# SumoSwissKnife Your Sublime Text Swiss Knife For Sumo Logic. [Inspired by SublimeText-SQLTools](https://github.com/mtxr/SublimeText-SQLTools) Write your Sumo with smart completions, including all the metadata Sumo Logic to offer, execute Sumo Logic queries, format your queries' results in many different formats, with multi org connection manager. ![Preview](/Sumo_Sublime.gif) ## Installation * Download the repository SumoSwissKnife-master.zip * Unzip the contents to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/SumoSwissKnife * Create a [Sumo Logic AccessID/AcessKey](https://help.sumologic.com/Manage/Security/Access-Keys#create-an-access-key) pair * Start sublime, then from the command palette execute sumo: Setup Connection * Open/Create new, Sumo query file with .sumo, select the newly created connection, and you are good to go ## Features Started it as a syntax highlight but then extended it to: * Highlight keywords, right click for further information and Sumo Docs link * Run queries * Get all metadata (collectors, source categories, sources, users, roles, FERs, views and saved queries (personal folder)) * Output in major formats including but not limited to (CSV, Jira, Grid, Github, HTML etc.) * Autocompletion including sumo metadata * Bueatify fields, highlight one or more fieleds (e.g number_of_users) right click SumoSwisKnife > Beatify selected field(s), then it be alised to %"Number Of Users" ## Give it a go! * Create new file with ".sumo" extension * Command Palette > Sumo: Setup Connections (Then add your AccessId/AccessKey) * Select your connection * try query: ``` ruby | count by _sourceCategory ``` * Command Palette > Sumo: Run Current File Query * Select time range * Customize it if needed * You may change the outpu format Command Palette > Sumo: Change Results Format ## TODO Due to python threading limitation, future plan to replace the metedata chache generator by golang based cli, to be used as stanalone as well as a hook for this plugn