import logging from flask import Flask from flask import request as call_request from tf_template import Model, TextProcess, AVAILABLE_GPUS app = Flask(__name__) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # app.logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('server.log')) # Uncomment to save logs to file `server.log` app_has_run_before: bool = False @app.before_request def first_run(): global app_has_run_before if not app_has_run_before:"Num GPUs Available: {len(AVAILABLE_GPUS)}") app.config['text_process'] = TextProcess() app.config['model'] = Model() app_has_run_before = True @app.route("/v1/predict", methods=["POST"]) def predict() -> str: text_process = app.config['text_process'] model = app.config['model'] input_data = dict(call_request.json) text = str(input_data['text'])'Requested text: {text}') prediction = model.predict( text_process.pre_process(text) )"Prediction: {prediction}") return text_process.post_process(prediction) if __name__ == "__main__":"", debug=True, port=9001) """ To run and debug locally: 1. Install - flask - scikit-learn - tensorflow==2.10.0 2. Run the server from the project's root directory $ export SERVE_FILES_PATH=tf_files && python server/ As an alternative, the server can be run like this: $ export SERVE_FILES_PATH=../tf_files && gunicorn --chdir server serve:app -b 3. Query the endpoint $ curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/v1/predict' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"text": "A restaurant with great ambiance"}' 4. Result should be { "negative": 0.5039926171302795 } """