯ-o ondwa n-ḏurṯu ild-i ëđəmwa", "gloss": "stick cll-have.rt-pfv cover on-last scll-this young.man", "translation": "The stick with leather covering hand which the fighter", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b1cb7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220285729, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b1cb7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəyipəđia na gəyercəđia ildi ləɽo đərṯu,", "morphemes": "g-ə-yi-pəđ-ia na g-ə-ye-rcəđ-ia ildi l-ə-ɽ-o đərṯu,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-inst-fight.rt-ipfv and clg-dpc-inst-defend.rt-ipfv scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv at.last,", "translation": "fights with and defends with,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b3a69", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220378376, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b3a69" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đəboṯrwa iđi gəyopəṯa, walla (đuli, iđəbina)", "morphemes": "na đəboṯrwa iđi g-ə-y-opəṯ-a, walla (đuli, iđəbina)", "gloss": "and shield sclð-this clg-dpc-inst-defend.rt-ipfv, or (giraffe, skin)", "translation": "and the shield which he defends with, it called, (the giraffe, the skin)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b449a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220491861, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b449a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrenia nwala gələpwađëinia nano na gəlakërinia nano,", "morphemes": "ndrenia n-wala g-ə-lə-pwađ-ëin-ia nano na g-ə-l-ak-ëri-n-ia nano,", "gloss": "clothes cln-long clg-dpc-3pl.om-wrap.rt-appl.pass-ipfv at and clg-dpc-3pl.om-iter-hang.rt-pass-ipfv on", "translation": "long sheets which wrapped and hang them over his body", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b583b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220627278, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b583b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəmənḏini gəlakërinia nəŋəbəl,", "morphemes": "ñəmənḏini g-ə-l-ak-ëri-n-ia nə-ŋəbəl,", "gloss": "handkerchiefs clg-dpc-3pl.om-iter-hang.rt-pass-ipfv on-thigh,", "translation": "handkerchiefs, which he ties on the sides of his thigh", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b6676", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220838650, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b6676" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñərapađa ñəgakasëinia rəŋ entam,", "morphemes": "ñərapađa ñ-ə-gakas-ëin-ia rəŋ e-ntam,", "gloss": "skins.of.ram clɲ-dpc-tied.rt-appl.pass-ipfv hands loc-necks,", "translation": "skins of rams that tied on his wrists,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b7159", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444220969468, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b7159" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iditia na itulwa yigakasənia nəñëri,", "morphemes": "iditia na itulwa y-i-gakas-ən-ia nə-ñëri,", "gloss": "tissues and ? clŋ-dpc-tied.rt-pass-ipfv on-legs", "translation": "long tissues which tied on his legs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b8877", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444221127877, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9b8877" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñogonna ñənenda, nađam nənenda, ëɽi gəldurm,", "morphemes": "na ñogonna ñə-ne-nda, nađam nə-ne-nda, ëɽi gə-l-durm,", "gloss": "and ostrich clɲ.poss-on-head, charms cln.poss-on-head, shield clg.poss-on-chest", "translation": "ostrich feathers on head, charms on the head, chest shield", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ba141", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444221461344, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ba141" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləpər lənenda na ñwarisini na emǝrṯa gilëɽua,", "morphemes": "ləpər lə-ne-nda na ñwarisini na emǝrṯa gi-lëɽua,", "gloss": "helmet cll.poss-on-head and bandages and horse clg.poss-back,", "translation": "helmet of head and bandage of legs and horse's tail on his back,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ba725", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444221578895, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9ba725" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñajaya ñenoɽan na eñǝlo na ñǝmǝñjoŋwa na sofara.", "morphemes": "na ñajaya ñe-n-oɽan na e-ñǝlo na ñǝmǝñjoŋwa na sofara.", "gloss": "and charms clɲ.poss-on-upper.arm and clɲ.poss-on-lower.arm and small.bells and whistle", "translation": "and charm on his upper arms, and bells and whistles on his lower arm", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9bc6be", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444221734303, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9bc6be" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa yaɽo alo mənau ?", "morphemes": "Ëpwa y-a-ɽ-o alo mənau ?", "gloss": "fight cly-rtc-be.rt-pfv place how.many?", "translation": "The kinds of stickfighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, 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Ëpwa isi yëndənu:", "morphemes": "1. Ëpwa is-i y-ënd-ən-u:", "gloss": "1. fighting scly-this cly-catch.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "The fixed fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9e6568", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444221927310, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9e6568" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Fəŋu ëpwa isi yëndənu na yiṯuɽëinu,", "morphemes": "Fə-ŋu ëpwa is-i y-ënd-ən-u na y-i-ṯuɽ-ëin-u,", "gloss": "foc-3sg.pro fight scly-this cly-catch.rt-pass-pfv and cly-dpc-organize.rt-appl.pass-pfv", "translation": "It is the fixed fighting and organized,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9e91c8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444222125418, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9e91c8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđəmwa fǝŋulu ləṯoɽaṯa na lǝbakëɽia ŋopia,", "morphemes": "na lëđəmwa fǝ-ŋulu l-ə-ṯoɽaṯ-a na l-ǝ-b-akëɽ-ia ŋopia,", "gloss": "and young.men foc-3pl.pro cll-dpc-prepare.rt-ipfv and cll-dpc-prog-put.rt-ifpv well", "translation": "and it is the young men who prepare and organize well", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9f3dbd", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444222325999, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9f3dbd" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋgace ṯa ëđəmwa gǝnǝŋ aŋənace emađen đar", "morphemes": "na aŋgace ṯa ëđəmwa g-ǝnǝŋ aŋə-nac-e emađ-en đar", "gloss": "and perhaps comp1 young.man clg-one 3sg.inf-give.rt-cons.pfv peer-3sg.poss rope", "translation": "berhaps one young man gave a cord to his colleague", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9f8db1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444222609264, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9f8db1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla aŋəmëɽəṯi ləmənḏin eŋowa walla aŋəmëndëci ŋowa nëpwa!", "morphemes": "walla aŋə-m-ëɽ-əṯ-i ləmənḏin e-ŋowa walla aŋə-m-ëndëc-i ŋowa n-ëpwa!", "gloss": "or 3sg-3sg.pro-put.rt-appl-cons.pfv hankerchief loc-girl or 3sg.inf-3sg.pro-catch.rt-cons.pfv girl on-fighting", "translation": "or set his flag on his an engaged girl's house, or seized her in the playground!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9fddf9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444222652059, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca9fddf9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa liđi nalətuɽëini ŋopia igëpwa isi", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëđəmwa l-iđi n-alə-tuɽ-ëin-i ŋopia ig-ëpwa is-i", "gloss": "so young.men cll-will on-cll.inf-prepare.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv well loc-fighting scly-this", "translation": "So the young men prepared and organized themselves for fighting,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0641c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444223319193, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0641c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa pređ lirnuŋ naləṯuɽëini com,", "morphemes": "na leđa pređ l-irnuŋ n-alə-ṯuɽ-ëin-i com,", "gloss": "and people all cll.poss-village comp2-cll.inf-prepare.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv too,", "translation": "and all the people in the village got ready too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa072eb", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444223415585, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa072eb" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rəmwaca pređ narṯuɽëini.", "morphemes": "na rəmwaca pređ n-arṯuɽ-ëin-i.", "gloss": "and mature.men all comp2-prepare.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "and all the mature men prepared themselves.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa089c2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444224158557, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa089c2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa pređ nalǝtođe irnuŋ egen lǝbǝṯa", "morphemes": "Na leđa pređ n-alǝ-tođ-e i-rnuŋ eg-en l-ǝ-b-ǝṯ-a", "gloss": "and people all comp2-cll.inf-arise.rt-cons.pfv loc-city sclg-3pl.poss cll-dpc-prog-go.to.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And the whole people of leave the village and go to", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0a030", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444224482883, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0a030" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egal isi lwaṯa lǝfau lëpwa,", "morphemes": "eg-al is-i lwaṯa l-ǝ-f-a-u l-ëpwa,", "gloss": "loc-place scl-this playground cll-dpc-be.loc-ipfv-loc cll.poss-fighting", "translation": "where the fighting take place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0ad23", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444224563735, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0ad23" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na unin gǝɽǝbwa gëđǝmwa naŋǝmabǝṯi asnṯa yilëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "na unin g-ǝɽǝbwa g-ëđǝmwa n-aŋǝ-m-ab-ǝṯ-i asnṯa y-ilëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and in-laws clg-female clg.poss-young.man comp2-clŋ.inf-3sg.om-carry.rt-appl-cons.pfv bag cly-his,", "translation": "and the fighter mother inlaw carried his iron bag", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0bedc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444224752126, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0bedc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "isi yerṯo laŋgiano lëpwa,", "morphemes": "is-i y-erṯ-o laŋgi-ano l-ëpwa,", "gloss": "scly-this cly-have.rt-pfv things-in cll.poss-fighting,", "translation": "which contains all his belongings of fighting,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0d4f3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444224878832, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0d4f3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu naŋǝmabǝṯi lǝfra ildi lǝɽaŋa eŋowa!", "morphemes": "na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-aŋǝ-m-ab-ǝṯ-i lǝfra ild-i l-ǝ-ɽaŋ-a e-ŋowa!", "gloss": "and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-carry.rt-appl-cons.pfv stick scll-this cll-dpc-stay.rt-ipfv loc-girl!", "translation": "and his betrothed girl brings for him the stick which stays at her home!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0fcca", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225043014, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa0fcca" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëmmia ildi loɽra nalape ebamba ṯalǝpwëcǝnu elo,", "morphemes": "Na lëmmia ild-i l-oɽra n-al-ap-e ebamba ṯ-alǝ-pw-ëc-ǝn-u elo,", "gloss": "and boys scll-this cll-big comp2-cll.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv drum comp1b-cll.inf-beat.rt-appl-pass-cons.ipfv up,", "translation": "And the cattle boy carry the drum and play on it while they are marching", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa11758", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225217011, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa11758" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđǝmwa ṯalalǝŋëinu elo ṯaliđu ŋabǝrnene iŋi ŋëpwa.", "morphemes": "na lëđǝmwa ṯ-al-alǝŋ-ëin-u elo ṯ-al-iđ-u ŋabǝrnene iŋ-i ŋ-ëpwa.", "gloss": "and young.men comp1b-cll.inf-sing.rt-appl.pass-cons.ipfv up comp1b-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.ipfv exercise sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-fighting", "translation": "and the fighters sing song while they are moving and make the fighting exercises.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa13d73", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225325375, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa13d73" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia leđa pređ naɽrǝmaṯe elwaṯa lëpwa.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia leđa pređ n-aɽ-rǝmaṯe e-lwaṯa l-ëpwa.", "gloss": "so people all comp2-cll.inf-reach.rt-cons.pfv loc-playground cll.poss-fighting,", "translation": "Untill all people reach to the playground.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa15d4a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225454182, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa15d4a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "2. Ëpwa isi yeđəməñađaṯa elwaṯa:", "morphemes": "2. Ëpwa is-i ye-đəməñ-ađaṯ-a e-lwaṯa:", "gloss": "2. fighting scly-this cly.poss-getting.in.rt-way-ipfv loc-playground", "translation": "The unfixed fighting:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa165b9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225634647, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa165b9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aŋgace ṯa ëđəmwa gənəŋ aŋəɽaŋe alo", "morphemes": "Aŋgace ṯa ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ aŋə-ɽaŋ-e alo", "gloss": "perhaps comp1 young.man clg-indef clŋ-stay.rt-cons.pfv down,", "translation": "perhaps one young man is not involved in certain fights,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa1bcd5", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444225832091, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa1bcd5" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋerṯe gəpəđia igëpwa yenəŋ,", "morphemes": "aŋ-erṯe g-ə-pəđ-ia ig-ëpwa y-enəŋ,", "gloss": "3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv loc-fight cly-indef,", "translation": "and does not participate in certain fighting events", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa22f74", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444226082033, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa22f74" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn emađen igi ləkacəđəldəga ŋabəɽa", "morphemes": "orn emađ-en ig-i l-ə-kacəđəld-ə-ga ŋabəɽa", "gloss": "but peer-3sg.poss sclg-this cll-dpc-hate.rt-pfv-inst power", "translation": "then his rival who he usually fights with,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa292c1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444226346678, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa292c1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə gəfiđəma gəfo alo məɽəñ naŋəmabuɽwađëṯi alo,", "morphemes": "ndə g-ə-fiđ-ə-ma g-ə-f-o alo məɽəñ n-aŋə-ma-buɽw-ađ-ëṯ-i alo,", "gloss": "when clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv-3sg.om clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv down without comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-beat.rt-way-cons.pfv down", "translation": "when he finds him not ready to fight then he strikes him with his stick,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa2f5b7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444226762840, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa2f5b7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ëđəmwa naŋəmađaṯe laŋge nëpwa.", "morphemes": "na ëđəmwa n-aŋə-m-ađaṯ-e laŋge n-ëpwa.", "gloss": "and young.man comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-way-cons.pfv things on-fight.", "translation": "and the young man takes the fighting tools equipment from anyone and fights with that guy.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa354fa", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444227239383, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa354fa" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ŋoman ŋəmən ndə ëđəmwa gənəŋ", "morphemes": "Na com ŋoman ŋ-əmən ndə ëđəmwa g-ənəŋ", "gloss": "and also times clŋ-some when young.man clg-indef", "translation": "Also in some cases when a certain young man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa36d94", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444227404719, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa36d94" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gabuŋənṯia jaca gəməte na ëñua yetrəma nano,", "morphemes": "g-a-buŋənṯ-ia jaca g-ə-mət-e na ëñua y-e-tr-ə-ma nano,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-curse.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-always.rt-cons.pfv and lips cly-dpc-cover.rt-pfv-him at,", "translation": "uses curses and always is not hurt because of curses that prevent him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa37b31", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444227532084, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa37b31" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ëđəmwa igi ləpəđialdəga naŋela nəwarra", "morphemes": "nəṯia ëđəmwa igi l-ə-pəđ-ia-ldə-ga n-aŋ-ela nə-warra", "gloss": "so young.man sclg-this cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv-3pl.om-with comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt on-camp", "translation": "then the young man who he came to fight with then comes to camp", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa39569", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444227675645, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa39569" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "garnə ṯa gaber geṯo aŋəpəđi,", "morphemes": "g-a-rn-ə ṯa g-a-ber g-eṯo aŋə-pəđ-i,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-like.rt-pfv comp1 clg-rtc-not.aux clg-come.to.rt 3sg.inf-fight.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "as if he is not going to fight,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa3ce4a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444228080958, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa3ce4a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndə geṯo gəfiđu emađen gəber gəpəđia com,", "morphemes": "orn ndə g-eṯ-o g-ə-fiđ-u emađ-en g-əber g-ə-pəđ-ia com,", "gloss": "but when clg-come.rt-pfv clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv peer-3sg.poss clg-not.aux clg-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv too,", "translation": "but when he sees his rival not participating in the fighting too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa40c5c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444228507812, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa40c5c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia naŋəmamađaṯe alo naləpəđi lero iñua nano.", "morphemes": "nəṯia n-aŋə-ma-m-ađaṯ-e alo n-alə-pəđ-i l-ero iñua nano.", "gloss": "so comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-take.rt-way-cons.pfv place comp2-3pl.inf-fight.rt-cons.pfv cll-not.aux lips at.", "translation": "then he appeal to him for fighting, and they fight each other without curses.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa48772", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444228804536, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa48772" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ëpwa isi yabërnia ṯa yađəməñađaṯa elwaṯa.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ëpwa is-i y-a-bërn-ia ṯa y-a-đəməñ-ađaṯ-a e-lwaṯa.", "gloss": "so fight scly-this cly-rtc-called.rt-ipfv comp1 cly-rtc-getting.in.rt-way-ipfv loc-playground.", "translation": "Therefore this kind of fighting is called the unfixed fighting.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa49f9b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444228929493, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa49f9b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "3. Ëpwa isi yeŋəɽwa iŋi ŋëffənu:", "morphemes": "3. Ëpwa is-i ye-ŋəɽwa iŋ-i ŋ-ëff-ən-u:", "gloss": "3. Fighting scly-this cly.poss-heads sclŋ-this clŋ-build.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "The fighting of the crowned heads", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa4be6f", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229100731, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa4be6f" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëđəmwa laffëinia ŋəɽwa igəṯəlia igi", "morphemes": "Lëđəmwa l-aff-ëin-ia ŋəɽwa ig-əṯəlia ig-i", "gloss": "young.men cll-build.rt-appl.pass-ipfv heads loc-year sclg-this", "translation": "The young men make a milk crown on their heads in the year", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa4ed26", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229262166, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa4ed26" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia ləyënṯia iŋëđəmwa ikərb.", "morphemes": "lëmmia l-ə-yënṯ-ia i-ŋëđəmwa i-kərb.", "gloss": "boys cll-dpc-enter.rt-ipfv loc-youth loc-kerb.", "translation": "of the initiation of the grown cattle boys to the first stage of the youth which called Kerb.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa55234", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229527453, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa55234" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nda lëbəđənia ṯia:", "morphemes": "Nda l-ë-bəđ-ən-ia ṯia:", "gloss": "head cll-rtc-build.rt-pass-ipfv in.this.way:", "translation": "The crown is built like this", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa5e643", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229599169, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa5e643" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ëđəmwa giđi naŋəbuɽëini ndə kwëṯkwëḏwañia,", "morphemes": "ëđəmwa g-iđi n-aŋə-buɽ-ëin-i ndə kwëṯkwëḏwañia,", "gloss": "young.man clg-will.aux comp2-3sg.inf-weave.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv when hair.locks", "translation": "when a young man would weave his hair,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa67210", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229799321, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa67210" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na apa igi gaffa ŋəɽwa naŋaffe nda ŋajoɽeŋa ŋirwa yiria,", "morphemes": "na apa ig-i g-aff-a ŋəɽwa n-aŋ-aff-e nda ŋajoɽe-ŋa ŋ-irwa y-iria,", "gloss": "and father sclg-this clg-build.rt-ipfv heads comp2-3sg.inf-build.rt-cons.pfv head mud-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-dung cly.poss-cows,", "translation": "and the father who is building the crown uses cow dung to make then,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa694d9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444229968232, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa694d9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "niria isi yibuɽənu,", "morphemes": "n-iria is-i y-i-buɽ-ən-u,", "gloss": "on-hairs scly-this cly-dpc-weave.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "on the woven hair locks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa6a8a2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444230135880, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa6a8a2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndə ŋajoɽe ŋonḏəṯo naŋiđi ṯaŋəluđađëṯu ŋan nano", "morphemes": "na ndə ŋajoɽe ŋ-onḏəṯ-o n-aŋ-iđi ṯ-aŋə-l-uđađ-ëṯ-u ŋan nano", "gloss": "and when mud clŋ-dry?.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.inf-will.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-milk.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv milk on", "translation": "and when the mud gets dry, he sprinkle the curdled milk cream on them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa6c745", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1444230433324, "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7caa6c745" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi ŋonḏəṯo ŋuđëđëiniau jaca ulëldiṯano walla errekano,", "morphemes": "iŋ-i ŋ-onḏəṯo ŋ-uđëđ-ëin-ia-u jaca ulëldiṯ-ano walla errek-ano,", "gloss": "sclŋ-this clŋ-dry.rt clŋ-milk.rt-appl.pass-ipfv-loc always mornings-in or evenings-in", "translation": "this milk has been add it to over many days in mornings and evenings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj Adj V Adv N-P Conj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ae62e4b88975525755da9d41583a21dd", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1449933296764, "ae62e4b88975525755da9d41583a21dd" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋan ṯaŋonḏəđaṯo nenda, na nda nalirəwi naloɽreṯe.", "morphemes": "na ŋan ṯ-aŋ-onḏ-əđ-aṯ-o n-enda, na nda n-al-irəw-i n-al-oɽr-eṯ-e.", "gloss": "and milk comp1b-clŋ.nf-dry.rt-ap-loc.appl-cons.ipfv on-head, and head comp2-cll.inf-come.down.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-big.rt-cmp-cons.pfv", "translation": "and the curdled milk gets dry and solid and the locks have grown big", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "jdunham", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d79ac7", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239850620, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d79ac7" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə nda ldirəwi ldoɽreṯe kañ", "morphemes": "Na ndə nda l-d-irəw-i l-d-oɽr-eṯ-e kañ", "gloss": "and when head comp2-cll.inf-come.down.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll-big very", "translation": "And if the locks grown long and big,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7ad16", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239869384, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7ad16" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "apa igi guđađëṯa ŋan nano naŋgakase ibwëɽuaya.", "morphemes": "apa ig-i g-uđađ-ëṯ-a ŋan nano n-aŋ-gakas-e ibwëɽua-ya.", "gloss": "father sclg-this clg-milk.rt-loc.appl-ipfv milk at comp2-3sg.inf-tie.rt-cons.pfv threads-cly.with", "translation": "the expert man who sprinkles milk on hair locks tie locks with threads", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7a1d2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239878714, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7a1d2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ëđəmwa giđi ṯaŋərmoṯo nda kañ əllëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ëđəmwa g-iđi ṯ-aŋə-rmoṯ-o nda kañ əllëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "so young.man clg-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-keep.rt-cons.ipfv head very cll.3sg.poss,", "translation": "So the young man really protects his hair locks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7bbf8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239888058, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7bbf8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alerṯe ləkəria", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ale-rṯe l-ə-kər-ia", "gloss": "because cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-damaged.rt-ipfv", "translation": "so as not affected or damaged", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7c71e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239900976, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7c71e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na giđi ṯaŋwasənu aŋəno aləŋgwa caŋ caŋ,", "morphemes": "Na g-iđi ṯ-aŋ-was-ən-u aŋəno aləŋgwa caŋ caŋ,", "gloss": "and clg-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-wash.rt-pass-cons.ipfv body underneath alone alone", "translation": "And he use to bathe himself half body from his shoulder and underneath,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7d4e8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239914724, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7d4e8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋerṯe gwasənia nda kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-erṯe g-was-ən-ia nda kwai kwai.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-wash.rt-pass-ipfv head never never.", "translation": "and never bathes his head at all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7b776", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239927918, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7b776" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lika leṯo ildi lëpwa isi yenəŋəɽwa yoɽra yebarmaka,", "morphemes": "Ndə lika l-eṯo ild-i l-ëpwa is-i ye-nə-ŋəɽwa y-oɽra ye-barmaka,", "gloss": "when time cll-come.rt scll-this cll.poss-fighting scly-this cly-dpc-on-heads cly-big cly.poss-community,", "translation": "And when the time of the great crown fighting of the community", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7fe03", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239939793, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236d7fe03" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa naləpəđi laffëinu ŋəɽwa", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa n-alə-pəđ-i l-aff-ëin-u ŋəɽwa", "gloss": "young.men comp2-cll.inf-fight.rt-cons.pfv cll-build.rt-appl.pass-pfv heads", "translation": "the fighters then fight with these crowned heads", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db3973", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239949295, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db3973" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəɽwa naŋəkərṯe nëpwa đəge", "morphemes": "na ŋəɽwa n-aŋə-kərṯ-e n-ëpwa đəge", "gloss": "and heads comp2-3sg.inf-break.rt-cons.pfv on-fighting at.last", "translation": "and at the meanwhile the crowns break", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db4753", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239963223, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db4753" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liji nalarrəpe ŋan iŋi ŋəkirnu nəŋəɽwa ŋonḏəṯo", "morphemes": "na liji n-al-arr-əp-e ŋan iŋ-i ŋ-ə-kir-n-u nə-ŋəɽwa ŋ-onḏəṯo", "gloss": "and women comp2-cll.inf-iter-carry.rt-cons.pfv milk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-break.rt-pass-pfv on-heads clŋ-dried", "translation": "and the women then carry the dry milk from the damaged crowns", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db530c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457239973532, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236db530c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalarrəbəṯi ñere eñen ñərra neɽa.", "morphemes": "n-al-arr-əb-əṯ-i ñere eñ-en ñ-ərra neɽa.", "gloss": "and-cll.inf-carry.rt-appl-cons.pfv children sclɲ-3pl.poss clɲ-little on.houses.", "translation": "and they carried to their young children at home.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbb7af", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240016426, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbb7af" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "4. Ëpwa isi yilëmmia (Ëpwa isi yiŋëmia):", "morphemes": "4. Ëpwa is-i yi-lëmmia (Ëpwa is-i yi-ŋëmia):", "gloss": "4. Fighting scly-this cly.poss-boys (Fighting scly-this cly.poss-boyhood)", "translation": "The fighting of the cattle boys (The fighting of boyhood)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbc6f8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240029899, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbc6f8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia ildi loɽra liđi alënṯi iŋëđəm,", "morphemes": "Lëmmia ild-i l-oɽra l-iđi al-ënṯ-i i-ŋëđəm,", "gloss": "boys scll-this cll-big cll-fut.aux cll.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-youth,", "translation": "The grown up boys who will be initiated to youth stage,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbd99d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240037750, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbd99d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ëpwa yefo lëmmia liđi naləmamađaṯe laŋge nëpwa", "morphemes": "ndə ëpwa y-e-f-o lëmmia l-iđi n-alə-ma-m-ađaṯ-e laŋge n-ëpwa", "gloss": "when fight cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv boys cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-iter-take.rt-way-cons.pfv things on-fighting", "translation": "when the normal fighting took place the older boys used to fight after them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbbb10", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240045323, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbbb10" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə ëpwa yekəriano đəge isi yilëđəmwa,", "morphemes": "ndə ëpwa y-e-kər-i-ano đəge is-i yi-lëđəmwa,", "gloss": "when fighting cly-dpc-break.rt-pfv-in finally scly-this cly.poss-young.men,", "translation": "when the fight of young men has ended,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbd2a2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240053785, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbd2a2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləməñaṯe elwaṯa ləbëria sofara.", "morphemes": "na n-alə-məñaṯ-e e-lwaṯa l-ə-bëria sofara.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-enter-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-playground cll.dpc-blowing whistles.", "translation": "they appeared in the playground blowing whistles.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbbcb9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240068117, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbbcb9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na naliđənṯi gəria naləpəđi ləmađenala.", "morphemes": "Na n-al-iđ-ən-ṯ-i gəria n-alə-pəđ-i ləmađ-en-ala.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv fence comp2-3pl.inf-fight.rt-cons.pfv peers-3pl.poss-cll.with", "translation": "and the fence is made for them and they fight with their peers", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbef84", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240078783, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbef84" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ummia gafo giđi naŋəđwaiđe", "morphemes": "Na com ummia g-afo g-iđi n-aŋə-đwaiđ-e", "gloss": "and also boy clg-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-send.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And sometimes the boy used to send for fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbf6ba", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240095180, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dbf6ba" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egorb igi ləpəđialdəga,", "morphemes": "eg-orb ig-i l-ə-pəđ-ia-ldəga,", "gloss": "loc-brother sclg-this cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv-3pl.with,", "translation": "to his peer who is fighting with him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dc1887", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240104830, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dc1887" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ummia gəlëđəmwa ildi ləpəđia lëđəmwala ildi əllëɽəŋu.", "morphemes": "na ummia gə-lëđəmwa ild-i l-ə-pəđ-ia lëđəmwa-la ild-i əll-ëɽəŋu.", "gloss": "and boy clg.poss-young.men scll-this cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv young.men-cll.with scll-3sg.pro.", "translation": "the boy belongs to the young men who fighting with their young men.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dc22fc", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240119242, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236dc22fc" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia leđa naleṯe nëpwa isi yilëmmia!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia leđa n-al-eṯ-e n-ëpwa is-i yi-lëmmia!", "gloss": "so people comp2-cll.rt-come.rt-cons.pfv on-fighting scly-this cly-boys!", "translation": "So the people go to watch the fighting of the cattle boys!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df2663", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240143441, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df2663" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ëpwa isi yiđëncia lëmmia iŋëđǝmwa yiđi nayefeṯe,", "morphemes": "Na com ëpwa is-i yi-đëncia lëmmia i-ŋëđǝmwa y-iđi n-aye-f-eṯ-e,", "gloss": "and also fighting scly-this cly.poss-promoting boys loc-youth cly-fut.aux on-cly.inf-be.loc-cmp-cons.pfv,", "translation": "And also when the initiation fighting for the cattle boys take place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df3902", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240752374, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df3902" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ yipǝđǝnu đǝge lëmmia nalǝđǝrnǝni", "morphemes": "na ndǝ y-i-pǝđ-ǝn-u đǝge lëmmia n-alǝ-đǝrn-ǝn-i", "gloss": "and if cly-dpc-fight.rt-pass-pfv at.last boys comp2-cll.inf-separate.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "and when it ended the boys who initiated separated from the rest of them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df44d1", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240770382, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df44d1" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi lǝbënṯia iŋëđǝmwa na nalǝɽe nalaffëini ŋǝɽwa", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ǝ-b-ënṯ-ia i-ŋëđǝmwa na n-al-ǝɽ-e n-al-aff-ëin-i ŋǝɽwa", "gloss": "scll-this cll-dpc-prog-enter.rt-ipfv loc-youth and comp2-cll-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-build.rt-appl.pass-cons.pfv heads", "translation": "those who will be initiated to youth stage, they go and build their crowns of their heads", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df3d67", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240785853, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df3d67" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa isi yoɽra yenǝŋǝɽwa!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa is-i y-oɽra ye-nǝ-ŋǝɽwa!", "gloss": "because fighting scly-this cly-big cly.poss-on-heads!", "translation": "for the great fighting of the crowns heads!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df67e9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240795778, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df67e9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "5. Ëpwa isi yermwaco (ləṯen) :", "morphemes": "5. Ëpwa is-i ye-rmwaco (ləṯen) :", "gloss": "5. fighting scly-this cly.poss-adult.men (mature)", "translation": "The fighting of adult men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df4fd6", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240805215, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df4fd6" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rəmwaco rëpəđia ŋəfraŋa na obṯraga, ŋen ŋarno lëđəmwa.", "morphemes": "Rəmwaco r-ë-pəđ-ia ŋəfra-ŋa na obṯra-ga, ŋen ŋ-arno lëđəmwa.", "gloss": "adult.men clr-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv sticks-clŋ.with and shields-clg.with talk clŋ-like young.men", "translation": "Adult men fight with sticks and shields, like the young male fighters.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df5a2a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240817877, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df5a2a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯenia ildi ləfo ləɽo ŋəmađa ləpəđia pənde ram ilika ləɽo lëđəmwa.", "morphemes": "Ləṯenia ild-i l-ə-f-o l-ə-ɽ-o ŋəmađa l-ə-pəđ-ia pənde ram i-lika l-ə-ɽ-o lëđəmwa.", "gloss": "fathers scll-this cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv peer cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv past early loc-time cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv young.men", "translation": "The fathers who were peers that fought against each others in the past", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df6903", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240830636, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df6903" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia rəmwaco riđi narəpəđi ananoŋ", "morphemes": "Nəṯia rəmwaco riđi n-arə-pəđ-i ananoŋ", "gloss": "so adult.men clr-fut.aux comp2-clr.inf-fight.rt-cons.pv first", "translation": "So adult men used to fight first", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df7142", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240839876, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236df7142" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "narəđađwaṯe ŋəma alo,", "morphemes": "n-arə-đađw-aṯ-e ŋəma alo,", "gloss": "comp2-clr.inf-send.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv power up,", "translation": "and they would send out their strength", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e19dc9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240851021, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e19dc9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro narəpwi gəria narəṯoɽaṯe", "morphemes": "oro n-arə-pw-i gəria n-arə-ṯoɽaṯ-e", "gloss": "then comp2-clr.inf-prepare.rt-cons.pfv fence comp2-clr.inf-arrange.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "then they prepared the playground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1b3ed", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240859606, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1b3ed" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa isi yilëđəmwa ildi lerṯo đar.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ëpwa is-i yi-lëđəmwa ild-i l-erṯ-o đar.", "gloss": "because fight scly-this cly.poss-young.men scll-this cll-have.rt-prf rope", "translation": "for the regular fighting of the young men who have the cord.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1a56a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240868779, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1a56a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com ŋen iŋi rǝmwaco rǝfo rupǝđëiđia fǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Na com ŋen iŋ-i rǝmwaco r-ǝ-fo r-upǝđëiđ-ia fǝŋu,", "gloss": "and also talk sclŋ-this adult.men clr-dpc-past.aux clr-dpc-meet.rt-ipfv foc-3sg.pro,", "translation": "And the other reason why adult men fight each other was,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1c341", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240878410, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1c341" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ rǝmwaco rǝrrǝpǝđaiđia nǝŋëmia eŋen ulǝŋgi,", "morphemes": "ndǝ rǝmwaco r-ǝ-rr-ǝpǝđaiđ-ia nǝ-ŋëmia eŋ-en ulǝŋgi,", "gloss": "if adult.men clr-dpc-iter-meet.rt-ipfv on-pasturing sclŋ-3pl.poss night,", "translation": "it they met at certain occasions in their wondering rounds at nights,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1c955", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240901049, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1c955" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ndǝ đǝmwaco đǝđamo orba gǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "walla ndǝ đǝmwaco đ-ǝ-đam-o orba g-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "or if adult.man clð-dpc-despise.rt-pfv brother clg-indef", "translation": "or when one man despises his comrade", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1d168", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240911379, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1d168" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝmakirṯia eɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "na đ-ǝ-ma-kirṯ-ia eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and clð-dpc-3sg.om-break.rt-ipfv house clg-3sg.poss,", "translation": "and cheated with his wife,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1feef", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240921874, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e1feef" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "apaŋǝnda nallwaɽǝṯi maje igi gǝɽǝwađaṯǝmau", "morphemes": "apa-ŋ-ǝnda n-al-lwaɽǝṯ-i maje igi g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ǝ-ma-u", "gloss": "father-acc-assoc.pl comp2-cll-speak.rt-cons.pfv man sclg-this clg-dpc-able.rt-pfv-3sg.om-loc", "translation": "the elders spoke to the capable man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e20ea4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240933006, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e20ea4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝɽe naŋǝmabwañaṯe nëpwa, na naŋǝmëpwi,", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-ɽ-e n-aŋǝ-ma-bwañ-aṯ-e n-ëpwa, na n-aŋǝ-më-pw-i,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-want.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-fighting, and comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-beat.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "to go to apply him for fight, and he fights him and conquers him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e43b31", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457240955710, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236e43b31" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn apaŋǝnda nalǝɽëŋilo alo nalǝmaŋëci ŋen ŋeicia ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "orn apa-ŋ-ǝnda n-alǝ-ɽëŋ-i-lo alo n-alǝ-ma-ŋëc-i ŋen ŋeicia ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "but father-acc-assoc.pl comp2-cll.inf-sit.rt-caus-3sg.om down comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-show.rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ-bad clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "so the elders call them for reconciliation and showed him his wickedness,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe607a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299749070, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe607a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia maje naŋoɽǝbǝđe eŋen ŋeicia ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia maje n-aŋ-oɽǝbǝđ-e e-ŋen ŋ-eicia ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "so man comp2-3sg.om-return.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk clŋ-bad clŋ-3sg.poss,", "translation": "so the man confesses and regrets and turns away from his wrongdoing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe52f9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299779007, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe52f9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋǝɽe naŋǝlwaɽaṯe wuji nëñua gǝmaje ṯa,", "morphemes": "na n-aŋǝ-ɽ-e n-aŋǝ-lwaɽ-aṯ-e wuji n-ëñua gǝ-maje ṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-tell.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv woman on-front clg.poss-man comp1,", "translation": "and he goes to confess to the man in front of his wife saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe5b21", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299810443, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe5b21" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orañ ñagiđu mǝnna orn ŋen ŋëpi!", "morphemes": "or-añ ña-g-iđ-u mǝnna orn ŋen ŋ-ëpi!", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss 1ex-clg-do.rt-pfv wrong but talk clŋ-well!", "translation": "my brother we have done wrong, but you can forgive us!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe5305", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299820877, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe5305" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia nalǝkere ŋen ŋeicia pređ naloɽǝbaṯe eŋen ŋǝŋǝra!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia n-alǝ-ker-e ŋen ŋ-eicia pređ n-al-oɽǝbaṯ-e e-ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra!", "gloss": "so comp2-cll.inf-break.rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ-bad all and-they-return.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk ŋ-good!", "translation": "So all of them stopped the wrongdoings and made reconciliation!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe599b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299828880, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe599b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "6. Ëpwa isi yeñowa:", "morphemes": "6. Ëpwa is-i ye-ñowa:", "gloss": "6. Fighting scly-this cly.poss-girls", "translation": "The fighting of the girls", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe6e59", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299839361, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe6e59" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñowa iñi ñəmamənu ñëpəđia orbaga igi", "morphemes": "Ñowa iñ-i ñ-ə-ma-m-ən-u ñ-ë-pəđ-ia orba-ga ig-i", "gloss": "young.women sclɲ-this ɲ-dpc-iter-take.rt-pass-pfv ɲ-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv sisters-clg.with sclg-this", "translation": "The girls who are betrothed fight with other girls who", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe7ddf", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299851627, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe7ddf" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđəmwa ləmaməlo ildi ləpəđia ebaŋgenala.", "morphemes": "lëđəmwa l-ə-ma-m-ə-lo ild-i l-ə-pəđ-ia ebaŋg-en-ala.", "gloss": "young.men cll-dpc-iter-take.rt-pfv-3sg.om scll-this cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv husband-3pl.poss-cll.with", "translation": "are been engaged to young men who fight with their engaged men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe6e7e", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299877943, "ef3a50f167e548d1f2de964236fe6e7e" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñowa ñafo ñëpəđia rəŋra na ŋətwaŋa na ŋəcwaŋa.", "morphemes": "Ñowa ñ-a-fo ñ-ë-pəđ-ia rəŋ-ra na ŋətwa-ŋa na ŋəcwa-ŋa.", "gloss": "young.women clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv hands-clr.with and whips-clɲ.with and whips-clŋ.with", "translation": "The girls fight with hands and whips made from palm leaves or leather", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58000fd2a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299894271, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58000fd2a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñowa ñafo ñapǝđëiđia nëpwa isi yilëđǝmwa!", "morphemes": "Ñowa ñ-a-fo ñ-a-pǝđëiđ-ia n-ëpwa isi yi-lëđǝmwa!", "gloss": "young.women clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-meet.rt-ipfv on-fighting scly-this cly.poss-young.men!", "translation": "The girls used to fight at the playground during the fighting of the young men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800101c5", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299900643, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800101c5" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "7. Ëpwa isi yeñəŋgen :", "morphemes": "7. Ëpwa is-i ye-ñəŋgen :", "gloss": "7. Fighting scly-this cly.poss-mothers", "translation": "The fighting of the mothers", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010971", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299932168, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010971" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñəŋgenia ñafo ñëpəđia com,", "morphemes": "Ñəŋgenia ñ-a-fo ñ-ë-pəđ-ia com,", "gloss": "mothers clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv also,", "translation": "Mothers also would fight each other,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010db3", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299941187, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010db3" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəŋgenia iñi ñëđəmwa ñafo ñëpəđia", "morphemes": "ñəŋgenia iñ-i ñ-ëđəmwa ñ-a-fo ñ-ë-pəđ-ia", "gloss": "mothers sclɲ-this clɲ.poss-young.man clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv", "translation": "the mothers of the young man would fight", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800116a8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299950178, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800116a8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəŋgeniaña ñëđəmwa igi ləpəđia ëđəmwaga igi egen,", "morphemes": "ñəŋgenia-ña ñ-ëđəmwa ig-i l-ə-pəđ-ia ëđəmwa-ga ig-i eg-en,", "gloss": "mothers-clɲ.with clɲ.poss-young.man sclg-this cll-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv young.man-with.rt sclg-3pl.poss,", "translation": "with mothers of the young man who fought with their young man.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010c69", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299983678, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580010c69" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəŋgenia ñafo ñaber ñəpəđia ŋəfraŋa", "morphemes": "ñəŋgenia ñ-a-fo ñ-aber ñ-ə-pəđ-ia ŋəfra-ŋa", "gloss": "mothers clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-not.aux clɲ-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv sticks-clŋ.with", "translation": "mothers do not fight with sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580011a68", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457299994324, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580011a68" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ñafo ñëpəđia ŋəbəɽeŋa ŋəndrəŋ.", "morphemes": "orn ñ-a-fo ñ-ë-pəđ-ia ŋəbəɽe-ŋa ŋə-ndrəŋ.", "gloss": "but clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-fight.rt-ipfv rings-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-hands.", "translation": "but would fight with metal wrist rings.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580011e66", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300003426, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580011e66" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "8. Ëpwa isi yeləfer (đǝpǝnia ldǝfer):", "morphemes": "8. Ëpwa is-i ye-ləfer (đ-ǝ-p-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer):", "gloss": "8. Fighting scly-this cly.poss-yard (clð.nom-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yard)", "translation": "The fighting of been beaten in the yards", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Num N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580012b32", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300009471, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580012b32" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëpwa isi yeldəfer yaləṯwëɽi.", "morphemes": "Ëpwa is-i ye-l-dəfer ya-ləṯwëɽi.", "gloss": "fighting scly-this cly.poss-on-yards cly.for-old.men.", "translation": "The fighting of the yards is for elderly men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580012f9b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300013629, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580012f9b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯwëɽi lëpənia ldəfer ndə ŋəmađ eŋen", "morphemes": "Ləṯwëɽi l-ë-p-ən-ia l-dəfer ndə ŋəmađ eŋ-en", "gloss": "old.men cll-rtc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards when peer sclŋ-3pl.poss", "translation": "The old men are beaten in the yards when their peer", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800139ad", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300146401, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800139ad" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋərmaṯo na ŋəɽəñađaṯo ërđia na ŋen pređ eŋen đǝge", "morphemes": "ŋ-ə-rmaṯ-o na ŋ-ə-ɽəñađaṯ-o ërđia na ŋen pređ e-ŋen đǝge", "gloss": "cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv and clŋ-dpc-finish.rt-pfv religion and talk all in-talk at.last", "translation": "has reached and finished all rituals of their lives", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V N Conj N Adv P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58001472c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300165053, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58001472c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝmađa ŋero ŋǝfǝlo eđǝpe ŋero ŋǝpǝnia ldǝfer,", "morphemes": "ŋǝmađa ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝ-f-ǝ-lo eđǝpe ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝ-p-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer,", "gloss": "peer clŋ-not.aux clŋ-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3sg.pro above clŋ-not.aux clŋ-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards,", "translation": "and when there is no line of age mate left in front of them that not made this ritual", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58001561d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300171131, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58001561d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lika nalǝɽǝwađaiđe elden ṯa alǝpǝni ldǝfer.", "morphemes": "lika n-alǝ-ɽǝwađaiđ-e eld-en ṯa alǝ-pǝn-i l-dǝfer.", "gloss": "time comp2-cll.ipfv-suitable.rt-pfv scll-3pl.poss comp1 cll.inf-beat.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-yard.", "translation": "and their time to be beaten in the yard is arrived.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006ac44", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300215536, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006ac44" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝpǝnda ldǝfer đafo đafafia ndǝ nṯǝlia nǝŋgaṯo nǝɽǝjan,", "morphemes": "Đ-ǝ-p-ǝnd-a l-dǝfer đ-a-fo đ-a-fa-f-ia ndǝ nṯǝlia n-ǝ-ŋgaṯ-o n-ǝɽǝjan,", "gloss": "clð.nom-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards clð-rtc-past.aux clð-rtc-iter-be.loc-ipfv if years cln-dpc-pass.rt-pfv cln-two", "translation": "Beaten in the yards is take place regularly when two years passed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006b585", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300231685, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006b585" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno iṯǝliaŋ igi lëmmia lǝyënṯia iŋëđǝmwa.", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno iṯǝliaŋ ig-i lëmmia l-ǝ-yënṯ-ia i-ŋëđǝmwa.", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like year which boys cll-dpc-enter.rt-ipfv loc-youth", "translation": "like the year of the initiation of the cattle boys to the youth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006ba29", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300246407, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006ba29" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝpǝnia ldǝfer đafafia errame gǝɽo nṯǝli!", "morphemes": "Đǝpǝnia l-dǝfer đ-a-fa-f-ia e-rrame g-ǝ-ɽ-o nṯǝli!", "gloss": "Beaten loc-yards clð-rtc-iter-be.loc-ipfv loc-rain clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv season", "translation": "Beaten in the yard take place at the beginning of the rainy season!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N V P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006bafb", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300256681, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006bafb" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lafo lëpwëcǝnia ldǝfer nayen eđǝpe isi yoɽra Nǝŋoro!", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-fo l-ë-pw-ëc-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer n-ayen eđǝpe is-i y-oɽra Nǝŋoro!", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-beat.rt-loc.appl-pass-ipfv on-yards on-mountains on.top.of scly-this cly-big Nengoro!", "translation": "The people used to perform this ritual on the top of the Nengoro Mountain", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006be90", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300266219, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006be90" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ lika lǝrmaṯo lǝđǝpǝnia ldǝfer", "morphemes": "Ndǝ lika l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o lǝ-đ-ǝ-p-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer", "gloss": "if time cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv cll.poss-clð.nom-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards,", "translation": "When the time of beaten on yards approached near", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006c7f9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300314747, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006c7f9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "apaŋǝnda lafo liđi nalokoɽǝbaṯe iŋëđǝmwa", "morphemes": "apa-ŋ-ǝnda l-a-fo l-iđi n-al-ok-oɽǝb-aṯ-e i-ŋëđǝmwa", "gloss": "father-acc-assoc.pl cll-rtc-past.aux cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-youth", "translation": "the elder who were intended to be involved in this occasion behave as if they were young again", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006c952", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300345128, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006c952" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nalǝgakësǝni laŋge nano pređ lëpwa, ndrenia nëpwa na ñǝrapađa!", "morphemes": "Na n-alǝ-gakës-ǝn-i laŋge nano pređ l-ëpwa, ndrenia n-ëpwa na ñǝrapađa!", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-tie.rt-pass-cons.pfv things at all cll.poss-fighting, clothes cln.poss-fighting and ornaments", "translation": "and they wore on all the equipment of the stickfighting, as cloths of fighting and the ornamentals.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d477", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300355170, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d477" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nalǝmeđe ŋǝtwa,", "morphemes": "Na n-alǝ-međ-e ŋǝtwa,", "gloss": "and comp2-make.rt-cons.pfv whips,", "translation": "And they make whips,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d79a", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300363786, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d79a" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa pređ ildi laboṯwa ldǝfer nalǝmeđe ŋǝtwa,", "morphemes": "na leđa pređ ild-i l-aboṯw-a ldǝfer n-alǝ-međ-e ŋǝtwa,", "gloss": "and people all scll-this cll-go.up.rt-ipfv on-yards comp2-cll.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv whips", "translation": "and all those people that are participating in this event make whips,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d930", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300374262, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58006d930" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na apaŋǝnda nalarrǝpe ŋǝfra erǝŋ com ŋerṯo ndwa ǝrṯu.", "morphemes": "na apa-ŋ-ǝnda n-al-arr-ǝp-e ŋǝfra e-rǝŋ com ŋ-erṯ-o ndwa ǝrṯu.", "gloss": "and father-acc-assoc.pl comp2-cll.inf-iter-carry.rt-cons.pfv sticks in-hands also cll-have.rt-pfv cover behind.", "translation": "and the elders carry a cover leather sticks in their hands", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580070854", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300381795, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580070854" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋuɽu naŋiđǝnṯi apaŋǝnda ŋwaña", "morphemes": "Ŋuɽu n-aŋ-iđ-ǝn-ṯ-i apa-ŋ-ǝnda ŋ-waña", "gloss": "wine comp2-clŋ.inf-make.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv father-acc-assoc.pl clŋ-many", "translation": "And a lot of white wine is made for the old men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a87db", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300422610, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a87db" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eyaɽer yoɽra na naŋërrǝbëini elwaṯa lëpwa!", "morphemes": "e-yaɽer y-oɽra na n-aŋ-ërr-ǝb-ëin-i e-lwaṯa l-ëpwa!", "gloss": "loc-clay.bowls cly-big and comp2-clŋ.inf-iter-take.rt-appl.pass-to loc-playground cll.poss-fighting!", "translation": "in big large bowls an taken to the fight playground!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a90c2", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300431505, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a90c2" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na apaŋǝnda pređ eđa gənǝŋ iŋulu naŋerṯe rappa rwaña", "morphemes": "Na apa-ŋ-ǝnda pređ eđa g-ənǝŋ i-ŋulu n-aŋ-erṯ-e rappa r-waña", "gloss": "and father-acc-assoc.pl all man clg-inde loc-3pl.pro comp2-3sg.inf-have.rt-cons.pfv friends clr-many", "translation": "Each aged man has many friends", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a8999", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300437140, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a8999" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa arǝɽe arǝmatre nano", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa arǝ-ɽ-e arǝ-ma-tr-e nano", "gloss": "because clr.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv clr.inf-3sg.om-keep.rt-cons.pfv at", "translation": "so as to guard and protect him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a9d84", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300455836, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800a9d84" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "arǝmuɽǝbëci leđa nano alerṯe lǝmëpwa ŋǝtwaŋa!", "morphemes": "arǝ-m-uɽǝbëc-i leđa nano ale-rṯe lǝ-më-pw-a ŋǝtwa-ŋa!", "gloss": "clr.inf-3sg.om-prevent.rt-cons.pfv people at cll.inf-not.aux cll-doc-3sg.om-beat.rt-ipfv whips-clŋ.with!", "translation": "and prevent other from hurting him with their whips!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800aab61", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300465850, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800aab61" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na rappa riđi narmǝña egeɽa apaga ṯarmëđiṯu eɽo", "morphemes": "Na rappa r-iđi n-ar-mǝñ-a eg-eɽa apa-ga ṯ-ar-më-điṯ-u eɽo", "gloss": "and friends clr-fut.aux comp2-clr.inf-exit.rt-ipfv in-house father-clg.with comp1b-clr.inf-3sg.om-surround.rt-cons.ipfv together", "translation": "And the friends would come out from the house with the aged men surrounding him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800abac4", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300476732, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800abac4" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa eđa gǝnǝŋ aŋerṯe gǝfiđia lika aŋǝbuɽwi apaŋ.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa eđa g-ǝnǝŋ aŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-fiđ-ia lika aŋǝ-buɽw-i apaŋ.", "gloss": "because man clg-indef 3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-find.rt-ipfv time 3sg.inf-beat.rt-cons.ipfv father-acc", "translation": "so that that nobody would find a chance to beat him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c1b1d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300487429, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c1b1d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ eđa gǝnǝŋ gǝɽǝwađaṯo nǝŋǝmabuɽwi,", "morphemes": "Ndǝ eđa g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-o n-ǝŋǝ-ma-buɽw-i,", "gloss": "if man clg-indef clg-dpc-able.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-strike.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "If someone was able to strike the aged man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c23ac", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300494710, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c23ac" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "rappa rǝlëɽǝŋu narerṯe rǝmaŋgiṯia narmabuɽwi com!", "morphemes": "rappa r-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ar-erṯe r-ǝ-ma-ŋgiṯ-ia n-ar-ma-buɽw-i com!", "gloss": "friends clr-3sg.poss comp2-clr.inf-not.aux clr-dpc-3sg.om-allow.rt-ipfv comp2-clr-3sg.om-strike.rt-cons.pfv too!", "translation": "his friends would take revenge and strike that man too!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c2751", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300496916, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c2751" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ apaŋǝnda lǝrmaṯo elwaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ndǝ apa-ŋ-ǝnda l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o e-lwaṯa,", "gloss": "if father-acc-assoc.pl cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv loc-playground,", "translation": "When they arrived to the playground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c2b70", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300528050, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c2b70" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋuɽu pređ iŋi ŋiđǝnṯǝlo naŋǝwërđini alo elwaṯa", "morphemes": "ŋuɽu pređ iŋ-i ŋ-iđ-ǝn-ṯ-ǝ-lo n-aŋǝ-wërđ-i-n-i alo e-lwaṯa", "gloss": "wine all sclŋ-this clŋ-do.rt-pass-appl-pfv-3sg.om comp2-3sg.inf-place.rt-caus-pass-cons.pfv down loc-playground", "translation": "All wines which is made for them set in rows around inside the playground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3a93", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300539865, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3a93" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na apaŋǝnda ildi ləɽo ndr enen noɽra nalela", "morphemes": "na apa-ŋ-ǝnda ild-i l-ə-ɽ-o ndr en-en n-oɽra n-al-el-a", "gloss": "and father-acc-assoc.pl scll.l-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv older.stage scln-3pl.poss cln-big comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and the older stage of the aged men come", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3441", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300561800, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3441" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯalǝpǝđǝđu ŋuɽu nano ŋǝtwaŋa eŋen", "morphemes": "ṯ-alǝ-pǝđ-ǝđ-u ŋuɽu nano ŋǝtwa-ŋa eŋ-en", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-meet.rt-ap-pfv wine at whips-clŋ.with sclŋ-3pl.poss", "translation": "and whip near the place of wine with their whips", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c40c8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300570805, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c40c8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ilika apaŋǝnda ildi lǝpǝnia ldǝfer", "morphemes": "i-lika apa-ŋ-ǝnda ild-i l-ǝ-p-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer", "gloss": "loc-time father-acc-assoc.pl scll-this cll-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards", "translation": "while the aged men who are beaten in the yards", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3dff", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300583959, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c3dff" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝbalǝŋaṯa elwaṯa na ɽrəṯia ŋǝnia ŋëpwa!", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-b-alǝŋ-aṯ-a e-lwaṯa na ɽrəṯ-ia ŋǝnia ŋ-ëpwa!", "gloss": "cll-dpc-prog-sing.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-playground and dance.rt-ipfv clŋ.poss-fighting", "translation": "were singing in the playground and dancing a fighting dance!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c529c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300683745, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c529c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ apaŋǝnda ildi ləɽo ndr enen,", "morphemes": "Ndǝ apa-ŋ-ǝnda ild-i l-ə-ɽ-o ndr en-en,", "gloss": "if father-acc-assoc.pl scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv older.stage scln-3pl.poss,", "translation": "And if the aged men that were their age mates", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c6293", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300696274, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c6293" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gǝnǝŋ gǝbuɽǝđu iŋuɽu ŋapa gǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "eđa g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-buɽ-ǝđ-u i-ŋuɽu ŋ-apa g-ǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "man clg-indef clg-dpc-strike.rt-ap-pfv in-wine clŋ.poss-father clg-indef", "translation": "someone strikes the wine that belongs to a certain aged man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c6e83", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300706967, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c6e83" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi lǝpǝnia ldǝfer elwaṯa", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ǝ-p-ǝn-ia l-dǝfer e-lwaṯa", "gloss": "scll-this cll-dpc-beat.rt-pass-ipfv on-yards loc-playground", "translation": "who is involved in this beating in the yards", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c738c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300719435, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c738c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naliđǝnṯi gǝria nalǝpǝđi nëpwa ŋǝfraŋa na yulǝya.", "morphemes": "n-al-iđ-ǝn-ṯ-i gǝria n-alǝ-pǝđ-i n-ëpwa ŋǝfra-ŋa na yulǝ-ya.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-make.rt-appl-cons.pfv fence comp2-cll.inf-fight.rt-cons.pfv on-fighting sticks-clŋ.with and giraffe-cly.with.", "translation": "the organizer prepares a fence for them and they fight each others with sticks and shields.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c4729", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300739621, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c4729" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa ildi lǝlǝpǝđiđia ṯalakaborṯo iŋika,", "morphemes": "Na leđa ild-i l-ǝ-lǝpǝđ-i-đ-ia ṯ-al-ak-aborṯ-o i-ŋika,", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll-dpc-organize.rt-caus-ap-ipfv comp1b-cll.inf-iter-jump.to.rt-pfv loc-between,", "translation": "And the referee controls and organises the match,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c83d8", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300749858, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c83d8" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋarno ṯia iŋi ŋëpwa yilëđǝmwa!", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-arno ṯia iŋ-i ŋ-ëpwa yi-lëđǝmwa!", "gloss": "talk clŋ-like in.this.way sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-fighting cly.poss-young.men!", "translation": "just like what happens during the fighting of young men!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c7b3b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300766043, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5800c7b3b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋen iŋi naŋiđiđǝnṯi ṯia ndǝ errekano gǝɽo", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋen iŋ-i n-aŋ-iđ-i-đ-ǝn-ṯ-i ṯia ndǝ errekano g-ǝ-ɽ-o", "gloss": "so talk sclŋ-this comp2-clŋ.inf-be-do.rt-caus-ap-pass-appl-cons.pfv in.this.way if evening clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv", "translation": "So these events take place throught the day up to evening,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58013bcea", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300888561, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58013bcea" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa pređ nalǝkǝriano nalokoɽǝbaṯe tǝŋgen.", "morphemes": "leđa pređ n-alǝ-kǝr-i-ano n-al-ok-oɽǝb-aṯ-e tǝŋg-en.", "gloss": "people all comp2-cll.inf-break.rt-cons.pfv-inside comp2-cll.inf-iter-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv home-3pl.poss", "translation": "all men scattered and went back home", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580143398", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300959883, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580143398" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen naŋanṯa đǝge apaŋǝnda lëpǝnu ldǝfer đǝge", "morphemes": "Na ŋen n-aŋ-anṯ-a đǝge apa-ŋ-ǝnda l-ë-p-ǝn-u l-dǝfer đǝge", "gloss": "and talk comp2-clŋ.inf-mean.rt-ipfv at.last father-acc-assoc.pl cll-rtc-beat.rt-pass-pfv on-yard at.last", "translation": "And this is meant that the aged men have beaten in the yards.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58014377b", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300969290, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58014377b" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "laɽǝñađaṯo ŋërria na ërđia pređ", "morphemes": "l-a-ɽǝñ-ađaṯ-o ŋërria na ërđia pređ", "gloss": "cll-rtc-complete.rt-way-pfv culture and religion all", "translation": "and that they have completed all the cultural rituals for the cycles of life.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144454", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300978973, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144454" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laṯëđǝnṯu ŋen ṯa alela alǝwađe uṯra", "morphemes": "na l-a-ṯëđ-ǝn-ṯ-u ŋen ṯa al-el-a alǝ-wađ-e uṯra", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-remain.rt-pass-appl-pfv talk comp1 cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll.inf-pierce.rt-cons.pfv pig", "translation": "there is nothing left for them except the ritual of piercing the pig,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144be0", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300988394, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144be0" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alënṯi igëmǝđ alǝɽeṯe lǝtǝɽe đǝge,", "morphemes": "al-ënṯ-i ig-ëmǝđ alǝ-ɽeṯ-e lǝtǝɽe đǝge,", "gloss": "cll.inf-enter.rt-pfv loc-feast cll.inf-become.rt-cons.pfv holy at.last,", "translation": "and be promoted to the holiness stage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144d13", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457300999308, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580144d13" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋwasǝni eŋen pređ ŋeicia!", "morphemes": "na aŋ-was-ǝn-i e-ŋen pređ ŋeicia!", "gloss": "and 3sg.inf-wash.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-talk all evil!", "translation": "and be cleanse from every dirtiness and wickedness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58013f80d", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301008627, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58013f80d" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eđa gǝnǝŋ ṯaŋǝṯurṯu lika ǝllëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Na eđa g-ǝnǝŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u lika ǝllëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and man clg-indef comp1b-clŋ.inf-wait.rt-pfv time cll.3sg.poss", "translation": "And someone waits his final passing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140534", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301026045, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140534" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋǝɽe aŋǝjope lǝmađenanda ildi lǝbarṯǝma", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋǝ-ɽ-e aŋǝ-jop-e lǝmađ-en-anda ild-i l-ǝ-barṯ-ǝ-ma", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-be.rt-cons.pfv 3sg.inf-reach.rt-cons.pfv age.mate-3sg.poss-assoc.pl scll-this cll-dpc-pass.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "to go to reach his colleagues his age mate group who went a head of him,", "tags": "Comp V V N Adj V", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140743", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301036025, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140743" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝɽe eđǝmǝṯia đomǝn tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "l-dǝ-ɽ-e e-đǝmǝṯia đ-omǝn tǝŋ.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.fv loc-life clð-other again.", "translation": "to the other life", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N A Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140d99", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301051127, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580140d99" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ndǝ apa gǝŋgaṯo gǝnǝŋ gǝfo eŋǝmađ iŋi,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ndǝ apa g-ǝ-ŋg-aṯ-o g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-f-o e-ŋǝmađ iŋ-i,", "gloss": "so if father clg-dpc-leave.rt-loc.appl-pfv clg-indef clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv in-age sclŋ-this,", "translation": "Therefore when some one passes away in this age", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5801418a9", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301069829, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe5801418a9" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen naŋerṯe ŋǝcia leđa nano ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu", "morphemes": "ŋen n-aŋ-erṯe ŋǝcia leđa nano ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu", "gloss": "talk comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clŋ-bad people at because 3sg.pro", "translation": "the people feels not sorrowful for him because he", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58014248c", "key": [ "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", 1457301080972, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58014248c" ], "value": { "story": "679d58b41fdd77476b23f9e7ca11bd71", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gaɽǝñađaṯo ŋen pređ đǝŋǝrađa nano!", "morphemes": "g-a-ɽǝñađaṯ-o ŋen pređ đǝŋǝra-đa nano!", "gloss": "clg-rtc-complete.rt-pfv talk all pleasure-clð.with at!", "translation": "has completed everything with joy!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893eeb7a", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431512715991, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893eeb7a" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝper l-Ođǝloŋ", "morphemes": "Lǝper l-Ođǝloŋ", "gloss": "Tail cll-fox", "translation": "The Tail of the Fox", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f2a10", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431512864678, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f2a10" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ đar đëndu ođǝloŋ lǝper na lǝper lduɽi,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ đar đ-ënd-u ođǝloŋ lǝper na lǝper l-duɽ-i,", "gloss": "day-indef rope clð-catch.rt-pfv fox tail and tail cll-cut.apart.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "One day a rope caught a fox's tail, and it was cut off,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f17d9", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431513033480, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f17d9" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝciṯi ŋayo kañ.", "morphemes": "na ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-ci-ṯ-i ŋayo kañ.", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-bad.rt-cmp-cons.pfv appearance very.", "translation": "and the fox became very ugly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f0e7e", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431513127887, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f0e7e" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ođǝloŋ gǝrmaṯo ṯwañ eɽa nano gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o ṯwañ eɽa nano gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and when fox clg-dpc2-arrive.rt-pfv near house at 3sg.poss,", "translation": "And when the Fox came near to his house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adv N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f0fed", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431513404187, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f0fed" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝfiđi nḏǝloŋ nwaña nǝɽaŋalo egaɽǝnwa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i nḏǝloŋ n-waña n-ǝ-ɽaŋ-alo eg-aɽǝnwa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-pfv foxes cln-many cln-dpc2-sit.rt-(ipfv)-down loc-meeting.place,", "translation": "She found many foxes sitting down in their meeting place,", "tags": "5", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f9a8c", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516048769, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f9a8c" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nḏǝloŋ ṯanurmaṯu orba kañ", "morphemes": "na nḏǝloŋ ṯa-n-urm-aṯ-u orba kañ", "gloss": "and foxes comp1-cln-laugh.rt-loc.app-pfv sibling very", "translation": "and the foxes began to laugh at their sister a lot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f9657", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516179834, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893f9657" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lǝper lǝlëɽǝŋu lero", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa lǝper l-ǝlëɽǝŋu lero", "gloss": "because tail cll-3sg.poss cll-broke.rt-pfv.", "translation": "because her tail was gone.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893fcbf9", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516261436, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893fcbf9" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi lorba ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i lorba ṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv siblings comp1,", "translation": "The Fox told her siblings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893fe413", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516476006, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893fe413" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lorldañ! Ñagëbǝđiṯau? Ñagañurmaṯa ñigǝɽe?”", "morphemes": "“Lorld-añ! Ña-g-ë-b-ǝđ-iə ṯau? Ña-ga-ñ-urm-aṯ-a ñi-g-ǝ-ɽ-e?”", "gloss": "\"Sibling-1sg.poss! 2pl-clg-rtc-prg-do.rt-ipfv how 1sg-clg-rtc-1sg.om-laugh.rt-loc.appl-ipfv 1sg-clg-dpc2-be.rt-inf1", "translation": "My brothers and sisters! What are you doing? Why are laughing at me? Why me?\"", "tags": "9", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893feecd", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516705646, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893feecd" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝloŋ naṯa, “Ñagaŋawondaṯa! Agaɽaṯau?", "morphemes": "Nḏǝloŋ n-aṯ-a, “Ña-g-a-ŋa-wond-aṯ-a! A-g-a-ɽ-a ṯau?", "gloss": "Foxes cln-say.rt, \"1ex-clg-rtc-2sg.om-look.rt-loc.appl-ipfv! 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-ipfv how?", "translation": "The foxes answered, \"We are looking at you! What happened to you?", "tags": "10", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894017af", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516807424, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894017af" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝper lǝlaɽǝŋa luɽu eđa?”", "morphemes": "Lǝper l-ǝlaɽǝŋa l-uɽ-u eđa?”", "gloss": "Tail cll-2sg.poss cll-cut.apart.rt-pfv why?", "translation": "Why your tail is been cut off?\"", "tags": "11", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8940343c", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431516849369, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8940343c" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "and fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "And then the Fox said,", "tags": "12", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89404f8e", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431517019344, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89404f8e" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đar đëndëcǝñe lǝper neṯa, na lǝper lduɽi.”", "morphemes": "“Đar đ-ënd-ëc-ǝ-ñe lǝper n-eṯa, na lǝper l-duɽ-i.”", "gloss": "rope clð-catch.rt-appl-ipfv-1sg.om tail on-pool, and tail cll-cut.off-caus-pfv.", "translation": "The rope caught my tail at the pool, and it was cut off.\"", "tags": "13", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89406841", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431517219472, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89406841" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nḏǝloŋ naṯa, “Na agëbǝđiṯau đǝge điñiđi?”", "morphemes": "Na nḏǝloŋ n-aṯ-a, “Na a-g-ë-b-ǝđ-iə ṯau đǝge điñiđi?”", "gloss": "and foxes cln-say.rt-ipfv, \"and 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv at.last now?", "translation": "Foxes said, \"And then what are you going to do now?\"", "tags": "14", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj V Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894089f4", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431517279518, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894089f4" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "The Fox said,", "tags": "15", "syntacticCategory": "N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8941573e", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431517429852, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8941573e" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Egabǝṯa egeɽa gǝlëɽǝñi na egonaṯa lǝper alobǝđe tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "“E-g-a-b-ǝ-ṯ-a eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝñi na e-g-onaṯ-a lǝper al-obǝđ-e tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-loc.appl-ipfv in-house clg-1sg.poss and 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv tail 1du-sprout.rt-inf1 again.\"", "translation": "\"I am going home, and I want my tail to sprout again.\"", "tags": "16", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adj Conj V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89480803", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431518402918, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89480803" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝgëtu gabǝla.", "morphemes": "Nǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "comp2-clg-be.2d clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "And she went.", "tags": "17", "syntacticCategory": "V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89482e61", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431518805042, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89482e61" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏǝloŋ ṯanurmaṯu orba", "morphemes": "Orn nḏǝloŋ ṯ-an-urm-aṯ-u orba", "gloss": "but foxes comp1b-cln.inf-laugh.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv sibling", "translation": "Then the foxes laughed at their friend", "tags": "18", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89482fc2", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431518871299, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89482fc2" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "tǝŋ pǝlelo na ṯanaṯa,", "morphemes": "tǝŋ pǝlelo na ṯa-n-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "again high and comp1-cln-say.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "again loudly and they said,", "tags": "19", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894853ca", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431518984557, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894853ca" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ace maje gaɽo ŋǝbayaŋǝno,", "morphemes": "“Ace maje g-a-ɽ-o ŋǝbaya-aŋǝno,", "gloss": "\"what man clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv mercy-body,", "translation": "\"He is a poor fellow,", "tags": "20", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894870d0", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431519046735, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894870d0" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝper lobǝđa tǝŋ ṯau!”", "morphemes": "lǝper l-obǝđ-a tǝŋ ṯau!”", "gloss": "tail cll-grow.rt-ipfv again how!", "translation": "How can the tail grow again!\"", "tags": "21", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948863f", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431521331412, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948863f" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ođǝloŋ gundǝđu nḏǝloŋ pređ", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ođǝloŋ g-undǝđ-u nḏǝloŋ pređ", "gloss": "day-indef fox clg-call.rt-pfv foxes all,", "translation": "One day the Fox called all of the foxes,", "tags": "22", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948a4ec", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522055165, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948a4ec" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝllwaɽǝṯi ṯa, “Lorldañ,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-l-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i ṯa, “Lorld-añ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv comp1, \"siblings-1sg.poss,", "translation": "and said to them, \"My brothers and sisters,", "tags": "23", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948c94e", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522363069, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948c94e" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igalǝŋeṯo jǝnenia alo yenǝŋ nḏǝbarlda", "morphemes": "i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o jǝnenia alo y-enǝŋ nǝ-đǝbarlda", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv garden down cly-indef loc-river", "translation": "I know a garden near the river", "tags": "24 particle", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948d5d3", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522518586, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948d5d3" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yerṯo ñǝbǝṯegano ñwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "y-erṯ-o ñǝbǝṯeg-ano ñ-waña kañ,", "gloss": "has melons-in clɲ-many very,", "translation": "that has a lot of melons,", "tags": "25", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948f7fe", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522634596, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8948f7fe" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ ñagǝlonaṯa ñiđi alǝɽr aldǝsar", "morphemes": "na ndǝ ña-g-ǝ-l-onaṯ-a ñ-iđi alǝ-ɽ-r al-dǝ-s-a-r", "gloss": "and if 2pl-clg-dpc2-3pl.om-want.rt-ipfv 2pl-will 1in-go.rt-pl 1in-3pl.om-eat.rt-cons.d.pfv-pl", "translation": "and if you want them, we will go and eat them there,", "tags": "26 .", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894916ea", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522741744, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894916ea" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aldǝmamǝṯiar ñere iñëndr com.”", "morphemes": "na al-dǝ-mam-ǝṯ-ia-r ñere iñ-ëndr com.”", "gloss": "and 1in-3pl.om-bring.rt-appl-cons.d.pfv-pl children sclɲ-1ex.poss too.\"", "translation": "and bring them to our children too.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89492c60", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522811739, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89492c60" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝloŋ naṯa,", "morphemes": "Nḏǝloŋ n-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "Foxes cln-say.rt-pfv,", "translation": "The foxes said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894946ac", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431522927561, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894946ac" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñagonaṯa ñǝbǝṯeg! Ñagonaṯa ñǝbǝṯeg kañ.", "morphemes": "“Ña-g-onaṯ-a ñǝbǝṯeg! Ña-g-onaṯ-a ñǝbǝṯeg kañ.", "gloss": "\"1ex-clg-want.rt-ipfv melon! 1ex-clg-want.rt-ipfv melon very.", "translation": "\"We want watermelon! We want them very much!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89496529", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431523068626, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89496529" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Alǝɽr alǝsar ñǝbǝṯeg, alǝɽr alǝsar ñǝbǝṯeg.”", "morphemes": "Alǝ-ɽ-r alǝ-s-a-r ñǝbǝṯeg, alǝ-ɽ-r alǝ-s-a-r ñǝbǝṯeg.”", "gloss": "1in-go.rt-pl 1in-eat.rt-d.inf1-pl melon, 1in-go.rt-pl 1in-eat.rt-d.inf1-pl melon.", "translation": "Let us go and eat melon, let us go and eat them.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89498527", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431523768509, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89498527" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝloŋ pređ nǝtođe nëtu nabǝla,", "morphemes": "Nḏǝloŋ pređ n-ǝ-tođ-e n-ëtu n-a-b-ǝl-a,", "gloss": "foxes all cln-dpc-rise.rt-cons.pfv? cln-be.2d cln-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "All of the foxes went,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949a4d2", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431523849941, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949a4d2" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ndrǝmaṯo ejǝnene", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝ-rǝm-aṯ-o e-yǝnene", "gloss": "and when cln-dpc-arrive.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-garden", "translation": "and when they arrived at the garden", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949af33", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431523980620, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949af33" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝfiđi maje gero igi gǝnwanǝđia,", "morphemes": "n-ǝ-fiđ-i maje g-ero ig-i g-ǝ-nwan-ǝđ-ia,", "gloss": "cln-dpc-find.rt-cons.pfv? man clg-not scl-this clg-dpc-watch.rt-ap-ipfv,", "translation": "they found the guardian not there,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "V N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949c6df", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431524060636, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949c6df" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nḏǝloŋ nǝse ñǝbǝṯeg ñwaña kañ.", "morphemes": "na nḏǝloŋ n-ǝ-s-e ñǝbǝṯeg ñ-waña kañ.", "gloss": "and foxes cln-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv? melon clɲ-many very.", "translation": "and they ate a lot of melon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949cba5", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431524220860, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8949cba5" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝsëcu ṯa lorba laso", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-sëc-u ṯa lorba l-a-s-o", "gloss": "when fox clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv comp1 siblings cll-rtc-eat.rt-pfv", "translation": "When the Fox realized that her brothers and sisters had eaten", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a0218", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431524848070, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a0218" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñǝbǝṯeg ñwaña đǝge ldǝbeṯe kañ nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "ñǝbǝṯeg ñ-waña đǝge ldǝ-beṯ-e kañ n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "melon clɲ-many last 3pl-satisfied.rt-cons.pfv very and-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "many melons and filled their stomach, she said to them,", "tags": "35 check:satisfied.3pl?", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv V Adv V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a2895", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431524978756, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a2895" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ndǝ eđa gǝnǝŋ inëndr gǝso gǝbeṯo đǝge,", "morphemes": "“Ndǝ eđa gǝnǝŋ i-nënd-r g-ǝ-s-o g-ǝ-beṯ-o đǝge,", "gloss": "if meat? clg-one loc-1in-pl clg-dpc-eat.rt-pfv 3sg-dpc-satisfied.rt-pfv enough,", "translation": "\"If anyone has eaten and is satisfied,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj P-N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a33a2", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525104173, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a33a2" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋgakasëini lǝbǝṯega ldǝper lǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ga-kasë-in-i lǝbǝṯega ldǝper l-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "comp2b-3sg.inf-iter-tie.rt-pass-inf1 melon on-tail cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "let him tie a melon onto his tail", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a69a2", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525216324, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a69a2" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋëbǝṯi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋ-ëb-ǝṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu.”", "gloss": "because 3sg.inf-carry.rt-inf1 children clɲ-3sg.poss.", "translation": "so as to take it to his children.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a812c", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525301808, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a812c" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝloŋ pređ naṯa,", "morphemes": "Nḏǝloŋ pređ n-aṯa,", "gloss": "Foxes all cln-say.rt,", "translation": "All foxes said together,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a873a", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525405757, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894a873a" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋame kañ. Ŋen ŋame kañ.”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋ-ame kañ. Ŋen ŋ-ame kañ.”", "gloss": "“talk clŋ-sweet very. talk clŋ-sweet very", "translation": "\"It is a good idea, it is a very good idea.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aa4c8", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525518646, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aa4c8" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nënŋulu nǝgakasëini ñǝbǝṯega ñoɽra nǝŋǝper eŋen.", "morphemes": "Na n-ënŋulu nǝ-ga-kasë-in-i ñǝbǝṯega ñ-oɽra nǝ-ŋǝper eŋ-en.", "gloss": "and cln-3pl.pro cln.inf-iter-be.tied.rt-pass-cons.pfv melon clɲ-big on-tails sclŋ-3pl.", "translation": "And all of them tied a melon on their tails.", "tags": "reflexive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aa7a6", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431525612861, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aa7a6" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝsëcu lorba", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-sëc-u lorba", "gloss": "and when fox clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv siblings", "translation": "And when the Fox saw her brothers and sisters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894ad0bc", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431527273297, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894ad0bc" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝgakasëinu ñǝbǝṯeg nǝŋǝper eŋen ŋopia đǝge,", "morphemes": "lǝ-ga-kasëin-u ñǝbǝṯeg nǝ-ŋǝper eŋen ŋopia đǝge,", "gloss": "cll-iter-be.tied.rt-pfv melon on-tails sclŋ-3pl well last,", "translation": "already had tied the melon on their tails,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aec38", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431527592106, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894aec38" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋwađe eŋwal ŋoɽra kañ!", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-wađ-e e-ŋwal ŋ-oɽra kañ!", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-poke.rt-cons.pfv loc-cry clŋ-big very!", "translation": "she suddenly cried out loudly!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b0dab", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431527709834, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b0dab" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝrace olia alo goɽra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-rac-e olia alo g-oɽra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-shout.rt-cons.pfv voice place clg-big very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "and shouted with a loud voice and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b4e74", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431527896724, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b4e74" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wëi, wëi, wëi! Lorldañanda lǝgabayar,", "morphemes": "“Wëi, wëi, wëi! Lorld-añ-anda lǝ-g-a-b-ay-a-r,", "gloss": "\"Oh, oh, oh! siblings-1sg.poss-assoc.pl 1in-clg-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv-pl,", "translation": "\"Oh, oh, oh! My friends we are going to die,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b6bcf", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431527970914, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b6bcf" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alobǝđr kañ!", "morphemes": "al-obǝđ-r kañ!", "gloss": "1in-run.rt-pl very!", "translation": "let us run away quickly!", "tags": "Check:1p.imperative", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b7796", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528054562, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894b7796" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa maje gëtu geṯo igi gerṯo jǝnenia", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa maje g-ëtu g-eṯ-o ig-i g-erṯ-o jǝnenia", "gloss": "because man clg-be.2d clg-come.rt-pfv sclg-this clg-have.rt-pfv garden", "translation": "Because the owner of the garden is coming", "tags": "Extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894bd0a8", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528169714, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894bd0a8" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝfo lǝfrala lwala loɽra kañ.”", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-f-o lǝfra-la lwala loɽra kañ.”", "gloss": "clg-dpc-carry.rt-pfv stick-with cll-long cll-big very.", "translation": "with a very big long stick.\"", "tags": "Extraposition stacked.relatives", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894be97d", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528346784, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894be97d" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏǝloŋ ŋen nǝnno ŋen iŋi, nobǝđe kañ,", "morphemes": "Nḏǝloŋ ŋen n-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋi, n-obǝđ-e kañ,", "gloss": "Foxes when cln-dpc-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this, cln-run.rt-cons.pfv? very,", "translation": "When the foxes heard this, they ran with all their might,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894bfc6a", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528473864, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894bfc6a" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen naṯa nǝmurwa gǝri nenda,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-aṯa n-ǝ-murw-a gǝri n-enda,", "gloss": "and when cln-say cln-dpc-cross.rt-ipfv fence on-head,", "translation": "and when they tried to jump over the garden fence,", "tags": "check:say=try?.control check:cross?/jump?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c08ee", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528580862, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c08ee" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝper eŋen ŋulu pređ nǝŋukuɽi.", "morphemes": "ŋǝper eŋ-en ŋulu pređ nǝ-ŋ-uk-uɽ-i.", "gloss": "tails sclŋ-3pl 3pl.pro all comp2-clŋ-iter-cut.off.rt-caus.", "translation": "Then all of their tails were cut off,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c1972", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528742359, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c1972" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia nḏǝloŋ nerṯe nurmaṯa orba tǝŋ lomanǝŋ kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia nḏǝloŋ n-erṯe n-urm-aṯ-a orba tǝŋ loman-ǝŋ kwai kwai,", "gloss": "so foxes cln-neg.aux? cln-laugh.rt-loc.app-ipfv sibling again day-indef ever ever,", "translation": "So the foxes did not laugh at their friend anymore,", "tags": "Check:not?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c3f54", "key": [ "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", 1431528895443, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e894c3f54" ], "value": { "story": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893da288", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋǝper eŋen ŋulu pređ ŋađđo.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋǝper eŋ-en ŋulu pređ ŋ-a-đđ-o.", "gloss": "because tails sclŋ-3pl.poss 3pl.pro all clŋ-rtc-cut?.rt-pfv.", "translation": "because the tails of all of them were cut.", "tags": "Check:cut?", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c82a35", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431338390314, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c82a35" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia na Ŋǝđǝnia", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia na Ŋǝđǝnia", "gloss": "fox and hyena and rabbit", "translation": "Fox, Hyena, and Rabbit", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c843ce", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431338483932, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c843ce" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ pǝnde ram,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ pǝnde ram,", "gloss": "Day-indef past long", "translation": "Long ago,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c85d18", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431338608057, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c85d18" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋorwaṯa ŋafo ŋëndu alo ŋoɽra kañ irnuŋ g-Ođǝloŋ na gǝ Ŋwëlia.", "morphemes": "ŋorwaṯa ŋafo ŋ-ënd-u alo ŋ-oɽra kañ irnu-ŋ g-Ođǝloŋ na g-ǝ-Ŋwëlia.", "gloss": "hunger clŋ-pst.aux clŋ-catch.rt-pfv place clŋ-big very city-acc clg-fox and clg-poss-Hyena.", "translation": "There was a terrible famine in the town of Fox and Hyena.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P Adj Adv N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c877a9", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431338779638, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c877a9" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia ṯalǝsađëinu ŋenǝsi", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia ṯ-alǝ-sađ-ëin-u ŋen-nǝ-si", "gloss": "but fox and hyena comp1-cll.inf-see.rt-appl.pass-cons.ipfv word-on-eye", "translation": "Then the Fox and the Hyena were imagining", "tags": "ŋen-nǝ-si=seeing-in-head", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N-P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c87a40", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431338931184, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c87a40" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa gaɽe lëbǝđiṯau ṯa alǝmǝce ñere eñen.", "morphemes": "ṯa g-aɽe l-ë-b-ǝđ-i-ṯau ṯa alǝ-mǝc-e ñere eñ-en.", "gloss": "comp1 clg-be.aux cll-rtc-prog-do.rt-inf1-how comp1 3pl-be.alive.rt-caus children sclɲ-3pl.poss,", "translation": "what they could do in order to feed their children.", "tags": "g-aɽe=whether", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Comp V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c8c73a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431339318735, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c8c73a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia lënŋulu ldǝrrëiđi ŋen ṯa alǝɽe alǝṯwe lǝŋgenianda,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia l-ënŋulu ldǝ-rëiđ-i ŋen ṯa alǝ-ɽ-e alǝ-ṯw-e lǝŋg-enianda,", "gloss": "so cll-they cll-agree.rt-cons.pfv talk comp1 1pl-go.rt-inf1 3pl-lose.rt-inf1 mothers-3pl.poss,", "translation": "So they agreed to go and sell their mothers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c91d8d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431339492181, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c91d8d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alirldiđa laŋge lǝmǝn lǝsǝnia, ṯa ñere eñen añǝmǝṯe,", "morphemes": "al-irldiđ-a laŋge l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-s-ǝn-ia, ṯa ñere eñ-en añǝ-mǝṯ-e,", "gloss": "3pl-buy.rt-d.inf1 things cll-some cll-dpc-eat.rt-pass-ipfv, comp1 clɲ-3pl.poss clɲ.inf-be.alive.rt-inf1?,", "translation": "and buy some food, so that their children could survive,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V Comp N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9247b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431339617695, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9247b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lënŋulu lafo lasëcia ŋen ṯa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa lënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-sëc-ia ŋen ṯa", "gloss": "because 3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-see.rt-ipfv talk comp1", "translation": "because the two of them were realizing that,", "tags": "idiom:think", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c92d29", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431339763862, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c92d29" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝŋgenianda loɽra laɽo lǝpo đǝge,", "morphemes": "lǝŋge-enianda l-oɽra l-a-ɽ-o lǝpo đǝge,", "gloss": "mothers-3pl.poss cll-big cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv old.woman enough,", "translation": "their mothers were so old,", "tags": "check:bigmothers?", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9a182", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431340001391, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9a182" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lero lǝberṯa ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ mǝldin tǝŋ ṯa alǝmǝṯe ṯwanaŋ.", "morphemes": "na l-ero l-ǝb-erṯ-a ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ mǝldin tǝŋ ṯa alǝ-mǝṯ-e ṯwanaŋ.", "gloss": "and cll-not.aux cll-prog-have.rt-ipfv word clŋ-indef still.cont again comp1 3pl-be.alive.rt-inf1 long.time.", "translation": "and they have nothing to do anymore for their lives.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N N Adv Adv Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9976a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431340160815, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9976a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lënŋulu lëɽu liga đǝge", "morphemes": "Na ŋen lënŋulu l-ëɽ-u liga đǝge", "gloss": "and when 3pl.pro cll-put.rt-pfv time enough", "translation": "When they fixed a proper time,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9ce75", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431340333252, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9ce75" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa alǝɽe alǝmame lǝŋgenianda, alǝɽe aldǝṯwia!", "morphemes": "ṯa alǝ-ɽ-e alǝ-mam-e lǝŋg-enianda, alǝ-ɽ-e ald-ṯw-ia!", "gloss": "Comp1 3pl-go.rt-inf1 3pl-take.rt-inf1 mother-3pl.poss 3pl-go.rt-inf1 3pl-lose.rt-d.inf1!", "translation": "to go and take their mothers to sell them!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9cc9f", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431340485602, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c9cc9f" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝmǝlađe ŋenŋa, nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-mǝlađ-e ŋen-ŋa, n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-change.rt-cons.pfv word-with, comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1,", "translation": "Then Fox changed his mind and said to Hyena,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca0ab2", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431340785252, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca0ab2" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ nana gǝlëɽǝñi gonḏǝṯo ŋenia kañ,", "morphemes": "“Or-añ nana g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-onḏǝṯ-o ŋenia kañ,", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss mother clg-1sg.poss clg-strong.rt-pfv word very,", "translation": "\"My friend my mother is very strong-willed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca7331", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431341104354, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca7331" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igaber igiđi eɽǝwađaṯe ṯa igamamama ñigonto,", "morphemes": "i-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi e-ɽǝwađaṯ-e ṯa i-g-a-ma-mam-a ñi-g-onto,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-be.able.rt-inf1 comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-3sg.om-take.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-alone?,", "translation": "So I can not take her alone,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca6321", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431341309682, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca6321" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igonaṯa ta, alǝmame lǝŋgalo ananoŋ", "morphemes": "orn i-g-onaṯ-a ta, alǝ-mam-e lǝŋge-alo ananoŋ", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv comp1, 1du-take.rt-inf1 mother-2sg.poss first", "translation": "but I prefer to take your mother first", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15caf776", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431341550554, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15caf776" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alǝɽe alǝmaṯwia na alirldiđa laŋge aldakarnǝđe ldǝɽo lǝɽǝwaṯo,", "morphemes": "alǝ-ɽe alǝ-ma-ṯw-ia na al-irldiđ-a laŋge al-d-ak-arnǝđ-e ldǝɽo l-ǝɽǝwaṯo,", "gloss": "1du-go.rt-inf1 1du-3sg.om-lose.rt-d.inf1 and 1du-buy.rt-d.inf1 things 1du-3pl-iter-divide.rt-inf1 together cll-be.equal.rt,", "translation": "to sell her and buy food and divide it equally,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V N Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca596a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431341670610, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca596a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro đǝge eloman lomǝn tǝŋ aliđi alǝɽe lǝŋǝndǝm,", "morphemes": "oro đǝge e-loman l-omǝn tǝŋ al-iđi al-ǝɽ-e lǝŋǝ-ndǝm,", "gloss": "then at.last loc-day cll-other again 1du-fut.aux 1du-go.rt-inf1 1du-both,", "translation": "then the next time we will go us two,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca4bc0", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431341835893, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca4bc0" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alǝmame nana gǝlëɽǝñi alǝmayeṯe nasuk com.”", "morphemes": "alǝ-mam-e nana g-ǝlëɽǝñi alǝ-ma-yeṯ-e nasuk com.”", "gloss": "1du-take.rt-inf1 mother clg-1sg.poss 1du-3sg.om-go.rt-cons.pfv market too.\"", "translation": "to take my mother to the market too.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca2a9f", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431342025433, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca2a9f" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Đappa ndo, iganeđo ŋen ŋǝɽia ṯia,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Đappa ndo, i-g-a-neđ-o ŋen ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-ia ṯia,", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"friend no, 1sg-clg-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv talk clŋ-dpc-be.rt-ipfv so,", "translation": "But the Hyena said, \"No, my friend, I don't want to do that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15caff41", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431342228537, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15caff41" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "mbu ŋamama lǝŋgalo ŋamayela aldǝyeɽe ndǝm điñiđi.”", "morphemes": "mb-u ŋa-mam-a lǝŋg-alo ŋa-ma-yela aldǝ-ye-ɽ-e ndǝm điñiđi.”", "gloss": "\"go.rt-d.imp 2sg.inf-take.rt-d.inf1 mother-2sg 2sg-3sg.om-come.rt 1du-3pl.om-go.rt-inf1 both now.\"", "translation": "go and bring your mother now, so that we can take both of them.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca352e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431342328054, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca352e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋuɽǝbiṯi Ŋwëlia eŋen nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-uɽǝb-iṯ-i Ŋwëlia eŋen n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-give.back.rt-appl-cons.pfv hyena loc-word comp2-esg-say.rt,", "translation": "Then Fox replied to Hyena and said,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca2fac", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431342605830, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca2fac" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa! Ŋen ŋaɽaṯau! Ŋen ŋero ŋǝnǝŋ!", "morphemes": "“Đappa! Ŋen ŋ-a-ɽ-a-ṯau! Ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝnǝŋ!", "gloss": "\"Friend! talk clŋ-rtc-be.rt-ipfv-how! talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-indef!", "translation": "\"My friend! What is going on! There is nothing wrong!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V-Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca6f8a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431342739869, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca6f8a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋerṯe agǝđǝñialo eŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Ŋerṯe a-g-ǝ-đǝñia-alo e-ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.", "gloss": "not.aux.imp.sg 2sg-clg-dpc-afraid.rt-place loc-talk clŋ-indef", "translation": "Don't be afraid of anything.", "tags": "Particle", "syntacticCategory": "V V-P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca3b61", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431343102082, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca3b61" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Alǝɽe lǝŋgalǝga nasuk alǝmaṯwe na ndǝ lǝgǝrkađo,", "morphemes": "Alǝ-ɽ-e lǝŋg-alǝ-ga nasuk alǝ-ma-ṯw-e na ndǝ lǝ-g-ǝ-rkađ-o,", "gloss": "1du-go.rt-inf1 mother-2sg-with market 1du-3sg.om-lose.rt-inf1 and if 1du-clg-dpc-iter.return.rt-pfv,", "translation": "Let us take your mother to market to sell her, and when we return,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P N V Conj Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca4aa2", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431343231509, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ca4aa2" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro aliđi alǝmame nana gǝlëɽǝñi ŋen ŋarno igǝlwaɽǝṯiaŋa.”", "morphemes": "oro al-iđi alǝ-mam-e nana g-ǝlëɽǝñi ŋen ŋ-arno i-g-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i-aŋa.”", "gloss": "then 2du-fut.aux 1du-take.rt-cons.pfv mommy clg-1sg-poss talk clŋ-like 1sg-clg-dpc-tell.rt-appl-pfv?-2sg.om.\"", "translation": "we will take my mommy as I told you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf0817", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431343533166, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf0817" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋwëlia ŋafo ŋatǝđalo egare gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-tǝđ-alo eg-are g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "so hyena clŋ-rtc-pst.aux clŋ-rtc-resist.rt-place loc-stomach clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "So the Hyena was resitant in his heart", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj-P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cfa1c0", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431343670280, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cfa1c0" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋerṯe ŋǝbaŋǝnṯia ŋen ŋ-Ođǝloŋ,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋ-ǝ-b-aŋǝnṯ-ia ŋen ŋ-Ođǝloŋ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg-not.aux clŋ-dpc-prog-accept?.rt-ipfv talk clŋ-Fox,", "translation": "and he did not accept Fox's proposal,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf594e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344096094, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf594e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋǝmame lǝŋgen gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝmayeṯe isǝli nasuk,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋǝ-mam-e lǝŋg-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-ma-yeṯ-e i-sǝli nasuk,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-cons.pfv mother-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss and-he-her-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-purchasing market,", "translation": "then he took his mother to market to sell her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf36ce", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344275609, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf36ce" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋǝlǝteṯo nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "na Ođǝloŋ ṯ-aŋǝ-lǝ-teṯ-o nwaldaŋ.", "gloss": "and fox comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-follow.rt-cons.ipfv distance.", "translation": "and the Fox was following them from a distance.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf3fd0", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344302778, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf3fd0" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ɽrǝmaṯo irnuŋ nasuk,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-ǝ-rǝm-aṯ-o irnu-ŋ nasuk,", "gloss": "and when cll-dpc-arrive.rt-loc.appl?-pfv city-acc? market,", "translation": "And when they arrived at the market in town,", "tags": "check:arrive.w/o.loc.appl? check:acc?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf30c1", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344495676, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf30c1" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝṯwe lǝŋgen gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ṯw-e lǝŋg-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-lose.rt-cons.pfv mother-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss,", "translation": "The Hyena sold his mother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf2e46", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344816152, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf2e46" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋirldiđi ŋwana, ŋoređa na mǝɽwata.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ir-ldiđ-i ŋwana, ŋoređa na mǝɽwata.", "gloss": "cons.pfv-3sg-iter-buy.rt-cons.pfv sorghum, sesame and peanut,", "translation": "and bought sorghum, sesame and peanut.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf6380", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431344933206, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf6380" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝsa laŋge ǝllëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-s-a laŋge ǝl-lëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv things cll-3sg.poss at.last,", "translation": "And when Hyena finally began to eat his food,", "tags": "check:cll? check:at.last?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf1ee3", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431345037358, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf1ee3" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋeɽǝđe Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-eɽǝđ-e Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-ask.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp2-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "The Fox asked the Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf4753", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431345283635, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf4753" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ naceñen laŋge lǝmǝn lǝtëfr ilëbǝṯi ñere ñǝlëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "“Or-añ nace-ñe-nǝŋ laŋge l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-tëfr i-l-ëb-ǝṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss give.rt.imp-1sg.om-?? things cll-some cll-dpc-few? 1sg-3pl.om-carry.rt-appl-inf1 children clɲ-1sg.poss.