import { svelte } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte"; import resolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve"; // This resolves NPM modules from node_modules. import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess"; import { postcssConfig, terserConfig, typhonjsRuntime } from '@typhonjs-fvtt/runtime/rollup'; import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy'; import cleanPlugin from 'vite-plugin-clean'; import { normalizePath } from 'vite'; import path from 'path'; import { run } from 'vite-plugin-run' // ATTENTION! // Please modify the below variables: s_PACKAGE_ID and s_SVELTE_HASH_ID appropriately. // For convenience, you just need to modify the package ID below as it is used to fill in default proxy settings for // the dev server. const s_MODULE_ID = "tidy5e-sheet"; const s_PACKAGE_ID = "modules/"+s_MODULE_ID; const s_ENTRY_JAVASCRIPT = "module.js"; // A short additional string to add to Svelte CSS hash values to make yours unique. This reduces the amount of // duplicated framework CSS overlap between many TRL packages enabled on Foundry VTT at the same time. 'ese' is chosen // by shortening 'essential-svelte-esm'. const s_SVELTE_HASH_ID = "ese"; const s_COMPRESS = false; // Set to true to compress the module bundle. const s_SOURCEMAPS = true; // Generate sourcemaps for the bundle (recommended). // EXPERIMENTAL: Set to true to enable linking against the TyphonJS Runtime Library module. // You must add a Foundry module dependency on the `typhonjs` Foundry package or manually install it in Foundry from: // const s_TYPHONJS_MODULE_LIB = false; // Used in bundling particularly during development. If you npm-link packages to your project add them here. const s_RESOLVE_CONFIG = { browser: true, dedupe: ["svelte"], }; // ATTENTION! // You must change `base` and the `proxy` strings replacing `/modules/${s_MODULE_ID}/` with your // module or system ID. export default () => { /** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */ return { root: "src/", // Source location / esbuild root. base: `/${s_PACKAGE_ID}/`, // Base module path that 30001 / served dev directory. publicDir: false, // No public resources to copy. cacheDir: "../.vite-cache", // Relative from root directory. resolve: { conditions: ["import", "browser"] }, esbuild: { target: ['es2022', 'chrome100'], keepNames: true // Note: doesn't seem to work. }, css: { // Creates a standard configuration for PostCSS with autoprefixer & postcss-preset-env. postcss: postcssConfig({ compress: s_COMPRESS, sourceMap: s_SOURCEMAPS }), }, // About server options: // - Set to `open` to boolean `false` to not open a browser window automatically. This is useful if you set up a // debugger instance in your IDE and launch it with the URL: 'http://localhost:30001/game'. // // - The top proxy entry redirects requests under the module path for `style.css` and following standard static // directories: `assets`, `lang`, and `packs` and will pull those resources from the main Foundry / 30000 server. // This is necessary to reference the dev resources as the root is `/src` and there is no public / static // resources served with this particular Vite configuration. Modify the proxy rule as necessary for your // static resources / project. server: { port: 29999, open: "/game", // open: false, proxy: { // Serves static files from main Foundry server. [`^(/${s_PACKAGE_ID}/(images|fonts|assets|lang|languages|packs|styles|templates|style.css))`]: "", // All other paths besides package ID path are served from main Foundry server. [`^(?!/${s_PACKAGE_ID}/)`]: "", // Enable from main Foundry server. "/": { target: "ws://", ws: true }, }, }, build: { outDir: normalizePath( path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}`)), // __dirname, emptyOutDir: false, sourcemap: s_SOURCEMAPS, brotliSize: true, minify: s_COMPRESS ? "terser" : false, target: ['es2022', 'chrome100'], terserOptions: s_COMPRESS ? { ...terserConfig(), ecma: 2022 } : void 0, lib: { entry: "./" + s_ENTRY_JAVASCRIPT, // "./module.js" formats: ["es"], fileName: "module", }, }, // Necessary when using the dev server for top-level await usage inside of TRL. optimizeDeps: { esbuildOptions: { target: 'es2022' } }, plugins: [ run([ { name: 'run sass', run: ['sass', `src/styles:dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/styles`] }, ]), viteStaticCopy({ targets: [ { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/assets')) + '/[!.]*', // 1️ dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/assets`)), // 2️ }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/images')) + '/[!.]*', // 1️ dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/images`)), // 2️ }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/icons')) + '/[!.]*', // 1️ dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/icons`)), // 2️ }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/templates')) + '/[!.]*', // 1️ dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/templates`)), // 2️ }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/lang')) + '/[!.]*', dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/lang`)), }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/languages')) + '/[!.]*', dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/languages`)), }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/styles')) + '/**/*.css', dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/styles`)), }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/packs')) + '/[!.]*', dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/packs`)), }, { src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, './src/module.json')), dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, `./dist/${s_MODULE_ID}/`)), }, ], }), svelte({ compilerOptions: { // Provides a custom hash adding the string defined in `s_SVELTE_HASH_ID` to scoped Svelte styles; // This is reasonable to do as the framework styles in TRL compiled across `n` different packages will // be the same. Slightly modifying the hash ensures that your package has uniquely scoped styles for all // TRL components and makes it easier to review styles in the browser debugger. cssHash: ({ hash, css }) => `svelte-${s_SVELTE_HASH_ID}-${hash(css)}`, }, preprocess: preprocess(), onwarn: (warning, handler) => { // Suppress `a11y-missing-attribute` for missing href in links. // Foundry doesn't follow accessibility rules. if (warning.message.includes(` element should have an href attribute`)) { return; } // Let Rollup handle all other warnings normally. handler(warning); }, }), resolve(s_RESOLVE_CONFIG), // Necessary when bundling npm-linked packages. // When s_TYPHONJS_MODULE_LIB is true transpile against the Foundry module version of TRL. s_TYPHONJS_MODULE_LIB && typhonjsRuntime(), cleanPlugin() ] }; };