# php-wasm Changes ## v0.0.9 - Aiming for the (GitHub) Stars * Adding PHP-CGI support! * Implemented an httpd-like CGI wrapper. * libicu, freetype, zlib, gd, libpng, libjpeg, openssl, & phar support. * php-wasm, php-cgi-wasm, & php-wasm-builder are now separate packages. * Demos for CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel & Laminas. * Drupal & all other demos now use standard build + zip install. * Modules are now webpack-compatible out of the box. * Exposing FS methods w/queueing & locking to sync files between tabs & workers. * Fixed the bug with POST requests under FireFox. * Adding support for PHP 8.3.7 * Automatic CI testing for PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3. ## v0.0.8 - Preparing for Lift-off * Adding ESM & CDN Module support! * Adding stdin. * Buffering stdout/stderr in javascript. * Fixing `