#!/bin/sh RED_COLOR='\e[1;31m' GREEN_COLOR='\e[1;32m' RES='\e[0m' # OpenWrt Info if [ -f /etc/openwrt_release ]; then . /etc/openwrt_release version=$(echo ${DISTRIB_RELEASE%%.*}) platform=$(echo $DISTRIB_ARCH) else echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Unknown OpenWRT Version${RES}" exit 1 fi # TMP TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) || exit 1 # GitHub mirror ip_info=$(curl -sk https://ip.cooluc.com) country_code=$(echo $ip_info | sed -r 's/.*country_code":"([^"]*).*/\1/') if [ $country_code = "CN" ]; then google_status=$(curl -I -4 -m 3 -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} http://www.google.com/generate_204) if [ ! $google_status = "204" ];then mirror="https://github.cooluc.com/" fi fi # Check CHECK() ( echo -e "\r\n${GREEN_COLOR}Checking available space ...${RES}" ROOT_SPACE=$(df -m /usr | awk 'END{print $4}') if [ $ROOT_SPACE -lt 40 ]; then echo -e "\r\n${RED_COLOR}Error, The system storage space is less than 40MB.${RES}" exit 1; fi echo -e "\r\n${GREEN_COLOR}Checking platform ...${RES}\r\n" prebuilt="aarch64_cortex-a53 aarch64_cortex-a72 aarch64_generic arm_arm1176jzf-s_vfp arm_arm926ej-s arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4 arm_cortex-a5_vfpv4 arm_cortex-a7 arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4 arm_cortex-a8_vfpv3 arm_cortex-a9 arm_cortex-a9_neon arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16 arm_fa526 arm_mpcore arm_xscale i386_pentium-mmx i386_pentium4 mips64_octeonplus mips_24kc mips_4kec mips_mips32 mipsel_24kc mipsel_24kc_24kf mipsel_74kc mipsel_mips32 x86_64" verif=$(expr match "$prebuilt" ".*\($platform\)") if [[ ! $verif ]]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! The current \"$platform\" platform is not currently supported.${RES}" exit 1; else echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Update opkg sources ...${RES}" opkg update opkg install luci-compat fi ) DOWNLOAD() ( echo -e "\r\n${GREEN_COLOR}Download Packages ...${RES}\r\n" # get repos info mosdns_version=`curl -sk https://api.github.com/repos/sbwml/luci-app-mosdns/releases | grep "tag_name" | grep v4 | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//;s/ //'` curl -sk --connect-timeout 10 "https://api.github.com/repos/sbwml/luci-app-mosdns/releases" | grep "browser_download_url" | grep "$mosdns_version" > $TMPDIR/releases.txt if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Failed to get version information, Please check the network status.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi mosdns=$(cat $TMPDIR/releases.txt | grep "browser_download_url" | grep $platform.ipk | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') luci_app=$(cat $TMPDIR/releases.txt | grep "browser_download_url" | grep luci-app-mosdns_ | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') luci_i18n=$(cat $TMPDIR/releases.txt | grep "browser_download_url" | grep luci-i18n-mosdns-zh-cn | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') geoip=$(cat $TMPDIR/releases.txt | grep "browser_download_url" | grep v2ray-geoip | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') geosite=$(cat $TMPDIR/releases.txt | grep "browser_download_url" | grep v2ray-geosite | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g') # download echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Download $mosdns ...${RES}" curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 600 -kLo "$TMPDIR/mosdns_$platform.ipk" $mirror$mosdns if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! download $mosdns failed.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Download $luci_app ...${RES}" curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 600 -kLo "$TMPDIR/luci-app-mosdns.ipk" $mirror$luci_app if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! download $luci_app failed.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Download $luci_i18n ...${RES}" curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 600 -kLo "$TMPDIR/luci-i18n-mosdns-zh-cn.ipk" $mirror$luci_i18n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! download $luci_i18n failed.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Download $geoip ...${RES}" curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 600 -kLo "$TMPDIR/geoip.ipk" $mirror$geoip if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! download $geoip failed.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Download $geosite ...${RES}" curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 600 -kLo "$TMPDIR/geosite.ipk" $mirror$geosite if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED_COLOR}Error! download $geosite failed.${RES}" rm -rf $TMPDIR exit 1 fi ) INSTALL() ( # Install echo -e "\r\n${GREEN_COLOR}Install Packages ...${RES}\r\n" opkg install --force-overwrite $TMPDIR/geoip.ipk opkg install --force-overwrite $TMPDIR/geosite.ipk opkg install $TMPDIR/mosdns_$platform.ipk opkg install $TMPDIR/luci-app-mosdns.ipk opkg install $TMPDIR/luci-i18n-mosdns-zh-cn.ipk rm -rf $TMPDIR /tmp/luci-* echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}Done!${RES}" ) CHECK if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then DOWNLOAD else exit 1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then INSTALL fi