package org.scalajs.sbtplugin import java.util.IllegalFormatException import sbt._ import{IncOptions, ClassfileManager} import Keys._ import sbinary.DefaultProtocol._ import Cache.seqFormat import complete.Parser import complete.DefaultParsers._ import Implicits._ import import{IO => toolsIO, _} import import import{ClearableLinker, Linker} import import{LinkerBackend, OutputMode} import org.scalajs.jsenv._ import org.scalajs.jsenv.rhino.RhinoJSEnv import org.scalajs.jsenv.nodejs.NodeJSEnv import org.scalajs.jsenv.phantomjs.{PhantomJSEnv, PhantomJettyClassLoader} import import import import{InfoPrinter, IRTreePrinter} import org.scalajs.testadapter.ScalaJSFramework import scala.util.Try import scala.collection.mutable import import java.nio.charset.Charset import /** Contains settings used by ScalaJSPlugin that should not be automatically * be in the *.sbt file's scope. */ object ScalaJSPluginInternal { import ScalaJSPlugin.autoImport._ /** The global Scala.js IR cache */ val globalIRCache: IRFileCache = new IRFileCache() val scalaJSClearCacheStats = TaskKey[Unit]("scalaJSClearCacheStats", "Scala.js internal: Clear the global IR cache's statistics. Used to " + "implement cache statistics.", KeyRanks.Invisible) /** Dummy setting to ensure we do not fork in Scala.js run & test. */ val scalaJSEnsureUnforked = SettingKey[Boolean]("ensureUnforked", "Scala.js internal: Fails if fork is true.", KeyRanks.Invisible) /** Dummy setting to persist a Scala.js linker. */ val scalaJSLinker = SettingKey[ClearableLinker]("scalaJSLinker", "Scala.js internal: Setting to persist a linker", KeyRanks.Invisible) /** A tag to indicate that a task is using the value of [[scalaJSLinker]] * * This setting's value should always be retrieved from the same scope than * [[scalaJSLinker]] was retrieved from. */ val usesScalaJSLinkerTag = SettingKey[Tags.Tag]("usesScalaJSLinkerTag", "Scala.js internal: Tag to indicate that a task uses the link or " + "linkUnit method of the value of scalaJSLinker", KeyRanks.Invisible) val scalaJSIRCacheHolder = SettingKey[globalIRCache.Cache]("scalaJSIRCacheHolder", "Scala.js internal: Setting to persist a cache. Do NOT use this directly. " + "Use scalaJSIRCache instead.", KeyRanks.Invisible) val scalaJSIRCache = TaskKey[globalIRCache.Cache]("scalaJSIRCache", "Scala.js internal: Task to access a cache.", KeyRanks.Invisible) /** Internal task to calculate whether a project requests the DOM * (through jsDependencies or requiresDOM) */ val scalaJSRequestsDOM = TaskKey[Boolean]("scalaJSRequestsDOM", "Scala.js internal: Whether a project really wants the DOM. " + "Calculated using requiresDOM and jsDependencies", KeyRanks.Invisible) /** All .sjsir files on the fullClasspath, used by scalajsp. */ val sjsirFilesOnClasspath = TaskKey[Seq[String]]("sjsirFilesOnClasspath", "All .sjsir files on the fullClasspath, used by scalajsp", KeyRanks.Invisible) val scalaJSSourceFiles = AttributeKey[Seq[File]]("scalaJSSourceFiles", "Files used to compute this value (can be used in FileFunctions later).", KeyRanks.Invisible) val stageKeys: Map[Stage, TaskKey[Attributed[File]]] = Map( Stage.FastOpt -> fastOptJS, Stage.FullOpt -> fullOptJS ) /** A JS expression that detects the global scope just like Scala.js */ val jsGlobalExpr: String = { """((typeof global === "object" && global && global["Object"] === Object) ? global : this)""" } def logIRCacheStats(logger: Logger): Unit = { logger.debug("Global IR cache stats: " + globalIRCache.stats.logLine) } /** Patches