@inproceedings{Gancet16CAMS, author="Gancet, J. and Weiss, P. and Antonelli, G. and Pfingsthorn, M. F. and Calinon, S. and Turetta, A. and Walen, C. and Urbina, D. and Govindaraj, S. and Letier, P. and Martinez, X. and Salini, J. and Chemisky, B. and Indiveri, G. and Casalino, G. and Di Lillo, P. and Simetti, E. and De Palma, D. and Birk, A. and Tanwani, A. and Havoutis, I. and Caffaz, A. and Guilpain, L.", title="Dexterous Undersea Interventions with Far Distance Onshore Supervision: the {DexROV} Project", booktitle="{IFAC} Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems ({CAMS})", year="2016", month="September", address="Trondheim, Norway", pages="414--419", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.439", }