#!/bin/bash #script_Version:1.3 #This script work was created by SBurns of the Null Entry Project #And possible follow/fork from https://github.com/sburns1369/ #If anyone recycles please leave credit to the author somewhere #As well as the donation address for the “Buy the poor guy a red bull” #BTC address: 32FzghE1yUZRdDmCkj3bJ6vJyXxUVPKY93 #LTC address: MUdDdVr4Az1dVw47uC4srJ31Ksi5SNkC7H #This script work is still in active deployment so please keep an eye June releases 2019 declare -i NC DEV DEVC DEVOld DEVMN0 DEVMN1 DEVMN2 DEVMN3 DEVMN4 DEVMN5 DEVMN6 DEVMN7 DEVMN8 #Counter NC=0 #Coin MN found 0 false 1 true DEV=0 #Masternode Counter DEVC=0 #Coinname Lowercase COINl=bitcoingenx #Coin ticket symbol COIN3=BGX COIN3l=bgx COINDAEMON=bitcoingenxd COINDAEMONCLI=bitcoingenx-cli COINCORE=.bitcoingenx COINCONFIG=bitcoingenx.conf COINHOME=/home/bitcoingenx #wallet downnload and extractions commands DOWNLOADCOINFILES=https://github.com/BitcoinGenX/BitcoinGenesisX/files/2896837/bitcoingenx-linux-static.zip COINFILES=bitcoingenx-linux-static.zip DECOMPRESS='unzip' #rocketstrap NEBootStrap=http://nullentry.com/chain/BGX/rocketstrap.rar AddNodeList=http://nullentry.com/chain/BGX/addnodes.tbl ADDNODE0= ADDNODE1= ADDNODE2= ADDNODE3= ADDNODE4= ADDNODE5= ADDNODE6= ADDNODE7= ADDNODE8= ADDNODE9= COINPORT=4488 COINRPCPORT=19021 #path to NullEntryDev stuff DPATH=/usr/local/nullentrydev/ #IPCHECK REGEX4='^([0-9]{0,3}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$' REGEX6='^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$' BLUE='\033[0;96m' GREEN='\033[0;92m' RED='\033[0;91m' YELLOW='\033[0;93m' CLEAR='\033[0m' #Pause pause(){ read -p "Press [Enter] key to continue..." fackEnterKey } Test_Pause(){ read -p "Testing Pause - Report if you see this - Press [Enter] key to continue..." fackEnterKey } #Null Entry logo Function_Display_Null_Logo(){ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburns1369/BitcoinGenX_MN_Script/master/null_logo.sh) pause } #bitcoingenx_Logo Function_Display_Bitcoingenx_Logo(){ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburns1369/BitcoinGenX_MN_Script/master/logo.sh) pause } #Logo(){ Function_Rocket_Delay(){ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburns1369/BitcoinGenX_MN_Script/master/rocket.sh) } ### Start - First Run Configuration Function_Check_First_Run(){ local NULLREC if grep -Fxq "${COIN3}firstrun_complete: true" /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log then echo "Not First Run" else bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburns1369/BitcoinGenX_MN_Script/master/welcome.sh) read -p "Enter choice : " NULLREC case $NULLREC in y) function_first_run ;; Y) function_first_run ;; n) exit 0 ;; N) exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 && Function_Check_First_Run esac fi } #Main menu Function_Show_Main_Menu() { cd ~ clear echo echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " M A I N - M E N U" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo -e "1 - My Masternode(s) Status" echo -e "2 - Install or Add Masternodes" echo -e "3 - Masternode Manager" echo -e "4 - Display Masternode.conf Information" echo -e "5 - Donate" echo -e "6 - Maintenance Manager" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Read_Main_Menu_Options } # root menu - read options Function_Read_Main_Menu_Options(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in 1) Find_All_Masternodes ;; 2) function_masternode_upgrade ;; 3) Function_Manager_BGXMasternodes;; 4) Function_Display_MasternodeConf;; 5) function_Donations ;; 6) Function_Manager_Maintenance_Menu ;; x) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } Function_Start_Masternode(){ if [ -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then echo -e ${GREEN}"Starting Masternode ${nodeunit}" ${CLEAR} echo -e "Please wait" ${YELLOW} ${COINDAEMON} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} -daemon sleep 15 echo -e ${CLEAR} fi } Function_Stop_Masternode(){ echo if [ -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then echo -e ${GREEN}"Stopping Masternode ${nodeunit}" ${YELLOW} ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} stop sleep 7 echo -e ${CLEAR} fi } #edit Masternode Configuration edit_masternode(){ echo -e ${GREEN}"Editing Masternode ${nodeunit} Configuration" ${CLEAR} echo -e ${YELLOW}"Use [Control Key] + [X Key] to exit editting" ${CLEAR} echo -e ${YELLOW}"Press [N Key] to Abort Changes in editor" ${CLEAR} echo -e ${YELLOW}"Or press [Y Key] to Save Changes" ${CLEAR} echo -e ${YELLOW}"Than [Enter Key] to Accept Changes to File Name" ${CLEAR} pause nano ${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE}/${COINCONFIG} echo -e ${CLEAR} } Function_ViewCat_masternode(){ clear cat ${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE}/${COINCONFIG} echo pause } # Function_Manager_BGXMasternodes menu Function_Manager_BGXMasternodes(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Displaying Masternode Status" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo -e "1 - Display Masternode Information" echo -e "2 - View Masternode Configuration" echo -e "3 - Start Masternode(s)" echo -e "4 - Stop Masternode(s)" echo -e "5 - Re-Index Masternode(s)" echo -e "B- Back - Previous Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Read_Manager_BGXMasternodes } # manager_BGXMasternodes read options Function_Read_Manager_BGXMasternodes(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in 1) display_MN_Status ;; 2) Function_View_Masternode_Config_Menu ;; 3) manager_Start_Masternodes ;; 4) manager_stop_Masternodes ;; 5) function_menu_Reindex_Masternodes ;; b) echo ;; B) echo ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #Start - Function_Manager_Maintenance_Menu menu Function_Manager_Maintenance_Menu(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Displaying