package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.Transformation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.scwang.smartrefresh.header.R; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; /** * Taurus * Created by scwang on 2017/5/31. * from */ public class TaurusHeader extends SimpleComponent implements RefreshHeader { // protected static String[] airplanePaths = new String[]{ "m23.01,81.48c-0.21,-0.3 -0.38,-0.83 -0.38,-1.19 0,-0.55 0.24,-0.78 1.5,-1.48 1.78,-0.97 2.62,-1.94 2.24,-2.57 -0.57,-0.93 -1.97,-1.24 -11.64,-2.59 -5.35,-0.74 -10.21,-1.44 -10.82,-1.54l-1.09,-0.18 1.19,-0.91c0.99,-0.76 1.38,-0.91 2.35,-0.91 0.64,0 6.39,0.33 12.79,0.74 6.39,0.41 12.09,0.71 12.65,0.67l1.03,-0.07 -1.24,-2.19C30.18,66.77 15.91,42 15.13,40.68l-0.51,-0.87 4.19,-1.26c2.3,-0.69 4.27,-1.26 4.37,-1.26 0.1,0 5.95,3.85 13,8.55 14.69,9.81 17.1,11.31 19.7,12.31 4.63,1.78 6.45,1.69 12.94,-0.64 13.18,-4.73 25.22,-9.13 25.75,-9.4 0.69,-0.36 3.6,1.33 -24.38,-14.22L50.73,23.07 46.74,16.42 42.75,9.77 43.63,8.89c0.83,-0.83 0.91,-0.86 1.46,-0.52 0.32,0.2 3.72,3.09 7.55,6.44 3.83,3.34 7.21,6.16 7.5,6.27 0.29,0.11 13.6,2.82 29.58,6.03 15.98,3.21 31.86,6.4 35.3,7.1l6.26,1.26 3.22,-1.13c41.63,-14.63 67.88,-23.23 85.38,-28 14.83,-4.04 23.75,-4.75 32.07,-2.57 7.04,1.84 9.87,4.88 7.71,8.27 -1.6,2.5 -4.6,4.63 -10.61,7.54 -5.94,2.88 -10.22,4.46 -25.4,9.41 -8.15,2.66 -16.66,5.72 -39.01,14.02 -66.79,24.82 -88.49,31.25 -121.66,36.07 -14.56,2.11 -24.17,2.95 -34.08,2.95 -5.43,0 -5.52,-0.01 -5.89,-0.54z" }; protected static int[] airplaneColors = new int[]{ 0xffffffff }; protected static String[] cloudPaths = new String[]{ "M551.81,1.01A65.42,65.42 0,0 0,504.38 21.5A50.65,50.65 0,0 0,492.4 20A50.65,50.65 0,0 0,441.75 70.65A50.65,50.65 0,0 0,492.4 121.3A50.65,50.65 0,0 0,511.22 117.64A65.42,65.42 0,0 0,517.45 122L586.25,122A65.42,65.42 0,0 0,599.79 110.78A59.79,59.79 0,0 0,607.81 122L696.34,122A59.79,59.79 0,0 0,711.87 81.9A59.79,59.79 0,0 0,652.07 22.11A59.79,59.79 0,0 0,610.93 38.57A65.42,65.42 0,0 0,551.81 1.01zM246.2,1.71A54.87,54.87 0,0 0,195.14 36.64A46.78,46.78 0,0 0,167.77 27.74A46.78,46.78 0,0 0,120.99 74.52A46.78,46.78 0,0 0,167.77 121.3A46.78,46.78 0,0 0,208.92 96.74A54.87,54.87 0,0 0,246.2 111.45A54.87,54.87 0,0 0,268.71 106.54A39.04,39.04 0,0 0,281.09 122L327.6,122A39.04,39.04 0,0 0,343.38 90.7A39.04,39.04 0,0 0,304.34 51.66A39.04,39.04 0,0 0,300.82 51.85A54.87,54.87 0,0 0,246.2 1.71z", "m506.71,31.37a53.11,53.11 0,0 0,-53.11 53.11,53.11 53.11,0 0,0 15.55,37.5h75.12a53.11,53.11 0,0 0,1.88 -2.01,28.49 28.49,0 0,0 0.81,2.01h212.96a96.72,96.72 0,0 0,-87.09 -54.85,96.72 96.72,0 0,0 -73.14,33.52 28.49,28.49 0,0 0,-26.74 -18.74,28.49 28.49,0 0,0 -13.16,3.23 53.11,53.11 0,0 0,0.03 -0.66,53.11 53.11,0 0,0 -53.11,-53.11zM206.23,31.81a53.81,53.81 0,0 0,-49.99 34.03,74.91 74.91,0 0,0 -47.45,-17 74.91,74.91 0,0 0,-73.54 60.82,31.3 31.3,0 0,0 -10.17,-1.73 31.3,31.3 0,0 0,-26.09 14.05L300.86,121.98a37.63,37.63 0,0 0,0.2 -3.85,37.63 37.63,0 0,0 -37.63,-37.63 37.63,37.63 0,0 0,-3.65 0.21,53.81 53.81,0 0,0 -53.54,-48.9z", "m424.05,36.88a53.46,53.46 0,0 0,-40.89 19.02,53.46 53.46,0 0,0 -1.34,1.76 62.6,62.6 0,0 0,-5.39 -0.27,62.6 62.6,0 0,0 -61.36,50.17 62.6,62.6 0,0 0,-0.53 3.51,15.83 15.83,0 0,0 -10.33,-3.84 15.83,15.83 0,0 0,-8.06 2.23,21.1 21.1,0 0,0 -18.31,-10.67 21.1,21.1 0,0 0,-19.47 12.97,21.81 21.81,0 0,0 -6.56,-1.01 21.81,21.81 0,0 0,-19.09 11.32L522.84,122.07a43.61,43.61 0,0 0,-43.11 -37.35,43.61 43.61,0 0,0 -2.57,0.09 53.46,53.46 0,0 0,-53.11 -47.93zM129.08,38.4a50.29,50.29 0,0 0,-50.29 50.29,50.29 50.29,0 0,0 2.37,15.06 15.48,15.83 0,0 0,-5.87 1.68,15.48 15.83,0 0,0 -0.98,0.58 16.53,16.18 0,0 0,-0.19 -0.21,16.53 16.18,0 0,0 -11.86,-4.91 16.53,16.18 0,0 0,-16.38 14.13,20.05 16.18,0 0,0 -14.97,7.04L223.95,122.07a42.56,42.56 0,0 0,1.14 -9.56,42.56 42.56,0 0,0 -42.56,-42.56 42.56,42.56 0,0 0,-6.58 0.54,50.29 50.29,0 0,0 -0,-0.01 50.29,50.29 0,0 0,-46.88 -32.07zM631.67,82.61a64.01,64.01 