trap { Write-Error $_; Exit 1 } # # By default, all version of python are installed. # # Setting $pythonVersion to "3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12" allows to install a specific version # # Setting $pythonArch to either "64", "86" or "32" allows to install python for specific architecture. # Values "86" and "32" correspond to the same architecture. # # Setting $pythonPrependPath to 1 will: # - add install and Scripts directories to the PATH # - and .PY to PATHEXT. # The variable should be set only if $pythonVersion and $pythonArch are set. # By default, the value is 0. # $downloadDir = "C:/Downloads" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $downloadDir; if (![System.IO.File]::Exists("$downloadDir\install-utils.ps1")) { $securityProtocolSettingsOriginal = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol try { # Set TLS 1.2, then TLS 1.1. # See [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to set PowerShell to use TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1. "` "This may occur because your PowerShell's .NET version does not support one of these protocols."` "If you see underlying connection closed or trust errors, you may need to manually configure the"` "PowerShell security protocol or use a different PowerShell version. "` "See for protocol types." } Write-Host "Download install-utils.ps1" $url = "" (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile($url, "$downloadDir\install-utils.ps1") [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $securityProtocolSettingsOriginal } Import-Module "$downloadDir\install-utils.ps1" -Force function Get-Python-InstallPath { param ( [string]$pythonVersion, # Version specified as "X.Y" [string]$pythonArch # Arch specified as "86" or "64" ) $suffix = '-32' if ($pythonArch.CompareTo('64') -eq 0) { $suffix = '' } $roots = @("HKCU", "HKLM") foreach ($root in $roots) { $path = "$($root):\Software\Python\PythonCore\$pythonVersion$suffix\InstallPath" if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) { $properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $path if ($properties -And (Get-Member -InputObject $properties -Name '(Default)')) { $installPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name '(Default)').'(Default)' return (Resolve-Path(Join-Path $installPath "\\")).Path } } } return "" } # Only for Python >= 3.6 function Get-Python-Version { param ( [string]$pythonVersion, # Version specified as "X.Y" [string]$pythonArch # Arch specified as "86", "32" or "64" ) $suffix = '-32' if ($pythonArch.CompareTo('64') -eq 0) { $suffix = '' } $roots = @("HKCU", "HKLM") foreach ($root in $roots) { $path = "$($root):\Software\Python\PythonCore\$pythonVersion$suffix" if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) { $properties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $path if ($properties -And (Get-Member -InputObject $properties -Name 'Version')) { $version = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name 'Version').'Version' return $version } } } return "" } function Get-Python-Executable-Version{ param ( [string]$pythonInstallPath # Path to python install directory ) $interpreter = Join-Path $pythonInstallPath "python.exe" # See and $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $pinfo.FileName = "$interpreter" $pinfo.Arguments = "-c `"import sys;sys.stdout.write('%s.%s.%s' % sys.version_info[0:3])`"" $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false $pinfo.CreateNoWindow = $true $pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $pinfo $process.Start() | Out-Null $process.WaitForExit() $pythonVersion = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() return $pythonVersion } function Install-Python { param ( [string]$installerPath, [string]$targetDir ) Write-Host "Installing $installerPath into $targetDir" $interpreter = Join-Path $targetDir "python.exe" if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($interpreter)) { Write-Host "-> skipping: found $interpreter" return } if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($targetDir)) { [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($targetDir) } # # See # Start-Process $installerPath -ArgumentList "TargetDir=$targetDir DefaultAllUsersTargetDir=$targetDir InstallAllUsers=1 Include_launcher=0 PrependPath=$pythonPrependPath Shortcuts=0 /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait } function Install-Python-27-34 { param ( [string]$targetDir, [string]$installerName, [string]$downloadURL ) Download-URL $downloadURL $downloadDir Always-Install-MSI $installerName $downloadDir $targetDir Install-Pip $targetDir $downloadDir Pip-Install $targetDir 'virtualenv' if ($pythonPrependPath -eq 1) { Write-Host "Pre-pending '$targetDir;$targetDir\Scripts\' to PATH" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$targetDir;$targetDir\Scripts\;$env:Path", "Machine") } } # See function Install-Pip { param ( [string]$pythonDir, [string]$downloadDir ) # Workaround # Download-URL '' $downloadDir $url = '' Download-URL $url $downloadDir $get_pip_script = Join-Path $downloadDir "" $interpreter = Join-Path $pythonDir "python.exe" Write-Host "Installing pip using $interpreter" Start-Process $interpreter -ArgumentList "`"$get_pip_script`"" -NoNewWindow -Wait } function Pip-Install { param ( [string]$pythonDir, [string]$package ) $interpreter = Join-Path $pythonDir "python.exe" Write-Host "Installing $package using pip with $interpreter" Start-Process $interpreter -ArgumentList "-m pip install `"$package`"" -NoNewWindow -Wait } if ($pythonVersion) { $pythonVersion = [string]::Join("", $pythonVersion.Split("."), 0, 2) Write-Host "Installing Python version $pythonVersion" } if ($pythonArch) { if(!