/** @file @brief Auto-generated file @details This file contains all the macros in a single file - which means it can be 'included' in SAS with just 2 lines of code: filename mc url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sasjs/core/main/all.sas"; %inc mc; The `build.py` file in the https://github.com/sasjs/core repo is used to create this file. @author Allan Bowe **/ options noquotelenmax; /** @file @brief Abort, ungracefully @details Will abort with a straightforward %abort if the condition is true. @param [in] mac= (mf_abort.sas) Name of calling macro (is printed to the log) @param [in] msg= ( ) Additional string to print to the log @param [in] iftrue= (%str(1=1)) Conditional logic under which to perform the abort
if it exists.
In a Stored Process session, &sysuserid
resolves to a system account (default=sassrv) and instead there are several
metadata username variables to choose from (_metauser, _metaperson
,_username, _secureusername). The OS account is represented by
whilst the metadata account is under
%let user= %mf_getUser();
%put &user;
@return SYSUSERID (if workspace server)
@return _METAPERSON (if stored process server)
@return SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER (if Viya compute session)
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mf_getuser(
%local user;
%if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;
%else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;
%else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;
%if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;
/* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */
/* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */
%else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));
%else %let user=&sysuserid;
%mend mf_getuser;
@brief Retrieves a value from a dataset. If no filter supplied, then first
record is used.
@details Be sure to %quote()
your where clause. Example usage:
%put %mf_getvalue(sashelp.class,name,filter=%quote(age=15));
%put %mf_getvalue(sashelp.class,name);
%put Number of observations=%mf_nobs(sashelp.class);
is used.
observations, enter an integer here.
@param [in] random_sample= (NO) Set to YES to generate a random sample of
data. Can be quite slow.
@param [in] showlog= (YES) Whether to show generated cards file in the SAS
log. Valid values:
@li YES
@li NO
@param [in] outencoding= Provide encoding value for file statement (eg utf-8)
@param [in] append= (NO) If NO then will rebuild the cards file if it already
exists, otherwise will append to it. Used by the mp_lib2cards.sas macro.
, outloc= C:\temp )
The output will be one cards file in the `outloc` directory per dataset in the
input `lib` library. If the `outloc` directory does not exist, it is created.
To create a single SAS file with the first 1000 records of each table in a
library you could use this syntax:
, outloc= /tmp
, outfile= myfile.sas
, maxobs= 1000
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mp_lib2cards(lib=
/* Find the tables */
%local x ds memlist;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct lowcase(memname)
into: memlist
separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where upcase(libname)="%upcase(&lib)";
/* trim trailing slash, if provided */
%let outloc=%mf_trimstr(&outloc,/);
%let outloc=%mf_trimstr(&outloc,\);
/* create the output directory */
/* create the cards files */
%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&memlist));
%let ds=%scan(&memlist,&x);
%if "&outfile" ne "0" %then %do;
%else %do;
%mend mp_lib2cards;/**
@brief Convert all data in a library to SQL insert statements
@details Gets list of members then calls the %mp_ds2inserts()
%mp_getddl(sashelp, schema=work, fref=tempref)
%mp_lib2inserts(sashelp, schema=work, outref=tempref)
%inc tempref;
The output will be one file in the outref fileref.
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
@source https://github.com/sasjs/core
%macro mp_perflog(label,libds=work.mp_perflog
%if not (%mf_existds(&libds)) %then %do;
data &libds;
length sysjobid $10 label $256 dttm 8.;
format dttm datetime19.3;
call missing(of _all_);
proc sql;
insert into &libds
set sysjobid="&sysjobid"
%mend mp_perflog;/**
@brief Enables previous observations to be re-instated
@details Remembers the last X observations by storing them in a hash table.
Is a convenience over the use of lag() or retain, when an entire observation
needs to be restored.
This macro will also restore automatic variables (such as _n_ and _error_).
Example Usage:
data example;
set sashelp.class;
%* initialise hash and save from PDV ;
if _n_ =10 then do;
%* fetch previous but 1 record;
put _n_= name= age= calc_var=;
%* fetch previous record;
put _n_= name= age= calc_var=;
%* reinstate current record ;
put _n_= name= age= calc_var=;
Credit is made to `data _null_` for authoring this very helpful paper:
@param [in] action Either FETCH a current or previous record, or INITialise.
@param [in] record The relative (to current) position of the previous row
to return.
@param [in] history= (5) The number of records to retain in the hash table.
@param [in] prefix= (mp_prevobs) The prefix to give to the variables used to
store the hash name and index.
