#include "PluginSdkboxPlayJSHelper.h" #include "PluginSdkboxPlay/PluginSdkboxPlay.h" #include "SDKBoxJSHelper.h" extern JSObject* jsb_sdkbox_PluginSdkboxPlay_prototype; static JSContext* s_cx = nullptr; #if (COCOS2D_VERSION < 0x00030000) #define Ref CCObject #define Director CCDirector #define getInstance sharedDirector #define schedule scheduleSelector #endif class SdkboxPlayCallbackJS: public cocos2d::Ref { public: SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); void schedule(); void notityJs(float dt); std::string _name; JS::Value _paramVal[5]; int _paramLen; }; class SdkboxPlayListenerJS : public sdkbox::SdkboxPlayListener, public sdkbox::JSListenerBase { public: SdkboxPlayListenerJS():sdkbox::JSListenerBase() { } virtual void onConnectionStatusChanged(int connection_status) { //JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onConnectionStatusChanged"; cb->_paramVal[0] = JS::Int32Value(connection_status); cb->_paramLen = 1; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onScoreSubmitted(const std::string &leaderboard_name, long score, bool alltime, bool week, bool day) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onScoreSubmitted"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, leaderboard_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(score); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::BooleanValue(alltime); cb->_paramVal[3] = JS::BooleanValue(week); cb->_paramVal[4] = JS::BooleanValue(day); cb->_paramLen = 5; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onMyScore( const std::string& leaderboard_name, int time_span, int collection_type, long score ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onMyScore"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, leaderboard_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(time_span); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(collection_type); cb->_paramVal[3] = JS::Int32Value(score); cb->_paramLen = 4; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onMyScoreError( const std::string& leaderboard_name, int time_span, int collection_type, int error_code, const std::string& error_description) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onMyScoreError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, leaderboard_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(time_span); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(collection_type); cb->_paramVal[3] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[4] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 5; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onPlayerCenteredScores( const std::string& leaderboard_name, int time_span, int collection_type, const std::string& json_with_score_entries ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onPlayerCenteredScores"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, leaderboard_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(time_span); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(collection_type); cb->_paramVal[3] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, json_with_score_entries); cb->_paramLen = 4; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onPlayerCenteredScoresError( const std::string& leaderboard_name, int time_span, int collection_type, int error_code, const std::string& error_description) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onPlayerCenteredScoresError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, leaderboard_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(time_span); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(collection_type); cb->_paramVal[3] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[4] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 5; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onIncrementalAchievementUnlocked(const std::string &achievement_name) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onIncrementalAchievementUnlocked"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, achievement_name); cb->_paramLen = 1; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onIncrementalAchievementStep(const std::string &achievement_name, double step) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onIncrementalAchievementStep"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, achievement_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::DoubleValue(step); cb->_paramLen = 2; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onIncrementalAchievementStepError( const std::string& name, double steps, int error_code, const std::string& error_description ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onIncrementalAchievementStepError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::DoubleValue(steps); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[3] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 4; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onAchievementUnlocked(const std::string &achievement_name, bool newly) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onAchievementUnlocked"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, achievement_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::BooleanValue(newly); cb->_paramLen = 2; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onAchievementUnlockError( const std::string& achievement_name, int error_code, const std::string& error_description ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onAchievementUnlockError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, achievement_name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[2] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 3; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onAchievementsLoaded( bool reload_forced, const std::string& json_achievements_info ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onAchievementsLoaded"; cb->_paramVal[0] = JS::BooleanValue(reload_forced); cb->_paramVal[1] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, json_achievements_info); cb->_paramLen = 2; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onSetSteps( const std::string& name, double steps ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onSetSteps"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::DoubleValue(steps); cb->_paramLen = 2; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onSetStepsError( const std::string& name, double steps, int error_code, const std::string& error_description ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onSetStepsError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::DoubleValue(steps); cb->_paramVal[2] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[3] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 4; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onReveal( const std::string& name) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onReveal"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramLen = 1; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onRevealError( const std::string& name, int error_code, const std::string& error_description ) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onRevealError"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramVal[1] = JS::Int32Value(error_code); cb->_paramVal[2] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error_description); cb->_paramLen = 3; cb->schedule(); } virtual void onGameData(const std::string& action, const std::string& name, const std::string& data, const std::string& error) { JSContext* cx = s_cx; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS* cb = new SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(); #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION < 52 JSB_AUTOCOMPARTMENT_WITH_GLOBAL_OBJCET #endif cb->_name = "onGameData"; cb->_paramVal[0] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, action); cb->_paramVal[1] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, name); cb->_paramVal[2] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, data); cb->_paramVal[3] = SB_STR_TO_JSVAL(cx, error); cb->_paramLen = 4; cb->schedule(); } void invokeJS(const char* func, JS::Value* pVals, int valueSize) { if (!s_cx) { return; } JSContext* cx = s_cx; const char* func_name = func; JS::RootedObject obj(cx, getJSDelegate()); JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj); #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 33 bool hasAction; JS::RootedValue retval(cx); JS::RootedValue func_handle(cx); #else bool hasAction; jsval retval; JS::RootedValue func_handle(cx); #endif #elif defined(JS_VERSION) JSBool hasAction; jsval retval; jsval func_handle; #endif if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, func_name, &hasAction) && hasAction) { if(!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, func_name, &func_handle)) { return; } if(func_handle == JS::NullValue()) { return; } #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 31 if (0 == valueSize) { JS_CallFunctionName(cx, obj, func_name, JS::HandleValueArray::empty(), &retval); } else { JS_CallFunctionName(cx, obj, func_name, JS::HandleValueArray::fromMarkedLocation(valueSize, pVals), &retval); } #else if (0 == valueSize) { JS_CallFunctionName(cx, obj, func_name, 0, nullptr, &retval); } else { JS_CallFunctionName(cx, obj, func_name, valueSize, pVals, &retval); } #endif } } }; SdkboxPlayCallbackJS::SdkboxPlayCallbackJS(): _paramLen(0) { } void SdkboxPlayCallbackJS::schedule() { retain(); cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule(schedule_selector(SdkboxPlayCallbackJS::notityJs), this, 0, 0, 0.0f, false); autorelease(); } void SdkboxPlayCallbackJS::notityJs(float dt) { sdkbox::SdkboxPlayListener* lis = sdkbox::PluginSdkboxPlay::getListener(); SdkboxPlayListenerJS* l = dynamic_cast(lis); if (l) { l->invokeJS(_name.c_str(), _paramVal, _paramLen); } release(); } #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 33 bool js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setListener(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, JS::Value *vp) #else bool js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setListener(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) #endif #elif defined(JS_VERSION) JSBool js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setListener(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) #endif { s_cx = cx; JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); bool ok = true; if (argc == 1) { if (!args.get(0).isObject()) { ok = false; } JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setIAPListener : Error processing arguments"); SdkboxPlayListenerJS* wrapper = new SdkboxPlayListenerJS(); wrapper->setJSDelegate(cx, args.get(0)); sdkbox::PluginSdkboxPlay::setListener(wrapper); args.rval().setUndefined(); return true; } JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setListener : wrong number of arguments"); return false; } #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) and MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 26 void SdkboxPlay_set_constants(JSContext* cx, const JS::RootedObject& obj, const std::string& name, const std::map& params) #else void SdkboxPlay_set_constants(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, const std::string& name, const std::map& params) #endif { JS::RootedValue val(cx); sdkbox::std_map_string_int_to_jsval(cx, params, &val); JS::RootedValue rv(cx); rv = val; #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) and MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 26 JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, name.c_str(), rv); #else JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, name.c_str(), rv.address()); #endif } #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) and MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 26 void SdkboxPlay_register_constants(JSContext* cx, const JS::RootedObject& obj) #else void SdkboxPlay_register_constants(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj) #endif { // std::map enums; // enums.clear(); // enums.insert(std::make_pair("kIMSDKGenderMale", 1)); // enums.insert(std::make_pair("kIMSDKGenderFemale", 2)); // admob_set_constants(cx, obj, "SBIMSDKGender", enums); } #define REGISTE_SdkboxPlay_FUNCTIONS \ JS_DefineFunction(cx, pluginObj, "setListener", js_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_PluginSdkboxPlay_setListener, 1, JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT); \ SdkboxPlay_register_constants(cx, pluginObj); #if defined(MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION) #if MOZJS_MAJOR_VERSION >= 33 void register_all_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_helper(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject global) { JS::RootedObject pluginObj(cx); sdkbox::getJsObjOrCreat(cx, global, "sdkbox.PluginSdkboxPlay", &pluginObj); REGISTE_SdkboxPlay_FUNCTIONS } #else void register_all_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_helper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* global) { JS::RootedObject pluginObj(cx); sdkbox::getJsObjOrCreat(cx, JS::RootedObject(cx, global), "sdkbox.PluginSdkboxPlay", &pluginObj); REGISTE_SdkboxPlay_FUNCTIONS } #endif #elif defined(JS_VERSION) void register_all_PluginSdkboxPlayJS_helper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* global) { jsval pluginVal; JSObject* pluginObj; pluginVal = sdkbox::getJsObjOrCreat(cx, global, "sdkbox.PluginSdkboxPlay", &pluginObj); REGISTE_SdkboxPlay_FUNCTIONS } #endif