\"", "translation": "\"My brother, give me just a bit of food to take it to my children.\"", "tags": "Check:give.rt.imp check:few", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf5668", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431345451627, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15cf5668" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmuɽwëci Ođǝloŋ laŋge.", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-muɽwëc-i Ođǝloŋ laŋge", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-refuse.to.give?.rt-cons.pfv fox things", "translation": "The Hyena refused to give the Fox food,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d27245", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431345720588, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d27245" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝciṯano kañ nǝŋǝlaldǝñe nǝŋaffǝṯi Ŋwëlia nëñua", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ n-ǝŋǝ-laldǝñ-e n-ǝŋ-aff-ǝṯ-i Ŋwëlia nëñua", "gloss": "but fox comp1-3sg.coms-bad.rt-place very comp2-3sg-run.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc-cons.pfv hyena in.front.of", "translation": "Then the Fox grew very angry and ran fast ahead of the Hyena,", "tags": "particle idiom:bad-app?-place=angry", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d285d9", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431345941911, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d285d9" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋiɽǝṯi alo eđađ ṯaŋǝndro garno gayo.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-iɽ-ǝṯ-i alo e-đađ ṯ-aŋǝ-ndr-o g-arno g-ay-o.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-fall.rt-loc.appl?-cons.pfv place loc-road comp1b-3sg.inf-sleep.rt-cons.ipfv clg-like clg-die.rt-pfv.", "translation": "and he fell on the road lying as if he was dead.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "V V P P-N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d2b97d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431346092200, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d2b97d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋeṯo nǝŋǝrmaṯe Ođǝloŋ nano,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-eṯ-o n-ǝŋǝ-rmaṯ-e Ođǝloŋ nano,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-come.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-reach-cons.fv fox at", "translation": "And when the Hyena arrived at the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d34ccb", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431346220599, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d34ccb" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa, “Wëi! Ođǝloŋ gayo ŋorwaṯa.”", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Wëi! Ođǝloŋ g-ay-o ŋorwaṯa.”", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"Oh fox clg-die.rt-pfv hunger,\"", "translation": "He said, \"Oh! The Fox is died of hunger.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d36064", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431346359144, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d36064" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝṯađaṯe Ođǝloŋ ṯaŋeṯo.", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ṯađ-aṯ-e Ođǝloŋ ṯ-aŋ-eṯ-o.", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv fox comp1b-3sg.inf-go?.rt-cons.ipfv.", "translation": "Then the Hyena passed the Fox and went ahead.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d389c6", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431346568273, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d389c6" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝtođe taltal nǝŋobǝđe kañ nǝŋǝbarđaṯe Ŋwëlia nëñua,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e taltal n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-e kañ n-ǝŋǝ-barđ-aṯ-e Ŋwëlia nëñua,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-arise.rt-cons.pfv quickly comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv very comp2-3sg.cons-go.ahead.rt-loc.app-cons.pfv hyena in.front.of,", "translation": "The Fox rose up quickly, ran very fast and went ahead of Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V Adv V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d3a333", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431346726070, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d3a333" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝndre eđađ tǝŋ garno gayo.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ndr-e e-đađ tǝŋ g-arno g-ay-o.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-sleep.rt-cons.pfv loc-road again clg-like clg-die.rt-pfv.", "translation": "he went and laid on the road again like he was dead,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N Adv Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d41a6b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431352966727, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d41a6b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝrmaṯo Ođǝloŋ nano nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o Ođǝloŋ nano n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-dpc-arrive.rt-cons.pfv fox at comp2-3sg-say.rt,", "translation": "When the Hyena approached the Fox he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4331a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353068922, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4331a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Laŋge labaya ŋorwaṯa pređ maje!”", "morphemes": "Laŋge l-a-b-ay-a ŋorwaṯa pređ maje!", "gloss": "things cll-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv hunger all man!", "translation": "“Everything is dying of hunger!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d45442", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353205536, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d45442" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝṯađaṯe Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëtu ŋabǝla.", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ṯađ-aṯ-e Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëtu ŋ-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv fox comp2-3sg.cons-be.2d clŋ-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "The Hyena left the Fox behind and went on his way.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d46c49", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353395987, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d46c49" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋaborwe alo taltal nǝŋǝbarđaṯe Ŋwëlia nëñua,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-aborw-e alo taltal n-ǝŋǝ-barđ-aṯ-e Ŋwëlia nëñua,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.ons-hurry.up.rt-cons.pfv place quickly comp2-3sg.cons-go.ahead.rt-loc.app-cons.pfv hyena in.front.of,", "translation": "The Fox got up quickly and went ahead of Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Adv V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d45b50", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353540546, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d45b50" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝndre eđađ tǝŋ garno gayo.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ndr-e e-đađ tǝŋ g-arno g-ay-o.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-sleep.rt-cons.pfv loc-road again clg-like clg-die.rt-pfv.", "translation": "he went and laid on the road again like he was dead.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N Adv Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4b6c7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353669688, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4b6c7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝrmaṯo Ođǝloŋ nano gomǝn tǝŋ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o Ođǝloŋ nano gomǝn tǝŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o Ođǝloŋ nano gomǝn tǝŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "translation": "When the Hyena approached the other fox again he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N P Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4cd1d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431353852921, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4cd1d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wëi! Ŋen ŋanṯau nǝlaŋge lǝbaya ŋorwaṯa pređ,", "morphemes": "“Wëi! Ŋen ŋ-an-ṯau nǝ-laŋge l-ǝ-b-ay-a ŋorwaṯa pređ,", "gloss": "\"Oh! talk clg-mean?.rt-how comp2-things cll-dpc-prog-die.rt-ipfv hunger all,", "translation": "\"Oh no! What does it mean that everything is dying of hunger?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V V-Adv Comp-N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4e7fa", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354070305, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4e7fa" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wate cia yoɽǝbǝđe yeɽe ilumađëṯi gaɽe laɽo mǝnau ildi layo?”", "morphemes": "wate cia y-oɽǝbǝđ-e y-eɽ-e i-l-umađëṯ-i gaɽe l-a-ɽ-o mǝnau ild-i l-ay-o?”", "gloss": "wait? first? 1sg-return.rt-inf11sg-go.rt-inf1 1sg-3pl.om-count.rt-inf1 what? cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv how.many scll-this cll-die.rt-pfv", "translation": "Let me go back and count them to see how many of them died?\"", "tags": "Check:wait check:first check:gaɽe.what", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V V V Adv V Adv A V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4f486", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354223759, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d4f486" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝṯađe ŋǝsa ŋǝlëɽǝŋu ođǝloŋ eđǝɽe,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ṯađ-e ŋǝsa ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ođǝloŋ eđǝɽe,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv food clŋ-3sg.poss fox beside,", "translation": "The Hyena left his food close to the fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d50ac6", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354327645, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d50ac6" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋëtu ŋoɽǝbaṯa ođǝloŋ nano igi gayo ananoŋ.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ëtu ŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-a ođǝloŋ nano ig-i g-ay-o ananoŋ.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-be.2d 3sg.inf-return.rt-loc.app-d.inf1 fox at sclg-this clg-die.rt-pfv first.", "translation": "and went back to the first dead fox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d52214", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354436369, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d52214" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋape laŋge pređ lǝ Ŋwëlia", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-ap-e laŋge pređ l-ǝ-Ŋwëlia", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-arise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv things all cll-poss-hyena", "translation": "The Fox then got up and took all the food of the Hyena", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d54487", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354743289, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d54487" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlaldǝñe nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋaboṯwe egwaro.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-laldǝñ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-aboṯw-e eg-waro.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-climb.rt-cons.pfv loc-tabaldi.tree", "translation": "and he ran and climbed a tabaldi tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5674f", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354852775, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5674f" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝfiđi alo yipiano Ođǝloŋ gero,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i alo y-ipiano Ođǝloŋ g-ero,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv place cly-empty fox clg-not.aux.", "translation": "The Hyena went there and found nothing, no fox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d57d3a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431354965514, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d57d3a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋoɽǝbǝđe ṯa aŋǝɽe aŋǝnwane laŋge ǝllëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋ-oɽǝbǝđ-e ṯa aŋǝ-ɽ-e aŋǝ-nwan-e laŋge ǝll-ëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-cons.pfv comp1 3sg-go.rt-inf1 3sg-watch.rt-inf1 things scll-3sg.poss.", "translation": "then he went back to see his belongings.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d58968", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431355125350, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d58968" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi nǝŋǝṯađǝlo ođǝloŋ nano igi gayo.", "morphemes": "ild-i n-ǝŋǝ-ṯađ-ǝ-lo ođǝloŋ nano ig-i g-ay-o.", "gloss": "scll-this comp2-esg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv-3pl fox at sclg-this clg-die.rt-pfv.", "translation": "that he had left by the dead fox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N P Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5e99d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431355214700, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5e99d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝrmaṯo alo nano yakǝl,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o alo nano y-akǝl,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv place at cly-that,", "translation": "And when the Hyena reached that place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5c253", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431355363077, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5c253" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋerṯe ŋǝfiđia laŋge ǝllëɽǝŋu na nǝŋerṯe ŋǝfiđia Ođǝloŋ com.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋǝ-fiđ-ia laŋge ǝll-ëɽǝŋu na n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋǝ-fiđ-ia Ođǝloŋ com.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux 3sg-find.rt-inf2 things scll-3sg.poss and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux 3sg-find.rt-inf2 fox also.", "translation": "he found neither his belongings nor the fox.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Conj V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5846c", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431355598839, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5846c" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen nǝŋǝmajǝbǝnṯi kañ iŋi nǝŋiđu,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ajǝb-ǝn-ṯ-i kañ iŋi nǝ-ŋ-iđ-u,", "gloss": "and talk conp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-not.know.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv very sclŋ-this comp2-clŋ-do.rt-pfv,", "translation": "and he was shocked about what he did.", "tags": "Extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5b6d7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431355729589, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d5b6d7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋerldo eđađ ŋirǝwano ŋǝcia nano kañ,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-erld-o e-đađ ŋ-irǝw-ano ŋ-ǝ-cia nano kañ,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg-walk.rt-cons.ipfv loc-road clŋ-descend.rt-in clŋ-dpc-bad at very,", "translation": "and went on his way, feeling sorry and very angry,", "tags": "Particle idiom:sorry", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N V-P V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d596d6", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356025446, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d596d6" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋënŋu ŋaṯwe lǝŋgen gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋirldiđi laŋge,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-ënŋu ŋ-a-ṯw-e lǝŋg-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋ-ir-ldiđ-i laŋge,", "gloss": "ŋenŋanṯa clŋ-3sg.pro clŋ-rtc-sell.rt-inf1 mother-3poss clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-iter-buy-coms.pfv things,", "translation": "because he sold away his mother and bought food,", "tags": "check:inf1?-tense.because.clause .", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7703b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356156492, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7703b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn laŋge ldǝmaṯǝṯwe pređ.", "morphemes": "orn laŋge ldǝ-ma-ṯ-ǝṯw-e pređ.", "gloss": "but things 3pl-3sg.om-lose.rt-appl-cons.pfv all.", "translation": "but he lost them all.", "tags": "check:lose-appl", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d774bc", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356255818, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d774bc" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝfo eđađ ŋǝbǝrlda,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-f-o e-đađ ŋ-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-dpc-be.loc-pfv on-road clŋ-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv,", "translation": "When the Hyena was on the way walking,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7a582", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356406607, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7a582" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝrmaṯe wara nano gǝnǝŋ goɽra,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-rmaṯ-e wara nano g-ǝnǝŋ g-oɽra,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.coms-arrive.rt-cons.pfv tabaldi.tree at clg-indef clg-big,", "translation": "he arrived at a big tabaldi tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7bea9", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356700279, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7bea9" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro ṯaŋǝsađëcu Ođǝloŋ egwaro gǝfo laŋgela ildi ǝllëɽǝŋu gǝlǝsa.", "morphemes": "oro ṯ-aŋǝ-sađëc-u Ođǝloŋ eg-waro g-ǝ-f-o laŋge-la ild-i ǝll-ëɽǝŋu g-ǝ-lǝ-s-a.", "gloss": "then comp1b-3sg-see.rt-cons.ipfv fox loc-tabaldi.tree clg-dpc-carry.rt-pfv things-with scll-this cll-3sg.poss clg-dpc-3pl.om-eat.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "Then he saw the Fox in the tabaldi tree eating his food.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N V N-P Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7c27a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431356895789, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d7c27a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝđǝrwi wara nḏurṯu nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-đǝrw-i wara nḏurṯu n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-stand.rt-cons.pfv tabaldi.tree under comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv Fox comp1,", "translation": "The Hyena stood under the tabaldi tree, and said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d80054", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431357023442, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d80054" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ ëujǝṯǝñen laŋge lǝtëfr.”", "morphemes": "“Or-añ ëuj-ǝṯ-ǝ-ñe-n laŋge l-ǝ-tëfr.”", "gloss": "brother throw.rt-appl-d.imp-1sg.om-? things cll-dpc-little?.\"", "translation": "\"My friend throw some food to me.\"", "tags": "Check:throw check:little?", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d80ed7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431357159886, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d80ed7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝrëiṯi Ŋwëlia ŋoređa alo eŋaña,", "morphemes": "Orn Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-rëi-ṯ-i Ŋwëlia ŋoređa alo e-ŋaña,", "gloss": "but fox comp2-3sg.cons-pour.rt-app-cons.pfv hyena sesame place loc-grass,", "translation": "But the Fox poured some sesame to the Hyena in the grass,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d8137d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431357341649, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d8137d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝfǝrđu ŋañano ŋǝpwaña ŋoređa.", "morphemes": "na Ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-fǝrđ-u ŋaña-ano ŋ-ǝ-pwañ-a ŋoređa.", "gloss": "and hyena comp1b-3sg-scratch?.rt-cons.ipfv grass-in clŋ-dpc-search.rt-ipfv sesame,", "translation": "and the Hyena started to scratch the grass looking for sesame.", "tags": "Check:scratch", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9d7f1", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431408271848, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9d7f1" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝgakonda ŋoređa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-gak-ond-a ŋoređa,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-dpc-iter-search.rt-ipfv sesame,", "translation": "And when the Hyena looked for the sesame,", "tags": "Check:pwañ-.vs.wond-.search.rt", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9e9f5", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431408467586, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9e9f5" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋaborwe alo eŋaña pruđ nǝŋeɽǝđǝđe nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋa-borw-e alo e-ŋaña pruđ n-ǝŋ-eɽǝđ-ǝđ-e n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-jump.rt-cons.pfv place loc-grass ? comp2-3sg.comp-ask.rt-ap-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "a rabbit jumped out of the grass quickly and asked saying,", "tags": "Particle check:why.no.loc.appl? check:pruð-out?", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da07cd", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431408736098, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da07cd" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wëndeigi agǝpwaña ëli maje? Na fǝŋa asëgi?”", "morphemes": "“Wënde-ig-i a-g-ǝ-pwañ-a ëli maje? Na fǝ-ŋa asë-g-i?”", "gloss": "\"What-sclg-this 2sg-clg-dpc-search.rt-ipfv here man? And foc-2sg.pro who-sclg-this?", "translation": "\"Who are you man! And who are you looking for here?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-Adj V Adv N Conj Adv N-Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da24bb", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431408858475, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da24bb" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝmuɽǝbiṯi eŋen nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-m-uɽǝb-iṯ-i e-ŋen n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-reply.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-talk comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "The Hyena answered him and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9fc96", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431409020798, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15d9fc96" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Maje gakǝl egwaro, gabaṯǝñe ŋoređa ŋǝlëɽǝñi,", "morphemes": "“Maje g-akǝl eg-waro, g-ab-aṯ-ǝ-ñe ŋoređa ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi,", "gloss": "\"man clg-that loc-tabaldi.tree, clg-rtc-carry.rt-loc.appl-pfv-1sg.om sesame clŋ-1sg.poss,", "translation": "\"That fellow in the tabaldi tree took my sesame,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da1305", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431409128404, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15da1305" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlǝyaboṯwe egwaro,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-yaboṯw-e eg-waro,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-climb.rt-cons.pfv loc-tabaldi.tree,", "translation": "and climbed the tabaldi tree with it,", "tags": "check:applicative?->withit", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dab5e2", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431409400457, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dab5e2" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝñǝɽrëiṯi alo eŋaña na ṯelǝpwaño.”", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-ñǝ-ɽ-rëi-ṯ-i alo e-ŋaña na ṯ-e-lǝ-pwañ-o.”", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-1sg.om-iter?-pour.rt-appl-cons.pfv down in-grass and comp1b-1sg-3pl.om-search.rt-cons.ipfv.\"", "translation": "then he poured the sesame in the grass and I am searching them.\"", "tags": "Check:iter", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N P-N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dad4d8", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431409743852, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dad4d8" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Igaɽǝwađaṯo igaŋamiṯia Ođǝloŋ laŋge,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa, “I-g-a-ɽǝwađaṯ-o i-g-a-ŋa-m-iṯ-ia Ođǝloŋ laŋge,", "gloss": "rabbit said-to hyena that, \"1sg-clg-rtc-be.able.rt-pfv 1sg-clg-rtc-2sg.om-take.rt-appl-ipfv fox thing,", "translation": "The Rabbit said to Hyena, \"I am able to take your thing back to you from the Fox,", "tags": "Ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15daf24a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431409956889, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15daf24a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro aldǝse lǝŋǝndǝm, agaŋǝno?”", "morphemes": "oro al-dǝ-s-e lǝŋǝndǝm, a-g-a-ŋǝn-o?”", "gloss": "then 1du-3pl.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv we.two?, 2sg-clg-rtc-agree?.rt-pfv\"", "translation": "then we eat them the two of us, do you agree?\"", "tags": "check:agree?.rt", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dae6fb", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431410115253, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dae6fb" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Aa, ŋen ŋëpi igaŋǝno.”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Aa, ŋen ŋ-ëpi i-g-a-ŋǝn-o.”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"Yes, talk clŋ-well 1sg-clg-rtc-agree?.rt-pfv.\"", "translation": "The Hyena said, \"Yes, good idea, I agree.\"", "tags": "Check:agree?.rt", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db4d8f", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431411055240, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db4d8f" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋgakǝlde wora nǝŋiđi embǝria nǝŋëɽǝni nenda,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-gak-ǝld-e wora n-ǝŋ-iđ-i embǝria n-ǝŋ-ëɽ-ǝn-i ne-nda,", "gloss": "rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-iter?-cut?.rt-cons.pfv leaves.of.tree? comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv head.ring comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-head,", "translation": "The Rabbit cut some leaves and made a head base ring and put it on his head,", "tags": "reflexive", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db3dca", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431411176756, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db3dca" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋeṯe wara nḏurṯu.", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e wara nḏurṯu.", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv tabaldi.tree under.", "translation": "and he went to under the tabaldi tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db2dbe", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431411278656, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db2dbe" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝrace olia alo goɽra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-rac-e olia alo g-oɽra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-pour.rt-cons.pfv voice down clg-big.rt very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "and he shouted loudly and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P Adj Adv Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db2f3b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431411423420, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15db2f3b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“An eđa gero gǝnǝŋ egwaro elo!", "morphemes": "“An eđa g-ero g-ǝnǝŋ eg-waro elo!", "gloss": "\"ynq man? clg-not.aux clg-indef loc-tabaldi.tree up!", "translation": "\"I hope there is no one on the top of the tree!", "tags": "copula", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dbf566", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431411519084, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dbf566" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igonaṯa egapa wara,", "morphemes": "I-g-onaṯ-a e-g-ap-a wara,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-carry.rt-ipfv tabaldi.tree.", "translation": "I want to carry the tabaldi tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc024c", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431412373614, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc024c" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa maje igi gerṯo wara gađwaṯǝñe ṯa yela imëbǝṯi.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa maje ig-i g-erṯo wara g-a-đwaṯ-ǝ-ñe ṯa y-el-a i-m-ëb-ǝṯ-i.”", "gloss": "because man clg-this clg-have.rt-pfv tabaldi.tree clg-rtc-send.rt-pfv-1sg.om comp1 1sg-come.rt-inf2 1sg-3sg.om-carry.rt-appl-inf1\"", "translation": "because the owner of the tabaldi tree has sent me to come and carry it for him.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc3b19", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431412474459, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc3b19" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝnno olia gǝ Ŋǝđǝnia,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-nn-o olia g-ǝ-Ŋǝđǝnia,", "gloss": "when fox clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv voice clg-poss-rabbit,", "translation": "When the Fox heard the voice of the Rabbit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc0c3d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431412799910, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc0c3d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝđǝñiṯialo nǝŋǝkǝrđe kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-i-alo n-ǝŋǝ-kǝrđ-e kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-afraid.rt-cmp-cons.pfv-place and comp2-3sg.cons-worry.rt-cons.pfv very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "he became frightened and worried a lot and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V-P V Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc1f0e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431412982551, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc1f0e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igëni ëli dëpi igënwaŋ igirǝwu.”", "morphemes": "“Igëni ëli dëpi igën-waŋ igirǝwu.”", "gloss": "I am there wait I am? ? climbing down.\"", "translation": "\"I am here wait I am climbing down now.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc0bbd", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431413171898, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dc0bbd" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëuṯi laŋge lakǝl gǝfǝlǝya,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëuṯ-i laŋge l-akǝl g-ǝ-f-ǝ-lǝ-ya,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-throw.rt-cons.pfv things cll-that clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3pl.om-with,", "translation": "The Fox threw the things that were with him,", "tags": "Check:be.with.him/vs.with.them?", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dcd344", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417268372, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dcd344" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na taltal Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝkǝđǝne elaŋge ǝllëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "na taltal Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-kǝđǝn-e e-laŋge ǝll-ëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and quickly hyena comp2-3sg.cons-grab?.rt-cons.pfv loc-things cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "and quickly the Hyena grabbed his belongings", "tags": "check:grab?/move?", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dcfeeb", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417375957, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dcfeeb" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝlaldǝñǝṯo egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-laldǝñ-ǝṯ-o eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "comp1-3sg-run.rt-appl-cons.ipfv loc-house clg-3sg.poss.", "translation": "and hurried to his house.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4302", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417512522, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4302" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa Ŋǝđǝnia ŋwaña ŋǝñoŋ aten ŋǝmǝñaṯo Ŋwëlia,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa Ŋǝđǝnia ŋ-waña ŋ-ǝñoŋ aten ŋ-ǝmǝñ-aṯ-o Ŋwëlia,", "gloss": "but because rabbit clŋ-many clŋ-running? a.little clŋ-exceed.rt-loc.appl-pfv? hyena,", "translation": "But because the Rabbit is faster than Hyena,", "tags": "Check:running? comparative", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N Adj Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ddc558", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417667216, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ddc558" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlaldǝñe nǝŋǝbarđaṯe Ŋwëlia egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-laldǝñ-e n-ǝŋǝ-b-arđ-aṯ-e Ŋwëlia eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-prog-hurry.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv hyena loc-house clg-3sg.poss,", "translation": "he ran and went a head of Hyena and arrived his home before Hyena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd77b3", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417677376, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd77b3" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋënṯi lǝđia nano lǝ Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i lǝđia nano l-ǝ-Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv sons at cll-poss-hyena comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv that,", "translation": "and he went in and sat with Hyena's children and said to them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4b19", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417760341, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4b19" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igënǝñi igaɽo oralo goɽra na igabërnia Ñaŋpređ,", "morphemes": "“I-g-ënǝ-ñi i-g-a-ɽ-o or-alo g-oɽra na i-g-a-b-ërni-a Ñaŋ-pređ,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-be.1d-1sg.om 1sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv brother-2.poss clg-big and 1sg-clg-rtc-called.rt-ipfv 2pl-all.", "translation": "\"I am your elder brother and my name is, \"All of you\",", "tags": "copula", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd2ae6", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417815178, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd2ae6" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ bapa geṯo laŋgela lǝnǝŋ,", "morphemes": "na ndǝ bapa g-eṯ-o laŋge-la l-ǝnǝŋ,", "gloss": "and if father clg-come.rt-pfv things-cll.with cll-indef.", "translation": "and if your father came with some things,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4b3a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417828895, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4b3a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝñañǝlǝnace ananoŋ oro nindǝlakarnǝđǝṯiano.”", "morphemes": "oro nǝ-ña-ñǝ-lǝ-nac-e ananoŋ oro n-i-ndǝ-l-ak-arnǝđ-ǝṯ-i-ano.”", "gloss": "then comp2-2pl-1sg.om-3pl.om-give.rt-cons.pfv first then comp2-1sg-2pl.om-3pl.om-iter-divide.rt-appl-cons.pfv-place.", "translation": "then give them to me first then I will divide them among you.\"", "tags": "particle ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd0d87", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431417984389, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd0d87" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na taltal Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝrmaṯa egeɽa", "morphemes": "Na taltal Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-rmaṯ-a eg-eɽa", "gloss": "and quickly hyena comp2-3sg.cons-arrive.rt-cons.d.pfv loc-house", "translation": "And soon after the Hyena arrived at home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd329c", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418164739, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd329c" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋëbǝṯu ñere laŋge lǝmǝn nǝŋǝlǝnace na nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "ŋ-ëb-ǝṯ-u ñere laŋge lǝmǝn n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-nac-e na n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "3sg.inf-carry.rt-appl-cons.ipfv children things cll-some comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-give.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "bringing food to the children and giving it to them and saying,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd9f25", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418175802, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd9f25" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mbur ñakarnǝđe laŋgiano ñaŋ pređ.”", "morphemes": "“Mb-u-r ña-karnǝđ-e laŋgi-ano ñaŋ-pređ.”", "gloss": "\"go.rt-d.imp-pl 2pl-divide.rt-inf1 things-in 2pl-all.\"", "translation": "\"Share this food between you all of you.\"", "tags": "Distributive ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V V N-P N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd53b4", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418288111, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd53b4" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝđia lǝ Ŋwëlia ldǝme laŋge ldǝlǝnace orba igi goɽra gǝbërnia, Ñaŋpređ.", "morphemes": "Lǝđia l-ǝ-Ŋwëlia l-dǝ-m-e laŋge l-dǝ-lǝ-nac-e orba ig-i g-oɽra g-ǝ-bërn-ia, Ñaŋ-pređ.", "gloss": "sons cll-poss-hyena comp2-3pl-take.rt-cons.pfv things comp2-3pl-3pl.om-give.rt-cons.pfv brother sclg-this clg-big.rt clg-dpc-be.called.rt-ipfv 2pl-all", "translation": "And the Hyena's children took the food and gave to their elder brother, who was called, \"All-of-you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4029", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418304479, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd4029" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ñaŋpređ nǝŋǝme laŋge lwaña aten,", "morphemes": "Na Ñaŋ-pređ n-ǝŋǝ-m-e laŋge l-waña aten,", "gloss": "and 2pl-all comp2-3sg.comp-take.rt-cons.pfv things cll-many a.little,", "translation": "And \"All-of-you\" took a bigger portion.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd1c3b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418314039, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd1c3b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝlakarnǝṯi lorba ildi lǝrra lǝteta.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-l-akarn-ǝṯ-i lorba ild-i l-ǝrra l-ǝteta.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.comp-3pl.om-divide.rt-appl-cons.pfv brothers cll-this cll-small.adj cll-small.adj ,", "translation": "and gave smaller portions to his younger brothers.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd406e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431418569451, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15dd406e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋǝđǝnia ŋafo ŋëbǝđia ṯia ñoman pređ,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋǝđǝnia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ṯia ñoman pređ,", "gloss": "So rabbit clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-prog-do.rt-impv -this? how days all,", "translation": "So the Rabbit did this everyday,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e4e0df", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420015569, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e4e0df" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝsaṯo ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia acǝba na ṯaŋǝsi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu ŋopia,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-s-aṯ-o ñere ñ-ǝ-Ŋwëlia acǝba na ṯ-aŋǝ-s-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ŋopia,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-loc.appl-cons.ipfv children clɲ-poss-hyena food and comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-caus children clɲ-3sg.poss ?", "translation": "eating the food of Hyena's children and feeding its children,", "tags": "ditransitive check:ŋopia check:loc.appl?", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e58a93", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420140271, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e58a93" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñere nǝñǝđowǝṯe kañ ñǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "na ñere n-ǝñǝ-đow-ǝṯ-e kañ ñǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and children comp2-clɲ.inf-fat.rt-cmp-cons.pfv very clɲ-3sg.poss,", "translation": "and the children of Rabbit were healthy", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5ab32", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420302773, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5ab32" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia nǝñǝmǝđiṯi aŋǝno.", "morphemes": "na ñere ñ-ǝ-Ŋwëlia n-ǝñǝ-mǝđ-iṯ-i aŋǝno.", "gloss": "and children clɲ-poss-hyena comp2-clɲ.inf-wither.rt-cmp-cons.pfv body.", "translation": "and the children of the Hyena were weak.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5a511", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420498279, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5a511" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lomanǝŋ liga ldela loɽra lǝđǝbǝlwa, ñere ñǝbǝlwa.", "morphemes": "Na loma-nǝŋ liga ld-el-a l-oɽra l-ǝ-đǝ-bǝlw-a, ñere ñ-ǝ-bǝlw-a.", "gloss": "and day-indef time cll-come.rt-ipfv cll-big.rt cll-poss-clð-wrestle.rt-ipfv, children clɲ-poss-wrestle.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "And it happened that there was a day for wrestling game of children.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5c3f7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420653972, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5c3f7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia nǝñǝyifǝndëini alo,", "morphemes": "Na ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia nǝñǝ-yi-fǝndëini alo,", "gloss": "and children of hyena they-been-thrown down,", "translation": "And the children of Hyena were defeated,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5b7a8", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420736076, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e5b7a8" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia ñafo ñameđo,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ñere ñ-ǝ-Ŋwëlia ñ-a-fo ñ-a-međo,", "gloss": "because children of hyena clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-whither.rt-pfv.", "translation": "because the children of Hyena were weak,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e98ccf", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431420884407, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e98ccf" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñere ñǝ Ŋǝđǝnia ñafo ñabeṯo na ñađowo.", "morphemes": "na ñere ñ-ǝ-Ŋǝđǝnia ñ-a-fo ñ-a-beṯ-o na ñ-a-đowo", "gloss": "and children clɲ-poss-rabbit clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-rtc-full.rt-pfv and clɲ-rtc-fat.rt", "translation": "but the children of the Rabbit were well fed and healthy.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj V Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e984b1", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431421076973, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e984b1" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝciṯano kañ nǝŋaṯa, “Ŋen ŋanṯau iŋi ñagiđu?", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯi-ano kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-anṯa-au i-ŋi ñ-a-g-iđ-u?", "gloss": "but hyena comp2-3sg-bad.rt-in very comp2-3sg-say.rt, “talk clɲ-mean-how sclŋ-this 2pl-rtc-clg-do.rt-pfv", "translation": "The Hyena was very angry and said, \"What have you done?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V-P Adv V N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e97bb7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431421150985, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e97bb7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagabǝrtia eđa?", "morphemes": "Ña-g-a-b-ǝrti-a eđa?", "gloss": "2pl-clg-rtc-prog-fall.rt-ipfv why?", "translation": "Why are you being defeated?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e999b6", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431429869783, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15e999b6" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Jaca jaca igandërrǝbǝṯia acǝba na eđe ṯǝñaso, na ŋǝma ŋuŋga eŋalo?”", "morphemes": "Jaca jaca i-g-a-nd-ërr-ǝb-ǝṯ-ia acǝba na eđe ṯǝ-ña-s-o, na ŋǝma ŋ-uŋga eŋ-alo?”", "gloss": "always always 1sg-clg-rtc-2ex.om-iter-carry.rt-appl-ipfv food and meat comp2b-2pl-eat.rt-cons.ipfv and strength clŋ-where sclŋ-2pl.poss?", "translation": "everyday I bring you food and meat and you eat, so where's your strength?\"", "tags": "extraposition 2pl", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv V N Conj N V Conj N Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eb064e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430023178, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eb064e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñere nǝñuɽǝbiṯi eṯen eŋen nǝñaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ñere n-ǝñ-uɽǝb-iṯ-i eṯ-en e-ŋen n-ǝñ-aṯa,", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ.inf-reply.rt-appl-cons.pfv father-3sg.poss loc-talk cons2-clɲ.inf-say.rt,", "translation": "The Children replied to their father and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eaee9d", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430152231, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eaee9d" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Jaca ñagasa orn ñagǝber ñagǝbapeṯa,", "morphemes": "“Jaca ña-g-a-s-a orn ña-g-ǝbe-r ña-g-ǝ-ba-peṯa,", "gloss": "\"always 1ex-clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv but 1ex-clg-not-pl 1ex-clg-dpc-iter-satisfied.rt,", "translation": "\"We always eat but we don't get satisfied,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eae2c8", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430240792, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eae2c8" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ndǝ agǝnacalanda laŋge lǝmǝn,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ndǝ a-g-ǝ-nac-alanda laŋge l-ǝmǝn,", "gloss": "because if 2sg-clg-dpc-give.rt-1ex.om things cll-some,", "translation": "because when you give us some food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eafb2b", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430420739, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eafb2b" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñaŋpređ giđi naŋǝlǝme ananoŋ naŋǝlǝse,", "morphemes": "Ñaŋ-pređ g-iđi n-aŋǝ-lǝ-m-e ananoŋ n-aŋǝ-lǝ-s-e,", "gloss": "2pl-all clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-take.rt-cons.pfv first comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "All-of-you would take them first and eat them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eba7d9", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430779715, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eba7d9" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro naŋǝndǝlakërnđǝṯi ano ildi lǝṯëđǝnu lǝteta lǝteta nanda pređ.”", "morphemes": "oro n-aŋǝ-ndǝ-l-ak-ërnđ-ǝṯ-i ano ild-i l-ǝ-ṯëđ-ǝn-u l-ǝteta l-ǝteta nanda pređ.”", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-1in.om-3pl.om-iter-divide.rt-appl-cons.pfv in scll-this cll-dpc-leave.rt-pass-pfv cll-few cll-few 1ex.pro all.\"", "translation": "then he divides between us what is left into small portions.\"", "tags": "distributive ditransitive free.relative", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp-V P Adj V Adj Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebb053", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431430866299, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebb053" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia naŋaṯa, “Aaŋ!", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-aŋ-aṯa, “Aaŋ!", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt, \"Yes?!", "translation": "Hyena said, \"Oh really?!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebee9f", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431008393, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebee9f" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñagañëiṯiau! Fasëgi gǝbërnia Ñaŋpređ?”", "morphemes": "Ña-g-a-ñ-ëiṯi-au! F-as-ëg-i g-ǝ-bërn-ia Ñaŋpređ?”", "gloss": "2pl-clg-rtc-1sg-say.rt-how! Foc-who-cslg-this clg-dpc-named.rt-ipfv 2pl-all?", "translation": "What are you telling me?! Who is this person named \"All-of-you?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebf95c", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431161946, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ebf95c" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñere nǝñaṯa, “Orañ igi goɽra bǝṯau!”", "morphemes": "Ñere n-ǝñ-aṯa, “Or-añ ig-i g-oɽra bǝ-ṯau!”", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ.inf-say.rt, \"brother-1sg.poss sclg-this clg-big.rt ?-how!\"", "translation": "The children answered, \"Our elder brother!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec0889", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431322417, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec0889" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eṯen nǝŋaṯa, “Nǝgëtu ŋga điñiđi?”", "morphemes": "Na eṯ-en n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Nǝ-g-ëtu ŋga điñiđi?”", "gloss": "and father-3sg comp2-3sg.cons-say, \"comp2-clg-be.2d where now?\"", "translation": "And the their father said, \"And where is he now?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec109c", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431429466, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec109c" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñere nǝñaṯa, “Gaṯëđǝnu egeɽa.”", "morphemes": "Ñere n-ǝñ-aṯa, “G-a-ṯëđ-ǝn-u eg-eɽa.”", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ-inf-say.rt\"clg-rtc-leave-pass-pfv loc-house.\"", "translation": "The children answered, \"He is at home.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec4228", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431609117, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec4228" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Alǝɽr cia, ñañaŋëci Ñaŋpređo emanwane.”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Alǝ-ɽ-r cia, ña-ñ-aŋëc-i Ñaŋ-pređ-o e-ma-nwan-e.”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"1pl-go.rt-pl plz, 2pl-1sg-show.rt-inf1 2pl-all-acc 1sg-3sg.om-look.rt-inf1.\"", "translation": "The Hyena said, \"Let us go and you can show me All-of-you for me to look at.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec56c9", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431707527, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec56c9" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ɽrǝmaṯo egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-ǝ-rǝm-aṯ-o eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "and when 3pl-dpc-arrive.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-house,", "translation": "And when they arrived home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec59a4", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431431952463, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec59a4" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝtre igëwur tǝf nǝŋaṯa, “Fasëgi elna?”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-tr-e ig-ëwur tǝf n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “F-as-ëg-i e-lna?”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-guard.rt-cons.fv loc-door carefully comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"Foc-who-sclg-this loc-room?\"", "translation": "Then Hyena carefully guarded the door and said, \"Who is inside?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V P-N Adv Comp-V Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec7fd0", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431432207006, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec7fd0" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋaṯa, “Fǝñi\", olega gǝta garno gǝŋere ŋǝta.", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Fǝ-ñi, ole-ga g-ǝta g-arno g-ǝ-ŋere ŋ-ǝta.”", "gloss": "rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"Foc-1sg.pro, voice-with clg-small clg-like clg-poss-child clŋ-little.\".", "translation": "The Rabbit answered, \"It’s me,\" in small voice like that of a child", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv-N N-P Adj Adj Adj-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec9b1a", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431432366396, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ec9b1a" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Na agëbǝđiṯau egwaŋ? Mǝñaŋ!”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Na a-g-ë-b-ǝđ-i-ṯau eg-waŋ? Mǝñ-a-ŋ!”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, \"And 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-pfv-how inside? exit-d.imp-?!\"", "translation": "The Hyena said, \"And what are you doing inside? Come out!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecb159", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431432461833, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecb159" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋaṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi wate,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi wate,”", "gloss": "rabbit conp2-3sg.cons-say.rt, “Talk clɲ-well.rt wait.imp,", "translation": "The Rabbit answered, \"Alright, but wait,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecd6f0", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431432563543, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecd6f0" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝbuɽǝni inënǝŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-buɽ-ǝn-i i-nënǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-beat.rt-pass-cons.pf loc-ears comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt hyena comp1,", "translation": "and he clubed his ears and said to Hyena,", "tags": "gloss? self.reflexive", "syntacticCategory": "Comp-V P-N Comp-V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecddc2", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431432794346, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ecddc2" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "‘Ëndiṯǝñe ñarbapa ñǝlëɽǝñi iñi nelǝyerlda.”", "morphemes": "‘Ënd-iṯ-ǝ-ñe ñarbapa ñ-ǝlëɽǝñi iñ-i n-e-lǝ-y-erld-a.”", "gloss": "hold.rt-appl-imp-1sg.om shoes clɲ-1sg.poss sclɲ-this comp2-1sg-3pl.om-with-walk.rt-ipfv.\"", "translation": "\"Hold the shoes that I walk with.\"", "tags": "comp2noclg", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eccdc2", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433022206, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15eccdc2" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋëndǝđi inënǝŋ nǝŋǝbǝleđa Ŋǝđǝnia egwaŋ", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ënd-ǝđ-i i-nënǝŋ n-ǝŋǝ-bǝleđ-a Ŋǝđǝnia egwaŋ", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-hold.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-ears comp2-3sg.ons-pull.rt-ipfv rabbit inside", "translation": "The Hyena held the Rabbits’ ears and pulled him from inside", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V P-V Comp-V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed5060", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433081974, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed5060" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝyaffǝđe nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-yaff-ǝđ-e n-waldaŋ.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-throw.rt-ap-cons.pfv on-far.", "translation": "and threw the rabbit far away.", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "Comp-V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed5e73", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433173563, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed5e73" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋerṯe ŋǝdǝrwa tǝŋ kwai", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋǝ-dǝrw-a tǝŋ kwai", "gloss": "rabbit comp2-cons.pfv-neg.aux 3sg.inf-stop.rt-inf2 again at.all", "translation": "But the Rabbit did not hesitate for a second,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed74a7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433282229, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed74a7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝlaldǝño kañ ŋǝbënṯia eŋaña,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-laldǝñ-o kañ ŋǝ-b-ënṯ-ia e-ŋaña,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-run.rt-cons.ipfv very 3sg.inf-prog-enter.rt-inf2 loc-grass.", "translation": "and started running very quickly into the bush,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp-V Adv V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed8450", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433396642, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed8450" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro Ŋwëlia ṯaŋǝṯuru mǝldin igëwur ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "oro Ŋwëlia ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯur-u mǝldin ig-ëwur ṯ-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "then hyena comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-cons.ipfv still loc-door comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt,", "translation": "then the Hyena was still waiting at the gate saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Comp-V Adv P-N Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed88bf", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431433571181, "691fc088488461932a4c744d15ed88bf" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mǝñaŋ ya Ñaŋpređ điñiđi ŋañǝlǝŋeṯe.”", "morphemes": "“Mǝñ-a-ŋ ya Ñaŋ-pređ điñiđi ŋa-ñǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e.”", "gloss": "\"exit-d.imp-? ? 2pl-all now 2sg.inf-1sg.om-know.rt-inf1.\"", "translation": "All of you come out now, and you will know who I am.\"", "tags": "check:ya", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8933a0d5", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431498230039, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8933a0d5" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere nǝñëiṯi eṯen ṯa, “Bapa ŋwande!", "morphemes": "Na ñere n-ǝñ-ëiṯi eṯ-en ṯa, “Bapa ŋw-ande!", "gloss": "and children comp2-clɲ.cons-say.to.rt father-3sg that, \"Father foc-what!", "translation": "And the children said to their father, \"What is it dad?!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Comp-V V Comp N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8933eec5", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431498370792, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8933eec5" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agaṯurwa igëwur mǝldin eđa?”", "morphemes": "A-g-a-ṯurw-a ig-ëwur mǝldin eđa?”", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-wait.rt-ipfv loc-door still why?", "translation": "Why are you still waiting at the gate?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89342816", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431498618894, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89342816" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa, “Igaber igǝṯurṯia waŋge igi ganṯa Ñaŋpređ!”", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-a-ber i-g-ǝ-ṯur-ṯ-ia waŋge ig-i g-anṯ-a Ñaŋ-pređ!”", "gloss": "hyena comp2-clŋ.cons-say.rt, 1sg-clg-rtc-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-wait.rt-appl-ipfv thing sclg-this clg-called.rt-ipfv 2pl-all", "translation": "The Hyena said, \"Aren’t I waiting for that thing which is called All-of-you?!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8934418e", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431498817492, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8934418e" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñere nǝñǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Gerṯa fǝgakǝl gǝlaldǝña ndëwur!", "morphemes": "Ñere n-ǝñǝ-m-ëiṯi ṯa, “G-erṯa fǝ-g-akǝl g-ǝ-laldǝñ-a ndëwur!", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt comp1, \"clg-not.aux foc-clg-that clg-dpc-run.rt-ipfv outside!", "translation": "Then the children said, \"Isn't he the one that running outside!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Comp V Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89345351", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431498986819, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e89345351" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nwanaṯǝma tu gǝlaldǝña gǝbënṯia eŋaña.”", "morphemes": "Nwan-aṯ-ǝ-ma tu g-ǝ-laldǝñ-a g-ǝ-b-ënṯ-ia e-ŋaña.”", "gloss": "look.rt-at-pfv-3sg.om there clg-dpc-run.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-prog-enter.rt-ipfv loc-grass.", "translation": "Look at him there, running into the bush.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893680ea", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431500533496, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893680ea" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋënduđǝni loman nǝŋǝbuɽǝni eloman nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ënd-uđ-ǝn-i loman n-ǝŋǝ-buɽ-ǝn-i e-loman n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-clŋ.ocons-bite.rt-ap-pass-cons.pfv finger comp2-clŋ.cons-beat.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-finger comp2-clŋ.cons-say.rt", "translation": "The Hyena bit his finger, then waved it in the air and said,", "tags": "self.reflexive", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V N Comp-V P-N Comp-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893674e7", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431501248386, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e893674e7" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Kwëɽigi! Ace waŋge gëbǝrđǝnu pi,", "morphemes": "“Kwëɽi-ig-i! Ace waŋge g-ë-bǝrđ-ǝn-u pi,", "gloss": "\"Kori-sclg-this! excl thing clg-rtc-escape?.rt-pass-pfv otherwise,", "translation": "\"Oh Kori! The thing has escaped other wise", "tags": "gloss", "syntacticCategory": "N-Adj Adv N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8936acd5", "key": [ "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", 1431501447466, "690e4cbe77f968ffd624791e8936acd5" ], "value": { "story": "691fc088488461932a4c744d15c80557", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbanṯa cia ganaṯa lǝfra nano lǝ Kwëɽi.", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-banṯ-a cia g-a-n-aṯ-a lǝfra nano l-ǝ-Kwëɽi.", "gloss": "clg-dpc-should.rt-ipfv plz clg-rtc-see.rt-loc.appl-ipfv stick at cll-poss-Kori.", "translation": "he should have seen Kori’s stick.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038bc48", "key": [ "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", 1457532749273, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038bc48" ], "value": { "story": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abeya", "morphemes": "abeya", "gloss": "The Autumn", "translation": "The Autumn", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038cb9d", "key": [ "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", 1457533154465, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038cb9d" ], "value": { "story": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rǝmwa raffaṯo liji alo lëuṯau Nayen Yore", "morphemes": "Rǝmwa r-aff-aṯ-o liji alo l-ëuṯ-au Nayen Yore", "gloss": "god clr-attack.rt-appl-pfv people place cll-throw.rt-in mountains red", "translation": "The rainy season came upon the Red Hills Village suddenly and unexpected.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038db4b", "key": [ "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", 1457533297588, "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe58038db4b" ], "value": { "story": "83ac3d61bda4135c836dcfe580388dd8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndrǝđǝne ŋawa ŋwaña kañ", "morphemes": "Na n-d-rǝ-đǝn-e ŋawa ŋwaña kañ", "gloss": "comp2-rtc ?-comp2-cons.pfv water many very", "translation": "And it rained a lot of rain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11443f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430300441128, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11443f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝnannǝđia ëñua", "morphemes": "Đǝ-na-nn-ǝđ-ia ëñua", "gloss": "clð.nom-iter-hear.rt-ap-ipfv mouth", "translation": "Greetings", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce116f56", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430300818919, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce116f56" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa lopǝđaiđo Aḏamga elbas ildi lǝmǝña Karṯum ulëldiṯano!", "morphemes": "Musa l-opǝđaiđ-o Aḏam-ga e-lbas ild-i l-ǝ-mǝñ-a Karṯum ulëldiṯ-ano!", "gloss": "musa cll-meet.rt-pfv Aḏam-with loc-bus scll-which cll-dpc-go.out.rt-ipfv Khartoum morning-in!", "translation": "Musa and Adam met on a bus which goes to Khartoum early in the morning.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P P-N Adj V N Adv-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11922e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430300990031, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11922e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Maje bǝṯau?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Maje bǝṯau?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt Man how?", "translation": "Musa said, “My friend how are you?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11ac4c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430301136484, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11ac4c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Ndo, ŋen ŋero!", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Ndo, ŋen ŋ-ero!", "gloss": "Adam said: No talk clŋ-none!", "translation": "Adam answered, “Fine, nothing bad!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11d31e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430301318476, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11d31e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: An agaŋǝra?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa An a-g-aŋǝra?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq you 2sg-clg-good.rt?", "translation": "Musa said: \"I hope you are well!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11dae6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430301629202, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11dae6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Aa, igëni ṯia, igaŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, i-g-ëni ṯia, i-g-aŋǝra.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, 1sg-clg-be.d1 in.this.way 1sg-clg-good.rt.", "translation": "Adam answered: “Yes, so I am, I am good.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce122248", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430301832490, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce122248" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Na an agaŋǝra ŋa com?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Na an a-g-aŋǝra ŋa com?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: And ynq 2sg-rtc-good.rt 2sg.pro also?", "translation": "Adam said: “I hope you are fine too.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Conj Adv V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce120120", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430302066927, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce120120" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aa, igëni tia com igaŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, i-gëni tia com i-g-aŋǝra.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, I am-here in.this.way too, 1sg-clg-good.rt.", "translation": "Musa answered: “Yes, so I am, I am fine too.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V Adv Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce120d89", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430302291210, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce120d89" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: An ñagandro ṯia?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa An ña-g-andr-o ṯia?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq 2pl-clg-sleep.rt-pfv in.this.way?", "translation": "Musa said: “Did you have a good night?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11fb17", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430302530617, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce11fb17" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa:Aa, ñagandro ṯia.", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, ña-g-andr-o ṯia.", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, 1ex-clg-sleep.rt-pfv in.this.way", "translation": "Adam answered: “Yes, we slept well.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1214c8", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430302582819, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1214c8" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Adam nǝŋaṯa: Na an ñagandro ṯia com?", "morphemes": "Adam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Na an ña-g-andr-o ṯia com?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: and ynq 2pl-clg-sleep.rt-pfv in.this.way too?", "translation": "Adam said: “Did you sleep well too?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Conj Adv V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1226d9", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430302616666, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1226d9" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aa, ñagandro ṯia com.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, ña-g-andr-o ṯia com.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, 1ex-clg-sleep.rt-pfv in.this.way too.", "translation": "Musa answered: “Yes we slept well too.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce142536", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430303463253, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce142536" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: An lǝbai lëtu ṯia laŋǝra?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa An lǝbai l-ëtu ṯia l-aŋǝra?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq slaves cll-be.2d in.this.way cll-good.rt?", "translation": "Musa said: “Are your kids well?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv N V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce141b4a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430303682170, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce141b4a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Adam nǝŋaṯa: Aa, lëtu ṯia laŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Adam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, l-ëtu ṯia l-aŋǝra.", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, cll-be.2d in.this.way cll-good.rt.", "translation": "Adam answered: “Yes, they are well.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce14552f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430303851824, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce14552f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: An laŋǝra ṯia com ildi lǝlaɽǝŋa?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa An l-aŋǝra ṯia com ild-i l-ǝlaɽǝŋa?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq cll-good.rt in.this.way too scll-which cll-2sg.poss?", "translation": "Adam said: “Are your kids well too?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv Adj Adv Adv Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce14122b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430303977749, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce14122b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aa, lëtu ṯia com laŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, l-ëtu ṯia com l-aŋǝra.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes, cll-be.2d in.this.way also cll-good.rt.", "translation": "Musa answered: “Yes, they are well too.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V Adv Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15ce9c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430304337821, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15ce9c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Maje ñagafo ŋga đran?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Maje ña-g-a-f-o ŋga đran?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Man 2pl-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv where ??", "translation": "Musa said: “Remind me, where do you live?”", "tags": "check:đran", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15df30", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430304492763, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15df30" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Ñagafo alo Ḏarsalam M/24.", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Ña-g-a-f-o alo Ḏar-salam M/24.", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: 1ex-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv place dar-Alsalaam Block/24.", "translation": "Adam answered: “We are in Dar Alsalaam Block/24”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15f623", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430304657415, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce15f623" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Wëi ñagafo Ḏarsalam M/24?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Wëi ña-g-a-f-o Ḏar-salam M/24?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Oh 2ex-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv dar-Alsalaam Block/24?", "translation": "Musa said: “Really do you live in Dar Alsalaam Block/24?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce160655", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430304886954, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce160655" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Aa: ñagafau! Na agabaṯa ñagafo ŋga?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa: ña-g-a-f-au! Na a-g-a-b-aṯa ña-g-a-f-o ŋga?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes 1ex-clg-rtc-be.loc-there! And 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-say.rt 1ex-clg-rtc-live.rt-live where?", "translation": "Adam answered: “Yes we do, and where did think that we are?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce162499", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430305068807, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce162499" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Igabaṯa ñagafo Saura Ara/47.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa I-g-a-b-aṯa ña-g-a-f-o Saura Ara/47.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-say.rt 2pl-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv Thowra Block/47.", "translation": "Musa said: “I thought that berhaps you live in Thowra Block/47.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1642ab", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430305293713, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1642ab" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Ndo, igero igǝfia Saura Ara/47, orn igafo Ḏarsalam M/24.", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Ndo, i-g-ero i-g-ǝ-f-ia Saura Ara/47, orn i-g-a-f-o Ḏar-salam M/24.", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: No 1sg-clg-neg.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-be.loc-ipfv Thowra Block/47, but 1sg-clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv dar-Alsalaam Block/24.", "translation": "Adam said: “No, I am no in Thowra Block/47, but I am in Dar Alsalaam Block/24.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V V N N Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce166610", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430305521823, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce166610" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aṯia! Ŋen ŋaŋǝra!", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa “A-ṯia! Ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra!”", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes-in.this.way! talk clŋ-good.rt!", "translation": "Musa said: “I see! Alright!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce168251", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430306184540, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce168251" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Na agafo ŋga aganŋa?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Na a-g-a-f-o ŋga aganəŋa?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: and 2sg-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv where 2sg.pro?", "translation": "Adam said: “And where do live?”", "tags": "postverbal.subject", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Conj V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce168634", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430306346892, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce168634" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Igënǝñi igafo Alkariya Faṯe/2", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa I-g-ënǝ-ñi i-g-a-f-o Alkariya Faṯe/2", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: 1sg-clg-be.1d-1sg.om 1sg-clg-rtc-live.rt-pfv Alkaria Fatheh/2.", "translation": "Musa answered: “I live in Alkaria Fateh/2.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce16bf8c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430306584695, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce16bf8c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: An liji laŋǝra pređ Alkariya?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa An liji l-aŋǝra pređ Alkariya?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq people cll-good.rt all Alkaria?", "translation": "Adam said: “I hope all the people there in Alkaria are well?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce16c7b6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430306667324, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce16c7b6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aa, lëtu ṯia laŋǝra!", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, lëtu ṯia laŋǝra!", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes cll-be.2d in.this.way cll-good.rt!", "translation": "Musa answered: “Yes, they are well!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce170245", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430306916422, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce170245" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Na an liji laŋǝra com tǝŋgalo Ḏarsalam?", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Na an liji l-aŋǝra com tǝŋga-lo Ḏar-salam?", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: and ynq people cll-good also they? Dar-Alsalaam?", "translation": "Musa said: “And are the people there in Dar Alsalaam well too?”", "tags": "check:tǝŋga-lo", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Conj Adv N Adj Adv N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce170d1b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307034594, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce170d1b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Aa, lëtu ṯia com laŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, l-ëtu ṯia com l-aŋǝra.", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes cll-be.2d in.this.way also cll-good.rt.", "translation": "Adam said: “Yes, they are well too.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce172b2a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307166726, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce172b2a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: Na agëbǝđia ŋga ŋǝmëɽria?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa Na a-g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋga ŋǝmëɽria?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: And 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv where work?", "translation": "Adam said: “And where are you working?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Conj V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce173870", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307409973, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce173870" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Igëbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria Karṯum igalfunḏuk.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa I-g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria Karṯum ig-alfunḏuk.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work Khartoum loc-hotel", "translation": "Musa answered: “I work in a hotel in Khartoum city.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V V N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce177737", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307571703, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce177737" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam nǝŋaṯa: An ŋǝmëɽria ŋëtu ṯia ŋaŋǝra?", "morphemes": "Aḏam n-ǝŋ-aṯa An ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ëtu ṯia ŋ-aŋǝra?", "gloss": "Adam comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: ynq work clŋ-be.2d in.this.way clŋ-good.rt?", "translation": "Adam said: “I hope it is a good job?”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv N V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17697b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307714374, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17697b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Aa, ŋëtu ṯia ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Aa, ŋëtu ṯia ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Yes clŋ-be.2d in.this.way talk clŋ-indef,", "translation": "Musa answered: “Yes, it’s ok.”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V Adv V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce175fa6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430307888091, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce175fa6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lǝbas lǝrmace nalmayaṯa đǝge.", "morphemes": "Orn lǝbas l-ǝrmac-e n-almayaṯa đǝge.", "gloss": "but bus cll-reach.rt-cons.pfv on-station at.last", "translation": "But then the bus arrived at the station.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17bec6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430308114057, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17bec6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "And Musa nǝŋaṯa: Orañ igirǝwađaṯa ëli, alǝɽaŋe ṯia!", "morphemes": "Na Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Or-añ i-g-irǝw-ađaṯ-a ëli, alǝ-ɽaŋ-e ṯia!", "gloss": "And musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt: Brother-1sg 1sg-clg-descend.rt-way-ipfv here, 1in-stay.rt-cons.pfv in.this.way!", "translation": "And Musa said: “My brother, I will get off here. Goodbye!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Comp-V N V Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17dcf7", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", 1430309195869, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce17dcf7" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce1128dd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Musa nǝŋaṯa: Ŋen ŋëpi, alǝɽe!", "morphemes": "Musa n-ǝŋ-aṯa Ŋen ŋ-ëpi, alǝ-ɽ-e!", "gloss": "musa comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt talk clŋ-well.rt, 1du-go.rt-juss!", "translation": "Musa said: “Alright goodbye!”", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp-V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70e39c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430376111549, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70e39c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ na Ŋwëlia", "gloss": "fox and hyena", "translation": "The Fox and the Hyena", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce710f01", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430376492576, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce710f01" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋafiđu Ođǝloŋ gǝndra egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-fiđ-u Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-ndr-a eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef hyena clŋ-rtc-find.rt-pfv fox clg-dpc-sleep.rt-ipfv loc-house clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.rt-cons.pfv comp1,", "translation": "One day Hyena found a fox that was sleeping in his house and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N V P-N V N-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce710743", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430376598990, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce710743" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ndǝ agero agǝbǝrṯa ŋǝmëɽria,", "morphemes": "“Ndǝ a-g-ero a-g-ǝ-b-ǝrṯ-a ŋǝmëɽria,", "gloss": "if 2sg-clg-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc2-prog-have.rt-ipfv work,", "translation": "\"If you do not have work,", "tags": "auxiliary", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7151df", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430376935906, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7151df" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igerṯo ñere ñǝɽijin na igaŋonaṯa ṯa ŋela ṯǝŋañǝlǝnwanṯu,", "morphemes": "i-g-erṯ-o ñere ñ-ǝɽijin na i-g-a-ŋ-onaṯ-a ṯa ŋ-el-a ṯǝ-ŋa-ñǝ-lǝ-nwan-ṯ-u,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-have.rt-pfv children clɲ-three and 1sg-clg-rtc-2sg.om-want.rt-ipfv comp1 2sg.inf-come.rt-inf2 comp1b-2sg.inf-1sg.om-3pl.om-watch.rt-appl-cons.ipfv,", "translation": "I have three children, and I want you to come and take care of them for me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-V N Adj Conj N-N-V-Conj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce716ba9", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430377058446, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce716ba9" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ igonaṯa igǝmǝña alo yenǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ndǝ i-g-onaṯ-a i-g-ǝ-mǝñ-a alo yenǝŋ.”", "gloss": "if 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-dpc-go.out.rt-ipfv place one.", "translation": "When I want to go anywhere.\"", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71799f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430377308165, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71799f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi, igaŋǝnṯu ŋen.\"", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi, i-g-a-ŋǝn-ṯ-u ŋen.”", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv hyena comp1, “talk well, 1sg-clg-rtc-agree.rt-appl-cons.ipfv \"", "translation": "The Fox said to the Hyena, \"Alright, I agree.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj V P N Conj N Adj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71b998", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430377411601, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71b998" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ta,", "morphemes": "Na Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Ođǝloŋ ta,", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Fox comp1,", "translation": "And Hyena said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N C", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71c6a5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430377901170, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71c6a5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igiđi ṯeŋananaco ŋođia ṯǝŋalǝso ŋenŋanṯa agañǝnwanṯia ñere,", "morphemes": "“I-g-iđi ṯ-e-ŋa-na-nac-o ŋođia ṯǝ-ŋa-lǝ-s-o ŋenŋanṯa a-g-a-ñǝ-nwan-ṯ-ia ñere,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux comp1b-1sg-2sg.om-iter-give.rt-ipfv bones comp1b-2sg.om-3pl.om-eat.rt-cons.ipfv because 2sg-clg-rtc-1sg.om-look.at.rt-appl-ipfv children", "translation": "I will give you bones to eat them because of your caring for my children,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71e0a4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430378185642, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71e0a4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com ŋenŋanṯa ŋonḏǝṯe na ŋađoweṯe kañ,", "morphemes": "na com ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-onḏǝṯ-e na ŋa-đoweṯ-e kañ,", "gloss": "and also because 2sg-strong.rt-inf1 and 2sg-fat.rt-inf1 very,", "translation": "so that you become strong and healthy too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Comp V Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71f96b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430378365469, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce71f96b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn eđe yobaŋǝno agiđi ṯǝŋalǝnanaco ñere", "morphemes": "orn eđe y-obaŋǝno a-g-iđi ṯǝ-ŋa-lǝ-na-nac-o ñere", "gloss": "but meat cly-soft 2sg-clg-fut.aux comp1b-2sg.om-3pl.om-iter-give.rt-ipfv children", "translation": "but the soft meat you will give to my children", "tags": "ditransitive topicalization", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce721406", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430378488030, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce721406" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ñënŋulu ñarra", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ñën-ŋulu ñ-arra", "gloss": "word-meaning 3pl.pro clɲ-small?", "translation": "because they are young,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72274f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430378724380, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72274f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñaber ñiđi añǝɽǝwađaṯe añǝse ŋođia.”", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-b-er ñ-iđi añǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-e añǝ-s-e ŋođia.”", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-prog-not.aux clɲ-fut.aux 3inf.clɲ-able.rt-inf1 3inf.clɲ-eat.rt-inf1 bones", "translation": "and they may not be able to eat bones.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce723237", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430378917199, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce723237" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋamǝño oro nǝŋǝnace Ođǝloŋ ŋođia", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ŋwëlia ŋ-a-mǝñ-o oro n-ǝŋǝ-nac-e Ođǝloŋ ŋođia", "gloss": "day-indef hyena clŋ-rtc-go.out.rt-pfv then comp2-3sg.cons-give.rt-cons.pfv fox bones", "translation": "One day Hyena went out and gave Fox bones", "tags": "ditransitive check:out", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce724e85", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430379168299, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce724e85" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋela aŋǝlǝse gënŋu,", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋ-el-a aŋǝ-lǝ-s-e gënŋu,", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-come.rt-cons.ipfv 3sg.inf-3pl.om-eat.rt-inf1 3sg.pro,", "translation": "to eat them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce725d27", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430379308257, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce725d27" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđe yobaŋǝno aŋela aŋǝlǝnace ñere.", "morphemes": "na eđe y-obaŋǝno aŋ-el-a aŋǝ-lǝ-nac-e ñere.", "gloss": "and meat cly-soft 3sg.inf-come.rt-inf2 3sg.inf-3sg.om-give.rt-inf1 children.", "translation": "and to give the soft meat to the children.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72aa9d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430379547768, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72aa9d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen liga leṯo lǝđǝsa lalǝmǝn,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen liga l-eṯ-o l-ǝ-đǝ-s-a l-a-l-ǝmǝn,", "gloss": "and when time cll-came.rt-pfv cll-poss-clð-eat.rt-ipfv cll-some-cll-something,", "translation": "And when the time of eating had come,", "tags": "check:came;something", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72c300", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380016938, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72c300" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi ñere ṯa, “Lǝŋgalo gëiṯǝñe ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ñere ṯa, “Lǝŋg-alo g-ëiṯ-ǝ-ñe ṯa,", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv children comp1, \"Mother-2sg.poss clg-said.rt-pfv-1sg.om comp1,", "translation": "The Fox said to the children, \"Your mother told me that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72e7d4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380210877, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72e7d4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igeṯo ṯindǝsi ŋođia ŋenŋanṯa ñađoweṯe", "morphemes": "i-g-eṯ-o ṯ-i-ndǝ-s-i ŋođia ŋenŋanṯa ña-đow-eṯ-e", "gloss": "1sg-clg-come.rt-pfv comp1b-1sg-2du.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv bones because 2pl-fat.rt-cmp-inf1", "translation": "to feed you with bones so as become healthy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Comp Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72f5c5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380405493, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce72f5c5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñonḏǝṯe na ñoɽreṯe ramram.”", "morphemes": "na ñ-onḏ-ǝṯ-e na ñ-oɽr-eṯ-e ram-ram.”", "gloss": "and 2pl-strong.rt-cmp-inf1 and 2pl-big.rt-cmp-inf1 early-early\"", "translation": "and strong and grow up quickly.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce730d02", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380615493, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce730d02" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ođǝloŋ nǝŋǝnanace ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia ŋođia,", "morphemes": "Nǝ-ṯia Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋǝ-na-nac-e ñere ñ-ə-Ŋwëlia ŋođia,", "gloss": "And-so Fox comp2-3sg.cons-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-poss-hyena bones,", "translation": "So the Fox kept giving bones to Hyena's children,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73263d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380785371, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73263d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu nǝŋǝse eđe yobaŋǝno pređ.", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋu n-ǝŋ-ǝ-s-e eđe y-obaŋǝno pređ.", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-dpc2-eat.rt-cons.pfv meat cly-soft all.", "translation": "and he ate all the soft meat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7341dc", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430380867497, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7341dc" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋoɽǝbǝđo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-return.rt-ap-pfv", "translation": "And when Hyena came back,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce736b8f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430381062887, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce736b8f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋela nǝŋëiṯi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ela n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-3sg.poss comp1,", "translation": "she asked her children and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7368d0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430381180557, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7368d0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“An Ođǝloŋ ganacǝnde eđe?”", "morphemes": "“An Ođǝloŋ g-a-nac-ǝ-nde eđe?”", "gloss": "ynq Fox clg-rtc-give.rt-ipfv-3pl.om meat?", "translation": "\"Did the Fox give you meat?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73a01f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430381519791, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73a01f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñere nǝñëiṯi lǝŋgen ṯa, “Ee ee,", "morphemes": "Ñere nǝ-ñ-ëiṯ-i lǝŋg-en ṯa, “Ee ee,", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ-say.to.rt-cons.pfv mother-3sg.poss comp1, \"No, no,", "translation": "The children said to their mother, \"No, no,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73b7bf", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430381691302, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73b7bf" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ gananacalanda ŋođia na gëiṯialanda ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ g-a-na-nac-alanda ŋođia na g-ëiṯi-alanda ṯa,", "gloss": "Fox clg-rtc-iter-give.rt-1ex.om bones and clg-say.to.rt-1ex.om comp1,", "translation": "The Fox gave us bones and said to us,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73cc12", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430381914763, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73cc12" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñasa ŋođia ŋenŋanṯa ñoɽreṯe ramram", "morphemes": "ñ-a-s-a ŋođia ŋen-ŋanṯa ñ-oɽreṯ-e ram-ram", "gloss": "clñ-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv bones word-meaning clñ-grow.rt-inf1 early-early", "translation": "to eat bones so as to grow up quickly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73f60c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430382101161, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73f60c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñađoweṯe na ñonḏǝṯe com,", "morphemes": "na ña-đow-eṯ-e na ñ-onḏ-ǝṯ-e com,", "gloss": "and 2pl -be.fat.rt–cmp-inf1 and 2pl-strong.rt- too.", "translation": "and became healthier and strong too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73e2c0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430382243114, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73e2c0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ñaṯa ñagalǝsa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ñ-aṯa ña-g-a-lǝ-s-a,", "gloss": "and when clñ-try.rt clg-rtc-3pl.om-eat.rt-ipfv.", "translation": "and when we tried to eat them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73ea6d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430382733540, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce73ea6d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝñajǝbeṯe ñagǝɽrǝna, ŋenŋanṯa ŋonḏǝṯo kañ.”", "morphemes": "nǝ-ñ-ajǝb-eṯ-e ña-g-ǝ-lǝ-rǝn-a, ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-onḏ-ǝṯo kañ.”", "gloss": "comp2-2pl -not.know.rt–appl-cons.pfv 1ex-clg-dpc-3pl.om-swallow.rt-ipfv because 3sg.inf-strong.rt-cmp-pfv very", "translation": "we could not swallow them, because they were very dry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Comp Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7486bd", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430382825654, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7486bd" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say Fox comp1,", "translation": "Hyena said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74aace", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430382994395, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74aace" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋafo đeṯǝm iŋi ñere ñǝlwaɽo?", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋ-a-fo đeṯǝm iŋ-i ñere ñ-ǝ-lwaɽo?", "gloss": "“word clŋ-rtc-past.aux truth sclŋ-this children clñ-dpc-say.rt", "translation": "\"Is what children say true?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74bd03", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430383349141, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74bd03" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agaso eđe yobaŋǝno pređ nǝŋalǝnanace ŋođia?”", "morphemes": "A-g-a-s-o eđe y-obaŋǝno pređ n-ǝŋa-lǝ-na-nac-e ŋođia?”", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-pfv meat cly-soft all comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv bones?\"", "translation": "You have eaten all the soft meat and given them bones?\"", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74cbf0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430383630621, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce74cbf0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ñere ñakǝbalo!", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯi Ŋwëlia ṯa, “Ñere ñ-a-kǝb-a-alo!", "gloss": "Fox comp2-3sg.cons-said hyena comp1, \"children clñ-rtc-lie.rt-ipfv-place", "translation": "The Fox answered Hyena, \"The children are lying!", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75354d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430383774330, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75354d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igaber igiđi enne ŋen iŋi nǝñǝlwaɽo,", "morphemes": "I-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi ñe-nn-e ŋen iŋ-i nǝ-ñ-ǝ-lwaɽ-o,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg -hear-inf1 word sclŋ-this comp2-clɲ-dpc-tell.rt-pfv.", "translation": "I will not accept what they have said.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75566f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430383959769, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75566f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝñi ñǝŋgi igǝso ŋođia ŋen ŋarno agǝlwaɽǝṯǝñe", "morphemes": "fǝ-ñi ñǝŋ-g-i i-g-ǝ-s-o ŋođia ŋen ŋ-arno a-g-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-ǝ-ñe", "gloss": "foc-1sg.om 1sg-sclg-this 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-pfv bones talk clŋ-like 2sg-clg-dpc-tell.rt-appl-pfv-1sg.om,", "translation": "it is me who ate bones as you have told me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce757da8", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430384176406, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce757da8" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa yela ṯelǝso ŋenŋanṯa yeđoweṯe na yonḏǝṯe kañ,", "morphemes": "ṯa y-el-a ṯ-e-lǝ-s-o ŋenŋanṯa ye-đow-eṯ-e na y-onḏ-ǝṯ-e kañ,", "gloss": "comp1 1sg-come.rt-ipfv comp1b-1sg-3pl.om-eat.rt-pfv because 1sg-fat.rt-cmp-inf1 and 1sg-strong.rt-cmp-inf1 very,", "translation": "to eat them so as to be healthy and strong.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Comp Adj Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7585a5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430384839566, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7585a5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ŋanṯau igiđi enace ñere ñǝrra ŋođia ŋenŋanṯa añǝlǝse?”", "morphemes": "na ŋen ŋ-an-ṯau i-g-iđ-i e-nac-e ñere ñ-ǝrra ŋođia ŋen-ŋanṯa añǝ-lǝ-s-e?”", "gloss": "and word clŋ-mean-how 1sg-clg-sclg-this 1sg-give.rt-inf1 children clɲ-small bones word-meaning clɲ-3pl.om-eat.rt-inf1.", "translation": "and how can I gave little children bones to eat them?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N Adj N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75b43f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430387113143, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75b43f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia nǝŋëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-ëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say Fox comp1,", "translation": "Hyena said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75cd50", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430387373754, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75cd50" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igiđi ndǝ igǝfiđu agiđu ṯia tǝŋ lomanǝŋ,", "morphemes": "“I-g-iđi ndǝ i-g-ǝfiđu a-g-iđ-u ṯia tǝŋ loman-nǝŋ,", "gloss": "\"1sg-clg-fut.aux if 1sg-clg-find,rt 2sg-clg-do.rt-d.inf2 in.this.way again day-indef.", "translation": "\"If I found you once again doing this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75e641", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430387585046, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75e641" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋanace ñere ñǝrra ŋođia, igiđi eŋaɽǝñe.”", "morphemes": "nǝ-ŋa-nac-e ñere ñ-ǝrra ŋođia, i-g-iđi e-ŋa-ɽǝñ-e.”", "gloss": "comp2-2sg -give-inf1 children clɲ-little bones, 1sg-fut.aux 1sg-2sg.om-kill.", "translation": "and gave young children bones, I will kill you.\"", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76154b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430387677130, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76154b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋǝbǝɽo đǝge,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o đǝge,", "gloss": "when hyena clŋ-dpc2-prog-go.rt-pfv at.last,", "translation": "When Hyena went away at last,", "tags": "check:last", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75f7cb", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430387850896, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce75f7cb" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ nǝŋela nǝŋëiṯi ñere ṯa, “Lǝŋgalo gaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ n-ǝŋ-ela n-ǝŋ-ëiṯi ñere ṯa, “Lǝŋg-alo g-aṯ-a ṯa,", "gloss": "Fox comp2-3sg.cons-come comp2-3sg.cons-say-ipfv children comp1, \"Mother--2sg.poss clg-say comp1,", "translation": "The Fox said to the children, \"Your mother said that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Comp N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7603fd", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388118313, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7603fd" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "‘Ŋen ŋaŋǝra kañ igeṯo ṯendǝnanaco ŋođia ṯǝñalǝso.’”", "morphemes": "‘Ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra kañ i-geṯo ṯe-ndǝ-na-nac-o ŋođia ṯǝ-ña-lǝ-s-o.’”", "gloss": "word clŋ-good very 1sg-come comp1b-2pl.om-iter-give.rt-d.inf2 bones comp1b-2pl-3pl.om-eat.rt-cons.ipfv.\"", "translation": "It is very good, I will give bones to eat.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce761999", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388224741, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce761999" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere nǝñëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ñere nǝ-ñ-ëiṯi Ođǝloŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "and children comp2-clɲ-say Fox comp1,", "translation": "And the children said to the Fox,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce761b4e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388420585, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce761b4e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Agiđi ndǝ agǝnacalanda ŋođia tǝŋ ŋen ŋarno ŋerreka,", "morphemes": "“A-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-ǝ-nac-alanda ŋođia tǝŋ ŋen ŋ-arno ŋ-erreka,", "gloss": "2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-dpc-give.rt-1ex.om bones again word clŋ-like clŋ-yesterday,", "translation": "\"If you give us bones again as yesterday,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V N Adv N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76a8bc", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388653721, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76a8bc" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñagiđi ñalwaɽǝṯi lǝŋgañ ṯa aganacalanda ŋođia na giđi aŋaɽǝñe.”", "morphemes": "ña-g-iđi ña-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i lǝŋg-añ ṯa a-g-a-nac-alanda ŋođia na g-iđi aŋ-a-ɽǝñ-e.”", "gloss": "1ex-clg-fut.aux 1ex-tell.rt-appl-inf1 mother-1sg.poss comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-give.rt-1ex.om bones and clg-fut.aux 3sg-2sg.om-kill.rt-inf1.\"", "translation": "We will tell our mother that you gave us bones, and she will kill you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Comp V N Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76a8fe", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388811560, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76a8fe" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ gǝnno ŋen iŋi,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ođǝloŋ g-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i,", "gloss": "when fox clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv word sclŋ-this,", "translation": "When the Fox heard this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76dad6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430388970109, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76dad6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋakëndi ñere ñǝ Ŋwëlia nǝŋǝlǝɽǝñe,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ak-ënd-i ñere ñ-ǝ-Ŋwëlia n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-ɽǝñ-e,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg-iter-catch.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-poss-Hyena comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-kill.rt-cons.pfv.", "translation": "he caught Hyena’s children, and killed them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76f84a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389126199, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce76f84a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝmǝñe nǝŋǝɽe alo yerto.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e alo y-erto.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-go.out.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv place cly-other.", "translation": "he went away to another place.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce770be1", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389220328, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce770be1" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋoɽǝbǝđo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋwëlia ŋ-oɽǝbǝđo,", "gloss": "and when hyena clŋ-returns,", "translation": "And when Hyena came back,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7725f9", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389386782, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7725f9" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋela nǝŋǝfiđi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu ñayo pređ, oro nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ela n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ñ-ay-o pređ, oro n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-3sg.poss clɲ-die.rt-pfv all, then comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt,", "translation": "she found all her children died, then she said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V Adv Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce771868", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389558705, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce771868" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Fǝñi đurri ñǝŋgi igiđu mǝnna,", "morphemes": "“Fǝ-ñi đurri ñǝŋ-g-i i-giđu mǝnna,", "gloss": "It-1sg.om exactly 1sg-sclg-this 1sg-do.rt wrong.", "translation": "It is me who have done wrong,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce77444e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389712114, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce77444e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gabanṯa igafo igero igǝṯađa Ođǝloŋ ñereña", "morphemes": "gabanṯa i-g-a-fo i-g-er-o i-g-ǝṯađa Ođǝloŋ ñere-ña", "gloss": "should 1sg-clg-rtc-past.aux 1sg-clg-neg.aux-pfv 1sg-clg-leave Fox children-with,", "translation": "I should not have left the Fox with my children,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V V V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7718ab", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389877054, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce7718ab" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋǝñǝlǝnwanǝṯi kwai kwai.”", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋǝ-ñǝ-lǝ-nwan-ǝṯ-i kwai kwai.”", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-1sg.om-3pl.om-watch.rt-appl-inf1 never never.", "translation": "to take care of them for me at all.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce773dc5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430389988769, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce773dc5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwëlia ŋiđu ŋen iŋi, ŋenŋanṯa ŋajǝba ŋen ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋwëlia ŋ-iđu ŋen iŋ-i, ŋen-ŋanṯa ŋajǝba ŋen ṯa,", "gloss": "hyena clŋ-do word sclŋ-this, word-meaning not.know word comp1,", "translation": "Hyena did this, because she did not know that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Conj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce77c70c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", 1430390535132, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce77c70c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ce70c19f", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝloŋ gaɽo amǝɽa kañ elaŋge pređ leđǝñwa.", "morphemes": "Ođǝloŋ g-a-ɽ-o amǝɽa kañ e-laŋge pređ l-e-đǝñwa.", "gloss": "Fox clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv deceitful very loc-things all cll-loc-wilderness", "translation": "Fox is very clever amongst all wild beasts of the forest.", "tags": "copula check:cll-loc", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adj N Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd80e5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430554415555, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd80e5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi gaborṯo Apaḏuḏ", "morphemes": "Abalimi g-aborṯ-o Apaḏuḏ", "gloss": "Abalimi clg-ride.rt-pfv Apadud", "translation": "Abalimi rode on Apadud", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd94c6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430554583597, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd94c6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ ođǝloŋ lopǝđaiđo ŋwëliaŋa eđǝñwa,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ ođǝloŋ l-opǝđaiđ-o ŋwëlia-ŋa e-đǝñwa,", "gloss": "day-indef fox cll-meet.rt-pfv hyena-clŋ.with loc-forest", "translation": "Once upon a time a fox met with a hyena in the forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdcc18", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430554907887, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdcc18" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ođǝloŋ ṯaŋonaṯo ṯa gëbǝđia ŋwëlia ŋađǝna.", "morphemes": "orn ođǝloŋ ṯ-aŋ-onaṯo ṯa g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋwëlia ŋ-ađ-ǝn-a.", "gloss": "but fox comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt comp1 clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-ipfv hyena clŋ-mock.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "then the fox wanted to mock hyena and laugh at him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdb5d4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430555093220, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdb5d4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ođǝlaŋ nǝŋëiṯi ŋwëlia ṯa, “Orañ igabërnia Abalimi.”", "morphemes": "Ođǝlaŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ŋwëlia ṯa, “Or-añ i-g-a-b-ërn-ia Abalimi.”", "gloss": "fox comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv hyena that, brother-1sg.poss 1sg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Abalimi.\"", "translation": "The fox said to the hyena, \"My brother, my name is Abalimi,\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdddce", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430555240337, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebdddce" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋwëlia nǝŋaṯa ŋabërnia Apaḏuḏ.", "morphemes": "Na ŋwëlia n-ǝŋ-aṯ-a ŋ-a-b-ërn-ia Apaḏuḏ.", "gloss": "and hyena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-ipfv clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Apadud.", "translation": "And the hyena said that his name was Apadud.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebda950", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430555472075, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebda950" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋeɽǝđe Apaḏuḏ ṯa aŋiđi aŋela lomanǝŋ", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-eɽǝđ-e Apaḏuḏ ṯa aŋ-iđi aŋ-el-a loman-nǝŋ", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.inf-ask.rt-cons.pfv Apadud comp1 3sg.inf-fut.aux 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv day-indef", "translation": "Abalimi invited Apadud to come and visit him one day", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe4053", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430555627407, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe4053" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋǝmanwanǝṯi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "aŋǝ-ma-nwan-ǝṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "3sg.inf-3sg.om-see.rt-cmp-cons.pfv children clɲ-3sg.poss", "translation": "and see his children.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N ADJ", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe4a12", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430555783730, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe4a12" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Apaḏuḏ nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi", "morphemes": "Na Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi", "gloss": "comp2 Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-inf1 comp1 word clŋ-well", "translation": "And Apadud said to him, \"Alright", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe579e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430556001252, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebe579e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igiđi ndǝ igǝfiđu liga oro yela iŋanwanǝṯi ñere ñǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "morphemes": "i-g-iđi ndǝ ig-ǝ-fiđ-u liga oro yela i-ŋa-nwanǝ-ṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux if 1sg-clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv time then 1sg-2sg.om-come.rt-appl-pfv 1sg-2sg.om-look.rt-appl-pfv children clɲ-3sg.poss", "translation": "I will come if I find a chance and see your children,\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V N Comp V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebec37b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430557324481, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebec37b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen lënŋulu lǝpaiđiano,", "morphemes": "Ŋen l-ënŋulu l-ǝ-paiđ-i-ano,", "gloss": "word cll-3pl.pro cll-dpc-depart.rt-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "After they left,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebec682", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430557563772, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebec682" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝfiđi Ajǝŋgwara nǝŋëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i Ajǝŋgwara n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv crow comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Abalimi found Crow and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebeeb55", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430557799738, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebeeb55" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ igonaṯa igaboṯwa ǝrmwa.”", "morphemes": "“Or-añ i-g-onaṯ-a i-g-aboṯw-a ǝrmwa.”", "gloss": "brother-1sg.pos 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-climb.rt-ipfv heaven.\"", "translation": "\"My brother, I want to go up to the sky.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebef274", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430557882138, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebef274" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ajǝŋgwara nǝyimëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ajǝŋgwara nǝ-y-i-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Crow comp2-cly-dpc1-3sg.om-tell.rt-pfv comp1", "translation": "The Crow said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf9f6b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430558158419, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf9f6b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋëpi ela eŋape ldëɽua, eŋayaboṯwe elo.”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋ-ëpi el-a e-ŋa-p-e ldëɽua, e-ŋa-y-aboṯw-e elo.”", "gloss": "talk clŋ-well come.rt-juss 1sg-2sg.om-carry.rt-cons.pfv backbone 1sg-2sg.om-with-climb.rt-cons.pfv above", "translation": "\"Well, let me carry you on my back and go up to the sky.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V V N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf9279", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430558459659, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf9279" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ajǝŋgwara nǝyape Abalimiŋ enǝlde nemayaborwe,", "morphemes": "Ajǝŋgwara n-ǝy-ap-e Abalimi-ŋ e-nǝlde ne-ma-y-aborw-e,", "gloss": "crow comp2-cly.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv Abalimi-acc loc-wings comp2-3sg.om-with-fly.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "The Crow carried Abalimi on his wings and flew to the sky,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf98e7", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430558687875, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebf98e7" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ɽrǝmaṯo pǝlelo,", "morphemes": "na ŋen l-ǝ-rǝmaṯ-o pǝlelo,", "gloss": "and when cll-dpc2-reach.rt-pfv high", "translation": "and when they reached up high,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebff4fb", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430558801588, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebff4fb" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ajǝŋgwara nǝyeɽǝđe Abalimiŋ nǝyaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ajǝŋgwara nǝ-y-eɽǝđ-e Abalimi-ŋ nǝ-y-aṯa,", "gloss": "Crow comp2-cly-ask.rt-cons.pfv Abalimi comp2-cly-say.rt-cons.pfv,", "translation": "The Crow asked Abalimi,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec000d6", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430558913054, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec000d6" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ agasëiđia alo?”", "morphemes": "“Or-añ a-g-a-sëiđ-ia alo?”", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss 2sg-clg-rtc-see.rt-ipfv place", "translation": "\"Can you see down, my brother?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec00df1", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430559187393, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec00df1" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ndo, igaber igǝsëcia wagǝnǝŋ kwai kwai.”", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa
