// Copyright 2020-2021, Dave Winer // Copyright 2013, Small Picture, Inc. $(function () { if($.fn.tooltip !== undefined){ $("a[rel=tooltip]").tooltip({ live: true }) } }) $(function () { if($.fn.popover !== undefined){ $("a[rel=popover]").on("mouseenter mouseleave", function(){$(this).popover("toggle")}) } }) if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start) { for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++) { if (this[i] === obj) { return i; } } return -1; } } var concord = { version: "3.0.5", mobile: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent), ready: false, handleEvents: true, resumeCallbacks: [], onResume: function(cb){ this.resumeCallbacks.push(cb); }, resumeListening: function(){ if(!this.handleEvents){ this.handleEvents=true; var r = this.getFocusRoot(); if(r!=null){ var c = new ConcordOutline(r.parent()); if(c.op.inTextMode()){ c.op.focusCursor(); c.editor.restoreSelection(); }else{ c.pasteBinFocus(); } for(var i in this.resumeCallbacks){ var cb = this.resumeCallbacks[i]; cb(); } this.resumeCallbacks=[]; } } }, stopListening: function(){ if(this.handleEvents){ this.handleEvents=false; var r = this.getFocusRoot(); if(r!=null){ var c = new ConcordOutline(r.parent()); if(c.op.inTextMode()){ c.editor.saveSelection(); } } } }, focusRoot: null, getFocusRoot: function(){ if($(".concord-root:visible").length==1){ return this.setFocusRoot($(".concord-root:visible:first")); } if($(".modal").is(":visible")){ if($(".modal").find(".concord-root:visible:first").length==1){ return this.setFocusRoot($(".modal").find(".concord-root:visible:first")); } } if(this.focusRoot==null){ if($(".concord-root:visible").length>0){ return this.setFocusRoot($(".concord-root:visible:first")); }else{ return null; } } if(!this.focusRoot.is(":visible")){ return this.setFocusRoot($(".concord-root:visible:first")); } return this.focusRoot; }, setFocusRoot: function(root){ var origRoot = this.focusRoot; var concordInstance = new ConcordOutline(root.parent()); if((origRoot!=null) && !(origRoot[0]===root[0])){ var origConcordInstance = new ConcordOutline(origRoot.parent()); origConcordInstance.editor.hideContextMenu(); origConcordInstance.editor.dragModeExit(); if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ concordInstance.op.focusCursor(); } else { concordInstance.pasteBinFocus(); } } this.focusRoot = root; return this.focusRoot; }, updateFocusRootEvent: function(event){ var root = $(event.target).parents(".concord-root:first"); if(root.length==1){ concord.setFocusRoot(root); } } }; var concordEnvironment = { "version" : concord.version }; var concordClipboard = undefined; var flConcordScrollEnabled = true; //6/24/14 by DW var ctPixelsAboveOutlineArea = 0; //6/24/14 by DW jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse; //Constants var nil = null; var infinity = Number.MAX_VALUE; var down = "down"; var left = "left"; var right = "right"; var up = "up"; var flatup = "flatup"; var flatdown = "flatdown"; var nodirection = "nodirection"; var XML_CHAR_MAP = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '"': '&'+'quot;' }; var ConcordUtil = { escapeXml: function(s) { s = s.toString(); s = s.replace(/\u00A0/g, " "); var escaped = s.replace(/[<>&"]/g, function(ch) { return XML_CHAR_MAP[ch]; }); return escaped; }, stringMid: function (s, ix, len) { //1/27/20 by DW return (s.substr (ix-1, len)); }, stringDelete: function (s, ix, ct) { //1/27/20 by DW var start = ix - 1; var end = (ix + ct) - 1; var s1 = s.substr (0, start); var s2 = s.substr (end); return (s1 + s2); }, endsWith: function (s, possibleEnding, flUnicase) { //1/27/20 by DW function stringLower (s) { return (s.toLowerCase ()); } if ((s === undefined) || (s.length == 0)) { return (false); } var ixstring = s.length - 1; if (flUnicase === undefined) { flUnicase = true; } if (flUnicase) { for (var i = possibleEnding.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (stringLower (s [ixstring--]) != stringLower (possibleEnding [i])) { return (false); } } } else { for (var i = possibleEnding.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (s [ixstring--] != possibleEnding [i]) { return (false); } } } return (true); }, speakerBeep: function () { //1/27/20 by DW try { speakerBeep (); } catch (err) { console.log ("beep"); } }, getIconHtml: function (iconName) { //1/30/20 by DW var faClass = "far"; if (iconName == "caret-right") { faClass = "fas"; } if (iconName == "twitter") { faClass = "fab"; } if (iconName == "markdown") { faClass = "fab"; } if (iconName == "rss") { //3/11/22 by DW faClass = "fas"; } return (""); }, getKeystroke: function (event) { //2/12/20 by DW var concordKeystrokes = { "backspace": "backspace", "tab": "tab", "return": "return", "delete": "delete", "uparrow": "cursor-up", "downarrow": "cursor-down", "leftarrow": "cursor-left", "rightarrow": "cursor-right", "meta-A": "select-all", "meta-B": "bolden", "meta-C": "copy", "meta-D": "reorg-down", "meta-F": "find", //9/19/13 by DW "meta-I": "italicize", "meta-L": "reorg-left", "meta-R": "reorg-right", "meta-U": "reorg-up", "meta-V": "paste", "meta-X": "cut", "meta-Z": "undo", "meta-[": "promote", "meta-]": "demote", "meta-\\": "toggle-comment", "meta-/": "run-selection", "meta-`": "toggle-render", "meta-,": "toggle-expand" } function concordMetaizeKeystroke (event) { //9/17/13 by DW var flmeta = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey; function checkspecials (ch) { switch (ch) { case 8: return ("backspace"); case 9: return ("tab"); case 13: return ("return"); case 33: return ("pageup"); case 34: return ("pagedown"); case 35: return ("end"); case 36: return ("home"); case 37: return ("leftarrow"); case 38: return ("uparrow"); case 39: return ("rightarrow"); case 40: return ("downarrow"); case 46: return ("delete"); case 188: return (","); case 190: return ("."); case 191: return ("/"); case 192: return ("`"); case 219: return ("["); case 220: return ("\\"); case 221: return ("]"); } return (ch); } var ch = event.which; if ((ch >= 65) && (ch <= 90)) { //meta-A through meta-Z if (flmeta) { return ("meta-" + String.fromCharCode (ch)); } } else { if ((ch >= 48) && (ch <= 57)) { //meta-0 through meta-9 -- 4/20/21 by DW if (flmeta) { return ("meta-" + String.fromCharCode (ch)); } } } var s = checkspecials (ch); if (flmeta) { return ("meta-" + s); } else { return (s); } } var s = concordMetaizeKeystroke (event); if (concordKeystrokes [s] !== undefined) { var val = concordKeystrokes [s]; if (val.length > 0) { //2/23/14 by DW return (val); } } return (s); } }; function ConcordOutline(container, options) { this.container = container; this.options = options; this.id = null; this.root = null; this.editor = null; this.op = null; this.script = null; this.pasteBin = null; this.pasteBinFocus = function(){ if(!concord.ready){ return; } if(concord.mobile){ return; } if(this.root.is(":visible")){ var node = this.op.getCursor(); var nodeOffset = node.offset(); this.pasteBin.offset(nodeOffset); this.pasteBin.css("z-index","1000"); if((this.pasteBin.text()=="")||(this.pasteBin.text()=="\n")){ this.pasteBin.text("..."); } this.op.focusCursor(); this.pasteBin.focus(); if(this.pasteBin[0] === document.activeElement){ document.execCommand("selectAll"); } } }; this.callbacks = function(callbacks) { if(callbacks) { this.root.data("callbacks", callbacks); return callbacks; } else { if(this.root.data("callbacks")) { return this.root.data("callbacks"); } else { return {}; } } }; this.fireCallback = function(name, value) { var cb = this.callbacks()[name] if(cb) { cb(value); } }; this.prefs = function(newprefs) { var prefs = this.root.data("prefs"); if(prefs == undefined){ prefs = {}; } if(newprefs) { for(var key in newprefs){ prefs[key] = newprefs[key]; } this.root.data("prefs", prefs); if(prefs.readonly){ this.root.addClass("readonly"); } if(prefs.renderMode!==undefined){ this.root.data("renderMode", prefs.renderMode); } if(prefs.contextMenu){ $(prefs.contextMenu).hide(); } var style = {}; if(prefs.outlineFont) { style["font-family"] = prefs.outlineFont; } if(prefs.outlineFontSize) { prefs.outlineFontSize = parseInt(prefs.outlineFontSize); style["font-size"] = prefs.outlineFontSize + "px"; style["min-height"] = (prefs.outlineFontSize + 6) + "px"; style["line-height"] = (prefs.outlineFontSize + 6) + "px"; } if(prefs.outlineLineHeight) { prefs.outlineLineHeight = parseInt(prefs.outlineLineHeight); style["min-height"] = prefs.outlineLineHeight + "px"; style["line-height"] = prefs.outlineLineHeight + "px"; } this.root.parent().find("style.prefsStyle").remove(); var css = '\n'; this.root.before(css); if(newprefs.css){ this.op.setStyle(newprefs.css); } } return prefs; }; this.afterInit = function() { this.editor = new ConcordEditor(this.root, this); this.op = new ConcordOp(this.root, this); this.script = new ConcordScript(this.root, this); if(options) { if(options.prefs) { this.prefs(options.prefs); } if(options.open) { this.root.data("open", options.open); } if(options.save) { this.root.data("save", options.save); } if(options.callbacks) { this.callbacks(options.callbacks); } if(options.id) { this.root.data("id", options.id); this.open(); } } }; this.init = function() { if($(container).find(".concord-root:first").length > 0) { this.root = $(container).find(".concord-root:first"); this.pasteBin = $(container).find(".pasteBin:first"); this.afterInit(); return; } var root = $("
