__author__ = 'seandolinar' import json import csv ''' creates a .csv file using a Twitter .json file the fields have to be set manually ''' data_json = open('raw_tweets.json', mode='r').read() #reads in the JSON file into Python as a string data_python = json.loads(data_json) #turns the string into a json Python object csv_out = open('tweets_out_ASCII.csv', mode='w') #opens csv file writer = csv.writer(csv_out) #create the csv writer object fields = ['created_at', 'text', 'screen_name', 'followers', 'friends', 'rt', 'fav'] #field names writer.writerow(fields) #writes field for line in data_python: #writes a row and gets the fields from the json object #screen_name and followers/friends are found on the second level hence two get methods writer.writerow([line.get('created_at'), line.get('text').encode('unicode_escape'), #unicode escape to fix emoji issue line.get('user').get('screen_name'), line.get('user').get('followers_count'), line.get('user').get('friends_count'), line.get('retweet_count'), line.get('favorite_count')]) csv_out.close()