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mp_prevobs(action,record,history=5,prefix=mp_prevobs
%let action=%upcase(&action);
%let prefix=%upcase(&prefix);
%let record=%eval((&record+0) * -1);
%if &action=INIT %then %do;
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
attrib &prefix._VAR length=$64;
dcl hash &prefix._HASH(ordered:'Y');
do while(1);
call vnext(&prefix._VAR);
if &prefix._VAR='' then leave;
if &prefix._VAR eq "&prefix._VAR" then continue;
else if &prefix._VAR eq "&prefix._KEY" then continue;
/* this part has to happen before FETCHing */
if &prefix._rc then putlog 'adding' &prefix._rc=;
%if &history>0 %then %do;
if &prefix._key>&history+1 then
&prefix._HASH.remove(key: &prefix._KEY - &history - 1);
if &prefix._rc then putlog 'removing' &prefix._rc=;
%else %if &action=FETCH %then %do;
if &record>&prefix._key then putlog "Not enough records in &Prefix._hash yet";
else &prefix._rc=&prefix._HASH.find(key: &prefix._KEY - &record);
if &prefix._rc then putlog &prefix._rc= " when fetching " &prefix._KEY=
"with record &record and " _n_=;
%mend mp_prevobs;/**
@brief Returns all children from a hierarchy table for a specified parent
@details Where data stores hierarchies in a simple parent / child mapping,
it is not always straightforward to extract all the children for a
particular parent. This problem is known as a recursive self join. This
macro will extract all the descendents for a parent.
data have;
@param [in] base_ds= base table containing hierarchy (not modified)
@param [out] outds= the output dataset to create with the generated hierarchy
@param [in] matchval= the ultimate parent from which to filter
@param [in] parentvar= name of the parent variable
@param [in] childvar= () name of the child variable (should be same type as
@param [in] mdebug= set to 1 to prevent temp tables being dropped
@returns outds contains the following variables:
- level (0 = top level)
- &parentvar
- &childvar (null if none found)
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mp_recursivejoin(base_ds=
,iter= /* reserved for internal / recursive use by the macro itself */
,maxiter=500 /* avoid infinite loop */
%if &iter= %then %do;
proc sql;
create table &outds as
select 0 as level,&parentvar, &childvar
from &base_ds
where &parentvar=&matchval;
%if &sqlobs.=0 %then %do;
%put NOTE: &sysmacroname: No match for &parentvar=&matchval;
%let iter=1;
%else %if &iter>&maxiter %then %return;
proc sql;
create table _data_ as
select &iter as level
,curr.&childvar as &parentvar
,base_ds.&childvar as &childvar
from &outds curr
left join &base_ds base_ds
on curr.&childvar=base_ds.&parentvar
where curr.level=%eval(&iter.-1)
& curr.&childvar is not null;
%local append_ds; %let append_ds=&syslast;
%local obs; %let obs=&sqlobs;
insert into &outds select distinct * from &append_ds;
%if &mdebug=0 %then drop table &append_ds;;
%if &obs %then %do;
%mend mp_recursivejoin;
@brief Performs a text substitution on a file
@details Performs a find and replace on a file, either in place or to a new
file. Can be used on files where lines are longer than 32767.
Works by reading in the file byte by byte, then marking the beginning and end
of each matched string, before finally doing the replace.
Full credit for this highly efficient and syntactically satisfying SAS logic
goes to [Bartosz Jabłoński](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yabwon), founder of
the [SAS Packages](https://github.com/yabwon/SAS_PACKAGES) framework.
%let file="%sysfunc(pathname(work))/file.txt";
%let str=replace/me;
%let rep=with/this;
data _null_;
file &file;
put 'blahblah';
put "blahblah&str.blah";
put 'blahblahblah';
%mp_replace(&file, findvar=str, replacevar=rep)
data _null_;
infile &file;
Note - if you are running a version of SAS that will allow the io package in
LUA, you can also use this macro: mp_gsubfile.sas
@param [in] infile The QUOTED path to the file on which to perform the
@param [in] findvar= Macro variable NAME containing the string to search for
@param [in] replacevar= Macro variable NAME containing the replacement string
@param [out] outfile= (0) Optional QUOTED path to the adjusted output file (to
avoid overwriting the first file).
Transaction Type | Key Behaviour | Column Behaviour |
Deletes | The row is added to `&outDEL.` UNLESS it no longer exists in the base table, in which case it is added to `&errDS.` instead. | Deletes are unaffected by the addition or removal of non Primary-Key columns. |
Inserts |
Previously newly added rows are added to the `outADD` table UNLESS they
are present in the Base table. In this case they are added to the `&errDS.` table instead. |
Inserts are unaffected by the addition of columns in the Base Table (they are padded with blanks). Deleted columns are only a problem if they appear on the previous insert - in which case the record is added to `&errDS.`. |
Updates |
Previously modified rows are merged with base table values such that
only the individual cells that were _previously_ changed are re-applied.