    "); root.addClass("concord concord-root"); root.appendTo(container); this.root = root; var pasteBin = $('
    '); pasteBin.appendTo(container); this.pasteBin = pasteBin; this.afterInit(); this.events = new ConcordEvents(this.root, this.editor, this.op, this); }; this["new"] = function() { this.op.wipe(); }; this.open = function(cb) { var opmlId = this.root.data("id"); if(!opmlId) { return; } var root = this.root; var editor = this.editor; var op = this.op; var openUrl = "http://concord.smallpicture.com/open"; if(root.data("open")) { openUrl = root.data("open"); } params = {} if(opmlId.match(/^http.+$/)) { params["url"] = opmlId } else { params["id"] = opmlId } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: openUrl, data: params, dataType: "xml", success: function(opml) { if(opml) { op.xmlToOutline(opml); if(cb) { cb(); } } }, error: function() { if(root.find(".concord-node").length == 0) { op.wipe(); } } }); }; this.save = function(cb) { var opmlId = this.root.data("id"); if(opmlId && this.op.changed()) { var saveUrl = "http://concord.smallpicture.com/save"; if(this.root.data("save")) { saveUrl = this.root.data("save"); } var concordInstance = this; var opml = this.op.outlineToXml(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: saveUrl, data: { "opml": opml, "id": opmlId }, dataType: "json", success: function(json) { concordInstance.op.clearChanged(); if(cb) { cb(json); } } }); } }; this["import"] = function(opmlId, cb) { var openUrl = "http://concordold.smallpicture.com/open"; var root = this.root; var concordInstance = this; if(root.data("open")) { openUrl = root.data("open"); } params = {} if(opmlId.match(/^http.+$/)) { params["url"] = opmlId; } else { params["id"] = opmlId; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: openUrl, data: params, dataType: "xml", success: function(opml) { if(opml) { var cursor = root.find(".concord-cursor:first"); $(opml).find("body").children("outline").each(function() { var node = concordInstance.editor.build($(this)); cursor.after(node); cursor = node; }); concordInstance.op.markChanged(); if(cb) { cb(); } } }, error: function() { } }); }; this["export"] = function() { var context = this.root.find(".concord-cursor:first"); if(context.length == 0) { context = this.root.find(".concord-root:first"); } return this.editor.opml(context); }; this.init(); } function ConcordEditor(root, concordInstance) { this.makeNode = function(){ var node = $("
  1. "); node.addClass("concord-node"); var wrapper = $("
    "); var iconName="caret-right"; var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.append(icon); wrapper.addClass("type-icon"); var text = $("
    "); var outline = $("
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      \s*$/); if(textMatches){ text = textMatches[1]; } var opml = ''; for(var i=0; i < indent;i++){ opml += '\t'; } var subheads; if (!flsubsonly) { //8/5/13 by DW opml += ' 0) { var stamp = false; node.prevAll().reverse().each(function() { if($(this).hasClass("selected")) { stamp = true; } else if(stamp) { $(this).addClass("selected"); } }); } else { var nextNodes = node.nextAll(".selected"); if(nextNodes.length > 0) { var stamp = true; node.nextAll().each(function() { if($(this).hasClass("selected")) { stamp = false; } else if(stamp) { $(this).addClass("selected"); } }); } } } var text = node.children(".concord-wrapper:first").children(".concord-text:first"); if(text.hasClass("editing")) { text.removeClass("editing"); } //text.blur(); node.addClass("selected"); if(text.text().length>0){ //root.data("currentChange", root.children().clone()); } this.dragModeExit(); } if(root.find(".concord-node.dirty").length>0){ concordInstance.op.markChanged(); } }; this.selectionMode = function(multiple) { if(multiple == undefined) { multiple = false; } var node = root.find(".concord-cursor"); if(node.length == 1) { var text = node.children(".concord-wrapper:first").children(".concord-text:first"); if(text.length == 1) { //text.blur(); } } if(!multiple) { root.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); } root.find(".selection-toolbar").remove(); }; this.build = function(outline,collapsed, level, flInsertRawHtml) { //9/18/20 by DW -- new optional param, flInsertRawHtml if(!level){ level = 1; } var node = $("
    1. "); node.addClass("concord-node"); node.addClass("concord-level-"+level); var attributes = {}; $(outline[0].attributes).each(function() { if(this.name != 'text') { attributes[this.name] = this.value; if(this.name=="type"){ node.attr("opml-" + this.name, this.value); } } }); node.data("attributes", attributes); var wrapper = $("
      "); var nodeIcon = attributes["icon"]; if(!nodeIcon){ nodeIcon = attributes["type"]; } var iconName="caret-right"; if(nodeIcon){ if((nodeIcon==node.attr("opml-type")) && concordInstance.prefs() && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[nodeIcon]){ iconName = concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[nodeIcon]; }else if (nodeIcon==attributes["icon"]){ iconName = nodeIcon; } } var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.append(icon); wrapper.addClass("type-icon"); if(attributes["isComment"]=="true"){ node.addClass("concord-comment"); } var text = $("
      "); text.addClass("concord-level-"+level+"-text"); //9/18/20 by DW -- option to insert without escaping var textToInsert; if (flInsertRawHtml) { textToInsert = outline.attr ('text'); } else { textToInsert = this.escape (outline.attr ('text')); } text.html (textToInsert); if(attributes["cssTextClass"]!==undefined){ var cssClasses = attributes["cssTextClass"].split(/\s+/); for(var c in cssClasses){ var newClass = cssClasses[c]; text.addClass(newClass); } } var children = $("
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        ").html(h).text(); var clipboardMatch = false; if(concordClipboard !== undefined){ var trimmedClipboardText = concordClipboard.text.replace(/^[\s\r\n]+|[\s\r\n]+$/g,''); var trimmedPasteText = h.replace(/^[\s\r\n]+|[\s\r\n]+$/g,''); if(trimmedClipboardText==trimmedPasteText){ var clipboardNodes = concordClipboard.data; if(clipboardNodes){ var collapseNode = function(node){ node.find("ol").each(function() { if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).parent().addClass("collapsed"); } }); }; clipboardNodes.each(function(){ collapseNode($(this)); }); root.data("clipboard", clipboardNodes); concordInstance.op.setTextMode(false); concordInstance.op.paste(); clipboardMatch = true; } } } if(!clipboardMatch){ concordClipboard = undefined; var numberoflines = 0; var lines = h.split("\n"); for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ var line = lines[i]; if((line!="") && !line.match(/^\s+$/)){ numberoflines++; } } if(!concordInstance.op.inTextMode() || (numberoflines > 1)){ concordInstance.op.insertText(h); }else{ concordInstance.op.saveState(); concordText.focus(); var range = concordText.parents(".concord-node:first").data("range"); if(range){ try{ var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } finally { concordText.parents(".concord-node:first").removeData("range"); } } document.execCommand("insertText",null,h); concordInstance.root.removeData("clipboard"); concordInstance.op.markChanged(); } } concordText.removeClass("paste"); }); }; this.escape = function(s){ var h = $("