Maintainance Options" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo -e "1 - Update Wallet" echo -e "2 - Edit Masternode Configuration" echo -e "3 - Glances - See System Resources" echo -e "4 - Remove NullEntry Manager Script Files" echo -e "B - Back - Previous Menu" echo -e "X - Exit Program" Function_Read_Manager_Maintenance_Menu } #Start - manager_maintenance read options Function_Read_Manager_Maintenance_Menu(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in 1) stop_All_Nodes download_coinfiles Function_Start_All_Nodes echo "Wallet Update should be complete" pause ;; 2) Edit_MN_Status ;; 3) Function_Glances;; 4) Function_Remove_Manager_Files;; b) echo ;; B) echo ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #Delete NullEntry Manager Files Function_Remove_Manager_Files(){ local choice clear echo echo echo echo -e "${RED} Press [ Y ] for Yes to delete all Null Entry Masternode Manger Files. This will not impact Masternodes Installed" echo -e "${YELLOW} Files will be re-built next time the script is ran. This is the option you want to repair, redo legacy" echo -e "${YELLOW} installations, or simply have no use for the Script Manger" echo -e "${GREEN}" Press [N] for no, or [B] to back out and abort. read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in Y) rm -r /usr/local/nullentrydev/ ;; y) rm -r /usr/local/nullentrydev/ ;; N) echo -e "backing out" ;; n) echo -e "backing out" ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #start_masternodes_Menu manager_Start_Masternodes(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Start Masternode(s)" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Elven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "0 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "A - Start All ${COIN3} Masternodes" echo -e "B- Back - Previous Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Read_Start_Masternodes_Menu } #start - read Start Masternodes Menu Function_Read_Start_Masternodes_Menu(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= Function_Start_Masternode ;; L) nodeunit= Function_Start_Masternode ;; 1) nodeunit=1 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 2) nodeunit=2 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 3) nodeunit=3 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 03) nodeunit=3 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 4) nodeunit=4 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 5) nodeunit=5 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 6) nodeunit=6 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 7) nodeunit=7 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 8) nodeunit=8 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 9) nodeunit=9 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 10) nodeunit=10 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 11) nodeunit=11 Function_Start_Masternode ;; 12) nodeunit=12 Function_Start_Masternode ;; a) echo -e "Launching all Mastersnodes!" Function_Start_All_Nodes ;; A) echo -e "Launching all Mastersnodes!" Function_Start_All_Nodes ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #start function_menu_Reindex_Masternodes function_menu_Reindex_Masternodes(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Re-Index Masternode(s)" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}11 ]; then echo -e "11 - Masternode Eleven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "0 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "B- Back - Previous Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" function_Read_Reindex_Masternodes } #start - read Start Masternodes Menu function_Read_Reindex_Masternodes(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= function_reindex_masternode ;; L) nodeunit= function_reindex_masternode ;; 1) nodeunit=1 function_reindex_masternode ;; 2) nodeunit=2 function_reindex_masternode ;; 3) nodeunit=3 function_reindex_masternode ;; 4) nodeunit=4 function_reindex_masternode ;; 5) nodeunit=5 function_reindex_masternode ;; 6) nodeunit=6 function_reindex_masternode ;; 7) nodeunit=7 function_reindex_masternode ;; 8) nodeunit=8 function_reindex_masternode ;; 9) nodeunit=9 function_reindex_masternode ;; 10) nodeunit=10 function_reindex_masternode ;; 11) nodeunit=11 function_reindex_masternode ;; 12) nodeunit=12 function_reindex_masternode ;; 0) nodeunit=0 function_reindex_masternode ;; a) echo -e "Launching all Masters!" Function_Start_All_Nodes ;; A) echo -e "Launching all Masters!" Function_Start_All_Nodes ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #End read Start Masternodes Menu function_reindex_masternode(){ if [ -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then Function_Stop_Masternode echo -e ${GREEN}"Attempting Re-Indexing of Masternode ${nodeunit}" ${CLEAR} echo -e "Please wait" ${YELLOW} ${COINDAEMON} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} -reindex sleep 15 echo -e ${CLEAR} fi } ## Start ALL MN function Function_Start_All_Nodes(){ local Count Count=0 nodeunit= Function_Start_Masternode nodeunit=0 until [[ $nodeunit = 13 ]]; do Function_Start_Masternode nodeunit=$[$nodeunit+1] done } #start Edit Masternode Status Menu Edit_MN_Status(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Edit Masternode Configuration" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode One Status" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}11 ]; then echo -e "11 - Masternode Eleven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "0 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "B - Back out of Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Edit_Masternode_Config } Function_View_Masternode_Config_Menu(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " View