from Components.AVSwitch import AVSwitch from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Label import Label from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigText, ConfigInteger, ConfigBoolean, ConfigSelection from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor from Screens.Console import Console from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Screens.Screen import Screen from Tools.BoundFunction import boundFunction from enigma import eConsoleAppContainer import json import time from decimal import Decimal from collections import OrderedDict config.sdgradio = ConfigSubsection() config.sdgradio.last = ConfigText(default = "87.5") config.sdgradio.lastbutton = ConfigInteger(default = 0, limits = (0, 9)) config.sdgradio.a = ConfigText(default = "87.5") config.sdgradio.b = ConfigText(default = "89.0") config.sdgradio.c = ConfigText(default = "94.0") config.sdgradio.d = ConfigText(default = "96.0") config.sdgradio.e = ConfigText(default = "98.0") config.sdgradio.f = ConfigText(default = "98.0") config.sdgradio.g = ConfigText(default = "100.0") config.sdgradio.h = ConfigText(default = "102.0") config.sdgradio.i = ConfigText(default = "107.0") config.sdgradio.j = ConfigText(default = "108.0") config.sdgradio.rds = ConfigBoolean(default = False) config.sdgradio.modulation = ConfigSelection(choices=[("fm", _("FM")), ("am", _("AM")), ("lsb", _("LSB")), ("usb", _("USB")), ("dab", _("DAB/DAB+"))], default="fm") DAB_FREQ = OrderedDict([(Decimal('174.928'), '5A'), (Decimal('176.64'), '5B'), (Decimal('178.352'), '5C'), (Decimal('180.064'), '5D'), (Decimal('181.936'), '6A'), (Decimal('183.648'), '6B'), (Decimal('185.36'), '6C'), (Decimal('187.072'), '6D'), (Decimal('188.928'), '7A'), (Decimal('190.64'), '7B'), (Decimal('192.352'), '7C'), (Decimal('194.064'), '7D'), (Decimal('195.936'), '8A'), (Decimal('197.648'), '8B'), (Decimal('199.36'), '8C'), (Decimal('201.072'), '8D'), (Decimal('202.928'), '9A'), (Decimal('204.64'), '9B'), (Decimal('206.352'), '9C'), (Decimal('208.064'), '9D'), (Decimal('209.936'), '10A'), (Decimal('211.648'), '10B'), (Decimal('213.36'), '10C'), (Decimal('215.072'), '10D'), (Decimal('216.928'), '11A'), (Decimal('218.64'), '11B'), (Decimal('220.352'), '11C'), (Decimal('222.064'), '11D'), (Decimal('223.936'), '12A'), (Decimal('225.648'), '12B'), (Decimal('227.36'), '12C'), (Decimal('229.072'), '12D'), (Decimal('230.748'), '13A'), (Decimal('232.496'), '13B'), (Decimal('234.208'), '13C'), (Decimal('235.776'), '13D'), (Decimal('237.488'), '13E'), (Decimal('239.2'), '13F')]) try: from enigma import addFont addFont('/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/SDGRadio/fonts/mssdr-digitali.ttf', 'Digital', 90, 1) except: print "[SDGRadio] failed to add font" BTN_MEM_DOWN = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/SDGRadio/img/btn_mem_0%d_down.png" BTN_MEM_UP = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/SDGRadio/img/btn_mem_0%d_up.png" class SDGRadioScreen(Screen): skin=""" Format:%d-%m-%Y Format:%A Format:%-H:%M Format: :%S WithSeconds """ def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) for i in range(0,10): self["mem_%d" % i] = Pixmap() self["freq"] = Label() self["radiotext"] = Label() self["prog_type"] = Label() self["key_red"] = Label(config.sdgradio.modulation.getText()) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Save")) if config.sdgradio.rds.value: self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("RDS On")) else: self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("RDS Off")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Log")) self["info"] = Label(_("Info")) # get currently playing service self.oldService = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() # stop currently playing service self.session.nav.stopService() # log messages self.log = [] # display radio mvi eConsoleAppContainer().execute("showiframe /usr/share/enigma2/radio.mvi") #self.Scale = AVSwitch().getFramebufferScale() self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "DirectionActions", "WizardActions", "ColorActions", "MenuActions", "ChannelSelectEPGActions", "ChannelSelectBaseActions"], { "back": self.cancel, # add the RC Command "cancel" to close your Screen "0": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 0), "1": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 1), "2": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 2), "3": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 3), "4": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 4), "5": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 5), "6": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 6), "7": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 7), "8": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 8), "9": boundFunction(self.buttonNumber, 9), "up": boundFunction(self.up, "0.1"), "down": boundFunction(self.down, "0.1"), "left": self.left, "right": self.right, "ok": self.ok, "upRepeated": boundFunction(self.up, "0.1"), "downRepeated": boundFunction(self.down, "0.1"), "leftRepeated": self.left, "rightRepeated": self.right, "info":, "red":, "green":, "yellow": self.yellow, "blue":, "nextBouquet": boundFunction(self.up, "0.0001"), "prevBouquet": boundFunction(self.down, "0.0001"), "nextMarker": boundFunction(self.up, "0.001"), "prevMarker": boundFunction(self.down, "0.001"), }, -1) self.Console = None self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.ShowPicture) def PlayRadio(self, freq): self.doConsoleStop() time.sleep(0.3) self.Console = eConsoleAppContainer() #self.Console.dataAvail.append(self.cbDataAvail) self.Console.stderrAvail.append(self.cbStderrAvail) #self.Console.appClosed.append(self.cbAppClosed) if config.sdgradio.modulation.value == "fm": if config.sdgradio.rds.value: cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M fm -l 0 -A std -s 171k -g 40 -E deemp -F 0 - | redsea -e | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=171000 ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq else: cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M fm -A std -s 10k -g 40 - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=10000 ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq elif config.sdgradio.modulation.value == "am": cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M am -A std -s 10k -g 40 - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=10000 ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq elif config.sdgradio.modulation.value == "lsb": cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M lsb -A std -s 3k -g 40 - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=3000 ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq elif config.sdgradio.modulation.value == "usb": cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M usb -A std -s 3k -g 40 - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=3000 ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq elif config.sdgradio.modulation.value == "dab": cmd = "dab-rtlsdr-3 -C %s -W15 | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=2, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % DAB_FREQ.get(freq, '5A') else: cmd = "rtl_fm -f %sM -M wbfm -s 200000 -r 48000 - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, layout=interleaved, rate=48000 ! dvbaudiosink" % freq print "[SDGRadio] PlayRadio cmd: %s" % cmd self.Console.execute(cmd) def RDSProcess(self, data): try: rds = json.loads(data) if "ps" in rds and self.getTitle() != rds["ps"].encode('utf8'): self.setTitle(rds["ps"].encode('utf8')) if "radiotext" in rds and self["radiotext"].getText() != rds["radiotext"].encode('utf8'): self["radiotext"].setText(rds["radiotext"].encode('utf8')) if "partial_radiotext" in rds and self["radiotext"].getText() != rds["partial_radiotext"].encode('utf8'): self["radiotext"].setText(rds["partial_radiotext"].encode('utf8')) if "prog_type" in rds and