#!/bin/bash # Define version number # 定义版本号 VERSION="v1.9" # Define color # 定义颜色 BLUE='\033[96m' # Light blue 浅蓝色 YELLOW='\033[93m' # Yellow 金黄色 RED='\033[91m' # Red 红色 GREEN='\033[92m' # Green 深绿色 WHITE='\033[97m' # White 白色 NC='\033[0m' # No Color 取消颜色 # Path to the script to be executed by the shortcut # 需要被快捷键执行的脚本路径 SCRIPT_PATH="/usr/local/bin/s" SOURCE_SCRIPT="/root/system_tools.sh" REMOTE_SCRIPT_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scarsong/system_tools/main/system_tools.sh" CHANGE_LOG_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scarsong/system_tools/main/Change_log.md" CHANGE_LOG_ZH_CN_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scarsong/system_tools/main/Change_log_zh-cn.md" # Check if the shortcut file 's' exists and if its content matches the expected script path # 判断是否存在快捷文件s,并检查内容是否一致 if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT_PATH" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}文件 ${SCRIPT_PATH} 不存在${NC}】【${YELLOW}正在创建${NC}】\n【${YELLOW}File ${SCRIPT_PATH} does not exist${NC}】【${YELLOW}Creating now${NC}】" COPY_FILE=1 elif ! cmp -s "$SOURCE_SCRIPT" "$SCRIPT_PATH"; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}文件 ${SCRIPT_PATH} 存在${NC}】【${YELLOW}但内容不同${NC}】【${YELLOW}正在更新${NC}】\n【${YELLOW}File ${SCRIPT_PATH} exists${NC}】【${YELLOW}but the content differs${NC}】【${YELLOW}Updating now${NC}】" COPY_FILE=1 else COPY_FILE=0 fi # If needed, copy the file to the destination # 如果需要复制文件 if [ $COPY_FILE -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f "$SOURCE_SCRIPT" ]; then cp "$SOURCE_SCRIPT" "$SCRIPT_PATH" chmod +x "$SCRIPT_PATH" echo -e "【${GREEN}文件 ${SCRIPT_PATH} 已更新${NC}】【${GREEN}且已复制 ${SOURCE_SCRIPT} 的内容${NC}】【${GREEN}并已赋予执行权限${NC}】\n【${GREEN}File ${SCRIPT_PATH} has been updated${NC}】【${GREEN}Content from ${SOURCE_SCRIPT} has been copied${NC}】【${GREEN}and execute permission granted${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}源文件 ${SOURCE_SCRIPT} 不存在${NC}】【${RED}无法更新 ${SCRIPT_PATH}${NC}】\n【${RED}Source file ${SOURCE_SCRIPT} does not exist${NC}】【${RED}Cannot update ${SCRIPT_PATH}${NC}】" exit 1 fi else echo -e "【${GREEN}文件 ${SCRIPT_PATH} 已是最新版本${NC}】【${GREEN}无需更新${NC}】\n【${GREEN}File ${SCRIPT_PATH} is up-to-date${NC}】【${GREEN}No update needed${NC}】" fi # Set shortcut function # 设置快捷键的函数 set_shortcut() { if ! grep -q "alias s='$SCRIPT_PATH'" ~/.bashrc; then sed -i "/alias .*='s'$/d" ~/.bashrc echo "alias s='$SCRIPT_PATH'" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc echo -e "【${GREEN}快捷键 's' 已设置为执行脚本 $SCRIPT_PATH${NC}】\n【${GREEN}Shortcut 's' is set to execute script $SCRIPT_PATH${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}快捷键 's' 已存在${NC}】【${GREEN}无需重新设置${NC}】\n【${GREEN}Shortcut 's' already exists${NC}】【${GREEN}No need to reset${NC}】" fi } # Set shortcut # 设置快捷键 set_shortcut # Show menu function # 显示菜单函数 show_menu() { clear echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}系统工具合集${NC}】【${YELLOW}${VERSION}${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${WHITE}作者网站】【${YELLOW} https://scarsong.com ${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${YELLOW}捷径${NC}】【${WHITE}通过快捷键 ${YELLOW}s${WHITE} 可快速启动脚本${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}01${NC}】【${BLUE}管理${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}防火墙规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}02${NC}】【${BLUE}管理${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 / ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}03${NC}】【${BLUE}管理服务器${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}防火墙规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}04${NC}】【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 Docker ${BLUE}用户链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}05${NC}】【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 Docker ${BLUE}用户链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}06${NC}】【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 Docker NAT ${BLUE}规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}07${NC}】【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 Docker NAT ${BLUE}规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}08${NC}】【${BLUE}系统会话保持 ${YELLOW}screen ${BLUE}工具管理${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}09${NC}】【${BLUE}常用系统命令${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}10${NC}】【${BLUE}显示 ${YELLOW}Docker ${BLUE}容器信息${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}18${NC}】【${RED}切换脚本显示语言${NC}】【${YELLOW}Switch script language${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}19${NC}】【${GREEN}脚本更新${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}20${NC}】【${WHITE}更新日志${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}00${NC}】【${RED}退出脚本${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" else echo -e "【${RED}System Tools Collection${NC}】【${YELLOW}${VERSION}${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${WHITE}Author Website】【${YELLOW} https://scarsong.com ${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${YELLOW}Shortcut${NC}】【${WHITE}Use the shortcut key ${YELLOW}s${WHITE} to quickly start the script${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}01${NC}】【${BLUE}Manage${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}firewall rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}02${NC}】【${BLUE}Manage${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 / ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}input chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}03${NC}】【${BLUE}Manage server ${YELLOW}SSH ${BLUE}firewall rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}04${NC}】【${BLUE}View ${YELLOW}iptables IPv4 Docker ${BLUE}user chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}05${NC}】【${BLUE}View ${YELLOW}ip6tables IPv6 Docker ${BLUE}user chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}06${NC}】【${BLUE}View ${YELLOW}iptables IPv4 Docker NAT ${BLUE}rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}07${NC}】【${BLUE}View ${YELLOW}ip6tables IPv6 Docker NAT ${BLUE}rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}08${NC}】【${BLUE}System session management with ${YELLOW}screen ${BLUE}tool${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}09${NC}】【${BLUE}Common system commands${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}10${NC}】【${BLUE}Show ${YELLOW}Docker ${BLUE}Container Info${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}18${NC}】【${RED}Switch script language${NC}】【${YELLOW}切换脚本显示语言${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}19${NC}】【${GREEN}Update script${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}20${NC}】【${WHITE}Change log${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}00${NC}】【${RED}Exit script${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" fi } # show_docker_container_info # 显示 Docker 容器信息 # Display Docker container information # 根据语言显示命令信息 show_docker_container_info() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令${NC}】【${BLUE}显示 ${YELLOW}Docker ${BLUE}容器信息${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command${NC}】【${BLUE}Show ${YELLOW}Docker ${BLUE}Container Info${NC}】" fi # Temporary files to store container details # 临时文件用于存储容器详情 temp_file=$(mktemp) long_ports_file=$(mktemp) # Function to print column headers # 打印列标题的函数 print_header() { echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================================================================================================${NC}" if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "${RED}容器名称 ${BLUE}网络名称 ${YELLOW}IPv4地址 ${YELLOW}IPv6地址 ${WHITE}容器状态 ${GREEN}端口信息${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Container Name ${BLUE}Network Name ${YELLOW}IPv4 Address ${YELLOW}IPv6 Address ${WHITE}Container Status ${GREEN}Port Information${NC}" fi } # Print headers # 打印标题 print_header # Get all network IDs # 获取所有网络ID docker network ls -q | while read network_id; do network_name=$(docker network inspect --format '{{.Name}}' "$network_id") # If network name is not retrieved, skip this group # 如果没有获取到网络名称,跳过这个分组 if [ -z "$network_name" ]; then continue fi # Print separator line # 打印分隔线 echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================================================================================================${NC}" docker network inspect "$network_id" --format '{{json .Containers}}' | jq -r ' to_entries[] | .value | "\(.Name) \(.IPv4Address // "") \(.IPv6Address // "")" ' | while read container_name ipv4 ipv6; do # Ensure using full container ID # 确保使用完整的容器ID container_id=$(docker ps --filter "name=^/${container_name}$" --format "{{.ID}}") container_id=${container_id:-""} network_mode=$(docker inspect --format '{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}' "$container_id" 2>/dev/null || echo "") if [ "$network_mode" = "host" ]; then ports="Host network - no port mappings" elif [ -n "$network_mode" ]; then # Get port mappings, avoiding duplicate retrieval # 获取端口映射,避免重复获取 ports=$(docker inspect --format='{{range $p, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Ports}}{{if $conf}}{{range $v := $conf}}{{if or (eq (index $v "HostIp") "") (eq (index $v "HostIp") "::")}}{{index $v "HostIp"}}:{{index $v "HostPort"}}->{{$p}}, {{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' "$container_id" | sort | uniq | sed 's/, $//') ports=${ports:-""} else ports="" fi status=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' "$container_id" 2>/dev/null || echo "") health_status=$(docker inspect --format '{{.State.Health.Status}}' "$container_id" 2>/dev/null || echo "") if [ -n "$health_status" ]; then status="$status($health_status)" fi # If the field is empty, set it to "N/A" # 如果字段为空,设置为 "N/A" ipv4=${ipv4:-"N/A"} ipv6=${ipv6:-"N/A"} ports=${ports:-"N/A"} status=${status:-"N/A"} # Determine if port information is considered long # 确定端口信息是否过长 comma_count=$(echo "$ports" | grep -o ',' | wc -l) max_comma_count=1 if [ $comma_count -gt $max_comma_count ]; then echo "$container_name $network_name $ipv4 $ipv6 $status $ports" >> "$long_ports_file" else printf "%-40b %-30b %-25b %-25b %-25b %b%s\n" \ "${RED}$container_name${NC}" "${BLUE}$network_name${NC}" "${YELLOW}$ipv4${NC}" "${YELLOW}$ipv6${NC}" "${WHITE}$status${NC}" "${GREEN}$ports${NC}" >> "$temp_file" fi done # Sort short entries by container name and display # 将短条目按容器名称排序后显示 sort -k1,1 "$temp_file" # Display long entries sorted by length (shortest first) # 显示超长条目,按照条目长度从短到长显示 sort -k6,6 -r "$long_ports_file" | while IFS= read -r line; do IFS=' ' read -r container_name network_name ipv4 ipv6 status ports <<< "$line" printf "%-40b %-30b %-25b %-25b %-25b %b%s\n" \ "${RED}$container_name${NC}" "${BLUE}$network_name${NC}" "${YELLOW}$ipv4${NC}" "${YELLOW}$ipv6${NC}" "${WHITE}$status${NC}" "${GREEN}$ports${NC}" done # Clear temporary files # 清空临时文件 > "$temp_file" > "$long_ports_file" done # Clean up temporary files # 清理临时文件 rm "$temp_file" "$long_ports_file" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================================================================================================${NC}" } # Show system commands submenu function # 显示常用系统命令子菜单函数 show_system_commands() { while true; do clear echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}常用系统命令${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}01${NC}】【${BLUE}显示磁盘使用情况${NC}】【${YELLOW}df -h -x overlay -x tmpfs${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}02${NC}】【${BLUE}显示主机信息${NC}】【${YELLOW}hostnamectl${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}03${NC}】【${BLUE}显示所有Docker容器${NC}】【${YELLOW}docker ps -a${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}04${NC}】【${BLUE}显示内存使用情况${NC}】【${YELLOW}free -m${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}05${NC}】【${BLUE}重启Docker服务${NC}】【${YELLOW}systemctl restart docker${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}06${NC}】【${BLUE}显示Docker版本信息${NC}】【${YELLOW}docker version${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}07${NC}】【${BLUE}更新并升级系统${NC}】【${YELLOW}apt-get update && apt-get upgrade${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}08${NC}】【${BLUE}显示当前登录用户信息${NC}】【${YELLOW}who -u${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}09${NC}】【${BLUE}重新启动系统${NC}】【${YELLOW}reboot${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}00${NC}】【${RED}返回主菜单${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" else echo -e "【${RED}System Commands${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}01${NC}】【${BLUE}Show disk usage${NC}】【${YELLOW}df -h -x overlay -x tmpfs${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}02${NC}】【${BLUE}Show host information${NC}】【${YELLOW}hostnamectl${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}03${NC}】【${BLUE}Show all Docker containers${NC}】【${YELLOW}docker ps -a${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}04${NC}】【${BLUE}Show memory usage${NC}】【${YELLOW}free -m${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}05${NC}】【${BLUE}Restart Docker service${NC}】【${YELLOW}systemctl restart docker${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}06${NC}】【${BLUE}Show Docker version${NC}】【${YELLOW}docker version${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}07${NC}】【${BLUE}Update and upgrade system${NC}】【${YELLOW}apt-get update && apt-get upgrade${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}08${NC}】【${BLUE}Show current user information${NC}】【${YELLOW}who -u${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}09${NC}】【${BLUE}Reboot system${NC}】【${YELLOW}reboot${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}00${NC}】【${RED}Return to main menu${NC}】" echo -e "${BLUE}================================================================================${NC}" fi if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${RED}输入选项编号并按回车确认${NC}】" else echo -ne "【${RED}Enter option number and press Enter to confirm${NC}】" fi read sys_cmd_choice case $sys_cmd_choice in 01) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示磁盘使用情况 (df -h -x overlay -x tmpfs)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show disk usage (df -h -x overlay -x tmpfs)${NC}】" fi df -h -x overlay -x tmpfs ;; 02) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示主机信息 (hostnamectl)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show host information (hostnamectl)${NC}】" fi hostnamectl ;; 03) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示所有Docker容器 (docker ps -a)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show all Docker containers (docker ps -a)${NC}】" fi docker ps -a ;; 04) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示内存使用情况 (free -m)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show memory usage (free -m)${NC}】" fi free -m ;; 05) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 重启Docker服务 (systemctl restart docker)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Restart Docker service (systemctl restart docker)${NC}】" fi systemctl restart docker ;; 06) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示Docker版本信息 (docker version)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show Docker version (docker version)${NC}】" fi docker version ;; 07) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 更新并升级系统 (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Update and upgrade system (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)${NC}】" fi apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ;; 08) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 显示当前登录用户信息 (who -u)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Show current user information (who -u)${NC}】" fi who -u ;; 09) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}执行命令: 重新启动系统 (reboot)${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Command: Reboot system (reboot)${NC}】" fi reboot ;; 00) break ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac # Prompt user to return to the submenu if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${RED}按回车键返回子菜单${NC}】" else echo -ne "【${RED}Press Enter to return to the submenu${NC}】" fi read -r done } # Manage screen tool function # 管理 screen 工具的函数 manage_screen() { if ! command -v screen &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}screen 工具未安装${NC}】" read -p "【${YELLOW}是否立即安装 screen 工具?(y/n)${NC}】" install_choice else echo -e "【${RED}Screen tool is not installed${NC}】" read -p "【${YELLOW}Do you want to install the screen tool now? (y/n)${NC}】" install_choice fi if [[ "$install_choice" == "y" || "$install_choice" == "Y" ]]; then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y screen if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}screen 工具已成功安装${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Screen tool has been successfully installed${NC}】" fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}操作已取消,返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Operation canceled, returning to main menu${NC}】" fi return fi fi while true; do if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看现有会话${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}创建新会话${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}3${NC}】 ${BLUE}脱离当前会话${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}4${NC}】 ${BLUE}重新回到默认会话${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}5${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除会话${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}q${NC}】 ${BLUE}返回主菜单${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" screen_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}View existing sessions${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Create new session${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}3${NC}】 ${BLUE}Detach current session${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}4${NC}】 ${BLUE}Resume default session${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}5${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete session${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}q${NC}】 ${BLUE}Return to main menu${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" screen_choice fi case $screen_choice in 1) screen -ls | grep -q "No Sockets found" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}当前没有正在运行的会话${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}No active sessions found${NC}】" fi else screen -ls fi ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "【请输入新会话名称】" session_name else read -p "【Enter new session name】" session_name fi screen -S "$session_name" ;; 3) screen -d if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前会话已脱离${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Current session detached${NC}】" fi ;; 4) screen -ls | grep -q "No Sockets found" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}当前没有可恢复的会话${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}No sessions available to resume${NC}】" fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}选择要恢复的会话${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Select the session to resume${NC}】" fi screen -ls if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "【请输入会话名称】" session_name else read -p "【Enter session name】" session_name fi screen -r "$session_name" fi ;; 5) screen -ls | grep -q "No Sockets found" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}当前没有可删除的会话${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}No sessions available to