        ").text(s).html(); h = h.replace(/\u00A0/g, " "); if(concordInstance.op.getRenderMode()){ // Render HTML if op.getRenderMode() returns true - 2/17/13 by KS var allowedTags = ["b","strong","i","em","a","img","strike","del"]; for(var tagIndex in allowedTags){ var tag = allowedTags[tagIndex]; if (tag == "img"){ h = h.replace(new RegExp("<"+tag+"((?!>).+)(/)?>","gi"),"<"+tag+"$1"+"/>"); } else if (tag=="a"){ h = h.replace(new RegExp("<"+tag+"((?!>).*?)>((?!</"+tag+">).+?)</"+tag+">","gi"),"<"+tag+"$1"+">$2"+"<"+"/"+tag+">"); } else { h = h.replace(new RegExp("<"+tag+">((?!</"+tag+">).+?)</"+tag+">","gi"),"<"+tag+">$1"+"<"+"/"+tag+">"); } } } return h; }; this.unescape = function(s){ var h = s.replace(//g,">"); h = $("
        ").html(h).text(); return h; }; this.getSelection = function(){ var range = undefined; if(window.getSelection){ sel = window.getSelection(); if(sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount){ range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if($(range.startContainer).parents(".concord-node:first").length==0){ range = undefined; } } } return range; }; this.saveSelection = function(){ var range = this.getSelection(); if(range !== undefined){ concordInstance.op.getCursor().data("range", range.cloneRange()); } return range; }; this.restoreSelection = function(range){ var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); if(range===undefined){ range = cursor.data("range"); } if(range !== undefined){ if(window.getSelection){ var concordText = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper").children(".concord-text"); try{ var cloneRanger = range.cloneRange(); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(cloneRanger); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } finally { cursor.removeData("range"); } } } return range; }; this.recalculateLevels = function(context){ if(!context){ context = root.find(".concord-node"); } context.each(function(){ var text = $(this).children(".concord-wrapper").children(".concord-text"); var levelMatch = $(this).attr("class").match(/.*concord-level-(\d+).*/); if(levelMatch){ $(this).removeClass("concord-level-"+levelMatch[1]); text.removeClass("concord-level-"+levelMatch[1]+"-text"); } var level = $(this).parents(".concord-node").length+1; $(this).addClass("concord-level-"+level); text.addClass("concord-level-"+level+"-text"); }); }; } function ConcordEvents(root, editor, op, concordInstance) { var instance = this; this.wrapperDoubleClick = function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(root.data("dropdown")){ editor.hideContextMenu(); return; } if(!editor.editable($(event.target))) { var wrapper = $(event.target); if(wrapper.hasClass("node-icon")){ wrapper = wrapper.parent(); } if(wrapper.hasClass("concord-wrapper")) { event.stopPropagation(); var node = wrapper.parents(".concord-node:first"); op.setTextMode(false); if(op.subsExpanded()) { op.collapse(); } else { op.expand(); } } } }; this.clickSelect = function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(root.data("dropdown")){ event.stopPropagation(); editor.hideContextMenu(); return; } if(concord.mobile){ var node = $(event.target); if(concordInstance.op.getCursor()[0]===node[0]){ instance.doubleClick(event); return; } } if((event.which==1) && !editor.editable($(event.target))) { var node = $(event.target); if(!node.hasClass("concord-node")){ return; } if(node.length==1) { event.stopPropagation(); if(event.shiftKey && (node.parents(".concord-node.selected").length>0)){ return; } op.setTextMode(false); op.setCursor(node, event.shiftKey || event.metaKey, event.shiftKey); } } }; this.doubleClick = function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(root.data("dropdown")){ editor.hideContextMenu(); return; } if(!editor.editable($(event.target))) { var node = $(event.target); if(node.hasClass("concord-node") && node.hasClass("concord-cursor")) { event.stopPropagation(); op.setTextMode(false); op.setCursor(node); if(op.subsExpanded()) { op.collapse(); } else { op.expand(); } } } }; this.wrapperClickSelect = function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(root.data("dropdown")){ editor.hideContextMenu(); return; } if(concord.mobile){ var target = $(event.target); var node = target.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(concordInstance.op.getCursor()[0]===node[0]){ instance.wrapperDoubleClick(event); return; } } if((event.which==1) && !editor.editable($(event.target))) { var wrapper = $(event.target); if(wrapper.hasClass("node-icon")){ wrapper = wrapper.parent(); } if(wrapper.hasClass("concord-wrapper")) { var node = wrapper.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(event.shiftKey && (node.parents(".concord-node.selected").length>0)){ return; } op.setTextMode(false); op.setCursor(node, event.shiftKey || event.metaKey, event.shiftKey); } } }; this.contextmenu = function(event){ if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var node = $(event.target); if(node.hasClass("concord-wrapper") || node.hasClass("node-icon")){ op.setTextMode(false); } if(!node.hasClass("concord-node")){ node = node.parents(".concord-node:first"); } concordInstance.fireCallback("opContextMenu", op.setCursorContext(node)); op.setCursor(node); editor.showContextMenu(event.pageX, event.pageY); }; root.on("dblclick", ".concord-wrapper", this.wrapperDoubleClick); root.on("dblclick", ".concord-node", this.doubleClick); root.on("dblclick", ".concord-text", function(event){ if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(concordInstance.prefs()["readonly"]==true){ event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var node = $(event.target).parents(".concord-node:first"); op.setCursor(node); if(op.subsExpanded()) { op.collapse(); } else { op.expand(); } } }); root.on("click", ".concord-wrapper", this.wrapperClickSelect); root.on("click", ".concord-node", this.clickSelect); root.on("mouseover", ".concord-wrapper", function(event){ if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } var node = $(event.target).parents(".concord-node:first"); concordInstance.fireCallback("opHover", op.setCursorContext(node)); }); if(concordInstance.prefs.contextMenu){ root.on("contextmenu", ".concord-text", this.contextmenu); root.on("contextmenu", ".concord-node", this.contextmenu); root.on("contextmenu", ".concord-wrapper", this.contextmenu); } root.on("blur", ".concord-text", function(event){ if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(concordInstance.prefs()["readonly"]==true){ return; } if($(this).html().match(/^\s*
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clonedDraggable.insertAfter(node); draggable.remove(); } else { var clonedDraggable = draggable.clone(true, true); var outline = node.children("ol"); clonedDraggable.prependTo(outline); node.removeClass("collapsed"); draggable.remove(); } } } else { var prev = node.prev(); if(prev.length == 1) { if(prev.hasClass("drop-child")) { var clonedDraggable = draggable.clone(true, true); var outline = prev.children("ol"); clonedDraggable.appendTo(outline); prev.removeClass("collapsed"); draggable.remove(); } } } } editor.dragModeExit(); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(); } } }); root.on("mouseover", function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if(concordInstance.prefs()["readonly"]==true){ return; } if(root.data("dragging")) { event.preventDefault(); var target = $(event.target); var node = target.parents(".concord-node:first"); var draggable = root.find(".selected"); if((node.length == 1) && (draggable.length>=1)) { var isDraggableTarget = false; draggable.each(function(){ if(this==node[0]){ isDraggableTarget = true; 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if(prev.length == 0) { var parent = context.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parent.length == 1) { return parent; } else { return null; } } else { return this._last_child(prev); } }; this._walk_down = function(context) { var next = context.next(); if(next.length == 1) { return next; } else { var parent = context.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parent.length == 1) { return this._walk_down(parent); } else { return null; } } }; this._last_child = function(context) { if(context.hasClass("collapsed")) { return context; } var outline = context.