the IncOptions so that .sjsir files are pruned as needed. * * This complicated logic patches the ClassfileManager factory of the given * IncOptions with one that is aware of .sjsir files emitted by the Scala.js * compiler. This makes sure that, when a .class file must be deleted, the * corresponding .sjsir file are also deleted. */ def scalaJSPatchIncOptions(incOptions: IncOptions): IncOptions = { val inheritedNewClassfileManager = incOptions.newClassfileManager val newClassfileManager = () => new ClassfileManager { private[this] val inherited = inheritedNewClassfileManager() def delete(classes: Iterable[File]): Unit = { inherited.delete(classes flatMap { classFile => val scalaJSFiles = if (classFile.getPath endsWith ".class") { val f = FileVirtualFile.withExtension(classFile, ".class", ".sjsir") if (f.exists) List(f) else Nil } else Nil classFile :: scalaJSFiles }) } def generated(classes: Iterable[File]): Unit = inherited.generated(classes) def complete(success: Boolean): Unit = inherited.complete(success) } incOptions.withNewClassfileManager(newClassfileManager) } private def packageJSDependenciesSetting(taskKey: TaskKey[File], cacheName: String, getLib: ResolvedJSDependency => VirtualJSFile): Setting[Task[File]] = { taskKey <<= Def.taskDyn { if ((skip in taskKey).value) Def.task((artifactPath in taskKey).value) else Def.task { val s = (streams in taskKey).value val deps = resolvedJSDependencies.value val output = (artifactPath in taskKey).value val realFiles = deps.get(scalaJSSourceFiles).get val resolvedDeps = FileFunction.cached(s.cacheDirectory / cacheName, FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.exists) { _ => // We don't need the files IO.createDirectory(output.getParentFile) val outFile = AtomicWritableFileVirtualJSFile(output) toolsIO.concatFiles(outFile, Set(output) } (realFiles.toSet) output } } } /** Settings for the production key (e.g. fastOptJS) of a given stage */ private def scalaJSStageSettings(stage: Stage, key: TaskKey[Attributed[File]]): Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( scalaJSLinker in key := { val opts = (scalaJSOptimizerOptions in key).value val semantics = (scalaJSSemantics in key).value val outputMode = (scalaJSOutputMode in key).value val withSourceMap = (emitSourceMaps in key).value val relSourceMapBase = { if ((relativeSourceMaps in key).value) Some((artifactPath in key).value.getParentFile.toURI()) else None } val frontendConfig = LinkerFrontend.Config() .withBypassLinkingErrorsInternal(opts.bypassLinkingErrors) .withCheckIR(opts.checkScalaJSIR) val backendConfig = LinkerBackend.Config() .withRelativizeSourceMapBase(relSourceMapBase) .withCustomOutputWrapper(scalaJSOutputWrapper.value) .withPrettyPrint(opts.prettyPrintFullOptJS) val newLinker = { () => Linker(semantics, outputMode, withSourceMap, opts.disableOptimizer, opts.parallel, opts.useClosureCompiler, frontendConfig, backendConfig) } new ClearableLinker(newLinker, opts.batchMode) }, usesScalaJSLinkerTag in key := { val projectPart = val configPart = val stagePart = stage match { case Stage.FastOpt => "fastopt" case Stage.FullOpt => "fullopt" } Tags.Tag(s"uses-scalajs-linker-$projectPart-$configPart-$stagePart") }, // Prevent this linker from being used concurrently concurrentRestrictions in Global += Tags.limit((usesScalaJSLinkerTag in key).value, 1), key <<= Def.taskDyn { val s = (streams in key).value val log = s.log val irInfo = (scalaJSIR in key).value val realFiles = irInfo.get(scalaJSSourceFiles).get