Windows Recyclebin Themes

Inspired by this Reddit post by u/DARKplayz_

## Preview Available Themes > Click to expand
Patrick Star
[View Icons]
Pop Cat
[View Icons]
[View Icons]
[View Icons]
Sword Kirby
[View Icons]
French Fries
[View Icons]
Minecraft Chest
[View Icons]
## How to change the Recycle Bin icon ### Method 1 1. Download the two icons ending with `empty.ico` and `full.ico` 2. Open the the **Settings** app and go to **Personalization** > **Themes** > **Desktop Icon Settings** > **Change Icon and Apply Icons** 3. Change the icons for **Recycle Bin (full)** the icon ending with `full.ico` and **Recycle Bin (empty)** with `empty.ico` 3. Open [Registry Editor]( and go to **HKey_Current_User** > **Software** > **Microsoft** > **Windows** > **CurrentVersion** > **Explorer** > **CLSID** > **{645FF...}** > **DefaultIcon** 4. Click on each file (**Default**, **empty**, and **full**) and in the **Value Data** add a **comma** and **0** at the end after **.ico** and hit okay (it will look like `.ico,0`) *Credits:* ### Method 2 1. Download the [`RecycleBinThemes.ps1`](./RecycleBinThemes.ps1) file 2. Right click the file > Run with Powershell ## Contribution 1. Fork the repo 2. Make directory with the name of your icon theme, inside the `themes` directory. Make sure to have the following file structure: ``` your-theme-name/ ├── your-theme-name-empty.ico ├── your-theme-name-full.ico └── preview.gif ``` 3. Add your theme name to the [`RecycleBinThemes.ps1`](./RecycleBinThemes.ps1) file to the `$supported_themes` array 4. Create GIF of your theme in action. Make sure you set the your wallpaper to the color `#2d7d9a`. This is so that all the previews have a similar style. 5. Send a pull request :)