, “Ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-ǝ-sëc-ia waŋge-g-ǝnǝŋ kwai kwai.\"", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc2-see.rt-ipfv thing-clg-indef never never", "translation": "Abalimi answered, \"No, I can’t see anything at all.\"", "tags": "check:some", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp Adv V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0a109", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430559429893, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0a109" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ajǝŋgwara nǝyeđwađe Abalimiŋ nǝyimëuṯi alo.", "morphemes": "Orn Ajǝŋgwara n-ǝye-đwađ-e Abalimi-ŋ n-ǝyi-m-ëuṯ-i alo.", "gloss": "but crow comp2-cly.inf-push.rt-cons.pfv Abalimi-acc comp2-cly.inf-3sg.om-throw.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "Then the Crow pushed Abalimi and threw him down.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0aced", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430559557329, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0aced" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rǝmwa rafo rëbwa Abalimiga,", "morphemes": "Orn Rǝmwa rafo rëbwa Abalimi-ga,", "gloss": "but god clr-rtc-past.aux clr-rtc-love-ipfv Abalimi-with", "translation": "But God has pity on Abalimi,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0c510", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430559698016, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0c510" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Abalimi nǝŋerṯe gǝbǝɽǝṯia eŋwandr,", "morphemes": "na Abalimi n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-bǝɽ-ǝṯ-ia e-ŋwand-r,", "gloss": "and Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-neg.aux clg-dpc-fall.rt-appl-ipfv loc-stone-pl", "translation": "and Abalimi did not fall on stones,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0d54b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430560017816, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0d54b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla egal yeicia, orn giɽǝṯu eŋau eṯa elǝŋađ.", "morphemes": "walla eg-alo ye-icia, orn g-iɽ-ǝṯ-u e-ŋawa eṯa e-lǝŋađ.", "gloss": "or loc-place cly-bad but clg-fall.rt-appl-pfv loc-water lake loc-tooth", "translation": "nor in rough places, but he fell near the beach of the lake.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Conj V P-N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0eea5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430560225596, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0eea5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Lëmu lafo lǝmǝn lwasaca ndrenia eṯa nano,", "morphemes": "Na Lëmu l-a-fo l-ǝmǝn l-was-ac-a ndrenia eṯa nano", "gloss": "and Arabs cll-rtc-past.aux cll-indef cll-wash.rt-appl-ipfv clothes lake at", "translation": "And there were some Arab women, washing their clothes near the beach,", "tags": "check:c particle extraposition?", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0feeb", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430560412466, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec0feeb" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ldǝnwano odǝloŋ giɽu elo ǝrmwa nǝŋǝliɽǝṯi nano,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ldǝ-nwan-o odǝloŋ g-iɽ-u elo ǝrmwa n-ǝŋǝ-l-iɽ-ǝṯ-i nano", "gloss": "and when cll-see.rt-pfv fox clg-fall.rt-pfv above about comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-fall.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv at", "translation": "and when they saw fox fall from heaven, beside them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V N V Adv P V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1149c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430560921542, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1149c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lënŋulu ldǝđǝñiṯialo kañ ldǝlaldǝñe ldǝṯađe ndrenia alo enen,", "morphemes": "l-ënŋulu ldǝ-đǝñ-i-ṯ-i-alo kañ ldǝ-lald-ǝñ-e ldǝ-ṯađ-e ndrenia alo enen,", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-afraid.rt-caus-appl-cons.pfv-place very cll-run.rt-pass-cons.pfv cll-leave.rt-cons.pfv clothes place 3pl.poss", "translation": "They became afraid and ran away leaving out their clothes.", "tags": "particle.verb", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec128f2", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430561233056, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec128f2" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Abalimi nǝŋǝlarrǝpe nǝŋǝlërrǝncini nano,", "morphemes": "na Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-l-arr-ǝp-e n-ǝŋǝ-l-ërr-ǝnc-in-i nano,", "gloss": "and Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-iter-carry.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-iter-enter.rt-pass-cons.pfv at", "translation": "and Abalimi took them and put them on,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec13bff", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430561770794, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec13bff" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "jǝllëbiya na srual isi ywala, na nǝŋëɽǝni ṯagiya nenda", "morphemes": "jǝllëbiya na srual is-i y-wala, na n-ǝŋ-ëɽ-ǝn-i ṯagiya ne-nda", "gloss": "garment and short scly-this cly-long and comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv hat on-head", "translation": "the garment and long short, and hat on his head", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj Adj Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1383b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430561956243, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1383b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝpwađëini ima nenda na nǝŋape lǝfra eđǝŋ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-pwađëin-i ima ne-nda na n-ǝŋ-ape lǝfra e-đǝŋ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-wrap?.rt-cons.pfv turban on-head and comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv stick loc-hand", "translation": "and wrapped a turban on his head, and took a stick in his hand.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec17743", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430562275245, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec17743" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Apaḏuḏ nǝŋǝmafiđi eđađ", "morphemes": "Orn Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋǝ-ma-fiđi e-đađ", "gloss": "but Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-find-cons.pfv loc-road", "translation": "Then Apadud met him on the road,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec18ae5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430562469866, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec18ae5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbǝrlda ŋëđǝmwa kañ nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a ŋëđǝmwa kañ n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv greatness very comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "walking with greatness and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec19586", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430562747113, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec19586" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Abalimi fǝṯa agamo ŋga ndrenia ini nǝŋǝra ŋayo ṯia kañ?”", "morphemes": "“Abalimi fǝ-ṯa a-g-a-m-o ŋga ndrenia in-i n-ǝŋǝra ŋayo ṯia kañ?”", "gloss": "Abalimi foc-comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-take.rt-pfv where clothes scln-this cln-good beauty in.this.way very", "translation": "\"Where did you get these beautiful clothes, my friend?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V Adv N Adj Adj N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1ca98", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430562906799, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1ca98" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋaṯa, “Orañ igënǝñi, ma Abalimigi,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Or-añ igënǝñi, ma Abalim-ig-i", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt brother-1sg.poss 1sg.pro ? Abalimi-sclg-this", "translation": "Abalimi answered, \"My friend, I am called Abalimi,", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V ? N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1ea18", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430562998683, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec1ea18" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igwaña ŋen đurri.”", "morphemes": "i-g-waña ŋen đurri.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-many word indeed", "translation": "I have a lot of things to do.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec201c0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430563076331, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec201c0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "Apadud said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec22722", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430563211180, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec22722" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igonaṯa nǝŋ ndrenia narno orba gǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "morphemes": "“I-g-onaṯ-a nǝŋ n-drenia n-arno orba gǝlaɽǝŋa.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv word clothes cln-like brother clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "\"I need clothes like yours, too.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec23e4e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430563278030, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec23e4e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Abalimi said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec251d2", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430563500819, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec251d2" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa ŋen ŋabǝɽaŋǝno kañ đurri na agaber agiđi ŋaɽǝwađaṯe.”", "morphemes": "“Đappa ŋen ŋabǝɽa-aŋǝno kañ đurri na a-g-a-b-er a-g-iđi ŋa-ɽǝwađaṯ-e.”", "gloss": "Friend word strength-body very exactly and 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-be.able.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "\"My friend, it is very hard to get them, you won't be able to.\"", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N N N Adv Adv Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec26ddc", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430565221074, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec26ddc" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Apadud said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec286ad", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430565548276, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec286ad" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Fǝṯau naɽǝwađaṯo aganŋa oro yerṯe igǝɽǝwađaṯia igënǝñi?”", "morphemes": "“Fǝ-ṯau na-ɽǝwađaṯ-o aganŋa oro y-erṯe i-g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia igënǝñi?”", "gloss": "foc-how 2sg.inf-be.able.rt-pfv 2sg.pro then cly-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-be.able.rt-ipfv 1sg.pro", "translation": "\"How can you be able, and I did not be able?", "tags": "check:yerte", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V P Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec29823", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430565663805, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec29823" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ndǝ agonaṯa ndrenia đeṯǝm,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ndǝ a-g-onaṯ-a n-drenia đeṯǝm,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1, \"if 2sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv cln-clothes really,", "translation": "Abalimi said to him, \"Surely I need clothes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec297d8", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430565854372, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec297d8" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "mbu ŋiliđa lar lwala loɽra, oro ŋeṯe eđǝñwa nwaldaŋ", "morphemes": "mb-u ŋ-iliđ-a lar l-wala l-oɽra, oro ŋ-eṯ-e eđǝñwa n-waldaŋ", "gloss": "go.rt-d.imp clŋ-buy.rt-ipfv rope cll-long cll-big then clŋ-come.rt-cons.pfv wilderness cln-far", "translation": "Buy a big, long rope, then go to the forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec2e47e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430566180731, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec2e47e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋaɽe ŋëninia đǝɽǝfia iđi đwayaseđ aŋǝno,", "morphemes": "ŋ-a-ɽ-e ŋ-ë-nin-ia đǝɽǝfia iđ-i đ-waya-seđ aŋǝno,", "gloss": "clŋ-rtc-go.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-rtc-look.for.rt-ipfv lalop.tree sclđ-this clđ-rough-indeed body", "translation": "and look for a lalop tree that has a rough bark,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec2e4e3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430566432134, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec2e4e3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ agǝfiđu đǝge,", "morphemes": "na ndǝ a-g-ǝ-fiđ-u đǝge,", "gloss": "and if 2sg-clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv last", "translation": "and if you found it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec333c4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430566547499, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec333c4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋiđi ŋaɽaŋe ŋorwaṯaŋa ñoman ñǝɽǝjan,", "morphemes": "ŋ-iđi ŋ-a-ɽaŋ-e ŋ-orwaṯ-aŋa ñ-oman ñ-ǝɽǝjan,", "gloss": "clŋ-fut.aux clŋ-rtc-stay.rt-cons.pfv hunger-with? clɲ-day clɲ-two", "translation": "Stay without food for two days,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec34878", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430566658124, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec34878" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eloman ildi lǝɽaca lorba ndǝjin,", "morphemes": "na e-loman ild-i l-ǝ-ɽac-a lorba ndǝjin,", "gloss": "and loc-day scll-this cll-dpc-become.rt-ipfv sister three", "translation": "and on the third day,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec3651b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430566873322, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cec3651b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋiđi ŋase acǝba gwaña, oro alǝɽe đǝge aliđia ndrenia.”", "morphemes": "ŋ-iđi ŋa-s-e acǝba gwaña, oro alǝ-ɽ-e đǝge al-iđ-ia n-drenia.”", "gloss": "clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.cons-eat.rt-cons.pfv food many, then 1du-go.rt-cons.pfv last 1du-make.rt-ipfv cln-clothes", "translation": "eat a lot of food, afterwards we go to make clothes.\"", "tags": "consecutive", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv Adv V Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced4f410", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430742331257, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced4f410" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋabapeđ iŋi,", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Ŋen ŋabapeđ iŋ-i,", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 word easy clŋ-this", "translation": "Apadud said, \"This is a very easy job.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced7fe8f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430742544266, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced7fe8f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igabǝla yiđi ŋen ŋarno agǝlwaɽo.”", "morphemes": "i-g-a-b-ǝl-a y-iđi ŋen ŋarno a-g-ǝ-lwaɽ-o.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv cly-fut.aux word as 2sg-clg-dpc-say.rt-pfv", "translation": "I am going to do as you have said", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced830c3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430742664982, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced830c3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ gaɽaŋo ŋorwaṯaŋa ñoman ñǝɽǝjan,", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ g-a-ɽaŋ-o ŋ-orwaṯa-ŋa ñ-oman ñ-ǝɽǝjan,", "gloss": "Apadud clg-rtc-stay.rt-pfv clŋ-hunger-with clɲ-day clɲ-two,", "translation": "Apadud stayed two day without food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced84baf", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430742752847, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ced84baf" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro eloman ildi lǝɽaca lorba ndǝjin,", "morphemes": "oro e-loman ild-i l-ǝ-ɽac-a l-orba ndǝjin", "gloss": "then loc-day scll-this cll-dpc-become.rt-ipfv sisters three", "translation": "then on the third day,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd42c8", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430742841814, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd42c8" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝse acǝba gwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-s-e acǝba gwaña kañ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-eat.rt-cons.pfv food many very", "translation": "he ate a lot of food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd4709", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430743001298, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd4709" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn đǝge ldǝtođe ldeṯe nḏubwu.", "morphemes": "orn đǝge ldǝ-tođ-e lde-ṯ-e nǝ-đubwu.", "gloss": "but last 3pl-arise.rt-cons.pfv 3sg-go.rt-cons.pfv on-plateau", "translation": "and then they went to the forest.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd8e23", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430743118979, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd8e23" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ɽrǝmaṯo nḏubwu,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-ǝ-rǝmaṯ-o nǝ-đubwu,", "gloss": "and when cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv on-plateau", "translation": "And when they arrived to the forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd8f24", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430743283476, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedd8f24" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmakayace đǝɽǝfia nano kañ na nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-ma-kay-ac-e đǝɽǝfia nano kañ na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tie.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv lalop.tree at very and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Abalimi tied him to the bark of lalop tree and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P Adv Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cede032c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430743808645, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cede032c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ndǝ igǝbǝleđeiđiaŋa larla kañ,", "morphemes": "“Ndǝ i-g-ǝ-b-ǝleđeiđ-ia-ŋa larla kañ,", "gloss": "if 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-pull.rt-ipfv-with rope very", "translation": "If I pull you hard with the cord,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceddf8cc", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744017963, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceddf8cc" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋerṯe agǝbara walla agǝbǝkeɽia isiano", "morphemes": "ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-b-ar-a walla a-g-ǝ-b-ǝkeɽ-ia i-si-ano", "gloss": "clŋ-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-cry.rt-ipfv or 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-be.bitter.rt-ipfv loc-eye-in", "translation": "don’t cry or show pain in your face.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V P-N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cede3bf3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744241676, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cede3bf3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ndrenia aniđǝni nǝŋǝra ŋayo.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ndrenia a-n-iđ-ǝn-i n-ǝŋǝra ŋayo.”", "gloss": "because clothes 2sg-cln-do.rt-pass-cons.pfv cln-good beauty", "translation": "so as to make beautiful clothes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedebdca", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744412831, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedebdca" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Abalimi gǝbǝledeiđo lar,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Abalimi g-ǝ-b-ǝledeiđ-o lar,", "gloss": "when Abalimi clg-dpc-prog-pull.rt-pfv rope,", "translation": "When Abalimi pulled the cord,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceded117", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744528488, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceded117" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa, \"Wëi!\"", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, \"Wëi!\"", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt Wëi", "translation": "Apadud cried and said, \"Waye!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedeb2fa", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744612903, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedeb2fa" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "And Abalimi said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedfa295", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430744935654, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedfa295" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Waŋge galwaɽǝnṯu ṯa gǝfana aŋara, nǝwëi gawande?”", "morphemes": "“Waŋge g-a-lwaɽ-ǝn-ṯ-u ṯa g-ǝ-fan-a aŋ-ar-a, nǝ-wëi ga-wande?”", "gloss": "thing clg-2sg-tell.rt-pass-appl-cons.ipfv comp1 clg-dpc-not.be.able.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-cry.rt-ipfv comp2-wai clg.poss-what", "translation": "\"You have been told to not cry, and what is wai for?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedfddf3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430745174451, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cedfddf3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ima na ṯagiya lakǝro!", "morphemes": "Ima na ṯagiya l-a-kǝr-o!", "gloss": "turban and hat cll-rtc-break.rt-pfv", "translation": "the turban and hat were damaged!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cee03dda", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430745437065, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cee03dda" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn wate alinḏëci jǝllëbiya!", "morphemes": "Orn wate al-inḏëc-i jǝllëbiya!", "gloss": "but wait 1in-try.rt-cons.pfv garment", "translation": "but let us try the garment!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cee061fa", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430745837917, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cee061fa" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝrnađaṯaralo aliđi jǝllëbiya caŋ caŋ.", "morphemes": "Đǝrnađaṯo-ara-alo al-iđi jǝllëbiya caŋ caŋ.", "gloss": "press.rt-stomach-place 1in-fut.aux garment only only", "translation": "be patient just to make the garment.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V-N V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceec97e4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430747502438, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceec97e4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi naŋǝbǝledeiđe Apaḏuḏ tǝŋ kañ,", "morphemes": "Abalimi na-ŋǝ-b-ǝ-ledeiđe Apaḏuḏ tǝŋ kañ,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-prog-dpc-pull.rt-cons.pfv Apadud again very", "translation": "Abalimi pulled Apadud very hard,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceef720b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748012771, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceef720b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝɽǝfia ṯađǝmađaɽo na đar nǝđǝmëndi egare kañ,", "morphemes": "na đ-ǝɽǝfia ṯ-ađǝ-ma-đaɽ-o na đar n-ǝđǝ-m-ënd-i eg-are kañ,", "gloss": "and lalop.tree comp1b-clđ.inf-3sg.om-scratch.rt-pfv and rope comp2-clđ.inf-3sg.om-catch.rt-cons.pfv loc-belly very", "translation": "and lalop tree began to scratch him severly and cord tied him in his belly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceef8ce9", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748134224, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceef8ce9" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Abalimi ṯaŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "na Abalimi ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and Abalimi comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "and Abalimi encouraged him by saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceefa158", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748271525, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceefa158" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa bǝɽeṯano, jǝllëbiya yëtu yamǝño,", "morphemes": "“Đappa bǝɽeṯ-ano, jǝllëbiya y-ëtu y-a-mǝñ-o", "gloss": "friend courage-in garment cly-be.2d cly-rtc-go.out.rt-pfv", "translation": "Be brave my friend, the garment is coming.", "tags": "check:yamǝño, bǝɽeṯano", "syntacticCategory": "N V-P N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceefdda4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748418006, "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238ceefdda4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋerṯe agǝbǝkeɽia isiano.”", "morphemes": "ŋerṯe a-g-ǝ-b-ǝkeɽia isi-ano.”", "gloss": "not.aux.imp.sg 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-show.pain.rt-ipfv face-in", "translation": "don’t show pain in your face.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a000840", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748803764, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a000840" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Apaḏuḏ nǝŋerṯe gǝɽǝwađaṯia eŋen iŋi,", "morphemes": "Orn Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia e-ŋen iŋ-i,", "gloss": "but Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-be.able.to.rt-ipfv loc-word sclŋ-this", "translation": "But Apadud failed to bear this suffering.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a009061", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430748925747, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a009061" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝwađe eŋwal ŋoɽra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-wađ-e e-ŋwal ŋoɽra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-cry.rt-cons.pfv loc-voice big very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "and he cried with a loud voice and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a00a66e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430749079808, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a00a66e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Wëi Abalimi iguɽǝđiano!”", "morphemes": "“Wëi Abalimi i-g-uɽ-ǝđ-ia-ano!”", "gloss": "Oh Abalimi 1sg-clg-cut.rt-ap-ipfv-in", "translation": "\"Oh, Abalimi, I've been cut in half!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a043bf3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430749824532, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a043bf3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ace ywarra!", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ace ywarra!", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 Oh coward", "translation": "Abalimi said to him, \"What a coward man!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a049d8c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430750402447, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a049d8c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ywarra yalwaɽǝnṯu ṯa yaber yiđi ayǝ-ɽǝwađaṯe nǝy-aṯai!", "morphemes": "Ywarra y-a-lwaɽ-ǝn-ṯ-u ṯa y-a-b-er y-iđi ayǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-e n-ǝy-aṯa-i!", "gloss": "coward cly-rtc-tell.rt-pass-appl-pfv comp1 cly-rtc-prog-not.aux cly-fut.aux cly.inf-be.able.to.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cly.inf-say.rt-?", "translation": "A coward was told that he will not able to bear, and what did he say!\"", "tags": "check-i", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a05ecb5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430750749368, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a05ecb5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝŋeṯo ŋen ŋopia đǝge ṯa agakero ndrenia pređ ŋa bǝɽan.”", "morphemes": "Lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ŋ-opia đǝge ṯa a-g-a-ker-o ndrenia pređ ŋa bǝɽan.”", "gloss": "know.rt-d.imp word clŋ-well last comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-break.rt-pfv clothes all 2sg.om alone", "translation": "Well know that you have damaged all the clothes by yourself.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv Adv Comp V N Adv N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c5177", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430814290881, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c5177" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Abalimi gafiđu Ŋǝđǝnia", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Abalimi g-a-fiđ-u Ŋǝđǝnia", "gloss": "Day-indef Abalimi clg-rtc-find.rt-cons.ipfv rabbit", "translation": "One day Abalimi met the Rabbit.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c6fa1", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430814465339, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c6fa1" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋëiṯi ṯa giđu Apaḏuḏu ŋađǝna.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ṯa g-iđu Apaḏuḏu ŋađǝn-a.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1 clg-fut.aux Apadud mock.rt-ipfv", "translation": "he said to him that he mocked Apadud.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c7df3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430814564686, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c7df3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlwaɽǝṯi Apaḏuḏ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i Apaḏuḏ ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2 rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cmp-cons.pfv Apadud comp1", "translation": "Then the rabbit told Apadud that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3cbc56", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430814817885, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3cbc56" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Abalimi gakǝbǝṯiaŋa alo nǝŋiđi ŋađǝna bipi", "morphemes": "“Abalimi g-a-kǝbǝ-ṯia-ŋa alo n-ǝŋ-iđ-i ŋađǝna bipi", "gloss": "Abalimi clg-rtc-lie.to?.rt-in.this.way-2sg.om place comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv deceive.rt only", "translation": "Abalimi lied to you and laughed at you,", "tags": "particle .", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c9b6e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430815040274, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3c9b6e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen gaṯa gǝŋiṯia ndrenia.”", "morphemes": "ŋen g-aṯa g-ǝŋ-iṯ-ṯia ndrenia.”", "gloss": "word clg-say.rt clg-3sg.cons-make.rt-in.this.way clothes", "translation": "when he attempted to make you clothes.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3ca433", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430815222952, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3ca433" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Apaḏuḏ gǝnno ŋen iŋi naŋǝciṯano kañ", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Apaḏuḏ g-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i n-aŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ", "gloss": "comp2 word Apadud clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv word sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.inf-angry.rt-in very", "translation": "When Apadud heard this, he became very angry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N N V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3cf3f5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430815738418, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3cf3f5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝsǝkia Abalimiŋ eleŋ nano igi goɽra gǝbërnia Đëffia.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-sǝk-ia Abalimi-ŋ elǝŋ nano ig-i g-oɽra g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Đëffia.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-charge.rt-ipfv Abalimi-acc chief at sclg-this clg-big clg-dpc-prog-be.named.rt-ipfv Lion", "translation": "he went to the Lion the big chief to raise his case against Abalimi.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N Adv P Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d3168", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430817914764, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d3168" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na tǝŋ Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlwaɽǝṯi Abalimiŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na tǝŋ Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i Abalimi-ŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2 again Rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cmp-cons.pfv Abalimi-acc comp1", "translation": "again the Rabbit told Abalimi that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Adv N V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d50fb", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430818333387, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d50fb" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Apaḏuḏ gasǝkiaŋa elǝŋ nano, na almakǝma yiđi ayǝfeṯe eṯeɽe.”", "morphemes": "“Apaḏuḏ g-a-sǝk-ia-ŋa elǝŋ nano, na almakǝma y-iđi a-y-ǝ-feṯ-e eṯeɽe.”", "gloss": "Apadud clg-rtc-accuse?.rt-ipfv-2sg.om chief at comp2 trial cly-fut.aux 2sg-cly-dpc-be.2d?.rt-cons.pfv tomorrow", "translation": "\"Apadud raised a case against you and the trial will held tomorrow.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Comp N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d5d3b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430818501410, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3d5d3b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋaṯa, “Apaḏuḏ gasǝkiñee?”", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Apaḏuḏ g-a-sǝk-i-ñe-e?”", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt Apadud clg-rtc-accuse.rt-pfv-1sg.om-?", "translation": "Abalimi said, \"Really, Apadud raised a case against me?\"", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3de9dd", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430818684689, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3de9dd" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋaṯa, “Aa, gasǝkiaŋa elǝŋ nano igi igëndr goɽra.”", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Aa, g-a-sǝk-ia-ŋa elǝŋ nano ig-i igëndr g-oɽra.”", "gloss": "Rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt yes clg-rtc-accuse.rt-ipfv-2sg.om chief at sclg-this 1pl.poss clg-big", "translation": "Rabbit answered, \"Yes he raised a case against you, to our great chief’\"", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv V N P Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3dce54", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430818736824, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3dce54" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "Abalimi said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3dc3ca", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430819418949, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3dc3ca" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igiđi ndǝ igero igeṯo nalmakǝma eṯeɽe igaborṯo Apaḏuḏ,", "morphemes": "“I-g-iđi ndǝ i-g-ero i-g-eṯ-o n-almakǝma eṯeɽe i-g-aborṯ-o Apaḏuḏ,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux if 1sg-clg-not.aux 1sg-clg-come.rt-pfv on-trial tomorrow 1sg-clg-prog-ride.rt-pfv Apadud", "translation": "If I did not come to trial court tomorrow riding on Apadud,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V P-N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e53dd", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430819722574, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e53dd" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaɽeṯa igënǝñi gerṯa fǝñi Abalimigi?”", "morphemes": "ṯa-ɽ-eṯ-a i-g-ënǝ-ñ-i g-erṯa fǝ-ñi Abalimi-ig-i?”", "gloss": "comp1-be.rt-appl-ipfv 1sg-clg-rtc-be.1d-1sg.om-cons.pfv clg-not.aux-ipfv foc-1sg.om Abalimi-sclg-this", "translation": "I should not be called Abalimi?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e623c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430819988542, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e623c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iliga ildi lalmakǝma gǝri giđǝnu goɽra kañ", "morphemes": "I-liga ild-i l-almakǝma gǝri g-i-đǝn-u goɽra kañ", "gloss": "loc-time scll-which of-judgement court clg-dpc-make.to.be.rt-cons.ipfv big very", "translation": "on the day of the trial, great hall was prepared,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e5502", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820243035, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e5502" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa lararraiđo lwaña alo tǝmtǝm.", "morphemes": "na leđa lararraiđ-o lwaña alo tǝmtǝm.", "gloss": "comp2 people gather.rt-cons.ipfv many place all", "translation": "many people were assembled together from everywhere.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adv N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e6816", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820317232, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3e6816" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Abalimi nǝŋerṯe garmaṯo mǝldin.", "morphemes": "Orn Abalimi n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-a-rmaṯ-o mǝldin.", "gloss": "but Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clg-rtc-arrive.rt-cons.ipfv yet", "translation": "But Abalimi did not arrive yet.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3ef52d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820409054, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3ef52d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na elǝŋ nǝŋëiṯi Apaḏuḏ ṯa", "morphemes": "Na elǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Apaḏuḏ ṯa", "gloss": "comp2 chief comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv Apadud comp1", "translation": "Then the chief ordered Apadud", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f0c89", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820690723, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f0c89" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbǝla aŋǝbwaña Abalimi gaɽe gaɽaṯau.", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a aŋ-ǝ-b-wañ-a Abalimi gaɽe g-a-ɽaṯa-u.", "gloss": "clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-imp 3sg.inf-dpc-prog-look.rt-imp Abalimi what? clg-rtc-happen.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "to go and look at Abalimi what might have happened to him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f1a79", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820789134, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f1a79" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋǝbǝɽe gǝlaldǝña kañ,", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋǝ-b-ǝɽ-e g-ǝ-laldǝñ-a kañ,", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-prog-go.rt-cons.pfv clg-dpc-run.rt-ipfv very", "translation": "Apadud went running quickly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f2a92", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430820877651, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f2a92" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝfiđi Abalimi gǝndra", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i Abalimi g-ǝ-ndr-a", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv Abalimi clg-dpc-sleep.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And found Abalimi sleeping,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f3a8d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430821081920, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f3a8d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Maje agana agǝndra đǝŋǝɽan!", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Maje a-g-an-a a-g-ǝ-ndr-a đǝŋǝɽan!", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1, \"Man 2sg-clg-seem.rt-ipfv 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-ipfv how.dare.you", "translation": "and said to him, \"As if you are sleeping, man!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f4f15", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430821365795, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f4f15" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa laŋaṯurṯia bǝtanoŋ nalmakǝma oro ṯǝŋandro?”", "morphemes": "Leđa l-a-ŋa-ṯurṯ-ia bǝtanoŋ n-almakǝma oro ṯǝ-ŋa-ndr-o?”", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-2sg.om-wait.rt-ipfv early on-trial then comp1b-2sg.inf-sleep.rt-pfv", "translation": "The people have been waiting for you since early morning in the trial, but you sleep!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f5eac", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430821434413, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f5eac" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Abalimi said to him,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f79a5", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430822194330, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f79a5" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ace an iguma bǝte igurđa, gamacia lǝgëbǝđiṯau?”", "morphemes": "“Ace an i-g-um-a bǝte i-g-urđ-a, gama-cia lǝ-g-ë-b-ǝđ-i-ṯau?”", "gloss": "man ynq 1sg-clg-sick.rt-ipfv indeed 1sg-clg-diarrhea.rt-ipfv what-plz 1du-clg-rtc-prog-do.rt-cons.pfv-how", "translation": "\"Man, I am very sick, I have diarrhea, what can we do?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Q Adj Adv N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3fa43b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430822294142, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3fa43b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa, “Nḏare!", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Nḏare!", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt i.don't.know", "translation": "Apadud said, \"I don't know!", "tags": "check:Nḏare", "syntacticCategory": "N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f885d", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430822509027, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a3f885d" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elǝŋ garrëiđu leđa ldǝɽo lwaña, oro ṯalǝŋaṯurṯu bǝtanoŋ.”", "morphemes": "Elǝŋ g-a-rrëiđ-u leđa ldǝɽo lwaña, oro ṯa-lǝ-ŋa-ṯurṯ-u bǝta-noŋ.”", "gloss": "chief clg-rtc-gather.rt-cons.ipfv people together many, then comp1-3pl-2sg.om-wait.rt-cons.ipfv from-early", "translation": "The chief gathered many people since morning and they are waiting for you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Adv Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a400050", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430822644383, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a400050" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Apaḏuḏ ŋen ŋoɽra iŋi đurri,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Apaḏuḏ ŋen ŋoɽra iŋ-i đurri,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, \"Apadud word big clŋ-this indeed.", "translation": "Abalimi said, \"This is a very big matter, Apadud.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp N N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a40381b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430822851524, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a40381b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elǝŋ gabǝla aŋǝndǝcǝṯiano kañ lǝŋǝndǝm.", "morphemes": "Elǝŋ g-a-b-ǝl-a aŋǝ-ndǝ-cǝṯ-i-ano kañ lǝŋǝndǝm.", "gloss": "chief clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-1du.om-be.angry.rt-cons.pfv-in very 1du.pro", "translation": "The chief is going be angry with two of us.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4054a7", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430823017998, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4054a7" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "An añapa cia alǝɽe ramram ŋenŋanṯa alǝɽe alǝjope sëriya?”", "morphemes": "An a-ñ-a-p-a cia alǝ-ɽ-e ramram ŋenŋanṯa alǝ-ɽ-e alǝ-jop-e sëriya?”", "gloss": "ynq 2sg-1sg.om-rtc-carry.rt-ipfv plz cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv quickly because cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv cll.inf-catch.up.with.rt-cons.pfv court", "translation": "Please will you carry me to go quickly so as to catch up the court?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Q V Adv V Adv Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a407ea0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430823139112, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a407ea0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ela ŋañaborṯwe.”", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “El-a ŋa-ñ-aborṯw-e.”", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, “come-imp 2sg.om-1sg.om-ride.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Apadud answered, \"Come and ride on me.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4092af", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430823600729, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4092af" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Abalimi nǝŋaṯa, “Orañ igurđu kañ,", "morphemes": "Orn Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Or-añ i-g-urđ-u kañ,", "gloss": "but Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt brother-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-diarrhea.rt-pfv very", "translation": "Then Abalimi said, \"My brother, I have bad diarrhea.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a40e6e3", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430824529121, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a40e6e3" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "an yëɽǝcǝnia sǝwal alo ŋenŋanṯa lëɽua alerṯe lǝñǝđaɽa iđurṯu?”", "morphemes": "an y-ëɽ-ǝc-ǝn-ia sǝwal alo ŋenŋanṯa lëɽua al-erṯe l-ǝ-ñǝ-đaɽ-a i-đurṯu?”", "gloss": "ynq 1sg-put.rt-loc.appl-pass-ipfv sack place because back cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-1sg.om-scratch.rt-ipfv loc-behind", "translation": "what if I spread a sheet on your back that it may not hurt me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N N Comp V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a410b04", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430824895000, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a410b04" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ëɽǝñiau.”", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Ëɽǝ-ñi-au.”", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, \"Put.on.rt-1sg.om-d.imp?\"", "translation": "Apadud answered, \"Put it on.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a417ad0", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430825068198, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a417ad0" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi tǝŋ ṯa,", "morphemes": "Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i tǝŋ ṯa,", "gloss": "Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv again comp1", "translation": "and again Abalimi said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41b609", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430825399772, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41b609" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“An iŋëɽia đar egǝtam yeɽe ṯǝyakëndu", "morphemes": "“An i-ŋ-ëɽ-ia đar eg-ǝtam y-eɽ-e ṯǝ-y-ak-ënd-u", "gloss": "ynq 1sg-2sg.om-put.rt-ipfv rope loc-neck 1sg-go.rt-inf1 comp1b-1sg-iter-catch.rt-pfv", "translation": "\"Will I put a cord round your neck that I may hold on,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41a85a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430825505324, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41a85a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa yerṯe igǝbǝɽia ndǝ agǝbǝrlda taltal?”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa yerṯe i-g-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-ia ndǝ a-g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a taltal?”", "gloss": "because 1sg-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-feel.rt-ipfv if 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv quickly", "translation": "so as not fall when you walk quickly?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41f756", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430825582339, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a41f756" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Ëɽǝñiau.”", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Ëɽǝ-ñi-au.”", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1, “put.on.rt-1sg.om-d.imp", "translation": "Apadud answered, \"Put it on.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42109a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430825654317, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42109a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Abalimi nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Abalimi n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2 Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "And Abalimi said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42b03a", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430826251587, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42b03a" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“An igamo đowa đǝta đǝrraŋǝno yeɽe ṯeŋayenanaṯo egare aten aten", "morphemes": "“An i-gam-o đowa đǝta đ-ǝrra-aŋǝno y-eɽ-e ṯe-ŋa-ye-nanaṯo eg-are aten aten", "gloss": "ynq 1sg-bring.rt-d.inf2 whip small clð-thin-body 1sg-go.rt-inf1 to?-2sg.om-with?-taste.it? loc-belly little little", "translation": "\"May I use a very small whip so as to guide you slowly slowly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv? V N Adj Adj-N V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42c420", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430826396577, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42c420" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aɽrǝmaṯe nǝsëriya ram?”", "morphemes": "ṯa al-rǝmaṯ-e nǝ-sëriya ram?”", "gloss": "comp1 1du-reach.rt-inf1 on-court early", "translation": "so as to arrive early?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42d695", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430826492061, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42d695" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apaḏuḏ naŋaṯa, “Maŋ!”", "morphemes": "Apaḏuḏ na-ŋ-aṯa, “Maŋ!”", "gloss": "Apadud comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt bring", "translation": "Apadud said, \"Bring it.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42be25", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430826814988, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a42be25" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Abalimi nǝŋaborṯwe Apaḏuḏu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Abalimi n-ǝŋ-aborṯw-e Apaḏuḏ-u", "gloss": "so Abalimi comp2-3sg.cons-ride.rt-cons.pfv Apadud-?", "translation": "So Abalimi rode on Apadud", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a43415f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430827003414, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a43415f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝmagakaye egǝtam đarđa,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ga-kay-e eg-ǝtam đar-đa,", "gloss": "comp2 comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-iter-tie.rt-cons.pfv loc-neck cord-clđ.with", "translation": "and he tied him the cord round his neck,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P-N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4389ed", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430827557381, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a4389ed" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝmëpu egare đowǝđa,", "morphemes": "na ṯa-ŋǝ-m-ëpu eg-are đowǝ-đa,", "gloss": "comp2 comp1-3sg.cons-3sg.om-beat.rt-cons.ipfv loc-belly whip-with", "translation": "and he was beating him in stomach with a whip,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a43b197", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430827745106, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a43b197" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Apaḏuḏ ṯaŋǝbaṯo na ṯaŋerldo taltal", "morphemes": "na Apaḏuḏ ṯa-ŋǝ-baṯ-o na ṯa-ŋ-erld-o taltal", "gloss": "comp2 Apadud comp1-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.ipfv comp2 comp1-3sg.cons-walk.rt-cons.ipfv quickly", "translation": "And Apadud jogs and walks very quickly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a442061", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430827839572, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a442061" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alǝɽe alǝjope almakǝma.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-ǝɽ-e alǝ-jop-e almakǝma.", "gloss": "because 1du-go.rt-inf1 3pl-reach.rt-inf1 trial", "translation": "so as to catch up the trial court", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a447382", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430828108747, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a447382" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen ɽrǝmaṯo alo ṯwañ!", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen lǝ-rǝmaṯ-o alo ṯwañ!", "gloss": "but word 3pl-arrive.rt-cons.ipfv place near!", "translation": "But when they drew nearer!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a446461", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430828288653, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a446461" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝđǝnia nǝŋǝđurwi na ṯaŋǝsëcu Apaḏuḏu gǝlaldǝña kañ,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝđǝnia n-ǝŋǝ-đurw-i na ṯa-ŋǝ-sëcu Apaḏuḏu g-ǝ-laldǝñ-a kañ,", "gloss": "Rabbit comp2-3sg.cons-stand.rt-cons.pfv comp2 comp1-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.ipfv Apadud clg-dpc-run.rt-ipfv very", "translation": "The Rabbit looked, and saw Apadud running quickly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44ad1b", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430828412078, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44ad1b" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝlǝmǝño nano gapo Abalimiŋ ldëɽua,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-lǝ-mǝñ-o nano g-ap-o Abalimi-ŋ ld-ëɽua,", "gloss": "comp2 comp1-3pl.om-1du-come.rt-cons.ipfv near clg-carry.rt-cons.ipfv Abalimi on-back", "translation": "and coming towards them, carrying Abalimi on his back.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44a900", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430828649903, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44a900" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝbuɽwi lǝtolia loɽra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i lǝtolia loɽra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-blow?.rt-cons.pfv cheek big very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "then he shouted with a loud voice and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44b84f", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430828649903, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a44b84f" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋǝbuɽwi lǝtolia loɽra kañ nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i lǝtolia loɽra kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-blow?.rt-cons.pfv cheek big very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "then he shouted with a loud voice and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a455737", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430829129870, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a455737" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Aɽoɽoɽai! Ëi! Liji nwanǝđr!", "morphemes": "“Aɽoɽoɽai! Ëi! Liji nwanǝđ-r!", "gloss": "Wow! Hey! people look.rt-pl", "translation": "\"Arororay! Hey! Look all of you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45660e", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430829243177, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45660e" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nwanǝr Abalimi gaborṯo Apaḏuḏ!", "morphemes": "Nwanǝ-r Abalimi g-aborṯ-o Apaḏuḏ!", "gloss": "See.rt-pl Abalimi clg-ride.rt-pfv Apadud", "translation": "See Abalimi is riding on Apadud!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a455c8c", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430829498153, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a455c8c" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëi liji ñaŋ pređ ñëŋgi ñagǝfo nalmakǝma,", "morphemes": "Ëi liji ñaŋ pređ ñëŋgi ña-g-ǝ-fo n-almakǝma,", "gloss": "hey people 2pl.om all who 2pl-clg-dpc-past.aux on-trial", "translation": "You all men who are in the trial court,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N P Adv Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45c2e4", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430829676640, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45c2e4" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nwanǝr Apaḏuḏ igi gerṯo almakǝma gëburǝcǝnu!”", "morphemes": "nwanǝ-r Apaḏuḏ ig-i g-erṯ-o almakǝma g-ë-b-urǝ-cǝn-u!”", "gloss": "look.rt-pl Apadud sclg-who clg-have.rt-pfv trial clg-rtc-prog-be.ridden?.rt-???-pfv", "translation": "Look at Apadud who has this trial court, is ridden on!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45e0ef", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430829840290, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45e0ef" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen laŋge lalo pređ lǝnwano Abalimi gaborṯo Apaḏuḏ,", "morphemes": "Ŋen laŋge l-alo pređ l-ǝ-nwan-o Abalimi g-aborṯ-o Apaḏuḏ,", "gloss": "word things cll.poss-place all cll-dpc-look.rt-pfv Abalimi clg-ride.rt-pfv Apadud", "translation": "When the all living things of the forest saw Abalimi riding on Apadud,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N P-N Adv V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45fa41", "key": [ "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", 1430830193009, "4718f764456e54ccba1ac6477a45fa41" ], "value": { "story": "8dbe0cc07f94a1c6de1e4238cebd5f99", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯalurmǝđu kañ ṯalaṯa, “Đeṯǝm Abalimi gaborṯo Apaḏuḏ.”", "morphemes": "ṯ-al-urm-ǝđ-u kañ ṯ-al-aṯa, “Đeṯǝm Abalimi g-aborṯ-o Apaḏuḏ.”", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-laugh.rt-ap-pfv very comp1b-cll.inf-say.rt true Abalimi clg-ride.rt-pfv Apadud", "translation": "They laughed and said to each other, \"It is true that Abalimi rode Abadud.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42248d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429951432900, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42248d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena na ñina ñǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Kapena na ñina ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "Kapena and dogs clɲ-3sg.poss", "translation": "Kapena and his dogs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42262c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429951612218, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42262c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena na orba gǝlëɽǝŋu gǝɽǝbwa gǝbërnia Joja,", "morphemes": "Kapena na orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-ǝɽǝbwa g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Joja,", "gloss": "Kapena and sister clg-3sg.poss clg-female clg-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Joja.", "translation": "Kapena and his sister named Joja,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4261e5", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429951759933, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4261e5" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo lafo irnuŋ gǝnǝŋ gǝta Nayen Engođ.", "morphemes": "l-afo l-a-f-o irnuŋ g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝta Nayen Engođ.", "gloss": "cll-past.aux cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv city clg-indef clg-small mountains engoth", "translation": "lived in small village on Engoth Mountain,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc428c25", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429951863759, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc428c25" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu lafo lafo leđa nano nwaldaŋ elden.", "morphemes": "Lënŋulu l-afo l-a-f-o leđa nano nwaldaŋ elden.", "gloss": "3pl.pro cll-past.aux cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv people at far 3pl.poss", "translation": "They lived far away from their relatives,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42b537", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954079823, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42b537" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kapena gafo giđi naŋǝtođe iŋuriđ", "morphemes": "Na Kapena g-afo g-iđi n-aŋǝ-tođ-e i-ŋuriđ", "gloss": "and kapena clg-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-wake.rt-cons.pfv loc-sleep", "translation": "And Kapena used to wake up from sleep,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42bd0e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954154766, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42bd0e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñoman pređ ndǝ ëđǝñina yaboṯo,", "morphemes": "ñoman pređ ndǝ ëđǝñina y-aboṯ-o,", "gloss": "days all if sun cly-rise.rt-pfv,", "translation": "everyday when the sun rose,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42c998", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954352549, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc42c998" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝmǝñe naŋeṯe eđoco eđǝñwa.", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-mǝñ-e n-aŋe-ṯ-e e-đoco e-đǝñwa.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-pass.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-forest loc-wilderness", "translation": "and goes to the forest in the jungles.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc431cdf", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954522387, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc431cdf" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu gafo gerṯo ñina ñǝɽijin ñǝcia ŋenia na ñǝbǝɽa kañ,", "morphemes": "Gënŋu g-afo g-erṯ-o ñina ñ-ǝɽijin ñ-ǝcia ŋenia na ñ-ǝbǝɽa kañ,", "gloss": "3sg.pro clg-past.aux clg-have.rt-pfv dogs clñ-three clñ-bad behavior and clñ-strong very", "translation": "he had three fierce and strong dogs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adj N Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc433b92", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954614686, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc433b92" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñënŋulu ñafo ñǝmamǝđaṯa kañ,", "morphemes": "na ñ-ënŋulu ñ-afo ñ-ǝ-ma-mǝđ-aṯ-a kañ,", "gloss": "and clñ-3pl.pro clñ-past.aux clñ-dpc-3sg.om-help.rt-loc.appl-ipfv very,", "translation": "and they helped him very much,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4341d6", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954753541, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4341d6" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñamakëndǝṯia laŋge lǝmǝṯia lalo eđǝñwa.", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-m-ak-ënd-ǝṯ-ia laŋge l-ǝ-mǝṯ-ia l-alo e-đǝñwa.", "gloss": "and clñ-rtc-3sg.om-iter-catch.rt-loc.appl-ipfv things cll-dpc-live.rt-ipfv cll.poss-earth loc-forest", "translation": "and hunted the wild animals for him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43494c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954893516, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43494c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñina ñafo ñabërnia ṯia: Arḏeb, Aṯṯau, na Nimra.", "morphemes": "Ñina ñ-afo ñ-a-b-ërn-ia ṯia: Arḏeb, Aṯṯau, na Nimra.", "gloss": "dogs clñ-past.aux clñ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv in.this.way Ardaib Atau and Nimra", "translation": "The dogs were called: Ardaib, Atau and Nimra", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Adv N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc439777", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429954996532, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc439777" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kapena gafo giđi naŋoɽǝbaṯe egeɽa", "morphemes": "Na Kapena g-afo g-iđi n-aŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e eg-eɽa", "gloss": "and kapena clg-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-house,", "translation": "and Kapena used to return home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43b3f8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429955244922, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43b3f8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ ëđǝñinano gǝɽo aŋal gǝwëđǝnu gubwa,", "morphemes": "ndǝ ëđǝñinano g-ǝ-ɽ-o aŋal g-ǝ-wëđ-ǝn-u g-ubwa,", "gloss": "if midday clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv heat clg-dpc-show.rt-pass-pfv clg-hot", "translation": "at midday when it’s hot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43b436", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429955329625, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc43b436" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋela naŋǝse lalǝmǝn", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-el-a n-aŋǝ-s-e la-l-ǝmǝn", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.inf-eat.rt-cons.pfv cll.poss-cll-indef", "translation": "he comes and eat some food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc45bf3e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429955715672, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc45bf3e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋǝbǝliđǝniano noṯele đǝɽǝfia nḏurṯu", "morphemes": "na n-aŋǝ-bǝliđ-ǝn-i-ano n-oṯele đǝɽǝfia nḏurṯu", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-lay.rt-pass-cons.pfv-in on-mat lalob.tree under", "translation": "and lay down on mat under lalob tree", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V-P P-N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc45b48c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429955806451, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc45b48c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝndre ŋuriđ ŋǝtëfr,", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-ndr-e ŋuriđ ŋǝtëfr,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-sleep.rt-cons.pfv very little", "translation": "and sleep for a while,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4878b3", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429955892780, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4878b3" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro naŋǝtođe naŋǝmǝñe tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "oro n-aŋǝ-tođ-e n-aŋǝ-mǝñ-e tǝŋ,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-wake.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sginf-pass.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "then he wake up and goes out again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc48c740", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429956025209, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc48c740" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋerṯe goɽǝbǝđo tǝŋ illi ndǝ", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-erṯe g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o tǝŋ ill-i ndǝ", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-return.rt-ap-pfv again cll-this if,", "translation": "and do not return until,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Adv Adj Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc48d1b2", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429956178517, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc48d1b2" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝrm ŋëndu alo na lǝbab lǝldënḏǝni.", "morphemes": "ŋǝrm ŋ-ënd-u alo na lǝbab l-ǝ-ldënḏ-ǝn-i.", "gloss": "dark clŋ-catch.rt-pfv place and door cll-dpc-close.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "the dark falls and the door is closed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49030d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429956339917, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49030d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Kapena naŋela naŋundǝđi naŋaṯa:", "morphemes": "Orn Kapena n-aŋ-el-a n-aŋ-und-ǝđ-i n-aŋ-aṯa:", "gloss": "but Kapena comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.inf-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "Then Kapena comes and calls out and says:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4915fb", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429956561770, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4915fb" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro, tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "“Ya ora-ñ ŋëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o, tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "Oh sister-1sg.poss 1sg.poss 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv rise.rt-imp up 2sg.ing-open.rt-cons.pfv brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "\"Oh my sleeping sister, wake up and open the door for your brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc493a6e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429956731076, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc493a6e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo na gaber gǝmǝña nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o na g-a-b-er g-ǝ-mǝñ-a nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.\"", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-ap-pfv and clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-pass.rt-ipfv far again", "translation": "your brother has returned and will not go away anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj V V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc495656", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429957743882, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc495656" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia algol yafo yafo yenǝŋ yibërnia Sosa", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia algol y-afo y-a-f-o y-enǝŋ y-i-b-ërn-ia Sosa", "gloss": "so dragon cly-past.aux cly-rtc-be.loc-pfv cly-indef cly-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Sosa", "translation": "Therefore there was a dragon called Sosa,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc497761", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429957893692, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc497761" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "irnuŋ igi gǝ Kapenanda yesa leđa.", "morphemes": "irnuŋ ig-i gǝ Kapena-anda y-e-s-a leđa.", "gloss": "city sclg-this clg.poss Kapena-assoc.pl cly-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv people", "translation": "in the village where Kapena lives, whch eats people.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc498ef9", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958096197, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc498ef9" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na yënŋu yafo yafo alo nano ṯwañ isi Kapenanda", "morphemes": "Na yënŋu y-afo y-a-f-o alo nano ṯwañ is-i Kapena-anda", "gloss": "and 3sg.pro cly-past.aux cly-rtc-be.loc-pfv place at near scly-this Kapena-assoc.pl", "translation": "And it lives very close to where Kapena lives,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N P P Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49a8fe", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958247739, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49a8fe" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝfau Jojaga orba gǝlëɽǝŋu gǝɽǝbwa.", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-f-au Joja-ga orba gǝlëɽǝŋu g-ǝɽǝbwa.", "gloss": "cll-dpc-be.loc-ipfv Joja-with sister 3sg.poss clg-female", "translation": "with his sister Joja.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49c81e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958485599, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49c81e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa gafo gonaṯa ṯa gasa Kapena na Joja orba gǝlëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "Na Sosa g-afo g-onaṯa ṯa g-a-s-a Kapena na Joja orba gǝlëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "and Sosa clg-past.aux clg-want.rt comp1 clg-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv kapena and joja brother 3sg.poss", "translation": "And Sosa wanted to eat Kapena and his sister Joja", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Comp V N Conj N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49d24d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958555339, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49d24d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñoman pređ ulǝŋgi,", "morphemes": "Ñoman pređ ulǝŋgi,", "gloss": "day all nights", "translation": "Every night,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49f78c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958713128, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc49f78c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu gafo giđi naŋeṯe ǝlna nano ṯwañ", "morphemes": "gënŋu g-afo g-iđi n-aŋ-eṯ-e ǝlna nano ṯwañ", "gloss": "3sg.pro clg-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt-cons.pfv hut at near", "translation": "he used to come near their hut,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a0e3f", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958878353, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a0e3f" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋǝɽe ṯaŋǝnno ŋǝɽwata iŋi Kapena gǝɽwatiṯia orba gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "n-aŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋǝ-nn-o ŋǝɽwata iŋ-i Kapena g-ǝ-ɽwat-iṯ-ia orba gǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-hear.rt-pfv speech sclŋ-this kapena clg-dpc-talk.rt-appl-ipfv sister 3sg.poss", "translation": "and listen to Kapena talking to his sister,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a2b39", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429958987931, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a2b39" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ gonaṯa ṯa orba aŋǝmakiṯi lǝbab.", "morphemes": "ndǝ g-onaṯa ṯa orba aŋǝ-ma-kiṯ-i lǝbab.", "gloss": "if clg-want.rt comp1 sister 3sg.inf-3sg.om-open.rt-cons.pfv door", "translation": "when he wanted her to open the door for him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a38af", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959054000, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a38af" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ulǝŋgi gǝnǝŋ lomanǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Na ulǝŋgi g-ǝnǝŋ loman-nǝŋ,", "gloss": "and night clg-indef day-indef", "translation": "and one night,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a4882", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959141048, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a4882" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena nǝŋerṯe goɽǝbaṯo egeɽa ram,", "morphemes": "Kapena n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-oɽǝb-aṯ-o eg-eɽa ram,", "gloss": "kapena comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-return.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-house early", "translation": "Kapena did not return to his home early,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a66fd", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959270858, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a66fd" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Sosa nǝŋeṯe lǝbab nano lǝlna,", "morphemes": "na Sosa n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e lǝbab nano l-ǝlna,", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-cons.pfv door at cll.poss-hut", "translation": "and Sosa went to near the door of the house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a81a4", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959524145, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a81a4" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋundǝđi olega gǝlëɽǝŋu gǝcia", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-und-ǝđ-i ole-ga gǝlëɽǝŋu g-ǝcia", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv voice-with 3sg.poss clg-bad", "translation": "and called with his awful voice,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a9b67", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959647202, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a9b67" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa: “Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯa: “Ya ora-ñ ŋ-ëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt oh sister-1sg.poss sclŋ-who 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv", "translation": "\"Oh my sleeping sister,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a9c6d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959737998, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4a9c6d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "wake.rt-imp 2sg.inf-open.rt-cons.pfv brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "wake up and open the door for your brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4ab223", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429959876739, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4ab223" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo gaber giđi aŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-ap-pfv clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-pass.rt-cons.pfv far again", "translation": "your brother has come back and will never go away anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4ad9b0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960205527, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4ad9b0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Joja nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe olia ṯa ga Sosa, na nǝŋëiṯi Sosaŋ ṯa:", "morphemes": "Joja n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e olia ṯa ga Sosa, na n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Sosa-ŋ ṯa:", "gloss": "joja comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv voice comp1 clg.poss Sosa and comp2-3sg.inf-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Sosa-acc comp1", "translation": "But Joja knew that it was Sosa’s voice and said to him:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp P N Conj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4af676", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960343664, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4af676" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋgaṯǝñe nano, agaber agiđi ŋënṯia.", "morphemes": "“Ŋgaṯǝñe nano, a-g-a-b-er a-g-iđi ŋ-ënṯ-ia.", "gloss": "go.away at 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-enter.rt-ipfv", "translation": "\"Go away from me. You will never come in.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b151f", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960462965, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b151f" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwal ŋǝlaɽǝŋa ŋëcia ŋarno ŋǝŋëɽǝŋgia.”", "morphemes": "Ŋwal ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa ŋ-ëcia ŋ-arno ŋ-ǝŋëɽǝŋgia.”", "gloss": "voice clŋ-2sg.poss clŋ-bad clŋ-like clŋ.poss-donkey", "translation": "Your voice is bad like of a donkey.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b1c50", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960667465, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b1c50" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Sosa nǝgëtu gabǝla gǝciano kañ đurri.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Sosa n-ǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝl-a gǝciano kañ đurri.", "gloss": "so Sosa comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv angry very indeed.", "translation": "So Sosa went away very angry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b2eb8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960797233, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b2eb8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñoman pređ Sosa gafo gabǝrlda ulǝŋgi, na ṯaŋirnḏëinu eŋen", "morphemes": "Ñoman pređ Sosa g-afo g-a-b-ǝrlda ulǝŋgi, na ṯ-aŋ-irnḏëin-u eŋen", "gloss": "days all Sosa clg-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-come.rt night and comp1b-3sg.inf-try.rt-pfv about", "translation": "Every night Sosa comes and tries,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V V N Conj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b4a68", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429960934517, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b4a68" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋǝriđi olia gǝlëɽǝŋu aŋiđi garno gǝ Kapena,", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋǝ-riđ-i olia g-ǝlëɽǝŋu aŋ-iđ-i g-arno gǝ Kapena,", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-change.rt-cons.pfv voice clg-3sg.poss 3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv clg-like clg.poss Kapena", "translation": "to change his voice to be like Kapena.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp1 V N Adj V Adv P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b6d68", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961092292, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b6d68" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ole gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝciṯi nǝŋerṯe gǝbarna gǝ Kapena.", "morphemes": "orn ole g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-i n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-b-arna gǝ Kapena.", "gloss": "but voice clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-be.bad.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-resemble.rt clg.poss Kapena", "translation": "but unfortunatly his voice was bad and it could not be like of Kapena.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V V P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b78c0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961257253, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b78c0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ole gǝ Kapena gafo game gǝrraŋǝno.", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ole gǝ Kapena g-a-f-o g-ame g-ǝrraŋǝno.", "gloss": "because voice clg.poss Kapena clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-nice clg-smooth", "translation": "For Kapena’s voice was nice and smooth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N P N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b9f04", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961435190, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4b9f04" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Sosa nǝŋeṯe uđǝmia nano gǝnǝŋ irnuŋ,", "morphemes": "Orn Sosa n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e uđǝmia nano g-ǝnǝŋ irnuŋ,", "gloss": "then Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-be.2d-cons.pfv magician at clg-indef village", "translation": "Then Sosa went to a magician in the village,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bb200", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961507506, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bb200" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋëiṯi uđǝmia ṯa:", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i uđǝmia ṯa:", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv magician comp1", "translation": "and said to the magician,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bc23a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961658035, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bc23a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Iđu ole gǝlëɽǝñi game gǝrraŋǝno garno olia igi gǝ Kapena!", "morphemes": "“Iđ-u ole g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-ame g-ǝrraŋǝno g-arno olia ig-i gǝ Kapena!", "gloss": "do.rt-imp voice clg-1sg.poss clg-nice clg-smooth clg-like voice sclg-this clg.poss Kapena!", "translation": "\"Make my voice nice and smooth like the voice of Kapena!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj Adj Adv N Adj P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bdade", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961822975, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bdade" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na agiđi ndǝ agero agǝbǝđia ŋen iŋi, igiđi eŋase!”", "morphemes": "Na a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-ero a-g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia ŋen iŋ-i, i-g-iđi e-ŋa-s-e!”", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg.clg-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv talk sclŋ-this 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-2sg.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And if you did not do this, I will eat you!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bf391", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429961967213, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4bf391" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Uđǝmia nǝŋǝđǝñiṯi alo kañ nǝŋëiṯi Sosa ṯa:", "morphemes": "Uđǝmia n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-i alo kañ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Sosa ṯa:", "gloss": "Magician comp2-3sg.cons-be.afraid.rt-cmp-cons.pfv place very comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Sosa comp1", "translation": "The Magician became afraid and said to Sosa,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c1462", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429962415632, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c1462" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mǝñiṯi đǝŋǝla alo đǝlaɽǝŋa,", "morphemes": "“M-ǝñ-iṯ-i đǝŋǝla alo đ-ǝlaɽǝŋa,", "gloss": "take.rt-1sg.om-loc.appl-juss tongue place clđ-2sg.poss", "translation": "stretch out your tongue to me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c2bab", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429962590130, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c2bab" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yinḏëini cia elǝŋeṯe ŋen gaɽe igiđi eɽǝwađaṯe yiđi ŋen ŋǝnǝŋa!”", "morphemes": "y-inḏëin-i cia e-lǝŋeṯ-e ŋen gaɽe i-g-iđi e-ɽǝwađaṯ-e y-iđi ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋa!”", "gloss": "cly-try.rt-cons.pfv plz 1sg-know.rt-cons.pfv talk whether 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-be.able.to.rt-cons.pfv cly-do.rt talk clŋ-one", "translation": "and let me try, if I can do something.", "tags": "check:final.vowels", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V N Comp V V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c3fd2", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429962712588, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c3fd2" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Sosa nǝŋǝmakiṯi ëñuano yilëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Sosa n-ǝŋǝ-ma-kiṯ-i ëñua-no y-ilëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "so Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-open.rt-cons.pfv mouth-in cly-3sg.poss", "translation": "So Sosa opened his mouth to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c485e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429962859691, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c485e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na uđǝmia nǝŋiđi ŋǝmëɽria igëñua,", "morphemes": "na uđǝmia n-ǝŋ-iđ-i ŋǝmëɽria ig-ëñua,", "gloss": "and magician comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv work loc-mouth", "translation": "and the magician did something in his mouth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c561a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1429963018533, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc4c561a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋiđi ŋǝmëɽria igëñua ṯwanaŋ liga lwalano,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-iđ-i ŋǝmëɽria ig-ëñua ṯwanaŋ liga l-walano,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv work loc-mouth long time cll-long", "translation": "and he worked for a long time in his mouth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5308b", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430116065518, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5308b" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nḏurṯu alo uđǝmia nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na nḏurṯu alo uđǝmia n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and last place magician comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "at last the magician said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv P N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca54d40", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430116316969, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca54d40" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Điñiđi đǝge ole gǝlaɽǝŋa giđǝnu game gǝrraŋǝno,", "morphemes": "“Điñiđi đǝge ole g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-iđ-ǝn-u g-ame g-ǝrraŋǝno,", "gloss": "now last voice clg-2sg.poss clg-do.rt-pass-pfv clg-nice clg-smooth", "translation": "\"Now your vioce became nice and smooth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv N Adj V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5441e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430116463956, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5441e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu đǝge garno olia gǝ Kapena tǝmǝr!", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu đǝge g-arno olia gǝ Kapena tǝmǝr!", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro last clg-like voice clg.poss Kapena exactly", "translation": "it became exactly like of Kapena!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv Adv N P N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5747e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430116898384, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5747e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn agiđi ndǝ agǝbǝɽo nase napugwaldia,", "morphemes": "Orn a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o n-a-s-e napugwaldia,", "gloss": "but 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv comp2-rtc-eat.rt-cons.pfv cockroaches", "translation": "But if you eat cockroaches,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5a255", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430117061428, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5a255" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ole gǝlaɽǝŋa giđi aŋoɽǝbaṯe gǝcia tǝŋ!", "morphemes": "ole g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-iđi aŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e g-ǝcia tǝŋ!", "gloss": "voice clg-2sg.poss clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-return.rt-appl-cons.pfv clg-bad again", "translation": "your voice will be bad again!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca59a74", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430117437942, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca59a74" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na igalǝŋeṯo ŋen ṯa agabwaña napugwaldia kañ,", "morphemes": "Na i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ṯa a-g-a-bwaña napugwaldia kañ,", "gloss": "and 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-like.rt cockroaches very", "translation": "And I know that you like eating the cockroaches alot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5e115", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430117611587, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5e115" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia ŋen ŋaŋǝra ṯa ŋerṯe agǝbǝla ŋase napugwaldia kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra ṯa ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a ŋ-a-s-e napugwaldia kwai kwai,", "gloss": "so talk clŋ-good comp1 clŋ-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-come.rt-ipfv clŋ-rtc-eat.rt-cons.pfv cockroaches ever ever", "translation": "So you must not eat the cockroaches anymore,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Comp V V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5fb9e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430117707762, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca5fb9e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla ole gǝlaɽǝŋa aŋoɽǝbaṯe gǝcia tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "walla ole g-ǝlaɽǝŋa aŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e g-ǝcia tǝŋ.", "gloss": "or voice clg-2sg.poss 3sg.inf-return.rt-appl-cons.pfv clg-bad again", "translation": "otherwise your voice will be bad again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca60a31", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430117877704, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca60a31" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋǝreṯe nano kañ nǝgëtu gabǝla.", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋǝr-eṯ-e nano kañ n-ǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝla.", "gloss": "sosa comp2-be.good.rt-cmp-cons.pfv at very comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d clg-rtc-prog-come.rt", "translation": "Sosa became very happy and he went away,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6513d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430118053596, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6513d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ṯaŋǝɽwatǝnu nano ṯaŋaṯa:", "morphemes": "Na ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽwat-ǝn-u nano ṯ-aŋ-aṯa:", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-pass-pfv at comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "speaking to himself and saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca66048", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430118223462, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca66048" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Điñiđi đǝge igaɽǝwađaṯia yese Kapena,", "morphemes": "“Điñiđi đǝge i-g-a-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia y-e-s-e Kapena,", "gloss": "now last 1sg-clg-rtc-be.able.rt-ipfv cly-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv Kapena", "translation": "\"Now I can eat Kapena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6955f", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430118384697, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6955f" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla Joja orba gǝlëɽǝŋu, walla elǝse ndǝm!", "morphemes": "walla Joja orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu, walla e-l-ǝ-s-e ndǝm!", "gloss": "or joja sister clg-3sg.poss or 1sg-3pl.om-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv both", "translation": "or Joja his sister, or both of them!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj Conj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6a81d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430118683308, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6a81d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ananoŋ ese iḏënǝŋ na nḏurṯu alo ese eđa gomǝn!”", "morphemes": "Ananoŋ e-s-e iḏënǝŋ na nḏurṯu alo e-s-e eđa gomǝn!”", "gloss": "first 1sg-eat.rt-juss one and last place 1sg-eat.rt-juss person another", "translation": "First I will eat one of them then eat the other!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N N Conj Adv P V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6cb85", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430118822803, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6cb85" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlǝbǝcǝni inuɽi ṯwañ ǝlna nano,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-lǝbǝc-ǝn-i i-nuɽi ṯwañ ǝlna nano,", "gloss": "sosa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-hide.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-trees near hut at", "translation": "Sosa went and hide among the trees near the hut,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N P N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6c8bd", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430119022093, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca6c8bd" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ulǝŋgi aŋǝɽe, na ŋǝrm aŋëndi alo,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ulǝŋgi aŋǝ-ɽ-e, na ŋǝrm aŋ-ënd-i alo,", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv night 3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv and dark 3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "waiting for the night, and darkness fall upon,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V Conj N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca71aae", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430119176516, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca71aae" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen nǝŋwalǝṯano kañ.", "morphemes": "orn ŋen n-ǝŋ-wal-ǝṯ-ano kañ.", "gloss": "but talk comp2-3sg.cons-be.long.rt-cmp-in very", "translation": "But he waited for a long time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca76eae", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430119427414, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca76eae" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na iliga gënŋu gǝfo egal isëi nǝgǝlǝbǝcǝniau,", "morphemes": "Na i-liga g-ënŋu g-ǝ-f-o egal isëi nǝ-g-ǝ-lǝbǝc-ǝn-i-au,", "gloss": "and loc-time clg-3sg.pro clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv place where comp2-clg-dpc-hide.rt-pass-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "And when he was in his hiding place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N N V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca78d9c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430120471037, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca78d9c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝnwane apugwaldia gǝrarraɽa alo gǝđǝwo kañ,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e apugwaldia g-ǝ-ra-rraɽ-a alo g-ǝđǝwo kañ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv cockroach clg-dpc-iter-creep.rt-ipfv place clg-fat very", "translation": "he saw avery fat roach creeping down,", "tags": "extraposition check:iter", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7ab01", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430120622488, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7ab01" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na apugwaldia nǝŋǝmađaṯe nḏǝmanǝŋ ṯwañ.", "morphemes": "na apugwaldia n-ǝŋǝ-mađ-aṯ-e n-ḏǝmanǝŋ ṯwañ.", "gloss": "and cockroach comp2-3sg.cons-pass.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-foot near", "translation": "and the roach passed near of his foot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7c44a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430120742877, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7c44a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo, ndo, igaber igǝsa bǝte,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo, ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-ǝ-s-a bǝte,", "gloss": "sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt no no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv never", "translation": "Sosa said, \"No, no, I will never eat it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv Adv V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7e9fb", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430120946687, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7e9fb" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa olia gǝlëɽǝñi giđi aŋoɽǝbaṯe aŋǝciṯi tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa olia g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-iđi aŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e aŋǝ-ciṯ-i tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "because voice clg-1sg.poss clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-return.rt-appl-cons.pfv 3sg.inf-be.bad.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "for my voice will be bad again.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7eba2", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430121113090, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca7eba2" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋgiṯi apugwaldia nǝŋǝɽe, na ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ulǝŋgi ṯa aŋënṯi.", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋ-giṯ-i apugwaldia n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e, na ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ulǝŋgi ṯa aŋ-ënṯ-i.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-let.rt-cons.pfv cockroach comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv and comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv night comp1b 3sg.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and he let the roach go, and waited for the night to come.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V Conj V N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca82abe", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 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"syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca84d44", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430121746077, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca84d44" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo, ndo, igaber igǝsa kwai.”", "morphemes": "Na Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo, ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-ǝ-s-a kwai.”", "gloss": "and sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt no no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv ever", "translation": "Sosa said, \"No, no, I will never eat it.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca8e06a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430121847988, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca8e06a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝɽaŋalo ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ulǝŋgi aŋela.", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-ɽaŋ-alo ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ulǝŋgi aŋ-el-a.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-sit.rt-place comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv night 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and he sat down waiting for the night to come.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V-P V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9011a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430122203501, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9011a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Sosa nǝŋǝcoñǝṯe kañ,", "morphemes": "Orn Sosa n-ǝŋǝ-coñ-ǝṯ-e kañ,", "gloss": "but sosa comp2-3sg.cons-be.hungry.rt-cmp-cons.pfv very", "translation": "Then Sosa became very hungry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca8f3b6", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430122418188, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca8f3b6" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gafo gero gǝsa lalǝmǝn liga lwalano.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-ënŋu g-afo g-ero g-ǝ-s-a la-l-ǝmǝn liga l-walano.", "gloss": "because clg-3sg.pro clg-past.aux clg-not.aux clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv cll.poss-cll-indef time cll-long", "translation": "because he did not eat anything for a long time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca93f04", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430122758761, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca93f04" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn tǝŋ apugwaldia nǝŋela goɽra đǝge gǝđǝwo gǝmǝñaṯo lorba pređ,", "morphemes": "Orn tǝŋ apugwaldia n-ǝŋ-el-a g-oɽra đǝge g-ǝđǝwo g-ǝ-mǝñ-aṯ-o lorba pređ,", "gloss": "but again cockroach comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-big last clg-fat clg-dpc-pass.rt-appl-pfv sisters all", "translation": "And again another big roach came fatter than all the others,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj Adv Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca95e1f", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430122871033, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca95e1f" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "apugwaldia eđa gero gǝnǝŋ gǝsëcu gǝɽǝṯia lomanǝŋ.", "morphemes": "apugwaldia eđa g-ero g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-sëc-u g-ǝ-ɽǝṯ-ia loman-nǝŋ.", "gloss": "cockroach person clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv clg-dpc-resemble.rt-ipfv day-indef", "translation": "a roach that no one has seen like this before.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9564e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430123080907, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9564e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Aŋgace ṯa apugwaldia gonto nǝŋǝpi lomanto,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Aŋgace ṯa apugwaldia g-onto n-ǝŋ-ǝp-i loman-onto,", "gloss": "Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt perhaps comp1 cockroach clg-one comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv day-one", "translation": "Sosa said, \"Maybe one roach just once,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca962e7", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430123314931, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca962e7" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gëpi gaber giđi aŋiđi ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ!”", "morphemes": "gëpi g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-iđi ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ!”", "gloss": "well clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-do.rt 2sg.inf-do.rt word clŋ-indef", "translation": "it will never do anything worse!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca97062", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430125766438, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca97062" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Sosa nǝŋǝse apugwaldia.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Sosa n-ǝŋ-ǝ-s-e apugwaldia.", "gloss": "so Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv cockroach", "translation": "So Sosa ate the roach.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9d18e", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430125869497, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9d18e" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ëđǝñin yënṯu,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ëđǝñin y-ënṯ-u,", "gloss": "and word sun cly-enter.rt-pfv", "translation": "And when the sun went down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9ca00", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430126241298, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9ca00" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liga ldǝɽǝwađaiđe ildi Kapena giđi aŋǝyoɽǝbǝđia eđoco eđǝñwa.", "morphemes": "na liga n-l-ǝ-ɽǝwađ-aiđ-e ild-i Kapena g-iđi aŋ-ǝ-y-oɽǝbǝđ-ia eđoco eđǝñwa.", "gloss": "and time comp2-cll.inf-dpc-be.full.rt-?-cons.pfv scll-this Kapena clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-dpc-cly-return.rt-ipfv from forest", "translation": "and the time at which Kapena comes back from the forest", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj N V V P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9dcc0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430126411870, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9dcc0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋeṯe lǝbab nano lǝlna, na nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e lǝbab nano l-ǝlna, na n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv door at cll.poss-hut and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "Sosa went to near the door and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P P-N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9daa3", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430126816250, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dca9daa3" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro, tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "“Ya ora-ñ ŋ-ëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o, tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "oh sister-1sg.poss clŋ-who 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv wake.rt-imp 2sg.inf-open.rt-cons.pfv brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "\"My sleeping sister, get up and open the door for your brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Comp V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcab4f85", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430126959437, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcab4f85" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo gaber giđi aŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝbǝđ-o g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-ǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-pfv clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.imp-dpc-pass.rt-cons.pfv far again", "translation": "your brother has returned and will not go away anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcacc436", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430127342794, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcacc436" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Joja nǝŋaṯa, “Ŋgaṯǝñe nano, ŋerṯe agǝmamǝñađaṯa ëli.", "morphemes": "Orn Joja n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ŋ-g-a-ṯ-ǝñ-e nano, ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-ma-mǝñ-ađ-aṯ-a ëli.", "gloss": "but Joja comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 2sg.inf-clg-rtc-go.rt-1sg.om-cons.pfv at 2sg.inf-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-iter-pass.rt-ap-loc.appl-ipfv here", "translation": "“Go away from me, don’t come here.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcad433d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430127454644, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcad433d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Olia gǝlaɽǝŋa gëcia garno orba gǝŋëɽǝŋgi.”", "morphemes": "Olia g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-ëcia g-arno orba gǝ-ŋëɽǝŋgi.”", "gloss": "voice clg-2sg.poss clg-bad clg-like sister clg.poss-donkey", "translation": "Your voice is awful like of a donkey.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj Adv N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcad97cc", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430127679501, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcad97cc" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Sosa nǝŋǝciṯano kañ, nǝgëtu goɽǝbaṯa uđǝmia nano,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Sosa n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ, n-ǝ-g-ëtu g-oɽǝb-aṯ-a uđǝmia nano,", "gloss": "so Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-be.angry.rt-in very comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d clg-return.rt-loc.appl-ipfv magician at", "translation": "So Sosa became angry, and went back to the magician,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadbcc5", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430127828871, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadbcc5" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋëiṯi uđǝmia ṯa,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i uđǝmia ṯa,", "gloss": "and Comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv magician comp1", "translation": "and said to the magician,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadb5dc", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430128110076, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadb5dc" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Agero agǝbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria ŋǝlaɽǝŋa ŋopia, na igal eŋase aganŋa!”", "morphemes": "“A-g-er-o a-g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa ŋ-opia, na i-g-a-l e-ŋ-a-s-e aganŋa!”", "gloss": "2sg-clg-not.aux-pfv 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work clŋ-2sg.poss clŋ-well and 1sg-clg-rtc-come.rt 1sg-2sg.om-rtc-eat.rt-cons.pfv 2sg.pro", "translation": "\"You did not do your work well, I am going to eat you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adv Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadaf56", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430128314884, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadaf56" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Uđǝmia nǝŋaṯa, “Igiđu ŋǝmëɽria ŋǝlëɽǝñi ŋopia đurri.", "morphemes": "Uđǝmia n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-iđ-u ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi ŋ-opia đurri.", "gloss": "magician comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 1sg-clg-do.rt-pfv work clŋ-1sg.poss clŋ-well indeed", "translation": "The magician said, “I have done my work perfectly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadf1f0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430128472475, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadf1f0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn igalǝŋeṯo ŋen iŋi niđu. Agaso apugwaldia,", "morphemes": "Orn i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen iŋ-i n-iđ-u. A-g-a-s-o apugwaldia,", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv word sclŋ-this comp2-do.rt-pfv 2sg-clg-rtc-eat.rt-pfv cockroach", "translation": "But I knew what you have done, you have eaten a roach,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadf686", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430128609176, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcadf686" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia ole gǝlaɽǝŋa nǝŋǝciṯi tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "nǝṯia ole g-ǝlaɽǝŋa n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-i tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "so voice clg-2sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-be.bad.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "so your voice became awful again.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae0490", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430128879335, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae0490" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Igaṯa ŋen ŋëpi nǝŋǝpi,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-aṯa ŋen ŋ-ëpi n-ǝŋ-ǝp-i,", "gloss": "Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 1sg-clg-say.rt word clŋ-well comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Sosa said, \"I have said that it is not a matter,", "tags": "check:nothing", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae20f8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129052037, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae20f8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝyaṯa wate ese apugwaldia gonto đǝtǝmǝni.", "morphemes": "n-ǝy-aṯa wat-e e-s-e apugwaldia g-onto đǝtǝmǝni.", "gloss": "comp2-cly.inf-say.rt allow.rt-juss 1sg-eat.rt-cons.pfv cockroach clg-one only", "translation": "and said let me eat just only one roach.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae3c10", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129240743, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae3c10" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn agiđi ndǝ agiđu olia gǝlëɽǝñi gǝŋǝra tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Orn a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-iđ-u olia g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-ǝŋǝra tǝŋ,", "gloss": "but 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-do.rt-pfv voice clg-1sg.poss clg-good again", "translation": "But if you will make my voice nice again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Comp V N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae48b2", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129388608, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae48b2" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igaber igiđi ese apugwaldia tǝŋ fǝrfǝr.", "morphemes": "i-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi e-s-e apugwaldia tǝŋ fǝr fǝr.", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-eat.rt-juss cockroach again never never", "translation": "I will never eat a roach again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae4995", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129490420, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae4995" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia uđǝmia nǝŋiđi olia gǝ Sosa game tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia uđǝmia n-ǝŋ-iđ-i olia gǝ Sosa g-ame tǝŋ.", "gloss": "so magician comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv voice clg.poss Sosa clg-nice again", "translation": "So the magician made Sosa’s voice nice again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaea188", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129616387, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaea188" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlǝbǝcǝni uɽi ilëɽua,", "morphemes": "Na Sosa n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e n-ǝŋ-ǝ-lǝbǝc-ǝn-i uɽi i-lëɽua,", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-hide.rt-pass-cons.pfv tree loc-back", "translation": "And Sosa went and hide behind the tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae96be", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430129782429, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcae96be" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ŋǝrmia ṯa aŋëndi alo.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ŋǝrmia ṯa aŋ-ënd-i alo.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv dark comp1 3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "and was waiting darkness to fall upon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaec458", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430130057044, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaec458" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝṯurṯi pǝr, oro nǝŋǝcoñǝṯe,", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-ṯurṯ-i pǝr, oro n-ǝŋǝ-coñ-ǝṯ-e,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-wait.rt-cons.pfv long then comp2-3sg.cons-be.hungry.rt-cmp-cons.pfv", "translation": "And he waited for a long time, then he became hungry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaece88", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430130203191, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaece88" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gafo gero gǝsa lalǝmǝn liga lwalano.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-afo g-ero g-ǝ-s-a la-l-ǝmǝn liga l-walano.", "gloss": "because clg-past.aux clg-not.aux clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv cll.poss-cll-indef time cll-long", "translation": "because he did not eat anything for a long time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaed4a8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430130482305, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaed4a8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏurṯu alo nǝŋǝnwane apugwaldia gǝmađǝŋ gǝbǝrlda, na nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn nḏurṯu alo n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e apugwaldia gǝ-mađǝŋ g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a, na n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "but last place comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv cockroach clg-small clg-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "Then at last he saw a small roach walking and he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv P V N Adj V Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf43dc", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430130942131, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf43dc" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igiđi igǝso waŋge igi gǝtëfr, gaber giđi aŋiđi ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "“I-g-iđi i-g-ǝ-s-o waŋge ig-i gǝ-tëfr, g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-iđ-i ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-pfv thing sclg-this clg-small clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv word clŋ-indef", "translation": "\"If I eat this small thing, it will not do any harm.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf44c6", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430131068814, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf44c6" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa nǝŋǝse apugwaldia igi gǝtëfr.", "morphemes": "Na Sosa n-ǝŋǝ-s-e apugwaldia ig-i gǝ-tëfr.", "gloss": "and sosa comp2-3sg.cons-eat.rt-cons.pfv cockroach sclg-this clg-small", "translation": "And Sosa ate a very small roach.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf8540", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430131273202, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf8540" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ëđǝñina nǝyënṯi, na liga ldela ildi lǝ Kapena ṯa aŋoɽǝbaṯa egeɽa.", "morphemes": "Na ëđǝñina nǝ-y-ënṯ-i, na liga n-ld-el-a ild-i lǝ Kapena ṯa aŋ-oɽǝbaṯ-a eg-eɽa.", "gloss": "and sun comp2-cly.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv and time comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv scll-this cll.poss Kapena comp1 3sg.inf-return.rt-ipfv loc-house", "translation": "And the sun went down, and the time of Kapena to return home came,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj N V Adj P N Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf9a54", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430131470832, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcaf9a54" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Sosa nǝŋeṯe ëwur nano yelna na nǝŋaṯa:", "morphemes": "na Sosa n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e ëwur nano y-elna na n-ǝŋ-aṯa:", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-cons.pfv door at cly.poss-hut and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "na Sosa come to the door of the hut and said:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P P-N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafd0a4", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430131684077, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafd0a4" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro, tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "“Ya ora-ñ ŋ-ëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o, tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "oh sister-1sg.poss clŋ-who 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv wake.rt-imp 2sg.inf-open-juss brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "\"Oh, my sleeping sister, get up and open the door for your brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Comp V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafaaf0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430131842145, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafaaf0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo gaber giđi aŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝbǝđ-o g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-ǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-pfv clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-dpc-pass.rt-cons.pfv far again", "translation": "your brother has returned and will not go away anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafa5c1", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430132060168, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafa5c1" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Joja nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe olia ṯa ga Sosa na nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Joja n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e olia ṯa ga Sosa na n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "but Joja comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv voice comp1 clg.poss Sosa and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "Then Joja knew that it was Sosa’s voice and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp P N Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafaf6b", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430132257097, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcafaf6b" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋgaṯǝñe nano, ŋerṯe agǝmamǝñađaṯa ëli.", "morphemes": "“Ŋ-g-a-ṯ-ǝñ-e nano, ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-ma-m-ǝñ-ađ-aṯ-a ëli.", "gloss": "2sg.inf-clg-go.inf-1sg.om-cons.pfv at clŋ-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-iter-take.rt-1sg.om-ap-loc.appl-ipfv here", "translation": "Go away from me, don't come here.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb061a1", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430132344008, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb061a1" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Olia gǝlaɽǝŋa gëcia garno orba gǝŋëɽǝŋgi.”", "morphemes": "Olia g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-ëcia g-arno orba gǝ-ŋëɽǝŋgi.”", "gloss": "voice clg-2sg.poss clg-bad clg-like sister clg.poss-donkey!\"", "translation": "Your voice is awful like that of a donkey.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Adj Adv N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb07c0d", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138017402, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb07c0d" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋoɽǝbaṯe uđǝmia nano na nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e uđǝmia nano na n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "sosa comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv magician at and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Sosa returned to the magician and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb08ca1", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138196345, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb08ca1" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igaber igiđi eŋoɽǝbaṯa nano tǝŋ. Iđu olia gǝlëɽǝñi gǝŋǝra tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "“I-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi e-ŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-a nano tǝŋ. Iđ-u olia g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-ǝŋǝra tǝŋ,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-2sg.om-return.rt-loc.appl-ipfv at again do.rt-imp voice clg-1sg.poss clg-good again", "translation": "I will not come to you again, make my voice nice again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V P Adv V N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0ac33", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138328629, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0ac33" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đeṯǝm đǝge igaber igiđi ese apugwaldia bǝte tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "na đeṯǝm đǝge i-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi e-s-e apugwaldia bǝte tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "and true last 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-eat.rt-juss cockroach never again", "translation": "and truly I will never eat roach anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Adv V V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0bb0c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138419596, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0bb0c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia uđǝmia nǝŋiđi ŋǝmëɽria ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno kañ", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia uđǝmia n-ǝŋ-iđ-i ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ǝbǝɽaŋǝno kañ", "gloss": "so magician comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv work clŋ-hard very", "translation": "So the magician worked very hard", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0c894", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138502600, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb0c894" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋiđi olia gǝ Sosa gǝŋǝra tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-iđ-i olia gǝ Sosa g-ǝŋǝra tǝŋ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv voice clg.poss Sosa clg-good again", "translation": "and make the voice of Sosa nice again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb13efa", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138586016, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb13efa" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝlǝbǝcǝni uɽi ilëɽua", "morphemes": "Na Sosa n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-lǝbǝc-ǝn-i uɽi i-lëɽua", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-hide.rt-pass-cons.pfv tree loc-back", "translation": "And Sosa went and hid behind the tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb14e1a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138682040, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb14e1a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ëđǝñin ṯa ayënṯi,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ëđǝñin ṯa ay-ënṯ-i,", "gloss": "and comp1-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv sun comp1 cly.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "waiting for the sun to go down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb15384", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430138912084, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb15384" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝṯurwi pǝr oro nǝŋǝcoñǝṯe ŋenŋanṯa gafo gero gǝsa liga lwalano.