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 0) { return context; } else { var lastChild = outline.children(".concord-node:last"); if(lastChild.length == 1) { return this._last_child(lastChild); } else { return context; } } }; this.bold = function(){ this.saveState(); if(this.inTextMode()){ document.execCommand("bold"); }else{ this.focusCursor(); document.execCommand("selectAll"); document.execCommand("bold"); document.execCommand("unselect"); this.blurCursor(); concordInstance.pasteBinFocus(); } this.markChanged(); }; this.changed = function() { return root.data("changed") == true; }; this.clearChanged = function() { root.data("changed", false); return true; }; this.collapse = function(triggerCallbacks) { if(triggerCallbacks == undefined){ triggerCallbacks = true; } var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { if(triggerCallbacks){ concordInstance.fireCallback("opCollapse", this.setCursorContext(node)); } node.addClass("collapsed"); node.find("ol").each(function() { if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).parent().addClass("collapsed"); } }); this.markChanged(); } }; this.copy = function(){ if(!this.inTextMode()){ root.data("clipboard", root.find(".selected").clone(true, true)); } }; this.countSubs = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { return node.children("ol").children().size(); } return 0; }; this.cursorToXml = function(){ return concordInstance.editor.opml(this.getCursor()); }; this.cursorToXmlSubsOnly = function(){ //8/5/13 by DW return concordInstance.editor.opml(this.getCursor(), true); }; this.getNodeOpml = function (node) { //3/12/14 by DW return concordInstance.editor.opml(node, true); }; this.cut = function(){ if(!this.inTextMode()){ this.copy(); this.deleteLine(); } }; this.deleteLine = function() { this.saveState(); if(this.inTextMode()){ var cursor = this.getCursor(); var p = cursor.prev(); if(p.length==0){ p = cursor.parents(".concord-node:first"); } cursor.remove(); if(p.length==1) { this.setCursor(p); } else { if(root.find(".concord-node:first").length==1) { this.setCursor(root.find(".concord-node:first")); } else { this.wipe(); } } }else{ var selected = root.find(".selected"); if(selected.length == 1) { var p = selected.prev(); if(p.length==0){ p = selected.parents(".concord-node:first"); } selected.remove(); if(p.length==1) { this.setCursor(p); } else { if(root.find(".concord-node:first").length==1) { this.setCursor(root.find(".concord-node:first")); } else { this.wipe(); } } } else if(selected.length > 1) { var first = root.find(".selected:first"); var p = first.prev(); if(p.length==0){ p = first.parents(".concord-node:first"); } selected.each(function() { $(this).remove(); }); if(p.length==1){ this.setCursor(p); }else{ if(root.find(".concord-node:first").length==1) { this.setCursor(root.find(".concord-node:first")); } else { this.wipe(); } } } } if(root.find(".concord-node").length == 0) { var node = this.insert("", down); this.setCursor(node); } this.markChanged(); }; this.deleteSubs = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { if(node.children("ol").children().length > 0){ this.saveState(); node.children("ol").empty(); } } this.markChanged(); }; this.demote = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); var movedSiblings = false; if(node.nextAll().length>0){ this.saveState(); node.nextAll().each(function() { var sibling = $(this).clone(true, true); $(this).remove(); sibling.appendTo(node.children("ol")); node.removeClass("collapsed"); }); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(node.find(".concord-node")); this.markChanged(); } }; this.expand = function(triggerCallbacks) { if(triggerCallbacks == undefined){ triggerCallbacks = true; } var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { if(triggerCallbacks){ concordInstance.fireCallback("opExpand", this.setCursorContext(node)); } if(!node.hasClass("collapsed")){ return; } node.removeClass("collapsed"); var cursorPosition = node.offset().top; var cursorHeight =node.height(); var windowPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); var windowHeight = $(window).height (); var lineHeight = parseInt(node.children(".concord-wrapper").children(".concord-text").css("line-height")) + 6; if (flConcordScrollEnabled) { //6/24/14 by DW -- provide a way to disable automatic scrolling if (cursorHeight > windowHeight) { //6/24/14 by DW var ctscroll = cursorPosition - ctPixelsAboveOutlineArea - lineHeight; if (ctscroll > 0) { $(window).scrollTop (ctscroll); } } else { if (( cursorPosition < windowPosition ) || ( (cursorPosition+cursorHeight) > (windowPosition+windowHeight) ) ){ if(cursorPosition < windowPosition){ $(window).scrollTop(cursorPosition); 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} }; this.fullExpand = function() { root.find(".concord-node").removeClass("collapsed"); }; this.getCursor = function(){ if(_cursor){ return _cursor; } return root.find(".concord-cursor:first"); }; this.getCursorRef = function(){ return this.setCursorContext(this.getCursor()); }; this.getHeaders = function(){ var headers = {}; if(root.data("head")){ headers = root.data("head"); } headers["title"] = this.getTitle(); return headers; }, this.getLineText = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { var text = node.children(".concord-wrapper:first").children(".concord-text:first").html(); var textMatches = text.match(/^(.+)
        \s*$/); if(textMatches){ text = textMatches[1]; } return concordInstance.editor.unescape(text); } else { return null; } }; this.getRenderMode = function(){ if(root.data("renderMode")!==undefined){ return (root.data("renderMode")===true); }else{ return true; } }; this.getTitle = function() { return root.data("title"); }; this.go = function(direction, count, multiple, textMode) { if(count===undefined) { count = 1; } var cursor = this.getCursor(); if(textMode==undefined){ textMode = false; } this.setTextMode(textMode); var ableToMoveInDirection = false; switch(direction) { case up: for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var prev = cursor.prev(); if(prev.length == 1) { cursor = prev; ableToMoveInDirection = true; }else{ break; } } this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); break; case down: for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var next = cursor.next(); if(next.length == 1) { cursor = next; ableToMoveInDirection = true; }else{ break; } } this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); break; case left: for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var parent = cursor.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parent.length == 1) { cursor = parent; ableToMoveInDirection = true; }else{ break; } } this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); break; case right: for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var firstSibling = cursor.children("ol").children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstSibling.length == 1) { cursor = firstSibling; ableToMoveInDirection = true; }else{ break; } } this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); break; case flatup: var nodeCount = 0; while(cursor && (nodeCount < count)) { var cursor = this._walk_up(cursor); if(cursor) { if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed") && (cursor.children("ol").children().size() > 0)) { nodeCount++; ableToMoveInDirection = true; if(nodeCount == count) { this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); break; } } } } break; case flatdown: var nodeCount = 0; while(cursor && (nodeCount < count)) { var next = null; if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if(!next) { next = this._walk_down(cursor); } cursor = next; if(cursor) { if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed") && (cursor.children("ol").children().size() > 0)) { nodeCount++; ableToMoveInDirection = true; if(nodeCount == count) { this.setCursor(cursor, multiple); } } } } break; } this.markChanged(); return ableToMoveInDirection; }; this.insert = function(insertText, insertDirection, flInsertRawHtml) { //9/16/20 by DW -- new optional param -- flInsertRawHtml this.saveState(); var level = this.getCursor().parents(".concord-node").length+1; var node = $("