val ir = val output = (artifactPath in key).value Def.task { FileFunction.cached(s.cacheDirectory, FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.exists) { _ => // We don't need the files val stageName = stage match { case Stage.FastOpt => "Fast" case Stage.FullOpt => "Full" }"$stageName optimizing $output") IO.createDirectory(output.getParentFile) val linker = (scalaJSLinker in key).value, AtomicWritableFileVirtualJSFile(output), log) logIRCacheStats(log) Set(output) } (realFiles.toSet) Attributed.blank(output) } tag((usesScalaJSLinkerTag in key).value) }, key <<= key.dependsOn(packageJSDependencies, packageScalaJSLauncher), scalaJSLinkedFile in key := new FileVirtualJSFile( ) private def dispatchSettingKeySettings[T](key: SettingKey[T]) = Seq( key <<= Def.settingDyn { val stageKey = stageKeys(scalaJSStage.value) Def.setting { (key in stageKey).value } } ) private def dispatchTaskKeySettings[T](key: TaskKey[T]) = Seq( key <<= Def.taskDyn { val stageKey = stageKeys(scalaJSStage.value) Def.task { (key in stageKey).value } } ) private def scalajspSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = { case class Options( infos: Boolean = false ) val optionsParser: Parser[Options] = { token(OptSpace ~> ( (literal("-i") | "--infos") ^^^ ((_: Options).copy(infos = true)) )).* map { fns => Function.chain(fns)(Options()) } } def sjsirFileOnClasspathParser( relPaths: Seq[String]): Parser[String] = { OptSpace ~> StringBasic .examples(ScalajspUtils.relPathsExamples(relPaths)) } def scalajspParser(state: State, relPaths: Seq[String]) = optionsParser ~ sjsirFileOnClasspathParser(relPaths) val parser = loadForParser(sjsirFilesOnClasspath) { (state, relPaths) => scalajspParser(state, relPaths.getOrElse(Nil)) } Seq( sjsirFilesOnClasspath <<= Def.task { } storeAs(sjsirFilesOnClasspath) triggeredBy(scalaJSIR), scalajsp := { val (options, relPath) = parser.parsed val vfile = .find(_.relativePath == relPath) .getOrElse(throw new FileNotFoundException(relPath)) val stdout = new if (options.infos) new InfoPrinter(stdout).print( else new IRTreePrinter(stdout).printTopLevelTree(vfile.tree) stdout.flush() logIRCacheStats(streams.value.log) } ) } /** Collect certain file types from a classpath. * * @param cp Classpath to collect from * @param filter Filter for (real) files of interest (not in jars) * @param collectJar Collect elements from a jar (called for all jars) * @param collectFile Collect a single file. Params are the file and the * relative path of the file (to its classpath entry root). * @return Collected elements attributed with physical files they originated * from (key: scalaJSSourceFiles). */ private def collectFromClasspath[T](cp: Def.Classpath, filter: FileFilter, collectJar: VirtualJarFile => Seq[T], collectFile: (File, String) => T): Attributed[Seq[T]] = { val realFiles = Seq.newBuilder[File] val results = Seq.newBuilder[T] for (cpEntry <- if cpEntry.exists) { if (cpEntry.isFile && cpEntry.getName.endsWith(".jar")) { realFiles += cpEntry val vf = new FileVirtualBinaryFile(cpEntry) with VirtualJarFile results ++= collectJar(vf) } else if (cpEntry.isDirectory) { for { (file, relPath) <- Path.selectSubpaths(cpEntry, filter) } { realFiles += file results += collectFile(file, relPath) } } else { sys.error("Illegal classpath entry: " + cpEntry.getPath) } } Attributed.blank(results.result()).put(scalaJSSourceFiles, realFiles.result()) } val scalaJSConfigSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( incOptions ~= scalaJSPatchIncOptions ) ++ ( scalajspSettings ++ stageKeys.flatMap((scalaJSStageSettings _).tupled) ++ dispatchTaskKeySettings(scalaJSLinkedFile) ++ dispatchSettingKeySettings(scalaJSLinker) ++ dispatchSettingKeySettings(usesScalaJSLinkerTag) ) ++ Seq( /* Note: This cache only gets freed by its finalizer. Otherwise we'd need * to intercept reloads in sbt (see #2171). * Also note that it doesn't get cleared by the sbt's clean task. */ scalaJSIRCacheHolder := globalIRCache.newCache, scalaJSIRCache <<= Def.task(scalaJSIRCacheHolder.value).dependsOn(scalaJSClearCacheStats), scalaJSIR := { import IRFileCache.IRContainer val rawIR = collectFromClasspath(fullClasspath.value, "*.sjsir", collectJar = jar => IRContainer.Jar(jar) :: Nil, collectFile = { (file, relPath) => IRContainer.File(FileVirtualScalaJSIRFile.relative(file, relPath)) }) val cache = scalaJSIRCache.value }, artifactPath in fastOptJS := ((crossTarget in fastOptJS).value / ((moduleName in fastOptJS).value + "-fastopt.js")), artifactPath in fullOptJS := ((crossTarget in fullOptJS).value / ((moduleName in fullOptJS).value + "-opt.js")), scalaJSSemantics in fullOptJS ~= (_.optimized), scalaJSOptimizerOptions in fullOptJS := { val prev = (scalaJSOptimizerOptions in fullOptJS).value val outputMode = (scalaJSOutputMode in fullOptJS).value prev.withUseClosureCompiler(outputMode == OutputMode.ECMAScript51Isolated) }, fullOptJS <<= fullOptJS.dependsOn(packageMinifiedJSDependencies), artifactPath in packageScalaJSLauncher := ((crossTarget in packageScalaJSLauncher).value / ((moduleName in packageScalaJSLauncher).value + "-launcher.js")), skip in packageScalaJSLauncher := !persistLauncher.value, packageScalaJSLauncher <<= Def.taskDyn { if ((skip in packageScalaJSLauncher).value) Def.task(Attributed.blank((artifactPath in packageScalaJSLauncher).value)) else Def.task { mainClass.value map { mainCl => val file = (artifactPath in packageScalaJSLauncher).value IO.write(file, launcherContent(mainCl), Charset.forName("UTF-8")) // Attach the name of the main class used, (ab?)using the name key Attributed(file)(AttributeMap.empty.put(name.key, mainCl)) } getOrElse { sys.error("Cannot write launcher file, since there is no or multiple mainClasses") } } }, artifactPath in packageJSDependencies := ((crossTarget in packageJSDependencies).value / ((moduleName in packageJSDependencies).value + "-jsdeps.js")), packageJSDependenciesSetting(packageJSDependencies, "package-js-deps", _.lib), artifactPath in packageMinifiedJSDependencies := ((crossTarget in packageMinifiedJSDependencies).value / ((moduleName in packageMinifiedJSDependencies).value + "-jsdeps.min.js")), packageJSDependenciesSetting(packageMinifiedJSDependencies, "package-min-js-deps", dep => dep.minifiedLib.getOrElse(dep.lib)), jsDependencyManifest := { val myModule = val config = // Collect all libraries val jsDeps = jsDependencies.value.collect { case dep: JSModuleID if dep.configurations.forall(_ == config) => dep.jsDep } val requiresDOM = jsDependencies.value.exists { case RuntimeDOMDep(configurations) => configurations.forall(_ == config) case _ => false } /* We make the assumption here, that scalaJSSemantics has not * unreasonably overridden values for the fastOptJS and fullOptJS * tasks. Otherwise this value does not really make sense. */ val compliantSemantics = scalaJSSemantics.value.compliants val manifest = new JSDependencyManifest(new Origin(myModule, config), jsDeps.toList, requiresDOM, compliantSemantics) // Write