Where the row contains cells that were not marked as having changed in
the prior transaction, the 'blanks' are filled with base table values in
the `outMOD` table. If the row no longer exists on the base table, then the row is added to the `errDS` table instead. |
Updates are unaffected by the addition of columns in the Base Table - the new cells are simply populated with Base Table values. Deleted columns are only a problem if they relate to a modified cell (`is_diff=1`) - in which case the record is added to `&errDS.`. |
@param [out] outds= the dataset to create that contains the list of stps.
@param [in] mDebug= set to 1 to show debug messages in the log
@param [in] showDesc= provide a non blank value to return stored process
@param [in] showUsageVersion= ()
Provide a non blank value to return the UsageVersion.
This is either 1000000 (type 1, 9.2) or 2000000 (type2, 9.3 onwards).
@returns outds dataset containing the following columns
- stpuri
- stpname
- treeuri
- stpdesc (if requested)
- usageversion (if requested)
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mm_getstps(
%local mD;
%if &mDebug=1 %then %let mD=;
%else %let mD=%str(*);
%&mD.put Executing mm_getstps.sas;
%&mD.put _local_;
data &outds;
length stpuri stpname usageversion treeuri stpdesc $256;
call missing (of _all_);
%if %length(&tree)>0 %then %do;
/* get tree info */
%mm_gettree(tree=&tree,inds=&outds, outds=&outds, mDebug=&mDebug)
%if %mf_nobs(&outds)=0 %then %do;
%put NOTE: Tree &tree did not exist!!;
data &outds ;
set &outds(rename=(treeuri=treeuri_compare));
length treeuri query stpuri $256;
%if %length(&name)>0 %then %do;
query="omsobj:ClassifierMap?@PublicType='StoredProcess' and @Name='&name'";
putlog query=;
%else %do;
%if &mDebug=1 %then %do;
putlog 'start' (_all_)(=);
do while(0&outds
) containing both the path
and uri.
%mm_getTree(tree=/User Folders/sasdemo)
@param [in] tree= the BIP Tree folder path or uri
@param [out] outds= the dataset to create that contains the tree path & uri
@param [in] inds= an optional input dataset to augment with treepath & treeuri
@param [in] mDebug= set to 1 to show debug messages in the log
@returns outds dataset containing the following columns:
- treeuri
- treepath
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mm_getTree(
%local mD;
%if &mDebug=1 %then %let mD=;
%else %let mD=%str(*);
%&mD.put Executing mm_getTree.sas;
%&mD.put _local_;
data &outds;
length treeuri __parenturi __type __name $256 treepath $512;
%if %length(&inds)>0 %then %do;
set &inds;
if __type='Tree' then do;
/* get parents */
do while (metadata_getnasn(treeuri,"ParentTree",1,__parenturi)>0);
else do;
__rc2=metadata_pathobj(' ',"&tree",'Folder',__type,treeuri);
&mD.put (_all_)(=);
drop __:;
if treeuri ne "" and treepath ne "" then output;
%mend mm_getTree;/**
@brief Creates a dataset with all metadata types
@details Usage:
@param [in] outds= (work.mm_gettypes)
The dataset to create that contains the list of types
@returns outds dataset containing all types
@warning The following filenames are created and then de-assigned:
filename sxlemap clear;
filename response clear;
libname _XML_ clear;
@version 9.2
@author Allan Bowe
%macro mm_gettypes(
* use a temporary fileref to hold the response;
filename response temp;
/* get list of libraries */
proc metadata in=
%* compile macros ;
filename mc url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sasjs/core/main/all.sas";
%inc mc;
%* parmcards lets us write to a text file from open code ;
filename ft15f001 temp;
%* do some sas, any inputs are now already WORK tables;
data example1 example2;
set sashelp.class;
%* send data back;
%webout(ARR,example1) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;
%webout(OBJ,example2) * Object format, easier to work with ;
For more examples of using these web services with the SASjs Adapter, see:
@param [in] path= (0) The full SASjs Drive path in which to create the service
@param [in] name= Stored Program name
@param [in] desc= The description of the service (not implemented yet)
@param [in] precode= Space separated list of filerefs, pointing to the code
that needs to be attached to the beginning of the service (optional)
@param [in] code= (ft15f001) Space seperated fileref(s) of the actual code to
be added
@param [in] mDebug= (0) set to 1 to show debug messages in the log