($pythonArch -match "^(64|86|32)$")){ throw "'pythonArch' variable incorrectly set to [$pythonArch]. Hint: '64', '86' or '32' value is expected." } Write-Host "Installing Python for architecture x$pythonArch" } if (!$pythonVersion -Or !$pythonArch) { if ($pythonPrependPath) { throw "'pythonPrependPath' variable should explicitly be set when both 'pythonVersion' and 'pythonArch' are set" } } if (!$pythonPrependPath) { $pythonPrependPath = 0 Write-Host "Defaulting 'pythonPrependPath' variable to 0." } if(!($pythonPrependPath -match "^(0|1)$")){ throw "'$pythonPrependPath' variable incorrectly set to [$pythonPrependPath]. Hint: '0' or '1' value is expected." } # # Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 # # Maintainer: # # - If you add/remove/update python versions, consider updating the # file `.github/workflows/CI-windows-addons.yml`. # $exeVersions = @("3.7.9", "3.8.10", "3.9.13", "3.10.8", "3.11.6", "3.12.0") foreach ($version in $exeVersions) { $split = $version.Split(".") $majorMinor = [string]::Join("", $split, 0, 2) $majorMinorDot = [string]::Join(".", $split, 0, 2) $xyzVersion = [regex]::Replace($version, "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*", '$1') if($pythonVersion -And ! $pythonVersion.CompareTo($majorMinor) -eq 0) { Write-Host "Skipping $majorMinor" continue } # # 64-bit # if (!$pythonArch -Or $pythonArch.CompareTo("64") -eq 0) { Download-URL "$($xyzVersion)/python-$($version)-amd64.exe" $downloadDir $pythonInstallPath = Get-Python-InstallPath $majorMinorDot "64" $targetInstallPath = "C:\Python$($majorMinor)-x64\" $installerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$($version)-amd64.exe" $unInstallerPath = $installerPath if (!$pythonInstallPath.CompareTo($targetInstallPath) -eq 0) { if ($pythonInstallPath) { $installedPythonVersion = Get-Python-Version $majorMinorDot "64" if ($installedPythonVersion) { Download-URL "$installedPythonVersion/python-$installedPythonVersion-amd64.exe" $downloadDir $unInstallerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$installedPythonVersion-amd64.exe" } Write-Host "Found a python installation in a different directory [$pythonInstallPath] - Uninstalling" Start-Process $unInstallerPath -ArgumentList "/uninstall /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait } } elseif ($pythonInstallPath) { $installedPythonVersion = Get-Python-Executable-Version $pythonInstallPath if (!$installedPythonVersion.CompareTo($version) -eq 0) { Download-URL "$installedPythonVersion/python-$installedPythonVersion-amd64.exe" $downloadDir $unInstallerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$installedPythonVersion-amd64.exe" Write-Host "Updating existing installation [$pythonInstallPath] from $installedPythonVersion to $($version)" Start-Process $unInstallerPath -ArgumentList "/uninstall /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait } } Install-Python $installerPath $targetInstallPath Install-Pip $targetInstallPath $downloadDir Pip-Install $targetInstallPath 'virtualenv' } # # 32-bit # if (!$pythonArch -Or $pythonArch.CompareTo("86") -eq 0 -Or $pythonArch.CompareTo("32") -eq 0) { Download-URL "$($xyzVersion)/python-$($version).exe" $downloadDir $pythonInstallPath = Get-Python-InstallPath $majorMinorDot "86" $targetInstallPath = "C:\Python$($majorMinor)-x86\" $installerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$($version).exe" $unInstallerPath = $installerPath if (!$pythonInstallPath.CompareTo($targetInstallPath) -eq 0) { if ($pythonInstallPath) { $installedPythonVersion = Get-Python-Version $majorMinorDot "86" if ($installedPythonVersion) { Download-URL "$installedPythonVersion/python-$installedPythonVersion.exe" $downloadDir $unInstallerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$installedPythonVersion.exe" } Write-Host "Found a python installation in a different directory [$pythonInstallPath] - Uninstalling" Start-Process $unInstallerPath -ArgumentList "/uninstall /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait } } elseif ($pythonInstallPath) { $installedPythonVersion = Get-Python-Executable-Version $pythonInstallPath if (!$installedPythonVersion.CompareTo($version) -eq 0) { Download-URL "$installedPythonVersion/python-$installedPythonVersion.exe" $downloadDir $unInstallerPath = Join-Path $downloadDir "python-$installedPythonVersion.exe" Write-Host "Updating existing installation [$pythonInstallPath] from $installedPythonVersion to $($version)" Start-Process $unInstallerPath -ArgumentList "/uninstall /passive" -NoNewWindow -Wait } } Install-Python $installerPath $targetInstallPath Install-Pip $targetInstallPath $downloadDir Pip-Install $targetInstallPath 'virtualenv' } }