/** * Unified Thermostat Unit Child Driver * * Copyright 2020 Simon Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who Version What * ---- --- ------- ---- * 2021-07-12 Simon Burke 1.0.0 Alpha release * 2021-07-15 Simon Burke 1.0.1 Removed temperature conversion that was causing inflated temperatures when using Fahrenheit * 2021-07-17 Simon Burke 1.0.2 Added temperature conversion back in where necessary, using parent driver platform temperature scale preference * 2021-07-19 Simon Burke 1.0.3 Updated setHeatingSetpoint and setCoolingSetpoint to add extra logging and align case of temperature scale comaprison * 2021-07-19 Simon Burke 1.0.4 Updated derive mode logic to cater for power = true rather than just power = 1, catering for MELCloud status updates * 2021-07-20 Simon Burke 1.0.5 Fixes for MELCloud Heating, was passing in power = false, should be true * 2021-07-25 Simon Burke 1.0.6 Fahrenheit Conversion - moving temp conversion from setCooling / Heating SetPoint to setTemperature method * 2021-08-15 Simon Burke 1.0.7 Added temperature conversion In/Out methods to make use of new temp scale override in parent driver * 2021-08-15 Simon Burke 1.0.8 Added Last Command UTC attribute and checked this when determining whether to apply status updates - Kumo Only at the moment * 2022-03-13 Simon Burke 1.0.9 Fix to handle different zone configurations * 2022-05-03 Simon Burke 1.0.10 Fix for temperature and fan speed parameter data types (heat and setFanSpeed commands) * 2022-05-03 Simon Burke 1.0.11 Additional fix for fan speed parameters * 2022-05-03 Simon Burke 1.0.12 Fix for fan speed conversion for in-between speed text including hiphens * 2022-05-04 Simon Burke 1.0.13 Added debug logging for MELCloud unitCommand * 2022-05-16 Simon Burke 1.0.14 Removed tweak and additional logging for MELCloud UnitCommand * 2022-05-16 Simon Burke 1.0.15 Fix for logging error * 2022-06-19 Simon Burke 1.0.16 Fix for temperature conversion in Europe * 2022-07-07 Simon Burke 1.0.17 Fix for temp string conversion * 2022-07-07 Simon Burke 1.0.18 Adjusted all currentValue calls to read from database instead of cache * 2022-07-07 Simon Burke 1.0.19 Updates to cooling and heating set point changes so that set temperature setting is also updated * 2022-07-09 Simon Burke 1.0.20 Removal of min heating and max cooling restrictons * 2022-07-10 Simon Burke 1.0.21 Adjustment to MELCloud command JSON to try and fix 500 error * 2022-07-10 Simon Burke 1.0.22 Fixed inclusion of language in authentication call to MELCloud * 2022-07-10 Simon Burke 1.0.23 Reversing JSON changes for MELCloud and AppVersion update * 2022-09-25 Simon Burke 1.0.24 Updated supported modes and fan modes to add double quotes to support HE platofrm version * 2022-10-04 Simon Burke 1.0.25 Added TemperatureMeasurement capability to support Thermostat Controller Built-in App * 2022-11-26 Simon Burke 1.0.26 Fix for Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion Include drying operating state when setting cooling setpoint * 2022-12-11 Simon Burke 1.0.27 Changes to setHeatingSetpoint and setCoolingSetpoint to use thermostatMode rather than thermostatOperatingState when determining whether to send command to the platform * 2022-12-11 Simon Burke 1.0.28 MELCloud - Fix adjust thermostat operating state to include power = true in the logic, catering for true rather than 1 power status from MELCloud, like was included in adjust thermostat mode logic * 2023-01-07 Alexander Laamanen 1.0.29 MELCloud - Fixes to handle multiple AC Units in MELCloud setup * 2023-01-07 Simon Burke 1.0.30 Now use JsonOutput for larger HTTP response logging Automatically turn off Debug Logging after 30 minutes * 2023-01-07 Simon Burke 2.0.0 Kumo Local Control - Alpha Version * New Local Control Preference Setting * New prepareLocalCommand method to encode the unit command * New unitCommand_KumoLocal method to send local command to unit * Temporarily setup unitCommand_KumoLocal as a command to test */ import java.text.DecimalFormat; import groovy.json.JsonOutput; metadata { definition (name: "Unified Thermostat Unit Child Driver", namespace: "simnet", author: "Simon Burke") { capability "Refresh" capability "Initialize" capability "Thermostat" capability "FanControl" capability "TemperatureMeasurement" preferences { input(name: "AutoStatusPolling", type: "bool", title: "Automatic Status Polling", description: "Enable / Disable automatic polling of unit status", defaultValue: true, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) input(name: "StatusPollingInterval", type: "ENUM", title: "Status Polling Interval", description: "Number of minutes between automatic status updates", multiple: false, options: ["1", "2", "5", "10", "30", "60"], defaultValue: 10, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) input(name: "FansTextOrNumbers", type: "bool", title: "Fan Modes: Text or Numbers?", description: "Use Text for Fan Modes (ON) or Numbers (OFF)?", defaultValue: true, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) input(name: "LocalControl", type: "bool", title: "Local Control", description: "Communicate via LAN (ON, Kumo Only) or Cloud (OFF)?", defaultValue: false, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) } attribute "unitId", "string" //attribute "setTemperature", "number" attribute "TemperatureIncrement", "number" // e.g. 0.5 //Temperature Ranges attribute "MinTempCool", "number" // e.g. 16.0 attribute "MaxTempCool", "number" // e.g. 31.0 attribute "MinTempDry", "number" // e.g. 16.0 attribute "MaxTempDry", "number" // e.g. 31.0 attribute "MinTempHeat", "number" // e.g. 10.0 attribute "MaxTempHeat", "number" // e.g. 31.0 attribute "MinTempAuto", "number" // e.g. 16.0 attribute "MaxTempAuto", "number" // e.g. 31.0 //Modes and Features attribute "CanHeat", "string" // e.g. true / false attribute "CanDry", "string" // e.g. true / false attribute "CanCool", "string" // e.g. true / false attribute "HasAutomaticFanSpeed", "string" // e.g. true / false attribute "NumberOfFanSpeeds", "number" // e.g. 5 //Thermostat capability attributes - showing default values from HE documentation /* attribute "coolingSetpoint", "NUMBER" attribute "heatingSetpoint", "NUMBER" attribute "schedule", "JSON_OBJECT" attribute "supportedThermostatFanModes", "ENUM", ['on', 'circulate', 'auto'] attribute "supportedThermostatModes", "ENUM", ['auto', 'off', 'heat', 'emergency heat', 'cool'] attribute "temperature", "NUMBER" attribute "thermostatFanMode", "ENUM", ['on', 'circulate', 'auto'] attribute "thermostatMode", "ENUM", ['auto', 'off', 'heat', 'emergency heat', 'cool'] attribute "thermostatOperatingState", "ENUM", ['heating', 'pending cool', 'pending heat', 'vent economizer', 'idle', 'cooling', 'fan only'] attribute "thermostatSetpoint", "NUMBER" */ //FanControl capability attributes - showing default values from HE documentation /* speed - ENUM ["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"] */ attribute "lastRunningMode", "STRING" attribute "lastCommandUTC", "STRING" //MELCloud specific commands: command "on" //Kumo Local testing commands: command "unitCommand_KumoLocal", [[name: "command", type: "STRING"]] /* Example Local Commands */ /* {'mode': 'auto'} {'mode': 'heat'} {'mode': 'cool'} {'mode': 'auto'} {'mode': 'off'} {'mode': 