delete${NC}】" fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}选择要删除的会话${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Select the session to delete${NC}】" fi screen -ls if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "【请输入会话名称】" session_name else read -p "【Enter session name】" session_name fi screen -S "$session_name" -X quit if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}会话 ${session_name} 已删除${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Session ${session_name} has been deleted${NC}】" fi fi ;; q) break ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac done } # Output command function, filter and colorize # 输出命令的函数,过滤并着色 output_command() { while IFS= read -r line; do if echo "$line" | grep -q "DROP"; then echo -e "${WHITE}${line}${NC}" elif echo "$line" | grep -q "ACCEPT"; then echo -e "${GREEN}${line}${NC}" else echo -e "${WHITE}${line}${NC}" fi done } # List all rules # 列出所有规则 list_rules() { local table=$1 local chain=$2 eval "$table -L $chain -n --line-numbers" } # Delete specified rule # 删除指定规则 delete_rule() { local table=$1 local chain=$2 local rule_number=$3 eval "$table -D $chain $rule_number" } # Return to main menu function # 返回主菜单函数 return_to_main_menu() { return # Simply return to upper-level loop 简单返回上层循环 } # Delete rule and handle renumbering issues # 删除规则并处理重新编号问题 process_rule_deletion() { local table=$1 local chain=$2 local rule_number if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前 ${chain} 链规则 ${YELLOW}(${table})${NC}】" list_rules "$table" "$chain" | output_command while true; do echo -e "【${RED}请选择要删除的规则编号(用空格分隔多个编号)输入完毕后按回车确认${NC}】" read -p "【规则编号】" -a rule_numbers # Check if user chose to return to the main menu # 检查用户是否选择返回主菜单 if [[ " ${rule_numbers[*]} " =~ " q " ]]; then return_to_main_menu return fi # Check if the input rule number is a valid number # 检查输入的规则编号是否为有效数字 invalid_input=false for rule_number in "${rule_numbers[@]}"; do if ! [[ "$rule_number" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then invalid_input=true break fi if ! iptables -L "$chain" --line-numbers | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "^$rule_number$"; then invalid_input=true break fi done if $invalid_input; then echo # Output a new line to ensure prompts do not overlap 输出新行,确保提示不覆盖 echo -e "【${YELLOW}已跳过规则删除阶段${NC}】" return # Exit the function 跳出函数 fi # Ensure rule numbers are sorted (in descending order to avoid numbering issues) # 确保规则编号排序(降序排序,以避免编号变化问题) IFS=$'\n' sorted_rule_numbers=($(sort -nr <<<"${rule_numbers[*]}")) unset IFS for rule_number in "${sorted_rule_numbers[@]}"; do echo -e "【${BLUE}正在删除规则编号 ${rule_number}${NC}】" delete_rule "$table" "$chain" "$rule_number" sleep 1 # Wait for rule deletion to take effect 等待规则删除生效 list_rules "$table" "$chain" | output_command done echo -e "【${GREEN}规则删除完成${NC}】" return done else echo -e "【${BLUE}Current rules for ${chain} chain ${YELLOW}(${table})${NC}】" list_rules "$table" "$chain" | output_command while true; do echo -e "【${RED}Select rule numbers to delete (separate multiple numbers with spaces). Press Enter to confirm${NC}】" read -p "【Rule numbers】" -a rule_numbers # Check if user chose to return to the main menu # 检查用户是否选择返回主菜单 if [[ " ${rule_numbers[*]} " =~ " q " ]]; then return_to_main_menu return fi # Check if the input rule number is a valid number # 检查输入的规则编号是否为有效数字 invalid_input=false for rule_number in "${rule_numbers[@]}"; do if ! [[ "$rule_number" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then invalid_input=true break fi if ! iptables -L "$chain" --line-numbers | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "^$rule_number$"; then invalid_input=true break fi done if $invalid_input; then echo # Output a new line to ensure prompts do not overlap 输出新行,确保提示不覆盖 echo -e "【${YELLOW}Skipping rule deletion phase${NC}】" return # Exit the function 跳出函数 fi # Ensure rule numbers are sorted (in descending order to avoid numbering issues) # 确保规则编号排序(降序排序,以避免编号变化问题) IFS=$'\n' sorted_rule_numbers=($(sort -nr <<<"${rule_numbers[*]}")) unset IFS for rule_number in "${sorted_rule_numbers[@]}"; do echo -e "【${BLUE}Deleting rule number ${rule_number}${NC}】" delete_rule "$table" "$chain" "$rule_number" sleep 1 # Wait for rule deletion to take effect 等待规则删除生效 list_rules "$table" "$chain" | output_command done echo -e "【${GREEN}Rule deletion complete${NC}】" return done fi } # Handle rule deletion # 处理规则删除 handle_rule_deletion() { while true; do if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除某一个编号的规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除多个规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}3${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除所有规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}q${NC}】 ${BLUE}返回主菜单${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" delete_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete a rule by number${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete multiple rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}3${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete all rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}q${NC}】 ${BLUE}Return to main menu${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" delete_choice fi case $delete_choice in 1) while true; do if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}删除某一个编号的规则${NC}】" read -p "【请输入要删除的规则编号】" rule_number else echo -e "【${BLUE}Delete a rule by number${NC}】" read -p "【Enter the rule number to delete】" rule_number fi # Check if user chose to return to the main menu # 检查用户是否选择返回主菜单 if [[ "$rule_number" == "q" ]]; then return_to_main_menu return fi # Check if input is a number # 检查输入是否为数字 if ! [[ "$rule_number" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo # Output a new line to ensure the prompt doesn't overwrite if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已跳过规则删除阶段${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Rule deletion phase skipped${NC}】" fi return # Exit function fi # Check if rule number exists # 检查规则编号是否存在 if ! iptables -L INPUT --line-numbers | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "^$rule_number$"; then echo # Output a new line to ensure the prompt doesn't overwrite if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已跳过规则删除阶段${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Rule deletion phase skipped${NC}】" fi return # Exit function else break # Valid input, exit loop fi done # Delete rule # 删除规则 iptables -D INPUT "$rule_number" 2>/dev/null ip6tables -D INPUT "$rule_number" 2>/dev/null if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${GREEN}规则编号 ${rule_number} 已删除${NC}】\n" else echo -ne "【${GREEN}Rule number ${rule_number} deleted${NC}】\n" fi ;; 2) # Handle IPv4 rules # 处理 IPv4 规则 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}处理 IPv4 规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Handling IPv4 rules${NC}】" fi process_rule_deletion "iptables" "INPUT" # Ensure IPv6 rules are handled after IPv4 # 确保处理完 IPv4 规则后再处理 IPv6 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}处理 IPv6 规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Handling IPv6 rules${NC}】" fi process_rule_deletion "ip6tables" "INPUT" ;; 3) while true; do if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}删除所有规则${NC}】" read -p "【${YELLOW}确定要删除所有规则吗?输入${RED} Y/N ${YELLOW}或${RED} 'q' ${YELLOW}返回主菜单${NC}】" confirm else echo -e "【${BLUE}Delete all rules${NC}】" read -p "【${YELLOW}Are you sure you want to delete all rules? Enter ${RED} Y/N ${YELLOW} or ${RED} 'q' ${YELLOW} to return to main menu${NC}】" confirm fi if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[ynq]$ ]]; then break # Exit loop, continue processing option else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效输入,请重新输入${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid input, please try again${NC}】" fi fi done if [[ "$confirm" == "q" ]]; then return_to_main_menu return elif [[ "$confirm" == "y" ]]; then iptables -F INPUT ip6tables -F INPUT if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${GREEN}所有 INPUT 链规则已删除${NC}】\n" else echo -ne "【${GREEN}All INPUT chain rules deleted${NC}】\n" fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}操作已取消${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Operation canceled${NC}】" fi fi ;; q) return_to_main_menu return ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi echo # Output a new line to ensure the prompt doesn't overwrite ;; esac done } # Manage firewall rules # 管理防火墙规则 manage_firewall() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}已选择管理防火墙输入链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看防火墙输入链规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除防火墙输入链规则${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" manage_choice else echo -e "【${RED}Selected to manage firewall INPUT chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}View firewall INPUT chain rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete firewall INPUT chain rules${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" manage_choice fi case $manage_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}查看防火墙输入链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" view_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}View firewall INPUT chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}View ${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}View ${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" view_choice fi case $view_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Viewing ${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}】" fi list_rules "iptables" "INPUT" | output_command ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Viewing ${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}】" fi list_rules "ip6tables" "INPUT" | output_command ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}删除防火墙输入链规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}删除${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" delete_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}Delete firewall INPUT chain rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete ${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Delete ${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" delete_choice fi case $delete_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}管理${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Managing ${YELLOW} iptables IPv4 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}】" fi handle_rule_deletion ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}管理${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE}输入链规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Managing ${YELLOW} ip6tables IPv6 ${BLUE} INPUT chain rules${NC}】" fi handle_rule_deletion ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac } # Display the name of the ongoing project # 显示正在进行的项目名称 show_progress() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}正在进行${NC}】${1}${NC}" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}In progress${NC}】${1}${NC}" fi } # Manage SSH firewall rules # 管理 SSH 防火墙规则 manage_ssh_firewall() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}管理${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}防火墙规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${RED}系统中是否已经配置${YELLOW} SSH ${RED}防火墙规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}是${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}否${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" ssh_choice else show_progress "【${BLUE}Managing${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}Firewall Rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${RED}Are SSH ${YELLOW}firewall rules${RED} configured in the system${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}Yes${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}No${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" ssh_choice fi case $ssh_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看现有规则${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}修改现有规则${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" modify_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}View existing rules${NC}" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Modify existing rules${NC}" read -p "【Please enter an option】" modify_choice fi if [[ $modify_choice == "1" ]]; then # Display the current firewall rules # 查看现有防火墙规则 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}查看现有防火墙规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}Viewing Existing Firewall Rules${NC}】" fi iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers | output_command ip6tables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers | output_command show_ipset # Display IPSET addresses # 调用显示 IPSET 地址 elif [[ $modify_choice == "2" ]]; then # Check for existing rules files or services # 检查现有规则文件或服务 if [ -f "/root/add_ssh_ips.sh" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}现有规则文件已存在${NC}】" read -p "【是否要修改现有规则文件】【1】 是 【2】 否" modify_choice if [[ $modify_choice == "1" ]]; then # Call the function to modify existing rules # 调用修改函数 modify_existing_rules else echo -e "【${BLUE}不进行修改${NC}】" fi else echo -e "【${RED}Existing rules file already exists${NC}】" read -p "【Do you want to modify the existing rules file】【1】 Yes 【2】 No" modify_choice if [[ $modify_choice == "1" ]]; then # Call the function to modify existing rules # 调用修改函数 modify_existing_rules else echo -e "【${BLUE}No modification${NC}】" fi fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}规则文件不存在${NC}】【${RED}开始创建新的规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Rules file not found${NC}】【${RED}Starting creation of new rules file${NC}】" fi if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "【是否要创建新的规则文件】【1】 是 【2】 否" create_choice else read -p "【Do you want to create a new rules file】【1】 Yes 【2】 No" create_choice fi if [[ $create_choice == "1" ]]; then # Call the function to create SSH rules # 调用创建函数 create_ssh_rules else echo -e "【${BLUE}不进行创建${NC}】" fi fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi fi ;; 2) # Check if SSH rules file exists before creating # 在创建之前检查 SSH 规则文件是否存在 if [ -f "/root/add_ssh_ips.sh" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}现有规则文件已存在${NC}】" read -p "【是否要修改现有规则文件】【1】 是 【2】 否" modify_choice if [[ $modify_choice == "1" ]]; then # Call the function to modify existing rules # 调用修改函数 modify_existing_rules else echo -e "【${BLUE}不进行修改${NC}】" fi else echo -e "【${RED}Existing rules file already exists${NC}】" read -p "【Do you want to modify the existing rules file】【1】 Yes 【2】 No" modify_choice if [[ $modify_choice == "1" ]]; then # Call the function to modify existing rules # 调用修改函数 modify_existing_rules else echo -e "【${BLUE}No modification${NC}】" fi fi else # Call the function to create SSH rules # 调用创建函数 create_ssh_rules fi ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac } # Create SSH firewall rules # 创建 SSH 防火墙规则 create_ssh_rules() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}创建${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}防火墙规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}Creating${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}Firewall Rules${NC}】" fi # Display a message indicating the creation of the /root/add_ssh_ips.sh file and startup service # 显示创建 /root/add_ssh_ips.sh 文件及开机自启动服务的提示信息 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}正在创建 ${GREEN}/root/add_ssh_ips.sh ${YELLOW}配置文件及开机自启动服务文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Creating ${GREEN}/root/add_ssh_ips.sh ${YELLOW}configuration file and startup service file${NC}】" fi # Check and install ipset # 检查并安装ipset if ! command -v ipset &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}检测出${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}未安装${NC}】【${RED}已经开始部署${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Detected${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}is not installed${NC}】【${RED}Starting installation${NC}】" fi apt-get update && apt-get install -y ipset else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}发现当前${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}已存在${NC}】【已经跳过安装${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Found existing${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}installed${NC}】【Skipping installation${NC}】" fi fi # Get SSH port number # 获取 SSH 端口号 PORT=$(grep "^Port " /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}') if [ -z "$PORT" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "【尝试自动检测${YELLOW} SSH ${NC}端口号已失败】【需要手动输入】" PORT else read -p "【Failed to auto-detect${YELLOW} SSH ${NC}port】【Please enter manually】" PORT fi fi # Prompt the user to enter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses # 让用户输入IPv4和IPv6地址 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}请输入允许访问${YELLOW} SSH ${RED}的${YELLOW} IPv4 ${RED}地址${NC}】【${RED}可用空格分隔多个地址${NC}】" read -p "【IPv4 地址】" ipv4_addresses echo -e "【${RED}请输入允许访问${YELLOW} SSH ${RED}的${YELLOW} IPv6 ${RED}地址${NC}】【${RED}可用空格分隔多个地址${NC}】" read -p "【IPv6 地址】" ipv6_addresses else echo -e "【${RED}Please enter the${YELLOW} IPv4 ${RED}addresses allowed to access${YELLOW} SSH ${RED}${NC}】【${RED}Separate multiple addresses with spaces${NC}】" read -p "【IPv4 addresses】" ipv4_addresses echo -e "【${RED}Please enter the${YELLOW} IPv6 ${RED}addresses allowed to access${YELLOW} SSH ${RED}${NC}】【${RED}Separate multiple addresses with spaces${NC}】" read -p "【IPv6 addresses】" ipv6_addresses fi # Create the add_ssh_ips.sh script # 创建 add_ssh_ips.sh 脚本 cat < /root/add_ssh_ips.sh #!/bin/bash ipset create allowed_ssh_ips hash:ip ipset create allowed_ssh_ipv6_ips hash:ip family inet6 $(for ip in $ipv4_addresses; do echo "ipset add allowed_ssh_ips $ip"; done) $(for ip in $ipv6_addresses; do echo "ipset add allowed_ssh_ipv6_ips $ip"; done) COMMENT_ESCAPED="Svc:SSH" while iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORT -m set --match-set allowed_ssh_ips src -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null; do :; done iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORT -m set --match-set allowed_ssh_ips src -m comment --comment "\${COMMENT_ESCAPED}" -j ACCEPT while ip6tables -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORT -m set --match-set allowed_ssh_ipv6_ips src -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null; do :; done ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORT -m set --match-set allowed_ssh_ipv6_ips src -m comment --comment "\${COMMENT_ESCAPED}" -j ACCEPT EOF # Ensure the script is executable # 确保脚本可执行 chmod +x /root/add_ssh_ips.sh # Create the systemd service file # 创建 systemd service 文件 cat < /etc/systemd/system/add_ssh_ips.service [Unit] Description=Add SSH IP rules using ipset and iptables # 使用 ipset 和 iptables 添加 SSH IP 规则 After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/root/add_ssh_ips.