Masternode Configuration" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode One Status" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "11 - Masternode Eleven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "0 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "B - Back out of Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Read_Masternode_Config_Menu } Function_Read_Masternode_Config_Menu(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; L) nodeunit= Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 1) nodeunit=1 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 2) nodeunit=2 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 3) nodeunit=3 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 4) nodeunit=4 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 5) nodeunit=5 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 6) nodeunit=6 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 7) nodeunit=7 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 8) nodeunit=8 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 9) nodeunit=9 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 10) nodeunit=10 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 11) nodeunit=11 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 12) nodeunit=12 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; 0) nodeunit=0 Function_ViewCat_masternode ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } #Function_Stop_Masternodes_Menu manager_stop_Masternodes(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Stop Masternode(s)" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode One Status" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}11 ]; then echo -e "11 - Masternode Eleven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "0 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "A - stop All ${COIN3} Masternodes" echo -e "B - Back out of Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" read_stop_Masternodes } #read stop Masternodes Menu read_stop_Masternodes(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= Function_Stop_Masternode ;; L) nodeunit= Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 1) nodeunit=1 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 2) nodeunit=2 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 3) nodeunit=3 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 4) nodeunit=4 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 5) nodeunit=5 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 6) nodeunit=6 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 7) nodeunit=7 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 8) nodeunit=8 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 9) nodeunit=9 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 10) nodeunit=10 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 11) nodeunit=11 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 12) nodeunit=12 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; 0) nodeunit=0 Function_Stop_Masternode ;; a) echo -e "Stopping all Mastersnodes!" stop_All_Nodes ;; B) echo -e "Stopping all Mastersnodes!" stop_All_Nodes ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } ## stop ALL MN function stop_All_Nodes(){ local Count Count=0 nodeunit= Function_Stop_Masternode nodeunit=0 until [[ $nodeunit = 10 ]]; do Function_Stop_Masternode nodeunit=$[$nodeunit+1] done pause } #Function set for Edit MN Config Menu edit_menu_choice(){ if [ -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then clear echo -e "Stopping Masternode to Prevent Problems, please wait" Function_Stop_Masternode edit_masternode Function_Start_Masternode fi } Function_Edit_Masternode_Config(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= edit_menu_choice ;; L) nodeunit= edit_menu_choice ;; 1) nodeunit=1 edit_menu_choice ;; 2) nodeunit=2 edit_menu_choice ;; 3) nodeunit=3 edit_menu_choice ;; 4) nodeunit=4 edit_menu_choice ;; 5) nodeunit=5 edit_menu_choice ;; 6) nodeunit=6 edit_menu_choice ;; 7) nodeunit=7 edit_menu_choice ;; 8) nodeunit=8 edit_menu_choice ;; 9) nodeunit=9 edit_menu_choice ;; 10) nodeunit=10 edit_menu_choice ;; 12) nodeunit=12 edit_menu_choice ;; 11) nodeunit=11 edit_menu_choice ;; 0) nodeunit=0 edit_menu_choice ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } display_MN_Status(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " Displaying Masternode Status" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e "L - Legacy Masternode" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e "1 - Masternode One" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}2 ]; then echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}3 ]; then echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}4 ]; then echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}5 ]; then echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}6 ]; then echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}7 ]; then echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}8 ]; then echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}9 ]; then echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}10 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}11 ]; then echo -e "11 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}12 ]; then echo -e "12 - Masternode Ten" fi if [ -d /home/${COINl}0 ]; then echo -e "10 - Masternode Zero" fi echo -e "B - Back out of Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" read_display_MN_Status } display_MN_choice(){ clear disp_masternode_Status disp_masternode_Chain display_MN_Status } read_display_MN_Status(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= display_MN_choice ;; L) nodeunit= display_MN_choice ;; 1) nodeunit=1 display_MN_choice ;; 2) nodeunit=2 