All versions above v1.4.0 ========================= Release notes for all versions newer than 1.4.0 are provided exclusively on github: v1.4.0 ====== Breaking Changes ---------------- * Using common strings in string interpolation is now the default (#311 by @MiWeiss). See the PR for more details, and how to fall back to old behavior. New Features / Improvements --------------------------- * Add option to adjust alignment of text of multi-line values. (#290 by @michaelfruth) * Raise warning if parser is used multiple times (#312 by @mrn97), which leads to a merged library. Set `parser.expect_multiple_parse = True` to disable the warning. * Allow preservation of existing order of entry fields in writer (#317 by @michaelfruth) v1.3.0 ====== Most of these changes come from @MiWeiss personal fork, as one, hence have a commit id instead of a PR number in CHANGELOG. * Support for python 3.10 * Removing unused dependencies (fb86407 and d4e3f42) * No empty extra lines at end of generated files (f84e318) * Allow capital AND when splitting author list (a8527ff) * Fix problem in `homogenize_latex_encoding` when authors are lists (528714c) * Long description in (#304) * Typo fixes (2b2c8ee, 11340f3) v1.2.0 ====== * Support for python 3 only v1.1.0 ====== * Handles declarations on lines starting with spaces after comments (#199) * accept extra characters in @string (#148) * Add support for BibLaTeX annotations (#208) * Strip the latex command str for latex_to_unicode() (#182) * Add comma_last to BibTexWriter (#219) * Feature: crossref Support (#216) * BUGFIX: Fix for pyparsing 2.3.1 (#226) * NEW: Add support for BibLaTeX annotations (#208) * NEW: Feature: crossref Support (#216) * ENH: Handles declarations on lines starting with spaces after comments (#199) * ENH: Checks for empty citekeys and whitespaces (#213) v1.0.1 ====== * BUGFIX: future missing in v1.0 ==== * ENH: we use pyparsing (#64) by Olivier Magin. * DOC: Refactoring of the tutorial * DOC: include docs/ in manifest * API: fix spelling "homogenize". Affects customization and bparser * API: BibtexParser: homogenize_fields is now False by default (#94) v0.6.2 ====== * ENH: customization: handle various hyphens (#76). * ENH: writer: all values according to this maximal key width (#83). * END: writer: display_order allows to have custom ordering of the fields of each entry instead of just alphabetical (#83) by cschaffner. * FIX: bad support of braces in string (#90) by sangkilc. v0.6.1 ====== * API: Previous type and id keywords which are automatically added to the dictionnary are now ENTRYTYPE and ID, respectively (#42). * ENH: comma first syntax support (#49) by Michal Grochmal. v0.6.0 ====== * DOC: clarify version number * ENH: support for bibtex with leading spaces (#34) * FIX: if title contained multiples words in braces * ENH: code refactoring (#33) * ENH: support for comment blocks (#32) * ENH: Removed comma after last key-value pair by faph (#28) * ENH: optional keys sanitising by faph (#29) * FIX: missing coma at the end of a record (#24) * DOC: clarify the usecase of to_bibtex * FIX: raise exception for TypeError in to_bibtex (#22) v0.5.5 ====== * ENH: json output * ENH: Add (optional) support for non-standard entry types by Georg C. Brückmann * FIX: protect uppercase only on unprotected characters. #18 * ENH: string replacement by Uwe Schmidt (#13 #20) v0.5.4 ====== * ENH: json output * API: enhance the naming choice for bwriter v0.5.3 ====== * ENH: add writer (#16), thanks to Lucas Verney * MAINT: Remove non-standard --BREAK-- command detection * FIX: missing strip() (#14) by Sebastien Diemer * API breakage: the parser takes data instead of a filehandler v0.5.2 ====== * ENH: fix tests latex encoding * ENH: support @comment @preambule (escaped) * ENH: check that bibtype belongs to a known type v0.5.1 ====== * ENH: split keywords with various separators * ENH: get_entry_dict make the dict once * ENH: add messages with logging * FIX: fix unittest related to braces detection v0.5 ==== * Permission from original authors and OKFN to use LGPLv3 * ENH: Python 2.7 support * FIX: issue related to accents v0.4 ==== * ENH: Transformations on characters are now considered as a customization * ENH: New customization: clean latex style * FIX: issue related to name processing v0.3 ==== * DOC: moved to readsthedoc * DOC: several improvements * MAINT: separate customizations v0.2 ==== * TEST: initialized * DOC: initialized v0.1 ==== * First preliminary release