environment = [{}]; target = "js"; nil63 = function (x) { return x === undefined || x === null; }; is63 = function (x) { return ! nil63(x); }; no = function (x) { return nil63(x) || x === false; }; yes = function (x) { return ! no(x); }; either = function (x, y) { if (is63(x)) { return x; } else { return y; } }; has63 = function (l, k) { return l.hasOwnProperty(k); }; _35 = function (x) { return x.length || 0; }; none63 = function (x) { return _35(x) === 0; }; some63 = function (x) { return _35(x) > 0; }; one63 = function (x) { return _35(x) === 1; }; two63 = function (x) { return _35(x) === 2; }; hd = function (l) { return l[0]; }; type = function (x) { return typeof(x); }; string63 = function (x) { return type(x) === "string"; }; number63 = function (x) { return type(x) === "number"; }; boolean63 = function (x) { return type(x) === "boolean"; }; function63 = function (x) { return type(x) === "function"; }; obj63 = function (x) { return is63(x) && type(x) === "object"; }; atom63 = function (x) { return nil63(x) || string63(x) || number63(x) || boolean63(x); }; hd63 = function (l, x) { return obj63(l) && hd(l) === x; }; nan = 0 / 0; inf = 1 / 0; _inf = - inf; nan63 = function (n) { return !( n === n); }; inf63 = function (n) { return n === inf || n === _inf; }; clip = function (s, from, upto) { return s.substring(from, upto); }; cut = function (x, from, upto) { var __l = []; var __j = 0; var __e = undefined; if (nil63(from) || from < 0) { __e = 0; } else { __e = from; } var __i = __e; var __n = _35(x); var __e1 = undefined; if (nil63(upto) || upto > __n) { __e1 = __n; } else { __e1 = upto; } var __upto = __e1; while (__i < __upto) { __l[__j] = x[__i]; __i = __i + 1; __j = __j + 1; } var ____o = x; var __k = undefined; for (__k in ____o) { var __v = ____o[__k]; var __e2 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k)) { __e2 = parseInt(__k); } else { __e2 = __k; } var __k1 = __e2; if (! number63(__k1)) { __l[__k1] = __v; } } return __l; }; keys = function (x) { var __t = []; var ____o1 = x; var __k2 = undefined; for (__k2 in ____o1) { var __v1 = ____o1[__k2]; var __e3 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k2)) { __e3 = parseInt(__k2); } else { __e3 = __k2; } var __k3 = __e3; if (! number63(__k3)) { __t[__k3] = __v1; } } return __t; }; edge = function (x) { return _35(x) - 1; }; inner = function (x) { return clip(x, 1, edge(x)); }; tl = function (l) { return cut(l, 1); }; char = function (s, n) { return s.charAt(n); }; code = function (s, n) { return s.charCodeAt(n); }; string_literal63 = function (x) { return string63(x) && char(x, 0) === "\""; }; id_literal63 = function (x) { return string63(x) && char(x, 0) === "|"; }; add = function (l, x) { l.push(x); return undefined; }; drop = function (l) { return l.pop(); }; last = function (l) { return l[edge(l)]; }; almost = function (l) { return cut(l, 0, edge(l)); }; reverse = function (l) { var __l1 = keys(l); var __i3 = edge(l); while (__i3 >= 0) { add(__l1, l[__i3]); __i3 = __i3 - 1; } return __l1; }; reduce = function (f, x) { if (none63(x)) { return undefined; } else { if (one63(x)) { return hd(x); } else { return f(hd(x), reduce(f, tl(x))); } } }; join = function () { var __ls = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var __r38 = []; var ____x1 = __ls; var ____i4 = 0; while (____i4 < _35(____x1)) { var __l11 = ____x1[____i4]; if (__l11) { var __n3 = _35(__r38); var ____o2 = __l11; var __k4 = undefined; for (__k4 in ____o2) { var __v2 = ____o2[__k4]; var __e4 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k4)) { __e4 = parseInt(__k4); } else { __e4 = __k4; } var __k5 = __e4; if (number63(__k5)) { __k5 = __k5 + __n3; } __r38[__k5] = __v2; } } ____i4 = ____i4 + 1; } return __r38; }; find = function (f, t) { var ____o3 = t; var ____i6 = undefined; for (____i6 in ____o3) { var __x2 = ____o3[____i6]; var __e5 = undefined; if (numeric63(____i6)) { __e5 = parseInt(____i6); } else { __e5 = ____i6; } var ____i61 = __e5; var __y = f(__x2); if (__y) { return __y; } } }; first = function (f, l) { var ____x3 = l; var ____i7 = 0; while (____i7 < _35(____x3)) { var __x4 = ____x3[____i7]; var __y1 = f(__x4); if (__y1) { return __y1; } ____i7 = ____i7 + 1; } }; in63 = function (x, t) { return find(function (y) { return x === y; }, t); }; pair = function (l) { var __l12 = []; var __i8 = 0; while (__i8 < _35(l)) { add(__l12, [l[__i8], l[__i8 + 1]]); __i8 = __i8 + 1; __i8 = __i8 + 1; } return __l12; }; sort = function (l, f) { var __e6 = undefined; if (f) { __e6 = function (a, b) { if (f(a, b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }; } return l.sort(__e6); }; map = function (f, x) { var __t1 = []; var ____x6 = x; var ____i9 = 0; while (____i9 < _35(____x6)) { var __v3 = ____x6[____i9]; var __y2 = f(__v3); if (is63(__y2)) { add(__t1, __y2); } ____i9 = ____i9 + 1; } var ____o4 = x; var __k6 = undefined; for (__k6 in ____o4) { var __v4 = ____o4[__k6]; var __e7 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k6)) { __e7 = parseInt(__k6); } else { __e7 = __k6; } var __k7 = __e7; if (! number63(__k7)) { var __y3 = f(__v4); if (is63(__y3)) { __t1[__k7] = __y3; } } } return __t1; }; keep = function (f, x) { return map(function (v) { if (yes(f(v))) { return v; } }, x); }; keys63 = function (t) { var ____o5 = t; var __k8 = undefined; for (__k8 in ____o5) { var __v5 = ____o5[__k8]; var __e8 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k8)) { __e8 = parseInt(__k8); } else { __e8 = __k8; } var __k9 = __e8; if (! number63(__k9)) { return true; } } return false; }; empty63 = function (t) { var ____o6 = t; var ____i12 = undefined; for (____i12 in ____o6) { var __x7 = ____o6[____i12]; var __e9 = undefined; if (numeric63(____i12)) { __e9 = parseInt(____i12); } else { __e9 = ____i12; } var ____i121 = __e9; return false; } return true; }; stash = function (args) { if (keys63(args)) { var __p = []; var ____o7 = args; var __k10 = undefined; for (__k10 in ____o7) { var __v6 = ____o7[__k10]; var __e10 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k10)) { __e10 = parseInt(__k10); } else { __e10 = __k10; } var __k11 = __e10; if (! number63(__k11)) { __p[__k11] = __v6; } } __p._stash = true; add(args, __p); } return args; }; unstash = function (args) { if (none63(args)) { return []; } else { var __l2 = last(args); if (obj63(__l2) && __l2._stash) { var __args1 = almost(args); var ____o8 = __l2; var __k12 = undefined; for (__k12 in ____o8) { var __v7 = ____o8[__k12]; var __e11 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k12)) { __e11 = parseInt(__k12); } else { __e11 = __k12; } var __k13 = __e11; if (!( __k13 === "_stash")) { __args1[__k13] = __v7; } } return __args1; } else { return args; } } }; destash33 = function (l, args1) { if (obj63(l) && l._stash) { var ____o9 = l; var __k14 = undefined; for (__k14 in ____o9) { var __v8 = ____o9[__k14]; var __e12 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k14)) { __e12 = parseInt(__k14); } else { __e12 = __k14; } var __k15 = __e12; if (!( __k15 === "_stash")) { args1[__k15] = __v8; } } } else { return l; } }; search = function (s, pattern, start) { var __i16 = s.indexOf(pattern, start); if (__i16 >= 0) { return __i16; } }; split = function (s, sep) { if (s === "" || sep === "") { return []; } else { var __l3 = []; var __n12 = _35(sep); while (true) { var __i17 = search(s, sep); if (nil63(__i17)) { break; } else { add(__l3, clip(s, 0, __i17)); s = clip(s, __i17 + __n12); } } add(__l3, s); return __l3; } }; cat = function () { var __xs = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, __xs), ""); }; _43 = function () { var __xs1 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, __xs1), 