display_MN_choice ;; 3) nodeunit=3 display_MN_choice ;; 4) nodeunit=4 display_MN_choice ;; 5) nodeunit=5 display_MN_choice ;; 6) nodeunit=6 display_MN_choice ;; 7) nodeunit=7 display_MN_choice ;; 8) nodeunit=8 display_MN_choice ;; 9) nodeunit=9 display_MN_choice ;; 10) nodeunit=0 display_MN_choice ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } disp_masternode_Status(){ echo -e ${GREEN}"Reporting Masternode Status" ${YELLOW} ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} masternode status echo -e ${CLEAR} } disp_masternode_Chain(){ echo -e ${GREEN}"Reporting current Block on Chain" ${YELLOW} ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} getblockcount echo -e ${CLEAR} pause } read_Find_MN_Status(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in l) nodeunit= Find_All_Masternodes ;; L) nodeunit= Find_All_Masternodes ;; 1) nodeunit=1 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 2) nodeunit=2 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 3) nodeunit=3 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 4) nodeunit=4 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 5) nodeunit=5 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 6) nodeunit=6 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 7) nodeunit=7 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 8) nodeunit=8 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 9) nodeunit=9 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 10) nodeunit=10 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 11) nodeunit=11 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 12) nodeunit=12 Find_All_Masternodes ;; 0) nodeunit=0 Find_All_Masternodes ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac } Find_All_Masternodes(){ local Count Count=0 nodeunit= Function_Find_Masternodes nodeunit=0 until [[ $nodeunit = 13 ]]; do Function_Find_Masternodes nodeunit=$[$nodeunit+1] done pause } # Find Masternode Test Function Function_Find_Masternodes(){ local choice if [ -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then if [ -z ${nodeunit} ]; then echo -e ${GREEN}"Found BGX-Oldnode Installation Found - /home/${COINl}" ${CLEAR} else echo -e ${GREEN}"Found BGX-${nodeunit} Installation Found - /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}" ${CLEAR} fi ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} masternode status &> ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp if grep -q "Hot node, waiting for remote activation" ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp; then echo -e ${YELLOW} "Masternode Ready, waiting for activation from Wallet" ${CLEAR} elif grep -q "Loading block index..." ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp; then echo -e ${YELLOW} "Masternode is still loading block Index, please wait." ${CLEAR} elif grep -q "Masternode successfully started" ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp; then echo -e ${GREEN} "Masternode Successfully Started" ${CLEAR} elif grep -q "Masternode not found in the list of available masternodes. Current status: Node just started, not yet activated" ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp; then echo -e ${YELLOW} "Masternode is loading blocks, Please Wait " ${CLEAR} elif grep -q "error: couldn't connect to server" ${DPATH}BGXMN${nodeunit}.tmp; then echo -e ${RED} "Masternode not running, Please Start" echo echo -e ${GREEN} "Would you like to attempt to start the Masternode? (Y/N) " read -p "Enter choice : " choice case $choice in y) Function_Start_Masternode ;; Y) Function_Start_Masternode ;; n) echo -e "backing out" ;; N) echo -e "backing out" ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 esac fi ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=${COINHOME}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} masternode status &> ${DPATH}${nodeunit}.tmp DISPIP=$(sed -n '4p' < /usr/local/nullentrydev/${nodeunit}.tmp | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d':' -f1) if [[ "$DISPIP" =~ (([01]{,1}[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.([01]{,1}[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.([01]{,1}[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.([01]{,1}[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))$ ]]; then echo -e "Running on IPv4 :${YELLOW} ${DISPIP}" ${CLEAR} else # /dev/fd/63: line 1032: [: missing `]' trace appears to put it here. DISPIP=$(sed -n '4p' < /usr/local/nullentrydev/${nodeunit}.tmp | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d':' -f1-8) if [ ! -z "$DISPIP" ]; then echo -e "Running on IPv6 : ${YELLOW} ${DISPIP}" ${CLEAR} fi fi rm -r /usr/local/nullentrydev/${nodeunit}.tmp DEVOld="1" DEV=$DEV+1 fi echo } #start Function_AptGet_Update Function_AptGet_Update() { echo -e ${RED}"Updating Apps"${CLEAR} sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y upgrade } # Operating Systems Check function_first_run(){ if [[ $(lsb_release -d) != *16.04* ]]; then echo -e ${RED}"The operating system is not Ubuntu 16.04. You must be running on ubuntu 16.04."