# Live demo [![English](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-English-orange.svg)](Live-Demo.md) [![Korean](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Korean-blue.svg)](Live-Demo_kr.md) There is pre-built scouter live demo system that you can connect to. Try to do via scouter client v1.8.0 and you can download the client by the link below. 1. [Download Client(Viewer)](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/releases/tag/v1.8.4) 2. Extract the compressed file you downloaded, run the client and connect to the live demo server by the given information. - Server server address : demo.scouterapm.com:6100 - ID : admin - Password : admin ![login](../img/main/live-demo-client-login.png) ## scouter WEB API swagger - [http://demo.scouterapm.com:6180/swagger/index.html](http://demo.scouterapm.com:6180/swagger/index.html)