'dry'} {'fanSpeed':'auto'} {'fanSpeed':'superQuiet'} {'mode':'vent', 'fanSpeed':'superQuiet'} {'spCool':value} {'spHeat':value} */ //Thermostat capability commands /* command "auto" command "cool" command "emergencyHeat" //Currently unsupported command "fanAuto" //Currently unsupported command "fanCirculate" //Currently unsupported command "fanOn" //Currently unsupported command "heat" command "off" command "setCoolingSetpoint", [[name:"temperature*", type: "NUMBER", description: "Enter the Cooling Set Point" ] ] // temperature required (NUMBER) - Cooling setpoint in degrees command "setHeatingSetpoint", [[name:"temperature*", type: "NUMBER", description: "Enter the Heating Set Point" ] ] // temperature required (NUMBER) - Heating setpoint in degrees command "setSchedule", [[name:"JSON_OBJECT", type: "JSON_OBJECT", description: "Enter the JSON for the schedule" ] ] // JSON_OBJECT (JSON_OBJECT) - JSON_OBJECT //Currently unsupported in MELCloud */ //Providing command with fan modes supported by MELCloud //command "setThermostatFanMode", [[name:"fanmode*", type: "ENUM", description: "Pick a Fan Mode", constraints: ["Low", "Mid", "High", "Auto"] ] ] // fanmode required (ENUM) - Fan mode to set //command "setThermostatMode", [[name:"thermostatmode*", type: "ENUM", description: "Pick a Thermostat Mode", constraints: ['Heat', 'Dry', 'Cool', 'Fan', 'Auto'] ] ] // thermostatmode required (ENUM) - Thermostat mode to set //FanControl capability commands /* setSpeed(fanspeed) fanspeed required (ENUM) - Fan speed to set */ } } def getUnitId() { return state.unitId } def setUnitId(pUnitId) { state.unitId = pUnitId } // Standard Driver Methods /* Initialize() To-Do 1. Come up with updated logic for handling high set point to take into account Celsius and Fahrenheit */ def initialize() { parent.debugLog("initialize: Initialize process started for unit ${getUnitId()}...") //update unit settings and status polling updated() //Run refresh process, including status updates for power, mode, temperatures, etc refresh() parent.debugLog("initialize: Initialize process completed for unit ${getUnitId()}...") } def refresh() { parent.debugLog("refresh: Refresh process called") // Retrieve current state information and apply updates // to HE device attributes applyStatusUpdates(retrieveStatusInfo()) } // Updated - Run when the Save Preferences button is pressed on the Device Edit page // and when device is initialized // To-Do: Turn on polling def updated() { // Retrieve current unit settings and features, applying updates // to HE device attributes parent.debugLog("updated: Applying Unit Settings and Features for unit ${getUnitId()}...") applyUnitSettings(retrieveUnitSettings()) parent.debugLog("updated: AutoStatusPolling = ${AutoStatusPolling}, StatusPollingInterval = ${StatusPollingInterval}") updateStatusPolling() } // Mode and Fan Mode Maps and Conversions /* getFanModeMap() To-Do: Review these values for Kumo and MelView */ def getFanModeMap() { if (FansTextOrNumbers == true) { [ "0":"Auto", "1":"Low", "2":"Medium Low", "3":"Medium", "4":"Medium High", "5":"High" ] } else { [ "0":"auto", "1":"1", "2":"2", "3":"3", "4":"4", "5":"5" ] } } /* convertFanModeToKey() To-Do: Confirm mode values across each platform */ def convertFanModeToKey(pFanMode) { String vFanMode = "${pFanMode}"; vFanMode = vFanMode.trim().toLowerCase(); def vModeKey = null if(vFanMode == "auto" || vFanMode == "auto") { vModeKey = 0 } if(vFanMode == "low" || vFanMode == "1" ) { vModeKey = 1 } if(vFanMode == "medium low" || vFanMode == "2" ) { vModeKey = 2 } if(vFanMode == "medium-low" || vFanMode == "2" ) { vModeKey = 2 } if(vFanMode == "medium" || vFanMode == "3" ) { vModeKey = 3 } if(vFanMode == "medium high" || vFanMode == "4" ) { vModeKey = 4 } if(vFanMode == "medium-high" || vFanMode == "4" ) { vModeKey = 4 } if(vFanMode == "high" || vFanMode == "5" ) { vModeKey = 5 } return vModeKey } def adjustFanModes(pNumberOfFanSpeeds, pHasAutomaticFanSpeed) { def fanModes = [] fanModes.add("\"Off\"") //Text or Numbers? if (FansTextOrNumbers == true || FansTextOrNumbers == "1") { parent.debugLog("adjustFanModes:Text-based Fan Modes") if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 3) { fanModes.add("\"Low\"") fanModes.add("\"Medium\"") fanModes.add("\"High\"") } else if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 2) { fanModes.add("\"Low\"") fanModes.add("\"High\"") } else { //if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 5) { fanModes.add("\"Low\"") fanModes.add("\"Medium Low\"") fanModes.add("\"Medium\"") fanModes.add("\"Medium High\"") fanModes.add("\"High\"") } } else { parent.debugLog("adjustFanModes:Number-based Fan Modes") if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 3) { fanModes.add("\"1\"") fanModes.add("\"2\"") fanModes.add("\"3\"") } else if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 2) { fanModes.add("\"1\"") fanModes.add("\"2\"") } else { //if(pNumberOfFanSpeeds.toInteger() == 5) { fanModes.add("\"1\"") fanModes.add("\"2\"") fanModes.add("\"3\"") fanModes.add("\"4\"") fanModes.add("\"5\"") } } if(pHasAutomaticFanSpeed == "true" || pHasAutomaticFanSpeed == "1") { fanModes.add("\"Auto\"") } fanModes.add("\"On\"") parent.debugLog("adjustFanModes: fanModes detected are ${fanModes}") //Apply settings sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatFanModes', value: fanModes) } /* getModeMap() To-Do: Review these values for Kumo and MelView */ def getModeMap() { [ "1" : "heat", "2" : "dry", "3" : "cool", "7" : "fan", "8" : "auto", "16" : "off", "33" : "auto", "35" : "auto" ] } def getOperatingStateMap() { [ "1" : "heating", "2" : "drying", "3" : "cooling", "7" : "fan only", "8" : "auto", "16" : "idle", "33" : "heating", "35" : "cooling" ] } def adjustThermostatModes(pCanHeat,pCanCool,pCanDry, pCanAuto) { parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatModes: Adjusting Thermostat Modes...") def thermostatModes = [] parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatModes: CanHeat = ${pCanHeat}, CanCool = ${pCanCool}, CanDry = ${pCanDry}, CanAuto = ${pCanAuto}") if(pCanHeat == "true" || pCanHeat == "1") { thermostatModes.add("\"heat\"") } if(pCanCool == "true" || pCanCool == "1") { thermostatModes.add("\"cool\"") } if(pCanDry == "true" || pCanDry == "1") { thermostatModes.add("\"dry\"") } if(pCanAuto == "true" || pCanAuto == "1") { thermostatModes.add("\"auto\"") } thermostatModes.add("\"fan\"") thermostatModes.add("\"off\"") parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatModes: thermostatModes detected are ${thermostatModes}") sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatModes', value: thermostatModes) } /* convertThermostatModeToKey() To-Do: Confirm mode values across each platform */ def convertThermostatModeToKey(pThermostatMode) { def vModeKey = null if(pThermostatMode.trim() == "heat") vModeKey = 1 if(pThermostatMode.trim() == "dry") vModeKey = 2 if(pThermostatMode.trim() == "cool") vModeKey = 3 if(pThermostatMode.trim() == "fan") vModeKey = 7 if(pThermostatMode.trim() == "auto") vModeKey = 8 return vModeKey } // Unit Settings and Status def retrieveUnitSettings() { //Returns current features and settings information for the ac unit def settings = [:] parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings: Retrieving unit features and settings") settings = "retrieveUnitSettings_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings: pre-conversion") settings.minTempCool = convertTemperatureIn(settings.minTempCool) settings.maxTempCool = convertTemperatureIn(settings.maxTempCool) settings.minTempDry = convertTemperatureIn(settings.minTempDry) settings.maxTempDry = convertTemperatureIn(settings.maxTempDry) settings.minTempHeat = convertTemperatureIn(settings.minTempHeat) settings.maxTempHeat = convertTemperatureIn(settings.maxTempHeat) settings.minTempAuto = convertTemperatureIn(settings.minTempAuto) settings.maxTempAuto = convertTemperatureIn(settings.maxTempAuto) parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings: Settings to be returned = ${settings}") return settings } def retrieveUnitSettings_MELView() { def settings = [:] def postParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}unitcapabilities.aspx", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELView("no"), contentType: "application/json", body : "{'unitid': '${getUnitId()}'}" ] try { httpPost(postParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_MELView: unit capabilities response - ${JsonOutput.toJson(resp.data)}") //Current Temperature Settings settings.minTempCool = "${resp.data.max."3".min}" settings.maxTempCool = "${resp.data.max."3".max}" settings.minTempDry = "${resp.data.max."3".min}" settings.maxTempDry = "${resp.data.max."3".max}" settings.minTempHeat = "${resp.data.max."1".min}" settings.maxTempHeat = "${resp.data.max."1".max}" settings.minTempAuto = "${resp.data.max."8".min}" settings.maxTempAuto = "${resp.data.max."8".max}" //Current Feature Settings if ("${resp.data.hascoolonly}" == "1") {settings.canHeat = "0"} else {settings.canHeat = "1"} settings.canDry = "${resp.data.hasdrymode}" settings.canCool = "1" settings.canAuto = "${resp.data.hasautomode}" settings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed = "${resp.data.hasautofan}" settings.numberOfFanSpeeds = "${resp.data.fanstage}" parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_MELView: Features and Settings - ${settings}") } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog("retrieveUnitSettings_MELView: Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric MELView: ${e}") } return settings } def retrieveUnitSettings_MELCloud() { parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_MELCloud: Retrieval process started...") def settings = [:] def getParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/Mitsubishi.Wifi.Client/User/ListDevices", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELCloud("no"), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : "{ }" ] try { httpGet(getParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_MELCloud: Initial data returned from ListDevices: ${JsonOutput.toJson(resp.data)}") def unit = resp?.data?.Structure?.Devices[0]?.find { unit -> "${unit.DeviceID}" == getUnitId() }.Device settings.minTempCool = "${unit.MinTempCoolDry}" settings.maxTempCool = "${unit.MaxTempCoolDry}" settings.minTempDry = "${unit.MinTempCoolDry}" settings.maxTempDry = "${unit.MaxTempCoolDry}" settings.minTempHeat = "${unit.MinTempHeat}" settings.maxTempHeat = "${unit.MaxTempHeat}" settings.minTempAuto = "${unit.MinTempAutomatic}" settings.maxTempAuto = "${unit.MaxTempAutomatic}" //Modes and Features settings.canHeat = "${unit.CanHeat}" settings.canDry = "${unit.CanDry}" settings.canCool = "${unit.CanCool}" settings.canAuto = "${unit.ModelSupportsAuto}" settings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed = "${unit.HasAutomaticFanSpeed}" settings.numberOfFanSpeeds = "${unit.NumberOfFanSpeeds}".toInteger() } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "retrieveUnitSettings_MELCloud : Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric MELCloud: ${e}" } return settings } def retrieveUnitSettings_KumoCloud() { parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_KumoCloud: Retrieval process started...") def settings = [:] def postParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/getInfrequentDeviceUpdates", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_KumoCloud("no"), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : "[ \"${parent.getAuthCode()}\",[\"${getUnitId()}\"] ]" ] try { httpPost(postParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("retrieveUnitSettings_KumoCloud: Initial data returned: ${JsonOutput.toJson(resp.data)}") //Temperature Ranges Configured settings.minTempCool = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].min_setpoint}" settings.maxTempCool = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].max_setpoint}" settings.minTempDry = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].min_setpoint}" settings.maxTempDry = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].max_setpoint}" settings.minTempHeat = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].min_setpoint}" settings.maxTempHeat = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].max_setpoint}" settings.minTempAuto = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].min_setpoint}" settings.maxTempAuto = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].max_setpoint}" //Modes and Features settings.canHeat = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].mode_heat}" settings.canDry = "${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].mode_dry}" settings.canCool = "true" if ("${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].auto_mode_disable}" == "false") { settings.canAuto = "true" } else { settings.canAuto = "false" } if ("${resp.data[2].adapter_status[0].auto_mode_disable}" == "false") { settings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed = "true" } else { settings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed = "false" } settings.numberOfFanSpeeds = "5" } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "retrieveUnitSettings_KumoCloud : Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric KumoCloud: ${e}" } return settings } def applyUnitSettings(givenSettings) { parent.debugLog("applyUnitSettings: Unit Settings are ${givenSettings}") //Temperature Ranges Configured sendEvent(name: "MinTempCool", value: givenSettings.minTempCool) sendEvent(name: "MaxTempCool", value: givenSettings.maxTempCool) sendEvent(name: "MinTempDry" , value: givenSettings.minTempDry) sendEvent(name: "MaxTempDry" , value: givenSettings.maxTempDry) sendEvent(name: "MinTempHeat", value: givenSettings.minTempHeat) sendEvent(name: "MaxTempHeat", value: givenSettings.maxTempHeat) sendEvent(name: "MinTempAuto", value: givenSettings.minTempAuto) sendEvent(name: "MaxTempAuto", value: givenSettings.maxTempAuto) //Modes and Features sendEvent(name: "CanHeat", value: givenSettings.canHeat) sendEvent(name: "CanCool", value: givenSettings.canCool) sendEvent(name: "CanDry", value: givenSettings.canDry) sendEvent(name: "CanAuto", value: givenSettings.canAuto) sendEvent(name: "HasAutomaticFanSpeed", value: givenSettings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed) sendEvent(name: "NumberOfFanSpeeds", value: givenSettings.numberOfFanSpeeds) adjustFanModes(givenSettings.numberOfFanSpeeds, givenSettings.hasAutomaticFanSpeed) adjustThermostatModes(givenSettings.canHeat, givenSettings.canCool, givenSettings.canDry, givenSettings.canAuto) } def retrieveStatusInfo() { //Returns