0,0 0,-44.9 18.42,26.73 26.73,0 0,0 -10.67,-2.24 26.73,26.73 0,0 0,-22.72 12.71,16.88 16.88,0 0,0 -0.25,-0.12 16.88,16.88 0,0 0,-6.57 -1.33,16.88 16.88,0 0,0 -16.15,12.03h160.36a64.01,64.01 0,0 0,-59.1 -39.46z" }; protected static int[] cloudColors = new int[]{ 0xaac7dcf1,0xdde8f3fd,0xfffdfdfd }; // // protected static final float SCALE_START_PERCENT = 0.5f; protected static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 1000; protected static final float SIDE_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE = 0.6f;//1.05f; protected static final float SIDE_CLOUDS_FINAL_SCALE = 1f;//1.55f; protected static final float CENTER_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE = 0.8f;//0.8f; protected static final float CENTER_CLOUDS_FINAL_SCALE = 1f;//1.30f; protected static final Interpolator ACCELERATE_DECELERATE_INTERPOLATOR = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(); // Multiply with this animation interpolator time protected static final int LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT = 80; protected static final int SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT = 6; // Amount of lines when is going lading animation protected static final int WIND_SET_AMOUNT = 10; protected static final int Y_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF = 4; protected static final int X_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF = 2; protected static final int MIN_WIND_LINE_WIDTH = 50; protected static final int MAX_WIND_LINE_WIDTH = 300; protected static final int MIN_WIND_X_OFFSET = 1000; protected static final int MAX_WIND_X_OFFSET = 2000; protected static final int RANDOM_Y_COEFFICIENT = 5; protected Drawable mAirplane; protected Drawable mCloudCenter; protected Matrix mMatrix; protected float mPercent; protected int mHeight; protected int mHeaderHeight; protected Animation mAnimation; protected boolean isRefreshing = false; protected float mLoadingAnimationTime; protected float mLastAnimationTime; protected Random mRandom; // protected boolean mEndOfRefreshing; //KEY: Y position, Value: X offset of wind protected Map mWinds; protected Paint mWindPaint; protected float mWindLineWidth; protected boolean mNewWindSet; protected boolean mInverseDirection; protected float mFinishTransformation; protected int mBackgroundColor; protected RefreshKernel mKernel; protected enum AnimationPart { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH } // // public TaurusHeader(Context context) { this(context, null); } public TaurusHeader(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs, 0); final View thisView = this; thisView.setMinimumHeight(SmartUtil.dp2px(100)); mMatrix = new Matrix(); mWinds = new HashMap<>(); mRandom = new Random(); mWindPaint = new Paint(); mWindPaint.setColor(0xffffffff); mWindPaint.setStrokeWidth(SmartUtil.dp2px(3)); mWindPaint.setAlpha(50); mSpinnerStyle = SpinnerStyle.FixedBehind; // mAnimation = new Animation() { @Override public void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, @NonNull Transformation t) { /*SLOW DOWN ANIMATION IN {@link #SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT} time */ mLoadingAnimationTime = LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT * (interpolatedTime / SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT); thisView.invalidate(); } }; mAnimation.