/* * Status Avatar Driver * * Displays circular image with decorations indicating status details * */ metadata { definition(name: 'Status Avatar Driver', namespace: 'simnet', author: 'sburke781') { capability 'Switch' attribute 'lastUpdate' , 'text' attribute 'switch' , "ENUM ['on', 'off']" attribute 'statusNum1' , 'number' attribute 'statusNum2' , 'number' attribute 'statusNum3' , 'number' attribute 'statusNum4' , 'number' attribute 'iFrame' , 'text' command 'refresh' command 'setStatusNum1', [[name:'statusValue', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Enter the status value (number)' ] ] command 'setStatusNum2', [[name:'statusValue', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Enter the status value (number)' ] ] command 'setStatusNum3', [[name:'statusValue', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Enter the status value (number)' ] ] command 'setStatusNum4', [[name:'statusValue', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Enter the status value (number)' ] ] } } preferences { input name: 'htmlFileName', type: 'text', title: 'HTML File Name (inc. file extension, e.g. avatar.html)', required: true, defaultValue: 'avatar.html' input name: 'avatarImageURL', type: 'text', title: 'Image URL', required: true, defaultValue: '' input name: 'includeIFrame', type: 'bool', title: 'Produce an IFrame attribute for Dashboard display', required: true, defaultValue: true input name: 'imageHeight', type: 'number', title: 'Height of the avatar image', required: true, defaultValue: 100 input name: 'imageWidth', type: 'number', title: 'Width of the avatar image', required: true, defaultValue: 100 input name: 'imageRounding', type: 'bool', title: 'Round the avatar image?', required: true, defaultValue: true input name: 'dotSize', type: 'number', title: 'Size (in pixels) of dots displayed', required: true, defaultValue: 20 input name: 'dotDefaultColour', type: 'text', title: 'Default colour for dots displayed (Hex Value)', required: true, defaultValue: 669600 input name: 'avatarLink', type: 'text', title: 'URL Link opened when clicking on the avatar image', required: true, defaultValue: '#' input name: 'status1Link', type: 'text', title: 'URL Link opened when clicking on status 1 dot', required: true, defaultValue: '#' input name: 'status2Link', type: 'text', title: 'URL Link opened when clicking on status 2 dot', required: true, defaultValue: '#' input name: 'status3Link', type: 'text', title: 'URL Link opened when clicking on status 3 dot', required: true, defaultValue: '#' input name: 'status4Link', type: 'text', title: 'URL Link opened when clicking on status 4 dot', required: true, defaultValue: '#' //input("src", "text", title: "iFrame Url", required: true) //input("openText", "text", title: "Button text to Open iFrame", defaultValue:"Show", required: false) input("closeText", "text", title: "Button text to close pop-up iFrame", defaultValue:"Close", required: false) input("popupWidth", "number", title: "Width of pop-up iFrames as a percentage (default: 100)", defaultValue:100, required: false) input("popupHeight", "number", title: "Height of pop-up iFrames as a percentage (default: 100)", defaultValue:100, required: false) input(name: 'DebugLogging', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable Debug Logging', displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: false) input(name: 'WarnLogging', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable Warning Logging', displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: true) input(name: 'ErrorLogging', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable Error Logging', displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: true) input(name: 'InfoLogging', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable Description Text (Info) Logging', displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: false) } void installed() { debugLog('installed: Status Avatar device installed') } void updated() { debugLog('updated: update process called') writeHTML() refresh() } void refresh() { debugLog('refresh: Refreshing status avatar') Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar(statusMap.switchStatus, statusMap.statusNum1, statusMap.statusNum2, statusMap.statusNum3, statusMap.statusNum4) } void on() { sendEvent(name: 'switch', value: 'on') Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar('on', statusMap.statusNum1, statusMap.statusNum2, statusMap.statusNum3, statusMap.statusNum4) } void off() { sendEvent(name: 'switch', value: 'off') Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar('off', statusMap.statusNum1, statusMap.statusNum2, statusMap.statusNum3, statusMap.statusNum4) } void setStatusNum(Integer pstatusNumber, Number pstatusValue) { Boolean vvalidStatusNum = false; Boolean vvalidStatusValue = false; if (pstatusNumber >= 1 && pstatusNumber <= 4) { vvalidStatusNum = true } if (pstatusValue >= 0 && pstatusValue <= 99 ) { vvalidStatusValue = true } if (vvalidStatusNum && vvalidStatusValue) { sendEvent(name: "statusNum${pstatusNumber}", value: pstatusValue) } else { String verrorMessage = 'setStatusNum: Status update failed' if (!vvalidStatusNum) { verrorMessage += ", status number ${pstatusNumber} outside the range of 0 - 4" } if (!vvalidStatusValue) { verrorMessage += ", status value ${pstatusValue} outside the range of 0 - 99" } errorLog(verrorMessage) } } void setStatusNum1(Number pstatusValue) { setStatusNum(1, pstatusValue) Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar(statusMap.switchStatus, (int)pstatusValue, statusMap.statusNum2, statusMap.statusNum3, statusMap.statusNum4) } void setStatusNum2(Number pstatusValue) { setStatusNum(2, pstatusValue) Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar(statusMap.switchStatus, statusMap.statusNum1, (int)pstatusValue, statusMap.statusNum3, statusMap.statusNum4) } void setStatusNum3(Number pstatusValue) { setStatusNum(3, pstatusValue) Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar(statusMap.switchStatus, statusMap.statusNum1, statusMap.statusNum2, (int)pstatusValue, statusMap.statusNum4) } void setStatusNum4(Number pstatusValue) { setStatusNum(4, pstatusValue) Map statusMap = getStatusMap(); updateAvatar(statusMap.switchStatus, statusMap.statusNum1, statusMap.statusNum2, statusMap.statusNum3, (int)pstatusValue) } Map getStatusMap() { Map statusMap = [:] statusMap.put('switchStatus', ((device.currentValue('switch') == null) ? '' : device.currentValue('switch'))) statusMap.put('statusNum1', ((device.currentValue('statusNum1') == null) ? 0 : (int)device.currentValue('statusNum1'))) statusMap.put('statusNum2', ((device.currentValue('statusNum2') == null) ? 0 : (int)device.currentValue('statusNum2'))) statusMap.put('statusNum3', ((device.currentValue('statusNum3') == null) ? 0 : (int)device.currentValue('statusNum3'))) statusMap.put('statusNum4', ((device.currentValue('statusNum4') == null) ? 0 : (int)device.currentValue('statusNum4'))) return statusMap } void updateAvatar(String pswitch, int pstatus1, int pstatus2, int pstatus3, int pstatus4) { String lastUpdate = null; String viFrame = ''; //setPopUpIframe(); writeHTML(pswitch, pstatus1, pstatus2, pstatus3, pstatus4) if (includeIFrame) { viFrame = "
"; // Pop-Up iFrame viFrame += "' sendEvent(name: 'iFrame', value: viFrame) lastUpdate = new Date().format('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') //device.sendEvent(name: 'lastupdate', value: "${lastUpdate}") debugLog('updateAvatar: IFrame attribute updated') } else { debugLog('updateAvatar: IFrame attribute turned off, no update is needed') } } //width: ${imageWidth + 16}px; //height: ${imageHeight + 16}px; // HTML File Methods void writeHTML(String pswitch, int pstatus1, int pstatus2, int pstatus3, int pstatus4) { String htmlContent = """
""" writeFile(htmlFileName, htmlContent) } void poll() { refresh() } int iFrameCounter() { if (state.iFrameCounter == null || state.iFrameCounter > 100) { state.iFrameCounter = 0 } else { state.iFrameCounter += 1 } return state.iFrameCounter } Boolean fileExists(String fName) { String uri = "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/local/${fName}"; def params = [ uri: uri ] try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if (resp != null) { return true } else { return false } } } catch (Exception) { if (exception.message == 'Not Found') { debugLog("File DOES NOT Exists for $fName)") } else { errorLog("Find file $fName) :: Connection Exception: ${exception.message}") } return false } } String readFile(String fName) { String uri = "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/local/${fName}" def params = [ uri: uri, contentType: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', headers: [:] ] try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if (resp != null) { String data = resp.getData() return data } else { errorLog('Null Response') } } } catch (exception) { errorLog("Read Error: ${exception.message}") return null } } Boolean appendFile(String fName, String newData) { try { String fileData = readFile(fName) fileData = fileData.substring(0, fileData.length() - 1) return writeFile(fName, fileData + newData) } catch (exception) { if (exception.message == "Not Found") { return writeFile(fName, newData) } else { errorLog("Append $fName Exception: ${exception}") return false } } } Boolean writeFile(String fName, String fData) { try { def params = [ uri: '', path: '/hub/fileManager/upload', query: [ 'folder': '/' ], headers: [ 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryDtoO2QfPwfhTjOuS' ], body: """------WebKitFormBoundaryDtoO2QfPwfhTjOuS Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadFile"; filename="${fName}" Content-Type: text/plain ${fData} ------WebKitFormBoundaryDtoO2QfPwfhTjOuS Content-Disposition: form-data; name="folder" ------WebKitFormBoundaryDtoO2QfPwfhTjOuS--""", timeout: 300, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] httpPost(params) { resp -> } return true } catch (e) { errorLog "Error writing file $fName: ${e}" } return false } //Utility methods void debugLog(String debugMessage) { if (DebugLogging == true) { log.debug(debugMessage) } } void errorLog(String errorMessage) { if (ErrorLogging == true) { log.error(errorMessage) } } void infoLog(String infoMessage) { if (InfoLogging == true) { log.info(infoMessage) } } void warnLog(String warnMessage) { if (WarnLogging == true) { log.warn(warnMessage) } }