# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 30.09.2012 $Author: michael $ $Revision: 1589 $ $Date: 2021-04-25 11:48:00 +0200 (Sun, 25 Apr 2021) $ $Id: FritzCallFBF.py 1589 2021-04-25 09:48:00Z michael $ ''' # C0111 (Missing docstring) # C0103 (Invalid name) # C0301 (line too long) # W0603 (global statement) # W0141 (map, filter, etc.) # W0110 lambda with map,filter # W0403 Relative import # W1401 Anomalous backslash in string # W0110 deprecated-lambda # C0302 too-many-lines # C0410 multiple-imports # E0611 No name %r in module %r # W1201 logging-not-lazy # pylint: disable=C0111,C0103,C0301,W0603,C0302,W0611,F0401,E0611,W1201 from __future__ import absolute_import import re import time import hashlib import logging import csv import json import six import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from io import StringIO from twisted.python.failure import Failure from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from six.moves import map, range from Tools import Notifications from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from twisted.web.client import getPage from enigma import eTimer #@UnresolvedImport from . import __ # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=W0611,F0401 try: from enigma import eMediaDatabase # @UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport except: from . import _ # @UnresolvedImport from .plugin import config, stripCbCPrefix, resolveNumberWithAvon, FBF_IN_CALLS, FBF_OUT_CALLS, FBF_MISSED_CALLS, FBF_BLOCKED_CALLS, decode #@UnresolvedImport from .nrzuname import html2unicode #@UnresolvedImport from .FritzConnection import FritzConnection #@UnresolvedImport FBF_boxInfo = 0 FBF_upTime = 1 FBF_ipAddress = 2 FBF_wlanState = 3 FBF_dslState = 4 FBF_tamActive = 5 FBF_dectActive = 6 FBF_faxActive = 7 FBF_rufumlActive = 8 USERAGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36" def resolveNumber(number, default=None, phonebook=None, debug=logging.debug): # debug("resolveNumber: %s, %s", number, default) if number.isdigit(): # debug("resolveNumber: %s, %s", number, default) if config.plugins.FritzCall.internal.value and len(number) > 3 and number[0] == "0": number = number[1:] # strip CbC prefix # debug("resolveNumber number: %s", number) number = stripCbCPrefix(number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number name = None if phonebook: # debug("resolveNumber search: %s, %s", number, default) name = phonebook.search(number, default) # debug("resolveNumber name: %s", name) if name: # # found = re.match(r'(.*?)\n.*', name) # if found: # name = found.group(1) # end = name.find('\n') if end != -1: name = name[:end] number = name elif default: number = default else: name = resolveNumberWithAvon(number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if name: number = number + ' ' + name elif number == "": number = _("UNKNOWN") # if len(number) > 20: number = number[:20] return number def cleanNumber(number): # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] " + number) number = re.sub("<.*?>", "", number) newNumber = (" ".join(re.findall(r"[+0-9*#ABCD]*", number))).replace(" ", "") if len(newNumber) == 0: return number else: number = newNumber if number[0] == '+': number = '00' + number[1:] elif number[0] != '0': number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number if config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value and number.startswith(config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value): number = '0' + number[len(config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value):] return number class FritzCallFBF(object): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCallFBF.old") debug = logger.debug def __init__(self): self.debug("") self._callScreen = None self._md5LoginTimestamp = None self._md5Sid = '0000000000000000' self._callTimestamp = 0 self._callList = [] self._callType = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) self.information = (None, None, None, None, None, [False, False, False, False, False, False], None, None, None, None) self.getInfo(None) self.blacklist = ([], []) self.readBlacklist() self.phonebook = None self._phoneBookID = 0 self.phonebooksFBF = [] def _notify(self, text): self.debug(text) self._md5LoginTimestamp = None if self._callScreen: self.debug("try to close callScreen") self._callScreen.close() self._callScreen = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _login(self, callback=None): self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login")) if self._md5LoginTimestamp and ((time.time() - self._md5LoginTimestamp) < float(9.5 * 60)) and self._md5Sid != '0000000000000000': # new login after 9.5 minutes inactivity self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] renew timestamp: " + time.ctime(self._md5LoginTimestamp) + " time: " + time.ctime()) self._md5LoginTimestamp = time.time() callback(None) else: self.debug("not logged in or outdated login") # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/login_sid.xml parms = urlencode({'getpage': '../html/login_sid.xml'}) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("'" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._md5Login(callback, x)).addErrback(lambda x: self._oldLogin(callback, x)) def _oldLogin(self, callback, error): self.debug(repr(error)) self._md5LoginTimestamp = None if self.password != "": parms = "login:command/password=%s" % self.password url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("'" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._gotPageLogin).addCallback(callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) elif callback: self.debug("no password, calling " + repr(callback)) callback(None) def _md5Login(self, callback, sidXml): def buildResponse(challenge, text): self.debug("_md5Login: challenge: " + challenge + ' text: ' + __(text)) text = (challenge + '-' + text).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-16-le') for i in range(len(text)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if ord(text[i]) > 255: text[i] = '.' md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(text) # pylint: disable=E1101 self.debug("md5Login: " + md5.hexdigest()) return challenge + '-' + md5.hexdigest() self.debug("") found = re.match(r'.*([^<]*)', sidXml, re.S) if found: self._md5Sid = found.group(1) self.debug("SID " + self._md5Sid) else: self.debug("no sid! That must be an old firmware.") self._oldLogin(callback, 'No error') return self.debug("renew timestamp: " + time.ctime(self._md5LoginTimestamp) + " time: " + time.ctime()) self._md5LoginTimestamp = time.time() if sidXml.find('0') != -1: self.debug("logging in") found = re.match(r'.*([^<]*)', sidXml, re.S) if found: challenge = found.group(1) self.debug("challenge " + challenge) else: challenge = None self.debug("login necessary and no challenge! That is terribly wrong.") parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', # 'var:pagename':'home', 'var:menu':'home', 'login:command/response': buildResponse(challenge, decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value)), }) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("'" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._gotPageLogin).addCallback(callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) elif callback: # we assume value 1 here, no login necessary self.debug("no login necessary") callback(None) def _gotPageLogin(self, html): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login verification")) self.debug("verify login") start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + html[start: html.find('

', start)] self._notify(text) else: if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login ok")) found = re.match(r'.*FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorLoad('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._notify('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'fonbuch', 'var:menu': 'fon', 'sid': self._md5Sid, 'telcfg:settings/Phonebook/Books/Select': self._phoneBookID, # this selects always the first phonbook first }) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("'" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._parseFritzBoxPhonebook).addErrback(self._errorLoad) def _parseFritzBoxPhonebook(self, html): # self.debug("") # first, let us get the charset found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: charset = found.group(1) self.debug("found charset: " + charset) html = html2unicode(html.replace(chr(0xf6), '').decode(charset)).encode('utf-8') else: # this is kind of emergency conversion... try: self.debug("try charset utf-8") charset = 'utf-8' html = html2unicode(html.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8') # this looks silly, but has to be except UnicodeDecodeError: self.debug("try charset iso-8859-1") charset = 'iso-8859-1' html = html2unicode(html.decode('iso-8859-1')).encode('utf-8') # this looks silly, but has to be # if re.search('document.write\(TrFon1\(\)', html): if html.find('document.write(TrFon1()') != -1: #=============================================================================== # New Style: 7270 (FW 54.04.58, 54.04.63-11941, 54.04.70, 54.04.74-14371, 54.04.76, PHONE Labor 54.04.80-16624) # 7170 (FW 29.04.70) 22.03.2009 # 7141 (FW 40.04.68) 22.03.2009 # We expect one line with # TrFonName(Entry umber, Name, ???, Path to picture) # followed by several lines with # TrFonNr(Type,Number,Shortcut,Vanity), which all belong to the name in TrFonName. # # Photo could be fetched with\s*', html, re.S) if found: phoneBookID = found.group(1) self.debug("found dreambox phonebook with id: " + phoneBookID) if self._phoneBookID != phoneBookID: self._phoneBookID = phoneBookID self.debug("reload phonebook") self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook(None) # reload with dreambox phonebook return entrymask = re.compile(r'(TrFonName\("[^"]+", "[^"]+", "[^"]*"(?:, "[^"]*")?\);.*?)document.write\(TrFon1\(\)', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for entry in entries: # TrFonName (id, name, category) found = re.match(r'TrFonName\("[^"]*", "([^"]+)", "[^"]*"(?:, "[^"]*")?\);', entry.group(1)) if found: # self.debug("name: %s" %found.group(1)) name = found.group(1).replace(',', '').strip() else: self.debug("could not find name") continue # TrFonNr (type, rufnr, code, vanity) detailmask = re.compile(r'TrFonNr\("([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)"\);', re.S) details = detailmask.finditer(entry.group(1)) for found in details: thisnumber = found.group(2).strip() if not thisnumber: self.debug("Ignoring entry with empty number for '''%s'''", __(name)) continue else: thisname = name callType = found.group(1) if config.plugins.FritzCall.showType.value: if callType == "mobile": thisname = thisname + " (" + _("mobile") + ")" elif callType == "home": thisname = thisname + " (" + _("home") + ")" elif callType == "work": thisname = thisname + " (" + _("work") + ")" if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and found.group(3): thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + found.group(3) if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and found.group(4): thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + found.group(4) thisnumber = cleanNumber(thisnumber) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: pass # self.debug("Ignoring '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (thisname.strip(), thisnumber)) else: # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (__(thisname.strip()), __(thisnumber, False))) self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = thisname # elif re.search('document.write\(TrFon\(', html): elif html.find('document.write(TrFon(') != -1: #=============================================================================== # Old Style: 7050 (FW 14.04.33) # We expect one line with TrFon(No,Name,Number,Shortcut,Vanity) # Encoding should be plain Ascii... #=============================================================================== entrymask = re.compile(r'TrFon\("[^"]*", "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)"\)', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for found in entries: name = found.group(1).strip().replace(',', '') # self.debug("pos: %s name: %s" %(found.group(0),name)) thisnumber = found.group(2).strip() if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and found.group(3): name = name + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + found.group(3) if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and found.group(4): name = name + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + found.group(4) if thisnumber: # name = name.encode('utf-8') # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: self.debug("Ignoring '''%s''' with '''%s'''", __(name), __(thisnumber)) else: # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (name, __(thisnumber))) self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = name else: self.debug("ignoring empty number for %s", name) continue elif self._md5Sid == '0000000000000000': # retry, it could be a race condition self.debug("retry loading phonebook") self.loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self.phonebook) else: self.debug("could not read FBF phonebook; wrong version?") self._notify(_("Could not read FRITZ!Box phonebook; wrong version?")) def _errorLoad(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): # # call sequence must be: # - login # - getPage -> _gotPageLogin # - loginCallback (_getCalls) # - getPage -> _getCalls1 self.debug("") self._callScreen = callScreen self._callType = callType if (time.time() - self._callTimestamp) > 180: self.debug("outdated data, login and get new ones: " + time.ctime(self._callTimestamp) + " time: " + time.ctime()) self._callTimestamp = time.time() self._login(lambda x: self._getCalls(callback, x)) elif not self._callList: self.debug("time is ok, but no callList") self._getCalls1(callback) else: self.debug("time is ok, callList is ok") self._gotPageCalls(callback) def _getCalls(self, callback, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorCalls('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._notify('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return # # we need this to fill Anrufliste.csv # http://repeater1/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:menu=fon&var:pagename=foncalls # self.debug("") if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s") + found.group(1) # self._notify(text) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._notify(_("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s") + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("preparing")) parms = urlencode({'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'foncalls', 'var:menu': 'fon', 'sid': self._md5Sid}) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm?%s" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, parms) getPage(url).addCallback(lambda x: self._getCalls1(callback)).addErrback(self._errorCalls) # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 def _getCalls1(self, callback): # # finally we should have successfully lgged in and filled the csv # self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("finishing")) parms = urlencode({'getpage': '../html/de/FRITZ!Box_Anrufliste.csv', 'sid': self._md5Sid}) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm?%s" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, parms) getPage(url).addCallback(lambda x: self._gotPageCalls(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorCalls) def _gotPageCalls(self, callback, csvIn=""): if csvIn: self.debug("got csv, setting callList") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("done")) if csvIn.find('Melden Sie sich mit dem Kennwort der FRITZ!Box an') != -1: text = _("You need to set the password of the FRITZ!Box\nin the configuration dialog to display calls\n\nIt could be a communication issue, just try again.") # self.session.open(MessageBox, text, MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) self._notify(text) return csvIn = csvIn.