{ "packageName": "SensorPush Gateway Driver", "minimumHEVersion": "", "author": "Simon Burke (sburke781)", "version": "1.0.4", "dateReleased": "2022-07-16", "documentationLink": "", "communityLink": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-sensorpush-gateway-driver/66051", "releaseNotes": "2022-07-16: 1.0.4 - (coreystup) Added description text and units to temp and humidity events, Added info logs\n2022-02-02: 1.0.3 - Fix Certificate signing / SSL issue\n2021-12-31: 1.0.2 - Fix for null returned from getJson() in samples callback\n2021-12-28: 1.0.1 - Changes to HTTP calls to make then asynchronous\n2021-12-28: 1.0.0 - Released in HPM\nFeb '21: Made available on HE Community", "apps" : [], "drivers" : [ { "id": "e012ffff-7959-466b-a2ae-3123a3309999", "name": "SensorPush Gateway Driver", "namespace": "simnet", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburke781/hubitat/master/SensorPush/SensorPushGateway_driver.groovy", "required": true } ] }