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-ṯurw-i pǝr oro n-ǝŋǝ-coñ-ǝṯ-e ŋenŋanṯa g-afo g-ero g-ǝ-s-a liga l-walano.", "gloss": "and conp2-3sg.cons-stand.rt-cons.pfv long then comp2-3sg.cons-be.hungry.rt-cmp-cons.pfv because clg-past.aux clg-not.aux clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv time cll-long", "translation": "and he waited for a long time, then he became hungry for he had been not eaten for a long time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj Conj V Comp V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb13943", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430139441509, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb13943" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apugwaldia nǝŋela gǝđǝwo nǝŋǝmađaṯe nano,", "morphemes": "Apugwaldia n-ǝŋ-el-a g-ǝđǝwo n-ǝŋǝ-ma-đaṯ-e nano,", "gloss": "cockroach comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-fat comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-pass.rt-cons.pfv at", "translation": "A fat roach came near him,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1daa9", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430139581347, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1daa9" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo, igaber igǝsa bǝte.”", "morphemes": "na Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-ǝ-s-a bǝte.”", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv never", "translation": "and Sosa said, \"I will never eat it.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb14855", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430139736250, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb14855" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn apugwaldia nǝŋela gomǝn tǝŋ gǝtëfr nǝŋǝmađaṯe nano.", "morphemes": "Orn apugwaldia n-ǝŋ-el-a g-omǝn tǝŋ gǝ-tëfr n-ǝŋǝ-ma-đaṯ-e nano.", "gloss": "but cockroach comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-other again clg-small comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-pass.rt-cons.pfv at", "translation": "Then another very small roach came and passed near him.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adv Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1bace", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430139843863, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1bace" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa nǝŋaṯa, “Ndo, igaber igiđi ese bǝte.”", "morphemes": "Na Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-iđi e-s-e bǝte.”", "gloss": "and Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-eat.rt-juss never", "translation": "And Sosa said, \"No I will never eat it at all.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1622b", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430139967122, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb1622b" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen liga lǝbǝɽo lwalano,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen liga l-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o l-walano,", "gloss": "and word time cll-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv cll-long", "translation": "And when a long time passed,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb15bc0", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140220894, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb15bc0" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "apugwaldia gǝta gǝmađǝŋ nǝŋǝmeṯa nḏǝmanǝŋ ṯwañ.", "morphemes": "apugwaldia gǝ-ta gǝ-mađǝŋ n-ǝŋǝ-m-eṯ-a n-ḏǝmanǝŋ ṯwañ.", "gloss": "cockroach clg-small clg-miniscule comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv on-foot near", "translation": "And a very small roach passed near his foot.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb427cb", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140428743, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb427cb" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Apugwaldia igi gamađǝŋ tǝtǝl gaber giđi aŋiđi ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Apugwaldia ig-i g-amađǝŋ tǝtǝl g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-iđ-i ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ.", "gloss": "Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 cockroach sclg-this clg-miniscule more clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv word clŋ-indef", "translation": "Sosa said, \"This roach, is much smaller, and it will not do any harm.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp N Adj Adj Adj V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb44c62", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140533321, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb44c62" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndo, igaber igǝsa kwai!”", "morphemes": "Orn ndo, i-g-a-b-er i-g-ǝ-s-a kwai!”", "gloss": "but no 1sg-clg-rtc-prog not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv ever", "translation": "But no, I am not going to eat it!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb4a6c6", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140645999, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb4a6c6" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn đǝge Sosa nǝŋeṯe ëwur nano yelna,", "morphemes": "Orn đǝge Sosa n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e ëwur nano y-elna,", "gloss": "but last Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv door at cly.poss-hut", "translation": "At last Sosa went near the door of the hut,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb4478c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140785764, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb4478c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ole gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝreṯe kañ nǝŋarneṯe orba igi gǝ Kapena,", "morphemes": "na ole g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝr-eṯ-e kañ n-ǝŋ-arn-eṯ-e orba ig-i gǝ Kapena,", "gloss": "and voice clg-3sg.poss comp2-good.rt-cmp-cons.pfv very comp2-3sg.cons-resemble.rt-cmp-cons.pfv sister sclg-this clg.poss Kapena", "translation": "And his voice became very nice like the voice of Kapena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adv V N Adj P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb57344", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430140981894, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb57344" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋaṯa: “Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro, tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-aṯa: “Ya ora-ñ ŋ-ëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o, tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt oh sister-1sg.poss clŋ-who 2sg.clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv wake.rt-imp 2sg.inf-open.rt-cons.pfv brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "and said, \"Oh my sister who is sleeping, wake up and open the door for your brother,,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv N Comp V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb60f63", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141126418, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb60f63" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo gaber giđi aŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-ǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-ap-pfv clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-dpc-pass.rt-cons.pfv far again", "translation": "your brother has come and will not go away again.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb61530", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141243340, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb61530" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Joja nǝŋǝmakiṯi lǝbab. Na Sosa nǝŋobǝđaṯe egwaŋano,", "morphemes": "Na Joja n-ǝŋǝ-ma-kiṯ-i lǝbab. Na Sosa n-ǝŋ-obǝđ-aṯ-e egwaŋ-ano,", "gloss": "and Joja comp2-3sg.cons 3sg.om-open.rt-cons.pfv door conj N comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv inside-in", "translation": "And Joja opened the door for him, and Sosa ran inside,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6233f", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141466359, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6233f" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋaṯa, “Igajopaŋa đǝge! Igal eŋase điñiđi đǝge!", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-a-jop-a-ŋa đǝge! I-g-a-l e-ŋa-s-e điñiđi đǝge!", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 1sg-clg-rtc-reach.rt-ipfv-2sg.om last 1sg-clg-rtc-go.rt 1sg-2sg.om-eat.rt-juss now last", "translation": "and said, \"Finally I have found you! Now I am going to eat you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Adv V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6a74a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141626378, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6a74a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Walla igal ese oralo auru? Oralo goɽra.", "morphemes": "Walla i-g-a-l e-s-e ora-lo auru? Ora-lo g-oɽra.", "gloss": "or 1sg-clg-rtc-go.rt 1sg-eat.rt-juss brother-2sg.poss first brother-2sg.poss clg-big", "translation": "Or shall I eat your brother first? Your elder brother.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6c1a8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141833311, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6c1a8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igabaṯa ṯa igabǝla emase gënŋu ananoŋ, oro eŋase aganŋa nḏurṯu.”", "morphemes": "I-g-a-b-aṯa ṯa i-g-a-b-ǝl-a e-ma-s-e gënŋu ananoŋ, oro e-ŋa-s-e aganŋa nḏurṯu.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-say.rt comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-3sg.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv 3sg.pro first then 1sg-2sg.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv 2sg.pro last", "translation": "I think, I prefer to eat him first, then I eat you at last.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V N Adv Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6cce4", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430141995245, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6cce4" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Sosa ṯaŋǝṯurṯu ŋen. Na ndǝ liga lǝŋgaṯo lǝtëfr,", "morphemes": "Na Sosa ṯ-aŋǝ-ṯurṯ-u ŋen. Na ndǝ liga l-ǝ-ŋgaṯ-o lǝ-tëfr,", "gloss": "and Sosa comp1b-3sg.inf-wait.rt-pfv word and if time cll-dpc-pass.rt-pfv cll-small", "translation": "And Sosa waited, and short time passed,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj Comp N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6f84c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142132451, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb6f84c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝnne olia ndëwur igi gǝ Kapena gǝbalǝŋa, gǝbaṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-nn-e olia ndëwur ig-i gǝ Kapena g-ǝ-b-alǝŋ-a, g-ǝ-b-aṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-hear.rt-cons.pfv voice outside sclg-this clg.poss Kapena clg-dpc-prog-sing.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-prog-say.rt", "translation": "he heard a voice of Kapena singing outside, saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adj P N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb70b84", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142253167, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb70b84" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya orañ ŋëŋgi agǝndro, tođo ŋakiṯi oralo lǝbab,", "morphemes": "“Ya ora-ñ ŋ-ëŋgi a-g-ǝ-ndr-o, tođ-o ŋa-kiṯ-i ora-lo lǝbab,", "gloss": "oh sister-1sg.poss clŋ-who 2sg-clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv wake.rt-imp 2sg.inf-open.rt-cons.pfv brother-2sg.poss door", "translation": "\"Oh my sleeping sister, wake up and open the door for your brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Comp V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb73ea4", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142371186, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb73ea4" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oralo goɽǝbǝđo gaber giđi aŋǝmǝñe nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "ora-lo g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-ǝ-mǝñ-e nwaldaŋ tǝŋ.”", "gloss": "brother-2sg.poss clg-return.rt-ap-pfv clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-dpc-pass.rt-cons.pfv far again", "translation": "Your brother has returned and will not go away anymore.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb74243", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142605381, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb74243" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Sosa nǝŋëiṯi Joja ṯa olega gǝta, “Mbu, mbu! Mbu ŋakiđi lǝbaba.”", "morphemes": "Orn Sosa n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Joja ṯa ole-ga g-ǝta, “Mb-u, mb-u! Mb-u ŋa-kiđ-i lǝbaba.”", "gloss": "but Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv Joja comp1 voice-with clg-small go-imp go-imp go-imp 2sg.inf-open.rt-cons.pfv door", "translation": "Then Sosa said to Joja in a low voice, \"Go, go! Go and open the door.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp N-P Adj V V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb788dc", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142811063, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb788dc" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Joja nǝŋǝđǝñiṯi alo kañ, oro nǝŋǝɽe ṯia nǝŋǝkiđi lǝbab,", "morphemes": "Joja n-ǝŋǝ-đǝñ-iṯ-i alo kañ, oro n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e ṯia n-ǝŋǝ-kiđ-i lǝbab,", "gloss": "Joja comp2-3sg.cons-be.afraid-cmp-cons.pfv place very but comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv in.this.way comp2-3sg.cons-open.rt-cons.pfv door", "translation": "Joja bwcame very afraid, but she went and opened the door.\"", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Conj V Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7a2f6", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430142882671, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7a2f6" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kapena nǝŋënṯia egwaŋano.", "morphemes": "na Kapena n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-ia egwaŋ-ano.", "gloss": "and Kapena comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-ipfv inside-in", "translation": "And Kapena came inside.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7c648", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430143238951, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7c648" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Iliga lǝbab lǝkiđǝnu ṯia, Sosa nǝŋaborṯwe ndëwur min nǝŋëndi đǝŋ đǝ Kapena,", "morphemes": "I-liga lǝbab lǝ-kiđ-ǝn-u ṯia, Sosa n-ǝŋ-aborṯw-e ndëwur min n-ǝŋ-ënd-i đǝŋ đǝ Kapena,", "gloss": "loc-time door cll-open.rt-pass-pfv in.this.way Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-jump.to.rt-cons.pfv outside ?? comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv hand clđ.poss Kapena", "translation": "and immediately when the door was opened, Sosa jumped outside and hold Kapena's hand", "tags": "check:min", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V Adv N V N ? V N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7f073", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430143392587, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7f073" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Igafiđiṯiaŋa đǝge nḏurṯu alo! Igal eŋase.”", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “I-g-a-fiđi-ṯia-ŋa đǝge nḏurṯu alo! I-g-a-l e-ŋa-s-e.”", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-find.rt-in.this.way-2sg.om last last place 1sg-clg-rtc-go.rt 1sg-2sg.om-eat.rt-juss", "translation": "and said, \"I have found you finally! I am going to eat you.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V Adv Adv N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7e548", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430143610694, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7e548" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Wëi! Wate cia auru,", "morphemes": "Kapena n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “Wëi! Wat-e cia auru,", "gloss": "Kapena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 oh wait.rt-cons.pfv plz first", "translation": "Kapena said, \"Oh my God! please wait a little,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp Adv V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7e386", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430143796078, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7e386" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋgiṯǝñe elwaɽe olia gǝɽijin bipi ŋen agǝmulu agǝñǝsa.”", "morphemes": "ŋ-g-iṯ-ǝñ-e e-lwaɽ-e olia g-ǝɽijin bipi ŋen agǝmulu a-g-ǝñ-ǝ-s-a.”", "gloss": "2sg.inf-clg-allow.rt-1sg.om-juss 1sg-say.rt-cons.pfv voice clg-three only word before 2sg-clg-1sg.om-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "let me say just three words before you eat me.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj N Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7da1c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430143903166, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7da1c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sosa nǝŋaṯa ŋen ŋëpi, agal alwaɽe olia gǝɽijin ikǝrǝŋ, gǝɽijin ikǝrǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Sosa n-ǝŋ-aṯa ŋen ŋ-ëpi, a-g-a-l a-lwaɽ-e olia g-ǝɽijin ikǝrǝŋ, g-ǝɽijin ikǝrǝŋ.", "gloss": "Sosa comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt word clŋ-well 2sg-clg-rtc-go.rt 2sg-say.rt-cons.pfv voice clg-three only clg-three only", "translation": "Sosa said alright, you are to say just three words, only three.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv V V N Adj Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7f615", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430144115202, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb7f615" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa agiđi ndǝ agaɽǝjaco olia gonto,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-a-ɽǝjac-o olia g-onto,", "gloss": "because 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-rtc-add.rt-pfv voice clg-one", "translation": "For if you add one word,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb88f35", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430144223148, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb88f35" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igiđi ese Joja nëñua, oro eŋase aganŋa nḏurṯu.”", "morphemes": "i-g-iđi e-s-e Joja nëñua, oro e-ŋa-s-e aganŋa nḏurṯu.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-eat.rt-juss Joja first then 1sg-2sg.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv 2sg.pro last", "translation": "I will eat Joja first, then eat you at last.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8b457", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430144351367, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8b457" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena nǝŋaṯa ṯa, “Igabǝla elwaɽe olia gǝɽijin đǝtǝmǝni.”", "morphemes": "Kapena n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa, “I-g-a-b-ǝl-a e-lwaɽ-e olia g-ǝɽijin đǝtǝmǝni.”", "gloss": "Kapena comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-say.rt-cons.pfv voice clg-three only", "translation": "Kapena said, \"I will say only three words.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8ba03", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430144672209, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8ba03" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kapena nǝŋǝbuɽiano olega goɽra nǝŋundǝđi nǝŋaṯa, “Arḏeb, Aṯṯau, Nimra!”", "morphemes": "Kapena n-ǝŋǝ-buɽ-i-ano ole-ga g-oɽra n-ǝŋ-und-ǝđ-i n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Arḏeb, Aṯṯau, Nimra!”", "gloss": "Kapena comp2-3sg.cons-thunder.rt-cons.pfv-in voice-with clg-big comp2-3sg.cons-call.rt-ap-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt Ardeb Atau Nimra", "translation": "Kapena shouted with a loud voice and said, \"Ardeb, Atau, and Nimra!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P Adj V V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8ea9c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430144864291, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb8ea9c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Arḏeb, Aṯṯau na Nimra, lafo laɽo ñina ñoɽra kañ Kapena,", "morphemes": "Arḏeb, Aṯṯau na Nimra, l-afo l-a-ɽ-o ñina ñoɽra kañ Kapena,", "gloss": "Ardeb Atau and Nimra cll-past.aux cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv dogs clñ-big very Kapena", "translation": "Ardeb, Atau and Nimra, were Kapena's big dogs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Conj N V V N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb925c1", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430145052016, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb925c1" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝmǝjacelo eđǝñwa na ṯañǝɽaŋo eđoco,", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-mǝjace-l-o e-đǝñwa na ṯ-añǝ-ɽaŋ-o e-đoco,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-bring.rt-3pl.om-pfv loc-forest and comp1b-clñ.inf-stay.rt-pfv loc-forest", "translation": "he brought them up and stay in the forest,", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb93067", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430145293086, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb93067" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝlusađëcu eđe yelalǝmǝṯia lalo ildi gǝlǝyeɽǝña,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-lu-s-ađ-ëc-u eđe y-elalǝmǝṯia l-alo ild-i g-ǝ-lǝ-yeɽǝñ-a,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-eat.rt-ap-appl things cly-living cll.poss-earth scll-this clg-dpc-3pl.om-kill.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and he feed them with the meat of animals that he hunt them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb915de", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430145589815, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb915de" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñina nǝñǝmǝṯe ñoɽra ñǝcia ŋenia na ñonḏǝṯo kañ.", "morphemes": "na ñina n-ǝñǝ-mǝṯ-e ñ-oɽra ñ-ǝcia ŋenia na ñ-onḏǝṯo kañ.", "gloss": "and dogs comp2-clñ.inf-grow.rt-cons.pfv clñ-big clñ-bad talk and clñ-strong very", "translation": "and the dogs grew up and became fierce and strong", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adj N Conj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9845c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430145691660, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9845c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ ñënŋulu ñǝnnaṯo Kapena olia,", "morphemes": "na ndǝ ñ-ënŋulu ñ-ǝ-nn-aṯ-o Kapena olia,", "gloss": "and if clñ-3pl.pro clñ-dpc-hear.rt-appl-pfv Kapena voice", "translation": "and when they heard Kapena's voice,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb99896", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430145890106, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb99896" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nañǝkera alo isëi ñǝfau nañǝmalaldǝñǝṯia nano.", "morphemes": "n-añǝ-ker-a alo is-ëi ñ-ǝ-f-au n-añǝ-ma-laldǝñ-ǝṯ-ia nano.", "gloss": "comp2-clñ.inf-break.rt-ipfv place scls-this clñ-dpc-be.loc-ipfv comp2-clñ.inf-3sg.om-run.rt-loc.appl-ipfv at", "translation": "they broke out from their hiding place and came running towards him.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9ada3", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146085543, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9ada3" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋina ŋǝnǝŋ nǝŋela nǝŋënṯiđiṯa igëuredǝber,", "morphemes": "Na ŋina ŋ-ǝnǝŋ n-ǝŋ-el-a n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-iđ-iṯ-a ig-ëure-đǝber,", "gloss": "and dog clŋ-indef comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-ap-appl-ipfv loc-gate-wind", "translation": "and one dog come in through the window,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V P-N-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9c3bc", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146171860, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9c3bc" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñina ñǝɽǝjan nǝñënṯiđiṯi egëwur.", "morphemes": "na ñina ñ-ǝɽǝjan n-ǝñ-ënṯ-iđ-iṯ-i eg-ëwur.", "gloss": "and dogs clñ-two comp2-clñ.inf-enter.rt-ap-loc.appl-ipfv loc-gate", "translation": "and the two dogs entered through the door.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9f3ad", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146469954, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9f3ad" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ñina nǝñëndi Sosaŋ nǝñǝmaɽǝñe na nǝñǝmađǝđiano gǝrrësi.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ñina n-ǝñ-ënd-i Sosa-ŋ n-ǝñǝ-ma-ɽǝñ-e na n-ǝñǝ-ma-đǝ-đ-i-ano gǝrrësi.", "gloss": "so dogs comp2-clñ.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv Sosa-acc comp2-clñ.inf-3sg.om-kill.rt-cons.pv and comp2-clñ.inf-3sg.om-iter-cut.rt-cons.pfv-in little", "translation": "So the dogs caught Sosa, and killed him, and tore him to peices.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Conj V-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcba064a", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146630004, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcba064a" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ñina ñaɽǝwađaṯo nǝñǝmǝñi Kapena na Joja orba gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ñina ñ-aɽǝwađaṯ-o n-ǝñǝ-mǝñ-i Kapena na Joja orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "so dogs clñ-be.able.rt-pfv comp2-clñ.inf-pass.rt-cons.pfv Kapena and Joja sister clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "So the dogs were able to save Kapena and his sister Joja.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9db0c", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146800212, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9db0c" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eŋǝɽañ iŋi algol yaṯa yelǝsa,", "morphemes": "e-ŋǝɽañ iŋ-i algol y-aṯa y-e-lǝ-s-a,", "gloss": "loc-death sclŋ-this dragon cly-say.rt cly-dpc-3pl.om-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "from the death which the dragon wanted to eat them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9e672", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146885683, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9e672" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ñënŋulu ñafo ñëbwa Kapenaga,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ñ-ënŋulu ñ-afo ñ-ëbw-a Kapena-ga,", "gloss": "because clñ-3pl.pro clñ-past.aux clñ-love.rt-ipfv Kapena-with", "translation": "because they loved Kapena,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9e7a8", "key": [ "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", 1430146968004, "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dcb9e7a8" ], "value": { "story": "aeff935d4b2a51452d487ec8dc41fdc8", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gafo gëbwaliya ananoŋ.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-ënŋu g-afo g-ëbwa-li-ya ananoŋ.", "gloss": "because clg-3sg.pro clg-past.aux clg-love.rt-ipfv-3pl.om-there first", "translation": "because he loved them first.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d177394", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444285750603, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d177394" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo gonaṯa gəma Kakaŋ ŋabəɽaŋa", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo g-onaṯa g-ə-m-a Kakaŋ ŋabəɽa-ŋa", "gloss": "ngalo clg-want.rt clg-dpc-take.rt-ipfv Kakan force-clŋ.with", "translation": "Kallo wants to marry Kakan by force", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1785bd", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444285945481, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1785bd" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kakaŋ gatođalo Nayen Yimunwa gəɽo ŋere ŋəta", "morphemes": "Kakaŋ g-a-tođ-alo Nayen Yimunwa g-ə-ɽ-o ŋere ŋ-əta", "gloss": "Kakan clg-rtc-rise.rt-placer mountains black clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv girl clŋ-small", "translation": "Kakan was brought up on Black Hills since she was a little girl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d179d2b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444286096851, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d179d2b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋələŋənṯu eṯenanda ŋenŋa ŋəbəɽaŋəno,", "morphemes": "ŋ-ə-ləŋ-ən-ṯ-u eṯ-en-anda ŋen-ŋa ŋ-əbəɽa-aŋəno,", "gloss": "clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-appl-pfv father-3sg.poss-assoc.pl talk-clŋ.with clŋ-hard-body", "translation": "born to her parents with great difficulty", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N-P Adj-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d17ad72", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444286320992, 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cll-dpc-prog-not.aux cll-dpc-3pl.om-want.rt-ipfv talk clŋ-good", "translation": "did not wish them good luck,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d17cd78", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444286850905, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d17cd78" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu lafo lëcia iñua na lafo lakera ləŋgen gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "na l-ënŋulu l-a-f-o l-ëcia iñua na l-a-fo l-a-ker-a ləŋg-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv cll-bad lips and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-break.rt-ipfv mother-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "and they say curses and they were bewitching her mother,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj N Conj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d17cc86", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444287019419, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d17cc86" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia ləŋgen nəŋajəbeṯe gələŋa!", "morphemes": "nǝṯia ləŋg-en n-əŋ-ajəbeṯ-e g-ə-ləŋ-a!", "gloss": "so mother-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-not.know.rt-cons.pfv clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-ipfv", "translation": "so her mother could not get pregnant easily!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d181184", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444287088745, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d181184" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rəmwa ndrəlaməđaṯe ṯia,", "morphemes": "Orn Rəmwa n-drə-l-aməđaṯ-e ṯia,", "gloss": "but god comp2-clr.inf-3pl.om-help.rt-cons.pfv in.this.way", "translation": "But God helped them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1817b4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444287224085, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1817b4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji nəŋonḏace nəŋələŋe ŋere nəŋënci ṯa Kakaŋ!", "morphemes": "na wuji n-əŋ-onḏac-e n-əŋə-ləŋ-e ŋere n-əŋ-ënc-i ṯa Kakaŋ!", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.cons-concieve.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-give.birth.rt-cons.pfv girl comp2-3sg.cons-be.called.rt-cons.pfv comp1 Kakan", "translation": "and the woman conceived and gave birth to a girl and they named her Kakan!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Con N V V N V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1cd3af", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444287596747, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1cd3af" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋere ŋoɽra na ŋələŋeṯa ŋenəsi,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋere ŋ-oɽra na ŋ-ə-ləŋeṯ-a ŋen-nə-si,", "gloss": "and when girl clŋ-big and clŋ-dpc-know.rt-ipfv talk-on-eye", "translation": "And while the girl was growing up and gaining knowledge,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj Conj V N-P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1d7f7d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444287939834, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1d7f7d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəŋəreṯe ŋayo kañ đurri.", "morphemes": "n-əŋ-ər-eṯ-e ŋayo kañ đurri.", "gloss": "comp2-good.rt-cmp-cons.pfv beauty very indeed", "translation": "and she became very beautiful.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1d9946", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444288097464, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1d9946" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa pređ ndə ləsëcu, ṯaləɽwato eŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu ṯalaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na leđa pređ ndə l-ə-sëc-u, ṯ-alə-ɽwat-o eŋen ŋ-əlëɽəŋu ṯ-al-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and people all when cll-dpc-see.rt-pfv comp1b-cll.inf-talk.rt-pfv clŋ.3pl.poss clŋ-3sg.pro comp1b-cll.inf-say.rt comp1", "translation": "And when all people saw her, they were amazed and talked about her and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Comp V V Adj N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1da591", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444288301846, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1da591" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋere iŋi, ŋeṯo aŋerṯe ŋen ŋoɽra kañ eleđa əllëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "“Ŋere iŋ-i, ŋ-eṯ-o aŋ-erṯe ŋen ŋ-oɽra kañ e-leđa əl-lëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "girl sclŋ-this clŋ-come.rt-pfv 3sg.inf-have.rt talk clŋ-big very loc-people cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "\"This girl, will have a great future among her nation,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N Adj Adv P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1dbaab", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444288422739, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1dbaab" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eleđa ildi ŋiđi aŋela aŋəlumëini!", "morphemes": "na e-leđa ild-i ŋ-iđi aŋ-el-a aŋə-lu-m-ëin-i!", "gloss": "and loc-people scll-this clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-3pl.om-take.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "and among the nation who will get married to them!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ddb8a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444288495296, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ddb8a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa eđa igi giđi aŋəme", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa eđa ig-i g-iđi aŋə-m-e", "gloss": "because man sclg-this clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "For the one who will marry her", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1dfb35", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444289732546, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1dfb35" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi aŋəfiđi obwa game đamia đəməñəđialo!", "morphemes": "g-iđi aŋə-fiđ-i obwa g-ame đ-amia đə-məñəđi-alo!", "gloss": "clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv wife clg-nice clđ.nom-nice clđ.nom-end-place", "translation": "will find a virtuous wife which is worth more than anything!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj N N-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e0b01", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444290076375, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e0b01" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ilika Kakaŋ gətoṯa nəŋowa,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia i-lika Kakaŋ g-ə-to-ṯ-a nə-ŋowa,", "gloss": "so loc-time Kakan clg-dpc-rise.rt-appl-ipfv on-youth", "translation": "So when Kakan reached the teenager stage,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e43ec", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444290200572, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e43ec" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəŋiđi ṯaŋərađaṯo ŋayo tətəl,", "morphemes": "n-əŋ-iđ-i ṯ-aŋə-rađaṯ-o ŋayo tətəl,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-be.beautiful.rt-pfv beauty more", "translation": "and she became more and more beautiful,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e61ae", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444291427371, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e61ae" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëđəmwa lwaña ṯaləmabapərldađo nano,", "morphemes": "na lëđəmwa l-waña ṯ-alə-ma-ba-pərldađ-o nano,", "gloss": "and young cll-many comp1b-cll.inf-3sg.om-iter-pull.rt-pfv at", "translation": "and many young men competed with each other to win her heart", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e8057", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444291538174, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e8057" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lënŋulu pređ ṯalonaṯo ləmama.", "morphemes": "l-ënŋulu pređ ṯ-al-onaṯo l-ə-ma-m-a.", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro all comp1b-cll.inf-want.rt cll-dpc-3sg.om-take.rt-ipfv", "translation": "everyone wanted to marry her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e9162", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444291865595, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e9162" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Kakaŋ ṯaŋələpwaṯu rəŋ, ṯaŋəlëiṯu ṯa, gata,", "morphemes": "Orn Kakaŋ ṯ-aŋə-lə-pwaṯ-u rəŋ, ṯ-aŋə-l-ëiṯ-u ṯa, g-a-t-a,", "gloss": "but kakan comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-kick.rt-pfv hand comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1 clg-rtc-be.young.rt-ipfv", "translation": "But Kakan kicked their hands away, telling them that she was still young,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e9cd3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444292014128, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1e9cd3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lika lǝlëɽǝŋu lǝđǝma lamulu leṯo mǝldin!", "morphemes": "na lika l-ǝlëɽǝŋu lǝ-đǝ-ma lamulu l-eṯ-o mǝldin!", "gloss": "and time of-3sg.poss cll.poss-clđ.nom-marry still cll-come.rt-pfv yet", "translation": "and her time for marriage had not arrived yet!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N P-N Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1eb34a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444292239669, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1eb34a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na gënŋu gonaṯa gəbəđia ŋowa ŋenŋa ŋəŋəra lika lwalano!", "morphemes": "Na g-ënŋu g-onaṯa g-ə-b-əđ-ia ŋowa ŋen-ŋa ŋ-əŋəra lika l-walano!", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro clg-want.rt clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv youth talk-clŋ.with clŋ-good time cll-long", "translation": "She wanted to enjoy her youth and freedom for long time!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N N-P Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ec2dc", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444292546568, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ec2dc" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen Ukuku gətođo alo igi gələŋëinu eŋeɽəŋ Nayen Yimunwa,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen Ukuku g-ə-tođ-o alo ig-i g-ə-ləŋ-ëin-u e-ŋeɽəŋ Nayen Yimunwa,", "gloss": "but when Aukuku clg-dpc-rise.rt-pfv place sclg-this clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-appl.ap-pfv loc-peaks mountains black", "translation": "But when Aukuku who was born in the high peaks of Black Hills,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N Adj V P-N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ed559", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444292904397, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ed559" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ëđəmwa nəŋaṯa gətoṯa nəŋëđəmwa nəŋerṯe agənwanəđia!", "morphemes": "ëđəmwa n-əŋ-aṯa g-ə-toṯ-a nə-ŋëđəmwa n-əŋ-erṯe a-g-ə-nwan-əđ-ia!", "gloss": "young.man comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-dpc-rise.rt-ipfv on-youth comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-see.rt-ap-ipfv", "translation": "The young man came to have a well built body that causes surprise", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1efa3e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444293050949, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1efa3e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëđəmwa nəŋəđurwi alo ndəŋ gəđaŋəṯo ərmwa,", "morphemes": "Ëđəmwa n-əŋə-đurw-i alo ndəŋ g-ə-đaŋ-əṯ-o ərmwa,", "gloss": "young.man comp2-3sg.cons-stand.rt-cons.pfv place firm clg-dpc-reach.rt-appl-pfv above", "translation": "He stands firm very tall reached to the sky,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f0e79", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444293690147, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f0e79" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋabace lurmi elo loɽra larno aməca igi Ndanəŋwan!", "morphemes": "na n-əŋ-abac-e lurmi elo l-oɽra l-arno aməca ig-i Ndanəŋwan!", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv chest up cll-big cll-like rock sclg-this Ndanengwan", "translation": "and he rises up his large chest like the Rock of Ndanengwan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P Adj Adv N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f2f5f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444293817168, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f2f5f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa ŋurmi ŋələṯura na ŋəñwađđo,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa ŋurmi ŋə-ləṯura na ŋə-ñwađđo,", "gloss": "because chests clŋ.poss-pigs and clŋ.poss-goats", "translation": "Because of the meat of the chest parts of pigs and he-goats,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N P-N Conj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f3908", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444294006283, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f3908" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋi gəfo gələsinia ilika gəfo eđəñwa nəwarra", "morphemes": "iŋ-i g-ə-f-o g-ə-lə-s-in-ia i-lika g-ə-f-o eđəñwa nə-warra", "gloss": "sclŋ-this clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv clg-dpc-3pl.om-eat.rt-pass-ipfv loc-time clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv wildeness on-camp", "translation": "that he used to eat them while he was in the cattle camp in the wilderness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V V P-N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f45e7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444294301472, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f45e7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gənwana iria isi yefo yebayəṯia alo bəte ŋəɽan ilika eđa gero gələsia,", "morphemes": "g-ə-nwan-a iria is-i y-e-fo y-e-b-ay-əṯ-ia alo bəte ŋəɽan i-lika eđa g-ero g-ə-lə-s-i-a,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-keep.rt-ipfv cattles scly-this cly-dpc-past.aux cly-dpc-prog-die.rt-loc.appl-ipfv place past period loc-time man clg-not.aux clg-dpc-3pl.om-eat.rt-caus-ipfv", "translation": "looking after cows that were dying out in the ancient time when there is no taking care of them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V P P P P-N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f619e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444298084912, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f619e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ləɽo ndom lafo lǝlomaməñaiđia jocom,", "morphemes": "na leđa l-ə-ɽ-o ndom l-afo l-ǝ-lo-ma-məñ-aiđ-ia jocom,", "gloss": "and people cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv thieves cll-past.aux cll-dpc-3pl.om-iter-pass.rt-appl.ap-ipfv also", "translation": "and the robbers were stealing them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f737b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444298382321, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1f737b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia iria nǝyefeṯe alo đoɽəđoɽa nǝyebapaiđiano esəbarlda pređ,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia iria n-ǝye-f-eṯ-e alo đoɽəđoɽa n-ǝye-bap-aiđ-i-ano e-səbarlda pređ,", "gloss": "so cattle comp2-cly.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv place carelessly comp2-cly.inf-scatter.rt-cons.pfv-in loc-streams all", "translation": "so the cattle were neglected and they scattered all over the valleys and streams,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fa638", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444298576722, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fa638" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na erəñwa pređ na eŋañar na iŋəpuŋ iŋi ŋoliano", "morphemes": "na e-rəñwa pređ na e-ŋañar na i-ŋəpuŋ iŋ-i ŋ-oliano", "gloss": "and loc-wilderness all and loc-pools and loc-vallies sclŋ-this clŋ-deep", "translation": "and wilderness and pools of water and in deep valleys,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj Conj P-N Conj P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fc870", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444298982261, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fc870" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yemaṯan nǝyefeṯe enal eŋwandr nayen!", "morphemes": "na yemaṯan n-ǝye-f-eṯ-e e-nal e-ŋwandr n-ayen!", "gloss": "and some comp2-cly.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-cave loc-rocks loc-mountain", "translation": "and some of them hid in cave and holes in the range of hills!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fe9a5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444299171288, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1fe9a5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen Ukuku gətođalo nəŋëndi warra,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen Ukuku g-ə-tođ-alo n-əŋ-ënd-i warra,", "gloss": "but when Aukuku clg-dpc-rise.rt-place comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv camp", "translation": "But when Aukuku rose up and took the responsibility of the cattle camp", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ffdbb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444299319710, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1ffdbb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəŋəɽe ṯaŋərarrëiđu đwala ldəɽo iđi đǝfo đəbapaiđiano pređ", "morphemes": "n-əŋə-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋ-ər-arr-ëiđ-u đwala ldəɽo iđ-i đ-ǝ-fo đ-ə-bap-aiđ-i-ano pređ", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-gather.rt-appl.ap-cons.ipfv wealth together sclđ-this clđ-dpc-past.aux clđ-dpc-scatter.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv-in all", "translation": "he began to gather the herds together that were scattered away,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adj N Adj Adj V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20173d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444299441656, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20173d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋənwane na aŋərmoṯwe,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋə-nwan-e na aŋə-rmoṯw-e,", "gloss": "because 3sg.inf-see.rt-cons.pfv and 3sg.inf-keep.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "so as to guard it and take care of it,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d202e94", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444299588556, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d202e94" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋəpwañəṯi ŋëmia ŋeđe ŋəŋəra, na ŋawa ŋwaña ŋətəɽe!", "morphemes": "na aŋə-pwañ-əṯ-i ŋëmia ŋ-eđe ŋ-əŋəra, na ŋawa ŋ-waña ŋ-ətəɽe!", "gloss": "and 3sg.inf-look.for.rt-appl-cons.pfv pasture clŋ-green clŋ-good and water clŋ-many clŋ-clean", "translation": "and to fetch for it good green pasture, and plenty of clean water!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d204814", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444299986760, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d204814" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen ndom nəsëcəma gəbəđia ṯia, ŋen nəŋerṯe ŋələŋəra nano!", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen ndom n-ə-sëc-ə-ma g-ə-b-əđ-ia ṯia, ŋen n-əŋ-erṯe ŋ-ə-lə-ŋər-a nano!", "gloss": "but when robbers comp2-dpc-see.rt-pfv-3sg.om clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv in.this.way talk comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-dpc-3pl.om-please.rt-ipfv at", "translation": "But when the robbers saw him working sincerely, his behavior did not please them!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V V Adv N V V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20619a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444300108351, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20619a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo igi gǝfo gǝđǝrna lëđǝmwa nano pređ,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo ig-i g-ǝ-fo g-ǝ-đǝrn-a lëđǝmwa nano pređ,", "gloss": "but ngalo sclg-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-dpc-oppress.rt-ipfv young.men at all", "translation": "But Kallo who was opressing the young men,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d206c04", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444300226824, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d206c04" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen nəŋerṯe ŋəmaŋəra nano ŋen gəsëcu Ukuku", "morphemes": "ŋen n-əŋ-erṯe ŋ-ə-ma-ŋər-a nano ŋen g-ə-sëc-u Ukuku", "gloss": "talk comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-dpc-3sg.om-please.rt-ipfv at when clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv Aukuku", "translation": "he was not pleased when he saw Aukuku", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2086ef", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444300453997, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2086ef" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəđaŋo nəŋəɽe nəŋəɽwati Kakaŋ đəmađa,", "morphemes": "g-ə-đaŋ-o n-əŋə-ɽ-e n-əŋə-ɽwat-i Kakaŋ đə-ma-đa,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-ascend.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-talk.rt-cons.pfv Kakan clđ.nom-marry-clđ.with", "translation": "went up and talked with Kakan about love,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20992e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444301381843, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20992e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ilika Kakaŋ gəɽəñađaiđo đəge gəɽo ŋowa ṯəɽom!", "morphemes": "i-lika Kakaŋ g-ə-ɽəñađ-aiđ-o đəge g-ə-ɽ-o ŋowa ṯəɽom!", "gloss": "loc-time Kakan clg-dpc-complete.rt-appl.ap-pfv last clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv girl full", "translation": "when Kakan is grown up enough and become prime of youth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V Adv V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20b8c7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444301948844, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20b8c7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ara gəlëɽəŋu nəŋaborṯelo lomanto,", "morphemes": "Ara g-əlëɽəŋu n-əŋ-aborṯ-elo lomanto,", "gloss": "stomach clg-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-jump.to.rt-up once", "translation": "Her heart jumped up within her once,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20de46", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444302148620, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d20de46" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đu nəđəmabuɽiano nëwiñ ndau,", "morphemes": "na đu n-əđə-ma-buɽi-ano nëwiñ ndau,", "gloss": "and heart comp2-clđ.inf-3sg.om-beat.rt-in chest how", "translation": "and her heart beats inside her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V-N N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2102c9", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444302249054, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2102c9" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəɽwata nəŋəmakərṯe nëñua!", "morphemes": "na ŋəɽwata n-əŋə-ma-kər-ṯ-e n-ëñua!", "gloss": "and speech comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-break.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-mouth", "translation": "and she was not able to speak!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2153a3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444302834547, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2153a3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuku nəŋəpəlađe ëñuano yilëɽəŋu nəŋəmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Ukuku n-əŋə-pəl-ađ-e ëñua-no y-ilëɽəŋu n-əŋə-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "and Aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-open.rt-ap-cons.pfv mouth-on cly-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "And Aukuku opened his mouth and said to her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d22909b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444303019383, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d22909b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igënəñi igalaɽəŋa igaləŋənṯiaŋa!", "morphemes": "“I-g-ënəñ-i i-g-alaɽəŋa i-g-a-ləŋ-ən-ṯia-ŋa!", "gloss": "1sg-clg-be.1d-cons.pfv 1sg-clg-2sg.poss 1sg-clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pass-in.this.way-2sg.om", "translation": "\"I belong to you, I have born to you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d230409", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444303129592, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d230409" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na aganŋa agalëɽəñi agaləŋənṯəñe.”", "morphemes": "Na aganŋa a-g-alëɽəñi a-g-a-ləŋ-ən-ṯ-ə-ñe.”", "gloss": "and 2sg.pro 2sg-clg-1sg.poss 2sg-clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pass-loc.appl-pfv-1sg.om", "translation": "And you are mine you have been born to me.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23110e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444303327215, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23110e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kakaŋ nəŋəməñi eŋađano nəŋəñañamwi!", "morphemes": "Kakaŋ n-əŋə-məñ-i eŋađ-ano n-əŋə-ñañamw-i!", "gloss": "Kakan comp2-3sg.cons-bring.rt-cons.pfv teeth-in comp2-3sg.cons-smile.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Kakan murmured and smiled!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23b115", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444304073587, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23b115" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuku nəŋəmërrənəci ŋəbəɽe ndrəŋ na abəña nađol!", "morphemes": "Na Ukuku n-əŋə-m-ërr-ən-əc-i ŋəbəɽe nd-rəŋ na abəña n-ađol!", "gloss": "and Aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-put.rt-pass-loc.appl-cons.pfv bracelents on-hands and rings on-nose", "translation": "And Akuku puts bracelets on her wrist and and ring on her nose!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23c5d5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444304347654, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23c5d5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na apaŋənda elden ldəɽwate eŋen, na đəma nəđënṯi!", "morphemes": "Na apa-ŋ-ənda elden ldə-ɽwat-e eŋen, na đə-ma n-əđ-ënṯ-i!", "gloss": "and father-acc-assoc.pl 3pl.poss cll.inf-speak.rt-cons.pfv about and clđ.nom-marry comp2-clđ.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And their parents talked about their relations, and their marriage was fixed and accepted!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23f1b4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444304474755, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d23f1b4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ukuku nəŋoɽəbaṯe đwala nano eđəñwa", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ukuku n-əŋ-oɽəb-aṯ-e đwala nano e-đəñwa", "gloss": "so Aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv wealth at loc-wilderness", "translation": "Then Aukuku returned back to look after cattle in wilderness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d240b94", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444304646068, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d240b94" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi giđi aŋəyibi ilika ildi ləđəbia.", "morphemes": "iđ-i g-iđi aŋə-yib-i i-lika ild-i lə-đəbia.", "gloss": "sclđ-this clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-pay.rt-cons.pfv loc-time scll-this cll.poss-dowry", "translation": "which will pay them at the day of paying dowry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V V P-N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2427b9", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444308085398, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2427b9" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo nəŋëndəđi egare kañ!", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo n-əŋ-ënd-əđ-i eg-are kañ!", "gloss": "but ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-ap-cons.pfv loc-stomach very", "translation": "But Kallo was not pleased, and heart squeezed inside him!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2446cc", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444308250060, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2446cc" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen lika ləđəbia ləbəleđiano aten,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen lika lə-đəbia l-ə-bəl-eđ-i-ano aten,", "gloss": "but when time cll.poss-dowry cll-dpc-pull.rt-ap-cons.pfv-in bit", "translation": "But when time of paying the dowry was prolonged a little bit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N P-N V-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2459ab", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444308726691, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2459ab" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nəŋënṯi eŋen nəŋaṯa gamaṯa Ukuku ŋowa wasen gəlëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-əŋ-ënṯ-i e-ŋen n-əŋ-aṯa g-a-m-aṯ-a Ukuku ŋowa was-en g-əlëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-rtc-take.rt-loc.appl-ipfv Aukuku girl wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "Kallo intervened to the scene and determined to take Aukuku's engaged girl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V V N N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d246bb1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444308868616, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d246bb1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə gaŋənṯu ŋen walla gero gəbaŋənṯia!", "morphemes": "ndə g-aŋənṯ-u ŋen walla g-ero g-ə-b-aŋənṯ-ia!", "gloss": "if clg-accept.rt-pfv talk or clg-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-accept.rt-ipfv", "translation": "whether she accepted or not accepted!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24820e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444310128585, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24820e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Walla ndə Ukuku gaŋənṯu ŋen walla gəneđo", "morphemes": "Walla ndə Ukuku g-aŋənṯ-u ŋen walla g-ə-neđ-o", "gloss": "or if Aukuku clg-agree.rt-pfv talk or clg-dpc-refuse.rt-pfv", "translation": "Even if Aukuku agreed or not agreed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d248dca", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444310815210, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d248dca" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo nəŋəɽe ṯaŋəbwo Kakaŋ,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo n-əŋə-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋə-bw-o Kakaŋ,", "gloss": "so ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-instigate.rt-pfv kakan", "translation": "So Kallo went and began to instigate and convince Kakan,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d249d94", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311106757, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d249d94" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋəmëiṯu ṯa, “Kakaŋ aaŋ, ŋëŋgi təmtəm!", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋə-m-ëiṯ-u ṯa, “Kakaŋ aaŋ, ŋ-ëŋgi təmtəm!", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1 Kakan attention 2sg-who all", "translation": "and argue her by saying, \"Please hear me Kakan, you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N Adv N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24b76f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311263932, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24b76f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agonaṯa agəminia waŋge gəɽe igi gəɽo ebai!", "morphemes": "A-g-onaṯa a-g-ə-m-in-ia waŋge g-ə-ɽ-e ig-i g-ə-ɽ-o ebai!", "gloss": "2sg-clg-want.rt 2sg-clg-dpc-marry.rt-pass-ipfv thing clg-dpc-be.rt-cons.pfv sclg-this clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv poor", "translation": "Why do you want to get married to this poor guy!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24d1cd", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311467825, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24d1cd" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Waŋge igi gero gǝbǝrṯa đələŋeṯa đətëfr gəɽe!", "morphemes": "Waŋge ig-i g-ero g-ǝ-b-ǝrṯa đə-ləŋeṯa đə-tëfr g-ə-ɽ-e!", "gloss": "thing sclg-this clg-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-have.rt clđ.nom-know.rt clđ.nom-little clg-dpc-be.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Why this illiterate man!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24da39", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311611643, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d24da39" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agonaṯa agəminia waŋge igi gəməjəṯo eđoco", "morphemes": "A-g-onaṯa a-g-ə-m-in-ia waŋge ig-i g-ə-məj-əṯ-o e-đoco", "gloss": "2sg-clg-want.rt 2sg-clg-dpc-marry.rt-pass-ipfv thing sclg-this clg-dpc-bring.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-forest", "translation": "Do you want get married to that guy who was brought up in the forest", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d251810", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311752291, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d251810" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lika pređ əllëɽəŋu garno đwala đeđəñwa,", "morphemes": "lika pređ əl-lëɽəŋu g-arno đwala đe-đəñwa,", "gloss": "time all cll-3sg.poss clg-like animals clđ.poss-forest", "translation": "he spent all his life like the wild animals,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Ad jAdv N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d252780", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444311950546, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d252780" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "agiđi ŋela ṯəñaɽaŋađaṯau ldəga?", "morphemes": "a-g-iđi ŋ-el-a ṯ-əña-ɽaŋ-ađ-a-ṯau ldə-ga?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp1b-clɲ.inf-stay.rt-ap-ipfv-how cll-clg.with", "translation": "how can you enjoy living with him?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V P-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d253c28", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444312091386, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d253c28" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elaŋ eŋame igënǝñi bəɽan!", "morphemes": "Ela-ŋ e-ŋa-m-e igënǝñi bəɽan!", "gloss": "come-2sg.om 1sg-2sg.om-marry.rt-cons.pfv 1sg.pro alone", "translation": "come on let me marry you myself!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2552f9", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444312671804, "b931840e470d19cc662876676d2552f9" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa yela eŋabece na iŋaməñəniano,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa y-el-a e-ŋa-bec-e na i-ŋa-məñ-ən-i-ano,", "gloss": "because 1sg-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-3sg.om-satisfy.rt-cons.pfv and 1sg-2sg.om-rest.rt-pass-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "For I will be able to satisfy you and let you live in luxury and rest", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333b7b6", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444462487959, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333b7b6" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yela iŋëbəđəṯi eɽa goɽra gəŋəra gwala,", "morphemes": "na y-el-a i-ŋ-ëbəđ-əṯ-i eɽa g-oɽra g-əŋəra g-wala,", "gloss": "and 1sg-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-2sg.om-build.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv house clg-big clg-good clg-tall", "translation": "and I will build for you a great palace,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333ca23", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444462660692, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333ca23" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iŋirldiṯi ndrenia nəŋəra, na ŋerṯe arabiya agakaborṯwa!", "morphemes": "na i-ŋ-irld-iṯ-i ndrenia n-əŋəra, na ŋ-erṯe arabiya a-g-ak-aborṯ-wa!", "gloss": "and 1sg-2sg.om-buy.rt-appl-cons.pfv clothes cln-nice and 2sg-have.rt car 2sg-clg-iter-ride.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and buy you a nice dresses, and a car!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Conj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333dcf0", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444463845206, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333dcf0" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elaŋ aləməđe alələŋe ñere na aldəməce đəməca đəŋəra!", "morphemes": "Ela-ŋ alə-m-əđ-e alə-ləŋ-e ñere na aldə-məc-e đə-məca đ-əŋəra!", "gloss": "come-2sg.om cll.inf-marry.rt-ap-cons.pfv cll.inf-give.birth.rt-cons.pfv children and cll.inf-bring.rt-cons.pfv clđ.nom-live.rt clđ-good", "translation": "Let us get married and bear children and bring them up properly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333fffe", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444464143994, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5333fffe" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na iŋaṯuɽiṯi ayen yeŋəra na jǝnenia yeŋəra na ŋafeṯe iđëuṯaralo!", "morphemes": "Na i-ŋa-ṯuɽ-iṯ-i ayen y-eŋəra na jǝnenia y-eŋəra na ŋa-f-eṯ-e i-đëuṯa-ara-lo!", "gloss": "and 1sg-2sg.om-make.rt-appl-cons.pfv country cly-good and garden cly-good and 2sg-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-cast-stomach-place", "translation": "I will develope your country and plant nice gardens and you will live in peace!", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Conj N Adj Conj V P-V-N-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53341979", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444464275192, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53341979" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ukuku gənno ŋen iŋi nəŋəciṯano kañ,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ukuku g-ə-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i n-əŋə-ciṯ-ano kañ,", "gloss": "when aukuku clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.cons-bad.rt-in very", "translation": "When Aukuku heard this he become very angry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53342aa8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444464511946, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53342aa8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋəɽe nəŋəṯəba ləfra alǝnḏurṯu ləɽəwađaṯəma netam,", "morphemes": "na n-əŋə-ɽ-e n-əŋə-ṯəb-a ləfra alǝnḏurṯu l-ə-ɽəw-ađ-aṯ-ə-ma n-etam,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-ipfv stick southern cll-dpc-measure.rt-ap-loc.appl-pfv-3sg.om on-neck", "translation": "and he went south and cut a good bamboo stick,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53343c2e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444464729951, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53343c2e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋəṯoɽaṯe đuli đərnađa đalkrinḏi,", "morphemes": "na n-əŋə-ṯoɽ-aṯ-e đuli đərna-đa đ-alkrinḏi,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-make.rt-appl-cons.pfv giraffe skin-clđ.with clđ.poss-hippopotamus", "translation": "and he made a shield from the skin of hippopotamus", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334557d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444464838707, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334557d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋəwaṯe india gəmajən,", "morphemes": "na n-əŋə-waṯ-e india g-əmajən,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-sew.rt-cons.pfv drums clg-new", "translation": "and he made a new drum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334755b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444465156151, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334755b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alela alopəđaiđe Ŋaldoga igi gəbwa Kakaŋ ŋowa ŋəlëɽəŋu!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-el-a al-opəđ-aiđ-e Ŋaldo-ga ig-i g-ə-bw-a Kakaŋ ŋowa ŋ-əlëɽəŋu!", "gloss": "because cll.inf-come.rt-cons.pfv cll.inf-meet.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv Ŋaldo-clg.with sclg-this clg-dpc-instigate.rt-ipfv Kakan girl clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "in order to meet Kallo who was arguing with Kakan who is betrothed to him!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N-P Adj V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533486e0", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444465357163, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533486e0" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo gələŋeṯo ṯa ëđəmwa gə Kakaŋ", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Ŋaldo g-ə-ləŋeṯ-o ṯa ëđəmwa gə Kakaŋ", "gloss": "and when ngalo clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv that young.man clg.poss kakan", "translation": "And when Kallo noticed that the young man who Kakan is betrothed to him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Comp N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334aada", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444465524393, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334aada" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gađaŋo gəciano kañ ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ,", "morphemes": "g-a-đaŋ-o g-ə-ci-ano kañ ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-ascend.rt-pfv clg-dpc-bad.rt-in very because kakan", "translation": "he came up with great anger because of Kakan,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adv Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334db7d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444465681625, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334db7d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu nəŋgakasëini laŋge nano pređ ləŋəɽañ", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu n-əŋ-ga-kas-ëin-i laŋge nano pređ lə-ŋəɽañ", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-iter-tie.rt-pass-cons.pfv things at all cll.poss-death", "translation": "he put on all the weapons of war,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334f8cb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444465810161, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5334f8cb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alela alopəđaiđe Ukukuŋǝla elo", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa al-el-a al-opəđ-aiđ-e Ukuku-ŋǝ-la elo", "gloss": "because cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll.inf-meet.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv Aukuku-acc-cll.with up", "translation": "so as to meet Aukuku in the way of", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N-P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53351357", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466051237, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53351357" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəɽorlore egal yero ŋawano!", "morphemes": "Nəɽor-lore eg-al y-ero ŋawa-no!", "gloss": "plain-red loc-place cly-not.aux water-on", "translation": "Red plain city in the open dry area", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj P-N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53351e82", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466186093, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53351e82" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa Ŋaldo gafo gonaṯa gəmaɽəña ŋəɽañ,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa Ŋaldo g-afo g-onaṯa g-ə-ma-ɽəñ-a ŋəɽañ,", "gloss": "because ngalo clg-past.aux clg-want.rt- clg-dpc-3sg.om-kill.rt-ipfv death", "translation": "For Kallo had planned to get rid of Aukuku completly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53353e8a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466363957, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53353e8a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋərraṯe eŋowa ŋəlëɽəŋu ŋenŋa ŋəmole!", "morphemes": "na aŋə-rr-aṯ-e e-ŋowa ŋ-əlëɽəŋu ŋen-ŋa ŋ-əmole!", "gloss": "and 3sg.inf-inherite.rt-cons.pfv loc-young.woman clŋ-3sg.poss talk-clŋ.with clŋ-cold", "translation": "to inherite the young woman in cold blood!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P-N Adj N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533566fa", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466572915, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533566fa" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo nəŋənne ṯa Ukuku garmaṯo alo", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo n-əŋə-nn-e ṯa Ukuku g-a-rmaṯ-o alo", "gloss": "but ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-hear.rt-cons.pfv comp1 aukuku clg-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv place", "translation": "But unfortunately Kallo heard that Aukuku had arrived to the place", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335739d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466696939, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335739d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gurëṯu albera nəŋeɽəŋ ŋimunwa", "morphemes": "na g-urëṯ-u albera nə-ŋeɽəŋ ŋ-imunwa", "gloss": "and clg-set.rt-pfv flag on-peaks clŋ-black", "translation": "and he hung up his flag on the peaks of Black Hills,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53357929", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466879158, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53357929" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na indiaŋ gəlëɽəŋu gabarṯa ayen iđurṯu.", "morphemes": "na india-ŋ g-əlëɽəŋu g-abarṯ-a ayen i-đurṯu.", "gloss": "and drums-acc clg-3sg.poss clg-sound.rt-ipfv hill loc-under", "translation": "and the sound of his drums wass echoing from the foot of the mountains", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533589d3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444466963176, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533589d3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo nəŋakëɽəđia rappa rəlëɽəŋu rwaña", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo n-əŋ-ak-ëɽ-əđ-ia rappa r-əlëɽəŋu r-waña", "gloss": "ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-iter-put.rt-ap-ipfv friends clr-3sg.poss clr-many", "translation": "Kallo gather many of his friends", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335a2b4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444467113444, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335a2b4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa arela arəmaməđaṯe igëpwa isi lerṯo Ukukuga!", "morphemes": "ṯa ar-el-a arə-ma-məđ-aṯ-e ig-ëpwa is-i l-erṯo Ukuku-ga!", "gloss": "comp1 clr.inf-come.rt-ipfv clr.inf-3sg.om-help.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-fighting scly-this cll-have.rt Aukuku-clg.with", "translation": "so as to help him in his war with Aukuku!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V P-N Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335c0db", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444467247655, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335c0db" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëdənia l-Ukuku ldəmayela ləmaləŋiṯia ŋələŋa ŋubwapiđ!", "morphemes": "Na lëdənia l-Ukuku ldə-ma-y-el-a l-ə-ma-ləŋ-iṯ-ia ŋələŋa ŋ-ubwa-piđ!", "gloss": "and women cll.poss-aukuku cll-3sg.om-with-come.rt-ipfv cll-dpc-3sg.om-sing.rt-appl-ipfv songs clŋ-hot-very", "translation": "The woman who belonged to Aukuku accompanied him singing bitterly a war song", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N P-N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335daa4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444467371340, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5335daa4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñənḏri nəñela nəñaffəđaiđe nano elwaṯa Nəɽorlore,", "morphemes": "Na ñənḏri n-əñ-el-a n-əñ-affəđ-aiđ-e nano e-lwaṯa Nəɽorlore,", "gloss": "and bulls comp2-clɲ.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-clɲ.inf-attack.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv at loc-playground Red.Plain", "translation": "and the two heroes attacked each other in the Red Plaina battle", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53365092", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444467799242, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53365092" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na abǝɽǝtua nǝŋǝđaŋǝṯe ǝrmwa na đubwa nǝđǝtođe nǝđǝɽëri ëđǝñina,", "morphemes": "Na abǝɽǝtua n-ǝŋǝ-đaŋ-ǝṯ-e ǝrmwa na đubwa n-ǝđǝ-tođ-e n-ǝđǝ-ɽër-i ëđǝñina,", "gloss": "and dust comp2-3sg.cons-ascend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv sky and smoke comp2-clđ.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clđ.inf-cover.rt-cons.pfv sun", "translation": "And the dust reached to the sky and smoke covered the sun,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5336625c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444468497505, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5336625c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ukuku nəŋərce Ŋaldoŋ đərca đəcia,", "morphemes": "na Ukuku n-əŋ-ərc-e Ŋaldoŋ đ-ərca đ-əcia,", "gloss": "and aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-stab.rt-cons.pfv Ngalo-acc clđ.nom-stab clđ-bad", "translation": "and Aukuku wounded Kallo badly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53368cae", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444468700143, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53368cae" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋaldo nəŋətođe lwaṯa lonto", "morphemes": "na Ŋaldo n-əŋə-tođ-e lwaṯa l-onto", "gloss": "and ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv playground cll-one", "translation": "and Kallo was beaten in a single battle", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5337846c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444469120442, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5337846c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋërrǝpǝni nǝŋǝnḏr nəŋuɽəbëini nërm yilëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ërr-ǝp-ǝn-i nǝ-ŋǝnḏr n-əŋ-uɽəb-ëin-i n-ërm y-ilëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-iter-carry.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-bull comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-location cly-3sg.poss", "translation": "and Kallo was carried on a bull and returned to his station,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5337a134", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444469303909, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5337a134" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ukuku ṯaŋǝmalǝŋaṯo ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na Ukuku ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-lǝŋ-aṯ-o ṯ-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and aukuku comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-sing.rt-appl-pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "And Aukuku composed a song and sang about him by saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53379746", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444469552798, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53379746" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lëmmia ŋgiṯur ṯambǝlia ar ennaṯe gwaŋ ŋwal", "morphemes": "“Lëmmia ŋgiṯ-u-r ṯambǝlia ar e-nn-aṯ-e gwaŋ ŋwal", "gloss": "boy leave.rt-imp-pl drum then 1sg-hear.rt-appl-cons.pfv thing sound", "translation": "\"Oh boys leave the below drum then I will hear the sound of the thing", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533792aa", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444469654219, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533792aa" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igi gefarṯa đǝfia ndwaŋ!", "morphemes": "ig-i g-efar-ṯ-a đǝfia ndwaŋ!", "gloss": "sclg-this clg-sound.rt-loc.appl-ipfv fence outside", "translation": "that sounded outside the fence!", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338aeee", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444469760719, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338aeee" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Apa igatërnia wandǝga,", "morphemes": "Apa i-g-atër-n-ia wandǝ-ga,", "gloss": "father 1sg-clg-cover.rt-pass-ipfv what-clg.with", "translation": "Father what shall I be covered with,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338c37b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444470865997, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338c37b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝfra ŋajopǝñe igëninia nalfaker isi yedo Faldaṯa!", "morphemes": "Ŋǝfra ŋ-a-jop-ǝñ-e i-g-ën-in-ia n-alfaker is-i y-edo Faldaṯa!", "gloss": "sticks clŋ-rtc-reach.rt-1sg.om-cons.pfv 1sg-clg-be.1d-pass-ipfv on-charmers scly-this cly-be.2d Fulani", "translation": "The sticks are too much over me I am going to Fulani’s charmers", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338d7ab", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444471177519, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338d7ab" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aṯa yero oro esakǝne egano isi yiđubwu yefrano.", "morphemes": "Aṯa y-ero oro e-sakǝn-e eg-ano is-i yi-đubwu y-efra-no.", "gloss": "say cly-not.aux then 1sg-settle.rt-cons.pfv loc-place scly-this cly.poss-plateau cly-wide-on", "translation": "If I failed then I will settled in the wide plateau.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V P-N Adj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338f677", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444471396376, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5338f677" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igëninia irk is yefakǝria aṯami!”", "morphemes": "I-g-ën-in-ia irk is-i y-efakǝr-ia aṯami!”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-be.1d-pass-ipfv herbal scly-this cly-boil.rt-ipfv blood", "translation": "I am looking for an herb that boils the blood!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53391990", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444471708878, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53391990" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ŋaldo nəŋerṯe gəđwađa ŋen kwai,", "morphemes": "Orn Ŋaldo n-əŋ-erṯe g-əđwađa ŋen kwai,", "gloss": "but ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-satisfied talk never", "translation": "But Kallo was not satisfied with this at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339274e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444471834382, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339274e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ gaɽo ŋowa ŋəŋəra ŋayo kañ", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ g-a-ɽ-o ŋowa ŋ-əŋəra ŋ-ayo kañ", "gloss": "because kakan clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv girl clŋ-good clŋ-beautiful very", "translation": "because Kakan had become a more beautiful virgin", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533934c7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444472051243, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533934c7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəməñaṯo ñowa pređ nayen, na gajəba rəŋ nano,", "morphemes": "ŋə-məñaṯ-o ñowa pređ nayen, na g-ajəba rəŋ nano,", "gloss": "clŋ-be.more.rt-pfv young.women all mountains and clg-not.know.rt hands at", "translation": "than any young woman in the village, and she had not been touched at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N Conj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53396bb1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444472146784, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53396bb1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gero gənəŋ gəbərma aŋəno məldin!", "morphemes": "eđa g-ero g-ənəŋ g-ə-bər-ma aŋəno məldin!", "gloss": "man clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-touch.rt-3sg.om body yet", "translation": "no one touched her body yet!", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53399638", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444472242869, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53399638" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa gënŋu gafo gaṯurṯia Ukukuŋ!", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa g-ënŋu g-afo g-a-ṯurṯ-ia Ukukuŋ!", "gloss": "because clg-3sg.pro clg-past.aux clg-rtc-wait.rt-ipfv Aukuku", "translation": "Because she is waiting Aukuku!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339b7ba", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473318048, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339b7ba" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋaldo nǝŋəsađëini ŋen nəsi na nǝŋumađaṯi ŋen nəñoman!", "morphemes": "Na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋə-sađ-ëin-i ŋen nə-si na n-ǝŋ-umađ-aṯ-i ŋen nə-ñoman!", "gloss": "and ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-pass-cons.pfv talk on-eyes and comp2-3sg.cons-count.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv talk on-finger", "translation": "Then Kallo think deeply about this matter and consider the cost!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N Comp V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339c6eb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473464708, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339c6eb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nəŋaṯa, “Aa, igaləŋeṯo ŋen iŋi igəbəđia!", "morphemes": "Orn n-əŋ-aṯa, “Aa, i-g-a-ləŋeṯ-o ŋen iŋ-i i-g-ə-b-əđ-ia!", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt yes 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Then he said, \"Yes, I know what to do!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339c7d3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473532735, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339c7d3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo galəŋeṯo ŋen iŋi gəbəđia!", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo g-a-ləŋeṯ-o ŋen iŋ-i g-ə-b-əđ-ia!", "gloss": "ngalo clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Kallo knew what to do!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339e7d8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473727475, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339e7d8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igabəla yisi eṯe-Kakaŋ na lorba ləɽəlda əllëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "I-g-a-b-əl-a y-i-s-i eṯe-Kakaŋ na lorba l-əɽəlda əl-lëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv cly-dpc-eat.rt-caus father-kakan and sisters cll-female cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "I am going to supply Kakan’s father and his sisters, with goods", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339fad5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473965019, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b5339fad5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilǝsađëci đwala ǝrme rǝnǝŋ ŋenŋanṯa aləmolweṯe enare,", "morphemes": "I-lǝ-s-ađ-ëc-i đwala ǝrme r-ǝnǝŋ ŋenŋanṯa alə-molw-eṯ-e e-nare,", "gloss": "1sg-3pl.om-eat.rt-ap-appl-caus wealth beside clr-indef because cll.inf-cold.rt-cmp-cons.pfv loc-belly", "translation": "Am going to bribe them with money so as to calm them down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a039b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444473965019, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a039b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilǝsađëci đwala ǝrme rǝnǝŋ ŋenŋanṯa aləmolweṯe enare,", "morphemes": "I-lǝ-s-ađ-ëc-i đwala ǝrme r-ǝnǝŋ ŋenŋanṯa alə-molw-eṯ-e e-nare,", "gloss": "1sg-3pl.om-eat.rt-ap-appl-caus wealth beside clr-indef because cll.inf-cold.rt-cmp-cons.pfv loc-belly", "translation": "I am going to bribe them with money so as to calm them down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Adj Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a2af8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444474076702, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a2af8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia aləñəŋgiṯi eme Kakaŋ!”", "morphemes": "nəṯia alə-ñə-ŋgiṯ-i e-m-e Kakaŋ!”", "gloss": "so cll.inf-1sg.om-leave.rt-cons.pfv 1sg-take.rt-cons.pfv Kakan", "translation": "so as to let me get married to Kakan!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a4786", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444474176384, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a4786" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo nəŋënṯi eŋen nəŋəɽe ṯaŋəđađwëiṯu", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo n-əŋ-ënṯ-i e-ŋen n-əŋə-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋə-đa-đwë-iṯ-u", "gloss": "so ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-send.rt-loc.appl-pfv", "translation": "So Kallo began to send to", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a6b58", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444474477674, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a6b58" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eṯe-Kakaŋ laŋge ləñəla lëñua!", "morphemes": "eṯe-Kakaŋ laŋge l-əñəla l-ëñua!", "gloss": "father-kakan things cll-sweet cll.poss-mouth", "translation": "Kakan’s father goods and food supplies", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a81d8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444474937411, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a81d8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ṯaŋəmase egare ŋəɽwataŋa ŋañəla ŋarno ŋaldǝca ŋǝlai,", "morphemes": "Na ṯ-aŋə-ma-s-e eg-are ŋəɽwataŋa ŋ-añəla ŋ-arno ŋaldǝca ŋ-ǝlai,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-eat.rt-cons.pfv loc-belly speech clŋ-sweet clŋ-like substance clŋ.poss-honey", "translation": "And he stimulated his heart with flirting words like honey,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N N P-N P-Adv N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a88b9", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475044227, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533a88b9" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋəmëiṯu ṯa, “Eṯe Kakaŋ,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋə-m-ëiṯ-u ṯa, “Eṯe Kakaŋ,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv father kakan", "translation": "and said to him, \"O father of Kakan,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533ab948", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475292136, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533ab948" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋwande ñagaɽëŋia ŋere alo ṯwanaŋ", "morphemes": "ŋwande ña-g-a-ɽëŋ-ia ŋere alo ṯwanaŋ", "gloss": "why 2pl-clg-rtc-leave.rt-ipfv girl place far", "translation": "why do you keep your daughter from getting married for a long time", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533ac844", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475448497, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533ac844" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋəkərṯe alo aŋerṯe ŋəmənia ŋen ŋaɽaṯau?", "morphemes": "aŋə-kər-ṯ-e alo aŋ-erṯe ŋ-ə-m-ən-ia ŋen ŋ-a-ɽ-a-ṯau?", "gloss": "3sg.inf-break.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place 3sg.inf-not.aux clŋ-dpc-take.rt-pass-ipfv talk clŋ-rtc-be.rt-ipfv-how", "translation": "so she gets boring and misses marriage, what is wrong?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533aeb49", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475546044, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533aeb49" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agaṯa ñagaṯurṯia Ukuku ndoŋ aŋəɽe?", "morphemes": "A-g-aṯa ña-g-a-ṯurṯ-ia Ukuku ndoŋ aŋə-ɽ-e?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-say.rt 2pl-clg-rtc-wait.rt-ipfv aukuku when 3sg.inf-be.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "For how long will you wait for Aukuku?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533aed94", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475689819, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533aed94" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə Ukuku gəfo gonaṯa iđiaŋgalo đeṯəm,", "morphemes": "Ndə Ukuku g-ə-fo g-onaṯa iđia ŋg-alo đeṯəm,", "gloss": "if aukuku clg-dpc-past.aux clg-want.rt daughter-clŋ-2sg.poss really", "translation": "If Aukuku wants your daughter really,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b2028", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475806238, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b2028" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəbanṯa aŋaŋənṯi ŋen aŋela aŋəmame!", "morphemes": "g-əbanṯ-a aŋ-aŋənṯ-i ŋen aŋ-el-a aŋə-ma-m-e!", "gloss": "clg-be.better.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-accept.rt-cons.pfv talk 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-3sg.om-take.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he should have accept the situation and comes to marry her!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b3783", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444475996644, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b3783" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn điñiđ Ukuku gərəkađaiđia bipi", "morphemes": "Orn điñiđ Ukuku g-ər-əkađ-aiđ-ia bipi", "gloss": "but now aukuku clg-iter-wander.rt-appl.ap-ipfv only", "translation": "But since Aukuku is lingering away meaninglessly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b4a28", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476178368, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b4a28" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəmëɽria ŋero giđi oro aŋaməṯi ŋga đwala?", "morphemes": "ŋəmëɽria ŋ-ero g-iđi oro aŋ-ŋa-m-əṯ-i ŋga đwala?", "gloss": "work clŋ-not.aux clg-fut.aux then 3sg.inf-2sg.om-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv where money", "translation": "idle, where will he bring money for you?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b6552", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476412786, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b6552" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eṯe Kakaŋ naṯəñe agabaya ŋerṯe agəsa eŋere ŋəlaɽəŋa,", "morphemes": "Eṯe Kakaŋ n-aṯ-ə-ñe a-g-a-b-ay-a ŋ-erṯe a-g-ə-s-a e-ŋere ŋ-əlaɽəŋa,", "gloss": "father kakan hear.rt-appl-imp-1sg.om 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv 2sg.inf-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv loc-daughter clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "You father of Kakan, believe me you will die without tasting anything for your daughter,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b6cbe", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476534646, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b6cbe" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro leđa alela alose lərto?", "morphemes": "oro leđa al-el-a al-o-s-e lərto?", "gloss": "then people cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll.inf-loc-eat.rt-cons.pfv others", "translation": "and others will get benefit of her?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b9cdd", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476696339, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533b9cdd" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋəɽəṯiano ŋau ŋǝɽatalo ŋəɽəṯia?", "morphemes": "Ŋ-ə-ɽəṯ-i-ano ŋ-au ŋ-ǝ-ɽat-alo ŋ-ə-ɽ-ə-ṯia?", "gloss": "clŋ-dpc-fall.rt-cons.pv-inside clŋ-how clŋ-dpc-be.more.rt-place clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv-in.this.way", "translation": "What a great foolishness that you preserve?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533badd7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476880527, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533badd7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đeṯəm agiđi ŋañəneđe ŋələŋeŋa pređ ŋəlëɽəñi?", "morphemes": "Đeṯəm a-g-iđi ŋa-ñə-neđ-e ŋələŋe-ŋa pređ ŋ-əlëɽəñi?", "gloss": "surely 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-1sg.om-refuse.rt-cons.pfv richness-clŋ.with all clŋ-1sg.poss", "translation": "Surely, will you refuse me with all my wealth?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V V N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533bc5e8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444476974236, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533bc5e8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orañ ləŋeṯo ŋenəsi!", "morphemes": "Ora-ñ ləŋeṯ-o ŋen-nə-si!", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss know.rt-imp talk-on-eye", "translation": "Be wise enough my friend!", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533beb5b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444477104018, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533beb5b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agaṯëđənṯu nṯəli mənau eləbate!", "morphemes": "A-g-aṯëđ-ən-ṯ-u nṯəli mənau e-ləbate!", "gloss": "2sg-clg-live.rt-pass-loc.appl-pfv years how loc-earth", "translation": "For how long will you live in the world!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533bf375", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444477268676, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b533bf375" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo gafo gəɽwatiṯia eṯe Kakaŋ jaca!", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ŋaldo g-afo g-ə-ɽwat-iṯ-ia eṯe Kakaŋ jaca!", "gloss": "so ngalo clg-past.aux clg-dpc-talk.rt-appl-ipfv father Kakan always", "translation": "So Kallo was talking to Kakan’s father always!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c17629", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444649887344, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c17629" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen eṯe Kakaŋ gənno olia garno igi ṯwanaŋ!", "morphemes": "Na ŋen eṯe Kakaŋ g-ə-nn-o olia g-arno ig-i ṯwanaŋ!", "gloss": "and when father kakan clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv voice clg-like sclg-this long", "translation": "And when the father of Kakan heard such speech for long time!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N V N Adv Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c18693", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444650148595, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c18693" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen nəŋəmajəbəniṯi, na ole nəŋəmakərṯe nëñua,", "morphemes": "Ŋen n-əŋə-m-ajəb-ən-iṯ-i, na ole n-əŋə-ma-kər-ṯ-e n-ëñua,", "gloss": "talk comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-not.know.rt-pass-appl-cons.pfv and speech comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-break.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv on-mouth", "translation": "he become confused, and lost concentration,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1971b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444650631025, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1971b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nəŋəređe isiano, na ṯaŋəsëcu ŋen ṯa gabaya đeṯəm", "morphemes": "na n-əŋə-ređ-e isi-ano, na ṯ-aŋə-sëc-u ŋen ṯa g-a-b-ay-a đeṯəm", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-change.rt-cons.pfv eye-in and comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv talk comp1 clg-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv really", "translation": "and he changed his mind, and it seemed to him that he would die soon", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Conj V N Comp V Advs", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1bec5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444650887749, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1bec5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋerṯe gənaṯa walla lakwaḏia an Kakaŋ!", "morphemes": "aŋ-erṯe g-ə-naṯ-a walla lakwaḏia ano Kakaŋ!", "gloss": "3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-taste.rt-ipfv or anything in Kakan", "translation": "without tasting anything from the dowry of Kakan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1d544", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444652236543, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1d544" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nəŋiđi ṯaŋəmamaṯo Ŋaldo laŋge rəme rənəŋ uləŋgi,", "morphemes": "Orn n-əŋ-iđ-i ṯ-aŋə-ma-m-aṯ-o Ŋaldo laŋge rəme r-ənəŋ uləŋgi,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-take.rt-appl-pfv ngalo things side clr-indef night", "translation": "At last he began to get some money secretly in the night from Kallo", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N N N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1eb8a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444652938687, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c1eb8a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen nəŋələŋini pređ iŋi nǝŋǝmǝñaṯe alo!", "morphemes": "orn ŋen n-əŋə-ləŋ-in-i pređ iŋ-i n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñ-aṯ-e alo!", "gloss": "but talk comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-pass-cons.pfv all sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.cons-go.out.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place", "translation": "then what was done in secrets become known to the public!", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c20aa4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444653440620, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c20aa4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lorldaña lwaɽəṯr eṯe Kakaŋ ṯa đwala đëcia", "morphemes": "Lorlda-ña l-waɽ-əṯ-r eṯe Kakaŋ ṯa đwala đ-ëcia", "gloss": "brothers-1sg.poss cll-say.rt-appl-pl father Kakn comp1 wealth clđ-bad", "translation": "My friends tell the father of Kakan that worse is the money that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Comp N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c2262a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444653610052, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c2262a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi đəsađëinia alo egərel đəŋere ŋəlaɽəŋa!", "morphemes": "iđ-i đə-s-ađ-ëin-ia alo eg-ərel đə-ŋere ŋ-əlaɽəŋa!", "gloss": "sclđ-this clđ.nom-eat.rt-ap-pass-ipfv place loc-side clđ.poss-girl clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "is taken as a bribe for your daughter!", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N N P-N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c238b6", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444653886220, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c238b6" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋgiṯr ŋere aŋibəni đəbia đəŋəra!", "morphemes": "Ŋgiṯ-r ŋere aŋ-ibən-i đəbia đ-əŋəra!", "gloss": "leave.rt-pl girl 3sg.inf-be.worth-cons.pfv dowry clđ-good", "translation": "let the dowry of your daughter be charged publicly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c23efb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444653959034, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c23efb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika Ŋaldo girnḏëinu rađra ododo ṯa aŋǝfiđiṯi", "morphemes": "I-lika Ŋaldo g-irnḏ-ëin-u rađra ododo ṯa aŋǝ-fiđ-iṯ-i", "gloss": "loc-time ngalo clg-try.rt-pass-pfv ways all comp1 3sg.inf-find.rt-appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "When Kallo tries all ways to find a solution", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V N Adj Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c24565", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444654073659, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c24565" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đađ đǝnǝŋ walla ŋen ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝŋǝra,", "morphemes": "đađ đ-ǝnǝŋ walla ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-ǝŋǝra,", "gloss": "way clđ-indef or talk clŋ-indef clŋ-good", "translation": "by any way or any means,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c29399", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444654324014, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c29399" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋǝfiđi lika lǝŋǝra alǝɽwate Kakaŋga ṯǝrṯǝrñ,", "morphemes": "na aŋǝ-fiđ-i lika l-ǝŋǝra alǝ-ɽwat-e Kakaŋ-ga ṯǝrṯǝrñ,", "gloss": "and 3sg.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv time cll-good cll.inf-talk.rt-cons.pfv kakan-clg.with openly", "translation": "and to find good chances to negotiate with Kakan openly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c282bf", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444654397522, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c282bf" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋerṯe gǝfiđia lika kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-fiđ-ia lika kwai kwai.", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-find.rt-ipfv time never never", "translation": "but he failed totally to find a chance.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c2ff05", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444654779564, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c2ff05" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝmađwëiđǝṯi ṯa aŋela aldǝgopǝđaiđe,", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-ma-đwëiđ-ǝṯ-i ṯa aŋ-el-a al-lǝ-gopǝđ-aiđ-e,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-send.rt-appl-cons.pfv comp1 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll.inf-3pl.om-meet.rt-ap-cons.pfv", "translation": "And he sent many times to her for meetings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3240c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444654998366, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3240c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kakaŋ nǝŋǝporwe isi nǝŋǝneđeiđe nwaldaŋ.", "morphemes": "na Kakaŋ n-ǝŋǝ-porw-e i-si n-ǝŋǝ-neđ-eiđ-e nwaldaŋ.", "gloss": "and kakan comp2-3sg.cons-be.strong.rt-cons.pfv loc-eye comp2-3sg.cons-refuse.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv far", "translation": "and Kakan become alert and kept herself away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c33653", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655359584, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c33653" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo naŋǝciṯano kañ nǝŋaṯa gabǝla aŋǝlǝkirṯi alo isi lǝfau!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo n-aŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa g-a-b-ǝl-a aŋǝ-lǝ-kir-ṯ-i alo is-i l-ǝ-f-a-u!", "gloss": "so ngalo comp2-3sg.inf-bad.rt-in very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-3pl.om-break.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place scly-this cll-dpc-be.loc-ipfv-loc", "translation": "Therefore Kallo become furious and he decided to get rid of their village", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c34442", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655359584, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c34442" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo naŋǝciṯano kañ nǝŋaṯa gabǝla aŋǝlǝkirṯi alo isi lǝfau!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ŋaldo n-aŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ n-ǝŋ-aṯa g-a-b-ǝl-a aŋǝ-lǝ-kir-ṯ-i alo is-i l-ǝ-f-a-u!", "gloss": "so ngalo comp2-3sg.inf-bad.rt-in very comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-3pl.om-break.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place scly-this cll-dpc-be.loc-ipfv-loc", "translation": "Therefore Kallo become furious and he decided to get rid of their village", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c37149", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655525121, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c37149" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa eṯe Kakaŋanda alǝtođa alǝmeṯa ṯwañ,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa eṯe Kakaŋ-anda alǝ-tođ-a alǝ-m-eṯ-a ṯwañ,", "gloss": "because father Kakan-assoc.pl cll.inf-rise.rt-ipfv cll.inf-3sg.om-go.rt-ipfv near", "translation": "in order to let the fathers of Kakan move nearer to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N N V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c38542", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655670001, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c38542" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋen pređ đǝge ŋǝđǝma aŋobǝṯe aŋǝno.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋen pređ đǝge ŋǝ-đǝ-ma aŋ-ob-ǝṯ-e aŋǝno.", "gloss": "because talk all last clŋ.poss-clđ.nom-marry 3sg.inf-easy.rt-cmp-cons.pfv body", "translation": "and let the case of marriage become possible.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj Adv N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3a3ab", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655785259, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3a3ab" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋaldo nǝŋǝđađwaṯe lëmmia ǝllëɽǝŋu ṯwanaŋ ṯwanaŋ", "morphemes": "Na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-đa-đwa-ṯ-e lëmmia ǝl-lëɽǝŋu ṯwanaŋ ṯwanaŋ", "gloss": "and ngalo comp2-3sg.cons-iter-send.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv boys cll-3sg.poss many many", "translation": "And Kallo sent his boys many times,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3c6bd", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444655936266, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3c6bd" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia ildi lǝfo nǝwarra Nayen Almak", "morphemes": "lëmmia ild-i l-ǝ-f-o nǝ-warra Nayen Almak", "gloss": "boys scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv on-camp mountains Almack", "translation": "the boys who settled in Almack Stone camp,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V P-N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3e3bb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656065480, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3e3bb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa alǝɽe alǝmama Kakaŋ alǝmayela,", "morphemes": "ṯa alǝ-ɽ-e alǝ-ma-m-a Kakaŋ alǝ-ma-yel-a,", "gloss": "comp1 cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv cll.inf-iter-take.rt-ipfv kakan cll.inf-3sg.om-come.rt-ipfv", "translation": "to bring him Kakan with them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3fc6f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656147840, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c3fc6f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëmmia nalǝɽe lakaborṯo ñǝnḏri", "morphemes": "na lëmmia n-alǝ-ɽ-e l-ak-aborṯ-o ñǝnḏri", "gloss": "and boys comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv cll-iter-ride.rt-pfv oxen", "translation": "the boys used to go riding on bulls", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c41cf2", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656341474, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c41cf2" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lika nalerṯe lwalano, lëmmia nalǝkwaṯia ŋoñoŋa", "morphemes": "orn lika n-al-erṯe l-walano, lëmmia n-alǝ-kwaṯ-ia ŋoño-ŋa", "gloss": "but time comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-long boys comp2-cll.inf-return.rt-ipfv speeds-clŋ.with", "translation": "but in a short time, the boys retreated back with great speed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c42f03", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656481070, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c42f03" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalaṯa ñǝnḏri ñaneđo ñǝṯǝbǝđia đǝbarldano", "morphemes": "n-al-aṯa ñǝnḏri ñ-a-neđ-o ñ-ǝ-ṯǝb-ǝđ-ia đǝbarld-ano", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-say.rt oxen clɲ-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv clɲ-dpc-cross.rt-ap-ipfv stream-in", "translation": "and said the bulls refused to cross the stream", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c44114", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656658256, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c44114" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđi đǝmwađa eđoco iđi đǝrmiano,", "morphemes": "iđ-i đǝmwađa e-đoco iđ-i đǝrmi-ano,", "gloss": "sclđ-this nasty loc-forest sclđ-this dark-in", "translation": "which smelled nasty in the thick jungle.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj Adj P-N Adj Adj-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c45d7d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444656896630, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c45d7d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñënŋulu ñëđǝñia nusila ini laṯa nǝɽaŋa eđǝbarlda iđëi.", "morphemes": "ñ-ënŋulu ñ-ëđǝñ-ia nusila in-i l-aṯa n-ǝ-ɽaŋ-a e-đǝbarlda iđ-ëi.", "gloss": "clɲ-3pl.pro clɲ-be.afraid.rt-ipfv spirits scln-this cll-say.rt cln-dpc-stay.rt-ipfv loc-stream sclđ-that", "translation": "the oxen are afraid of the ghosts that live in the stream", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c46648", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657006052, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c46648" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen nǝŋǝkǝrṯe Ŋaldo tǝmtǝm,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-kǝr-ṯ-e Ŋaldo tǝmtǝm,", "gloss": "and talk comp2-3sg.cons-break.rt-appl-cons.pfv ngalo all", "translation": "And Kallo failed in all of his plans,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4992f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657106217, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4992f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ gëndu ŋen ŋonto", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ g-ënd-u ŋen ŋ-onto", "gloss": "because kakan clg-catch.rt-pfv talk clŋ-indef", "translation": "for Kakan held firmly on only one point,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4b50d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657178346, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4b50d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iŋǝṯia ŋ-Ukuku na gajǝba ŋen ŋeđa gomǝn tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "iŋ-ǝ-ṯia ŋ-Ukuku na g-ajǝba ŋen ŋ-eđa g-omǝn tǝŋ,", "gloss": "sclŋ-that-in.this.way clŋ.poss-aukuku and clg-not.know.rt talk clŋ.poss-man clg-indef again", "translation": "of Aukuku and she knew nothing about anyone else,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj P-N Conj V N P-N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4bd3b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657353200, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4bd3b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu gamëɽǝŋǝṯia alo,", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋu g-a-më-ɽǝŋ-ǝṯ-ia alo,", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-3sg.om-stay.rt-loc.appl-ipfv place", "translation": "and she was waiting for him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4d4a3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657485167, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4d4a3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ Rǝmwa riđi rameđǝño aliđi alǝɽǝñađaṯe đǝma lomanǝŋ,", "morphemes": "na ndǝ Rǝmwa r-iđi r-a-međǝñ-o al-iđi alǝ-ɽǝñađ-aṯ-e đǝ-ma loman-nǝŋ,", "gloss": "and if god clr-fut.aux clr-rtc-will.rt-pfv cll.inf-fut.aux cll.inf-finish.rt-appl-cons.pfv clđ.nom-marry day-indef", "translation": "and if God is willing they will get married one day,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4f663", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444657772084, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c4f663" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ galǝŋeṯo Ukuku gonto igi gǝɽwatima iŋëmia", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kakaŋ g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o Ukuku g-onto ig-i g-ǝ-ɽwat-i-ma i-ŋëmia", "gloss": "because kakan clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv aukuku clg-one sclg-this clg-dpc-talk.rt-cons.pfv-3sg.om loc-boyhood", "translation": "For Kakan knows Aukuku is the only one who loved her since the early years.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c52fb5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1444658165777, "0d6e5cde163ff59938b8757b53c52fb5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmamaṯe ŋǝbǝɽe na gënŋu nǝŋǝmëtiṯi nala na ñǝrlde.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ma-m-aṯ-e ŋ-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-e na g-ënŋu n-ǝŋǝ-m-ët-iṯ-i nala na ñǝrlde.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc-prog-be.rt-cons.pfv and clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-sew.rt-appl-cons.pfv beads and beads", "translation": "and she has taken bracelets and rings from him, and she sewed him beads", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj N V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "d7ffc81ac5b90a4ff205c6383060add5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1459961322627, "d7ffc81ac5b90a4ff205c6383060add5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu gaber giđi aŋwañǝṯe siano walla aŋǝmǝlëđi ŋen", "morphemes": "G-ënŋu g-a-b-er g-iđi aŋ-wañ-ǝṯ-e si-ano walla aŋǝ-mǝlëđ-i ŋen", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux clŋ.inf-confused.rt-cmp-cons.pfv eyes-in or clŋ.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv talk", "translation": "She will not be confused or change her mind", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N-P Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "psejenks", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a09fe2", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341069337, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a09fe2" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "garno ñowa iñi ñǝṯënu ñwaña siano", "morphemes": "g-arno ñowa iñ-i ñ-ǝṯën-u ñ-waña si-ano", "gloss": "clg-like young.women sclɲ-this clɲ-have.rt-pfv clɲ-many eyes-in", "translation": "like other young women that have many eyes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj V Adj N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a0a02a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341100609, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a0a02a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñǝlëldǝñëcia ŋayo elo na đwala,", "morphemes": "ñ-ǝ-lëldǝñ-ëc-ia ŋayo elo na đwala,", "gloss": "clɲ-dpc-run.rt-ap-ipfv beauty up and wealth", "translation": "those that run after beauty and wealth.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a0a606", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341112648, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a0a606" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñowa iñi ñǝmëiṯia ṯa, “Kakaŋ agaɽaŋalo agamǝñađaṯa!", "morphemes": "Ñowa iñ-i ñ-ǝ-m-ëiṯ-ia ṯa, “Kakaŋ a-g-a-ɽaŋ-alo a-g-a-mǝñađ-aṯ-a-!", "gloss": "young.women sclɲ-this clɲ-dpc-3sg.om-say.to.rt-ipfv comp1 kakan 2sg-clg-rtc-stay.rt-place 2sg-clg-rtc-miss.rt-loc.appl-ipfv", "translation": "Those girls keep saying to her, “Dear Kakan, you keep still all this time, you are going to miss out!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Comp N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a10462", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341135705, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a10462" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aŋgace ṯa ebaŋgalo gëtu gamǝđo nǝŋǝpi tu egal isi gǝfau!", "morphemes": "Aŋgace ṯa ebaŋg-alo g-ëtu g-a-m-ǝđ-o n-ǝŋǝ-p-i tu eg-al is-i g-ǝ-f-au!", "gloss": "perhaps comp1 fiancé-2sg.poss clg-be.2d clg-rtc-take.rt-ap-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv there loc-place scly-this clg-dpc-be.loc-in", "translation": "Perhaps your fiancé will get married where he lives!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Comp N V V V N P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a10c5b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341150674, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a10c5b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agero agǝlǝŋeṯa ɽrrwa lwaña ŋen kañ!”", "morphemes": "A-g-ero a-g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a ɽrrwa l-waña ŋen kañ!”", "gloss": "2sg-clg-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-know.rt-ipfv husbands cll-many talk very", "translation": "Don’t trust the men they have many ways!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1439c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341167842, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1439c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen pređ iŋi ŋǝɽwëtǝnia,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen pređ iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-ɽwët-ǝn-ia,", "gloss": "and talk all sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-talk.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "And everything people said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a15e96", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341185475, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a15e96" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kakaŋ nǝŋëujǝṯi lëɽua na ŋen nǝŋerṯe ŋǝmasa ŋǝnǝŋ kwai.", "morphemes": "Kakaŋ n-ǝŋ-ëuj-ǝṯ-i lëɽua na ŋen n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋ-ǝ-ma-s-a ŋ-ǝnǝŋ kwai.", "gloss": "kakan comp2-3sg.cons-turn.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv back and talk comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-dpc-3sg.om-eat.rt-ipfv clŋ-indef never", "translation": "Kakan turned her back to it and it did not affect her.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj N V V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a181a4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341193528, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a181a4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋaldo nǝŋǝmađwëiṯi uđaren gǝlëɽǝŋu gǝɽǝbwa,", "morphemes": "Na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-ma-đwë-iṯ-i uđaren g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-ǝɽǝbwa,", "gloss": "and Kallo comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-send.rt-appl-cons.pfv aunt clg-3sg.poss clg-female", "translation": "Kallo sent to her the sister of his mother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a18397", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341208485, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a18397" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmaɽe nano nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋǝmaɽwëtiṯu ŋǝbayaŋa ṯaŋǝmëiṯu ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ma-ɽ-e nano n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋǝ-ma-ɽwët-iṯ-u ŋǝbaya-ŋa ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-u ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-go.rt-cons.pfv at comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-talk.rt-appl-pfv mercy-clŋ.with comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-pfv comp1", "translation": "she went to her and talked to her kindly and said to her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P V V N-P V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1acc4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341223829, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1acc4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Kakaŋ aaŋ aganeđǝnde ṯia ŋwande,", "morphemes": "“Kakaŋ aaŋ a-g-a-neđ-ǝ-nde ṯia ŋwande,", "gloss": "kakan oh 2sg-clg-rtc-refuse.rt-pfv-1ex.om in.this.way why", "translation": "“Oh, dear Kakan why did you refuse us just like this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1a68b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341232595, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1a68b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñagonaṯaŋa ŋenŋa pređ ŋǝlaɽǝŋa!", "morphemes": "ña-g-onaṯa-ŋa ŋen-ŋa pređ ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa!", "gloss": "1ex-clg-want.rt-2sg.om talk-clŋ.with all clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "we love you with all your attitude!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1e888", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341244324, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1e888" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋowa ŋakǝrṯia alo bipi ëđǝmwa egañ", "morphemes": "Ŋowa ŋ-a-kǝr-ṯ-ia alo bipi ëđǝmwa egañ", "gloss": "girl clŋ-rtc-break.rt-cmp-ipfv place only young.man 1in.poss", "translation": "Why is the young woman getting barren while our young man", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1f27f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341254074, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a1f27f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gonaṯa araga pređ gǝlëɽǝŋu eđa?", "morphemes": "g-onaṯa ara-ga pređ g-ǝlëɽǝŋu eđa?", "gloss": "clg-want.rt heart-clg.with all clg-3sg.poss why", "translation": "loves her with all his heart?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P Adj Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a230ef", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341265395, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a230ef" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ya ŋere ŋǝlëɽǝñi, Rǝmwa rawërđǝṯiaŋa ŋen ŋǝŋǝra,", "morphemes": "Ya ŋere ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi, Rǝmwa r-a-wërđ-ǝṯ-ia-ŋa ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra,", "gloss": "oh girl clŋ-1sg.poss god clr-rtc-prepare.rt-appl-ipfv-2sg.om talk clŋ-good", "translation": "My child, God has prepared good for you,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a237a0", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341280861, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a237a0" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen ŋanṯau ŋǝlaɽǝŋa?", "morphemes": "orn ŋen ŋ-anṯ-au ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa?", "gloss": "but talk clŋ-mean.rt-how clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "but what are you doing?