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace').encode('utf-8', 'replace') lines = csvIn.splitlines() self._callList = lines elif self._callList: self.debug("got no csv, but have callList") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("done, using last list")) lines = self._callList else: self.debug("Could not get call list; wrong version?") self._notify(_("Could not get call list; wrong version?")) return callListL = [] if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: filtermsns = [x.strip() for x in config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",")] self.debug("filtermsns %s", repr(list(map(__, filtermsns)))) # Typ;Datum;Name;Rufnummer;Nebenstelle;Eigene Rufnummer;Dauer # 0 ;1 ;2 ;3 ;4 ;5 ;6 lines = [line.split(';') for line in lines] lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) == 7 and (line[0] == "Typ" or self._callType == '.' or line[0] == self._callType)] # lines = filter(lambda line: (len(line) == 7 and (line[0] == "Typ" or self._callType == '.' or line[0] == self._callType)), lines) for line in lines: # self.debug("line %s" % (line)) direct = line[0] date = line[1] length = line[6] if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value and line[2]: remote = resolveNumber(line[3], line[2] + " (FBF)", self.phonebook) else: remote = resolveNumber(line[3], line[2], self.phonebook) here = line[5] start = here.find('Internet: ') if start != -1: start += len('Internet: ') here = here[start:] else: here = line[5] if direct != "Typ" and config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: # self.debug("check %s" % (here)) if here not in filtermsns: # self.debug("skip %s" % (here)) continue here = resolveNumber(here, line[4], self.phonebook) number = stripCbCPrefix(line[3], config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number callListL.append((number, date, direct, remote, length, here)) if callback: # self.debug("call callback with\n" + repr(callListL)) callback(callListL) self._callScreen = None def _errorCalls(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Could not load calls: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def dial(self, number): ''' initiate a call to number ''' self._login(lambda x: self._dial(number, x)) def _dial(self, number, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorDial('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorDial('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:pagename': 'fonbuch', 'var:menu': 'home', 'telcfg:settings/UseClickToDial': '1', 'telcfg:settings/DialPort': config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value, 'telcfg:command/Dial': number, 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okDial).addErrback(self._errorDial) def _okDial(self, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") def _errorDial(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Dialling failed: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback): ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("") if not statusWLAN or (statusWLAN != '1' and statusWLAN != '0'): return self._login(lambda x: self._changeWLAN(statusWLAN, callback, x)) def _changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorChangeWLAN('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorChangeWLAN(callback, 'Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'wlan', 'var:menu': 'wlan', 'wlan:settings/ap_enabled': str(statusWLAN), 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeWLAN, callback).addErrback(self._errorChangeWLAN, callback) def _okChangeWLAN(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") callback() def _errorChangeWLAN(self, callback, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing WLAN: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) callback() def changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, callback): ''' switch mailbox on/off ''' self.debug("start: " + str(whichMailbox)) self._login(lambda x: self._changeMailbox(whichMailbox, callback, x)) def _changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, callback, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorChangeMailbox('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorChangeMailbox(callback, 'Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return self.debug("") url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value if whichMailbox == -1: for i in range(5): if self.information[FBF_tamActive][i + 1]: state = '0' else: state = '1' parms = urlencode({ 'tam:settings/TAM' + str(i) + '/Active': state, 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeMailbox, callback).addErrback(self._errorChangeMailbox, callback) elif whichMailbox > 4: self.debug("invalid mailbox number") else: if self.information[FBF_tamActive][whichMailbox + 1]: state = '0' else: state = '1' parms = urlencode({ 'tam:settings/TAM' + str(whichMailbox) + '/Active': state, 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeMailbox, callback).addErrback(self._errorChangeMailbox, callback) def _okChangeMailbox(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") callback() def _errorChangeMailbox(self, callback, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing Mailbox: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) callback() def getInfo(self, callback): ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("") self._login(lambda x: self._getInfo(callback, x)) def _getInfo(self, callback, html): # self.debug("verify login") if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorGetInfo('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorGetInfo('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'home', 'var:menu': 'home', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okGetInfo(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) def _okGetInfo(self, callback, html): def readInfo(html): if self.information: (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information else: (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) self.debug("_okGetInfo") found = re.match(r'.*\s*\s*\s*', html, re.S) if found: boxInfo = found.group(1) + '\n' + found.group(2) boxInfo = boxInfo.replace(' ', ' ') # self.debug("Boxinfo: " + boxInfo) else: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("Boxinfo: " + found.group(1)) boxInfo = found.group(1) if html.find('home_coninf.txt') != -1: url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/home/home_coninf.txt', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) # self.debug("get coninfo: url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okSetConInfo(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) else: found = re.match(r'.*if \(isNaN\(jetzt\)\)\s*return "";\s*var str = "([^"]*)";', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("Uptime: " + found.group(1)) upTime = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*str = g_pppSeit \+"([^<]*)
"\+mldIpAdr;', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("Uptime: " + found.group(1)) upTime = found.group(1) found = re.match(r".*IpAdrDisplay\('([.\d]+)'\)", html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("IpAdrDisplay: " + found.group(1)) ipAddress = found.group(1) if html.find('g_tamActive') != -1: entries = re.compile(r'if \("(\d)" == "1"\) {\s*g_tamActive \+= 1;\s*}', re.S).finditer(html) tamActive = [0, False, False, False, False, False] i = 1 for entry in entries: state = entry.group(1) if state == '1': tamActive[0] += 1 tamActive[i] = True i += 1 # self.debug("tamActive: " + str(tamActive)) if html.find('home_dect.txt') != -1: url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/home/home_dect.txt', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) # self.debug("get coninfo: url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okSetDect(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) else: if html.find('countDect2') != -1: entries = re.compile(r'if \("1" == "1"\) countDect2\+\+;', re.S).findall(html) dectActive = len(entries) # self.debug("dectActive: " + str(dectActive)) found = re.match(r'.*var g_intFaxActive = "0";\s*if \("1" != ""\) {\s*g_intFaxActive = "1";\s*}\s*', html, re.S) if found: faxActive = True # self.debug("faxActive") if html.find('cntRufumleitung') != -1: entries = re.compile(r'mode = "1";\s*ziel = "[^"]+";\s*if \(mode == "1" \|\| ziel != ""\)\s*{\s*g_RufumleitungAktiv = true;', re.S).findall(html) rufumlActive = len(entries) entries = re.compile(r'if \("([^"]*)"=="([^"]*)"\) isAllIncoming\+\+;', re.S).finditer(html) isAllIncoming = 0 for entry in entries: # self.debug("rufumlActive add isAllIncoming") if entry.group(1) == entry.group(2): isAllIncoming += 1 if isAllIncoming == 2 and rufumlActive > 0: rufumlActive -= 1 # self.debug("rufumlActive: " + str(rufumlActive)) # /cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/home/home_dsl.txt # alternative through: fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:menu=internet&var:pagename=overview # { "dsl_carrier_state": "5", "umts_enabled": "0", "ata_mode": "0", "isusbgsm": "", "dsl_ds_nrate": "3130", "dsl_us_nrate": "448", "hint_dsl_no_cable": "0", "wds_enabled": "0", "wds_hop": "0", "isata": "" } if html.find('home_dsl.txt') != -1: url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/home/home_dsl.txt', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) # self.debug("get dsl state: url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okSetDslState(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) else: found = re.match(r'.*function DslStateDisplay \(state\){\s*var state = "(\d+)";', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("DslState: " + found.group(1)) dslState = [found.group(1), None, None] # state, speed found = re.match(r'.*function DslStateDisplay \(state\){\s*var state = "\d+";.*?if \("3130" != "0"\) str = "([^"]*)";', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("DslSpeed: " + found.group(1).strip()) dslState[1] = found.group(1).strip() # /cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/home/home_wlan.txt # { "ap_enabled": "1", "active_stations": "0", "encryption": "4", "wireless_stickandsurf_enabled": "0", "is_macfilter_active": "0", "wmm_enabled": "1", "wlan_state": [ "end" ] } if html.find('home_wlan.txt') != -1: url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/home/home_wlan.txt', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) # self.debug("get wlan state: url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okSetWlanState(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) else: found = re.match(r'.*function WlanStateLed \(state\){.*?return StateLed\("(\d+)"\);\s*}', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("WlanState: " + found.group(1)) wlanState = [found.group(1), 0, 0] # state, encryption, number of devices found = re.match(r'.*var (?:g_)?encryption = "(\d+)";', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("WlanEncrypt: " + found.group(1)) wlanState[1] = found.group(1) return (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("") info = readInfo(html) self.debug("information: " + str(info)) self.information = info if callback: callback(info) def _okSetDect(self, callback, html): # self.debug(html) # found = re.match(r'.*"connection_status":"(\d+)".*"connection_ip":"([.\d]+)".*"connection_detail":"([^"]+)".*"connection_uptime":"([^"]+)"', html, re.S) if html.find('"dect_enabled": "1"') != -1: # self.debug("dect_enabled") found = re.match(r'.*"dect_device_list":.*\[([^\]]*)\]', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("dect_device_list: %s" %(found.group(1))) entries = re.compile(r'"1"', re.S).findall(found.group(1)) dectActive = len(entries) (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dummy, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information self.information = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("information: " + str(self.information)) if callback: callback(self.information) def _okSetConInfo(self, callback, html): # self.debug(html) # found = re.match(r'.*"connection_status":"(\d+)".*"connection_ip":"([.\d]+)".*"connection_detail":"([^"]+)".*"connection_uptime":"([^"]+)"', html, re.S) found = re.match(r'.*"connection_ip": "([.\d]+)".*"connection_uptime": "([^"]+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("connection_ip: %s upTime: %s" %( found.group(1), found.group(2))) ipAddress = found.group(1) upTime = found.group(2) (boxInfo, dummy, dummy, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information self.information = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] _okSetWlanState information: " + str(self.information)) else: found = re.match(r'.*_ip": "([.\d]+)".*"connection_uptime": "([^"]+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("_ip: %s upTime: %s" %( found.group(1), found.group(2))) ipAddress = found.group(1) upTime = found.group(2) (boxInfo, dummy, dummy, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information self.information = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("information: " + str(self.information)) if callback: callback(self.information) def _okSetWlanState(self, callback, html): # self.debug(html) found = re.match(r'.*"ap_enabled": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("ap_enabled: " + found.group(1)) wlanState = [found.group(1), None, None] found = re.match(r'.*"encryption": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("encryption: " + found.group(1)) wlanState[1] = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'.*"active_stations": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("active_stations: " + found.group(1)) wlanState[2] = found.group(1) (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, dummy, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information self.information = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("information: " + str(self.information)) if callback: callback(self.information) def _okSetDslState(self, callback, html): # self.debug(html) found = re.match(r'.*"dsl_carrier_state": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("dsl_carrier_state: " + found.group(1)) dslState = [found.group(1), "", None] found = re.match(r'.*"dsl_ds_nrate": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("dsl_ds_nrate: " + found.group(1)) dslState[1] = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'.*"dsl_us_nrate": "(\d+)"', html, re.S) if found: # self.debug("dsl_us_nrate: " + found.group(1)) dslState[1] = dslState[1] + '/' + found.group(1) (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dummy, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information self.information = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("information: " + str(self.information)) if callback: callback(self.information) def _errorGetInfo(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting status: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_errorGetInfo.htm", "w") # linkP.write(error) # linkP.close() def reset(self): self._login(self._reset) def _reset(self, html): # POSTDATA=getpage=../html/reboot.html&errorpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:errorpagename=home&var:menu=home&var:pagemaster=&time:settings/time=1242207340%2C-120&var:tabReset=0&logic:command/reboot=../gateway/commands/saveconfig.html if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorReset('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorReset('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.close() url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/reboot.