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # Reload systemd configuration and enable the service # 重新加载 systemd 配置并启用服务 systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable add_ssh_ips.service systemctl start add_ssh_ips.service if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前${YELLOW} SSH ${NC}防火墙规则已被创建并成功启用${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}SSH ${YELLOW}Firewall rules have been successfully created and activated${NC}】" fi show_ipset # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 } # Modify existing SSH firewall rules # 修改现有 SSH 防火墙规则 modify_existing_rules() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}修改现有${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}防火墙规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}Modifying Existing${YELLOW} SSH ${BLUE}Firewall Rules${NC}】" fi if [ -f "/root/add_ssh_ips.sh" ]; then # Extract line numbers related to IP addresses # 提取IP地址相关的行号 ip_lines=$(grep -nE "^\s*ipset add allowed_ssh_ips" /root/add_ssh_ips.sh | cut -d: -f1) if [[ -z "$ip_lines" ]]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无法找到脚本中的${YELLOW} IP ${RED}设置部分${NC}】【${RED}即将打开脚本供手动修改${NC}】" read -p "【按任意键继续】" -n 1 else echo -e "【${RED}Unable to find${YELLOW} IP ${RED}settings in the script${NC}】【${RED}Opening script for manual modification${NC}】" read -p "【Press any key to continue】" -n 1 fi nano /root/add_ssh_ips.sh else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}脚本中的${YELLOW} IP ${NC}地址配置位于以下行${NC}】" echo "$ip_lines" echo -e "【${RED}将自动定位到第一个${YELLOW} IP ${RED}地址所在的行${NC}】" read -p "【按任意键继续编辑脚本】" -n 1 else echo -e "【${BLUE}IP address settings in the script are located at the following lines${NC}】" echo "$ip_lines" echo -e "【${RED}Auto-positioning to the first line with an${YELLOW} IP ${RED}address${NC}】" read -p "【Press any key to continue editing the script】" -n 1 fi # Open the file and jump to the first IP address line # 打开文件并定位到第一个IP地址的行 nano +$(echo "$ip_lines" | head -n 1) /root/add_ssh_ips.sh fi # Make the script executable # 赋予脚本执行权限 chmod +x /root/add_ssh_ips.sh if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}已赋予脚本执行权限${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Script execution permissions granted${NC}】" fi # Reapply the rules # 重新应用规则 systemctl restart add_ssh_ips.service if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前${YELLOW} SSH ${GREEN}防火墙规则已被修改并成功重新应用${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}SSH ${YELLOW}Firewall rules have been modified and successfully reapplied${NC}】" fi show_ipset # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无法找到现有规则文件${NC}】【${RED}无法修改${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Existing rules file not found${NC}】【${RED}Unable to modify${NC}】" fi fi } # Update script function # 更新脚本函数 update_script() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${GREEN}更新脚本${NC}】" else show_progress "【${GREEN}Updating Script${NC}】" fi # Step 1: Download the remote script to a temporary file # 第一步:下载远程脚本到临时文件 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}正在从远程${YELLOW} URL ${RED}检测最新版本的脚本${NC}】【${YELLOW}已下载远程脚本到临时文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Checking the latest version of the script from the remote${YELLOW} URL ${RED}${NC}】【${YELLOW}Downloaded the remote script to a temporary file${NC}】" fi curl -o "/tmp/temp_script.sh" "$REMOTE_SCRIPT_URL" # Step 2: Compare the temporary file with the current script # 第二步:比对临时文件和当前脚本 if cmp -s "/tmp/temp_script.sh" "$SCRIPT_PATH"; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}脚本已经是最新版本${NC}】【${GREEN}无需更新${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}临时文件已删除${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}The script is already up-to-date${NC}】【${GREEN}No update needed${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}Temporary file deleted${NC}】" fi rm -f "/tmp/temp_script.sh" # Delete the temporary file # 删除临时文件 else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}检测到脚本有更新内容${NC}】【${YELLOW}是否更新${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Script updates detected${NC}】【${YELLOW}Would you like to update?${NC}】" fi read -p "$(if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}请输入${RED} Y/N ${GREEN}回车确认${NC}】"; else echo -e "【${GREEN}Enter${RED} Y/N ${GREEN}to confirm${NC}】"; fi)" update_choice case $update_choice in y|Y) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}正在更新脚本${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Updating script${NC}】" fi # Download and update the script using curl # 使用 curl 直接下载并更新脚本 curl -O "$REMOTE_SCRIPT_URL" && \ chmod +x ./system_tools.sh && \ if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}脚本已成功更新${NC}】【${YELLOW}正在重新启动${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Script updated successfully${NC}】【${YELLOW}Restarting${NC}】" fi && \ ./system_tools.sh # Restart the script # 重新启动脚本 exit 0 ;; n|N) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}脚本更新已取消${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Script update canceled${NC}】" fi ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选择${NC}】【${RED}脚本更新已取消${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid selection${NC}】【${RED}Script update canceled${NC}】" fi ;; esac rm -f "/tmp/temp_script.sh" # Delete the temporary file # 删除临时文件 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}临时文件已删除${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Temporary file deleted${NC}】" fi fi } # View change log function # 查看更新日志函数 view_change_log() { # Display progress message based on language # 根据语言显示进度信息 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${YELLOW}查看更新日志${NC}】" else show_progress "【${YELLOW}Viewing Change Log${NC}】" fi # Displaying message for fetching the changelog # 显示获取更新日志的消息 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}正在从远程${YELLOW} URL ${RED}获取更新日志${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Fetching change log from remote${YELLOW} URL ${RED}${NC}】" fi # Determine the appropriate URL based on language # 根据语言选择相应的 URL if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then URL_TO_FETCH="$CHANGE_LOG_ZH_CN_URL" else URL_TO_FETCH="$CHANGE_LOG_URL" fi # Fetch the change log with forced cache refresh using curl # 使用 curl 强制刷新缓存并获取更新日志 curl -s -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "$URL_TO_FETCH" | while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$line" done # Prompt user to press enter after reading # 提示用户按下回车键确认已阅读 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}请按下回车确认已经完成阅读${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Press enter to confirm you have finished reading${NC}】" fi read } # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 show_ipset() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前系统防火墙通过${YELLOW} IPSET ${BLUE}工具放行的${YELLOW} IP ${BLUE}地址${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}IP addresses allowed by firewall via ${YELLOW}IPSET ${BLUE}in the system${NC}】" fi # Handling IPv4 addresses # 处理 IPv4 地址 ipset list allowed_ssh_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' # Handling IPv6 addresses # 处理 IPv6 地址 ipset list allowed_ssh_ipv6_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' } # Handle script exit # 处理退出脚本 exit_script() { clear if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}系统工具合集脚本${NC}】【${GREEN}已成功退出${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}System Tools Collection Script${NC}】【${GREEN}Exited Successfully${NC}】" fi exit 0 } # Path to the configuration file where user settings are stored # 配置文件的路径,用于存储用户设置 CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.script_config" # Load or initialize configuration # 加载或初始化配置 load_config() { if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then source "$CONFIG_FILE" else first_run fi } # Function to handle first run and language selection # 处理首次运行和语言选择的函数 first_run() { echo -e "【${BLUE}First time running${NC}】【${BLUE}please select a language${NC}】 / 【${BLUE}首次运行${NC}】【${BLUE}请选择语言${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】【${YELLOW}English${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】【${YELLOW}中文${NC}】" read -p "$(echo -e "【${RED}Enter choice${NC}】 / 【${RED}输入选项${NC}】")" lang_choice case $lang_choice in 1) LANGUAGE="EN" echo "LANGUAGE='EN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}Language set to English${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}语言已设置为英文${NC}】" ;; 2) LANGUAGE="CN" echo "LANGUAGE='CN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}语言已设置为中文${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}Language set to Chinese${NC}】" ;; *) echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】 / 【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" first_run ;; esac } # Load or initialize configuration # 加载或初始化配置 load_config # Display Docker IPv4 IPSET addresses # 显示 Docker IPv4 IPSET 地址 show_docker_ipv4_ipset() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前系统防火墙通过${YELLOW} IPSET ${BLUE}工具放行的${YELLOW} IPv4 ${BLUE}地址${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}IPv4 addresses allowed by firewall via ${YELLOW}IPSET ${BLUE}in the system${NC}】" fi # Handling IPv4 addresses # 处理 IPv4 地址 ipset list allowed_ipv4_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' } # Display Docker IPv4 and IPv6 IPSET addresses # 显示 Docker IPv4 和 IPv6 IPSET 地址 show_docker_ipv4_ipv6_ipset() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前系统防火墙通过${YELLOW} IPSET ${BLUE}工具放行的${YELLOW} IPv4 和 IPv6 ${BLUE}地址${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}IPv4 and IPv6 addresses allowed by firewall via ${YELLOW}IPSET ${BLUE}in the system${NC}】" fi # Handling IPv4 addresses # 处理 IPv4 地址 ipset list allowed_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' # Handling IPv6 addresses # 处理 IPv6 地址 ipset list allowed_ipv6_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' # Handling Nezha IPv4 addresses (if applicable) # 处理 Nezha IPv4 地址(如果适用) if ipset list allowed_nezha_ips 2>/dev/null > /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前系统防火墙通过${YELLOW} IPSET ${BLUE}工具放行的${YELLOW} Nezha IPv4 ${BLUE}地址${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}IPv4 addresses for Nezha allowed by firewall via ${YELLOW}IPSET ${BLUE}in the system${NC}】" fi ipset list allowed_nezha_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' fi # Handling Nezha IPv6 addresses (if applicable) # 处理 Nezha IPv6 地址(如果适用) if ipset list allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips 2>/dev/null > /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}当前系统防火墙通过${YELLOW} IPSET ${BLUE}工具放行的${YELLOW} Nezha IPv6 ${BLUE}地址${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}IPv6 addresses for Nezha allowed by firewall via ${YELLOW}IPSET ${BLUE}in the system${NC}】" fi ipset list allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips 2>/dev/null | awk -v green="$GREEN" -v yellow="$YELLOW" -v reset="$NC" ' BEGIN {in_list=0} /Name:/ || /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/ { if ($0 ~ /Name:/) { print yellow $0 reset; } else if (in_list && $0 ~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$/) { gsub(/([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/, green "&" reset); print; } } /Members:/ {in_list=1; next} ' fi } # Check if Docker is installed # 检查是否已安装 Docker check_docker_installed() { if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}当前系统 ${YELLOW}Docker ${RED}未安装${NC}】【${RED}无法管理防火墙规则${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Docker is not installed on this system${NC}】【${RED}Cannot manage firewall rules${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}Returning to main menu${NC}】" fi return 1 else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前系统已经安装 Docker${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}请选择需要管理的 Docker 网络类型${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}所选 Docker 网络仅支持IPv4${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}所选 Docker 网络同时支持IPv4和IPv6${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" network_choice else echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker is already installed on this system${NC}】" echo -e "【${YELLOW}Please select Docker network configuration${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}The selected Docker network supports IPv4 only${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}The selected Docker network supports both IPv4 and IPv6${NC}" read -p "【Enter your choice】" network_choice fi # Check if network_choice is valid # 检查network_choice是否有效 if [[ "$network_choice" != "1" && "$network_choice" != "2" ]]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】【${YELLOW}返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】【${YELLOW}Returning to main menu${NC}】" fi return 1 fi # Determine which configuration file to check # 确定要检测的配置文件 if [[ "$network_choice" == "1" ]]; then config_file="/root/add_ipv4_ips.sh" else config_file="/root/add_ips.sh" fi if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}是否已经配置 Docker 防火墙规则${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}是${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}否${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" docker_choice else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Have Docker firewall rules been configured${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}Yes${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}No${NC}" read -p "【Enter your choice】" docker_choice fi if [[ "$docker_choice" == "1" ]]; then manage_docker_firewall elif [[ "$docker_choice" == "2" ]]; then # Check if the configuration file exists # 检查配置文件是否存在 if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}检测到配置文件已存在${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}管理配置文件${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}返回主菜单${NC}" read -p "【请输入选项】" modify_choice else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Configuration file already exists${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}Modify configuration file${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Return to main menu${NC}" read -p "【Enter your choice】" modify_choice fi if [[ "$modify_choice" == "1" ]]; then manage_docker_firewall else return 0 fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then read -p "配置文件不存在,是否创建配置文件?(y/n): " create_choice else read -p "Configuration file does not exist. Do you want to create it? (y/n): " create_choice fi if [[ "$create_choice" == "y" || "$create_choice" == "Y" ]]; then create_docker_rules else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已选择不创建配置文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Chose not to create the configuration file${NC}】" fi fi fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】【${YELLOW}返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】【${YELLOW}Returning to main menu${NC}】" fi return 1 fi fi } # Manage Docker firewall rules # 管理 Docker 防火墙规则 manage_docker_firewall() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}请选择操作${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}查看现有规则${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}修改现有规则${NC}" read -p "请输入选项:" modify_choice else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Select an operation${NC}】\n【${BLUE}1${NC}】 ${BLUE}View existing rules${NC}\n【${BLUE}2${NC}】 ${BLUE}Modify existing rules${NC}" read -p "Enter your choice:" modify_choice fi case $modify_choice in 1) case $network_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}查看 IPv4 防火墙规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Viewing IPv4 firewall rules${NC}】" fi iptables -L DOCKER-USER -n --line-numbers | output_command show_docker_ipv4_ipset ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}查看 IPv4 和 IPv6 防火墙规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Viewing IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules${NC}】" fi iptables -L DOCKER-USER -n --line-numbers | output_command ip6tables -L DOCKER-USER -n --line-numbers | output_command show_docker_ipv4_ipv6_ipset ;; esac ;; 2) case $network_choice in 1) if [ -f "/root/add_ipv4_ips.sh" ] && [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/add_ipv4_ips.service" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}已找到 IPv4 规则文件${NC}】" read -p "是否要修改现有规则文件?【1】 是 【2】 否:" modify_choice else echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv4 rule file found${NC}】" read -p "Do you want to modify the existing rules file? 【1】 Yes 【2】 No:" modify_choice fi if [[ "$modify_choice" == "1" ]]; then modify_docker_ipv4_rules else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已选择不修改现有规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Chose not to modify the existing rules file${NC}】" fi fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}未检测到 IPv4 规则文件或服务${NC}】" read -p "是否创建新的规则文件?【1】 是 【2】 否:" create_choice else echo -e "【${RED}IPv4 rule file or service not detected${NC}】" read -p "Do you want to create a new rules file? 【1】 Yes 【2】 No:" create_choice fi if [[ "$create_choice" == "1" ]]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}开始创建新的 IPv4 规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Starting creation of new IPv4 rule file${NC}】" fi create_docker_rules else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已选择不创建新的规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Chose not to create a new rules file${NC}】" fi fi fi ;; 2) if [ -f "/root/add_ips.sh" ] && [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/add_ips.service" ]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}已找到 IPv4 和 IPv6 规则文件${NC}】" read -p "是否要修改现有规则文件?【1】 是 【2】 否:" modify_choice else echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv4 and IPv6 rule file found${NC}】" read -p "Do you want to modify the existing rules file? 【1】 Yes 【2】 No:" modify_choice fi if [[ "$modify_choice" == "1" ]]; then modify_docker_ipv6_rules else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已选择不修改现有规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Chose not to modify the existing rules file${NC}】" fi fi else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}未检测到 IPv4 和 IPv6 规则文件或服务${NC}】" read -p "是否创建新的规则文件?【1】 是 【2】 否:" create_choice else echo -e "【${RED}IPv4 and IPv6 rule file or service not detected${NC}】" read -p "Do you want to create a new rules file? 【1】 Yes 【2】 No:" create_choice fi if [[ "$create_choice" == "1" ]]; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}开始创建新的 IPv4 和 IPv6 规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Starting creation of new IPv4 and IPv6 rule files${NC}】" fi create_docker_rules else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}已选择不创建新的规则文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Chose not to create a new rules file${NC}】" fi fi fi ;; esac ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】【${YELLOW}返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】【${YELLOW}Returning to main menu${NC}】" fi ;; esac } # Modify Docker IPv4 firewall rules # 修改 Docker IPv4 防火墙规则 modify_docker_ipv4_rules() { local script_path="/root/add_ipv4_ips.sh" local service_name="add_ipv4_ips.service" local show_ipset_function="show_docker_ipv4_ipset" if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}修改${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}IPv4 ${YELLOW}防火墙规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Modifying${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}IPv4 ${YELLOW}Firewall Rules${NC}】" fi if [ -f "$script_path" ]; then # Open the script for manual modification # 打开脚本供手动修改 nano $script_path # Make the script executable # 赋予脚本执行权限 chmod +x $script_path if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}已赋予脚本执行权限${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Script execution permissions granted${NC}】" fi # Reapply the rules # 重新应用规则 systemctl restart $service_name if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前${YELLOW} Docker ${GREEN}IPv4 ${YELLOW}防火墙规则已被修改并成功重新应用${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker ${YELLOW}IPv4 ${GREEN}Firewall rules have been modified and successfully reapplied${NC}】" fi # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 $show_ipset_function else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无法找到 IPv4 规则文件${NC}】【${RED}无法修改${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}IPv4 rules file not found${NC}】【${RED}Unable to modify${NC}】" fi fi if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv4 规则已更新${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv4 rules have been updated${NC}】" fi } # Modify Docker IPv6 firewall rules # 修改 Docker IPv6 防火墙规则 modify_docker_ipv6_rules() { local script_path="/root/add_ips.sh" local service_name="add_ips.service" local show_ipset_function="show_docker_ipv4_ipv6_ipset" if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}修改${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}IPv4_IPv6 ${YELLOW}防火墙规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${BLUE}Modifying${YELLOW} Docker ${BLUE}IPv6 ${YELLOW}Firewall Rules${NC}】" fi if [ -f "$script_path" ]; then # Open the script for manual modification # 打开脚本供手动修改 nano $script_path # Make the script executable # 赋予脚本执行权限 chmod +x $script_path if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}已赋予脚本执行权限${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Script execution permissions granted${NC}】" fi # Reapply the rules # 重新应用规则 systemctl restart $service_name if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}当前${YELLOW} Docker ${GREEN}IPv4_IPv6 ${YELLOW}防火墙规则已被修改并成功重新应用${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker ${YELLOW}IPv6 ${GREEN}Firewall rules have been modified and successfully reapplied${NC}】" fi # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 $show_ipset_function else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无法找到 IPv6 规则文件${NC}】【${RED}无法修改${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}IPv6 rules file not found${NC}】【${RED}Unable to modify${NC}】" fi fi if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv4_IPv6 规则已更新${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}IPv6 rules have been updated${NC}】" fi } # Create Docker firewall rules # 创建 Docker 防火墙规则 create_docker_rules() { if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}创建 Docker 防火墙规则${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Creating Docker firewall rules${NC}】" fi # Choose to execute different scripts based on network configuration # 根据网络配置选择执行不同的脚本 if [[ $network_choice == "1" ]]; then create_ipv4_only_rules elif [[ $network_choice == "2" ]]; then create_dual_stack_rules fi } # Create an IPv4-only Docker firewall rule # 创建仅支持 IPv4 的 Docker 防火墙规则 create_ipv4_only_rules() { # Display a message indicating the creation of the /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh file and startup service # 显示创建 /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh 文件及开机自启动服务的提示信息 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}正在创建 ${GREEN}/root/add_ipv4_ips.sh ${YELLOW}配置文件及开机自启动服务文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Creating ${GREEN}/root/add_ipv4_ips.sh ${YELLOW}configuration file and startup service file${NC}】" fi # Check and install ipset # 检查并安装ipset if ! command -v ipset &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}检测出${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}未安装${NC}】【${RED}已经开始部署${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Detected${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}is not installed${NC}】【${RED}Starting installation${NC}】" fi apt-get update && apt-get install -y ipset else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}发现当前${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}已存在${NC}】【已经跳过安装${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Found existing${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}installed${NC}】【Skipping installation${NC}】" fi fi # Create the add_ipv4_ips.sh script # 创建 add_ipv4_ips.sh 脚本 cat < /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh #!/bin/bash # Get the IPv4 address of the container # 获取容器的 IPv4 地址 get_container_ip() { local container_name=\$1 docker inspect "\$container_name" | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks | to_entries | .[0].value.IPAddress' } # Get the host port mapped to the container # 获取容器映射到宿主机的端口 get_host_port() { local container_name=\$1 local container_port=\$2 docker inspect "\$container_name" | jq -r --arg port "\$container_port/tcp" '.[0].NetworkSettings.Ports[$port][0].HostPort' } # Maximum wait time is 240 seconds, check every 1 second # 最大等待时间为 240 秒,每 1 秒检查一次 MAX_WAIT=240 INTERVAL=1 TIME_WAITED=0 # Define container names and port mappings # 定义容器名称和端口映射 declare -A CONTAINERS CONTAINERS=( ["tools-80"]="80" # Add more containers and ports # 添加更多容器和端口 ) # Create ipset address set (if it doesn't exist) # 创建 ipset 地址合集(如果不存在) ipset list allowed_ipv4_ips &> /dev/null || ipset create allowed_ipv4_ips hash:ip # Manually add IP addresses to the ipset set (if not already present) # 手动添加 IP 地址到 ipset 合集(如果未存在) ipset add allowed_ipv4_ips IP addresses 2>/dev/null || true # Wait for the iptables DOCKER-USER chain to be available # 等待 iptables DOCKER-USER 链可用 while [ \$TIME_WAITED -lt \$MAX_WAIT ]; do if iptables -L DOCKER-USER &> /dev/null; then for key in "\${!CONTAINERS[@]}"; do # Separate container name and port # 分离容器名称和端口 container_name=\$(echo \$key | sed 's/-[0-9]*$//') container_port=\${CONTAINERS[\$key]} # Get the container's IPv4 address # 获取容器的 IPv4 地址 CONTAINER_IP=\$(get_container_ip "\$container_name") # Skip containers that cannot get an IP address # 跳过无法获取 IP 地址的容器 [ -z "\$CONTAINER_IP" ] && continue # Get the host port mapped to the container # 获取容器映射到宿主机的端口 HOST_PORT=\$(get_host_port "\$container_name" "\$container_port") # Skip containers that cannot get the host port # 跳过无法获取宿主机端口的容器 [ -z "\$HOST_PORT" ] && continue # Generate unquoted comment # 生成不带引号的注释 COMMENT_ESCAPED="Svc:\${container_name}_Port:\${HOST_PORT}" # Generate iptables rules # 生成 iptables 规则 ACCEPT_RULE="-m set --match-set allowed_ipv4_ips src -d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT_ESCAPED -j ACCEPT" DROP_RULE="-d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT_ESCAPED -j DROP" # Remove existing duplicate rules # 删除现有的重复规则 while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE &> /dev/null; do :; done while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE &> /dev/null; do :; done # Insert DROP rule first, then insert ACCEPT rule # 先插入 DROP 规则,然后插入 ACCEPT 规则 iptables -I DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE iptables -I DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE done # Display success message # 提示成功消息 echo -e "${GREEN}iptables rules have been successfully set${NC}" exit 0 fi sleep \$INTERVAL TIME_WAITED=\$((TIME_WAITED + INTERVAL)) done # Display timeout message # 提示超时消息 echo -e "${RED}Timeout waiting for iptables DOCKER-USER chain${NC}" exit 1 EOF chmod +x /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh # Create a systemd service to run scripts on startup # 创建 systemd 服务以在启动时运行脚本 cat < /etc/systemd/system/add_ipv4_ips.service [Unit] Description=Add IP addresses to ipset for Docker containers After=docker.service [Service] ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable add_ipv4_ips.service systemctl start add_ipv4_ips.service if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker 防火墙规则已成功创建并启用${NC}】【${YELLOW}请确保根据需求修改 /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh 文件关键信息${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker firewall rules have been successfully created and enabled${NC}】【${YELLOW}Please ensure to modify the key information in the /root/add_ipv4_ips.sh file as needed${NC}】" fi # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 show_docker_ipv4_ipset } # Create Docker firewall rules that support IPv4 and IPv6 # 创建支持 IPv4 和 IPv6 的 Docker 防火墙规则 create_dual_stack_rules() { # Display a message indicating the creation of the /root/add_ips.sh file and startup service # 显示创建 /root/add_ips.sh 文件及开机自启动服务的提示信息 if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${YELLOW}正在创建 ${GREEN}/root/add_ips.sh ${YELLOW}配置文件及开机自启动服务文件${NC}】" else echo -e "【${YELLOW}Creating ${GREEN}/root/add_ips.sh ${YELLOW}configuration file and startup service file${NC}】" fi # Check and install ipset # 检查并安装ipset if ! command -v ipset &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}检测出${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}未安装${NC}】【${RED}已经开始部署${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Detected${YELLOW} ipset ${NC}is not installed${NC}】【${RED}Starting installation${NC}】" fi apt-get update && apt-get install -y ipset else if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}发现当前${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}已存在${NC}】【已经跳过安装${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Found existing${YELLOW} ipset ${GREEN}installed${NC}】【Skipping installation${NC}】" fi fi # Create the add_ips.sh script # 创建 add_ips.sh 脚本 cat < /root/add_ips.sh #!