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a27396", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341300619, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a27396" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nwanëinu cia ndrenia nano nǝlaɽǝŋa điñiđi,", "morphemes": "Nwan-ëin-u cia ndrenia nano n-ǝlaɽǝŋa điñiđi,", "gloss": "look.rt-pass-imp plz clothes at cln-2sg.poss now", "translation": "Look at your own shirts and clothes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a280f4", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341312951, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a280f4" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nënŋulu nakǝrṯiaŋa nano tǝmtǝm na agakërinu ñaṯuguna nano", "morphemes": "n-ënŋulu n-a-kǝr-ṯ-ia-ŋa nano tǝmtǝm na a-g-ak-ër-in-u ñaṯuguna nano", "gloss": "cln-3pl.pro comp2-rtc-break.rt-cmp-ipfv-2sg.om at all and 2sg-clg-iter-wear.rt-pass-pfv mourning.cloth at", "translation": "they were torn out, and you hung rage clothes on yourself", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P Adv Conj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a28797", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341322613, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a28797" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋaṯa agaṯurṯia ëđǝmwa gaŋgai?", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-aṯa a-g-aṯurṯ-ia ëđǝmwa gaŋgai?", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 2sg-clg-wait.rt-ipfv young.man who", "translation": "and you claim that you are waiting for whom?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a2ef62", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341346786, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a2ef62" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ëđǝmwa igi gǝber gǝŋabǝɽǝcano walla gǝŋiliṯia ndrenia.", "morphemes": "Ëđǝmwa ig-i g-ǝ-b-er g-ǝ-ŋa-bǝ-ɽ-ǝc-ano walla g-ǝ-ŋ-il-iṯ-ia ndrenia.", "gloss": "young.man sclg-this clg-dpc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-2sg.om-prog-be.rt-appl-in or clg-dpc-2sg.om-buy.rt-appl-ipfv clothes", "translation": "For that young man who doesn'ṯ care of you and nor buy you new clothes.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a3042c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341358050, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a3042c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agaṯa agëbwamayai?", "morphemes": "A-g-aṯa a-g-ë-bwa-ma-yai?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-say.rt 2sg-clg-dpc-love.rt-3sg.om-inst", "translation": "And you say that you love him?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a31026", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341371484, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a31026" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lorldaña đubwa đaɽo wande iđi đǝrmëciaŋa", "morphemes": "Lorldaña đubwa đ-a-ɽ-o wande iđ-i đ-ǝrm-ëc-ia-ŋa", "gloss": "sister smoke clđ-rtc-be.rt-pfv what sclđ-this clđ-be.blind.rt-appl-ipfv-2sg.om", "translation": "Brothers and sisters, imagine what kind love is it that makes you blind,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a34605", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341378284, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a34605" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋajǝbeṯe ŋen ŋǝŋǝra ŋǝlaɽǝŋa!", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-ajǝb-eṯ-e ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa!", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-not.know.rt-appl-cons.pfv talk clŋ-good clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "and ignores what is right for you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a32e12", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341386573, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a32e12" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Taŋalo pǝr ŋabwayǝṯe, oro ŋiđi ŋanne lomanaŋ", "morphemes": "T-aŋ-al-o pǝr ŋ-a-bway-ǝṯ-e, oro ŋ-iđi ŋ-a-nn-e loman-naŋ", "gloss": "comp1b-3sg.inf-come.rt-pfv long clŋ-rtc-wait.rt-appl-cons.pfv then clŋ-fut.aux clŋ-rtc-hear.rt-inf2 day-indef", "translation": "Okay, wait in vain till you get barren, then you will hear oneday", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj V Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a33daf", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341395025, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a33daf" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa Ukuku igi gǝlaɽǝŋa gaṯađaŋalo gamo ŋowa ŋǝrto!", "morphemes": "ṯa Ukuku ig-i g-ǝlaɽǝŋa g-a-ṯađ-a-ŋa-lo g-a-m-o ŋowa ŋ-ǝrto!", "gloss": "comp1 aukuku sclg-this clg-2sg.poss clg-rtc-neglect.rt-ipfv-2sg.om-in clg-rtc-take.rt-pfv girl clŋ-another", "translation": "That your Aukuku had neglected you and is engaged to another young woman", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj Adj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a34f6c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341407294, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a34f6c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oro ŋiđi ŋëndëci aŋal elo đǝge na ŋafiđi lëđǝmwa lobǝđaŋa nano pređ!”", "morphemes": "Oro ŋ-iđi ŋ-ënd-ëc-i aŋal elo đǝge na ŋ-a-fiđ-i lëđǝmwa l-obǝđaŋ-a nano pređ", "gloss": "then clŋ-fut.aux clŋ-catch.rt-appl-cons.pfv heat up last and clŋ-rtc-find.rt-cons.pfv young.men cll-leave.rt-inf1 at all", "translation": "Then you chase the wind when you discover at last that all young men have gone away!”", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P Adv conj V N V P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a40d78", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341422087, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a40d78" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kakaŋ nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ŋen ŋaŋǝra pǝr ŋǝlaɽǝŋa ŋero ŋǝcia!", "morphemes": "Kakaŋ n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra pǝr ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝcia!", "gloss": "kakan comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 talk clŋ-good long clŋ-3sg.poss clŋ-not.aux clŋ-bad", "translation": "Kakan said to her, “Well, what you have said is good and acceptable!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp N Adj Adj Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a41b07", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341433974, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a41b07" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn igënǝñi ya lǝŋgañ igajǝba đakaɽaŋ!", "morphemes": "Orn i-g-ën-ǝ-ñi ya lǝŋg-añ i-g-ajǝb-a đakaɽaŋ!", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-be.1d-pfv-1sg.om with mother-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv misbehavior", "translation": "But as for me, mother, I don’t misbehave!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a45a7a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341441263, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a45a7a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igajǝba ŋen ŋǝɽiano!", "morphemes": "I-g-ajǝb-a ŋen ŋ-ǝɽiano!", "gloss": "1sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv talk clŋ-twisted", "translation": "I don’t know the twisted ways!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4509c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341450824, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4509c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen iŋi ara gëŋǝnṯu gǝlëɽǝñi igaɽateṯa!", "morphemes": "Ŋen iŋ-i ara g-ëŋǝnṯu g-ǝlëɽǝñi i-g-a-ɽ-at-eṯ-a!", "gloss": "talk sclŋ-this stomach clg-? clg-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-rtc-go.rt-loc.appl-appl-ipfv", "translation": "I follow what my heart agreed on!", "tags": "check:ëŋǝnṯu", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a48a9f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341463493, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a48a9f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo igi egalo gaŋǝra gero gǝcia,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo ig-i eg-alo g-aŋǝra g-ero g-ǝcia,", "gloss": "Kallo sclg-this loc-place clg-good clg-not.aux clg-bad", "translation": "Your Kallo is very nice and handsome,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4d53b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341473526, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4d53b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn gënŋu gonaṯa gǝñǝma ŋabǝɽaŋa,", "morphemes": "orn g-ënŋu g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-ñǝ-m-a ŋabǝɽa-ŋa,", "gloss": "but clg-3sg.pro clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-1sg.om-take.rt-ipfv force-clŋ.with", "translation": "but he wanted to marry me by force,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4a8e1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341480151, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4a8e1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gonaṯa gǝmǝndađa lëđǝmwa pređ eldañ,", "morphemes": "na g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-mǝnd-ađ-a lëđǝmwa pređ eldañ,", "gloss": "and clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-disappear.rt-ap-ipfv young.men all cll.1in.poss", "translation": "and he want to get rid all of our young men,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4b8cf", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341487195, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4b8cf" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋǝlǝpwi na aŋǝlǝđǝñialo na aŋǝlǝɽǝñe,", "morphemes": "aŋǝ-lǝ-pw-i na aŋǝ-lǝ-đǝñ-i-alo na aŋǝ-lǝ-ɽǝñ-e,", "gloss": "3sg.inf-3pl.om-beat.rt-cons.pfv and 3sg.inf-3pl.om-frighten.rt-cons.pfv-in and 3sg.inf-3pl.om-kill.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "by fighting them or frightening them and killing them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4c781", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341494965, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a4c781" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gaɽe ŋen ŋiđi aŋela ṯau iŋi nai?", "morphemes": "g-aɽe ŋen ŋ-iđi aŋ-el-a ṯau iŋ-i nai?", "gloss": "clg-what talk clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv how sclŋ-this oh", "translation": "and how can this happen?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V Adv Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a558a1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341505512, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a558a1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika Ŋaldo na lëđǝmwa ildi eldalo", "morphemes": "I-lika Ŋaldo na lëđǝmwa ild-i eldalo", "gloss": "loc-time Kallo and young.men scll-this cll.2sg.poss", "translation": "When Kallo with all your young men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a566ee", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341514477, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a566ee" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝđaŋađaiđo lëđǝmwala eldañ nǝwarra Igacǝfra,", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-đaŋ-ađ-aiđ-o lëđǝmwala eldañ nǝ-warra Igacǝfra,", "gloss": "cll-dpc-attack.rt-ap-appl.ap-pfv young.men cll.1in.poss on-camp Ikajivra", "translation": "attacked our young men in their camp of Ikajivra area,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5aa22", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341537192, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5aa22" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lero lǝlëndǝṯia loman lëpwa", "morphemes": "l-ero l-ǝ-lënd-ǝṯ-ia loman l-ëpwa", "gloss": "cll-not.aux cll-dpc-announce.rt-appl-ipfv day cll.poss-fight", "translation": "suddenly without declaring or announcing the time of fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5a6ec", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341546070, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5a6ec" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldela ldǝlǝfiđi lero lǝcundǝŋǝṯu Ayen iđurṯu,", "morphemes": "na ldela n-ldǝ-lǝ-fiđ-i l-ero l-ǝ-cundǝŋ-ǝṯ-u Ayen iđurṯu,", "gloss": "and cll.3pl.pro comp2-cll.inf-3pl.om-find.rt-cons.pfv cll-not.aux cll-dpc-be.around.rt-loc.appl-pfv hill bottom", "translation": "and they marched in and found them not around but moved to the foot of the hill,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5ad38", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341553026, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5ad38" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lëmmia ldaboṯwe iguɽi gannim isi yirmiano", "morphemes": "na lëmmia n-ld-aboṯw-e ig-uɽi gannim is-i y-irmiano", "gloss": "and boys comp2-cll.inf-climb.rt-cons.pfv loc-trees neem scly-this cly-thick", "translation": "and the shepherd boys ascend over the thick neem tree", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5fbeb", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341564287, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a5fbeb" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëđǝmwa londra ëđǝñin ndǝ aŋal gubwa,", "morphemes": "lëđǝmwa l-o-ndr-a ë-đǝñin ndǝ aŋal g-ubw-a,", "gloss": "young.men cll-loc-sleep.rt-ipfv loc-sun if heat clg-love.rt-ipfv", "translation": "whose shadow our young men rest under in the hot season,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a60069", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341574388, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a60069" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝwëɽi albera esen na indiaŋ ṯaŋarṯo nḏǝbarlda iđi đeṯo elia,", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-wëɽ-i albera esen na indiaŋ ṯ-aŋ-arṯo nḏǝbarlda iđ-i đ-eṯ-o e-lia,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-put.rt-cons.pfv flag cls.3pl.poss and drums comp1b-3sg.inf-fight.rt stream sclđ-this clđ-come.rt-pfv loc-east", "translation": "and they hung over their flag while the sound of the fighting drum comes upon the stream which flows from the east direction,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Conj N V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a62be1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341590470, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a62be1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝkiriṯi iria nwarra na ldǝwaṯe sia eŋaña,", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-kir-iṯ-i iria n-warra na n-ldǝ-w-aṯ-e sia eŋaña,", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-break.caus.rt-appl-cons.pfv cows on-camp and comp2-cll.inf-burn.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv fire houses", "translation": "and they destroyed the fences of cattle and set fire on the grasses and houses", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a65c70", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341600511, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a65c70" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldiđi đoɽǝđoɽa ldǝlëldǝñi lëmmia", "morphemes": "na n-ld-iđ-i đoɽǝđoɽa n-ldǝ-lëldǝñ-i lëmmia", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv disorder comp2-cll.inf-run.rt-caus boys", "translation": "and they destroyed everything and they drove out our shepherd boys", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a64303", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341609143, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a64303" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi lǝfo lǝṯaṯënu nǝwarra lǝnwanǝđia.", "morphemes": "ild-i l-ǝ-fo l-ǝṯ-aṯ-ën-u nǝ-warra l-ǝ-nwan-ǝđ-ia.", "gloss": "scll-this cll-dpc-past.aux cll-be.2d-loc.appl-pass-pfv on-camp cll-dpc-care.for.rt-ap-ipfv", "translation": "who were left behind to guard the camps.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a644b8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341615930, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a644b8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋǝɽwata ŋǝrmaṯo lëđǝmwa nano eldañ,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋǝɽwata ŋ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o lëđǝmwa nano eldañ,", "gloss": "and talk speech clŋ-dpc-reach.rt-pfv young.men at cll.1in.poss", "translation": "And when the news broke out and reached our young men", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a64fc8", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341625247, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a64fc8" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldaborwe alo taltal ldǝṯaṯađe ñwađđo alo iñi lǝɽiñǝnṯǝlo", "morphemes": "n-ld-aborw-e alo taltal n-ldǝ-ṯa-ṯađ-e ñwađđo alo iñ-i l-ǝ-ɽiñ-ǝn-ṯ-ǝ-lo", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-jump.rt-cons.pfv place quickly comp2-cll.inf-iter-leave.out.rt-cons.pfv goats place children sclɲ-this cll-dpc-kill.rt-pass-appl-pfv-3pl.om", "translation": "they hurried up quickly and left out the meat of the he goats which had been slaughtered for them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv V N N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a72a4f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341649791, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a72a4f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldela ldǝmamađaṯe laŋge elo lǝnëpwa.", "morphemes": "na n-ld-el-a n-ldǝ-ma-m-ađ-aṯ-e laŋge elo l-ǝ-në-pw-a.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-inf1 comp2-cll.inf-iter-take.rt-ap-loc.appl-cons.pfv things up cll-dpc-1in.poss-fight.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and they came running and took their fighting tools.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a70ebe", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341658330, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a70ebe" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lǝfo eđađ nwaldaŋ mǝldin", "morphemes": "Na ŋen l-ǝ-f-o eđađ nwaldaŋ mǝldin", "gloss": "and talk cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv in far still", "translation": "And when they were still far,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a719b6", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341667086, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a719b6" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯalǝnnaṯo Ŋaldo ŋǝlǝŋa ŋǝlata lǝbate", "morphemes": "ṯ-alǝ-nn-aṯ-o Ŋaldo ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-a ŋ-ǝ-lat-a lǝbate", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-hear.rt-appl-pfv Kallo clŋ-dpc-sing.rt-ipfv clŋ-dpc-echo.rt-ipfv ground", "translation": "they heard Kallo singing songs that echo through the land", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a719da", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341674985, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a719da" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa geṯo na nǝŋerṯe gǝfiđia eđa gǝtriṯǝma", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-eṯ-o na n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-fiđ-ia eđa g-ǝ-triṯ-ǝ-ma", "gloss": "because clg-come.rt-pfv and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-dpc-find.rt-ipfv man clg-dpc-stop.caus.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "because he came in and did not find anyone on his way to stop him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Conj V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a71e03", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341681998, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a71e03" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđađ nǝŋǝrmaṯe nǝwarra na ṯaŋǝsëiđu ṯa", "morphemes": "eđađ n-ǝŋǝ-rmaṯ-e nǝ-warra na ṯ-aŋǝ-sëiđ-u ṯa", "gloss": "in comp2-3sg.cons-reach.rt-cons.pfv on-camp and comp1b-3sg.inf-look.rt-pfv comp1", "translation": "on the way till he reached the camp and he is looking for", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P V P-N Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a725ec", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341689733, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a725ec" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gaborkwađaṯa nëñua mǝldin ŋenŋanṯa aŋape ŋǝma", "morphemes": "g-aborkw-ađ-aṯ-a nëñua mǝldin ŋenŋanṯa aŋa-p-e ŋǝma", "gloss": "clg-march.rt-ap-loc.appl-ipfv infront still because 3sg.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv power", "translation": "marching towards with his great courage.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Adv Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a720e7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341700168, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a720e7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na aŋǝrri ŋen orba ŋëpwa isi Nǝɽorlore.", "morphemes": "na aŋǝ-rr-i ŋen orba ŋ-ë-pw-a is-i Nǝɽorlore.", "gloss": "and 3sg.inf-revenge.rt-cons.pfv talk brother clŋ-dpc-fight.rt-ipfv scly-this Red.Plain", "translation": "To take revenge for the battle of Red Plain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a97fcc", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341711540, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a97fcc" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ilika lǝtëfr lëđǝmwa eldan ldela ŋǝlǝŋaŋa", "morphemes": "Orn i-lika lǝtëfr lëđǝmwa eldan n-ld-el-a ŋ-ǝlǝŋaŋa", "gloss": "but loc-time few young.men cll-1in.poss comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-inf2 clŋ-3pl.poss", "translation": "But in a short moment, our young men arrived with their songs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj N Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a98294", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341720120, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a98294" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "labaco ŋǝfra elo na lǝfo đǝlǝđa đǝbara ŋwal ŋǝwaṯa lǝbate,", "morphemes": "l-a-b-ac-o ŋǝfra elo na l-ǝ-f-o đǝlǝđa đǝbara ŋwal ŋ-ǝwaṯa lǝbate,", "gloss": "cll-rtc-prog-raise.rt-pfv sticks up and cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv cotton cotton sound clŋ-bitter", "translation": "rising up their sticks and blowing horns bitterly.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P Conj V N N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a98be6", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341728083, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a98be6" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñǝnḏri nǝñaffǝđe nano kǝrm elwaṯa Igacǝfra,", "morphemes": "na ñǝnḏri n-ǝñ-aff-ǝđ-e nano kǝrm e-lwaṯa Igacǝfra,", "gloss": "and oxen comp2-clɲ.inf-attack.rt-ap-cons.pfv at battle loc-village Ikajivra", "translation": "and the bulls attacked each other in the battle of Ikajivra village,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P N P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a99a4f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341735315, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a99a4f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ëpwa nǝyerṯe ywalano,", "morphemes": "na ëpwa n-ǝy-erṯe y-wal-ano,", "gloss": "and fighting comp2-cly.inf-not.aux cly-long-in", "translation": "and the match did not last for long", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a99ee6", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341741816, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1a99ee6" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liji ldǝpwëcǝđi ŋenŋa ŋǝɽo ŋǝɽañ aŋǝno,", "morphemes": "na liji n-ldǝ-pw-ëc-ǝđ-i ŋ-enŋa ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋǝɽañ aŋǝno,", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-fight.rt-appl-ap-cons.pfv clŋ-3sg.pro clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv death body", "translation": "and the people fought each other badly,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa3a3c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341753511, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa3a3c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ldǝmame Ŋaldo ldǝmaŋgëci alo", "morphemes": "na leđa n-ldǝ-ma-m-e Ŋaldo n-ldǝ-ma-ŋg-ëc-i alo", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-iter-take.rt-cons.pfv Kallo comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-hide.rt-appl-cons.pfv place", "translation": "and people withdrew Kallo from the battle and hid him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa468c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341763994, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa468c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝmayeɽe ilika ëpwa yekǝrcǝđo nano,", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-ma-yeɽ-e i-lika ëpwa y-ek-ǝrc-ǝđ-o nano,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-smuggle.rt-cons.pfv loc-time fighting cly-iter-mix.rt-ap-pfv at", "translation": "and they smuggled him while the riot started up,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa536d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341770752, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa536d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa liji lafo lalwëɽǝṯu Ukuku ṯa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa liji l-a-fo l-a-lwëɽ-ǝṯ-u Ukuku ṯa", "gloss": "because people cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-tell.rt-appl-pfv aukuku comp1", "translation": "because the presences have informed Aukuku that", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa5d8a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341777995, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa5d8a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo gaṯa gëndǝṯiaŋa ŋǝɽañ điñiđi,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo g-aṯa g-ënd-ǝṯ-ia-ŋa ŋǝɽañ điñiđi,", "gloss": "Kallo clg-say.rt clg-catch.rt-appl-ipfv-2sg.om death now", "translation": "Kallo has decided to kill you.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa5fa7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341793406, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aa5fa7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ukuku nǝŋela gǝmana egare man man!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ukuku n-ǝŋ-el-a g-ǝ-man-a eg-are man man!", "gloss": "so aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-inf1 clg-dpc-boil.rt-ipfv loc-stomach boil.rt boil.rt", "translation": "So Aukuku arrived with great wrath, like boiling water!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aac0e3", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341847117, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aac0e3" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ŋaldo nǝŋgëini alo.", "morphemes": "Na Ŋaldo n-ǝŋ-gëin-i alo.", "gloss": "and Kallo comp2-3sg.cons-withdraw.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "So they drew Kallo from the scene.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aace8d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341850418, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1aace8d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia đǝge! Ndǝ Ŋaldo gafo geṯo nǝŋǝfiđi Ukuku nǝwarra,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia đǝge! Ndǝ Ŋaldo g-a-fo g-eṯ-o n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i Ukuku nǝ-warra,", "gloss": "so last if Kallo clg-rtc-past.aux clg-come.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv aukuku on-camp", "translation": "Therefore! If Kallo had found Aukuku at the camp when he attack them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Comp N V V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab46ce", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341920808, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab46ce" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝbanṯa gëni gaɽǝñǝma điñiđi na aŋǝmapwëṯi iria tǝmtǝm.", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-banṯ-a g-ëni g-a-ɽǝñ-ǝ-ma điñiđi na aŋǝ-ma-pw-ëṯ-i iria tǝmtǝm.", "gloss": "clg-dpc-should.rt-ipfv clg-be.1d clg-rtc-kill.rt-pfv-3sg.om now and 3sg.inf-3sg.om-fight.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv cows all", "translation": "he should have killed him and driven all his cattle away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V Adv Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab5254", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341943975, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab5254" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kakaŋ nǝŋaṯa, “Sëiđu! Igiđi egǝɽaŋa ñǝmbwaŋǝña", "morphemes": "Kakaŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Sëiđ-u! I-g-iđi e-g-ǝ-ɽaŋ-a ñǝmbwaŋǝña", "gloss": "kakan comp2-3sg.cons-say.to look.rt-imp 1sg-clg-fut.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-wear.rt-ipfv rags", "translation": "Kakan said, “Behold! If I wear rag clothes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab584f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461341948051, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ab584f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egǝkǝrṯo ndrenia nano wagero igǝbëɽǝnia nḏurṯu,", "morphemes": "e-g-ǝ-kǝr-ṯ-o ndrenia nano wagero i-g-ǝ-b-ëɽ-ǝn-ia nḏurṯu,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-dpc-break.rt-appl-pfv clothes at shirt 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-put.rt-pass-ipfv under", "translation": "and all my clothes are torn off, even if I did not have a piece of shirt to cover my body,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1abf85f", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342026359, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1abf85f" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igënǝñi igëndu ŋen ŋ-Ukuku nǝŋǝṯia.", "morphemes": "igënǝñi i-g-ënd-u ŋen ŋ-Ukuku n-ǝŋǝ-ṯ-ia.", "gloss": "1sg.pro 1sg-clg-catch.rt-pfv talk clŋ.poss-aukuku comp2-3sg.cons-be.2d-ipfv", "translation": "I am dedicated to Aukuku by any means.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1abf3a5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342030620, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1abf3a5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldo igi egalo gaŋǝra na gerṯo đwala đwaña,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo ig-i eg-alo g-aŋǝra na g-erṯo đwala đ-waña,", "gloss": "Kallo sclg-this loc-place clg-good clg-have.rt wealth clđ-many", "translation": "your Kallo is good and has a lot of wealth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N Adj Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ac6d00", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342065149, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ac6d00" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ara gǝlëɽǝñi gañëiṯia ṯa, gerṯa fǝđwala agǝteṯa!", "morphemes": "orn ara gǝlëɽǝñi g-a-ñ-ëiṯ-ia ṯa, g-erṯa fǝ-đwala a-g-ǝt-eṯ-a!", "gloss": "but stomach 1sg.poss clg-rtc-1sg.om-say.to.rt-ipfv comp1 clg-not.aux foc-wealth 2sg-clg-be.2d-loc.appl-ipfv", "translation": "but my heart is telling me, it is not the wealth that one can follow!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Comp V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ac6b4b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342084369, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ac6b4b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn fǝŋu đubwa đonto iđi egonaṯa!", "morphemes": "Orn fǝ-ŋu đubwa đ-onto iđ-i e-g-onaṯ-a!", "gloss": "but foc-3sg.om love clđ-one sclđ-this 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv", "translation": "But it is just love which I want!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ace22a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342112140, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ace22a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa eđa igi gerṯo đubwa giđi ndǝ gero đwala,", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa eđa ig-i g-erṯo đubwa g-iđi ndǝ g-ero đwala,", "gloss": "because man sclg-this clg-have.rt- love clg-fut.aux if clg-not.aux wealth", "translation": "For a man who has love if he lacks money,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad478e", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342144187, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad478e" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñagiđi ñaɽǝŋǝldǝga ñagǝŋǝranano,", "morphemes": "ña-g-iđi ña-ɽ-ǝ-ŋǝ-ldǝga ñ-agǝŋǝra-nano,", "gloss": "1sg.inf-clg-fut.aux 1sg.inf-be.rt-pfv-2sg.om-together 1sg.inf-happiness-at", "translation": "I will live with him in happiness", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad4040", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342157636, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad4040" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iđǝmwa, eŋorwaṯǝna, eŋen pređ ŋǝŋǝra na ŋǝcia.", "morphemes": "i-đǝmwa, e-ŋorwaṯǝna, e-ŋen pređ ŋ-ǝŋǝra na ŋ-ǝcia.", "gloss": "loc-sickness loc-poverty loc-talk all clŋ-good and clŋ-bad", "translation": "in sickness, in poverty, and in all cases, good situations or bad", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N P-N P-N Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad8742", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342175183, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad8742" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa đwala đaber đǝbǝliđa đǝŋǝranano.", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa đwala đ-a-b-er đ-ǝ-b-ǝl-iđ-a đǝŋǝranano.", "gloss": "because wealth clđ-rtc-prog-not.aux clđ-dpc-prog-3pl.om-do.rt-ipfv happiness", "translation": "Because money doesn’t make gladness.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad817c", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342181965, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ad817c" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋgiṯǝñe iṯurṯi Ukukuŋ ëđǝmwa gǝlëɽǝñi.", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋ-g-iṯ-ǝñ-e i-ṯurṯ-i Ukuku-ŋ ëđǝmwa gǝlëɽǝñi.", "gloss": "so 2sg-clg-do.rt-1sg.om-juss 1sg-wait.rt-cons.pfv aukuku-acc young.man 1sg.poss", "translation": "Therefore let me wait for my young man Aukuku.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1adc754", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342194667, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1adc754" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na uđaren Ŋaldo nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋarrǝŋëci Ŋaldo", "morphemes": "Na uđar-en Ŋaldo n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋ-arr-ǝŋ-ëc-i Ŋaldo", "gloss": "comp2-rtc aunt-3sg.poss Kallo comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-iter-report.rt-ap-cons.pfv Kallo", "translation": "Kallo’s aunt went back and reported to him", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ade10b", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342209649, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ade10b" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝɽwata pređ iŋi Kakaŋ gǝɽwato,", "morphemes": "ŋǝɽwata pređ iŋ-i Kakaŋ g-ǝ-ɽwat-o,", "gloss": "speech all sclŋ-this Kakan clg-dpc-say.rt-pfv", "translation": "what Kakan had said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ade1f1", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342219254, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ade1f1" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝɽwata nǝŋerṯe ŋǝbeca Ŋaldoŋ mǝldin,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝɽwata n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋ-ǝ-bec-a Ŋaldo-ŋ mǝldin,", "gloss": "and speech comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-dpc-satisfy.rt-inf1 ngalo-acc still", "translation": "and what Kakan had said did not satisfy Kallo,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae305a", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342231565, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae305a" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa eṯen gǝlëɽǝŋu gađaṯǝrnađaṯǝma eŋen kañ", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa eṯen g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-a-đaṯǝrn-ađ-aṯ-ǝ-ma eŋen kañ", "gloss": "because father 3sg.poss clg-rtc-insist.rt-ap-appl-pfv-3sg.om about very", "translation": "because his former father has insisted him firmly advising", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae4900", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342243035, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae4900" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa aŋǝɽe aŋǝme Kakaŋ,", "morphemes": "ṯa aŋǝ-ɽ-e aŋǝ-m-e Kakaŋ,", "gloss": "comp1 3sg.inf-go.rt-juss 3sg.inf-take.rt-juss Kakan", "translation": "that he should go and take Kakan,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae49f7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342262437, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae49f7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa leđa lǝmǝn lǝɽo canna lafo labuɽǝṯǝma ñware", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa leđa l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-ɽ-o canna l-a-fo l-a-buɽ-ǝṯ-ǝ-ma ñware", "gloss": "because people cll-indef cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv sorcerers cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-throw.rt-appl-pfv-3sg.om stones", "translation": "for some sorcerers had showed him his fortune by throwing shells", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae93b7", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342274419, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae93b7" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝmëiṯi ṯa agiđi ndǝ agero agǝma Kakaŋ", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-ero a-g-ǝ-m-a Kakaŋ", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-not.aux 2sg.clg-dpc-take.rt-ipfv kakan", "translation": "and said to him if he did not marry Kakan", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae86ba", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342285098, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae86ba" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋalëldǝñi maje igi gaṯa gamama,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋa-lëldǝñ-i maje ig-i g-aṯa g-a-ma-m-a,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-run.caus.rt-cons.pfv man sclg-this clg-say.rt clg-rtc-3sg.om-take.rt-inf1", "translation": "and drive away that guy who was engaged to her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae893d", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342296912, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae893d" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "agaber agiđi ŋaɽaŋe nǝcandr iđëuṯaralo lomanǝŋ!", "morphemes": "a-g-a-b-er a-g-iđi ŋ-a-ɽaŋ-e nǝ-candr i-đëuṯar-alo loman-nǝŋ!", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-rtc-stay.rt-cons.pfv on-throne loc-cast-place day-indef", "translation": "you will not sit on your throne peacefully forever!", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V V V P-N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae9574", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342308447, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1ae9574" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na agiđi ŋerṯe agǝɽǝwađaṯia ṯa agabëɽia", "morphemes": "Na a-g-iđi ŋ-erṯe a-g-ǝ-ɽǝwađ-aṯ-ia ṯa a-g-a-b-ëɽ-ia", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-be.able.rt-appl-ipfv comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And you will not be able to step", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1af3ef5", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342319204, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1af3ef5" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đǝmǝnǝŋ đǝlaɽǝŋa Nayen Yimunwa.", "morphemes": "đǝmǝnǝŋ đ-ǝlaɽǝŋa Nayen Yimunwa.", "gloss": "foot clđ-2sg.poss mountains black", "translation": "your foot over the Black Mountains", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1af5e52", "key": [ "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", 1461342329217, "518608743bc145078b837cc6e1af5e52" ], "value": { "story": "b931840e470d19cc662876676d1756e1", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia apa nǝŋëiṯi iđia gǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa mbur ñalǝŋeṯe ŋen Ukukuga!", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia apa n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i iđia g-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa mbu-r ñ-a-lǝŋ-eṯ-e ŋen Ukuku-ga!", "gloss": "so father comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv son 3sg.poss comp1 go.imp-pl clɲ-rtc-know.rt-ap-cons.pfv talk aukuku-clg.with", "translation": "So the father said to his son that he should go meet and fight with Aukuku!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Comp V V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "hsande", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a1b63", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435586652477, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a1b63" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəməca ñere na đërrənəcia ñere ndrəŋ na ndrəŋ nə Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Đə-m-əc-a ñere na đ-ërr-ən-əc-ia ñere ndrəŋ na ndrəŋ nə Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "clð.nom-take.rt-ap-ipfv children and clð.nom-iter-name.rt-ap-ipfv children names and names cln.poss Moro", "translation": "Bringing up the children and naming them and the Moro Names", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Conj N N N Conj N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a17e3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435586810767, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a17e3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəməca ñere e-Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Đə-m-əc-a ñere e-Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "clð.nom-take.rt-ap-ipfv children loc-Moro", "translation": "Bringing children up in Moro people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a57a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435586907589, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a57a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəməca ñere ñə Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Đə-m-əc-a ñere ñə Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "clð.nom-take.rt-ap-ipfv children clɲ.poss Moro", "translation": "Bringing up the children of Moro people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a7559", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435587189213, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a7559" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đafo đerṯo ŋeniano ŋoɽra na ŋəŋəra ŋenŋanṯa ñere na", "morphemes": "đ-afo đ-erṯ-o ŋen-i-ano ŋ-oɽra na ŋ-əŋəra ŋenŋanṯa ñere na", "gloss": "clđ-past.aux clđ-have.rt-pfv talk-in-inside clŋ-big and clŋ-good because girls and", "translation": "it has a very importance and good values for the girls and", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N-P-P Adj Conj Adj Comp N Conj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a99d6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435587449343, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282a99d6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia aləməṯe đəməṯia đəŋəra đəđurwaṯo na đonḏəṯo.", "morphemes": "lëmmia al-ə-məṯ-e đə-məṯ-ia đ-əŋəra đ-əđurwaṯo na đ-onḏəṯo.", "gloss": "boys cll.inf-dpc-live.rt-cons.pfv clđ.nom-live.rt-ipfv clđ-good clđ-faithfull and clđ-strong", "translation": "and boys in order to live a good strong and right life.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282aab3d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435587637891, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282aab3d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đəməṯia đafo đaṯuɽëinu ŋopia,", "morphemes": "Na đə-məṯ-ia đ-afo đ-a-ṯuɽ-ëin-u ŋopia,", "gloss": "and clđ.nom-live.rt-ipfv clđ-past.aux clđ-rtc-be.organized.rt-pass-pfv well", "translation": "And the life was well instructed and organized,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ad59a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435587864112, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ad59a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa gafo gero gənəŋ gəməṯia ŋen ŋarno iŋi gënŋu gonaṯa,", "morphemes": "na eđa g-afo g-ero g-ənəŋ g-ə-məṯ-ia ŋen ŋ-arno iŋ-i g-ënŋu g-onaṯa,", "gloss": "and man clg-past.aux clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-live.rt-ipfv talk clŋ-as sclŋ-this clg-3sg.pro clg-want.rt", "translation": "and there is no one who dare to live according to what he wishes.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj V N Adj Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282aea86", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435588129806, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282aea86" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn leđa pređ labərlda eŋen ŋakëɽənu ŋopia", "morphemes": "Orn leđa pređ l-a-b-ərld-a e-ŋen ŋ-ak-ëɽ-ən-u ŋopia", "gloss": "but people all cll-rtc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv loc-talk clŋ-iter-set.rt-pass-pfv well", "translation": "But the whole community was living according to rules and norms been set well", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P-N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b0157", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435588329536, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b0157" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋəđəñənu na ŋərmujənia ŋopia.", "morphemes": "na ŋə-đəñ-ən-u na ŋə-rmuj-ən-ia ŋopia.", "gloss": "and clŋ-be.afraid.rt-pass-pfv and clŋ-keep.rt-pass-ipfv well", "translation": "sacred and well respected and feared", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b1354", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435588580792, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b1354" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləṯenia lafo laɽwatiṯia lëmmia eŋen iŋi ŋəŋəra", "morphemes": "Ləṯenia l-afo l-a-ɽwat-iṯ-ia lëmmia e-ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-əŋəra", "gloss": "fathers cll-past.aux cll-rtc-talk.rt-appl-ipfv boys loc-talk sclŋ-this clŋ-good", "translation": "The responsibility of the fathers was to give boys good instructions", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b2f96", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435588941754, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b2f96" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋəđəməṯia na eŋabəɽa eŋen na đərmoṯwa đwala na đubwa ŋəmëɽriaŋa.", "morphemes": "ŋə-đə-məṯ-ia na e-ŋabəɽa eŋen na đə-rmo-ṯ-wa đwala na đubwa ŋəmëɽria-ŋa.", "gloss": "clŋ.poss-clđ.nom-live.rt-ipfv and loc-power 3pl.poss and clđ.nom-keep.rt-ipfv wealth and loving work-clŋ.with", "translation": "about their life and strength and how to keep the livestock and love work.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Conj P-N Adj Conj N N Conj N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b3eec", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435589195477, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b3eec" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñəŋgenia ñafo ñaɽwatiṯia ñere ñəɽəlda", "morphemes": "Na ñəŋgenia ñ-afo ñ-a-ɽwat-iṯ-ia ñere ñ-ə-ɽəld-a", "gloss": "and mothers clɲ-past.aux clɲ-rtc-talk.rt-appl-ipfv children clɲ-dpc-be.female.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And the mothers were to instruct their daughters", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b6c9f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435589459650, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282b6c9f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñabarrəŋëcia ñere ŋəmëɽria", "morphemes": "na ñ-a-b-arr-əŋëc-ia ñere ŋəmëɽria", "gloss": "and clɲ-rtc-prog-iter-show.rt-ipfv girls work", "translation": "and teach them how to work in their houses", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282bec42", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435589831072, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282bec42" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ŋəđənnaṯa ɽrrwa eneɽa ndə ñeṯo ñəmamənu,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ŋə-đə-nn-a-ṯa ɽrrwa e-neɽa ndə ñ-eṯo ñ-ə-mam-ən-u,", "gloss": "and talk clŋ.poss-clđ.nom-hear.rt-ipfv-appl husbands loc-houses when clɲ-come.rt clɲ-dpc-marry.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "and how to obey their husbands in their homes when they get married in the future.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N N P-N Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c0751", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435590203221, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c0751" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëmmia lafo laməjəṯia nəwarra na ñere ñafo ñaməjəṯia eneɽa.", "morphemes": "Na lëmmia l-afo l-a-məj-əṯ-ia nə-warra na ñere ñ-afo ñ-a-məj-əṯ-ia e-neɽa.", "gloss": "and boys cll-past.aux cll-rtc-live.rt-loc.appl-ipfv on-camps and girls clɲ-past.aux clɲ-rtc-live.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-houses", "translation": "The boys were been brought up in cattle camp away from their parents while the girls are living in the houses with their parents.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N Conj N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c28ee", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435590573651, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c28ee" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ləmwarəŋ laməṯia ŋəmađəŋa aḏəria aḏəria", "morphemes": "Ləmwarəŋ l-a-məṯ-ia ŋəmađə-ŋa aḏəria aḏəria", "gloss": "moro cll-rtc-live.rt-ipfv age.mate-clŋ.with stage stage", "translation": "The Moro people were organized according to their age mate groups stages", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c47fc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435590704482, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c47fc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa gero gənəŋ gero ŋəmađa.", "morphemes": "na eđa g-ero g-ənəŋ g-ero ŋəmađa.", "gloss": "and man clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-have.rt age.mate", "translation": "and no one who did not have age mate group.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c6bd7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435591012805, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c6bd7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋəmađa fəŋu lëmmia walla ñere ildi ləmajacəđo nano.", "morphemes": "Na ŋəmađa fə-ŋu lëmmia walla ñere ild-i l-ə-majac-əđ-o nano.", "gloss": "and age.mate foc-3sg.om boys or girls cll-this cll-dpc-grow.up.rt-ap-pfv together", "translation": "And the age mate groups are the boys or girls who have brought up at the same stage", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c7d5f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435591473446, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282c7d5f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eŋen ŋǝlëmmia, lënŋulu lësu oɽo ldəɽo na ldəsi iria ldəɽo", "morphemes": "E-ŋen ŋǝ-lëmmia, l-ënŋulu l-ë-s-u oɽo ldəɽo na n-ld-ə-s-i iria ldəɽo", "gloss": "loc-talk loc-boys cll-3pl.pro cll-dpc-eat.rt-pfv goats together and comp2-cll-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv cattle together", "translation": "Concerning the boys, they pastured with the flock together, and they pastured with cattle together", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N P-N N V N Adv Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ca28a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435591944694, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ca28a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldəɽwaṯi ñere ldəɽo na ldəmaməđe ldəɽo igəṯəliaŋ gonto.", "morphemes": "na n-ldə-ɽwaṯ-i ñere ldəɽo na n-ldə-mam-əđ-e ldəɽo ig-əṯəlia-ŋ g-onto.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll-talk.rt-cons.pfv girls together and comp2-cll-marry.rt-ap-cons.pfv together loc-year-acc clg-one", "translation": "and they talked to girls marriage talking and they got married and initiate together on the same year.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adv Conj V Adv P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282caba5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435592090742, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282caba5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia đəge lënŋulu labërnia ṯa laɽo ŋəmađ!", "morphemes": "Nəṯia đəge l-ënŋulu l-a-b-ërn-ia ṯa l-a-ɽ-o ŋəmađ!", "gloss": "so last cll.3pl.pro cll-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv comp1 cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv age.mate", "translation": "So they are called the age mate group!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cbde3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435592176588, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cbde3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đërrənəcia ñere ndrəŋ", "morphemes": "Đ-ërr-ənəc-ia ñere ndrəŋ", "gloss": "clđ.nom-iter-call.rt-ipfv children names", "translation": "Naming the children", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cd35c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435593033269, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cd35c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gələŋo ŋere gënŋu giđi naŋënṯi iđəru", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-ə-ləŋ-o ŋere g-ënŋu g-iđi n-aŋ-ënṯ-i i-đəru", "gloss": "when woman clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pfv child clg-3sg.pro clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "When the mother gives birth to a child, she will be in holy period (period not allow to any one comes to her)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N N V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ceafb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435593159517, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ceafb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəɽaŋe egwaŋ ñoman đenəñəɽəjan", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e egwaŋ ñoman đenəŋ na ñ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv inside days five and clɲ-two", "translation": "and she stays inside for seven days", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cfa5e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435593467167, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282cfa5e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋëɽənəṯi ɽroŋ igëwur ŋenŋanṯa gafo iđəru gatəɽinia", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-ëɽ-ən-əṯ-i ɽroŋ ig-ëwur ŋenŋanṯa g-a-f-o i-đəru g-a-təɽ-in-ia", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-pass-loc.appl-cons.pfv thorn.bush loc-gate because clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv loc-holy.time clg-rtc-purify.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "and a thorn bush been put at the door of the hut to prevent evil spirits and for purification", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N Comp V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d0314", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435593607714, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d0314" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa gənəŋ aŋerṯe giđi aŋəmënṯi nano kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "na eđa g-ənəŋ aŋ-erṯe g-iđi aŋə-m-ënṯ-i nano kwai kwai.", "gloss": "and man clg-indef 3sg.inf-not clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-3sg.om-enter.rt-cons.pfv near never never", "translation": "and nobody is allowed to enter to her at all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V V P Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d51a1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435594056828, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d51a1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na opo giđi ṯaŋwađo ŋoređa na ṯaŋəlakëɽu egal yento jaca", "morphemes": "Na opo g-iđi ṯ-aŋ-wađ-o ŋoređa na ṯ-aŋə-l-ak-ëɽ-u eg-alo y-ento jaca", "gloss": "and old.woman clg-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-grind.rt-pfv sesame and comp1b-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-put.rt-pfv loc-place cly-one always", "translation": "And the grandmother grinds the sesame everyday and put them in one container", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj V P-N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d9133", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435594468929, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282d9133" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋumađaṯu ŋwandra ëli ndə ŋwandra ŋəɽo đenəŋəɽəjan", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-umađ-aṯ-u ŋwandra ëli ndə ŋwandra ŋ-ə-ɽ-o đenəŋ na ŋ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-count.rt-appl-pfv stones here when stone clŋ-dpc-be.loc-pfv five and clŋ-two", "translation": "and counts gravel stones there and when they were seven stones", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Comp N V Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ff2e2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435594936656, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb282ff2e2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "loman nalela ildi ləđëncia ŋere irəŋ na aŋəməñəni iđəru.", "morphemes": "loman n-al-el-a ild-i lə-đ-ënc-ia ŋere irəŋ na aŋə-məñ-ən-i i-đəru.", "gloss": "day comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv cll-this cll.poss-clđ.nom-be.called.rt-ipfv child name and 3sg.inf-pass.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "until the day of naming the child came and be freed from the holiness", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj P-N N N Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28390ea3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435650882958, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28390ea3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ŋere ŋəɽorra ñere iñi ñərra ñəɽəlda na ñerrwa", "morphemes": "Ndə ŋere ŋəɽo-orra ñere iñ-i ñ-ərra ñəɽo-əlda na ñ-errwa", "gloss": "if child child-male children clɲ-this clɲ-little children-female and clɲ-male", "translation": "If it is a boy the little girls and boys ,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj N Adj Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28392d0b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435651165876, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28392d0b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñiđi nañela na lëmmia nalǝtwi nëɽi nəmwađəlua", "morphemes": "ñ-iđi n-añ-el-a na lëmmia n-alǝ-tw-i nëɽi nə-mwađəlua", "gloss": "clɲ-fut.aux comp2-clɲ.inf-come.rt-ipfv and boys comp2-cll.inf-make.rt-cons.pfv shields cln.poss-bark", "translation": "came and the boys make shields from bark of trees", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28393e67", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435651840009, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28393e67" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naliđi ŋəfra ŋəɽauɽiaŋa", "morphemes": "na n-al-iđi ŋəfra ŋəɽauɽia-ŋa", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-do.rt sticks corn.stalks-clŋ.with", "translation": "and make sticks from corn sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28394f71", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435652233453, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28394f71" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naliđi ndwa nënəŋəna nənuɽi ini noɽra nënəŋia", "morphemes": "na n-al-iđi ndwa nënəŋə-na nə-nuɽi in-i n-oɽra nënəŋia", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-do.rt cover.skin ears-cln.with cln.poss-trees scln-this cln-big ears", "translation": "and they use the big leaves of trees as cover skins for the stick", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P P-N Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28395829", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435652338113, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28395829" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nalela errekano ləfo ñereña.", "morphemes": "na n-al-el-a errekano l-ə-f-o ñere-ña.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv evening cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv girls-clɲ.with", "translation": "and they came at evening with girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28397afd", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435654305220, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28397afd" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na opo naŋəliṯi acəba ŋuciaŋa ŋaməria", "morphemes": "Na opo n-aŋə-l-iṯ-i acəba ŋucia-ŋa ŋ-aməria", "gloss": "and old.woman comp2-3sg.inf-cll.om-do.rt-cons.pfv food sauce-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-ameria", "translation": "And the grandmother make them porridge with sauce of amarria", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283d932a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435669766019, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283d932a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na opo naŋapa ŋoređa ŋabəla iŋi ŋərmujëinu icaŋgəđu ñoman đenəñəɽəjan", "morphemes": "na opo n-aŋ-ap-a ŋoređa ŋ-abəla iŋ-i ŋ-ərmuj-ëin-u i-caŋgəđu ñoman đenəŋ na ñ-əɽəjan", "gloss": "and old.woman comp2-3sg.inf-carry.rt-ipfv sesame clŋ-sour sclŋ-this clŋ-keep.rt-pass-pfv loc-bowl days five and clɲ-two", "translation": "and she brings the sore sesame which was kept in a certain bowl for seven days,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj V P-N N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283de093", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435669999951, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283de093" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋuɽu iŋi ŋəñəla ŋəbërnia ŋgəboba naŋiđəni,", "morphemes": "na ŋuɽu iŋ-i ŋ-əñəla ŋ-ə-b-ërn-ia ŋgəboba n-aŋ-iđ-ən-i,", "gloss": "and wine sclŋ-this clŋ-sweet clŋ-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv ngeboba comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "and the sweet wine which is called ngeboba is made,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283dfefc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435671245157, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283dfefc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na opo naŋela naŋəme ŋoređa iŋi ŋabəla", "morphemes": "na opo n-aŋ-el-a n-aŋə-m-e ŋoređa iŋ-i ŋ-abəla", "gloss": "and old.woman comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv sesame sclŋ-this clŋ-sour", "translation": "and the old woman took this sore sesame", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e0e4a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435671493872, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e0e4a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "icaŋgəđu naŋəlwaɽe pəlelo naŋaṯa, “Auṯriṯi!”", "morphemes": "i-caŋgəđu n-aŋə-lwaɽ-e pəlelo n-aŋ-aṯa, “Auṯriṯi!”", "gloss": "loc-bowl comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt-cons.pfv high comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt auṯriṯi", "translation": "from the bowl and she cries out loudly and says, \"\"Auṯriṯi!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e2d7b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435671658529, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e2d7b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere pređ nañoɽəbace olia nañaṯa, “Mbau!”", "morphemes": "Na ñere pređ n-añ-oɽəb-ac-e olia n-añ-aṯa, “Mbau!”", "gloss": "and children all comp2-clɲ.inf-reply.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv voice comp2-clɲ.inf-say.rt mbau", "translation": "And all the children reply and say, \"Mbau!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e4bd4", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435671884941, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e4bd4" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Opo naŋëuṯi ŋoređa na naŋəđəɽəṯi ñere na lëmmia", "morphemes": "Opo n-aŋ-ëuṯ-i ŋoređa na n-aŋə-đəɽ-əṯ-i ñere na lëmmia", "gloss": "old.woman comp2-3sg.inf-cast.rt-cons.pfv sesame and comp2-3sg.inf-proclaim.rt-appl-cons.pfv girls and boys", "translation": "The grandmother casted the container of sesame down and pronounced to the children,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e6b66", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435672182024, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e6b66" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "irəŋ igi gummia gələŋənu na naŋoɽəbace ŋoman ŋəɽijin", "morphemes": "irəŋ ig-i g-ummia g-ə-ləŋ-ən-u na n-aŋ-oɽəb-ac-e ŋoman ŋ-əɽijin", "gloss": "name sclg-this clg-boy clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv and comp2-3sg.inf-return.rt-appl-cons.pfv times clŋ-three", "translation": "the name of the boy who is born, she repeat the name three times,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e7ea7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435672271954, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e7ea7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu ṯalokoɽəbaco igərəŋ.", "morphemes": "na l-ënŋulu ṯ-al-ok-oɽəb-ac-o ig-ərəŋ.", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro comp1b-cll.inf-iter-return.rt-appl.pfv loc-name", "translation": "And all of them repeat the name after her.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e9759", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435672424588, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283e9759" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia irəŋ naŋələŋini đəge igi gummia.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia irəŋ n-aŋə-ləŋ-in-i đəge ig-i g-ummia.", "gloss": "so name comp2-3sg.inf-give.birth.rt-pass-cons.pfv last sclg-this clg.poss-boy", "translation": "And by this way the name of the boy be Known.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ea7c1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435672678451, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ea7c1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lëmmia naləmananace ŋəfra na nëɽi ini larrəbəṯəmalo,", "morphemes": "Na lëmmia n-alə-ma-na-nac-e ŋəfra na nëɽi in-i l-arr-əb-əṯ-ə-ma-lo,", "gloss": "and boys comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv sticks and sheilds scln-this cll-iter-carry.rt-loc.appl-pfv-3sg.om-3pl.om", "translation": "And the boys give him the sticks and the sheilds which they brought as gifts,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283eb6c5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435673078477, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283eb6c5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đəge ŋen naŋanṯa wuji gaməño iđəru", "morphemes": "na đəge ŋen n-aŋ-anṯ-a wuji g-a-məñ-o i-đəru", "gloss": "and last talk comp2-3sg.inf-mean.rt-ipfv woman clg-rtc-pass.rt-pfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "by this ritual it is known that the woman freed from impurity zone", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ec593", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435673277849, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ec593" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere nəŋëncinu irəŋ giđəru.", "morphemes": "na ŋere n-əŋ-ënc-in-u irəŋ g-iđəru.", "gloss": "and child comp2-3sg.cons-be.called.rt-pass-pfv name clg-important", "translation": "and the child given the big name (surename) or a proper name", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ee3bb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435673414897, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ee3bb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ŋere ŋəɽəbwa ŋen ŋiđi naŋiđəni ŋarno orba", "morphemes": "Ndə ŋere ŋ-əɽəbwa ŋen ŋ-iđi n-aŋ-iđ-ən-i ŋ-arno orba", "gloss": "when girl clŋ-female talk clŋ-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-pass-cons.pfv like brother", "translation": "And if it a child born is a girl the same thing is done", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj N V V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ef6a9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435673524590, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283ef6a9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn laŋge ildi ñere ñəlarrəpa,", "morphemes": "orn laŋge ild-i ñere ñə-l-arr-əp-a,", "gloss": "but things scll-this children clɲ-3pl.om-iter-carry.rt-ipfv", "translation": "but the things which the children bring", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f088e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435673680402, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f088e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fəñere iñi ñəɽəlda caŋ caŋ ñəlarrəpa.", "morphemes": "fə-ñere iñ-i ñ-əɽəlda caŋ caŋ ñə-l-arr-əp-a.", "gloss": "foc-children sclɲ-who clɲ-female lone lone clɲ-3pl.om-iter-carry.rt-ipfv", "translation": "are brought only by the girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Adj Adv Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f28ca", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435674027896, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f28ca" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñënŋulu ñarrəpa ŋəbəria na ŋəbuŋwa erəŋ ŋəŋau", "morphemes": "Ñ-ënŋulu ñ-arr-əp-a ŋəbəria na ŋəbuŋwa e-rəŋ ŋə-ŋau", "gloss": "clɲ-3pl.pro clɲ-iter-carry.rt-ipfv long.sticks and gourds loc-hands clŋ.poss-water", "translation": "The girls bring long sticks and gourds of water in their hands,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f3618", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435674134044, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f3618" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋere ŋeṯo ṯaŋəteṯo orra ŋauŋa", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋere ŋ-eṯ-o ṯ-aŋə-teṯ-o orra ŋau-ŋa", "gloss": "because girl clŋ-come.rt-pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-follow.rt-pfv husband water-clŋ.with", "translation": "for the girl will follow her husband with water in future", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f4e08", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435674445335, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283f4e08" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋəturnu na ŋarrəpa laŋge ləmən linia.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋə-tur-n-u na ŋ-arr-əp-a laŋge l-əmən l-inia.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-lean.rt-on-pfv and clŋ-iter-carry.rt-ipfv things cll-indef cll-heavy", "translation": "and she walks with the long stick when she carries heavy things.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283fcabc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435678266455, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb283fcabc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere nañəɽe lëmmiala naləgakəlde rowa ritəŋ", "morphemes": "Na ñere n-añə-ɽ-e lëmmia-la n-alə-ga-kəld-e rowa r-itəŋ", "gloss": "and children comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv boys-cll.with comp2-cll.inf-iter-cut.rt-cons.pfv sticks clr.poss-tree.species", "translation": "Then the girls and the boys go and cut brush of certain tree", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861a7d5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435759649393, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861a7d5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naɽrəđuni esəŋađ nayetəɽeṯe", "morphemes": "na n-alǝ-rəđun-i e-s-eŋađ n-ay-etəɽ-eṯ-e", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-brush.rt-cons.pfv loc-cly.poss-teeth comp2-cly.inf-be.clean.rt-cmp-cons.pfv", "translation": "and brush their teeth with it to be clean", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28619c98", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435759842290, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28619c98" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋere ŋəɽəbwa ŋaŋəra ŋəbəco eŋađ.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋere ŋ-əɽəbwa ŋ-aŋəra ŋ-əbəco eŋađ.", "gloss": "because girl clŋ-female clŋ-nice clŋ-white teeth", "translation": "to show that the girl is beautifull has white teeth.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861cee2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435759924299, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861cee2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ŋere ŋëncinu irəŋ đəge", "morphemes": "Ndə ŋere ŋ-ënc-in-u irəŋ đəge", "gloss": "when child clŋ-be.called.rt-pass-pfv name last", "translation": "When the child is given a name,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861eaac", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435760070987, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2861eaac" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñere nañiđi đəŋəranano đoɽra nañeṯe elwaṯa", "morphemes": "ñere n-añ-iđ-i đəŋəranano đ-oɽra n-añ-eṯ-e e-lwaṯa", "gloss": "children comp2-clɲ.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv feast clđ-big comp2-clɲ.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-play.ground", "translation": "the children make a party and go to dance ground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb286216a2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435760398657, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb286216a2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla eŋəborṯo nañərṯe ñəŋəranano nəṯia leđa pređ đəge nalëndi irəŋ.", "morphemes": "walla e-ŋəborṯo n-añ-ərṯ-e ñ-əŋəranano nəṯia leđa pređ đəge n-al-ënd-i irəŋ.", "gloss": "or loc-field comp2-clɲ.inf-dance.rt-cons.pfv clɲ-happy so people all last comp2-cll.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv name", "translation": "or go to the farm near the house and dance with joy and so all the people know the name of the boy.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N V Adj Conj N Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb286228be", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1435760514322, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb286228be" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gələŋo ŋere ŋəɽorra", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-ə-ləŋ-o ŋere ŋ-əɽorra", "gloss": "when woman clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-pfv child clŋ-male", "translation": "If a woman delivered a son", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b29a9d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436259300435, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b29a9d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu gaɽaŋa eŋoləŋe ñoman eređia marldwan", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu g-a-ɽaŋ-a e-ŋoləŋe ñoman eređia marldwan", "gloss": "clŋ-3sg.pro clg-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv loc-birth.period days tens four", "translation": "she stays in birthed period for forty days", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b29b3f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436259445148, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b29b3f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gəber gəbađia laŋge ləmən,", "morphemes": "g-ə-b-er g-ə-b-ađ-ia laŋge l-əmən,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv things cll-indef", "translation": "not doing any cooking,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2cd9d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436259619596, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2cd9d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gəber gəjacomaṯa sia na gəber gəsa rəŋra.", "morphemes": "na g-ə-b-er g-ə-jacom-aṯ-a sia na g-ə-b-er g-ə-s-a rəŋ-ra.", "gloss": "and clg-dpc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-approach.rt-loc.appl-ipfv fire and clg-dpc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv hands-clr.with", "translation": "and do not approach to the fire and do not eat with her hands.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Conj V V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2e8ea", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436259800333, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2e8ea" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndə wuji gələŋo ŋere ŋəɽəbwa,", "morphemes": "Orn ndə wuji g-ə-ləŋ-o ŋere ŋ-əɽəbwa,", "gloss": "but when woman clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pfv child clŋ-female", "translation": "But if a woman born a girl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2fbfb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436259944679, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b2fbfb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu giđi naŋəɽaŋe eŋoləŋe nubwa nəɽəjan.", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu g-iđi n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e e-ŋoləŋe nubwa n-əɽəjan.", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv loc-birth.place months cln-two", "translation": "she stays in birthed period for two months.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b30a93", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436260060202, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b30a93" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə gəɽəñađaṯo lika əllëɽəŋu", "morphemes": "Na ndə g-ə-ɽəñađ-aṯ-o lika əllëɽəŋu", "gloss": "and when clg-dpc-finish.rt-appl-pfv time 3sg.poss", "translation": "And when the fixed time is over,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b3199b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436260377755, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b3199b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋiđi naŋwasəni rəŋ naŋiđi laləmən (acəba) naŋətəɽeṯe đəge,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-iđi n-aŋ-was-ən-i rəŋ n-aŋ-iđ-i laŋge l-əmən acəba n-aŋə-təɽ-eṯ-e đəge,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-wash.rt-pass-cons.pfv hands comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv thing cll-indef food comp2-3sg.inf-clean.rt-cmp-cons.pfv last", "translation": "she makes a ritual of washing her hands and cook food and she become ritually clean,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N V N Adj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b34001", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436260789177, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b34001" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəməñaṯe leđa nano.", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-məñ-aṯ-e leđa nano.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-pass.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv people near", "translation": "and she goes out to people.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b357ea", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436261622095, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b357ea" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn naŋerṯe gəbəđia ŋəmëɽria ŋoɽra məldin na naŋiđi ŋuđëđëinia.", "morphemes": "Orn n-aŋ-erṯe g-ə-b-əđ-ia ŋəmëɽria ŋ-oɽra məldin na n-aŋ-iđ-i ŋuđëđëinia.", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work clŋ-big still and comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv milking", "translation": "But she do not do heavy work yet till the time of milking", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj Adv Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b366a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436261721205, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b366a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋoləŋe na Ŋuđëđëinia", "morphemes": "Ŋoləŋe na Ŋuđëđëinia", "gloss": "birth.time and milking", "translation": "Birthed period and Milking", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b370bb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262102895, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b370bb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gəfo iđəbəɽi giđi naŋerṯe aləŋgərema yilëɽəŋu gonto,", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-ə-f-o i-đəbəɽi g-iđi n-aŋ-erṯe aləŋgərema y-ilëɽəŋu g-onto,", "gloss": "when woman clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-trap clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-have.rt bed cly-3sg.poss clg-one", "translation": "When a woman has a monthly period, she used to have her own bed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b36c89", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262214317, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b36c89" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gaber gəbəđia laləmən na gaber gəpərra ŋəmbwëlua,", "morphemes": "na g-a-b-er g-ə-b-əđ-ia laŋge l-əmən na g-a-b-er g-əpərr-a ŋəmbwëlua,", "gloss": "and clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv thing cll-indef and clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-touch.rt-ipfv bowls", "translation": "she never cooks any food and she never touch the bowls,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b669b0", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262380303, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b669b0" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gafo gaber gənanaca leđa ŋawa.", "morphemes": "na g-afo g-a-b-er g-ə-na-nac-a leđa ŋawa.", "gloss": "and clg-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-iter-give.rt-ipfv people water", "translation": "and she never gives drinking water to people.", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6a441", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262778706, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6a441" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn gafo gabaɽa ŋawa,", "morphemes": "Orn g-afo g-a-b-aɽ-a ŋawa,", "gloss": "but clg-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-fetch.rt-ipfv water", "translation": "But she was allowed to fetch water.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6935f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262869604, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6935f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə gəbəɽo nəŋau naŋəđurwi nwaldaŋ aten,", "morphemes": "ndə g-ə-b-əɽ-o nə-ŋau n-aŋə-đurw-i nwaldaŋ aten,", "gloss": "when clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv on-water comp2-3sg.inf-stop.rt-cons.pfv far little", "translation": "when she goes to the water place ahe stands far away a little bit,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P-N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6ace8", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436262902016, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b6ace8" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na liji naləmaɽəŋiṯi ŋawa naləmanađace nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "na liji n-alə-m-aɽəŋ-iṯ-i ŋawa n-alə-ma-n-ađ-ac-e nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "and women comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-draw.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv water comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-give.rt-ap-give.rt-cons.pfv far", "translation": "and the women fill her pot with water and give it to her there,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b677f7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436263095777, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b677f7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji gafo gaber gənanna leđa ëñua đəŋđa", "morphemes": "na wuji g-afo g-a-b-er g-ə-na-nn-a leđa ëñua đəŋ-đa", "gloss": "and woman clg-past.aux clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-iter-hear.rt-ipfv people mouth hand-clđ.with", "translation": "and the woman was allowed to greet people with her hands", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V N N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b8f2ab", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436263302211, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b8f2ab" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn galənanna ëñua ëñuaya bipi, na ṯaŋëiṯu leđa ṯa ŋen ŋëpi!", "morphemes": "orn g-alə-na-nn-a ëñua ëñua-ya bipi, na ṯ-aŋ-ëiṯ-u leđa ṯa ŋen ŋëpi!", "gloss": "but clg-cll.inf-iter-hear.rt-ipfv mouth mouth-cly.with only and comp2-3sg.inf-say.to.rt-pfv people comp1 talk well", "translation": "but she greet them with words only, and reply them by saying it is alright!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P Adj Conj V N Comp N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b914ec", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436263309954, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b914ec" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji gəfo iđəbəɽi gaɽaŋa ñoman đenəñəɽǝjan gǝtaŋa.", "morphemes": "Wuji g-ə-f-o i-đəbəɽi g-a-ɽaŋ-a ñoman đenəŋ na ñ-əɽǝjan g-ǝ-taŋ-a.", "gloss": "woman clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-trap clg-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv days five and clɲ-three clg-dpc-be.unclean.rt-ipfv", "translation": "When a woman has a monthly period she atays sevendays unclean,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V N Adj Conj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b98689", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436263767214, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b98689" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə gəɽəñađaṯo ñoman ñəlëɽəŋu", "morphemes": "Ndə g-ə-ɽəñađ-aṯ-o ñoman ñ-əlëɽəŋu", "gloss": "when clg-dpc-finish.rt-appl-pfv days clɲ-3sg.poss", "translation": "and when the seven days are over,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba0976", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436264392954, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba0976" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋiđi naŋarrəŋgëci laŋge alo ildi gəfo gəlondra na gəloɽaŋa,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-iđ-i n-aŋ-arr-əŋg-ëc-i laŋge alo ild-i g-ə-f-o g-ə-lo-ndr-a na g-ə-lo-ɽaŋ-a,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-iter-remove.rt-appl-cons.pfv things place scll-this clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv clg-dpc-3pl.om-sleep.rt-ipfv conj clg-dpc-3pl.om-sit.rt-ipfv", "translation": "she carry away all the things that she used to sleep and sit on them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N Adj V V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba18a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436264647614, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba18a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn naŋwasəni gətəɽe naŋəɽe egobəla", "morphemes": "Orn n-aŋ-was-ən-i g-ə-təɽ-e n-aŋ-əɽ-e eg-obəla", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-wash.rt-pass-cons.pfv clg-dpc-be.clean.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-grinding.room", "translation": "then she take a bathe and cleans herself and goes to the grinding room", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b9fa32", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436265022864, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28b9fa32" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋoɽaṯe ala ṯa aŋiđi aŋwađe đəge,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-oɽaṯ-e ala ṯa aŋ-iđi aŋ-wađ-e đəge,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-prepare.rt-cons.pfv grinding.stone comp1 3sg.inf-fut.aux 3sg.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv last", "translation": "and she prepares the grinding mill so that she can start grinding the flour,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Comp V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba1000", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436265215294, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ba1000" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋiđi laləmən na aŋəborkwađaṯe orra nano gəlëɽəŋu ṯwañ!", "morphemes": "aŋ-iđi la-l-əmən na aŋə-b-orkwađ-aṯ-e orra nano g-əlëɽəŋu ṯwañ!", "gloss": "3sg.inf-do.rt thing-cll-indef and 3sg.inf-prog-approach.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv husband near clg-3sg.poss near", "translation": "and cook food and approach near her husband!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-Adj Conj V N P Adj P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbb9c6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436267040293, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbb9c6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gələŋo eŋowa!", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-ə-ləŋ-o e-ŋowa!", "gloss": "when woman clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pfv loc-virginity", "translation": "If the woman deliver for the first time in virginity!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbd44c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436267207690, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbd44c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lëmmia ildi ləɽo lorba ebaŋgenanda", "morphemes": "Lëmmia ild-i l-ə-ɽ-o lorba ebaŋg-en-anda", "gloss": "boys scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv brothers husband-3sg.poss-assoc.pl", "translation": "The boys who are brother inlaws", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbf857", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436267396628, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bbf857" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "liđi nalundəđənia nalela nalənace ŋere ŋəɽa!", "morphemes": "l-iđi n-al-und-əđ-ən-ia n-al-el-a n-alə-nac-e ŋere ŋəɽa!", "gloss": "cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-be.called.ert-ap-pass-ipfv comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-cll.inf-give.rt-cons.pfv child urine", "translation": "they are called to come and give their urine to the child!", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V V V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc0ccf", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436267583752, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc0ccf" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orba gəta gebaŋgen naŋabwoṯe eləboŋ,", "morphemes": "orba g-əta g-ebaŋg-en n-aŋ-abwoṯ-e e-ləboŋ,", "gloss": "brother clg-young clg.poss-husband-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-urinate.rt-cons.pfv loc-bowl", "translation": "the younger husband brother comes and urinate in small pot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc1c4a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436267775992, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc1c4a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋəme ŋəɽa lomanla aŋëɽi ŋere nḏəŋəla", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋə-m-e ŋəɽa loman-la aŋ-ëɽ-i ŋere nǝ-đəŋəla", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv urine finger-cll.with 3sg.inf-put.rt-cons.pfv child on-tongue", "translation": "then he took some urine with his finger and put it on the baby tongue.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc355e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436268001669, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc355e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋal aŋerṯe gəbëndia ŋere iŋi ŋələŋənu majən!", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋal aŋ-erṯe g-ə-b-ënd-ia ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ləŋ-ən-u majən!", "gloss": "because fever 3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-catch.rt-ipfv child sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv newly", "translation": "in order that no fever or sickness do not come to the new born baby!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc491f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436268292129, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bc491f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na wuji naŋəɽaŋe iđəru ñoman đenəñəɽəjan,", "morphemes": "Na wuji n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e i-đəru ñoman đenən na ñəɽəjan,", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv loc-holy.time days five and two", "translation": "And the woman stays in forbiden period seven days.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be3bea", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436362641157, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be3bea" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro aŋiđi aŋəməñe iđəru!", "morphemes": "oro aŋ-iđi aŋə-məñ-e i-đəru!", "gloss": "then 3sg.inf-fut.aux 3sg.inf-pass.rt-pfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "after that she get out from the forbiden period!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be4fd5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436362766815, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be4fd5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ilika wuji gəfo iđəru", "morphemes": "Na i-lika wuji g-ə-f-o i-đəru", "gloss": "and loc-time woman clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "While the woman is still within the forbiden period,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be5cb9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436362897191, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be5cb9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləŋgen walla apa giđi naŋəɽe naŋəbuɽwa ɽrroŋ", "morphemes": "ləŋg-en walla apa g-iđi n-aŋə-ɽ-e n-aŋə-buɽw-a ɽrroŋ", "gloss": "mother-3sg.poss or father clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-beat.rt-ipfv tree.species", "translation": "her mother or father goes and cut a thorn bush", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be7f3d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436363255774, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be7f3d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋëɽi igurtu ŋenŋanṯa usila gəcia aŋerṯe giđi aŋëndi ŋere.", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ëɽ-i ig-urtu ŋenŋanṯa usila g-əcia aŋ-erṯe g-iđi aŋ-ënd-i ŋere.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-hut because spirit clg-bad 3sg.inf-not.aux clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv child", "translation": "and put it beside the hut near the gate where the child is inside so that evil spirits do not harm the child.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Comp N Adj V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be95d8", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436363421759, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28be95d8" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ilika lakəl eṯen gəŋere gaber giđi ṯaŋəɽaŋo ndëwur ṯwanaŋ.", "morphemes": "Na i-lika l-akəl eṯ-en gə-ŋere g-a-b-er g-iđi ṯ-aŋə-ɽaŋ-o ndëwur ṯwanaŋ.", "gloss": "and loc-time cll-that father-3sg.poss clg.of-child clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-stay.rt-pfv outside long", "translation": "And during those days the child father never stays outside the house for long.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj N Adj V V V P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bea687", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436363786091, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bea687" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eloman ildi wuji gəməña iđəru", "morphemes": "E-loman ild-i wuji g-ə-məñ-a i-đəru", "gloss": "loc-day scll-this woman clg-dpc-pass.rt-ipfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "On the day the woman gets out from the forbiden period,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28beafcd", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436364197459, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28beafcd" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləŋgenanda liđi nalwađe ŋoređa ŋwaña naldiđi đəñəfa", "morphemes": "ləŋg-en-anda l-iđi n-al-wađ-e ŋoređa ŋwaña n-ald-iđ-i đ-əñəfa", "gloss": "mother-3sg.poss-assoc.pl cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-grind.rt-cons.pfv sesame many comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv clđ.nom-squeezing", "translation": "her mother’s grind a lot of sesame and squeeze them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bec6d3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436364457144, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bec6d3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləmama oya naliđiṯi wuji nano na ŋere nano com,", "morphemes": "na n-alə-ma-m-a oya n-al-iđ-iṯ-i wuji nano na ŋere nano com,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-iter-take.rt-ipfv clay comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-appl-cons.pfv woman near and child near also.", "translation": "and they bring a red soil and apolish the woman body and her child.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N P Conj N P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bed39d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436364690562, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bed39d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji naŋəcwëđəni ŋela iŋi ŋəñuməđənu.", "morphemes": "na wuji n-aŋə-cwëđ-ən-i ŋela iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ñum-əđ-ən-u.", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-anoint.rt-pass-cons.pfv oil sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-press.rt-ap-pass-pfv", "translation": "and they anointed the woman body with the oil that was pressed", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf2966", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436364813033, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf2966" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika ŋere ŋəməña iđəru,", "morphemes": "I-lika ŋere ŋ-ə-məñ-a i-đəru,", "gloss": "loc-time child clŋ-dpc-pass.rt-ipfv loc-holy.time", "translation": "On the day when the child is getting out from the forbiden time", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf1f30", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436364937608, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf1f30" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia liđi naləɽe nalakëndia yama", "morphemes": "lëmmia l-iđi n-alə-ɽ-e n-al-ak-ënd-ia yama", "gloss": "boys cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-iter-catch.rt-ipfv locusts", "translation": "The boys used to go out to catch locusts", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf62a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436365433920, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28bf62a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nalarrəpe ŋəfra erəŋ ŋerṯo ndwa ərṯu,", "morphemes": "Na n-al-arr-əp-e ŋəfra e-rəŋ ŋ-erṯo ndwa ərṯu,", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-iter-carry.rt-cons.pfv sticks loc-hands clŋ-have.rt covering behind", "translation": "And they carry sticks covered with leather where you hold the stick", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8adba", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436782519293, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8adba" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nalobəđe ñereña ñəɽəlda ñəfəlo nḏurṯu,", "morphemes": "na n-al-obəđ-e ñere-ña ñəɽəlda ñ-ə-f-ə-lo nḏurṯu,", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-run.rt-cons.pfv children-clɲ.with females clɲ-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3pl.om behind", "translation": "And they run with girls runing behind them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8d2ac", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436782635780, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8d2ac" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalërruṯi ŋere yama nano.", "morphemes": "n-al-ërr-uṯ-i ŋere yama nano.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-iter-throw.rt-cons.pfv baby locusts near", "translation": "and they throw locusts on the child borned.", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "V N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8f10f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436782757097, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e8f10f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə yama yaboro ŋen ŋanṯa ŋere ŋaməṯia,", "morphemes": "Ndə yama y-a-bor-o ŋen ŋ-anṯa ŋere ŋ-a-məṯ-ia,", "gloss": "if locusts cly-rtc-fly.rt-pfv talk clŋ-mean.rt baby clŋ-rtc-live.rt-ipfv", "translation": "If the locusts flew up that means the child will live,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9068f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436782849280, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9068f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndə yama yebwañaŋəma", "morphemes": "orn ndə yama y-ebwaña-ŋəma", "gloss": "but if locusts cly-want.rt-power", "translation": "but if they did not fly", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9223c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436783025092, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9223c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋanṯa ŋere ŋaber ŋəməṯia wuji gayeɽaŋa bipi", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-anṯa ŋere ŋ-a-b-er ŋ-ə-məṯ-ia wuji g-a-ye-ɽaŋ-a bipi", "gloss": "talk clŋ-mean.rt child clŋ-rtc-prog-not.aux clŋ-dpc-live.rt-ipfv woman clg-rtc-cll.with-stay.rt-ipfv only", "translation": "that means the child will not live, he is just ataying with woman,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e93b2e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436783098750, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e93b2e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro aŋela aŋaye lomanəŋ!", "morphemes": "oro aŋ-el-a aŋ-ay-e loman-nəŋ!", "gloss": "then 3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-die.rt-cons.pfv day-indef", "translation": "and he will die one day", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9584f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436783254494, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9584f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia lëmmia nalənëini ŋəđəmana ŋoređaŋa ŋakəl", "morphemes": "Nəṯia lëmmia n-alə-nëi-n-i ŋəđəmana ŋoređa-ŋa ŋ-akəl", "gloss": "so boys comp2-cll.inf-give.rt-pass-cons.pfv beans sesame-clŋ.with sclŋ-that", "translation": "And then the children are given beans mixed with that sesame", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e97526", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436784054517, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e97526" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləməñaṯe ndëwur elwaṯa ləŋəranano!", "morphemes": "na n-alə-məñ-aṯ-e ndëwur e-lwaṯa l-əŋəranano!", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-pass.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv outside loc-playground cll-happily", "translation": "after that they go to the playground and dance with joyfulness!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e99070", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436784221556, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e99070" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə ŋere ŋəɽəbwa ñere ñəɽəlda nañafəđe nëñua", "morphemes": "Ndə ŋere ŋ-əɽəbwa ñere ñ-əɽəlda n-añ-afəđ-e n-ëñua", "gloss": "when baby clŋ-female children clɲ-females comp2-cl.inf-march.rt-cons.pfv on-mouth", "translation": "And if the baby born is a girl, the girls go a head", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e99eff", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436784465011, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e99eff" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəfo ŋəbəriaŋa ñəturnia na lëmmia naldəfeṯe nḏurṯu.", "morphemes": "ñ-ə-f-o ŋəbəria-ŋa ñ-əturn-ia na lëmmia n-aldə-f-eṯ-e nḏurṯu.", "gloss": "clɲ-dpc-be.loc-pfv long.stick-clŋ.with clɲ-lean.on.rt-ipfv and boys comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-appl-cons.pfv behind", "translation": "walking with long sticks, and the boys come behind them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P V Conj N V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9ba8b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436785514211, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28e9ba8b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə lǝnua ləsa ŋoləŋe!", "morphemes": "Ndə lǝnua l-ə-s-a ŋoləŋe!", "gloss": "when in.laws cll-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv birthing", "translation": "When the in-laws eat at birthed ceremony!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eab3a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436785985651, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eab3a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋəɽaŋe nubwa marldwan oro naŋəməñe eŋoləŋe!", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e nubwa marldwan oro n-aŋə-məñ-e e-ŋoləŋe!", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv months four then comp2-3sg.inf-pass.rt-cons.pfv loc-birthing", "translation": "The woman stays four months after that she make aritual of milking to cock!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ead4a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436785985651, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ead4a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wuji giđi naŋəɽaŋe nubwa marldwan oro naŋəməñe eŋoləŋe!", "morphemes": "Wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e nubwa marldwan oro n-aŋə-məñ-e e-ŋoləŋe!", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv months four then comp2-3sg.inf-pass.rt-cons.pfv loc-birthing", "translation": "The woman stays four months after that she make aritual of milking to cock!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eae382", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436791284637, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eae382" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndə lënŋulu luđëđëinia", "morphemes": "Orn ndə l-ënŋulu luđëđëinia", "gloss": "but when cll-3pl.pro milking", "translation": "But when they make a milking ritual", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eaed57", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436791409854, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eaed57" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji giđi naŋəɽaŋe nubwa đenəgonto oro naŋuđëđëini!", "morphemes": "wuji g-iđi n-aŋə-ɽaŋ-e nubwa đenə-g-onto oro n-aŋ-uđëđ-ëin-i!", "gloss": "woman clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv months five-clg-one then comp2-3sg.inf-milk.rt-pass-cons.pfv", "translation": "the woman stays six months after that she makes the ceremony of milking!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eafabb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436791527839, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eafabb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika ildi ləŋuđëđëinia,", "morphemes": "I-lika ild-i l-ə-ŋuđëđ-ëin-ia,", "gloss": "loc-time scll-this cll-dpc-milk.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "At the time of making the ritual of milking,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb338b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436791926385, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb338b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ləŋgena-nda lwuji liđi naləɽe naləpwa đəbəđa", "morphemes": "ləŋg-en-anda l-wuji l-iđi n-alə-ɽ-e n-al-əp-wa đəbəđa", "gloss": "mother-3sg.poss-assoc.pl cll.poss-woman cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-carry.rt-ipfv fig.tree", "translation": "the mothers of the woman who gave birth go and cut a fig tree,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb50aa", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436792225796, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb50aa" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na uɽi gənəŋ gəmwađa gəñəla gwaña", "morphemes": "na uɽi g-ənəŋ g-ə-mwađ-a g-əñəla g-waña", "gloss": "and tree clg-indef clg-dpc-smell.rt-ipfv clg-nice clg-many", "translation": "and cut alot of some kind of a tree with sweet smell,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb71d7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436792406131, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb71d7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləṯəbe apəra gəđəɽəṯi.", "morphemes": "na n-alə-ṯəb-e apəra gə-đəɽəṯi.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-cut.rt-cons.pfv branch clg.poss-palm tree", "translation": "and they cut also a branch of palm tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb99a5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436792707862, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eb99a5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naɽrre na wuji naŋəgakasëini egoya", "morphemes": "n-alǝ-rr-e na wuji n-aŋə-ga-kas-ëin-i eg-oya", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-beat.rt-cons.pfv and woman comp2-3sg.inf-iter-tie.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-waist", "translation": "and they beat it to soften it and the woman tied on her waist,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebb0ef", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436792979258, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebb0ef" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naləme uɽi gakəl gəmwađa gəñəla gwaña nalakasace", "morphemes": "na n-alə-m-e uɽi g-akəl g-ə-mwađ-a g-əñəla g-waña n-ala-kas-ac-e", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv tree sclg-that clg-dpc-smell.rt-ipfv clg-nice clg-many comp2-cll.inf-tie.rt-appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "and they take those trees with a sweet smell and tie them", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebcc64", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436793606616, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebcc64" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "napəra gwala naŋətëri wuji erəbwaco.", "morphemes": "n-apəra g-wala n-aŋə-tër-i wuji erəbwaco.", "gloss": "on-palm.tree clg-long comp2-3sg.inf-cover.rt-cons.pfv woman pelvis", "translation": "on the branches of palm tree lay down to cover the woman’s pubic", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebe88a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436793895138, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ebe88a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika ləŋuđëđëinia wuji gëbəđia ŋəmëɽria aŋal gubwa ëđəñin.", "morphemes": "I-lika l-ə-ŋuđëđ-ëin-ia wuji g-ë-b-əđ-ia ŋəmëɽria aŋal gubwa ëđəñin.", "gloss": "loc-time cll-dpc-milk.rt-pass-ipfv woman clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work heat hot daytime", "translation": "At the time of the ritual of milking the woman cooks food and works in the heat of the sun at daytime.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N V N V N N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec0126", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436794060888, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec0126" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na liji pređ ildi leṯo nəŋuđëđëinia", "morphemes": "Na liji pređ ild-i l-eṯ-o nə-ŋuđëđ-ëin-ia", "gloss": "and people all scll-this cll-come.rt-pfv on-milk.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "And all the people who came on this occasion of the milking ritual,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V P-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec245c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436794404152, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec245c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "laber liđi naləđurwi eđəməcrwa illi leđa ildi ṯia ləɽo ëmcu.", "morphemes": "l-a-b-er l-iđi n-alə-đurw-i e-đəməcrwa illi leđa ild-i ṯia l-ə-ɽ-o ëmcu.", "gloss": "cll-rtc-prog-not.aux cll-fut.aux comp2-cll.inf-stand.rt-cons.pfv loc-line except people scll-this in.this.way cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv relatives", "translation": "will not stand in the line a head, except the close relatives of their kinsmen.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V P-N Adv N Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec3079", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436794716341, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec3079" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na acəba giđi naŋëɽəni alo ilikano gəfo egəɽendr goɽra", "morphemes": "Na acəba g-iđi n-aŋë-ɽən-i alo i-likano g-ə-f-o eg-əɽendr g-oɽra", "gloss": "and food clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stay.rt-cons.pfv place loc-middle clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-bowl clg-big", "translation": "And the been put in the middle of the house yard in a big bowl of clay", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P P-N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec4383", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436795009666, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec4383" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋəwëɽəni ɽrroŋa nano loɽra", "morphemes": "na n-aŋə-wëɽ-ən-i ɽrroŋa nano l-oɽra", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv tree.species near cll-big", "translation": "and a big thorn bush is put upon the food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec68fc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436795244322, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec68fc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đambođa nađëɽəni acəba eđəpe", "morphemes": "na đambođa n-ađ-ëɽ-ən-i acəba e-đəpe", "gloss": "and skin comp2-clđ.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv porridge loc-top", "translation": "and the hard surface of porridge is put on the top of the porridge", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec7faa", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436795690426, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec7faa" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋucia ŋiđəbəri naŋərëini egeɽendr walla eđaɽer đəta.", "morphemes": "na ŋucia ŋ-iđəbəri n-aŋə-r-ëin-i eg-eɽendr walla e-đaɽer đ-əta.", "gloss": "and sauce clŋ.poss-bean.leaves comp2-3sg.inf-put.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-dish or loc-pot clđ-small.", "translation": "and sauce of beans leaves is put in a dish or small pot of clay.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V P-N Conj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec9e4c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436795922060, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ec9e4c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋere ŋəɽənda ŋəɽo Kuku naŋape orba", "morphemes": "Na ŋere ŋəɽənda ŋ-ə-ɽ-o Kuku n-aŋ-ap-e orba", "gloss": "and child first clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv Kuku comp2-3sg.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv brother", "translation": "and the first born son who is Kuku hold his young baby brother or sister", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee646c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436870622608, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee646c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaŋəmayiṯurru eđəmorwa,", "morphemes": "ṯ-aŋə-ma-yi-ṯurr-u e-đəmorwa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-cly.with-stand.rt-pfv loc-line", "translation": "and stand with him in the line,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee7605", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436870750027, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee7605" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wuji naŋəme egacəba gakəl", "morphemes": "na wuji n-aŋə-m-e eg-acəba g-akəl", "gloss": "and woman comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv loc-food sclg-that", "translation": "and the woman took from that food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee94d9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436870901774, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ee94d9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋəɽe naŋənëcilo ananoŋ ŋere ŋələŋənu na Kuku,", "morphemes": "n-aŋə-ɽ-e n-aŋə-nëc-i-lo ananoŋ ŋere ŋ-ə-ləŋ-ən-u na Kuku,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-test.rt-cons.pfv-3pl.om first baby clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv and kuku", "translation": "and go and give some of it first to the born child and Kuku,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Adj N V Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eeacb8", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436871005604, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eeacb8" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋənanace leđa pređ ildi ləfo eđəmorwa", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋə-na-nac-e leđa pređ ild-i l-ə-f-o e-đəmorwa", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-iter-give.rt-cons.pfv people all scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-line", "translation": "and after that she give all the people who are in the row,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eeca84", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436871433267, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eeca84" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji ṯaŋələnanaco acəba gəṯəbëinu iŋucia na đambođa com!", "morphemes": "wuji ṯ-aŋə-lə-na-nac-o acəba g-ə-ṯəb-ëin-u i-ŋucia na đambođa com!", "gloss": "woman comp2-3sg.inf-3pl.om-iter-give.rt-pfv food clg-dpc-cut.rt-pass-pfv loc-sauce and skin also", "translation": "she gives them from the porridge which was sunk into souse and also from the skin of porridge!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V P-N Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eee80c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436871528539, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eee80c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndə wuji gəɽəñađaṯo đənanaiđia acəba", "morphemes": "Ndə wuji g-ə-ɽəñađ-aṯ-o đ-ə-na-na-iđ-ia acəba", "gloss": "why woman clg-dpc-finish.rt-appl-pfv clđ.nom-dpc iter-give.rt-ap-ipfv food", "translation": "When she finished from distributing the food", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eef6cf", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436871728603, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28eef6cf" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋëndi ëđu naŋuđëđëṯi leđa nano", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ënd-i ëđu n-aŋ-uđëđ-ëṯ-i leđa nano", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv breast comp2-3sg.inf-milk.rt-appl-cons.pfv near", "translation": "she hold her breast and milked on people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef0bb3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436871828755, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef0bb3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ṯalakëndëcu ŋan elo.", "morphemes": "na leđa ṯ-al-ak-ënd-ëc-u ŋan elo.", "gloss": "and people comp1b-cll.inf-iter-catch.rt-appl-pfv milk up.", "translation": "and the people try to catch up the milk.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef2001", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436872060840, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef2001" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Acəba igi gəŋoləŋe leđa lafo lasa ildi ṯia ləɽo ëmcu,", "morphemes": "Acəba ig-i gə-ŋoləŋe leđa l-afo l-a-s-a ild-i ṯia l-ə-ɽ-o ëmcu,", "gloss": "food sclg-this clg.poss-birthing people cll-past.aux cll-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv scll-this in.this.way cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv relatives", "translation": "The food of birthed ritual, only the kinship and the relatives are allowed to", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N N V V Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef2f66", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436872423263, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef2f66" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn acəba igi gəfəndëinu gwaña iŋəmbwëlua,", "morphemes": "orn acəba ig-i g-ə-fənd-ëin-u g-waña i-ŋəmbwëlua,", "gloss": "but food sclg-this clg-dpc-cook.rt-pass-pfv clg-many loc-gourds", "translation": "but the rest of the food which was cocked and put in many gourd bowls", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef4aa2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436872567247, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef4aa2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa lasa pređ ildi leṯo,", "morphemes": "leđa l-a-s-a pređ ild-i l-eṯ-o,", "gloss": "people cll-rtc-eat.rt-ipfv all scll-this cll-come.rt-pfv", "translation": "it was eaten by all the guests.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef6518", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436872685280, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef6518" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ilika wuji gənanaca leđa acəba", "morphemes": "na i-lika wuji g-ə-na-nac-a leđa acəba", "gloss": "and loc-time woman clg-dpc-iter-give.rt-ipfv people food", "translation": "and at the time when the woman gives people food", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef7833", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436872847329, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef7833" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gafo giđi naŋəbuɽwëini nda ləŋəra", "morphemes": "g-afo g-iđi n-aŋə-buɽw-ëin-i nda l-əŋəra", "gloss": "clg-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-stand.rt-pass-cons.pfv head cll-nice", "translation": "she decoreted her hair nicely", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef8f01", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873016573, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28ef8f01" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋerṯe gəbëɽənia ñərlde nano", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋ-erṯe g-ə-b-ëɽ-ən-ia ñərlde nano", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-put.rt-pass-ipfv beads near", "translation": "but do not wear ornamental beads on her body", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efa53d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873144459, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efa53d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi caŋ caŋ naŋape ñərlde egoya", "morphemes": "illi caŋ caŋ n-aŋ-ap-e ñərlde eg-oya", "gloss": "except alone alone comp2-3sg.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv beads loc-waist", "translation": "except she carry beads on her waist", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adv Adv V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efc334", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873392640, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efc334" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñəɽo aɽəñan aŋəno si yento ikərəŋ.", "morphemes": "ñ-ə-ɽ-o aɽəñan aŋəno si y-ento ikərəŋ.", "gloss": "clɲ-dpc-be.rt-pfv blue good eye cly-one only", "translation": "which are blue sewed in one raw of string", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adj Adj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efd845", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873489445, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efd845" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndə wuji gəndro uləŋgi gakəl,", "morphemes": "Na ndə wuji g-ə-ndr-o uləŋgi g-akəl,", "gloss": "and when woman clg-dpc-sleep.rt-pfv night sclg-that", "translation": "And when the woman spent that night,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efe47b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873764976, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28efe47b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ulëldiṯu wuji naŋakëɽənu laŋge nano pređ ləŋayo,", "morphemes": "na ulëldiṯu wuji n-aŋ-ak-ëɽ-ən-u laŋge nano pređ ləŋayo,", "gloss": "and tomorrow woman comp2-3sg.inf-iter-put.rt-pass-pfv things body all beautiful", "translation": "and in the morrow the woman wore all her beautiful things on her body.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V N N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28effa36", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436873943801, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28effa36" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na naŋiṯi orra gəlëɽəŋu acəba đəge", "morphemes": "na n-aŋ-iṯ-i orra g-əlëɽəŋu acəba đəge", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-cook.rt-cons.pfv husband her food last", "translation": "and she cocked to her husband special meal,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f02036", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874070552, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f02036" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na orra naŋələŋeṯe wuji təŋ đəge!", "morphemes": "na orra n-aŋə-ləŋeṯ-e wuji təŋ đəge!", "gloss": "and husband comp2-3sg.inf-know.rt-cons.pfv woman again last!", "translation": "and the husband knew his wife again!