0); }; _45 = function () { var __xs2 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (b, a) { return a - b; }, reverse(__xs2)), 0); }; _42 = function () { var __xs3 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (a, b) { return a * b; }, __xs3), 1); }; _47 = function () { var __xs4 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (b, a) { return a / b; }, reverse(__xs4)), 1); }; _37 = function () { var __xs5 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return either(reduce(function (b, a) { return a % b; }, reverse(__xs5)), 0); }; var pairwise = function (f, xs) { var __i18 = 0; while (__i18 < edge(xs)) { var __a = xs[__i18]; var __b = xs[__i18 + 1]; if (! f(__a, __b)) { return false; } __i18 = __i18 + 1; } return true; }; _60 = function () { var __xs6 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return pairwise(function (a, b) { return a < b; }, __xs6); }; _62 = function () { var __xs7 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return pairwise(function (a, b) { return a > b; }, __xs7); }; _61 = function () { var __xs8 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return pairwise(function (a, b) { return a === b; }, __xs8); }; _6061 = function () { var __xs9 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return pairwise(function (a, b) { return a <= b; }, __xs9); }; _6261 = function () { var __xs10 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return pairwise(function (a, b) { return a >= b; }, __xs10); }; number = function (s) { var __n13 = parseFloat(s); if (! isNaN(__n13)) { return __n13; } }; number_code63 = function (n) { return n > 47 && n < 58; }; numeric63 = function (s) { var __n14 = _35(s); var __i19 = 0; while (__i19 < __n14) { if (! number_code63(code(s, __i19))) { return false; } __i19 = __i19 + 1; } return some63(s); }; var tostring = function (x) { return x.toString(); }; escape = function (s) { var __s1 = "\""; var __i20 = 0; while (__i20 < _35(s)) { var __c = char(s, __i20); var __e13 = undefined; if (__c === "\n") { __e13 = "\\n"; } else { var __e14 = undefined; if (__c === "\r") { __e14 = "\\r"; } else { var __e15 = undefined; if (__c === "\"") { __e15 = "\\\""; } else { var __e16 = undefined; if (__c === "\\") { __e16 = "\\\\"; } else { __e16 = __c; } __e15 = __e16; } __e14 = __e15; } __e13 = __e14; } var __c1 = __e13; __s1 = __s1 + __c1; __i20 = __i20 + 1; } return __s1 + "\""; }; str = function (x, stack) { if (nil63(x)) { return "nil"; } else { if (nan63(x)) { return "nan"; } else { if (x === inf) { return "inf"; } else { if (x === _inf) { return "-inf"; } else { if (boolean63(x)) { if (x) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } } else { if (string63(x)) { return escape(x); } else { if (atom63(x)) { return tostring(x); } else { if (function63(x)) { return "function"; } else { if (stack && in63(x, stack)) { return "circular"; } else { if (false) { return escape(tostring(x)); } else { var __s = "("; var __sp = ""; var __xs11 = []; var __ks = []; var __l4 = stack || []; add(__l4, x); var ____o10 = x; var __k16 = undefined; for (__k16 in ____o10) { var __v9 = ____o10[__k16]; var __e17 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k16)) { __e17 = parseInt(__k16); } else { __e17 = __k16; } var __k17 = __e17; if (number63(__k17)) { __xs11[__k17] = str(__v9, __l4); } else { add(__ks, __k17 + ":"); add(__ks, str(__v9, __l4)); } } drop(__l4); var ____o11 = join(__xs11, __ks); var ____i22 = undefined; for (____i22 in ____o11) { var __v10 = ____o11[____i22]; var __e18 = undefined; if (numeric63(____i22)) { __e18 = parseInt(____i22); } else { __e18 = ____i22; } var ____i221 = __e18; __s = __s + __sp + __v10; __sp = " "; } return __s + ")"; } } } } } } } } } } }; apply = function (f, args) { var __args = stash(args); return f.apply(f, __args); }; call = function (f) { var ____r75 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __f = destash33(f, ____r75); var ____id = ____r75; var __args11 = cut(____id, 0); return apply(__f, __args11); }; setenv = function (k) { var ____r76 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __k18 = destash33(k, ____r76); var ____id1 = ____r76; var __keys = cut(____id1, 0); if (string63(__k18)) { var __e19 = undefined; if (__keys.toplevel) { __e19 = hd(environment); } else { __e19 = last(environment); } var __frame = __e19; var __entry = __frame[__k18] || {}; var ____o12 = __keys; var __k19 = undefined; for (__k19 in ____o12) { var __v11 = ____o12[__k19]; var __e20 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k19)) { __e20 = parseInt(__k19); } else { __e20 = __k19; } var __k20 = __e20; __entry[__k20] = __v11; } __frame[__k18] = __entry; return __frame[__k18]; } }; print = function (x) { return console.log(x); }; error = function (x) { throw new Error(x); }; var math = Math; abs = math.abs; acos = math.acos; asin = math.asin; atan = math.atan; atan2 = math.atan2; ceil = math.ceil; cos = math.cos; floor = math.floor; log = math.log; log10 = math.log10; max = math.max; min = math.min; pow = math.pow; random = math.random; sin = math.sin; sinh = math.sinh; sqrt = math.sqrt; tan = math.tan; tanh = math.tanh; trunc = math.floor; setenv("quote", {_stash: true, macro: function (form) { return quoted(form); }}); setenv("quasiquote", {_stash: true, macro: function (form) { return quasiexpand(form, 1); }}); setenv("set", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __args1 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return join(["do"], map(function (__x4) { var ____id1 = __x4; var __lh1 = ____id1[0]; var __rh1 = ____id1[1]; return ["%set", __lh1, __rh1]; }, pair(__args1))); }}); setenv("at", {_stash: true, macro: function (l, i) { if (target === "lua" && number63(i)) { i = i + 1; } else { if (target === "lua") { i = ["+", i, 1]; } } return ["get", l, i]; }}); setenv("wipe", {_stash: true, macro: function (place) { if (target === "lua") { return ["set", place, "nil"]; } else { return ["%delete", place]; } }}); setenv("list", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __body1 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var __x22 = unique("x"); var __l1 = []; var __forms1 = []; var ____o1 = __body1; var __k2 = undefined; for (__k2 in ____o1) { var __v1 = ____o1[__k2]; var __e8 = undefined; if (numeric63(__k2)) { __e8 = parseInt(__k2); } else { __e8 = __k2; } var __k3 = __e8; if (number63(__k3)) { __l1[__k3] = __v1; } else { add(__forms1, ["set", ["get", __x22, ["quote", __k3]], __v1]); } } if (some63(__forms1)) { return join(["let", __x22, join(["%array"], __l1)], __forms1, [__x22]); } else { return join(["%array"], __l1); } }}); setenv("if", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __branches1 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return hd(expand_if(__branches1)); }}); setenv("case", {_stash: true, macro: function (expr) { var ____r13 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __expr1 = destash33(expr, ____r13); var ____id4 = ____r13; var __clauses1 = cut(____id4, 0); var __x41 = unique("x"); var __eq1 = function (_) { return ["=", ["quote", _], __x41]; }; var __cl1 = function (__x44) { var ____id5 = __x44; var __a1 = ____id5[0]; var __b1 = ____id5[1]; if (nil63(__b1)) { return [__a1]; } else { if (string63(__a1) || number63(__a1)) { return [__eq1(__a1), __b1]; } else { if (one63(__a1)) { return [__eq1(hd(__a1)), __b1]; } else { if (_35(__a1) > 1) { return [join(["or"], map(__eq1, __a1)), __b1]; } } } } }; return ["let", __x41, __expr1, join(["if"], apply(join, map(__cl1, pair(__clauses1))))]; }}); setenv("when", {_stash: true, macro: function (cond) { var ____r17 