dependency file to class directory val targetDir = classDirectory.value IO.createDirectory(targetDir) val file = targetDir / JSDependencyManifest.ManifestFileName val vfile = WritableFileVirtualTextFile(file) // Prevent writing if unnecessary to not invalidate dependencies val needWrite = !vfile.exists || { Try { val readManifest = readManifest != manifest } getOrElse true } if (needWrite) JSDependencyManifest.write(manifest, vfile) file }, products <<= products.dependsOn(jsDependencyManifest), console <<= console.dependsOn(Def.task( streams.value.log.warn("Scala REPL doesn't work with Scala.js. You " + "are running a JVM REPL. JavaScript things won't work.") )), scalaJSNativeLibraries := { collectFromClasspath(fullClasspath.value, "*.js", collectJar = _.jsFiles, collectFile = FileVirtualJSFile.relative) }, jsDependencyManifests := { val filter = jsManifestFilter.value val rawManifests = collectFromClasspath(fullClasspath.value, new ExactFilter(JSDependencyManifest.ManifestFileName), collectJar = _.jsDependencyManifests, collectFile = { (file, _) => fromJSON[JSDependencyManifest](readJSON( }) => filter(manifests.toTraversable)) }, resolvedJSDependencies := { val dependencyFilter = jsDependencyFilter.value val attLibs = scalaJSNativeLibraries.value val attManifests = jsDependencyManifests.value // Verify semantics compliance if (checkScalaJSSemantics.value) { import ComplianceRequirement._ val requirements = mergeFromManifests( /* We make the assumption here, that scalaJSSemantics has not * unreasonably overridden values for the fastOptJS and fullOptJS * tasks. Otherwise, this check is bogus. */ checkCompliance(requirements, scalaJSSemantics.value) } // Collect originating files val realFiles = { attLibs.get(scalaJSSourceFiles).get ++ attManifests.get(scalaJSSourceFiles).get } // Collect available JS libraries val availableLibs = { val libs = mutable.Map.empty[String, VirtualJSFile] for (lib <- libs.getOrElseUpdate(lib.relativePath, lib) libs.toMap } // Actually resolve the dependencies val resolved = DependencyResolver.resolveDependencies(, availableLibs, dependencyFilter) Attributed.blank[Seq[ResolvedJSDependency]](resolved) .put(scalaJSSourceFiles, realFiles) }, // Give tasks ability to check we are not forking at build reading time scalaJSEnsureUnforked := { if (fork.value) sys.error("Scala.js cannot be run in a forked JVM") else true }, scalaJSRequestsDOM := { requiresDOM.?.value.getOrElse( }, resolvedJSEnv := jsEnv.?.value.getOrElse { if (scalaJSUseRhino.value) { /* We take the semantics from the linker, since they depend on the * stage. This way we are sure we agree on the semantics with the * linker. */ val semantics = scalaJSLinker.value.semantics new RhinoJSEnv(semantics, withDOM = scalaJSRequestsDOM.value) } else if (scalaJSRequestsDOM.value) { new PhantomJSEnv(jettyClassLoader = scalaJSPhantomJSClassLoader.value) } else { new NodeJSEnv } }, scalaJSJavaSystemProperties ++= { val javaSysPropsPattern = "-D([^=]*)=(.