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0473b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874169814, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0473b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini nə Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i nə Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss Moro", "translation": "The names of Moro people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f03496", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874212602, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f03496" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini nəđələŋa", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i nə-đə-ləŋa", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-clđ.nom-give.birth", "translation": "Names of birth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f06830", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874379421, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f06830" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini nəñere ñəɽrrwa ñə Ləmwarəŋ naɽo ṯia:", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i nə-ñere ñ-əɽrrwa ñə Ləmwarəŋ n-a-ɽ-o ṯia:", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-children clɲ-male clɲ.poss Moro cln-rtc-be.rt-pfv in.this.way", "translation": "The Moro names given to boys are as follow:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N Adj P N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f077d5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874490236, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f077d5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋere iŋi ŋəɽənda ŋabërrnia: Kuku walla Koko,", "morphemes": "ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-əɽənda ŋ-a-b-ërrn-ia: Kuku walla Koko,", "gloss": "child sclŋ-this clŋ-first clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Kuku or Koko", "translation": "the first born boy is named Kuku or Koko,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f089b3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874633820, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f089b3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋəɽeđeṯa orba ṯaŋërnu Kwëɽi walla Ŋwëti,", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ɽ-eđ-eṯ-a orba ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kwëɽi walla Ŋwëti,", "gloss": "and child sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-ap-appl-ipfv brother comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pfv Kori or Gwati", "translation": "and the second boy is called Kori or Gwati", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f09887", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874766040, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f09887" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ŋaldo walla Aŋgaldo gaɽo nimra yiɽijin", "morphemes": "na Ŋaldo walla Aŋgaldo g-a-ɽ-o nimra yiɽijin", "gloss": "and ngalo or angalo clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number three", "translation": "And Kallo or Angalo is the third born boy", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0d261", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874875893, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0d261" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ṯuṯu walla Aṯu gaɽo nimra marldwan", "morphemes": "na Ṯuṯu walla Aṯu g-a-ɽ-o nimra marldwan", "gloss": "and Tutu or Atu clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number four", "translation": "and Tutu or Atu is the fourth name", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0ec8d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436874966128, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f0ec8d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Këbwa walla Abwa gaɽo nimra đenəŋ", "morphemes": "na Këbwa walla Abwa g-a-ɽ-o nimra đenəŋ", "gloss": "and Kafwa or Afwa clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number five", "translation": "and Kafwa of Afwa is the fifth name", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f106a6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875079475, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f106a6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Koja walla Ocoŋ gaɽo nimra đengonto", "morphemes": "na Koja walla Ocoŋ g-a-ɽ-o nimra đengonto", "gloss": "and koja or Ocong be number six", "translation": "and Koja or Ocong is sixth name,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f11d5c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875259305, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f11d5c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndrəŋ nanəwëđəni alo təŋ.", "morphemes": "orn ndrəŋ n-anə-wëđ-ən-i alo təŋ.", "gloss": "but names comp2-cln.inf-start.rt-pass-cons.pfv place again", "translation": "then they started from the beginning again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1293d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875356915, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1293d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndrəŋ ini nəñere ñəɽəlda naɽo ṯia:", "morphemes": "Na ndrəŋ in-i nə-ñere ñ-əɽəlda n-a-ɽ-o ṯia:", "gloss": "and names scln-this clɲ.poss-children clɲ-females cln-rtc-be.rt-pfv in.this.way", "translation": "And the names given to the girls are as follow:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f14c05", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875763702, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f14c05" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋere iŋi ŋəɽənda ŋabërnia Kaka walla Gaga,", "morphemes": "ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-əɽənda ŋ-a-b-ërn-ia Kaka walla Gaga,", "gloss": "girl sclŋ-this clŋ-first clŋ-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Kaka or Gaga", "translation": "The first born girl is called Kaka or Gaga.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f15a87", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875879625, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f15a87" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋəmaɽeđeṯa ṯaŋërnu Kënna walla Ṯoṯo,", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋə-ma-ɽeđ-eṯ-a ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kënna walla Ṯoṯo,", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this clŋ-3sg.om-follow.rt-appl-ipfv comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pfv Kanna or Toto.", "translation": "and the second one is called Kanna or Toto", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f179b7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436875981016, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f179b7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kwace walla Jace ṯaŋəmaɽeđeṯo,", "morphemes": "na Kwace walla Jace ṯ-aŋə-ma-ɽeđ-eṯ-o,", "gloss": "and Kwache or Jache comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-follow.rt-appl-pfv", "translation": "Na Kwache or Jache comes after,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f19dbc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436876433669, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f19dbc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Këci walla Jëci gaɽo nimra marldwan", "morphemes": "na Këci walla Jëci g-a-ɽ-o nimra marldwan", "gloss": "and Kachi or Jachi clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number four", "translation": "then the fourth is called Kachi or Jachi", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f190d1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436876522670, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f190d1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kawa walla Abubwa gaɽo nimra đenəŋ", "morphemes": "na Kawa walla Abubwa g-a-ɽ-o nimra đenəŋ", "gloss": "and Kawa or Afufwa clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number five", "translation": "then Kawa or Afufwa is number five", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1c8e9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436876606001, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1c8e9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Joja walla Koja nəŋəɽeṯe gənḏurṯu alo.", "morphemes": "na Joja walla Koja n-əŋə-ɽ-eṯ-e g-ənḏurṯu alo.", "gloss": "and joja or koja comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv clg-last place", "translation": "then Joja or Koja is the last name.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1db1a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436876862277, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1db1a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia fəndrəŋ ini nəđələŋa ini", "morphemes": "Nəṯia fə-ndrəŋ in-i nə-đə-ləŋa in-i", "gloss": "so foc-names scln-this cln.poss-clđ.nom-give.birth scln-this", "translation": "So according to this names of birth", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1f539", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436876976009, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f1f539" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndə eđa gənəŋ gəfiđu ummia gero gələŋeṯa", "morphemes": "ndə eđa g-ənəŋ gə-fiđ-u ummia g-ero g-ə-ləŋeṯ-a", "gloss": "when man clg-indef clg-find.rt-pfv boy clg-not.aux clg-dpc-know.rt-ipfv", "translation": "when a Moro man meet a boy you don’t know,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f20880", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436877116188, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f20880" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋeɽəđe ṯa agaɽo nimra mənau?", "morphemes": "n-aŋe-ɽəđ-e ṯa a-g-a-ɽ-o nimra mənau?", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-ask.rt-cons.pfv comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv number how.many", "translation": "He ask him which number you are?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f21410", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436877451914, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f21410" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia ndə gəđəɽəṯəma, na gënŋu nǝŋǝmaŋëci,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia ndə g-ə-đəɽəṯ-ə-ma, na g-ënŋu n-ǝŋǝ-m-aŋëc-i,", "gloss": "so when clg-dpc-tell.rt-pfv-3sg.om and clg-3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "So, when he tell him his number, he immediately tell him his name,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f22eeb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436877673552, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f22eeb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa naŋəmundəđi irəŋga gəlëɽəŋu gero gəmaŋëcia.", "morphemes": "eđa n-aŋə-m-und-əđ-i irəŋ-ga g-əlëɽəŋu g-ero gə-m-aŋëc-ia.", "gloss": "man comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-be.called.rt-ap-cons.pfv name-clg.with clg-3sg.poss clg-not.aux clg-3sg.om-tell.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Then the man call him by his name even when he did not tell him the name.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f24446", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436877848216, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f24446" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini niđəru:", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i n-iđəru:", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-ritual", "translation": "The names of the birthed name ritual", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2616d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878074999, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2616d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndrəŋ ini niđəru nënŋulu nabërnia ṯa", "morphemes": "Orn ndrəŋ in-i n-iđəru n-ënŋulu n-a-b-ërn-ia ṯa", "gloss": "but names scln-this cln.poss-ritual cln-3pl.pro comp2-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv comp1", "translation": "These names that named after the time of birthed ritual they called,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj P-N N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2813e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878184070, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2813e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrəŋ noɽra ŋenŋanṯa ŋere/ummia", "morphemes": "ndrəŋ n-oɽra ŋenŋanṯa ŋere/ummia", "gloss": "names cln-big because girl/boy", "translation": "big names or surename for the boy/girl", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f291c1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878497322, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f291c1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi naŋëncini irəŋ goɽra gađərëiđu,", "morphemes": "g-iđ-i n-aŋ-ënc-in-i irəŋ g-oɽra g-ađərëiđu", "gloss": "clg-do.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pass-cons.pfv name clg-big clg-compound", "translation": "is given a big name or compound name", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2aa6f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878692276, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2aa6f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrəŋ nəɽəjan ldiđəni irəŋ gonto ŋen ŋarno ndrəŋ nəleđa ləɽrrwa:", "morphemes": "ndrəŋ n-əɽəjan n-ld-iđ-ən-i irəŋ g-onto ŋen ŋarno ndrəŋ nə-leđa l-əɽrrwa:", "gloss": "names cln-two comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-pass-cons.pfv name clg-one talk like names cln.poss-people cll-male", "translation": "two names formed one name as the names of men like:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N Adj N Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2ce08", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878813851, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2ce08" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋaldoka, Ŋaldəkamene Kwëɽipana, Ukuku,", "morphemes": "Ŋaldo-ka, Ŋaldə-kamene Kwëɽi-pana, U-kuku,", "gloss": "Ngallo-ka Ngallo-kamene Kori-pana Au-kuku", "translation": "Ngalloka, Ngallekamene, Koripana, Aukuku", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2e7ac", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436878913427, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f2e7ac" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukriri, Abwaminḏi, Ṯuṯunable, Ocərmbelia,", "morphemes": "Uku-riri, Abwa-minḏi, Ṯuṯu-nable, Ocə-rmbelia,", "gloss": "Auku-riri Afwa-mindi Tutu-nable Oche-rmbelia", "translation": "Aukriri, Afwamindi, Tutunable, Ochermbelia", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f34f98", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436879459018, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f34f98" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwëɽikwëɽi, Ṯuṯuwa, Abwañje, Ukiḏa,", "morphemes": "Kwëɽi-kwëɽi, Ṯuṯu-wa, Abwa-ñje, U-kiḏa,", "gloss": "Kori-kori Tutu-wa Afwa-nje Auku-ida", "translation": "Korikori, Tutuwa, Afwanje, Aukida.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f35e02", "key": [ 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"translation": "The women names are:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f387d4", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436880357319, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f387d4" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwacaya, Gagana, Gagare, Kojəmənḏe,", "morphemes": "Kwaca-ya, Gaga-na, Gaga-are, Koja-m-o-nḏwe,", "gloss": "Kwaca-cly.with Gaga-and Gaga-heart Koja-take.rt-imp-deer", "translation": "Kwachaya, Gagana, Gagare, Kojmende", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f39a9c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436880641900, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f39a9c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Këciri, Ḏoṯele, Jaca, Jajena, Këciwa,", "morphemes": "Këci-ri, Ḏoṯo-ele, Jaca, Jaje-na, Këci-wa,", "gloss": "Kachi-thorn Toto-come.imp Always Jaje-and Kachi-wa", "translation": "Kachiri, Totele, Jacha, Jajena, Kachiwa,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3aa1a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436880919352, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3aa1a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëniṯa Abwaraṯela, Kafumi, Kajəwëri,", "morphemes": "Nëni-ṯa Abwa-raṯela, Kafu-mi, Kaji-wëri,", "gloss": "neni-ta Love-ratela Love-mi Kaj-whari", "translation": "Nenita, Afwaratela, Kafumi, Kajiwhari.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3bcdd", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436881215121, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3bcdd" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Akame, Akamaṯe, Ṯoṯemba, Oṯmeṯan,", "morphemes": "Aka-game, Aka-maṯe, Ṯoṯo-emba, Oṯo-meṯan,", "gloss": "Aka-sweet Aka-hurting Toto-crying Oto-Metan", "translation": "Akame, Akamate, Totemba, Otmetan,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3d84b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436881585659, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f3d84b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Këjigarenia, Këcufa, Agaməṯene na Ajamaiṯe.", "morphemes": "Këji-gare-enia, Këci-ufa, Agame-ṯene na Ajama-aiṯe.", "gloss": "Kaji-cry-hunt Kachi-moon Nice-tene and Ajama-aite", "translation": "Kajigarenia, Kachufah, Agamtene and Ajamaite.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f40004", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436881667290, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f40004" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini nəŋəmađ:", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i nə-ŋəmađ:", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-age.mate", "translation": "The names of the age mate groups", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f77d86", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436967918098, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f77d86" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ ini nəŋəmađ fəŋulu ini ñowa ñəlërrəncinia ndə ñënṯu eñowa,", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ in-i nə-ŋəmađ fə-ŋulu in-i ñowa ñə-l-ërr-ənc-in-ia ndə ñ-ënṯ-u e-ñowa,", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-age.mate foc-3sg.om scln-this women clɲ-3pl.om-iter-be.called.rt-pass-ipfv when clɲ-enter.rt-pfv loc-youth", "translation": "The name given to young girls when they initiated to their age mate group", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N N Adj N V Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f78fb9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436968104440, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f78fb9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrəŋ ini nəfo nəŋəmađ ilika ildi ləpənde nafo nanṯa:", "morphemes": "na ndrəŋ in-i n-ə-f-o nə-ŋəmađ i-lika ild-i ləpənde n-a-f-o n-anṯa:", "gloss": "and names scln-thiscln-dpc-be.loc-pfv cln.poss-age.mate loc-time scll-this past cln-rtc-be.loc-pfv cln-like", "translation": "and the names which are given to young women as in the past are:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P-N P-N Adj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7998c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436968221332, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7998c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋënəmayano, Saŋaka…….", "morphemes": "Ŋënəmayano, Saŋaka…….", "gloss": "Nanimayano Sanaka", "translation": "Nanimayano, and Sanaka.......", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7a8c3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436968455544, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7a8c3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ilika lilikano ndrəŋ nafo nanṯia:", "morphemes": "Orn i-lika l-ilikano ndrəŋ n-a-f-o n-anṯia:", "gloss": "but loc-time cll.poss-middle names cln-rtc-be.loc-pfv cln-like", "translation": "But in the period of the recent age the names were such as:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N P-N N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7bc5f", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436968852846, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7bc5f" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Asanai, Asabun, Anisria, Asamin, Mosria.", "morphemes": "Asanai, Asabun, Anisria, Asamin, Mosria.", "gloss": "pole soap eagle fat Egyptian", "translation": "Azanai (pole), Asabun (soap) Anisria (eagle), Asamin (fat), Mosria (Egyptian)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7bfcb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436969053502, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f7bfcb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndrəŋ ini nəlëđəmwa nəŋəmađ na nənëpwa", "morphemes": "Orn ndrəŋ in-i nə-lëđəmwa nə-ŋəmađ na nə-nëpwa", "gloss": "but names scln-this cln.poss-young.men cln.poss-age.mate and cln.poss-fighting", "translation": "And the names given to young men of the age mate group and of the fighting", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N P-N Conj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } 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cln.poss-church", "translation": "The Christian names", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f81db2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436969728423, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f81db2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika ŋen ŋə Rəmwa ŋəkanisa ŋënṯu e-Ləmwarəŋ,", "morphemes": "I-lika ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ŋə-kanisa ŋ-ënṯ-u e-Ləmwarəŋ,", "gloss": "loc-time word clŋ.poss-God clŋ.poss-church clŋ-enter.rt-pfv loc-Moro.people", "translation": "When Christianity came to Moro area", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N P N P-N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f840c7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436969921357, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f840c7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa ildi lakëndu kənisa ldəŋaŋgiṯi ndrəŋ enen niđəru", "morphemes": "leđa ild-i l-ak-ënd-u kənisa n-ld-əŋ-aŋg-iṯ-i ndrəŋ enen n-iđəru", "gloss": "people scll-this cll-iter-catch.rt-pfv church comp2-cll.inf-iter-leave.rt-appl-cons.pfv names 3pl.poss cln.poss-ritual", "translation": "those who became Christians left or change their proper names", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f861b1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436970026946, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f861b1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldërrəncini ndrəŋ nomən nəkanisa narno:", "morphemes": "n-ld-ërr-ənc-in-i ndrəŋ n-omən nə-kanisa n-arno:", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-iter-be.called.rt-pass-pfv names cln-other cln.poss-church cln-like", "translation": "and they are given christian names like:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f87cae", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436970250193, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f87cae" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Boṯros, Anḏrawos, Yagob, Jon, Fəlip, Ewanna,", "morphemes": "Boṯros, Anḏrawos, Yagob, Jon, Fəlip, Ewanna,", "gloss": "Peter Andrew Jacob John Philip Joana", "translation": "Peter, Andrew, Jacob, John, Philip and Joana", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f89acc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1436970486830, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28f89acc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Isṯifanos, Abranin, Ṯimuđawos, Barnaba, na Israyil, ndrəŋ nəleđa ləɽrrwa.", "morphemes": "Isṯifanos, Abranin, Ṯimuđawos, Barnaba, na Israyil, ndrəŋ nə-leđa l-əɽrrwa.", "gloss": "Stephan Hebrew Timothy Barnabas and Israel names cln.poss-people cll-male", "translation": "Stephan, Hebrew, Timothy, Barnabas and Israel, the names of men.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N Conj N N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68081f8a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437037659319, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68081f8a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Rumiya, Kalaṯiya, Ursalim, Beṯlam, Amal,", "morphemes": "Na Rumiya, Kalaṯiya, Ursalim, Beṯlam, Amal,", "gloss": "And Romans Galatians Jerusalem Bethlehem Acts", "translation": "And Romans, Galatians, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Acts,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68081c0b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437037906792, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68081c0b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Sara, Awas, Mere, Jalila, na Alisabaṯ,", "morphemes": "Sara, Awas, Mere, Jalila, na Alisabaṯ,", "gloss": "Sara Eve Merry Jalila and Elizabeth", "translation": "Sara, Eve, Merry, Jalila, and Elizabeth,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68084e02", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437037997275, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68084e02" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrəŋ nəliji ləɽəlda.", "morphemes": "ndrəŋ nə-liji l-əɽəlda.", "gloss": "names cln.poss-women cll-females", "translation": "These are women names.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680874c8", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038153605, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680874c8" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa leđa ildi leṯo ŋenŋa ŋəkanisa", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa leđa ild-i l-eṯ-o ŋen-ŋa ŋə-kanisa", "gloss": "because people scll-this cll-come.rt-pfv talk-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-church", "translation": "For the missionaries who brought Christianity,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680895d5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038282556, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680895d5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo lonaṯa ṯa aləməlëđi đəməṯia alo đəleđa", "morphemes": "l-afo l-onaṯa ṯa alə-məl-ëđ-i đəməṯia alo đə-leđa", "gloss": "cll-past.aux cll-want.rt comp1 cll.inf-change.rt-ap-cons.pfv life place clđ.poss-people", "translation": "they entend to change the life of the people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Comp V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808b238", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038427994, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808b238" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aləŋgiṯi ŋen eŋen iŋi ldəfo ləbəđia,", "morphemes": "alə-ŋg-iṯ-i ŋen eŋen iŋ-i n-ld-ə-fo l-ə-b-əđ-ia,", "gloss": "cll.inf-leave.rt-appl-cons.pfv talk clŋ.3pl.poss sclŋ-this comp2-cll.inf-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv", "translation": "to leave the life which they use to live before,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808cc70", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038553644, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808cc70" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nəṯia ldëɽi ŋen ṯa leđa aləŋgiṯi ndrəŋ ini enen", "morphemes": "nəṯia n-ld-ëɽ-i ŋen ṯa leđa alə-ŋg-iṯ-i ndrəŋ in-i enen", "gloss": "so comp2-cll.inf-put.rt-cons.pfv talk comp1 people cll.inf-leave.rt-appl-cons.pfv names scln-this cln.3pl.poss", "translation": "And so they asked the people to change their Moro names,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808e273", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038722532, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808e273" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aləme ndrəŋ nomən nərcađaṯo ërđiaga igi gəmajən.", "morphemes": "alə-m-e ndrəŋ n-omən n-ərcađaṯo ërđia-ga ig-i g-əmajən.", "gloss": "cll.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv names cln-other cln-suitable religion-clg.with sclg-this clg-new", "translation": "and be given new names that go with the new religion", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808f178", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437038853218, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6808f178" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Lëmu com ldela ldiđi ŋen ŋarno orba", "morphemes": "Na Lëmu com n-ld-el-a n-ld-iđ-i ŋen ŋ-arno orba", "gloss": "and arabs also comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ-like brother", "translation": "And also when Arabs came they did the same as the missionaries didi,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V V N Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68090e10", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039140646, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68090e10" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lafo lonaṯa ṯa alëndi leđa ŋen ŋërđia egen g-Islam", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-afo l-onaṯa ṯa al-ënd-i leđa ŋen ŋ-ërđia egen g-Islam", "gloss": "because cll.inf-past.aux cll-want.rt comp1 cll.inf-be.called.rt-cons.pfv people talk clŋ.poss-religion clg.3pl.poss clg.poss-Islam,", "translation": "for they aimed to Islamise the people to religion of Islam", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Comp V N N P-N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68091d99", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039140646, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68091d99" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lafo lonaṯa ṯa alëndi leđa ŋen ŋërđia egen g-Islam", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-afo l-onaṯa ṯa al-ënd-i leđa ŋen ŋ-ërđia egen g-Islam", "gloss": "because cll.inf-past.aux cll-want.rt comp1 cll.inf-be.called.rt-cons.pfv people talk clŋ.poss-religion clg.3pl.poss clg.poss-Islam,", "translation": "for they aimed to Islamise the people to religion of Islam", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V Comp V N N P-N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680967fc", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039313448, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680967fc" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ŋə-Lëmu, nəṯia ldəmamələđəṯi leđa ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu.", "morphemes": "na ŋen ŋə-Lëmu, nəṯia n-ldə-ma-məl-əđ-əṯ-i leđa ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu.", "gloss": "and talk clŋ.poss-Arab so comp1-cll.inf-iter-change.rt-ap-appl-cons.pfv people names cln.poss-Arabs", "translation": "and Islamic culture, so they changed the Moro names to Arab names.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N Conj V N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68097db3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039365153, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd68097db3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu:", "morphemes": "Ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu:", "gloss": "names cln.poss-Arabs", "translation": "The Arabs names:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809a25a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039689199, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809a25a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ilika Ləmwarəŋ lirəwu neyen ldirəwuṯi alo nəŋabate,", "morphemes": "I-lika Ləmwarəŋ l-irəw-u n-eyen n-ld-irəwu-ṯ-i alo nə-ŋabate,", "gloss": "loc-time Moro cll-descend.rt-pfv on-hills comp2-cll.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place on-grounds,", "translation": "When the Moro people moved down from hill tops and settle at the hill foot", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V P-N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809bc0d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437039800277, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809bc0d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen lënŋulu lorrəpəđaiđo leđala ləɽo Lëmu,", "morphemes": "na ŋen l-ënŋulu l-orrəp-əđ-aiđ-o leđa-la l-ə-ɽ-o Lëmu,", "gloss": "and when cll-3pl.pro cll-meet.rt-ap-appl.ap-pfv people-cll.with cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv Arabs", "translation": "and they met with the Arabs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N-P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809fb60", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437047974719, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd6809fb60" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ldikirəwuṯa Albar,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ld-ik-irəwu-ṯ-a Albar,", "gloss": "and when comp2-cll.inf-iter-descend.rt-loc.appl-ipfv river", "translation": "and when they began to travel to Khartoum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a175d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048160938, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a175d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ldërrəncu ñere nilmaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ld-ërr-ənc-u ñere n-ilmaḏrasa,", "gloss": "and when comp2-cll.inf-iter-enter.rt-pfv children on-schools", "translation": "and when they took their children to the schools.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a34f0", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048329672, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a34f0" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu ldërrəncini ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu narno,", "morphemes": "L-ënŋulu n-ld-ërr-ənc-in-i ndrəŋ nə-Lëmu n-arno,", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cln-cll.inf-iter-be.called.rt-pass-cons.pfv names cln.poss-arabs cln-like", "translation": "they given an Arab names such as", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a4cd2", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048501215, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a4cd2" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aḏam, Esen, Asan, Usman, Abṯraman,", "morphemes": "Aḏam, Esen, Asan, Usman, Abṯraman,", "gloss": "Adam Hussein Hassan Othman Abdurrahman", "translation": "Adam, Hussein, Hassan, Othman, Abdurrahman,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a6e4a", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048672671, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a6e4a" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Abṯalla, Ibrayim, Ismayil, Mameṯ, Mosṯaffa,", "morphemes": "Abṯalla, Ibrayim, Ismayil, Mameṯ, Mosṯaffa,", "gloss": "and Abdullah Ibrahim Ismail Muhammad Mustafa", "translation": "and Abdullah, Ibrahim, Ismail, Muhammad, Mustafa,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a8912", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048820539, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a8912" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrǝŋ nǝleđa lǝɽrrwa", "morphemes": "ndrǝŋ nǝ-leđa l-ǝɽrrwa.", "gloss": "names cln.poss-people cll-male.", "translation": "names of men.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a9907", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437048901287, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680a9907" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ndrǝŋ ini nǝliji lǝɽǝlda naɽo ṯia", "morphemes": "Orn ndrǝŋ in-i nǝ-liji l-ǝɽǝlda n-a-ɽ-o ṯia", "gloss": "but names scln-this cll.poss-women cll-female cln-rtc-be.rt-pfv in.this.way", "translation": "But the names of women are like this:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680aa688", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049069339, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680aa688" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Alima, Awaḏia, Amuna, Igbal,", "morphemes": "Alima, Awaḏia, Amuna, Igbal,", "gloss": "Halima Awodiya Amona Egbal", "translation": "Halima, Awodiya, Amona, Egbal,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680afe75", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049309308, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680afe75" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kausar, Najaṯ, Naḏia, Samiya na Fausia", "morphemes": "Kausar, Najaṯ, Naḏia, Samiya na Fausia", "gloss": "and Couther Najat Nadia Samia and Fauziya", "translation": "and Couther, Najat, Nadia, Samia, and Fauziya.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b17f1", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049417135, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b17f1" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia fəŋen iŋi ŋəŋgiṯu leđa lə-Ləmwarəŋ", "morphemes": "Nəṯia fə-ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ə-ŋg-iṯ-u leđa lə-Ləmwarəŋ", "gloss": "so foc-talk sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-leave.rt-appl-pfv people cll.poss-Moro", "translation": "So this is what make the Moro people", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b323e", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049622902, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b323e" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldwañəṯe ndrəŋ ŋen ŋarno ŋërria iŋi ŋəfo ŋəfo eđəməṯia eđen.", "morphemes": "n-ld-wañ-əṯ-e ndrəŋ ŋen ŋ-arno ŋërria iŋ-i ŋ-ə-fo ŋ-ə-f-o e-đəməṯia eđen.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-many.rt-cmp-cons.pfv names talk clŋ-like culture sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-past.aux clŋ-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-life clđ.3pl.poss", "translation": "to have many names according to the culture which they lived.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adv N Adj V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b4e69", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049790455, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b4e69" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝmwarǝŋ lafo lerṯo ndrǝŋ ini naffǝđo eđǝfra nǝđǝlǝŋa narno", "morphemes": "Lǝmwarǝŋ l-a-fo l-erṯo ndrǝŋ in-i n-aff-ǝđ-o e-đǝfra nǝ-đǝ-lǝŋa n-arno", "gloss": "Moro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-have.rt names scln-this cln-set.rt-ap-pfv loc-line cln.poss-clđ.nom-give.birth cln-like", "translation": "The Moro people had the line names that follow the order such as:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj V P-N P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b746b", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437049926820, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b746b" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrǝŋ ini nǝlëmmia: Kuku, Kwëɽi, Aŋgalo, Ṯuṯu, Kuwa, na Koja,", "morphemes": "ndrǝŋ in-i nǝ-lëmmia: Kuku, Kwëɽi, Aŋgalo, Ṯuṯu, Kuwa, na Koja,", "gloss": "names scln-this cln.poss-boys Kuku Kori Angalo Tutu Kowa and Koja", "translation": "the boys names, Kuku, Kori, Angalo, Tutu, Kowa, and Koja", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj P-N N N N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b8db6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050052777, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680b8db6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrǝŋ ini nǝñere: Kaka, Këni, Kwace, Këci, Kawa na Koja.", "morphemes": "na ndrǝŋ in-i nǝ-ñere: Kaka, Këni, Kwace, Këci, Kawa na Koja.", "gloss": "and names scln-this cln.poss-girls Kaka Kani Kwache Kachi Kawa and Koja", "translation": "and girls names: Kaka, Kani, Kwache, Kachi, Kawa, and Koja", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N N N N N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680ba6a7", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050271224, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680ba6a7" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lënŋulu lafo lerṯo ndrǝŋ ini niđǝru com,", "morphemes": "Na l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-erṯo ndrǝŋ in-i n-iđǝru com,", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-have.rt names scln-this cln.poss-ritual also", "translation": "and also they have the names of birthed period (proper)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680bc45d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050522456, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680bc45d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndrǝŋ nǝŋǝmađ, na ndrǝŋ ini nǝ-Lëmu na ndrǝŋ nǝkanisa.", "morphemes": "na ndrǝŋ nǝ-ŋǝmađ, na ndrǝŋ in-i nǝ-Lëmu na ndrǝŋ nǝ-kanisa.", "gloss": "and names cln.poss-age.mate and names scln-this cln.poss-Arabs and names cln.poss-church", "translation": "and the name of age mate group, and names of Arabs, and Christian names.,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N Conj N Adj P-N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680be1a4", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050623555, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680be1a4" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋen ŋarno ndrǝŋ nǝlëɽǝñi igënǝñi:", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋen ŋ-arno ndrǝŋ n-ǝlëɽǝñi igënǝñi:", "gloss": "so talk clŋ-like names cln-1sg.poss 1sg.pro", "translation": "So, as for myself, my own names are:", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680bf8bf", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050798275, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680bf8bf" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "irǝŋ gǝđǝlǝŋa gǝlëɽǝñi ganṯa, Ŋaldo,", "morphemes": "irǝŋ gǝ-đǝ-lǝŋa g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-anṯa, Ŋaldo,", "gloss": "name clg.poss-clđ.nom-give.birth clg-1sg.poss clg-mean.rt Angalo", "translation": "My birth name in line is Angalo (number three)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c09ad", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437050949058, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c09ad" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ giđǝru ganṯa Ŋaldoka,", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ g-iđǝru g-anṯa Ŋaldoka,", "gloss": "and name clg.poss-ritual clg-mean.rt Ŋaldoka.", "translation": "and the name of birthed surename is Ngalloka", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c14e8", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437051066675, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c14e8" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ galmaḏrasa gafo ganṯa Aŋgalo", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ g-almaḏrasa g-a-fo g-anṯa Aŋgalo", "gloss": "and name clg.poss-school clg-rtc-past.aux clg-mean.rt Angalo", "translation": "and school name was Angalo,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c3b4d", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437051181028, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c3b4d" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋǝriđini alo nǝŋǝɽeṯe Añjǝlo,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋǝ-riđ-in-i alo n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e Añjǝlo,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-change.rt-pass-cons.pfv place comp2-3sg.cons-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv Angelo", "translation": "then it was change to Angelo", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c57c6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437051518683, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c57c6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ gǝkanisa gafo ganṯa Iniyas,", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ gǝ-kanisa g-a-fo g-anṯa Iniyas,", "gloss": "and name clg.poss-church clg-rtc-past.aux clg-mean.rt Aeneas", "translation": "and my Christian name was Aeneas,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c7207", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437051613480, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c7207" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ gǝ-Lëmu gafo ganṯa Sale,", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ gǝ-Lëmu g-a-fo g-anṯa Sale,", "gloss": "and name clg.poss-arabs clg-rtc-past.aux clg-mean.rt Saleh", "translation": "and the name of Arab was Saleh.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c8152", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437051975419, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c8152" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igafo igero irǝŋ gǝŋǝmađ ŋenŋanṯa igero igǝpǝđia nëpwa!", "morphemes": "orn i-g-a-fo i-g-ero irǝŋ gǝ-ŋǝmađ ŋenŋanṯa i-g-ero i-g-ǝp-ǝđ-ia nëpwa!", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-past.aux 1sg-clg-not.aux name clg.poss-age.mate because 1sg-clg-not.aux 1sg-clg-carry.rt-ap-ipfv fighting", "translation": "But I did not have the name of age mate group because I was not involve in system of age mate of fighting with the sticks", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P-N Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c9689", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437052251749, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680c9689" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đəbëlia ŋere eŋan:", "morphemes": "Đəbëlia ŋere e-ŋan:", "gloss": "Weaning child loc-milk", "translation": "Weaning the Child", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680cbbfb", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437052776398, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680cbbfb" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋere iŋi ŋəta ŋafo ŋađəɽwa nṯəli nəɽəjan ŋopia", "morphemes": "Ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-əta ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-đəɽw-a nṯəli n-əɽəjan ŋopia", "gloss": "child sclŋ-this clŋ-small clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-suckle.rt-ipfv years cln-two well", "translation": "The baby is staying with his mother on breastfeeding for two years,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680cc70c", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437053080790, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680cc70c" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn naŋəbale eŋan ŋoɽra ŋəlaldəña,", "morphemes": "orn n-aŋə-bal-e e-ŋan ŋ-oɽra ŋ-ə-laldəñ-a,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.inf-wean.rt-cons.pfv loc-milk clŋ-big clŋ-dpc-run.rt-ipfv", "translation": "then he weaned when he grown up enough to run.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680ce9a3", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437053203508, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680ce9a3" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn wuji naŋonḏace təŋ.", "morphemes": "orn wuji n-aŋ-onḏac-e təŋ.", "gloss": "then woman comp2-3sg.inf-be.pregnant.rt-cons.pfv again", "translation": "then the mother can get pregnant again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d01ed", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437053411328, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d01ed" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋere ŋafo ŋaber ŋəbalaṯa eŋan egeɽa gəlëɽəŋu,", "morphemes": "Ŋere ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-b-er ŋ-ə-bal-aṯ-a e-ŋan eg-eɽa g-əlëɽəŋu,", "gloss": "child clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-prog-not.aux clŋ-dpc-wean.rt-loc.appl-ipfv loc-milk loc-house clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "The child is not weaned in his/her house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V P-N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d0ad9", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437053567206, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d0ad9" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "wuji gafo giđi naŋəbëlëci ŋere eŋan", "morphemes": "wuji g-a-fo g-iđi n-aŋə-bël-ëc-i ŋere e-ŋan", "gloss": "woman clg-rtc-past.aux clg-fut.aux cln-3sg.inf-wean.rt-appl-cons.pfv child loc-milk", "translation": "the mother was to wean the child", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d27cf", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437053906198, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d27cf" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egeɽa geṯenanda iŋəđurba walla egeɽa gunin gəlëɽəŋu", "morphemes": "eg-eɽa g-eṯen-anda i-ŋəđurba walla eg-eɽa g-unin g-əlëɽəŋu", "gloss": "loc-house clg.poss-father-assoc.pl loc-uncles or loc-house clg.poss-inlaws clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "at her parent’s house the uncles of the child or at her in-laws the parents of child father,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N P-N P-N Conj P-N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d3ae6", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437054269064, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d3ae6" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋəđərria naləbale eŋan", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋəđərria n-alə-bal-e e-ŋan", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this nursing cln-cll.inf-wean.rt-cons.pfv loc-milk", "translation": "and the girl who looks after the child accompanied him there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d48b5", "key": [ "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", 1437054563343, "1cf5df983c752e37728a5ccd680d48b5" ], "value": { "story": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2829fc03", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orbaga igi gəta ṯaŋəmësi laləmən na ṯaŋəmarmoṯo!", "morphemes": "orba-ga ig-i g-əta ṯ-aŋə-më-s-i laləmən na ṯ-aŋə-ma-rmoṯ-o!", "gloss": "brother-clg.with sclg-this clg-small comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-eat.rt-caus something and comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-guard.rt-pfv", "translation": "and stays with him to feed him and looks after him!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P Adj Adj V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a009e9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429089553383, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a009e9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝtođa", "morphemes": "Đǝ-tođa", "gloss": "clđ.nom-rise.rt", "translation": "Moving", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a01791", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429089772464, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a01791" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Pǝnde ram maje gafo gafo gǝnǝŋ gǝbërnia Ukuwa,", "morphemes": "Pǝnde ram maje g-a-fo g-a-f-o g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Ukuwa,", "gloss": "Past early man clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-be.loc-pfv clg-indef clg-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Aukowa", "translation": "Once upon a time there was a man called Aukowa,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N V V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a039cd", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429090080559, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a039cd" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu ṯaŋërnu Kwacema.", "morphemes": "na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kwacema.", "gloss": "and wife-3sg.poss clg-esg.poss comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pfv Kwachema", "translation": "and his wife was called Kwachema.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a04ff7", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429090284602, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a04ff7" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu lafo lafo ayen eđǝpe Nayen Yimunwa,", "morphemes": "L-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-f-o ayen eđǝpe Nayen Yimunwa,", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv hill over Mountains Black", "translation": "They were living up in the hills in the Black Mountains,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a062a5", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429090440586, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a062a5" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ldiđi ldirǝwuṯi alo elǝbate,", "morphemes": "orn n-ld-iđ-i n-ld-irǝwu-ṯ-i alo e-lǝbate,", "gloss": "but comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place loc-land", "translation": "then they moved down to the land,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a07ef3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429091340536, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a07ef3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alo yafo yamuđwano nayen eđǝpe,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa alo y-a-fo y-amuđwano n-ayen eđǝpe,", "gloss": "because place cly-rtc-past.aux cly-narrow on-hill over", "translation": "because the land on the hills is too narrow,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj P-N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a090cc", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429091842236, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a090cc" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na alo yafo yero yulëɽǝnia ŋenŋanṯa leđa lalǝŋǝđo ldwañǝṯe kañ,", "morphemes": "na alo y-a-fo y-ero y-ulëɽ-ǝn-ia ŋenŋanṯa leđa l-a-lǝŋǝđ-o n-ld-wañ-ǝṯ-e kañ,", "gloss": "and place cly-rtc-past.aux cly-not.aux cly-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv because people cll-rtc-reproduce.rt-pfv comp2-cll.inf-increase.rt-cmp-cons.pfv very", "translation": "and there is no place for agriculture because the people reproduced and increased a lot,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V Comp N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0b1f3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429092067671, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0b1f3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝṯia alo nǝyerṯe yelǝɽǝwađaca pređ,", "morphemes": "nǝṯia alo n-ǝy-erṯe y-e-lǝ-ɽǝwađ-ac-a pređ,", "gloss": "so place comp2-cly.inf-not.aux cly-dpc-3pl.om-satisfy.rt-appl-ipfv all", "translation": "therefore the land did not satisfied them all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0ce56", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429092261937, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0ce56" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com alo nǝyerṯe yeđwala.", "morphemes": "na com alo n-ǝy-erṯe ye-đwala.", "gloss": "and also place comp2-cly.inf-not.aux cly.poss-livestock", "translation": "and there is not good pasture for livestock.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0defb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429092389998, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0defb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu latođo,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu l-a-tođ-o,", "gloss": "so Aukowa and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss cll-rtc-rise.rt-pfv", "translation": "So Aukowa and his family moved,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0f7d4", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429092837141, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a0f7d4" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝtođe leđala lwaña com ildi lǝfo lǝfǝlda nayen, ldirǝwuṯi alo elǝbate.", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-tođ-e leđala l-waña com ild-i l-ǝ-fo l-ǝ-f-ǝ-lda n-ayen, n-ld-irǝwu-ṯ-i alo e-lǝbate.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv people cll-many also scll-this cll-dpc-past.aux cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3pl.om on-mountain comp2-cll.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place on-land", "translation": "and they moved down mountains with many people who where with them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv Adj V V P-N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a10b8a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429093140192, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a10b8a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa lǝmǝn ldeɽǝṯe alo Ekau, na lǝmaṯan ldǝfeṯe alo Noge.", "morphemes": "Na leđa l-ǝmǝn n-lde-ɽǝṯ-e alo Ekau, na l-ǝmaṯan n-ldǝ-f-eṯ-e alo Noge.", "gloss": "and people cll-some comp2-cll.inf-stop.rt-cons.pfv place Ecow and cll-indef comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv place Noge", "translation": "Some families moved to Ecow village and other settled in Noge village,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N N Conj N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1285c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429093412939, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1285c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa lwaña ldëndi alo Elbarro,", "morphemes": "Na leđa l-waña n-ld-ënd-i alo Elbarro,", "gloss": "and people cll-many comp2-cll.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv place Elbarrow", "translation": "And many families settled in the land of Elbarrow,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a13db3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429093588482, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a13db3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn leđa lǝtëfr ldǝmurwi fǝr ldǝrmaṯe alo Karm.", "morphemes": "orn leđa lǝ-tëf-r n-ldǝ-murw-i fǝr n-ldǝ-rmaṯ-e alo Karm.", "gloss": "but people cll-few-pl comp2-cll.inf-cross.rt-cons.pfv far comp2-cll.inf-reach.rt-cons.pfv place Karm", "translation": "but few families cross through the land and reached Karm area.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adv V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a15469", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429093791327, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a15469" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuwa nǝŋǝfeṯe eleđa ildi lǝrmaṯo alo Karm,", "morphemes": "Na Ukuwa n-ǝŋǝ-f-eṯ-e e-leđa ild-i l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o alo Karm,", "gloss": "and Aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-people scll-this cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv place Karm", "translation": "And Aukowa was among the people that crossed and settled in Karm area,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a17078", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429093953114, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a17078" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝfeṯe tu,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-f-eṯ-e tu,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc-loc.appl-cons.pfv there", "translation": "and he lives there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1971f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429094280619, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1971f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa alo Karm yafo yabǝrano kañ,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa alo Karm y-a-fo y-a-b-ǝran-o kañ,", "gloss": "because place Karm cly-rtc-past.aux cly-rtc-prog-be.wide.rt-pfv very", "translation": "because the land of Karm is wide and open,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1b833", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429094451999, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1b833" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yerṯo alo ano yebǝrano yiŋëmia ŋǝđwala.", "morphemes": "na y-erṯo alo ano y-e-b-ǝran-o yi-ŋëmia ŋǝ-đwala.", "gloss": "and cly-have.rt place in cly-dpc-prog-be.wide.rt-pfv cly.poss-pasture clŋ.poss-livestock", "translation": "and it has open plain for pastures of livestock,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P V P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1c174", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429094809583, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1c174" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝbarlda iđi đ-Egǝmbor đǝcǝnduŋu neyen", "morphemes": "na đǝbarlda iđ-i đ-Egǝmbor đ-ǝ-cǝnduŋ-u neyen", "gloss": "and stream sclđ-this clđ.poss-Egembor clđ-dpc-come.down.rt-pfv hills", "translation": "and the stream of Egembor that flows from hills,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1d850", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429095092938, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1d850" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "isi yefo alǝnenda Oṯǝɽo na Elmon,", "morphemes": "is-i y-e-f-o alǝnenda Oṯǝɽo na Elmon,", "gloss": "scly-this cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv east Otoro and Lemon", "translation": "the hills which are in the eastern side of Otoro and Lemon hills,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1ee1d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429095379215, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a1ee1d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đǝbarlda đǝnǝŋ đeṯo Irǝfi na đomǝn nǝđela Ecǝmwarre,", "morphemes": "đǝbarlda đ-ǝnǝŋ đ-eṯ-o Irǝfi na đ-omǝn n-ǝđ-el-a Ecǝmwarre,", "gloss": "stream clđ-indef clđ-come.rt-pfv Irvi and clđ-other comp2-clđ.inf-come.rt-ipfv Echmwarre", "translation": "one branch of stream flows from Irvi area, and another branch from Echmwarre hill,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a20212", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429095614911, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a20212" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝyela nǝyopǝđaiđe Nebarlda Yopǝđaiđo,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝy-el-a n-ǝy-opǝđ-aiđ-e Nebarlda Yopǝđaiđo,", "gloss": "and comp2-cly.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-cly.inf-meet.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv Stream Junction", "translation": "and the two streams meet at Stream Junction.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a21fb3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429095907215, "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d757a21fb3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝđǝɽeṯe đǝbarlda đonto đoɽra,", "morphemes": "N-ǝđǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e đǝbarlda đ-onto đ-oɽra,", "gloss": "comp2-clđ.inf-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv stream clđ-one clđ-big", "translation": "and they became one big stream,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa5673", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429508071105, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa5673" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝđǝndǝđe alo ano Karm ṯađǝmǝño,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝđǝ-ndǝđ-e alo ano Karm ṯ-ađǝ-mǝñ-o,", "gloss": "and comp2-clđ.inf-cross.rt-cons.pfv place in karm comp1b-clđ.inf-go.out.rt-pfv", "translation": "and it goes through the land of Karm and passes to", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa6889", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429508278377, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa6889" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nḏǝɽe đǝndalǝŋgwa alo Eđrege.", "morphemes": "n-ḏǝɽe đǝ-ndalǝŋgwa alo Eđrege.", "gloss": "on-direction clđ.poss-west place Ethrege", "translation": "Western direction to Ethrege area.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N P-N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa7dc2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429508950116, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa7dc2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝbarlda iđi đafo đobǝđa labano na pǝria,", "morphemes": "Đǝbarlda iđ-i đ-a-fo đ-obǝđ-a lab-ano na pǝria,", "gloss": "stream sclđ-this clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-sprout.rt-ipfv reeds-in and tall.grasses", "translation": "This valley is sprouted with reeds and tall grasses,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N-P Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa9c69", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429509575686, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fa9c69" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nde nǝŋǝde nwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "na nde nǝŋǝde n-waña kañ,", "gloss": "and duleib trees cln-many very", "translation": "and many duleib trees.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fab28f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429509855825, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fab28f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na laba ildi, lafo lekerṯo nṯano nwaña nerṯo ŋawano ŋwaña", "morphemes": "na laba ild-i, l-a-fo l-ek-erṯo nṯ-ano n-waña n-erṯo ŋaw-ano ŋ-waña", "gloss": "and reeds scll-this cll-rtc-past.aux cll-iter-have.rt pools-in cln-many cln-have.rt water-in clŋ-many", "translation": "There were many pools of water that covered the whole valley of reeds,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N-P Adj V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93faeb8a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429509915024, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93faeb8a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝlurarrǝmǝđia kibwi kibwi ŋǝber ŋǝbakaya.", "morphemes": "ŋ-ǝ-lurarrǝm-ǝđ-ia kibwi kibwi ŋ-ǝ-b-er ŋ-ǝ-b-ak-ay-a.", "gloss": "clŋ-dpc-stay.rt-ap-ipfv summer summer clŋ-dpc-prog-not.aux clŋ-dpc-prog-iter-die.rt-ipfv", "translation": "that don't dry up in summer seasons", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93faf886", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429510489132, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93faf886" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đuđa đǝlëɽǝŋu đafo đañǝla kañ", "morphemes": "Na đuđa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu đ-a-fo đ-añǝla kañ", "gloss": "and soil clđ-3sg.pro clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-sweet very", "translation": "And it has very fertile soil", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fb82fc", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429510763807, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fb82fc" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đëlǝŋia laŋge pređ ildi lǝwëđǝnia na lǝlëɽǝnia.", "morphemes": "đ-ë-lǝŋ-ia laŋge pređ ild-i l-ǝ-wëđ-ǝn-ia na l-ǝ-lëɽ-ǝn-ia.", "gloss": "clđ-dpc-produce.rt-ipfv things all scll-this cll-dpc-plant.rt-pass-ipfv cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "that produces every kind of plant and vegetable.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fb90d7", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429510893481, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fb90d7" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa na leđa pređ ildi lǝfǝlda,", "morphemes": "Ukuwa na leđa pređ ild-i l-ǝ-f-ǝ-lda,", "gloss": "aukowa and people all scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv-cll.with", "translation": "Aukowa and all people who were with them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fba013", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429511112241, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fba013" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo lalaɽa eŋǝborṯo esǝrǝŋ niwur,", "morphemes": "l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a e-ŋǝborṯo e-sǝrǝŋ n-iwur,", "gloss": "cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv loc-farms loc-garden on-villages", "translation": "were cultivating in farms near their villages,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fbac52", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429511584915, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fbac52" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "bala, ŋwal iŋi ŋǝɽo ebai, na ŋwal ŋañǝla, na japređa na ŋwana ŋǝlëmu,", "morphemes": "bala, ŋwal iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o ebai, na ŋwal ŋ-añǝla, na japređa na ŋwana ŋǝ-lëmu,", "gloss": "bala sorghum sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv servant and sorghum clŋ-sweet and sesame corn clŋ.poss-Arabs", "translation": "different kinds of sorghums, and sesame and maize,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj V N Conj N Adj Conj N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fbeb5a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429512009355, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fbeb5a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu com lafo lalaɽa mǝɽwata eŋǝfer.", "morphemes": "na l-ënŋulu com l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a mǝɽwata e-ŋǝfer.", "gloss": "and cll-3pl.pro also cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv peanuts loc-yards", "translation": "and they were cultivating peanuts in yards", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc3671", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429512416452, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc3671" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ini ini nǝfo Nḏǝbarlda Egǝmbor na erǝñoŋ nḏubwu,", "morphemes": "Orn i-ni in-i n-ǝ-f-o Nḏǝbarlda Egǝmbor na erǝñoŋ n-ḏubwu,", "gloss": "but loc-fields scln-this cln-dpc-be.loc-pfv Stream of Ekembor and plain on-plateau", "translation": "But in the fields which were in the Valley of Duleib and in plain of plateau,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj V N N Conj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc5a05", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429512590822, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc5a05" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lënŋulu lafo lalolaɽa ŋwana ŋeđe egǝmbor,", "morphemes": "l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-lo-laɽ-a ŋwana ŋ-eđe e-gǝmbor,", "gloss": "cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-3pl.om-cultivate.rt-ipfv sorghum clŋ-green loc-Ekembor", "translation": "they were cultivating green sorghum in Ekembor Valley,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc7cc3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513080588, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc7cc3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝbara na ŋoređa, na ojma, kulma, lǝkoḏrwa ini ini nerǝñoŋ nḏubwu.", "morphemes": "na đǝbara na ŋoređa na ojma, kulma, lǝkoḏrwa i-ni in-i n-erǝñoŋ n-ḏubwu.", "gloss": "and cotton and sesame and ojema kulma lekodra loc-fields scln-this cln.poss-wilderness on-plateau", "translation": "And they cultivated also cotton and sesame in the high plateau as well as different kinds of sorghum.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Conj N N N P-N Adj P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc907b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513221783, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fc907b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu na leđa pređ ildi lǝfǝlda tu,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu na leđa pređ ild-i l-ǝ-f-ǝ-lda tu,", "gloss": "so aukowa and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss and people all scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3pl.om there", "translation": "Therefore Aukowa and his wife and the whole people who were with them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Adj Conj N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcaae6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513418985, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcaae6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo lalaɽa đǝɽal đǝŋǝra kañ", "morphemes": "l-a-fo l-a-laɽ-a đǝɽal đ-ǝŋǝra kañ", "gloss": "cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-cultivate.rt-ipfv clđ.nom-cultivation clđ-good very", "translation": "were doing good cultivation,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcca04", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513618127, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcca04" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo labǝrldiđa đwala kañ, iria, oɽo na yaŋala.", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-b-ǝrld-iđ-a đwala kañ, iria, oɽo na yaŋala.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-walk.rt-ap-ipfv animals very cattles goats and sheeps", "translation": "and they were buying livestock, cattle, goats and sheep,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adv N N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcec06", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513734948, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fcec06" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ldǝɽǝwađaṯe iliga lǝtëfr,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia n-ldǝ-ɽǝwađ-aṯ-e i-liga lǝ-tëfr,", "gloss": "so comp2-cll.inf-be.able.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-time cll-little", "translation": "So they were able in a short time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd088c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429513869472, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd088c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldiđi đwala đwaña kañ đapa ɽrwia.", "morphemes": "n-ld-iđ-i đwala đ-waña kañ đ-a-p-a ɽrwia.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv wealth clđ-many very clđ-rtc-carry.rt-ipfv plain", "translation": "they were able to gain alot of livestocks that covered the ground.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd1dbe", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514165598, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd1dbe" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuwa nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝmama lëmmia lǝɽo ŋwalia ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Na Ukuwa n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ma-m-a lëmmia l-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋwalia ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-iter-take.rt-ipfv boys cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv nephews clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "So Aukowa brought some of his nephews boys,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd3ea2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514279629, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd3ea2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝđia lǝlorba lǝlëɽǝŋu lǝɽǝlda,", "morphemes": "lǝđia lǝ-lorba l-ǝlëɽǝŋu l-ǝɽǝlda,", "gloss": "sons cll.poss-sisters cll-3sg.poss cll-females", "translation": "the sons of his sisters,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd4f9d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514477249, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd4f9d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldela ṯalǝmësǝṯu đwala ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia ildi lǝlëɽǝŋu lafo larra mǝldin.", "morphemes": "n-ld-el-a ṯ-alǝ-më-sǝṯ-u đwala ŋenŋanṯa lëmmia ild-i l-ǝlëɽǝŋu l-a-fo l-arra mǝldin.", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp1b-cll.inf-3sg.om-care.rt-pfv livestock because children scll-this cll-3sg.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-young still", "translation": "They came to take care for his wealth because his children were too young!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Comp N Adj N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd6942", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514631069, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd6942" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwacema wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu gafo galǝŋǝṯǝma", "morphemes": "Kwacema was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-a-fo g-a-lǝŋ-ǝṯ-ǝ-ma", "gloss": "Kwachema wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-appl-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "And Kwachema his wife bore to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd8794", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514713201, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd8794" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lëmmia lǝɽǝjan na ŋere ŋonto ŋǝɽǝbwa,", "morphemes": "lëmmia l-ǝɽǝjan na ŋere ŋ-onto ŋ-ǝɽǝbwa,", "gloss": "boys cll-two and girl clŋ-one clŋ-female", "translation": "two sons and one daughter.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd8dd8", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514805260, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd8dd8" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lënŋulu ldënci ummia igi gǝɽǝnda ṯa Kuku,", "morphemes": "na l-ënŋulu n-ld-ënc-i ummia ig-i g-ǝɽǝnda ṯa Kuku,", "gloss": "and cll-3sg.pro comp2-cll.inf-be.called.rt-caus boy sclg-this clg-first comp1 Kuku", "translation": "and they named the first born boy Kuku,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adj Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd98de", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429514979342, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fd98de" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ gomǝn ṯaŋërnu Ukëḏi,", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ g-omǝn ṯ-aŋ-ër-n-u Ukëḏi,", "gloss": "and name clg-other comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pass-pfv Aukadi", "translation": "and his surname is Aukadi", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fda528", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515145818, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fda528" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋǝmaɽeđeṯa ldëncu ṯa Nëni,", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-ma-ɽeđ-eṯ-a n-ld-ënc-u ṯa Nëni,", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-3sg.om-follow.rt-appl-ipfv comp2-cll.inf-call.rt-pfv comp1 Neni", "translation": "and they named the second born girl Neni,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fdb98b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515225191, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fdb98b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ gomǝn ṯaŋërnu Nëniṯa,", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ g-omǝn ṯ-aŋ-ër-n-u Nëniṯa,", "gloss": "and name clg-other comp1b-3sg.inf-call.rt-pass-pfv Nanita", "translation": "and her surname is Nanita,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fdc9eb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515506007, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fdc9eb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lorba ǝllëɽǝŋu ṯalǝmurndǝđo ṯa Aniya,", "morphemes": "orn lorba ǝl-lëɽǝŋu ṯ-alǝ-m-urnd-ǝđ-o ṯa Aniya,", "gloss": "but brother cll-3sg.pro comp1b-cll.inf-3sg.om-call.rt-ap-pfv comp1 Aniya", "translation": "but her brothers called Aniya as a nickname,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe4199", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515641093, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe4199" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lënŋulu lafo lëbwamaya kañ na gënŋu com gafo gëbwaliya,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-ë-bwa-ma-ya kañ na g-ënŋu com g-a-fo g-ë-bwa-li-ya,", "gloss": "because cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-dpc-love.rt-3sg.om-ipfv very and clg-3sg.pro also clg-rtc-past.aux clg-dpc-love.rt-3pl.om-ipfv very", "translation": "because they love her very much, and she loves them very much.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V Adv Conj N Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe9bf9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515789789, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe9bf9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ummia igi gǝta lënŋulu lëncima ṯa Laldo,", "morphemes": "orn ummia ig-i g-ǝ-ta l-ënŋulu l-ënc-i-ma ṯa Laldo,", "gloss": "but boy sclg-this clg-dpc-young.rt cll-3pl.pro cll-be.called.rt-caus-3sg.om comp1 Lallo", "translation": "and the young boy they named him Lallo,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe9adb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429515908412, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fe9adb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na irǝŋ gomǝn ṯaŋërnu Aŋgalla.", "morphemes": "na irǝŋ g-omǝn ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Aŋgalla.", "gloss": "and name clg-other comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-pfv Angalla", "translation": "and his surname is Angalla.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fedbc0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429516001836, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fedbc0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa na leđa pređ legeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Ukuwa na leđa pređ l-eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "aukowa and people all cll.poss-loc-house clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "Aukowa and all his household,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj P-P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fef57d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429516454257, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93fef57d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo liđi naɽrraiđe nađuna sia nano egeɽalo egen.", "morphemes": "l-a-fo l-iđ-i naɽrraiđe nađuna sia nano eg-eɽ-alo egen.", "gloss": "cll-rtc-past.aux cll-do.rt-cons.pfv gathered stove fire at loc-house-place 3pl.poss", "translation": "used to gather around the fire in house yards,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N N P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff133c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429516571788, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff133c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ errekano gǝɽo ṯalǝso laləmən", "morphemes": "ndǝ errekano g-ǝ-ɽ-o ṯ-alǝ-s-o la-l-əmən", "gloss": "when evening clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-pfv thing-cll-indef", "translation": "in the evening to eat something,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff3c3d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429516891175, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff3c3d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalakëɽu ŋen ṯalurmǝđu pǝlelo lǝŋǝranano,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-ak-ëɽ-u ŋen ṯ-al-urm-ǝđ-u pǝlelo l-ǝŋǝranano,", "gloss": "and comp1b0cll.inf-iter-put.rt-pfv talk comp1b-cll.inf-laugh.rt-ap-pfv high be cll-happy", "translation": "telling the stories and laughing happily,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff4a64", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429517078462, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff4a64" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋen pređ ŋafo ŋaŋǝra kañ, ŋen ŋero ŋǝnǝŋ ŋəcia walla ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋen pređ ŋ-a-fo ŋ-aŋǝra kañ, ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-əcia walla ŋ-ǝbǝɽaŋǝno.", "gloss": "because talk all clŋ-rtc-past.aux good very talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-one clŋ-bad or clŋ-hard", "translation": "because everything is going well with them without any difficulties,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V Adj Adv N V Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff608a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429517265677, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff608a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝsa ŋafafo nǝŋǝɽwa nǝŋǝɽwa na đǝmwa đero kwai kwai!", "morphemes": "Ŋǝsa ŋ-af-afo nǝŋǝɽwa nǝŋǝɽwa na đ-ǝmwa đ-ero kwai kwai!", "gloss": "food clŋ-iter-past.aux head head and clđ.nom-sickness clđ-not.aux ever ever", "translation": "They had all kinds of food, and they were in a good health!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Conj N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff85bc", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429517435132, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ff85bc" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwana ŋurnḏǝjëinu inǝmuđun na ŋoređa nǝŋurnḏǝjëini irǝmǝɽǝnia,", "morphemes": "Ŋwana ŋ-urnḏǝj-ëin-u i-nǝmuđun na ŋoređa n-ǝŋ-urnḏǝj-ëin-i i-rǝmǝɽǝnia,", "gloss": "Sorghum clŋ-full.rt-pass-pfv loc-stores and sesame comp2-clŋ.inf-full.rt-pass-cons.pfv loc-sesame.stores", "translation": "The stores were full with sorghum and sesame,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Conj N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffa269", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429520639283, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffa269" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iria ywaña yapa ɽrwia na oɽo na yaŋala yarno ŋaña ŋǝsa orba.", "morphemes": "na iria y-waña y-a-p-a ɽrwia na oɽo na yaŋala y-arno ŋaña ŋǝsa orba.", "gloss": "and cows cly-many cly-rtc-carry.rt-ipfv ground and goats and sheeps cly-like grass eating brothers", "translation": "and they had many cows that covered the whole land, and the goats and sheep were like grass that eat each other.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Conj N Conj N Adv N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffbd69", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429520929433, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffbd69" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝmǝṯia pređ đobaŋǝno, na lënŋulu lëuṯu nara alo.", "morphemes": "Đǝmǝṯia pređ đ-obaŋǝno na l-ënŋulu l-ëuṯ-u nara alo.", "gloss": "life all clđ-easy and cll-3pl.pro cll-cast.rt-pfv stomach place", "translation": "The life was easy and quiet.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj Conj N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffe02b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429521184168, "b3356bdd1753265a3c188b2b93ffe02b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa na wasen gəlëɽəŋu lafo lero lǝbënca lǝđia elden", "morphemes": "Ukuwa na was-en g-əlëɽəŋu l-a-fo l-ero l-ǝ-b-ënc-a lǝđia elden", "gloss": "aukowa and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss cll-rtc-past.aux cll-not.aux cll-dpc-prog-enter.rt-ipfv sons 3pl.poss", "translation": "Aukowa and his wife did not send their children to the school", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9000d9e", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429521356204, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9000d9e" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nalmaḏrasa isëi yefo ṯwañ Ldwandr Eñǝme,", "morphemes": "n-almaḏrasa is-ëi y-e-f-o ṯwañ Ldwandr Eñǝme,", "gloss": "on-school scly-this cly-dpc-be.loc-pfv near Stone Enyeme", "translation": "that was there near the Enyeme Stone,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj V P N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc900287f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429521498390, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc900287f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lënŋulu lafo labaṯa ṯa almaḏrasa yaṯwia ñere,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-b-aṯa ṯa almaḏrasa y-aṯwia ñere,", "gloss": "because cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-prog-say.rt comp1 school cly-lost children", "translation": "because they thought that sending their children to school would mean losing them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Comp N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9003e8b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429521801598, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9003e8b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na yalǝkereṯa ŋen na yalǝŋgiṯia nañǝneđe đwala", "morphemes": "na y-a-lǝ-ker-eṯ-a ŋen na y-a-lǝ-ŋgiṯ-ia n-añǝ-neđ-e đwala", "gloss": "and cly-rtc-3pl.om-break.rt-appl-ipfv talk and cly-rtc-3pl.om-let.rt-ipfv comp2-clɲ.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv wealth", "translation": "and it makes them useles, and makes them hate the livestock,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9005505", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429521911762, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9005505" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nañǝneđe ŋǝmëɽria iŋi ŋǝđǝɽal com,", "morphemes": "na n-añǝ-neđ-e ŋǝmëɽria iŋ-i ŋǝ-đǝ-ɽal com,", "gloss": "and comp2-clɲ.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv work sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-clđ.nom-cultivation too", "translation": "and refuse the cultivation work too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9007d68", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522185806, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9007d68" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ eđa gǝnǝŋ gǝneđo đwala na nǝŋǝneđe ŋǝmëɽria com", "morphemes": "na ndǝ eđa g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-neđ-o đwala na n-ǝŋǝ-neđ-e ŋǝmëɽria com", "gloss": "and if man clg-indef clg-dpc-refuse.rt-pfv wealth and comp2-clŋ.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv work also", "translation": "and if a man does not like livestock and despises the work too,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N Adj V N Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9009b99", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522222252, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9009b99" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu giđi naŋǝɽeṯe ebai gǝleđa pređ.", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu g-iđi n-aŋǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e ebai gǝ-leđa pređ.", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-fut.aux comp2 clŋ.inf-be.rt-cmp-cons.pfv slave clg.poss-people all", "translation": "he will be the slave of the slaves.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc900c7bf", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522484277, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc900c7bf" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ukuwa na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu lderṯe lǝbëncia ñere eñen nalmaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ukuwa na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ld-erṯe l-ǝ-b-ënc-ia ñere eñen n-almaḏrasa,", "gloss": "so Aukowa and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-prog-enter.rt-ipfv children 3pl.poss on-school", "translation": "Therefore Aukowa and his wife did not send their children to the school,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Adj V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9012a0d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522645440, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9012a0d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa lwaña com ildi lǝfǝlda tu lderṯe lǝbërrǝncia ñere eñen nalmaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "na leđa l-waña com ild-i l-ǝ-f-ǝ-lda tu n-ld-erṯe l-ǝ-b-ërr-ǝnc-ia ñere eñen n-almaḏrasa,", "gloss": "and people cll-many also scll-this cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv-cll.with there comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-prog-iter-enter.rt-ipfv children 3pl.poss on-school", "translation": "and many people who were with them did not send their children to school,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adv Adj V-P N V V N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90124b9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522762576, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90124b9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn tǝtǝl leđa ildi lerṯo đwala đwaña!", "morphemes": "orn tǝtǝl leđa ild-i l-erṯo đwala đ-waña!", "gloss": "but more people scll-this cll-have.rt wealth clđ-many", "translation": "especially those who had great wealth!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90157b7", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429522842753, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90157b7" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa lënŋulu lafo lasëcia ṯa almaḏrasa", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa l-ënŋulu l-a-fo l-a-sëc-ia ṯa almaḏrasa", "gloss": "because cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-see.rt-ipfv comp1 school", "translation": "For they they thought that the school,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90168db", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429523031902, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90168db" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yalǝmaṯa ñere na eđa aŋerṯe gǝnwana đwala.", "morphemes": "y-a-lǝ-m-aṯ-a ñere na eđa aŋ-erṯe g-ǝ-nwan-a đwala.", "gloss": "cly-rtc-3pl.om-take.rt-appl-ipfv children and man clŋ.inf-not.aux clg-dpc-keep.rt-ipfv wealth", "translation": "might take children away from them with no one left to take care for the livestock", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9038ded", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429534007400, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9038ded" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn fasëgi gǝfo gǝlǝŋeṯo ṯa ŋen ŋiđi aŋǝređe aŋǝmǝlađe lomanǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Orn fasëgi g-ǝ-fo g-ǝ-lǝŋ-eṯ-o ṯa ŋen ŋ-iđi aŋǝ-ređ-e aŋǝ-mǝl-ađ-e loman-nǝŋ,", "gloss": "but who clg-dpc-past.aux clg-dpc-know.rt-appl-pfv comp1 talk clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-turn.rt-cons.pfv 3sg.inf-change.rt-ap-cons.pfv day-indef", "translation": "But who knew that the situation would change totally one day,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Comp N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc903a064", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429534193987, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc903a064" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nayen Yimunwa aŋǝciṯi na aŋǝbǝɽeṯe aŋǝno.", "morphemes": "Nayen Yimunwa aŋǝ-ciṯ-i na aŋǝ-bǝɽ-eṯ-e aŋǝno.", "gloss": "mountains black 3sg.inf-be.bad.rt-cons.pfv and 3sg.inf-hard.rt-cmp-cons.pfv body", "translation": "and become very hard and bad in the Black Mountains.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc903f1c3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429534384728, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc903f1c3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia nṯǝlia niđi nela nǝmǝn,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia nṯǝlia n-iđi n-el-a n-ǝmǝn,", "gloss": "so years cln-fut.aux cln-come.rt-ipfv cln-indef", "translation": "it happened that some time later, a year came,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc904a855", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429534584156, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc904a855" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rǝmwa ṯarero rǝđǝnia ŋopia,", "morphemes": "na rǝmwa ṯ-ar-ero r-ǝ-đǝn-ia ŋopia,", "gloss": "and rain comp1b-clr.inf-not.aux clr-dpc-raint.rt-ipfv well,", "translation": "and the rains did not fall frequently as before,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc904b7fa", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429534777073, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc904b7fa" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ṯarǝđǝno ŋawa ŋǝteta ŋǝteta ŋero ŋǝbarna orba igi gananoŋ,", "morphemes": "orn ṯ-arǝ-đǝn-o ŋawa ŋ-ǝteta ŋ-ǝteta ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝ-b-arna orba ig-i g-ananoŋ,", "gloss": "but comp1b-clr.inf-rain.rt-pfv water clŋ-few clŋ-few clŋ-not.aux clŋ-dpc-prog-like.rt brother sclg-this clg.poss-before", "translation": "it rained very little, not as before,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj V V N Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9051bad", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429535017496, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9051bad" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "iliga leđa lirǝwu nayen majǝn.", "morphemes": "i-liga leđa l-irǝw-u nayen majǝn.", "gloss": "loc-time people cll-descend.rt-pfv mountains recently", "translation": "when people moved down from mountains recently.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9059ef3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429535227244, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9059ef3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn iṯǝliaŋ nǝŋiđi nǝŋela gǝnǝŋ đǝge gǝɽatalo,", "morphemes": "Orn iṯǝliaŋ n-ǝŋ-iđi n-ǝŋ-el-a g-ǝnǝŋ đǝge g-ǝ-ɽ-at-alo,", "gloss": "but year comp2-3sg.cons-fut.aux comp1-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-indef last clg-dpc-be.rt-loc.appl-place", "translation": "Then some time later a worse year came,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adj Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905b498", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429535318676, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905b498" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋawa nǝŋerṯe ŋođǝnia bwađ bwađ,", "morphemes": "na ŋawa n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋ-ođǝn-ia bwađ bwađ,", "gloss": "and water comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-rain.rt-ipfv never never", "translation": "and the rain did not fall at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905ea2a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429535710624, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905ea2a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "illi ŋawa iŋǝṯia ŋǝđǝno ubwa gonto igi gerrame na liji ldǝyewađe,", "morphemes": "illi ŋawa iŋ-ǝṯia ŋ-ǝ-đǝn-o ubwa g-onto ig-i g-errame na liji n-ldǝ-ye-wađ-e,", "gloss": "except water sclŋ-that clŋ-dpc-rain.rt-pfv month clg-one sclg-this clg.poss-rainy.season and people comp2-cll.inf-with-plant.rt-pfv", "translation": "except only one month rained at the beginning of the rainy-season and people planted their seeds,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N Adj Adj P-N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905df0e", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429535874535, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc905df0e" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na rǝmwa ndriđi ṯarǝđǝno ŋobǝŋa ŋobǝŋa na ṯarakaboro alo nano.", "morphemes": "na rǝmwa ndriđi ṯ-arǝ-đǝn-o ŋobǝŋa ŋobǝŋa na ṯ-ar-ak-abor-o alo nano.", "gloss": "and rain sky comp1b-clr.inf-rain.rt-pfv spot spot and comp1b-clr.inf-iter-jump.rt-pfv place at", "translation": "and the rains did not fall down frequently, and it rained a little on some areas and jumped to other areas.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N N Conj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9061d4f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429536307110, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9061d4f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋwana na laŋge pređ ildi lǝlëɽǝnu eŋǝborṯo na ini,", "morphemes": "Ŋwana na laŋge pređ ild-i l-ǝ-lëɽ-ǝn-u e-ŋǝborṯo na i-ni,", "gloss": "sorghum and things all scll-this cll-dpc-cultivate.rt-pass-pfv loc-farms and loc-fields", "translation": "And the sorghum and all things that had been planted in farms and fields,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj Adj V P-N Conj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9066151", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429536515342, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9066151" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝmǝđi ldonḏǝṯe na lderṯe lǝlǝŋa ŋopia,", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-mǝđ-i n-ld-onḏ-ǝṯ-e na n-ld-erṯe l-ǝ-lǝŋ-a ŋopia,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-wither.rt-cons.pfv comp2-cll.inf-dry.rt-cmp-cons.pfv and comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-give.birth.rt-ipfv well", "translation": "withered and dried up and did not reproduce well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90681da", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429536956691, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90681da" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋǝɽom nǝŋënṯi alo, na iria ṯayipǝnu ŋǝɽoma,", "morphemes": "Na ŋǝɽom n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i alo, na iria ṯ-ayi-p-ǝn-u ŋǝɽoma,", "gloss": "and robbery comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv place and cows comp1b-cly.inf-carry.rt-pass-pfv theft", "translation": "and robbery took place in the land, and robbers used to steal cows.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc906c7c9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429537165668, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc906c7c9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuwa nǝŋǝpwëini iria ŋǝɽoma ywaña kañ nǝyerṯe yifǝđǝnia,", "morphemes": "Na Ukuwa n-ǝŋǝ-p-wëin-i iria ŋǝɽoma y-waña kañ n-ǝy-erṯe y-i-fǝđ-ǝn-ia,", "gloss": "and aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-pass.ap-cons.pfv cows robbery cly-many very comp2-cly.inf-not.aux cly-dpc-find.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "And the robbers drove from Aukowa alot of cows, and did not find them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc906fdc3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429537493891, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc906fdc3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝɽañ ŋǝnǝŋ nǝŋënṯi esǝɽo na oɽo ṯayayo yaŋalaya.", "morphemes": "na ŋǝɽañ ŋ-ǝnǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i e-sǝɽo na oɽo ṯ-ay-ay-o y-aŋa-l-ay-a.", "gloss": "and disease clŋ-indef comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-goats and goats comp1b-cly.inf-die.rt-pfv with-3sg.inf-3pl.om-die.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and a certain disease caught the goats and sheep and cause them to die.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V P-N Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9071ee4", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429537671740, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9071ee4" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ Ukuwa nəŋundǝđi Kwacema wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn loman-nǝŋ Ukuwa n-əŋ-und-ǝđ-i Kwacema was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯi ṯa,", "gloss": "but day-indef aukowa comp1-3sg.cons-be.called.rt-ap-cons.pfv kwachema wife-3sg.poss 3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt comp1", "translation": "Then one day, Aukowa called Kwachema his wife and said to her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N N Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90740f9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429537863740, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc90740f9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Lǝŋge Kukuŋ aaŋ! Ŋen ŋawande iŋi ŋiđǝnṯǝndr!", "morphemes": "“Lǝŋge Kuku-ŋ aaŋ! Ŋen ŋ-awande iŋ-i ŋ-iđ-ǝn-ṯ-ǝ-ndr!", "gloss": "Mom Kuku-acc oh talk clŋ-what sclŋ-this clŋ-do.rt-pass-appl-pfv-1in.om", "translation": "“Mom of Kuku! What can this mean which has happened to us!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adv N N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9075568", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429537971265, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9075568" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rǝmwa rero reṯo ŋauŋa ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "Rǝmwa r-ero r-eṯ-o ŋauŋa ŋ-waña,", "gloss": "God clg-not.aux clr-bring.rt-pfv water clŋ-many", "translation": "God did not bring plenty of rain to us,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9076151", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429538128516, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9076151" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋwana nǝŋerṯe ŋǝlǝŋa ŋopia", "morphemes": "na ŋwana n-ǝŋ-erṯe ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋ-a ŋopia", "gloss": "and sorghum comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-dpc-give.birth.rt-ipfv well", "translation": "and the sorghum did not produce well,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9076ec0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429538253823, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9076ec0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iria nəyimamǝni ŋǝɽoma ywaña,", "morphemes": "na iria n-əyi-ma-m-ǝn-i ŋǝɽoma y-waña,", "gloss": "and cattles comp2-cly.inf-iter-take.rt-pass-cons.pfv robbery cly-many", "translation": "and many cows have been driven away by robbers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc907ea96", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429538340439, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc907ea96" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na oɽo na yaŋala yabaya!", "morphemes": "na oɽo na yaŋala y-a-b-ay-a!", "gloss": "and goats and sheeps cly-rtc-prog-die.rt-ipfv", "translation": "goats and sheep are dying!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9082feb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429538512211, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9082feb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn gaɽe lǝgëbǝđiṯarau đəge điñiđi?", "morphemes": "Orn gaɽe lǝ-g-ë-b-ǝđ-iṯ-a-r-au đəge điñiđi?", "gloss": "but what 1ex-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-appl-ipfv-pl-how last now", "translation": "But what we are going to do?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9214195", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429616174802, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9214195" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwacema nəŋəmuɽǝbiṯi eŋen nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Kwacema n-əŋə-m-uɽǝb-iṯ-i e-ŋen n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "kwachema comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-answer.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-talk comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "Kwachema answered him and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9215edd", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429616428838, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9215edd" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eṯe Kukuŋ ŋen nǝŋǝpi ma ŋađamǝnda!", "morphemes": "Eṯe Kuku-ŋ ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-p-i ma ŋ-a-đam-ǝ-nda!", "gloss": "Dad kuku-acc talk comp2-3sg.cons-carry.rt-cons.pfv ? clŋ-rtc-defeat.rt-pfv-1ex.om", "translation": "Dad of Kuku, what happened is very heavy upon us!", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "N N N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9219e2b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429616569799, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9219e2b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "An igajǝba ŋen iŋi lǝgǝbǝđiar fǝrfǝr!", "morphemes": "An i-g-ajǝb-a ŋen iŋ-i lǝ-g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia-r fǝrfǝr!", "gloss": "ynq 1sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv talk sclŋ-this 1ex-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv-pl at.all", "translation": "I don’t know what to do at all!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921b6b1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429616656786, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921b6b1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lǝgiđr alǝtođr aɽr ŋga?", "morphemes": "Lǝ-g-iđ-r alǝ-tođ-r aɽr ŋga?", "gloss": "1ex-clg-fut.aux-pl cll.inf-rise.rt-pl go.rt where", "translation": "Will we move, and to where?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921ce8d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429616919695, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921ce8d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kojaŋǝnda! Ukrumbaŋǝla laṯwe đwala iđi eđen pređ", "morphemes": "Koja-ŋǝnda! Ukrumba-ŋǝ-la la-ṯwe đwala iđ-i eđen pređ", "gloss": "Koja-assoc.pl Aukrumba-acc-with cll.inf-sell.rt wealth sclđ-this 3pl.poss all", "translation": "Koja’s family and Aukruma’s family sold all their belongings", "tags": "sell", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921ca07", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429617100617, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921ca07" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldǝtođe neɽana nano pređ enen ldirǝwuṯi Albar!", "morphemes": "n-ldǝ-tođ-e neɽa-na nano pređ enen n-ld-irǝwu-ṯ-i Albar!", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv houses-with at all 3pl.poss comp2-cll.inf-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv Albahr", "translation": "and moved with all their household to Albahr (Khartoum)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P P Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921feca", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429617255280, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc921feca" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Okeleŋǝnda ldiđi ṯia com Ṯaunaŋǝla!", "morphemes": "Na Okele-ŋǝnda n-ld-iđ-i ṯia com Ṯauna-ŋǝ-la", "gloss": "and Okele-assoc.pl comp2-cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv in.this.way also Tahuna-acc-cll.with", "translation": "And Okele’s family did so as well, as did Tahuuna’s family!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9221790", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429617660785, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9221790" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gaɽe ŋen iŋi ŋiđi aŋǝreṯe moko nai?", "morphemes": "Gaɽe ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-iđi aŋǝreṯe moko nai?", "gloss": "what talk sclŋ-this clŋ-fut.auxl good ? ?", "translation": "Is this the best choice or what?", "tags": "check", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj V Adj ? ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9222ea0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429617841112, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9222ea0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "An ŋen ŋajǝbaṯo Kwacaŋ nano bǝte!", "morphemes": "An ŋen ŋ-ajǝb-aṯ-o Kwaca-ŋ nano bǝte!", "gloss": "ynq talk clŋ-not.know.rt-appl-pfv Kwaca-acc at never", "translation": "It is seems to be very strange to me!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9224bd8", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429618124891, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9224bd8" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ukuwa gǝnno ŋen iŋi nǝŋirǝwi isiano yilëɽəŋu ṯaŋǝsëcu đuđa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ukuwa g-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i n-ǝŋ-irǝw-i isiano y-ilëɽəŋu ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u đuđa,", "gloss": "talk aukowa clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this comp2-3sg.cons-descend.rt-cons.pfv face cly-3sg.poss comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pfv ground", "translation": "When Aukowa heard this he looked down upon the ground.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9226c2c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429618302478, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9226c2c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋiđi ṯaŋǝɽwatǝnu nano gonto bǝɽan,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-iđ-i ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽwat-ǝn-u nano g-onto bǝɽan,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-pass-pfv at clg-one alone", "translation": "then he began to talk to himself alone,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9228868", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429618386396, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9228868" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋokoɽǝbaco eŋen ṯaŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-ok-oɽǝbac-o e-ŋen ṯ-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-repeat.rt-pfv loc-talk comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "and repeated the words saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922b0a2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429618634598, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922b0a2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Gaɽe ñagiđi ñaṯwe đwala ñatođe eɽaga nano ñirǝwuṯi Albara?", "morphemes": "“Gaɽe ñ-a-g-iđi ñ-a-ṯwe đwala ñ-a-tođ-e eɽa-ga nano ñ-irǝwu-ṯ-i Albara?", "gloss": "what 1in-rtc-clg-fut.aux 1in-rtc-sell.rt wealth 1in-rtc-rise.rt-cons.pfv house-clg.with at 1in-descend.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv albahr", "translation": "“Will we sell all our belongings and move with all the household to Albahr?", "tags": "jussive", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N V N-P P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922b7c2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429618897299, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922b7c2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Karṯum! Irnuŋ igi goɽra! Ŋǝmëɽria ŋwañau na ŋëbia!", "morphemes": "Karṯum! Irnuŋ ig-i g-oɽra! Ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-wañ-au na ŋ-ëbia!", "gloss": "Khartoum city sclg-this clg-big work clŋ-many-in and clŋ-easy", "translation": "To Khartoum! The capital city! Where there is alot of light work", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922ca14", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619081916, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922ca14" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋawa ŋuṯǝnia ŋǝmole, na alo yetǝɽe na neɽa nǝŋǝra.", "morphemes": "Ŋawa ŋ-uṯ-ǝn-ia ŋ-ǝmole, na alo y-etǝɽe na neɽa n-ǝŋǝra.", "gloss": "water clŋ-drink.rt-pass-ipfv clŋ-cool and place cly-clean and houses cln-good", "translation": "Where people drink cool water, and live in clean nice houses,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Conj N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922e073", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619267451, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922e073" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ñakim ñaŋǝrau na aṯawa ywaña,", "morphemes": "Ñakim ñ-aŋǝrau na aṯawa y-waña,", "gloss": "hospitals clɲ-good and medicines cly-many", "translation": "Where there are good hospitals and a lot of medicine,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922fc1c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619410245, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc922fc1c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla gaɽe ñagama ŋen ŋanṯau?”", "morphemes": "walla gaɽe ñagama ŋen ŋ-anṯ-au?”", "gloss": "or what 1ex.pro talk clŋ-mean.rt-how", "translation": "or what we are going to do?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9231008", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619585997, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9231008" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Ukuwa nǝŋǝtuđi nda nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Ukuwa n-ǝŋǝ-tuđ-i nda n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "then aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv head comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "Then Aukowa rose up his head and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9232f82", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619693382, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9232f82" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋame lǝŋge Kukuŋ!", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋame lǝŋge Kuku-ŋ!", "gloss": "talk clŋ-sweet mother Kuku-acc", "translation": "Very good oh mom of Kuku!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc923480c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619796007, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc923480c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Agalwaɽo ŋen ŋǝŋǝra.", "morphemes": "A-g-a-lwaɽ-o ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra.", "gloss": "2sg-clg-rtc-talk.rt-pfv talk clŋ-good", "translation": "You have said a good idea.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9236126", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429619917848, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9236126" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Alǝṯwer đwala pređ iđi đǝṯaṯënu!", "morphemes": "Alǝ-ṯwe-r đwala pređ iđ-i đ-ǝ-ṯa-ṯ-ën-u!", "gloss": "1in-sell.rt-pl wealth all sclđ-this clđ-dpc-iter-leave.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "Let us sell all livestock that are left!", "tags": "jussive", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9236ab9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429620115160, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9236ab9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Alǝṯwer laŋge ododo! Alǝtođr aleṯr Albar! Alǝtoṯr Karṯum.”", "morphemes": "Alǝ-ṯwe-r laŋge ododo! Alǝ-tođ-r ale-ṯ-r Albar! Alǝ-toṯ-r Karṯum.”", "gloss": "1in-sell.rt-pl things all 1in-rise.rt-pl 1in-go.rt-pl Albahr 1in-move.rt-pl Khartoum", "translation": "Let us sell all our belongings! And we go to Albahr! Let us moved to Khartoum.\"", "tags": "jussive", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc979ed0f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429689466988, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc979ed0f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa nǝŋǝṯwe đwala pređ đǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Ukuwa n-ǝŋǝ-ṯw-e đwala pređ đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "so aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-sell.rt-cons.pfv livestock all clđ-3sg.poss", "translation": "So Aukowa sold all his livestock,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc979f105", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429689563702, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc979f105" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝṯwe laŋge tǝmtǝm elden,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-ṯw-e laŋge tǝmtǝm elden,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-sell.rt-cons.pfv things all 3pl.poss", "translation": "and sold all their belongings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a1958", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429689688599, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a1958" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋëndi algǝrus ywaña kañ.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ënd-i algǝrus y-waña kañ.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-cons.pfv money cly-many very", "translation": "and he got alot of money.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a43ce", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429689871404, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a43ce" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ldǝtođe na ldaborṯwe arabiya isi y-Abwagla", "morphemes": "Na n-ldǝ-tođ-e na n-ld-aborṯw-e arabiya is-i y-Abwagla", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-rise.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-cll.inf-ride.rt-cons.pfv lorry scly-this cly.poss-Abuagla", "translation": "And they took a lorry of Abuagla,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Conj V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a5362", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690115559, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a5362" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Isuk Nḏǝdu na ldëtu lǝbǝṯa Albar đǝge.", "morphemes": "I-suk Nḏǝdu na n-ld-ët-u l-ǝ-b-ǝṯ-a Albar đǝge.", "gloss": "loc-market Ndudu and comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-pfv cll-dpc-prog-go.rt-ipfv Albahr last", "translation": "from Ndudu Market taking them to Khartoum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N N Conj V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a77b6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690311471, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a77b6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere eñen ñafo ñaŋǝranano kañ ŋenŋanṯa ñabǝṯa Karṯum Albar.", "morphemes": "Na ñere eñen ñ-a-fo ñ-aŋǝranano kañ ŋenŋanṯa ñ-a-b-ǝṯ-a Karṯum Albar.", "gloss": "and children 3pl.poss clɲ-rtc-past.aux clɲ-happy very because clɲ-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv Khartoum Albahr", "translation": "Their children were very happy because they were going to Khartoum at last.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj Adv Comp V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a9522", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690474029, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97a9522" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen lënŋulu lǝrmaṯo Albar,", "morphemes": "Ŋen l-ënŋulu l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o Albar,", "gloss": "when cll-3pl.pro cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv Albahr", "translation": "When they arrived at Khartoum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aacee", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690705098, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aacee" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "arabiya nǝyilirǝwađëci egal yibërnia Suksabe Karṯum,", "morphemes": "arabiya n-ǝy-ilirǝw-ađ-ëc-i eg-al y-i-b-ërn-ia Suk-sabe Karṯum,", "gloss": "lorry comp2-cly.inf-descend.rt-ap-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-place cly-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv market-Shaabi Khartoum", "translation": "The lorry dropped them in Suk Alshabi, the Market of Khartoum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ac568", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690848444, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ac568" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝwikirǝwuci laŋge ildi elden,", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-ik-irǝwu-c-i laŋge ild-i elden,", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-iter-descend.rt-appl-cons.pfv things scll-this 3pl.poss", "translation": "and they unloaded their belongings there,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aa9ef", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429690960947, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aa9ef" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn lderṯe lǝfiđia eđa gǝnǝŋ lǝlǝŋeṯǝma,", "morphemes": "orn n-ld-erṯe l-ǝ-fiđ-ia eđa g-ǝnǝŋ l-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-ǝ-ma,", "gloss": "but comp2-cll.inf-not.aux cll-dpc-find.rt-ipfv man clg-indef cll-dpc-know.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "but they did not find anyone they knew,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97af048", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429691111890, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97af048" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalekeɽǝđo leđa pređ Suksabe", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-ek-eɽǝđ-o leđa pređ Suk-sabe", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-iter-ask.rt-pfv people all market-Shaabi", "translation": "and they began to ask men in Suk-Ashaabi market,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aff92", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429691329501, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97aff92" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa leđa ildi elden ləɽo Ləmwarəŋ gaɽe lafo ŋga?", "morphemes": "ṯa leđa ild-i elden l-ə-ɽ-o Ləmwarəŋ g-a-ɽ-e l-a-f-o ŋga?", "gloss": "comp1 people scll-this 3pl.poss cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv Moro clg-rtc-be.rt-cons.pfv cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv where", "translation": "about their own Moro people where they could find them?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj Adj V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b3c82", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429691656092, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b3c82" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ṯalekeɽǝđo leđa, olega gǝ Đëmu đǝnayen ṯalaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ṯ-al-ek-eɽǝđ-o leđa, ole-ga gǝ Đëmu đǝ-nayen ṯ-al-aṯa,", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-ter-ask.rt-pfv people language-clg.with clg.poss-Arab clđ.poss-hills comp1b-cll.inf-say.rt", "translation": "and they kept asking people with local Arabic of the Nuba Mountains saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P P-N P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b3a05", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429691905652, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b3a05" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Kuku, annas ula anina fi wen? Lǝmwarǝŋ, Moro Moro!", "morphemes": "“Kuku, annas ula anina fi wen? Lǝmwarǝŋ, Moro Moro!", "gloss": "\"Kukku, people of us where are? Lemoarng, Moro Moro!", "translation": "\"Kuku, where can we find my own Moro people!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b720f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429693537735, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b720f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eđa nǝŋerṯe gǝnǝŋ gǝlǝŋeṯo ŋǝɽwata eŋen!", "morphemes": "Na eđa n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋǝɽwata eŋen!", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv speech 3pl.poss", "translation": "and no one was able to understands their language!", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b8045", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429693633524, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97b8045" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rǝmwa ndriđi ŋen ŋǝŋǝra ṯia,", "morphemes": "Orn Rǝmwa n-dr-iđ-i ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra ṯia,", "gloss": "but God comp2-clr.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv talk clŋ-good in.this.way", "translation": "but God did good to them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ba273", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429693742319, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ba273" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrǝmama maje gǝnǝŋ gǝmunwa gǝɽo ilia,", "morphemes": "n-dr-ǝm-am-a maje g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝmunwa g-ǝ-ɽ-o ilia,", "gloss": "comp2-clr.inf-iter-take.rt-ipfv man clg-indef clg-black clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv nuba", "translation": "and brought to them a black man from the Nuba people,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bc203", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429693874862, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bc203" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe ṯa leđa ildi leṯo nayen majǝn,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e ṯa leđa ild-i l-eṯ-o nayen majǝn,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv comp1 people scll-this cll-come.rt-pfv mountains recently", "translation": "and he knew that these people came from Nuba Mountains recently,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bbdc4", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429693946970, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bbdc4" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝlǝmwandǝđe!", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-mwand-ǝđ-e!", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-ask.rt-ap-cons.pfv", "translation": "and he asked them!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97be1f3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694075958, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97be1f3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa liji ildi lǝɽo Moro", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa liji ild-i l-ǝ-ɽ-o Moro", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 people scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv Moro", "translation": "and he told them that, the Moro people,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97be309", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694253398, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97be309" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lafo Algamayer walla Saglona walla Aci Yusif.", "morphemes": "l-a-f-o Algamayer walla Saglona walla Aci Yusif.", "gloss": "cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv Algamey or Zagalona or Aj Yousif", "translation": "might be in Algamayer city or Zegalona or Aj-Yousif city.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj N Conj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bc333", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694371336, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97bc333" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋela gǝnǝŋ gǝɽo Omarǝŋ", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋ-el-a g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-ɽ-o Omarǝŋ", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-indef clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv Moro", "translation": "and after a while one Moro man arrived,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97c7945", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694630449, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97c7945" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gǝlǝŋeṯo majanda alo ildi lǝɽëuwr y-Ukuwa,", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o maj-anda alo ild-i lǝɽëuwr y-Ukuwa,", "gloss": "clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv man-assoc.pl place scll-this neighbors cly.poss-Aukowa", "translation": "who knew Aukowa's relatives,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N Adj N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97c7e82", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694806322, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97c7e82" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa Kojaŋǝnda lafo egal yibërnia Alufra,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa Koja-ŋ-ǝnda l-a-f-o eg-al y-i-b-ërn-ia Alufra,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 Kja-acc-assoc.pl cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv loc-place cly-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Alhufra", "translation": "and he told them that Koja's family was in Alhufra area (the area of holes)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N V P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97cc357", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429694935065, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97cc357" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu gabërnia Musa Kobṯr.", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋu g-a-b-ërn-ia Musa Kobṯr.", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-prog-be.called-ipfv Musa Kobtar", "translation": "and he changed his name to Musa Kobtar", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97cf10d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429695100664, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97cf10d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia Ukuwa na wasen na lǝđia elden ldaborṯwe arabiya ldëtu labǝṯa Alufra.", "morphemes": "Nəṯia Ukuwa na was-en na lǝđia elden n-ld-aborṯw-e arabiya n-ld-ët-u l-a-b-ǝṯ-a Alufra.", "gloss": "so aukowa and wife-3sg.poss and sons 3pl.poss comp2-cll.inf-ride.rt-cons.pfv lorry comp2-cll.inf-come.rt-pfv cll-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv Alhufra", "translation": "So Aukowa and his wife and their children took a car to go to Alhufra.