      1. "); node.addClass("concord-node"); switch(insertDirection){ case right: level+=1; break; case left: level-=1; break; } node.addClass("concord-level-"+level); var wrapper = $("
        "); var iconName="caret-right"; var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.append(icon); wrapper.addClass("type-icon"); var text = $("
        "); text.addClass("concord-level-"+level+"-text"); var outline = $("
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            "); var lastLevel = 0; var startingline = 0; var startinglevel = 0; var lastNode = null; var parent = null; var parents = {}; var lines = text.split("\n"); var workflowy=true; var workflowyParent = null; var firstlinewithcontent = 0; for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ var line = lines[i]; if(!line.match(/^\s*$/)){ firstlinewithcontent = i; break; } } if(lines.length>(firstlinewithcontent+2)){ if((lines[firstlinewithcontent].match(/^([\t\s]*)\-.*$/)==null) && lines[firstlinewithcontent].match(/^.+$/) && (lines[firstlinewithcontent+1]=="")){ startingline = firstlinewithcontent+2; var workflowyParent = concordInstance.editor.makeNode(); workflowyParent.children(".concord-wrapper").children(".concord-text").html(lines[firstlinewithcontent]); } } for(var i = startingline; i < lines.length; i++){ var line = lines[i]; if((line!="") && !line.match(/^\s+$/) && (line.match(/^([\t\s]*)\-.*$/)==null)){ workflowy=false; break; } } if(!workflowy){ startingline = 0; workflowyParent=null; } for(var i = startingline; i < lines.length; i++){ var line = lines[i]; if((line!="") && !line.match(/^\s+$/)){ var matches = line.match(/^([\t\s]*)(.+)$/); var node = concordInstance.editor.makeNode(); var nodeText = concordInstance.editor.escape(matches[2]); if(workflowy){ var nodeTextMatches = nodeText.match(/^([\t\s]*)\-\s*(.+)$/) if(nodeTextMatches!=null){ nodeText = nodeTextMatches[2]; } } node.children(".concord-wrapper").children(".concord-text").html(nodeText); var level = startinglevel; if(matches[1]){ if(workflowy){ level = (matches[1].length / 2) + startinglevel; } else { level = matches[1].length + startinglevel; } if(level>lastLevel){ parents[lastLevel]=lastNode; parent = lastNode; }else if ((level>0) && (level < lastLevel)){ parent = parents[level-1]; } } if(parent && (level > 0)){ parent.children("ol").append(node); parent.addClass("collapsed"); }else{ parents = {}; nodes.append(node); } lastNode = node; lastLevel = level; } } if(workflowyParent){ if(nodes.children().length > 0){ workflowyParent.addClass("collapsed"); } var clonedNodes = nodes.clone(); clonedNodes.children().appendTo(workflowyParent.children("ol")); nodes = $("
              "); nodes.append(workflowyParent); } if(nodes.children().length>0){ this.saveState(); this.setTextMode(false); var cursor = this.getCursor(); nodes.children().insertAfter(cursor); this.setCursor(cursor.next()); concordInstance.root.removeData("clipboard"); this.markChanged(); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(); } }, this.insertXml = function(opmltext,dir){ this.saveState(); var doc = null; var nodes = $("
                "); var cursor = this.getCursor(); var level = cursor.parents(".concord-node").length+1; if(!dir){ dir = down; } switch(dir){ case right: level+=1; break; case left: level-=1; break; } if(typeof opmltext == "string") { doc = $($.parseXML(opmltext)); } else { doc = $(opmltext); } doc.find("body").children("outline").each(function() { nodes.append(concordInstance.editor.build($(this), true, level)); }); var expansionState = doc.find("expansionState"); if(expansionState && expansionState.text() && (expansionState.text()!="")){ var expansionStates = expansionState.text().split(","); var nodeId=1; nodes.find(".concord-node").each(function(){ if(expansionStates.indexOf(""+nodeId) >= 0){ $(this).removeClass("collapsed"); } nodeId++; }); } switch(dir) { case down: nodes.children().insertAfter(cursor); break; case right: nodes.children().prependTo(cursor.children("ol")); this.expand(false); break; case up: nodes.children().insertBefore(cursor); break; case left: var parent = cursor.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parent.length == 1) { nodes.children().insertAfter(parent); } break; } this.markChanged(); return true; }; this.inTextMode = function(){ return root.hasClass("textMode"); }; this.italic = function(){ this.saveState(); if(this.inTextMode()){ document.execCommand("italic"); }else{ this.focusCursor(); document.execCommand("selectAll"); document.execCommand("italic"); document.execCommand("unselect"); this.blurCursor(); concordInstance.pasteBinFocus(); } this.markChanged(); }; this.level = function(){ return this.getCursor().parents(".concord-node").length+1; }, this.link = function(url){ if(this.inTextMode()){ if(!concord.handleEvents){ var instance = this; concord.onResume(function(){ instance.link(url); }); return; } var range = concordInstance.editor.getSelection(); if(range===undefined){ concordInstance.editor.restoreSelection(); } if(concordInstance.editor.getSelection()){ this.saveState(); document.execCommand("createLink", null, url); this.markChanged(); } } }; this.markChanged = function() { root.data("changed", true); if(!this.inTextMode()){ root.find(".concord-node.dirty").removeClass("dirty"); } return true; }; this.paste = function(){ if(!this.inTextMode()){ if(root.data("clipboard")!=null){ var pasteNodes = root.data("clipboard").clone(true,true); if(pasteNodes.length>0){ this.saveState(); root.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); pasteNodes.insertAfter(this.getCursor()); this.setCursor($(pasteNodes[0]), (pasteNodes.length>1)); this.markChanged(); } } } }; this.promote = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.children("ol").children().length > 0){ this.saveState(); node.children("ol").children().reverse().each(function() { var child = $(this).clone(true, true); $(this).remove(); node.after(child); }); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(node.parent().find(".concord-node")); this.markChanged(); } }; this.redraw = function(){ var ct = 1; var cursorIndex = 1; var wasChanged = this.changed(); root.find(".concord-node:visible").each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass("concord-cursor")){ cursorIndex=ct; return false; } ct++; }); this.xmlToOutline(this.outlineToXml()); ct=1; var thisOp = this; root.find(".concord-node:visible").each(function(){ if(cursorIndex==ct){ thisOp.setCursor($(this)); return false; } ct++; }); if(wasChanged){ this.markChanged(); } }; this.reorg = function(direction, count) { if(count===undefined) { count = 1; } var ableToMoveInDirection = false; var cursor = this.getCursor(); var range = undefined; var toMove = this.getCursor(); var selected = root.find(".selected"); var iteration = 1; if(selected.length>1){ cursor = root.find(".selected:first"); toMove = root.find(".selected"); } switch(direction) { case up: var prev = cursor.prev(); if(prev.length==1) { while(iteration < count){ if(prev.prev().length==1){ prev = prev.prev(); } else{ break; } iteration++; } this.saveState(); var clonedMove = toMove.clone(true, true); toMove.remove(); clonedMove.insertBefore(prev); ableToMoveInDirection = true; } break; case down: if(!this.inTextMode()){ cursor = root.find(".selected:last"); } var next = cursor.next(); if(next.length==1) { while(iteration < count){ if(next.next().length==1){ next = next.next(); } else{ break; } iteration++; } this.saveState(); var clonedMove = toMove.clone(true, true); toMove.remove(); clonedMove.insertAfter(next); ableToMoveInDirection = true; } break; case left: var outline = cursor.parent(); if(!outline.hasClass("concord-root")) { var parent = outline.parent(); while(iteration < count){ var parentParent = parent.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parentParent.length==1){ parent = parentParent; } else{ break; } iteration++; } this.saveState(); var clonedMove = toMove.clone(true, true); toMove.remove(); clonedMove.insertAfter(parent); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(parent.nextAll(".concord-node")); ableToMoveInDirection = true; } break; case right: var prev = cursor.prev(); if(prev.length == 1) { this.saveState(); while(iteration < count){ if(prev.children("ol").length==1){ var prevNode = prev.children("ol").children(".concord-node:last"); if(prevNode.length==1){ prev = prevNode; } else{ break; } } else{ break; } iteration++; } var prevOutline = prev.children("ol"); if(prevOutline.length == 0) { prevOutline = $("
