/** * Zwave Thermostat Manager * * Credits and Kudos: this app is largely based on the more popular Thermostat Director SA by Tim Slagle - * many thanks to @slagle for his continued support. * Without his brilliance, this app would not exist! * * * Copyright 2015 SmartThings * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "ZWave Thermostat Manager", namespace: "BD", author: "Bobby Dobrescu", description: "Adjust zwave thermostats based on a temperature range of a specific temperature sensor", category: "My apps", iconUrl: "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icons8/windows-8/512/Science-Temperature-icon.png", iconX2Url: "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icons8/windows-8/512/Science-Temperature-icon.png" ) preferences { page name:"pageSetup" page name:"TemperatureSettings" page name:"ThermostatandDoors" page name:"ThermostatAway" page name:"Settings" } // Show setup page def pageSetup() { def pageProperties = [ name: "pageSetup", title: "", nextPage: null, install: true, uninstall: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("General Settings") { href "TemperatureSettings", title: "Ambiance", description: "", state:greyedOut() href "ThermostatandDoors", title: "Disabled Mode", description: "", state: greyedOutTherm() href "ThermostatAway", title: "Away Mode", description: "", state: greyedOutTherm2() href "Settings", title: "Other Settings", description: "", state: greyedOutSettings() } section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]) { label title:"Assign a name", required:false } } } // Page - Temperature Settings def TemperatureSettings() { def sensor = [ name: "sensor", type: "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Which Temperature Sensor(s)?", multiple: true, required: false ] def thermostat = [ name: "thermostat", type: "capability.thermostat", title: "Which Thermostat?", multiple: false, required: true ] def setLow = [ name: "setLow", type: "number", title: "Low temp?", required: true ] def cold = [ name: "cold", type: "enum", title: "Mode?", required: false, metadata: [values:["auto", "heat", "cool", "off"]] ] def SetHeatingLow = [ name: "SetHeatingLow", type: "number", title: "Heating Temperature (degrees)", required: true ] def SetCoolingLow = [ name: "SetCoolingLow", type: "number", title: "Cooling Temperature (degrees)", required: false ] def setHigh = [ name: "setHigh", type: "number", title: "High temp?", required: true ] def hot = [ name: "hot", type: "enum", title: "Mode?", required: false, metadata: [values:["auto", "heat", "cool", "off"]] ] def SetHeatingHigh = [ name: "SetHeatingHigh", type: "number", title: "Heating Temperature (degrees)", required: false ] def SetCoolingHigh = [ name: "SetCoolingHigh", type: "number", title: "Cooling Temperature (degrees)", required: true ] def pageName = "Ambiance" def pageProperties = [ name: "TemperatureSettings", title: "", //nextPage: "ThermostatandDoors" ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Select the main thermostat") { input thermostat } section("Use remote sensors to adjust the thermostat (by default the app is using the internal sensor of the thermostat)") { input "remoteSensors", "bool", title: "Enable remote sensor(s)", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (remoteSensors) { input sensor paragraph "If multiple sensors are selected, the average temperature is automatically calculated" } } section("When the temperature falls below this temperature (Low Temperature)..."){ input setLow } section("Adjust the thermostat to the following settings:"){ input cold input SetHeatingLow input SetCoolingLow } section("When the temperature raises above this temperature (High Temperature)..."){ input setHigh } section("Adjust the thermostat to the following settings:"){ input hot input SetCoolingHigh input SetHeatingHigh } section("When temperature is neutral (between above Low and High Temperatures..."){ input "neutral", "bool", title: "Turn off the thermostat", required: false, defaultValue: false } } } // Page - Disabled Mode def ThermostatandDoors() { def doors = [ name: "doors", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which Sensor(s)?", multiple: true, required: false ] def turnOffDelay = [ name: "turnOffDelay", type: "decimal", title: "Number of minutes", required: false ] def resetOff = [ name: "resetOff", type: "bool", title: "Reset Thermostat Settings when all Sensor(s) are closed", required: false, defaultValue: false ] def pageName = "Thermostat and Doors" def pageProperties = [ name: "ThermostatandDoors", title: "", //nextPage: "ThermostatAway" ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("When one or more contact sensors open, then turn off the thermostat") { input doors } section("Wait this long before turning the thermostat off (defaults to 1 minute)") { input turnOffDelay input resetOff } } } // Page - Thermostat