/bin/bash # Tip: Modify your network name here # 提示:请在这里修改您的网络名称 # Change "my-net-ipv6" to your actual Docker network name # 请将 "my-net-ipv6" 修改为您实际的 Docker 网络名称 NETWORK_NAME="my-net-ipv6" # Get the IPv4 address of the container # 获取容器的 IPv4 地址 get_container_ip() { local container_name=\$1 docker inspect \$container_name | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks["\$NETWORK_NAME"].IPAddress' } # Get the IPv6 address of the container # 获取容器的 IPv6 地址 get_container_ipv6() { local container_name=\$1 docker inspect \$container_name | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks["\$NETWORK_NAME"].GlobalIPv6Address' } # Get the host port mapped to the container # 获取容器映射到宿主的端口 get_host_port() { local container_name=\$1 local container_port=\$2 docker port \$container_name \$container_port | cut -d ':' -f 2 } # Maximum wait time is 240 seconds, check every 1 second # 最大等待时间为 240 秒,每 1 秒检查一次 MAX_WAIT=240 INTERVAL=1 TIME_WAITED=0 # Tip: Define container names and ports here # 提示:请在这里定义容器名称和端口 # Replace with your actual container names and ports declare -A CONTAINERS CONTAINERS=( ["nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer-8080"]="8080" ["dashboard-dashboard-1-5555"]="5555" # Add more containers and ports # 添加更多容器和端口 ) # Tip: Create your needed ipset address sets here # 提示:请在这里创建您需要的 ipset 地址合集 # Ensure the ipset address sets meet your security requirements # 确保以下 ipset 地址合集符合您的安全需求 ipset list allowed_ips &> /dev/null || ipset create allowed_ips hash:ip ipset list allowed_ipv6_ips &> /dev/null || ipset create allowed_ipv6_ips hash:ip family inet6 ipset list allowed_nezha_ips &> /dev/null || ipset create allowed_nezha_ips hash:ip ipset list allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips &> /dev/null || ipset create allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips hash:ip family inet6 # Tip: Manually add IP addresses to ipset sets here # 提示:请在这里手动添加 IP 地址到 ipset 合集 # Replace the IP addresses with those you need # 将以下 IP 地址修改为您需要的 IP 地址 ipset add allowed_ips IP addresses 2>/dev/null || true ipset add allowed_ipv6_ips IP addresses 2>/dev/null || true ipset add allowed_nezha_ips IP addresses 2>/dev/null || true ipset add allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips IP addresses 2>/dev/null || true for key in "\${!CONTAINERS[@]}"; do # Split container name and port # 分离容器名称和端口 container_name=\$(echo \$key | sed 's/-[0-9]*\$//') container_port=\${CONTAINERS[\$key]} host_port=\$(get_host_port \$container_name \$container_port) # Get container IPv4 and IPv6 addresses # 获取容器的 IPv4 和 IPv6 地址 CONTAINER_IP=\$(get_container_ip \$container_name) CONTAINER_IPV6=\$(get_container_ipv6 \$container_name) if [ -z "\$CONTAINER_IP" ] || [ -z "\$CONTAINER_IPV6" ]; then continue fi # Generate unquoted comment # 生成不带引号的注释 COMMENT="Svc:\${container_name}_Port:\${host_port}" if [[ "\$key" == "nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer-8080" ]]; then # Only add DROP rules # 仅添加 DROP 规则 DROP_RULE_IPV4="-d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" DROP_RULE_IPV6="-d \$CONTAINER_IPV6 -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" # Remove potential duplicate rules # 删除可能存在的重复规则 while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 2>/dev/null; do :; done while ip6tables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 2>/dev/null; do :; done iptables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 ip6tables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 else if [[ "\$container_name" == "dashboard-dashboard-1" && "\$container_port" == "5555" ]]; then # Define Nezha rules # 定义 Nezha 规则 ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4="-m set --match-set allowed_nezha_ips src -d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j ACCEPT" DROP_RULE_IPV4="-d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" # Remove potential duplicate rules # 删除可能存在的重复规则 while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 2>/dev/null; do :; done while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4 2>/dev/null; do :; done iptables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4 iptables -I DOCKER-USER 2 \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6="-m set --match-set allowed_nezha_ipv6_ips src -d \$CONTAINER_IPV6 -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j ACCEPT" DROP_RULE_IPV6="-d \$CONTAINER_IPV6 -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" # Remove potential duplicate rules # 删除可能存在的重复规则 while ip6tables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 2>/dev/null; do :; done while ip6tables -D DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6 2>/dev/null; do :; done ip6tables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6 ip6tables -I DOCKER-USER 2 \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 else # Define standard rules # 定义常规规则 ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4="-m set --match-set allowed_ips src -d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j ACCEPT" DROP_RULE_IPV4="-d \$CONTAINER_IP -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" # Remove potential duplicate rules # 删除可能存在的重复规则 while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 2>/dev/null; do :; done while iptables -D DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4 2>/dev/null; do :; done iptables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV4 iptables -I DOCKER-USER 2 \$DROP_RULE_IPV4 ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6="-m set --match-set allowed_ipv6_ips src -d \$CONTAINER_IPV6 -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j ACCEPT" DROP_RULE_IPV6="-d \$CONTAINER_IPV6 -p tcp --dport \$container_port -m comment --comment \$COMMENT -j DROP" # Remove potential duplicate rules # 删除可能存在的重复规则 while ip6tables -D DOCKER-USER \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 2>/dev/null; do :; done while ip6tables -D DOCKER-USER \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6 2>/dev/null; do :; done ip6tables -I DOCKER-USER 1 \$ACCEPT_RULE_IPV6 ip6tables -I DOCKER-USER 2 \$DROP_RULE_IPV6 fi fi done exit 0 EOF chmod +x /root/add_ips.sh # Create a systemd service to run scripts on startup # 创建 systemd 服务以在启动时运行脚本 cat < /etc/systemd/system/add_ips.service [Unit] Description=Add IP addresses to ipset for Docker containers After=docker.service [Service] ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/add_ips.sh Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable add_ips.service systemctl start add_ips.service if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker 防火墙规则已成功创建并启用${NC}】【${YELLOW}请确保根据需求修改 /root/add_ips.sh 文件关键信息${NC}】" else echo -e "【${GREEN}Docker firewall rules have been successfully created and enabled${NC}】【${YELLOW}Please ensure to modify the key information in the /root/add_ips.sh file as needed${NC}】" fi # Display IPSET addresses # 显示 IPSET 地址 show_docker_ipv4_ipv6_ipset } # Main menu cycle # 主菜单循环 while true; do show_menu if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${BLUE}输入选项编号并按回车确认${NC}】" else echo -ne "【${BLUE}Enter option number and press Enter to confirm${NC}】" fi read choice case $choice in 01) check_docker_installed ;; 02) manage_firewall ;; 03) manage_ssh_firewall ;; 04) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} IPv4 Docker ${BLUE}用户链规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}View${YELLOW} IPv4 Docker ${BLUE}User Chain Rules${NC}】" fi iptables -L DOCKER-USER -n --line-numbers | output_command ;; 05) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} IPv6 Docker ${BLUE}用户链规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}View${YELLOW} IPv6 Docker ${BLUE}User Chain Rules${NC}】" fi ip6tables -L DOCKER-USER -n --line-numbers | output_command ;; 06) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} IPv4 Docker NAT ${BLUE}规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}View${YELLOW} IPv4 Docker NAT ${BLUE}Rules${NC}】" fi iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING -n --line-numbers | output_command ;; 07) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then show_progress "【${BLUE}查看${YELLOW} IPv6 Docker NAT ${BLUE}规则${NC}】" else show_progress "【${BLUE}View${YELLOW} IPv6 Docker NAT ${BLUE}Rules${NC}】" fi ip6tables -t nat -L POSTROUTING -n --line-numbers | output_command ;; 08) manage_screen ;; 09) show_system_commands ;; 10) show_docker_container_info ;; 18) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "EN" ]; then echo -e "【${BLUE}Please select language${NC}】 / 【${BLUE}请选择语言${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】【${YELLOW}English${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】【${YELLOW}中文${NC}】" read -p "$(echo -e "【${RED}Enter choice${NC}】 / 【${RED}输入选项${NC}】")" lang_choice else echo -e "【${BLUE}请选择语言${NC}】 / 【${BLUE}Please select language${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}1${NC}】【${YELLOW}中文${NC}】" echo -e "【${BLUE}2${NC}】【${YELLOW}English${NC}】" read -p "$(echo -e "【${RED}输入选项${NC}】 / 【${RED}Enter choice${NC}】")" lang_choice fi case $lang_choice in 1) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "EN" ]; then LANGUAGE="EN" echo "LANGUAGE='EN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}Language switched to English${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}语言已切换为英文${NC}】" else LANGUAGE="CN" echo "LANGUAGE='CN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}语言已切换为中文${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}Language switched to Chinese${NC}】" fi ;; 2) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "EN" ]; then LANGUAGE="CN" echo "LANGUAGE='CN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}Language switched to Chinese${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}语言已切换为中文${NC}】" else LANGUAGE="EN" echo "LANGUAGE='EN'" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -e "【${GREEN}语言已切换为英文${NC}】 / 【${GREEN}Language switched to English${NC}】" fi ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "EN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】 / 【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】 / 【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac ;; 19) update_script ;; 20) view_change_log ;; 00) exit_script ;; *) if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -e "【${RED}无效选项${NC}】" else echo -e "【${RED}Invalid option${NC}】" fi ;; esac if [ "$LANGUAGE" = "CN" ]; then echo -ne "【${RED}按任意键返回主菜单${NC}】" else echo -ne "【${RED}Press any key to return to the main menu${NC}】" fi read -n 1 done