self["prog_type"].getText() != rds["prog_type"].encode('utf8'): self["prog_type"].setText(rds["prog_type"].encode('utf8')) except Exception as e: print "[SDGRadio] RDSProcess Exception: %s" % e def cbStderrAvail(self, data): #print "[SDGRadio] cbStderrAvail ", data if "{" in data and "}" in data and ":" in data: self.RDSProcess(data) self.log.append(data) if len(self.log) > 20: self.log.pop(0) def cbDataAvail(self, data): print "[SDGRadio] cbDataAvail %s" % data self.log.append(data) if len(self.log) > 15: self.log.pop() def doConsoleStop(self): if self.Console: self.Console.sendCtrlC() self.Console.sendEOF() if self.Console.running(): self.Console.kill() self.Console = None self.log = [] def ShowPicture(self): self.startup() def ButtonSelect(self, number, freq): self["freq"].setText(freq) self["radiotext"].setText("") self["prog_type"].setText("") self.setTitle("SDG Radio %s" % freq) self.PlayRadio(freq) config.sdgradio.last.value = freq for i in range(0, 10): if i == number: config.sdgradio.lastbutton.value = i self["mem_%d" % i].instance.setPixmapFromFile(BTN_MEM_DOWN % i) else: self["mem_%d" % i].instance.setPixmapFromFile(BTN_MEM_UP % i) def buttonNumber(self, number): print "[SDGRadio] buttonNumber %d" % number freq = eval("config.sdgradio.%s.value" % chr(97+number)) self.ButtonSelect(number, freq) def freqChange(self, value): freq = self["freq"].getText() newfreq = Decimal(freq) + value if config.sdgradio.modulation == "fm": if newfreq < Decimal("87.5"): newfreq = Decimal("87.5") if newfreq > Decimal("108.0"): newfreq = Decimal("108.0") elif config.sdgradio.modulation == "dab": if newfreq < Decimal("174.928"): newfreq = Decimal("174.928") if newfreq > Decimal("239.2"): newfreq = Decimal("239.2") newfreq = min(filter(lambda x: x >= newfreq, DAB_FREQ.keys())) else: if newfreq < Decimal("0.0"): newfreq = Decimal("0.0") if newfreq > Decimal("1766.0"): newfreq = Decimal("1766.0") self["freq"].setText(str(newfreq)) def up(self, value): self.freqChange(Decimal(value)) def down(self, value): self.freqChange(-Decimal(value)) def left(self): self.freqChange(-Decimal("1")) def right(self): self.freqChange(Decimal("1")) def ok(self): freq = self["freq"].getText() lastfreq = config.sdgradio.last.value if Decimal(freq) != Decimal(lastfreq): self.ButtonSelect(config.sdgradio.lastbutton.value, freq) def red(self): print "[SDGRadio] red" config.sdgradio.modulation.selectNext() self["key_red"].setText(config.sdgradio.modulation.getText()) if config.sdgradio.modulation == "fm": if config.sdgradio.rds.value: self["key_yellow"].setText(_("RDS On")) else: self["key_yellow"].setText(_("RDS Off")) else: self["key_yellow"].setText("") def green(self): print "[SDGRadio] green" freq = self["freq"].getText() lastbutton = config.sdgradio.lastbutton.value if lastbutton >=0 and lastbutton <= 9: current_config = eval("config.sdgradio.%s" % chr(97+lastbutton)) current_config.value = freq self.ButtonSelect(lastbutton, freq), _("Save"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout = 5, close_on_any_key = True) def startup(self): self.ButtonSelect(config.sdgradio.lastbutton.value, config.sdgradio.last.value) def cancel(self): print "[SDGRadio] cancel" self.doConsoleStop() self.close(False, self.session) self.session.nav.playService(self.oldService) def info(self): print "[SDGRadio] info" self.doConsoleStop(),_("Info"),["sleep 0.5 && rtl_eeprom"]) def yellow(self): print "[SDGRadio] yellow" config.sdgradio.rds.value = not config.sdgradio.rds.value if config.sdgradio.rds.value: self["key_yellow"].setText(_("RDS On")) else: self["key_yellow"].setText(_("RDS Off")) self.doConsoleStop() self.startup() def blue(self): print "[SDGRadio] blue" text = "".join(self.log),_("Log"),["cat << EOF\n%s\nEOF" % text]) def main(session, **kwargs): def Plugins(**kwargs): return PluginDescriptor(name="Enigma2 Radio", description="Software Defined Radio", where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU, needsRestart=False, icon="img/sdgradio.png", fnc=main)