${CLEAR} exit 1 fi if [ ! -d /usr/local/nullentrydev/ ]; then echo "Making /usr/local/nullentrydev " sudo mkdir /usr/local/nullentrydev else echo "Found /usr/local/nullentrydev " fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log ]; then echo "Making /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log" sudo touch /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log else echo "Found /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log" fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log ]; then echo "Making /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log" sudo touch /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log else echo "Found /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log" fi function_first_nodecheck } function_dependencies(){ if [ -f /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log ] && grep -Fxq "dependenciesInstalled: true" /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log then echo echo -e ${RED}"Skipping... Dependencies & Software Libraries - Previously installed"${CLEAR} echo else echo ${RED}"Installing Dependencies & Software Libraries"${CLEAR} sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common sudo apt-get -y install build-essential sudo apt-get -y install libtool autotools-dev autoconf automake sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev sudo apt-get -y install libevent-dev sudo apt-get -y install libboost-all-dev sudo apt-get -y install pkg-config sudo add-apt-repository -yu ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install libdb4.8-dev sudo apt-get -y install libdb4.8++-dev echo -e ${YELLOW} "Here be dragons"${CLEAR} sudo apt-get -y install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libevent-pthreads-2.0-5 sudo apt-get -y install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev sudo apt-get -y install libqrencode-dev bsdmainutils unzip # Recording Dependencies & Software Libraries insatllation complete if [[ $NULLREC = "y" ]] ; then sudo echo "dependenciesInstalled: true" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log fi fi echo "${COIN3}firstrun_complete: true" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log } #Firstnode Installation Check function_first_nodecheck(){ if [ -d /home/${COINl} ]; then echo -e ${GREEN}"Found ${COINl}-Oldnode Installation Found - /home/${COINl}" ${CLEAR} else if [ -d /home/${COINl}1 ]; then echo -e ${GREEN}"Found ${COINl} Masternode Installation Found - /home/${COINl}" ${CLEAR} else #install FirstMasternode - Start! nodeunit=1 clear echo echo -e "Testing Version - Not for public release." echo echo -e "${RED}Let's set up your first ${COINl} masternode before we continue..." echo -e "${GREEN}This is going to take a few minutes, and when done will display" echo -e "${GREEN}information you need for your masternode.conf on your local wallet" echo echo -e ${GREEN}"How Many Masternode Would you like to Install? [1 - 12]"${CLEAR} echo -e ${YELLOW} read INSTALLAMOUNT echo -e ${CLEAR} echo -e ${RED}" ...Please Wait" ${CLEAR} sleep 5 Function_First_Install fi fi } #start function_swap_space function_swap_space(){ if grep -Fxq "swapInstalled: true" /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log then echo -e ${RED}"Skipping... Swap Area already made"${CLEAR} else cd /var sudo touch swap.img sudo chmod 600 swap.img sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=4096 sudo mkswap /var/swap.img sudo swapon /var/swap.img echo "swapInstalled: true" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log fi } download_coinfiles(){ cd ~ if [ ! -d /root/${COIN3l} ]; then sudo mkdir /root/${COIN3l} fi cd /root/${COIN3l} #Download Wallet Files echo "Downloading latest ${COIN} binaries" wget ${DOWNLOADCOINFILES} ${DECOMPRESS} ${COINFILES} sleep 3 sudo mv /root/${COIN3l}/${COINDAEMON} /root/${COIN3l}/${COINDAEMONCLI} /usr/local/bin sudo chmod 755 -R /usr/local/bin/${COINl}* } ##Make Node configuration file Function_Build_Node_Directories(){ echo -e "${GREEN}Configuring ${COIN} Masternode #${nodeunit} ${CLEAR}" if [ ! -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ]; then sudo mkdir /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} elif [ ! -d /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl} ]; then sudo mkdir /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl} fi } Function_Build_Node_Configuration(){ Function_Build_Node_Directories if [ ! -f /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then sudo touch /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "rpcuser=u3er"`shuf -i 100000-9999999 -n 1` >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "rpcpassword=pa55"`shuf -i 100000-9999999 -n 1` >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "rpcallowip=" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} Function_IP_Table_Check Function_Masternode_Key_Check echo "server=1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "daemon=1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "maxconnections=256" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "masternode=1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} RPCPORT=$(($COINRPCPORT+$nodeunit-1)) echo "rpcport=${RPCPORT}" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} if [[ $nodeunit -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "listen=1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "datacarrier=1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi if [[ ! $nodeunit -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "listen=0" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi if [[ $nodeunit -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "externalip=${MNIP1}:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 2 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP2}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 3 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP3}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 4 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP4}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 5 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP5}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 6 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP6}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 7 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP7}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 8 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP8}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 9 