current status information for the ac unit parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo: Retrieving status info from ${parent.getPlatform()} ") def statusInfo = "retrieveStatusInfo_${parent.getPlatform()}"() statusInfo.setTemp = convertTemperatureIn(statusInfo.setTemp) statusInfo.roomTemp = convertTemperatureIn(statusInfo.roomTemp) return statusInfo } def retrieveStatusInfo_MELView() { def statusInfo = [:] def postParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}unitCommand.aspx", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELView("no"), contentType: "application/json", body : "{'unitid': '${getUnitId()}'}" ] parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELView: Post Params = ${postParams}") try { httpPost(postParams) { acUnit -> parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELView: unit command response - ${acUnit.data}") statusInfo.unitId = acUnit.data.id //Current Status Information statusInfo.power = "${acUnit.data.power}" statusInfo.setMode = "${acUnit.data.setmode}" statusInfo.roomTemp = "${acUnit.data.roomtemp}" statusInfo.setTemp = "${acUnit.data.settemp}" statusInfo.setFan = "${acUnit.data.setfan}" } parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELView: Status Info - ${statusInfo}") } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELView: Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric MELView: ${e}") } return statusInfo } def retrieveStatusInfo_KumoCloud() { def statusInfo = [:] def postParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/getDeviceUpdates", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_KumoCloud("no"), contentType: "application/json", body : "[ \"${parent.getAuthCode()}\",[\"${getUnitId()}\"] ]" ] try { httpPost(postParams) { acUnit -> parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_KumoCloud: response - ${acUnit.data}") statusInfo.unitId = "${acUnit.data[2][0].device_serial}".replace("[","").replace("]","") statusInfo.statusAsAt = "${acUnit.data[2][0].record_time}".replace("[","").replace("]","") //Current Status Information statusInfo.power = "${acUnit.data[2][0].power}".replace("[","").replace("]","") statusInfo.setMode = "${acUnit.data[2][0].operation_mode}".replace("[","").replace("]","") statusInfo.roomTemp = "${acUnit.data[2][0].room_temp}".replace("[","").replace("]","") if(statusInfo.setMode == "3" || statusInfo.setMode == "35") { statusInfo.setTemp = "${acUnit.data[2][0].sp_cool}".replace("[","").replace("]","") } if(statusInfo.setMode == "1" || statusInfo.setMode == "33") { statusInfo.setTemp = "${acUnit.data[2][0].sp_heat}".replace("[","").replace("]","") } //statusInfo.setTemp = "${acUnit.data[2][0].set_temp}".replace("[","").replace("]","") statusInfo.setFan = "${acUnit.data[2][0].fan_speed}".replace("[","").replace("]","") } parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_KumoCloud: Status Info - ${statusInfo}") } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog("retrieveStatusInfo_KumoCloud: Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric Kumo Cloud: ${e}") } return statusInfo } def retrieveStatusInfo_MELCloud() { def statusInfo = [:] def getParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/Mitsubishi.Wifi.Client/User/ListDevices", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELCloud("no"), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : "{ }" ] try { httpGet(getParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELCloud: Initial data returned from ListDevices: ${resp.data}") def unit = resp?.data?.Structure?.Devices[0]?.find { unit -> "${unit.DeviceID}" == getUnitId() }.Device if ("${unit.HasPendingCommand}" != "true") { statusInfo.unitId = "${unit.DeviceID}" //Current Status Information statusInfo.power = "${unit.Power}" statusInfo.setMode = "${unit.OperationMode}".toInteger() statusInfo.roomTemp = "${unit.RoomTemperature}" statusInfo.setTemp = "${unit.SetTemperature}" statusInfo.setFan = "${unit.FanSpeed}".toInteger() //Temperature Ranges Configured statusInfo.minTempCoolDry = "${unit.MinTempCoolDry}" statusInfo.maxTempCoolDry = "${unit.MaxTempCoolDry}" statusInfo.minTempHeat = "${unit.MinTempHeat}" statusInfo.maxTempHeat = "${unit.MaxTempHeat}" statusInfo.minTempAutomatic = "${unit.MinTempAutomatic}" statusInfo.maxTempAutomatic = "${unit.MaxTempAutomatic}" //Modes and Features statusInfo.canHeat = "${unit.CanHeat}" statusInfo.canDry = "${unit.CanDry}" statusInfo.canCool = "${unit.CanCool}" statusInfo.hasAutomaticFanSpeed = "${unit.HasAutomaticFanSpeed}" statusInfo.numberOfFanSpeeds = "${unit.NumberOfFanSpeeds}".toInteger() } else { parent.debugLog("retrieveStatusInfo_MELCloud: There are pending commands, status will be updated when there are no pending commands.") } } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "retrieveStatusInfo_MELCloud : Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric MELCloud: ${e}" } return statusInfo } def applyStatusUpdates(statusInfo) { def statusIsCurrent = 1 parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: Status Info: ${statusInfo}") if (!statusInfo.isEmpty()) { parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: lastCommandUTC = ${checkNull(device.currentValue("lastCommandUTC", true),"Null")}, ${checkNull(statusInfo.statusAsAt,"Null")}") if (device.currentValue("lastCommandUTC") != null && statusInfo.containsKey("statusAsAt") ) { def lastCommandUTC_Date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" ).parse(device.currentValue("lastCommandUTC", true)) def statusAsAt_Date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" ).parse(statusInfo.statusAsAt) parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: lastCommandUTC_Date = ${lastCommandUTC_Date}, statusAsAt_Date = ${statusAsAt_Date}") if (lastCommandUTC_Date > statusAsAt_Date) { statusIsCurrent = 0 } else { statusIsCurrent = 1 } } else { statusIsCurrent = 1 } parent.debugLog("applyStatusUpdates: statusIsCurrent = ${statusIsCurrent}") if (statusIsCurrent == 1) { parent.debugLog("applyStatusUpdates: About to adjust thermostat mode details...") adjustThermostatMode(statusInfo.setMode, statusInfo.power) parent.debugLog("applyStatusUpdates: About to adjust temperatures...") adjustRoomTemperature(statusInfo.roomTemp) adjustSetTemperature(statusInfo.setTemp, statusInfo.setMode, statusInfo.power) adjustThermostatFanMode(statusInfo.setFan) } else { parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: Status information is out of date, a command must have been run recently") } parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: Status update complete") } else { parent.debugLog("applyResponseStatus: No status information was provided, no further action was taken") } } // Unit Control Methods // Temperature Control def adjustRoomTemperature(pTemp) { def vTempScaleUnit = "°${parent.getHETempScale()}" def vRoomTempValue parent.debugLog("adjustRoomTemperature: Temperature provided = ${pTemp}") if(pTemp == null || !"