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'reset', 'var:menu': 'system', 'logic:command/reboot': '../gateway/commands/saveconfig.html', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms) def _okReset(self, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") def _errorReset(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error resetting: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def readBlacklist(self): self._login(self._readBlacklist) def _readBlacklist(self, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorBlacklist('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorBlacklist('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:menu=fon&var:pagename=sperre url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'sperre', 'var:menu': 'fon', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okBlacklist).addErrback(self._errorBlacklist) def _okBlacklist(self, html): self.debug("") entries = re.compile(r'', re.S).finditer(html) self.blacklist = ([], []) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "In": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) self.debug(repr(self.blacklist)) def _errorBlacklist(self, error): self.debug(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting blacklist: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) class FritzCallFBF_05_27(object): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall.FBF_05_27") debug = logger.debug def __init__(self): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] __init__") self._callScreen = None self._md5LoginTimestamp = None self._md5Sid = '0000000000000000' self._callTimestamp = 0 self._callList = [] self._callType = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) self._phoneBookID = '0' self._loginCallbacks = [] self.blacklist = ([], []) self.information = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) # (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, guestAccess) self.phonebook = None self.getInfo(None) # self.readBlacklist() now in getInfo self.phonebooksFBF = [] def _notify(self, text): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] notify: " + text) self._md5LoginTimestamp = None if self._callScreen: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] notify: try to close callScreen") self._callScreen.close() self._callScreen = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _login(self, callback=None): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: " + time.ctime()) if callback: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: add callback " + callback.__name__) if self._loginCallbacks: # if login in process just add callback to _loginCallbacks self._loginCallbacks.append(callback) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: login in progress: leave") return else: self._loginCallbacks.append(callback) if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login")) if self._md5LoginTimestamp and ((time.time() - self._md5LoginTimestamp) < float(9.5 * 60)) and self._md5Sid != '0000000000000000': # new login after 9.5 minutes inactivity self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: renew timestamp: " + time.ctime(self._md5LoginTimestamp) + " time: " + time.ctime()) self._md5LoginTimestamp = time.time() for callback in self._loginCallbacks: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: calling " + callback.__name__) callback(None) self._loginCallbacks = [] else: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: not logged in or outdated login") # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/login_sid.xml parms = urlencode({'getpage': '../html/login_sid.xml'}) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _login: '" + url + "?" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._md5Login).addErrback(self._errorLogin) def _md5Login(self, sidXml): def buildResponse(challenge, text): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login7buildResponse: challenge: " + challenge + ' text: ' + __(text)) text = (challenge + '-' + text).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-16-le') for i in range(len(text)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if ord(text[i]) > 255: text[i] = '.' md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(text) # pylint: disable=e1101 self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] md5Login/buildResponse: " + md5.hexdigest()) return challenge + '-' + md5.hexdigest() self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login") found = re.match(r'.*([^<]*)', sidXml, re.S) if found: self._md5Sid = found.group(1) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: SID " + self._md5Sid) else: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: no sid! That must be an old firmware.") self._errorLogin('No sid?!?') return self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: renew timestamp: " + time.ctime(self._md5LoginTimestamp) + " time: " + time.ctime()) self._md5LoginTimestamp = time.time() if sidXml.find('0') != -1: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: logging in") found = re.match(r'.*([^<]*)', sidXml, re.S) if found: challenge = found.group(1) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: challenge " + challenge) else: challenge = None self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: login necessary and no challenge! That is terribly wrong.") parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', # 'var:pagename':'home', 'var:menu':'home', 'login:command/response': buildResponse(challenge, self.password), }) url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: '" + url + "?" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._gotPageLogin).addErrback(self._errorLogin) else: for callback in self._loginCallbacks: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _md5Login: calling " + callback.__name__) callback(None) self._loginCallbacks = [] def _gotPageLogin(self, html): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login verification")) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageLogin: verify login") start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + html[start: html.find('

', start)] self._notify(text) else: if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login ok")) found = re.match(r'.*FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorLoad('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return # look for phonebook called dreambox or Dreambox parms = urlencode({ 'sid': self._md5Sid, }) url = "http://%s/fon_num/fonbook_select.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _selectPhonebook: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook).addErrback(self._errorLoad) def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, html): # Firmware 05.27 onwards # look for phonebook called [dD]reambox and get bookid found = re.match(r'.* entrymask = re.compile(r'', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for found in entries: # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _parseFritzBoxPhonebookNew: processing entry for '''%s'''" % (found.group(1))) name = found.group(1) thisnumbers = found.group(2).split("
") thistypes = found.group(3).split("
") thiscodes = found.group(4).split("
") thisvanitys = found.group(5).split("
") for i in range(len(thisnumbers)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= thisnumber = cleanNumber(thisnumbers[i]) if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] Ignoring '''%s''' with '''%s''' from FRITZ!Box Phonebook!", name, __(thisnumber)) continue if not thisnumbers[i]: self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _parseFritzBoxPhonebookNew: Ignoring entry with empty number for '''%s'''", name) continue else: thisname = name if config.plugins.FritzCall.showType.value and thistypes[i]: thisname = thisname + " (" + thistypes[i] + ")" if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and thiscodes[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + thiscodes[i] if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and thisvanitys[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + thisvanitys[i] # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _parseFritzBoxPhonebookNew: Adding '''%s''' with '''%s''' from FRITZ!Box Phonebook!" % (thisname.strip(), thisnumber)) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = thisname else: self._notify(_("Could not parse FRITZ!Box Phonebook entry")) def _errorLoad(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorLoad: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): # # FW 05.27 onwards # self._callScreen = callScreen self._callType = callType self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _getCalls1New") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("finishing")) # parms = urlencode({'sid': self._md5Sid}) url = "http://%s/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?%s" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, parms) getPage(url).addCallback(lambda x: self._gotPageCalls(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorCalls) def _gotPageCalls(self, callback, html=""): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCalls") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("preparing")) callListL = [] if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: filtermsns = [x.strip() for x in config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",")] self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCalls: filtermsns %s", repr(list(map(__, filtermsns)))) #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_Calllist.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= # 1: direct; 2: date; 3: Rufnummer; 4: Name; 5: Nebenstelle; 6: Eigene Rufnumme lang; 7: Eigene Rufnummer; 8: Dauer entrymask = re.compile(r'\s*\s*]+)?(?:]*>)?([^<]*)(?:)?\s*\s*\s*', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for found in entries: if found.group(1) == "call_in": direct = FBF_IN_CALLS elif found.group(1) == "call_out": direct = FBF_OUT_CALLS elif found.group(1) == "call_in_fail": direct = FBF_MISSED_CALLS # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: direct: " + direct) if direct != self._callType and self._callType != ".": continue date = found.group(2) # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: date: " + date) length = found.group(8) # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: len: " + length) remote = found.group(4) if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value: if remote and not remote.isdigit(): remote = resolveNumber(found.group(3), remote + " (FBF)", self.phonebook) else: remote = resolveNumber(found.group(3), "", self.phonebook) # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: remote. " + remote) here = found.group(7) #=================================================================== # start = here.find('Internet: ') # if start != -1: # start += len('Internet: ') # here = here[start:] # else: # here = line[5] #=================================================================== if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCalls: check %s" % (here)) if here not in filtermsns: # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCalls: skip %s" % (here)) continue here = resolveNumber(here, found.group(6), self.phonebook) # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: here: " + here) number = stripCbCPrefix(found.group(3), config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: number: " + number) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCallsNew: append: %s", repr((number, date, direct, remote, length, here))) callListL.append((number, date, direct, remote, length, here)) if callback: # self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _gotPageCalls call callback with\n" + text callback(callListL) self._callScreen = None def _errorCalls(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorCalls: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Could not load calls: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def dial(self, number): ''' initiate a call to number ''' self._login(lambda x: self._dial(number, x)) def _dial(self, number, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorDial('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorDial('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:pagename': 'fonbuch', 'var:menu': 'home', 'telcfg:settings/UseClickToDial': '1', 'telcfg:settings/DialPort': config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value, 'telcfg:command/Dial': number, 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] dial url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okDial).addErrback(self._errorDial) def _okDial(self, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] okDial") def _errorDial(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] errorDial: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Dialling failed: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] changeWLAN start") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) return def _changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback, html): if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorChangeWLAN('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorChangeWLAN(callback, 'Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return if statusWLAN == '0': statusWLAN = 'off' else: statusWLAN = 'off' url = "http://%s//wlan/wlan_settings.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'active': str(statusWLAN), 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] changeWLAN url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeWLAN, callback).addErrback(self._errorChangeWLAN, callback) def _okChangeWLAN(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] _okChangeWLAN") callback() def _errorChangeWLAN(self, callback, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF] _errorChangeWLAN: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing WLAN: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) callback() def changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' switch mailbox on/off ''' self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] changeMailbox start: " + str(whichMailbox)) Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, html): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 return def _okChangeMailbox(self, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okChangeMailbox") def _errorChangeMailbox(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorChangeMailbox: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing Mailbox: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def getInfo(self, callback): ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] getInfo") self._login(lambda x: self._getInfo(callback, x)) def _getInfo(self, callback, html): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _getInfo: verify login") if html: start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorGetInfo('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return self._readBlacklist() url = "http://%s/home/home.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _getInfo url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okGetInfo(callback, x)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo) def _okGetInfo(self, callback, html): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallInfo.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= if self.information: (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = self.information else: (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: boxInfo = found.group(1) + '\n' + found.group(2) + found.group(3) boxInfo = boxInfo.replace(' ', ' ') self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo Boxinfo: " + boxInfo) found = re.match(r'.*
verbunden seit ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo upTime: " + upTime) found = re.match(r'.*IP-Adresse: ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo ipAddress: " + ipAddress) # wlanstate = [ active, encrypted, no of devices ] found = re.match(r'.*
', html, re.S) if found: if found.group(1) == "led_green": if found.group(2): wlanState = ['1', '1', ''] else: wlanState = ['1', '0', ''] else: wlanState = ['0', '0', '0'] self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo wlanState: " + repr(wlanState)) found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: dslState[1] = found.group(1) + "/" + found.group(2) else: dslState = ['0', None, None] self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo dslState: " + repr(dslState)) found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: # found.group(2) could be ', neue Nachrichten vorhanden'; ignore for now tamActive = [found.group(1), False, False, False, False, False] self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo tamActive: " + repr(tamActive)) found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: faxActive = True self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo faxActive: " + repr(faxActive)) found = re.match(r'.* ', html, re.S) if found: rufumlActive = False else: rufumlActive = True self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo rufumlActive: " + repr(rufumlActive)) info = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo information: " + str(info)) self.information = info if callback: callback(info) def _okSetDect(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 return def _okSetConInfo(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 return def _okSetWlanState(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 return def _okSetDslState(self, callback, html): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 return def _errorGetInfo(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorGetInfo: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting status: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) return def reset(self): self._login(self._reset) def _reset(self, html): # POSTDATA=getpage=../html/reboot.html&errorpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=home&var:errorpagename=home&var:menu=home&var:pagemaster=&time:settings/time=1242207340%2C-120&var:tabReset=0&logic:command/reboot=../gateway/commands/saveconfig.html if html: #=================================================================== # found = re.match(r'.*

