addChunk('Settings', function() use ($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_connection, $db_type, $sourcedir; // Must remain globals // First some settings file stuff... $dumpvars = array('mbname', 'boardurl', 'db_server', 'db_name', 'db_prefix', 'language', 'db_type', 'db_character_set', 'db_mb4'); $settings = array(); $settings[0] = array('Variable','Value'); foreach($dumpvars AS $var) { if (!isset($ui->getSettingsFile()[$var])) $value = 'NOT SET'; elseif (is_null($ui->getSettingsFile()[$var])) $value = 'null'; elseif ($ui->getSettingsFile()[$var] === false) $value = 'false'; elseif ($ui->getSettingsFile()[$var] === true) $value = 'true'; else $value = $ui->getSettingsFile()[$var]; $settings[] = array($var, $value); } $ui->dumpTable($settings); }); $ui->addChunk('Specify URLs and Paths', function() use ($ui) { // Starting values... $ui->oldURL = 'http://your/old/url'; $ui->newURL = $ui->getSettingsFile()['boardurl']; $ui->oldDir = '/your/old/dir'; $ui->newDir = $ui->getSettingsFile()['boarddir']; // If in session, use those...... if (isset($_SESSION['oldurl']) && is_string($_SESSION['oldurl'])) $ui->oldURL = $ui->cleanseText($_SESSION['oldurl']); if (isset($_SESSION['newurl']) && is_string($_SESSION['newurl'])) $ui->newURL = $ui->cleanseText($_SESSION['newurl']); if (isset($_SESSION['olddir']) && is_string($_SESSION['olddir'])) $ui->oldDir = $ui->cleanseText($_SESSION['olddir']); if (isset($_SESSION['newdir']) && is_string($_SESSION['newdir'])) $ui->newDir = $ui->cleanseText($_SESSION['newdir']); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo '

'; echo '
'; // Some edits... if (empty($ui->oldURL)) { unset($_SESSION['preview']); unset($_SESSION['proceed']); $ui->addError('Old URL is required.'); } // Make sure empty means empty strings... if (empty($ui->newURL)) $ui->newURL = ''; if (empty($ui->oldDir)) $ui->oldDir = ''; if (empty($ui->newDir)) $ui->newDir = ''; // Dirs must be both empty or both provided... if ((empty($ui->newDir) && !empty($ui->oldDir)) || (!empty($ui->newDir) && empty($ui->oldDir))) { unset($_SESSION['preview']); unset($_SESSION['proceed']); $ui->addError('Dirs must be both empty or both provided.'); } }); $ui->addChunk('Results', function() use ($ui) { if (empty($_SESSION['preview']) && empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) return; if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) echo '
'; else echo '
'; doSettings($ui); doThemes($ui); doMessages($ui); doPMs($ui); doSignatures($ui); echo "
Path & URL updates completed!

"; }); //*** Do settings function doSettings($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name; $sql = "SELECT variable, value FROM " . $db_prefix . "settings;"; $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['value'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Variable: ', $row['variable']); $settings[] = array('Old Value: ', shortString($row['value'], $stringPos)); $newval = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['value']); $settings[] = array('New Value: ', shortString($newval, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newval = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newval); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "settings SET value = '" . $newval . "' WHERE variable = '" . $row['variable'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } if (empty($ui->oldDir)) continue; $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['value'], $ui->oldDir); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Variable: ', $row['variable']); $settings[] = array('Old Value: ', shortString($row['value'], $stringPos)); $newval = str_ireplace($ui->oldDir, $ui->newDir, $row['value']); $settings[] = array('New Value: ', shortString($newval, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newval = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newval); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "settings SET value = '" . $newval . "' WHERE variable = '" . $row['variable'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); return; } //*** Do themes function doThemes($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name; $sql = "SELECT id_member, id_theme, variable, value FROM " . $db_prefix . "themes;"; $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['value'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Member: ', $row['id_member']); $settings[] = array('Theme: ', $row['id_theme']); $settings[] = array('Variable: ', $row['variable']); $settings[] = array('Old Value: ', shortString($row['value'], $stringPos)); $newval = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['value']); $settings[] = array('New Value: ', shortString($newval, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newval = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newval); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "themes SET value = '" . $newval . "' WHERE variable = '" . $row['variable'] . "' AND id_member = '" . $row['id_member'] . "' AND id_theme = '" . $row['id_theme'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } if (empty($ui->oldDir)) continue; $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['value'], $ui->oldDir); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Member: ', $row['id_member']); $settings[] = array('Theme: ', $row['id_theme']); $settings[] = array('Variable: ', $row['variable']); $settings[] = array('Old Value: ', shortString($row['value'], $stringPos)); $newval = str_ireplace($ui->oldDir, $ui->newDir, $row['value']); $settings[] = array('New Value: ', shortString($newval, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newval = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newval); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "themes SET value = '" . $newval . "' WHERE variable = '" . $row['variable'] . "' AND id_member = '" . $row['id_member'] . "' AND id_theme = '" . $row['id_theme'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); return; } //*** Do messages function doMessages($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name; $sql = "SELECT id_msg, subject, body FROM " . $db_prefix . "messages;"; $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['body'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Message: ', $row['id_msg']); $settings[] = array('Old body: ', shortString($row['body'], $stringPos)); $newbody = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['body']); $settings[] = array('New body: ', shortString($newbody, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newbody = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newbody); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "messages SET body = '" . $newbody . "' WHERE id_msg = '" . $row['id_msg'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['subject'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Message: ', $row['id_msg']); $settings[] = array('Old subject: ', shortString($row['subject'], $stringPos)); $newsubject = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['subject']); $settings[] = array('New subject: ', shortString($newsubject, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newsubject = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newsubject); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "messages SET subject = '" . $newsubject . "' WHERE id_msg = '" . $row['id_msg'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); return; } //*** Do personal messages function doPMs($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name; $sql = "SELECT id_pm, subject, body FROM " . $db_prefix . "personal_messages;"; $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['body'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('PM: ', $row['id_pm']); $settings[] = array('Old body: ', shortString($row['body'], $stringPos)); $newbody = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['body']); $settings[] = array('New body: ', shortString($newbody, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newbody = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newbody); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "personal_messages SET body = '" . $newbody . "' WHERE id_pm = '" . $row['id_pm'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['subject'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('PM: ', $row['id_pm']); $settings[] = array('Old subject: ', shortString($row['subject'], $stringPos)); $newsubject = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['subject']); $settings[] = array('New subject: ', shortString($newsubject, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newsubject = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newsubject); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "personal_messages SET subject = '" . $newsubject . "' WHERE id_pm = '" . $row['id_pm'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); return; } //*** Do signatures function doSignatures($ui) { global $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name; $sql = "SELECT id_member, member_name, signature FROM " . $db_prefix . "members;"; $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $stringPos = mb_stripos($row['signature'], $ui->oldURL); if ($stringPos !