                  "); prevOutline.appendTo(prev); } var clonedMove = toMove.clone(true, true); toMove.remove(); clonedMove.appendTo(prevOutline); prev.removeClass("collapsed"); concordInstance.editor.recalculateLevels(prev.find(".concord-node")); ableToMoveInDirection = true; } break; } if(ableToMoveInDirection){ if(this.inTextMode()){ this.setCursor(this.getCursor()); } this.markChanged(); var node = this.getCursor (); //5/9/21 by DW concordInstance.fireCallback ("opReorg", this.setCursorContext (node)); //5/9/21 by DW } return ableToMoveInDirection; }; this.runSelection = function(){ var value = eval (this.getLineText()); this.deleteSubs(); this.insert(value, "right"); concordInstance.script.makeComment(); this.go("left", 1); }; this.saveState = function(){ root.data("change", root.children().clone(true, true)); root.data("changeTextMode", this.inTextMode()); if(this.inTextMode()){ var range = concordInstance.editor.getSelection(); if( range){ root.data("changeRange",range.cloneRange()); }else{ root.data("changeRange", undefined); } }else{ root.data("changeRange", undefined); } return true; }; this.setCursor = function(node, multiple, multipleRange){ root.find(".concord-cursor").removeClass("concord-cursor"); node.addClass("concord-cursor"); if(this.inTextMode()){ concordInstance.editor.edit(node); }else{ concordInstance.editor.select(node, multiple, multipleRange); concordInstance.pasteBinFocus(); } concordInstance.fireCallback("opCursorMoved", this.setCursorContext(node)); concordInstance.editor.hideContextMenu(); }; this.setCursorContext = function(cursor){ return new ConcordOp(root,concordInstance,cursor); }; this.setHeaders = function(headers){ root.data("head", headers); this.markChanged(); }, this.setLineText = function(text) { this.saveState(); var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { node.children(".concord-wrapper:first").children(".concord-text:first").html(concordInstance.editor.escape(text)); return true; } else { return false; } this.markChanged(); }; this.setRenderMode = function(mode){ root.data("renderMode", mode); this.redraw(); return true; }; this.setStyle = function(css){ root.parent().find("style.customStyle").remove(); root.before(''); return true; }; this.setTextMode = function(textMode){ var readonly = concordInstance.prefs()["readonly"]; if(readonly==undefined){ readonly = false; } if(readonly){ return; } if(root.hasClass("textMode") == textMode){ return; } if(textMode==true){ root.addClass("textMode"); concordInstance.editor.editorMode(); concordInstance.editor.edit(this.getCursor()); }else{ root.removeClass("textMode"); root.find(".editing").removeClass("editing"); this.blurCursor(); concordInstance.editor.select(this.getCursor()); } }; this.setTitle = function(title) { root.data("title", title); return true; }; this.strikethrough = function(){ this.saveState(); if(this.inTextMode()){ document.execCommand("strikeThrough"); }else{ this.focusCursor(); document.execCommand("selectAll"); document.execCommand("strikeThrough"); document.execCommand("unselect"); this.blurCursor(); concordInstance.pasteBinFocus(); } this.markChanged(); }; this.subsExpanded = function() { var node = this.getCursor(); if(node.length == 1) { if(!node.hasClass("collapsed") && (node.children("ol").children().size() > 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }; this.outlineToText = function(){ var text = ""; root.children(".concord-node").each(function() { text+= concordInstance.editor.textLine($(this)); }); return text; }; this.saveCursor = function () { //8/5/14 by DW -- so we can save the location of the cursor in an OPML file var cursor = this.getCursor (), prev, ct = 0; while (true) { var prev = this._walk_up (cursor); if (prev) { cursor = prev; ct++; } else { break; } } return (ct); } this.sort = function () { //3/7/20 by DW -- sort the list containing the bar cursor headline this.saveState (); var mycursor = this.getCursor (); var parentnode = $(mycursor).parent (); var items = $(parentnode).children (); items.sort (function (a, b) { var keyA = $(a).text ().toLowerCase (); var keyB = $(b).text ().toLowerCase (); if (keyA < keyB) return -1; if (keyA > keyB) return 1; return 0; }); $.each (items, function (i, li) { parentnode.append (li); //removes it from the old spot and moves it }); this.markChanged (); } this.outlineToXml = function(ownerName, ownerEmail, ownerId) { var head = this.getHeaders(); if(ownerName) { head["ownerName"] = ownerName; } if(ownerEmail) { head["ownerEmail"] = ownerEmail; } if(ownerId) { head["ownerId"] = ownerId; } var title = this.getTitle(); if(!title) { title = ""; } head["title"] = title; head["dateModified"] = (new Date()).toGMTString(); var expansionStates = []; var nodeId = 1; var cursor = root.find(".concord-node:first"); do { if(cursor) { if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed") && (cursor.children("ol").children().size() > 0)) { expansionStates.push(nodeId); } nodeId++; }else{ break; } var next = null; if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if(!next) { next = this._walk_down(cursor); } cursor = next; } while(cursor!=null); head["expansionState"] = expansionStates.join(","); head["lastCursor"] = this.saveCursor (); //8/5/14 by DW var opml = ''; var indent=0; var add = function(s){ for(var i = 0; i < indent; i++){ opml+='\t'; } opml+=s+'\n'; }; add(''); add(''); indent++; add(''); indent++; for(var headName in head){ if(head[headName]!==undefined){ add('<'+headName+'>' + ConcordUtil.escapeXml(head[headName]) + ''); } } add(''); indent--; add(''); indent++; root.children(".concord-node").each(function() { opml += concordInstance.editor.opmlLine($(this), indent); }); add(''); indent--; add(''); return opml; }; this.undo = function(){ var stateBeforeChange = root.children().clone(true, true); var textModeBeforeChange = this.inTextMode(); var beforeRange = undefined; if(this.inTextMode()){ var range = concordInstance.editor.getSelection(); if(range){ beforeRange = range.cloneRange(); } } if(root.data("change")){ root.empty(); root.data("change").appendTo(root); this.setTextMode(root.data("changeTextMode")); if(this.inTextMode()){ this.focusCursor(); var range = root.data("changeRange"); if(range){ concordInstance.editor.restoreSelection(range); } } root.data("change", stateBeforeChange); root.data("changeTextMode", textModeBeforeChange); root.data("changeRange", beforeRange); return true; } return false; }; this.visitLevel = function(cb){ var cursor = this.getCursor(); var op = this; cursor.children("ol").children().each(function(){ var subCursorContext = op.setCursorContext($(this)); cb(subCursorContext); }); return true; }; this.visitToSummit = function(cb){ var cursor = this.getCursor(); while(cb(this.setCursorContext(cursor))){ var parent = cursor.parents(".concord-node:first"); if(parent.length==1){ cursor=parent; }else{ break; } } return true; }; this.visitAll = function(cb){ var op = this; root.find(".concord-node").each(function(){ var subCursorContext = op.setCursorContext($(this)); var retVal = cb(subCursorContext); if((retVal!==undefined) && (retVal===false)){ return false; } }); }, this.wipe = function() { if(root.find(".concord-node").length > 0){ this.saveState(); } root.empty(); var node = concordInstance.editor.makeNode(); root.append(node); this.setTextMode(false); this.setCursor(node); this.markChanged(); }; this.xmlToOutline = function(xmlText, flSetFocus, flInsertRawHtml) { //2/22/14 by DW -- new param, flSetFocus. 9/18/20 by DW -- flInsertRawHtml if (flSetFocus == undefined) { //2/22/14 by DW flSetFocus = true; } var doc = null; if(typeof xmlText == "string") { doc = $($.parseXML(xmlText)); } else { doc = $(xmlText); } root.empty(); var title = ""; if(doc.find("title:first").length==1){ title = doc.find("title:first").text(); } this.setTitle(title); var headers = {}; doc.find("head").children().each(function(){ headers[$(this).prop("tagName")] = $(this).text(); }); root.data("head", headers); doc.find("body").children("outline").each(function() { root.append(concordInstance.editor.build($(this), true, undefined, flInsertRawHtml)); //9/18/20 by DW -- pass new flInsertRawHtml param }); root.data("changed", false); root.removeData("previousChange"); var expansionState = doc.find("expansionState"); if(expansionState && expansionState.text() && (expansionState.text()!