${pTemp}".isNumber()) { parent.warnLog("adjustRoomTemperature: Warning, The Room Temperature was either null or not a number") } else { vRoomTempValue = pTemp.toFloat().round(1) if (device.currentValue("temperature", true) == null || device.currentValue("temperature", true).toFloat().round(1) != vRoomTempValue) { if (device.currentValue("temperature", true) != vRoomTempValue) { parent.debugLog("adjustRoomTemperature: Current Room Temperature value and value provided did not match") } parent.debugLog("adjustRoomTemperature: updating room temperature from ${device.currentValue("temperature", true)} to ${vRoomTempValue}") sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: vRoomTempValue) } else { parent.debugLog("adjustRoomTemperature: No action taken") } } } // adjustHeatingSetpoint() To-Do: Use Minimum Heating Set Point instead of 23 def adjustHeatingSetpoint(givenTemp) { def heatingSetTempValue = givenTemp.toFloat().round(1) def currHeatingSetTempValue = checkNull(device.currentValue("heatingSetpoint", true),"23.0").toFloat().round(1) def currThermSetTempValue = checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true),"23.0").toFloat().round(1) parent.debugLog("adjustHeatingSetpoint: Current heatingSetpoint ${currHeatingSetTempValue}, Current ThermostatSetpoint = ${currThermSetTempValue}, New heatingSetpoint = ${heatingSetTempValue}") if (currHeatingSetTempValue != heatingSetTempValue) { sendEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value : heatingSetTempValue) parent.infoLog("Heating Set Point adjusted to ${heatingSetTempValue} for ${device.label}") } //if (currThermSetTempValue != heatingSetTempValue) { // sendEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: heatingSetTempValue) // parent.infoLog("Thermostat Set Point adjusted to ${heatingSetTempValue} for ${device.label}") //} } def setHeatingSetpoint(givenTemp) { def correctedTemp = givenTemp parent.debugLog("setHeatingSetpoint: Setting Heating Set Point to ${givenTemp}, current minimum ${device.currentValue("MinTempHeat", true)}, current maximum ${device.currentValue("MaxTempHeat", true)}") //Check allowable heating temperature range and correct where necessary //Minimum //if (givenTemp < device.currentValue("MinTempHeat", true)) { // correctedTemp = device.currentValue("MinTempHeat", true) // parent.debugLog("setHeatingSetpoint: Temperature selected = ${givenTemp}, corrected to minimum heating set point ${correctedTemp}") //} //Maximum if (givenTemp > device.currentValue("MaxTempHeat", true)) { correctedTemp = device.currentValue("MaxTempHeat", true) parent.debugLog("setHeatingSetpoint: Temperature selected = ${givenTemp}, corrected to maximum heating set point ${correctedTemp}") } parent.debugLog("setHeatingSetpoint: Corrected Temp = ${correctedTemp}") adjustHeatingSetpoint(correctedTemp) if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) == "heat") { setTemperature(correctedTemp) } } // adjustCoolingSetpoint() To-Do: Use Maximum Heating Set Point instead of 23 def adjustCoolingSetpoint(givenTemp) { def coolingSetTempValue = givenTemp.toFloat().round(1) def currCoolingSetTempValue = checkNull(device.currentValue("coolingSetpoint", true),"23.0").toFloat().round(1) def currThermSetTempValue = checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true),"23.0").toFloat().round(1) parent.debugLog("adjustCoolingSetpoint: Current coolingSetpoint ${currCoolingSetTempValue}, Current ThermostatSetpoint = ${currThermSetTempValue}, New coolingSetpoint = ${coolingSetTempValue}") if (currCoolingSetTempValue != coolingSetTempValue) { sendEvent(name: "coolingSetpoint", value : coolingSetTempValue) parent.infoLog("Cooling Set Point adjusted to ${coolingSetTempValue} for ${device.label}") } //if (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState", true) == "cooling" && currThermSetTempValue != coolingSetTempValue) { // sendEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: coolingSetTempValue) // parent.infoLog("Thermostat Set Point adjusted to ${coolingSetTempValue} for ${device.label}") //} } def setCoolingSetpoint(givenTemp) { def correctedTemp = givenTemp parent.debugLog("setCoolingSetpoint: Setting Cooling Set Point to ${givenTemp}, current minimum ${device.currentValue("MinTempCool", true)}, current maximum ${device.currentValue("MaxTempCool", true)}") //Check allowable cooling temperature range and correct where necessary //Minimum if (givenTemp < device.currentValue("MinTempCool", true)) { correctedTemp = device.currentValue("MinTempCool", true) parent.debugLog("setCoolingSetpoint: Temperature selected = ${givenTemp}, corrected to minimum cooling set point ${correctedTemp}") } //Maximum //if (givenTemp > device.currentValue("MaxTempCool", true)) { // correctedTemp = device.currentValue("MaxTempCool", true) // parent.debugLog("setCoolingSetpoint: Temperature selected = ${givenTemp}, corrected to maximum cooling set point ${correctedTemp}") //} parent.debugLog("setCoolingSetpoint: Corrected Temp = ${correctedTemp}") adjustCoolingSetpoint(correctedTemp) if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) == "cool" || device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) == "dry") { setTemperature(correctedTemp) } } // TO-DO: Look at use of the value 23.0 for the US // Tidy up use of conversions and checks and logging, particularly when we get a null value returned from API def adjustSetTemperature(pSetTemp, pThermostatMode, pPower) { def vSetTemp if ("${pSetTemp}".isNumber()) { vSetTemp = pSetTemp.toFloat().round(1) } else { vSetTemp = null } def vCurrentSetTempConv def vCurrentSetTemp = device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true) if ("${vCurrentSetTemp}".isNumber()) { vCurrentSetTempConv = vCurrentSetTemp.toFloat().round(1)} else { vCurrentSetTempConv = null } parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: Temperature passed in was ${pSetTemp} which was parsed as ${vSetTemp}, current set temperature is ${vCurrentSetTempConv}") if (vSetTemp != null && (vCurrentSetTempConv == null || vCurrentSetTempConv != vSetTemp)) { parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: Changing Set Temperature from ${vCurrentSetTempConv} to ${vSetTemp}") sendEvent(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: vSetTemp) def vMode if (pMode == null) { vMode = device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) } else { vMode = deriveThermostatMode(pThermostatMode, pPower) } parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: Current mode is ${vMode}") if (vMode == "heat") { parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: Heating mode detected, adjusting heating set point") adjustHeatingSetpoint(vSetTemp) } if (vMode == "cool" || vMode == "dry") { parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: Cooling / Drying mode detected, adjusting cooling set point") adjustCoolingSetpoint(vSetTemp) } } else { parent.debugLog("adjustSetTemperature: No action taken, either no change in temperature or null temperature provided") } } def setTemperature(givenSetTemp) { def vPlatform = parent.getPlatform() def setTempValue = givenSetTemp.toFloat().round(1) def currThermSetTempValue = checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true),"23.0").toFloat().round(1) def convertedTemp = setTempValue parent.debugLog("setTemperature: givenSetTemp = ${givenSetTemp}, currentThermSetTempValue = ${currThermSetTempValue}") if(currThermSetTempValue != setTempValue) { parent.debugLog("setTemperature: Setting Temperature to ${setTempValue} for ${device.label}") adjustSetTemperature(givenSetTemp, null, null) convertedTemp = convertTemperatureOut("${givenSetTemp}") parent.debugLog("setTemperature: Set