[Table of contents generated using this app](https://tableofcontents.herokuapp.com) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Motivations](#motivations) - [Detailed design](#detailed-design) - [Intro to the data](#intro-to-the-data) - [Web API](#web-api) - [General reference and tips](#general-reference-and-tips) - [Potential simplification](#potential-simplification) - [UI](#ui) - [Implementation](#implementation) - [Ideas](#ideas) - [Design choices](#design-choices) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [Database repilicas](#database-repilicas) - [UI deployments](#ui-deployments) # Introduction We seek to provide a functional rest-api based webapp to access various dictionaries stored in a database. We intend for the database to serve a huge, eclectic mix of dictionaries which are not already available in a single spot. ## Motivations (in decreasing order of importance) * Any web developer should be able to make simple REST-API calls to our backend to easily get entries for a lot of dictionaries (most of whom aren't already available in such manner). * Imagine being able to highlight a word and use the context menu while reading a text to get it's meanings, grammatical info (linga, vibhakti, vachana, puruSha) etc.. * Imagine being able to make simple commentaries (like [this](http://www.valmikiramayan.net/utf8/baala/sarga3/bala_3_frame.htm)) with a few mouse clicks per word (selecting the meaning most appropriate to the context). * End users ( sanskrit students and scholars ) should be able to thoroughly investigate a term in the dictionaries using just a browser, without having to install any software. * End users should be able to point out errors (eg. via a link). * Users should be able to log in and submit new words to a "user dictionary" (as in or wiktionary, but using convenience of openId and less fuss.) # Detailed design ## Intro to the data * We have several projects which collect dictionaries for various languages ([link](https://github.com/search?q=org%3Asanskrit-coders+stardict)). These dictionaries are further subcategorized by topic, entry language etc.. (eg. Ayurveda, sa-german etc..). * Simplest programmatic current way to access dictionary data is through babylon files ([some here](https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=user%3Asanskrit-coders+extension%3Ababylon_final&type=Code) - open one to check out the format). * We ultimately have the (extensible) JSON structure exemplified below for each entry: ``` { "_id": "stardict-sanskrit__sa-head__sa-entries__vAchaspatyam-sa__vAchaspatyam-sa__22721", "_rev": "1-bce5a5d86829ba751b32be7839771d42", "entry": { "text": "{@कटि(टी)@}¦ स्त्री कट-इन्।

१ श्रोणिदेशे(काकांल)। कृदिकारान्तत्वात् वा ङीप्।
“सहासनमभिप्रेप्सुरुत्कृष्टस्पाप्यपकृ-ष्टजः। अट्यां कृताङ्कोनिर्वास्यः” मनुः।
“कटिश्च तस्या-तिकृतप्रमाणा” भा॰ व॰


५४ ।
“सव्येन च कटीदेशेगृह्य वाससि पाण्डवः” भा॰ आ॰


“कटिस्तु हरतेमनः” सा॰ द॰। तत्र तच्छब्दस्य ग्राम्यत्वमुक्तम्। ङीबन्तः

२ पिप्पल्पां स्त्री मेदि॰" }, "jsonClass": "DictEntry", "location": { "dictionaryId": "stardict-sanskrit__sa-head__sa-entries__vAchaspatyam-sa__vAchaspatyam-sa", "entryNumber": 22721, "jsonClass": "DictLocation", }, "headwords": [ { "text": "kaTi" }, { "text": "कटि" } ] } ``` * For dictionary metadata, we have the following structure: ``` { "_id": "amarakosha", "name": "अमरकोशः", "authors": ["अमरसिंहः"], "licenseLink": "http://some-link", "canonicalSource": "http://some-link", "categories": ["sanskrit to sanskrit", "thesaurus"], "issuePage": "https://github.com/sanskrit-coders/stardict-sanskrit/issues" } ``` ## Web API Actually, whatever couchdb provides is enough. Examples below are from the vedavaapi.org deployment (for https equivalents and other servers, see the "Deployment" section). * Querying dictionary entries: use the dict_entries database and the index_headwords index * Get a particular dictionary entry: [link](http://vedavaapi.org:5984/dict_entries/stardict-sanskrit__sa-head__sa-entries__amara-onto__amara-onto__0). * Get a grouped count of some words starting with ast: [link](http://vedavaapi.org:5984/dict_entries/_design/index_headwords/_view/index_headwords?limit=20&reduce=true&inclusive_end=true&start_key=%22ast%22&group=true) . * Get a list of 10 entries starting with कटि : [get all](http://vedavaapi.org:5984/dict_entries/_design/index_headwords/_view/index_headwords?limit=10&reduce=false&inclusive_end=true&include_docs=true&start_key=%22%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%9F%E0%A4%BF%22) * This also gives you the offset for the starting result (useful for randomizing, stats etc..). ### General reference and tips * couchdb [documentation](http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/api/database/find.html) for the general find call. ### Potential simplification In the ideal case, we would have the following (from the view of simplicity) (in decreasing order of importance): * `/words/xyz` yields the appropriate entry if it exists; or returns a list of n=40 words starting with that substring 'xyz' - from all dictionaries. * `/dictionaries/dictionaryId/words/xyz` - same as above, restricted to one dictionary. * `/dictionaries/dictionaryCategory/words/xyz` does the same - except for all dictionaries in a given category. * `/words_with_substring/xyz` etc.. ## UI (in decreasing order of importance) * Should be mobile friendly, with flowing text. * Searching: * User is able to search for a word in multiple dictionaries. * As a user types, a dropdown of suggestions appear, thereby avoiding unnecessary strain. * User can restrict search to certain dictionaries or dictionary categories. * Complex (ok if slower) searches based on substrings (or eventually regular expressions), matching headwords. * Complex search within entries. * Results: * A term can appear in many dictionaries, the user should be able to quickly navigate to the dictionary or dictionary-category of his choice. * Some history (what words were recently looked up). * Stats: * Collect site use stats (eg. using google analytics). * Submit lookup stats to the server. * Example from Goldendict (desktop) [here](http://imgur.com/a/Tj6OZ?). # Design choices ## Ideas * Use no-sql database with good replication characteristics, like couchdb. couchdb already provides some simple API, and it is extensible. * Leverage the rest api that couchdb provides to the extant possible. * Use offline catching intelligently to minimize communicating with the server. Caching ideas: * Headword-dictionary mappings # Software choices * Pouchdb has size limitations due to its use of JS indexed Db, so we cannot use it heavily. * Using Polymer for example frontend because of its utility and its easy compatibility with web components standards. # Deployment ## Database repilicas * You want to host a repilica and make things faster for folks in your geographical area? Just open an issue in this project and let us know. * Ahmedabad, IN * [http access](http://vedavaapi.org:5984/dict_entries/_all_docs) * [https access](http://vedavaapi.org:5984/dict_entries/_all_docs) * Bay area, USA (dev machine, unstable) ## UI deployments * Polymer app * See [polymer-app/README.md](blob/master/docs/polymer-app/README.md). * You want to host copies (or even develop a superior UI?) and make things faster for folks in your geographical area? Just open an issue in this project and let us know. We'd love to list it here.