@page RN20 Release notes for PAPILO 2.0

@section RN200 PaPILO 2.0.0


- supporting dual postsolving for presolvers: DomCol, Dualfix, SingletonCol, ParallelCol, ParallelRow, Propagation, FixContinuous, SingletonCol, SingletonStuffing
    - dual postsolve is activated if original problem has no integer variable
    - note to turn off componentsmaxint = -1 and presolve.detectlindep = 0
    - if calculate_basis_for_dual is activated (default), tightening the bounds (f.e. in Propagation and Dualfix) are avoided due to computional overhead to postsolve the basis information
- applying the reductions of the presolver found immediately to the problem so that the next presolver can work with the reduced problem if PaPILO is used with one thread.
    This feature can be turned off by parameter (presolve.apply_results_immediately_if_run_sequentially).
- DualFix: setting the variable to infinity, if objective is zero and the bound unbounded
- ParallelRowDetection: adding new ReductionType RHS_LESS_RESTRICTIVE/LHS_LESS_RESTRICTIVE to reduce the number of conflicts to other presolvers
- SimpleSubstitution: adding detection for infeasibility
- ConstraintPropagation, DualFix, SimplifyInequality, CoefficientStrengthening, SimpleSubstitution, SimpleProbing, ImpliedInteger: parallelising presolver internally
- ParallelRowDetection, ParallelCol, DominatedCol: reordering the results to avoid internal conflicts
- Updated cmake system for dependency on TBB 2021. Older TBB versions might still work though.
- supporting backend solver HiGHS 1.0.0 (git hash: ca0c21da)

Performance improvements

- reordering solvers to avoid conflicts and hence speed up the process

Interface changes
### Deleted and changed API methods

- extracted postsolve storage from Postsolve to a new class PostsolveStorage to store the steps required for Postsolving
- Function undo in Postsolve requires now reducedSolution, originalSolution and PostsolveStorage
- moved class Postsolve.hpp to src/core/postsolve
- extracted class PostsolveType.hpp to src/core/postsolve
- extracted class ReductionType.hpp to src/core/postsolve
- extracted class PostsolveStatus.hpp to src/core/postsolve

### New API functions

- new ReductionType in Postsolve: kFixedInfCol
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kSubstitutedColWithDual
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kVarBoundChange
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kRedundantRow
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kRowBoundChange
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kReasonForRowBoundChangeForcedByRow
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kRowBoundChangeForcedByRow
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kSaveRow
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kReducedBoundsCost
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kColumnDualValue
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kRowDualValue
- new ReductionType in Postsolve for dual-postsolve: kCoefficientChange

### Changed parameters


### New parameters with default values

- calculate_basis_for_dual = 1: Should the basis be calculated if dual postsolve is possible (1: yes 0: no)
- bound_tightening_offset = 0.0001: What is the offset for variable bound tightening (only if dual-postsolving is enabled)?
- validation_after_every_postsolving_step = 0: Should the primal/dual solution be validated during after every postsolving step? (1:yes 0: no)
- presolve.apply_results_immediately_if_run_sequentially = 1: If only one thread is used, should the results be applied immediately after the presolver returned the reductions? (1: yes 0: no)
- coefftightening.parallel = 1: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- doubletoneq.parallel = 0: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- dualfix.parallel = 0: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- implint.parallel = 0: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- propagation.parallel = 1: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- simpleprobing.parallel = 0: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)
- simplifyineq.parallel = 1: Should the presolver be run in parallel internally (1: yes 0: no)

### Data structures

Unit tests

- while building with CMake PaPILO checks if a file solution.test exists in the build directory and
    scans every line of the file with the format PATH_TO_INSTANCE\,PATH_TO_SOL.
    Running make test checks for all instances in the specified file if the solution fits the reduced problem and
    further the original solution can be postsolved from the reduced solution

Build system

Fixed bugs

- DomCol: adding additional locks in DomCol to prevent applying false reductions
- SingletonCol: reordering bound changes in presolvers to avoid infeasibility when applying the changes to the data structure
- SingletonCol: using Numerics functions (including epsilon) for Less/greater-or-equal to avoid slightly false objective values
- SingletonStuffing: reordering bound changes in presolvers to avoid infeasibility when applying the changes to the data structure
- SimpleProbing: handling the case (coefficients <= 0) correctly
- recalculating the activities if the activity is huge to avoid numerical problems
- fixing bug in stated solutions of solver as infeasible due to numerical issues
- parsing instance files in rational mode with empty rows successfully
- SingletonRows: handling values close to zero does not lead to infeasibility anymore
- setting the time-limit via the parameter file is not clashing with the command time-limit any more
- ParallelRowDetection: using epsilon tolerance to avoid that the lhs is greater than the rhs


- adding a new command line option -b to check if the solution still fits the presolved problem
- supporting parsing gzipped solution files
- printing information about reductions if message verbosity level 'detailed' is selected
- printing the objective value if the problem can be solved during presolving
- printing the header containing the version of the configured backend solver
- boost minimum is 1.72 on mac, 1.65 otherwise
- supporting boost version 1.78

Known bugs

- parsing MPS Files where in the Bound section the rows doesn't start with an identifier (for example: "R") fail
- solution value for the instance etamarco differs slightly (-755.7152333749133350792583667773 vs -755.715233354415 )