Temperature Provided = ${setTempValue}, converted to ${convertedTemp} for ${vPlatform}") if (vPlatform == "MELCloud") { setTemperature_MELCloud(convertedTemp) } if (vPlatform == "MELView") { setTemperature_MELView(convertedTemp) } if (vPlatform == "KumoCloud") { setTemperature_KumoCloud(convertedTemp) } parent.debugLog("setTemperature: Temperature adjusted to ${setTempValue} for ${device.label}") } else { parent.debugLog("setTemperature: No action taken") } } def setTemperature_MELView(givenSetTemp) { parent.debugLog("setTemperature_MELCloud: Command = TS${givenSetTemp}") unitCommand_MELView("TS${givenSetTemp}") parent.debugLog("setTemperature_MELView: Unit Command submitted") } def setTemperature_KumoCloud(givenSetTemp) { def setTempValue = givenSetTemp.toFloat() def bodyJson = "{\"sp${device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true).toLowerCase().capitalize()}\":${setTempValue}}" parent.debugLog("setTemperature_KumoCloud: Body JSON = ${bodyJson}") unitCommand_KumoCloud("${bodyJson}") parent.debugLog("setTemperature_KumoCloud: Unit Command submitted") } def setTemperature_MELCloud(givenSetTemp) { def bodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) ,givenSetTemp ) parent.debugLog("setTemperature_MELCloud: Body JSON = ${bodyJson}") unitCommand_MELCloud("${bodyJson}") parent.debugLog("setTemperature_MELCloud: Unit Command submitted") } // Fan Mode Control def adjustThermostatFanMode(pFanModeKey) { // Convert the MEL Fan Mode Key provided to a Fan Mode and Speed recognised by HE def vFanModeValue = fanModeMap["${pFanModeKey}"].trim() def vFanControlSpeed = "" if(vFanModeValue == "Auto") vFanControlSpeed = "auto" if(vFanModeValue == "Low" || vFanModeValue == "1") vFanControlSpeed = "low" if(vFanModeValue == "Medium Low" || vFanModeValue == "2") vFanControlSpeed = "medium-low" if(vFanModeValue == "Medium" || vFanModeValue == "3") vFanControlSpeed = "medium" if(vFanModeValue == "Medium High" || vFanModeValue == "4") vFanControlSpeed = "medium-high" if(vFanModeValue == "High" || vFanModeValue == "5") vFanControlSpeed = "high" parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: MEL Fan Mode Key ${checkNull(pFanModeKey,"")} parsed as HE Fan Mode Value ${checkNull(vFanModeValue,"")} and HE Fan Speed ${vFanControlSpeed}") // Adjust the Fan Mode if(vFanModeValue == null) { parent.warnLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: Warning - Unknown Fan Mode selected, no action taken") } else { // Adjust the thermostatFanMode Attribute if (checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true),"") != vFanModeValue) { sendEvent(name: "thermostatFanMode", value: vFanModeValue) parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: Fan Mode adjusted to ${vFanModeValue} for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") } else { parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: No change to Fan Mode detected, no action taken") } } // Adjust the Fan Speed if(vFanControlSpeed == "") { parent.warnLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: Warning - Unknown Fan Speed selected, no action taken") } else { // Adjust the speed Attribute if (checkNull(device.currentValue("speed", true),"") != vFanControlSpeed) { sendEvent(name: "speed", value: vFanControlSpeed) parent.infoLog("Fan Speed adjusted to ${vFanControlSpeed} for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") } else { parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatFanMode: No change to Fan Speed detected, no action taken") } } } def setThermostatFanMode(pFanMode) { def vPlatform = parent.getPlatform() def vFanMode = pFanMode.trim() def vFanModeKey = convertFanModeToKey(vFanMode) parent.debugLog("setThermostatFanMode: HE Fan Mode ${pFanMode} parsed as MEL Fan Mode Key ${vFanModeKey}") if (vFanModeKey != null) { if(checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true),"") != vFanMode) { adjustThermostatFanMode(vFanModeKey) parent.debugLog("setThermostatFanMode: Setting Fan Mode to ${vFanMode}(${vFanModeKey}) for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") if (vPlatform == "MELCloud" ) { setThermostatFanMode_MELCloud (vFanModeKey) } if (vPlatform == "MELView" ) { setThermostatFanMode_MELView (vFanModeKey) } if (vPlatform == "KumoCloud") { setThermostatFanMode_KumoCloud (vFanModeKey) } parent.infoLog("Fan Mode set to ${vFanMode} for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") } else { parent.debugLog("setThermostatFanMode: No action taken") } } else { parent.warnLog("setThermostatFanMode: Warning - Fan Mode ${pFanMode} not identified in MEL Fan Mode List, no action taken") } } def setThermostatFanMode_MELCloud(pFanModeKey) { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,pFanModeKey ,device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) ,device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def setThermostatFanMode_MELView (pFanModeKey) { unitCommand_MELView("FS${pFanModeKey}") } def setThermostatFanMode_KumoCloud (pFanModeKey) { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"fanSpeed\":${pFanModeKey}}") } //Fan Speed method from the Fan Control capability // Simply calling the Fan Mode method that is part of the Thermostat capability def setSpeed(pFanspeed) { setThermostatFanMode("${pFanspeed}") } // Thermostat Mode Control def adjustThermostatMode(pThermostatMode, pPower) { parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatMode: Adjust Thermostat Mode called") def vModeDesc = deriveThermostatMode(pThermostatMode, pPower) parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatMode: Thermostat Mode provided ${pThermostatMode}, Power provided ${pPower}, parsed as Mode Description ${vModeDesc}") if (checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true),"") != vModeDesc) { sendEvent(name: "thermostatMode", value: vModeDesc) if (vModeDesc != "off" && checkNull(device.currentValue("lastRunningMode", true),"") != vModeDesc) { sendEvent(name: "lastRunningMode", value: vModeDesc) } } adjustThermostatOperatingState(pThermostatMode,pPower) } /* adjustThermostatOperatingState To-Do: use map for mode to state translation */ def adjustThermostatOperatingState(pThermostatMode, pPower) { def vOperatingState if (pPower == "1" || pPower == "true") { vOperatingState = operatingStateMap["${pThermostatMode}"] } else { vOperatingState = "idle" } parent.debugLog("adjustThermostatOperatingState: Thermostat Mode passed in = ${pThermostatMode}, Power passed in ${pPower}, OperatingState: ${vOperatingState}") if (checkNull(device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState", true),"") != vOperatingState) { sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: vOperatingState) } } def deriveThermostatMode(pThermostatMode, pPower) { def vModeDesc if (pPower.toBoolean()) { vModeDesc = modeMap["${pThermostatMode}"] } else { vModeDesc = "off" } return vModeDesc } def setThermostatMode(pThermostatMode) { parent.debugLog("setThermostatMode: Thermostat Mode passed in = ${pThermostatMode}") "${pThermostatMode}"() parent.debugLog("setThermostatMode: Thermostat Mode set") } def on() { parent.debugLog("on: Turning ON device ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "on_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Power turned ON