## 1.0.0 Overall just internal changes. * Remove DataMixin in favor of a component. * Use a reducer for changes of data. * Use React 15. ## 0.6.0 * Support for React 0.14. * Use lodash for sorting. ## 0.5.0 * Pass down `buildRowOptions` to Table. ## 0.4.0 * Reinitialize state when props change. (Fixes #5). ## 0.3.0 * Support for React 0.13.0. ## 0.2.0 * Add aria- attributes for accessibility. ### Breaking changes * The values for order now are 'ascending' and 'descending' instead of 'asc' and 'desc'. ## 0.1.1 * Use css instead of less. * Use MIT license. ## 0.1.0 * Initial release.