@page RN10 Release notes for PAPILO 1.0

- providing presolve and (primal) postsolve methods for MIP and LP
- providing a transaction-based design allowing the presolvers to run in parallel within a round and also allowing internal parallelisation
- providing an header-only library to be integrate MIP/LP solvers
- providing an interface to wrap MIP/LP solvers to solve instances immediately after presolving
- CoefficientStrengthening: (fast) tightens the coefficients in a constraint in order to strengthen the LP relaxation
- ConstraintPropagation (fast) tightens the variable bounds
- DomCol: (exhaustive) detects and handles dominated variables
- DualFix (medium) counts up- and downlocks on variables and proceeds this information
- DualInfer: (exhaustive) exploits complementary slackness and derives bound changes or fixes on variables
- FixContinuous: (medium) tries to fix continuous variables whose bounds are very close
- ParallelColDetection: (medium) detects parallel columns and merges them into a new variable
- ParallelRowDetection: (medium) detects parallel rows in the matrix and merges them into one
- Probing: (exhaustive) tries to find implications by probing on binary variables
- SimpleProbing: (medium) detects implications for binary variables on equations with special requirements
- SimpleSubstitution: (medium) searches for equations with exactly two variables and substitutes one of these variables
- SimplifyInequalities: (medium) deletes variables in a constraint that will never contribute to the outcome of the constraint
- SingletonCols: (fast) removes variables appearing in only one constraint
- SingletonStuffing: (medium) removes variables appearing in only one constraint if SingletonCols fails to remove them
- Sparsify: (exhaustive) adds up constraint to reduce the amount of nonzeros
- Substitution: (exhaustive) substitutes equations while maintaining a sparse data structure

### Parameters with default values

- coefftightening.enabled = 1: is presolver coefftightening enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- colsingleton.enabled = 1: is presolver colsingleton enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- domcol.enabled = 1: is presolver domcol enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- doubletoneq.enabled = 1: is presolver doubletoneq enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- dualfix.enabled = 1: is presolver dualfix enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- dualinfer.enabled = 1: is presolver dualinfer enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- fixcontinuous.enabled = 1: is presolver fixcontinuous enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- implint.enabled = 1: is presolver implint enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- message.verbosity = 3: verbosity to be used. (0: quiet 1: errors 2: warnings 3: normal 4: detailed)
- numerics.epsilon = 1.0000000000000001e-09: epsilon tolerance to consider two values equal
- numerics.feastol = 9.9999999999999995e-07: the feasibility tolerance
- numerics.hugeval = 100000000: absolute bound value that is considered too huge for activitity based calculations
- parallelcols.enabled = 1: is presolver parallelcols enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- parallelrows.enabled = 1: is presolver parallelrows enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- presolve.abortfac = 0.00080000000000000004: abort factor of weighted number of reductions for presolving
- presolve.boundrelax = 0: relax bounds of implied free variables after presolving  (1: yes 0: no)
- presolve.componentsmaxint = 0: maximum number of integral variables for trying to solve disconnected components of the problem in presolving (-1: disabled)
- presolve.compressfac = 0.84999999999999998: compress the problem if fewer than compressfac times the number of rows or columns are active
- presolve.detectlindep = 1: detect and remove linearly dependent equations and free columns (0: off 1: for LPs 2: always)
- presolve.dualreds = 2: 0: disable dual reductions (0: diable dual reducions 1: allow dual reductions that never cut off optimal solutions, 2: allow all dual reductions)
- presolve.lpabortfac = 0.01: abort factor of weighted number of reductions for presolving LPs
- presolve.minabscoeff = 1e-10: minimum absolute coefficient value allowed in matrix, before it is set to zero
- presolve.randomseed = 0: random seed value
- presolve.removeslackvars = 1: remove slack variables in equations  (1: yes 0: no)
- presolve.threads = 0: maximal number of threads to use (0: automatic)
- presolve.tlim = 1.7976931348623157e+308: time limit for presolve
- presolve.weakenlpvarbounds = 0: weaken bounds obtained by constraint propagation by this factor of the feasibility tolerance if the problem is an LP
- probing.enabled = 1: is presolver probing enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- probing.maxinitialbadgesize = 1000: maximum number of probing candidates probed in the first badge of candidates
- probing.minbadgesize = 10: minimum number of probing candidates probed in a single badge of candidates
- probing.mincontdomred = 0.29999999999999999: minimum fraction of domain that needs to be reduced for continuous variables to accept a bound change in probing  [Numerical: [0,1]]
- propagation.enabled = 1: is presolver propagation enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- simpleprobing.enabled = 1: is presolver simpleprobing enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- simplifyineq.enabled = 1: is presolver simplifyineq enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- sparsify.enabled = 1: is presolver sparsify enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- sparsify.maxscale = 1000: maximum absolute scale to use for cancelling nonzeros  [Numerical: [1,1.7976931348623157e+308]]
- stuffing.enabled = 1: is presolver stuffing enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- substitution.binarieswithints = 1: should substitution of binary variables with general integers be allowed  (1: yes 0: no)
- substitution.enabled = 1: is presolver substitution enabled  (1: yes 0: no)
- substitution.markowitz_tolerance = 0.01: markowitz tolerance value for allowing a substitution  [Numerical: [0,1]]
- substitution.maxfillin = 10: maximum estimated fillin for variable substitutions  [Integer: [0,2147483647]]
- substitution.maxshiftperrow = 10: maximum amount of nonzeros being moved to make space for fillin from substitutions within a row  [Integer: [0,2147483647]]