for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("on"), "1") parent.debugLog("on: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def on_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def on_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode': '${device.getCurrentValue("lastRunningMode", true)}'}") } else { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1}") } } def on_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1") } def off() { parent.debugLog("off: Turning OFF device ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "off_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Power turned OFF for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("off"), "0") parent.debugLog("off: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def off_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode':'off'}") } else { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":0}") } } def off_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( false //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,device.currentValue("thermostatMode", true) ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def off_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW0") } def heat() { adjustHeatingSetpoint(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) parent.debugLog("heat: Adjusting Thermostat Mode to Heating for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "heat_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Thermostat Mode set to Heating for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("heat"), "1") parent.debugLog("heat: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def heat_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode': 'heat'}") } else { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1,\"operationMode\":1}") } } def heat_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,"heat" //thermostatMode ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def heat_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1,MD1") } def dry() { parent.debugLog("dry: Adjusting Thermostat Mode to Dry for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "dry_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Thermostat Mode set to Dry for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("dry"), "1") parent.debugLog("dry: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def dry_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode':'dry'}") } else {unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1,\"operationMode\":2}") } } def dry_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,"dry" //thermostatMode ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def dry_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1,MD2") } def cool() { parent.debugLog("cool: Adjusting Thermostat Mode to Cooling for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "cool_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Thermostat Mode set to Cooling for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("cool"), "1") parent.debugLog("cool: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def cool_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode': 'cool'}") } else { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1,\"operationMode\":3}") } } boolean getLocalControl() { return LocalControl; } def cool_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,"cool" //thermostatMode ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def cool_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1,MD3") } def fan() { parent.debugLog("fan: Adjusting Thermostat Mode to Fan for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "fan_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Thermostat Mode set to Fan for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("fan"), "1") parent.debugLog("fan: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def fan_KumoCloud() { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1,\"operationMode\":7}") //{'mode':'vent', 'fanSpeed':'superQuiet'}; } def fan_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,"fan" //thermostatMode ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def fan_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1,MD7") } def auto() { parent.debugLog("auto: Adjusting Thermostat Mode to Auto for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") "auto_${parent.getPlatform()}"() parent.infoLog("Thermostat Mode set to Auto for ${device.label} (${getUnitId()})") adjustThermostatMode(convertThermostatModeToKey("auto"), "1") parent.debugLog("auto: Thermostat Mode adjusted") } def auto_KumoCloud() { if(getLocalControl()) { unitCommand_KumoLocal("{'mode': 'auto'}") } else { unitCommand_KumoCloud("{\"power\":1,\"operationMode\":8}") } } def auto_MELCloud() { def vBodyJson = getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud( true //Power ,device.currentValue("thermostatFanMode", true) ,"auto" //thermostatMode ,convertTemperatureOut(device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint", true)) ) unitCommand_MELCloud("${vBodyJson}") } def auto_MELView() { unitCommand_MELView("PW1,MD8") } // Platform Specific API Command Methods def unitCommand_MELCloud(pCommand) { def vPostParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/Mitsubishi.Wifi.Client/Device/SetAta", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELCloud("no"), //contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : "${pCommand}" ] try { httpPost(vPostParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("unitCommand_MELCloud: Initial data returned from SetAta: ${resp.data}") } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "unitCommand : Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric ${parent.getPlatform()}: ${e}"; parent.debugLog "unitCommand : response contentType = ${resp.ContentType}"; parent.debugLog "unitCommand : vPostParams = ${vPostParams}"; } } def unitCommand_KumoCloud(pCommand) { def vBodyJson = "[\"${parent.getAuthCode()}\",{\"${getUnitId()}\":${pCommand}}]" parent.debugLog("unitCommand_KumoCloud: Body of command = ${vBodyJson}") def vPostParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}/sendDeviceCommands/v2", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_KumoCloud("no"), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : vBodyJson ] try { httpPost(vPostParams) { resp -> sendEvent(name: "lastCommandUTC", value: "${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}") parent.debugLog("unitCommand: Initial data returned from unitCommand: ${resp.data}, response received ${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}") } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "unitCommand_KumoCloud : Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric ${parent.getPlatform()}: ${e}" } } // Execute a command locally on a Kumo unit void unitCommand_KumoLocal(String pcommand) { String vpost_data = '{"c":{"indoorUnit":{"status":' + pcommand + '}}}'; parent.debugLog("unitCommand_KumoLocal: post_data = ${vpost_data}"); String vbodyJson = vpost_data; String vtoken = prepareLocalCommand_Kumo(vpost_data); parent.debugLog("unitCommand_KumoLocal: pcommandEncrypted = ${vbodyJson}"); String vuri = "http://${getDataValue("address")}/api?m=${vtoken}"; def headers = [:]; headers.put('Accept', 'application/json, text/plain, */*'); headers.put('Content-Type', 