# Alert Plugin Guide [![English](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-English-orange.svg)](Alert-Plugin-Guide.md) [![Korean](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Korean-blue.svg)](Alert-Plugin-Guide_kr.md) We can build our own alarm rules by handling alert scripting plugins which are able to compose various performance metrics. ## How to Alert script file can be edited from scouter client ui or directly in scouter server. ### A. scripting in scouter client UI. 1. open the alert scripting view in the context menu of a server in the object view. ![Scouter](../img/main/alert_script_menu.png) 2. edit script & save it. ![Scouter](../img/main/alert_script_view.png) ### B. scripting in scouter server. 1. create 2 files in the server plugin directory (**[server_running_dir]/plugin** by default) * [PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_NAME].alert : script for alarm * [PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_NAME].conf : configuration for this alarm 2. [PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_NAME].conf * ```properties history_size=150 silent_time=300 check_time=30 ``` * ```history_size``` : data count that will be kept * if it is set as 150ea, the oldest data may be 300 seconds before data because Scouter counter data is sent every 2 seconds. * ```silent_time``` : alarm sleep time - If the alarm is occurred in past [x] seconds, the same alarm is ignored. * ```check_time``` : script([PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_NAME].alert) invoking interval. 3. [PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_NAME].alert * script file for alert rule (java) * sample1 (**GcTime.alert**) * alert when ```GcTime``` is over than 2 sec ```java // void process(RealCounter $counter, PluginHelper $$) int gcTime = $counter.intValue(); if(gcTime > 2000) { $counter.fatal("gc time fatal", "gc time:" + respTime + "ms"); } ``` * sample1-1 (**GcTime.alert & latest counter's chart link**) * alert when ```GcTime``` is over than 2 sec ```java // void process(RealCounter $counter, PluginHelper $$) //################ widget chart url setting #################### String counterName = "TPS"; String objType = $counter.objType(); String objName = $counter.objName(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String today = dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date(now)); String yesterday = dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date(now-24*60*60*1000)); String widgetUrl = ""; String counterApi = counterName + "/ofType/" + objType; counterApi += "?startTimeMillis=" + (now-600*1000L); counterApi += "&endTimeMillis=" + now; String counterApiLatest = counterName + "/latest/600/ofType/" + objType; String statApi = "stat/" + counterName + "/ofType/" + objType; statApi += "?startYmd=" + yesterday; statApi += "&endYmd=" + today; //############################################################## int gcTime = $counter.intValue(); if(gcTime > 2000) { String message = "gc time:" + respTime + "ms\n"; message = "[On-time chart]\n"; message += widgetUrl + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(counterApi) + "\n"; message += "[Current chart]\n"; message += widgetUrl + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(counterApiLatest) + "\n"; message += "[Daily chart]\n"; message += widgetUrl + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(statApi) + "\n"; $counter.fatal("gc time fatal", message); } ``` * sample2 (**Elasped90%.alert**) * alert when ```Elasped90%``` is over than 1.5 sec (ignore when TPS is lower than 3 sec.) ```java // void process(RealCounter $counter, PluginHelper $$) int warn = 1500; int fatal = 2000; int tps = $counter.intValue("TPS"); int respTime = $counter.intValue(); String objType = $counter.objType(); String objName = $counter.objName(); if(tps < 3) return; if(respTime > fatal) { $counter.fatal("resp time fatal high", "90% resp time:" + $$.formatNumber(respTime) + "ms, tps:" + tps); } else if(respTime > warn) { $counter.warn("resp time warn high", "90% resp time:" + $$.formatNumber(respTime) + "ms, tps:" + tps); } ``` * sample3 (**TPS.alert**) * alert when ```TPS``` increase or decrease sharply. ```java // void process(RealCounter $counter, PluginHelper $$) //increase float initTps = 20.0; float warnIncreaseRate = 1.2; float fatalIncreaseRate = 1.5; int compareBeforeSec = 180; //decrease float fatal1DecreaseRate = 0.7; //30% float fatal2DecreaseRate = 0.5; //50% int compareBeforeDecreaseSec = 120; //last 2 minute float tps = $counter.floatValue(); String objType = $counter.objType(); String objName = $counter.objName(); float errorRate = $counter.floatValue(); if(tps > initTps) { float preValue = $counter.getAvg(compareBeforeSec, 4); if(preValue > 0.0f) { if(tps > preValue * fatalIncreaseRate) { $counter.fatal("TPS increase fatal" , "TPS is " + $$.formatNumber((double)tps/preValue*100) + "% higher than " + compareBeforeSec + "sec ago" + ", TPS: " + tps); } else if(tps > preValue * warnIncreaseRate) { $counter.warn("TPS increase warning" , "TPS is " + $$.formatNumber((double)tps/preValue*100) + "% higher than " + compareBeforeSec + "sec ago" + ", TPS: " + tps); } } } float preValue = $counter.getAvg(compareBeforeDecreaseSec, 4); if(preValue > 5.0f) { if(tps < preValue * fatal2DecreaseRate) { $counter.fatal("TPS decrease fatal" , "TPS is " + $$.formatNumber(((double)1-tps/preValue)*100) + "% lower than " + compareBeforeDecreaseSec + "sec ago" + ", TPS: " + tps); } else if(tps < preValue * fatal1DecreaseRate) { $counter.error("TPS decrease warn" , "TPS is " + $$.formatNumber((double)(1-tps/preValue)*100) + "% lower than " + compareBeforeDecreaseSec + "sec ago" + ", TPS: " + tps); } } ``` ## RealCounter API | method | desc | | ------------ | ---------- | | objName() | get object's name that produced the counter value | | objType() | get object's type that produced the counter value | | intValue() | get counter value as integer | | floatValue() | get counter value as float | | historySize() | get history size set by the conf file | | overCount(int value, int sec) | get how many times exceed the value in the seconds | | overCount(float value, int sec) | get how many times exceed the value in the seconds | | getAvg(int fromAgoSec, int durationSec) | calculate average of the counter values in fromAgoSec for durationSec | | getLatestAvg(int durationSec) | calculate average of the counter values from durationSec ago to now | | info(String title, String message) | invoke alarm as info level | | warn(String title, String message) | invoke alarm as warn level | | error(String title, String message) | invoke alarm as error level | | fatal(String title, String message) | invoke alarm as fatal level | | floatValue(String anotherCounterName) | get another counter's current value by the name | | intValue(String anotherCounterName) | get another counter's current value by the name | ## Counter names * [counters.xml](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/blob/fe74bdb73a34be2f390f8476991d59a5de6ea204/scouter.common/src/main/resources/scouter/lang/counters/counters.xml) ## $$ (PluginHelper) API - Refer to **[PluginHelper API](./PluginHelper-API.md)**