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Conj N Adj V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ce5f1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429695269759, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ce5f1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen lënŋulu lǝrmaṯo Alufra,", "morphemes": "Ŋen l-ënŋulu l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o Alufra,", "gloss": "when cll-3pl.pro cll-dpc-reach.rt-pfv Alhufra", "translation": "when they arrived at Alhufra area,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d315b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429695421086, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d315b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldəfiđi Kojaŋǝnda, Okeleŋǝla, lwasenala na ñere eñen,", "morphemes": "n-ldə-fiđ-i Koja-ŋ-ǝnda, Okele-ŋ-ǝla, lwasena-la na ñere eñen,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-find.rt-cons.pfv Koja-acc-assoc.pl Okele-acc-cll.with wives-with and children 3pl.poss", "translation": "they found Koja and Okele with their families,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N N-P Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d4c87", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429695632457, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d4c87" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝfo eŋwaro na iŋǝṯǝm isǝrakuba", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-f-o e-ŋwaro na i-ŋǝṯǝm i-sǝrakuba", "gloss": "cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-pits and loc-hole loc-rakubas", "translation": "living in rakubas they built in pits and holes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Conj P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d5ca2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429695809693, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d5ca2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "yiwacǝnu eswalǝya, karṯonađa.", "morphemes": "y-i-wac-ǝn-u eswalǝ-ya karṯonađa.", "gloss": "cly-dpc-sew.rt-pass-pfv sacks-cly.with cartons", "translation": "that were made by sacks and cartons", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N-P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d6dec", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429696102786, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d6dec" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na asek igi galella nəŋela nǝŋǝlǝṯǝbǝṯi alo yenǝŋ yurniau ŋaca", "morphemes": "Na asek ig-i g-alella n-əŋ-el-a n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-ṯǝb-ǝṯ-i alo y-enǝŋ y-ur-n-ia-au ŋaca", "gloss": "and shaykh sclg-this clg.poss-al.Hilla comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-cut.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place cly-indef cly-dig.rt-pass-ipfv-in mud", "translation": "and Shaykh al-Hilla came and gave them a place in a hollow ground, where mud had been dug,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N V V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d91ab", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429696597406, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97d91ab" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa alǝwaḏe arakuba eswalǝya", "morphemes": "ṯa alǝ-waḏ-e arakuba e-swalǝ-ya", "gloss": "comp1 cll.inf-build.rt-cons.pfv rakuba loc-sack-cly.with", "translation": "to made rakuba with sacks,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N P-N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97dba5b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429697248468, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97dba5b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝmanace algǝrus yarno jǝnia eređia ređ.", "morphemes": "na n-ldǝ-ma-nac-e algǝrus y-arno jǝnia eređia ređ.", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-give.rt-cons.pfv money cly-like pounds calps ten", "translation": "and they paid him a sum of money of one hundred pounds.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adv N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97de35b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429697360340, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97de35b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa geṯo nǝŋǝfiđi liji ildi elden", "morphemes": "Ukuwa g-eṯ-o n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i liji ild-i elden", "gloss": "aukowa clg-come.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv people scll-this 3pl.poss", "translation": "Aukowa came and found his native people,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e0bc0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429697611862, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e0bc0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝfo eŋen ŋǝnǝŋ nǝŋǝpi ŋajǝbǝnu!", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-f-o e-ŋen ŋ-ǝnǝŋ n-ǝŋǝ-p-i ŋ-ajǝb-ǝn-u!", "gloss": "cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv loc-talk clŋ-indef comp2-3sg.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-not.know.rt-pass-pfv", "translation": "living in indescribable conditions!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e2143", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429697837760, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e2143" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lokorldaña đǝmǝṯia đabǝɽaŋǝno kañ Albar!", "morphemes": "Lokorlda-ña đǝ-mǝṯia đ-abǝɽaŋǝno kañ Albar!", "gloss": "brothers-1sg.poss clđ.nom-life clđ-hard very Albahr", "translation": "My fellow brothers, the life is very tough in Khartoum!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e0349", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429698291473, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e0349" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋǝmëɽria ŋero, laŋge pređ labǝliđǝnia,", "morphemes": "Ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ero, laŋge pređ l-a-bǝ-liđ-ǝn-ia,", "gloss": "work clŋ-not.aux things all cll-rtc-prog-sell.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "There is no work, and you get everything by money,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e6b17", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429698455190, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e6b17" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋawa ŋabǝliđǝnia, ŋǝsa ŋabǝliđǝnia,", "morphemes": "ŋawa ŋ-a-bǝ-liđ-ǝn-ia, ŋǝsa ŋ-a-bǝ-liđ-ǝn-ia,", "gloss": "water clŋ-rtc-prog-sell.rt-pass-ipfv food clŋ-rtc-prog-sell.rt-pass-ipfv", "translation": "we get water by money, and food by money,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e7bf2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429699609417, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e7bf2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋorwa ṯaŋiliđǝnu, na leđa lakaborṯwa irabiya algǝrusya ywaña.", "morphemes": "na ŋorwa ṯ-aŋi-liđ-ǝn-u, na leđa l-ak-aborṯw-a irabiya algǝrus-ya y-waña.", "gloss": "and charcol comp1b-3sg.inf-sell.rt-pass-pfv and people cll-iter-ride.rt-ipfv cars money-cly.with cly-many", "translation": "and we get charcol by money and the transportation took alot of money.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj N V N N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e9870", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429699716147, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97e9870" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen ŋero ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝbǝđǝnia đǝmǝtianǝđa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ǝn-ia đǝmǝtianǝđa,", "gloss": "talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-indef clŋ-dpc-prog-do.rt-pass-ipfv without", "translation": "Nothing is done without money.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97eba2f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429700080477, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97eba2f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa gero gǝnǝŋ giđi aŋanace wagǝnǝŋ bipi kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "na eđa g-ero g-ǝnǝŋ g-iđi aŋ-ŋa-nac-e wagǝnǝŋ bipi kwai kwai,", "gloss": "and man clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-3sg.om-give.rt-cons.pfv something only never never", "translation": "no one can give you something generously.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ee17e", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429700353262, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ee17e" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋǝlǝŋǝnia na ŋorba ŋakǝrṯo leđa tǝmtǝm ŋero.", "morphemes": "Na ŋǝlǝŋǝnia na ŋorba ŋ-a-kǝr-ṯ-o leđa tǝmtǝm ŋ-ero.", "gloss": "and relationship and brotherhood clŋ-rtc-break.rt-appl-pfv people all clŋ-not.aux", "translation": "and the good relationship is broken and there is no brotherhood anymore!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ed522", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429700625377, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97ed522" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ukuwa gǝɽaŋo alo lika lwalano ŋǝmëɽria ŋero gǝbǝđia,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ukuwa g-ǝ-ɽaŋ-o alo lika l-walano ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ero g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia,", "gloss": "when aukowa clg-dpc-stay.rt-pfv place time cll-long work clŋ-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv", "translation": "When Aukowa spent a long time without work,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N N Adj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f08ab", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429700961323, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f08ab" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na algǝrus nemǝndađe pređ isi ldapǝlo nayen,", "morphemes": "na algǝrus n-e-mǝnd-ađ-e pređ is-i n-lda-p-ǝ-lo nayen,", "gloss": "and money comp2-cly.inf-finish.rt-ap-cons.pfv all scly-this comp2-cll.inf-carry.rt-pfv-3pl.om mountains", "translation": "and all money which they brought from homeland ran out,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f26f5", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429701088407, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f26f5" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa nǝŋerṯe gǝnǝŋ gǝlənaca ŋǝsa", "morphemes": "na eđa n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-lə-nac-a ŋǝsa", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-3pl.om-give.rt-ipfv eating", "translation": "and no one was willing to give them food to eat,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f42bf", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429701147696, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f42bf" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla gǝlamǝđaṯa kwai.", "morphemes": "walla g-ǝ-la-mǝđ-aṯ-a kwai.", "gloss": "or clg-dpc-3pl.om-help.rt-appl-ipfv any", "translation": "or help them at all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f4c6c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 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ever give anything for nothing.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f797a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429701520016, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97f797a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Ukuwa gabǝɽo Kojaŋ nano nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Ukuwa g-a-b-ǝɽ-o Koja-ŋ nano n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "day-indef aukowa clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-pfv Koja-acc at comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "One day Aukwa went to visit Koja and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N P V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fa334", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429702000528, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fa334" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ocoŋau! Ŋen ŋaɽo wande ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno ṯia,", "morphemes": "\"Ocoŋ-au! Ŋen ŋ-a-ɽ-o wande ŋ-ǝbǝɽaŋǝno ṯia,", "gloss": "ocong-oh talk clŋ-rtc-be.rt-pfv what clŋ-hard in.this.way", "translation": "Oh, Ocong! what a very difficult situation like this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fb6d2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429702146268, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fb6d2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝmëɽria ŋero kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ero kwai kwai,", "gloss": "and work clŋ-not.aux ever ever", "translation": "and there is no work at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fc96b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429702350428, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fc96b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na algǝrus yamǝndađo tǝmtǝm isi igapǝlo nayen.", "morphemes": "na algǝrus y-a-mǝnd-ađ-o tǝmtǝm is-i i-g-a-p-ǝ-lo nayen.", "gloss": "and money cly-rtc-finish.rt-ap-pfv all scly0this 1sg-clg-rtc-carry.rt-pfv-3pl.om mountains", "translation": "and the money which I brought from Nuba Mountains is finished,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fd67f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429702519368, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fd67f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orañ igëbǝđiṯau! Igama ŋen ŋanṯau?”", "morphemes": "Ora-ñ i-g-ë-b-ǝđ-i-ṯau! I-g-a-m-a ŋen ŋanṯau?”", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-cons.pfv-how 1sg-clg-rtc-take.rt-ipfv talk what", "translation": "What can I do my brother! What is a solution?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fec23", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429702794119, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fec23" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "(Ocoŋ gënŋu gafo gëbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria Balëḏiya,", "morphemes": "(Ocoŋ g-ënŋu g-a-fo g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria Balëḏiya,", "gloss": "Koja clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-past.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work local.council", "translation": "(Koja was working as a labor in the Local Councel,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fdd48", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429703088774, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc97fdd48" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu gafo gëbǝđia ŋuɽu.)", "morphemes": "na was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-a-fo g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋuɽu.)", "gloss": "and wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss clg-rtc-past.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv marissa", "translation": "and his wife was making marissa \"Wine from sorghum\".)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9801c00", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429703213161, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9801c00" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Koja nəŋuɽǝbiṯi Ukuwaŋ eŋen nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Koja n-əŋ-uɽǝb-iṯ-i Ukuwaŋ e-ŋen n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "Koja comp2-3sg.cons-answer.rt-appl-cons.pfv Aukowa in-talk comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "Koja answered Aukowa and said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9803bde", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429703450310, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9803bde" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Orañ ŋen ŋero ŋǝŋǝra ëli kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "“Ora-ñ ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝŋǝra ëli kwai kwai,", "gloss": "brother-1sg.poss talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-good here ever ever", "translation": "\"My brother, the situation here is very difficult,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98051c6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429703542559, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98051c6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝmëɽria ŋero ŋǝŋǝra,", "morphemes": "na ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ero ŋ-ǝŋǝra,", "gloss": "and work clŋ-not.aux clŋ-good", "translation": "and there is no good jobs,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98065db", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429703654001, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98065db" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndǝ agaŋǝnṯu ŋen, wuji gǝlaɽǝŋa aŋiđi ṯaŋiđu ŋuɽu!", "morphemes": "orn ndǝ a-g-a-ŋǝnṯu ŋen, wuji g-ǝlaɽǝŋa aŋ-iđi ṯ-aŋ-iđ-u ŋuɽu!", "gloss": "but if 2sg-clg-rtc-accept.rt talk wife clg-2sg.poss 3sg.inf-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-do.rt-pfv wine", "translation": "but if you agree, let your wife make wine!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V N N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98078ee", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429704073671, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98078ee" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nḏare nai, ndǝ ŋǝmëɽria ŋiđi ŋǝmǝño iŋi ŋǝṯansim,", "morphemes": "Nḏare nai, ndǝ ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-iđi ŋ-ǝ-mǝñ-o iŋ-i ŋǝ-ṯansim,", "gloss": "don't.know oh if work clŋ-fut.aux clŋ-dpc-open.rt-pfv sclŋ-this clŋ.poss-water.tables", "translation": "I don't know, when the work of water tables will be available,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Comp N V V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980833d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429704254555, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980833d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla balëḏiya, oro ŋiđi ŋawënṯi.”", "morphemes": "walla balëḏiya, oro ŋ-iđi ŋ-a-wënṯ-i.\"", "gloss": "or street.sweeps then 2sg.inf-fut.aux 2sg.inf-rtc-enter.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Or cleaners of the streets, then you will be involved", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980a39b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429704526314, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980a39b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen ŋero ŋomǝn tǝŋ ŋiđi aŋamǝđaṯe!", "morphemes": "Ŋen ŋ-ero ŋ-omǝn tǝŋ ŋ-iđi aŋa-mǝđ-aṯ-e!", "gloss": "talk clŋ-not.aux clŋ-other again clŋ-fut.aux 3sg.inf-help.rt-appl-cons.pfv", "translation": "There is no other possibility that can help you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adv V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980ff2c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429704704647, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc980ff2c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa nəŋəsëiđi eŋen iŋi pǝr orn nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ukuwa n-əŋə-sëiđ-i e-ŋen iŋ-i pǝr orn n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk sclŋ-this long but comp2-3sg.cons-say.to", "translation": "Aukowa thought a while about this matter then he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Adj Adj Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98152b6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429706469717, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98152b6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Acau ŋen ŋađamǝñe! Orn ŋen ŋëpi!", "morphemes": "“Acau ŋen ŋ-a-đam-ǝ-ñe! Orn ŋen ŋëpi!", "gloss": "oh talk clŋ-rtc-defeat.rt-pfv-1sg.om but talk well", "translation": "“No escape I am defeated! But nothing bad!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9812f7c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429706559683, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9812f7c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ndǝ eđa gǝđëmǝnu gǝnǝŋ,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ndǝ eđa g-ǝ-đëm-ǝn-u g-ǝnǝŋ,", "gloss": "because if man clg-dpc-defeat.rt-pass-pfv clg-indef", "translation": "For when somebody is defeated,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Comp N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9812346", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429706757127, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9812346" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "giđi naŋëndini ŋen ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno.”", "morphemes": "g-iđi n-aŋ-ënd-in-i ŋen ŋ-ǝbǝɽaŋǝno.”", "gloss": "clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-pass-cons.pfv talk clŋ-hard", "translation": "He will receive a hard task.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9817e7b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429706867276, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9817e7b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Kwacema wasen Ukuwa giđi ṯaŋiđu ŋuɽu,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Kwacema wasen Ukuwa g-iđi ṯ-aŋ-iđ-u ŋuɽu,", "gloss": "so kwachema wife aukowa clg-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-do.rt-pfv wine", "translation": "Now, Aukowa’s wife Kwachema began to make wine,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9819714", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429707173626, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9819714" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Ukuwa nǝŋënṯi iŋǝmëɽria ṯansim ṯalǝpu jaḏwal yeŋau.", "morphemes": "na Ukuwa n-ǝŋ-ënṯ-i i-ŋǝmëɽria ṯansim ṯ-a-lǝp-u jaḏwal ye-ŋau.", "gloss": "and aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-work water.tables comp1b-rtc-dig.rt-pfv ways cly.poss-water", "translation": "and Aukowa entered in the work of digging sewers,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ad1d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429707406400, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ad1d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukëḏi nəŋënṯi iŋǝmëɽria albar nano", "morphemes": "Na Ukëḏi n-əŋ-ënṯ-i i-ŋǝmëɽria albar nano", "gloss": "and Aukadi comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-work river at", "translation": "And Aukadi was involved in work near the bank of the river,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ce32", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429707742811, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ce32" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯaləbuɽu eṯoba ləmađenala,", "morphemes": "ṯ-alə-buɽ-u eṯoba ləmađena-la,", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-dig.rt-pfv bricks age.mates-cll.with", "translation": "making bricks along with his age mates.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981f49b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429708534735, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981f49b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Nëniṯa nəŋënṯi iŋǝmëɽria ŋeɽa Karṯum na ṯaŋǝndro i-Lëmu,", "morphemes": "na Nëniṯa n-əŋ-ënṯ-i i-ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-eɽa Karṯum na ṯ-aŋǝ-ndr-o i-Lëmu,", "gloss": "and Nenita comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-work clŋ.poss-house Khartoum and comp1b-3sg.inf-sleep.rt-pfv loc-Arab", "translation": "And Nenita went to work with Arabs in their house in Khartoum and she used to sleep there!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N P-N N Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98204ca", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429708790254, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98204ca" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Aŋgalla nəŋëncini nalmaḏrasa Kambone.", "morphemes": "na Aŋgalla n-əŋ-ënc-in-i n-almaḏrasa Kambone.", "gloss": "and Angalla comp2-3sg.cons-enter.rt-pass-cons.pfv on-school Combone", "translation": "And Angalla was sent to Comboni Primary School.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ef6f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429708859323, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc981ef6f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwacema gafo gëbǝđia ŋuɽu ŋwaña,", "morphemes": "Kwacema g-a-fo g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋuɽu ŋ-waña,", "gloss": "kwachema clg-rtc-past.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv wine clŋ-many", "translation": "And Kwachema was making alot of wine,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98257a3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429709307767, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98257a3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ildi lǝṯia ŋuɽu lafo lararraiđia egeɽa tǝŋgen lwaña jaca jaca,", "morphemes": "na leđa ild-i l-ǝ-ṯ-ia ŋuɽu l-a-fo l-ar-arraiđ-ia eg-eɽa tǝŋgen l-waña jaca jaca,", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll-dpc-drink.rt-ipfv wine cll-rtc-past.aux cll-iter-gather.rt-ipfv loc-house 3pl.poss cll-many always always", "translation": "And many people who drank were gathered in their house always,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V V P-N Adj Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98266b0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429709950858, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98266b0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯalǝṯu ŋuɽu na ṯalëri ŋǝɽǝldia ŋoɽra kañ.", "morphemes": "ṯ-alǝ-ṯ-u ŋuɽu na ṯ-al-ër-i ŋǝɽǝldia ŋ-oɽra kañ.", "gloss": "comp1b-cll.inf-drink.rt-pfv wine and comp1b-cll.inf-blow.rt-cons.pfv noises clŋ-big very", "translation": "drinking and chatting with a loud noises,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9828626", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710072713, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9828626" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa lǝmaṯan labalǝŋa na lǝmaṯan ṯaɽrǝṯo jocom.", "morphemes": "Leđa l-ǝmaṯan l-a-balǝŋ-a na l-ǝmaṯan ṯ-al-ɽr-ǝṯ-o jocom.", "gloss": "people cll-some cll-rtc-sing.rt-ipfv and cll-some comp1b-cll.inf-dance.rt-appl-pfv also", "translation": "Some people singing and others dancing.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Conj Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98294fb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710188098, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98294fb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukuwa nǝŋiđi ṯaŋǝṯu ŋuɽu com ṯaŋǝrrëmuɽu kañ,", "morphemes": "Na Ukuwa n-ǝŋ-iđi ṯ-aŋ-ǝṯ-u ŋuɽu com ṯ-aŋǝ-rrëmuɽu kañ,", "gloss": "and aukowa comp2-3sg.cons-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-drink.rt-pfv wine also comp1b-3sg.inf-drunk.rt very", "translation": "And Aukowa began to drink and got drunk badly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adv V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982a6cb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710412215, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982a6cb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋera aŋǝbǝɽǝca ñere ano ñǝlëɽǝŋu walla wasenano gəlëɽəŋu.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋ-era aŋǝ-bǝɽ-ǝc-a ñere ano ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu walla wasen-ano g-əlëɽəŋu.", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-not.aux 3sg.inf-care.rt-ap-ipfv children in clɲ-3sg.poss or wife-in clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "and he neglected his children and his wife and did not take care of them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982c22a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710647088, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982c22a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukëḏi ummia igi egen giđi ṯaɽatecəđo lëmmiala ləcia", "morphemes": "Ukëḏi ummia ig-i egen g-iđi ṯ-aɽ-atec-əđ-o lëmmia-la l-əcia,", "gloss": "Aukadi boy sclg-this 3pl.poss clg-fut.aux comp1b-clr.inf-follow.rt-ap-pfv boys-cll.with cll-bad", "translation": "Aukad their elder boy began to accompany bad boys,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj V V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982e0e9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710788449, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982e0e9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldəmarrǝŋëci ŋen pređ iŋi ŋəcia ŋəɽiano,", "morphemes": "na n-ldə-m-arr-ǝŋëc-i ŋen pređ iŋ-i ŋ-əcia ŋəɽiano,", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-iter-show.rt-cons.pfv talk all sclŋ-this clŋ-bad ways", "translation": "and they taught him all bad habits and evil ways,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982efcc", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429710903978, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982efcc" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldəmamǝñi iŋǝmëɽria ŋǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "na n-ldə-ma-mǝñ-i i-ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-go.out.rt-cons.pfv loc-work clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "and they caused him to leave his job,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982fd54", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429711059567, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc982fd54" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalakaldaco alo bipi", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-ak-aldac-o alo bipi", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-iter-roam.rt-pfv place only", "translation": "to roam around the streets,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9835bf1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429711625731, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9835bf1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝmađeniala ildi lǝɽo đakaɽaŋ ŋenia lǝɽo ndom,", "morphemes": "lǝmađenia-la ild-i l-ǝ-ɽ-o đakaɽaŋ ŋ-enia l-ǝ-ɽ-o ndom,", "gloss": "companians-cll.with scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv corruption clŋ-bad cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv theives", "translation": "aimlessly with the corrupted fellows, robbers and murderers", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P Adj V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983b47b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429712027367, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983b47b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaloṯo ipëinia alo ṯaldiliđu garabel na ṯalǝṯu đubwa na ŋuɽu.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-oṯ-o ipëinia alo ṯ-aldi-liđ-u garabel na ṯ-al-ǝṯ-u đubwa na ŋuɽu.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-pick.up.rt-pfv metals place comp1b-cll.inf-sell.rt-pfv garbage and comp1b-cll.inf-drink.rt-pfv smoke and marissa", "translation": "and they collect old metals in the garbage to sold them and they smoke and drinks wine.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V N Conj V N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9837ace", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429712304519, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9837ace" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëniṯa ŋere iŋi eŋen ŋonto ŋəɽəbwa,", "morphemes": "Nëniṯa ŋere iŋ-i eŋen ŋ-onto ŋ-əɽəbwa,", "gloss": "Nenita girl sclŋ-this 3pl.poss clŋ-one clŋ-female", "translation": "Nenita the only one daughter,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98385ed", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429712488880, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98385ed" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋënṯu iŋəmëɽria alo Karṯum Alamaraṯ,", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-ënṯ-u i-ŋəmëɽria alo Karṯum Alamaraṯ,", "gloss": "when clŋ-enter.rt-pfv loc-work place Khartoum alamarat", "translation": "when she joined her work in Arabs house in Khartoum Alamarat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P-N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983db61", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429712880035, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983db61" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋënŋu ŋafo ŋabǝrlda ṯaŋokoɽǝbaṯo egeɽa egen,", "morphemes": "Ŋ-ënŋu ŋ-a-fo ŋ-a-b-ǝrld-a ṯ-aŋ-ok-oɽǝb-aṯ-o eg-eɽa egen,", "gloss": "clŋ-3sg.pro clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-rtc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-return.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-house 3pl.poss", "translation": "she use to go and come back home usually,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983f464", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429713008761, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc983f464" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋerlda ñomanǝña ñomanǝña,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-erld-a ñomanǝ-ña ñomanǝ-ña,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-walk.rt-ipfv days-clɲ.with clɲ.with", "translation": "and she behaved like this some days,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9840604", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429714696251, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9840604" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝŋiđi nǝŋuɽǝṯi nəŋerṯe ŋoɽǝbaṯo egeɽa egen liga lwalano,", "morphemes": "oro n-ǝŋ-iđi n-ǝŋ-uɽǝṯ-i n-əŋ-erṯe ŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-o eg-eɽa egen liga l-walano,", "gloss": "then comp2-3sg.cons-fut.aux comp2-3sg.cons-stop.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clŋ-return.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-house 3pl.poss time cll-long", "translation": "then she stopped coming back to their home for a long time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V V V P-N Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98426b8", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429714897373, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc98426b8" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen nǝŋanṯa ŋafo i-Lëmu Karṯum Alamaraṯ ŋaundra,", "morphemes": "na ŋen n-ǝŋ-anṯ-a ŋ-a-f-o i-Lëmu Karṯum Alamaraṯ ŋ-a-u-ndr-a,", "gloss": "and talk comp2-3sg.cons-mean.rt-ipfv clŋ-rtc-be.loc-pfv loc-Arabs Khartoum Alamarat clŋ-rtc-loc-sleep.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and it was known that she lives with the Arabs in their house in Khartoum Alamarat,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9843dc4", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429715040598, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9843dc4" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ŋen nǝŋiđi ṯaŋǝɽwatǝnu ŋanṯa,", "morphemes": "orn ŋen n-ǝŋ-iđi ṯ-aŋ-ǝɽw-at-ǝn-u ŋanṯa,", "gloss": "but talk comp2-3sg.cons-fut.aux comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-appl-pass-pfv meaning", "translation": "then the rumors came up saying,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9845aff", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429715232117, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9845aff" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Laṯa Nëniṯa gasëinu lǝmamǝña errekano,", "morphemes": "“L-aṯa Nëniṯa g-a-sëi-n-u l-ǝ-ma-mǝñ-a errekano,", "gloss": "cll-say.rt Nenita clg-rtc-see.rt-pass-pfv cll-dpc-iter-go.out.rt-ipfv evenings", "translation": "\"It had been said that Nenita had been seen going out during evenings,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984782f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429715446818, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984782f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñereña ñǝmǝn ñəcia iñi ñǝbǝliđǝnia oya nano", "morphemes": "ñere-ña ñ-ǝmǝn ñ-əcia iñ-i ñ-ǝ-bǝ-liđ-ǝn-ia oya nano", "gloss": "girls-clɲ.with clɲ-indef clɲ-bad sclɲ-this clɲ-dpc-prog-paint.rt-ipfv red body", "translation": "with some bad girls who painted their bodies with reddish materials,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P Adj Adj Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984876b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429715770785, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984876b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñətoṯo alo, na lorrǝpǝđaiđia lëmmiala lǝmǝn,", "morphemes": "na ñ-ə-toṯ-o alo, na l-orr-ǝpǝđ-aiđ-ia lëmmia-la l-ǝmǝn,", "gloss": "and clɲ-dpc-rise.rt-pfv place and cll-iter-meet.rt-appl.ap-ipfv boys-with cll-indef", "translation": "and those girls who moved out of their homes, and they met with some boys,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984bbe6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429716019362, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc984bbe6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝɽo Ilia na lǝɽo Lëmu com na lǝɽo Fallaṯa.", "morphemes": "l-ǝ-ɽ-o Ilia na l-ǝ-ɽ-o Lëmu com na l-ǝ-ɽ-o Fallaṯa.", "gloss": "cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv foreigners na cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv Arabs also na cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv Fulani", "translation": "who were foreigners from Nuba people or Arabs or Folani", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj V N Adv Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cd4755", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429770077981, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cd4755" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na laɽǝŋǝlda ejǝnene yemǝn tu,", "morphemes": "Na l-a-ɽǝŋ-ǝ-lda e-jǝnene y-emǝn tu", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-stay.rt-pfv-cll.with loc-garden cly-indef there", "translation": "And went to some gardens and spent time together there,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cda688", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429770868162, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cda688" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na labërrǝnṯia isǝlǝmwa Karṯum", "morphemes": "na l-a-b-ërr-ǝnṯ-ia i-sǝlǝmwa Karṯum", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-prog-iter-enter.rt-ipfv loc-cinema Khartoum", "translation": "and they go to cinema in Khartoum,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cdb9ad", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429771091466, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cdb9ad" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na labǝrldeṯa nafla isi yefafia, na larṯia nḏisku.", "morphemes": "na l-a-b-ǝrld-eṯ-a nafla is-i y-e-fa-f-ia, na l-a-r-ṯ-ia n-ḏisku.", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-prog-walk.rt-loc.appl-ipfv parties scly-this cly-dpc-iter-be.loc-ipfv and cll-rtc-dance.rt-loc.appl-ipfv on-disco", "translation": "and go to parties, and dance disco.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce2bd3", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429771444797, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce2bd3" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen nubwa nǝŋgaṯo nwaña,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen nubwa n-ǝŋ-gaṯ-o n-waña,", "gloss": "and talk months comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-pfv cln-many", "translation": "and when many months passed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce498c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429771546483, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce498c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëniṯa gero gajǝbǝnu alo!", "morphemes": "Nëniṯa g-ero g-ajǝb-ǝn-u alo!", "gloss": "nenita clg-not.aux clg-not.know.rt-pass-pfv place", "translation": "Nenita did not know where she was!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce6dcf", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429771752835, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce6dcf" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen nǝŋiđi nǝŋela lomanǝŋ ŋanṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋen n-ǝŋ-iđ-i n-ǝŋ-el-a loman-nǝŋ ŋ-anṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "but talk comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv day-indef clŋ-mean.rt comp1", "translation": "Then rumors came one day saying that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce7b7c", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429771920945, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce7b7c" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Laṯa Nëniṯa gonḏaco,", "morphemes": "“L-aṯa Nëniṯa g-onḏac-o,", "gloss": "cll-say.rt nenita clg-pregnant.rt-pfv", "translation": "“They said that Nenita is pregnant,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce9a35", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429772594361, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ce9a35" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na eđa gajǝbǝnu igi gunḏëicǝma,", "morphemes": "na eđa g-ajǝb-ǝn-u ig-i g-unḏëic-ǝ-ma,", "gloss": "and man clg-not.know.rt-pass-pfv sclg-this clg-pregnant.caus.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "and it is not known who made her pregnant,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceb9e9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429772934711, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceb9e9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gaɽe gaɽo Ëmu walla gaɽo Ilia walla gaɽo Fallaṯa.", "morphemes": "gaɽe g-a-ɽ-o Ëmu walla g-a-ɽ-o Ilia walla g-a-ɽ-o Fallaṯa.", "gloss": "whether clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv Arab or clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv Nuba or clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv Folani", "translation": "Whether he might be an Arab, Nuba or Folani!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Conj V N Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceac9f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429773092802, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceac9f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Aŋgalla ŋen gǝfiđu ŋen ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno", "morphemes": "Aŋgalla ŋen g-ǝ-fiđ-u ŋen ŋ-ǝbǝɽaŋǝno", "gloss": "angalla when clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv talk clŋ-hard", "translation": "Angalla found the situation very hard,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceee74", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429773464037, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9ceee74" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gero gǝnǝŋ gǝmabǝɽǝcano ŋenŋa ŋalmaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "eđa g-ero g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-ma-b-ǝɽǝc-ano ŋen-ŋa ŋ-almaḏrasa,", "gloss": "man clg-not.aux clg-indef clg-dpc-3sg.om-prog-care.rt-in talk-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-school", "translation": "no one took care of him with schools matters,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj V N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cefecf", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429773718159, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cefecf" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmǝñe nalmaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñ-e n-almaḏrasa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.out.rt-cons.pfv on-school", "translation": "he dropped out of school,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cf2f06", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429774488957, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cf2f06" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋəbuɽu ornesa isuk lǝmađeniala.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋə-buɽ-u ornesa i-suk lǝmađenia-la.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-hit.rt-pfv polish loc-market age.mate-cll.with", "translation": "he went to polish shoes in the market place with his companions.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P-N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cf3cf1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429774596796, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cf3cf1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na naŋiđi gǝrus ywaña,", "morphemes": "Na n-aŋ-iđ-i gǝrus y-waña,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv money cly-many", "translation": "and he made a lot of money,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cfa22b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429774724602, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9cfa22b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ndǝ goɽǝbaṯo egeɽa errekano,", "morphemes": "orn ndǝ g-oɽǝb-aṯ-o eg-eɽa errekano,", "gloss": "but if clg-return.rt-loc.appl loc-home evenings", "translation": "but when he returned home in the evening,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d00d74", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429774929105, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d00d74" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eṯen naŋela nǝŋǝmabaṯe algǝrus pređ,", "morphemes": "eṯ-en n-aŋ-el-a n-ǝŋǝ-ma-baṯ-e algǝrus pređ,", "gloss": "father-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-come.rt-ipfv comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-appl-cons.pfv money all", "translation": "his father came and took from him all the money,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0a5fa", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429775159111, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0a5fa" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "isi giđǝliya ŋǝmëɽria naŋǝɽe naŋǝlǝyiṯi ŋuɽu.", "morphemes": "is-i g-iđ-ǝ-liya ŋǝmëɽria n-aŋǝ-ɽ-e n-aŋǝ-lǝyi-ṯ-i ŋuɽu.", "gloss": "scly-this clg-do.rt-pfv-cll.with work comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-cll.with-drink.rt-cons.pfv wine", "translation": "that he earned from his work, and used them to drink wine.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0bd75", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429775302509, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0bd75" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Aŋgalla gəsëcu ŋen ŋǝɽǝṯia,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Aŋgalla g-ə-sëc-u ŋen ŋ-ǝɽǝ-ṯia,", "gloss": "and when angalla clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv talk clŋ-like-in.this.way", "translation": "And when Angalla realized that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0d8f7", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429775551841, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0d8f7" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eṯen gǝmarrəbaṯa algǝrus jaca ṯaŋǝləyiṯu ŋuɽu,", "morphemes": "eṯ-en g-ǝ-m-arr-əb-aṯ-a algǝrus jaca ṯ-aŋǝ-ləyi-ṯ-u ŋuɽu,", "gloss": "father-3sg.poss clg-dpc-3sg.om-iter-take.rt-appl-ipv money always comp1b-3sg.inf-cll.with-drink.rt-pfv wine", "translation": "his father robbed him of his money always, and drank wine continually,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0ebaa", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429775797622, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d0ebaa" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝlaldǝñe egeɽa nǝŋǝtoṯe alo igasuk lǝmađeniala lwaña,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-laldǝñ-e eg-eɽa n-ǝŋǝ-toṯ-e alo iga-suk lǝmađenia-la l-waña,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-run.rt-cons.pfv loc-house comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv place loc-market age.mate-cll.with cll-many", "translation": "he ran away from their home and moved to live in the market place with his companians,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P-N V N P-N N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d1109d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429775908103, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d1109d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalǝso acǝba alo", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alǝ-s-o acǝba alo", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-eat.rt-pfv food place", "translation": "and used to eat what is on the ground,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d1279f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429776201953, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d1279f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igi gəṯaṯënu gǝsǝniau gǝṯǝlwëinu alo egal eŋǝra", "morphemes": "ig-i g-ə-ṯa-ṯ-ën-u g-ǝ-s-ǝn-i-au g-ǝ-ṯǝlw-ëin-u alo eg-al e-ŋǝra", "gloss": "sclg-this clg-dpc-iter-be.loc-pass-pfv clg-dpc-eat.rt-pass-cons.pfv-in clg-dpc-throw.rt-pass-pfv place loc-place loc-garbage", "translation": "that remains after people eat and throw away their food in the garbage,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V V V N P-N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d25cb2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429776972425, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d25cb2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalǝṯu lǝbasim na silisiyon na aṯawa isi yeicia.", "morphemes": "na ṯ-alǝ-ṯ-u lǝbasim na silisiyon na aṯawa is-i y-eicia.", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-drink.rt-pfv benzene and silicon and medicine scly-this cly-bad", "translation": "and they drank benzene and some substance that make them feel satisfied and they took drugs", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj N Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d51003", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429778460197, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d51003" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Ukuwa gwondaṯo ŋen", "morphemes": "Ŋen Ukuwa g-wond-aṯ-o ŋen", "gloss": "when aukowa clg-look.rt-appl-pfv talk", "translation": "When Aukowa found that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d528b1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429778660429, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d528b1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋǝkǝrcǝđo nano pređ ŋǝɽo đoɽǝđoɽa ŋǝɽǝṯia,", "morphemes": "ŋ-ǝk-ǝrc-ǝđ-o nano pređ ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o đoɽǝđoɽa ŋ-ǝɽǝ-ṯia,", "gloss": "clŋ-iter-mix.rt-ap-pfv at all clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv disorder clŋ-like-in.this.way", "translation": "everything is mixed up and out of control,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P Adj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d52e30", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429778748843, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d52e30" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝnace wasen gəlëɽəŋu Kwacema ŋen pređ, naŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-nac-e was-en g-əlëɽəŋu Kwacema ŋen pređ, n-aŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-give.rt-cons.pfv wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss Kwachema talk all comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt comp1", "translation": "he blamed Kwachema his wife and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N N Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d54c3e", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429778974179, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d54c3e" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Anṯa fǝŋa đurri ŋëŋgi agerṯo ŋen iŋi pređ.”", "morphemes": "“Anṯa fǝ-ŋa đurri ŋëŋgi a-g-erṯo ŋen iŋ-i pređ.”", "gloss": "indeed foc-2sg.om exactly who 2sg-clg-have.rt talk sclŋ-this all", "translation": "\"Indeed it is you who brought all these difficulties on us,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adv N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d55f05", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429779058636, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d55f05" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwacema ŋen gǝnno ŋen iŋi", "morphemes": "Kwacema ŋen g-ǝ-nn-o ŋen iŋ-i", "gloss": "kwachema when clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv talk sclŋ-this", "translation": "When Kwachema heard that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d585f2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429779384476, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d585f2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝciṯano kañ na ldǝkerđe kañ ebaŋgenga eŋen iŋi,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ciṯ-ano kañ na n-ldǝ-kerđ-e kañ ebaŋgen-ga e-ŋen iŋ-i,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-angry.rt-in very and comp2-cll.inf-quarrel.rt-cons.pfv very husband-clg.with loc-talk sclŋ-this", "translation": "she became furious and quarreled with her husband about this,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Conj V Adv N-P P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d597c8", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429781301331, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d597c8" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldajǝbeṯe lərrëiđia ŋen na ldǝkerđiano na ldǝbapaiđiano,", "morphemes": "n-ld-ajǝb-eṯ-e l-ərrëiđ-ia ŋen na n-ldǝ-kerđ-i-ano na n-ldǝ-bap-aiđ-i-ano,", "gloss": "comp2-cll.inf-not.know.rt-appl-cons.pfv cll-gather.rt-ipfv talk and comp2-cll.inf-quarrel.rt-cons.pfv-in and comp2-cll.inf-separate.rt-appl.ap-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "and they could not settle their argument until they separated,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Conj V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5afe9", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429783658425, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5afe9" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kwacema nǝŋǝtođe nǝŋeṯe elorba əllëɽəŋu.", "morphemes": "na Kwacema n-ǝŋǝ-tođ-e n-ǝŋ-eṯ-e e-lorba əll-ëɽəŋu.", "gloss": "and kwachema comp2-3sg.cons-rise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-be.2d-cons.pfv loc-brothers cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "and kwachema went to see her relatives.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5c8e1", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429783819340, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5c8e1" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nəṯia eɽa igi gǝfo gǝŋǝranano Nayen Karm,", "morphemes": "Nəṯia eɽa ig-i g-ǝ-f-o g-ǝŋǝranano Nayen Karm,", "gloss": "so house sclg-this clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv clg-happy mount Karm", "translation": "So the house that had been happy in Karm area,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5ccd7", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429783938753, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5ccd7" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "điñiđi gënŋu gakǝro kǝrkǝrñ galaldëđǝnialo.", "morphemes": "điñiđi g-ënŋu g-a-kǝr-o kǝrkǝrñ g-a-lald-ëđ-ǝn-i-alo.", "gloss": "now clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-break.rt-pfv all.over clg-rtc-run.rt-ap-pass-cons.pfv-place", "translation": "now was broken and scattered about,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5fa77", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429784161248, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d5fa77" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ukuwa gakǝrṯo ŋǝṯenia na gëṯia ŋuɽu ŋwaña kañ,", "morphemes": "Ukuwa g-a-kǝr-ṯ-o ŋǝṯenia na g-ë-ṯ-ia ŋuɽu ŋ-waña kañ,", "gloss": "aukowa clg-rtc-break.rt-appl-pfv manhood and clg-dpc-drink.rt-ipfv wine clŋ-alot very", "translation": "Aukowa lost his dignity and responsiblity, and he drinks alot of wine,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d639d8", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429784410818, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d639d8" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na algǝrus pređ yilëɽǝŋu yaređeṯo iŋuɽu,", "morphemes": "na algǝrus pređ y-ilëɽǝŋu y-a-ređ-eṯ-o i-ŋuɽu,", "gloss": "and money all cly-3sg.poss cly-rtc-change.rt-cmp-pfv loc-wine", "translation": "and all his money goes to wine,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d6457b", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429784563756, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d6457b" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu gaber gǝbǝɽǝca ñere ano ñǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋu g-a-b-er g-ǝ-b-ǝɽǝc-a ñere ano ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-prog-not.aux clg-dpc-prog-care.rt-ipfv children in clɲ-3sg.poss", "translation": "and was not taking care of his children,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69e1d", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785046590, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69e1d" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "walla gəɽwatiṯia ŋen ŋǝmən kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "walla g-əɽw-at-iṯ-ia ŋen ŋ-ǝmən kwai kwai,", "gloss": "or clg-talk.rt-loc.appl-appl-ipfv talk clŋ-indef ever ever", "translation": "or disciplining and advising them at all.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69b2e", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785371555, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69b2e" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu nǝñǝkǝrṯe ŋenia nǝñǝlaldëđǝniano.", "morphemes": "na ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝñǝ-kǝr-ṯ-e ŋenia n-ǝñǝ-laldëđ-ǝn-i-ano.", "gloss": "and children clɲ-3sg.poss comp2-clɲ.inf-break.rt-appl-cons.pfv talks comp2-clɲ.inf-run.rt-pass-cons.pfv-in", "translation": "and his children lost their morals and they scattered.", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69049", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785484435, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d69049" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kwacema gǝfo gǝbǝđia ŋuɽu!", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kwacema g-ǝ-f-o g-ǝ-b-ǝđ-ia ŋuɽu!", "gloss": "and when kwachema clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv wine", "translation": "And since Kwachema was making wine!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d70fe2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785601724, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d70fe2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Eɽa igi egen gafo gataŋa gunḏǝjëinu ṯǝɽom", "morphemes": "Eɽa ig-i egen g-a-fo g-a-taŋ-a g-unḏǝj-ëin-u ṯǝɽom", "gloss": "house sclg-this 3pl.poss clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-stay.rt-ipfv clg-full.rt-pass-pfv full", "translation": "Their house stayed full", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj V V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d71e43", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785744061, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d71e43" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđala ildi lǝṯia ŋuɽu na ɽrarrëmuɽua.", "morphemes": "leđa-la ild-i l-ǝ-ṯ-ia ŋuɽu na l-ɽra-rrëmuɽu-a.", "gloss": "people-cll.with scll-this cll-dpc-drink.rt-ipfv wine and cll-iter-drunk.rt-ipfv", "translation": "up with the people who drank wine and became drunk.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N-P Adj V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7220a", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429785898077, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7220a" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn điñiđi đǝge Kwacema gatođo nǝŋerṯe goɽǝbǝđo tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "Orn điñiđi đǝge Kwacema g-a-tođ-o n-ǝŋ-erṯe g-oɽǝb-ǝđ-o tǝŋ.", "gloss": "but now last kwachema clg-rtc-rise.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux clg-return.rt-ap-pfv again", "translation": "But since Kwachema had gone her relatives and did not come back again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Adv N V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d72bef", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429786009419, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d72bef" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nëniṯa ŋere iŋi eŋen ŋǝɽo ŋonto ŋǝɽǝbwa", "morphemes": "Nëniṯa ŋere iŋ-i eŋen ŋ-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋ-onto ŋ-ǝɽǝbwa", "gloss": "nenita girl sclŋ-this 3pl.poss clŋ-dpc-be.rt-pfv clŋ-one clŋ-female", "translation": "Nenita their only one daughter,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj V Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7ae15", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429786212625, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7ae15" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋonḏaco alo na eđa gajǝbǝnu igi gunḏëcǝma.", "morphemes": "ŋ-onḏac-o alo na eđa g-ajǝb-ǝn-u ig-i g-unḏëc-ǝ-ma.", "gloss": "clŋ-pregnant.rt-pfv place and man clg-not.know.rt-pass-pfv sclŋ-this clg-pregnant.caus.rt-pfv-3sg.om", "translation": "became pregnant from an unknown person,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Conj N V Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7b3f5", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429786322089, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7b3f5" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Aŋgalla ummia igi gǝta ganeđo almaḏrasa,", "morphemes": "Na Aŋgalla ummia ig-i g-ǝ-t-a g-aneđ-o almaḏrasa,", "gloss": "and angalla boy sclg-this clg-dpc-young.rt-ipfv clg-refuse.rt-pfv school", "translation": "And Angalla the young son refused to go to school,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7f075", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429786754518, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7f075" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gatoṯo alo igasuk lëmmiala ildi lǝɽo đakataŋ ŋenia.", "morphemes": "na g-a-toṯ-o alo iga-suk lëmmia-la ild-i l-ǝ-ɽ-o đakataŋ ŋenia.", "gloss": "and clg-rtc-rise.rt-pfv place loc-market boys-cll.with scll-this cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv twist talks", "translation": "and moved to live outside in the marketplaces with immoral fellows,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N N-P Adj V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7fad0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787027122, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d7fad0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Ukëḏi ummia igi goɽra gamǝño iŋǝmëɽria na ṯaŋiđu ŋǝɽoma,", "morphemes": "Na Ukëḏi ummia ig-i g-oɽra g-a-mǝñ-o i-ŋǝmëɽria na ṯ-aŋ-iđ-u ŋ-ǝ-ɽom-a,", "gloss": "and aukadi boy sclg-this clg-big clg-rtc-go.out.rt-pfv loc-work cong comp1b-3sg.inf-do.rt-pfv clŋ-dpc-steal.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And Aukadi the elder son abandoned his job and was involved in robbery,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adj Adj V P-N Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d82334", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787329335, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d82334" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalakaldaco alo ñowaña iñi ñǝtoṯo alo,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-ala-kaldac-o alo ñowa-ña iñ-i ñ-ǝ-toṯ-o alo,", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-move.rt-pfv place young.woman-clɲ.with sclɲ-this clɲ-dpc-rise.rt-pfv place", "translation": "and they roam around with the homeless young women.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d836bb", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787510840, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d836bb" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯalerldeṯǝlda nafla iŋǝnia", "morphemes": "na ṯ-al-erlde-ṯ-ǝ-lda nafla i-ŋǝnia", "gloss": "and comp1b-cll.inf-walk.rt-loc.appl-pfv-cll.with parties loc-dancing", "translation": "and he accompanied them to parties and dancing places,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d84ff2", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787694052, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d84ff2" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nḏǝŋǝranano iđi đǝfafia na ṯalǝndro ndwaŋ,", "morphemes": "na n-ḏǝŋǝranano iđ-i đ-ǝ-fa-f-ia na ṯ-alǝ-ndr-o ndwaŋ,", "gloss": "and on-feasts sclđ-this clđ-dpc-iter-be.loc-ipfv and comp1b-cll.inf-sleep.rt-pfv outside", "translation": "and on feasts and occassions that took place and they spent their nights outside.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj V Conj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d870aa", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787833413, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d870aa" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ldǝmajǝbeṯe alo isi gǝfau.", "morphemes": "na leđa n-ldǝ-m-ajǝb-eṯ-e alo is-i g-ǝ-f-au.", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll.inf-3sg.om-not.know.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place scly-this clg-dpc-be.loc-in", "translation": "and no one knows where he lives.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d882ef", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429787966921, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d882ef" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn đǝge điñiđi ndǝ Ukuwa gǝlaldǝŋǝđëinia eŋen iŋi,", "morphemes": "Orn đǝge điñiđi ndǝ Ukuwa g-ǝ-laldǝŋ-ǝđ-ëin-ia e-ŋen iŋ-i,", "gloss": "but last now if aukowa clg-dpc-remember.rt-ap-pass-ipfv loc-talk sclŋ-this", "translation": "And at last when Aukowa remembered what happened to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Adv Comp N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d86a33", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429788251343, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d86a33" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝsađëinu ŋenǝsi iŋi eŋen,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-sađ-ëin-u ŋenǝ-si iŋ-i eŋen,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-see.rt-pass-pfv talk-eyes sclŋ-this 3pl.poss", "translation": "and reflected back with his memory to the early life,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d8e4c0", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429788444675, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d8e4c0" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ldǝfo Nayǝn Karm, orn điñiđi ldǝfeṯe Alufra!", "morphemes": "ŋen n-ldǝ-f-o Nayǝn Karm, orn điñiđi n-ldǝ-f-eṯ-e Alufra!", "gloss": "when comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-pfv Mount Karm but now comp2-cll.inf-be.loc-appl-cons.pfv holes", "translation": "when they were in Mount of Karm, and now they were in Alhufra city!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N N Conj Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d91918", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429788685221, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d91918" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Naŋirəwano kañ,", "morphemes": "N-aŋ-irəw-ano kañ,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-descend.rt-in very", "translation": "He was discouraged and become disappointed,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d91034", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429788891996, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d91034" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝso loman na ṯaŋǝɽwatǝnu nano gonto garno gǝɽo ëɽia,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o loman na ṯ-aŋǝ-ɽwat-ǝn-u nano g-onto g-arno g-ǝ-ɽ-o ëɽia,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-pfv finger and comp1b-3sg.inf-talk.rt-pass-pfv at clg-one clg-like clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv mad", "translation": "and eats his finger in sorrow and talked to himself like mad man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V P Adj Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d92e3f", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429789066054, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d92e3f" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯaŋǝfafǝrđu rǝŋra ndǝ gǝbǝrlda erađ, na ṯaŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "na ṯ-aŋǝ-fa-fǝrđ-u rǝŋ-ra ndǝ g-ǝ-b-ǝrld-a e-rađ, na ṯ-aŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-iter-wave.rt-pfv hand-clr.with if clg-dpc-prog-walk.rt-ipfv loc-roads and comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt comp1", "translation": "and waves up his hands when he walk alone in the streets and says,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Comp V P-N Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d92811", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429789338981, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d92811" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋwande igi gǝfo gaṯa ṯa", "morphemes": "“Ŋwande ig-i g-ǝ-fo g-aṯa ṯa", "gloss": "who sclg-this clg-dpc-past.aux clg-say.rt comp1", "translation": "\"Who is it that said to us,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d9c7c6", "key": [ "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", 1429789549096, "9e32ae268446b02e591f7c8fc9d9c7c6" ], "value": { "story": "f280ed3b4ed51e5f5166a6d7579ff501", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñatođa ñaṯađe Nayǝn Karm alo ñeṯa eŋǝɽañ ëli!", "morphemes": "ñ-a-tođ-a ñ-a-ṯađ-e Nayǝn Karm alo ñ-e-ṯ-a e-ŋǝɽañ ëli!", "gloss": "clɲ-rtc-rise.rt-ipfv clɲ-rtc-move.rt-cons.pfv mount Karm place clɲ-dpc-be.2d-ipfv loc-death here", "translation": "to leave Karm Mountain out, and move to this death here!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N N N V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f121f6c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432620636682, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f121f6c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rama na Umǝɽa", "morphemes": "Rama na Umǝɽa", "gloss": "grasshopper and ant", "translation": "The Grasshopper and the Ant", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1233eb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432620807568, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1233eb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Rama rafo rafo rǝnǝŋ rǝɽo đappa umǝɽaga.", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Rama r-a-fo r-a-f-o r-ǝnǝŋ r-ǝ-ɽ-o đappa umǝɽa-ga.", "gloss": "day-indef grasshopper clr-rtc-past.aux clr-rtc-be.rt-pfv clr-indef clr-dpc-be.rt-pfv friend ant-with", "translation": "Once upon a time there was a grasshopper who was friend to an ant.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V Adj V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f124b81", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432624555223, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f124b81" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ibwi gafo gaɽo iliga lakǝl.", "morphemes": "Na ibwi g-a-fo g-a-ɽ-o i-liga l-akǝl.", "gloss": "and summer clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv loc-time cll-that", "translation": "It was Summer at that time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f126d4d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432624623443, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f126d4d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lënŋulu ndǝm lafo laɽo lëđǝm,", "morphemes": "Lënŋulu ndǝm l-a-fo l-a-ɽ-o lëđǝm,", "gloss": "3pl.pro both cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-be.rt-pfv young.men", "translation": "Both of them were young men,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1271ff", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432624729165, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1271ff" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lafo lasëcia ŋen ṯa ŋǝnia ŋaŋǝra ŋamǝñaṯo ŋen pređ,", "morphemes": "na l-a-fo l-a-sëc-ia ŋen ṯa ŋǝnia ŋ-aŋǝra ŋ-a-mǝñaṯ-o ŋen pređ,", "gloss": "and cll-rtc-past.aux cll-rtc-see.rt-pfv talk comp1 dancing clŋ-good clŋ-exceed.rt-pfv talk all", "translation": "and they thought that dancing was better than anything else,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Comp N Adj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12b9a6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432624829956, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12b9a6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝmǝñaṯe ŋǝmëɽria com.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñaṯ-e ŋ-ǝ-mëɽr-ia com.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-exceed.rt-cons.pfv clŋ-dpc-work.rt-cons.ipfv also", "translation": "even better than working.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12d576", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432624939720, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12d576" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ ñowa ñǝrṯia e-lwaṯa,", "morphemes": "Ndǝ ñowa ñ-ǝ-rṯ-ia e-lwaṯa,", "gloss": "if young.women clɲ-dpc-dance.rt-ipfv loc-playground", "translation": "When young women dance at the dancing place,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12fc99", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625161577, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12fc99" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lënŋulu ṯalǝninu iŋǝnia na ṯalerldeṯo eñowa,", "morphemes": "lënŋulu ṯ-alǝ-nin-u i-ŋǝnia na ṯ-al-erlde-ṯ-o e-ñowa,", "gloss": "3pl.pro comp1b-cll.inf-go.rt-pfv loc-dancing and comp1b-cll.inf-walk.rt-loc.appl-pfv loc-young.women", "translation": "they went to the dancing place to dance and talk with the young women,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Conj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12fbe7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625269504, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f12fbe7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ldajǝbëini eŋen ṯa liga leṯo đege", "morphemes": "orn ld-ajǝbëin-i e-ŋen ṯa liga l-eṯ-o đege", "gloss": "but cll-forget.rt-cons.pfv loc-word comp1 time cll-come.rt-pfv last", "translation": "but they forgot that the time had come", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Comp N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f132ea4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625430572, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f132ea4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lǝŋǝmëɽria na leđa laṯoɽaṯa ni enen na laraṯa.", "morphemes": "lǝ-ŋǝmëɽria na leđa l-a-ṯoɽ-aṯ-a ni enen na l-a-raṯ-a", "gloss": "poss-work and people cll-rtc-prepare.rt-loc.appl-ipfv fields 3pl.poss and cll-rtc-clear.rt-ipfv", "translation": "for work, and people were preparing their fields and cleaning them.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N V N Adj Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f135127", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625528639, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f135127" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ Umǝɽa gǝnǝŋ goɽra gǝɽo uṯëɽi", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ Umǝɽa g-ǝnǝŋ g-oɽra g-ǝ-ɽ-o uṯëɽi", "gloss": "day-indef ant clg-indef clg-big clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv old.man", "translation": "Oneday an elder ant", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f136737", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625592938, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f136737" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gǝlǝŋeṯo ŋenǝsi kañ,", "morphemes": "na g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen-nǝ-si kañ,", "gloss": "and clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv talk-on-eye very", "translation": "and a very wise one,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1376b2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625810922, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1376b2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gafo gasëcia Rama na Umǝɽa ɽrǝṯia oro nǝŋǝllwaɽǝṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "g-a-fo g-a-sëc-ia Rama na Umǝɽa l-ǝ-rǝṯ-ia oro n-ǝŋǝ-l-lwaɽǝṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-see.rt-ipfv grasshopper and ant cll-dpc-dance.rt-ipfv then comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "saw that the grasshopper and the ant were dancing, and he told them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Conj N V Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f138977", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432625981790, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f138977" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ya ñere ñagǝlëɽǝñi naṯǝñǝr, liga lamulu mǝldin ñagarṯia!", "morphemes": "“Ya ñere ña-gǝlëɽǝñi n-a-ṯǝ-ñǝ-r, liga l-amulu mǝldin ña-g-a-rṯ-ia!", "gloss": "oh children clɲ.poss-1sg.poss listen.rt-imp-appl-1sg.om-pl time cll-still yet 2pl-clg-rtc-dance.rt-ipfv", "translation": "\"You my children, listen to me, time is short and you are dancing!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N Adj V N Adv Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13a331", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432626575814, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13a331" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lǝŋǝđëinǝr eŋen ṯa errame", "morphemes": "Orn l-ǝŋǝđëin-ǝ-r e-ŋen ṯa errame", "gloss": "but cll.inf1-remember.rt-d.imp-pl loc-word comp1 rainy.season", "translation": "But you have to remember that the rainy season", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Comp N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13b5e8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432626755419, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13b5e8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na abeya lafo ṯwañ đǝge na lero lǝfia nwaldaŋ,", "morphemes": "na abeya l-a-f-o ṯwañ đǝge na l-ero l-ǝ-f-ia nwaldaŋ,", "gloss": "and autumn cll-rtc-be.loc-pfv near last and cll-not.aux cll-dpc-be.rt-ipfv far", "translation": "and autumn are approaching, they aren’t far,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Adv Conj V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13d786", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432626858255, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13d786" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na iliga lakǝl liđi alǝɽeṯe liga lǝŋǝmëɽria,", "morphemes": "na i-liga l-akǝl l-iđi al-ǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e liga lǝ-ŋǝmëɽria,", "gloss": "and loc-time cll-that cll-fut.aux cll.inf-dpc-be.rt-appl-cons.pfv time cll.poss-work", "translation": "and in that time will be a time of work,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N Adj V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13f5d2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432626989233, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f13f5d2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn tođr alo ñagakonde ŋǝsa,", "morphemes": "orn tođ-r alo ña-g-a-kond-e ŋǝsa,", "gloss": "but rise.rt-pl place 2pl-clg-rtc-search.rt-cons.pfv food", "translation": "so you have to wake up and look for food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14155d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627157088, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14155d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋorwaṯa ŋiđi naŋëndi alo ŋoɽra ndǝ abeya gǝɽo.”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa ŋorwaṯa ŋ-iđi n-aŋ-ënd-i alo ŋ-oɽra ndǝ abeya g-ǝ-ɽ-o.”", "gloss": "because hunger clŋ-fut.aux comp2-3sg.inf-catch.rt-cons.pfv place clŋ-big when autumn clg-dpc-be.rt-d.inf2", "translation": "because great hunger will be on the whole land when it is autumn.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N Adj Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f142ffb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627285138, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f142ffb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rama ndrǝlwaɽǝṯi đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Rama nǝ-rǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-i đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "gloss": "but grasshopper comp2-clr.inf-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv friend clđ-3sg.poss comp1", "translation": "But the grasshopper told his friend,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f143df3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627486656, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f143df3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa! No cia, uṯëɽia gabaṯau nǝŋ igi?”", "morphemes": "“Đappa! N-o cia, uṯëɽia g-a-b-aṯa-u nǝŋ ig-i?”", "gloss": "friend listen-d.imp in.this.way old.man clg-rtc-prog-say.rt-pfv sclg-this", "translation": "\"My friend! Listen please, what did this old man say?\"", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f145812", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627620259, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f145812" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Umǝɽa naŋaṯa, “Nḏare oman!", "morphemes": "Umǝɽa n-aŋ-aṯa, “Nḏare oman!", "gloss": "Ant and-say maybe lion", "translation": "The Ant said, \"I don’t know, friend!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f146a96", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627818313, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f146a96" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igajǝba ŋen iŋi gǝɽwata kwai kwai!”", "morphemes": "I-g-a-jǝb-a ŋen iŋ-i g-ǝ-ɽwat-a kwai kwai!”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-not.know.rt-ipfv word clŋ-this clg-dpc-tell.rt-ipfv never never", "translation": "I don’t know what he is talking about at all!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14750b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627909951, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14750b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rama ndraṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn Rama n-ǝr-aṯa,", "gloss": "but grasshopper comp2-clr.inf-say.rt", "translation": "Then the grasshopper said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f147baa", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432627995811, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f147baa" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa lǝgerṯo ŋǝsa ŋwaña na ŋen ŋarcađaṯo ṯa", "morphemes": "“Đappa lǝ-g-erṯo ŋǝsa ŋ-waña na ŋen ŋa-rc-ađ-aṯ-o ṯa", "gloss": "friend 1du-clg-have.rt food clŋ-many and word 2sg.inf-pierce.rt-ap-loc.appl-d.inf2 comp1", "translation": "\"My friend we have got enough food so you deserve that", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Conj N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14a659", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432628373752, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14a659" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alerṯe lǝgǝbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria ŋǝmǝn đǝge,", "morphemes": "al-erṯe lǝ-g-ǝ-b-ǝđi-a ŋǝmëɽria ŋ-ǝmǝn đǝge,", "gloss": "1du-not.aux 1du-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work clŋ-indef last", "translation": "do any work then,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14bf8a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432628449410, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14bf8a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn aɽrǝṯe ñoman pređ.", "morphemes": "orn al-ǝ-rǝṯ-e ñoman pređ.", "gloss": "but 1du-dpc-dance.rt-cons.pfv days all", "translation": "but we have to dance all the time,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14dcca", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432628559650, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14dcca" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn uṯëɽia igi gama gaɽwata ŋen ŋǝcia ṯia ŋwande?", "morphemes": "Orn uṯëɽia ig-i g-a-m-a g-a-ɽwat-a ŋen ŋ-ǝcia ṯia ŋ-wande?", "gloss": "but old.man clg-this clg-rtc-take.rt-ipfv clg-rtc-tell.rt-ipfv word clŋ-bad like clŋ-what", "translation": "But I wonder why this old man speaks these bad words?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14f1c9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432631695910, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f14f1c9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ṯaŋaṯa ṯa ŋen ŋarcađaṯo ṯa alǝŋgiṯi ŋǝnia.”", "morphemes": "Na ṯ-aŋ-aṯa ṯa ŋen ŋa-rcađ-aṯ-o ṯa al-ǝŋ-giṯ-i ŋǝnia.”", "gloss": "and comp1b-3sg.inf-say.rt comp1 word 2sg.inf-deserve.rt-loc.appl-pfv comp1 cll.inf-3sg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv dancing", "translation": "And he says we should stop dancing.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f150709", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432631796216, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f150709" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen liga leṯo lerrame đǝge,", "morphemes": "Ŋen liga l-eṯ-o l-errame đǝge,", "gloss": "word time cll-come.rt-pfv cll.poss-rainy.season last", "translation": "When the rainy season began,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1510c5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432631968270, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f1510c5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ibwëɽua ṯayakëɽǝnu na ṯayerarraiđo lǝtuŋgala,", "morphemes": "na ibwëɽua ṯ-ay-ak-ëɽ-ǝn-u na ṯ-aye-ra-rraiđ-o lǝtuŋga-la,", "gloss": "and clouds comp1b-cly.inf-iter-put.rt-pass-d.inf2 and comp1b-cly.inf-iter-gather.rt-d.inf2 thick.clouds-with", "translation": "and the clouds and thick clouds gathered in the sky,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f152001", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632071575, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f152001" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na alo ṯayemamole ulëldiṯano na errekano com.", "morphemes": "na alo ṯ-aye-ma-mol-e ulëldiṯ-ano na errek-ano com.", "gloss": "and place comp1b-cly.inf-iter-be.cold.rt-cons.pfv morning-in and evening-in also", "translation": "and the weather changed in the mornings and evenings.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f153f23", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632216021, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f153f23" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Umǝɽa igi gǝɽo đappa đǝ Rama nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe ŋen", "morphemes": "Na Umǝɽa ig-i g-ǝ-ɽ-o đappa đǝ Rama n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e ŋen", "gloss": "and ant sclg-this clg-dpc-be.rt-pfv friend clđ.poss grasshopper comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv word", "translation": "And the friend of grasshopper knew that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N P N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f156377", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632333613, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f156377" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa liga labeya lafo ṯwañ đǝge đeṯǝm, nǝŋëiṯi Rama ṯa,", "morphemes": "ṯa liga l-abeya l-a-fo ṯwañ đǝge đeṯǝm, n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Rama ṯa,", "gloss": "comp1 time cll.poss-autumn cll-rtc-be.loc near last true comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv grasshopper comp1", "translation": "The autumn is near, and he said to the grasshopper that,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N P-N V Adv Adv Adv V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f159884", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632482231, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f159884" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đappa, lǝŋeṯo ŋen ṯa abeya geṯo đǝge đeṯǝm na ŋǝnia ŋaŋgaṯo,", "morphemes": "“Đappa, lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ṯa abeya g-eṯ-o đǝge đeṯǝm na ŋǝnia ŋ-aŋgaṯo,", "gloss": "friend know-d.imp word comp1 autumn clg-come.rt-pfv last true and dancing clŋ-over", "translation": "\"My friend, you should know that Autumn has come and dancing is over,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp N V Adv Adv Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f166129", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632691982, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f166129" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn aŋgace ṯa ŋǝsa aŋǝfeṯe ŋǝmǝn ŋǝđaṯëđǝnu alo elǝbate,", "morphemes": "orn aŋgace ṯa ŋǝsa aŋǝ-f-eṯ-e ŋ-ǝmǝn ŋǝ-đa-ṯëđ-ǝn-u alo e-lǝbate,", "gloss": "but perhaps comp1 food 3sg.inf-dpc-be.rt-appl-cons.pfv clŋ-indef 3sg.inf-iter-leave.behind.rt-pass-pfv place loc-ground", "translation": "but maybe there will be some food left on the ground,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv Comp N V Adj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f166f22", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632840255, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f166f22" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igabǝla yoṯe laŋge lǝmǝn ilakëɽi igǝmuđǝn,", "morphemes": "i-g-a-b-ǝl-a y-oṯe laŋge l-ǝmǝn i-l-ak-ëɽ-i ig-umuđǝn,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-ipfv 1sg-pick.rt things cll-indef 1sg-3pl.om-iter-put.rt-cons.pfv loc-store", "translation": "I am going to pick some and store them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f168841", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432632932524, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f168841" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa yiđi yerṯe ŋǝsa ndǝ abeya geṯo,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa y-iđi y-erṯe ŋǝsa ndǝ abeya g-eṯ-o,", "gloss": "because 1sg-fut.aux 1sg-be.2d.rt food when autumn clg-come.rt-pfv", "translation": "so that I will have food when it is Autumn,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f169e14", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432633173567, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f169e14" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đappa naṯǝñe, tođalo ŋaṯuɽǝđëini, iđu ŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ.”", "morphemes": "đappa n-a-ṯǝ-ñe, tođ-alo ŋa-ṯuɽǝđ-ëin-i, iđ-u ŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ.”", "gloss": "friend listen.rt-imp-appl-1sg.om rise.rt-place 2sg.inf-prepare.rt-pass-cons.pfv do.rt-d.imp work firm", "translation": "Listen to me my friend, get up and get prepared, work hard.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34279d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432707979492, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34279d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Rama ndrerṯe rǝnnaṯa đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu kwai kwai,", "morphemes": "Orn Rama nd-r-erṯe r-ǝ-nn-aṯ-a đappa đǝ-lëɽǝŋu kwai kwai,", "gloss": "but grasshopper comp2-clr.inf-not.aux clr-dpc-listen.rt-loc.appl-inf1 friend clđ-3sg.poss never never", "translation": "But the Grasshopper didn't listen to his friend at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adj Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3460b3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432708611025, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3460b3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndraṯa, “Ee, ee! Ndo, đappa liga lamulu mǝldin", "morphemes": "nǝ-r-aṯa, “Ee, ee! Ndo, đappa liga l-amulu mǝldin", "gloss": "comp2-clr.inf-say.rt no no no friend time cll-still yet", "translation": "and he said, \"No, no! My friend we still have more time", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Adv Adv N N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f347d2e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432708752350, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f347d2e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ibwi gaɽo na nuɽi namulu nanëɽia nënǝŋia,", "morphemes": "na ibwi g-a-ɽo na nuɽi n-amulu n-an-ëɽ-ia nënǝŋia,", "gloss": "and summer clg-rtc-be.rt and tree cln-still comp2-cln.inf-put.rt-ipfv ears", "translation": "and it is still summer and the trees still have leaves,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f349237", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432708845523, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f349237" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lǝgerṯo ŋǝsa ŋwaña com,", "morphemes": "na lǝ-g-erṯo ŋǝsa ŋ-waña com,", "gloss": "and 1du-clg-have.rt food clŋ-many also", "translation": "and we also have enough food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34944e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709041211, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34944e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gama lǝgëbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria iđëu?", "morphemes": "na gama lǝ-g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria iđëu?", "gloss": "and what 1du-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work why", "translation": "so why should we work?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34d17d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709320876, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34d17d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igaber igonaṯa igǝŋannaṯa ŋen iŋi ŋǝpiano, agaređano?", "morphemes": "I-g-a-b-er i-g-onaṯa i-gǝ-ŋa-nn-aṯ-a ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ǝpiano, a-g-a-ređ-o-ano?", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-not.aux 1sg-clg-want.rt 1sg-clg-2sg.om-listen.rt-loc.appl-ipfv word clŋ-this clŋ-empty 2sg-clg-rtc-change.rt-pfv-inside?", "translation": "I don’t want to listen to your nonsense talk, are you mad?", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34e4ca", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709535781, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34e4ca" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Fǝṯau agǝbaṯa ṯa aliđi ŋǝmëɽria iliga ildi lǝŋǝnia đurri?”", "morphemes": "Fǝ-ṯau a-g-ǝ-b-aṯa ṯa al-iđi ŋǝmëɽria i-liga ild-i lǝ-ŋǝnia đurri?”", "gloss": "foc-how 2sg-clg-dpc-prog-say.rt comp1 1du-do.rt work loc-time poss-dancing exactly", "translation": "How can you say that we should work exactly at this time of dancing?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V Comp V N P-N Adj P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34ee03", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709608964, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f34ee03" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Umǝɽa nǝŋaṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi,", "morphemes": "Umǝɽa n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi,", "gloss": "ant comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt word clŋ-well", "translation": "The Ant said, \"It is alright,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f350762", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709715541, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f350762" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igënǝñi igero igǝbaŋǝnṯia ŋen iŋi ŋǝlaɽǝŋa,", "morphemes": "i-g-ënǝ-ñi i-g-ero i-g-ǝ-b-aŋǝn-ṯ-ia ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-be.1d-1sg.om 1sg-clg-not.aux 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-accept.rt-appl-ipfv word clŋ-this clŋ-2sg.poss", "translation": "I myself I don’t agree with you,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f352189", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432709835492, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f352189" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igalǝŋeṯo ŋen ŋǝlëɽǝñi ṯa ŋađurwaṯu,", "morphemes": "orn i-g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ŋen ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi ṯa ŋ-ađurwaṯu,", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv word clŋ-1sg.poss comp1 clŋ-straight", "translation": "but for me I am sure that my opinion is right,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Comp Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f353bfc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710187266, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f353bfc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝlaɽǝŋa ŋafo mǝnna,", "morphemes": "na ŋ-ǝlaɽǝŋa ŋ-a-fo mǝnna,", "gloss": "and clŋ-2sg.poss clŋ-rtc-be.loc wrong", "translation": "and yours is wrong,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f355845", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710288371, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f355845" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ŋaŋǝra ṯa aɽrǝṯe ñoman ñǝmaṯan", "morphemes": "na ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra ṯa al-ǝ-rǝṯ-e ñoman ñ-ǝmaṯan", "gloss": "and word clŋ-good comp1 1du-dpc-dance.rt-cons.pfv days clɲ-some", "translation": "and we must dance sometimes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35730f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710388286, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35730f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "alerṯe lǝgǝrṯia ñoman pređ.", "morphemes": "al-erṯe lǝ-g-ǝ-rṯ-ia ñoman pređ.", "gloss": "1du-not.aux 1du-clg-dpc-dance.rt-ipfv days all", "translation": "and shouldn’t dance all the time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35950c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710495057, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35950c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋarcađaṯo ṯa aliđi ŋǝmëɽria ñoman ñǝmaṯan.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋ-arcađ-aṯ-o ṯa al-iđi ŋǝmëɽria ñoman ñ-ǝmaṯan.", "gloss": "and word clŋ-deserve.rt-loc.appl-pfv comp1 1du-do.rt work days clɲ-some", "translation": "And we must work sometimes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35a745", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710612735, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35a745" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na agiđi ndǝ agero agǝñǝnnaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na a-g-iđi ndǝ a-g-ero a-g-ǝ-ñǝ-nn-aṯ-a,", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-fut.aux if 2sg-clg-not.aux 2sg-clg-dpc-1sg.om-listen.rt-loc.appl-ipfv", "translation": "But if you don’t listen to me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35bd01", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710735000, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35bd01" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "agiđi oro ŋoɽǝbǝđaṯe eŋen iŋi ndǝ abeya geṯo,", "morphemes": "a-g-iđi oro ŋ-oɽǝb-ǝđ-aṯ-e e-ŋen iŋ-i ndǝ abeya g-eṯo,", "gloss": "2sg-clg-fut.aux then clŋ-return.rt-ap-loc.appl-cons.pfv loc-word clŋ-this if autumn clg-come.rt", "translation": "you will regret when the Autumn comes,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Conj V P-N Adj Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35d7d6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432710915007, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f35d7d6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ ŋǝsa pređ ŋǝŋgaṯo alo.", "morphemes": "na ndǝ ŋǝsa pređ ŋ-ǝ-ŋg-aṯ-o alo.", "gloss": "and if food all clŋ-dpc-disappear.rt-loc.appl-pfv place", "translation": "and when the food disappeared completely,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3602dd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711010109, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3602dd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rǝṯo ŋen ŋarno agonaṯa,", "morphemes": "Rǝṯ-o ŋen ŋarno a-g-onaṯa,", "gloss": "Dance.rt-d.imp word as 2sg-clg-want.rt", "translation": "Dance as you like,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36244b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711249882, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36244b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn igënǝñi igëbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ,", "morphemes": "orn i-g-ënǝ-ñi i-g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ,", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-be.1d-1sg.om 1sg-clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work firm", "translation": "but for me, I have to work hard.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3630ed", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711381019, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3630ed" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igawoṯa ŋǝsa ŋabeya.", "morphemes": "na i-g-a-woṯ-a ŋǝsa ŋ-abeya.", "gloss": "and 1sg-clg-rtc-collect.rt-ipfv food clŋ.poss-autumn.", "translation": "and collect some food for Autumn season.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f364e9a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711612593, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f364e9a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igabǝla ya đappa đǝlëɽǝñi iđi đǝɽo iɽǝṯiano.\" Nǝgëtu gabǝla.”", "morphemes": "I-g-a-b-ǝl-a ya đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝñi iđ-i đ-ǝ-ɽo iɽǝṯiano.\" N-ǝg-ët-u g-a-b-ǝl-a.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv inst friend clđ-1sg.poss clđ-this clđ-dpc-be.rt fool comps-clg.inf-be.2d-pfv clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "I am going my foolish friend.\" Then he went on his way.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V P N Adj Adj V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3660bd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711734263, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3660bd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Umǝɽa nǝŋǝɽe ṯaŋwoṯo ŋwana", "morphemes": "Na Umǝɽa n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e ṯ-aŋ-woṯ-o ŋwana", "gloss": "and ant comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp1b-3sg.inf-collect.rt-pfv sorghum", "translation": "The Ant went to collect some sorghum", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f367d91", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432711848062, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f367d91" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋoređa na ŋǝđǝmana ëđǝñëđǝñin,", "morphemes": "na ŋoređa na ŋǝđǝmana ëđǝñëđǝñin,", "gloss": "and sesame and beans all.day", "translation": "and sesame and beans the whole day,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Conj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36a2f4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712014391, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36a2f4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ndǝ gǝfiđiṯu lwana lonto liɽǝṯu alo", "morphemes": "na ndǝ g-ǝ-fiđ-iṯ-u lwana l-onto l-iɽ-ǝṯ-u alo", "gloss": "and if clg-dpc-find.rt-appl-pfv grain cll-one cll-fall.rt-appl-pfv place", "translation": "and when he found one piece of grain on the ground", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36a964", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712104776, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36a964" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋape naŋǝyeṯe egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-ap-e n-aŋǝ-y-eṯ-e eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-carry.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-appl-cons.pfv loc-house clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "he pick it and take it home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36c980", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712317576, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36c980" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na taltal naŋoɽǝbǝđe naŋǝɽe naŋǝbapwañe laŋge lǝmǝn tǝŋ.", "morphemes": "na taltal n-aŋ-oɽǝb-ǝđ-e n-aŋǝ-ɽ-e n-aŋǝ-ba-pwañ-e laŋge l-ǝmǝn tǝŋ.", "gloss": "and quickly comp2-3sg.inf-return.rt-ap-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.inf-iter-search.rt-cons.pfv things cll-other again", "translation": "then he hurried and goes back to look for other things too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv V V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36e98f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712435333, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f36e98f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Umǝɽa gënṯu iŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ ŋorwađ ŋero,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Umǝɽa g-ënṯ-u i-ŋǝmëɽria ndǝŋ ŋ-orwađ ŋ-ero,", "gloss": "so ant clg-enter.rt-pfv loc-work firm clŋ-lazy clŋ-not.aux", "translation": "So the Ant involved himself in work without being lazy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P-N Adj Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f370470", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712640007, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f370470" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gënŋu gafo gëbǝđia ŋǝmëɽria ulëldiṯano na errekano com.", "morphemes": "na g-ënŋ-u g-afo g-ë-b-ǝđ-ia ŋǝmëɽria ulëldiṯ-ano na errek-ano com.", "gloss": "and clg-be.3d-pfv clg-past.aux clg-dpc-prog-do.rt-ipfv work morning-in and evening-in too", "translation": "and he was working very hard though the whole day from morning up to evening.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V N N-P Conj N-P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3721b0", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712809700, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3721b0" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen abeya gënṯu đǝge na lǝbate ldǝɽeṯe ŋau,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen abeya g-ënṯ-u đǝge na lǝbate ldǝ-ɽ-eṯ-e ŋau,", "gloss": "and word autumn clg-enter.rt-pfv last and ground cll.inf-be.rt-appl-cons.pfv water", "translation": "And when Autumn came the whole land became watery,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adv Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f373192", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432712905275, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f373192" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na jwaṯara nǝywañǝṯe kañ nitëri rǝɽi iñua pređ,", "morphemes": "na jwaṯara nǝ-y-wañ-ǝṯ-e kañ n-i-tër-i rǝɽi iñua pređ,", "gloss": "and mud comp2-cly.inf-be.many.rt-appl-cons.pfv very comp2-cly.inf-cover.rt-caus hole mouth all", "translation": "and there was too much mud that covered all the holes", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37a9e0", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432713308931, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37a9e0" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Rama irri rǝɽo ebai rero alo ndrǝwënṯia,", "morphemes": "na Rama irr-i r-ǝ-ɽo ebai r-ero alo nǝ-r-ǝ-wënṯ-ia,", "gloss": "and grasshopper sclr-this clr-dpc-be.rt poor clr-notaux place comp2-clr.inf-dpc-enter.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "and the Grasshopper who was poor has no place to go,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V Adj V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37c7df", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432713394941, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37c7df" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu đënṯu iđǝɽi đǝge", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu đ-ënṯ-u i-đǝɽi đǝge", "gloss": "because friend clđ-3sg.poss clđ-enter.rt-pfv loc-hole last", "translation": "for his friend went into his hole", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N Adj V P-N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37e429", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432713544002, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37e429" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egal yibwaṯiano, na yerṯo ŋǝsano ŋwaña.", "morphemes": "eg-alo yibwaṯi-ano, na y-erṯo ŋǝsa-ano ŋ-waña.", "gloss": "loc-place hot-inside and cly-have.rt food-inside clŋ-many", "translation": "in a warm place and full with food.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "P-N Adj-P Conj V N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37fd7a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723077058, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f37fd7a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋorwaṯa ṯaŋǝso Rama kañ ndrǝrwaṯe,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋorwaṯa ṯ-aŋǝ-s-o Rama kañ nǝ-r-ǝ-rwaṯ-e,", "gloss": "but hunger comp1b-3sg.inf-eat.rt-d.inf2 grasshopper very comp2-clr-dpc-thin.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "Then the Grasshopper was affected by the famine and he became very thin,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adv V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f381b5f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723272877, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f381b5f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndrobǝṯano na wagǝnǝŋ nǝŋerṯe ndrǝnaṯa kwai kwai.", "morphemes": "nǝ-r-obǝṯ-ano na wagǝ-nǝŋ n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e nǝ-r-ǝ-naṯ-a kwai kwai.", "gloss": "comp2-clr.inf-weak-inside and thing-indef comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv comp2-clr.inf-dpc-test.rt-ipfv never never", "translation": "and weak and there was nothing to eat.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V-P Conj N-Adj V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3832bc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723359339, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3832bc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rama rafo rëcia nano kañ,", "morphemes": "Rama r-a-fo r-ëcia nano kañ,", "gloss": "grasshopper clr-rtc-past.aux clr-bad body very", "translation": "The Grasshopper was unhappy,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3835ea", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723359339, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3835ea" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rama rafo rëcia nano kañ,", "morphemes": "Rama r-a-fo r-ëcia nano kañ,", "gloss": "grasshopper clr-rtc-past.aux clr-bad body very", "translation": "The Grasshopper was unhappy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj N Addv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f386ed4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723425795, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f386ed4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋǝnia ŋafo ŋero đǝge.", "morphemes": "na ŋǝnia ŋ-a-fo ŋ-ero đǝge.", "gloss": "and dancing clŋ-rtc-past.aux clŋ-not.aux last", "translation": "and there was no dancing anymore.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f388f1d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723542011, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f388f1d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rënŋu rafo ruma kañ, rarwaṯo na racoña com.", "morphemes": "R-ënŋu r-a-fo r-uma kañ, r-a-rwaṯ-o na r-a-coña com.", "gloss": "clr-3sg.pro clr-rtc-past.aux clr-ill very clr-rtc-thin.rt-pfv and clr-rtc-hungry.rt too", "translation": "The Grasshopper was very ill, thin and hungry too.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adv V Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38a30c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723702511, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38a30c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rama rafo rabara na ṯaraṯa, “Wëi! Wëi!", "morphemes": "Rama r-a-fo r-a-b-ar-a na ṯ-ar-aṯa, “Wëi! Wëi!", "gloss": "grasshopper clr-rtc-past.aux clr-rtc-prog-cry.rt-ipfv and comp1b-clr.inf-say.rt wai wai", "translation": "The Grasshopper was crying and saying, \"Wai! Wai!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Conj V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38c3c3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432723841397, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38c3c3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đappa đǝlëɽǝñi! Ndǝ igafo igiđu ŋǝmëɽria nǝŋa!", "morphemes": "Đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝñi! Ndǝ i-g-a-fo i-g-iđ-u ŋǝmëɽria nǝŋ-a!", "gloss": "friend clđ-1sg.poss if 1sg-clg-rtc-past.aux 1sg-clg-do.rt-pfv work as-2sg", "translation": "My friend! If I had worked like you!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Comp V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38da89", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724203147, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38da89" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gǝbanṯa igerṯo ŋǝsa điñiđi.", "morphemes": "g-ǝ-b-anṯ-a i-g-erṯo ŋǝsa điñiđi.", "gloss": "clg-dpc-prog-mean.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-have.rt food today", "translation": "I would have some food today.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38f349", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724320437, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f38f349" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn igeṯo eŋeɽǝđe ŋǝsa ŋǝmǝn ŋǝñǝnace,", "morphemes": "Orn i-g-eṯo e-ŋe-ɽǝđ-e ŋǝsa ŋ-ǝmǝn ŋ-ǝ-ñǝ-nac-e,", "gloss": "but i-coming 1sg-2sg.om-beg.rt-cons.pfv food clŋ-indef 2sg.inf-dpc-1s.om-give.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "But I am coming to beg you for some food to help me,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f390b4a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724410550, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f390b4a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa igabaya ŋorwaṯa!”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa i-g-a-b-ay-a ŋorwaṯa!”", "gloss": "because 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-die.ipfv hunger", "translation": "because I am dying of hunger!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39169d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724708922, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39169d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn aten aten aŋǝnoya yajǝba,", "morphemes": "Orn aten aten aŋǝno-ya y-a-jǝb-a,", "gloss": "but slowly slowly body-cly.with cly-rtc-not.know.rt-ipfv", "translation": "Then slowly slowly with a weak body,", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Adv Adv N-P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f392f41", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724854527, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f392f41" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Rama ndrirnḏëini ṯa arǝrmaṯe eɽa nano g-Umǝɽa,", "morphemes": "Rama n-ǝr-irnḏë-in-i ṯa arǝ-rmaṯ-e eɽa nano g-Umǝɽa,", "gloss": "grasshopper comp2-clr.inf-try.rt-pass-cons.pfv comp1 clr.inf-arrive.rt-cons.pfv house at clg.poss-ant", "translation": "The Grasshopper tried to reach the house of Ant,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f394d20", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432724935852, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f394d20" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝma nǝŋǝteṯe.", "morphemes": "nǝ-ŋǝma n-ǝŋǝ-te-ṯ-e.", "gloss": "and-power comp2-3sg.cons-iter-be.small-cons.pfv", "translation": "but he was powerless.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3972d0", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432725038075, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3972d0" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen rǝrmaṯo alo nano ndrǝfiđi wande?", "morphemes": "Na ŋen r-ǝ-rmaṯ-o alo nano nd-r-ǝ-fiđ-i wande?", "gloss": "and word clr-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv place at comp2-clr-dpc-find.rt-cons.pfv what", "translation": "And when he reached the place, what did he find?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f398822", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432725162878, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f398822" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Đǝɽi đafo đǝlaldënḏǝnu ëñua ndǝŋ ndǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Đǝɽi đ-a-fo đ-ǝ-la-ldënḏ-ǝn-u ëñua ndǝŋ ndǝŋ,", "gloss": "hole clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-dpc-iter-close.rt-pass-pfv mouth firm firm", "translation": "The ant's hole was closed properly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39a344", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432725291862, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39a344" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Rama ṯarǝpu ëwur aten aten ŋǝma ŋero bwađ bwađ,", "morphemes": "na Rama ṯa-r-ǝ-p-u ëwur aten aten ŋǝma ŋ-ero bwađ bwađ,", "gloss": "and grasshopper comp1b-clr.inf-dpc-hit.rt-pfv door slowly slowly power clŋ-not.aux none none", "translation": "and the Grasshopper was knocking with no energy at all,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv Adv N V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39bff8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432726405515, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39bff8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu nǝđerṯe đǝnna ŋǝɽǝldia ŋëwur.", "morphemes": "na đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu nǝ-đ-erṯ-e đ-ǝ-nn-a ŋǝɽǝldia ŋ-ëwur.", "gloss": "and friend clđ-3sg.poss comp2-clđ-not.aux-cons.pfv clđ-dpc-hear.rt-ipfv noise clŋ.poss-door", "translation": "so his friend couldn’t hear the knocking at the door.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39ce81", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432726470932, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39ce81" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen abeya gǝŋgaṯo đǝge,", "morphemes": "Ŋen abeya g-ǝ-ŋgaṯ-o đǝge,", "gloss": "word autumn clg-dpc-leave.rt-pfv last", "translation": "When the Autumn was over,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39edf7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432726748497, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f39edf7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "numǝɽa nǝmǝñe irti ṯa anǝrǝjǝṯe nëđǝñin.", "morphemes": "numǝɽa n-ǝ-mǝñ-e i-rti ṯa anǝ-rǝj-ǝṯ-e n-ëđǝñin.", "gloss": "ants cln-dpc-come.out.rt-cons.pfv loc-holes comp1 cln.inf-dance.rt-appl-cons.pfv on-sun", "translation": "the ants came out from holes to dance in the sunny day", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N Comp V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a13d7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432726840139, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a13d7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na đappa iđi đǝ Rama nǝđamǝñe com", "morphemes": "Na đappa iđ-i đǝ Rama nǝ-đa-mǝñ-e com", "gloss": "and friend sclđ-this clđ.poss grasshopper comp2-clđ-come.out.rt-cons.pfv also", "translation": "and the Grasshopper’s friend came out too", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a2dc9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432726970779, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a2dc9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "oro nǝđǝfiđi đappa đǝlëɽǝŋu đǝɽia nëñua đayo.", "morphemes": "oro nǝ-đ-ǝ-fiđ-i đappa đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu đǝɽia nëñua đ-a-y-o.", "gloss": "then comp2-clđ.inf-dpc-find.rt-cons.pfv friend clđ-3sg.poss hole front clđ-rtc-die.rt-pfv", "translation": "then he found his friend dead in front of his hole.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N Adj N P V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a4925", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727100274, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a4925" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Umǝɽa gafo gaŋǝranano ŋenŋanṯa liga leṯo ṯa aŋǝrṯe tǝŋ đǝge,", "morphemes": "Umǝɽa g-a-fo g-aŋǝra-nano ŋenŋanṯa liga l-eṯ-o ṯa aŋ-ǝ-rṯ-e tǝŋ đǝge,", "gloss": "ant clg-rtc-past.aux clg-good-at because time cll-come.rt-pfv comp1 3sg.inf-dpc-dance.rt-cons.pfv again last", "translation": "The Ant was happy because the time has come to dance again,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj-P Comp N V Comp V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a5fb3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727179797, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a5fb3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn đappa iđi đǝfo đǝrṯia ñoman pređ", "morphemes": "orn đappa iđ-i đ-ǝ-fo đ-ǝ-rṯ-ia ñoman pređ", "gloss": "but friend sclđ-this clđ-dpc-past.aux clđ-dpc-dance.rt-cons.ipfv days all", "translation": "but his friend who was dancing all the time", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V D Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a84eb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727233934, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a84eb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đǝneđo ŋǝmëɽria,", "morphemes": "na đ-ǝ-neđ-o ŋǝmëɽria,", "gloss": "and clđ-dpc-refuse.rt-pfv work", "translation": "and who refused to work,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a9850", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727341015, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3a9850" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "đënŋu đafo đero ŋenŋanṯa đayo ŋorwaṯa,", "morphemes": "đ-ënŋu đ-a-fo đ-ero ŋenŋanṯa đ-a-y-o ŋorwaṯa,", "gloss": "clđ-3sg.pro clđ-rtc-past.aux clđ-not.aux because clđ-rtc-die.rt-pfv hunger", "translation": "was not there because he died of hunger,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3aa924", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727441610, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3aa924" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋenŋa ŋǝŋǝɽǝṯiano ŋǝlëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "na ŋen-ŋa ŋǝ-ŋǝɽǝṯia-ano ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "and word-clŋ.with clŋ.poss-foolishness-in clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "and because of his foolishness.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N-P P-N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3abb9f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727555543, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3abb9f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen iŋi, ŋabaŋëiđia ṯa liga lëni ṯa leđa aɽrǝṯe,", "morphemes": "Ŋen iŋ-i, ŋ-a-b-aŋëiđ-ia ṯa liga l-ëni ṯa leđa alǝ-rǝṯ-e,", "gloss": "word sclŋ-this clŋ-rtc-prog-show.rt-ipfv comp1 time cll-be.1d comp2 people cll.inf-dance.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "This story explains that there is time for people to dance,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V Comp N V Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3ad0d9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727649236, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3ad0d9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na com liga lëni ṯa leđa aliđi ŋǝmëɽria.", "morphemes": "na com liga l-ëni ṯa leđa al-iđ-i ŋǝmëɽria.", "gloss": "and also time cll-be.1d comp1 people cll.inf-do.rt-cons.pfv work", "translation": "and also there is a time for work.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Comp N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3af0b4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", 1432727811328, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f3af0b4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f11fbdd", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na leđa ildi lajǝba ŋenǝsi lënŋulu larṯia ñoman pređ.", "morphemes": "Na leđa ild-i l-a-jǝb-a ŋen nǝ-si l-ënŋulu l-a-rṯ-ia ñoman pređ.", "gloss": "and people scll-this cll-rtc-not.know.rt-ipfv word on-eye cll-3pl.pro cll-rtc-dance.rt-ipfv days all", "translation": "And those who are not wise, they dance all the time.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N P-N N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7acbc3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432807592938, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7acbc3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku na Gakambo", "morphemes": "Kuku na Gakambo", "gloss": "kuku and dragon", "translation": "Kuku and the Dragon", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7ae48a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432807774471, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7ae48a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lomanǝŋ majanda lafo lǝmǝn ndǝjan lǝlǝŋǝnu alo Nayen Ende,", "morphemes": "Loman-nǝŋ maj-anda l-a-fo l-ǝmǝn ndǝjan l-ǝ-lǝŋ-ǝn-u alo Nayen Ende,", "gloss": "day-indef men-assoc.pl cll-rtc-past.aux cll-indef two cll-dpc2-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv place mountains Ende", "translation": "Once upon a time there were two brothers who lived in the Ende Mountains,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N V Adj Adj V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7afe3b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432807911518, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7afe3b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "maje gǝnǝŋ gabërnia Kwëlira", "morphemes": "maje g-ǝnǝŋ g-a-b-ërn-ia Kwëlira", "gloss": "man clg-indef clg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Kolira", "translation": "one of them is called Kolira", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b19ce", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808232906, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b19ce" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na orba gǝlëɽǝŋu ṯaŋërnu Kalaldo.", "morphemes": "na or-ba gǝlëɽǝŋu ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kalaldo.", "gloss": "and brother 3sg.poss comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-d.inf2 Kalallo", "translation": "and his brother is called Kalallo.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b29c9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808358067, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b29c9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kwëlira gafo galǝŋo ummia gonto,", "morphemes": "Kwëlira g-a-fo g-a-lǝŋ-o ummia gonto,", "gloss": "Kolira clg-rtc-past.aux clg-rtc-give.birth.rt-pfv boy clg-one,", "translation": "Kolira had one son,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b50d5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808388900, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b50d5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋënci ummia irǝŋ ganṯa Kuku.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ënc-i ummia irǝŋ ganṯa Kuku.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-be.called.rt-caus boy name clg-rtc-mean Kuku.", "translation": "and he named him Kuku.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b6570", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808590427, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b6570" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kalaldo nǝŋǝlǝŋe ŋere ŋonto ŋǝɽǝbwa,", "morphemes": "Na Kalaldo n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋ-e ŋere ŋ-onto ŋ-ǝ-ɽǝbw-a,", "gloss": "and Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-give.birth.rt-cons.pfv child clŋ-one clŋ-dpc2-be.female.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And Kalallo had one daughter,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8155", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808693540, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8155" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋënci irǝŋ ganṯa Akane.