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); mAnimation.setRepeatMode(Animation.REVERSE); mAnimation.setInterpolator(ACCELERATE_DECELERATE_INTERPOLATOR); mAnimation.setDuration(ANIMATION_DURATION); // // PathsDrawable airplane = new PathsDrawable(); if (!airplane.parserPaths(airplanePaths)) { airplane.declareOriginal(3, 3, 257, 79); } // airplane.printOriginal("airplane"); airplane.parserColors(airplaneColors); PathsDrawable cloudCenter = new PathsDrawable(); if(!cloudCenter.parserPaths(cloudPaths)) { cloudCenter.declareOriginal(-1, 1, 761, 121); } // cloudCenter.printOriginal("cloudCenter"); cloudCenter.parserColors(cloudColors); mAirplane = airplane; mCloudCenter = cloudCenter; mAirplane.setBounds(0, 0, SmartUtil.dp2px(65), SmartUtil.dp2px(20)); mCloudCenter.setBounds(0, 0, SmartUtil.dp2px(260), SmartUtil.dp2px(45)); // TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TaurusHeader); int primaryColor = ta.getColor(R.styleable.TaurusHeader_thPrimaryColor, 0); if (primaryColor != 0) { mBackgroundColor = primaryColor; // thisView.setBackgroundColor(primaryColor); } else { mBackgroundColor = 0xff11bbff; // thisView.setBackgroundColor(0xff11bbff); } ta.recycle(); } // // @Override public void onInitialized(@NonNull RefreshKernel kernel, int height, int maxDragHeight) { mKernel = kernel; kernel.requestDrawBackgroundFor(this, mBackgroundColor); } @Override public void onMoving(boolean isDragging, float percent, int offset, int height, int maxDragHeight) { mHeight = offset; mPercent = percent; mHeaderHeight = height; if (isDragging) { mFinishTransformation = 0; } this.invalidate(); } @Override public void onStartAnimator(@NonNull RefreshLayout layout, int height, int maxDragHeight) { isRefreshing = true; mFinishTransformation = 0; final View thisView = this; thisView.startAnimation(mAnimation); } @Override public int onFinish(@NonNull RefreshLayout layout, boolean success) { final View thisView = this; thisView.clearAnimation(); if (success) { thisView.startAnimation(new Animation() {{ super.setDuration(100); super.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); } @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { if (interpolatedTime == 1) { isRefreshing = false; } mFinishTransformation = interpolatedTime; thisView.invalidate(); } }); return 200; } else { isRefreshing = false; return 0; } } /** * @param colors 对应Xml中配置的 srlPrimaryColor srlAccentColor * @deprecated 请使用 {@link RefreshLayout#setPrimaryColorsId(int...)} */ @Override@Deprecated public void setPrimaryColors(@ColorInt int ... colors) { // final View thisView = this; // thisView.setBackgroundColor(colors[0]); mBackgroundColor = colors[0]; if (mKernel != null) { mKernel.requestDrawBackgroundFor(this, mBackgroundColor); } } // // @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { final View thisView = this; final int width = thisView.getWidth(); final int height = mHeight;//thisView.getHeight(); //noinspection EqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes final boolean footer = mKernel != null && (this.equals(mKernel.getRefreshLayout().getRefreshFooter())); if (footer) {; canvas.translate(0, thisView.getHeight() - mHeight); } drawWinds(canvas, width); drawAirplane(canvas, width, height); drawSideClouds(canvas, width, height); drawCenterClouds(canvas, width, height); if (footer) { canvas.restore(); } super.dispatchDraw(canvas); } protected void drawWinds(Canvas canvas, int width) { if (isRefreshing) { // Set up new set of wind while (mWinds.size() < WIND_SET_AMOUNT) { float y = (float) (mHeaderHeight / (Math.random() * RANDOM_Y_COEFFICIENT)); float x = random(MIN_WIND_X_OFFSET, MAX_WIND_X_OFFSET); // Magic with checking interval between winds if (mWinds.size() > 1) { y = 0; while (y == 0) { float tmp = (float) (mHeaderHeight / (Math.random() * RANDOM_Y_COEFFICIENT)); for (Map.Entry wind : mWinds.entrySet()) { // We want that interval will be greater than fifth part of draggable distance if (Math.abs(wind.getKey() - tmp) > mHeaderHeight / RANDOM_Y_COEFFICIENT) { y = tmp; } else { y = 0; break; } } } } mWinds.put(y, x); drawWind(canvas, y, x, width); } // Draw current set of wind //noinspection ConstantConditions if (mWinds.size() >= WIND_SET_AMOUNT) { for (Map.Entry wind : mWinds.entrySet()) { drawWind(canvas, wind.getKey(), wind.getValue(), width); } } // We should to create new set of winds if (mInverseDirection && mNewWindSet) { mWinds.clear(); mNewWindSet = false; mWindLineWidth = random(MIN_WIND_LINE_WIDTH, MAX_WIND_LINE_WIDTH); } // needed