# Announcing "10% Too Dull for My Tastes" Sublime Text Color Scheme Article: https://scotch.io/bar-talk/announcing-10-too-dull-for-my-tastes-sublime-text-color-scheme ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/MtfjT0UuRQe6zKIC9Bgc_cover-image.gif) I was recently bored and messing around with [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com) to see if there were any **new cool things**, **major updates**, **themes and color schemes**, or **plugin packages** that I haven't heard about lately to compete with all the [Visual Studio](https://scotch.io/courses/make-visual-studio-code-your-editor) awesome hype these days. I came across some really neat new (and old) themes / color schemes out there. I found one I never heard of that I **absolutely loved**: * [Behave](https://github.com/fnky/behave-theme): *A theme that makes you happy like cats on the internet, and Morgan Freeman's sexy voice*. I can't believe I've never heard of that before - I absolutely love it. Ended up modifying everything based on this. Just making it more dull and boring (personal preference). This isn't supposed to be some big thing. Just a **quick and fun little project** to release. Thanks for checking it out. ## Features I ended up modifying the Behave theme a bit for my own tastes. It's now: * **90% Perfection!** * **10% Dull!** * **100% Awesome!** So in all seriousness: * **Light, attractive colors for the eye** * **Simplicity** * **Cursive font** This won't be for everyone, but so far I've been using it and and really enjoy it. Might as well share it to the world. ### Thought Process This *just* isn't my own personal preference thing. I tried to be methodical about how the colors are selected. Everything is supposed to have a "light" tone to it and related items are all shades of each other. For example, brackets are bright, variables are less bright, and then their strings are least bright. In a somewhat cascading fashion. ## What does it looks like? Here's some examples of it in action! **JavaScript** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/xwxZZIowT5q6jVLUAwCc_javascript.gif) ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/SJEbY8LPRxq2YSU4HNFc_javascript.jpg) **HTML with Brackets (Vue.js)** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/6s5lAn77RhGRWokqnMO8_vue.png) **PHP (Laravel)** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/cXB21BorRR2uCtHa8STO_php.png) **HTML / PHP (WordPress)** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/pighOud6RWzxRw9qaLM5_html.png) **CSS / LESS / SASS** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/7dck9E1pRQCiGUB19Wuk_css-sass-less.png) **JSON** ![](https://cdn.scotch.io/2/sSEAK3toSVSxpKpoz5uQ_Screen%20Shot%202018-02-28%20at%2011.55.10%20PM.png) ## What's up with the name? This was made pretty quickly, but I'm happy with how it turned out. It's named after the first feedback I received for it. Which is honestly only **90% fair...** Seriously though, I hope someone out there enjoys it as much as I do. And, definitely, please feel free to send **Pull Requests** to improve. ## How to Download 1. Install [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com/) ### Package Control Open the `Command Palette` (cmd + shift + p) and search: * 10% Too Dull for My Tastes Color Scheme Then add to your user settings: ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/10% Too Dull for My Tastes Color Scheme/scotchy.tmTheme", ``` ### Manual Download (or clone) to your Sublime Text's package folder. On Mac located here: ```bash # Replace bigmac with whatever your user name is /Users/bigmac/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages ``` ## Cursive Monospace Fonts You need a cursive font library installed on your machine. Your options are: The font used for the code is "[Operator Mono](https://www.typography.com/blog/introducing-operator)" and requires a license. Super solid alternatives are: The official Material Design monospace font "[Roboto Mono](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto+Mono)" or "[Fira Code](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode)". Whatever you choose, you can add this to your user settings. ```json "font_face": "Operator Mono", "font_options": [ "gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias" ], "font_size": 17, ``` ## Improved Settings To each its own here, but here are my current Sublime Text settings. Mainly check out the `theme`, `color_scheme`, `font_options`, and `indent_guide_options`. ```json { "theme": "ayu-mirage.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/spocky-scotch/scotchy.tmTheme", "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, "bold_folder_labels": false, "detect_indentation": false, "dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic", "file_exclude_patterns": [ ".DS_Store" ], "folder_exclude_patterns": [ ], "font_face": "Operator Mono", "font_options": [ "gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias" ], "font_size": 17, "highlight_line": true, "ignored_packages": [ "Markdown", "Vintage" ], "indent_guide_options": [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ], "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", "scroll_past_end": true, "show_definitions": false, "spell_check": true, "tab_size": 4, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, "word_wrap": false } ``` ## Pull Requests Updates Please send. ## Conclusion Again, all the hardwork was done by the [Behave](https://github.com/fnky/behave-theme) creator. This is a simple lazy fork of it where I: * * Picked new colors * Modified a few things * Added italic support Give him all credit for the original theme work. Hope you guys like this one! It's free for all. Thanks!