FEHLER: ([^<]*)

', html, re.S) # if found: # self._errorReset('Login: ' + found.group(1)) # return #=================================================================== start = html.find('

FEHLER: ') if start != -1: start = start + len('

FEHLER: ') self._errorReset('Login: ' + html[start, html.find('

', start)]) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.close() url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/reboot.html', 'var:lang': 'de', 'var:pagename': 'reset', 'var:menu': 'system', 'logic:command/reboot': '../gateway/commands/saveconfig.html', 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _reset url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms) def _okReset(self, html): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okReset") def _errorReset(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorReset: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error resetting: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def _readBlacklist(self): # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:menu=fon&var:pagename=sperre url = "http://%s/fon_num/sperre.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': self._md5Sid }) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _readBlacklist url: '" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'") getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okBlacklist).addErrback(self._errorBlacklist) def _okBlacklist(self, html): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okBlacklist") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallBlacklist.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= entries = re.compile(r'(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for found in entries: # self.info("processing entry for '''%s'''" % repr(found.groups())) name = html2unicode(re.sub(",", "", found.group(1))) thisnumbers = found.group(2).split("
") thistypes = found.group(3).split("
") thiscodes = found.group(4).split("
") thisvanitys = found.group(5).split("
") for i in range(len(thisnumbers)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if len(thisnumbers[i]) == 0: continue thisnumber = cleanNumber(thisnumbers[i]) if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: # self.debug("Ignoring '%s' ('%s') with %s' ( have: '%s')" % (name, thistypes[i], __(thisnumber), self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber])) continue if not thisnumbers[i]: # self.debug("Ignoring entry with empty number for '''%s'''" % (__(name))) continue else: thisname = name.decode('utf-8') if config.plugins.FritzCall.showType.value and thistypes[i]: thisname = thisname + " (" + thistypes[i].decode('utf-8') + ")" if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and thiscodes[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + thiscodes[i] if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and thisvanitys[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + thisvanitys[i] # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (__(thisname.strip()), __(thisnumber, False))) # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (thisname.strip(), thisnumber)) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = thisname.encode('utf-8') else: self._notify(_("Could not parse FRITZ!Box Phonebook entry")) self._logout(md5Sid, "_parseFritzBoxPhonebook") def _errorLoad(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorLoad") def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): # # FW 05.27 onwards # self.debug("") self._callScreen = callScreen self._callType = callType self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._getCalls(callback, md5Sid)) def _getCalls(self, callback, md5Sid): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("preparing")) # besser csv mit: https://fritz.box/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?sid=dea373c2d0257a41&csv= parms = urlencode({'sid': md5Sid, 'csv': ''}) url = "http://%s/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?%s" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, parms) getPage(url).addCallback(lambda x: self._gotPageCalls(callback, x, md5Sid)).addErrback(self._errorCalls, md5Sid) def _gotPageCalls(self, callback, csvString="", md5Sid=""): self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("finishing")) callListL = [] if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: filtermsns = [x.strip() for x in config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",")] self.info("filtermsns %s", repr(list(map(__, filtermsns)))) else: filtermsns = None #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCalls.csv", "w") # linkP.write(csvString) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= # 0: direct; 1: date; 2: Name; 3: Nummer; 4: Nebenstelle; 5: Eigene Rufnumme; 6: Dauer calls = csv.reader(StringIO(csvString), delimiter=';') next(calls) # skip sep next(calls) # skip header line for call in calls: if len(call) != 7: self.warning("skip %s len: %s", repr(call), str(len(call))) continue direct = call[0] if direct == '1': direct = FBF_IN_CALLS elif direct == '4': direct = FBF_OUT_CALLS elif direct == '2': direct = FBF_MISSED_CALLS elif direct == '3': direct = FBF_BLOCKED_CALLS if self._callType != '.' and self._callType != direct: continue date = call[1] length = call[6] here = call[5] start = here.find('Internet: ') if start != -1: start += len('Internet: ') here = here[start:] if filtermsns and here not in filtermsns: # self.debug("skip %s" % (here)) continue if call[4]: here = resolveNumber(here, call[4] + " (" + here + ")", self.phonebook) else: here = resolveNumber(here, "", self.phonebook) # self.debug("here: " + here) number = stripCbCPrefix(call[3], config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number # self.debug("number: " + number) found = re.match(r"\d+ \((\d+)\)", call[2]) if found: remote = resolveNumber(number, resolveNumber(found.group(1), None, self.phonebook), self.phonebook) else: remote = resolveNumber(number, re.sub(",", "", call[2]), self.phonebook) # self.debug("remote. " + remote) # self.debug("append: %s" % repr((__(number, False), date, direct, __(remote), length, __(here)))) # self.debug("append: %s" % repr((number, date, direct, remote, length, here))) callListL.append((number, date, direct, remote, length, here)) if callback: # self.debug("call callback with\n" + text callback(callListL) self._callScreen = None self._logout(md5Sid, "_gotPageCalls") def _errorCalls(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Could not load calls: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorCalls") def dial(self, number): ''' initiate a call to number ''' self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._dial(number, md5Sid)) def _dial(self, number, md5Sid): url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'getpage': '../html/de/menus/menu2.html', 'var:pagename': 'fonbuch', 'var:menu': 'home', 'telcfg:settings/UseClickToDial': '1', 'telcfg:settings/DialPort': config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value, 'telcfg:command/Dial': number, 'sid': md5Sid }) self.info("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okDial, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorDial, md5Sid) def _okDial(self, html, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okDial") def _errorDial(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Dialling failed: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorDial") def changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback): ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("") #======================================================================= # Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) # return #======================================================================= if not statusWLAN or (statusWLAN != '1' and statusWLAN != '0'): return self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._changeWLAN(statusWLAN, callback, md5Sid)) def _changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback, md5Sid): if statusWLAN == '0': parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'apply': '', 'cancel': '', 'btn_refresh': '' }) else: parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'active': 'on', 'active_24': 'on', 'active_5': 'on', 'hidden_ssid': 'on', 'apply': '', 'cancel': '', 'btn_refresh': '' }) url = "http://%s//wlan/wlan_settings.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeWLAN, callback, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorChangeWLAN, md5Sid) def _okChangeWLAN(self, html, callback, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) callback() self._logout(md5Sid, "_okChangeWLAN") def _errorChangeWLAN(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing WLAN: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorChangeWLAN") def changeGuestAccess(self, statusGuestAccess, callback): self.debug("") # if not statusGuestAccess: # return self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._changeGuestAccessWLAN(statusGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid)) def _changeGuestAccessWLAN(self, statusGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid): parms = { 'sid': md5Sid, 'autoupdate': 'on', 'btnSave': '', 'btnChancel': '' } if statusGuestAccess.find('WLAN') != -1: parms.update({ 'print': '', }) else: parms.update({ 'activate_guest_access': 'on', 'guest_ssid': config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSSID.value, 'disconnect_guest_access': 'on', }) if config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime.value: parms.update({ 'down_time_activ': 'on', 'down_time_value': config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime.value, 'disconnect_guest_access': 'on', }) if config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSecure.value: parms.update({ 'sec_mode': '4', 'wpa_key': self.guestPassword, }) else: parms.update({ 'sec_mode': '5', }) parms = urlencode(parms) url = "http://%s/wlan/guest_access.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorChangeGuestAccess, md5Sid) def _okChangeGuestAccess(self, html, callback, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) callback() self._logout(md5Sid, "_okChangeGuestAccess") def _errorChangeGuestAccess(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing GuestAccess: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorChangeGuestAccess") def changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' switch mailbox on/off ''' self.debug("start: " + str(whichMailbox)) Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def getInfo(self, callback): ''' get status information from FBF ''' self.debug("") self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._getInfo(callback, md5Sid)) def _getInfo(self, callback, md5Sid): self.debug("verify login") self._login(self._readBlacklist) url = "http://%s/home/home.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okGetInfo(callback, x, md5Sid)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo, md5Sid) def _okGetInfo(self, callback, html, md5Sid): self.debug("") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallInfo.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 found = re.match(r'.*
([^<]*) ([^<]*)([^<]*)
WLAN(aus|an)(|, gesichert)
', html, re.S) if found: if found.group(1) == "led_green": dslState = ['5', None, None] found = re.match(r'.*DSLbereit, ([^<]*) ([^<]*)
Anrufbeantworter([\d]+) aktiv([^<]*)
DECTan, (ein|\d*) Schnurlostelefon', html, re.S) if found: dectActive = found.group(1) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okGetInfo dectActive: " + repr(dectActive)) found = re.match(r'.*Integriertes Fax aktiv
([\d]+)', re.S).finditer(html) self.blacklist = ([], []) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _okBlacklist: %s", repr(self.blacklist)) def _errorBlacklist(self, error): self.debug("[FritzCallFBF_05_27] _errorBlacklist: %s", error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting blacklist: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) class FritzCallFBF_05_50(object): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall.FBF_05_50") debug = logger.debug info = logger.info warning = logger.warning error = logger.error exception = logger.exception def __init__(self): self.debug("") self._callScreen = None self._callType = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) self.guestPassword = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) self._phoneBookID = '0' self.blacklist = ([], []) self.information = None # (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, guestAccess) self.phonebook = None self.getInfo(None) # self.readBlacklist() now in getInfo def _notify(self, text): self.debug(text) if self._callScreen: self.debug("try to close callScreen") self._callScreen.close() self._callScreen = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _login(self, callback=None): # http://fritz.box/login_lua.xml url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(time.ctime() + " :" + url) getPage(url, method="GET", headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}).addCallback(self._md5Login, callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) def _md5Login(self, sidXml, callback): def buildResponse(challenge, text): self.debug("challenge: " + challenge + ' text: ' + __(text)) text = (challenge + '-' + text).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-16-le') for i in range(len(text)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if ord(text[i]) > 255: text[i] = '.' md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(text) # pylint: disable=e1101 self.debug(md5.hexdigest()) return challenge + '-' + md5.hexdigest() #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzDebug_sid.xml", "w") # linkP.write(sidXml) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= self.debug("") sidX = ET.fromstring(sidXml) #=========================================================================== # self._md5Sid = sidX.find("SID").text # if self._md5Sid: # self.debug("SID "+ self._md5Sid) # else: # self.debug("no sid! That must be an old firmware.") # self._notify(_("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + _("wrong firmware version?")) # return # # if self._md5Sid != "0000000000000000": # self.debug("SID "+ self._md5Sid) # for callback in self._loginCallbacks: # self.debug("calling " + callback.__name__) # callback(None) # self._loginCallbacks = [] # return #=========================================================================== challenge = sidX.find("Challenge").text if challenge: self.debug("challenge " + challenge) else: self.error("login necessary and no challenge! That is terribly wrong.") parms = urlencode({ 'username': config.plugins.FritzCall.username.value, 'response': buildResponse(challenge, self.password), }) url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._gotPageLogin, callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) def _gotPageLogin(self, sidXml, callback): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login verification")) #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/sid.xml", "w") # linkP.write(sidXml) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= sidX = ET.fromstring(sidXml) md5Sid = sidX.find("SID").text if md5Sid and md5Sid != "0000000000000000": self.logger.debug("found sid: " + md5Sid) else: self.error("found no sid") self._notify(_("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + _("wrong user or password?")) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login ok")) self.debug("calling " + callback.__name__) callback(md5Sid) def _errorLogin(self, error): global fritzbox # global-variable-undefined # pylint: disable=W0601 if type(error).__name__ == "str": text = error else: text = error.getErrorMessage() text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s\nDisabling plugin.") % text fritzbox = None self.exception(error) self._notify(text) def _logout(self, md5Sid, what): parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'logout': 'bye bye Fritz' }) url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("(" + what + ") " + time.ctime() + ": " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addErrback(self._errorLogout) def _errorLogout(self, error): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging out: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) def loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, phonebook): self.phonebook = phonebook self._login(self._selectFritzBoxPhonebook) def _selectFritzBoxPhonebook(self, md5Sid, html=None): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, }) url = "http://%s/fon_num/fonbook_select.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorLoad, md5Sid) def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, html, md5Sid): # Firmware 05.27 onwards # look for phonebook called [dD]reambox and get bookid found = re.match(r'.*[^<]*([^<]+(?:
