Badges and Pills ================ The theme supports Bootstrap-style badges and pills with the CSS classes `badge` and `pill`: badge pill There are also the variations `badge-primary`, `badge-secondary`, `badge-success`, `badge-danger`, `badge-warning`, `badge-info`, `badge-light`, `badge-dark`, `pill-primary`, `pill-secondary`, `pill-success`, `pill-danger`, `pill-warning`, `pill-info`, `pill-light` and `pill-dark`: Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark To use these you put one of the CSS classes on a `` like this: ```html My Badge ``` You can also put one of the badge or pill classes on an `` to create a badge or pill with hover and focus states: Badge Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Pill Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Badges and pills can be used inside paragraphs (or list items, headings etc): ### Heading Pill This is a paragraph with an inline badge in it. * First list item 23 * Second list item 16 * Third list item 32