== false) { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('Member: ', $row['id_member']); $settings[] = array('Name: ', $row['member_name']); $settings[] = array('Old Signature: ', shortString($row['signature'], $stringPos)); $newval = str_ireplace($ui->oldURL, $ui->newURL, $row['signature']); $settings[] = array('New Signature: ', shortString($newval, $stringPos)); $ui->dumpTable($settings); if (!empty($_SESSION['proceed'])) { $newval = $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($newval); $sql = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "members SET signature = '" . $newval . "' WHERE id_member = '" . $row['id_member'] . "';"; $smcFunc['db_query']('', $sql); } } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); return; } //*** For display purposes, return only relevant portion of a string (first chars near 1st instance of search string) function shortString($targetStr, $stringPos) { static $maxlen = 100; static $buffer = 10; $length = mb_strlen($targetStr); if ($length > $maxlen) { if ($stringPos > $buffer) { $stringPos = $stringPos - $buffer; $beforetext = '... '; } else { $stringPos = 0; $beforetext = ''; } if ($length - $stringPos > $maxlen) $aftertext = ' ...'; else $aftertext = ''; $targetStr = $beforetext . mb_substr($targetStr, $stringPos, $maxlen) . $aftertext; } return $targetStr; } $ui->go(); /** * SimpleSmfUI * * A simple basic abstracted UI for utilities. * * Copyright 2021-2023 Shawn Bulen * * This file is part of the sjrbTools library. * * SimpleSmfUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SimpleSmfUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SimpleSmfUI. If not, see . * */ // This oughtta hold us off until php 9.0... #[AllowDynamicProperties] class SimpleSmfUI { /* * Properties */ protected $site_title = 'Simple UI'; protected $max_width = 1200; protected $db_needed; protected $txt = array( 'err_no_title' => 'Site title is required and must be a string!', 'err_width' => 'Funky width specified!', 'err_no_settings' => 'Could not find Settings.php! Place this file in the same folder as Settings.php.', 'err_no_db' => 'Could not establish connection with the database!', 'err_no_chunk_title' => 'Invalid chunk title!', 'err_no_chunk_func' => 'Invalid chunk function!', 'errors' => 'Errors', ); protected $chunks = array(); protected $errors = array(); /* * SMF Properties */ protected $settings_file; /** * Constructor * * Builds a SimpleSmfUI object * * @param string title * @param bool db_needed * @return void */ function __construct($title, $db_needed = null, $max_width = 800) { // Might as well try... @set_time_limit(6000); @ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); // Title... if (is_string($title)) $this->site_title = $title; else $this->addError('err_no_title'); // db_needed... if (empty($db_needed)) $this->db_needed = false; else $this->db_needed = true; // Width... if (is_numeric($max_width)) $this->max_width = $max_width; else $this->addError('err_width'); // Error handler // Note that php error suppression - @ - still calls the error handler. It will return 0 as it does so (pre php8). // Note error handling in php8+ no longer fails silently on many errors, but error_reporting() // will return 4437 (E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_PARSE) // as it does so. set_error_handler( function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ((error_reporting() != 0) && (error_reporting() != (E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_PARSE))) $this->addError($errstr . ' (' . $errno . ')'); // Always try & report errors gracefully... return true; } ); // DB... define('SMF', 1); define('SMF_VERSION', '2.x'); define('SMF_FULL_VERSION', 'SMF ' . SMF_VERSION); define('SMF_SOFTWARE_YEAR', '2021'); define('POSTGRE_TITLE', 'PostgreSQL'); define('MYSQL_TITLE', 'MySQL'); define('SMF_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (' . php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('m') . ') AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) SMF/' . strtr(SMF_VERSION, ' ', '.')); // These must remain globals when calling SMF funcs... global $smcFunc, $db_connection, $db_prefix, $db_name, $db_type, $sourcedir, $cachedir, $db_character_set, $db_port; $smcFunc = array(); $this->settings_file = array(); if ($this->db_needed) { // Load & save off settings file contents if (file_exists('Settings.php')) { include_once('Settings.php'); $dumpvars = array('mbname', 'db_server', 'db_name', 'db_prefix', 'db_type', 'db_character_set', 'db_mb4', 'language', 'boardurl', 'boarddir', 'sourcedir', 'packagesdir', 'tasksdir', 'cachedir', 'maintenance', 'mtitle', 'mmessage', 'cookiename', 'db_persist', 'db_error_send', 'cache_accelerator', 'cache_enable', 'cache_memcached', 'image_proxy_enabled', 'image_proxy_secret', 'image_proxy_maxsize'); foreach($dumpvars as $setting) $this->settings_file[$setting] = (isset(${$setting}) ? ${$setting} : 'NOT SET'); } else $this->addError('err_no_settings'); if (!empty($sourcedir)) { // Get the database going! if (empty($db_type) || $db_type == 'mysqli') $db_type = 'mysql'; // Add in the port if needed $db_options = array(); if (!empty($db_port)) $db_options['port'] = $db_port; // Make the connection... require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Db-' . $db_type . '.php'); $db_connection = smf_db_initiate($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_options); if (empty($db_connection)) $this->addError('err_no_db'); // Set names... if (!empty($db_character_set)) $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SET NAMES {string:db_character_set}', array( 'db_character_set' => $db_character_set, ) ); } } } /** * Render chunk * * Display one portion of the form * * @return void */ protected function doChunk($ix, $chunk) { echo '