', html, re.S) if found: boxInfo = found.group(1) + '\n' + found.group(2) + found.group(3) boxInfo = boxInfo.replace(' ', ' ') self.info("Boxinfo: " + boxInfo) found = re.match(r'.*
verbunden seit ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) self.info("upTime: " + upTime) ipAddress = "" found = re.match(r'.*IP-Adresse: ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) self.info("ipAddress v4: " + ipAddress) found = re.match(r'.*IPv6-Präfix: ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: if ipAddress: ipAddress = ipAddress + ' / ' + found.group(1) else: ipAddress = found.group(1) self.info("ipAddress v6: " + ipAddress) # dslState = [ state, information, unused ]; state == '5' means up, everything else down found = re.match(r'.*
(?:bereit|verbunden), ([^<]*) ([^<]*)', html, re.S) if found: dslState[1] = found.group(2) + " / " + found.group(3) dslState[2] = found.group(1) else: dslState = ['0', None, None] self.info("dslState: " + repr(dslState)) # wlanstate = [ active, encrypted, no of devices ] # encrypted == 2 means unknown # found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: if found.group(1) == "led_green": if found.group(2): wlanState = ['1', '2', '', ''] found1 = re.match(r'.*an, ([^"]+)', found.group(2), re.S) if not found1: found1 = re.match(r'.*an, ([^"]+)', found.group(3), re.S) if found1: wlans = found1.group(1) else: wlanState = ['0', '0', '', ''] found = re.match(r'.*Funknetz: ([^,"]*)', wlans, re.S) if found: wlanState[3] = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'.*Funknetz \(2,4 GHz\): ([^,"]*)', wlans, re.S) if found: wlanState[3] = "2,4GHz: " + found.group(1) found = re.match(r'.*Funknetz \(5 GHz\): ([^,"]*)', wlans, re.S) if found: if wlanState[3]: wlanState[3] = wlanState[3] + " 5GHz: " + found.group(1) else: wlanState[3] = "5GHz: " + found.group(1) else: # das ist wahrscheinlich alles falsch hier... if found.group(3) and found.group(3).find(", gesichert") != -1: wlanState = ['1', '1', ''] else: wlanState = ['1', '0', ''] else: wlanState = ['0', '0', '0'] self.info("wlanState: " + repr(wlanState)) #======================================================================= # found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) # if found: # # found.group(2) could be ', neue Nachrichten vorhanden'; ignore for now # tamActive = [ found.group(1), False, False, False, False, False] # self.debug("tamActive: " + repr(tamActive)) #======================================================================= found = re.match(r'.*', html, re.S) if found: faxActive = True self.info("faxActive: " + repr(faxActive)) found = re.match(r'.*Rufumleitung', html, re.S) if found: rufumlActive = -1 # means no number available self.info("rufumlActive: " + repr(rufumlActive)) guestAccess = "" # found = re.match(r'.*WLAN-Gastzugang', html, re.S) # if found: # # guestAccess = "WLAN " + found.group(1) # if found.group(1).find(", gesichert"): # guestAccess = "WLAN (gesichert)" # else: # guestAccess = "WLAN (ungesichert)" # self.debug("guestAccess WLAN: " + repr(guestAccess)) # found = re.match(r'.*LAN-Gastzugang', html, re.S) # if found: # if guestAccess: # guestAccess = guestAccess + ", LAN" # else: # guestAccess = "LAN" # self.debug("guestAccess LAN: " + repr(guestAccess)) # WLAN-Gastzugang # found = re.match(r'.*linktxt": "WLAN-Gastzugang",\s*"details": "aktiv \(([^\)]+)\)(, (ungesichert|gesichert))?,( (\d+) (Minuten|Stunden) verbleiben,)? (\d+ Geräte), ([^"]+)",\s*"link": "wGuest"', html, re.S) found = re.match(r'.*WLAN-Gastzugang', html, re.S) if found: # guestAccess = "WLAN " + found.group(1) if found.group(2): if found.group(3).find('ungesichert') != -1: guestAccess = "WLAN (unges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN (ges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN" # if found.group(1): # guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(1).replace('\\', '') if found.group(4): if found.group(6) == 'Minuten': guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) + ' Min.' # n Minuten verbleiben else: guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) + ' Std.' # n Stunden verbleiben if found.group(7): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(7) # Geräte if found.group(8): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(9) # WLAN Name self.info("guestAccess WLAN: " + repr(guestAccess)) info = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.info("Information: " + str(info)) self.information = info if callback: callback(info) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okGetInfo") def _errorGetInfo(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting status: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorGetInfo") def reset(self): self._login(self._reset) def _reset(self, md5Sid): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.close() url = "http://%s/system/reboot.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'reboot': '', 'sid': md5Sid }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okReset, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorReset, md5Sid) def _okReset(self, html, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/_okReset.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okReset") def _errorReset(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error resetting: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorReset") def _readBlacklist(self, md5Sid): # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:menu=fon&var:pagename=sperre url = "http://%s/fon_num/sperre.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okBlacklist, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorBlacklist, md5Sid) def _okBlacklist(self, html, md5Sid): self.debug("") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallBlacklist.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= entries = re.compile(r'(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe', re.S).finditer(html) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) entries = re.compile(r'\s+', re.S).finditer(html) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) self.debug(repr(self.blacklist)) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okBlacklist") def _errorBlacklist(self, error, md5Sid): self.exception(error) text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting blacklist: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorBlacklist") class FritzCallFBF_06_35(object): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall.FBF_06_35") debug = logger.debug info = logger.info warning = logger.warning error = logger.error exception = logger.exception def __init__(self): self.debug("") self._callScreen = None self._callType = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) self.guestPassword = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) self._phoneBookID = '0' self.blacklist = ([], []) self.information = None # (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, guestAccess) self.phonebook = None self.getInfo(None) # self.readBlacklist() now in getInfo def _notify(self, text): self.info(text) if self._callScreen: self.debug("try to close callScreen") self._callScreen.close() self._callScreen = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _login(self, callback=None): # http://fritz.box/login_lua.xml url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(time.ctime() + " :" + url) getPage(url, method="GET", headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}).addCallback(self._md5Login, callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) def _md5Login(self, sidXml, callback): def buildResponse(challenge, text): self.debug("_md5Login: challenge: " + challenge + ' text: ' + __(text)) text = (challenge + '-' + text).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-16-le') for i in range(len(text)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if ord(text[i]) > 255: text[i] = '.' md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(text) # pylint: disable=e1101 self.debug("_md5Login: " + md5.hexdigest()) return challenge + '-' + md5.hexdigest() #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzDebug_sid.xml", "w") # linkP.write(sidXml) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= self.debug("") sidX = ET.fromstring(sidXml) #=========================================================================== # self._md5Sid = sidX.find("SID").text # if self._md5Sid: # self.debug("SID "+ self._md5Sid) # else: # self.debug("no sid! That must be an old firmware.") # self._notify(_("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + _("wrong firmware version?")) # return # # if self._md5Sid != "0000000000000000": # self.debug("SID "+ self._md5Sid) # for callback in self._loginCallbacks: # self.debug("calling " + callback.__name__) # callback(None) # self._loginCallbacks = [] # return #=========================================================================== challenge = sidX.find("Challenge").text if challenge: self.debug("challenge " + challenge) else: self.error("login necessary and no challenge! That is terribly wrong.") parms = urlencode({ 'username': config.plugins.FritzCall.username.value, 'response': buildResponse(challenge, self.password), }) url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._gotPageLogin, callback).addErrback(self._errorLogin) def _gotPageLogin(self, sidXml, callback): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login verification")) #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/sid.xml", "w") # linkP.write(sidXml) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= sidX = ET.fromstring(sidXml) md5Sid = sidX.find("SID").text if md5Sid and md5Sid != "0000000000000000": self.debug("found sid: " + md5Sid) else: self.error("found no sid") self._notify(_("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in\n\n") + _("wrong user or password?")) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("login ok")) self.info("calling " + callback.__name__) callback(md5Sid) def _errorLogin(self, error): global fritzbox # global-variable-undefined # pylint: disable=W0601 if type(error).__name__ == "str": text = error else: text = error.getErrorMessage() text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s\nDisabling plugin.") % text fritzbox = None self.exception(error) self._notify(text) def _logout(self, md5Sid, what): parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'logout': 'bye bye Fritz' }) url = "http://%s/login_sid.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug("(" + what + ") " + time.ctime() + ": " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addErrback(self._errorLogout) def _errorLogout(self, error): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging out: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) def loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, phonebook): self.phonebook = phonebook self._login(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook) def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, md5Sid): parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'page': 'bookLi' }) url = "http://%s/data.lua" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value) self.debug(url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._parseFritzBoxPhonebook, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorLoad, md5Sid) def _parseFritzBoxPhonebook(self, html, md5Sid): self.debug("") # first, let us get the charset try: self.debug("try charset utf-8") html = html2unicode(html.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8') # this looks silly, but has to be except UnicodeDecodeError: self.debug("try charset iso-8859-1") html = html2unicode(html.decode('iso-8859-1')).encode('utf-8') # this looks silly, but has to be # cleanout hrefs html = re.sub("]*>", "", html) html = re.sub("", "", html) if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_Phonebook.htm", "w") linkP.write(html) linkP.close() entrymask = re.compile(r'', re.S) entries = entrymask.finditer(html) for found in entries: # self.debug("processing entry for '''%s'''" % repr(found.groups())) name = html2unicode(re.sub(",", "", found.group(1))) thisnumbers = found.group(2).split("
") thistypes = found.group(3).split("
") thiscodes = found.group(4).split("
") thisvanitys = found.group(5).split("
") for i in range(len(thisnumbers)): # consider-using-enumerate # pylint: disable= if len(thisnumbers[i]) == 0: continue thisnumber = cleanNumber(thisnumbers[i]) if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: # self.debug("Ignoring '%s' ('%s') with %s' ( have: '%s')" % (name, thistypes[i], __(thisnumber), self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber])) continue if not thisnumbers[i]: # self.debug("Ignoring entry with empty number for '''%s'''" % (__(name))) continue else: thisname = name.decode('utf-8') if config.plugins.FritzCall.showType.value and thistypes[i]: thisname = thisname + " (" + thistypes[i].decode('utf-8') + ")" if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and thiscodes[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + thiscodes[i] if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and thisvanitys[i]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + thisvanitys[i] # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (__(thisname.strip()), __(thisnumber, False))) # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''" % (thisname.strip(), thisnumber)) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = thisname.encode('utf-8') self._logout(md5Sid, "_parseFritzBoxPhonebook") def _errorLoad(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorLoad") def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): self.debug("") self._callScreen = callScreen self._callType = callType self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._getCalls(callback, md5Sid)) def _getCalls(self, callback, md5Sid): # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("preparing")) # besser csv mit: https://fritz.box/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?sid=dea373c2d0257a41&csv= parms = urlencode({'sid': md5Sid, 'csv': ''}) url = "http://%s/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?