--- layout: default title: Imagemagick! --- ## The animation on these pages was created with this command: ``` convert -layers OptimizePlus -delay 120x100 *.png -loop 0 ps1.gif ``` If you do not have imagemagick, install it with `apt install imagemagick` or `packages install imagemagick`. - [Imagemagick](https://www.imagemagick.org/) ### When you press the `volumeDown+power` buttons simultaneously on a smartphone, it takes a screenshot like this one of [the source code for this page](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdrausty/sdrausty.github.io/master/pages/im.md) in [vim](http://www.vim.org/git.php) running in [Termux](./asac.md) on [Android.](https://source.android.com/) ![Screenshot](./../bitpics/im.png) #### This animation was created with [imagemagick](./im.md) in [Termux](./asac.md) on an Android smartphone. ![Screenshot Animation](./../bitpics/ps1.gif) If you're confused by this page try [this link,](http://tldp.org/) or you might want to try [this one.](https://www.debian.org/doc/) Post your what you have found at [the wiki for this website](https://github.com/sdrausty/sdrausty.github.io/wiki) and [donate](./donate.md) to let [sdrausty.github.io](https://sdrausty.github.io/) grow. - [Termux for Android!](https://termux.com/) - [Termux on F-droid!](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.termux/) [Up One Level](./../)