'application/json') def vPutParams = [ uri: vuri, headers: headers, contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", body : vbodyJson ] try { httpPut(vPutParams) { resp -> //sendEvent(name: "lastCommandUTC", value: "${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}") parent.debugLog("unitCommand_KumoLocal: Initial data returned: ${resp.data}, response received ${new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))}") } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog "unitCommand_KumoCloudLocal : Unable to query local ${parent.getPlatform()} unit: ${e}" } } def prepareLocalCommand_Kumo(String pcommand) { byte[] decodedPassBytes = decrypt(getDataValue("p")).decodeBase64(); String decodedPassHex = ''; String hex = ''; for(int i=0; i < decodedPassBytes.length; i++) { hex = String.format("%02X", decodedPassBytes[i] & 0xFF); if(hex != "00") { decodedPassHex += hex } } decodedPassHex += bytesToHex(pcommand.getBytes()); java.security.MessageDigest digest = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); byte[] passHashBytes = digest.digest(hexStringToByteArray(decodedPassHex)); //ToDo: Change W to a fixed variable byte[] WBytes = hexStringToByteArray(getW_Kumo()); int[] intermediate = new int[88]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { intermediate[i] = WBytes[i] & 0xFF; intermediate[i + 32] = passHashBytes[i] & 0xFF; } intermediate[64] = 8; intermediate[65] = 64; intermediate[66] = 0; //S_PARAM // convert cryptoSerial to byte array byte[] cryptoSerialHex = hexStringToByteArray(decrypt(getDataValue("c"))); intermediate[79] = cryptoSerialHex[8] & 0xFF; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { intermediate[i + 80] = cryptoSerialHex[i + 4] & 0xFF; intermediate[i + 84] = cryptoSerialHex[i] & 0xFF; } String intermediateHex = ""; for (int i = 0; i < intermediate.length; i++) { intermediateHex += String.format("%02x", intermediate[i] & 0xFF); } return bytesToHex(digest.digest(hexStringToByteArray(intermediateHex))); } def unitCommand_MELView(pCommand) { // Re-usable method that submits a command to the MELView Service, based on the command text passed in // See https://github.com/NovaGL/diy-melview for more details on commands and this API more generally def vBodyJson = "{ \"unitid\": \"${getUnitId()}\", \"v\": 2, \"commands\": \"${pCommand}\", \"lc\": 1 }" def vPostParams = [ uri: "${parent.getBaseURL()}unitcommand.aspx", headers: parent.getStandardHTTPHeaders_MELView("no"), contentType: "application/json", body : vBodyJson ] try { httpPost(vPostParams) { resp -> parent.debugLog("unitCommand_MELView: (${pCommand}): Response - ${resp.data}") } } catch (Exception e) { parent.errorLog("unitCommand_MELView: (${pCommand}): Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric ${parent.getPlatform()}: ${e}") } } def getUnitCommandBody_MELCloud(pPower, pFanMode, pOpMode, pSetTemp) { def vBodyJson = null def vFanModeKey = null def vFanModeText = null def vModeKey = null def vModeText = null def vSetTempText = null /* #EffectiveFlags: #Power: 0x01 #OperationMode: 0x02 #Temperature: 0x04 #FanSpeed: 0x08 #VaneVertical: 0x10 #VaneHorizontal: 0x100 */ // Compile the fan mode text // Lookup the fan mode key for MEL based on fan mode provided vFanModeKey = convertFanModeToKey(pFanMode) if (vFanModeKey != null) { vFanModeText = "\"SetFanSpeed\" : ${vFanModeKey}," } else { vFanModeText = "" } // Compile the Thermostat Mode text // Lookup the operating mode key for MEL based on mode provided vModeKey = convertThermostatModeToKey(pOpMode) if (vModeKey != null) {vModeText = "\"OperationMode\" : ${vModeKey}," } else {vModeText = ""} // Compile the Set Temperature Text vSetTempText = "\"SetTemperature\" : ${pSetTemp}," vBodyJSON = "{ \"Power\" : ${pPower}, ${vModeText} ${vSetTempText} ${vFanModeText} \"EffectiveFlags\" : 15, \"DeviceID\" : ${getUnitId()}, \"HasPendingCommand\" : true }" return "${vBodyJSON}" } // Thermostat Mode methods from Thermostat capability currently unsupported by MEL Thermostat Driver def emergencyHeat() { parent.debugLog("emergencyHeat: Not currently supported by MEL Thermostat driver") } def fanAuto() { parent.debugLog("fanAuto: Not currently supported by MEL Thermostat driver") } def fanCirculate() { parent.debugLog("fanCirculate: Not currently supported by MEL Thermostat driver") } def setSchedule(JSON_OBJECT) { parent.debugLog("setSchedule: Not currently supported by MEL Thermostat driver") } // Scheduled Status Update Methods def getSchedule() { } def updateStatusPolling() { def vSchedule parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Updating Status Polling called, about to unschedule refresh") unschedule("refresh") parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Unscheduleing refresh complete") if(AutoStatusPolling == true) { vSchedule = "0 0/${StatusPollingInterval} * ? * * *" parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Setting up schedule with settings: schedule(\"${vSchedule}\",refresh)") try{ schedule("${vSchedule}","refresh") } catch(Exception e) { parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Error - " + e) } parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Scheduled refresh set") } else { parent.debugLog("updateStatusPolling: Automatic status polling is disabled, no further action was taken") } } // Utility Methods def checkNull(value, alternative) { if(value == null) { return alternative } return value } def convertTemperatureIn(BigDecimal pTemp) { return convertTemperatureIn("${pTemp}") } def convertTemperatureIn(String pTemp) { def vPlatformScale = parent.getPlatformScale() def vHEScale = parent.getHETempScale() return convertTemperature(pTemp,vPlatformScale,vHEScale) } def convertTemperatureOut(BigDecimal pTemp) { return convertTemperatureOut("${pTemp}") } def convertTemperatureOut(String pTemp) { def vPlatformScale = parent.getPlatformScale() def vHEScale = parent.getHETempScale() return convertTemperature(pTemp,vHEScale,vPlatformScale) } def convertTemperature(String pTemp, String pSourceScale, String pTargetScale) { def vTemp = pTemp if (pTemp == null || !pTemp.isNumber() || pSourceScale == null || pTargetScale == null) { vTemp = null } else { if(pSourceScale != pTargetScale) { if(pSourceScale == "C") { vTemp = (String) ((Float) ((int) (celsiusToFahrenheit(pTemp.toFloat()).toFloat().round(4) *2 + 0.5)) /2.0) } else { vTemp = fahrenheitToCelsius(pTemp.toFloat()).toString() } } } return vTemp } String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) { byte[] HEX_ARRAY = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); byte[] hexChars = new byte[bytes.length * 2]; for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) { int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF; hexChars[j * 2] = HEX_ARRAY[v >>> 4]; hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = HEX_ARRAY[v & 0x0F]; } return new String(hexChars, "UTF-8"); } /* s must be an even-length string. */ byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) { int len = s.length(); byte[] data = new byte[len / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Integer.parseInt(s.charAt(i).toString(), 16) << 4) + Integer.parseInt(s.charAt(i+1).toString(), 16)); } return data; } String getW_Kumo() { return '44c73283b498d432ff25f5c8e06a016aef931e68f0a00ea710e36e6338fb22db'; }