%s" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, parms) getPage(url).addCallback(lambda x: self._gotPageCalls(callback, x, md5Sid)).addErrback(self._errorCalls, md5Sid) def _gotPageCalls(self, callback, csvString="", md5Sid=""): self.debug("") if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("finishing")) callListL = [] if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: filtermsns = [x.strip() for x in config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",")] self.info("filtermsns %s", repr(list(map(__, filtermsns)))) else: filtermsns = None #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCalls.csv", "w") # linkP.write(csvString) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= # 0: direct; 1: date; 2: Name; 3: Nummer; 4: Nebenstelle; 5: Eigene Rufnumme; 6: Dauer calls = csv.reader(StringIO(csvString), delimiter=';') next(calls) # skip sep next(calls) # skip header line for call in calls: if len(call) != 7: self.warning("skip %s len: %s", repr(call), str(len(call))) continue direct = call[0] if direct == '1': direct = FBF_IN_CALLS elif direct == '4': direct = FBF_OUT_CALLS elif direct == '2': direct = FBF_MISSED_CALLS elif direct == '3': direct = FBF_BLOCKED_CALLS if self._callType != '.' and self._callType != direct: continue date = call[1] length = call[6] here = call[5] start = here.find('Internet: ') if start != -1: start += len('Internet: ') here = here[start:] if filtermsns and here not in filtermsns: # self.debug("skip %s" % (here)) continue if call[4]: here = resolveNumber(here, call[4] + " (" + here + ")", self.phonebook) else: here = resolveNumber(here, "", self.phonebook) # self.debug("here: " + here) number = stripCbCPrefix(call[3], config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number # self.debug("number: " + number) found = re.match(r"\d+ \((\d+)\)", call[2]) if found: remote = resolveNumber(number, resolveNumber(found.group(1), None, self.phonebook), self.phonebook) else: remote = resolveNumber(number, re.sub(",", "", call[2]), self.phonebook) # self.debug("remote. " + remote) # self.debug("append: %s" % repr((__(number, False), date, direct, __(remote), length, __(here)))) # self.debug("ppend: %s" % repr((number, date, direct, remote, length, here))) callListL.append((number, date, direct, remote, length, here)) if callback: # self.debug("call callback with\n" + text callback(callListL) self._callScreen = None self._logout(md5Sid, "_gotPageCalls") def _errorCalls(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Could not load calls: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorCalls") def dial(self, number): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Dial a number on extension config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value @param number: number to dial @type number: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback): ''' Change the status of the WLAN @param state: '0' means: turn off, '1' turn on @type state: string ''' self.debug("") #======================================================================= # Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) # return #======================================================================= if not statusWLAN or (statusWLAN != '1' and statusWLAN != '0'): return self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._changeWLAN(statusWLAN, callback, md5Sid)) def _changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback, md5Sid): if statusWLAN == '0': parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'apply': '', 'cancel': '', 'btn_refresh': '' }) else: parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'active': 'on', 'active_24': 'on', 'active_5': 'on', 'hidden_ssid': 'on', 'apply': '', 'cancel': '', 'btn_refresh': '' }) url = "http://%s//wlan/wlan_settings.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeWLAN, callback, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorChangeWLAN, md5Sid) def _okChangeWLAN(self, html, callback, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) callback() self._logout(md5Sid, "_okChangeWLAN") def _errorChangeWLAN(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing WLAN: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorChangeWLAN") def changeGuestAccess(self, statusGuestAccess, callback): ''' Change the status of the WLAN guest access @param statusGuestAccess: 'WLAN', 'WLAN, LAN' or 'LAN' @type statusGuestAccess: string ''' self.debug("") # if not statusGuestAccess: # return self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._changeGuestAccessWLAN(statusGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid)) def _changeGuestAccessWLAN(self, statusGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid): parms = { 'sid': md5Sid, 'autoupdate': 'on', 'apply': '', 'oldpage': '/wlan/guest_access.lua', } if statusGuestAccess.find('WLAN') != -1: parms.update({ 'print': '', }) else: parms.update({ 'activate_guest_access': 'on', 'guest_ssid': config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSSID.value, }) if config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime.value: parms.update({ 'down_time_activ': 'on', 'down_time_value': config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime.value, 'disconnect_guest_access': 'on', }) if config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSecure.value: parms.update({ 'sec_mode': '3', 'wpa_key': self.guestPassword, }) else: parms.update({ 'sec_mode': '5', }) parms = urlencode(parms) url = "http://%s/data.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okChangeGuestAccess, callback, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorChangeGuestAccess, md5Sid) def _okChangeGuestAccess(self, html, callback, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) callback() self._logout(md5Sid, "_okChangeGuestAccess") def _errorChangeGuestAccess(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Failed changing GuestAccess: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorChangeGuestAccess") def changeMailbox(self, whichMailbox, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Toggle mailbox status @param which: number, which mailbox to toggle; '-1' means all @type which: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not available with this firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def getInfo(self, callback): ''' Retrieve information from box and fill in self.information and self.blacklist ''' self.debug("") self._login(lambda md5Sid: self._getInfo(callback, md5Sid)) def _getInfo(self, callback, md5Sid): self.debug("verify login") self._login(self._readBlacklist) url = "http://%s/data.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'page': 'overview', 'type': 'all' }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(lambda x: self._okGetInfo(callback, x, md5Sid)).addErrback(self._errorGetInfo, md5Sid) def _okGetInfo(self, callback, html, md5Sid): self.debug("") if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallGetInfo.lua", "w") linkP.write(html) linkP.close() (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 boxData = json.loads(html)["data"] fritzOs = boxData["fritzos"] if fritzOs["Productname"]: boxInfo = fritzOs["Productname"] if fritzOs["nspver"]: boxInfo = boxInfo + " FRITZ!OS: " + fritzOs["nspver"] if fritzOs["isLabor"] and fritzOs["isLabor"] == "true": boxInfo = boxInfo + " Labor" if fritzOs["isUpdateAvail"]: boxInfo = boxInfo + " (" + _("Update available") + ")" boxInfo1 = "" if fritzOs["fb_name"]: boxInfo1 = "Name: " + fritzOs["fb_name"] if boxData["fonnum"] and boxData["fonnum"]["txt"]: boxInfo1 = boxInfo1 + (", " if boxInfo1 else "") + boxData["fonnum"]["txt"] if boxData["tamcalls"] and boxData["tamcalls"]["count"]: boxInfo1 = boxInfo1 + (", " if boxInfo1 else "") + str(boxData["tamcalls"]["count"]) + " " + _("calls in mailbox") if boxInfo1: boxInfo = boxInfo + "\n" + boxInfo1 self.info("Boxinfo: " + repr(boxInfo)) provider = None if "ipv4" in boxData and "txt" in boxData["ipv4"]: for item in boxData["ipv4"]["txt"]: found = re.match(r'.*verbunden seit (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*connected since (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'\s*Anbieter: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'\s*Provider: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)?-Adresse: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)? address: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) self.info("upTime: " + repr(upTime)) self.info("provider: " + repr(provider)) self.info("ipAddress: " + repr(ipAddress)) if "ipv6" in boxData and "txt" in boxData["ipv6"]: upTime6 = None provider6 = None ipAddress6 = None for item in boxData["ipv6"]["txt"]: found = re.match(r'.*verbunden seit (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*connected since (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime6 = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'\s*Anbieter: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'\s*Provider:: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider6 = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'IP(?:v6)?-(?:Adresse|Prefix): (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'IP(?:v6)? (?:address|prefix): (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress6 = found.group(1) self.info("upTime6: " + repr(upTime6)) self.info("provider6: " + repr(provider6)) self.info("ipAddress6: " + repr(ipAddress6)) if upTime6: if upTime and upTime.find(upTime6) == -1: upTime = upTime + '/' + upTime6 else: upTime = upTime6 if provider6: if provider and provider.find(provider6) == -1: provider = provider + '/' + provider6 else: provider = provider6 if ipAddress6: if ipAddress: ipAddress = ipAddress + '/' + ipAddress6 else: ipAddress = ipAddress6 if provider: if upTime: upTime = upTime + ' ' + _("with") + ' ' + provider self.info("upTime final: " + repr(upTime)) self.info("provider final: " + repr(provider)) self.info("ipAddress final: " + repr(ipAddress)) if "dsl" in boxData or "docsis" in boxData or "cable" in boxData: if "dsl" in boxData: connData = boxData["dsl"] elif "cable" in boxData: connData = boxData["cable"] else: connData = boxData["docsis"] if connData["led"] == "led_green": dslState = ['5', None, None] dslState[1] = connData["down"] + " / " + connData["up"] dslState[1] = dslState[1].replace('\\', '') dslState[2] = connData["title"] self.info("dslState: " + repr(dslState)) if "wlan24" in boxData: wlan24 = boxData["wlan24"] if wlan24: netName = re.sub(r".*: ", "", wlan24["txt"]) if wlan24["led"] == "led_green": wlanState = ['1', '', '', "2,4GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName] else: wlanState = ['0', '', '', "2,4GHz " + _("off") + ": " + netName] self.info("wlanState24: " + repr(wlanState)) if "wlan5" in boxData: wlan5 = boxData["wlan5"] if wlan5: netName = re.sub(r".*: ", "", wlan5["txt"]) if not wlanState: if wlan5["led"] == "led_green": wlanState = ['1', '', '', "5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName] else: wlanState = ['0', '', '', "5GHz " + _("off") + ": " + netName] else: if wlan5["led"] == "led_green": wlanState[0] = '1' wlanState[3] = wlanState[3] + ", 5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName self.info("wlanState5: " + repr(wlanState)) if "dect" in boxData: dect = boxData["dect"] if dect and dect["led"] == "led_green": found = re.match(r'an, ([\d+]+|ein) Schnurlostelefon(?:e)? angemeldet', dect["txt"], re.S) if found: dectActive = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'enabled, ([\d+]+|one) cordless telephone(?:s)? registered', dect["txt"], re.S) if found: dectActive = found.group(1) self.info("dectActive: " + repr(dectActive)) self.debug("comfort") if "comfort" in boxData and "func" in boxData["comfort"]: comfortFuncs = boxData["comfort"]["func"] guestAccess = "" for fun in comfortFuncs: if "linktxt" in fun: if fun["linktxt"] == "Faxfunktion" and fun["details"] == "Integriertes Fax aktiv": faxActive = True if fun["linktxt"] == "Fax function" and fun["details"] == "Integrated fax enabled": faxActive = True elif fun["linktxt"] == "Rufumleitung" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] != "deaktiviert": found = re.match(r'.*(?:(\d+) )?aktiv', fun["details"], re.S) if found and found.group(1): rufumlActive = int(found.group(1)) else: rufumlActive = -1 # means no number available elif fun["linktxt"] == "Call diversion" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] != "disabled": found = re.match(r'.*(?:(\d+) )?active', fun["details"], re.S) if found and found.group(1): rufumlActive = int(found.group(1)) else: rufumlActive = -1 # means no number available elif fun["linktxt"] == "WLAN-Gastzugang" and fun["details"]: found = re.match(r'.*aktiv \([^\)]+\)(?:, (ungesichert|gesichert))?,(?: (\d+) (Minuten|Stunden) verbleiben,)? (\d+ Geräte), (.+)', fun["details"], re.S) if found: if found.group(1): if found.group().find('ungesichert') != -1: guestAccess = "WLAN (unges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN (ges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN" if found.group(3): if found.group(3) == 'Minuten': guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' Min.' # n Minuten verbleiben else: guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' Std.' # n Stunden verbleiben if found.group(4): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(4) # Geräte if found.group(5): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) # WLAN Name elif fun["linktxt"] == "Wireless guest access" and fun["details"]: found = re.match(r'.*enabled \([^\)]+\)(?:, (secured|unsecured))?,(?: (\d+) (minutes|hours) left,)? (\d+ devices), (.+)', fun["details"], re.S) if found: if found.group(1): if found.group().find('secured') != -1: guestAccess = "WIFI (sec.)" else: guestAccess = "WIFI (unsec.)" else: guestAccess = "WIFI" if found.group(3): if found.group(3) == 'minutes': guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' min.' # n Minuten verbleiben else: guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' hrs.' # n Minuten verbleiben if found.group(4): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(4) # Geräte if found.group(5): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) # WLAN Name elif fun["linktxt"] == "LAN-Gastzugang" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] == "aktiv": if guestAccess: guestAccess = 'LAN, ' + guestAccess else: guestAccess = "LAN" self.info("faxActive: " + repr(faxActive)) self.info("rufumlActive: " + repr(rufumlActive)) self.info("guestAccess: " + repr(guestAccess)) info = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.info("information: " + str(info)) self.information = info if callback: callback(info) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okGetInfo") def _errorGetInfo(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting status: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorGetInfo") def reset(self): self._login(self._reset) def _reset(self, md5Sid): if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.close() url = "http://%s/system/reboot.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'reboot': '', 'sid': md5Sid }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okReset, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorReset, md5Sid) def _okReset(self, html, md5Sid): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 self.debug("") #======================================================================= # linkP = open("/tmp/_okReset.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() #======================================================================= if html: found = re.match(r'.*


