Code Blocks, Syntax Highlighting and `` ============================================ Here's what a basic code block looks like: def test_validate_url_returns_an_http_url_unmodified(): url = '' validated_url = validate_url(url) assert validated_url == '' If a code block is too long it'll get a horizontal scrollbar, rather than stretching the entire page: def test_validate_url_returns_an_http_url_unmodified(): assert validate_url('') == '' You can use bold text in code blocks:
def test_validate_url_returns_an_http_url_unmodified():
    url = ''

    validated_url = validate_url(url)

    assert validated_url == ''
Syntax Highlighting ------------------- To use Python syntax highlighting begin the code block with ```python. For example this: ```python def test_validate_url_returns_an_http_url_unmodified(): url = '' validated_url = validate_url(url) assert validated_url == '' ``` will render like this: ```python def test_validate_url_returns_an_http_url_unmodified(): url = '' validated_url = validate_url(url) assert validated_url == '' ``` Here's the [full list of languages supported]( for syntax highlighting. Backtick-style fenced-code blocks are [preferred]( but you can also use [Jekyll's {% raw %}`{% highlight %}`{% endraw %} tag]( for code highlighting. {% raw %}`{% highlight %}`{% endraw %} won't render or preview on, but it does allow you to turn on line numbers with the `linenos` option. For example: `{% raw %}{% highlight ruby linenos %}{% endraw %} ... {% raw %}{% endhighlight %}{% endraw %}`: {% highlight ruby linenos %} def foo puts 'foo' end {% endhighlight %} Shell Scripts vs Shell Sessions ------------------------------- ```shell (or ```sh ```bash ```ksh or ```zsh) is for highlighting shell scripts, _not_ interactive shell sessions: ```sh # Loop over every $python_version in the .python-version file. while IFS= read -r python_version do pyenv install --skip-existing "$python_version" if ! "$(pyenv root)/versions/$python_version/bin/tox" --version > /dev/null 2>&1 then "$(pyenv root)/versions/$python_version/bin/pip" install --quiet --disable-pip-version-check tox > /dev/null fi done < .python-version ``` For an _interactive_ shell session use ```console, ```terminal, ```shell_session or ```shell-session: ```terminal $ git clone Cloning into 'bouncer'... warning: templates not found in /home/seanh/.config/git/template remote: Enumerating objects: 1766, done. remote: Total 1766 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1766 Receiving objects: 100% (1766/1766), 954.14 KiB | 2.16 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1044/1044), done. $ cd bouncer $ export DEBUG=yes # Turn on debug mode. $ export HYPOTHESIS_URL="http://localhost:5000" # The URL of the Hypothesis instance to use. $ make dev [2019-08-31 19:32:13 +0100] [17902] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.9.0 [2019-08-31 19:32:13 +0100] [17902] [INFO] Listening at: (17902) [2019-08-31 19:32:13 +0100] [17902] [INFO] Using worker: sync [2019-08-31 19:32:13 +0100] [17905] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 17905 ``` Representing Variables with `` ----------------------------------- You can also represent the name of a variable by using [the `` tag]( The variables minSpeed and maxSpeed control the minimum and maximum speed of the apparatus in revolutions per minute (RPM).