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __cond1 = destash33(cond, ____r17); var ____id7 = ____r17; var __body3 = cut(____id7, 0); return ["if", __cond1, join(["do"], __body3)]; }}); setenv("unless", {_stash: true, macro: function (cond) { var ____r19 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __cond3 = destash33(cond, ____r19); var ____id9 = ____r19; var __body5 = cut(____id9, 0); return ["if", ["not", __cond3], join(["do"], __body5)]; }}); setenv("obj", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __body7 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return join(["%object"], mapo(function (x) { return x; }, __body7)); }}); setenv("let", {_stash: true, macro: function (bs) { var ____r23 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __bs11 = destash33(bs, ____r23); var ____id14 = ____r23; var __body9 = cut(____id14, 0); if (atom63(__bs11)) { return join(["let", [__bs11, hd(__body9)]], tl(__body9)); } else { if (none63(__bs11)) { return join(["do"], __body9); } else { var ____id15 = __bs11; var __lh3 = ____id15[0]; var __rh3 = ____id15[1]; var __bs21 = cut(____id15, 2); var ____id16 = bind(__lh3, __rh3); var __id17 = ____id16[0]; var __val1 = ____id16[1]; var __bs12 = cut(____id16, 2); var __renames1 = []; if (! id_literal63(__id17)) { var __id121 = unique(__id17); __renames1 = [__id17, __id121]; __id17 = __id121; } return ["do", ["%local", __id17, __val1], ["let-symbol", __renames1, join(["let", join(__bs12, __bs21)], __body9)]]; } } }}); setenv("with", {_stash: true, macro: function (x, v) { var ____r25 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __x84 = destash33(x, ____r25); var __v3 = destash33(v, ____r25); var ____id19 = ____r25; var __body11 = cut(____id19, 0); return join(["let", [__x84, __v3]], __body11, [__x84]); }}); setenv("let-when", {_stash: true, macro: function (x, v) { var ____r27 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __x94 = destash33(x, ____r27); var __v5 = destash33(v, ____r27); var ____id21 = ____r27; var __body13 = cut(____id21, 0); var __y1 = unique("y"); return ["let", __y1, __v5, ["when", ["yes", __y1], join(["let", [__x94, __y1]], __body13)]]; }}); setenv("define-macro", {_stash: true, macro: function (name, args) { var ____r29 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __name1 = destash33(name, ____r29); var __args3 = destash33(args, ____r29); var ____id23 = ____r29; var __body15 = cut(____id23, 0); var ____x103 = ["setenv", ["quote", __name1]]; ____x103.macro = join(["fn", __args3], __body15); var __form1 = ____x103; _eval(__form1); return __form1; }}); setenv("define-special", {_stash: true, macro: function (name, args) { var ____r31 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __name3 = destash33(name, ____r31); var __args5 = destash33(args, ____r31); var ____id25 = ____r31; var __body17 = cut(____id25, 0); var ____x109 = ["setenv", ["quote", __name3]]; ____x109.special = join(["fn", __args5], __body17); var __form3 = join(____x109, keys(__body17)); _eval(__form3); return __form3; }}); setenv("define-symbol", {_stash: true, macro: function (name, expansion) { setenv(name, {_stash: true, symbol: expansion}); var ____x115 = ["setenv", ["quote", name]]; ____x115.symbol = ["quote", expansion]; return ____x115; }}); setenv("define-reader", {_stash: true, macro: function (__x123) { var ____id28 = __x123; var __char1 = ____id28[0]; var __s1 = ____id28[1]; var ____r35 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var ____x123 = destash33(__x123, ____r35); var ____id29 = ____r35; var __body19 = cut(____id29, 0); return ["set", ["get", "read-table", __char1], join(["fn", [__s1]], __body19)]; }}); setenv("define", {_stash: true, macro: function (name, x) { var ____r37 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __name5 = destash33(name, ____r37); var __x131 = destash33(x, ____r37); var ____id31 = ____r37; var __body21 = cut(____id31, 0); setenv(__name5, {_stash: true, variable: true}); if (some63(__body21)) { return join(["%local-function", __name5], bind42(__x131, __body21)); } else { return ["%local", __name5, __x131]; } }}); setenv("define-global", {_stash: true, macro: function (name, x) { var ____r39 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __name7 = destash33(name, ____r39); var __x137 = destash33(x, ____r39); var ____id33 = ____r39; var __body23 = cut(____id33, 0); setenv(__name7, {_stash: true, toplevel: true, variable: true}); if (some63(__body23)) { return join(["%global-function", __name7], bind42(__x137, __body23)); } else { return ["set", __name7, __x137]; } }}); setenv("with-frame", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __body25 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var __x147 = unique("x"); return ["do", ["add", "environment", ["obj"]], ["with", __x147, join(["do"], __body25), ["drop", "environment"]]]; }}); setenv("with-bindings", {_stash: true, macro: function (__x159) { var ____id36 = __x159; var __names1 = ____id36[0]; var ____r41 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var ____x159 = destash33(__x159, ____r41); var ____id37 = ____r41; var __body27 = cut(____id37, 0); var __x160 = unique("x"); var ____x163 = ["setenv", __x160]; ____x163.variable = true; return join(["with-frame", ["each", __x160, __names1, ____x163]], __body27); }}); setenv("let-macro", {_stash: true, macro: function (definitions) { var ____r44 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __definitions1 = destash33(definitions, ____r44); var ____id39 = ____r44; var __body29 = cut(____id39, 0); add(environment, {}); map(function (m) { return macroexpand(join(["define-macro"], m)); }, __definitions1); var ____x167 = macroexpand(join(["do"], __body29)); drop(environment); return ____x167; }}); setenv("let-symbol", {_stash: true, macro: function (expansions) { var ____r48 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __expansions1 = destash33(expansions, ____r48); var ____id42 = ____r48; var __body31 = cut(____id42, 0); add(environment, {}); map(function (__x175) { var ____id43 = __x175; var __name9 = ____id43[0]; var __exp1 = ____id43[1]; return macroexpand(["define-symbol", __name9, __exp1]); }, pair(__expansions1)); var ____x174 = macroexpand(join(["do"], __body31)); drop(environment); return ____x174; }}); setenv("let-unique", {_stash: true, macro: function (names) { var ____r52 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __names3 = destash33(names, ____r52); var ____id45 = ____r52; var __body33 = cut(____id45, 0); var __bs3 = map(function (n) { return [n, ["unique", ["quote", n]]]; }, __names3); return join(["let", apply(join, __bs3)], __body33); }}); setenv("fn", {_stash: true, macro: function (args) { var ____r55 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __args7 = destash33(args, ____r55); var ____id47 = ____r55; var __body35 = cut(____id47, 0); return join(["%function"], bind42(__args7, __body35)); }}); setenv("apply", {_stash: true, macro: function (f) { var ____r57 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __f1 = destash33(f, ____r57); var ____id49 = ____r57; var __args9 = cut(____id49, 0); if (_35(__args9) > 1) { return ["%call", "apply", __f1, ["join", join(["list"], almost(__args9)), last(__args9)]]; } else { return join(["%call", "apply", __f1], __args9); } }}); setenv("guard", {_stash: true, macro: function (expr) { if (target === "js") { return [["fn", join(), ["%try", ["list", true, expr]]]]; } else { var ____x230 = ["obj"]; ____x230.stack = [["get", "debug", ["quote", "traceback"]]]; ____x230.message = ["if", ["string?", "m"], ["clip", "m", ["+", ["or", ["search", "m", "\": \""], -2], 2]], ["nil?", "m"], "\"\"", ["str", "m"]]; return ["list", ["xpcall", ["fn", join(), expr], ["fn", ["m"], ["if", ["obj?", "m"], "m", ____x230]]]]; } }}); setenv("each", {_stash: true, macro: function (x, t) { var ____r61 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __x256 = destash33(x, ____r61); var __t1 = destash33(t, ____r61); var ____id52 = ____r61; var __body37 = cut(____id52, 0); var __o3 = unique("o"); var __n3 = unique("n"); var __i3 = unique("i"); var __e9 = undefined; if (atom63(__x256)) { __e9 = [__i3, __x256]; } else { var __e10 = undefined; if (_35(__x256) > 1) { __e10 = __x256; } else { __e10 = [__i3, hd(__x256)]; } __e9 = __e10; } var ____id53 = __e9; var __k5 = ____id53[0]; var __v7 = ____id53[1]; var __e11 = undefined; if (target === "lua") { __e11 = __body37; } else { __e11 = [join(["let", __k5, ["if", ["numeric?", __k5], ["parseInt", __k5], __k5]], __body37)]; } return ["let", [__o3, __t1, __k5, "nil"], ["%for", __o3, __k5, join(["let", [__v7, ["get", __o3, __k5]]], __e11)]]; }}); setenv("for", {_stash: true, macro: function (i, to) { var ____r63 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __i5 = destash33(i, ____r63); var __to1 = destash33(to, ____r63); var ____id55 = ____r63; var __body39 = cut(____id55, 0); return ["let", __i5, 0, join(["while", ["<", __i5, __to1]], __body39, [["inc", __i5]])]; }}); setenv("step", {_stash: true, macro: function (v, t) { var ____r65 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); var __v9 = destash33(v, ____r65); var __t3 = destash33(t, ____r65); var ____id57 = ____r65; var __body41 = cut(____id57, 0); var __x288 = unique("x"); var __i7 = unique("i"); return ["let", [__x288, __t3], ["for", __i7, ["#", __x288], join(["let", [__v9, ["at", __x288, __i7]]], __body41)]]; }}); setenv("set-of", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __xs1 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var __l3 = []; var ____o5 = __xs1; var ____i9 = undefined; for (____i9 in ____o5) { var __x298 = ____o5[____i9]; var __e12 = undefined; if (numeric63(____i9)) { __e12 = parseInt(____i9); } else { __e12 = ____i9; } var ____i91 = __e12; __l3[__x298] = true; } return join(["obj"], __l3); }}); setenv("language", {_stash: true, macro: function () { return ["quote", target]; }}); setenv("target", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __clauses3 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return __clauses3[target]; }}); setenv("join!", {_stash: true, macro: function (a) { var ____r69 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __a3 = destash33(a, ____r69); var ____id59 = ____r69; var __bs5 = cut(____id59, 0); return ["set", __a3, join(["join", __a3], __bs5)]; }}); setenv("cat!", {_stash: true, macro: function (a) { var ____r71 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var __a5 = destash33(a, ____r71); var ____id61 = ____r71; var __bs7 = cut(____id61, 0); return ["set", __a5, join(["cat", __a5], __bs7)]; }}); setenv("inc", {_stash: true, macro: function (n, by) { var __e13 = undefined; if (nil63(by)) { __e13 = 1; } else { __e13 = by; } return ["set", n, ["+", n, __e13]]; }}); setenv("dec", {_stash: true, macro: function (n, by) { var __e14 = undefined; if (nil63(by)) { __e14 = 1; } else { __e14 = by; } return ["set", n, ["-", n, __e14]]; }}); setenv("with-indent", {_stash: true, macro: function (form) { var __x323 = unique("x"); return ["do", ["inc", "indent-level"], ["with", __x323, form, ["dec", "indent-level"]]]; }}); setenv("export", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __names5 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); if (target === "js") { return join(["do"], map(function (k) { return ["set", ["get", "exports", ["quote", k]], k]; }, __names5)); } else { var __x339 = {}; var ____o7 = __names5; var ____i11 = undefined; for (____i11 in ____o7) { var __k7 = ____o7[____i11]; var __e15 = undefined; if (numeric63(____i11)) { __e15 = parseInt(____i11); } else { __e15 = ____i11; } var ____i111 = __e15; __x339[__k7] = __k7; } return ["return", join(["%object"], mapo(function (x) { return x; }, __x339))]; } }}); setenv("when-compiling", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __body43 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return _eval(join(["do"], __body43)); }}); setenv("during-compilation", {_stash: true, macro: function () { var __body45 = unstash(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var __form5 = join(["do"], __body45); _eval(__form5); return __form5; }}); var reader = require("reader"); var compiler = require("compiler"); var system = require("system"); var eval_print = function (form) { var ____id = (function () { try { return [true, compiler["eval"](form)]; } catch (__e) { return [false, __e]; } })(); var __ok = ____id[0]; var __v = ____id[1]; if (! __ok) { return print(__v.stack); } else { if (is63(__v)) { return print(str(__v)); } } }; var rep = function (s) { return eval_print(reader["read-string"](s)); }; var repl = function () { var __buf = ""; var rep1 = function (s) { __buf = __buf + s; var __more = []; var __form = reader["read-string"](__buf, __more); if (!( __form === __more)) { eval_print(__form); __buf = ""; return system.write("> "); } }; system.write("> "); var ___in = process.stdin; ___in.setEncoding("utf8"); return ___in.on("data", rep1); }; compile_file = function (path) { var __s = reader.stream(system["read-file"](path)); var __body = reader["read-all"](__s); var __form1 = compiler.expand(join(["do"], __body)); return compiler.compile(__form1, {_stash: true, stmt: true}); }; _load = function (path) { var __previous = target; target = "js"; var __code = compile_file(path); target = __previous; return compiler.run(__code); }; var script_file63 = function (path) { return !( "-" === char(path, 0) || ".js" === clip(path, _35(path) - 3) || ".lua" === clip(path, _35(path) - 4)); }; var run_file = function (path) { if (script_file63(path)) { return _load(path); } else { return compiler.run(system["read-file"](path)); } }; var usage = function () { print("usage: lumen [ | options ]"); print(" \t\tProgram read from script file"); print(" \tPassed to program in system.argv"); print(" \tLoaded before compiling "); print("options:"); print(" -c \tCompile input file"); print(" -o \tOutput file"); print(" -t \tTarget language (default: lua)"); return print(" -e \tExpression to evaluate"); }; var main = function () { var __arg = hd(system.argv); if (__arg && script_file63(__arg)) { return _load(__arg); } else { if (__arg === "-h" || __arg === "--help") { return usage(); } else { var __pre = []; var __input = undefined; var __output = undefined; var __target1 = undefined; var __expr = undefined; var __argv = system.argv; var __i = 0; while (__i < _35(__argv)) { var __a = __argv[__i]; if (__a === "-c" || __a === "-o" || __a === "-t" || __a === "-e") { if (__i === edge(__argv)) { print("missing argument for " + __a); } else { __i = __i + 1; var __val = __argv[__i]; if (__a === "-c") { __input = __val; } else { if (__a === "-o") { __output = __val; } else { if (__a === "-t") { __target1 = __val; } else { if (__a === "-e") { __expr = __val; } } } } } } else { if (!( "-" === char(__a, 0))) { add(__pre, __a); } } __i = __i + 1; } var ____x2 = __pre; var ____i1 = 0; while (____i1 < _35(____x2)) { var __file = ____x2[____i1]; run_file(__file); ____i1 = ____i1 + 1; } if (nil63(__input)) { if (__expr) { return rep(__expr); } else { return repl(); } } else { if (__target1) { target = __target1; } var __code1 = compile_file(__input); if (nil63(__output) || __output === "-") { return print(__code1); } else { return system["write-file"](__output, __code1); } } } } }; main();