Away def ThermostatAway() { def modes2 = [ name: "modes2", type: "mode", title: "Which Location Mode(s)?", multiple: true, required: false ] def away = [ name: "away", type: "enum", title: "Mode?", metadata: [values:["auto", "heat", "cool", "off"]], required: false ] def setAwayLow = [ name: "setAwayLow", type: "decimal", title: "Low temp?", required: false ] def AwayCold = [ name: "AwayCold", type: "enum", title: "Mode?", metadata: [values:["auto", "heat", "cool", "off"]], required: false, ] def setAwayHigh = [ name: "setAwayHigh", type: "decimal", title: "High temp?", required: false ] def AwayHot = [ name: "AwayHot", type: "enum", title: "Mode?", required: false, metadata: [values:["auto", "heat", "cool", "off"]] ] def SetHeatingAway = [ name: "SetHeatingAway", type: "number", title: "Heating Temperature (degrees)", required: false ] def SetCoolingAway = [ name: "SetCoolingAway", type: "number", title: "Cooling Temperature (degrees)", required: false ] def fanAway = [ name: "fanAway", type: "enum", title: "Fan Mode?", metadata: [values:["fanAuto", "fanOn", "fanCirculate"]], required: false ] def pageName = "Thermostat Away" def pageProperties = [ name: "ThermostatAway", title: "", //nextPage: "Settings" ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("When the Location Mode changes to 'Away'") { input modes2 } section("Adjust the thermostat to the following settings:") { input away input fanAway input SetHeatingAway input SetCoolingAway } section("If the temperature falls below this temperature while away..."){ input setAwayLow } section("Automatically adjust the thermostat to the following operating mode..."){ input AwayCold } section("If the temperature raises above this temperature while away..."){ input setAwayHigh } section("Automatically adjust the thermostat to the following operating mode..."){ input AwayHot } } } // Show "Setup" page def Settings() { def days = [ name: "days", type: "enum", title: "Only on certain days of the week", multiple: true, required: false, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] ] def modes = [ name: "modes", type: "mode", title: "Only when mode is", multiple: true, required: false ] def pageName = "" def pageProperties = [ name: "Settings", title: "", //nextPage: "pageSetup" ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Notifications") { input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to", multiple: true, required: false) { paragraph "You may enter multiple phone numbers separated by semicolon."+ "E.G. 8045551122;8046663344" input "sms", "phone", title: "To this phone", multiple: false, required: false input "push", "bool", title: "Send Push Notification (optional)", required: false, defaultValue: false } } section(title: "Restrictions", hideable: true) { href "timeIntervalInput", title: "Only during a certain time", description: getTimeLabel(starting, ending), state: greyedOutTime(starting, ending), refreshAfterSelection:true input days input modes } section(title: "Debug") { input "debug", "bool", title: "Enable debug messages in IDE for troubleshooting purposes", required: false, defaultValue: false, refreshAfterSelection:true input "info", "bool", title: "Enable info messages in IDE to display actions in Live Logging", required: false, defaultValue: false, refreshAfterSelection:true } } } def installed(){ if (debug) log.debug "Installed called with $settings" init() } def updated(){ if (debug) log.debug "Updated called with $settings" unsubscribe() init() } def init(){ state.lastStatus = null runIn(60, "temperatureHandler") if (debug) log.debug "Temperature will be evaluated in one minute" if(sensor) { subscribe(sensor, "temperature", temperatureHandler) } else { subscribe(thermostat, "temperature", temperatureHandler) } if(modes2){ subscribe(location, modeAwayChange) if(sensor) { subscribe(sensor, "temperature", modeAwayTempHandler) } else { subscribe(thermostat, "temperature", modeAwayTempHandler) } } if(doors){ subscribe(doors, "contact.open", temperatureHandler) subscribe(doors, "contact.closed", doorCheck) state.disabledTemp = null state.disabledMode = null state.disableHSP = null state.disableCSP = null } } def temperatureHandler(evt) { def currentTemp if(modeOk && daysOk && timeOk && modeNotAwayOk) { if(sensor){ //def sensors = sensor.size() //def tempAVG = sensor ? getAverage(sensor, "temperature") : "undefined device" //currentTemp = tempAVG currentTemp = sensor.latestValue("temperature") if (debug) log.debug "Data check (avg temp: ${currentTemp}, num of sensors:${sensors}, app status: ${lastStatus})" } else { currentTemp = thermostat.latestValue("temperature") if (debug) log.debug "Thermostat data (curr temp: ${currentTemp},status: ${lastStatus}" } if(setLow > setHigh){ def temp = setLow setLow = setHigh setHigh = temp if(info) log.info "Detected ${setLow} > ${setHigh}. Auto-adjusting setting to ${temp}" } if (doorsOk) { def currentMode = thermostat.latestValue("thermostatMode") def currentHSP = thermostat.latestValue("heatingSetpoint") def currentCSP = thermostat.latestValue("coolingSetpoint") if (debug) log.debug "App data (curr temp: ${currentTemp},curr mode: ${currentMode}, currentHSP: ${currentHSP},"+ " currentCSP: ${currentCSP}, last status: ${lastStatus}" if (currentTemp < setLow) { if (state.lastStatus == "one" || state.lastStatus == "two" || state.lastStatus == "three" || state.lastStatus == null){ state.lastStatus = "one" if (currentMode == "cool" || currentMode == "off") { def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} operating mode and setpoints because temperature is below ${setLow}" if (cold) thermostat?."${cold}"() thermostat?.setHeatingSetpoint(SetHeatingLow) if (SetCoolingLow) thermostat?.setCoolingSetpoint(SetCoolingLow) thermostat?.poll() sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } else if (currentHSP < SetHeatingLow) { def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} setpoints because temperature is below ${setLow}" thermostat?.setHeatingSetpoint(SetHeatingLow) if (SetCoolingLow) thermostat?.setCoolingSetpoint(SetCoolingLow) thermostat?.poll() sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } } } if (currentTemp > setHigh) { if (state.lastStatus == "one" || state.lastStatus == "two" || state.lastStatus == "three" || state.lastStatus == null){ state.lastStatus = "two" if (currentMode == "heat" || currentMode == "off") { def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} operating mode and setpoints because temperature is above ${setHigh}" if (hot) thermostat?."${hot}"() if (SetHeatingHigh) thermostat?.setHeatingSetpoint(SetHeatingHigh) thermostat?.setCoolingSetpoint(SetCoolingHigh) thermostat?.poll() sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } else if (currentCSP > SetCoolingHigh) { def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} setpoints because temperature is above ${setHigh}" thermostat?.setCoolingSetpoint(SetCoolingHigh) if (SetHeatingHigh) thermostat?.setHeatingSetpoint(SetHeatingHigh) thermostat?.poll() sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } } } if (currentTemp > setLow && currentTemp < setHigh) { if (neutral == true) { if (debug) log.debug "Neutral is ${neutral}, current temp is: ${currentTemp}" if (state.lastStatus == "two" || state.lastStatus == "one" || state.lastStatus == null){ def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} mode to off because temperature is neutral" thermostat?.off() thermostat?.poll() sendMessage(msg) state.lastStatus = "three" if (info) log.info msg if (debug) log.debug "Data check neutral(neutral is:${neutral}, currTemp: ${currentTemp}, setLow: ${setLow}, setHigh: ${setHigh})" } } if (info) log.info "Temperature is neutral not taking action because neutral mode is: ${neutral}" } } else{ def delay = (turnOffDelay != null && turnOffDelay != "") ? turnOffDelay * 60 : 60 if(info) log.info ("Detected open doors. Checking door states again in ${delay} seconds") runIn(delay, "doorCheck") } } if (debug) log.debug "Temperature handler called: modeOk = $modeOk, daysOk = $daysOk, timeOk = $timeOk, modeNotAwayOk = $modeNotAwayOk " } def modeAwayChange(evt){ if(modeOk && daysOk && timeOk){ if (modes2){ if(modes2.contains(location.mode)){ state.lastStatus = "away" if (away) thermostat."${away}"() if(SetHeatingAway) thermostat.setHeatingSetpoint(SetHeatingAway) if(SetCoolingAway) thermostat.setCoolingSetpoint(SetCoolingAway) if(fanAway) thermostat.setThermostatFanMode(fanAway) def msg = "Adjusting ${thermostat} mode and setpoints because Location Mode is set to Away" sendMessage(msg) if(info) log.info "Running AwayChange because mode is now ${away} and last staus is ${lastStatus}" } else { state.lastStatus = null temperatureHandler() if(info) log.info "Running Temperature Handler because Home Mode is no longer in away, and the last staus is ${lastStatus}" } } if(info) log.info ("Detected temperature change while away but all settings are ok, not taking any actions.") } } def modeAwayTempHandler(evt) { def tempAVGaway = sensor ? getAverage(sensor, "temperature") : "undefined device" def currentAwayTemp = thermostat.latestValue("temperature") if(info) log.info "Away: your average room temperature is: ${tempAVGaway}, current temp is ${currentAwayTemp}" if (sensor) currentAwayTemp = tempAVGaway if(lastStatus == "away"){ if(modes2.contains(location.mode)){ if (currentAwayTemp < setAwayLow) { if(Awaycold) thermostat?."${Awaycold}"() thermostat?.poll() def msg = "I changed your ${thermostat} mode to ${Awaycold} because temperature is below ${setAwayLow}" sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } if (currentAwayTemp > setHigh) { if(Awayhot) thermostat?."