for checking direction mLastAnimationTime = mLoadingAnimationTime; } } /** * Draw wind on loading animation * * @param canvas - area where we will draw * @param y - y position fot one of lines * @param xOffset - x offset for on of lines */ protected void drawWind(Canvas canvas, float y, float xOffset, int width) { /* We should multiply current animation time with this coefficient for taking all screen width in time Removing slowing of animation with dividing on {@LINK #SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT} And we should don't forget about distance that should "fly" line that depend on screen of device and x offset */ float cof = (width + xOffset) / (1f * LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT / SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT); float time = mLoadingAnimationTime; // HORRIBLE HACK FOR REVERS ANIMATION THAT SHOULD WORK LIKE RESTART ANIMATION if (mLastAnimationTime - mLoadingAnimationTime > 0) { mInverseDirection = true; // take time from 0 to end of animation time time = (1f * LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT / SLOW_DOWN_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT) - mLoadingAnimationTime; } else { mNewWindSet = true; mInverseDirection = false; } // Taking current x position of drawing wind // For fully disappearing of line we should subtract wind line width float x = (width - (time * cof)) + xOffset - mWindLineWidth; float xEnd = x + mWindLineWidth; canvas.drawLine(x, y, xEnd, y, mWindPaint); } protected void drawSideClouds(Canvas canvas, int width, int height) { Matrix matrix = mMatrix; matrix.reset(); Drawable mCloudLeft = mCloudCenter; Drawable mCloudRight = mCloudCenter; // Drag percent will newer get more then 1 here float dragPercent = Math.min(1f, Math.abs(mPercent)); final View thisView = this; if (thisView.isInEditMode()) { dragPercent = 1; mHeaderHeight = height; } float scale; float scalePercentDelta = dragPercent - SCALE_START_PERCENT; if (scalePercentDelta > 0) { float scalePercent = scalePercentDelta / (1.0f - SCALE_START_PERCENT); scale = SIDE_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE + (SIDE_CLOUDS_FINAL_SCALE - SIDE_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE) * scalePercent; } else { scale = SIDE_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE; } // Current y position of clouds float dragYOffset = mHeaderHeight * (1.0f - dragPercent); // Position where clouds fully visible on screen and we should drag them with content of listView // int cloudsVisiblePosition = mHeaderHeight / 2 - mCloudCenter.height() / 2; // boolean needMoveCloudsWithContent = false; // if (dragYOffset < cloudsVisiblePosition) { // needMoveCloudsWithContent = true; // } float offsetLeftX = 0 - mCloudLeft.getBounds().width() / 2f; float offsetLeftY = (//needMoveCloudsWithContent //? mHeaderHeight * dragPercent - mCloudLeftgetBounds().height() : dragYOffset); float offsetRightX = width - mCloudRight.getBounds().width() / 2f; float offsetRightY = (//needMoveCloudsWithContent //? mHeaderHeight * dragPercent - mCloudRightgetBounds().height() : dragYOffset); // Magic with animation on loading process if (isRefreshing) { if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FIRST)) { offsetLeftX -= 2*getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FIRST) / Y_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; offsetRightX += getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FIRST) / X_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.SECOND)) { offsetLeftX -= 2*getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.SECOND) / Y_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; offsetRightX += getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.SECOND) / X_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.THIRD)) { offsetLeftX -= getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.THIRD) / Y_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; offsetRightX += 2*getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.THIRD) / X_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FOURTH)) { offsetLeftX -= getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FOURTH) / X_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; offsetRightX += 2*getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FOURTH) / Y_SIDE_CLOUDS_SLOW_DOWN_COF; } } if (offsetLeftY + scale * mCloudLeft.getBounds().height() < height + 2) { offsetLeftY = height + 2 - scale * mCloudLeft.getBounds().height(); } if (offsetRightY + scale * mCloudRight.getBounds().height() < height + 2) { offsetRightY = height + 2 - scale * mCloudRight.getBounds().height(); } final int saveCount = canvas.getSaveCount();; canvas.translate(offsetLeftX, offsetLeftY); matrix.postScale(scale, scale, mCloudLeft.getBounds().width() * 3 / 4f, mCloudLeft.getBounds().height()); canvas.concat(matrix); mCloudLeft.setAlpha(100); mCloudLeft.draw(canvas); mCloudLeft.setAlpha(255); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount);; canvas.translate(offsetRightX, offsetRightY); matrix.postScale(scale, scale, 0, mCloudRight.getBounds().height()); canvas.concat(matrix); mCloudRight.setAlpha(100); mCloudRight.draw(canvas); mCloudRight.setAlpha(255); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); } protected void drawCenterClouds(Canvas canvas, int width, int height) { Matrix matrix = mMatrix; matrix.reset(); float dragPercent = Math.min(1f, Math.abs(mPercent)); final View thisView = this; if (thisView.isInEditMode()) { dragPercent = 1; mHeaderHeight = height; } float scale; float overDragPercent = 0; boolean overDrag = false; if (mPercent > 1.0f) { overDrag = true; // Here we want know about how mach percent of over drag we done overDragPercent = Math.abs(1.0f - mPercent); } float scalePercentDelta = dragPercent - SCALE_START_PERCENT; if (scalePercentDelta > 0) { float scalePercent = scalePercentDelta / (1.0f - SCALE_START_PERCENT); scale = CENTER_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE + (CENTER_CLOUDS_FINAL_SCALE - CENTER_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE) * scalePercent; } else { scale = CENTER_CLOUDS_INITIAL_SCALE; } float parallaxPercent = 0; boolean parallax = false; // Current y position of clouds float dragYOffset = mHeaderHeight * dragPercent; // Position when should start parallax scrolling int startParallaxHeight = mHeaderHeight - mCloudCenter.getBounds().height()/2; if (dragYOffset > startParallaxHeight) { parallax = true; parallaxPercent = dragYOffset - startParallaxHeight; } float offsetX = (width / 2f) - mCloudCenter.getBounds().width() / 2f; float offsetY = dragYOffset - (parallax ? mCloudCenter.getBounds().height()/2f + parallaxPercent : mCloudCenter.getBounds().height()/2f); float sx = overDrag ? scale + overDragPercent / 4 : scale; float sy = overDrag ? scale + overDragPercent / 2 : scale; if (isRefreshing && !overDrag) { if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FIRST)) { sx = scale - (getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FIRST) / LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT) / 8; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.SECOND)) { sx = scale - (getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.SECOND) / LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT) / 8; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.THIRD)) { sx = scale + (getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.THIRD) / LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT) / 6; } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FOURTH)) { sx = scale + (getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FOURTH) / LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT) / 6; } sy = sx; } matrix.postScale(sx, sy, mCloudCenter.getBounds().width() / 2f, 0); if (offsetY + sy * mCloudCenter.getBounds().height() < height + 2) { offsetY = height + 2 - sy * mCloudCenter.getBounds().height(); } final int saveCount = canvas.getSaveCount();; canvas.translate(offsetX, offsetY); canvas.concat(matrix); mCloudCenter.draw(canvas); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); } protected void drawAirplane(Canvas canvas, int width, int height) { Matrix matrix = mMatrix; matrix.reset(); float dragPercent = mPercent; float rotateAngle = 0; final View thisView = this; if (thisView.isInEditMode()) { dragPercent = 1; mHeaderHeight = height; } // Check overDrag if (dragPercent > 1.0f) { rotateAngle = 20 * (float) (1 - Math.pow(100, -(dragPercent - 1) / 2)); dragPercent = 1.0f; } float offsetX = ((width * dragPercent) / 2) - mAirplane.getBounds().width() / 2f; float offsetY = mHeaderHeight * (1 - dragPercent/2) - mAirplane.getBounds().height() / 2f; if (mFinishTransformation > 0) { offsetY += (0 - offsetY) * mFinishTransformation; offsetX += (width + mAirplane.getBounds().width() - offsetX) * mFinishTransformation; } if (isRefreshing) { if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FIRST)) { offsetY -= getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FIRST); } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.SECOND)) { offsetY -= getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.SECOND); } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.THIRD)) { offsetY += getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.THIRD); } else if (checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart.FOURTH)) { offsetY += getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart.FOURTH); } } if (rotateAngle > 0) { matrix.postRotate(rotateAngle, mAirplane.getBounds().width() / 2f, mAirplane.getBounds().height() / 2f); } final int saveCount = canvas.getSaveCount();; canvas.translate(offsetX, offsetY); canvas.concat(matrix); mAirplane.draw(canvas); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); } // // protected float random(int min, int max) { // nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value, // so add 1 to make it inclusive return mRandom.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; } /** * We need a special value for different part of animation * * @param part - needed part * @return - value for needed part */ protected float getAnimationPartValue(AnimationPart part) { switch (part) { case FIRST: { return mLoadingAnimationTime; } case SECOND: { return getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.FOURTH) - (mLoadingAnimationTime - getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.FOURTH)); } case THIRD: { return mLoadingAnimationTime - getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.SECOND); } case FOURTH: { return getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.THIRD) - (mLoadingAnimationTime - getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.FOURTH)); } default: return 0; } } /** * On drawing we should check current part of animation * * @param part - needed part of animation * @return - return true if current part */ protected boolean checkCurrentAnimationPart(AnimationPart part) { switch (part) { case FIRST: { return mLoadingAnimationTime < getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.FOURTH); } case SECOND: case THIRD: { return mLoadingAnimationTime < getAnimationTimePart(part); } case FOURTH: { return mLoadingAnimationTime > getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.THIRD); } default: return false; } } /** * Get part of animation duration * * @param part - needed part of time * @return - interval of time */ protected int getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart part) { switch (part) { case SECOND: { return LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT / 2; } case THIRD: { return getAnimationTimePart(AnimationPart.FOURTH) * 3; } case FOURTH: { return LOADING_ANIMATION_COEFFICIENT / 4; } default: return 0; } } // }