Post Lists ========== The [`post_list.html`]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/master/_includes/post_list.html) include renders lists of blog posts, with support for filtering by category or tag. ## Listing all published posts To render a list of all the site's posts: ```liquid {% raw %}{% include post_list.html %}{% endraw %} ``` ## Listing draft posts To render a list of draft posts only, pass `drafts=true`: ```liquid {% raw %}{% include post_list.html drafts=true %}{% endraw %} ``` ## Listing posts in a category To render only posts from a given category pass `category="some-category"` to `post_list.html`: ```liquid {% raw %}{% include post_list.html category="some-category" %}{% endraw %} ``` ## Listing posts with a tag To render the list of posts with a given tag pass `tag="some-tag"` to `post_list.html`: ```liquid {% raw %}{% include post_list.html tag="some-tag" %}{% endraw %} ```