# How to read XLog chart [![English](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-English-orange.svg)](Reading-XLog.md) [![Korean](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Korean-blue.svg)](Reading-XLog_kr.md) XLOG chart is for realtime transaction monitoring. Each marker represents individual transaction. X-axis is for the end time of transaction, and Y-axis is for the response time of it. The chart is reloaded every 2 seconds, pushing old things to left. ![XLog](../img/client/xlog.png) XLog chart is a kind of point chart, response-time-ditribution chart. XLog was developed in 2004. XLog is summarising current status of system with a perspective of response time. XLOG charting and analysis is very effective to tune application's performance, while sorting high response time. ![TxList](../img/client/xlog_txlist.png) ![Profile](../img/client/xlog_profile.png) As you can see the screenshot, it is able to crop mouse dragging area. You can see each marker's detailed transaction information on the dragged result list.