*)".r { case javaSysPropsPattern(propName, propValue) => (propName, propValue) case opt => sys.error("Scala.js javaOptions can only be \"-D=\"," + " but received: " + opt) } }, scalaJSConfigurationLibs ++= { val javaSystemProperties = scalaJSJavaSystemProperties.value if (javaSystemProperties.isEmpty) { Nil } else { val formattedProps = { case (propName, propValue) => "\"" + escapeJS(propName) + "\": \"" + escapeJS(propValue) + "\"" } val code = { "var __ScalaJSEnv = (typeof __ScalaJSEnv === \"object\" && __ScalaJSEnv) ? __ScalaJSEnv : {};\n" + "__ScalaJSEnv.javaSystemProperties = {" + formattedProps.mkString(", ") + "};\n" } Seq(ResolvedJSDependency.minimal( new MemVirtualJSFile("setJavaSystemProperties.js").withContent(code))) } }, loadedJSEnv <<= Def.taskDyn { val log = streams.value.log val libs = ++ scalaJSConfigurationLibs.value resolvedJSEnv.value match { case env: LinkingUnitJSEnv => log.debug(s"Generating LinkingUnit for JSEnv ${}") Def.task { val linker = scalaJSLinker.value val ir = val unit = linker.linkUnit(ir, env.symbolRequirements, log) log.debug("Loading JSEnv with LinkingUnit") env.loadLibs(libs).loadLinkingUnit(unit) } tag(usesScalaJSLinkerTag.value) case env => Def.task { val file = scalaJSLinkedFile.value log.debug(s"Loading JSEnv with linked file ${file.path}") env.loadLibs(libs :+ ResolvedJSDependency.minimal(file)) } } } ) /** Run a class in a given environment using a given launcher */ private def jsRun(jsEnv: JSEnv, mainCl: String, launcher: VirtualJSFile, log: Logger, console: JSConsole) = {"Running " + mainCl) log.debug(s"with JSEnv ${}") val runner = jsEnv.jsRunner(launcher), console) } private def launcherContent(mainCl: String) = { val parts = mainCl.split('.').map(s => s"""["${escapeJS(s)}"]""").mkString s"$jsGlobalExpr$parts().main();\n" } private def memLauncher(mainCl: String) = { new MemVirtualJSFile("Generated launcher file") .withContent(launcherContent(mainCl)) } def discoverJSApps(analysis: inc.Analysis): Seq[String] = { import xsbt.api.{Discovered, Discovery} val jsApp = "scala.scalajs.js.JSApp" def isJSApp(discovered: Discovered) = discovered.isModule && discovered.baseClasses.contains(jsApp) Discovery(Set(jsApp), Set.empty)(Tests.allDefs(analysis)) collect { case (definition, discovered) if isJSApp(discovered) => } } private val runMainParser = { Defaults.loadForParser(discoveredMainClasses) { (_, names) => val mainClasses = names.getOrElse(Nil).toSet Space ~> token(NotSpace examples mainClasses) } } // These settings will be filtered by the stage dummy tasks val scalaJSRunSettings = Seq( mainClass in scalaJSLauncher := (mainClass in run).value, scalaJSLauncher <<= Def.taskDyn { if (persistLauncher.value) Def.task( else Def.task { (mainClass in scalaJSLauncher).value map { mainClass => val memLaunch = memLauncher(mainClass) Attributed[VirtualJSFile](memLaunch)( AttributeMap.empty.put(name.key, mainClass)) } getOrElse { sys.error("No main class detected.") } } }, discoveredMainClasses <<= storeAs(discoveredMainClasses).triggeredBy(compile), run <<= Def.inputTask { // use assert to prevent warning about pure expr in stat pos assert(scalaJSEnsureUnforked.value) val launch = scalaJSLauncher.value val className = launch.get(name.key).getOrElse("") jsRun(loadedJSEnv.value, className,, streams.value.log, scalaJSConsole.value) }, runMain := { // use assert to prevent warning about pure expr in stat pos assert(scalaJSEnsureUnforked.value) val mainClass = runMainParser.parsed jsRun(loadedJSEnv.value, mainClass, memLauncher(mainClass), streams.value.log, scalaJSConsole.value) } ) val scalaJSCompileSettings = ( scalaJSConfigSettings ++ scalaJSRunSettings ) val scalaJSTestFrameworkSettings = Seq( loadedTestFrameworks := { // use assert to prevent warning about pure expr in stat pos assert(scalaJSEnsureUnforked.value) val console = scalaJSConsole.value val logger = streams.value.log val frameworks = testFrameworks.value val jsEnv = loadedJSEnv.value match { case jsEnv: ComJSEnv => jsEnv case jsEnv => sys.error(s"You need a ComJSEnv to test (found ${})") } val detector = new FrameworkDetector(jsEnv) detector.detect(frameworks) map { case (tf, name) => (tf, new ScalaJSFramework(name, jsEnv, logger, console)) } }, // Override default to avoid triggering a test:fastOptJS in a test:compile // without loosing autocompletion. definedTestNames <<= definedTests map ( storeAs definedTestNames triggeredBy loadedJSEnv ) val scalaJSTestBuildSettings = ( scalaJSConfigSettings ) ++ ( Seq(fastOptJS, fullOptJS, packageScalaJSLauncher, packageJSDependencies) map { packageJSTask => moduleName in packageJSTask := moduleName.value + "-test" } ) val scalaJSTestSettings = ( scalaJSTestBuildSettings ++ scalaJSRunSettings ++ scalaJSTestFrameworkSettings ) val scalaJSDependenciesSettings = Seq( // add all the webjars your jsDependencies depend upon libraryDependencies ++= jsDependencies.value.collect { case JarJSModuleID(module, _) => module } ) val scalaJSDefaultBuildConfigs = ( inConfig(Compile)(scalaJSConfigSettings) ++ // build settings for Compile inConfig(Test)(scalaJSTestBuildSettings) ++ scalaJSDependenciesSettings ) val scalaJSDefaultConfigs = ( inConfig(Compile)(scalaJSCompileSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(scalaJSTestSettings) ++ scalaJSDependenciesSettings ) val phantomJSJettyModules = Seq( "org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-websocket" % "8.1.16.v20140903", "org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % "8.1.16.v20140903" ) val scalaJSProjectBaseSettings = Seq( relativeSourceMaps := false, persistLauncher := false, emitSourceMaps := true, scalaJSOutputWrapper := ("", ""), scalaJSOptimizerOptions := OptimizerOptions(), jsDependencies := Seq(), jsDependencyFilter := identity, jsManifestFilter := identity, scalaJSSemantics := Semantics.Defaults, scalaJSOutputMode := OutputMode.ECMAScript51Isolated, checkScalaJSSemantics := true, scalaJSConsole := ConsoleJSConsole, clean <<= clean.dependsOn(Def.task { // have clean reset incremental linker state (scalaJSLinker in (Compile, fastOptJS)).value.clear() (scalaJSLinker in (Test, fastOptJS)).value.clear() (scalaJSLinker in (Compile, fullOptJS)).value.clear() (scalaJSLinker in (Test, fullOptJS)).value.clear() }), /* Depend on jetty artifacts in dummy configuration to be able to inject * them into the PhantomJS runner if necessary. * See scalaJSPhantomJSClassLoader */ ivyConfigurations += config("phantom-js-jetty").hide, libraryDependencies ++= % "phantom-js-jetty"), scalaJSPhantomJSClassLoader := { val report = update.value val jars ="phantom-js-jetty")) val jettyLoader = new URLClassLoader(, null) new PhantomJettyClassLoader(jettyLoader, getClass.getClassLoader) }, scalaJSJavaSystemProperties := Nil, scalaJSConfigurationLibs := Nil ) val scalaJSAbstractSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = ( scalaJSProjectBaseSettings ++ scalaJSDefaultConfigs ) val scalaJSAbstractBuildSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = ( scalaJSProjectBaseSettings ++ scalaJSDefaultBuildConfigs ) val scalaJSEcosystemSettings = Seq( // you will need the Scala.js compiler plugin autoCompilerPlugins := true, addCompilerPlugin( "org.scala-js" % "scalajs-compiler" % scalaJSVersion cross CrossVersion.full), // and of course the Scala.js library libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-library" % scalaJSVersion, // and you will want to be cross-compiled on the Scala.js binary version crossVersion := ScalaJSCrossVersion.binary ) }