="")){ var expansionStates = expansionState.text().split(/\s*,\s*/); var nodeId = 1; var cursor = root.find(".concord-node:first"); do { if(cursor) { if(expansionStates.indexOf(""+nodeId) >= 0){ cursor.removeClass("collapsed"); } nodeId++; }else{ break; } var next = null; if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if(!next) { next = this._walk_down(cursor); } cursor = next; } while(cursor!=null); } this.setTextMode(false); if (flSetFocus) { var lastCursor = doc.find ("lastCursor"); //8/5/14 by DW this.setCursor (root.find (".concord-node:first")); if (lastCursor && lastCursor.text () && (lastCursor.text () != "")) { //8/5/14 by DW var ix = parseInt (lastCursor.text ()); if (ix != NaN) { var cursor = this.getCursor (), flCursorMoved = false; for (var i = 1; i <= ix; i++) { var next = null; if (!cursor) { //1/15/24 by DW return; } if (!cursor.hasClass ("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children ("ol"); if (outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children (".concord-node:first"); if (firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if (!next) { next = this._walk_down (cursor); } cursor = next; flCursorMoved = true; } if (flCursorMoved) { this.setCursor (next); } } } } root.data("currentChange", root.children().clone(true, true)); return true; }; this.attributes = new ConcordOpAttributes(concordInstance, this.getCursor()); } function ConcordOpAttributes(concordInstance, cursor) { this._cssTextClassName = "cssTextClass"; this._cssTextClass = function(newValue){ if(newValue===undefined){ return; } var newCssClasses = newValue.split(/\s+/); var concordText = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper:first").children(".concord-text:first"); var currentCssClass = concordText.attr("class"); if(currentCssClass){ var cssClassesArray = currentCssClass.split(/\s+/); for(var i in cssClassesArray){ var className = cssClassesArray[i]; if(className.match(/^concord\-.+$/) == null){ concordText.removeClass(className); } } } for(var j in newCssClasses){ var newClass = newCssClasses[j]; concordText.addClass(newClass); } }; this.addGroup = function(attributes) { if(attributes["type"]){ cursor.attr("opml-type", attributes["type"]); } else { cursor.removeAttr("opml-type"); } this._cssTextClass(attributes[this._cssTextClassName]); var finalAttributes = this.getAll(); var iconAttribute = "type"; if(attributes["icon"]){ iconAttribute = "icon"; } for(var name in attributes){ finalAttributes[name] = attributes[name]; if(name==iconAttribute){ var value = attributes[name]; var wrapper = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper"); var iconName = null; if((name == "type") && concordInstance.prefs() && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]){ iconName = concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]; }else if (name=="icon"){ iconName = value; } if(iconName){ var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.children(".node-icon:first").replaceWith(icon); } } } cursor.data("attributes", finalAttributes); concordInstance.op.markChanged(); return finalAttributes; }; this.setGroup = function(attributes) { if(attributes[this._cssTextClassName]!==undefined){ this._cssTextClass(attributes[this._cssTextClassName]); } else { this._cssTextClass(""); } cursor.data("attributes", attributes); var wrapper = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper"); $(cursor[0].attributes).each(function() { var matches = this.name.match(/^opml-(.+)$/) if(matches) { var name = matches[1]; if(!attributes[name]) { cursor.removeAttr(this.name); } } }); var iconAttribute = "type"; if(attributes["icon"]){ iconAttribute = "icon"; } if(name=="type"){ cursor.attr("opml-" + name, attributes[name]); } for(var name in attributes) { if(name==iconAttribute){ var value = attributes[name]; var wrapper = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper"); var iconName = null; if((name == "type") && concordInstance.prefs() && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]){ iconName = concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]; }else if (name=="icon"){ iconName = value; } if(iconName){ var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.children(".node-icon:first").replaceWith(icon); } } } concordInstance.op.markChanged(); return attributes; }; this.getAll = function() { if(cursor.data("attributes") !== undefined){ return cursor.data("attributes"); } return {}; }; this.getOne = function(name) { return this.getAll()[name]; }; this.makeEmpty = function() { this._cssTextClass(""); var numAttributes = 0; var atts = this.getAll(); if(atts !== undefined){ for(var i in atts){ numAttributes++; } } cursor.removeData("attributes"); var removedAnyAttributes = (numAttributes > 0); var attributes = {}; $(cursor[0].attributes).each(function() { var matches = this.name.match(/^opml-(.+)$/) if(matches) { cursor.removeAttr(this.name); } }); if(removedAnyAttributes){ concordInstance.op.markChanged(); } return removedAnyAttributes; }; this.setOne = function(name, value) { if(name==this._cssTextClassName){ this._cssTextClass(value); } var atts = this.getAll(); atts[name]=value; cursor.data("attributes", atts); if((name=="type" )|| (name=="icon")){ cursor.attr("opml-" + name, value); var wrapper = cursor.children(".concord-wrapper"); var iconName = null; if((name == "type") && concordInstance.prefs() && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons && concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]){ iconName = concordInstance.prefs().typeIcons[value]; }else if (name=="icon"){ iconName = value; } if(iconName){ var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml (iconName); wrapper.children(".node-icon:first").replaceWith(icon); } } concordInstance.op.markChanged(); return true; }; this.exists = function(name){ if(this.getOne(name) !== undefined){ return true; }else{ return false; } }; this.removeOne = function(name){ if(this.getAll()[name]){ if(name == this._cssTextClassName){ this._cssTextClass(""); } delete this.getAll()[name]; concordInstance.op.markChanged(); return true; } return false; }; } function ConcordScript(root, concordInstance){ this.isComment = function(){ if(concordInstance.op.attributes.getOne("isComment")!== undefined){ return concordInstance.op.attributes.getOne("isComment")=="true"; } var parentIsAComment=false; concordInstance.op.getCursor().parents(".concord-node").each(function(){ if(concordInstance.op.setCursorContext($(this)).attributes.getOne("isComment") == "true"){ parentIsAComment = true; return; } }); return parentIsAComment; }; this.makeComment = function(){ concordInstance.op.attributes.setOne("isComment", "true"); concordInstance.op.getCursor().addClass("concord-comment"); return true; }; this.unComment = function(){ concordInstance.op.attributes.setOne("isComment", "false"); concordInstance.op.getCursor().removeClass("concord-comment"); return true; }; } function Op(opmltext){ var fakeDom = $("
                  "); fakeDom.concord().op.xmlToOutline(opmltext); return fakeDom.concord().op; } (function($) { $.fn.concord = function(options) { return new ConcordOutline($(this), options); }; $(document).on("keydown", function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if($(event.target).is("input")||$(event.target).is("textarea")){ return; } var focusRoot = concord.getFocusRoot(); if(focusRoot==null){ return; } var context = focusRoot; context.data("keydownEvent", event); var concordInstance = new ConcordOutline(context.parent()); var readonly = concordInstance.prefs()["readonly"]; if(readonly==undefined){ readonly=false; } // Readonly exceptions for arrow keys and cmd-comma if(readonly){ if( (event.which>=37) && (event.which <=40) ){ readonly = false; } else if( (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && (event.which==188) ){ readonly = false; } } if(!readonly){ var keystrokeString = ConcordUtil.getKeystroke (event); event.concord = { //2/17/20 by DW keystrokeString, flKeyCaptured: false }; concordInstance.fireCallback("opKeystroke", event); var keyCaptured = event.concord.flKeyCaptured; var commandKey = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey; switch (keystrokeString) { case "backspace": if (concord.mobile) { if((concordInstance.op.getLineText()=="") || (concordInstance.op.getLineText()=="