'; // sections needed to narrow scope of expand/collapse action echo '
'; $chunk['function'](); echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Display errors * * Display errors in current display area * * @return void */ protected function renderErrors() { echo '
' . $this->txt['errors'] . '
'; foreach ($this->errors AS $error) echo $error . '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Render header * * Spits out the head, title, style & starts the body * * @return void */ protected function renderHeader() { echo ' ' . $this->site_title . ' '; } /** * Render header * * Closes out the body & html tags * * @return void */ protected function renderFooter() { // Close out body & html tags echo '
Remove when not in use
'; echo '
'; echo ' '; } /** * Cleanse text * * Some basic hygiene for user-entered input * * @param string input * @param bool gtlt - whether to leave > and < alone (e.g., for queries) * @return string cleansed */ public function cleanseText($input, $gtlt = false) { $input = trim($input); $input = htmlspecialchars($input); if ($gtlt) { $input = str_replace('>', '>', $input); $input = str_replace('&gt;', '>', $input); $input = str_replace('<', '<', $input); $input = str_replace('&lt;', '<', $input); } return $input; } /** * Dump table * * Render a simple 2-d array in table form * * @param array passed_array * @return void */ public function dumpTable($passed_array) { static $special_cells = array('NOT SET', 'null', 'true', 'false'); $header = true; echo '
'; foreach($passed_array as $row) { // Some cleansing... foreach ($row AS $ix => $cell) { // Treat NOT SET, null, true, & false special... if (in_array($cell, $special_cells)) $row[$ix] = $cell; else { $row[$ix] = htmlspecialchars($cell); // Undo any line breaks you just broke... $row[$ix] = str_replace('<br>', '
', $row[$ix]); $row[$ix] = str_replace('<br />', '
', $row[$ix]); } } if ($header) echo '
'; else echo '
'; echo '
'; echo implode('
', $row); echo '
'; $header = false; } echo '

'; } /** * Add Chunk * * Adds an entry to the internal chunk array. * Each chunk will display a header, do some logic, & display some content. * If errors are encountered, ideally they should be added to the errors display and displayed at the end. * * @param string title - title to display above this chunk * @param function logic - what to execute, passed as an anonymous function * @return void */ public function addChunk($title, $func) { if (!is_string($title)) { $title = ''; $this->addError('err_no_chunk_title'); } if (!is_callable($func)) { $func = function() {}; $this->addError('err_no_chunk_func'); } $this->chunks[] = array('title' => $title, 'function' => $func); } /** * Get Settings File contents * * @return array */ public function getSettingsFile() { return $this->settings_file; } /** * Add Error * * Add error to internal log * * @param string key - is key to $txt array * @param string more - is additional info to be added to output string if needed * @return void */ public function addError($key, $more = '') { if (!is_string($key)) $key = ''; if (!is_string($more)) $more = ''; if (!empty($this->txt[$key])) $key = $this->txt[$key]; $this->errors[] = $key . ' ' . $more; } /** * Go * * Got everything, now do it... * * @return void */ public function go() { global $db_connection; // Responding to a POST? Cleanse info, put in session and redirect session_start(); if ($_POST) { $_SESSION = array(); foreach($_POST as $var => $val) $_SESSION[$this->cleanseText($var)] = $this->cleanseText($val); // Redirect to this page header("Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}", true, 302); exit(); } // OK, display stuff... $this->renderHeader(); // Execute the chunks... // Note if db_needed & no connection, do not process chunks, just display the errors if (!$this->db_needed || ($this->db_needed && !empty($db_connection))) { foreach($this->chunks AS $ix => $chunk) $this->doChunk($ix, $chunk); } // Display any errors... if (!empty($this->errors)) $this->renderErrors(); $this->renderFooter(); // Ensure refreshes actually refresh! $_SESSION = array(); } }