', html, re.S) if found: self._notify(found.group(1)) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okReset") def _errorReset(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error resetting: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorReset") def _readBlacklist(self, md5Sid): # http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/menus/menu2.html&var:lang=de&var:menu=fon&var:pagename=sperre # url = "http://%s/data.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'page': 'callLock' }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) getPage(url, method="POST", agent=USERAGENT, headers={ 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))}, postdata=parms).addCallback(self._okBlacklist, md5Sid).addErrback(self._errorBlacklist, md5Sid) def _okBlacklist(self, html, md5Sid): self.debug("") # linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCallBlacklist.htm", "w") # linkP.write(html) # linkP.close() # entries = re.compile(r'(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe]*)?>(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe([\d]+)', re.S).finditer(html) self.blacklist = ([], []) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) entries = re.compile(r'', re.S).finditer(html) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) entries = re.compile(r'\s+', re.S).finditer(html) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) self.debug(repr(self.blacklist)) self._logout(md5Sid, "_okBlacklist") def _errorBlacklist(self, error, md5Sid): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting blacklist: %s") % error.getErrorMessage() self.exception(error) self._notify(text) self._logout(md5Sid, "_errorBlacklist") TIMEOUT = 20 class FritzCallFBF_upnp(): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall.FBF_upnp") debug = logger.debug info = logger.info warning = logger.warning error = logger.error exception = logger.exception def __init__(self): self._loginFailure = False self._callScreen = None self._callType = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) # (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, guestAccess) self.information = (None, None, None, None, None, [False, False, False, False, False, False], None, None, None, None) self.phonebook = None self.blacklist = ([], []) self._timer = eTimer() self._timeout = TIMEOUT self._callback = None self._phonebook_timer = eTimer() self._phonebook_timeout = TIMEOUT self._infoCallback = None self._phonebook_timer_conn = None self.version = None self.fc = FritzConnection(address=config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, user=config.plugins.FritzCall.username.value, port=(49443 if config.plugins.FritzCall.useHttps.value else 49000), password=self.password, servicesToGet=["DeviceConfig:1", "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1", "WLANConfiguration:1", "WLANConfiguration:2", "WLANConfiguration:3"]) self.getInfo(None) def _notify(self, text): self.info(text) if self._callScreen: self.debug("try to close callScreen") self._callScreen.close() self._callScreen = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def getInfo(self, callback=None): ''' Retrieve information from box and fill in self.information and self.blacklist ''' self.debug("") if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") self._infoCallback = callback if "DeviceConfig:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(self._getInfo, "DeviceConfig", "X_AVM-DE_CreateUrlSID") else: try: self._timer_conn = self._timer.timeout.connect(self._timerTick) except AttributeError: self._timer.callback.append(self._timerTick) self._timer.start(1000) self._timerTick() def _timerTick(self): self.debug(repr(list(self.fc.services.keys()))) self._timeout -= 1 if "DeviceConfig:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") else: self.fc.call_action(self._getInfo, "DeviceConfig", "X_AVM-DE_CreateUrlSID") self._timer.stop() self._timeout = TIMEOUT if self._timeout == 0: self._timer.stop() self._timeout = TIMEOUT def _getInfo(self, result): self.debug(repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting status: ") + _("wrong user or password?") self._loginFailure = True self._notify(text) return if "NewX_AVM-DE_UrlSID" not in result: self.error("no UrlSID in response!") return md5Sid = result["NewX_AVM-DE_UrlSID"] md5Sid = md5Sid[md5Sid.find("sid=") + 4:] self.debug("md5sid: " + md5Sid) self._readBlacklist() url = "http://%s/data.lua" % config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value parms = urlencode({ 'sid': md5Sid, 'page': 'overview', 'type': 'all' }) self.debug("url: " + url + "?" + parms) headers = { 'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))} newheaders = {} for h in six.iterkeys(headers): newheaders[six.ensure_binary(h)] = six.ensure_binary(headers[h]) getPage(six.ensure_binary(url), method=six.ensure_binary("POST"), agent=six.ensure_binary(USERAGENT), headers=newheaders, postdata=six.ensure_binary(parms)).addCallback(self._okGetInfo) def _okGetInfo(self, html): self.debug("") html = six.ensure_str(html) if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.debug("dumping info to /tmp/FritzCall_okGetInfo.json") linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_okGetInfo.json", "w") linkP.write(html) linkP.close() (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, "") # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 boxData = json.loads(html, object_pairs_hook=lambda x:{k.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(k,unicode) else k : v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, unicode) else v for k,v in x})["data"] fritzOs = boxData["fritzos"] if fritzOs["Productname"]: boxInfo = fritzOs["Productname"] if fritzOs["nspver"]: boxInfo = boxInfo + " FRITZ!OS: " + fritzOs["nspver"] if fritzOs["isLabor"] and fritzOs["isLabor"] == "true": boxInfo = boxInfo + " Labor" if fritzOs["isUpdateAvail"]: boxInfo = boxInfo + " (" + _("Update available") + ")" boxInfo1 = "" if fritzOs["fb_name"]: boxInfo1 = "Name: " + fritzOs["fb_name"] if boxData["fonnum"] and boxData["fonnum"]["txt"]: boxInfo1 = boxInfo1 + (", " if boxInfo1 else "") + boxData["fonnum"]["txt"] if boxData["tamcalls"] and boxData["tamcalls"]["count"]: boxInfo1 = boxInfo1 + (", " if boxInfo1 else "") + str(boxData["tamcalls"]["count"]) + " " + _("calls in mailbox") if boxInfo1: boxInfo = boxInfo + "\n" + boxInfo1 boxInfo = six.ensure_str(boxInfo) self.info("Boxinfo: " + repr(boxInfo)) if "internet" in boxData and "led" in boxData["internet"] and boxData["internet"]["led"] == "globe_online": upTime = _("Unknown") if "txt" in boxData["internet"] and len(boxData["internet"]["txt"][0]) >= 1: upTime = upTime + ' (' + boxData["internet"]["txt"][0].strip() + ')' provider = None if "internet" in boxData and "txt" in boxData["internet"]: for item in boxData["internet"]["txt"]: item = six.ensure_str(item) found = re.match(r'.*verbunden (?:als WLAN-Repeater |über WAN )?seit (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*connected (?:as WIFI repeater )?since (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'\s*Anbieter: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'\s*Provider: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)?-Adresse: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)? address: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) if "internet" in boxData and "down" in boxData["internet"] and "up" in boxData["internet"]: connData = boxData["internet"] internetSpeed = connData["down"] + " / " + connData["up"] internetSpeed = internetSpeed.replace('\\', '') else: internetSpeed = None self.info("upTime: " + repr(upTime)) self.info("provider: " + repr(provider)) self.info("ipAddress: " + repr(ipAddress)) if "ipv4" in boxData and "txt" in boxData["ipv4"]: for item in boxData["ipv4"]["txt"]: found = re.match(r'.*verbunden seit (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*connected since (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'\s*Anbieter: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'\s*Provider: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)?-Adresse: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'IP(?:v4)? address: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress = found.group(1) self.info("upTime: " + repr(upTime)) self.info("provider: " + repr(provider)) self.info("ipAddress: " + repr(ipAddress)) if "ipv6" in boxData and "txt" in boxData["ipv6"]: upTime6 = None provider6 = None ipAddress6 = None for item in boxData["ipv6"]["txt"]: found = re.match(r'.*verbunden seit (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'.*connected since (.*)', item, re.S) if found: upTime6 = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'\s*Anbieter: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'\s*Provider: (.*)', item, re.S) if found: provider6 = found.group(1) found = re.match(r'IP(?:v6)?-(?:Adresse|Prefix): (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress6 = found.group(1) else: found = re.match(r'IP(?:v6)? (?:address|prefix): (.*)', item, re.S) if found: ipAddress6 = found.group(1) self.info("upTime6: " + repr(upTime6)) self.info("provider6: " + repr(provider6)) self.info("ipAddress6: " + repr(ipAddress6)) if upTime6: if upTime and upTime.find(upTime6) == -1: upTime = upTime + '/' + upTime6 else: upTime = upTime6 if provider6: if provider and provider.find(provider6) == -1: provider = provider + '/' + provider6 else: provider = provider6 if ipAddress6: if ipAddress: ipAddress = ipAddress + '/' + ipAddress6 else: ipAddress = ipAddress6 if provider: if upTime: upTime = upTime + ' ' + _("with") + ' ' + provider self.info("upTime final: " + repr(upTime)) self.info("provider final: " + repr(provider)) self.info("ipAddress final: " + repr(ipAddress)) if "dsl" in boxData or "docsis" in boxData or "cable" in boxData: if "dsl" in boxData: connData = boxData["dsl"] elif "cable" in boxData: connData = boxData["cable"] else: connData = boxData["docsis"] if connData["led"] == "led_green": dslState = ['5', None, None] dslState[1] = connData["down"] + " / " + connData["up"] dslState[1] = dslState[1].replace('\\', '') dslState[2] = connData["title"] if internetSpeed: dslState[1] = dslState[1] + "; Internet: " + internetSpeed self.info("dslState: " + repr(dslState)) wlan24 = None wlan24NetName = "" if "wlan24" in boxData: wlan24 = boxData["wlan24"] elif "wlan24GHz" in boxData: wlan24 = boxData["wlan24GHz"] if wlan24: wlan24NetName = six.ensure_str(re.sub(r".*: ", "", wlan24["txt"])) if wlan24["led"] == "led_green": wlanState = ['1', '', '', "2,4GHz " + _("on") + ": " + wlan24NetName] else: wlanState = ['0', '', '', "2,4GHz " + _("off") + ": " + wlan24NetName] self.info("wlanState24: " + repr(wlanState)) wlan5 = None if "wlan5" in boxData: wlan5 = boxData["wlan5"] elif "wlan5GHz" in boxData: wlan5 = boxData["wlan5GHz"] elif "wlan5GHzScnd" in boxData: wlan5 = boxData["wlan5GHzScnd"] if wlan5: # self.info("wlanState5/1: " + repr(wlanState)) netName = six.ensure_str(re.sub(r".*: ", "", wlan5["txt"])) # self.info("wlanState5/2: " + repr(netName)) if not wlanState: if wlan5["led"] == "led_green": wlanState = ['1', '', '', "5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName] else: wlanState = ['0', '', '', "5GHz " + _("off") + ": " + netName] else: if wlan5["led"] == "led_green": wlanState[0] = '1' if netName == wlan24NetName: wlanState[3] = "2,4GHz/5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName else: wlanState[3] = wlanState[3] + ", 5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName self.info("wlanState5: " + repr(wlanState)) # self.info("wlanState5/3: " + repr(wlanState)) if not wlanState and "wlan" in boxData: wlan = boxData["wlan"] # self.debug("wlan: " + repr(wlan)) netName = six.ensure_str(re.sub(r".*: ", "", wlan["txt"])) # self.debug("netName: %s; led: %s", repr(netName), repr(wlan["led"])) if wlan["led"] == "led_green": wlanState = ['1', '', '', "2,4GHz/5GHz " + _("on") + ": " + netName] else: wlanState = ['0', '', '', "2,4GHz/5GHz " + _("off") + ": " + netName] # self.info("wlanState2,4/5: " + repr(wlanState)) self.info("wlanState: " + repr(wlanState)) if "dect" in boxData: dect = boxData["dect"] if dect and dect["led"] == "led_green": found = re.match(r'an, ([\d+]+|ein) Schnurlostelefon(?:e)? angemeldet', dect["txt"], re.S) if found: dectActive = six.ensure_str(found.group(1)) else: found = re.match(r'enabled, ([\d+]+|one) cordless telephone(?:s)? registered', dect["txt"], re.S) if found: dectActive = six.ensure_str(found.group(1)) self.info("dectActive: " + repr(dectActive)) self.debug("comfort") if "comfort" in boxData and "func" in boxData["comfort"]: comfortFuncs = boxData["comfort"]["func"] guestAccess = "" for fun in comfortFuncs: if "linktxt" in fun: if fun["linktxt"] == "Faxfunktion" and fun["details"] == "Integriertes Fax aktiv": faxActive = True elif fun["linktxt"] == "Fax function" and fun["details"] == "Integrated fax enabled": faxActive = True elif fun["linktxt"] == "Rufumleitung" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] != "deaktiviert": found = re.match(r'.*(?:(\d+) )?aktiv', fun["details"], re.S) if found and found.group(1): rufumlActive = int(found.group(1)) else: rufumlActive = -1 # means no number available elif fun["linktxt"] == "Call diversion" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] != "disabled": found = re.match(r'.*(?:(\d+) )?active', fun["details"], re.S) if found and found.group(1): rufumlActive = int(found.group(1)) else: rufumlActive = -1 # means no number available elif fun["linktxt"] == "WLAN-Gastzugang" and fun["details"]: found = re.match(r'.*aktiv \([^\)]+\)(?:, (ungesichert|gesichert))?,(?: (\d+) (Minuten|Stunden) verbleiben,)? (\d+ Gerät(?:e)?), (.+)', fun["details"], re.S) if found: if found.group(1): if found.group().find('ungesichert') != -1: guestAccess = "WLAN (unges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN (ges.)" else: guestAccess = "WLAN" if found.group(3): if found.group(3) == 'Minuten': guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' Min.' # n Minuten verbleiben else: guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' Std.' # n Stunden verbleiben if found.group(4): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(4) # Geräte if found.group(5): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) # WLAN Name elif (fun["linktxt"] == "Wireless guest access" or fun["linktxt"] == "Wi-Fi Guest Access") and fun["details"]: found = re.match(r'.*enabled \([^\)]+\)(?:, (secured|unsecured))?,(?: (\d+) (minutes|hours) left,)? (\d+ devices), (.+)', fun["details"], re.S | re.I) if found: if found.group(1): if found.group().find('secured') != -1: guestAccess = "WIFI (sec.)" else: guestAccess = "WIFI (unsec.)" else: guestAccess = "WIFI" if found.group(3): if found.group(3) == 'minutes': guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' min.' # n Minuten verbleiben else: guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(2) + ' hrs.' # n Minuten verbleiben if found.group(4): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(4) # Geräte if found.group(5): guestAccess = guestAccess + ', ' + found.group(5) # WLAN Name elif fun["linktxt"] == "LAN-Gastzugang" and fun["details"]: if fun["details"] == "aktiv": if guestAccess: guestAccess = 'LAN, ' + guestAccess else: guestAccess = "LAN" self.info("faxActive: " + repr(faxActive)) self.info("rufumlActive: " + repr(rufumlActive)) self.info("guestAccess: " + repr(guestAccess)) info = (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) self.info("information: " + str(info)) self.information = info if self._infoCallback: self._infoCallback(info) self._infoCallback = None def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): self.debug("callType: %s", callType) if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") self._callScreen = callScreen self._callType = callType if "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._getCalls_cb1(x, callback), "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetCallList") else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def _getCalls_cb1(self, result, callback): self.debug("") if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Could not load calls: %s") % _("wrong user or password?") self._loginFailure = True self._notify(text) return if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("preparing")) url = result["NewCallListURL"] getPage(six.ensure_binary(url)).addCallback(self._getCalls_cb2, callback) def _getCalls_cb2(self, result, callback): result = six.ensure_text(result) # self.debug("") if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.debug("dumping calls to /tmp/FritzCall_getCalls_cb2.xml") linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_getCalls_cb2.xml", "w") linkP.write(result) linkP.close() if self._callScreen: self._callScreen.updateStatus(_("finishing")) if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList.value: filtermsns = [x.strip() for x in config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",")] self.info("filtermsns %s", repr([__(x) for x in filtermsns])) else: filtermsns = None callListL = [] root = ET.fromstring(result) calls = root.iterfind("./Call") for call in calls: direct = call.find("./Type").text # self.debug("direct: %s", direct) if self._callType != '.' and self._callType != direct: self.debug("skip: id %s of type %s", call.find("./Id").text, direct) continue if direct == FBF_OUT_CALLS: # self.debug("FBF_OUT_CALLS: %s", direct) number = call.find("./Called").text remote = call.find("./Name").text if not remote: remote = resolveNumber(number, "", self.phonebook) here = call.find("./Caller").text if here.startswith("SIP: "): here = here[5:] if filtermsns and here not in filtermsns and call.find("./CallerNumber").text not in filtermsns: self.debug("skip filter %s" % (here)) continue if here.isdigit(): here = resolveNumber(here, call.find("./CallerNumber").text, self.phonebook) else: # self.debug("FBF_OUT_CALLS not: %s", direct) number = call.find("./Caller").text if not number: number = _("Unknown") remote = call.find("./Name").text if not remote: remote = resolveNumber(number, "", self.phonebook) here = call.find("./Called").text if here.startswith("SIP: "): here = here[5:] if filtermsns and here not in filtermsns and call.find("./CalledNumber").text not in filtermsns: self.debug("skip %s" % (here)) continue # self.debug("here: %s", here) if here.isdigit(): # self.debug("resolveNumber(%s, %s)", here, call.find("./CalledNumber").text) here = resolveNumber(here, call.find("./CalledNumber").text, self.phonebook, self.debug) # self.debug("resolveNumber result: %s", here) device = call.find("./Device").text if device: here = here + " (" + device + ")" # self.debug("here: " + here) number = stripCbCPrefix(number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value and number and number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + number date = call.find("./Date").text length = call.find("./Duration").text # self.debug("got: " + repr((number, date, direct, remote, length, here))) callListL.append((number, date, direct, remote, length, here)) # self.debug(repr(callListL)) if callback: callback(callListL) self._callScreen = None def loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, phonebook): ''' Load phonebook from device and add it to the phonebook @param phonebook: phonebook to be amended @type phonebook: dictionary of number, information ''' self.debug("") self.phonebook = phonebook if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") # newer OE versions don't have the callback self._phonebook_timeout -= 1 if "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb1, "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetPhonebookList") else: try: self._phonebook_timer_conn = self._phonebook_timer.timeout.connect(self._phonebook_timerTick) except AttributeError: self._phonebook_timer.callback.append(self._phonebook_timerTick) self._phonebook_timer.start(1000) self._phonebook_timerTick() def _phonebook_timerTick(self): self.debug(repr(list(self.fc.services.keys()))) self._phonebook_timeout -= 1 if "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") else: self.fc.call_action(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb1, "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetPhonebookList") self._phonebook_timer.stop() self._phonebook_timeout = TIMEOUT if self._phonebook_timeout == 0: self._phonebook_timer.stop() self._phonebook_timeout = TIMEOUT def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb1(self, result): self.debug(repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: ") + _("wrong user or password?") self._notify(text) self._loginFailure = True return if 'NewPhonebookList' not in result: self.error("no NewPhonebookList in response!") return ids = result['NewPhonebookList'].split(',') ids = [int(x) for x in ids] for ident in ids: self.fc.call_action(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb2, "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetPhonebook", NewPhonebookId=ident) def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb2(self, result): self.debug(repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: ") + _("wrong user or password?") self._notify(text) self._loginFailure = True return if 'NewPhonebookName' not in result or 'NewPhonebookURL' not in result: text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % 'NewPhonebookName' self._notify(text) return if result["NewPhonebookName"] == config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookName.value: getPage(six.ensure_binary(result["NewPhonebookURL"])).addCallback(self._loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb3) def _loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb3(self, result): result = six.ensure_text(result) root = ET.fromstring(result) thisName = root.find(".//phonebook").attrib["name"] self.debug("Phonebook: %s", thisName) if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.debug("dumping phonebook to /tmp/FritzCall_loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb3_%s.xml", thisName) linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_loadFritzBoxPhonebook_cb3_%s.xml" % thisName, "w") linkP.write(result) linkP.close() count = 0 contacts = root.iterfind(".//contact") for contact in contacts: name = contact.find("./person/realName").text if not name: self.info("Skipping entry with no realName") continue name = name.replace(",", "") numbers = contact.iterfind("./telephony/number") for number in numbers: # self.debug("Name: " + name) # self.debug("Number: " + number.text + " " + number.attrib["type"]) thisname = name thisnumber = cleanNumber(number.text) if thisnumber in self.phonebook.phonebook: self.info("Number already exists, skipping '''%s'''", (__(thisnumber))) continue if not thisnumber: self.info("Ignoring entry with empty number for '''%s'''", (__(thisname))) continue else: dummy = _("fax_work") + _("fax_home") + _("pager") # this is just to trigger localisation; WTF?!?! thisType = number.attrib["type"] # self.debug("thisType: %s", thisType) if thisType.startswith('label:'): thisType = thisType[6:] if not config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookShowInternal.value and (thisType == "intern" or thisType == "memo" or thisType == ""): self.info("Skipping internal number %s", (__(thisnumber))) continue if config.plugins.FritzCall.showType.value and thisType: thisname = thisname + " (" + _(thisType) + ")" if config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut.value and "quickdial" in number.attrib and number.attrib["quickdial"]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Shortcut") + ": " + number.attrib["quickdial"] if config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity.value and "vanity" in number.attrib and number.attrib["vanity"]: thisname = thisname + ", " + _("Vanity") + ": " + number.attrib["vanity"] # self.debug("Adding '''%s''' with '''%s'''", __(thisname.strip()), __(thisnumber, False)) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook.phonebook[thisnumber] = thisname count += 1 self.info("Added %d phone numbers", count) def changeWLAN(self, statusWLAN, callback): ''' Change the status of the WLAN @param state: '0' means: turn off, '1' turn on @type state: string ''' self.debug("") if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") if not statusWLAN or (statusWLAN != '1' and statusWLAN != '0'): return if "WLANConfiguration:1" not in list(self.fc.services.keys()): Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) return if "WLANConfiguration:3" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): if "WLANConfiguration:2" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(None, "WLANConfiguration:2", "SetEnable", NewEnable=int(statusWLAN)) self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._general_cb(x, callback), "WLANConfiguration:1", "SetEnable", NewEnable=int(statusWLAN)) def changeGuestAccess(self, statusGuestAccess, callback): ''' Change the status of the WLAN guest access @param statusGuestAccess: 'WLAN', 'WLAN, LAN' or 'LAN' @type statusGuestAccess: string ''' self.debug("") if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") if "WLANConfiguration:2" not in list(self.fc.services.keys()): Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) return if statusGuestAccess.find('WLAN') != -1 or statusGuestAccess.find('WIFI') != -1: self.debug("WLAN") if "WLANConfiguration:3" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._general_cb(x, callback), "WLANConfiguration:3", "SetEnable", NewEnable=0) else: self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._general_cb(x, callback), "WLANConfiguration:2", "SetEnable", NewEnable=0) else: self.debug("no WLAN") if "WLANConfiguration:3" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._general_cb(x, callback), "WLANConfiguration:3", "SetEnable", NewEnable=1) else: self.fc.call_action(lambda x: self._general_cb(x, callback), "WLANConfiguration:2", "SetEnable", NewEnable=1) callback() def _general_cb(self, result, callback): self.debug("result: " + repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s") % _("wrong user or password?") self._loginFailure = True self._notify(text) return callback() def _general_cb1(self, result): self.debug("result: " + repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error logging in: %s") % _("wrong user or password?") self._loginFailure = True self._notify(text) return def _readBlacklist(self): self.debug("") if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") self.blacklist = ([], []) if "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1" not in list(self.fc.services.keys()): Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) return self.fc.call_action(self._readBlacklist_cb, "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetDeflections") def _readBlacklist_cb(self, result): def _readPhonebookForBlacklist(result): self.debug(repr(result)) if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: ") + _("wrong user or password?") self._notify(text) self._loginFailure = True return if 'NewPhonebookName' not in result or 'NewPhonebookURL' not in result: text = _("FRITZ!Box - ") + _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % 'NewPhonebookName' self._notify(text) return getPage(six.ensure_binary(result["NewPhonebookURL"])).addCallback(_readPhonebookForBlacklist_cb) def _readPhonebookForBlacklist_cb(result): result = six.ensure_text(result) root = ET.fromstring(result) thisName = root.find(".//phonebook").attrib["name"] self.debug("Phonebook: %s", thisName) if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.debug("dumping phonebook to /tmp/FritzCall_readPhonebookForBlacklist_cb_%s.xml", thisName) linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_readPhonebookForBlacklist_cb_%s.xml" % thisName, "w") linkP.write(result) linkP.close() contacts = root.iterfind(".//contact") for contact in contacts: numbers = contact.iterfind("./telephony/number") for number in numbers: # self.debug("Number: " + number.text + " " + number.attrib["type"]) thisType = number.attrib["type"] if thisType.startswith('label:'): thisType = thisType[6:] if (thisType == "intern" or thisType == "memo" or thisType == ""): # self.info("Skipping internal number %s", (__(number))) continue thisnumber = cleanNumber(number.text) if thisnumber in self.blacklist[0]: # self.info("Number already exists, skipping '''%s'''", (__(thisnumber))) continue else: # self.debug("Number: " + thisnumber + " added to blacklist.") self.blacklist[0].append(thisnumber) self.debug("After phonebook imput: %s", repr(self.blacklist)) self.debug("") if isinstance(result, Failure): text = _("FRITZ!Box - Error getting blacklist: %s") % _("wrong user or password?") self._loginFailure = True self._notify(text) return if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.debug("dumping result to /tmp/FritzCall_readBlacklist_cb.xml") linkP = open("/tmp/FritzCall_readBlacklist_cb.xml", "w") linkP.write(result["NewDeflectionList"]) linkP.close() for deflection in ET.fromstring(result["NewDeflectionList"]).iterfind(".//Item"): # self.debug("enable: " + deflection.find("./Enable").text) if deflection.find("./Enable").text == '1': if deflection.find("./Type").text == "fromNumber": self.blacklist[0].append(deflection.find("./Number").text) if deflection.find("./Type").text == "fromAnonymous": self.blacklist[0].append("") if deflection.find("./Type").text == "fromPB": self.debug("get phonebook for blacklist") if "X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): pbId = deflection.find("./PhonebookID").text if pbId: self.fc.call_action(_readPhonebookForBlacklist, "X_AVM-DE_OnTel", "GetPhonebook", NewPhonebookId=pbId) else: self.error("no phonebookId for blacklist? Strange") else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) self.debug(repr(self.blacklist)) def dial(self, number): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Dial a number on extension config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value @param number: number to dial @type number: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def reset(self): ''' Reset box ''' self.debug("") if self._loginFailure: self.debug("skip because of login failure") if "DeviceConfig:1" in list(self.fc.services.keys()): self.fc.call_action(self._getInfo, "DeviceConfig", "Reboot") else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) class FritzCallFBF_dummy(object): logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall.FBF_dummy") debug = logger.debug def __init__(self): ''' ''' self.debug("") self.password = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) # self.information contains basic information about the (FBF) device: # (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive) # ('FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390, FRITZ!OS 06.01', '21.01.2014, 05:02 Uhr', '', ['0', '0', '0'], ['5', '6,7 Mbit/s / 667 kbit/s', None], None, '2', True, None) # boxinfo: basic information like type, fw version # uptime: up since when # ipAddress: external ip address # wlanState: status of WLAN: [ active, encrypted, no of devices active ]; active == '1' means active, encrypted == '0' means not encrypted # dslState: whether connected via DSL or not: [ state, information, unused ]; state == '5' means up, everything else down # tamActive: is a mailbox active: [ number of active mailboxes, infos, ... ] # dectActive: is a dect device registered: if dect is active set to the number of connected dect devices self.information = None # numbers, which are blacklisted in the FBF and calls from them should also not be shown self.blacklist = None def getCalls(self, callScreen, callback, callType): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Get list of recent calls in direction which (FBF_ALL_CALLS, FBF_IN_CALLS, FBF_MISSED_CALLS, FBF_OUT_CALLS) @param callback: function to be called with list of (number, date, direction, remote, length, here) entries @param which: direction of calls to be grabbed ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def getInfo(self, callback): ''' Retrieve information from box and fill in self.information and self.blacklist ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self, phonebook): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Load phonebook from device and add it to the phonebook @param phonebook: phonebook to be amended @type phonebook: dictionary of number, information ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def changeWLAN(self, state, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Change the status of the WLAN @param state: '0' means: turn off, '1' turn on @type state: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def changeGuestAccess(self, statusGuestAccess, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Change the status of the WLAN guest access @param statusGuestAccess: 'WLAN', 'WLAN, LAN' or 'LAN' @type statusGuestAccess: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def changeMailbox(self, which, callback): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Toggle mailbox status @param which: number, which mailbox to toggle; '-1' means all @type which: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def dial(self, number): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 ''' Dial a number on extension config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.value @param number: number to dial @type number: string ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) def reset(self): ''' Reset box ''' self.debug("") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("not yet implemented"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value)
([^<]*) ([^<]*)([^<]*)
', html, re.S) if found: if found.group(1) == "led_green": dslState = ['5', None, None] found = re.match(r'.*(DSL|Kabel)
WLANWLANan, Funknetz: mms
Anrufbeantworter([\d]+) aktiv([^<]*)
DECT(?:aus|an, (ein|\d*) Schnurlostelefon)', html, re.S) if found: self.debug("dectActive: " + repr(found.groups())) if found.group(1) == "led_green": dectActive = found.group(2) self.info("dectActive: " + repr(dectActive)) found = re.match(r'.*
FaxfunktionIntegriertes Fax aktivaktivaktiv ([^<]*)aktivaktiv (2,4 GHz), gesichert, 29 Minuten verbleiben, 0 Geräteaktiv \(([^\)]+)\)(, (ungesichert|gesichert))?,( (\d+) (Minuten|Stunden) verbleiben,)? (\d+ Gerät(?:e)?)(, (?:Funknetz: )?([^<]+))?([\d]+)', re.S).finditer(html) self.blacklist = ([], []) for entry in entries: if entry.group(1) == "Ankommende": self.blacklist[0].append(entry.group(2)) else: self.blacklist[1].append(entry.group(2)) entries = re.compile(r'
(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe([\d]+)(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe([\d]+)[^<]*((?:]+>)?[^<]+(?:
([\d]+)', re.S).finditer(html) entries = re.compile(r'
(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe([\d]+)(Ankommende|Ausgehende) Rufe([\d]+)