import socket import time import ssl # Python implementation of RFC 6555 / Happy Eyeballs: find the fastest IPv4/IPv6 connection # See def happyeyeballs(HOST, **kwargs): try: PORT=kwargs['port'] except: PORT=80 try: SSL=kwargs['ssl'] except: SSL=False try: DEBUG=kwargs['debug'] except: DEBUG=False shortesttime = 10000000 # something very big fastserver = None if DEBUG: print "Checking", HOST, PORT, "SSL:", SSL, "DEBUG:", DEBUG try: allinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80, 0, 0, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) except: if DEBUG: print "Could not resolve", HOST return None for i in allinfo: address = i[4][0] if DEBUG: print "Address is ", address # note: i[0] contains socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 try: start = time.clock() # CREATE SOCKET s = socket.socket(i[0], socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(2) if not SSL: s.connect((address, PORT)) s.close() else: # WRAP SOCKET wrappedSocket = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) # CONNECT wrappedSocket.connect((address, PORT)) # CLOSE SOCKET CONNECTION wrappedSocket.close() delay = 1000.0*(time.clock() - start) if DEBUG: print "Connecting took:", delay, "msec" if delay < shortesttime: shortesttime = delay fastserver = address except: if DEBUG: print "Something went wrong (possibly just no connection)" pass if DEBUG: print "Fastest server is", fastserver return fastserver if __name__ == '__main__': print happyeyeballs('', debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=119, debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=563, ssl=True, debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=119, debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=563, ssl=True, debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=119, debug=True), "\n" print happyeyeballs('', port=563, ssl=True, debug=True), "\n" #print happyeyeballs('', debug=True), "\n"