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP9}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 10 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP10}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 11 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP11}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 12 ]] ; then echo "externalip=[${MNIP12}]:$COINPORT" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi if [[ $nodeunit -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 2 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK2" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 3 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK3" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 4 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK4" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 5 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK5" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 6 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK6" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 7 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK7" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 8 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK8" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 9 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK9" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 10 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK10" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 11 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK11" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} elif [[ $nodeunit -eq 12 ]] ; then echo "masternodeprivkey=$PRIVK12" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi if [[ $nodeunit -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "addnode=$ADDNODE0" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE1" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE2" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE3" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE4" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE5" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE6" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE7" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE8" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE9" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE10" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE11" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} echo "addnode=$ADDNODE12" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} else echo "addnode=${MNIP1}" >> /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi else echo -e "Skipping -/home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG}- Found!" fi } Function_Glances(){ if grep -Fxq "glancesInstalled: true" /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log then clear echo echo -e ${RED}"Hold [Control Key] and press [C] to exit Glances!"${CLEAR} echo -e ${GREEN}"Press [Enter Key] when ready to enter Glances."${CLEAR} pause glances else echo -e ${YELLOW} "Installing System Utility Glances" ${CLEAR} apt-get -y install glances echo "glancesInstalled: true" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/mnodes.log Function_Glances fi } ## Start Launch First node launch_first_node(){ echo -e ${BOLD}"Launching First ${COIN3} Node"${CLEAR} ${COINDAEMON} -datadir=/home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} -daemon sleep 1 if [ -f /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log ]; then sudo rm -rf /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log sudo touch /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log fi echo "masterNode1 : true" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log echo "walletVersion1 : $COINVERSION" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log echo "scriptVersion1 : $SCRIPTVERSION" >> /usr/local/nullentrydev/${COIN3l}.log } ##Start Waiting for Launch of First Nodes wait_first_node_launch(){ echo echo -e "${RED}This process can take a while!${CLEAR}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Waiting on First Masternode Block Chain to Synchronize${CLEAR}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Once complete, it will stop and copy the block chain to${CLEAR}" echo -e "${YELLOW}the other masternodes. This will prevent all masternodes${CLEAR}" echo -e "${YELLOW}from downloading the block chain individually; taking up${CLEAR}" echo -e "${YELLOW}more time and resources. Current Block count will be displayed below.${CLEAR}" ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=/home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} getblockcount sleep 5 until ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=/home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} mnsync status | grep -m 1 'IsBlockchainSynced" : true'; do ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=/home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/${COINCORE} getblockcount sleep 5 done } ##Start of replicate nodes Function_Replicate_Node(){ if [ ! -f /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Haulting and Replicating First ${COIN} Node${CLEAR}" echo sleep 2 Function_Build_Node_Directories cd / sleep 2 sudo cp -r /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl}/* /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/ sudo rm /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} if [ -a /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then sudo cp -r /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/${COINCONFIG} /home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} fi else echo -e "Skipping -/home/${COINl}${nodeunit}/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} Found!" fi } ### Start - Masternode function_Masternode_upgrade function_masternode_upgrade(){ clear echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " How Many Masternode Do you want to Run?" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo -e "1 - One Masternode" echo -e "2 - Masternode Two" echo -e "3 - Masternode Three" echo -e "4 - Masternode Four" echo -e "5 - Masternode Five" echo -e "6 - Masternode Six" echo -e "7 - Masternode Seven" echo -e "8 - Masternode Eight" echo -e "9 - Masternode Nine" echo -e "10 - Masternode Ten" echo -e "11 - Masternode Eleven" echo -e "12 - Masternode Twelve" echo -e "B - Back out of Menu" echo -e "X - Exit" Function_Read_Masternode_Upgrade } #start - read Start Masternodes Menu Function_Read_Masternode_Upgrade(){ local choice read -p "Enter choice " choice case $choice in 1) Function_Build_First_Node ;; 2) INSTALLAMOUNT=2 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 3) INSTALLAMOUNT=3 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 4)INSTALLAMOUNT=4 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 5)INSTALLAMOUNT=5 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 6)INSTALLAMOUNT=6 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 7)INSTALLAMOUNT=7 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 8)INSTALLAMOUNT=8 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 9)INSTALLAMOUNT=9 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 10)INSTALLAMOUNT=10 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 11)INSTALLAMOUNT=11 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; 12)INSTALLAMOUNT=12 Function_Install_Secondaries Function_Display_MasternodeConf ;; b) echo -e "backing out" ;; B) echo -e "backing out" ;; x) exit 0;; X) exit 0;; *) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" ${CLEAR} && sleep 2 && function_read_masternode_upgrade esac } function_Donations(){ #attempt to move legacy masternode bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburns1369/BitcoinGenX_MN_Script/master/donations.sh) pause } Function_IP_Table_Check(){ if [ ! -f ${DPATH}ip.tbl ]; then Function_Build_IP_Table Function_Read_IP_Table else Function_Read_IP_Table fi } Function_Build_IP_Table(){ if [[ customIP = "y" ]] ; then echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 1"${CLEAR} read MNIP1 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 2"${CLEAR} read MNIP2 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 3"${CLEAR} read MNIP3 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 4"${CLEAR} read MNIP4 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 5"${CLEAR} read MNIP5 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 6"${CLEAR} read MNIP6 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 7"${CLEAR} read MNIP7 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 8"${CLEAR} read MNIP8 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 9"${CLEAR} read MNIP9 echo -e ${GREEN}"IP for Masternode 10"${CLEAR} read MNIP10 else regex='^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$' FINDIP=$(hostname -I | cut -f2 -d' '| cut -f1-7 -d:) if [[ $FINDIP =~ $regex ]]; then IP=${FINDIP} else echo "IPv6 Address check is not expected, getting IPv6 Helper to recalculate" sudo apt-get -y install sipcalc FINDIP=$(hostname -I | cut -f3 -d' '| cut -f1-8 -d:) echo "Attempting to adjust results and re-calculate IPv6 Address" echo "This is normal for some VPS Providers, please wait." FINDIP=$(sipcalc ${FINDIP} | fgrep Expanded | cut -d ' ' -f3) if [[ $FINDIP =~ $regex ]]; then FINDIP=$(echo ${FINDIP} | cut -f1-7 -d:) echo "IPv6 Address check is good" IP=${FINDIP} else echo "IPv6 Addressing check has failed. Contact NullEntry Support" exit 1 fi fi echo -e ${YELLOW} "Building IP Tables"${CLEAR} sudo touch ${DPATH}ip.tbl echo \#If editing IP Table list them below. Starting from masternode 1 to 10 > ${DPATH}ip.tbl echo \#IPv4 and IPv6 are accepted. Masternode needs to be rebuilt >> ${DPATH}ip.tbl echo \#unless IPs are entered in configuration directly. >> ${DPATH}ip.tbl echo $(hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' ') >> ${DPATH}ip.tbl for i in {15362..15375}; do printf "${IP}:%.4x\n" $i >> ${DPATH}ip.tbl; done fi } Function_Read_IP_Table(){ cd ~ MNIP1=$(sed -n '4p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP2=$(sed -n '5p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP3=$(sed -n '6p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP4=$(sed -n '7p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP5=$(sed -n '8p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP6=$(sed -n '9p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP7=$(sed -n '10p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP8=$(sed -n '11p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP9=$(sed -n '12p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP10=$(sed -n '13p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP11=$(sed -n '14p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) MNIP12=$(sed -n '15p' < ${DPATH}ip.tbl) } Function_Build_First_Node(){ Function_AptGet_Update } Function_Masternode_Key_Check(){ if [ ! -f ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl ]; then Function_Build_Masternode_Key_Table Function_Read_Masternode_Key_Table else Function_Read_Masternode_Key_Table fi } Function_Build_Masternode_Key_Table(){ local count echo -e ${YELLOW} "Building Masternode Keys Table"${CLEAR} echo -e ${RED}"This Will take a moment"${CLEAR} nodeunit=1 Function_Start_Masternode sleep 20 sudo touch ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl echo \#If editing IP Table list them below. Starting from masternode 1 to 10 > ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl echo \Masternode needs to be rebuilt in order for these to take effect >> ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl echo \#unless keys are entered in configuration directly. >> ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl count=0 until [[ $count = 13 ]]; do ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=/home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} masternode genkey >> ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl count=$[$count+1] done Function_Stop_Masternode } Function_Read_Masternode_Key_Table(){ cd ~ PRIVK1=$(sed -n '4p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK2=$(sed -n '5p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK3=$(sed -n '6p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK4=$(sed -n '7p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK5=$(sed -n '8p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK6=$(sed -n '9p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK7=$(sed -n '10p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK8=$(sed -n '11p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK9=$(sed -n '12p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK10=$(sed -n '13p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK11=$(sed -n '14p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) PRIVK12=$(sed -n '15p' < ${DPATH}${COIN3l}mnkey.tbl) } Function_User_Add_Check(){ if id "${COINl}${nodeunit}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${COINl}${nodeunit}user exists" else sudo adduser --system --home /home/${COINl}${nodeunit} ${COINl}${nodeunit} fi } ## Start Bootstrap function_bootstrap(){ cd ~ if [ ! -d /root/${COIN3l} ]; then sudo mkdir /root/${COIN3l} fi cd /root/${COIN3l} echo "Attempting to get Bootstrap, please wait" #Test_Pause wget ${NEBootStrap} sleep 1 if [ ! -d ${COINl}1/.${COINl} ]; then echo "Making /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} " sudo mkdir /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} else echo "Found /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} " fi sudo apt-get -y install unrar unrar x rocketstrap.rar /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl} rm -rf /root/${COIN3l} } Function_Display_MasternodeConf(){ echo -e "${GREEN} Retreiving inputs for the local wallet masternode.conf" echo -e "${YELLOW} Please Wait...." if [ -z "$MNIP1" ]; then Function_IP_Table_Check fi if [ -z "$PRIVK1" ]; then Function_Masternode_Key_Check fi echo -e "${RED}#Copy and paste the below lines in your Masternode.conf for the wallet on your computer" echo -e "#replace the [Insert Transaction ID] [Insert Transaction output 0 or 1]" echo -e "#The Alias listed ${COIN3l}01 etc, are just suggestions and can be replaced" echo -e "${YELLOW}#If you have a problem seeing this expand your window, or copy while scrolling" echo -e ${GREEN} if [ -f /home/${COINl}1/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}01 ${MNIP1}:$COINPORT $PRIVK1 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}2/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}02 [${MNIP2}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK2 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}3/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}03 [${MNIP3}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK3 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}4/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}04 [${MNIP4}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK4 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}5/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}05 [${MNIP5}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK5 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}6/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}06 [${MNIP6}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK6 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}7/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}07 [${MNIP7}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK7 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}8/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}08 [${MNIP8}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK8 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}9/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}09 [${MNIP9}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK9 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}10/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}10 [${MNIP10}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK10 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}11/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}11 [${MNIP11}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK11 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi if [ -f /home/${COINl}12/.${COINl}/${COINCONFIG} ]; then echo -e "${COIN3l}12 [${MNIP12}]:$COINPORT $PRIVK12 [Transaction ID] [Transaction Output]" fi echo -e "${CLEAR}" pause } Function_Install_Secondaries(){ INSTALLEDMN=1 ${COINDAEMONCLI} -datadir=/home/${COINl}1/${COINCORE} stop sleep 15 echo until [[ $INSTALLAMOUNT = $INSTALLEDMN ]]; do INSTALLEDMN=$[$INSTALLEDMN+1] nodeunit=$[$INSTALLEDMN] Function_User_Add_Check Function_Replicate_Node Function_Build_Node_Configuration done Function_Start_All_Nodes } #First node installation Core Function_First_Install(){ function_swap_space Function_AptGet_Update function_dependencies Function_User_Add_Check download_coinfiles function_bootstrap nodeunit=1 Function_Build_Node_Configuration launch_first_node Function_Rocket_Delay wait_first_node_launch if [[ ! $INSTALLAMOUNT -eq 1 ]] ; then Function_Install_Secondaries fi Function_Display_MasternodeConf } #Main Program Core clear Function_Display_Null_Logo Function_Display_Bitcoingenx_Logo Function_Check_First_Run function_first_nodecheck while true do Function_Show_Main_Menu echo done