# Setup [![English](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-English-orange.svg)](Setup.md) [![Korean](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Korean-blue.svg)](Setup_kr.md) - Outgoing Links - Blogging - [Scouter series #1 - Installation](https://translate.google.co.kr/translate?hl=ko&sl=ko&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgunsdevlog.blogspot.kr%2F2017%2F07%2Fscouter-apm-1.html) *** ## 1. Collector Server Installation ### 1.1. Prerequisite * JDK 1.8+ : scouter server ### 1.2. Collector Server Installation 1. download the latest version of scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz. - [Release Page](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/releases) 2. Extract the file.(You can see the directory ./scouter/server) 3. execute start script. ```bash cd ./scouter/server ./startup.sh # Windows : use startup.bat file ``` ```bash ____ _ / ___| ___ ___ _ _| |_ ___ _ __ \___ \ / __/ \| | | | __/ _ \ '__| ___) | (_| (+) | |_| | || __/ | |____/ \___\___/ \__,_|\__\___|_| Scouter version 0.0.1 ${date} Open Source Performance Monitoring System JRE version : 1.8.0_175 ``` ### 1.3. Network ports used by Collector server * UDP Receive Port : 6100 (This port is used for gathering performance metrics.) * TCP Service Port : 6100 (This port is used for communication with scouter client and agents.) ### 1.4. Configuration #### 1.4.1. Configuration file * configuration file location.(default) * `server/conf/scouter.conf` ##### 1.4.2. Example ```properties # Agent Control and Service Port(Default : TCP 6100) net_tcp_listen_port=6100 # UDP Receive Port(Default : 6100) net_udp_listen_port=6100 # DB directory(Default : ./database) db_dir=./database # Log directory(Default : ./logs) log_dir=./logs ``` All options and default values are available from the scouter client's **Collector > Configure** menu. *** ## 2. Host Agent ### 2.1. Prerequisite * JDK 1.6+ ### 2.2. Download and start Host agent 1. Download scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz - [Release Page](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/releases) 2. Extract the file.(you can see the directory ./scouter/agent.host for running host monitoring agent.) 3. Run it. (In some cases, root permission may be required.) ```bash cd ./scouter/agent.host ./host.sh ``` All options and default values are available from the scouter client's **Host > Configure** menu. *** ## 3. Tomcat Agent ### 3.1. Prerequisite * JDK 1.6+ ### 3.2. Start Tomcat with Scouter agent 1. Download scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz - [Release Page](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/releases) 2. Extract the file.(you can see scouter.agent.jar file on the directory ./scouter/agent.java) 3. Add -javaagent JVM options on your java application. (Refer to java option example below.) #### 3.2.1 Java Option example Append below options in **${TOMCAT_DIR}/bin/catalina.sh or startup.sh** ```bash JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -javaagent:${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/scouter.agent.jar" JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dscouter.config=${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/conf/scouter1.conf" JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dobj_name=myFirstTomcat1" ``` * **${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}** means the directory that contains scouter.agent.jar file. * **If you are using multiple Tomcat instances in one VM, you must define their respective configuration files.** * You can specify the conf file through the -Dscouter.config environment variable as in the example above. * Also, in this case, you should specify the name through the obj_name option so that the name of the monitored object is not duplicated in one VM. #### 3.2.2 Java Option example ( Windows Service Option ) Append below java options in **${TOMCAT_DIR}/bin/tomcat${version}w.exe** ```bash -javaagent:${SCOUTER_INSTALL_DIR}/scouter.agent.jar" -Dscouter.config=${SCOUTER_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/scouter1.conf" -Dobj_name=myFirstTomcat1" ``` * **${SCOUTER_INSTALL_DIR}** means the directory that contains scouter.agent.jar file. * **If you run Tomcat through a Windows service, you need to add it to the tomcat ${version}w.exe option.** * This Option tomcat${version}w.exe ( ex)tomcat9w.exe ) > Java > Java Options. ### 3.3. Configuration #### 3.3.1. Configuration example ``` # Scouter Server IP Address (Default : net_collector_ip= # Scouter Server Port (Default : 6100) net_collector_udp_port=6100 net_collector_tcp_port=6100 # Scouter Name(Default : tomcat1) obj_name=myFirstTomcat1 ``` All options and default values are available from the scouter client's **Object > Configure** menu. *** ## 4. Client ### 4.1. Prerequisite * JRE 1.8+ ### Start Client 1. Download suitable one of `scouter.client.product-${os}[.tar.gz|.zip]` - [Release Page](https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter/releases) 2. Extract all files to new directory 3. Execute scouter.exe(windows), scouter.app(osx) or scouter(linux) **Important:** run the command if can not run the file. `xattr -cr scouter.client.app` scouter client needs java 11+ 5. You will see a dialog 6. Fill the authentication info(default : admin/admin) and press OK button (First, the scouter server must be running.) 6. The real-time chart will be shown. *** ## 5. Web API (설치 및 설정) * [Web API Guide](../tech/Web-API-Guide.md)