description = [[ INTRODUCTION Vulscan is a module which enhances nmap to a vulnerability scanner. The nmap option -sV enables version detection per service which is used to determine potential flaws according to the identified product. The data is looked up in an offline version of VulDB. INSTALLATION Please install the files into the following folder of your Nmap installation: Nmap\scripts\vulscan\* USAGE You have to run the following minimal command to initiate a simple vulnerability scan: nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse VULNERABILITY DATABASE There are the following pre-installed databases available at the moment: scipvuldb.csv | cve.csv | securityfocus.csv | xforce.csv | expliotdb.csv | openvas.csv | securitytracker.csv | (end-of-life) osvdb.csv | (end-of-life) SINGLE DATABASE MODE You may execute vulscan with the following argument to use a single database: --script-args vulscandb=your_own_database It is also possible to create and reference your own databases. This requires to create a database file, which has the following structure: ; Just execute vulscan like you would by refering to one of the pre- delivered databases. Feel free to share your own database and vulnerability connection with me, to add it to the official repository. UPDATE DATABASE The vulnerability databases are updated and assembled on a regularly basis. To support the latest disclosed vulnerabilities, keep your local vulnerability databases up-to-date. If you want to update your databases, go to the following web site and download these files: Copy the files into your vulscan folder: /vulscan/ Clone the GitHub repository like this: git clone scipag_vulscan ln -s `pwd`/scipag_vulscan /usr/share/nmap/scripts/vulscan VERSION DETECTION If the version detection was able to identify the software version and the vulnerability database is providing such details, also this data is matched. Disabling this feature might introduce false-positive but might also eliminate false-negatives and increase performance slighty. If you want to disable additional version matching, use the following argument: --script-args vulscanversiondetection=0 Version detection of vulscan is only as good as Nmap version detection and the vulnerability database entries are. Some databases do not provide conclusive version information, which may lead to a lot of false-positives (as can be seen for Apache servers). MATCH PRIORITY The script is trying to identify the best matches only. If no positive match could been found, the best possible match (with might be a false- positive) is put on display. If you want to show all matches, which might introduce a lot of false- positives but might be useful for further investigation, use the following argument: --script-args vulscanshowall=1 INTERACTIVE MODE The interactive mode helps you to override version detection results for every port. Use the following argument to enable the interactive mode: --script-args vulscaninteractive=1 REPORTING All matching results are printed one by line. The default layout for this is: [{id}] {title}\n It is possible to use another pre-defined report structure with the following argument: --script-args vulscanoutput=details --script-args vulscanoutput=listid --script-args vulscanoutput=listlink --script-args vulscanoutput=listtitle You may enforce your own report structure by using the following argument (some examples): --script-args vulscanoutput='{link}\n{title}\n\n' --script-args vulscanoutput='ID: {id} - Title: {title} ({matches})\n' --script-args vulscanoutput='{id} | {product} | {version}\n' Supported are the following elements for a dynamic report template: {id} ID of the vulnerability {title} Title of the vulnerability {matches} Count of matches {product} Matched product string(s) {version} Matched version string(s) {link} Link to the vulnerability database entry \n Newline \t Tab Every default database comes with an url and a link, which is used during the scanning and might be accessed as {link} within the customized report template. To use custom database links, use the following argument: --script-args "vulscandblink={id}" DISCLAIMER Keep in mind that this kind of derivative vulnerability scanning heavily relies on the confidence of the version detection of nmap, the amount of documented vulnerebilities and the accuracy of pattern matching. The existence of potential flaws is not verified with additional scanning nor exploiting techniques. LINKS Download: ]] --@output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION -- 25/tcp open smtp syn-ack Exim smtpd 4.69 -- | osvdb (22 findings): -- | [2440] qmailadmin autorespond Multiple Variable Remote Overflow -- | [3538] qmail Long SMTP Session DoS -- | [5850] qmail RCPT TO Command Remote Overflow DoS -- | [14176] MasqMail Piped Aliases Privilege Escalation --@changelog -- v2.2 | 09/20/2019 | Marc Ruef | Fixed support for Nmap 7.80 onwards -- v2.1 | 04/17/2019 | Marc Ruef | Minor fixes -- v2.0 | 08/14/2013 | Marc Ruef | Considering version data -- v1.0 | 06/18/2013 | Marc Ruef | Dynamic report structures -- v0.8 | 06/17/2013 | Marc Ruef | Multi-database support -- v0.7 | 06/14/2013 | Marc Ruef | Complete re-write of search engine -- v0.6 | 05/22/2010 | Marc Ruef | Added interactive mode for guided testing -- v0.5 | 05/21/2010 | Marc Ruef | Seperate functions for search engine -- v0.4 | 05/20/2010 | Marc Ruef | Tweaked analysis modules -- v0.3 | 05/19/2010 | Marc Ruef | Fuzzy search for product names included -- v0.2 | 05/18/2010 | Marc Ruef | Uniqueness of found vulnerabilities -- v0.1 | 05/17/2010 | Marc Ruef | First alpha running basic identification --@bugs -- Fuzzy search is sometimes catching wrong products --@todos -- Create product lookup table to match nmap<->db -- Enhance nmap/db to be CPE compliant ( -- Display of identification confidence (e.g. +full_match, -partial_match) -- Add auto-update feature for databases (download & install) --@thanks -- I would like to thank a number of people which supported me in -- developing this script: Stefan Friedli, Simon Zumstein, Sean Rütschi, -- Pascal Schaufelberger, David Fifield, Nabil Ouchn, Doggy Dog, Matt -- Brown, Matthew Phillips, and Sebastian Brabetzl. author = "Marc Ruef,," license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"default", "safe", "vuln"} local stdnse = require("stdnse") local have_stringaux, stringaux = pcall(require, "stringaux") local strsplit = (have_stringaux and stringaux or stdnse).strsplit portrule = function(host, port) if port.version.product ~= nil and port.version.product ~= "" then return true else stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: No version detection data available. Analysis not possible.") end end action = function(host, port) local prod = port.version.product -- product name local ver = port.version.version -- product version local struct = "[{id}] {title}\n" -- default report structure local db = {} -- vulnerability database local db_link = "" -- custom link for vulnerability databases local vul = {} -- details for the vulnerability local v_count = 0 -- counter for the vulnerabilities local s = "" -- the output string stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Found service " .. prod) -- Go into interactive mode if nmap.registry.args.vulscaninteractive == "1" then stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Enabling interactive mode ...") print("The scan has determined the following product:") print(prod) print("Press Enter to accept. Define new string to override.") local prod_override = io.stdin:read'*l' if string.len(prod_override) ~= 0 then prod = prod_override stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Product overwritten as " .. prod) end end -- Read custom report structure if nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput ~= nil then if nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput == "details" then struct = "[{id}] {title}\nMatches: {matches}, Prod: {product}, Ver: {version}\n{link}\n\n" elseif nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput == "listid" then struct = "{id}\n" elseif nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput == "listlink" then struct = "{link}\n" elseif nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput == "listtitle" then struct = "{title}\n" else struct = nmap.registry.args.vulscanoutput end stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Custom output structure defined as " .. struct) end -- Read custom database link if nmap.registry.args.vulscandblink ~= nil then db_link = nmap.registry.args.vulscandblink stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Custom database link defined as " .. db_link) end if nmap.registry.args.vulscandb then stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Using single mode db " .. nmap.registry.args.vulscandb .. " ...") vul = find_vulnerabilities(prod, ver, nmap.registry.args.vulscandb) if #vul > 0 then s = s .. nmap.registry.args.vulscandb if db_link ~= "" then s = s .. " - " .. db_link end s = s .. ":\n" .. prepare_result(vul, struct, db_link) .. "\n\n" end else -- Add your own database, if you want to include it in the multi db mode db[1] = {name="VulDB", file="scipvuldb.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[2] = {name="MITRE CVE", file="cve.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[3] = {name="SecurityFocus", file="securityfocus.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[4] = {name="IBM X-Force", file="xforce.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[5] = {name="Exploit-DB", file="exploitdb.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[6] = {name="OpenVAS (Nessus)", file="openvas.