module MD5 exposing (hex) {-| This library allows you to compute MD5 message digests in Elm. It exposes a single function that takes any string and outputs a "fingerprint" containing 32 hexadecimal characters. More information about the MD5 algorithm can be found [here]( # Digest Functions @docs hex -} import Array exposing (Array) import Bitwise exposing (and, complement, or, shiftLeft, shiftRight, shiftRightLogical) import Char import String {-| Given a string of arbitrary length, returns a string of 32 hexadecimal characters (a-f, 0-9) representing the 128-bit MD5 message digest. hex "" == "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" hex "foobarbaz" == "6df23dc03f9b54cc38a0fc1483df6e21" Unlike the [Javascript program]( upon which this implementation is based, CRLF pairs in the input are not automatically replaced with LFs prior to computing the digest. If you want that behaviour you should adjust the input yourself before evaluating the function. For example: myHex : String -> String myHex input = let myInput = Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "\x0D\n") (\_ -> "\n") input in hex myInput -} hex : String -> String hex string = let x = utf8Encode string |> convertToWordArray ( a, b, c, d ) = hex_ x 0 ( 0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476 ) in wordToHex a ++ wordToHex b ++ wordToHex c ++ wordToHex d hex_ : Array Int -> Int -> ( Int, Int, Int, Int ) -> ( Int, Int, Int, Int ) hex_ x k ( a, b, c, d ) = if k >= Array.length x then ( a, b, c, d ) else let s11 = 7 s12 = 12 s13 = 17 s14 = 22 s21 = 5 s22 = 9 s23 = 14 s24 = 20 s31 = 4 s32 = 11 s33 = 16 s34 = 23 s41 = 6 s42 = 10 s43 = 15 s44 = 21 a00 = a b00 = b c00 = c d00 = d a01 = ff a00 b00 c00 d00 (iget (k + 0) x) s11 0xD76AA478 d01 = ff d00 a01 b00 c00 (iget (k + 1) x) s12 0xE8C7B756 c01 = ff c00 d01 a01 b00 (iget (k + 2) x) s13 0x242070DB b01 = ff b00 c01 d01 a01 (iget (k + 3) x) s14 0xC1BDCEEE a02 = ff a01 b01 c01 d01 (iget (k + 4) x) s11 0xF57C0FAF d02 = ff d01 a02 b01 c01 (iget (k + 5) x) s12 0x4787C62A c02 = ff c01 d02 a02 b01 (iget (k + 6) x) s13 0xA8304613 b02 = ff b01 c02 d02 a02 (iget (k + 7) x) s14 0xFD469501 a03 = ff a02 b02 c02 d02 (iget (k + 8) x) s11 0x698098D8 d03 = ff d02 a03 b02 c02 (iget (k + 9) x) s12 0x8B44F7AF c03 = ff c02 d03 a03 b02 (iget (k + 10) x) s13 0xFFFF5BB1 b03 = ff b02 c03 d03 a03 (iget (k + 11) x) s14 0x895CD7BE a04 = ff a03 b03 c03 d03 (iget (k + 12) x) s11 0x6B901122 d04 = ff d03 a04 b03 c03 (iget (k + 13) x) s12 0xFD987193 c04 = ff c03 d04 a04 b03 (iget (k + 14) x) s13 0xA679438E b04 = ff b03 c04 d04 a04 (iget (k + 15) x) s14 0x49B40821 a05 = gg a04 b04 c04 d04 (iget (k + 1) x) s21 0xF61E2562 d05 = gg d04 a05 b04 c04 (iget (k + 6) x) s22 0xC040B340 c05 = gg c04 d05 a05 b04 (iget (k + 11) x) s23 0x265E5A51 b05 = gg b04 c05 d05 a05 (iget (k + 0) x) s24 0xE9B6C7AA a06 = gg a05 b05 c05 d05 (iget (k + 5) x) s21 0xD62F105D d06 = gg d05 a06 b05 c05 (iget (k + 10) x) s22 0x02441453 c06 = gg c05 d06 a06 b05 (iget (k + 15) x) s23 0xD8A1E681 b06 = gg b05 c06 d06 a06 (iget (k + 4) x) s24 0xE7D3FBC8 a07 = gg a06 b06 c06 d06 (iget (k + 9) x) s21 0x21E1CDE6 d07 = gg d06 a07 b06 c06 (iget (k + 14) x) s22 0xC33707D6 c07 = gg c06 d07 a07 b06 (iget (k + 3) x) s23 0xF4D50D87 b07 = gg b06 c07 d07 a07 (iget (k + 8) x) s24 0x455A14ED a08 = gg a07 b07 c07 d07 (iget (k + 13) x) s21 0xA9E3E905 d08 = gg d07 a08 b07 c07 (iget (k + 2) x) s22 0xFCEFA3F8 c08 = gg c07 d08 a08 b07 (iget (k + 7) x) s23 0x676F02D9 b08 = gg b07 c08 d08 a08 (iget (k + 12) x) s24 0x8D2A4C8A a09 = hh a08 b08 c08 d08 (iget (k + 5) x) s31 0xFFFA3942 d09 = hh d08 a09 b08 c08 (iget (k + 8) x) s32 0x8771F681 c09 = hh c08 d09 a09 b08 (iget (k + 11) x) s33 0x6D9D6122 b09 = hh b08 c09 d09 a09 (iget (k + 14) x) s34 0xFDE5380C a10 = hh a09 b09 c09 d09 (iget (k + 1) x) s31 0xA4BEEA44 d10 = hh d09 a10 b09 c09 (iget (k + 4) x) s32 0x4BDECFA9 c10 = hh c09 d10 a10 b09 (iget (k + 7) x) s33 0xF6BB4B60 b10 = hh b09 c10 d10 a10 (iget (k + 10) x) s34 0xBEBFBC70 a11 = hh a10 b10 c10 d10 (iget (k + 13) x) s31 0x289B7EC6 d11 = hh d10 a11 b10 c10 (iget (k + 0) x) s32 0xEAA127FA c11 = hh c10 d11 a11 b10 (iget (k + 3) x) s33 0xD4EF3085 b11 = hh b10 c11 d11 a11 (iget (k + 6) x) s34 0x04881D05 a12 = hh a11 b11 c11 d11 (iget (k + 9) x) s31 0xD9D4D039 d12 = hh d11 a12 b11 c11 (iget (k + 12) x) s32 0xE6DB99E5 c12 = hh c11 d12 a12 b11 (iget (k + 15) x) s33 0x1FA27CF8 b12 = hh b11 c12 d12 a12 (iget (k + 2) x) s34 0xC4AC5665 a13 = ii a12 b12 c12 d12 (iget (k + 0) x) s41 0xF4292244 d13 = ii d12 a13 b12 c12 (iget (k + 7) x) s42 0x432AFF97 c13 = ii c12 d13 a13 b12 (iget (k + 14) x) s43 0xAB9423A7 b13 = ii b12 c13 d13 a13 (iget (k + 5) x) s44 0xFC93A039 a14 = ii a13 b13 c13 d13 (iget (k + 12) x) s41 0x655B59C3 d14 = ii d13 a14 b13 c13 (iget (k + 3) x) s42 0x8F0CCC92 c14 = ii c13 d14 a14 b13 (iget (k + 10) x) s43 0xFFEFF47D b14 = ii b13 c14 d14 a14 (iget (k + 1) x) s44 0x85845DD1 a15 = ii a14 b14 c14 d14 (iget (k + 8) x) s41 0x6FA87E4F d15 = ii d14 a15 b14 c14 (iget (k + 15) x) s42 0xFE2CE6E0 c15 = ii c14 d15 a15 b14 (iget (k + 6) x) s43 0xA3014314 b15 = ii b14 c15 d15 a15 (iget (k + 13) x) s44 0x4E0811A1 a16 = ii a15 b15 c15 d15 (iget (k + 4) x) s41 0xF7537E82 d16 = ii d15 a16 b15 c15 (iget (k + 11) x) s42 0xBD3AF235 c16 = ii c15 d16 a16 b15 (iget (k + 2) x) s43 0x2AD7D2BB b16 = ii b15 c16 d16 a16 (iget (k + 9) x) s44 0xEB86D391 a' = addUnsigned a00 a16 b' = addUnsigned b00 b16 c' = addUnsigned c00 c16 d' = addUnsigned d00 d16 in hex_ x (k + 16) ( a', b', c', d' ) convertToWordArray : String -> Array Int convertToWordArray input = let messageLength = String.length input tmp1 = messageLength + 8 tmp2 = (tmp1 - (tmp1 % 64)) // 64 numberOfWords = 16 * (tmp2 + 1) words = Array.repeat numberOfWords 0 in convertToWordArray_ input 0 messageLength words convertToWordArray_ : String -> Int -> Int -> Array Int -> Array Int convertToWordArray_ input byteCount messageLength words = let wordCount = (byteCount - (byteCount % 4)) // 4 bytePosition = 8 * (byteCount % 4) oldWord = Array.get wordCount words |> Maybe.withDefault 0 in if byteCount < messageLength then let str = String.slice byteCount (byteCount + 1) input split = String.uncons str code = case split of Nothing -> 0 Just ( c, _ ) -> Char.toCode c `shiftLeft` bytePosition newWord = oldWord `or` code newWords = Array.set wordCount newWord words in convertToWordArray_ input (byteCount + 1) messageLength newWords else let numberOfWords = Array.length words code = 0x80 `shiftLeft` bytePosition newWord = oldWord `or` code tmp1 = Array.set wordCount newWord words tmp2 = Array.set (numberOfWords - 2) (messageLength `shiftLeft` 3) tmp1 in Array.set (numberOfWords - 1) (messageLength `shiftRightLogical` 29) tmp2 utf8Encode : String -> String utf8Encode string = utf8Encode_ string "" utf8Encode_ : String -> String -> String utf8Encode_ input output = let split = String.uncons input in case split of Nothing -> output Just ( nextChar, remainingInput ) -> let c = Char.toCode nextChar newOutput = if c < 128 then output ++ String.fromChar nextChar else if c < 2048 then output ++ ((c `shiftRight` 6) `or` 192 |> Char.fromCode |> String.fromChar) ++ ((c `and` 63) `or` 128 |> Char.fromCode |> String.fromChar) else output ++ ((c `shiftRight` 12) `or` 224 |> Char.fromCode |> String.fromChar) ++ (((c `shiftRight` 6) `and` 63) `or` 128 |> Char.fromCode |> String.fromChar) ++ ((c `and` 63) `or` 128 |> Char.fromCode |> String.fromChar) in utf8Encode_ remainingInput newOutput wordToHex : Int -> String wordToHex input = wordToHex_ input 0 "" wordToHex_ : Int -> Int -> String -> String wordToHex_ input index output = if index > 3 then output else let byte = (input `shiftRightLogical` (index * 8)) `and` 255 tmp2 = toHex byte tmp1 = if String.length tmp2 == 1 then "0" else "" in wordToHex_ input (index + 1) (output ++ tmp1 ++ tmp2) hexFromInt : Int -> Char hexFromInt i = if i < 10 then Char.fromCode <| i + Char.toCode '0' else Char.fromCode <| i - 10 + Char.toCode 'a' toHex : Int -> String toHex i = if i < 16 then String.fromChar <| hexFromInt i else toHex (i // 16) ++ (String.fromChar <| hexFromInt (i % 16)) rotateLeft : Int -> Int -> Int rotateLeft input bits = (input `shiftLeft` bits) `or` (input `shiftRightLogical` (32 - bits)) addUnsigned : Int -> Int -> Int addUnsigned x y = let x8 = x `and` 0x80000000 y8 = y `and` 0x80000000 x4 = x `and` 0x40000000 y4 = y `and` 0x40000000 result = (x `and` 0x3FFFFFFF) + (y `and` 0x3FFFFFFF) in if x4 `and` y4 > 0 then result `ixor` 0x80000000 `ixor` x8 `ixor` y8 else if x4 `or` y4 > 0 then if result `and` 0x40000000 > 0 then result `ixor` 0xC0000000 `ixor` x8 `ixor` y8 else result `ixor` 0x40000000 `ixor` x8 `ixor` y8 else result `ixor` x8 `ixor` y8 ixor : Int -> Int -> Int ixor x y = Bitwise.xor x y iget : Int -> Array Int -> Int iget index array = Array.get index array |> Maybe.withDefault 0 f : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int f x y z = (x `and` y) `or` ((complement x) `and` z) g : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int g x y z = (x `and` z) `or` (y `and` (complement z)) h : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int h x y z = x `ixor` y `ixor` z i : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int i x y z = y `ixor` (x `or` (complement z)) ff : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ff a b c d x s ac = let z = addUnsigned a (addUnsigned (addUnsigned (f b c d) x) ac) in addUnsigned (rotateLeft z s) b gg : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int gg a b c d x s ac = let z = addUnsigned a (addUnsigned (addUnsigned (g b c d) x) ac) in addUnsigned (rotateLeft z s) b hh : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int hh a b c d x s ac = let z = addUnsigned a (addUnsigned (addUnsigned (h b c d) x) ac) in addUnsigned (rotateLeft z s) b ii : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ii a b c d x s ac = let z = addUnsigned a (addUnsigned (addUnsigned (i b c d) x) ac) in addUnsigned (rotateLeft z s) b