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ënc-i irǝŋ g-a-nṯa Akane.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-be.called.rt-caus name clg-rtc-mean.rt Akane.", "translation": "and he named her Akane.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8f4f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808797565, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8f4f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn lomanǝŋ iṯǝliaŋ giđi nǝŋela gǝnǝŋ", "morphemes": "Orn loman-nǝŋ iṯǝliaŋ g-iđi n-ǝŋ-el-a gǝnǝŋ", "gloss": "but day-indef year clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-ipfv clg-indef", "translation": "Then one day a year of hunger came", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8e36", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432808937824, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7b8e36" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋorwaṯa nǝŋëndi alo ŋoɽra kañ", "morphemes": "na ŋorwaṯa n-ǝŋ-ënd-i alo ŋ-oɽra kañ", "gloss": "and hunger comp2-3sg.cons-catch.rt-caus place clŋ-big very", "translation": "and the people were very hungry", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7bee90", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432809199654, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7bee90" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na leđa ldǝmeđe na ldǝcoñǝṯe kañ.", "morphemes": "na leđa nǝ-l-ǝ-međ-e na nǝ-l-ǝ-coñǝṯ-e kañ.", "gloss": "and people comp2-cll-dpc-tired.rt-cons.pfv and comp2-cll-dpc-hungry.rt-cons.pfv very.", "translation": "and the people became weary and hungry.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7bff3a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432809306665, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7bff3a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kalaldo nǝŋëiṯi orba gǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Kalaldo n-ǝŋë-iṯ-i orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu ṯa,", "gloss": "and Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv brother clg-3sg.poss comp1", "translation": "And Kalallo said to his brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adj Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7c9f98", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432809441314, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7c9f98" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Orañ ŋorwaṯa ŋëndu alo ŋǝcia kañ,", "morphemes": "\"Or-añ ŋorwaṯa ŋ-ënd-u alo ŋ-ǝcia kañ,", "gloss": "Brother-1sg.poss hunger clŋ-catch.rt-pfv place clŋ-bad very", "translation": "\"My brother, a big famine has fallen upon the land,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7ca144", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432809552034, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7ca144" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na gamacia lǝgëbǝđiṯarau?", "morphemes": "na g-ama-cia lǝ-g-ë-b-ǝđ-iṯ-a-r-au?", "gloss": "and clg-take.rt-please 1in-clg-dpc2-prog-do.rt-appl-ipfv-pl-how", "translation": "and I don’t know what we should do?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7cc0d6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432809743437, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7cc0d6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Igonaṯa igǝtođa irnuŋ igi ñeṯe irnuŋ gǝrto alo Ecaber,", "morphemes": "i-g-onaṯ-a i-g-ǝ-tođ-a irnuŋ igi ñ-eṯe irnuŋ g-ǝrto alo Ecaber,", "gloss": "1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-rtc-move.rt-pfv city sclg-this clɲ-be.2d city clg-other place Echaber,", "translation": "I want to leave this village and move to Echaber area,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8d9106", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432813390217, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8d9106" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋgace ṯa yeɽe ifidi ŋen ŋǝŋǝra", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa aŋgace ṯa y-eɽe i-fidi ŋen ŋ-ǝŋǝra", "gloss": "because perhaps comp1b 1sg-go.rt 1sg-find.rt word clŋ-good", "translation": "so that I may find a better situation there", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp Adv Comp V V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8d9d64", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432813513024, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8d9d64" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ifiđiṯi laŋge lǝmǝn lǝsǝnia walla ŋwana.", "morphemes": "na i-fiđi-ṯi laŋge l-ǝmǝn l-ǝ-s-ǝn-ia walla ŋwana.", "gloss": "and 1sg-find.rt-there things cll-some cll-dpc2-eat.rt-pass-ipfv or grain", "translation": "and find some food or grain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Conj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8de1d2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432813670229, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8de1d2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Kalaldo nǝŋǝtođe eɽaga nano gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Kalaldo n-ǝŋǝ-tođe eɽa-ga nano g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "so kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-move.rt-cons.pfv house-clg.with whole clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "So Kalallo left with all his family", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8dfe08", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432813883556, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8dfe08" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝmame ñǝmǝna iñi lderṯǝlo ldǝɽe.", "morphemes": "na l-dǝ-mam-e ñǝmǝna iñ-i l-d-erṯǝ-lo l-d-ǝɽ-e.", "gloss": "and comp2-3pl.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv small.goats sclñ-this comp2-3pl-have.rt-3pl.om comp2-3pl-go.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and they took with them the small goats they had and went.", "tags": ". .", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e16b3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814051549, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e16b3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kwëlira gǝbëɽëcia orba gǝlëɽǝŋu Kalaldo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kwëlira g-ǝ-b-ëɽëc-ia orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu Kalaldo,", "gloss": "and word Kolira clg-dpc-prog-say.goodbye.rt-ipfv brother clg-3sg.poss Kalallo", "translation": "And when Kolira was saying farwell to Kalallo his brother", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e3948", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814266279, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e3948" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Orañ mbur ñaɽe iđëuṯaralo,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯu-i ṯa, “Ora-ñ mbu-r ñ-a-ɽe i-đëuṯa-ara-alo,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-say.to.rt-cons.pfv comp1 \"brother-1sg.poss go.rt-pl 2pl-rtc-go.rt loc-cast.rt-belly-place", "translation": "he said to him, \"Go in peace my brother,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N V V V-N-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e594b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814401091, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e594b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "egal isi agonaṯo!", "morphemes": "eg-alo isi a-g-onaṯ-o!", "gloss": "loc-place scls 2sg-clg-want.rt-pfv", "translation": "to the place that you wish to go!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e6e9e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814585688, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e6e9e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn igabaṯa ṯa, ummia igi igëlǝŋ igi,", "morphemes": "Orn i-g-a-b-aṯa ṯa, ummia ig-i igëlǝŋ ig-i,", "gloss": "but 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-say.rt comp1 boy sclg-this 1du.poss sclg-this", "translation": "But listen to me, our son,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e8243", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814833939, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e8243" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ geṯo nǝŋëɽi rǝmanǝŋ alo nǝŋoɽreṯe,", "morphemes": "ndǝ g-eṯ-o n-ǝŋë-ɽ-i rǝmanǝŋ alo n-ǝŋ-oɽre-ṯ-e,", "gloss": "if clg-come.rt-pfv comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-cons.pfv feet place comp2-3sg.cons-be.big.rt-cmp-cons.pfv", "translation": "when he grows up and become mature enough,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e8619", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432814962372, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8e8619" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igiđi oro emađwaṯa aŋela aŋǝme ŋere ŋǝlaɽǝŋa,", "morphemes": "i-g-iđi oro e-ma-đwaṯ-a aŋ-el-a aŋ-ǝm-e ŋere ŋǝlaɽǝŋa,", "gloss": "1.sg-clg-fut.aux then 1sg-3sg.om-send.rt-ipfv 3sg.inf-come.rt-inf2 3sg.inf-marry.rt-inf1 girl 3sg.poss", "translation": "I will send him to come to marry your daughter,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8ec14f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432815191950, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8ec14f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "aŋiđi wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu ndǝ Rǝmwa rameđǝño!", "morphemes": "aŋ-iđi wase-en gǝlëɽǝŋu ndǝ Rǝmwa r-ame đǝño!", "gloss": "3sg.inf-do.rt wife-3sg.poss 3sg.poss if god clr-good nature", "translation": "to be his wife if God wills it!", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Comp N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8eded1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432815545986, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8eded1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋamla iŋi agiđi ŋamayelǝŋeṯe fǝŋu lǝbǝɽe lǝldoman.”", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋamla iŋi a-g-iđi ŋa-ma-ye-lǝŋeṯ-e fǝ-ŋu lǝbǝɽe lǝ-ldoman.”", "gloss": "so sign sclŋ 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2pl-3sg.obj-inst-know.rt-cons.pfv foc-3sg.om ring cll-finger.", "translation": "And you will know him by the ring on his finger.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8ef708", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432815861946, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8ef708" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋen liga leṯo ildi lëmmia lǝyemamǝđia", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋen liga l-eṯ-o ild-i lëmmia lǝ-ye-ma-mǝđ-ia", "gloss": "so word time cll-come.rt-pfv scll-this boys 3pl.inf-?-3sg.obj-marry.rt-inf2", "translation": "So when the time came for the boys to be initiated", "tags": "check:ye-", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8f0cc1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1432816014001, "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f8f0cc1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ildi lǝɽo ŋǝmađa Kukuŋǝla!", "morphemes": "ildi l-ǝ-ɽ-o ŋǝmađa Kuku-ŋǝ-la!", "gloss": "scll cll-dpc-be.rt-pfv age.mate kuku-acc-with", "translation": "who were the same age as Kuku", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bc47f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433161803937, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bc47f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku ṯaŋonaṯo gǝmǝđia na nǝŋëiṯi eṯen ṯa,", "morphemes": "Kuku ṯ-aŋ-onaṯ-o g-ǝ-mǝđ-ia na n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i eṯ-en ṯa,", "gloss": "kuku comp1-3sg.inf-want.rt-pfv clg-dpc-marry.rt-inf2 and comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv father-3sg.poss comp1", "translation": "Kuku wanted to marry and said to his father,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V Conj V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bdb6d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433161871755, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bdb6d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Bapa igonaṯa igǝmǝđia.”", "morphemes": "“Bapa i-g-onaṯ-a i-g-ǝ-mǝđ-ia.”", "gloss": "father 1sg-clg-want.rt-ipfv 1sg-clg-dpc-marry.rt-inf2", "translation": "\"Father I want to get married.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bf3ec", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433162013778, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30bf3ec" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn eṯen nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi ŋere ŋǝlëɽǝñi,", "morphemes": "Orn eṯ-en n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ŋen ŋ-ëpi ŋere ŋǝlëɽǝñi,", "gloss": "but father-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.inf-3sg.om-say.rt-cons.pfv comp1 word clŋ-well child 1sg.poss", "translation": "Then his father said to him, \"Alright my son,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N Adj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c09f7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433162413404, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c09f7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "elaŋ eŋađwaṯe ŋaɽe irnuŋ gǝnǝŋ nwaldaŋ alo Ecaber,", "morphemes": "elaŋ e-ŋa-đwaṯ-e ŋa-ɽ-e irnuŋ g-ǝnǝŋ nwaldaŋ alo Ecaber,", "gloss": "come i-2sg.om-send.rt-inf1 2sg.inf-go.rt-inf1 city clg-one far place Echaber,", "translation": "let me send you to a far-away place called Echaber,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N Adj Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c31b8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433162642856, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c31b8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na agiđi ŋaɽe ŋaufiđi eṯalo igi ñagǝlǝŋǝnǝldǝga,", "morphemes": "na a-g-iđi ŋa-ɽ-e ŋa-u-fiđ-i eṯ-alo igi ña-g-ǝ-lǝŋ-ǝn-ǝ-ldǝ-ga,", "gloss": "and 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-go.rt-inf1 2sg.inf-loc-find.rt-inf1 father-2sg.poss sclg 1ex-clg-dpc-give.birth.rt-pass-pfv-3pl.om-clg.with", "translation": "and there you will find your uncle, my brother.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c4cf4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433162779600, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c4cf4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gënŋu gerṯo ŋere na agiđi ŋame ŋiđi wasalo.”", "morphemes": "g-ënŋu g-erṯ-o ŋere na a-g-iđi ŋ-am-e ŋ-iđ-i wasa-lo.”", "gloss": "clg-3sg.pro clg-have.rt-cons.ipfv girl and 2sg-clg-fut.aux 2sg.inf-take.rt-inf1 2sg.inf-make.rt-inf1 wife-2sg.poss", "translation": "He has a daughter and you can marry her and make her your wife.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c5b8b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433162900280, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c5b8b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia ŋen Kuku gǝnno ŋen ŋeṯen,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia ŋen Kuku gǝnno ŋen ŋ-eṯe-n,", "gloss": "so word kuku clg-hear.rt-pfv word poss-father-3sg.poss", "translation": "So when Kuku heard his father's advice,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c71ba", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433163359332, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c71ba" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝṯwe ñǝnḏri ñǝɽǝjan ñoɽra ñǝɽo yamwǝɽe,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-ɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-ṯw-e ñǝnḏri ñ-ǝɽǝjan ñ-oɽra ñ-ǝ-ɽ-o yamwǝɽe,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-go.rt-cons.pfv conp2-3sg.inf-sell.rt-cons.pfv oxen clñ-two clñ-big clñ-dpc-be.rt-pfv testicles", "translation": "he sold two of his oxen with the biggest testicles,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c8a82", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433163676130, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30c8a82" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋiliđi emǝrṯa gore gǝbǝco nda eđǝpe,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-iliđ-i emǝrṯa g-ore g-ǝbǝco nda eđǝpe,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-buy.rt-cons.pfv horse clg-red clg-white head top", "translation": "and bought a horse with a red and white spotted head ,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Adj N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ca202", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433163738929, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ca202" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gwaña ŋǝñoŋ kañ.", "morphemes": "g-waña ŋǝñoŋ kañ.", "gloss": "clg-many speed very", "translation": "a very fast one.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30cb316", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433163916493, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30cb316" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋaborṯwe emǝrṯa na nǝŋape irti egǝɽwan", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋ-aborṯw-e emǝrṯa na n-ǝŋ-ap-e irti eg-ǝɽwan", "gloss": "kuku comp1-3sg.inf-ride.rt-cons.pfv horse and comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv knife loc-arm", "translation": "Kuku rode the horse and put his knife on his arm", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30cf372", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433164225330, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30cf372" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋape đoperria na lǝfra, nǝgëtu gabǝla.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ap-e đoperria na lǝfra, nǝ-g-ët-u g-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv sword and stick comp2-clg-be.2d.rt-cons.ipfv clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and took a sword and stick and he left.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comj V N Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d02c2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433164340064, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d02c2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Kuku gǝrmaṯo eđǝñwa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Kuku g-ǝ-rmaṯ-o e-đǝñwa,", "gloss": "word kuku clg-dpc-arrive.rt-d.inf2 loc-wilderness", "translation": "When Kuku reached the forest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d269b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433164509398, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d269b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "emǝrṯa nǝŋǝnwane rǝmwa rǝcia ŋǝsia na nǝŋǝneđe gǝbǝla.", "morphemes": "emǝrṯa n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e rǝmwa r-ǝcia ŋǝsia na n-ǝŋǝ-neđ-e g-ǝ-b-ǝ-l-a.", "gloss": "horse comp2-3sg.inf-look.at.rt-cons.pfv snake clr-bad poison and comp2-3sg.inf-refuse.rt-cons.pfv clg-dpc-prog-?-go.rt-d.inf2", "translation": "the horse saw a poisonous snake and was afraid to go forward,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj N Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d3eaa", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433164782129, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d3eaa" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝbuɽwi emǝrṯa egare rǝmandra,", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i emǝrṯa eg-are rǝmanǝŋ-ra,", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-hit.rt-cons.pfv horse loc-stomach foot-with", "translation": "so Kuku kicked the horse's stomach,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d682b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433164956540, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d682b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na emǝrṯa nǝŋiɽǝṯi alo iđuđa nǝŋǝneđe gǝbǝla,", "morphemes": "na emǝrṯa n-ǝŋ-iɽǝṯ-i alo i-đuđa n-ǝŋǝ-neđ-e g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a", "gloss": "and horse comp2-3sg.cons-fall.rt-cons.pfv place loc-ground comp2-3sg.cons-refuse.rt-cons.pfv clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-d.inf2", "translation": "and the horse fell down and refused to go.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d720c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433165263636, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d720c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn Kuku ṯaŋǝsëcu waŋge alo gǝnǝŋ goɽra gwala garno lođa,", "morphemes": "Orn Kuku ṯ-aŋǝ-sëc-u waŋge alo g-ǝnǝŋ g-oɽra g-wala g-arno lođa,", "gloss": "but kuku comp1b-3sg.inf-look.at.rt-cons.ipfv thing place clg-one clg-big clg-long clg-as trunk", "translation": "Then Kuku sow something on the ground, something very big and long like the trunk of the tree.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj Adj Adj Adv N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d8138", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433165438497, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30d8138" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen gǝjomaṯo ṯwañ nǝŋǝfiđiṯi rǝmwa rǝcia ŋǝsia rwala kañ,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen g-ǝ-jomaṯ-o ṯwañ n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-iṯ-i rǝmwa r-ǝcia ŋǝsia r-wala kañ", "gloss": "and word clg-dpc-approach.rt-pfv near comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-?-cons.pfv snake clr-bad poison clr-long very", "translation": "When he approached he found that it was a very long snake,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P V N Adj N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30daaac", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433165579486, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30daaac" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋerṯe gǝlǝŋeṯa alo yenda ǝllëɽǝŋu walla lǝper ǝllëɽǝŋu.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a alo ye-nda ǝllëɽǝŋu walla lǝper ǝllëɽǝŋu.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clg-dpc-know.rt-ipfv place cly.poss-head 3sg.poss or tail 3sg.poss", "translation": "and he did not know where its head nor its tail was.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N P-N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30dc00b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433165672439, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30dc00b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen emǝrṯa gǝneđo gǝbǝla, Kuku nǝŋaṯa ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen emǝrṯa g-ǝ-neđ-o g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a, Kuku n-ǝŋ-aṯa ṯa,", "gloss": "and word horse clg-dpc-refuse.rt-cons.ipfv clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-d.inf2 kuku comp1-3sg.cons-say.rt comp1", "translation": "And when the horse refused to go, Kuku said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30de15d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433165825185, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30de15d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Gerṯa igënǝñi igaɽo ëđǝmwa?”", "morphemes": "“G-erṯ-a i-g-ënǝ-ñi i-g-a-ɽ-o ëđǝmwa?”", "gloss": "clg-not.aux-ipfv 1sg-clg-be.1d.rt-1sg.om 1sg-clg-rtc-go.rt-pfv young.man", "translation": "\"Am I not a young man?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30de8ba", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433166008999, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30de8ba" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝmǝñëini đoperre ldǝbǝl", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñëin-i đoperre nǝ-lǝbǝl", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-take.out.rt-cons.pfv sword on-thigh", "translation": "So Kuku took out his sword from his waist", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e2b26", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433166284438, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e2b26" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝyibuɽwi rǝmwa nǝŋǝṯǝbǝđiano alo yeɽǝjan.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-yi-buɽw-i rǝmwa n-ǝŋǝ-ṯǝbǝđi-ano alo y-eɽǝjan.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-with-hit.rt-cons.pfv snake comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-in place cly-two.", "translation": "and he hit the snake with it and cut it into two pieces.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "V N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e630a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433166496905, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e630a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na rǝmwa ndriđi ŋǝɽǝldia ŋoɽra kañ,", "morphemes": "Na rǝmwa n-ǝ-r-iđ-i ŋǝɽǝldia ŋ-oɽra kañ,", "gloss": "and snake comp2-dpc-make.rt-cons.pfv noise clŋ-big very", "translation": "And the snake made a great noise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Acj N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e8644", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433167530395, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30e8644" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯarǝpu aŋǝnoya alo ndrǝɽǝñe ŋaña.", "morphemes": "ṯarǝpu aŋǝno-ya alo n-ǝ-r-ǝɽǝñ-e ŋaña.", "gloss": "knock body-with place comp2-dpc-clr-kill.rt-cons.pfv grass", "translation": "and began to hit the ground with his body, killing the grass", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N-P N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ea21a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433167711290, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ea21a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa rwalano na ndrerṯe rǝɽǝwađaṯia rǝređia alo.", "morphemes": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa r-walano na n-dr-erṯ-e r-ǝ-ɽǝwađ-aṯ-ia r-ǝ-ređ-ia alo.", "gloss": "but because clr-long and comp2-clr-not.aux-cons.pfv clr-dpc-be.able.rt-cons.pfv clr-dpc-turn.rt-cons.pfv place", "translation": "but because it was so long it was not able to turn round.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp Adj Conj V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ebf53", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433167816304, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30ebf53" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋaborṯwe emǝrṯa nǝgëtu gǝbǝla,", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋ-aborṯw-e emǝrṯa n-ǝ-g-ët-u g-ǝ-b-ǝl-a,", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-ride.rt-cons.pfv horse comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d.rt-cons.ipfv clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-inf2", "translation": "So Kuku got on his horse and left,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30eda27", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433167917180, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30eda27" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen gǝrmaṯo alo ṯwañ,", "morphemes": "na ŋen g-ǝrmaṯ-o alo ṯwañ,", "gloss": "and word clg-arrive.rt-pfv place near", "translation": "and when arrived near the place where he wanted to go,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30eeee1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433168635351, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d30eeee1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝfiđi ñere nǝŋau ñǝbaɽa ŋawa na nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i ñere nǝ-ŋau ñ-ǝ-b-aɽ-a ŋawa na n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv girls on-water clñ-dpc-prog-be.rt-ipfv water and comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-say.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "he found some young women drawing water and said to them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N N N Conj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f5333", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433412655409, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f5333" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñere nacǝñǝr ŋawa iṯi.”", "morphemes": "“Ñere nacǝ-ñǝ-r ŋawa i-ṯ-i.”", "gloss": "girls give.rt-1sg.om-pl water 1sg-drink.rt-inf1", "translation": "\"Girls, give me some water to drink,\"", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f5d35", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433412785981, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f5d35" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋere iŋi Kuku gǝbǝɽo ŋenŋanṯa aŋǝma nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋere iŋi Kuku g-ǝ-b-ǝɽ-o ŋenŋanṯa aŋǝ-m-a n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ kuku clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-pfv because 3sg.inf-take.rt-inf2 comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "and the girl whom Kuku was to marry said to him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj N V Comp V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f83d9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433413239927, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f83d9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "\"Waŋge gaṯa ganëinia ŋawa ṯau gǝɽaŋa igi?”", "morphemes": "\"Waŋge g-aṯa g-a-nëi-n-ia ŋawa ṯau g-ǝɽaŋa igi?”", "gloss": "Thing clg-say.rt clg-rtc-give.rt-pass-inf2 water how clg-dirty sclg", "translation": "\"How dare the dirty brute ask to be given water?\"", "tags": "extraposition?", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Comp Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f91b9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433413301344, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38f91b9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndǝ Kuku gǝnno đwara iđi", "morphemes": "Na ndǝ Kuku g-ǝ-nn-o đwara iđi", "gloss": "and if kuku clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv insult sclđ", "translation": "When Kuku heard this insult", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38fa2b1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433413595643, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38fa2b1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝbuɽwi ŋere igënǝŋ nǝŋǝyaffǝđe.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i ŋere ig-ënǝŋ n-ǝŋǝ-ya-aff-ǝđ-e.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-hit.rt-cons.pfv girl loc-ear comp2-3sg.cons-with-throw.rt-ap-cons.pfv", "translation": "he hit the girl's cheek and threw her down.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38fe520", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433416446584, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d38fe520" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋere ṯaŋaro kañ, na ŋere nǝŋëiṯi Kuku ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋere ṯ-aŋ-ar-o kañ, na ŋere n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Kuku ṯa,", "gloss": "and girl comp1b-3sg.inf-cry.rt-pfv very and girl comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv kuku comp1", "translation": "Then the girl began to cry loudly, and she said to Kuku,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39001e7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433416640771, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39001e7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Agajǝba ṯa bapa gǝlëɽǝñi gaɽo elǝŋ?", "morphemes": "“A-g-ajǝb-a ṯa bapa g-ǝlëɽǝñi g-a-ɽo elǝŋ?", "gloss": "2sg-clg-not.know.rt-ipfv comp1 father clg-1sg.poss clg-rtc-be.rt chief?", "translation": "Don't you know that my father is the chief?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Comp N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39033af", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433416829916, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39033af" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu giđi aŋëndi aŋakǝme ŋenŋanṯa agabuɽǝñe!”", "morphemes": "Gënŋu g-iđi aŋ-ŋ-ënd-i aŋ-ŋ-akǝm-e ŋenŋanṯa a-g-abuɽǝ-ñe!”", "gloss": "3sg.pro clg-fut.aux 3sg.inf-2sg.om-catch.rt-inf1 3sg.inf-2sg.om-judge.rt-inf1 because 2sg-clg-hit.rt-1sg.om", "translation": "He will arrest you and punish you for beating me!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390259f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433417029330, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390259f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku ldǝtođe ñereña ldeṯe eṯen nano gǝŋere.", "morphemes": "Na Kuku ldǝ-tođ-e ñere-ña ld-eṯ-e eṯen nano gǝ-ŋere.", "gloss": "and kuku cll-wake.rt-cons.pfv girls-with cll-go.rt-cons.pfv father-3sg.poss at poss-girl", "translation": "And Kuku and all three girls went to girls's father.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N-P V N P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39016b5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433417227475, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39016b5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ldaṯa lǝnwanǝcǝnia ŋen,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ld-aṯa l-ǝ-n-wan-ǝc-ǝn-ia ŋen,", "gloss": "and word cll-say cll-dpc-?-look.at.rt-appl-pass-cons.pfv word", "translation": "And they attempted to look into their case,", "tags": "check:n-", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3903d30", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433417500425, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3903d30" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-bǝleđ-e đǝŋano đǝlëɽǝŋu ldwandr.", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-bǝ-leđ-e đǝŋ-ano đ-ǝlëɽǝŋu nǝ-lwandr.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-prog-stretch.rt-cons.pfv hand-in clđ-3sg.poss on-stone", "translation": "Kuku stretched out his arm over a stone.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N-P Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390b127", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433417671724, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390b127" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na eṯen gǝŋere nǝŋǝnwanaṯe Kuku lǝbǝɽia ldoman,", "morphemes": "Na eṯ-en gǝ-ŋere n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-aṯ-e Kuku lǝbǝɽia nǝ-loman,", "gloss": "and father-3sg.poss of-girl comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv kuku ring on-finger", "translation": "And the girls father saw a ring on Kuku’s finger,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N P-N V N N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390b210", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433417802710, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390b210" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe ummia ŋamlaŋa iŋi,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e ummia ŋamla-ŋa iŋi,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-pfv boy sign-with sclŋ", "translation": "and he knew the boy by this sign,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390e808", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433418357461, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d390e808" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa fǝŋu igi gorba gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "ṯa fǝ-ŋu igi g-orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "comp1 foc-3sg.om sclg of-brother clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "that this is his brother’s son,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Adj P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3910a91", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433418579345, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3910a91" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋgiṯi đǝnwana ŋen na nǝŋǝmame ummia ldeṯe egeɽa.", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-giṯ-i đ-ǝ-nwan-a ŋen na n-ǝŋǝ-mam-e ummia ld-eṯ-e eg-eɽa.", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-leave.rt-cons.pfv clđ-dpc-look.at.rt-inf2 word and comp2-3sg.cons-bring.rt-cons.pfv boy cll-go.rt-cons.pfv in-house", "translation": "and he did not look into the case, but took the boy to his house.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V V N Conj V N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3912b8e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433418715291, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3912b8e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen lǝrmaṯo egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen l-ǝ-rmaṯ-o eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "word cll-dpc-arrive.rt-d.inf2 in-house", "translation": "When they arrived home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39151d4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433418944053, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d39151d4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn Kalaldo ṯaŋekeɽǝđo Kuku orba gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "orn Kalaldo ṯ-aŋ-ekeɽǝđ-o Kuku orba g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "but kalallo comp1b-3sg.inf-ask.rt-d.inf2 kuku brother clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "Then Kalallo began to investigate Kuku about his brother (Kuku’s father)", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3916fa2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433419257350, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3916fa2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na wasen com na leđa pređ lǝɽëwur,", "morphemes": "na was-en com na leđa pređ l-ǝ-ɽo ëwur,", "gloss": "and wife-3sg.poss also and people all cll-dpc-be gate", "translation": "as well as his wife and the whole of their neighbors,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv Conj N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391821d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433419589834, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391821d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋëiṯi Kuku ṯa, “Lǝŋgalo garmaŋayaṯia ŋanto a?”", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Kuku ṯa, “Lǝŋg-alo garma ŋa-ya-ṯia ŋanto a?”", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv kuku comp1 mother-2sg.poss still 2sg.inf-with-in.this.way alone YNQ", "translation": "and he said to Kuku, \"Is your mother still with you alone?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp N V Adv Adv Adv ?", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3919cf7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433419681758, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3919cf7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku naŋuɽǝbiṯi Kalaldo eŋen naŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Kuku n-aŋ-uɽǝb-iṯ-i Kalaldo e-ŋen n-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.inf-return.to-rt-appl-cons.pfv kalallo in-talk comp2-3sg.inf-say", "translation": "Kuku answered Kalallo and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391b7e2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420020823, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391b7e2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ñagǝɽǝbǝđo ṯia na ñagapǝlađiano,", "morphemes": "“Ña-gǝ-ɽǝb-ǝđ-o ṯia na ña-g-a-pǝlađi-ano,", "gloss": "1ex-clg-share.rt-ap-pfv in.this.way and 1ex-clg-rtc-mix.rt-in", "translation": "We have increased sons and daughters.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391cfc8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420231987, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391cfc8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "lorldaña lëtu lǝɽijin lǝɽǝlda, na orañ gonto gǝɽorra.", "morphemes": "lorldaña l-ët-u l-ǝɽijin l-ǝɽǝlda, na orañ g-onto g-ǝɽorra.", "gloss": "sisters cll-be.loc-pfv cll-three cll-female and brother clg-one clg-male", "translation": "there are three sisters, and one brother.", "tags": "extraposition?", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adj Adj Conj N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391eacb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420355486, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391eacb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Lorldaña ildi lǝɽijin, gǝnǝŋ gabërnia Kanili,", "morphemes": "Lorldaña ild-i l-ǝɽijin, g-ǝnǝŋ g-a-b-ërn-ia Kanili,", "gloss": "sister scll-this cll-three clg-one clg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Kanili", "translation": "The three sisters, one is called, Kanili,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391f2d7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420441275, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d391f2d7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igi goman ṯaŋërnu Acaya", "morphemes": "na ig-i g-oman ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Acaya", "gloss": "and sclg-this clg-another comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-d.inf2 Achaya", "translation": "and the second called Achaya", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3923839", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420569058, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3923839" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igi gǝmaɽeđeṯa ṯaŋërnu Acima,", "morphemes": "na ig-i g-ǝ-ma-ɽeđeṯ-a ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Acima,", "gloss": "and sclg-this clg-dpc-3sg.om-follow.rt-ipfv comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-d.inf2 Achima", "translation": "and the last one is called Achima,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392382d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420648846, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392382d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ummia gënŋu, gabërnia Kaḏuṯu.", "morphemes": "na ummia g-ënŋu, g-a-b-ërn-ia Kaḏuṯu.", "gloss": "and boy clg-3sg.pro clg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Kadutu", "translation": "and the boy is called Kadutu.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3926fc3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420834665, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3926fc3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na com đwala đamǝñano đalǝŋǝđo đwaña kañ.", "morphemes": "Na com đwala đ-a-mǝñ-ano đ-a-lǝŋǝđ-o đ-waña kañ.", "gloss": "and also livestock clđ-rtc-increase.rt-in clđ-rtc-multiply.rt-pfv clđ-many very", "translation": "And the livestock was multiplied and increased a lot.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V V Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392816a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433420916500, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392816a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Kalaldo gekeɽǝđo ŋen pređ,a", "morphemes": "Ŋen Kalaldo g-ek-eɽǝđ-o ŋen pređ,", "gloss": "word kalallo clg-iter-ask.rt-pfv word all", "translation": "When Kalallo asked about everything,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3928db5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433421065273, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3928db5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kuku nǝŋǝfiđi ṯa fǝŋu apa orba geṯen gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i ṯa fǝ-ŋu apa orba g-eṯ-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv comp1 foc-3sg.om father brother poss-father-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "and Kuku found out that Kalallo is the brother of his father,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V N N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392a4e4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433421951307, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d392a4e4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igi geṯo ṯa aŋǝme ŋere ŋǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "ig-i g-eṯ-o ṯa aŋǝm-e ŋere ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "sclg-this clg-come.rt-pfv comp1 marry.to.rt-inf1 girl clŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "The one whose daughter he came to marry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adj V Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8b0ea", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433766889144, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8b0ea" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋǝfo ŋwaraṯǝma nǝŋau ldǝbu", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-fo ŋ-waraṯ-ǝ-ma n-ǝŋ-au nǝ-lǝbu", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-past.aux clŋ-insult.rt-pfv-3sg.om comp2-3sg.cons-be.loc on-well", "translation": "the girl who insulted him by the well.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8c594", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433766996381, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8c594" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝŋu ŋere iŋi gonaṯa gǝma,", "morphemes": "fǝ-ŋu ŋere iŋ-i g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-m-a,", "gloss": "foc-3sg.om girl sclŋ-this clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-dpc-marry.rt-ipfv", "translation": "She is the one who wants to marry,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8dddd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433767114380, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8dddd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kuku nǝŋǝfiđi orba geṯen gǝlëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-fiđ-i orba g-eṯ-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-cons.pfv brother poss-father-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "and Kuku found that his uncle", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8f9b3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433767294379, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c8f9b3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "gerṯo ñere ñǝɽǝbađo com, lëmmia lǝɽǝjan na ŋere ŋonto.", "morphemes": "g-erṯ-o ñere ñ-ǝ-ɽǝbađ-o com, lëmmia l-ǝɽǝjan na ŋere ŋ-onto", "gloss": "clg-have.rt-pfv children clɲ-dpc-increase.rt-pfv also boys cll-two and girl clŋ-one", "translation": "had many other children, two sons and one daughter.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N V Adv N Adj Conj N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c91469", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433767688630, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c91469" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ummia gǝnǝŋ gabërnia Kwëɽina", "morphemes": "Ummia g-ǝnǝŋ g-a-b-ërn-ia Kwëɽina", "gloss": "boy clg-indef clg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Korina", "translation": "one of the sons is called Korina", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c92e8f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433767843860, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c92e8f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na igi gomǝn ṯaŋërnu Kaloka na ŋere ṯaŋërnu Kwajerna.", "morphemes": "na ig-i g-omǝn ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kaloka na ŋere ṯ-aŋ-ërn-u Kwajerna.", "gloss": "and sclg-this clg-indef comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-d.inf2 Kaloka and girl comp1b-3sg.inf-be.called.rt-d.inf2 Kwaje", "translation": "and the other is called Kaloka and the daughter is called Kwajema.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adj Adj V N Conj N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c945d1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433767934743, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c945d1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Kalaldo gekeɽǝđo ŋen pređ", "morphemes": "Ŋen Kalaldo g-ekeɽǝđ-o ŋen pređ", "gloss": "word Kalallo clg-ask.rt-pfv talk all", "translation": "After Kalallo asked about everything,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c95f01", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768113537, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c95f01" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn ldënṯi eŋen iŋi Kuku gilǝjǝṯu.", "morphemes": "orn ld-ënṯ-i e-ŋen iŋ-i Kuku g-ilǝjǝ-ṯ-u.", "gloss": "then cll-enter.rt-cons.pfv loc-talk clŋ-this Kuku clg-come.rt-appl-pfv", "translation": "then they began to talk about what he came for.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V P-N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c96d9f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768248382, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c96d9f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝmëiṯi geṯo gonaṯa gǝma ŋere iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝŋu!", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i g-eṯ-o g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-m-a ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlëɽǝŋu!", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv clg-come.rt-pfv clg-want.rt-pfv clg-dpc-marry.rt-ipfv girl sclŋ-this sclŋ-3sg.poss", "translation": "And Kuku said to him that he want to marry his daughter!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V V V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c97e50", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768303190, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c97e50" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kalaldo nǝŋëiṯi Kuku ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Kalaldo n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Kuku ṯa,", "gloss": "and Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt-cons.pfv kuku comp1", "translation": "And Kalallo said to Kuku,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c99f2f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768486665, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c99f2f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋaŋǝra điñiđi neṯo ŋenŋanṯa ŋame oralo,", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋ-aŋǝra điñiđi n-eṯ-o ŋenŋanṯa ŋa-m-e ora-lo,", "gloss": "word clŋ-good now comp2-come.rt-pfv because 2sg.inf-take.rt-cons.pfv sister-2sg.poss", "translation": "\"It is good that you have come to marry our sister,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj Adv V Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9bd3c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768572930, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9bd3c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋen ŋero ŋǝnǝŋ ŋǝbǝɽaŋǝno,", "morphemes": "ŋen ŋ-er-o ŋ-ǝnǝŋ ŋ-ǝbǝɽa-aŋǝno,", "gloss": "word clŋ-not.aux-pfv clŋ-one clŋ-hard-body", "translation": "there is no problem,", "tags": "extraposition? idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N V adj Adj-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9dd9a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768700944, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9dd9a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋere ŋënŋu ŋaɽo wasalo điñiđi đǝge.”", "morphemes": "ŋere ŋ-ënŋu ŋ-a-ɽ-o wasa-lo điñiđi đǝge.”", "gloss": "girl clŋ-3sg.pro clŋ-rtc-be.rt-pfv wife-2sg.poss now enough", "translation": "so now the girl has become your wife.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9fa01", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768854937, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3c9fa01" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ŋere ŋǝlǝŋeṯo ṯa maje gakǝl nǝŋwarǝma", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ŋere ŋ-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o ṯa maje g-akǝl n-ǝŋ-warǝ-ma", "gloss": "and word girl clŋ-dpc-know.rt-pfv comp1 man clg-that comp2-3sg.cons-insult.rt-3sg.om", "translation": "And when the girl learned that the man who she insulted", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V Comp N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca15f9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433768934808, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca15f9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝŋu Kuku igi gapa lǝlǝŋǝnu eṯenga gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "fǝ-ŋu Kuku ig-i g-apa lǝlǝŋǝnu eṯ-en-ga g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "foc-? Kuku sclg-this poss-father brother father-3sg.poss-with clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "was Kuku, her uncle’s son,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N N N-P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca6a13", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433769422198, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca6a13" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋirǝwiṯano kañ ŋenŋanṯa ŋiđi mǝnna", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-irǝw-iṯ-ano kañ ŋenŋanṯa ŋ-iđ-i mǝnna", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-descend.rt-appl-in very because clŋ-do.rt-cons.pfv wrong", "translation": "she became ashamed for what she had done,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca85e6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433769503437, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca85e6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋware ëđǝmwa igi geṯo ṯa aŋǝmame,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-war-e ëđǝmwa ig-i g-eṯ-o ṯa aŋǝ-ma-m-e,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-insult.rt-cons.pfv young.man sclg-this clg-come.rt-pfv comp1 3sg.inf-3sg.om-marry.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "and she had insulted the young man who came to marry her,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V Comp V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca9439", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433769699115, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ca9439" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋoɽǝbǝđe eŋen iŋi ŋǝfo ŋǝciayano", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-oɽǝbǝđ-e e-ŋen iŋ-i ŋ-ǝ-f-o ŋǝ-cia-yano", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-cons.pfv loc-word sclŋ-this clŋ-dpc-be.loc.rt-pfv clŋ-bad-in", "translation": "and she was sorry and it made her sad", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P-N Adj V Adj-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cad843", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433769860398, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cad843" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku gabuɽu igënǝŋ nǝŋǝyaffǝđe", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku g-a-buɽ-u ig-ënǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ǝ-yaffǝđ-e", "gloss": "because kuku clg-rtc-hit.rt-pfv loc-ear comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-throw.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "because Kuku hit her in the cheek and threw her down", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V P-N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3caea14", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433770020303, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3caea14" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na đu nǝđǝmabuɽwi ano na ṯaŋonaṯo Kuku kañ.", "morphemes": "na đu n-ǝ-đǝ-ma-buɽw-i ano na ṯ-aŋ-onaṯ-o Kuku kañ.", "gloss": "and heart comp2-dpc-clđ-3sg.om-hit.rt-cons.pfv inside and comp1b-3sg.inf-want.rt-d.inf2 Kuku very", "translation": "but her heart beat and she began to love Kuku very much", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P Conj V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cafcf1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433770123181, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cafcf1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Nǝṯia Kalaldo nǝŋǝnace Kuku orba nǝŋǝmame,", "morphemes": "Nǝṯia Kalaldo n-ǝŋ-ǝ-nac-e Kuku orba n-ǝŋ-ǝ-ma-m-e,", "gloss": "so Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-give.rt-cons.pfv Kuku sister comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-3sg.om-marry.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "So Kalallo gave Kuku his sister to marry,", "tags": "ditransitive", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cb1b82", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433770232591, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cb1b82" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋiđi đǝŋǝranano đoɽra kañ", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-iđ-i đ-ǝŋǝra-nano đ-oɽra kañ", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-do.rt-cons.pfv clđ-good-at clđ-big very", "translation": "and he made a great feast", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cc3784", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771014149, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cc3784" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋundǝđëcia leđa pređ lǝɽëwur", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋ-undǝđ-ëc-ia leđa pređ l-ǝ-ɽ-ëwur", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-invite.rt-appl-cons.pfv people all cll-dpc-be.rt-door", "translation": "and invited all his neighbours", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cd8769", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771206759, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cd8769" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ldela ldǝŋǝreṯǝlda nano na đǝŋǝranano nǝđǝɽaŋe ñoman ñǝɽijin.", "morphemes": "ld-el-a ld-ǝŋǝr-eṯǝ-lda nano na đ-ǝŋǝra-nano n-ǝđǝ-ɽaŋ-e ñoman ñ-ǝɽijin.", "gloss": "cll-come.rt-ipfv cll-good.rt-cmp-with at and clđ-good.rt-at comp2-clđ.inf-sit.rt-cons.pfv days clɲ-three", "translation": "they came and had a good time with them, and the feast lasted three days.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "V V-P P Conj N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cd9fbc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771347635, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cd9fbc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn nḏurṯu alo, Kalaldo nǝŋundǝđi ñere ñǝlëɽǝŋu nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Orn nḏurṯu alo, Kalaldo n-ǝŋ-undǝđ-i ñere ñ-ǝlëɽǝŋu n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "but last place Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-invite.rt-cons.pfv children clɲ-3sg.poss comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "at last Kalallo called to his children and told them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N N V N Adj V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cdee68", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771409291, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3cdee68" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Oralo gabǝla đǝge.", "morphemes": "“Ora-lo g-a-b-ǝl-a đǝge.", "gloss": "Sister-2sg.poss clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv last", "translation": "\"Now your sister is leaving.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce02f4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771482590, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce02f4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku gamama wasen gǝlëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "morphemes": "Kuku g-a-ma-m-a was-en g-ǝlëɽǝŋu đǝge,", "gloss": "kuku clg-rtc-iter-take.rt-ipfv wife-3sg.poss clg-3sg.poss last", "translation": "Kuku is taking his wife,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce467a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771669841, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce467a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "loɽǝbaṯa Nayen Ende.”", "morphemes": "l-oɽǝb-aṯ-a Nayen Ende.”", "gloss": "cll-return.to.rt-loc.appl-ipfv mount Ende", "translation": "and they are returning to their village Ende Mountain.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce55e2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771761094, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce55e2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere nǝñëiṯi eṯen ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ñere nǝ-ñ-ëiṯ-i eṯen ṯa,", "gloss": "and children comp2-clɲ-tell.rt-cons.pfv father-3sg.poss comp1", "translation": "Then the children said to their father,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce8f73", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771998090, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce8f73" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Ŋen ŋëpi alǝɽe iđëuṯaralo egal isi ldǝwoɽǝbaṯa.”", "morphemes": "“Ŋen ŋëpi alǝ-ɽ-e i-đëuṯ-ar-alo eg-al is-i ld-ǝw-oɽǝb-aṯ-a.”", "gloss": "word well 3pl-go.rt-cons.pfv loc-cast.rt-stomach-place loc-place scls-this cll-rtc-return.to.rt-loc.appl-ipfv", "translation": "\"No problem; let them go in peace where they want to go.\"", "tags": "idiom", "syntacticCategory": "N Adv V V-N-N P-N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce9ef4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1433771998090, "52225b290b82bccbf8a82fa0d3ce9ef4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋen lǝbǝla đǝge, Kalaldo nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "orn ŋen l-ǝ-b-ǝl-a đǝge, Kalaldo n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "but word cll-dpc-prog-go.rt-ipfv last Kalallo comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "When they were leaving, Kalallo said to them,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv N V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897515e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434955932270, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897515e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mǝr đađ iđi agǝɽǝñaṯau rǝmwa,", "morphemes": "“Mǝr đađ iđ-i a-g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-aṯ-au rǝmwa,", "gloss": "take road sclđ-this 2sg-clg-dpc-kill.rt-loc.appl-ipfv-loc snake", "translation": "\"Take the road on which you killed the snake.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8976279", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434956161904, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8976279" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñerṯe ñagǝma đađ iđi đomǝn đǝbǝṯa neṯa.", "morphemes": "ñ-erṯe ñ-a-g-ǝm-a đađ iđ-i đ-omǝn đ-ǝ-b-ǝṯ-a ne-ṯa.", "gloss": "2pl-not.aux 2pl-rtc-clg-take.rt-imp road sclđ-this sclđ-other sclđ-dpc-go.rt-ipfv on-pool", "translation": "do not take the other road which goes by the pool.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adj Adj V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89790aa", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434956319690, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89790aa" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa waŋge gëtau gǝnǝŋ gǝsa ñere iñi ñǝɽo ñowa.”", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa waŋge g-ët-a-u g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-s-a ñere iñ-i ñ-ǝ-ɽ-o ñ-owa.”", "gloss": "because thing clg-be.2d.rt-ipfv-loc clg-indef clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv children sclɲ-this sclɲ-dpc-be.rt-pfv clɲ-young", "translation": "Because there is something in it which eats the young girls.\"", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V Adj V N Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897895c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434956509572, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897895c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝmëiṯi ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi!” Na lëtu labǝla.", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ŋen ŋëpi!” Na l-ët-u l-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1 word well and cll-be.2d.rt-pfv cll-rtc-prog-go.rt-ipfv", "translation": "And Kuku said to him, \"No problem!\" And they went.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N Adv Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897c6b7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434956790887, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec897c6b7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen lderldo ldǝborkwađaṯe nwaldaŋ aten,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ld-erld-o n-ǝlǝ-borkwađ-aṯ-e nwaldaŋ aten,", "gloss": "and word cll-walk.rt-pfv comp2-3pl-approach.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv distance little", "translation": "And when they walked for a while,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8981a55", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434956924601, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8981a55" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋëiṯi wasen ṯa lǝma đađ iđi napa gaṯa lǝber lǝma.", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i was-en ṯa l-ǝ-m-a đađ iđ-i n-apa g-aṯa l-ǝ-b-er l-ǝ-m-a.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv wife-3sg.poss comp1 cll-dpc-take.rt-imp road sclđ-this 1in.poss?-father clg-say.rt cll-dpc-prog-not.aux cll-dpc-take.rt-inf2", "translation": "Kuku said to his wife, \"let us take the road which our father told us not to take.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V N Adj N V V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8985801", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434957288866, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8985801" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝriđi emǝrṯa alo ldǝme đađ iđi đerṯo Gakambo ano", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋǝ-riđ-i emǝrṯa alo ldǝ-m-e đađ iđ-i đ-erṯ-o Gakambo ano", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-turn.rt-cons.pfv horse place cll-take.rt-cons.pfv road clđ-this clđ-have.rt-pfv dragon in", "translation": "And he turned his horse and they took the road with the dragon on it.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N N V N Adj V N P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8986b14", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434957580214, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8986b14" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen lǝrmaṯo eđǝñwa iligano iđi đǝcunduŋǝṯa neṯa ldǝfiđi opo gǝnǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Ŋen lǝ-rmaṯ-o eđǝñwa iligano iđ-i đ-ǝ-cunduŋ-ṯa ne-ṯa ldǝ-fiđ-i opo g-ǝnǝŋ,", "gloss": "word cll-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv wilderness amid clđ-this clđ-dpc-descend.rt-loc.appl on-pool cll-find.rt-pfv old.woman clg-indef", "translation": "When they reached the middle of the forest which goes to the pool, they found an old woman,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adv Adj V P-N V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89887a6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434957786272, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89887a6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na opo nǝŋǝlëiṯi ṯa, “Ñere ñagǝlëɽǝñi, ñagǝbǝṯa ŋga?", "morphemes": "na opo n-ǝŋǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ñere ñ-a-g-ǝlëɽǝñi, ñ-a-g-ǝb-ǝṯ-a ŋga?", "gloss": "and old.woman comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1 children clg-1sg.poss clɲ-rtc-clg-prog-go.rt-ipfv where", "translation": "and she said to them, \"My children, where are you going?", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp N Adj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec898e84c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434958334062, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec898e84c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Oɽǝbǝđr ëlwa, pi waŋge gëtu eđađ gǝnǝŋ gǝsa ñere iñi ñǝɽo ñowa,", "morphemes": "Oɽǝb-ǝđo-r ëlwa, pi waŋge g-ët-u e-đađ g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-s-a ñere iñ-i ñ-ǝ-ɽ-o ñ-owa,", "gloss": "return.rt-ap-pl there, pity thing clg-be.2d.rt-pfv loc-road clg-indef clg-dpc-eat.rt-ipfv girls sclɲ-this clɲ-dpc-be.rt-pfv clɲ-young", "translation": "Come back from there, for there is something which eats young girls,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N N V P-N Adj V N Adj V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec898ffe4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434958535839, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec898ffe4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na điñiđi ñere ñëtu ñǝmǝn egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu gonaṯa gǝlǝsa.", "morphemes": "na điñiđi ñere ñ-ët-u ñ-ǝmǝn eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-lǝ-s-a.", "gloss": "and now girls clɲ-be.2d.rt-pfv clɲ-indef loc-house clg-dpc-3sg.poss clg-want.rt-ipfv clg-3pl.om-eat.rt-ipfv", "translation": "and right now there are some girls in his house he wants to eat", "tags": "extraposition .", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Adv N V Adj P-N Adj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899358c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434958804623, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899358c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋëiṯi opo ṯa, “Mbu cia ŋagonda waŋge egeɽa gǝlëɽǝŋu,", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i opo ṯa, “Mbu cia ŋa-gond-a waŋge eg-eɽa g-ǝlëɽǝŋu,", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.coms-tell.rt-cons.pfv old.woman comp1 go.imp.rt please 2sg.inf-look.for.rt-imp thing loc-house clg-3sg.poss", "translation": "Kuku said to the old woman, \"Go and and see if the thing is in his house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V V V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8991dca", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434958992718, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8991dca" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ndǝ agǝfiđu oro ŋela ŋañǝlwaɽǝṯi.”", "morphemes": "ndǝ a-g-ǝ-fiđ-u oro ŋ-el-a ŋa-ñ-ǝ-lwaɽǝṯ-i.”", "gloss": "if 2sg-clg-dpc-find.rt-pfv then 2sg.inf-come.rt-inf2 2sg.inf-1sg.om-dpc-tell.rt-inf1", "translation": "and if you find it, come and tell me.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V Conj V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8995fd2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434959134474, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8995fd2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Opo nǝŋǝɽe oro nǝŋerṯe gǝfiđa Gakambo.", "morphemes": "Opo n-ǝŋ-ǝ-ɽ-e oro n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-ǝ-fiđ-a Gakambo.", "gloss": "Old.woman comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-go.rt-cons.pfv then comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.ipfv clg-dpc-find.rt-inf2 dragon", "translation": "The old woman went but did not find the dragon.", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "N V Comp V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8995cb9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434959261750, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8995cb9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝŋǝfiđiṯi ñere ñǝɽǝjǝn ñǝɽo ñowa egeɽa,", "morphemes": "Na n-ǝŋ-ǝ-fiđ-i-ṯ-i ñere ñ-ǝɽǝjǝn ñ-ǝ-ɽ-o ñ-owa eg-eɽa,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-find.rt-caus-appl-cons.pfv girls clɲ-two clɲ-dpc-be.rt-cons.ipfv clɲ-young loc-house", "translation": "She found two young girls in the house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj V Adj P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89992a8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434959433139, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89992a8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen opo gǝlwaɽǝṯu Kuku ṯa ñere ñëtu eɽa.", "morphemes": "na ŋen opo g-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-u Kuku ṯa ñere ñ-ët-u e-eɽa.", "gloss": "and word old.woman clg-dpc-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv kuku comp1 girls clɲ-be.2d.rt-cons.pfv loc-house", "translation": "and when she told Kuku that there were girls in the house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N Comp N V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899af20", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434959586191, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899af20" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝgëtu gabǝṯa egeɽa igi gǝ Gakambo.", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝ-g-ët-u g-a-b-ǝṯ-a eg-eɽa ig-i gǝ Gakambo.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d.rt-cons.pfv clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-inf2 loc-house sclg-this poss dragon", "translation": "Kuku went to the house of the dragon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V P-N Adj P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899b9ea", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434959964823, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899b9ea" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen gǝrmaṯo eɽa nǝŋǝfiđi ñere na nǝŋǝmamalo nǝgëtu galǝyela,", "morphemes": "Ŋen g-ǝrmaṯ-o eɽa n-ǝŋ-ǝ-fiđ-i ñere na n-ǝŋ-ǝ-ma-m-a-lo n-ǝ-g-ët-u g-a-lǝ-ye-la,", "gloss": "word clg-arrive.rt-pfv house comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-find.rt-cons.pfv girls and comp2-3sg.cons-dpc-iter-take.rt-d.inf2-3pl.om comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d.rt-pfv clg-rtc-3pl.om-go.rt-with", "translation": "When he got there he found the girls and he took them and went", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V N Conj V V V-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899dc35", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434960509757, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec899dc35" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋëiṯi opo ṯa, “Elaŋ ŋalwǝɽǝṯi Gakambo ṯa igamamo ñere,", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i opo ṯa, “El-a-ŋ ŋa-lwǝɽ-ǝṯ-i Gakambo ṯa i-g-a-ma-m-o ñere,", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv old.woman comp1 come.rt-imp-2sg.om 2sg.inf-tell.rt-appl-inf1 dragon comp1 1sg-clg-rtc-iter-take.rt-pfv girls", "translation": "then he said to the old woman, \"Tell the dragon that I have taken the girls,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V V N Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a2535", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434962057887, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a2535" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ndǝ đǝlonṯa ađela ađǝñǝjope eđađ,", "morphemes": "Na ndǝ đ-ǝ-l-onṯ-a ađ-ela a-đ-ǝ-ñǝ-jop-e e-đađ,", "gloss": "and if clđ-dpc-3pl.om-want.rt-inf2 clð.inf-come.rt 3sg.inf1-clđ-dpc-1sg.om-reach.rt-inf1 loc-road", "translation": "And if he wants them, let him come and find me on the road", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp V V V P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a43de", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434962463765, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a43de" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ñawiđiṯildǝga ŋëđǝmwa.”", "morphemes": "ña-wiđ-iṯ-i-ldǝ-ga ŋëđǝmwa.”", "gloss": "1ex-make.rt-appl-caus-3pl.om-with strength", "translation": "to find out who is the strongest.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a4f85", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434962597047, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a4f85" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen opo gǝlwaɽǝṯu Gakambo ŋen iŋi Kuku gǝlwaɽo.", "morphemes": "Ŋen opo g-ǝ-lwaɽ-ǝṯ-u Gakambo ŋen iŋ-i Kuku g-ǝ-lwaɽ-o.", "gloss": "word old.woman clg-dpc-tell.rt-appl-cons.pfv dragon word sclŋ-this kuku clg-dpc-tell.rt-pfv", "translation": "When the old woman told the dragon what Kuku has said.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a701a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434962742950, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a701a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo nǝđǝtođe nǝđǝme đađ iđi Kukuŋǝnda lǝmo.", "morphemes": "Gakambo nǝ-đ-ǝ-tođ-e nǝ-đ-ǝ-m-e đađ iđ-i Kukuŋǝnda l-ǝ-m-o.", "gloss": "dragon comp2-clđ-dpc-arise.rt-cons.pfv comp2-clđ-dpc-take.rt-cons.pfv road sclđ-this Kuku-acc-assoc.pl cll-dpc-take.rt-pfv", "translation": "The Dragon took the road which Kuku had taken.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N Adj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a6354", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434962859822, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89a6354" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Gakambo đǝjopǝlo nǝđǝlëiṯi ṯa,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Gakambo đ-ǝ-jop-o-lo nǝ-đ-ǝ-l-ëiṯ-i ṯa,", "gloss": "word dragon clđ-dpc-reach.rt-pfv-3pl.om comp2-clđ-dpc-3pl.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1", "translation": "When he reached them he said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V V Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89aa1fd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434963219060, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89aa1fd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Igalaldǝño pǝr igameđo water imǝñǝniano oro alǝbwañǝđe.”", "morphemes": "i-g-a-laldǝñ-o pǝr i-g-a-međ-o wate-r i-mǝñ-ǝn-i-ano oro alǝ-bwañǝđ-e.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-rtc-run.rt-pfv very 1sg-clg-rtc-tired.rt-pfv wait.imp.rt-pl 1sg-rest.rt-pass-caus-in then 1in-fight.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "\"I have run a long way and am very tired. Let me take a little rest then we can fight.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv V V V Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89ab587", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434963324197, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89ab587" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa Kuku gënŋu gađamalo kañ,", "morphemes": "Orn ŋenŋanṯa Kuku gënŋu g-ađamalo kañ,", "gloss": "but because kuku 3sg.pro clg-brave very", "translation": "and because Kuku was very brave,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj Comp N N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89adf1c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434963639829, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec89adf1c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋerṯe gǝkǝrđǝṯia Gakambo kwai,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-erṯ-e g-ǝ-kǝrđ-ǝṯ-ia Gakambo kwai,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-not.aux-cons.pfv clg-dpc-be.troubled.rt-appl-inf1 dragon never", "translation": "he did not trouble the dragon,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3065e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434983796351, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3065e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋëiṯi ñere ṯa, “Alǝsǝr acǝba ananoŋ or ñabwañǝđe Gakambođa.”", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ñere ṯa, “Al-ǝ-s-ǝ-r acǝba ananoŋ or ñ-a-bwañǝđ-e Gakambo-đa.”", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-ipfv-cons.pfv girls comp1 1in-dpc-eat.rt-pl food first then 1ex-rtc-fight.rt-cons.pfv dragon-with", "translation": "but he said to the girls, \"Let us eat first, then I will fight with the dragon.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V N Adj Conj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a33fe1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434983899978, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a33fe1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Gakambo đǝmǝñǝniano đǝge,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Gakambo đ-ǝ-mǝñ-ǝn-i-ano đ-ǝge,", "gloss": "and word dragon clđ-dpc-rest.rt-pass-cause-in clđ-last", "translation": "And when the dragon took his rest,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V-P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a35bfd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434984008979, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a35bfd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kukuŋǝnda ldǝse acǝba com.", "morphemes": "na Kuku-ŋ-ǝnda ld-ǝ-s-e acǝba com.", "gloss": "and kuku-acc-assoc.pl cll-dpc-eat.rt-cons.pfv food also", "translation": "and Kuku’s group ate their food,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a37ae5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434984153525, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a37ae5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo nǝđërniano ŋur ŋur ŋur,", "morphemes": "Gakambo nǝ-đ-ërn-i-ano ŋur ŋur ŋur,", "gloss": "dragon comp2-clđ-growl.rt-cons.pfv-in ngur ngur ngur", "translation": "the Dragon roared ngur ngur ngur!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V-P Adv Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a395a7", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434984361872, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a395a7" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝđëtu đeṯo Kukuŋ nano ŋǝɽǝldiaŋa ŋoɽra kañ.", "morphemes": "nǝ-đ-ëtu đ-eṯ-o Kuku-ŋ nano ŋǝɽǝldia-ŋa ŋ-oɽra kañ.", "gloss": "comp2-clđ-be.2d.rt clđ-come.rt-cons.ipfv Kuku-acc near noise-with clŋ-big very", "translation": "and it ran to attak Kuku with a great might,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N P N-P Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3b3a3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434984459364, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3b3a3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kuku gǝnno ŋǝɽǝldia,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kuku g-ǝ-nn-o ŋǝɽǝldia,", "gloss": "and word kuku clg-dpc-hear.rt-pfv noise", "translation": "And when Kuku heard such a noise,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3ce1d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434984614664, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3ce1d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝnwane Gakambo đëtu đeṯǝma nano,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-nwan-e Gakambo đ-ëtu đ-eṯ-o-ma nano,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-see.rt-cons.pfv dragon clđ-be.2d.rt clđ-come.rt-pfv-3sg.om near", "translation": "and saw the dragon coming towards him,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3eaa1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434985060129, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3eaa1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmǝñi đoperria igërrua na nǝŋëldǝni,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-mǝñ-i đoperria ig-ërrua na n-ǝŋ-ëldǝn-i,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-bring.rt-cons.pfv sword loc-bag and comp2-3sg.cons-boast.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "he drew the sword from it’s bag and he boasted about himself,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3fdc9", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434985189174, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a3fdc9" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋaṯa, “Ñǝruma ñapa ñǝbǝco!”", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Ñǝruma ñ-apa ñ-ǝbǝco!”", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt sheep poss-father clɲ-white", "translation": "and said, \"Oh my father’s white sheep!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P-N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a419dc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434985434053, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a419dc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo đëtu đabaṯa Kuku ŋǝma nano đǝŋalo ëñua yebǝrano kañ,", "morphemes": "Gakambo đ-ëtu đ-a-b-aṯ-a Kuku ŋǝma nano đ-ǝ-ŋal-o ëñua y-ebǝrano kañ,", "gloss": "dragon clđ-be.2d.rt clđ-rtc-attack.rt-loc.appl-ipfv kuku power near clđ-dpc-open.rt-cons.ipfv mouth cly-wide very", "translation": "The dragon comes towards Kuku with all his might and with his mouth opened widely,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N P V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a42c57", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434985642548, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a42c57" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Kuku ṯaŋerldo gëndu đoperre na ṯalopǝđo Gakambođa elo.", "morphemes": "na Kuku ṯ-aŋ-erld-o g-ënd-u đoperre na ṯ-al-opǝđ-o Gakambo-đa elo.", "gloss": "and kuku comp1b-3sg.inf-walk.rt-cons.ipfv clg-catch.rt-cons.ipfv sword and comp1b-3.inf1-meet.rt-cons.ipfv dragon-with up", "translation": "and Kuku began to walk with his sword in order to meet the dragon.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj V N-P P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a44cbc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434985910566, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a44cbc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Gakambo nǝđǝđaŋe Kukuŋ nano nǝđaṯa đamaffađaṯa alo,", "morphemes": "Na Gakambo nǝ-đ-ǝ-đaŋ-e Kuku-ŋ nano nǝ-đ-aṯa đa-m-affađ-aṯ-a alo,", "gloss": "and dragon comp2-clđ-stretch.rt-cons.pfv kuku-acc near comp2-clđ-say.rt clđ-3sg.om-fall.rt-loc.appl-inf2 place", "translation": "The dragon jumped over Kuku and tried to knock him down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N P V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4693b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986068599, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4693b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋǝbuɽwi Gakambo nda nǝŋǝṯǝbaṯe alo,", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-buɽw-i Gakambo nda n-ǝŋǝ-ṯǝb-aṯ-e alo,", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-hit.rt-cons.pfv dragon head comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-.loc.appl-cons.pfv place", "translation": "Kuku hit the dragon on it’s head and cut it off,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a49fb5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986269529, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a49fb5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nda ldǝmǝña lomǝn tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Na nda ldǝ-mǝñ-a l-omǝn tǝŋ,", "gloss": "and head cll-come.out.rt-ipfv cll-indef again", "translation": "And another head came out,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4a44e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986367681, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4a44e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝṯǝbaṯe alo com.", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-ṯǝb-aṯ-e alo com.", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv place also", "translation": "And Kuku cut it off again.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4b769", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986505092, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4b769" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nda ldǝmǝña lomǝn tǝŋ,", "morphemes": "Na nda ldǝ-mǝñ-a l-omǝn tǝŋ,", "gloss": "and head cll-come.out.rt-ipfv cll-indef again", "translation": "And another head came out again.", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4ccdb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986706493, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4ccdb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Gakambo nǝđëiṯi Kuku ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Gakambo n-ǝ-đ-ëiṯ-i Kuku ṯa,", "gloss": "and dragon comp2-dpc-clđ-tell.rt-cons.pfv kuku comp1", "translation": "And the dragon said to Kuku,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4e39c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434986893208, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4e39c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mǝldin igi ŋǝɽwa ŋaṯëđǝnu đenǝŋ,”", "morphemes": "“Mǝldin ig-i ŋǝɽwa ŋ-a-ṯëđ-ǝn-u đenǝŋ,”", "gloss": "Still clg-this heads clŋ-rtc-leave.rt-pass-pfv five", "translation": "\"There are still five heads left.\"", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Adv Adj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4f94a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434987000039, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4f94a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Gakambo đerṯo ŋǝɽwa đenǝgǝɽǝjan.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Gakambo đ-erṯ-o ŋǝɽwa đenǝŋ na gǝ-ɽǝjan.", "gloss": "because dragon clđ-have.rt-cons.ipfv heads five and clg-two", "translation": "for the dragon has seven heads.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4fed1", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434987100633, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a4fed1" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋëiṯi Gakambo ṯa,", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Gakambo ṯa,", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv dragon comp1", "translation": "And Kuku said to the dragon,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N Comp", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a536c5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1434987204955, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8a536c5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đoperria đwaña ŋǝfǝni mǝldin com.”", "morphemes": "“Đoperria đ-waña ŋǝfǝni mǝldin com.”", "gloss": "Sword clđ-many blood still also", "translation": "\"My sword also is still sharp.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj N Adv Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b417a0", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435055067114, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b417a0" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Kuku gǝṯǝbo ŋǝɽwa đenǝgǝɽǝjan.", "morphemes": "Ŋen Kuku g-ǝ-ṯǝb-o ŋǝɽwa đenǝŋ na gǝ-ɽǝjan.", "gloss": "word kuku clg-dpc-cut.rt-pfv heads five and clg-two", "translation": "When Kuku cut the seven heads,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b43796", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435055185101, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b43796" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gakambo nǝđiɽǝṯi alo nǝđaye đǝge.", "morphemes": "Gakambo n-ǝ-đ-iɽ-ǝṯ-i alo n-ǝ-đ-ay-e đ-ǝge.", "gloss": "dragon comp2-dpc-clđ-fall.rt-appl-cons.pfv place comp2-dpc-clđ-die.rt-cons.pfv clđ-last", "translation": "The dragon fell down and died.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4460e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435055761775, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4460e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Wasen Kuku na ñere iñi lǝfǝlda nǝñǝrace đia đubwa kañ", "morphemes": "Was-en Kuku na ñere iñ-i l-ǝ-f-ǝ-lda n-ǝ-ñ-ǝrac-e đia đ-ubwa kañ", "gloss": "wife-3sg.poss kuku and girls sclɲ-this cll-dpc-be.loc.rt-pfv-with comp2-dpc-clɲ-shout.rt-cons.pfv joy clđ-hot very", "translation": "Kuku’s wife and the other girls shouted for joy loudly,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N Conj N Adj V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b463b8", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435056030011, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b463b8" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ṯañaṯa, “Kuku gođe, Kuku đeṯam gaɽo ëđǝmwa!”", "morphemes": "na ṯa-ñ-aṯa, “Kuku g-ođe, Kuku đeṯam g-a-ɽ-o ëđǝmwa!”", "gloss": "and comp1b-clɲ-say.rt kuku clg-great kuku truly clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv young man", "translation": "and they said, \"Kuku is very strong, he is really a young man!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b479dd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435056221690, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b479dd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋere ŋǝnǝŋ iŋi Kuku gǝmǝñǝlo egeɽa gǝ Gakambo,", "morphemes": "Na ŋere ŋ-ǝnǝŋ iŋ-i Kuku g-ǝ-mǝñ-ǝ-lo eg-eɽa gǝ Gakambo,", "gloss": "and girl clŋ-one sclŋ-this kuku clg-dpc-bring.rt-pfv-3pl.om loc-house poss dragon", "translation": "and one of the girls whom Kuku released from the dragon’s house,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj N V P-N P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b48882", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435056328096, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b48882" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku gafo gero gǝlǝŋeṯa ndrǝŋ enen mǝldin.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku g-a-fo g-er-o g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a ndrǝŋ enen mǝldin.", "gloss": "because kuku clg-rtc-past.aux clg-not.aux-pfv clg-dpc-know.rt-inf2 names 3pl.poss yet", "translation": "because Kuku did not know their names yet,", "tags": ".", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b49e94", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435056711619, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b49e94" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋere nǝŋëldǝni nǝŋabǝđǝni nǝŋaṯa Koseigi,", "morphemes": "Ŋere n-ǝŋ-ëld-ǝn-i n-ǝŋ-abǝđ-ǝn-i n-ǝŋ-aṯa Kose-igi,", "gloss": "girl comp2-3sg.cons-boast.rt-pass-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-build.rt-pass-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt Kose-be.eq.rt", "translation": "the girl boasted proudly of her youth by saying her name was Kose.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N-V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4a4b3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435056852216, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4a4b3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku gandǝma nanda Akanega.", "morphemes": "Kuku g-a-ndǝ-m-a nanda Akane-ga.", "gloss": "kuku clg-rtc-1ex.om-marry.rt-ipfv 1ex.pro Akane-with", "translation": "Kuku will marry the two of us, I and Akane.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4bacd", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435058952978, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4bacd" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋǝlǝŋeṯe irǝŋ gǝŋere iŋi ŋonto,", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-lǝŋeṯ-e irǝŋ gǝ-ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-onto,", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-know.rt-cons.pfv name poss-girl clŋ-this clŋ-one", "translation": "Kuku knew the name of only this girl,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Adj Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4d4cb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059126041, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4d4cb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "orn nǝŋëiṯi ŋere iŋi ŋomǝn ṯa, “Agabërnia asëgi?", "morphemes": "orn n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-omǝn ṯa, “A-g-a-b-ërn-ia asëgi?", "gloss": "but comp2-3sg.cons-tell.rt-cons.pfv girl clŋ-this clŋ-other comp1 2sg-clg-rtc-prog-be.called-ipfv who", "translation": "then he asked the other girl, \"What is your name?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj Adj Comp V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4f47c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059341671, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b4f47c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋere nǝŋaṯa, “Igënǝñi igabërnia Ŋoṯoṯo.", "morphemes": "Ŋere n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-ënǝ-ñ-i i-g-a-b-ërn-ia Ŋoṯoṯo.", "gloss": "girl comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 1sg.-clg-be.1d.rt-1sg.om-inf1 1sg-clg-rtc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv Gototo", "translation": "She said, \"I am called Gototo.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b501ed", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059469904, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b501ed" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na egapa gǝfo irnuŋ Ecaber gǝbërnia Kabi,", "morphemes": "Na eg-apa g-ǝ-fo i-rnu-ŋ Ecaber g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Kabi,", "gloss": "and loc-father clg-dpc-be.loc.rt loc-city-acc Echaber clg-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-inf1 Kapi", "translation": "and I am a daughter of a man who lived in Echaber called Kapi,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj P-N V P-N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b51384", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059603896, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b51384" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ŋanṯa Kose ŋapa gǝbërnia Kafi.”", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-anṯ-a Kose ŋ-apa g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Kafi.”", "gloss": "and girl clŋ-this clŋ-be.named.rt-ipfv Kose poss-father clg-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-inf1 Kafi", "translation": "and this girl is called Kose she is a daughter of Kafi.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj Adj N P-N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b51e47", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059683619, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b51e47" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen Kuku gǝlǝŋeṯo ndrǝŋ enen đǝge,", "morphemes": "Ŋen Kuku g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-o ndrǝŋ enen đǝge,", "gloss": "word kuku clg-dpc-know.rt-pfv names 3pl.poss last", "translation": "When Kuku knew their names,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N Adj Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b53c54", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435059864059, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b53c54" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝkǝle eŋǝla ye Gakambo yeŋǝɽwa iŋi đenǝgǝɽǝjan,", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-kǝl-e eŋǝla ye Gakambo ye-ŋǝɽwa iŋ-i đenǝŋ na gǝ-ɽǝjan,", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-cons.pfv tongues poss dragon poss-heads sclŋ-this five and clg-two", "translation": "he cut off the seven tongues of the dragon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N P N P-N Adj Adj Conj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b54705", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435060019372, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b54705" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝđwaṯe ñere eđađ ŋu nëñua nǝñëtu ñoɽǝbaṯa irnuŋ tǝŋgen", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-đwaṯ-e ñere e-đađ ŋu nëñua n-ǝ-ñ-ëtu ñ-oɽǝb-aṯ-a irnu-ŋ tǝŋgen", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-send.rt-cons.pfv girls loc-road on ahead comp2-dpc-clɲ-be.2d clɲ-return.rt-loc.appl-inf2 city-acc 3pl.poss", "translation": "and he sent the girls ahead of him and they returned to their home.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N P-N P Adv V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b55d9b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435060149426, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b55d9b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋǝlǝme iđurṯu nǝgëṯu goɽǝbaṯa Ecaber,", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-m-e i-đurṯu n-ǝ-g-ëṯu g-oɽǝb-aṯ-a Ecaber,", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-take.rt-cons.pfv loc-behind comp2-dpc-clg-be.2d clg-return.rt-loc.appl-inf2 Echaber", "translation": "And Kuku followed them back to Echaber,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj K V P-Adv V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b5783a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435060258078, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8b5783a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa galǝŋeṯo ñere ndrǝŋ na gonaṯa gǝlǝŋeṯa eṯenanda elden.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa g-a-lǝŋeṯ-o ñere ndrǝŋ na g-onaṯ-a g-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a eṯ-en-anda elden.", "gloss": "because clg-rtc-know.rt-pfv girls name and clg-want.rt-inf2 clg-dpc-know.rt-inf2 father-3sg.poss-assoc.pl 3pl.poss", "translation": "for he knew the girls names so he wanted to know their fathers.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V N N Conj V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e41836", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435224920464, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e41836" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋen ñere ñǝrmaṯo irnuŋ,", "morphemes": "Ŋen ñere ñ-ǝ-rmaṯ-o irnu-ŋ,", "gloss": "word girls clɲ-dpc-arrive.rt-pfv city-acc", "translation": "When the girls arrive home,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N N V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e43f7e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435225346488, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e43f7e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "leđa pređ ldǝnwane ñere ldǝŋǝreṯe nano kañ", "morphemes": "leđa pređ ldǝ-nwan-e ñere ldǝ-ŋǝr-eṯ-e nano kañ.", "gloss": "people all cll-see.rt-cons.pfv girls cll-be.happy.rt-cmp-cons.pfv at very", "translation": "all the people saw them and became very happy.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e44d89", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435225589795, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e44d89" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ldëiṯi ñere ṯa, “Ñageṯo ŋga? Ñagabaṯa gaɽe ñagayo đǝge.”", "morphemes": "Na ld-ëiṯ-i ñere ṯa, “Ña-g-eṯ-o ŋga? Ña-g-a-b-aṯa g-a-ɽ-e ña-g-ay-o đǝge.”", "gloss": "and cll-say.rt-cons.pfv girls comp1 2pl-clg-come.rt-pfv where 1ex-clg-rtc-prog-say.rt clg-rtc-be.rt-cons.pfv 2pl-clg-die.rt-pfv last", "translation": "and they said to the girls, \"Where did you come frome? We thought that you were dead.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Comp V Adv V V V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e46f34", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435225765330, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e46f34" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ñere nǝñaṯa, “Maje geṯo gǝnǝŋ gǝfo emǝrṯaga", "morphemes": "Na ñere n-ǝ-ñ-aṯa, “Maje g-eṯ-o g-ǝnǝŋ g-ǝ-f-o emǝrṯa-ga", "gloss": "and girls comp2-dpc-clɲ-say.rt man clg-come.rt-pfv clg-one clg-dpc-be.loc-pfv horse-with", "translation": "The girls said, \"A man on a horse came", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V Adj V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e485af", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435225953549, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e485af" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na lǝfo ŋereŋa iŋi ŋapa Kalaldo,", "morphemes": "na l-ǝ-f-o ŋere-ŋa iŋ-i ŋ-apa Kalaldo,", "gloss": "and cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv girl-with sclŋ-this poss-father Kalallo", "translation": "with a daughter of father Kalallo,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N-P Adj P-N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e49a03", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435226055813, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e49a03" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ldǝndǝfiđiṯi ëlëi.”", "morphemes": "na ldǝ-ndǝ-fiđ-i-ṯ-i ëlëi.”", "gloss": "and cll-3ex.om-find.rt-caus-appl-cons.pfv there", "translation": "and they found us there.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4a887", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435226308213, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4a887" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen gǝnwanǝnda, nǝŋǝđurwi emǝrṯa na nǝŋirǝwa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen g-ǝ-nwan-ǝ-nda, n-ǝŋǝ-đurw-i emǝrṯa na n-ǝŋ-irǝw-a,", "gloss": "and word clg-dpc-see.rt-pfv-3ex.om comp2-3sg.cons-stop.rt-caus horse and comp2-3sg.cons-come.down.rt-inf2", "translation": "And when he saw us, he stopped the horse and came down,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V N Conj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4c468", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435226623608, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4c468" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋere iŋi ldǝfǝldǝga ṯaŋǝmëndiṯu emǝrṯa.", "morphemes": "na ŋere iŋ-i nǝ-l-ǝ-f-o-ldǝ-ga ṯ-aŋǝ-m-ënd-iṯ-u emǝrṯa.", "gloss": "and girl sclŋ-this comp2-cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv-3sg.om-with comp1b-3sg.inf-3sg.om-hold.rt-appl-pfv horse", "translation": "and the girl who was with him held the horse.", "tags": "check:ldega.together:\"them-with\"", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Adj V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4cf50", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435226763930, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4cf50" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋǝndëiṯi ṯa, “Ñagëbǝđiṯau ëli?”", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋǝ-nd-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ña-gë-b-ǝđ-iṯ-a-u ëli?”", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-3ex.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1 2pl-clg-prog-do.rt-ipfv-loc here", "translation": "And the man said to us, \"What are you doing here?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4e8dc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435226905556, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4e8dc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na nǝñamëiṯi ṯa, “Ñagamamëini ëli", "morphemes": "Na nǝ-ñ-a-m-ëiṯ-i ṯa, “Ña-g-a-ma-m-ëin-i ëli", "gloss": "and comp2-1ex-rtc-3sg.om-tell.rt-cons.pfv comp1 1ex-clg-rtc-iter-take.rt-appl.pass-caus here", "translation": "And we said to him, \"We have been brought here,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4fc22", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435227070870, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e4fc22" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ṯa waŋge aŋela aŋǝndǝse igi gǝbërnia Gakambo,", "morphemes": "ṯa waŋge aŋ-el-a aŋǝ-ndǝ-s-e ig-i g-ǝ-b-ërn-ia Gakambo,", "gloss": "comp1 thing 3sg.inf-come.rt-inf2 3sg.inf-1in.om-eat.rt-inf1 sclg-this clg-dpc-prog-be.called.rt-ipfv dragon", "translation": "so that we can be eaten by something called the Dragon,", "tags": "extraposition", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e50e45", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435227197870, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e50e45" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa leđa alǝɽǝwađaṯe alǝṯi ŋawa egǝṯa!”", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa leđa alǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-e alǝ-ṯ-i ŋawa eg-ǝṯa!”", "gloss": "because people 3.inf1-be.able.rt-inf1 3.inf1-drink.rt-inf1 water loc-pool", "translation": "so that the people can be allowed to drink water from the pool!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V N P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e526ff", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435227302508, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e526ff" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋǝndǝmame nǝñaɽe,", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋǝ-ndǝ-ma-m-e n-ǝ-ñ-aɽ-e,", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-1in.om-iter-take.rt-cons.pfv comp2-dpc-1ex-go.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And the man took us and we went away,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e53815", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435227510715, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e53815" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na Gakambo nǝđǝndǝma iđurṯu nǝđǝlaldǝña", "morphemes": "na Gakambo nǝ-đ-ǝ-ndǝ-m-a i-đurṯu nǝ-đ-ǝ-laldǝñ-a", "gloss": "and dragon comp2-3.inf1-dpc-1in.om-take.rt-cons.ipfv loc-behind comp2-3.inf1-dpc-run.rt-cons.ipfv", "translation": "and the dragon followed us running quickly", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V P N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e54d32", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435227725576, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e54d32" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝđǝndǝjopaṯe elo eđađ", "morphemes": "na nǝ-đ-ǝ-ndǝ-jop-aṯ-e elo e-đađ,", "gloss": "and comp2-3.inf1-dpc-1in.om-reach.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv above loc-road", "translation": "and found us on the road,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e568f5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435228087299, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e568f5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na maje nǝŋǝpwi Gakambo nǝŋǝkǝlaṯe ŋǝɽwa alo nǝŋǝɽǝñe", "morphemes": "Na maje n-ǝŋǝ-pw-i Gakambo n-ǝŋǝ-kǝl-aṯ-e ŋǝɽwa alo n-ǝŋǝ-ɽǝñ-e", "gloss": "and man comp2-3sg.cons-beat.rt-cons.pfv dragon comp2-3sg.cons-cut.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv heads place comp2-3sg.cons-kill.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "And the man fought the dragon and cut off all it's heads and it died,", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N V N N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5876c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435228345845, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5876c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝndëbǝrëci Gakambo na nǝŋǝndǝđwaṯe ṯa ñageṯo ananoŋ!", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-nd-ëbǝr-ëc-i Gakambo na n-ǝŋǝ-ndǝ-đwaṯ-e ṯa ña-g-eṯ-o ananoŋ!", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-1in.om-save.rt-appl-cons.pfv dragon and comp2-3sg.cons-1ex.om-send.rt-cons.pfv comp1 1ex-clg-come.rt-pfv first", "translation": "and he saved us from the dragon and sent us before him!", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Conj V Comp V Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5a207", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435228524170, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5a207" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Gënŋu giđi oro aŋela nḏurṯu!", "morphemes": "Gënŋu g-iđi oro aŋ-el-a nǝ-đurṯu!", "gloss": "3sg.pro clg-fut.aux then 3sg.inf-come.rt-cons.ipfv on-behind", "translation": "He will come soon!\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V Conj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5abff", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435228681165, "3609e59c88a5c23bed3a73dec8e5abff" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen ñere ñǝmulu ñǝɽǝñađaṯa ole.", "morphemes": "Na ŋen ñere ñ-ǝ-mul-u ñ-ǝ-ɽǝñađaṯ-a ole.", "gloss": "and word girls clɲ-dpc-continue.rt-pfv clɲ-dpc-finish.rt-cons.ipfv speech", "translation": "And before the girls finished speaking,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N Adv V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28040625", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435311746517, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28040625" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝgëtu geṯo gaborṯo emǝrṯa lǝfo wasenga.", "morphemes": "Kuku nǝ-g-ëtu g-eṯo g-aborṯ-o emǝrṯa l-ǝ-f-o was-en-ga.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-clg-be.2d clg-come.rt clg-ride.rt-pfv horse cll-dpc-be.loc-pfv wife-3sg.poss-with", "translation": "Kuku came riding a horse with his wife.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V V N V N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2803f7e6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435311848786, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2803f7e6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ananoŋ ŋen lëđǝmwa pređ lǝnno ṯa waŋge gayo,", "morphemes": "Ananoŋ ŋen lëđǝmwa pređ l-ǝ-nn-o ṯa waŋge g-ay-o,", "gloss": "first word young.men all cll-dpc-hear.rt-pfv comp1 thing clg-die.rt-pfv", "translation": "First when all the young men heard that the dragon had died,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv N N Adj V Comp N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28043a09", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435311969890, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28043a09" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "eđa gǝnǝŋ naŋiđiṯi lǝfra ŋǝfǝni nano ǝllëɽǝŋu", "morphemes": "eđa g-ǝnǝŋ n-aŋ-iđ-iṯ-i lǝfra ŋǝfǝni nano ǝl-lëɽǝŋu", "gloss": "man clg-indef comp2-3sg.inf-do.rt-appl-cons.pfv stick blood at cll-3sg.poss", "translation": "each one put blood on his stick,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V N N P Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28045774", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312094853, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28045774" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "naŋaṯa fǝŋu gǝɽǝño waŋge.", "morphemes": "n-aŋ-aṯa fǝ-ŋu g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-o waŋge.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt foc-3sg clg-dpc-kill.rt-pfv thing", "translation": "and claim that he was the one who killed the dragon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280461fc", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312187081, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280461fc" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ŋenŋanṯa lafo lonaṯa lǝmama ñere ñakǝl.", "morphemes": "Ŋenŋanṯa l-a-fo l-onaṯ-a l-ǝ-ma-m-a ñere ñ-akǝl.", "gloss": "because cll-rtc-past.aux cll-want.rt-inf2 cll-dpc-iter-take.rt-inf2 girls sclɲ-that", "translation": "Because they wanted to marry the the girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280482ce", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312391966, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280482ce" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na elǝŋ igi girnuŋ gafo giđi nǝŋeɽǝđe eđa gǝnǝŋ naŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na elǝŋ ig-i g-irnuŋ g-a-fo g-iđi n-ǝŋ-eɽǝđ-e eđa g-ǝnǝŋ n-aŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and chief sclg-this poss-land clg-rtc-past.aux clg-fut.aux comp2-3sg.cons-ask.rt-cons.pfv man clg-indef comp2-3sg.inf-say.rt", "translation": "The chief of the village asked each one and said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj P-N V V V N Adj V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804982f", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312679693, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804982f" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Waŋge igi naɽǝño gerṯo ŋǝɽwa mǝnau?", "morphemes": "“Waŋge ig-i n-a-ɽǝñ-o g-erṯ-o ŋǝɽwa mǝnau?", "gloss": "thing sclg-this comp2-2sg-kill.rt-pfv clg-have.rt-pfv heads how.many", "translation": "\"The thing you killed, how many heads did it have?\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804b6e6", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312794806, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804b6e6" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Ndǝ eđa gero gǝɽǝwađaṯia goɽǝbaca ŋen, nagëṯu gǝbala.", "morphemes": "Ndǝ eđa g-er-o g-ǝ-ɽǝwađaṯ-ia g-oɽǝbac-a ŋen, n-a-g-ëṯu g-ǝ-b-al-a.", "gloss": "if man clg-not.aux-pfv clg-dpc-be.able.rt-ipfv clg-answer.rt-inf2 word comp2-clg.inf-be.2d clg-dpc-prog-go.rt-inf2", "translation": "When anyone was not able to answer, he went away.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V V V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804d238", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312894671, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804d238" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na iliga lǝtëfr Kuku nǝŋela", "morphemes": "Na i-liga lǝtëfr Kuku n-ǝŋ-el-a", "gloss": "and loc-time few kuku comp2-3sg.cons-come.rt-inf2", "translation": "And in a short time Kuku came", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804e798", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435312998338, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2804e798" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na ŋen ñere ñǝnwanǝma nǝñaṯa,", "morphemes": "na ŋen ñere ñ-ǝ-nwan-o-ma nǝ-ñ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and word girls clɲ-dpc-see.rt-pfv-3sg.om comp2-clɲ-say.rt", "translation": "and when the girls saw him they said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28050642", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313152707, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28050642" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Đǝger nwanǝr maje geṯo!”", "morphemes": "“Đǝge-r nwan-o-r maje g-eṯo!”", "gloss": "last-pl look.rt-d.imp-pl man clg-come.rt", "translation": "\"Now look! The man has come!\"", "tags": "check:last", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28051d58", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313262185, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28051d58" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa pređ ldǝđurwađëṯi elo,", "morphemes": "Leđa pređ nǝ-lǝ-đurwađ-ëṯ-i elo,", "gloss": "people all comp2-cll-stand.rt-appl-cons.pfv up", "translation": "All the people stood up", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N Adj V P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805380a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313398006, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805380a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa lonaṯa lǝlǝŋeṯa maje igi gǝɽǝño Gakambo.", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa l-onaṯ-a l-ǝ-lǝŋeṯ-a maje ig-i g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-o Gakambo.", "gloss": "because cll-want.rt-inf2 cll-dpc-know.rt-inf2 man sclg-this clg-dpc-kill.rt-pfv dragon", "translation": "because they wanted to see the man who killed the dragon.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp V V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28054d67", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313548898, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28054d67" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋëuṯi eŋǝla alo isi ye Gakambo leđa nëñua.", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋ-ëuṯ-i eŋǝla alo is-i ye Gakambo leđa nëñua.", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-throw.rt-cons.pfv tongues place scly-this poss dragon people mouths", "translation": "Kuku threw the tongues of the dragon infront of the people.", "tags": "particle", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N Adj P N N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28055e3c", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313743723, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28055e3c" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na elǝŋ nǝŋaṯa, “Đeṯam maje igi,", "morphemes": "Na elǝŋ n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Đeṯam maje ig-i,", "gloss": "and chief comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt true man sclg-this", "translation": "The chief said, \"Surely this man,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V Adv N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280573c0", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435313899412, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280573c0" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "fǝŋu gǝɽǝño Gakambo ŋenŋanṯa gapo eŋǝla yilëɽǝŋu.”", "morphemes": "fǝ-ŋu g-ǝ-ɽǝñ-o Gakambo ŋenŋanṯa g-a-p-o eŋǝla y-ilëɽǝŋu.”", "gloss": "foc-3sg.om clg-dpc-kill.rt-pfv dragon because clg-rtc-carry.rt-pfv tongues cly-3sg.poss", "translation": "is the one who killed the dragon because he brought its tongues.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V V N Comp V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28058e07", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435314107383, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28058e07" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elǝŋ nǝŋëiṯi Kuku ṯa, “Mo ñere iñi aliđi lwasalo.”", "morphemes": "Elǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ëiṯ-i Kuku ṯa, “M-o ñere iñ-i al-iđ-i lwasa-lo.”", "gloss": "chief comp2-3sg.cons-say.to.rt-cons.pfv kuku comp1 take.rt-d.imp girls sclɲ-this cll.inf-do.rt-imp wives-2sg.poss", "translation": "The chief said to Kuku, \"Take these girls and let them be your wives.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Comp V N Adj V N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805a5a2", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435314458501, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805a5a2" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kafi com nǝŋaṯa, “Kuku iganacaŋa ŋere iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝñi,", "morphemes": "Na Kafi com n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “Kuku i-g-a-nac-a-ŋa ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi,", "gloss": "and Kafi also comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt kuku 1sg-clg-rtc-give.rt-inf2-2sg.om girl sclŋ-this clŋ-1sg.poss", "translation": "And also Kafi said, \"Kuku! I have given you my daughter in marriage,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adv V N V N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805bbf5", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435314579623, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805bbf5" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "điñiđi agaɽo unañ đǝge.”", "morphemes": "điñiđi a-g-a-ɽ-o una-ñ đǝge.”", "gloss": "now 2sg-clg-rtc-be.rt-pfv inlaw-1sg.poss last", "translation": "now you are my inlaw.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Adv V N Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805d5bb", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435314690977, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805d5bb" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na ŋen Kuku gaŋǝnṯu ŋen, na Kabi nǝŋaṯa,", "morphemes": "Na ŋen Kuku g-aŋǝnṯ-u ŋen, na Kabi n-ǝŋ-aṯa,", "gloss": "and word kuku clg-accept.rt-pfv word and kapi comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt", "translation": "And when Kuku agreed, Kapi said,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N N V N Conj N V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805fe2d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435314822003, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2805fe2d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "“Mo com ŋere iŋi ŋǝlëɽǝñi.”", "morphemes": "“M-o com ŋere iŋ-i ŋ-ǝlëɽǝñi.”", "gloss": "take.rt-d.imp also girl sclŋ-this clŋ-1sg.poss", "translation": "\"Also take my daughter as your wife.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V Adv N Adj Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280617af", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315011484, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280617af" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Kuku nǝŋaṯa, “Igerṯo orañ irnuŋ egañ", "morphemes": "Kuku n-ǝŋ-aṯa, “I-g-erṯ-o or-añ irnuŋ egañ", "gloss": "kuku comp2-3sg.cons-say.rt 1sg-clg-have.rt-pfv brother-1sg.poss city 1in.poss", "translation": "Kuku said, \"I have a brother in our homeland", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V V N N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806295a", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315165089, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806295a" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "igǝŋumǝṯia ŋere iŋi ŋanṯa Ŋaṯoṯo.”", "morphemes": "i-g-ǝ-ŋu-m-ǝṯ-ia ŋere iŋ-i ŋanṯa Ŋaṯoṯo.”", "gloss": "1sg-clg-dpc-3sg.om-marry.rt-appl girl sclŋ-this name Gototo.", "translation": "I will marry Gototo for him.\"", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28064509", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315354324, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28064509" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa ldaŋǝnṯi ŋen na Kuku nǝŋǝmame ñowa nǝgëtu gabǝla.", "morphemes": "Leđa n-ǝl-aŋǝnṯ-i ŋen na Kuku n-ǝŋǝ-ma-m-e ñowa nǝ-g-ëtu g-a-b-ǝl-a.", "gloss": "people comp2-3.inf1-accept.rt-cons.pfv word and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-iter-take.rt-cons.pfv young.women comp2-clg-be.2d.rt clg-rtc-prog-come.rt-cons.d.pfv", "translation": "The people agreed, and Kuku took the girls and they left.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N Conj N V N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806617b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315507514, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806617b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Elǝŋ nǝŋëɽëci Kuku ñereña eđađ.", "morphemes": "Elǝŋ n-ǝŋ-ëɽ-ëc-i Kuku ñere-ña e-đađ.", "gloss": "chief comp2-3sg.cons-put.rt-appl-cons.pfv kuku girls-with loc-road", "translation": "And the chief bid Kuku farewell on the road", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N V N N-P P-N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280677d4", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315656666, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb280677d4" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na Kuku nǝŋoɽǝbaṯe Nayen Ende.", "morphemes": "Na Kuku n-ǝŋ-oɽǝb-aṯ-e Nayen Ende.", "gloss": "and kuku comp2-3sg.cons-return.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv mountains Ende", "translation": "And Kuku returned to his homeland Ende village.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N V N N", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28069420", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435315942620, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb28069420" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Leđa na lorba lǝlëɽǝŋu na eṯenanda ldǝŋǝreṯe nano kañ,", "morphemes": "Leđa na lorba l-ǝlëɽǝŋu na eṯ-en-anda n-ǝlǝ-ŋǝr-eṯ-e nano kañ,", "gloss": "people and siblings cll-3sg.poss and father-3sg.poss-assoc.pl comp2-3.inf1-be.happy.rt-appl-cons.pfv at very", "translation": "All the people and his brothers and sisters and parents were very happy,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "N Conj N Adj Conj N V P Adv", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806992e", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435316063497, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806992e" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku gabǝɽo Nayen Ecaber nǝŋǝɽe nǝŋǝmǝđia,", "morphemes": "ŋenŋanṯa Kuku g-a-b-ǝɽ-o Nayen Ecaber n-ǝŋ-ǝɽ-e n-ǝŋǝ-mǝđ-ia,", "gloss": "because kuku clg-rtc-prog-go.rt-pfv mountains echaber comp2-3sg.cons-go.rt-cons.pfv comp2-3sg.cons-marry.rt-cons.pfv", "translation": "for Kuku went to Echaber and married from there,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Comp N V N N V V", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806a07b", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435316156801, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806a07b" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "na nǝŋǝma ñere ñiɽijin,", "morphemes": "na n-ǝŋǝ-m-a ñere ñ-iɽijin,", "gloss": "and comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-d.inf2 girls clɲ-three", "translation": "and he married three wives,", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj V N Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806df6d", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435316352350, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806df6d" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "nǝŋǝmǝṯi orba ŋǝnǝŋ na gënŋu nǝŋǝlǝme ñǝɽǝjan.", "morphemes": "n-ǝŋǝ-m-oṯ-i orba ŋ-ǝnǝŋ na gënŋu n-ǝŋǝ-lǝ-m-e ñ-ǝɽǝjan.", "gloss": "comp2-3sg.cons-take.rt-loc.appl-cons.pfv brother clŋ-indef and 3sg.pro comp2-3sg.cons-3pl.om-take.rt-cons.pfv clɲ-two", "translation": "he brought one for his brother and he married the other two girls.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "V N Adj Conj N V Adj", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } }, { "id": "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806fda3", "key": [ "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", 1435316502804, "bf407a86ef65521a7a48fdeb2806fda3" ], "value": { "story": "f4487275c55b057ad05e06c82f7aa999", "sentence": { "judgement": "", "utterance": "Na lënŋulu pređ ldǝfeṯe lǝŋǝranano lwaseniala.", "morphemes": "Na lënŋulu pređ ld-ǝ-f-eṯ-e l-ǝ-ŋǝr-a-nano lwase-nia-la.", "gloss": "and 3pl.pro all cll-dpc-be.2d.rt-cons.pfv cll-dpc-be.happy.rt-d.inf2-at wives-3pl.poss-with", "translation": "And they all lived happy life ever after with their wives.", "tags": "", "syntacticCategory": "Conj N Adj V V-P N-P", "syntacticTreeLatex": "", "validationStatus": "", "enteredByUser": "angalonasir", "modifiedByUser": "" } } } ] }