${Awayhot}"() thermostat?.poll() def msg = "I changed your ${thermostat} mode to ${Awayhot} because temperature is above ${setAwayHigh}" sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } } else { state.lastStatus = null temperatureHandler() if(info) log.info "Temp changed while staus is ${lastStatus} but the Location Mode is no longer in away. Resetting lastStatus" } } } def doorCheck(evt){ state.disabledTemp = sensor.latestValue("temperature") state.disabledMode = thermostat.latestValue("thermostatMode") state.disableHSP = thermostat.latestValue("heatingSetpoint") state.disableCSP = thermostat.latestValue("coolingSetpoint") if (debug) log.debug "Disable settings: ${state.disabledMode} mode, ${state.disableHSP} HSP, ${state.disableCSP} CSP" if (!doorsOk){ if(info) log.info ("doors still open turning off ${thermostat}") def msg = "I changed your ${thermostat} mode to off because some doors are open" if (state.lastStatus != "off"){ thermostat?.off() sendMessage(msg) if (info) log.info msg } state.lastStatus = "off" if (info) log.info "Changing status to off" } else { if (state.lastStatus == "off"){ state.lastStatus = null if (resetOff){ if(debug) log.debug "Contact sensor(s) are now closed restoring ${thermostat} with settings: ${state.disabledMode} mode"+ ", ${state.disableHSP} HSP, ${state.disableCSP} CSP" thermostat."${state.disabledMode}"() thermostat.setHeatingSetpoint(state.disableHSP) thermostat.setCoolingSetpoint(state.disableCSP) } } temperatureHandler() if(debug) "Calling Temperature Handler" } } private getAverage(device,type){ def total = 0 if(debug) log.debug "calculating average temperature" device.each {total += it.latestValue(type)} return Math.round(total/device.size()) } private void sendText(number, message) { if (sms) { def phones = sms.split("\\;") for (phone in phones) { sendSms(phone, message) } } } private void sendMessage(message) { if(info) log.info "sending notification: ${message}" if (recipients) { sendNotificationToContacts(message, recipients) if(debug) log.debug "sending notification: ${recipients}" } if (push) { sendPush message if(info) log.info "sending push notification" } else { sendNotificationEvent(message) if(info) log.info "sending notification" } if (sms) { sendText(sms, message) if(debug) "Calling process to send text" } } private getAllOk() { modeOk && daysOk && timeOk && doorsOk && modeNotAwayOk } private getModeOk() { def result = !modes || modes.contains(location.mode) if(debug) log.debug "modeOk = $result" result } private getModeNotAwayOk() { def result = !modes2 || !modes2.contains(location.mode) if(debug) log.debug "modeNotAwayOk = $result" result } private getDoorsOk() { def result = !doors || !doors.latestValue("contact").contains("open") if(debug) log.debug "doorsOk = $result" result } private getDaysOk() { def result = true if (days) { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") if (location.timeZone) { df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) } else { df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")) } def day = df.format(new Date()) result = days.contains(day) } if(debug) log.debug "daysOk = $result" result } private getTimeOk() { def result = true if (starting && ending) { def currTime = now() def start = timeToday(starting).time def stop = timeToday(ending).time result = start < stop ? currTime >= start && currTime <= stop : currTime <= stop || currTime >= start } else if (starting){ result = currTime >= start } else if (ending){ result = currTime <= stop } if(debug) log.debug "timeOk = $result" result } def getTimeLabel(starting, ending){ def timeLabel = "Tap to set" if(starting && ending){ timeLabel = "Between" + " " + hhmm(starting) + " " + "and" + " " + hhmm(ending) } else if (starting) { timeLabel = "Start at" + " " + hhmm(starting) } else if(ending){ timeLabel = "End at" + hhmm(ending) } timeLabel } private hhmm(time, fmt = "h:mm a") { def t = timeToday(time, location.timeZone) def f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(fmt) f.setTimeZone(location.timeZone ?: timeZone(time)) f.format(t) } def greyedOut(){ def result = "" if (sensor) { result = "complete" } result } def greyedOutTherm(){ def result = "" if (thermostat) { result = "complete" } result } def greyedOutTherm2(){ def result = "" if (modes2) { result = "complete" } result } def greyedOutSettings(){ def result = "" if (starting || ending || days || modes || push) { result = "complete" } result } def greyedOutTime(starting, ending){ def result = "" if (starting || ending) { result = "complete" } result } private anyoneIsHome() { def result = false if(people.findAll { it?.currentPresence == "present" }) { result = true } if(debug) log.debug("anyoneIsHome: ${result}") return result } page(name: "timeIntervalInput", title: "Only during a certain time", refreshAfterSelection:true) { section { input "starting", "time", title: "Starting (both are required)", required: false input "ending", "time", title: "Ending (both are required)", required: false } }