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[7] = {name="SecurityTracker", file="securitytracker.csv", url="", link="{id}"} db[8] = {name="OSVDB", file="osvdb.csv", url="", link="{id}"} stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Using multi db mode (" .. #db .. " databases) ...") for i,v in ipairs(db) do vul = find_vulnerabilities(prod, ver, v.file) s = s .. .. " - " .. v.url .. ":\n" if #vul > 0 then v_count = v_count + #vul s = s .. prepare_result(vul, struct, .. "\n" else s = s .. "No findings\n\n" end stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: " .. #vul .. " matches in " .. v.file) end stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: " .. v_count .. " matches in total") end if s then return s end end -- Find the product matches in the vulnerability databases function find_vulnerabilities(prod, ver, db) local v = {} -- matching vulnerabilities local v_id -- id of vulnerability local v_title -- title of vulnerability local v_title_lower -- title of vulnerability in lowercase for speedup local v_found -- if a match could be found -- Load database local v_entries = read_from_file("scripts/vulscan/" .. db) -- Clean useless dataparts (speeds up search and improves accuracy) prod = string.gsub(prod, " httpd", "") prod = string.gsub(prod, " smtpd", "") prod = string.gsub(prod, " ftpd", "") local prod_words = strsplit(" ", prod) stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Starting search of " .. prod .. " in " .. db .. " (" .. #v_entries .. " entries) ...") -- Iterate through the vulnerabilities in the database for i=1, #v_entries, 1 do v_id = extract_from_table(v_entries[i], 1, ";") v_title = extract_from_table(v_entries[i], 2, ";") if type(v_title) == "string" then v_title_lower = string.lower(v_title) -- Find the matches for the database entry for j=1, #prod_words, 1 do v_found = string.find(v_title_lower, escape(string.lower(prod_words[j])), 1) if type(v_found) == "number" then if #v == 0 then -- Initiate table v[1] = { id = v_id, title = v_title, product = prod_words[j], version = "", matches = 1 } elseif v[#v].id ~= v_id then -- Create new entry v[#v+1] = { id = v_id, title = v_title, product = prod_words[j], version = "", matches = 1 } else -- Add to current entry v[#v].product = v[#v].product .. " " .. prod_words[j] v[#v].matches = v[#v].matches+1 end stdnse.print_debug(2, "vulscan: Match v_id " .. v_id .. " -> v[" .. #v .. "] " .. "(" .. v[#v].matches .. " match) " .. "(Prod: " .. prod_words[j] .. ")") end end -- Additional version matching if nmap.registry.args.vulscanversiondetection ~= "0" and ver ~= nil and ver ~= "" then if v[#v] ~= nil and v[#v].id == v_id then for k=0, string.len(ver)-1, 1 do v_version = string.sub(ver, 1, string.len(ver)-k) v_found = string.find(string.lower(v_title), string.lower(" " .. v_version), 1) if type(v_found) == "number" then v[#v].version = v[#v].version .. v_version .. " " v[#v].matches = v[#v].matches+1 stdnse.print_debug(2, "vulscan: Match v_id " .. v_id .. " -> v[" .. #v .. "] " .. "(" .. v[#v].matches .. " match) " .. "(Version: " .. v_version .. ")") end end end end end end return v end -- Prepare the resulting matches function prepare_result(v, struct, link) local grace = 0 -- grace trigger local match_max = 0 -- counter for maximum matches local match_max_title = "" -- title of the maximum match local s = "" -- the output string -- Search the entries with the best matches if #v > 0 then -- Find maximum matches for i=1, #v, 1 do if v[i].matches > match_max then match_max = v[i].matches match_max_title = v[i].title end end stdnse.print_debug(2, "vulscan: Maximum matches of a finding are " .. match_max .. " (" .. match_max_title .. ")") if match_max > 0 then for matchpoints=match_max, 1, -1 do for i=1, #v, 1 do if v[i].matches == matchpoints then stdnse.print_debug(2, "vulscan: Setting up result id " .. i) s = s .. report_parsing(v[i], struct, link) end end if nmap.registry.args.vulscanshowall ~= "1" and s ~= "" then -- If the next iteration shall be approached (increases matches) if grace == 0 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "vulscan: Best matches found in 1st pass. Going to use 2nd pass ...") grace = grace+1 elseif nmap.registry.args.vulscanshowall ~= "1" then break end end end end end return s end -- Parse the report output structure function report_parsing(v, struct, link) local s = struct --database data (needs to be first) s = string.gsub(s, "{link}", escape(link)) --layout elements (needs to be second) s = string.gsub(s, "\\n", "\n") s = string.gsub(s, "\\t", "\t") --vulnerability data (needs to be third) s = string.gsub(s, "{id}", escape( s = string.gsub(s, "{title}", escape(v.title)) s = string.gsub(s, "{matches}", escape(v.matches)) s = string.gsub(s, "{product}", escape(v.product)) s = string.gsub(s, "{version}", escape(v.version)) return s end -- Get the row of a CSV file function extract_from_table(line, col, del) local val = strsplit(del, line) if type(val[col]) == "string" then return val[col] end end -- Read a file function read_from_file(file) local filepath = nmap.fetchfile(file) if filepath then local f, err, _ =, "r") if not f then stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: Failed to open file" .. file) end local line, ret = nil, {} while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end ret[#ret+1] = line end f:close() return ret else stdnse.print_debug(1, "vulscan: File " .. file .. " not found") return "" end end -- We don't like unescaped things function escape(s) s = string.gsub(s, "%%", "%%%%") return s end