                  ")){ event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.deleteLine(); } } else { if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()) { if(!concordInstance.op.getCursor().hasClass("dirty")){ concordInstance.op.saveState(); concordInstance.op.getCursor().addClass("dirty"); } }else{ keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.deleteLine(); } } break; case "meta-backspace": //cmd-backspace -- 2/6/20 by DW function cmdBackspace () { var rightstring = concordInstance.op.getLineText (); if (concordInstance.op.countSubs () > 0) { //has subs return (false); } if (!concordInstance.op.go (up, 1)) { //it's the first line at the level, nothing to merge with return (false); } if (concordInstance.op.countSubs () > 0) { //has subs concordInstance.op.go (down, 1); return (false); } concordInstance.op.setLineText (concordInstance.op.getLineText () + rightstring); concordInstance.op.go (down, 1) concordInstance.op.deleteLine (); //moves cursor up before deleting return (true); } if (!cmdBackspace ()) { ConcordUtil.speakerBeep (); } break; case "tab": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if(event.shiftKey) { concordInstance.op.reorg(left) } else { concordInstance.op.reorg(right); } break; case "select-all": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ concordInstance.op.focusCursor(); document.execCommand('selectAll',false,null); }else{ concordInstance.editor.selectionMode(); cursor.parent().children().addClass("selected"); } break; case "reorg-up": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.reorg(up); break; case "reorg-down": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault (); concordInstance.op.reorg (down); break; case "reorg-left": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault (); concordInstance.op.reorg (left); break; case "reorg-right": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault (); concordInstance.op.reorg (right); break; case "promote": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.promote(); break; case "demote": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.demote(); break; case "return": if(concord.mobile){ //Mobile event.preventDefault(); keyCaptured=true; var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); var clonedCursor = cursor.clone(true, true); clonedCursor.removeClass("concord-cursor"); cursor.removeClass("selected"); cursor.removeClass("dirty"); cursor.removeClass("collapsed"); concordInstance.op.setLineText(""); var icon = ConcordUtil.getIconHtml ("caret-right"); cursor.children(".concord-wrapper").children(".node-icon").replaceWith(icon); clonedCursor.insertBefore(cursor); concordInstance.op.attributes.makeEmpty(); concordInstance.op.deleteSubs(); concordInstance.op.focusCursor(); concordInstance.fireCallback("opInsert", concordInstance.op.setCursorContext(cursor)); } else{ event.preventDefault(); keyCaptured=true; if(event.originalEvent && ((event.originalEvent.keyLocation && (event.originalEvent.keyLocation != 0)) || (event.originalEvent.location && (event.originalEvent.location != 0))) ){ concordInstance.op.setTextMode(!concordInstance.op.inTextMode()); }else{ var direction = down; if(concordInstance.op.subsExpanded()){ direction=right; } var node = concordInstance.op.insert("", direction); concordInstance.op.setTextMode(true); concordInstance.op.focusCursor(); } } break; case "meta-return": //cmd-return -- 2/6/20 by DW if (concordInstance.op.inTextMode ()) { if (concordInstance.op.countSubs () == 0) { //no subs function getCaretPosition (node) { var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); var preCaretRange = range.cloneRange(), caretPosition; var tmp = document.createElement("div"); preCaretRange.selectNodeContents(node); preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset); tmp.appendChild(preCaretRange.cloneContents()); caretPosition = tmp.innerHTML.length; return caretPosition; } var text = concordInstance.op.getCursor ().children (".concord-wrapper:first").children (".concord-text:first"); var ixcaret = getCaretPosition (text.get (0)); var linetext = concordInstance.op.getLineText (); var leftstring = ConcordUtil.stringMid (linetext, 1, ixcaret); var rightstring = ConcordUtil.stringDelete (linetext, 1, ixcaret); concordInstance.op.setLineText (leftstring); concordInstance.op.insert (rightstring, down); } else { console.log ("Can't split this headline because it has subs."); ConcordUtil.speakerBeep (); } } else { console.log ("Can't split this headline because you're not in text mode."); ConcordUtil.speakerBeep (); } break; case "cursor-left": var active = false; if($(event.target).hasClass("concord-text")) { if(event.target.selectionStart > 0) { active = false; } } if(context.find(".concord-cursor.selected").length == 1) { active = true; } if(active) { keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); var prev = concordInstance.op._walk_up(cursor); if(prev) { concordInstance.op.setCursor(prev); } } break; case "cursor-up": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); var prev = concordInstance.op._walk_up(cursor); if(prev) { concordInstance.op.setCursor(prev); } }else{ concordInstance.op.go(up,1,event.shiftKey, concordInstance.op.inTextMode()); } break; case "cursor-right": var active = false; if(context.find(".concord-cursor.selected").length == 1) { active = true; } if(active) { keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); var next = null; var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if(!next) { next = concordInstance.op._walk_down(cursor); } if(next) { concordInstance.op.setCursor(next); } } break; case "cursor-down": keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ var next = null; var cursor = concordInstance.op.getCursor(); if(!cursor.hasClass("collapsed")) { var outline = cursor.children("ol"); if(outline.length == 1) { var firstChild = outline.children(".concord-node:first"); if(firstChild.length == 1) { next = firstChild; } } } if(!next) { next = concordInstance.op._walk_down(cursor); } if(next) { concordInstance.op.setCursor(next); } }else{ concordInstance.op.go(down,1, event.shiftKey, concordInstance.op.inTextMode()); } break; case "delete": if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()) { if(!concordInstance.op.getCursor().hasClass("dirty")){ concordInstance.op.saveState(); concordInstance.op.getCursor().addClass("dirty"); } }else{ keyCaptured = true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.deleteLine(); } break; case "undo": keyCaptured=true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.undo(); break; case "cut": if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ if(concordInstance.op.getLineText()==""){ keyCaptured=true; event.preventDefault(); concordInstance.op.deleteLine(); } else { concordInstance.op.saveState(); } } break; case "copy": //problem! if(false&&commandKey){ if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()){ if(concordInstance.op.getLineText()!=""){ concordInstance.root.removeData("clipboard"); 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if(concordInstance.op.inTextMode()) { if(!node.hasClass("dirty")){ concordInstance.op.saveState(); } node.addClass("dirty"); } else { concordInstance.op.setTextMode(true); concordInstance.op.saveState(); concordInstance.editor.edit(node, true); node.addClass("dirty"); } concordInstance.op.markChanged(); } } } }); $(document).on("mouseup", function(event) { if(!concord.handleEvents){ return; } if($(".concord-root").length==0){ return; } if( $(event.target).is("a") || $(event.target).is("input") || $(event.target).is("textarea") || ($(event.target).parents("a:first").length==1) || $(event.target).hasClass("dropdown-menu") || ($(event.target).parents(".dropdown-menu:first").length>0)){ return; } var context = $(event.target).parents(".concord-root:first"); if(context.length == 0) { $(".concord-root").each(function() { var concordInstance = new ConcordOutline($(this).parent()); concordInstance.editor.hideContextMenu(); concordInstance.editor.dragModeExit(); }); var focusRoot = concord.getFocusRoot(); 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